Trying to Grow a Business? Let's talk about Employee's!!!

Trying to Grow a Business? Let's talk about Employee's!!!

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when it comes to trying to grow your business  at some point you're not gonna be able to do   everything yourself now i've had to learn  this the hard way all right pretty much   you think of the mistake and i've probably  made it at least twice but that's just part   of the journey that we're all on and at the same  time i think it's also okay for us to talk about   some of the struggles and the barriers and stuff  that together we can overcome so recently i was   invited to be the special guest on the locksmith  united monthly zoom call with wayne winton   now in this zoom call here we actually really deep  dive into a lot of different areas and i think all   in all there's some really good conversations  that i've had and i'm really excited for you to   listen to it now a lot of you have asked for more  information kind of about clk and all of that kind   of stuff and the good news is that i share a lot  of insider baseball on this as well so for those   of you who have been asking for more and are very  curious about kind of the inner workings behind   the scenes well guess what i actually talk a lot  about what we do here behind the scenes the good   news is that even just knowing this information  hopefully it will just spark ideas of how you can   run your current business even better  so with that being said i hope you enjoy so we want to go ahead and  discuss the topic of employees   this is going to be something if your business is  going to expand then you're going to want to have   to address this issue and you're going to want  to have a good plan for that so a good plan for   that is knowing a lot of the things that you're  going to in encounter and come across and i was   having a really great conversation with pj um from  lockboss so i don't know if you guys if you guys   recognize pj from lockboss that's awesome he's got  a really awesome youtube channel a really awesome   social media following going on and um we've  got a lot a lot of people here and if you're   going to grow you're going to need employees  i mean that's just all there is to it so   with that i really take the initiative of  employees i don't like that term anymore   i really don't i like the term teammates and  the term teammates is a whole lot friendlier   and it says it it seems to me like we're trying  to accomplish a goal here and if we're trying to   accomplish a goal i want a strong team behind me  to help accomplish that goal or a strong team with   me okay i have pretty much eradicated the word  employee from my vocabulary and that's the reason   why i mean if if you put yourself in the position  and you are looking for a job or you're looking   for a situation uh for employment do you want  to be if you apply to two different facilities   and one of them says hey we want highly skilled  highly motivated teammates to help our company   accomplish set mission goals do you want to be a  part of that where you're going to be recognized   you're going to be rewarded for high performance  and you're going to be part of a team or do you   want to be another employee that just you  know is out there and an employee's just   an employee will tell you what to do you go do it  and that's the job i mean obviously i would rather   be part of a team and feel that accomplishment  as we move forward and as we meet those goals so   that's why i use the term teammates and that's  that's what i really refer to the other thing   that i want to go over is the leadership  starts at the top if you're not willing to   do the job that you're asking your employees to do  why are you why are you even asking them to do it   like i'm never going to tell my employee to get  in a position where they're not going to be safe   i'm never going to ask an employee to do something  that i'm not personally willing to do or at least   show them how to do properly and show them my  expectations at least once yes i'm hiring them   to do that job repetitively but there's no reason  that i can't do it the first time to you know   get them started and get things going and as far  as what expectations are so a boss is somebody   who's going to just direct orders and um you know  shout orders and i'm really not a fan of that   a leader is somebody that's going to lead the  other people to want to go ahead and do what   needs to be done uh pj do you have any uh  information or do you have any comments on   that oh yeah i mean i definitely completely agree  first of all wayne thanks for having me uh really   happy to be here and hi to everybody um that  may not know um but uh yeah so uh yeah i mean   i think the word employee today um has more  of a negative uh connotation behind it and um   it's not really you know sexy today to talk like  that and people you know are kind of like ah   like what does that mean right and that  kind of stuff so i think using team member   part of your staff whatever it might be uh you  know can be helpful yes yep exactly uh so can   you tell us a little bit about what you have set  up like like you know clk supplies about how many   employees do you have you know how many people  how many worker bees do you have out in the shop   and how many you know key members do you have like  management staff uh you know things like that um   yeah so uh i have a total of three businesses um  the one that uh all of you would know me through   or buy would be clk supplies right we saw lock  in key supplies and between the three i have   a little over 20 staff members the majority of  them work here in our office um the remaining are   remote on top of that we have about an extra five  that are part-time wow so somewhere around 25-ish   maybe 30 you know i always mean to count but i  never do it actually as we get into it you'll   you'll see it's really not incredibly um  important to me like the number per se   but um needless to say when i started so i've been  doing this clk supplies now for 18 years which is   essentially my entire adult life i started when i  was 19 i'm 37 now and it's been quite the journey   with staff members so unlike or probably like most  of you when i started i was by myself right and   at the time i had locksmithing experience my  dad's a locksmith still is today and um i was   talking on the phone then packing up the orders  and shipping them out and doing all that stuff   and all of a sudden you get too busy and you're  like okay i'm working from as soon as i get up to   when i'm just dog tired at the end of the day and  i need help yes well the problem that i started to   encounter when i started to hire a staff member  or two was like i was in a place of overwhelm   and i'm sure a lot of you can relate to that um  that feeling that phase of life all of a sudden   you know we just find ourselves in it and  then it becomes really difficult to operate   yes so when we're in overwhelm like  we're not going to act our best   towards others we're not going to do very good  when we're trying to train someone we're not going   to communicate well we have all of these