when we merged agencies we merged at what I I don't even know exactly the point we're at but it's probably like 40K a month revenue or some something like that it's the consistency over a lot of time we haven't gone a day without reaching out to 200 businesses in months I think we're doing 400 a day and that's the sustain an agency that's doing over 100k a month as well like that's the level that we're talking we tailor those emails on a month-to-month basis based on what's economics media news all these kind of Black Friday we launched an email for Black Friday a couple of weeks yeah 10 response yeah and when was the last time we did an actual YouTube video I mean just have a look at that actually two years ago there we are okay two years ago December 2019 I won't knock the table over [ __ ] December 2019 that's the last time we recorded an update on on YouTube so yeah it's been it's been a long time A lot has happened in that time overdue of a bloody cash up yeah we just haven't spoke where were we at December last December when we lasted a video we literally just merged the agencies yeah exactly so um so we brought both of our agencies together didn't we yeah and then yeah it's interesting to see how much our individual involvement with the agencies like changed over that time yeah because obviously there's so many more team members now and um well backstory we went from running our own agencies um and you loving by the way guys if you don't know Joe this is Joe my partner in crime that owns 50 of the agency Nails it basically our Co CMO for the last couple of years and just responsible for so much scale in the business and when we first I mean when we first met I I was just creating YouTube videos very early in my journey you reached out to me yeah told me my intro was [ __ ] yeah absolutely I was doing your YouTube videos for a while wasn't it yeah yeah recording yeah now ironically it's the other way around it's me setting up a camera for you today yeah so but when we when we collided you were in this position in your agency where you didn't want to really be doing any sales anymore yep I was kind of in a position when I was going and battling through different ad Specialists and people over in the Philippines and it was just a mess as far as client delivery was concerned you were a wizard and it just made sense for us to end up merging agencies yeah exactly and you're so right actually because it's like both of our superpowers really were I guess our estimations were right mixing those two things because if you think about it an agency really is just new clients and Service delivery if you get those two things right it really [ __ ] did start to work didn't it so that was awesome yeah so yeah but it's been a ride hasn't it it's been a real ride when we when we merged agencies we merged at what I I didn't even know exactly the point we're at but it's probably like 40K a month revenue or some something like that combined and and and then we had a whirlwind of scaling the agency up kind of going crazy with different Services we were just offering Facebook ads at the start and then we you'd start off from email marketing and Tick Tock and so on and yeah and at the start of this year some of you who have watched any of the videos we made a pledge that we wanted to scale the agency to a million a month yeah like let's let's scale this thing I remember this this exact hotel that we're selling today every quarter me and Joe meet up and we get together and we make a plan for the next quarter to like get our heads together make sure we're on the same page January this year we were like let's scale to a million a month yeah we did that and got to what close to 200k and then wrote out the team plan and we're like wow this is really going to be a stressful business yeah exactly this is not going to be fun high complexity massively massive major major time commitment like five six seven year plus time commitment for that kind of plan and yeah I think we just I think we just realized although and it's not not possible to scan an agency to that figure but it's like well what's the purpose of the business and I think we're really you had to draw it back to that because like why are we actually doing this is it so we can run an agency for the rest of our lives or is it so we can use it for leverage for something else I think we just basically came to the conclusion that it may not be the right thing to do well realistically we both and everybody who written but not everybody but the majority of people that start an agency start an agency because it's a it's an excellent Gateway business yeah it's an exceptional business to get you off the ground when you don't have any other business experience you're literally offering a service to someone that you can learn relatively easily but when we got into it we both wanted Freedom right we wanted financial and time freedom in scaling to a million a month and going along that we realized it was a we were trying to lean down as much as possible and it was looking like a 25-man team I think we drilled it down to um and the management and the stress that comes with managing that level of clients it just goes against the whole reason why we started this business in the first place absolutely and I think really over the last 12 months that's just changed to why wanting to if anything a reverse engineered the initial q1 plan and the whole of this year has not actually been about scaling Revenue it's been maintaining that maintaining that over 100k a month point but minimizing complexity and express yeah exactly systemizing so so much to the point where it's like actually if we wanted to we could leave this alone it's like we have the it's almost like we have the control burn of like I don't have to like work my [ __ ] ass off 12s out 12 hours a day again just to maintain that level of scale but it's like putting the systems and the right people and the right incentives in place that they can so that can happen without you necessarily being there having to [ __ ] grind your ass off on a daily basis basically so yeah you're absolutely right what would you say are some of the biggest things from your side that you learned from that process of minimizing stress and kind of almost down scaling the agency as far as complexity was concerned yeah I think that's a really interesting point so I I had a look at quite a lot of um structural agencies and the kind of like I had a look at a lot of agencies in the way that are structured and basically the way I see it you've kind of got a couple of options with agencies you've kind of got the option one which is with the one where you could have done where you scale up to a million a month and basically that's extremely high retainers for all your clients and basically there's a lot of complexity and a lot of levels of stress and a lot of people that are involved in it or there's this other way which we're kind of leaning into a little bit more now which is like um really kind of like a lot more aggressive kind of like client deals bigger potential commission payouts for the clients that we're working with lower overheads in terms of number of team members all the rest of it and just the ability to be opportunistic in a business where that's not going to completely stress you out and you don't have to build systems for five six having 10 years in advance basically so we've kind of like really like pulled it back to I guess maybe about a year ago when we were just being like super focused on like one platform and we had super aggressive commission deals with the clients that were working with and we could afford to do that because we knew that we were going to scale them up to this particular level and it wasn't like tying uh big uh Brands into like massive retainers of like 15 000 a month it's like keeping that low retainer model but I'm in a really nice percentage commission structure on the back end so that when we do scale those clients up we get fat extremely profitable checks through on a monthly basis but just be an opportunistic to helping brands that are about to explode and helping brands that are coming into their seasonality and all the rest of it so it's such a good point I think we always we always fought and at the start of this year we because we we had we found it we tapped into a niche at the end of last year that just blew up didn't it we stacked an additional 100K in revenue on the business like that right it was just we signed up we monopolized in it in sub-industry which I'm not going to go into right now because we've actually managed to to kind of regain that strength in that industry actually but in doing that we thought okay how can we keep these clients how can we make sure these clients never leave us how can we make sure they don't go to another agency and we thought the best thing to do was stack Services yeah let's do Tick Tock is that let's do email Let's do copywriting let's do content creation let's do all these things for the client and then February came and we got slapped in the face by a 50 Grand a month client leaving us yeah exactly and we were like what the [ __ ] have we been doing building out this team building all this infrastructure to keep clients on all these different Services when they can still leave just like that exactly and I think that for us then obviously like our profit margins diminished and and building out all of that just it just didn't make any sense so we've really taken a complete U-turn this year in scrapping every advertising platform that we run ads on in doing email marketing and doing copywriting scrapping every service and going right back down to Facebook ads yeah exactly which so far has just been so much better that's working it's working yeah it's just like it's there's there's a stigma especially in the Ecom brand kind of world there's a stigma that Facebook ads are dead and now they're only dead if you don't put your full attention into that one platform and mastering that particular skill Facebook ads are still responsible for like 70 of Ecom Ecom advertising space so it's like that's still very much a Cornerstone of Brands [ __ ] advertising right yeah so it's like we were spreading ourselves so so thin trying to pick up this trying to pick up that because we're like oh God Facebook all this kind of all this kind of like fear in the marketplace we stripped it right back and just became true Masters in that one thing again and then as soon as we shifted our Focus to that guess what Facebook ads starting to improve because it's going to happen because like you've got your entire team dedicated to mastering that one channel again we've had an easier life because we're not managing loads of different ad platforms we've had a much more streamlined and kind of like systemized service offering so all the team members know what they're doing to basically Aid that one platform they're running ads on is less stress in the company there's less kind of like battles with client negotiations because it literally is like this is the this is the retainer and that's the percentage um and also it's the ability as well now we've been able to partnership with other agencies like email marketing agencies like Google ads agencies make strategic Partnerships with those other agencies that are Masters in their field to basically Aid these Brands and it's just been yeah that's a big point and I've been ramming this point down people's throat a lot recent and saying trust me on this we did the complex service offering and I see so many agencies at the danger of over complicating themselves I think you were there on the on the Q a that we did like two weeks ago and maybe last week someone jumped on it was really it was great they were like do I understand my first two clients they're at 3K a month and I was like wow that's amazing and then he was like well Jordan I don't have time for any to sell anymore what do I do and I was like hang on saying this doesn't add up you've got two clients you don't have time to sell what have you offered the client I kid you not