Truth about Evergrande: Chinas housing crisis, Soros says BlackRock’s investments ‘tragic mistake’

Truth about Evergrande: Chinas housing crisis, Soros says BlackRock’s investments ‘tragic mistake’

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so what is evergrande guys give you a quick  summary evergrande is a property developer   the largest in china and currently it has  total liabilities of more than 300 billion   and nearly 800 projects across china and  its shares has recently fallen by 80 percent   because in august it was warned there's a risk  of default and there is also another property   company called fantasia and that's defaulted on  206 million uh on on a lot of his offshore bonds   so it's all of the papers in the western papers  um first of all a lot of these western papers   um are worried because a lot of western banks  and investors have invested into this company and   they could lose all of that money in fact they  have lost a lot of money so a lot of them are   worried and then you have all of these other  china haters who are like yeah this is gonna cause   china to collapse this is the beginning of the end  china's going down china's gonna default you know   they're gonna have a recession see all of these  china haters they need all of these investors   and even to this day there's  articles all about evergrande   so why is it led to this guys why why  has it come to this this is because the   chinese housing bubble is a big issue and  the chinese government know this because   you know the past few years um the property  prices have gone through the roof in china   and is way way above what people can afford i  think it's 40 sometimes 50 times what people   learn in china while in london it's around um 13  to 15 to 20 times so it's almost double really   well obviously you know the london people do get  higher salaries but in china the salaries are   lower but it's you know 40 50 times where  you can afford is it's really is too much   and and and the gdp has been growing in  china and most of it has been based off on   property values as well and property investments  and speculation so there has been a lot of changes   that the government has been doing the government  has seen this and what they want they want   they want a gdp growth which is based on proper  doing work rather than speculation on property   prices and things like that so that's what the  government is doing and this year they're doing   a crackdown on a lot of companies and one of the  crackdowns is it's called the three red lines and   they basically want to stop a lot of these chinese  companies from getting too much debt so evergrande   has been basically getting a lot of debt to  pay off other debts and pay off other property   i mean buying of other property land and  also doing construction work so they've been   buying debt to pay to basically service their  debt and also service their apartments as well   um so obviously evergrande has grown very fast in  a very short time and he's one of those companies   who has really taken advantage of the huge bubble  um property problem that china has has gone into   so things are changing now guys because um what  the chinese government has realized is having   a huge huge private debt like this and having  property bubble based on speculation it's not   good for the chinese government not good for its  people and if he carried on doing what he is doing   he would have eventually bought down china with a  big bang so they're stepping in now and stepping   in now might be you know might be a good time to  do it i mean might cause some some downturn that   might cause some issues but in the long term it's  a good thing guys because you cannot have these   huge companies and property conglomerates  racking up huge debts and you know putting big   financial risks on the country  like what lehman brothers did   you know you know once laymen brothers went  down see the financial crisis that happened   in 2008 to the in the west took him years to  recover from that so you you know you don't   want any of that china doesn't want any of that  so they had to put a stop to it somehow and um   and this stop would cause some hardships some  people would lose money um but you know they   will get get out of this crisis and they will be  better for it because if they didn't do anything   everything would have just spiraled out control  to be honest so i want to kind of talk about   i want to talk about george soros and many of you  know that he's one of the great american investors   so he's recently come on board and  said blackrock's china investments   are a tragic mistake so he's also saying that   the blackrock initiative imperiled the national  security interest of the us and other democracies   because of the money invested in china and  will help prop up president xi's regime   which is repressive home and aggressive abroad  so why is it saying this i also want to put your   eyes into this article as well geosaurus dream to  turn china into a neoliberal gravitization of so   i want to kind of explain what this article says  and i'll try and give it to you in my own words   so basically what he's trying to say is he wants  china to become like the soviet union or russia   back then when yeltsin opened russia's stock  exchange to the american investors so back then   i think it was between 1994 1996 russia's stock  exchange was one of the biggest in the world   so what soros wants to do is take all the riches  like it did with russia take all of the riches   make get all of the profits and then you know  send it to all the capitalist companies all around   america sen make the rich go richer in america and  he wants china to open up his borders and open up   his financial system so that these americans  can get rich so that's what he wants so he   wants to take all of the riches from china and he  wants to destroy the economy as you know you know   the rich american companies are the ones that  get the rewards not not china so back then when   yeltsin was in power the russian stock exchange  between 1994 1996 you know was opened up and   you know what that's one of the reasons why  russia economy is doing so badly right now   is still not recovered you know literally  america's took all of their wealth   and then put loads of sanctions in their next  couple of years and throughout the throughout   the history and completely destroyed  the economy and they are still destroyed   and that's the plan with russia when it was  you know in the cold war and that's exactly   america's plan what it wants to do with china so  soros is furious that china has not opened up its   financial system so american investments bankers  would get rich from it he's not he's very angry   that china is not following the capitalist  and neo-liberal policy that the america   american systems are running on um china is  currently following a socialist policy to keep   economic benefits at home to benefit his own  citizens so that's what china is focusing   right