Ultimate Heiken Ashi Forex Strategy (With My New Indicator)

Ultimate Heiken Ashi Forex Strategy (With My New Indicator)

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all right all right what's up guys lindsay here super training effects in this video i'm going to show you guys exactly how to use the my new indicator the hakanashi breaking point i'm explaining how it works um and why you do what you do when you do what you do you fail me you know how those guys have my coffee with me my brain is fried all right let's get it so let's start all the way at the tippy tis knob you feel me so let's see what we have here let's go ahead and set up our charts let's get our charts looking good let's get our charts looking real good for you okay so first thing you're going to do you're going to add the stfx ultimate hiking ashy breaking point if you don't have the indicator you're going to need to go to my website supertrendfx.comsupertrainfx.com you can pick up the indicator bundle that has the high kanashii breaking point the stfx ultimate buy and sell and the lucky charms indicator all three uh if you don't know how to use those i have uh videos for those on my website as well as my youtube okay and for that um to start basically um i prefer to look at one side of the market or the other i'm either looking at buys or i'm looking at sales so um right now i'm looking at buys so i'm gonna show you guys exactly how i'm gonna set it up to take only buys and i'm gonna show you guys how easy this is to use okay um so i'm just gonna turn off you can see these little blue dots and these red dots i'm gonna explain those to you guys in a second um but for now let's just go ahead and turn off the blue that'll make it a little bit easier and i'm gonna take the i have super trend v4 with alerts that's free and i have that set to one to one go here to style super trim v4 with alerts just go to indicators type that in super trend v4 with alerts you'll see it it'll pop up it's free uh leave the bar colors on you don't have to it's really the barcode is really up to you um but you know i just like to leave it on it makes a little bit easier to see um and then you have super trend on click on this right here put that on the thinnest line click that line right here that's how they say the west coast click that line right there put on a little thin line you don't have to do that either i just don't i don't less is more for me okay and then click right here and go to step line okay and you could turn this stuff off right so this is what super trend will look like once you have everything set up boom it'll look just like that pow how you like me now all right so i'm gonna turn it off for now and i'm explaining the indicator to you guys first so what is called as stfx ultimate uh h a breaking point the h a stands for hikinashi okay stands for high kanashii all right so let's look at exactly what it does let's go ahead and turn this off and get rid of those okay so what i'm going to do is the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to mark these right here just with the vertical line boom boom just so you guys can understand what exactly we're looking at so right now i'm on a daily chart uh we're going to do the daily chart on the left and i will talk about the right screen in a minute okay so basically what i did was i just marked up these the the candlesticks with the dots on them okay and again we're on just regular candlesticks so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch to high kanashii boom so i switched to high kanashii now what you notice is every candle that i just marked is the first red haikinashi so that's the first record hiking actually you can see those are green green green green green that's the first red one okay as you can see that's the first red one right there there's a green one in front of it first red one green one in front of it first red one so what this indicator does is it tells you where the high kanashii changes okay which could be very very very beneficial to you guys i'm going to show you guys exactly why and how to use this indicator so if you guys know how hiking actually works it kind of just smooths out the candles okay so again i'm gonna go back here to these candles and i'm gonna mark these this one this one and this one i'm you don't have to do this i'm just showing you guys exactly what it does so you guys notice i've marked all the ones with the dots well let's turn it back on the high kanashii again you're going to see it's the first red haikanashi candle first red high connection candle first red hakanashi candle okay so what it does is as you guys know how can i see your smoothed out candles um i don't know exactly how it works i'm not going to get into the science of haikanashi but basically uh it smooths everything out so let's look in this section right here right here you notice there's no red candles no red hiking ashy candles but now i'm gonna switch back to regular candles what do you know red candle red candle red candle red candle red candle right so you can see now how hiking actually smooths everything out okay so let's go back to haikanashi so a lot of you guys have seen my high kanashii strategy videos um you know when you count the bottom in the high kanashii and you look for the one with the neck with the first highest high kanashi i'm not going to get in all that um but basically let's let's look at this one for instance so right here you have a red high kanashii red so price is going down going down going down going down then what do you know boom we get our first green hakanashi price is going up you know if you had just bought right there and held you would have made some decent profit because these are all green hakanashi and price just went up okay if you would have bought if you would have sold right here you would have had five hiking action price went down okay and so on and so forth so if you wanted to just use this as a standalone indicator you could you could just say hey listen this is telling me this is their first red hikanashi candle and you click sell and boom what do you know price goes down click right here boom price goes down um this one for instance is a cell but nothing really happens