he said I don't even notice he said SEO Facebook ads Google ads copywriting and blog writing for two clients he signed him up on the same deal and I was like mate you're literally gonna have to get rid of one of those clients you just need to get rid of a client so you can start selling it again because you can't downsell them you've almost we've already promised them the world and they're only expecting everything they're not going to go down to one service and so many agencies they try and scale horizontally through additional Services yeah whereas it doesn't matter if it's Facebook ads because I'm not saying oh Facebook ads is the only thing that you should do of course yeah it could be email it could be copyrighting it could be SEO whatever that is but my belief or at least you're creating my wrong or combined belief now is do one thing and do it [ __ ] well at the end of the day the client doesn't matter truly doesn't matter as long as there's two things you have a good relationship with them you're friendly to them and you treat your clients like your best [ __ ] mate and you're making them money that's literally it that's the only thing and it's like if if you have a method a methodology with one platform to be able to take a business from here and take them to there we just focusing on one thing and doing it really [ __ ] well then what's the problem there are so many things and I mean I was I actually made a video yesterday um so it's fresh in my mind I was talking about some of the most current Services right now and and I was looking into cro conversion rate optimization which is essentially like it's it's optimizing landing pages and websites product pages making sure there's reviews and the right apps and so on are used on there and and that in itself like is there's so many services that can be so valuable to clients if a business is getting a hundred pound average order value and they've got a hundred thousand visitors over website every month they've got an average two percent conversion rate pretty low right and and that means they're making 200 000 every single month from those 100 000 visitors you increase their conversion rate by one percent it's an extra 100K every month an extra 1.2 million every year from a one percent increase yeah there are so many services that you can offer and if you just do one thing but I guarantee if you're an agency that does cro email marketing all that stuff like we did you're gonna do it half hour exactly and then your team actually end up leaning on other services yeah they're like oh well it's because the tick tock app is not working it's because the email adds something exactly yeah yeah they're not owning the responsibility of the one thing the one thing that they have to manage and they're being held responsible for yeah and you're absolutely right it's and it's and it's hard I'll tell you what it's actually hard wasn't it to go from Full stack to to a single thing again because we were thinking oh we're gonna miss out on all these great opportunities but at the end of the day there's opportunity everywhere you just need to find the right client like that's what it really comes down to a lot of people say all Jordan that's well if I do that I'm going to turn download to client well you're not because you just need to find strategic Partners who you can offer and farm out that work to who you trust and I guarantee they're going to do a better job than you will so your clients will be happy and then they'll be happy and they're going to give you referrals so you'll actually make way more money in the long run by leveraging someone else's service because they'll trust you and then they'll give you clients just like we've got with so many of our strategic Partnerships now yeah but but this isn't like this is just kind of one part of it it's kind of our side of it you've had some big battles internally with us trying to figure out like how we can progress the business forward and hiring the big strategic roles in the company as well haven't we because you've been playing CEO CMO I've been CEO but we needed we've kind of propelled and expedited team members that are in the team right now into that kind of process which hasn't come about as difficult no of course not of course not I mean when it when it comes to hiring especially for big roles like CMO that is a huge role to higher for there's a huge very very difficult role to hire for and if you don't put kind of like the proper uh contracts and stipulations and incentivizations in place for somebody to actually thrive in that role you can't really be surprised when they when they turn around and they don't and they don't you know kind of like reach that instantly exactly so so it's been it's been a bit of a it's been definitely a bit of a challenge just figuring out from like my aspect like okay so we're bringing these two massive roles and we want to see a moment and then what a business development manager as well don't we and essentially our vision is that these two guys and they're going to essentially run the company business development is going to drive new business and our CMO is going to capitalize and existing business that we already have an opportunity opportunistic business as well and yeah without kind of like the right incentivizations it's it's hard to get someone onto the right page of really wanting to grow your thing because you have to understand generally speaking there's no not going to be anyone as driven as the business owner to be able to grow a business so finding a way to be able to like kind of like instill that urgency and that kind of like drive and that passion for the business that you created is difficult but we're getting there and it's again yeah we are we are I think it's one of those things I think you always presume and we're we're a nine man full-time team now yeah I think so yeah um do you always presume when you start a business no one teaches you this stuff you always presume that when you hire somebody you're going to be double capacity never