things  going on because we're stressed out and we're   busy right we're really really busy right and by  far when i was starting out for the first shoot um   eight-ish years all i did was just like hit this  thing where i'd have one or two staff members   go down to one go back up to go back down to one  and um it was just like incredibly stressful and   at times i'm like is it honestly worth it um over  the course of the 18 years right i've had my work   my workman's comp sued um you know have all sorts  of problems that maybe some of you have faced   and you know you really feel like you're  just pulling your hair out at least i did   and um you know it's hard and then you know  the relationship so i have three daughters 14   10 and five and for my two oldest my 14 and my  10 year old my wife was still in the hospital   right after giving birth and i had to go um get  orders out um i just had to i didn't really have   a choice it's like listen no one's gonna order  if they you know if i can't get the orders out   you can't get it out yanking it out well i mean  that creates its own problem right with my wife   who's still in the hospital and unfortunately  we didn't have a very smooth um child birthing   experiences and so um you know i have pressure now  at work i have pressure at home and it gets really   tough and so i think really the first big hurdle  a lot of times is just getting out of that trying   to get out of that overwhelm phase when you're  trying to add one or two and that that overwhelm   can still hit yet 10 or 20 staff members as well  but it's really critical at the um very beginning   i i 100 agree with that and i think you know we  we kind of chatted about this a little bit before   the time to start hiring and tell me if you  agree with this the time to start hiring   is before you hit the overwhelm mode because  then you're desperate you're like i just need   somebody to take a small percentage of this load  off of my shoulders because i can no longer do it   i physically can't i mean we're you and i are  both really high energy you know we'll do what   it takes we'll put in the late nights you know  highly motivated people that'll do all that stuff   and it does take its toll and while we can do that  a big question that we have to ask ourselves is   how long can we maintain that and that started to  be where yeah i can do this now but like you said   when you know there's something going on at home  or your wife's having a baby or you know something   happens or your kid wrecks their car or you know  something happens out there that is going to   mandate your time and then you have to put this  away yes you could handle that workload but as   soon as a wrench gets thrown in there you can't  handle it anymore so the time to really start   thinking about hiring is before we get into  that overwhelm mode that way you're hiring out   of prosperity not desperation can you elaborate  some of your experiences a little bit on that   i definitely agree right that the hard part  like where the rubber meets the road with that   always is money now there's pretty much two ways  you start and fund a business right you gain   you get some investors or you have some sort  of money that you've saved up and then you use   that to fund your business and start it and do  all that all that stuff that was definitely not   me and i'm guessing a lot of us uh watching  it's not you as well right you started out   you figure out how to get by um with what you  have and then you just start building and you   know turning that into a snowball as you go and  so what happens all of a sudden you need to hire   someone even let's say it's part time and their  salary is 15 000 a year or something let's say   yeah part of you is like i got to make sure i can  cover that 15 000 and then if i'm training them   uh with me well they're not actually bringing  any extra money so it might be a month might   be two months before that money starts coming  in and uh that can can kind of be a problem   right and so i mean probably the best way i  could put it was like when i found myself in   overwhelm right if you're getting after it and  you're going and you're going um i think you   essentially have two options at that point um  one to get yourself out of overwhelm and more   of a healthy spot is you can a decide to work even  more and i've been there i mean um when covid hit   and all of a sudden we just saw sales they came  back but at first you know you just see this and i   burned through a lot of cash really quickly and i  was like okay i need to move to seven days a week   and i need to uh make sure i stay ahead of this  curve right right so sometimes that's that's the   answer um sometimes the other answer what i find a  lot what i still do today is that you have to stop   doing certain types of work and typically  that's going to be the lowest profit   work or it's work that you  just can't train anybody to do   right and um because you have to free up  at some point you're gonna have to free up   time right and the only way i've been able to ever  free up time is to just stop doing certain type of   work almost every year even last year in one of  my uh um other businesses we went to a spot where   we found that there was this one type of work that  we did was just very very unprofitable and i could   feel it i could see it you know everybody's  busy and the money isn't what it should be   right and so we just made the decision like you  know what let's just go ahead and just cut that   and let's just uh you know gently you have  people either pay our normal prices or they're   gonna have to you know find someone else we'll  help off-ramp each one of them that we needed to   and we did right and um it was scary a little  bit i mean in that particular business i have   six staff members and i was like you know let's  see what happens but um all in all at the end of   the day if you're in that overwhelm mode it's not  going to get better getting more business right   because that staff member is not going to be  trained properly and you're just not going to be   operating at a level um that's going to be helpful  at all to anyone in your life your customers   your team members and your own family you're  just setting up warranty work you know you send   somebody out to too quickly you know it's it's  either a recall if you're trying to get product   out or it's uh you know warranty work if you're  doing service work and it's you know it's just   crazy and you're exactly right you know um yeah  getting that right person right where you need   them and to take on that particular chunk of work  and that's what a lot of people don't do either i   don't think is they they think okay well i need  an employee well they go out and hire somebody   did you clearly lay out the expectations that  you as an employer going to provide for that   employee did you clearly lay this out and did you  clearly state what you expect from that employee   in return and people don't think about that they  think oh i can i can come up with that later i   just need help now no you're setting yourself  up for failure if you're not going to go ahead   and do that