there so that's why i don't personally don't use it as a standalone indicator and i'm going to show you guys exactly how to use the indicator okay and i'm going to tell you guys why so when you have the indicator again right now i turned off all of the uh the bi so the blue dots okay i turn off the blue dots the reason why i did that is i want to focus on one side of the market i don't want to get ping pong back and forth looking for buys and sells and buys themselves and sells and buys and buys themselves you don't want to do that you want to focus on one focus on buys and if it's not a buy then it's a sell right let me drink some coffee have a little coffee break get my brain together all right so let's go back to the haikanashi okay so right here this is let's just say for instance let me mark this one this is the last hiking knife this is the last green high kanashi candle so i want to know where does the price actually go below there so if this is a green high kanashii candle this next red one it didn't really close below there this next one it didn't really close below that now this candle did start to finally close below that level of support so basically what you're looking at here is you're looking at the very last we're interested in the very last green candle okay and then because because we got the red the previous green we're looking for the break okay the break of support basically so price is coming down it can bounce off this five times but i'm looking for when it breaks support now we're not going to use the high kanashii to mark up we're going to use the regular candles and i'm going to show you guys why okay so right here for instance what we're really interested in because because we are using the cell we're not actually interested in a cell we're actually interested in a buy okay so what we're looking for is uh for price to come down and then we're actually looking for a reversal like that because we want to get in at the very bottom of a reversal reversals can be very lucrative because they get you in at the very bottom so i'm going to show you what i mean see oftentimes people are looking for this they're looking for um the break and the retest and then go but what heck what can happen oftentimes as price just keeps jumping out of the water and jumping back in or it throws a big wick out of the top there excuse me and then price ends up actually just going this direction okay so let's look at that again if you can get in in a reversal if price codes comes up here you get in here and then price reverses and goes down that way you got in at the very tippy top right and the price comes down here and bounces off this line and then goes that way you got it at the very beginning bottom all right so how do you do that you do that with reversals not with break and retests not with breaking retests um here's another example you guys are familiar with fibonacci okay you have your fibonacci lines right here boom what you're actually looking for is this price comes up okay pulls back right here hits this line and then goes that way so you you're going to call it a retracement you can call it retracement you can call it a reversal because price is actually coming down to support and bouncing off support it's not coming down to support and breaking through support right okay so again now let's look at how to use the indicator okay so what you're going to do is you're going to get your you're going to you can set the alerts on here if you want to let me go here add alert go to stfx ultimate high kanashii green that's what that stands for you can go to once per bar closed you can turn that on boom okay or in this case you actually would have been looking to add the cell on so you would come here akanashi boom let's go down to red once per bar close bow you got that so this is on a daily you can go through set all your alerts for all your different pairs that you trade or you can just come right into the market like i'm doing right now we can just kind of look at it so this has already passed obviously price is way over here but we can just go back in hindsight and kind of look at what happened here so once you once this candle closes and you get your alert you're not going to mark the bottom of this candle you're going to mark the bottom of the previous candle okay the bottom of the previous candle why are you gonna do that lindsay because that is actually the last green candle okay that's the last green candle you want to know where the last green candle is and then the first red candle so that's why you mark the previous candle not this candle the previous so again let's go to this one okay so we got our hike in that we got our our signal we're going to mark the previous one here boom now let's come back to high kanashii we could take a look see this was a green candle and then it turned red so you want to know where's the previous camera you're looking for the break of that one because that what it means is that price was going up okay and then it stopped at night and then you had your level of support now you're waiting for that level of support to break boom right there okay but remember we're not looking for sales we're looking for buying opportunities okay buying opportunities okay so i'm going to tell you why this is important so what we're actually looking for we're not see price the price pushed down right here and then price pushed back up right there okay and the price pushed down again price stayed under the line where we're actually looking for is this area right here this is the reversal because what happens price came down here it found support and then price turned back around this is the actual level of support that we're really interested in so anything under here means nothing we're not interested in that we're only interested in when price comes back up through there okay so now i'm going to show you how powerful this indicator is and how amazing it is okay so now i'm going to go over to my right chart over here on my right chart you can use either the four hour or the one hour okay and also i put on high kanashii i prefer the four hour because you're going to get more powerful candles okay so what you're going to do right here is we have