UCO Virtual Commencement, Fall 2020: College of Business

UCO Virtual Commencement, Fall 2020: College of Business

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hey everybody this is graham colton  just wanted to say congratulations   to all the graduates and best  wishes hi this is kelly o'hara   i'm from edmond oklahoma i drove by the university  of central oklahoma almost every day of my life   i want to talk to you graduates i know this is not  what you ever expected or what you ever planned or   dreamed of or hoped for but it is your reality and  it is your story and you have lived through it and   you've succeeded through it and you will tell this  story forever this is the year that you succeeded   through adversity so take the bull by the horns  celebrate yourself celebrate your hard work and   celebrate the fact that you're flexible and go  into this world and kick some butt congratulations   graduates congratulations 2020 graduates you did  it you're now uco alumni now i know that today's   ceremony isn't everything that you hoped  that it would be but you can say one thing   you've done something that almost no ucl alumni  have done you've graduated during a pandemic   and i want to congratulate you on all of the hard  work effort and commitment that you've put in to   make it to today we're all so proud of you best  wishes for all of the next steps in your future   hello all my uco graduates matthew  morrison here i just wanted to check in   and say congratulations for graduating what  an honor what a privilege what hard work   and dedication that you put into your education  into your craft and i am very very proud of you   this graduation probably doesn't seem like  it like you imagined it would but i think   this is a great opportunity in our culture  in our lives i feel like it's a clean slate   this is the beginning of a new revolution a new  revolution of art and vibrancy and i think you're   the future so show us what you can do excited  to see it congratulations over the last 40 years   of working in the music industry i've met lots  of amazingly talented musicians and rock stars   they're all dedicated to their craft just like  this graduating class has been you're dedicated   to achieving your goal of graduating through  hard work and frankly struggling through 2020.   watching all of you working at acm i know that you  truly are the rock stars congratulations i'm wayne   from the band of flaming lips and i'm just saying  hey a wonderful job um in an extraordinary strange   challenging year um i think uh you guys have  all uh showed us the way showed us what a great   and you've been a great inspiration to us to just  keep working through it and staying optimistic   and staying positive and here you are you're  graduating so congratulations congratulations you finally did it i know it wasn't  difficult but you got through it yay we love you thank you for working so hard i'm  glad i could be part of your your strange uh   graduation but um and how else would i be there  so anyway thank you for having me good luck thank   you for all your hard work um go out there and  change the world make it a better place make it   a funner place make it a more um optimistic  place make it a more loving place out there   i look forward to seeing you okay bye thanks hi  i'm david holt the mayor of oklahoma city and i   send my warmest congratulations to the all 2020  graduates of the university of central oklahoma   obviously this is not how you expected  your commencement to go this year   but you are graduating in a very unique time you  know that and you're going to long remember this   completion to your educational journey i'm very  proud of you oklahoma city is very proud of you we   hope that as you move into this next chapter you  will make your life here we hope you will carve   out time to be civically engaged your professional  career is important your family is even more   important but try to part have a little bit of a  little part of your life that is focused on the   civic life of this city we are uh continuing to  grow by leaps and bounds here in oklahoma city   and we want to continue that momentum and we can't  do it without you so i hope you will consider   that as well as you move into this next chapter  again we're proud of you congratulations job well ladies and gentlemen it is our  sincere pleasure to welcome you to   the university of central oklahoma fall 2020  commencement ceremony i'm charlotte simmons   and i am gary steward we are the co-interim  vice presidents for academic affairs at uco   thank you for joining us virtually to honor  our graduates and those who have supported them   during their journey to this milestone event  families and friends of the graduates those of   us at uco could not be more pleased that you have  joined us the entire uco community welcomes you   to this event and we share your pride for the  accomplishments of these students uco's president   is tasked with providing the vision  and the direction for our institution   she