Universe Gives 5th Dimension CBD Business Plan, Help Animals w/Pain

Universe Gives 5th Dimension CBD Business Plan, Help Animals w/Pain

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the first thing that you see come on what's in the mine what colors do you see dark is it a big line or a small mine what else do you see inside the mine stepping stones describe what that looks like can you hear anything right red what's what's red lava what emotions do you sense look below you do you have any feet just say the first thing that  comes to your mind don't analyze it   you see this what color are the boots you have a body your legs do you feel male or female no do you feel young or old you say the first thing that comes through  neither does your body feel healthy yes okay are you carrying anything in your hands a pickaxe and what are you  wearing on your body besides boots okay and are you wearing anything on your head still on a little light okay and are you wearing  any kind of jewelry or anything on your wrist   or your neck no okay let's walk further into  this mind is there anybody else around you in and what do you do with that pick in your hand it's just holding up okay so let's walk   further into the mind what do you  see as you walk further into the mind describe the pathway and what do you do with the raw   i don't know okay is there anything  else in the mind besides rocks and lava bucket the raw to the rods and  what do they do with the blocks second one so it's hot from the top  so you're so you use the pick to   chisel away the rocks and fill the train yes do you ever go up to the top with the train yes okay let's get on the train   and let's head up to the top describe  what you're seeing as you go there that's my long wall okay and then what else what like this you're getting  out of the cave now yeah   okay and describe what you see  as you look out of the cave a jungle what kind of trees do you see dark greens and what color as you look at your body and  coming out as cave what color hair do you have i don't see my face can you see your face when  you look at your arm what skin color do you have okay and we're going to get out of this train  now let's go to where you live can you describe   what you see along the way to go into where  you live okay what does pathway look like it's been used a lot okay is it close by the mine   yes okay and what else do you  see along the way to your home   like a big pond and do you see anybody else around   okay okay go ahead and walk towards  your home what does your home look like describe it okay made out of what gold lumber okay remember and go inside  the home what do you see inside the home fireflies the fireplace is there a fire going on anything else inside there a bit anything else that you see and let's get something to eat is anybody else in there with you no  no so what do you do most of the time did you smile read you do what read read what do you read what does the pamphlet say something about mining it's about  mining and what are you trying to   do with the minds where you how do you get paid do you sell the rocks let's leave that scene and let's  move forward to an important day   a day that you consider to be  important when something's happening   we've now moved forward to an important day what  is happening what do you see the first things my   sunday on board describe what your son looks like  what all right and what's happening on this day in the emergency room he's been held  up then they're checking as well and who else is there in the hospital with you you know and how do you feel about her what's the first thing you feel so sad and why why do you guys end up at the hospital  complications at the have an emergency c-section   okay and what do you say to her  i'm here for that our sons who are let's leave that scene and move forward  to an important day a day that you   consider to be important when something is  happening what's the first thing you see describe the event what are the things that you see  in the event it's like a trade show   okay what does the trade show look like what it  what's the people okay and what are they trading seeds what kind of things and describe what you say to people trying to help  them fix transit forward for their helmet okay and   is there anybody else that works in the booth  with you i see blake and what are you guys doing he's talking with a customer and i'm just working to see helping the people's solutions   okay do you guys have a successful day at this  trade show yes and what is it what is successful almost sold out i'm almost sorted  out do you guys make a lot of   contracts or how do you sell out  what are you selling just the seeds do you solve the seeds and who  do you sell them to these people okay and then what happens  after the trade show's over you go back to the hotel you like the  hotel and what do you what happens next i'm shady people come just  describe the shady people bad vibration okay and what do they do they're friends with one of the guys on the team   they're trying to move some bad oil and where are  we moving it to just trying to install it trying   to sell it to who i don't know are you involved  in the sale no okay and then what do you see and how did these people become part of the the business they weren't they  were friends and customers okay   one other guys one of the other guys your boss not the one that these guys know no okay and  does the boss know about this business deal   i don't know yes yes so he approves of it  doesn't care okay and then what happens today talking with my friend on the  deck about