Unger Academy Trading Hero: interview to Marco Nigro

Unger Academy Trading Hero: interview to Marco Nigro

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Okay. I'm, Marco. Negro I'm, a business, executive, I'm. A consultant, and information, technology, field I work. For a multinational company. I've. Been doing this job for 20 years I like, it but. I've always been fascinated, by the world of Finance by, the way the industry working is banking. The. Thing that fascinated, me the most was. The lack of need to be in front of a monitor in, order to intraday, trading. In. The sense that I've always seen traders, as talented, people who. Had a particular, talent and with the ability to understand, broadly. If that. Security, went up were went down. But. Who are also a bit isolated you, know sitting. There looking. At the graph. Put. It in ordered and then move the stop I don't. Know doing. What they were doing for me was a bit, like for experts, I never found it interesting. Automatic. Trading on the other hand attracted. Me exactly, because although. It is necessary, to watch over it it's. Not like you can just put something together that trades in your account and then leave for a year and then come back and see what happened. You. Have, to be there and watch what happens but. You can always delegate, much of your daily work to your computer. Overall. Now. While we're speaking there. Are some of my systems, that are there if. A series of conditions trigger, an order a defense. And whatnot is triggered. Yeah, Oh G. Currently. I operate, on crude oil the. United, States oil and metals gold copper. And. Natural, gas and then. I also have a few systems on equity stock indexes, such. As Dax and mini SB I, also. Have something on forex which thanks, to Andres methods, I've started to analyze and, which is currently giving me great satisfaction. So. This is how my portfolio, is structured, 30%. On forex and 70%, on futures. Between. Commodities and stock indexes. Okay. Okay. So I started. Right away with IQ feed as data feed which. Seemed to me the most reliable, one albeit, a bit more expensive, than the others and then, as a technological platform, I activated, multi charts which, were let's, say the, key elements, of undress students. Since. I started on that track, maybe, one day I'll change because, I'll analyze other possibilities. But for, now I'm, fine with these in, the, beginning I used an, Italian broker I don't, want to say his name because, later I left him and then, I went to Interactive, Brokers, in. The beginning, I used, to prefer the Italian broker, for the advantages, on the matter of the capital, gain but I. Actually. Noticed, that whether. Due to a question, of time windows, that, were not always active, whether, because I noticed, that the slip pages, were higher than on those. At. The beginning I compared, it with in Interactive. Brokers, same. System, many, Dax on. The Italian broker and only, an interactive. I saw that the Italian broker took much more important, slip pages and then I prefer, to abandon the Italian broker and go with the interactive. Now. I have, a fairly standard infrastructure. For the group of the Unger Academy. Interactive. Brokers, voltage. Charts IQ. Feet. Faculty. I. Attended. Them all in. Fact I did, the first one trading. System supremacy, about a year ago. Less. Than a year and I studied in the smallest details, I began, to work after, it and then when. I was live with a few systems I attended. The others too so. I attended trading, system evaluation, in the position sizing one and the, last one about the portfolio. Let. Me, I. Didn't. Really have any particular, problems, it. Was just a desire, to make, some savings, in a bit more profitable, manner compared, to just holding. Them in the bank. And. Even taking some risks, because. When you work with this type of instruments. The risks are not trivial. They. Let me most, of all to better understand. Some. Of the dynamics, of this world the. World of the futures in the sense. That as instruments. I knew, their characteristics. But. I had never traded, them and also the possibility, of making them my own in the sense that the, most fruitful. Thing in my opinion. Of. This type of training that Andrea Unger provides this, Academy. Is. To teach you to research. The, markets, and find an edge an, advantage, that statistically. Can, give you the possibility, to profit, in speculation, because.

