Trying Gouache Painting & Small Business Haul Studio Vlog

Trying Gouache Painting & Small Business Haul Studio Vlog

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morning welcome to a little studio blog so i've  actually got quite a productive day today so i   thought why not vlog it's currently half past 10  i've been doing some admin i've sent some emails   scheduled for a parcel to be collected which was a  whole itself and i think i've sussed that   out i've got a note of things i need to do oh i  can check off the parcel thing and first up i'm   going to film a little giveaway mention thing  for a video i think it'll have already gone up   by the time this vlog goes up but i'm doing a few  giveaways with craft label i did one recently and   actually the winner filmed a little video of  her opening the supplies and i thought it was so   so nice so yeah that was really really  cute to see so i'm doing another giveaway   this month and then i'm doing a giveaway again  next month so we're doing three in total which is   amazing thank you craft label this isn't sponsored  obviously but i'm just filming this content today   so what i'm gonna do i have a box of things this  time i asked for like cricuit related things these   are all like mats or cutters or things so i'm  gonna film this and slot it into a vlog the vlog   is actually already filmed and ready to go this  kind of came through last minute so i just need   to take it off my channel add in this bit upload  it again and then i think we're good to go um and   then i've actually designed some new products i've  got a little haul to show you i'm also getting   my hair cut today i don't think i'm going to get  like major differences i think i'm just going to   get her to cut off the dead bits i think the very  bottom of my hair still has like remnants of when   i got it bleached so i think she'll probably just  chop them off because i'm wanting to grow it so   i can donate it whilst it's this long i might as  well commit like fully commit rather than chopping   it off again so we'll see what she says but first  things first i need to film this little clip um so   i need to get my other camera battery ready and  get this done hopefully this won't take too long all right part one is filmed i think it's okay  i always like to edit it pretty soon after i   filmed it just in case i do anything wrong because  usually you've got quite a lot of information to   fit in not a very long amount of time so uh i now  need to film a instagram story for them i think   it's two stories or one story it's two stories  uh so what i'm gonna do is film that quickly   now and again it's me just showing the products  and encouraging people to like go over to the   video and watch it and because i've done it  already before i'm kind of i kind of know what   they like that's what's good about working with  brands multiple times because you sort of get a   feel for what they prove and what they don't like  and for example craft label like pink and they   want to be like short and snappy and like hit all  the target points without rambling which i mean   i have to i have to practice that you know  but right i'm gonna film this little story   clip i'm actually just going to film it fully  on my phone because i find it easier to edit and   then we'll take these over to my laptop edit them  together see if they look alright and i'm going to   send them to my manager asap what time is it now  it's currently 10 to 11. i'm going to aim to have   this sent to my manager by half 12. am i pushing  my look possibly but we're going to give it a go i've just got a parcel this might be boring  but i thought it was quite funny that   says fragile it's a big old didn't in it no  idea what this is but let's hope it's not broken why does it smell like paint what are you  this could be something i've ordered and   forgot about or it could be pr the mystery is  forever unknown it's for me mom oh i can't show   you it's a birthday present for my mum i can't  show you that good little house moving box there   all right back to work i feel like you know  when i actually move i feel like it won't take   long for like the delivery people to realize  that i'm generally always home so i feel like   i'm gonna be like the streets parcel person you  know right let's do this also realize my phone's   dying so i've had to charge that up so i'm gonna  edit the youtube mention and then film the story it's now 10 to 12. took a lot longer than  i thought actually i realized i needed to   do some like cutaway bits so i made a mess down  here film some cutaways then i needed to put it   in instagram to put the captions and the hashtags  and everything on and i think it's okay i've sent   it to my manager now i'm gonna do a little haul so  if you don't know this girl you need to but i've   been following polly who runs sci for years now i  think it was actually lucy wood who recommended me   to her um her to me sorry the wrong way around  and yeah i love all of her stuff i think she's   so innovative and her products are so simple  yet so like chic and just amazing so i'll leave   her linked in the description but i have bought  one of her bags her tote bags now this is what i   sort of knew her as of from right at the beginning  and i saw that she was bringing them out again and   i wanted to support small business you know so  i got the pocketed tote bag i'm so excited about   this i use tote bags a lot more now especially  when i'm like going to the post office i'm sure as   i start having to do my own weekly shop and stuff  i will get some really good use out of this but   basically it's a tote bag with pockets you can't  really see because it's black but there's like a   pouch inside there's a little slot for your phone  a little bit of elastic for your water bottle   like she's just thought of everything and i love  her branding and she's got her own little like   office in manchester now with a little team i  mean just look and look at what it says on it   so cute and then just because i've always thought  this would look really cute in a little frame   i bought this which is a greeting card that says  honey your home and it's gold foil and i thought   i could frame this and put it in the new house  i don't know i need to try and not lose this   in the process but i think it's just super  cute and i love her style so i got that too   very excited about it i love supporting small  businesses especially when they work so hard also   did an asos order that arrived as i was editing  i've had three parcels in the space of an hour   i think i've got a problem but i've been  designing things i actually have