steve your hand is up go ahead sir  yeah i'm just also wondering i mean you know   when we run business at locksmith publishing  back when we were in chicago we had you know   45 employees and stuff but with you folks you're  running most of you're running smaller businesses   i know we had opportunities go through and  you vet people before you bring them in   number one so are you you know do you have the  opportunity pj to vet people you're bringing in   and number two one of the issues we have and  still have you know with the publishing company   uh presently is you know do you take the gamble  on bringing somebody in you know it's gonna be   a short time or just because you need the help  somebody's either looking to uh you know get short   time experience so they can move on uh so you know  that to me those are two big issues especially for   small businesses vetting people to make sure  they're worth the investment of your time   and number two uh you know do you uh uh do you  invest in somebody you have a gut feeling is going   to be a short time and move on after you put in  all this uh time and effort those are some great   excellent points go ahead pj you do talk about  yours and i'll let you know what i've come up with   um yeah steve great great questions um so i think  the like the biggest challenge we're up against   the average uh person keeps employment at a job  depending on their demographic their age 2.8 to   4.1 years and so the way i try to look at things  is um like i just want to beat the odds if i can't   i want to beat the stats and um how i try to do  that is by stacking 5 to 10 improvements on top of   each other right like there's no panacea that i've  been able to find or hear in hiring or you know   you know team member retention um to do a panacea  but we can intentionally add five to ten percent   stacks on top of each other and you know you get  enough of those and you get a 30 50 70 improvement   and so um how we do that is a variety of  ways that i can definitely um get into but   as far as like your short so like to answer the  question about the short timers um if it's obvious   now it kind of depends on the position okay  uh when it comes to like our warehouse staff   um that's a kind of a more difficult position um  to hire for um long term and so we really just try   to look at the look at the odds right what what  the stats say and depending on their demographic   if um you know if we if it looks like we can have  around for 2.8 um or 4.1 years uh you know we're  

gonna give it a go but i mean if some people are  like yeah i'm gonna go to college in six months   and i'm gonna quit or i'm moving to texas in three  months obviously for those ones were just you know   uh gently passing right um so yeah you asked  that in your interview process do you do you   press them on that a little bit where how  how where do you see yourself do you give   them a scale like where do you see yourself  in two to five years is that something yes   yeah yep yes so we have like a list of interview  questions um that they um that we'll ask for sure   um you know but we try to like reverse engineer  the process which is like a lot of a lot of   times our hardest problem is is like how do we  attract people to even apply right right like   and one i think one of the biggest like one of the  things we don't talk about enough is trying to get   the type of person that we want to work for us to  actually apply right and how you do that is just   kind of by answering what we found is a few basic  type of questions or statements that you can make   that you can hopefully start getting the right  people in the door um one of those is like talking   about everyone wants to talk about benefits right  like what benefits do you offer and um i think   you know of course like if you can like we  you know we offer um health insurance 401k   paid days off all of that other stuff  but it's hard to start there per se   and so the big question is is like what benefits  can you actually um offer that are unique   and might um want people to get that job just  for you you know to come work for you and i'll   give you a couple examples of what we use um that  you might find um helpful okay so um the first one   is is we do paid lunch breaks so when someone's  here for eight hours but um they're only working   for 7.5 hours there's a 30 minutes um they get to  leave here they can go to the lunchroom they can   do whatever they want but they get um that half  hour is going to be paid right which equals up to   about another two weeks of paid vacation right  right so um we also will do um stuff with real   flexible schedules so our kind of philosophy my  philosophy is really like if you if you know hey   we all have stuff that comes up all the time  maybe opportunities to do something fun maybe   unfortunate opportunities to you know go do  something with the family that you wish you didn't   have to do like maybe a funeral or something  and uh maybe that doesn't fit in with the   paid days off and all of that other stuff well we  try to look at it as if um if we can if a if you   can get the work done or b we can um get someone  to cover that work well you can have that time off   right we're not gonna hold it against you uh you  know because all of us need some flexibility in   our lives because well life's just not a straight  path right life works like this it's ups and   downs for sure and so people i mean there's i  have some staff members that have said like i   mean the paid lunch and the flexibility when  their child um is sick and they need to stay   home and knowing that they're not going to get  a hard time for that um is a major major perk   right and so depending on what your circumstances  are and what you're able to potentially offer   um being able to kind of think outside the  the box a little bit and come up with um   ideas and strategies of little perks that  you can offer that really um people value   wow okay that's good now you mentioned getting  people in the door um you know we had some we   have some powerpoint presentation things put up  but that's apparently not going to work right   now but uh two of the ideas that i that i  had and then actually i'll give credit to   chad lingafel uh came up with the the putting  a application sticker or putting an application   button on your website uh he said is just a game  changer uh he said you would not believe how many   people actually go to websites to look and see if  they're hiring and being a locksmith this is just   a crazy unique little trade that you know there's  a lot of hobbyists that want to try and make that   leap from hobbyist into professional and they're  looking for places that are hiring and they're   not necessarily looking on indeed they're looking  at local locksmith shops so they're either going   to do a search and check out a web page or google  listing or they're just going to come right in the   shop and maybe having my idea is would be to have  like like a qr code or something they could scan   that says apply here and then it takes them right  to an application page that's going to get some   more people rolling in the door and