Trump hosts a 'Latinos for Trump' roundtable in Arizona

Trump hosts a 'Latinos for Trump' roundtable in Arizona

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Well i want to thank you. I know this is supposed to be you know the. Fake news, i said that this is supposed to be a round table but it looks like a rally but it is a rally. No it's it's, it is around to april and we're here to really listen. We're here to uh, discuss, the. Latinos. And the hispanic, americans. And. I want to say you have a great governor he's been fantastic. Thank you i love you too. And we're really uh, we're really doing well the the. Country, is doing numbers, that, uh like we've never, you will you will see next year is going to be you know you had your greatest year ever doug last year the best year you ever had. Then we had to close it up we had to stop. And we saved millions of lives by doing it we saved, millions of lives, and. Then we restarted. And now we've set all kinds of records, and we're setting records and i think next year you're going to have a fantastic, year it's going to be great, we're cutting taxes, even further. And we're going to have big growth a lot of good things are happening but i'm thrilled to be back in arizona, with. The. Oh. By the way i just looked i see artie over here you've done a great job. How's albert is he good. Huh, good guy. He's a good guy good job barney. So it's really great to be back. I, mean. This is. This is good. You know. This is what the polls are all saying too you know as a republican. Republicans, don't do as well as perhaps, they should and probably some shouldn't do very well but, the polls came out and we're leading, uh, sleepy joe by a lot. And, so. It's a great honor to be here but we're here to discuss my administration's. Unwavering. Devotion, to hispanic, american, communities. Hispanic, americans, embody, the american, dream and they are great business people like this guy right here they're great business, people. Great great business, people. I know that because i've had to compete with them and they're not easy to compete with i want to say that. Hispanic, americans, strengthen, our nation beyond description. You, protect, our nation as brave members of the military, and as members of law enforcement, great great members of law enforcement. You uplift the communities, and promote, our, shared values, of faith and family, community, hard work and patriotism. It's really an amazing, you're an amazing, group of people and i love you and we're taking care of you and i'm never letting you down he'll never let you down. So. We're glad to be joined by your fantastic. Governor, doug ducey he's done a fantastic. Job. You've done a great job. Thank you. He really has it's uh it's been it's been, incredible, so and thank you doug thank you very much mr president. Also thanks to arizona. Republican, party chairman, kelly. Ward. Great job kelly. How are we doing kelly by the way. Arizona. State representative. T.j, shope. Thank you very much thanks t.j. Arizona. Corporation. Commissioner. Leah, marquez. Peterson. Thank you very much, thank you very much thank you. Sergeant. Jimmy, chavez. Of the national, troopers, coalition. Sergeant, thank you. And we got. We have the law enforcement, from all over the country we just got florida. All the sheriffs, all the law enforcement, ohio, texas. Everywhere. New york. We got new york's finest, they said they've never endorsed before but they're endorsing, this year that took a little courage too. Because they're in very unfriendly, territory. Politically. Uh but new york did and we just got uh chicago, can you believe that with that. With that wonderful, wonderful, mayor. We also have a man that i have a lot of respect i like baseball, i've always liked baseball, and he's done a fantastic. Job artie moreno. The owner of the los angeles, angels. Done a fantastic. Thought. How is albert pujols, doing good, because, i think he's great huh, good, great, and you have uh mike trout, so is he as good as they say, they say he's the best player he said he's, better, he's better right, but they say he's the best player in baseball right. That's great that's very good thanks ari congratulations. On your success. Great job. Also with us are two wonderful, arizona, republican, nominees, for congress. Tiffany, shed and brandon, martin. Good luck. Thank you brandon.