Then We the, little traders, are, the speculators, of these underlyings. But. It also gives, you how, do you say sometimes. I agree with a comment that another student made it, gives you the possibility to shoot at goal without. The goalkeeper, because it gives you semi-finished. Products. So, things that you can work on later even more already. Nice and performing. I. Have. A system, that I use on docks in fact, it is. A variation of one under X plane in a module during, the course making. Us reason, on some of the logics, of the time windows, breakout. Of maximum, Zoar minimums, and then I repeat, I put, in some of my own. But. Perhaps what. I am using is 20, 30 % away from the basic model so, the difference that I've seen I. Also. Attended, a course of another school, precisely. In order to have an, even broader vision. And. I saw the difference between those that tell you these, are the setups of the system, and, they just leave you there maybe. It's a system that could also work but, they don't help you understand, I was built in, order to allow you to build others, on your own and in order to succeed in the long term and. That you be in this world because. Then, the mark has changed, they evolve. They. Have to keep your strategies, under control, there. Are no systems that last forever and this is something all systemic, traders tell you. The advantage, of the younger Academy is, that it tries to give you the possibility. To be autonomous, in, system. Building. La. Ciudad, es, la. Universidad. A system. Metallurgy. I have. To admit that the thing that obviously struck, me under, his name and. His for world championship, won the, Robbins trading championship. The top. First. Of all it. Was the course of spending money for nothing, in short, my. Concern, was to make the transfer, for the purchase, and then find myself with something that wouldn't give me anything in return like. Maybe just a few useless, theories but. Then fortunately. That. Didn't happen. I'm. Also doing these interviews because, I've been able to touch the, threshold, or the first $10,000. While, euros actually by. The way I managed. To touch the threshold, of ten thousand euros because, the exchange rate, right. Now is a bit far from being equal, which makes the difference. In. Fact. I, must. Say that it was also good for me because I had a boost of six thousand, euro more after. The activation of the Academy communication, so. Had fully compensated. The cost of the training. The. Results at now as I just said are. About more, or less exactly equal, to sixteen thousand, eight hundred euro more, than, when I started I started. With a capital of about forty thousand you were and so I used, two technique suggested, by Andrea Unger, to. Size the number of contracts, on the stop-loss of each strategy, and so I dedicated, only, strategies, that allowed me to this job. More. Or less around a thousand, euros because, I, wanted, to dedicate 2.5, percent of my reference, capital, to my strategies, in, reality. However I did something a bit stranger, I put. Only twenty thousand euro on the broker holding. A bit in the back the, other twenty thousand in case I had a higher drawdown. This. Also led me to set up systems that, did not take too much of my account, currently. The. Twenty thousand euro that were supposed to be held back have, stayed there held, back I'm, not using them while, those put on the interactive have become nearly 37. We. Shall consider. Other, deeper things let's, say that I consider as my actual start date March, first. It's. Been seven months. Okay. The. Money management I'm using is the fixed, fractional, so I take. My capital, I calculate. Its risk percentage which. I've placed around 2.5%, and. Then I sized the entry, in position, on the basis of the fact that, my maximum, loss due. To the stop loss I entered into the system will be about one thousand euros so. Far I haven't, activated an upward escalation. Mechanism, in the sense that as my capital, was growing, and the strategy was bringing in money I haven't, increased the number of positions except, on. Some systems in which I started a bit low those. On Forex because, on Forex I had. Read that it was better to be prudent under, some aspects, because as these.

Were Unregulated. Markets, the strategies, didn't always do what you expected, them to do and. Then forex gives you the possibility to start low right so let's. Say I have, a system, on the Eurodollar where initially I had too many Lots so. 20,000, you were equivalent which. Then I brought. To 40,000. Which. Among other things is one of the systems giving, me more satisfaction. With. Just that I took home about 4000, euros during. These six months even, less since. At the beginning I was a bit of a beginner, not. That I am not one now but perhaps I learned something on my own I, started. To put together a strategy than two then three, I didn't. Start already with one portfolio. Now. That I have about 20 running but, I haven't started right away with 20 I put, them one at a time. The. Highest, drawdown, that I had to suffer was of about 6,000, and change. 6,500. Euros, which. Was pretty, close at the beginning, in. The sense that in, the beginning I started with a thousand, thousand, five hundred then. I immediately got, the drawdown I, admit. That part of this was due to the technical errors due, to the difference between when. You do the simulation, and when you go live but. Early I mean the matter of the continuous, the few continuously, that, points to a well-defined, instrument, the, difference of half, a point between Dax and many Dax it, doesn't make sense to go into details now but. These. Were contests. In which the stop-loss was not triggered properly, so, I lost more than I should have lost or. The order wouldn't start when I had to start and it was by chance. Positive. Trade that I'd lost. Let's. Say that those who face this world must. Understand, that supportive, technology, needs precisely. Slowly. To. Make sure that you acquire skills, that, you did not initially have because, there, are so many details that you cannot deal with just by studying. The. School's forum certainly helps, sometimes. Gives you some indications, and some solutions. In. Fact a fear of the solutions, have also found thanks, to what I read on the forum. I. Think. It was, diversification. Because. This, type of being on the market through, algorithms they're. Actually, silly because they're quite simple, trivial, algorithms. Not, for now but. Not so complicated, they. Are sometimes even, five. Lines of a system that tell the system do this if that happens, being. Diversified on. Several, markets, even, on several instruments or, several, techniques because, I have a system on Dax that goes in counter-trend and another that, goes in trend, and. So then they somehow help, each other because it happens so, that one goes well the other goes badly and vice-versa, luckily. The, some of the systems gives, a positive Delta and, so the equity grows however. Maybe. If I had not had that counter-trend, which. Is the best performing, at this market stage my equity would, have been affected, of, course if, I did not have the other one in trend I would, not have more money on my account but. At the beginning you can't know which systems, will, go well and which ones will go badly, so surely, diversification. Is the most important, thing. In. Fact returning. To a question you asked earlier which. Position, sizing do you use right. Now I like, better the philosophy, as the account grows rather, than increase. The number of contracts, on a strategy that is going well I prefer, to add another strategy.