then that's  going to get you it's almost pre uh preemptive   uh you know steps to say all right well now i have  a database a pool to go ahead and dip from and i'm   not in an emergency overload mode going on indeed  slapping up ads everywhere to try and get somebody   to take this position look we lost somebody we  need to replace that position here's my pool are   you guys still interested and they had enough  initiative to come to you in the first place   through those channels and i find that's a huge  huge asset absolutely yeah i mean i think uh you   know with so my dad you know he owns and operates  uh uh he has three stores i think he has about 15   ish locksmiths who work for him and uh back you  know i grew up with him and uh i got to experience   him hiring and um when i turned 18 17 18 i  started doing some of the hiring i like to   mess with him because i out of his long time  staff two of the three long timers i hired   right so i like to give him a hard time  for that but uh you stole his employees   but i you know i think the i think one of  the biggest things any of us can do is when   you're in business is from time to time when you  least expect it someone's going to show interest   uh maybe it's on a job and they're interested  maybe they call and say they're looking for a job   it's really making sure that you collect that  information say oh we're not hiring right now   sorry come back later don't don't say that  like hey hey going to bring drop us off your   application we'd love to take a look at it  and if something comes up in the future i'll   definitely let you know and i think by doing that  i think it's one of the biggest lost opportunities   to keep those um around is is to do that um in  the locksmithing world i mean there's a lot of   uh people that seem to come from some sort of  auto mechanic or even lock sport you know one of   the things i've been most surprised about um over  the past couple years of doing all of our youtube   stuff is being able to talk to people and see like  what industries they're coming from and the number   one industry that we've found which blows my mind  is actually computers i.t right the amount of   people that have went from it to locksmithing it i  mean i wouldn't believe it to this day if i didn't   actually get it from you know myself but um yeah i  think you know indeed i think all of those things   uh i don't think there's like a magic bullet you  know i don't think there's a panacea button that   we could push i think we have to try to stack five  to ten percent you know hacks on top of each other   right right yeah no and i really i really like  that uh that kind of metaphor that you use about   the the stacking just trying to get increase  you're not i'm not trying to turn a an average   employee that's coming in for the average of 2.8  years or whatever it is into a four-year employee  

but if you use the stacking compound interest  mindset and you're like well if we get ten   percent more this year and ten percent out of  the next one at ten percent and it adds up and   pretty soon you have a pretty uh a pretty crazy  you know outcome after that's all said and done   so i really like that thought process as well um  one of one of the things that i've really been uh   looking towards or you know entertaining is  a lot of times somebody that's looking for   a job might be looking for a job for a reason  uh whereas somebody that's currently employed   they have already got the skills that say they can  show up on time they can perform the job they're   already currently there maybe they're just not  happy in that particular situation and that was   one of the things that happened uh with the with  the last gentleman that we hired up i didn't even   pick up on it but the guy that i do electronic  access with just started kind of talking with   one of the security guards and um josh is actually  in in this meeting here so he's he gets to kind of   hear the back backstory and everything on it but  you know john's talking to him back and forth and   he just kind of picked up he's like man i  think this guy's a really really good employee and has some potential here and uh you know he  was talking about times that he was getting up   and all these things and um you know he's he's  turned out to be great you know he'd actually just   went through training and he's just been turned  loose and you know he's out there running calls   right now but that was one of those examples where  maybe you should be looking in more than just uh   you know application centers maybe look for people  that you encounter throughout the day to see how   that's to see how that's going on uh we got a  question down here let's see what the chat box   says uh be a team member let's see do you normally  interview potential team members employees online   or in person um i mean we'll we'll take i do  both i mean i'll then that's another that's   another great thing to kind of dive into and  i'm kind of curious to hear how you do it pj   um i'll usually get a candidate and then i will  have my office manager uh hannah in interview   them first and this is like a pre-screening uh  so it does two things it frees up more of my time   to if she says no then it's an automatic no i  don't want anybody on my team after myself uh   you know hannah is pretty much number two you got  to be able to work with her and and get along with   her and we all have to be on that same page and  so if she says no right away that already clears   a bunch of people out and it sifts it down to the  to the gold and then um she also has a completely   different perspective of what to look for in  quality assets than i do um and then so after   she does the interview and they pass with flying  colors there and i mean flying flying colors   then i'll go ahead and and uh do a phone interview  as well and then usually day one is going to be   like a working interview and what i'll do  is i'll i'll give them a lock and i'll show   them how to re-key it'll be like look here's the  truck here's the job here's reking a simple lock   and then i'll hand it to them can you  do this and if they can do it right away   hey we've got potential here if they can't  you know it doesn't mean that they're a bad   employee or not mechanically sound or anything  like that it just means that i just showed you   how to do something and you can't pick it  up that quickly you're going to struggle   i'm doing you a favor by telling you you're going  to struggle in this business and it's probably not   going to be in your best interest it's not going  to be in either either of ours best interest yeah i mean you know i think uh so i  haven't actually like so my managers   will do the hiring based on the department that  they're in and they'll typically like all know   when they're very serious um about a candidate  because they will bring them to me if i'm if   i'm there and introduce me if possible but um you  know at this point in the game we have everything   documented like exactly what we expect out of  them and um my management team knows that they   their job is you know like they're accountable for  the depart the performance of