And You have my complete endorsement, you know that complete, and total as i say complete, and total, okay. And we'll be out working with you we'll be helping you a lot i hear you doing both of you doing really well very important and doug is, doug is working hard on that thank you very much. Joe biden spent 47, years selling out the hispanic, american, community. Sending you jobs to china, raising your taxes, surging. Regulations. I don't know. It doesn't sound too good to me. It's coming up once every three four days i've been in every, state i've been in so many states. The last, few days, yeah well you you, need a lot of. You need a lot of energy to do this job properly, you can't be sitting in your basement for four days and come up. Now and then he comes out. And i like delaware, i think delaware is a good place but you got to leave it on occasion, you know i mean it comes out. And remember, he didn't. You know they say. That his home state, was pennsylvania. No no no he left pennsylvania. When he was young it's not his fault he's farther left okay and his mother, they left but they left pennsylvania. When he was very young, and we just had a great ruling doug and i were talking, just literally minutes ago. A federal, judge, a very prominent, a very respected, federal judge came out and ruled that they can't shut the state down any longer it's too much. He said it was, unconstitutional. And we hope that's going to happen in north carolina. We hope we hope that's going to happen in north carolina, we hope it's going to happen in michigan, too because it's just just totally shut down. Well you know it's going to happen on november, 4th they'll open up everything they're just uh. On november, 4th they'll announce everything's, open now you know we were only kidding the fact is that, november, 4th you're going to see it's going to all open up it's going to all open up its politics. So if you know. And as hispanic, americans, you know better than anybody, we implemented, historic, tax cuts and regulation, cuts, the biggest in the history of our country, and we built opportunity. Zones that have really benefited, your state and a lot of other states. And it's been great for. Everybody, really, african-americans. And uh, if you look at the. African-american. It's uh what they have, what they've done and how that's benefited, them was, i was helped by tim scott, of south carolina. And he's a fantastic. Senator. And he came in the idea of the opportunity. Zone but for, african, americans, hispanic, americans, asian americans, and really everybody, it's been a tremendous, success. Before the china, virus. Came in we achieved the lowest hispanic, american, unemployment. Rate ever recorded, ever. Not even close. Over 600. 000 hispanic, americans, were lifted out of poverty. In that short period of time that's a record, all records hispanic, american, ownership. Homeownership. Reached. An all-time, high and that includes, artie's, home okay that includes the home. Okay that must be a nice home i want to see that. But it's the highest, uh home ownership, uh ever in the history of our country for, hispanic, american we built the greatest economy, in history. And now we're doing it again so it's called make america, great again, and i say make america, great again and again. Again and again. And we added as you probably, heard we had a 3.3. Million, jobs for hispanic, americans, in the last four months that's a record, so we're coming back very very strong i call it the super v. In july i launched the white house hispanic. Prosperity, initiative, to improve access. To education. And economic, development, and opportunity. For all hispanic, americans, it's been a very big success, we have great people on the board. And, we have that, biden would as you know terminate, this recovery, because if a doctor said let's shut it down we have all these records we have retail sales records everything. He said he'd shut it down, can't shut it down, peaceful, protesters, have you seen his peaceful protesters. These are not they'll rip down your community, many of these are hispanic, american, small businesses, stores, shops. And they rip them down and they call it peaceful protesting. You see some of these uh reporters, on television, they're saying yes this has been a peaceful protest, and over his shoulder you know it's a pretty famous clip, the entire, city is burning, down.