That. Then helps. The entire portfolio. Yes. Well it's clear that once you reach 80-100, strategies, perhaps at, that point you, have a broad enough diversification. To say oh well at this point if things go well I'll, increase the number of contracts, but. I'm still at 20 and, for now I'm, thinking more of finding, other techniques, or other strategies, and other, systems, to had just. Recently you see I put in my portfolio strategy. I found on the forum the, one on the ADX, of crude oil and I was lucky I did, $1,000 trade last week. DeMille, Aton lollipop, you Rascals. What. I liked most was, the. Concreteness, and explained certain training techniques, here. Andrea. Takes a real instrument he shows you how to arrive at that system which, he has obviously studied in the past because then to make a system sometimes it. Requires months, of work right. So. He shows it to you in half an hour he, shows you the various steps. But. He shows it in a practical operational. Manner using. Perhaps a platform, this. Is maybe some, people's, limit not for me because if you want to use a different platform then it's more difficult for you to follow him in, fact this. Is also why I prefer then. To use the platforms he uses because that was much simpler right now, maybe I can feel ready to change perhaps in a year but. At the beginning I was complicated, so I prefer to repeat the steps and. When. I saw that the steps he was showing were simple to do and the results themselves were the same then I appreciate, it even more this way to teach. So. Not just theory not, just this is the system I studied in lab, here. Is what it does but. We start from zero we, start from a minimum from, an embryo and we, see how to develop, a system that must do certain things how to improve, it which, can be the threats behind. It be, careful of this and. That and that type etc, so. I really found this type of approach much more effective, I repeat, the other course that, I attended, was not, this direct it, started, off with a system, that was already complete, she just took it as it was but. On trash shows you how to get there there. I think this. Is the real difference. I. Would. Recommend it to anyone who wants to start off with the mathematical. Statistical, analysis, of financial instruments, and, who wants to put some capital at risk to, make it more profitable I. Understand. I, admit, that I have a high, schooler I have, a degree in engineering. So. For me some, things were much simpler, I'm. Always a bit let's say armed. With computers, so certainly. Some of the obstacles, were easier for me to overcome. But. Admit that. Here, we're not talking of NASA's. Missiles, science. So. These are things that are easy to understand. So. Whoever has time, to dedicate during, the weekend because they have no other good natured, hobbies, I want, to earn from a sort of a second activity something, more than whatever, they bring home with their job I advise. Them to start on this type path. Surely. The warnings I gave also to all my friends who asked is. To also be a bit of risk preference, and the, ability to support the losses, which, is the most complicated, thing in this world to, face the negative periods. Obviously. I recommend. The basic course of Andrea Unger the trading system supremacy. I recommend. It to anyone who wants to face trading, in a bit less conventional, way, compared. To I'll buy this and, that share on the Italian market when. I see the mix of the two moving, averages I buy and I sell things. That you can sometimes read in books but are, them books that sometimes give you the techniques, but. Don't have one factual, counter, proof of the fact that they work the, main thing the advice that I give is if. You trust the statistics, and, you want to try out the ideas you have equipped. With a platform, that, allows, you to do so you take the data which. Is also sometimes free you. Can find them and, you test the things that. You want to do in fact in the, past they've worked. You. Do not have the guarantee though that they'll work in the future but you have a good starting point. So. Let's say that making. The first course of Andrea, you have an exceptional, accelerator, because perhaps in a month you managed to learn to use also these platforms, these. Are lessons dedicated, to the use of the platforms but then in the end seeing.

The Things that you do 90%, of the features you learn and then, you can test your ideas and moreover, take home some interesting, ideas that I repeat, are, not courses that tell you only how to do but. They also give, you good starting points so this is my advice, another. Advice I've read a lot I, devoured. Trader books this summer even as retired, they. Tell you how sometimes, you, need a bit of Zen to, fight your own ego an entire, series of mechanisms that would, then help you in the time of need right because many. People tell you the, tale of how the systemic, trader does not have the psychological rebound, but. They do because. The, negative moments, are always difficult, to deal with right and. Other jobs to here. You. Have them a bit more often, there. Are more unknowns, so, I advise, you also to read a bit, I've. Also read the Larry Williams book I mean I just threw, myself a bit onto the literature, of the sector.

2018-02-04 03:58

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