not being scared of smoking in public okay is it illegal to  smoke in public here it's in california frowned upon legal not legal yeah okay let's  leave that scene and let's move forward to   another important date a day that you consider  to be important when something's happening   what's the first thing you  see on this important day nothing at all despite the colors easy okay and what's happening as you drive okay does he overcome it yes okay  and what is your other son doing he's playing at the table with some other  adults okay what what is he playing with   fractional action figures and what  who else is there at the lake with you   good good friends and what are they doing fishing cooking that's kind of orange this is  kind of like a day barbecue yeah   okay with friends and are these  friends people that you work with yes okay so the friends and co-workers  and how is the business doing it's just it is it is okay we let's go forward to one  more important day in this   life one that something big is happening to you what do you see first thing why didn't it or two friends okay and how how did everything look nice what love audrey is there anything else that you see going on after people are happy we're happy we're happy  and you're happy okay let's go forward to the   last day of your life in this lifetime that you're  watching what do you see what what is happening you won't have any physical sensations people talk  about it not there yet okay so just be determined   correct okay now what has happened has already  happened when you're on the other side of it   you know other side of these experiences  and you can look back at these experiences   as you look at the different visions that you  saw in this life what did you what did you learn   from watching your son be born teaching the teaching what do you think was the purpose  of seeing the trade show and seeing   the the shady negotiations outside the hotel smaller clean business how did that make you feel to be part of that impartial impartial what did what do you  think was the purpose of being part of that did you have a choice not really really   i guess i could have left the  room yeah so you didn't like it of that instance no okay and what do you think  was the purpose of seeing the image about   you and the boys and your friends at the lake   the first thing that comes through recovery  was happiness their voice bringing a lot of joy and as you look at your wedding day  what did you learn from that wedding day that i can't post but i can read about it now we're going to move backwards to before this current lifetime  that you were seeing and go back to the life where   you were the minor and you live in a long cabin  by yourself so moving backwards now and you're   able to tell me more about it you're there now  what do you see happen to this old man the miner he's lonely did he ever find anybody  else to live with no how did he die what age and the last day of  his life what was he doing and where did he die in the mine did anybody find him i know i know  now whatever happened has already happened in   that life as the minor and you're on the other  side of it from that position you can look back   at the entire life and see it from a different  perspective every life has a lesson in purpose   and as you look at the life as a  lonely minder how did you learn from it first thing that you feel what do you think was the purpose of  living that life as a lonely minor man she feels solid feel solitude is there any  other purpose that that you learn from that life i can do it myself you do it by yourself okay  now let's move away from that scene leaving the   person there to continue their own path you can  either move forward or backwards to find another   appropriate time in place that has information  that you need you are now at another time in place   tell me the first image you see tying my  shoe and what kind of shoe you wearing and as you look at your your feet  what else are you wearing on your body   sure sure and what are you  wearing for your clothes   it's like i'm basketball jersey okay so are you  male or female well you know yeah we're old yeah   do you feel healthy yes are you carrying anything  in your hand no you wearing your jewelry or watch   like one of those harmless butt brands  okay is there anything on your head one of those sweatpants okay and as you  look around describe what you see around you a gym like you in a gym can  you hear anything going on people playing basketball shooting okay and  what sensations do you feel in your body sweating is there anybody else around you yes other players and tell me more about what's  happening to between you and the other players i'm about to go in and play around okay  and what happened to the end of the game i made the winning shot okay and now the game's over  with what happens after that celebrating in the locker room okay   so now you're all dressed up and you're done  celebrating the locker room what happens next this town let's go to where you live okay so you're done celebrating  around town and you're heading   over to where you live tell me about what  you see along the way to where you live fancy houses okay and as you keep going  towards where you live do you see your home   yes okay and describe what your home looks like   very modern thoughts okay and as you go  inside the home what does it look like inside is there anything else inside the home we're  not sure okay let's go and get something to eat   what are you eating grilled sugar  chicken does anyone else live with you   yes who lives of you what you  like and