the stfx ultimate buy and sell indicator you're going to click on that deal and you're going to turn off the cell because remember we're not interested in selling right now we're only interested in buying okay so let's look at both of these charts side by side and i'll show you guys exactly what we're looking at here show you guys how easy and amazing this is okay so right here we we got our signal boom um and then we marked the previous candle now remember nothing under this line matters there's only one thing we would have been looking for we would have been looking for price to push uh to come come down to this line come here and it could have come up right here and we could have bought right there but remember we didn't have a buy signal we did have a buy signal here but price went up rejected came back down and started to bounce there's actually a cell in there let me show you guys what i mean when i say that there's a cell in there right there boom you see that cell that's why i know we would not have taken this trade because we're only interested in bias so now you can leave the cell on if if it's too confusing for you but what we're actually looking for is we're looking for price to pop up through the bottom we wanted to rise like a phoenix you feel me we wanted to rise from the grave all right so that means price goes underneath our level of support and then comes right back up through there that's what we're looking for we're looking for this little uh this pattern right here for price goes under and then boom pops up through that's what we're looking for over and over and over okay so let's clean this up and let's look at it again all right so we got our signal we marked this bm again let's take off the cell um i'm just used to it so i so i i already know i already knew there was a cell in there i just saw it first so what you can also notice is our good friend right here mr double bottom okay you're gonna get a lot of those mr double bottom and if you guys know anything about double bottoms you know what i if you know anything about my videos you know i'll tell you the double bottom is usually preceded with this little weird hook thing and the double top is usually preceded with this weird hook thing i don't know what the hook thing is this right here but nine times out of ten that hook is right there so it looks like this you get the hook then you get the double bottom okay price broke out we got our first retest second retest and then price went okay so now where do you want to get into this trade you want to get in right here on this ultimate buy right there i'm gonna show you more examples of that okay so let's go to the next pair me show you guys again boom so right here we had our signal okay boom we marked the previous day what do you guys see right here ultimate buy right there okay double bottom boom right there going up here's the little hook thing right here bow right there all right so don't don't get too caught up on the hook thing and all that um it's just something that i just happen to notice and i see it all the time all right so boom we had our ultimate buy right there so remember we're looking for buys the whole time what we want is for price to go under and then come back up through the top so let's go back to this previous one over here so we have one there we mark that bow what do we have right here my friends that's right ultimate buy right there you can do it ultimate buy what else do we have right here another double bottom boom another double bottom boom okay the the market is filled with m's and w's m's and w's okay let's go to this one right here okay so right here this is a this is a perfect example of of how of why you would not take a trade okay so you mark this one up you got your thing you mark this one up remember what we're looking for is for price to rise from the grave to rise like the phoenix you know what i'm saying it just fly out of there did it happen right there no it rejected right here so do you want to take a sale there no why because we're only looking for buys right all day you're going to get buy signals some of them are going to be good some of them are going to be rejections you're just you're just trying to avoid the rejection ones and get the right ones this indicator is going to help you okay so let's keep going i'll show you guys more examples all right and remember these are daily these are daily candles over here so when you get over here and you get that buy signal you're going to get a powerful a powerful signal okay here's a dot right here go let's go right there bm you can already i can already just see right here that price is just uh hovering on our little level right there right so we marked up our line we got our buy okay great we got our buy it is above the line which is amazing so price in this case price respected support and then it took off so as soon as price crosses this threshold that's where you enter the trade right why don't you enter right there because that's where the buy rejection happened we got to buy it went up rejected came back down went up rejected came back down went up rejected boom popped through you're looking to buy right there right here's a great one right here here's another way to look at this okay so right now i can see prices here i'm going to come all the way back over here because i see there's a red dot right there what am i going to do i'm going to mark the previous candle you guys notice anything just by looking at this that's right price is getting jammed up exactly under that line i'm going to turn the candles back on so you guys can see right you can see price is just getting jammed up right here so what could i actually do right now i could start to look for a cell why because price is getting jammed up underneath this level right here obviously remember at the beginning we're looking for buys the whole time but if i was interested i could just wait for a sell signal to come here and then i could be interested in you know watching it start to drop and then taking a sale i'm not going to go down that route right now because we're talking about buying opportunities i'm just going to show you okay so you guys can see that right there um also here's another