And These are all democrat. Mayors, super liberal, usually, but democrat, mayors and governors. Republicans, are doing very well republican, cities and states are doing incredibly, well. We're at records, we have been at records we will be at records, and, we don't have anything like this nobody's ever seen anything like this and we've sent the national, guard into minneapolis. And we ended it after. A week and a half they should have called it sooner. We would solve the problem, in portland, and, i say less than a half an hour. It would be so, but they don't want to call us. They don't want to call us in and. Every place we've gone we solve it immediately, we we just, seattle, as an example they took over a piece of the city. And we said what are you doing, and we complained, complained, we said it's okay we have to go in because we're supposed to wait. We're going in we're going in tomorrow. And we inform them we're going in as soon as we did that. They had people go in and these wise guys gave up the so-called, protesters. They gave up they're anarchists, they're not protesters, they're agitators. So, you see what happens, with the anti-police. Rhetoric, from that whole group of. Democrats. And their supporters. They're endangering, our law enforcement, we love our law enforcement, many of the law. Enforcement. Many of the law enforcement. Many many of the law enforcement, are hispanic, americans, as you know. Biden is, not a strong person never was a strong person in prime time he wasn't, any good let's face it, and this is not prime time for him this is not prime time. But he'll surrender, your entire country to the radical left, and that's all they're doing is using them he has no clue. So. We will take this to a whole different level what we're doing is taking it to a whole different level. We don't want to have a socialist, country we don't want to have some of you came. Some of you came from parts of the world. Whether it's socialist, or worse, you know it's called the c word right the c word. Because i think in many cases these people are talking, even beyond socialism. And we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let the rule of law. Really be. Just. Be ruled by the mob, we're going to do it we're going to do it properly, we're going to do it the way we're doing it again remember the top ten are all democrat. And then you go into the top 25, and you take a look at that it's the same thing. It's all a democrat, problem whether it's new york where crime is through the roof it's gone up in some cases. 150. To 300. Percent. Not even recognizable. Or chicago. You take a look at chicago, what's happening they had numbers that were just, absolutely. Horrible. And uh were you hearing i don't even want to mention it but so many people shot so many people killed it's, nobody's, ever heard of this this is a democrat. Runs the city. These are democrats. And they have no clue they have no cash bail they have. They get rid of, bail. They get rid of all of the things that you need. The the police are afraid to do anything they don't want to lose their pensions they don't want to lose their life they don't want to lose their family and their job and everything else that comes with it.

And, We have to give, our. Great law enforcement, people we have to give them the respect, that they deserve, and if we don't do that they can never do their job. Properly. Thank, you. Thank. You. Thank you very much, and just in. Closing, up and i just say a few words, uh, more because it's so important to me and and your community is so important to me. But many hispanic, americans, came here to pursue the american dream, right he came we all want the america i want the american dream we all want the american, dream this is. If you you look at what they're asking for it's like, the american, nightmare, or, whatever you want to call it, but we want the american, dream having left countries, that did not have, safe streets, many of you. Or your. Family, your mothers your fathers they left countries, that were very, very bad very bad a lot of problems. And, if we let this go on you'd have that and. You know i often say we're not going to be another venezuela, we, love the people of venezuela. We have, tremendous, support in miami, from venezuelans. And cubans. We're not going to let that happen to our country nobody wants it and you know who wants at least as hispanic, americans, they want to see it, less than anybody, because they know about it more than anybody. And so we're not going to let that happen biden wants to take away your police, he wants to. I wouldn't say defund, in his case but i will tell you some of his compatriots. Want to defund your police let's face it they wanted to fund your police. They want to take it away they i don't know who's going to do the job when they call up at night you saw the commercial. Where you call up. And they say murder i'm sorry we won't be here for 24, hours and then they say i'm sorry, rape we won't be here for about a week we'll call you back in a week, and this is what you'll end up with we can't do it we have to treasure, our law enforcement, and we have to let them do what they're good. At. Another thing i think that's so important, is that we're defending, religious, liberty and joe biden, will, totally eliminate, religious, liberty he's going to take away your second amendment, because he's not going to be what i have put up with in the last four years to defend your second amendment. But you have to have your second amendment. And they're going to at least obliterate. It. They're going to at least obliterate. It. They're going to abolish. School choice, they're going to abolish, charter schools, and we're going to put charter schools all over wherever, we can we have so many people, doing so well. And school choice. And we've been working very hard on school choice and we'll get it uh very much achieved like we have nobody's, done as much as we've done in three and a half years nobody no administration. In their first three and a half years. I say and i say this that i've achieved more for hispanic, americans, in 47, months, than joe biden has achieved, in 47, years. They don't call him sleepy, jill for nothing, okay. But a vote for republicans. This november, is a vote for the american dream and that's all i have to say i just want to thank you very much.

