Twin Vs. Stylist: Girls' Night Out Edition

Twin Vs. Stylist: Girls' Night Out Edition

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I'm thinking you guys I'm. Thinking and I'm. Moving cute. Okay we're, looking for upscale, to elevate Kanye's, style help the Cape the asymmetrical. I don't, know what to do what if I got a shirt that's at Angel Baby the sparkle, and everything on top of it how she hated, I'm gonna hold on to it first sight. I'm. Connie this is my twin sister and this is a stylist, and today, we're going to be seeing which of them can style me best for a girls night out my been a twin to Connie for, our entire lives and we, lived together our. Closet. Is an open door policy we've, been like I guess styling, each other for years now so this is just another day in the life basically she, definitely knows, what I like at this point but we. Have a professional, stylist here, so. I'm, dawn and I've been doing wardrobe, styling, for about, eight, or nine years usually, up-and-coming, artists. And public. Figures so, I'm really passionate about what, I do I, love it and I'm excited to dress girls. Night out for me typically, is like obviously, Karen's. There thank. You and then the other set of our girlfriends that we have are all in very committed, relationships, because, of that they have decided that it's now their passion, project, to try to hook us up with anybody, who is in the general vicinity because. Of that my, first word that I ended up picking I picked flirty, because, I didn't want to put romantic. On it because sometimes when you say the word people, think you mean old, in, chastity, you may think that you're supposed to be like super, conservative, and that's not really what I'm going, for I like a lot of the aesthetic, I don't, want, to look like an Edwardian, romance. Heroine, late at night with, my candle, light going writing, letters lots. Of ruffles big, hair not, what I'm going for that's, all I picked. Bashful because of that and then, my last, one was unique, so, I always feel like I want to be unique and different and stand out because I don't want, to look too similar like someone who has my exact genetic DNA, who is normally, tagging along so there are some rules for this they. To pick out a full, outfit, for me you need to have between two to four accessories and, it, has to be those three keywords, of flirty fashionable, and unique, listen. I think Don's gonna kill it and I want that understood, but, also I, feel like I definitely, know. Your style I know what you like I will admit I'm a little nervous because I mean it's a twin the twin is a twin you know, each other inside out and I. Have. A feeling Caron is going to be very good competition, I feel like my advantage to this challenge is that I've kind of been studying. Miss. Connie here, and doing. My best to figure out personality-wise, what, I feel would accentuate. Her, attributes, and make. Her look exactly the way that she feels on the inside okay, ladies it's time to go shopping are. You guys ready. We. Are here at H&M, in the Century City got, to keep Connie's words in mind which were flirty. Fashionable. Unique, and, also hot we're gonna make a look hot there is so much cute stuff here I heard there's something called modern romance which is like basically what Connie is so it, should be pretty easy I think we got this let's go so, I just, left Connie and she.

Left Me with some wonders, to think about I have pulled some really amazing, things to, get, on that path so there. We go first dress that catches, my eye is, this cute little number this, is very up Connie's Ally she's, loving, a floral print lately, and the, buttons all, the way down so, her or, the red I'm. Also having to fight with myself to, like not, pick out something she would hate because I do think that would be really funny but I know that's not the challenge and I do want to win so I'm not, going to do that I'm. Not gonna do that I love, this, ribbed crop top it's got these wide. Wrists. And these, pearl. Pierce. Accents. I think it's flirty, and I think it's fashionable. And it really kind of reminds me of Connie and her personality, just flowing. Really cute this, skirt, right here, I really. Love because, let's got this shiny. Wet look thing going on which I think she can really carry but it's also pencil, style so it's gonna accentuate, her. Curves and. Her leg very well. Okay. I really, like this guy he's, gold, he, shimmers, he says flirty. He says fashionable, and he definitely says unique, I think, this is going to. Beautify. Her being and I, think she would look really great and have a good time in this I do think, she would really like that Connie. Loves, overall, she like lives in them and if we could find a cute little flirty top to go underneath that. Would maybe be a winner Oh cute, cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute she'd love this she'd, love this she'd love this she'd love this oh I'm. Gonna win no problem oh this is so easy this. I'm thinking, maybe, underneath. That, little black, overall. Number that, is a bit like fashionable, unique this, is flirty, all the words I've got all the words I really, like this guy it's a simple piece but it's really in your face then you turn it around and, it's. Like booty, got to bring the girls got to bring the booty Connie is not a body kind of girl she was much more fitting flare, silhouette, because. She's got to be free to like move and like have fun so. We're not gonna do a body con I fell, in love with this scent, because, of, the color I just feel like she'll, be like a walking, glass of champagne, isn't that fun I really, love this, piece, because once, again it's simple but it's in-your-face, still. Fashionable. It's got his flirty. Elements. To it and what sells me every time its pockets so. I really think honey would look great I think it would compliment, her skin tone I think that it really goes with her modern romantic. Vibe, she, loves, this style right now because, what's great about this is it like cinches, into your body so you still have a good like showing, of your actual, silhouette. But then like the sleeves are all out and cute and flirty and you can like show off a little bit of that shoulder action fur, loafer. Fake. Faux, faux, fur, this guy is, lovely. It's got muted, tones it's, unique. Because, of the pattern you really don't see these colors go together very often and then, it's not full-length it's not half, length it's cropped so it will still snatch, the waist I'm gonna go back to that rack and kind. Of pick out a couple because I think I've got this stuff. Except. For this red top which I'm also gonna pick up okay. To, the rack so I'm gonna try and go through here and narrow it down to like a couple of options.