way to look at it so right here when you had this one so this the the line is actually kind of like your retest level so right here we had a cell right so we were waiting for price to come up and break through that line it never did right prices dropped down from there now price is all the way up there finally re-testing this line so only one of two things can happen from this line price can go up price can go down right you just need things to kind of give you to show you where uh you know where to start looking for trades that's one of the biggest problems people have is they come in the market and they just see candles and they're just like it just looks very confusing it looks like there's a lot going on okay now i'm gonna show you again let's look right here so you got yours you got your signal remember these are daily candles so you're gonna have to have some patience that's why you can mark up more than one and you just have to wait but when you do get your buy you're gonna get major pips okay these aren't gonna be little tiny trades these are gonna be 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 pips all right so right there you see i have my red dot what do i do you guys know i marked the previous one i can already tell just by looking at this right here boom you see that little wick that's our retest so let's go over here let's take a little peek would i tell you guys what's gonna happen price price came up boom that's where we formed our line price came down here went below our line came right up we had our ultimate buy we let the price go up it rejected right there so then boom rejection rejection breakthrough this is what we're looking to buy price went all the way up there some major pips let's just count the pips you know i'm saying you guys want to count pips i love counting pips how many pips we got there we got 134 pips i didn't lie i told you how 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 pips i i literally just said that all right so let's come over here again i already have this one marked up but i'm going to show you guys look at that already boom right here ultimate buy this one didn't even take long so so this one happened a couple days ago you marked up that previous you gotta wait and i'm saying these are four hour candles be patient when you get a buy on a four hour candle expect some major pips to happen man you feel me let's go right here let's click this bad boy okay boom the boom that's 104 pips right there how many pistols i tell you guys 10 20 34 50 60. i just said that man you guys got to trust me all right so right here we have our cell now this one took some days it took one two three four five and when it finally broke through right there okay what do we already have right here we got our ultimate buy price came up rejected finally came around boom broke through how many pips have we gotten out of this one so far major pips right there i can see it that's um 96 pips right there guys that's an amazing trade i'm saying once you once you get in there you lock it and you leave it you know i'm saying let's go down to another one see if we can find one right here boom see this is how you this is i want you guys to see this i'm going to take this off really really quickly i want you guys to see this right now okay so price came up here found support right drop right through support came back up came down boom broke through right there that's where you were to look for your trade okay you got your pips right there okay so now we have this one marked up boom but look where this one retested right here look where it came down to came down exactly to our previous line right there did it did it not i don't know you tell me what i'm saying we can mark this one right here boom boom and boom all right so let's come over here let's see what happens so price came up dropped down there found support you can see it found that support right there bounced up tried to find some support there didn't drop through this one locked up right in there boom came down you could have been looking to enter for a trade right there you really want to take them one at a time but you're going to start this you're going to start to notice how the reactions happen in the future here i think i just saw one previously this one right here now now obviously oh let me show you guys this obviously we did mark this one right here but as you can see the one that i marked there had a reaction there price broke through there and then look at that reaction right there that reaction there but again you want to take them on a one by one basis so let's keep going let's look for some more opportunities i marked this one right here i marked the cell we let price do its thing underneath the line and then what happened right here price came up right there boom bye price is taking off i can't make this stuff up okay so here's another one this is a cell that i'm actually i'm actually in the cell right now this is swiss franc japanese yen um you guys know i hate those swiss franc pairs but i saw this one and i said yeah i got to take that this is how i used a buy to to find a cell okay so what do you mean you say you found a user buy to find a cell all right so what i did was i got my uh my signal right there my alert whatever i marked the previous candle now what was i looking for i could have been looking for a buy price to pop up there but i saw this huge slam down candle right there and i said you know what guess what i'm gonna get in i'm gonna get in exactly on that line right there this line right there so i put in a sell limit order and when price popped up right there boom my order got filled and now price is dropping where do i think price is going to go to i just went to do back down to my previous level right here this is where i want price to go to that's where i put my uh take profit level and right now price is pushing down and we're in profit so that's how i use the buy to find a cell here's another one right here so again you can turn them both on and you can you can use them both but i don't recommend it but right here you can see i marked this uh signal cannon right here i'm sorry i marked the previous signal candle there you're waiting for price to