I Want to thank you very much. And. And i look forward to hearing from some of the folks at the table, and some of these people that i know i have great respect, for all of you i've heard of in one way or another and i want to thank you all for being here really it's uh, it's a great honor and already it's an honor meeting you, and maybe we'll start with our governor our great governor, and doug please say a few words, let me be up. Thank you. Let me uh let me be the first, to, welcome, president, donald trump, back to the great state of arizona. And and there couldn't be. A better way there couldn't be a better way. To kick off, hispanic. Heritage, month so we're thrilled to have you here mr president thank you my honor. I want to say thank you for your support, of arizona, families. Throughout, the crisis, that we've been through whether it was, personal, protective, equipment. Surge. Ventilators. For our navajo. Nation. Testing, that we needed in places like south phoenix, and maryvale. Whenever, we needed it your administration. And you. Personally, delivered, so we're grateful, for that. You know doug is very aggressive, he called me up he called me up once he said, we really need ventilators, badly that's hard you know because it's like they're big expensive, very complex, very. Tech. I mean from a tech standpoint, a high-tech standpoint they have to be perfect. They're very hard and people don't have them countries, don't have them, and now we've become the king we're making them like you wouldn't believe but i said how many do you need could you send us a thousand i said a thousand, that's a lot. But we got them to you did we get them you got them too awesome. And uh. Yeah thank. You. And and and before this pandemic. And after this pandemic, our economy, has been, booming. In the state of arizona, this has been the fastest. Growing state in the nation. Um, your, your jobs, act and and tax cut has done much to spur our economy. The, negotiation. Of the usmca. Has allowed, arizona. To maximize. Its relationship. With its number one trading, partner. Mexico. And we have now surpassed. China. With canada, as our number two trading partner in arizona. Thank you very much thank you very much and the relationship, with mexico, has been really great i'll tell you have a very. Good president, and we've gotten along very well and, uh they've actually, uh, been very good we've had a real relationship. You know nafta was a disaster, for our country.

And Now we have the usmca. Which is mexico, canada. And it's been a great and we're not going to lose our businesses, now to mexico, and canada they're going to stay right here so, they have a very big economic, penalty, if they want to play the games of leaving i mean we lost. 55. 000, firms, went down to, different i mean different places but a lot of them went to mexico a lot of them went to, canada there's a very very big disincentive. To doing that, well i'd like to hear as a baseball, fan i'd like to hear from marty. Because he really has done that team's been glamorized. And it's been it's a great team and great players, great individual, players. And. Let me know about the team a little bit and how you're doing and. Let's hear it come on that's a beautiful, thing to own. Well, we're not playing that great right now. I. Really wanted to tell a little bit of my story because, i am. Mexican-american. Both my parents were, mexican-american. I'm the oldest, of 11 children. My father did not graduate, from high school. He always. Was very positive, about, i think his platform, was if you don't work you don't eat. I'm a vietnam. Vet. I, was lucky enough when i came home to get the gi bill and go to college. I went to the other school down in. Tucson. I'm married i have three great children. My dad was, very much a barry goldwater. Republican. Just want to talk a little bit about. Because i started. My life as. Working for someone and. Started with a partner, or small business. And over the years we grew it but. Everybody, deserves, the opportunity, to grow your own business. It's a very important, thing. Everyone, deserves, the right to be able to raise and educate, their children, a safe. Environment. I have really been lucky, to have the opportunity, to benefit, from this great american. Country. Every person has an opportunity, to have a voice it's important, that we it's expressed. It's very important for every latino, american to get out and vote. It is our right to vote and express, our choice for president, trump, and his leadership. We all know where we've been. It's necessary, to focus, on today, and the future. And it's very important to vote for president, trump. Thank you for the opportunity. Well now i really like that team i liked it before. I, didn't know he was going to do that but i tell you what i appreciate, it and you know your story is an amazing, story it's a great story think of that and. He's one of the most respected, people in sports, and in business, and just a great story thank you very much it's a great honor to be with you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you mr president. And allow me to join. With all these folks and welcoming, you back to arizona. It's. I'm sure. I'm sure that this is a much more hospitable. Setting than what you were in california. Just a little bit ago. But they were. Nice. This is very special, exactly. Exactly. Um. You know, my story, is as. 27, i was elected to the state legislature. I represent. A very fast growing area between phoenix and tucson. That has been in the news quite a bit with. Companies like nikola, motors and lucid motors. Announcing. Their factories, there. My family's been in the grocery, business since 1952.. They moved to, arizona. Because. They failed at hog farming in iowa and i think you have to actually try to do that in iowa. But. I opened up a business here in arizona. My. Their first business went bankrupt. They pulled themselves, up. Got back to work, opened a new grocery store later on. Because you can do that in arizona, that's cool you can do that in america. To be able to. To be able to have failure. And to come back. And now, um. My uh, uh. Here i am at age 27. In the state legislature, or 35, excuse me. And uh. Living a wonderful, life. And it's a it's something i think for a lot of the folks out right now, to realize, it is difficult, to be a minority. And republican. At times because your co your friends. Your other members of your family. Oftentimes. Uh, don't understand.