now you know soros wants sanctions and  he wants companies to stop investing in china   because he's not getting what he wants you know  he's like a little kid throwing his um toys out   the pram because um china is not making him any  money so he wants to steal all the riches like he   did with russia and even japan even you know one  of the reasons that japan's economy has not been   been doing well america has been stealing japanese  money for years as well you know and the same with   korea you know these um vessel states who open  up the economy so that americans can get rich   you know but it's not happening to china it's and  china's not gonna let it happen so as you can see   from this article he's asking black rock as well  as other investment companies to stop investing   in china and stop pouring billions of dollars into  into china so what's wrong with his thinking then   so i'll tell you what's wrong with his thinking he  thinks that china needs american dollars to build   factories he thinks china needs american money  it does not he may have needed it 40 years ago   30 years ago even 20 years ago but it doesn't need  it now mate you've got you know 1.4 billion people   coming out of poverty and most of  them are in the middle class you know   china is moving from low wage into high skilled  high wage and also high technology products you   know the he's thinking that china is the same old  china 40 years ago where he needs american money   it doesn't need it so that's why it's wrong  it's very old-fashioned you can see he's an   old man old senile basically like biden you know  he's very old-fashioned with his thinking doesn't   think about the modern china he doesn't know  anything about the modern china he thinks china   will fall apart without u.s capital and without  us investors you're wrong mate you're absolutely   wrong you know he's living in a dream world where  he thinks you know he thinks he like for example   he has a girlfriend and he thinks his girlfriend  needs him because he's all the money and he's like   go then you know go leave me then you know what  what are you going to do without me what are you   going to do without all my money you know you you  know you're not going to leave me you need me you   need my money i'm rich blah blah blah and next  day he turns up into his apartment and she's gone   you know you basically think that people need you  you think that countries need you well they don't   you know china is well capable of standing up  by itself and look at china right now compared   to 40 years ago 30 years ago 20 years ago even  10 years ago look at that technological advances   china's system has changed now you know it doesn't  need blackrock's money you know it doesn't need   americans money at all so him asking chinese  businesses to stop investing in in china that's   just gonna affect chinese business i mean that's  just gonna affect american businesses because   where else you're going to get 1.4 billion people  you know you got access to a huge market there   i mean recently with all this coronavirus stuff  you know there's films coming out in hollywood   like james bond and goldie's um you got  shang chi and all you know black widow   all of his films coming out in hollywood they can  barely make about 100 billion in the box office   and look at china's latest film the the  the battle where it was a battle about   chinese soldiers fighting in north korea and that  film has grossed over 500 billion and is still   making money you know it doesn't china doesn't  need american dollars anymore china doesn't need   anything from america so people think that china  is about low-skilled labor um cheap factories   infrastructure what people don't understand is  china has some of the brightest minds in the world   um governing its economy and and these mines have  been studying abroad they've been studying in   china they've been picked the best of the best you  know people that work in these industries you know   they're hand-picked you know even president  he's been hand-picked to be the best of the best   you know each person for each role in china  is hand-picked it's not like in america you   go to an interview or basically your dad's  famous or your dad's got a bit of money   and you know that's it you get that position no it  doesn't work like that in china you have to work   for for your positions you got to be the best of  the best for whatever position you're in and the   and and these chinese um think tanks have looked  at the western model for years and they've looked   at the western capital model and they've  looks that we they look the american model   and they've seen there's a huge gap between  the wealthy and the poor and the gap is growing   the poor are getting poorer the rich are getting  richer people like jeff bezos and making billions   while there's people starving and all of america  and people dying um you got hundreds and thousands   of homeless people all over america the middle  class is just basically becoming homeless because   you know first of all if you lose your job you  basically lose everything in america you lose   your health care you can't pay your rent you're  basically on the streets so a lot of people   are becoming homeless in america and  and you've got to look out there kind of   oppo deaths and covet deaths you know kobe desp  over 700 000 and people dying of heroin and other   opioids over a hundred thousand this year already  and you know then you call the murders and things   like that and and and don't forget about  all of the people in incarcerations as well   you know when people are you know having poverty  where where people are in low income when people   are homeless you know they do they do crime  and and it brings the rest of the society down   while jeff bezos and other million billionaires  are you know basking in the wealth but china   doesn't want that guys you know china trying  to build a system where everybody wins   and i love how china basically brings people out  of poverty gives them prop gives them houses to   live in gives them away to make money and you know  he's trying to share the wealth amongst his people   but china can see that there is a big problem  with the property market in china as you know   the property market has gone way way out  of control and especially with everground   and when blackrock first went into china last year  i think it was last year early this year i can't   remember the exact date at that time you know the  chinese property market was still very very hot   and and blackrock was really happy they were  just rubbing their hands in glee they think yeah   you know we're going to make a lot of money and  this is when over the last few months china china   started clamping down and um so they started  clumping down and companies like evergrande   are being affected and then blackrock is also  being affected because they've got a lot of   money into property sector in in china as well  so they thought they want to make some easy money   