been working   on some new like list pad things so i really want  to do some a i was gonna say five it's not it's   a six list pads so basically similar principle  to these i just pointed my camera over there and   then realized my dad's birthday present was there  so basically i've now moved the present like this   but a6 so it'd be a quarter of the size of this  and also double the pages i'm thinking getting   more pages i just think they're going to be so  helpful especially like i have notes around all   the time and i think it'll just be handy so i'm  working on some new designs i don't know if i'm   gonna stick with these ideas but these were what  i came up with yesterday i did a lot of like test   printing yesterday you can see like the thought  process going on but i've got three designs so   far so the first one i came up with was this it's  the to-do list and it sort of resembles that paper   you used to use at school you know like blue and  red lines and it just says to-do list and make   it happen and then obviously on the back of the  cardboard i would stamp the soul and fire logo and   then i've got note to self and originally i did  write date up here but i thought like you could   you could use it for whatever so like if you write  a date or like a time limit or something and then   just write notes to yourself and you could like  stick them on your wall with some washi tape   maybe washi tape is the next thing i do and then  this one which is shopping list and i wanted to   fit on quite a lot i wanted it to be a list that  you would fit in your pocket you could pin it on   your fridge with the magnets that we offer and you  can take off your shopping list and obviously as   i'm moving i'm gonna need to have things like this  and i feel like this is something that i would use   with a little feed the sole on the bottom i like  the little phrases i cut this one wrong i cut   them very one kit my guillotine let me know what  you think of these i think i might order them i   like the i like i like the colors a nice summary  so this is like a yellow very soft yellow this is   orange and this is like a very very pale blue it  looks kind of white to be honest but it is blue   so yeah i just think this would be cute maybe you  could get it as a single or a little trio let me   know i just printed them out on my big printer  that printer by the way is the canon ip8750 i   think i'll leave it linked in the description but  i love that printer and it prints so clear that's   what i used to print like my prints wow how many  times in one sentence can i say the word print   but yeah let me know so i'm thinking yeah like  100 pages you can like fasten it to your notice  board with some magnets because we sell magnets as  well and i feel like that could be a good little   thing also i've ordered something else um i hope  you like them because i've already ordered them   but i've done some greeting cards again and  it's been over a year since i did greeting   cards because i i just couldn't find my mojo with  designing them and i couldn't work out what i want   to do and i was so indecisive and i didn't want  to like alienate people but i think i've sussed   it out this is the plan gold foil and they're  actually square so i've got this one birthday card   kind of unisex i guess then this one so the happy  birthday and the top of the candles would be gold   foil then this one so the ribbon the tag and these  details on those three balloons would be gold foil   then this one which i guess is just like a just  because card so you send this to someone just   because you're thinking of them or it could be  like a valentine's day card or anniversary card   and i actually got this idea because my boyfriend  sent me a card that said you brightened my day   um so i thought this was kind of cute and i liked  the sunshine graphic it's just opened in photoshop   and this one which is a new home card so the home  sweet home would be in gold foil and everything   else is in color then this one which i think is  my favorite just with all these little graphics   in the corner like loosely drawn flowers in  different beautiful like springy colors and then   the text would be in gold foil and then finally  this one i actually i don't think i've ordered   this one yet but i thought i could do like a  mini set of cards with this kind of theme so   bright and bold and just text driven rather than  like illustration driven um i created this for   a sponsored video that i'm doing soon but i  think i'm going to order this because i do like   it but so far so far i've ordered six foiled  greeting cards greeting cards are expensive to   buy if you're not buying like thousands they're  expensive and they don't have the greatest like   profit margin so greeting cards are definitely  more of like a passion project rather than like   the ultimate oh my god my business is going to  thrive kind of thing because they the profits are   very minimal but i just love them i think they're  really cute i want to do like bundles um and i'm   just going to keep developing new products as and  when i'm feeling inspired at the beginning of this   year i set myself a little goal of like releasing  products every month i did that for three months   and then very quickly realized that that wasn't  the way to go it didn't allow me enough time to   really dedicate to each month worth of products  i think i was overloading people with products   people would buy them and then within a couple  of weeks there'd be more to buy and it's sort of   i don't know i guess it just put people off i know  a lot of small businesses at the minute are kind   of struggling obviously the world's opening up so  they've got other things to spend their money on   um as in like our customers so buying yourself  like a cute notebook isn't the top of the priority   when you could go out for a beer with your pals  you know so i want to try and focus on things   that firstly make you happy so great in cars it's  something that we're always gonna send i feel like   greeting cards just have like a different vibe  over like a whatsapp message or a text and then   things that you would actually use day to day not  that i mean like all my products are things that   i think you're gonna use but i'm focusing even  more on like the productive organization side   of things so having these like notepads i think  it's gonna be really really valuable so yeah let   me know what you think i'm very excited i'm now i  don't even know i've actually been trying to do um   i was gonna say color blocking then i've been  doing calendar blocking and it's actually going   okay so far let me see