right you Your Capacity drops by at least 25 and then their capacity is like actually like 60 of what you hoped it would be because they can't fully be dedicated to the business in the same sense that you are because it's not their business so we kind of over the years have worked out a way that really every single person in our company is incentivized in some way shape or form for Revenue aren't they our ad Specialists get a percentage of the revenue that they manage CMO gets a percentage of the people underneath as well actually what we're trying to explore now or what we have implemented very recently is profit share with those large those large heads because I mean the way I see an agency you truly want to remove yourself from the business which is which is ultimately the position that we want to be in ultimately we want to build to sell the company as well which we'll touch on um you need free fundamental roles in the business you need a COO which is the chief operating officer that manages the operations of the business manages the team manage the systemizations clients finances all that stuff you need a CMOS the chief marketing officer who manages all of the service delivery and you need a business development director or sales director whatever you want to call them I prefer Business Development because it's more not just sales it's kind of inbound outbound internal sales and so on Partnerships but those three people need to be incentivized in profit of the company they have to be incentivized for the overall growth of the company not just their individual Commission because if not they're never going to play intrapreneurial roles exactly they're always it's always going to be surface level yeah they're still going to wake up every morning and just do the [ __ ] they need to do to make the money at the end of the month they're not thinking about the overall business growth and the overall potential yeah exactly that's exactly right bro yeah yeah yeah yeah so I've got a question then so what's kind of like the the biggest challenge over the last two years that you've found as CEO because obviously your your responsibility as CEO is like Paving the future for us and or for the affluent brand as a whole basically and I just I just love to get a bit of an insight into that like where are we going what's the plan generally my biggest my biggest struggle over the last two years has been removing myself from the day-to-day operations of the business while still being involved in the direction and the vision and the movement and the overall kind of direction that we're moving as a company and maintaining the entire team's trust that I'm still in the game it's a really really difficult thing it's a very hard thing that I I've had like many long nights thinking about and I think we're in a really nice place now and I think it's really difficult because a lot of people start a business and a lot of people start an agency in the higher teams and I see so many people that are at danger of this like really killing their company culture because they start a company remove themselves somewhat from the kind of the day-to-day nitty-gritty and then the team of managing the whole thing themselves and then looking at that character like what is this guy doing going on holiday all the time and so on and so I think that's a really really difficult place to pave and I think the only reason I've been able to get away with that is because I'm literally working 12-hour days I'm like it's not actually doing the [ __ ] it's planning this [ __ ] you know absolutely so I think I think that's been a really difficult thing to pave both like mentally and like physically and and also it's very hard to keep up with the direction of a company that you're not always constantly working in you know so I think that's why our relationship has been so great and so positive and like the agency wouldn't be anything if it wasn't for you if I wasn't if I was in my position as I am right now without you right so and and but the beauty of that is we speak every single day and we're constantly like developing strategies and building things out together whereas if anybody who's watching this doesn't have a business partner but does strive to be in a more CEO based role it's going to be very very very difficult for you because if that person that you're working with okay me and you isn't a percentage owner of the business like we're 50 50 down the middle it's very fair then it's going to be really lonely and also even more hard to keep the whole team acting as this camaraderie you know absolutely it's the company culture to an extent company culture to an extent but but I suppose what I'm trying to say without you um pushing that as well it would have been a very very difficult thing yeah hang on a second I just want to add something here watching this back I don't want this to get misconstrued what I'm not saying is you absolutely need a business partner in your agency what I am saying though is many people who start an agency want to have somewhat of a passive business and I think that a good way for you to do that would be having a freelance plus business type model where you have other people in your team who are Freelancers as well they have other side gigs someone maybe in Service delivery and someone in Outreach so all you're doing is spending your time taking sales calls that's a pretty good lifestyle that's relatively passive right but if you want a scale of 50 100K a month agency with lots of full-time employees and you're gallivanting around the world not doing much work it's going to be very hard to keep that team motivated and so a business partner coming in and actually acting as the secondary face of the business will really help with that process as it has helped with me when I've been exploring other business ventures and so on and so forth so yeah straight back to it yeah I see what you're saying yeah yeah well you're in this you're in this quite like a juxtapes so juxtaposed position aren't you I guess with um with