embodies the tradition and strengths of  our institution through the many leadership   skills she brings to the job in a few moments you  will hear comments from the 21st president of the   university of central oklahoma patty newhold  ravikumar we would also like to take a moment   to introduce some of our colleagues who represent  the key leaders of our campus and impact its daily   operations the president's cabinet includes dianne  feinberg vice president for people and culture   kevin freeman vice president for finance and  operations vice president for advancement is   ann holds berlin christopher lynch is the vice  president for enrollment and student success   vice president for communications and public  affairs is adrian nobles and kendall parish serves   as our general counsel sonia watkins is the chief  information officer for information technology   and please allow me to introduce our deans  dr gloria cadell interim dean college of   mathematics and science dr donna cobb dean college  of education and professional studies dr jeremy   aller interim dean college of business dr janetta  sims dean jackson college of graduate studies and   the university college dr catherine webster dean  of the college of liberal arts and charlene weidel   interim dean the college of fine arts and design  we would also like to recognize our faculty   senate president dr jennifer barger johnson  as well as our student association president   mr james limbaugh and finally we would like to  take a moment to note that particularly during   these past two semesters that have presented  them with unforeseen and unprecedented challenges   in adjusting instructional modalities to a virtual  environment amidst a pandemic uco exists and   succeeds because of its talented and dedicated  faculty faculty please accept our gratitude for   your contributions to student success supporting  faculty as they help students learn and   coordinating all of the details necessary to make  this happen are our department chairs and deans   department chairs and deans we thank you for  all you do on behalf of students and faculty   president newhold ravikamar on behalf  of the office of academic affairs   these fall 2020 graduates including all candidates  for all degrees have been recommended by the   faculty of the university of central oklahoma  to receive their degrees we recommend to you   that subject to the satisfaction of all  obligations to the university their degrees   as listed in the printed program be conferred in  the words of robert kennedy there are those who   look at things the way they are and ask why i  dream of things that never were and ask why not   we charge all of our fall 2020 graduates to  continue to strive to be in the latter group   ladies and gentlemen we hope that you will help us  congratulate and celebrate our fall 2020 graduates hello i'm susan winchester president for the  regents of the regional university system   of oklahoma the system that encompasses  u-c-o it's truly an honor to be with you   today and to celebrate with you and your  families on this very special occasion   i always look forward to the graduation ceremonies  i love waiting outside the auditorium with you   i love seeing your excitement and your enthusiasm  as you walk in but probably most of all   i enjoy the excitement enthusiasm of your  family your parents your grandparents your   children your friends as you walk across the  stage to receive that diploma obviously today   is a little different i'm not there with you in  person but today i along with my eight fellow   regents extend our congratulations to each of you  and wish you the very best on your new journey   our world has changed in how people work study  interact and think about their future you've   worked hard and finished your degree right as  the world abruptly changed but i like to think of   these changes as challenges challenges to overcome  challenges to make a difference challenges to   create a better outcome and you've done just that  you met the challenges and turned each of those   into an opportunity through all of this you've  modeled one of the most important characteristics   that will ensure your future success the  ability to adapt to changing circumstance   because of this i find great hope in your  resilience and in your accomplishments and in what   we're celebrating today uco is putting forward  capable smart and curious professionals into a   world at a time when we need you the most the  world ahead has countless possibilities for you   and i know the perseverance and tenacity that  you've shown by obtaining your degree there   is absolutely nothing you cannot achieve as you  graduate today i again extend my congratulations   along with those of the other regents and wish  you the very best on this journey going forward   thank you so much for letting me be  with you today go forward and god bless thank you for joining us online today  for our fall virtual commencement   over the past year you've experienced a rare  and life-changing event