come under here and make a buy nope infer instead first thing you got was a cell now what i can see clearly is one two three there's a triple top right there there's a there's the crown right there the king's crown also known as the triple top price drop down re-test pull down re-test pull down re-test pull down re-test pull down re-test i mean that's pips in the back man let's see how many pips this is because this is a nice juicy trade look at that 442 pips when's the last time you got 442 pips out of a trade probably not often okay so let's go ahead and turn this cell back off and let's jump back in and we'll and we'll continue on what we were looking at so this is a great one right here so this is eurocad so we got our sell signal right there we marked the previous now remember what we're looking for we're looking for price to rise up from the bottom like the phoenix right so what happened here we got our buy signal right so we were interested we're watching the charts now we're looking for it to rise up what happened it got rejected okay price came down here so what do we do we just wait we just keep waiting and if price comes back up here again it gives us another buy signal we'll be looking to really jump into that now right away i can see just by looking at this chart right here what do we have right here currently this candle still has another 8 hours and 13 minutes but we have a nice bullish engulfing candlestick pattern you see the body of the candle right there body of the candle it's already engulfed the bottom of the wick by the end of the day i would love to see it all the way up there and do a real legitimate um uh uh bullish engulfing and actually engulf that can that wick too it doesn't really matter it only needs to get the body first okay so again what i what i could do is i could just come here i could set an alert on this line boom set an alert on that line as soon as price comes up and touches that line i wake back up out of my sleep and i come over and look at my charts and say hey is it time let's see what do we have right here boom this is an amazing one look at this look how easy this is bro i'm trying to tell you guys you're making this too hard don't let me curse you what i'm saying because youtube might demonetize me so right here uh we have our signal we marked our previous what did we wait for we got our ultimate buy put our stop loss right there boom price price rises up i'm saying like the phoenix let's keep going this happens all the time all the time look at this right here oh what do you know we marked up this one right here and then we had our good friend mr double top mr doble top doble top okay so price uh broke below retest one retest two i'll see you guys later you know what i'm saying boom let's keep going oh well look at that right up there we got another one right here boom is this another double top as a matter of fact it is sir sir yes it is sir boom double top double top neckline break retest see you guys later you know what i'm saying i don't know you guys tell me boom what do we have here so here's a here's another good example now i want you guys to notice this one oh this one's actually marked incorrectly that one boom right there now what do we not see we don't see a buy now signal so guess what we avoid that one we're ignoring that one we're not interested because i have a good feeling that one's going to turn around what's another thing to tell me it might turn around this big ass red candle right there i don't know you tell me you know what i'm saying i'm just a guy so let's come back down here boom i want you guys to see this before i even break down this trade i can see already what do we have right there retest aka mr doji let's jump over here uh what do you know buy buy now ultimate buy i told you guys it's gonna be ultimate buy there i actually didn't tell you but i already knew how did i know because there's always an ultimate buy boom boom we have mr double bottom right there we have our neckline break retest break retest boom rise like the phoenix you feel me that's how you do it man let's jump back over here let's keep looking you guys want to keep looking let's keep looking all right what do we have here we have our signal we marked the previous one right here uh remember we're looking for a buy did we get a buy no but i can tell you what we did get one two three that's called a triple top right there boom okay and that one just dropped like crazy this one's whatever this is euro new zealand is in a major downtrend so let's go ahead and mark up that one let's go ahead and mark up that one being right there okay bm right there i want to show you guys something else too see how i marked up this one right here what happened right here price came under here where did it hit boom right there completely rejected right there right so that's where our triple top came from okay everything happens for a reason in the forex market the triple top didn't just happen it happened because it got stuck underneath this line right here okay let's go to the previous one here okay what do we have this is kind of a sloppy double top okay let's go to this previous one remember what we're looking for we're always looking for buying opportunities all right so this one i think this one is the first one i could see that really faked us out so price came under here it jumped up right here boom it jumped up above the line and it dropped right back down boom so that one would have been a good fake out right there you're not gonna win every single trade you know what i'm saying so get that out of your head what is this euro usd i'm actually in this trade right now um let me show you why why i got into this trade i saw this on sunday so first i marked that up so first thing i could see right away is this boom where's the that's my ultimate buy what happened next price went up oh look at that you think that happened for no reason you think that retest happened for no reason that happened last night while i was sleeping boom so right now we're rising like the phoenix but let me show you guys why i decided to take this trade i looked right back here i had my red candle boom i marked that one up matter of fact let me get rid of this we're