My, First thought upon coming in here was. Get her a cute dress because, she's gonna love that I like, both of these as, we're not dresses, got. A couple of little. Like overall. Numbers. I'm, a little worried that maybe, this might be a bit too casual, but aren't going out nights are always very casual, I love this. It's, a little outside, of what, she, has in her closet right, now but this is exactly like stuff. That she pins on Pinterest, or stuff that I've seen whenever we're going about janicoo, cute but maybe I can't wear that and this, would be a chance to try and wear that I like the idea of these two together because, it's not just a plain something, underneath this it's got a little bit of pizzazz so. I'm thinking about that so, pondering, pondering, pondering, you, know I really, really love this and I think that she really great in this I think this guy is a really good contender something. About this says Connie to me as much as I like you. You. May, be for, another time for some, reason I just keep on coming back to this now I know I may look a little basic but dressed up and. Accessorize. I think it would look really great for a girls night out I'm, down to two options. This. Shirt, and, this. Little jumper, to go over, top. So. Flirty. Because we got a little sheer action, going on very. Fashionable. Obviously. And unique, I mean nobody but Connie is gonna pull this off and look great and my second, option is. A little dress number than I know that she'll love I think we, need to like make this a bit flash here so I'll probably end up getting her maybe, a denim jacket with it so yeah these are my final two, options, and. I, just got to decide which one to go and we got to get some accessories, - I bought, some really great purses. We got the silver beaded, joy I really, love this vintage. Leopard. With the puffy. Fur, with the beaded handles. It's just so dainty and cool but it's still kind of unique. This, is. Simple. But I really, like the pattern I love the. Embroidered, roses, I love the black, and white it's, very busy but it still has like its focal, points, Connie isn't much for accessories, like when it comes to like earrings and necklaces, and bracelets and stuff she's a very minimal, girl but, she, always wears a locket like, a cute little heart locket and if I could find her something small. Minimal. But, cute then, I think that she would really like it if I could find like a star or a moon or something, great. Almost like that but if it had less, if. It had less, yes. Just. Like this we. Have just a little, moon pendant, she's gonna love, that I'm, debating between the gold and the silver because I think the gold goes with one outfit and the silver goes with the other Connie is much more of a gold gal but I don't want to mix metals on her some, of the other accessories that I chose a lovely. Chanel. Bracelet, we, can't go wrong with you know got from Marc Jacobs bracelet, here, just, a nice little charm bracelet, got, the Coco CCE. Necklace. I think, would look really nice just right, there on her these guys are really fun because they are reversible, so, you can wear them in the front or you can wear them in the back you've got simple, studs and then you've got Flair you've got a ball. Of pearls you've got a disco ball and you've got a snow, globe like look there's a snow globe in there, Connie's. Very specific, when it comes to Beck's she wants something that she can like put. Her, phone her, wallet and her keys in and like, still, have room but, also it'd be cute and she loves a circle bag, I like. This she loves this and see how big everything is in there it's pretty big in there honestly. This is kind of like the big version of this. Little, mini bag I wonder if she would like that this one I'm going with I think that we just have shoes left really maybe a headband, I'm gonna look at headbands just very quick this, would be the color and, it. Would kind of ooh it. Might be too much for her. But. We might have to try cuz it would look so cute so, I'm a bit overwhelmed. I just. Have to keep reminding myself I know what she likes I know what she likes she's much more of a like. Thicker sort. Of a heel as opposed to like a skinny, little stiletto this is it this is the vibe we found it I think, we're either gonna do, this. Shoe here or. There's. A cute little chunk boot oh.