their department and   so because i they're accountable to that i allow  them to choose the staff members that get to be on   their team right and and so they'll do the hiring  um and they have full reign without my permission   right so they can hire who they want they  can also let go who they want and they'll   definitely talk to me about you know someone  they're going to let go before they do sure um   but yeah that's kind of how we do it but there's  a couple interesting points if i could bring up   um that i think is like very very beneficial so  talking about like those five to ten percent hacks   that you kind of stack on each other and get  somewhere right there's um a few of them that   i think that are like so powerful that um like  i highly suggest that that be adapting these   to fit like your own business and how you function  you don't have to do exactly the way we do   um you can do it but i do this in three different  businesses and it works exactly the same way and   it is absolutely um great the outcome and that  is um one is setting up a incentive program   so um and a little quick backstory on this  so i have a um a friend who has 23 domino's   pizza locations um about 300 staff  members and they're almost all part-time   um and uh i was you know we were sitting down  for a pizza at one of his restaurants and uh   i was like man if you don't mind me asking  like how in the world could you keep people   showing up here and doing their jobs when well  i don't really know anyone who wants to sign   up to work at domino's right and um he said oh  very simple he points to this thing on the wall   and he says we have this incentive program i  was like oh man you got to tell me more and so   he explained it to me i ended up over over  the course of a few months adopting it um to   ourselves to our own my own businesses and it's  been absolutely phenomenal and it's really simple   too um so we have it set up to where like all  for in our example okay so like we all know if   you were to take your last year's revenue divided  by 12 you know what your rev your at your revenue   um average revenue each month was last year  right because what i do is i set it up at a 10   and a 20 growth okay that that's about i mean  in a perfect world we want to grow about 20   not much more um it gets sloppy in my if from  my perspective after that point right it's a way   that set up on those two numbers now if we hit  those if we hit that 10 percent or over that 10   or over that 20 percent all of a sudden  we kick out percentages and maybe it's uh   six percent so let's say you do a hundred thousand  a year a month in revenue and the incentive   program would be uh three percent if you did over  um that hundred or a hundred and ten thousand for   that ten percent growth and then for the twenty  percent growth let's say it was six percent   and so that kitty now has three thousand  dollars or six thousand dollars in   at that point you pretty much just set it  up for contribution margin so to speak um   essentially whatever that person does or whatever  type of stuff that person is accountable for well   you incentivize that good behavior um for example  maybe you have someone that is uh you know they're   great but they show up jobs late all the time and  you know you're getting calls with customers being   like hey it's 1004 why is it your guy here and  it's like well he left with plenty of time like   what would he take the long route or you know  how do what happened well you can just set up a   matrix for um listen if you're late more than if  you're on time 90 or more you get 10 if you're 95   or more on time you get x amount percent and then  you just stack up as many as it goes and then you   change them based on what's going on so i'll give  you an example for us okay i'll give you a couple   examples um so shipping error rates are obviously  a big deal like not only do they irritate   customers when you get the order is wrong but  it's also very costly to a company to ship the   wrong stuff have to quickly reship the new stuff  out get the old the stuff all the pockets all   the profits gone by the time you deal with  that it's all gone it's it's a loss right   yeah it is and so like we want to avoid that at  all cost if possible and so we sent up a tier   right and so it's like zero percent a month  point four percent a month you know whatever   that percentage is yeah and then you incentivize  people to do it okay well what happened is we   did that we got it down really low we did a  great job with that but then all of a sudden i   noticed that our overtime hours are crazy right  we're talking like 30 40 hours every pay period   of overtime being paid because they're making  sure that like they hit this other one right   and so guess what i open up a new i create a new  window and now we have a overtime uh box based on   how many hours total per the department um does  and then it's scaled on that incentive program   so it's a living and breathing document they know  it's based on that peak performance and is what   happens is it allows you as the business owner  to be like hey i know when we operate this way   and we grow we're going to make enough money to  where we can share that money with the staff with   the team that actually accomplish those goals um  and it also allows you to keep working on existing   issues as they come up and and the goal of it is  by the way is like we don't want like a person on   their on their check to get like an extra twenty  dollars right we want them to get an extra 500   or thousand dollars in that month if they hit  their incentive program right because because   this is set up the business is set up to do that  right um the other one i want to bring up which   is probably even more powerful is what we call edn  okay and they're essentially development meetings   and every two weeks we get together um so i get  together with my managers and then the managers   all get together with their staff now it's a time  investment they're typically about 30 minutes   and it's just a time to sit down and talk  and it's and it's time for them to um   have time to talk to you to ask questions and  to resolve sort of issues right now they may   know that they're underperforming in an area  because well we've already talked to them about   that or maybe there's a problem with a other  team member and we already know about it but   sitting down and allowing them just to talk with  their manager or sometimes they'll pull me in they   want to talk to me and we'll do that as well and  just giving them an opportunity to voice their   opinion to feel like they're being heard like  what they say matters um goes so far because um   for example i a few years ago i missed 2015.  