describe your wife happy beautiful okay and what  do you do most of the time people go to the household you get over the  house a lot do you play basketball a lot yeah   is that your job yeah okay is there anybody else  that lives in the house of you and your wife perhaps and what do they do with the house now let's leave that scene and move  forward to an important day in this life   a day that you consider to be important when  something is happening we've now looked forward to   an important thing what's happening with dc sign  names on paper and what does the paperwork say first thing that a house okay and now that you've signed that  paperwork what is the house that you bought   or sold that was the house that we bought that i saw   okay so what are you selling it purchasing it  you're purchasing it okay and then what happens we're having dinner on the floor you have a dinner  on the floor and what do you guys talk about are bowls shirt bowls trains let's let's  leave that scene and move forward to another   important day a day that you considered  important when something's happening we have now moved forward to that  day what's happening what do you see   all about describe the boat big okay and who is there with you what your wife  and what are you guys um where are you going what are you arguing about we're working on with life  and where are you going do i different directions and  where is she going for life she's not happy why is she happy because i'm always working as a basketball player  yeah what did she do herself all day so she just   stays at home most of the time she hangs out  with her friends did she have a whole career no let's leave that scene and move  forward to another important day   a day that you consider to be  important when something is happening   he's not looking forward to that  day what's happening what do you see kids playing in the background  okay and describe the kids   five six maybe okay are they all  related to each other two of them are   and what about the other three not really okay to their friends  they're just other kids at the park and as you look below you do you have  feet yes okay and and are those kids your   your kids two of them are your kids and is there  anybody else around which means does you and   as you watch your kids play in the park with  these other kids what are you doing watching   my feet so far did you get some fun okay and after  the kids have fun what do you guys do once you're   done with the part you get some ice cream okay and  do you your kids are they what the gender are they   male and female and after you get ice cream do you  guys go home yeah you put in your english story do you live alone with the kids  yes you do what happened to the mom she left and why why did she leave she wasn't she  wasn't happy are you still playing pro basketball   yes yes okay let's move forward to another  important day of his life leaving this scene we've now looked forward to another important  day in this life what's happening what do you see my grandparents your grandkids how  do you feel about your grandkids is he happy and what else is going on what's wrong with our family it's not a big family is anything else that you see playing with one of my grand babies and do you live alone do where do you live  you live alone um okay let's leave that scene   and move forward to the very last day of  your life in this life that we are watching whatever happened has already happened   and you will not have any physical  sensations as you talk about it you on the other side of it on  your last day what do you see in a hospital starting with my mother with kids   okay and what happened to you heart issue your  heart issue did you have a heart attack yeah now what happened is already happened and as you  look back at your entire life in this life as a   basketball player who raised two kids alone what did you learn from it what do you think was the  purpose of seeing that life explain well what else did you learn from the divorce it's not the end what did you learn about seeing the grandkids you raised two two kids on your  own but i did something right now let's leave that scene leaving the  person there to continue their own path now let's drift away from that life we're drifting  and floating away from that life leaving the man   there to continue his own journey he will find  peace he will find what he's supposed to find   we're leaving him there to  continue his own journey he will find peace and he'll  find what he's supposed to find   we're leaving him there to continue his own  path now i want all of the consciousness   and personality of drew to once again return  to the body and fully integrate into the body   may i speak to jews subconsciously yes i have permission to speak to jews  as a conscience i respect the powerful   subconscious because i know the subconscious takes  care of drew's body and does a very good job of it   i also know the subconscious has the  records of everything that has ever   happened to john in this lifetime and all  the other lifetimes that he has ever lived   so i respect the power of the subconscious  and i always ask for permission to speak to   it and ask questions do you have  permission to ask you questions   yes i know the subconscious could bring forth many  different lifetimes for john to see today however   he chose to bring forward the  lifetime where he was a lonely   miner that died in the minds that he worked on  why did you bring forth that life for him to see you can do it on that one was it just to assure him that he has the   confidence and the abilities  