the agency and obviously like these additional things that we're trying to explore these additional businesses that we're trying to explore as well it's like very hard to I mean talk about spreading yourself too thin we've been there we've been there and you know we've dissolved a couple of companies already from that haven't yeah yeah it's like every time we meet every time we have one of these quarterly meetings we like run away over some big New Concept and we're like and then it just takes us on this straight but like we've got some out of that we've learned some very valuable lessons I think one of the really nice things that we're going to be exploring very soon that we're pursuing is an internal brand and I think that's a really exciting thing as an agency that works with e-commerce Brands it makes sense for us to explore our own internal e-commerce brand so actually starting a separate company where everybody in the company is actually going to own a slice of equity in that business depending on how long that came with the company depending how deserving they are based on their role um and we are going to start an internal e-commerce brand and use it as an example for number one training the entire company number two um incentivizing everybody to to to just build something magical and also make a lot of money because and we we pride ourselves in the fact that we incentivize our team well and that we pay our team very well um but I want our guys to be earning way more significantly more way more than I think the agency you can deliver to them alone absolutely so I think that's quite exciting yeah absolutely yeah I see that I see that econ that internal econ brand as like uh as a huge opportunity to help our our team members just become more and more embedded in the Ecom The Branding world I mean they're working with Ecom Brands all the time so it's like that shift in perspective of like oh now they're the owners so they they all of a sudden they have way more perspective they have way more empathy for the brands that they're currently working with which means that they'll be able to treat them with a higher level of respect which means that presumably and hopefully that our service delivery will be on the rise because of that yeah so that's [ __ ] exciting and it also forces them to think about the true fundamentals of econ like the true fundamentals of building a brand of like is there a Marketplace for it uh how do you Market that thing properly what are the logistics what's the um you know the shipping all that kind of stuff and like what's the long-term vision of brand it enables somebody to think who isn't necessarily entrepreneurial minded to start off with to think as an entrepreneur and I think that as an agency owner the best thing that you can do to deliver an amazing service to your clients is put yourself in the shoes of the client yeah and how better to be in the shoes of the client than to become a client of the your own agency yeah awesome absolutely and I think that is one of the really positive things about owning an e-com agency but that's not to say they're on a serious amount of negatives they're going down that road and I don't like I was talking about this over lunch with Joe earlier like um I think a lot of people idolize owning an e-commerce agency and and and take this with Absolute Concrete effect that owning and the e-commerce agency is without a doubt the most stressful agency that you could use to own it's it can be the most rewarding and it can be literally the most stressful thing in the [ __ ] world it is the most volatile Choice it's incredibly volatile yes it is incredibly volatile especially we're coming into a very uncertain time I've said this many times if I was to start an agency from scratch again we would probably start a high ticket Legion business yeah exactly have a look at an industry that's trending so for example I mean we're coming if let's say hypothetically we're going into this recession okay who are the people that are going to be capitalizing on this recession well it's going to be like lawyers it's going to be bangers it's going to be like people trying to get like uh mortgages off people like all that kind of stuff so providing a service for the trend of that period of time and then it's like awesome we could build that over two years sell it boom yeah 100 we just before we jump into like the the plan with the kind of the forecast that we've kind of built today on the note of like having e-commerce like we've we've kind of really changed our sales sales build our driver now our acquisition system you could say for clients obviously we've got a multitude of ways of getting clients but our outbound system is is really fully automated email now yes exactly yeah which has been a very very interesting Journey as well yeah January this year we really implemented that system properly in full force I would say and smashed out it's really successful it's really successful yeah smashing out like two 300 emails a day we were originally but they're not really understanding the metrics to look out for when it came to automated email and and this is not to save for anyone by the way that when you're starting an agency you should automate an email the last thing that you should do when you start an agency is automated email the absolute last thing that you should do you should be starting with cold calling you should be starting with DMS you should be starting with email and just personalized Outreach exactly I would make this I want to make this abundantly clear yeah that the conversation that we are having today we were talking about we're talking about an agency that is four years in the making that is with this is this is lots of this information is not to be applied to a new start agency that's all okay so massive caveat please don't do what we are doing and try and replicate what we're doing right now because it's not going to work for you yet but um with e-commerce you have to use email email really is the best apart from inbound inbound