just rising like the phoenix too much you know i'm saying boom you see these two lines right here see how they're super close to each other right there whenever you see lines like that where they're just right on top of each other expect price to fly out of either one either that way or that way what that means is it's almost like you have a really tight tight level that price is going to get like stuck in between there when price gets stuck in between these really tight pressurized lines it's going to fly out on one side of the other okay so let's come right here we have our other previous one boom and look where price is sitting right now let's open this up let's put it back on candles so you guys can see okay so price is sitting right there on that line and look where through that wick threw that wick right into that little high pressurized zone and now it's rising like the phoenix my brother you know i'm saying let's jump back over here i don't want to get too crazy with that so anyway i'm on that trade right now i'm long on that euro usd let's come back to this previous uh let's go to another one we've already we've already looked at that one here's another great one right here i saw this the other day this looks great for a cell why does it look great for a cell first thing i did was i marked up this one now what would i really be looking for if it was a cell i'd be looking for a retest right here on this line so we had our push down i would like to see this push back up re-test and then i want to see it drop from there but i also was like man there's a lot of signals right in this one zone so i just went and marked them all up i marked that one i marked that one and i marked that one to me what happened what it looks like happened here price went up boom got stuck boom got stuck and then got slammed down through there so where do i expect price to go down because it's trapped underneath all of these lines right here currently okay you'll notice that too that's kind of similar to what i just showed you guys before all right let's see what we have here we went ahead there's our signal right there we marked it up guess what we're looking for we're looking for an ultimate buy oh there it is right there there's our ultimate buy here price went up support support retest retest price is going okay so there's going to be some where you're going to get to buy below the line the ones above the line are a little bit better or the ones that are breaking through the line those are really the best ones but again um i haven't been showing you guys this so far in the um video but let's let's turn it back on and we have one more confluence to help us out and that's super trend okay so right here i turned this i turned my super trim back on i totally forgot about this the whole video uh but what i can see already is according to super training we're in an uptrend all right right away i can see we're in an uptrend that right there is already a sign to me that we are looking to go up okay right here's another sign look at that see that super trend that red candle right there is one solo red candle so we were going green we had a pullback solar red candle we turned back green found some support now we're going up okay same thing happened right here look at this one this one is super clean you see how clean this is this is like this is what you want right here boom see that price was coming up it pulled back turned red super trend then it's turned into a green super trend we got our buy signal price is rising like the phoenix you feel me all right let's come back down here same thing duh i don't even know why i forgot to turn the damn super trend back on okay so right here price is coming up we get our red dot for our cell what do we do we mark our previous line right there we just wait we wait we wait keto price rises from the grave you know i'm saying boom came up there retested it re-tested then it rises like the phoenix you feel me we're gonna change the name to phoenixfx um here's another one right here this is this this is clearly a cell currently doesn't mean it's not gonna push up and turn back around but what i can see is we had our our uh alert right here we marked the previous candle right there okay so if we would have been looking for a buy we would have been looking for this super trend to the daily super trend to turn around and turn green and then we would have been looking for a buy up in that zone and price would have taken off okay so i think you guys get it i'm not going to continue going on with this video um i will tell you guys this the same thing works for the opposite if you guys are looking for a buy or i'm sorry for a sell all you do is flip it you start using the buy to help you find a cell all right so again i'm not going to jump in all that but for the buy you just mark the top of the previous right there okay you can use the buy to look for a buy you can use the cell to look for a cell or you can use it to look for reversals so i think you guys get it if you don't go back and watch this video again okay and again if you guys are looking for the ultimate hiking action breaking point you guys are looking for the stfx ultimate buy and sell one um and the lucky charm indicator head over to my site to my site super trainer fx.com okay and you guys can pick those up here we go right here supertrainfx.com all you do is come here click on indicators boom right there there's a couple videos on the stfx ultimate buy the lucky charms shows you how to set it up come here click buy now you can get all three indicators ultimate buy and sell lucky charms i can actually breaking point click that buy button and after you do just send me your trading view username give me about an hour or so unless i'm asleep and i will make sure you guys have that usually takes me about 15 minutes from when you purchase it because i get the notifications to my apple watch and i don't like to wait and i know you don't like the weight so i'll make sure y'all take care of you guys right away alright so this is lindsay here for super train fx i hope you guys found value out of this video and uh i will see you guys soon

2021-02-25 11:20

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