to be successful on his own that being alone isn't always lonely so that it's fine to not always pair up with  somebody okay you also chose to bring forward the   current life where he saw his son being born his  wedding day and him at a trade show uh where there   was some business dealings that he didn't approve  of why did you bring that life for him to see there wasn't bad dealings that was about the  friendships that performed around that event okay   so and what is the value of the friendships  that are formed in these kind of events brotherhood so his his kindred  friendships will be there for him   in his hard times and in his good times so sometimes these different exchanges  such as the trade shows and other things   will bring critical people in  his life and that's the value okay now you also chose to bring forward the  lifetime where he was a pro basketball player   and him and his wife had two children however  it was not enough for his wife and she left him   and he became a single father he  did have grandkids and he raised   the children well as a single father why  did you bring that lifetime for him to see showing him that he can do  it okay he's done it already to not be scared to work on his own is there anything else about these lifetimes that   he needs to take note of that  he can use in his current enjoy the people life them we also he also has some body issues  that he would like to have address   can we please have a body scan and as  you scan his body can you heal his body tell us if you find anything of  what you are doing to heal it are you still just always going to have issues  with this okay and how can he work with that it's to start working out and what are some recommendations that can  help him get him on on his feet and work out yoga yoga is there anything else i need to do get more water any other kind of um activities that  he could do with his kids that also   get him active and working out did his kids do yoga too okay what about  nature trails and walks do they do that   yes is that something that he  should do with the kids too   yeah okay and as you scan his body is there  anything else that you notice besides his back lobster shoes are related to being  dehydrated so most of his other   issues are related to dehydration and so  he just needs to drink more water regularly about the caffeine is there anything else that   he could do to help heal his body  and keep it in best shape it can be seems to move more overall be more active yeah okay   is there any part of the bodies that you  can heal for him can you heal his whole body what areas are you healing psoriasis  scalp in the beard mustache area are the cells overactive yes and what are you doing to slow down the cells changing that energetic frequency okay is there any other areas of the  body that you can heal for him today we also would like to ask for some healings as  well because he has a bunch of people that he   really wants to send some to as well as  you can um please do that he would love   you to send some giving energy to his son um  so that they can get through the divorce and   some of the the tough situations that they've  encountered can you send some healing energy to   their son to his sons yes he needs to do  that as well okay and how can he do that is that something that he could  work on with his sons as well and then he also would love some additional   healing sent to his his  soon-to-be ex-wife danielle are you sending her some healing as well yes and he just wants her to be happy is there  anything that you want to tell him about her she upsets her he she has her own journey also can you send some healing to his mother and his his brother and dad thank you and what are you doing to heal everyone i'm sure okay and how are they taking it how are the kids taking it the golden light is is she resisting it or she  accepting it except it doesn't see it or feel it yeah will that hurt whether  he take it how she how she wants and what if   about her parents and her and his brother how  are they taking the energy the golden light his brother except and then he also has some very close friends  that he loves and he also would love to send some   healing light to you as well can you send some  light to his friends yes how are they taking it very well while you're sending healing energy  to all his loved ones and continuing to heal the   parts of the body that um that you're working on  he has some questions for you can you answer some   of these questions for us yes okay the first  question is what about his mom and dad does he   need to know because his mother remarried about  six or seven times and he doesn't really have   much relationship with his father however  the childhood that he had with his parents   he has learned how to be defensive and  protective and a little bit scared about   reality about life because he had to take care  of himself because his parents weren't really   taking care of him as best as they can be what  what do you have to tell him about that childhood his parents had their own stuff  to deal with they always loved him his dad didn't know how to show it and what what suggestions do you have for him in  his his current relationship with his parents now keep reaching out so it's just going to take some time and with regards to his soon to be ex-wife what do you want him to know about  about her struggles of her childhood that's what she can do and what kind of lessons does she have  to learn from from these hard experiences so she's powerful so it's it's her journey to overcome her struggles and learn from them yes and