and and with black with blackrock you know  they are very much speculation they do a lot of   speculator investments so it's easy money for  them to put it in property because they know   property prices in china has been shooting up last  few years so a lot of their money is in property   and evergrande so this is why blackrock's you know  really worried and soros is really angry because   he thinks all of this money that blackrock's been  putting in they're going to lose it and rightly so   so without the granddaddy house prices  over the past few years have been rising   because of speculation and so you buy land or  property and watch it go up in value without   working and there's obviously two ways to make  money in china you can work hard for a living or   you can buy property and watch the you know  price go up and rental and things like that   so there's hard-working ways to increase  gdp and there's the soft work in ways to   increase gdp by doing nothing basically just  sitting on land and watch the price go up so   that's the difference between you know china  really and and the west china is doing something   about it they look at the western system and they  can see it's hugely flawed and the flawless has   been popping out over the last 10 20 years and  is very very very visible now especially with   amount of people that have gone into poverty in  america from from the middle you know middle class   system is very very flawed so what wall street  wants they want to grab these chinese assets on   the cheap so they can sit on it and do nothing  and get the profits so let the chinese do all   the work while these wall street sharks get all  their money basically so that's what they want   so without the grande she said you know properties  are there to be lived in not speculation   so the reason i said that as you know that  there has been a lot of ghost cities all over   china the last couple of years few  years 10 years even 20 years and   you know all of these property companies have been  building apartments thinking you know eventually   someone will live there based on speculation  and he doesn't want that and he says you know   these properties are for chinese people to live  in they're not based they're not there for pro   speculation they're not there to be kept empty  while property prices rise you know you can't   have a system like that you know if you build  a property people need to stay in it you know   and that's that you know that's how you should be  and and china knows that you know with increased   you know price of property the cost of living  goes up and inflation goes up so they're trying   to put a stop to it and which is good you know  best time to do it is now in the uk we have   million pound houses all over the river thames and  they're always been built and then you know if you   look at the prices they're over a million and you  know some of them even 2 million 10 billion even   you get penthouse apartments but when you  drive past in the night there's no lights   on on and you think you know what's going  on or is it nobody live in these apartments   and then you contact your local estate agent or  you check the internet and you see if there's any   properties available in that apartment and every  single property is sold so why is it all empty and   while everything is sold you know why is it all  empty why is there nobody living there because you   have speculators from all over the world buying up  these properties around london not living in them   and just sitting and waiting you know they they  don't even rent them they're just waiting for the   house prices to go up and go up and uh and that's  what that's what it is in in china and exactly the   same system in uk and it's a huge problem it's  a huge bubble hub that's happening all over the   world and and this is gonna cause a huge crash  in this in the future um you know layman brothers   is nothing to compare to what's coming so as you  can see china is trying to do something about it   um china wants its gdp to grow the right way  not through property speculation so that's why   the you know china is clamping down on everything  it's clamping down on companies such as evergrand   and bloody evergrand i mean come on these guys you  know they're opening their own ev company and all   of these other companies they bought a sports team  with you know debt it's not even their own money   they bought you on debt it's crazy i mean you  can't let chinese companies get away with doing   things like that so if ever ground does fall it  would be a good like lesson uh not only just no   not only to have a grant but to also other chinese  companies as well not to get into huge debt   so it would be good for the future of china if  this happens i mean in the short term there will   be a lot of people angry there will be a lot of  people who have lost money but the long term this   would be going to be the best for china and  and sometimes you know you have to do these   things to think about the long term short term it  might cause a lot of you know anger but you know   this has to be done because you cannot let these  companies get into huge financial debt which can   cause a huge issue to the chinese system in the  future so that's what i wanted to say really about   evergrande and all of these chinese haters or  anti-chinese who are saying this is going to cause   china to collapse and this is gonna make china  go into recession it's not gonna go into the   recession it's not gonna collapse guys you know  this is property basically what china is gonna do   they're gonna get hold of all of these  properties uh get them finished and sell them off   um they might not make a profit because i hope  property prices have gone down but these are   actual assets you know once they sell off they'll  make money um everground itself will be broken   down into different sections uh there'll be a  section for the ev and there'll be the properties   market and property uh development company will be  broken down and sold off yeah there will be some   heartbreak but this isn't layman brothers guys  this is not going to be layman brothers and um   china has got deep pockets and he can overcome  crisis such as this and to be honest this was   coming sooner or later so it's best for this to  happen now rather than later and it's a good thing   that china is clamping down on it now rather than  five years down the line or ten years down the   line ways it's going to be even a huge risk you  know you cannot let companies such as this pick up   you know debt after debt after debt somebody had  to put a stop to it and they're doing it now so   so yeah um those people who are going to say that  china is not going to gonna china's gonna collapse   no they're not gonna collapse mate you know this  isn't it's gonna take a lot more than that so keep   dreaming anyway i'll see in the next video and  i'll um see you guys soon take care for now bye

2021-10-11 17:42

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