what i'm supposed to be  doing right now on my calendar so actually right   now i'm supposed to be filming the mention which  i've already done so that's great i'm ahead of   schedule my hair appointment is at quarter to two  i'm going to leave it about past one so i've got   about an hour and 15 minutes so first up i'm going  to tidy my office because i mean it just happens   so quickly there's just stuff kind of littered  everywhere so we're gonna tidy up then i guess we   can design some new products i'm ahead of schedule  i don't really know what to do with myself this   never happens i guess this calendar blocking  things actually working who'd have thought okay i've tied it up and i thought i'd show you  what i was getting up to over the weekend so i   decided i needed to do some like traditional  artwork this camera is so white i know i'm pale   but is that better still pale still match the  wall but i actually got this book in tk maxx   it was three pounds which is great i don't know  what it retails for but turns out i actually   follow this person on instagram jessica smith  and i didn't even realize i didn't link the   two together i just saw this book and it  just caught my eye i mean it's very cute   my boyfriend forced me to get it i was trying  to resist because i was like no i don't need   another book i'm not gonna do it but i've actually  really enjoyed doing it i got these gouache paints   as well from tk maxx and they were like very  handily placed next to each other in the shop   and i'm really enjoying myself i've tried  obviously acrylic i've tried watercolor and i feel   like gouache is like the perfect middle ground it  explains it all in this book but yeah definitely   check out emma on here not emma jessica sorry  i followed a lot of her tutorials so i've done   five i think and you basically just do projects  and as you go the idea is you'll improve obviously   with practice so the first time i ever used  gouache i made this little um fruit and veg   not my best work then i did this which was like  a string bag i liked it before i put the blue   over the top of everything and then i hated  it i think i need some thinner paint brushes   i think that's my issue then i did these  little bottles i actually really like this   at this point i was improving still looks a little  bit like a five-year-old's done it but i will   then i did this so we were doing like shading and  stuff for someone who's so used to doing digital   art it was fun and it was great not to have  like my screens on and my laptop on all the time   and then finally i think this is the last one yeah  finally i did this and i think that is the best   of all of them i mean i'm pretty impressed with  myself because i'm not a traditional like artist   i'm like i won't even class myself as a digital  artist i'm more of a graphic designer out of   anything but i like this i'm i'm happy with  myself so yeah i'm gonna keep moving forward and   this typo book came in useful i'm glad i bought  this book like i always think it's a waste buying   things but if it's going to give me the boost to  actually try something new and create something   then why not um as long as you're not obviously  bankrupting yourself i think it's fine but yeah   i've pretty much tied it up i still have some like  house things at the bottom of the bed but i need a   box for them so i'm just gonna leave them there i  don't know what else to do now what time is it 20   past 12. i do have some tick tocks i should really  edit i really want to get into tik tok but also   i find it so unhealthy for my brain it's such a  wormhole and i think i'm actively trying to avoid   it for that reason so i don't know i don't know  whether i should i definitely am missing out on   a lot of like marketing opportunities and stuff by  not using tick tock but then also i don't want to   like add anything more to my plate because things  are crazy as it is so i don't know oh i do have a   logo design to do so i actually am accepting logo  commissions as and when at the minute so if you   email me i might be available i might not but it's  worth emailing um and i can get back to you my   auto response still does say that i'm unavailable  but if i answer you you're in so yeah i'm gonna   make some changes to that logo maybe i'll show  you that before we uh head to the hairdressers   i'm back do i look any different i mean the style  of my hair looks way different actually styled   it feels so much nicer so now we've officially  got rid of all the blonde that i had if you watch   me for a while in fact i'll insert a picture  i had like gray and blonde hair maybe like two   years ago and it's all grown out so now it's  literally just brown and it feels so healthy   i feel like i can't even remember what  i'm up to with this video so whilst i've   been at the hairdressers i've been having  multiple conversations with my solicitors uh   about the house purchase and it's been such a pain  i have been filming like the whole house process   from start to finish because i watched someone  else do that and like right from the day they   signed the reservation thing she filmed updates so  i have done one of those videos for those of you   asking me um my office is tidy i have a couple of  things to review that my managers sent me oh that   thing that i filmed earlier for the giveaway for  craft label it's been approved we love it when a   brand approves things quickly it's been approved  they sent me the link and the hashtags that i need   to add in so now i can just add it into that video  i'll probably do that tonight actually and then   we're all scheduled and ready to go so actually  being a really productive day i'm in much better   moods right before i left for the hairdressers  it's such a good job i didn't vlog for this   uh studio vlog because i was so angry at my  solicitors like it's just it's a story for another   day but oh i understand and this has not even been  like the most stressful experience i'm sure how   house buying gets worse or could be worse but i just get  it i get why people just don't do it very often   but i think we're nearly there i'm very excited  all right i'm going to end the vlog here because   i don't have anything else exciting to tell you  i'm just going to be on my laptop for maybe the   next hour and then i'm going to clock off and  then i might play some animal crossing sounds   good to me all right thanks for watching this  vlog i hope you've enjoyed it and i'll see you   next time for another one don't forget to tell me  what you thought about those products too bye

2021-06-05 09:30

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