has to be the best platform you rip through through referrals through Twitter system and so on and so on and so forth through events through software Partnerships or agency Partnerships etc etc and that's the Forefront yeah but the only predictable way to scale is through Outreach right so yeah we've kind of gone through this whole system of working on lemlist and then instantly and really setting up a whole bunch of automated emails with a lot of personalization which has been a very kind of bumpy road in making sure the lead quality is good and hiring a lead team and now we have this team of we have appointment Setters we have lead generators we have a business development manager who's then taking the the the the emails and and then booking calls and actually jumping on them it's a very complex system A system that you don't need in the majority of agencies building that system for only use that agency just doesn't make any sense at all no but it's bringing in what like yeah I mean we're getting we've got a team to be able to handle that now we built the system of course because that's what you do and now we've got we've been able to delegate it to the appropriate people in the team now run that system and that's fantastic and I think the really the thing that makes that thing tick is and and this is what I still personalize Outreach is still the number one thing it's like we tailor those emails on a month-to-month basis based on what's economics media news all these kind of Black Friday we launched an email for Black Friday a couple of weeks yeah 10 response yeah it's just because it's on Trend marketing it's yeah so yeah but it's crazy because I live I speak to a lot of agencies we've got a mastermind and so many people that came into that and like they're already doing the automated email thing and then they're like oh Jordan but my response rate is like two percent and yours is eight on average it wasn't now it's ten and and I'm like okay let me see your emails still completely unpersonalized and I think that this this actually this applies to any agency like you cannot expect the respect from anybody especially if you do not know them if you are not going to give them the respect to at least personalize your email at least at least put pretend because that's actually what sales really is of course we are fabricating a personalized email and mass marketing it okay it's really just like a very simple it's not hand written and so if we're doing that anyway at least give them the [ __ ] respect to mention something that's unique to them and not just oh I love your products the brand looks great and bloody bar the generic drivel that you could say to absolutely anybody you've got to think the Ecom brow or any business in the world who needs some sort of marketing will be getting these emails five six seven eight times a day a day so it's like how on Earth are you going to stand out from that the best way is by personalization it's actually doing a little bit of research on the company looking at what they sell actually taking an interest personalizing that and then putting it into assisted and automating it and that's what we see the best I think one of the things that we've really we've really come to learn from that some of the biggest lessons about diving into that too much because we could talk about this for a very long time and I know this has already gone on for a while so the people really respond to in e-commerce world at least people respond to outreach for one main reason and it's time it's timing and it's timing and it's timing and it's and it's uh it's respect I think if you you have to give people the respect to personalize your email personalize your Outreach and make it tailored to them that's absolutely very important the majority of people that respond to us say I never respond to these emails but dot dot dot you said this you said that this felt right yeah right but yeah if you don't do it personalize you're not going to get there but the main reason is that it's the right time yeah there are so many people contacting companies every single day lots of these companies and people say like in social media marketing like saturated and so on and so forth absolutely [ __ ] not the e-commerce World on the other hand is pretty saturated right now right that doesn't mean to say there aren't there isn't a huge opportunity to grow there because it's massive we literally wouldn't be continuing to do this if the opportunity wasn't there we would just move into a different industry but the case is still true that the majority of people when they respond to and say yes I'll have a meeting with you is because you hit them at the right time yeah they might have been having a conversation yesterday internally saying oh well uh it's about time we started running ads or we need to start doing something and they've got agencies reaching out to them every single day but for whatever reason your email resonated with them at the right time on the right day and that's the key and so that's why with Outreach especially in e-commerce world and really in any kind of sales environment when it comes to an agency numbers is the game it's the consistency over a lot of time we haven't gone a day without reaching out to 200 businesses in months I think we're doing 400 a day and that's just to sustain an agency that's doing over 100k a month as well like that's yeah that we're talking yeah I mean and and there's definitely you have absolutely right like that number is that reliability of like we reach out to this many numbers numbers on this day and that happens at all different levels of your agency if that's 10 cold calls a day if you're a brand new start agency then that's what the that's the constant number that you need to hit to basically guarantee that you're going to get x amount of clients in per month basically you want to scale that up to 100K a month agency or write 500 emails a day and then so however far you want to take yeah basically so that that law of like staying consistent with