Trump hosts the Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony

Trump hosts the Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony

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Thank you very much please. Thank. You. The first lady and i are honored to welcome, to the white house. Prime minister. Netanyahu. Of israel. And mrs netanyahu. Thank you so much thank you. Sarah. And foreign minister. Abdullah. Bin zayed. United. Arab. Emirates. Uae, thank you very much. And foreign minister. Abdul nazif. Al-zahni. Of bahrain. Thank you. Thank you very much. We're here this afternoon, to change the course of history. After decades, of division, and conflict, we mark the dawn of a, new middle east. Thanks to the great courage, of the leaders, of these three. Countries. We take a major, stride, toward a future in which people, of all faiths. And backgrounds. Live together in peace and prosperity. In a few moments, these visionary, leaders, will sign the first two peace deals between. Israel, and the. Arab state. In more than a quarter. Century. In israel's, entire history, there have previously, been only two such agreements, now we have achieved, two. In a single month. And there are more to follow. Israel, the united, arab, emirates. And bahrain. Will establish, embassies. Exchange, ambassadors. And begin the. Cooperate. And work together, so strongly, to cooperate, as partners, across the. Broad range of sectors. From tourism, to trade and healthcare, to security. They're going to work together. They are friends. The abraham, accords. Also, opened the door for muslims, around the world to visit the historic. Sites. In israel. And to peacefully, pray. At al-aqsa. Mosque in jerusalem. The third holiest, site, in. Islam. Together, these agreements, will serve as the foundation. For a comprehensive. Piece across the entire, region. Something which nobody thought was possible. Certainly, not. In this day and age maybe in many decades, from now. But one founded on shared interest, mutual, respect, and friendship. To our honored guests from israel. The united, arab emirates, and bahrain. Congratulations. On this outstanding. Achievement. Congratulations. I also want to thank vice president, mike pence, thank you mike great job. Secretary. Of state, mike pompeo. Mike thank you very. Much. National, security, adviser. Robert, o'brien. Robert, thank you. Mr, jared, kushner, jared thank you very. Much. Ambassador. Brian, hook. Thank you very much brian. Thank you, thank you. And avi, berkowitz. Avi thank you very. Much. I also want to give a very special, thanks he's been, an incredible, ambassador. To israel. David friedman. That's a very uh. Great group of people, great group of patriots, they wanted this to happen so badly they worked so hard. And again nobody thought it could happen and they thought it could happen they never even doubted it so i want to thank you all very much thank. You. For generations. The people of the middle east have been held back by old conflicts, hostilities. Lies. Treacheries, so many things held them back. Actually, lies, that the jews and arabs, were. Enemies. And that. Al-aqsa. Mosque. Was, under attack, constantly, they would say it was under attack. These lies passed down from generation, to generation. Fueled a vicious, cycle of terror. And violence, that spread across the region and all over the world. These agreements, prove that the nations, of the region are breaking free from the failed. Approaches, of the past. Today's signing sets history, on a new course. And there will be other countries, very very soon, that will, follow, these great leaders. The people of the middle east will no longer. Allow hatred, of israel, to be fomented, as an excuse, for. Radicalism. Or extremism. So important. And they'll no longer allow the great destiny, of their region to be denied. On my first foreign trip, as president, i had the honor of addressing, the leaders of more than, 54. Arab and muslim, nations. In saudi arabia. My message, that day was very simple. I urge the nations, of the middle east to set aside their differences. Unite against the common enemy of civilization. And work together, toward the noble aims of security. And prosperity. I offered america's, friendship, i offered america's, help.