then  with with her son with his son   um how can he help his sons the best way  that he can because his older son takes some   um he kind of takes it hard with the divorce and  he's not dealing with it very well how can he   help his older son deal with the divorce and with  some of the hard things that he's going through he needs to find a better way to do and  what are some things that you can do oh hey get out of the house and when they do nature  hikes and get out the house and go bike   riding and walking and doing yoga and meditation  together him and his sons they will be with the   about the things that they're working on  or struggling with and help each other you'll be natural okay and then the other thing is with his friends  um corey and cora and cameron and miron and   dr wizard he really wants to know if he's had any  past lives with them are they part of his soul try all all of them and what is this tribe   what is what are their what's their mission what  is their common goal that they have in this life to shine bright so other people can  see glimpses of what they're powerful   okay and what other lives have they  had together besides the earth lifetime someone were he was a basketball  player and many others okay and with dr joseph his old counselor  what was he also part of the sunshine   yes okay and what do you what do you want to  tell him about his relationship with dr joe i'm the german answer okay the other thing is he says that  even though he's accepted and he has   resolved any kind of issues that he  has with his ex-wife he does still   feel anger and grieve and worry and stress  and fear for her how can he let her go what tips do you have for him worked on the breathing exercises and her  love so that she can deal with her own stuff and is there any is there another love in the  horizon for him or is is that it yes there's   nothing there is another and how far out  is the other the next love how much longer   it has to work on himself so as he  works on himself and he works on   getting stable eventually the next  person will come into his life   okay would that be a good relationship for  him yeah will it be a supportive and loving   relationship they both really do they both grow  together and then in terms of he says that he   picked his father because he showed him much  work ethic and that he picked his mother because   as they moved a lot in his childhood she showed  him what he did not want to provide for his sons   so he chose to be stable and try to  provide a stable environment for his sons   is there anything else that he should  know about why he picked his parents he picked his mom for her genetic  farm and what your headline is that energy-based he sees thanks people's energy fields and what does it do with it it's able to work with them yeah and how does he work with them vibrating vibrating life okay and then um he says  that he does not take enough time for himself   and he is not taking advantage of opportunities uh what do you say to him about that you need to find time for yourself to recover you can't just give give okay and is that need  to always try to make everybody happy coming   from the childhood of being neglected is that  where he learned that no what is the source   of always wanting to make everybody happy  there's a white one that you like working and what about people who take advantage of him  and his kindness what's it what suggestions do   you have for him about that um around himself and  how can he ground himself meditation meditation are you still healing his psoriasis and high  blood pressure and his teeth and his hip   and what are you doing to his hip real line  realigning it and how are you realigning it energy following the muscles okay   now i you you can't do much with his back and and  his sciatic can you also heal his kidney stones let's see takes better care of himself they won't  help him anymore okay so he's take care of himself   so you've healed most of his body  but you can't do much with his back yes i'll always have issues almost fall  back he'll always have vision full back   what is the lesson for him about that reminder okay so it's a reminder to ground himself   okay it is it is attached to any  kind of past life trauma or again no no it's just a reminder on yourself okay  um the other thing is he gets bored easily   and he changes his his career path often  what recommendations do you have for that he has to push through so he needs to stay focused  and and keep working on it yeah he's right because he's stuck with  it okay cbd stuff is where he used to be yeah we want to talk about that a little bit  later as well now what lessons can he learn from from his current career path  that he can use to move forward   and really do at all it's to believe in himself   okay what is his purpose to help people not people  so his career path is on working to help people   is that what he finds most joy yes also  we have some other questions as well he   really wants to quit nicotine and  vaping can you help them do that what are the triggers that  cause them to who wants to smoke actually anxiety so it's meditation grounding and  breathing exercises gonna help with his uh quit   smoking yes okay and he he wants to eat healthier  is there a specific foods or diet that he needs to   focus on to eat healthier he needs to hydrate or  hydrate so he just really over hydrated dehydrated   exercises the other thing that he wants to  know is is that a curiosity is there a flat   the earth is not flat and why do  people think the earth is flat   vulnerable they're scalable so it's just an  