due to covet 19. each   generation has its defining moments and this  undoubtedly will become one of yours i can tell   you that this event has definitely become one of  ours you've been challenged to stay focused make   tough decisions adapt quickly and think beyond  your present circumstances to meet your future   this year has been a complex exercise in applying  what we hope you've learned during your time here   covet 19 may have cut short your final moments on  campus with your teachers friends and traditions   but nothing can steal away the fact that you've  earned your college degree we are immensely   proud of your resilience and persistence today  marks a milestone we welcome a new generation of   broncos to the long legacy of graduates from the  state's first higher education institution you   are joining an elite group of educated citizens  of the world who have earned a college degree   this is a significant moment for you your family  the university and society our faculty and staff   have dedicated themselves to nurturing your  potential and creating opportunities for your   development they taught counseled advised and  listened to you many of our campus community   are watching the ceremony with you today because  we have been personally invested in your success   but your success was also uplifted by the support  you received from friends and family as you worked   toward this moment graduates i encourage you  to look back at your academic journey and   acknowledge the people in your life who have made  this day possible for you their patience support   and encouragement ran parallel to your efforts  these gifts are artifacts of their belief in you   i'm excited for you because today you will  transition from a journey designed for you to   begin another of your own making your restlessness  your hope for a better future or you're answering   the call to something different may have brought  you to the university this refusal to accept what   is is a choice to move toward what could be often  in commencement addresses you hear about the how   the world will change in the coming decade about  how college prepares you for jobs of the future   well the world you're about to enter has been  fundamentally reshaped by the global pandemic   in just nine months that's all it took to disrupt  deregulate modernize and reinvent everything from   health care to retail to education as a student  your education was put to the test in the blink   of an eye as educators we got to see firsthand how  you applied what you learned to this new reality   organizations and businesses have had to face  the fact that they may not have had employees   who majored in the global forces of unimaginable  change but they needed the employees they had to   shift create and think critically in an instant  and that's where your uco education comes in   the traits they hoped you would  have a year ago are essential today   organizations are going to  expect you to be flexible   when there's no promise of tomorrow they  want to know if they can count on you your   willingness to embrace uncertainty and bend with  the winds of change is what creates a tomorrow   employers are going to count on your  ability to deftly interact with technology   you've grown up with the internet and  instant communication in your pocket   everything at your fingertips and on demand i  mean there's an app for that right you'll need   to be perpetual first adopters to demonstrate the  heart of an explorer your willingness and ability   to adapt quickly to changing circumstances will  be an essential skill for navigating your future   the economy ebbs and flows with time ups and  downs have been weathered throughout history   yet never in history has a pandemic impacted  the entire globe at once with the expansive and   pervasive nature of this virus what you know  for sure today may change completely tomorrow   if the pandemic has highlighted anything it has  shown us the importance of placing the greater   good above yourself as a result of covet 19 many  in the world have awakened to the reality that we   are all connected our livelihoods  our supply chains our food resources   are all dependent on another industry or person  to feed into or distribute goods and services   the world has been forced to ideate a  win-win scenario as a means of survival you   have been part of a campus community that has  implemented an other's first mentality at uco   we've worn masks for each other  we've raised money for charity   we've marched together for racial equality  we gave time to serve our community   and we've done this because we put the greater  good ahead of ourselves each of you have put these   traits into practice and shown tremendous  audacity as you've completed your degree   the class of 2020 will forever be known as the  group who graduated the year the world changed   you are stepping into a world in  which we all are adoptive citizens   our job has been to pass on knowledge  to give you a firm foundation   create learning experiences