She. Would love those if there's a red sighs she's. Not very much like an open toe girl neither, am i but, maybe pushing her outside her comfort zone would be good and also this is like the exact sort of heel she would like and she doesn't own anything like this which is kind of nice too I love. These. Booties, they're like little witchy booties they have the thick, ribbon, laces, they're, suede, and they've got the chunky heel which, is in there, very fashionable. But, they're comfortable. When you're going out on a girls night the last thing you want is for your feet to hurt these pumps, very simple. Patent. Leather black, pumps, never, go out of style goes. With everything. Accentuates. Your ankles, your calves which brings you up toward the leg and every. Girl should own a good pair of a black patent leather pumps oh I like, these nude, pumps. As well they kind, of give you naked, eyes because, they're flesh tone so those, are subliminal. Messages, that go off to. The people around you when you're out partying, shaking, it and trying to maybe attract. Something, that you want to attract so, here, is option, number one, she's got some version, of all of these pieces in our wardrobe, already so, I know that she likes, this stuff it's, a really good safe bet option, that, I think I could win with but, we also have options, number two, we're gonna call this one the risk and that's because we've got a couple of factors, in here that aren't clones normal. Sort of styling, but stuff that I'm pretty sure she's gonna love, and maybe, we can one-up our stylist, maybe I'm a stylist, now I don't know so now I just have to pick, which. Route I'm going for both have their pluses and minuses, but I think she's gonna love it either way I'm very confident, right now I think I'm gonna win no problem we, really got to make some decisions so the flirty top, with. The lip. Pouch and, the fur, fashionable. Definitely. Unique and definitely, flirty with, the skirts fun, wet look slick. With. The booties and the, pouch and. Probably. One of the, fun, stud, reversible. Earrings this beauty. Queen right here which, like I said it's simple but it's very flirty, it's frilly, it's like flowy. And, the. Wristlet. Accentuates. And really, brings out the patterns, the patterns are different it says fun it does say flirty, it, does say fashionable, and then, the, stockings. Bringing. Out those legs. The. Shoes that I think, I'm gonna pair. This dress, with are the pumps, I like. This because it says something. Very specific, and it's. Flirty so, I think I've made my decision, I'm. Gonna take my pic over to Connie and, we gonna pray okay. My eyes are closed I have not seen either outfit, yet I'm going to open my eyes and see what they are now. Oh, oh. My. Gosh everything is so cute. Okay. Um this. Is really tough I don't know, whose.