escape it's just entertainment yes okay all right   so the earth is round just like the energy field  of people yes okay and the sacred geometric   shape of the earth of people's energy field of  the earth's energy field is all the same it's all   around is that right yes and he was just curious  how many times have have we been back on earth more than you can tell okay now what  we want to do is really talk about his   career path um and really get some clarity on  this because this is what he's working on so   how could he get a license for his cannabis  business what area should he focus on the so what about the plants that he's  growing what should he do with that let them be for now but eventually our okay  and and is that because cbd will prosper on   its own business yes and so it will replace the  income from the plants it opens up many more   opportunities for her okay so she so he should  get the license for the cbd and focus on that   yes he's on his way he just needs to do it  he just needs to do it and he wants to find   legitimate clients he does not like working with  shady business people what recommendations do you   have about that as he pursues the cbd rail how  can you find legitimate clients and contracts they will come to him they will come to him  they're already waiting for him there with him   and so when he gets all set up should he reach out  to them and continue to prospect for more clients no word of mouth we'll take care of him word of  mouth will take care of and will we have enough   um we repeat customers and business to be able  to support himself and his family more than he   knows so as he goes the cbd route and makes the  edibles is there anything else besides edibles   in cbd that he needs to investigate and create  stuff for animals what kind of stuff for animals cbd's for animals oh um he says that  in his cbd work he mostly focuses on   creating um different varieties of edibles  so he should make cbd edibles for animals yes   okay and what kind of clients will he get for that is it oh lots lots more than the ones for people   yeah okay so he's he's going to basically  specialize in animal cbd edibles   and that's where most of his income is going to  come from yes okay so it's going to eventually   move away from making edibles for humans  and more make edibles for animals he needs   to have both lines but primary focus on now oh  okay both lines but primarily focus on animals   um is there going to be a lot of pet stores  across the country that will buy from him   more pets more vets oh vex so he should  reach out to vets okay and um right right now   you can only sell in washington state um edibles  or cbd will it eventually open up to be a lot of   sales across different states before anyone  knows before anyone knows it so it will be   it's coming so nationwide cannabis sales and cbd  sales will be open to everybody and they can trade   amongst each other without any kind of penalties  yes okay and at that point he will have a cbd pet line already established to go nationwide  yes okay is there any other areas that he   needs to work on with pets and vets skincare  skincare what about skincare can he expand to please please cbd to get rid of fleas yes please on what kind of animal dogs and cats oh okay so he's going to be creating  topical for um flea removal on to charge as a   fleet deterrent on dogs and cats and is this one  of the lines that he will be creating for to sell   to vets yes okay is there anything else besides um  cbd edibles and tacos to get rid of or repel fleas   that he can focus on with dry skin dry skin for  humans and animals okay so he'll be creating   topical dry skin for humans and animals is  he going to try it on his own psoriasis and   yes okay and what what tips do you have  for him in creating that line of products he already has all of the information he needs  to just go i just need to go do it that was   one of the questions if he should start his own  business or continue to work for somebody else   he doesn't need work he has  enough experience and knowledge   yes and for any new experiences that he has yet  to have come across he will learn as he goes   it's all weird it's all laid out and fun okay  um he also wants to know when it comes to   working up contracts should he have should  he have contracts set up with his clients down the road so down the road they're going  to want a set amount from him every single time   yes okay so he will know how much he how  much income he's making each year ahead   of time on a consistent basis yeah okay  because he's running a legitimate business   and then um it won't be working up any  kind of manufacturers to provide for them   his products he will have the ability to sell his information okay so he can sell  this information on how to make it   like recipes yes okay um but he okay and  then right now he can't get a license for   farming cannabis um is there anything else  besides cannabis that he should work on   no okay so just get a basic business license for  for cbd is what he needs to work on yeah okay   and um what other areas does he  need to know to start his cbd   edibles business going to need to bring  help and for finances and how can he do that he needs to but thank them that he  can do it all okay so how can he um   work with other people into trying to micromanage  control every aspect of the business himself okay and what recommendations do you have  for him about not working with shady people   because he's had an experience of being  burned by shady people in his business   listening to your institution  i'm listening