But I said clearly, that the, nations, of the regions, had to decide, what kind of a future they wanted for their children. And for their families. And for their nation itself. No one could make, that choice, for them they had to do that themselves. Today the world sees that they're, choosing, cooperation. Over conflict. Friendship, over, enmity. Prosperity. Over poverty, and hope over despair. They are choosing a future, in which arabs, and israelis. Muslims, jews, and christians, can live together pray together. And dream together. Side by side in harmony. Community, and peace. Once again let me congratulate. The people of israel. The people of the united, arab, emirates. And the people of the kingdom, of bahrain. God bless you all this is an incredible, day for the world this is a, really. Wonderful, and beautiful, occasion i want to thank all of the members of congress. For being here. Senators, congressmen. Congresswomen. We just appreciate, it so much, everybody, wanted to be here. It's a very important, day for the world it's a very important, day for peace. Before the party signed the accords, i'd like to ask prime minister, netanyahu, to say a few words followed by. The foreign minister, of the united, arab, emirates. And the foreign minister, of bahrain. Thank you very much it's a great honor, thank. You. Our dear friend president, trump. First lady. Melania, trump. Thank you for hosting me, my wife sarah. And our entire delegation. On this, historic. Day. I want to recognize, vice president, pence, secretary, pompeo. National security, adviser, o'brien. And other cabinet, members. Jared kushner, avi berkowitz. Ambassador, friedman. And other members. Of the president's, able peace team. Senators. Members of congress. Israeli, ambassador, ron durmer his emirate. And bahraini, counterparts. As well as all the dignitaries. Gathered here. On this, sunny day. I want to. Also, express my gratitude, for all the israelis. Who've worked, for years. Sometimes. In less sunny climbs. To bring this date and i thank each. And every one of you thank. You. Ladies and gentlemen. Mr president. This day. Is a pivot, of history. It heralds. A new, dawn, of peace. For thousands of years. The jewish people, have prayed for peace. For decades. The jewish state, has prayed for peace. And this is why today. We're filled. With such profound, gratitude. I am grateful to you president, trump. For your decisive. Leadership. You have unequivocally. Stood by israel's, side. You have boldly, confronted, the tyrants, of tehran. You've proposed, a realistic, vision for peace. Between, israel, and the palestinians. And you have successfully. Brokered. The historic, peace, that we are signing today. A peace that has brought support, in israel. In america. In the middle east, indeed. In the entire. World. I am grateful to crown prince muhammad, bin zayed. Of the united arab emirates. And to you. Foreign minister, abdullah, bin. Zayed. I thank you both for your wise leadership. And for working with the united, states and israel. To expand. The circle, of peace. I am. Grateful. I'm grateful to king hamad, of bahrain. And to you foreign minister, abdul latif al-zayani. For joining us. Joining, us. In bringing, hope. To all, the children, of abraham. To all of israel's, friends in the middle east. Those who are with us, today. And those who will join us tomorrow. I say. Assalamu. Alaikum. Peace, unto thee. Shalom. And you have heard from the president. That he is already. Lining up. More. And more, countries. This, is. Unimaginable. A few years ago. But with resolve. Determination. A fresh look at the way peace is done. This is being achieved, thank you mr. President. Ladies and gentlemen. The people of israel. Well know. The price of war. I know, the price of war. I was wounded in battle. A fellow soldier. A very close friend of mine. Died in my arms. My brother yoni. Lost his life while leading his soldiers. To rescue, hostages. Held by terrorists, at antebe. My parents grief. Over the loss of. Yoni. Was unrelieved. Until their dying day. And over the years. When i have come to console, the families, of israel's, fallen, soldiers. And victims of. Terror. I have seen. That same grief. Countless, times. And this is why. I am so deeply moved to be here today. For those who bear the wounds of war. Cherish. The blessings. Of peace. And the blessings, of the peace, we make today. Will be. Enormous. First, because this peace. Will eventually.

Expand. To include. Other arab states. And ultimately. It can end, the arab. Israeli. Conflict. Once and for all. Second. Because the great economic. Benefits. Of our partnership. Will be felt throughout, our region. And they will reach, every, one of our citizens. And third. Because this is not only a peace between leaders. It's a peace. Between, peoples. Israelis. Emiratis. And bahrainis. Are already, embracing, one another. We are eager to invest, in a future of partnership. Prosperity. And peace. We've already begun to cooperate, on combating, corona. And i'm sure that together. We can find solutions, to many of the problems. That afflict, our region. And beyond. So despite, the many challenges. And hardships, that we all face. Despite, all that. Let us pause for a moment. To appreciate. This remarkable, day. Let us rise above, any political, divide. Let us put. All cynicism. Aside. Let us feel, on this day. The pulse, of history. For long after, the pandemic, is gone. The peace we make today. Will endure. Ladies and gentlemen. I have devoted, my life. To securing, israel's place among the nations. To ensure, the future, of the one, and only, jewish state. To accomplish, that goal. I work to make israel, strong. Very strong. For history has taught us. That strength brings security. Strength, brings allies. And ultimately. And this is something. President, trump has said again, and again. Ultimately. Strength. Brings. Peace. King david, expressed, this basic, truth. Thousands, of years ago. In our eternal, capital, jerusalem. His prayer. Immortalized. In the book of psalms, in the bible. Echoes, from our glorious, past. And guides us, towards a brilliant future. Adonai. Oz. May god give strength to his people. May god, bless his people. With peace. Mr. President. Distinguished. Guests. This week is rosh hashanah. The jewish new year. And what a blessing. We bring to this new year. A blessing, of friendship. A blessing, of hope. A blessing. Of peace. Thank. You. Ladies and gentlemen. His highness. The minister, of foreign affairs. And international. Cooperation. Of the united, arab, emirates. Mr president. Mr prime minister. And, my friend abdullah. Zayani. Distinguished, guests. Let me start by. Conveying. The best regards, of the uae people. And the leadership. And.