i had a one of my long time staff members   she can't she comes to me and she's like hey  pj um i don't want to be rude but you have i   haven't gotten a pay increase in two years and i  was like are you joking and she's like no she's   like the reason i'm bringing it up is because i  know you're not thinking about it right and i'm   like oh my gosh i mean it's it's embarrassing  for me to even talk about it now you know and   she's still with me to this day but uh probably  because you gave her an open mic to bring it up   yes yep gave the open mic and then i'm like  okay let's solve this problem and so like for us   june so next month every year we do our pay  increases and we i even have a documented   process that everyone knows exactly how they're  based on how they're going to um how we evaluate   for pay increases and what that looks like and so  it's not like you know i never want to put a team   member especially a loyal one that's been with  me to be like hey pj should i really like are you   ever gonna pay me more like you know what's the  deal and um so yeah so there's a couple things   i have for you there those are that those are all  awesome awesome suggestions and thank you so much   for sharing that with us it's it's kind of it for  for some of the newer guys here that's that's some   real secret sauce stuff that you're that you're  allowing us to you know hear from you right there   so i really appreciate that um bill did have a  question here he had his hand up so i want to   go ahead and give him just a second here and then  we'll elaborate a little bit more go ahead i just   want to go back on to kelvin's question about  in person i always do all interviews in person   basically because i have to have people fill out a  application online you can't do do this in person   you can do it can they follow simple instructions  is their handwriting readable i mean you may have   a great technician if this is not read reasonable  you're going to go fits trying to fill out the   invoice in the day to put them in your programs  you've got to be able to read your handwriting   those are some good points yeah that's that's  a good that's some that's some good information   too uh yeah i definitely we have to have a face  to face before you come aboard that's definitely   mandatory i just try and aggregate it and screen  it down to the gems before it gets to that point   so that way i'm not wasting my time too but that's  that's a really good point you can tell a lot   about how somebody's going to interact how they're  going to treat your van how they're going to treat   your tools uh just by you know legible handwriting  i mean everything's pretty much online and on the   phone with invoices now but i can definitely  see where you're coming from with that   thanks bill go ahead dylan um so something came  up recently when i tried to apply for a job here   in charlottetown um one of the guys he didn't want  to hire me because he had a problem before where   he hired somebody and then that person started his  own business and then took business away from him   yep so i mean he didn't hire me so i just started  my own business anyway so i'm not sure he probably   would have done better if he hired me but would  be making money right now with me but um i'm   just wondering has anyone had any experience  with that or is there something you can do   to stop people from doing that um and it's  it's pretty difficult and that's a that's a   great point and thank you for bringing that up i  do appreciate that i had that happen to me uh and   i had i had my attorney you know i was scared  to death of this happening and so i i had my   attorney drop this huge you know long contract and  there was uh you know non-disclosure agreements   about trade secrets and there was um non-compete  agreements and you know i paid an attorney a lot   of money to make a really iron-clad contract  and when that contract needed to be enforced   um it depends on the state that you're in in  my state it didn't do what it was supposed   to do it really didn't it didn't do very well  at all i hired a guy i was in desperation mode   one of my employees was leaving and it was due to  circumstances out of there or my control they had   family members that were needed medical care  24-hour medical care and it was not in the   same town so they just they couldn't it wasn't bad  they didn't do a bad job and i didn't treat them   bad they just had family circumstances take them  out of the equation and i needed somebody now i   i saw the pain on the wall and i was  like look we got to get somebody now   so i had this other guy approach me and uh he  seemed kind of willing and eager to learn and   you know i usually have a pretty good gut feel  that something just told me that this you know   this guy might be a little snaky and i didn't  listen to it stupid me but this is how we learn   and sure enough he worked for me for you know  six seven months or whatever and then he he went   ahead and started his own thing went as far as to  use covid as an excuse to no longer work for me   and then was working for his own company in  business all while drawing my unemployment so   yeah i got burned pretty i got burned pretty good  by that exact scenario and you know here's where   i was really really aggravated with that whole  scenario i was extremely hurt i was extremely   frustrated with it i spent all this time to train  my competitor and um boy i wanted that contract   to come through for me but it sure didn't and  that's when i started to shift my whole focus   i want to focus on do i want i started to really  ask myself do i want to be tethered to somebody   who doesn't want to work for me do i want to be  tethered to somebody who's not going to be giving   me a hundred percent who wants to go do their own  thing do i want any of this headache and more and   more the answer really became clear so instead  of focusing my energy on building an ironclad   forceful contract to bend a teammate into  submission i went along a different path and   said i'm just going to make my work environment  so good and irresistible that they don't think   about starting their own business because it would  be too much of a pain and too hectic to go ahead   and do so that's how i combated that particular  scenario i just want to make my work environment   so great so nice so easy and mellow and  everything so accessible that i've provided   a great work environment where i don't have to  go to those measures and if you don't want to   work for me anymore hey you know what you're  always you're always going to come across a   couple snakes in the grass so hopefully that  answers some of your question there trevor has   his hand up and then i'll let pj go ahead and  talk about the subject as well go ahead trevor   i just wanted to comment a bit on on what  you were saying there and i totally agree   if you make the environment something that  the you know employer team member wants to   stay you know they don't feel like well i can do  better on my own or i'm not making enough money   if they're paid well enough and there's  incentives of you know wayne i think you   do uh some commission incentives on uh selling  lots of product you get bonuses i think i've   seen a video of you saying that i could be wrong  but if people feel like they can always move ahead   and always get ahead in the business that  they're in then they have no reason to compete   and um in british columbia where i am in canada  uh it takes two years to get your locksmith   license so you know that's another thing is  if you um hire