to intuition the other thing is um he wants to know  about the marketing aspect of it does he   is anything he needs to know about  marketing or kind of branding his product thank you for answering all those  questions we're now going to ask to   bring three people forward one at a time the  first person that we're going to ask to bring   forward that he would like to connect with is  grandpa dewey can we please talk to grandpa doing my grandpa dewey john wants to know how it's going very well what are you doing these days watching all of my kids grandkids do you like what  you see very much so okay is there any information   that you want to give john so that he can enjoy  the rest of his life so always be with them   is there any specific image or thing that john  will see that would remind him of you excuse me do you want to tell john any  last things before you receive how do you feel about it everything  that i worked on has passed on to you and you give him a big big  hug and give him lots of love thank you for coming forward you can now receive  back and we would like to bring forward dr   joseph dr joe is that you yes how's it going dr joe how is it on the other side very fun very fun what are you doing these days  i'll laugh and enjoying every friend and everyone   around okay and that's a good food that's a  good food what are you eating on the other side   chicken cacciatore is chicken petatory  better on the other side than it is everything so much better well that sounds delicious um now john really  loves you and he really misses you and he wants   you to know that he's sorry that he caused um some  heartache in you when you guys parted do you have   anything to tell john no heartache he was a young  kid and he needed to go learn lessons on his own   that they couldn't teach him do you want to tell  him anything as his old counselor do you want   to tell him anything now so that he could take  those words and move forward with his life better keep on the metaphysical path and why  should he keep on metaphysical path   that ties in with the cpd work oh it ties in  on cbd and how does it tie into a cbd word   country transfer energy transfer are a lot  of his clients in the cbd word metaphysical   yes okay so then that's going to it's actually  going to gravitate to his work yes okay and a   lot of the clients um that he will eventually  sell and work with a lot of them integris incredibly integris so they want an  honorary responsible person to work with   and legitimate so they don't they don't  like working with the shady people in this   industry right right will there still be shady  people in this industry or many of them will   they'll always still listen to this intuition  listen to intuition do you have any last   parting messages that you want to  give john stay true to yourself can you give him a big big hug and send him lots  of love yes thank you dr joe you can receive   and we're going to ask to bring forward one last  person can we please bring forward john's ego yes how john's eagle thank you for coming forward  um what has it been like being his ego trying but you have a hard time trying you did a frown when you said  that you're strong-willed   he's strong-willed and what  are you trying to do for him you don't just stop and listen listen to who me okay and what do you want to  tell him that he's not listening to it's not about everybody else about everybody else   okay and if he starts listening to you and  working with you what will you what will you do things will just become more natural  natural do you feed him negative um negative thoughts no no you feeding positive  thoughts yes so what is all the negative   um thoughts and the lack of confidence where  does that come from it doesn't come from you   across life and corruption that's like  regression so he needs to let those things go   yes well you sound like a very healthy ego but it  doesn't sound like he's working of you very well   no no okay well you know john can't do this by  himself he needs you and you need him you guys   are a partnership so this whole experience  of this life you guys work together on it   so when you work with him just continue to  feed him positivity continue to assure him   because remember he is you and you are  him and you basically can't separate it   so the more that you work together and feed  each other positivity and support encouragement   um work with your intuition the more you  guys are both going to have a wonderful life   together and the more when it's over with  you're going to look back and really enjoy   the partnership you have now eagle just so  you know you see that really nice bright light   though a nice real bright light is the oversoul  and it's what created you everything came from   there source and at any time you feel like it  you can always go back there and take a vacation   you don't always have to work so you can  always take a break you can always take a   vacation and it's okay for ego to lay back and  step on the side sometimes okay but when you   do decide to work and work with john and his  higher self just be supportive and encouraging   and and tell him good wisdom can you do that yes  you're a really good ego i'm really proud of you a gift and you are a gift to him you can go ahead and receive now i'm going to ask the subconscious to recede  to where it belongs with much love and thanks   for the help it is given how do you feel very  light how long do you think you were under 20 minutes okay well now it  was like an hour and a half

2020-12-31 11:45

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