Especially. To you mr president. And everyone, gathered here. Today. I'll continue, my speech in arabic. And. I'm sure there will be. Translation, to that. I stand here today, to extend, a hand of peace and receive, a hand of peace. In our faith, we say o god. You are peace and from you comes peace. The search for peace, is an innate, principle. Yet principles, are effectively, realized. When they are, transformed. Into action. Today. We already, we are already, witnessing. A change, in the heart of the middle east, a change, that will send hope, around the. World. This initiative. Would not have been possible, without the efforts. Of his excellency. President, donald trump. And his team who worked hard and sincerely. For us all to reach here. Most notably. My counterpart. Secretary, of state mike pompeo. And jared kushner. Senior adviser, to the president, of the united, states. And all those who are genuine, about the principle, of peace in the united, states. Who have strived. To realize. This major achievement. Thank you. Deutsche. Is. Your excellency. Prime, minister. Benjamin, netanyahu. Prime minister, of the state of israel. Thank you, for choosing, peace. And for halting, the annexation. Of palestinian, territories. A decision. That reinforces. Our shared, will, to achieve, a better future. For generations. To come. Vikrant. Ladies and gentlemen. We are witnessing, today. A new trend that will create, a better path, for the middle east. This peace accord, which is a historic, achievement, for the united, states of america. The state of israel, and the united arab emirates, will continue, to have a positive, impact. As we believe. That its reverberations. Will be reflect, reflected. On the entire region. Every option, other than peace, would signify. Destruction. Poverty. And human suffering. This new vision, which is beginning to take shape as we meet today, for the future, of the region. Full of youthful, energy. Is not a slogan, that we raise for political, gain. As everyone, looks forward, to creating, a more stable. Prosperous. And secure. Futures. At a time when science is prevailing. The region, the region's, youth are looking forward, to taking part in this great humanitarian. Movement. We are pleased, that the united, arab emirates, will be part of the momentum. Towards stability. And the growth of human potential. In a new civilized, approach. That opens, wide, the doors of opportunity. For those who look forward, towards, peace prosperity. And the future. Our societies, today. Possess, the foundation, of modern human development. Such as infrastructure. A solid economy. And scientific, achievements. That will enable, them to advance, the future, of the middle east. The united arab emirates, believes, that the role of the united, states in the middle east is positive. And this belief, is evidenced, by the accord that we are signing today, at the white house, for which you have taken the lead, and will remain a beacon in human history, for all peace loving people around the world. And, as for us in the united arab emirates. This accord, will enable us to continue, to stand by the palestinian, people, and realize, their hopes for an independent, state within a stable, and prosperous, region, this accord. Builds upon previous peace agreements, signed, by arab nations with the state of israel. The aim of all these treaties, is to work towards stability. And sustainable, development. Allah. In this difficult, year, when the world is suffering, from the pre. Repercussions. Of the covet 19, pandemic. My country, the united, arab emirates. Has reinforced. Its humanitarian. Commitments. Established. By our nation's, founding, father, sheikh zayed, who taught us that standing, with others, regardless, of the religious, or ethnic affiliation. Is a humanitarian. Duty. And a firm principle. Saban. During this difficult, time, the united, arab emirates, my country was able to launch the probe, a probe to mars.