that allow you to  exercise that knowledge and design challenges that   empower you to develop good judgment about using  that knowledge what we could not do for you was to   give you a desire to learn your desire to learn  had to come from within you as it always must   we provided the opportunities for you to learn  and grow as well as the support for you to persist   because we believed in you i know that you  having accepted the challenge and value of   education in your life leave here transformed  in deeply meaningful ways ways you may not   fully discover for years to come you came to  us as the person who imagined a better future   for yourself and your family you are leaving us  as the person who has been transformed and has   the opportunity to apply what you've learned  to make the lives of those around you better   and although you are now a graduate i  encourage you to always remain a student   now go show the world what it  means to be a bronco thank you so foreign cross the plains converging  westward seeking hope anew settling here to found our college strength and  hope pursue come for learning come for growing   central is our view you see all our  alma mater honor bronze and blue harrison scott abney austin tyler absher colin david adney melissa aldaba aguilera nicholas key andrews caitlin a angleton [ __ ] laude natasha c avant abdulaziz mohammed babar dylan drake ball mart gentry barclay sagar basnet garrett michael beyer mason belcher jalen bennett srivan kadeshwar bodhapati tyler m bowers alexandra michelle bricky jimmy floyd brown ebanks crawford blaine buchanan tamara m burton summa [ __ ] laude alexander keats calhoun [ __ ] laude cody james climber brielle carton [ __ ] laude emily nicole collins joshua lee kraft cereas renee cruz andrew blakely cummings evan l davidson kelsey n dawson cynthia de jorta stephen grant dellinger [ __ ] laude jorge el dominguez manjares magna [ __  ] laude cameron daniel reynolds eagle walid el asili austin dale elliott stephen c england jordan daniel faulkner craig fletcher magna [ __ ] laude samuel jarrod michael freeman jessie lee gamboa chandler scott garrett john garrett gilbreth michael wood gilchrist tyler ray golden caitlin graybill amber griffin jennifer r griffith lindsay l gudenraff christopher s guillory caleb allen guttel nathan dwight haley jordan hawkins joshua r hendershot kinsey slagel henderson morgan hendrickson magaly hernandez jessica a hodges nicholas john hornbuckle zoe taylor mack howard britney rochelle hunter tanga yen win blake newton ivy jared m jackson dylan james jarvis kirby cole job merritt e g johnson felicia kessler casey melton killborn ji young julie kim peyton nell katie lawson natalie elizabeth lawson nina lee omar leiha leanne marie littlejohn zuma [ __  ] laude maria del rosario luera fabiola lopez osmato lupercio evan jeannette lewton billy d madewell rebecca reynolds michael maslin kenneth cody mcadoo kendra mcallister cambrie mcgrory connor k mcpherson joshua lee mercer b.j malkton ashley moore sarah e mueller alex nelson lindsay nguyen zuma [ __ ] laude juan knee caitlyn noelani nicholas caleb james nichols bobby elizabeth peden tanya marie palermo rosaline thassen parr catherine para reyes key pasha neil patel akshay reddy penaka anthony tran pham michelle l phillips dawson pope mackenzie posey osborne um valerie rose powell heather marie powers logan rasp bradley ray kyle redman emily m reece zuma [ __ ] laude alec h reed jade maria riojas kiera to sean robinson  carlos alberto rodriguez diaz dawson rogers matt rowley muhammad j safi nicole saltas lloyd a sanderson dakota waylon savage george farmer shaffer bryson luke schumann mallory monique seidlitz juan muhammad aiden shaw david michael sharpe kane wesley shaw joshua graham schumic shayden smith delaney ann spitz summa [ __ ] laude caleb standridge scout stanley magna [ __ ] laude larry morris stewart jr rachel brienne stone ashley karen stott dylan strackey catelyn price stewart zachary william stultz nintu rose sunny william blake sutton noah riley twos jordan lindsey thomas dalton james tillerson thomas andrew tony day miriam turay alex tritton andrew thomas unra babar h usman odalus vias herrera magna [ __  ] laude hannah elise eichenberg stephanie walker dylan warnicky jessica welch alison suzanne weller dylan j wells brandon michael widman tyler lee williams corbin gentry weimer kenneth wilmer yoder graduates i invite you to stand now  as your degree is conferred upon you   upon the recommendation of the faculty and  subject to the satisfaction of all obligations   to the university by the authority vested in  me by the oklahoma state regents for higher   education and the board of regents of the regional  university system of oklahoma it is my pleasure   to confer upon you the appropriate certificate  and degree with all the rights ranks privileges   and responsibilities such a degree carries  among scholars you may now move your tassels congratulations so so you

2020-12-19 03:49

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