somebody you can certainly   you know if you hire them right from not being  a locksmith and train them yourselves you know   you got at least two years for them to you know  really dig their heels in and get comfortable wow   yeah that would be a brutal process if i had to  wait two years to get a trained employee rolling   and making money that seems very counterproductive  by the the state's point of view they can work for   you for that two years it's it's locksmith under  supervision for the first two years and then after   that two years they're fully licensed and that's  when they could go okay yeah that's okay thank you   for clearing that up okay thank you trevor those  are those are all really good points um yeah and   that's i mean that's it that system seems to be  working for me much better now um bj what what do   you have to say about that i i think um your dad's  side is more of the the locksmiths in the shops   you know and the vans rolling around out in  the field that probably has a little bit more   uh to pertain to this particular meeting what  what kind of stuff does does he do or do you know   that they do um to combat that or to  you know just kind of lessen the blow   and has that happened to you guys um yeah so i  mean it definitely has happened to him i would   like almost i think all but one of the local  locksmiths now in town um are ex-staff members   right and i mean i remember one when i was  a kid i was probably 10-ish years old at   the time it was my dad's right hand guy he ended  up buying another locksmithing business in town   um took his biggest client and i mean my  dad was sweating bullets on this one i mean   he wasn't sure if he was gonna make it it  was bad and uh i mean i i remember you know   where we were driving at the time when he was  trying to explain it to me and how bad it was um   you know as times went on he's had to happen a  few more times he does have a non-compete in place   which i mean i think for the most part  uh is more of just like a sign of intent   uh more than anything um although i would say  like i think there's two um parts of it though   that we don't really talk enough and i really try  to encourage uh my dad a lot on in that area and   it kind of hits it what um dylan was saying here  uh kind of towards the beginning and so he went   um to uh you know get a job with a couple  locksmiths both of them said no but then he   also knows that soon uh it sounds like both of  them are probably going to retire at some point   right and so i think a lot of times like when  you go to someone and you're looking for a job   a lot of it's about like um they're wondering what  you can do for them and how you're going to harm   how you could potentially harm them instead of  just getting really really really honest about it   and talking about the future be like yes i do  want to become a locksmith maybe owning a company   would be something that i do it is  one of my goals or dreams in life   is there a possibility at some point maybe  you would want to sell the business to me or   maybe help me get started in a a city over like  what does that look like like how can we work   together yeah and having those really frank and  honest conversations um i think is it should be   had because i think at the end of the day like  it's better to live with a little class right   and to operate that way and my personal belief  in my staff members that are with us now like   i always go back to that 2.8 to 4.1 years okay  we want to extend that everything i've talked   about is trying to extend that out as far as  possible for many reasons but what's important   to always remember is that people like we're  all only you know alive once here on this earth   and um we should want everybody to reach their  goals and their dreams and their ambitions   that they have in their life and whatever  part that we can play in that for whatever   um length of time um they're in our lives um we  just want to take advantage of that and try to   have the most best memorable experience that we  can um and and i and i know that kind of sound a   little maybe romantic when it comes to this topic  but i think that if we can really get to the core   of um the experience of it all um we can hopefully  get there and we can try to operate that way   i i agree with that a thousand  percent um you know and that's   that's all on the same topic of employees you  know i tell my people you know if you have a   problem and it's a big problem i have that same  problem if you have a problem i have a problem so   allow me to help fix that if you want me to if you  want if you want to help that problem is always   you know what i mean you can the door is always  open you can always bring that problem and i try   and you know see things ahead of time like i can  tell hey if somebody calls and they they need a   couple days off they got a family emergency they  got a you know they gotta fly out of state they   gotta go back to you know wherever it is or they  gotta go do something i'll just preemptively i'll   just say hey you know call up the account and hey  cut them an extra check cut them they're payable   payroll right now you know put some cash in their  pocket right now they've got they're going through   something they don't ask they don't ask for  anything but i just go ahead and do that as a step   ahead i want to help you get your goals and i'm  not just going to talk about it i'm actually going   to put my money right where my mouth is and put  it right directly into your pocket you know and   what somebody else was saying about you know  incentivized uh projects and and things like that   is um you know uh right now the first  when we first bring people on i like to   keep them commissioned and they kind of  like to be commissioned or i'm sorry um no monthly payments not commission they want  they want a standard paycheck they want to   know they can count on a certain amount salary  each week or each month or whatever it is and   uh that seems to be working better at the  beginning to get them introduced to that   specific uh you know new job new everything  else that's going to get them make them feel   comfortable with that now as far as the  after hours calls that i do split up you   know we'll do like a 60 40 split on that with the  40 going to them and that incen incentivizes them   hey maybe i do want to pick up that phone maybe  i do want to go run that call for 150 or 200   if if it's going to put some serious cash on  my paycheck now all of a sudden it's worth it   instead of me just expecting it them hating it and  planting those seeds of resentment right in there   you know that's that's some of the main things  that that we've you know gone over and yeah if   somebody came to me and they're like hey you know  uh we've been working for you for five ten years   or whatever it is and and it's my long-term  goal to to get my shop going and you know do   something like that i would definitely entertain  you know like a franchise franchising option   a new location you know or maybe make them you  know like a training manager or something like   that or give them give them that room to grow  if you're