Treat You differently. Things like that. And you experience, things that, you probably shouldn't. But it is uh we are very proud people. Very happy to be up here. Actually in a few weeks i'm going to be getting married, melissa, out there she's, she's wearing uh. She's wearing it. She's wearing a dress by. Ivanka. She's wearing a dress by ivanka, so you can share that, so uh, so that's, very nice but more than anything. Uh. We 100. Believe in what you're doing. And we want you to keep it up and we know that the one way we can make sure that it keeps up, is by getting out to vote, and fully supporting, the trump, uh, re-election, campaign, because that will also help us in arizona. Be able to keep the state senate and the state house, and we are very very close. And we want to have a huge turnout, for you and we appreciate, you coming. We love that you're here and we hope to see you many more times, and it is getting a lot easier to be republican, for as you say minority, it's, getting a lot easier whether you're hispanic, or anything else. We're taking in people that are, it's a beautiful thing to see what's happening with the republican, party, and remember, it's the party of abraham lincoln a lot of people forget that. Abraham, lincoln was a. Republican. The other side likes to try and claim, big disinformation. But they can't get away with that one so hey thank you very much that's great please go ahead. Thank you mr. President. I. I'm here to share my american, dream, and i want everyone. To know that our dream is still alive the american, dream is still alive and i'm going to tell you a little bit of my story. I came here to the united states when i was 11 years old. My mom worked so hard to support, are my siblings. When i was 22, years old i got shot by the father my kid i survived. Horrible, domestic, violence. But after i got shot after. A month of getting better, i had two choices to make. One was to, survive out of government, welfare. Survive out of government, welfare, or get a job, i chose to. Get a job as a janitor. Because for, so. Much, i for the first time i felt freedom, i felt that i needed to be free and i didn't want to be dependent on the government. So i started making five dollars an hour in 1997. And i, love my job so much that i work my way up to become, a supervisor. Manager, and then five years later, i end up buying my own. My company my own janitorial, company. Thank you. And for me that is. Looking at the american, dream, a high school dropout, they didn't finish high school i mean what else can they do but to clean very well and move up the ladder, that is the real, american, dream. That's what happens, here. That's great, thank you very much so from going to work eight hours a day, we end up working 16, hours a day for the next, five years to pay off the big loans, okay and my fiance, ron pickner, now my husband is here, help but i mean put together. So after. After, uh five years in 2005. We paid it all off, then after that i started, feeling that i was getting more free and more free, and. I'm, i'm a giver, i like to help if god, takes care of me i take care of others, so what i do. Thank you. So i at that time in 2005. I had already 60 employees working for me, and one of the things that i, love and do, for them is help them learn english. Help them. Buy their first car, help them get their first home, but most of the things that i enjoy the most is teaching them english, and make them become u.s citizens. And over the. Course. Over the course, of i would say maybe 15, years, probably, my husband and i helped more than 30 people become u.s citizens. And i'm so proud of that, it's. Incredible. Then my american, dream was keep coming i became a u.s citizen, in 2008. Then my america, i kept leaving my american, dream and then 2012, came. That's when obamacare. Came and i and they i keep hearing in the news, if you have more than 50 employees, you have to cut back, or you have to do something and i and i told my husband what's going on why am i have to lay off people. And that's when i started getting involved more into what's going on why is the government, tell me what to do. I, work so hard for what i have. Why they have to get in my business. Why do i have to let people go. Thank, you. So i started getting involved into local politics. And see what they were doing, why, so they can hear my american, dream and see, i'm still here i'm still alive i want to keep moving, up i don't like to sit and listen, i'm the one that wants to get active and and do something about it there's a problem.