Is Whose. I'm. Gonna, say. This. Is, Terrance. And this is the stylist. Julianne. You did it I. Love. This bag dog, that is so cool. Okay now, this all makes sense to me Thursday's ended this one is Karen's and this one is Dawn's is because Karen, knows that I love and overall, that, makes complete sense now this looks a lot like my Instagram. So, that, makes this wide I'm gonna fix this all right I guess I'm gonna go try them on Connie, are you ready I'm. Ready, come. On. Wow. My, darling. This. Is it, really. Seen, it yeah Oh care. You did a really, good job I. Knew this one was Terran immediately, it screams, everything, that's everyday, me that's, exactly, it I love, it though I love the whole look I love, the cute little flowers, I love, the overalls, they are maybe a little shorter than I would usually go, but hey that's the flirty flirty, I've. Won that one of these my fans read so long sorry if it gets really cute Christmas. We're. Normally not open-toe. People, not usually my vibe but I really, love the shape of these and I love all the straps in the little details you did a good job adding, a bunch a different album how good did I do okay, we haven't seen dogs yet you can't already load, it. For. Flirty. I mean there's, a see-through, element so I'm feeling pretty good or fashionable. I think this looks very now I think it looks very trendy, and current, unique, that may be the only part, where I might take a couple of points off just cuz it does look maybe like a little like somebody, else could have this look but I think you did a really good job like hearing other things together that I don't think anybody would do maybe this specific. Look with all the accessories added, together I agree so. Unique so far we're, off to a great start and, I'm really. Honey. You. Ready girl oh oh. My. Wow. Yo. Oh my, gosh oh no, you look too pretty go back in okay. I, feel, I, don't know elegant. Like Cinderella, at a ball look, at me it's. So interesting that you took all those words that I said and made this because this is so like what I would think whenever I would take my, style to like a night look this is exactly, it I love, all the little details, that are all over you, have like the little pearl details, here on the sleeves also. If you look at the bottom of the sleeves they kind of bail out just a little bit like a little butterfly and they're absolutely beautiful. I wear, tons of mock neck stuff I were a lot of turtlenecks, and things this is exactly. What I wear what I don't normally wear is I don't ever wear anything that's kind of like body con but I surprisingly. Like, the skirt. I'm like. So not into like a body con but it hits like at just the right place the little details, here when we're talking accessories. Of these earrings, love, these earrings and not only are these earrings, and beautiful from the front but they're also, reversible.

This Is just the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life, so. I love this idea of like this little bag and it looks like it would fit all the stuff that I need it to of my phone it looks like gonna fit all my credit, cards ID all that. Okay. I'm a, little. Bit, I picked this outfit for Connie because, it. Really, speaks to her personality. I chose. The skirt because it was flirty, and fashionable, but, what makes it unique is the slick kind of wet look and that makes it nighttime wear and fun, to go out like this is definitely a girls, night out skirt, I just really fell in love with these booties because they're a mix between an. Edwardian. Victorian. Shoe. But, there's something very current. About it and I just thought it all came together and, it really did it's. The essence of how she describes, the waist you want it to look flirty, I mean, come on now look at this we are definitely rocking. A body con thing, I'm not used to showing this much of this old body and it looks great and fashionable, I think it's a very fashion-forward you think we're mixing a lot of different things all together which. Just makes it seem not only just fashionable but even unique, I think that's something really great about a stylist, is something, these, are just pieces that nobody would put all together and, they couldn't find them all just in one department store pick him up and take him out this is something that she's curated, and cultivated, and it looks just like that all right now I guess I got to just change back in my regular ol dump it and then I have to make some, kind of decision and, who wins, you're both one you definitely both won but I'm, just gonna say some, words after this and it'll be fine you. Both did a great job I just want to lead off with that like good. Job - yes, please she can. Be. Completely honest it's been a really weird year for me I haven't necessarily felt. Like really pretty in a while it was like just felt really good and it was just like I think you both now one of us to lose Karen's outfit, was just literally I would walk out the door in to BuzzFeed go sit next to my desk friend, upstairs and, he would go hey Connie, and he wouldn't say a second thing you'd be like this is just the Connie I know and love Don's outfit, with something that pushed me a little bit and did some things that I like normally I'm like I have all these rules in my head that are like you can't wear that because, it does this you can't wear that because it does this and I, was. Like checking those boxes and. Then seeing that maybe I was, actually like just boxing myself in, instead, so it was really nice to be pushed and see something different on my body that I actually kind of liked with that being said I, think I have to go with Don's outfit. As. Soon as I saw those sleeves and I. Really, think you did like such, a perfect, job it's. Just okay. It's. Just exciting to see something that I thought that I couldn't wear I thought it was something that wasn't an option for me and that was really exciting to see that I don't wear it and I have something fun so yeah for that definitely time well. I feel like slightly, robbed because obviously you, would wear this I completely, get it Don the outfit is something, that I really have never seen you in and loved your hand so like I get. It I, am, thankful, so. Thank you Karen, I think you did a wonderful job clearly, Connie really loves the outfit and I'm really glad that you that I was able to push you a little bit through your boundaries and now you know you do not have to live in that box that. Is a mental box that you can just break on out of anytime you want so I'm happy to help with that thank you and you look great in both outfits thank you.

2020-03-17 12:51

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