going to grow and you're not going to   outgrow me but you want to grow as fast as we can  grow i'm happy to grow with you you know i would   rather do that and support it rather than not and  then make another competitor again you're just   you're cutting your own throat when you do that  especially if they came to you with that first   you know when you know something something  i i think we should probably talk about for   a minute uh for uh fun a little bit is um when  you know if any of you out there you know you   have your and i've experienced this so much  um growing up and that is when you are looking   at like let's say your outfit you're hiring  another person you're going to get them a van   you're going to put them in there you're  going to have them start you know doing jobs   tendency a lot of times because you know expansion  costs a lot right the vehicle the equipment i've   seen so many times and we've helped set up so  many different locksmithing operations and that   is you tend to go we tend to go sometimes  really cheap on what the new team member   actually gets right we get all the stuff that  makes it easy and they get all the stuff that   formerly made us irritated and um you know it's  one of those things that like you're new you're   trying to learn and you have like the worst  equipment to do it for and you know no way   seeing the van and you're you know you're on a job  together and you're in there all happy and they're   sitting in theirs all miserable and um i think  it's something always uh is worth bringing up and   you know i i've done that myself like warehouse  computers for the longest time we're like hunka   junk they're like the leftover office computers  yeah you click and like you sit there and you wait   and it finally works you know and you're like oh  my gosh we gotta do something about this and so   i think one of the keys to having a good healthy  relationship is making sure you're equipping them   to win you're getting them you're getting  them the same tools that you're using yeah   the same van type that you would use and really  setting them up making them feel like they're   valued you know there's a negative um uh narrative  that goes around in people who own businesses   right and that is people are dumb employees don't  care they're stupid they you know they come late   they leave early and they steal right and all of  this other stuff and if if you have that type of   energy going out towards someone when you hire  them um you're just setting yourself up to to   fail no one wants the van without ac right no one  wants the key machine that you know if you use the   shoulder stop gauge you need to back it off well  just enough to put a couple pieces of paper in to   get it to work right or the cutter wheels loose  um and so you only can like the bearings shot so   you only can duplicate the keys one way if you go  back the other way it's going to mess them up you   want to eliminate all of that stuff so that people  can really be set up to win and enjoy their job   right yeah no i 100 agree and that was some of  the things that you know when i was talking to uh   josh the last guy that we hired i told him i was  like you know the the trucks are a little older   but by the same token i take really really good  care of them i'm not i i drove them i started them   i built every single one of them so i started out  in them i built them the way that i wanted them   and then they get passed down you know what i  mean so when i get a new toy uh or a new tool or   new something like that um you know i make  sure i i don't want to spoil anybody but i also   don't want to hold on to it so like you know  that that uh what is that lock tech device that   um reads the smart keys that little fancy gadget  tool you know that's a great piece of equipment   and that's in my employees truck i don't even  have it i have tryout keys i actually have the   crappier version of all that stuff you know we  got blue punches and a right hand machine well   the right hand machine takes a little longer  you got to switch the thing back and forth the   employee has the blue punches they have the best  equipment they have the better equipment in their   uh their rides because they're going to be using  it more than i will be you know they're the   ones that are running that call all the time i'm  just kind of i'm in that phase i'm stuck in that   two employee uh unicorn nightmare that you were  referring to that's where i am right now it's   like every time i get somebody trained you know  two months later something happens and i'm either   back to none or one uh so i i'm really trying to  get past that and i'll do it it's just a matter of   time it's just it's difficult getting there right  now but a lot of the things that i told him was   hey you tell me that there's a problem with the  truck it goes straight to the shop and it goes   and gets fixed i'm back to i if i wouldn't run  it if i wouldn't trust it to be safe or if i   wouldn't ride around without ac you know for a  couple days i'm not gonna make you do that either   you know i'm gonna go ahead and get that fixed the  truck needs tires and it's snow season go get new   snow tires on it that is just mandatory on all my  vehicles tires and maintenance and safety things   are never ever ever put on the back burner and  they're never overlooked if you bring a problem   to me it will get fixed or will shut the truck  down and you can ride with me or you can take   another truck for the day i'm just not going  to put my employees in that kind of situation   and they really they know that it costs a  ludicrous amount of money i just spent two   thousand dollars getting a seal put on a fuel tank  you know and and another reading unit so that the   fuel gauge would actually read properly because  it was going empty at about a quarter of a tank   we take it there we get it fixed and and those  are all the little things that really start to   show hey you know this guy actually puts his money  where his mouth is he's not all talk when we have   a problem we bring it up it gets fixed immediately  not in a few weeks when it's convenient even if   the bank account is a little low it's a whole  lot more important for me to make sure that my   employees are comfortable and that they're doing  the right things and that they get those toys   but i also do go back and i show them how to do it  the hard way you know what i mean okay cool here's   this new smart key decoder this thing is awesome  it's going to make your life easy or leashy tools   so i'd have my employee do it the hard way all  right well we got a lockout and we got to make a   key to this lock so now we're going to go out and  i'm going to make him pick the lock the hard way   and then we'll take the lock apart decode it  make a key for it and you know do this half an   hour long process and put everything back together  and now there's a chance that one thing didn't get   tightened properly and now we've got a callback  for it and all these other things that can happen   and we show them that long way and then we say  h

2022-05-17 16:22

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