So That's what i did and, look where it got me now i'm here next to the president, getting involved. Thank you. Thank. Thank you very much. Let's protect, our country, let's protect, our american, dream, we're all. We're all americans. It doesn't matter where you come from. This is our safe heaven. Please, let's put, president, trump again for the next four years. Thank you very. Much. Thank you very. Much. My name is gloria. My name is gloria badilla. And we are a small business, owner. We live in tucson, my husband and myself. And. It is my honor to be sitting here at the same table that you are mr president, trump. Thanks to you and the policies. That you've been working with sba. We were able to save our small business. As a mexican. Immigrant, and u.s citizen, now to this beautiful country that i can call my own we have achieved, our american, dream. We make fresh, salsa, and spices. Made out of chiltepin. Peppers. We, we feel so fortunate, for the opportunity, to have. This administration. Be able to have, our. Chill topeka, products, flourish. Even though we had the setback, of the pandemic, we are doing, okay. And we will survive, this, past. Um. We also. Wanted to thank you for. We have seen our neighbors our communities. Uh even though like i said for this pandemic. Has. Not set everybody back, it's been hard for some people but we will. Come out at, the end good. Also in tucson, i've been very involved with, one of the senator's, races that we have. Against going to grijalva. And it is my. Mission. And my husband to work with him so we can get him through. And get grijalva's, been in the senate, in the congress, for, 17, years. So we too long yes. So we have, congressman. Not congressman. Future congressman, daniel, wood. And, that's what we're. Doing. Chill topeka, products, came out of, nothing excel, actually we had saved some money to, build a swimming pool in our home. And we thought you know. This could be. Something. And. My husband and i thought what we would do as the american dream as our own business. And say well you make good salsa we'll make good salta. And that's how chiltepika. Products, came out of love of cooking. Great, that's great, beautiful story thank you thank you thank you very much. Mr president thank you my name is jimmy chavez, i'm the. Chairman of the national troopers coalition, and i'm a 30-year, law enforcement, veteran. I will tell you not only.

With The group that i represent, but as you alluded to earlier, in your opening comments. You. And your administration. Have shown tremendous, support, for law enforcement. Since day one. And that is something, that we did not see, in the previous eight years before you took office. So yes we thank you for that we thank you for the support. We thank you for, the dedication. Um, we know that your. Your attorney general. Uh william barr is doing a tremendous, job. Uh we thank you for that. And it's it's, exciting to be a part of this panel because, i think, including, the the audience out here i think that we can all agree that. Safer communities. Provide. A benefit. And, provide. Economic, stability. Because if you don't have a safe community. Who's going to want to go out. Who's going to want to go buy things. So this whole idea of defunding, the police, or, cutting. Costs. On law enforcement. Is. Is something, that is. Counterproductive. To, what your administration, wants definitely. And what we've seen over the last three and a half years, four years with with the economic, growth in the country. There's no doubt that. Many agencies, across this country are seeing issues with recruitment, retention. Equipment, issues. Technology, that is that is, ever evolving. And i think if we, if we have. Um. Ideologies. That continue, to, chip away and want to erode. Uh, law enforcement. I think that's going to have a significant. Effect. On. The communities. Significant. Effect on the citizens. And certainly a significant, effect on this country. So as, as a law enforcement, officer. Again 30-year, veteran, and as one who represents, a law enforcement, from country to country, or from coast to coast i'm sorry. We appreciate, your support. And. We will be there to. Offer the same support back thank you, thank you very. Much. And look what happened in new york where they cut a billion dollars and they got rid of a lot of, great, great, crime fighters. And, look at what happened in a short period of time austin pd. Lapd. Uh texas dps, is actually being uh considered to take over. Uh austin pd because of the drastic, cuts that occurred there so it's it's, having some ripple effects sounds good good governor, there. Good governor. Thank you very much appreciate, it please. Mr president. I want to thank you very much for this opportunity. It is an honor and a privilege, to be talking to you, to be part of this table. My name is jorge rivas. My wife and i, very rivas. On. We own a small business in tucson. Sam is mexican grill. Has to be doing well. How's it doing. Doing very good i want to say that you're doing it he's been doing so well for a little while now it's doing very good right. That's good your tweets are. Really good your tweets have helped, tremendously. Thank. You. Um. Before. I came to the back room my wife told me if i sit on the back make sure you tell the president.