the numbers on a daily basis is exactly what leads to success yeah and that's and that's what we have done so well from day one yeah I get asked all the time what is the secret how did you do this people are looking for the matter more of the [ __ ] that actually works do you just do more of the stuff that works okay it's worked let's do more of that stuff so that's it someone said to me Jordan uh yesterday uh no Jordan I know that the Outreach is the most important thing right now and I should be doing Outreach but I'm just planning out what my onboarding system is going to be when I get a client do you think that's the right thing to do like you literally answered your question by yourself you know Outreach is the most important thing to do your brain is literally built to feed on and to far a feed on dopamine in any sense that they can get it so if there's a lower hanging fruit that's easier to you like twiddling around with some notion board or figuring out Facebook ads it's going to focus on that right the majority of people the reality for the majority of agencies and I can say this because I've been it and I have done it and I've seen it a thousand times over the reality is they do not and are incapable of sticking to just their basic daily Outreach the one thing that we have done whether it's been 20 companies a day or 200 companies a day is in the entire four-year history of our agency we have always been consistent in Outreach exactly which is literally our weapon against every other agency out there that cannot be [ __ ] bothered because they're too lazy to do it yeah exactly yeah that's true and that's the secret sauce literally true you have to do the [ __ ] you don't want to do like you have to do the monotonous thing and earn the privilege to then Outsource that we've got an amazing appointment setting team lead generator the business development manager who takes this whole process and it's incredible that we don't have to do that anymore but we literally grafted for [ __ ] years to earn that privilege and then people then watch through a video like this and they'll be like oh wow they're doing in this old lady email system they haven't got one client yet they're going to set up lemon list instantly I guarantee yeah so I'm gonna watch this video and they'll be like well I'm gonna sell them an automated email system you've never even made a cold cool man like it's a secret sauce but that's the things in it everyone's looking or I don't want to generalize people generally of course not everybody but the majority try and find some sort of secret or like or like or or hack or some sort of [ __ ] secret way of basically getting from here to here like boom like an overnight success it doesn't happen it's literally non-existent the only thing that will get you there is the consistent numbers on a daily basis and then it's like okay awesome I've got some clients now the churn rate's too high what can I consistently do on a daily basis to make sure that my clients MPS score is improved so that they'll stay with us for a longer period of time okay awesome what other metrics falling down okay what can I consisted on a day databases to help that other metric boom you've got a solid agency yeah that's it well there's that there's that quote that most people would something like this most people overestimate what can be accomplished in three months but underestimate what can be accomplished in three years yeah it's consistency over time yeah absolutely I want to add to this as well by the way it's so much easier when you know a system that's worked and you can copy it and you can follow it that's why the [ __ ] that we produce and I'm so proud of kind of the IP that we build in the agency for [ __ ] our Academy members and now the Mastermind members as well that we're literally just taking these systems that we've worked on for and plugging and literally plugging it in and all they have to do is make sure they do the consistent numbers and that's it it's so easy to look at like the Outreach system that we're using right now and be like oh that's easy I want to replicate that but not actually see how many times we jumped on a call and said what the hell is going on right now why is this not working why is no one responding why am I getting all of these weird clients responding why is the lead quality so low what is this filter that I should put for the lead generation guys how do I manipulate it how the quality is this so many little micro nuances that nobody can possibly teach you until they have gone through that process themselves exactly and and I'm glad we're on the other end yeah which is why now we are we've got Ethan coming on board next week our business development manager who's literally going to be taking over entire sales process and poached him from a Google ads agency that went from 20 employees when he first started working with them to 200 employees yeah exactly don't envy them one bit just put it out there do not want to I wonder he's [ __ ] moving back to us he wants a simple life so do I so that's going to be absolutely incredible and I cannot wait to nurture him in that role and it's just going to be an exciting Journey but that has kind of led us on to now we're kind of really piecing those final pieces of the puzzle together for in within the next three to five years hopefully free is the target to exit the agency and get a really nice sale from the agency and and and hopefully sell for 15 million or so and that would that's the plan and that's the goal and that's what we'd like to to work towards and and I know that we can achieve that just literally doing the little daily consistent things that we are already doing we just need more time yeah absolutely you know yeah yeah you're right nice man nice bro I Like It Cool all right very cool nice well cool good catch up actually that's not bad we've not spoken in [ __ ] two years yeah awesome okay yeah Wicked love that I've got nothing else yeah I've got nothing else too right see you later guys yeah
2022-11-11 07:50