The Hope, probe, indeed, represents, hope, that our region is capable, of advancement. And progress. If governments, and people, embrace, science. After the united, arab emirates, sent astronaut, hazel, mansouri, last year as the first arab astronaut, to reach the international, space station. And launched, a peaceful, nuclear. Power, plant. This accord, opened up prospects. For a comprehensive. Peace in the region. Of. Ladies and gentlemen. Peace, requires. Courage. And shaping the future, requires, knowledge. The advancement. Of nations, requires, sincerity. And persistence. We have come today to tell the world, that this is our approach. And that peace is our guiding, principle. Those who begin, things in the right way. Will reap, pride. Achievements. With the grace of god, thank you. With grace. Ladies and gentlemen. The minister. Of the foreign affairs. Of the kingdom, of. Bahrain. Mr president. The first lady. Prime minister. Your highness. Ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon. Today. Today, is a truly historic. Occasion. A moment of hope. And opportunity. For all the peoples. Of the middle east. And in particular. For the millions. In our younger generations. The declaration. Supporting, peace, between the kingdom. Of bahrain. And the state of israel. Is an, historic, step. On the road, to genuine. And lasting, peace. Security. And prosperity, across the region. And for all who live there. Regardless, of religion. Sect. Ethnicity. Or. Ideology. For too long. The middle east has been set back. By conflict. And mistrust. Causing, untold, destruction. And thwarting. The potential, of. Generations. Of. Our best. And brightest. Young people. Now. I'm convinced. We have the opportunity. To change. That. Today's, declaration. Was made possible. By the vision. Courage. And commitment. Of his majestic. King. Mohammed, bernard. Who. Supported. By. Supported, by the people of bahrain. Has protected. Institutionalized. And enhanced, bahrain's. Centuries-old. Spirit, of coexistence. And harmony. And has the wisdom, to recognize. That genuine, cooperation. Is the most effective, means. To achieve, peace. And to safeguard. Legitimate. Rights. Thank you your majesty. For this vision of peace. For the region. Based on trust. Respect. And understanding. Between all faiths. Races. And nations. To our brothers in the united, arab emirates. I congratulate. You. On your own momentous. Peace accord, being signed today, with israel. His highness sheikh mohammed bin zayed. Has shown great. Leadership. And foresight, to make peace possible. And secure, a brighter future. For our region. For the state of israel. And prime minister, netanyahu. We welcome. And appreciate. These steps. From you, and your government. Recognizing. That enduring, peace and security. Is only possible. Through a genuine, engagement. That protects, the rights, and interests. Of countries, and peoples, in the region. In particular. I want to express. My deep appreciation. To president. Donald trump. And his, administration. Mr president. Your statesmanship. And tireless, efforts. Have brought us here today. And made peace a. Reality. And to secretary, pompeo. Senior, adviser. Jared, kushner. And special representative. Evie, brycovets. Who, have. And others, many others. Who have carried, out their. Mandates. With dedication. And skill. Ladies and gentlemen. Today's, agreement. Is an important. First step. And it is now incumbent. On us. To work urgently. And actively. To bring about the lasting, peace. And security. Our peoples. Deserve. A just. Comprehensive. And enduring. Two-state, solution. To the, palestinian-israeli. Conflict. Will be the foundation. The bedrock. Of such peace. We have shown today. We have shown today. That such a path. Is possible. Even. Realistic. What was only dreamed, of a few years ago. Is now. Achievable. And we can see before, us. A golden opportunity. For peace. Security. And prosperity. For our region. Let us, together. And with our international, partners. Waste no time, and seizing, it thank you. Oh. So. The president, of the united, states. The prime minister, of the state of israel. And his highness. The minister, of foreign affairs. And international, cooperation. Of the united, arab emirates. Will sign. A treaty of peace. Diplomatic, relations. And full. Normalization. They will each sign three copies. One in english. Hebrew. And arabic. We kindly, ask that all guests, remain seated, for the signing, of the. Documents. Can you be. Helpful. So. Which one is. Mine. That would be. Easiest. 36. Years. Good. Congratulations. The president, of the united states. The prime minister, of the state of israel. And the minister, of the foreign affairs. Of the kingdom, of bahrain. Will now sign. The declaration. Of peace. They will each sign, three copies. One in english. Hebrew.

And Arabic. We kindly ask that all guests, remain, seated, for the signing, of the. Documents. Down. Um. Good. Foreign. The president, of the united states. The prime minister, of the state of israel. His highness. The minister, of foreign affairs. And international. Cooperation. Of the united, arab emirates. And. The, minister, of the foreign affairs. Of the kingdom, of bahrain. Will now sign. The abraham, accords. They will each sign. Four copies. One in english. One in hebrew. And two in. Arabic. Is. Uh. There you. Go. Okay. You.

2020-09-17 08:09

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