That I respect him i love him so my wife said that she respect you and she loves you a. Lot. Um, since you announced that you will be running for president. Back in 2016. I told my wife. Donald trump. Has what it takes to be the next president of the united states. And we do and we decided. To support you since, since the first, first day. Back when you went to in 2016. When you went to tucson, and did a rally over there, i decided, to make a, sign that says latinos, support donald trump, because at that moment. The media. And a lot of people were saying, latinos, do not like donald trump, but i said, that's not. True. I said. They are not going to keep me quiet, i'm going to keep talking. I love you too. Um. Your wife. My wife understand, she's. She loved the president, so we're, we're good. Um. So, after, having uh. Uh people. Uh link our name our personal names with our business we got a big backlash, you know people attacking, us. But um we stay strong. The last few years i've been very involved you know not only in the community but also, i'm a member of the what we call what we think it is that the most important or the biggest. Republican, club, in arizona, which is the cyberbrook, republican, club i know that we have some members. Here. And like i said we've been very involved, um, just yesterday, we my wife and i organized, a big uh car parade, a trump parade. On highway 77, on roko road in tucson. A lot of people came over hundreds of cars, even some of our friends our latino, friends from, nogales. Drove almost two hours to come to the parade. So there is a lot of support. Great story. Many of them after i mentioned, to them that i was gonna i had the privilege to come to meet with you, they said make sure you tell the president. Not only that we respect them, we love them, we'll be voting for him, but more than anything mr president. Having a small business and talking to hundreds and thousands of peoples a week. I know that a, ton of people, are praying for you are praying for yourself. Thank. You. Thank you very much. Thank you. And i know. That many of these people are very. Humble people. So and i think that, god is listening to the prayers, so you are in good hands thank. You. My, support, for you. Is also. It more than anything is because you show so much love for this country. I have. I have learned. I have learned to appreciate. Respect. And love this country. So much. Because of the, of the opportunities. And what gives. To everyone. That comes here the opportunity, to live the american, dream. One of the reasons that many of us latinos, like about you, is the. Straightforward. Way of talking that you have. Youtube. I. I do not like when politicians. Try to make you. Hear. Or they try to tell you what they think you want to hear. Just tell me the way it is it's straightforward. And that's why i think i like you so much. Many immigrants, like myself, or many other people who their, fathers, parents, grandparents, came here, 100, 200 years ago, we all came from here for for similar reasons. For security. For, for safety. For the opportunity. To, own our own business. And the opportunity, to raise our kids and our families, in a safe, a stable environment. So that's why one of the reasons why we support you and so many people support you the people that i know they support you as well. But the real reason is that. I tweeted, out i saw they were giving him a hard time. And i tweeted, out this is a great couple, and i looked at him i said look at this couple and they were giving him a hard time. And they were trying to do a boycott, because this other side is very vicious, i'll try and do boycotts. So i said you know what it's not very presidential. But i'm going to do a tweet for sammy and his beautiful wife. And. And you never saw lines, like this ever before. And that's the reason, and and i'll tell you you have been, you've been great and i appreciate i hear the place is doing fantastic, you're doing very well sir mr president thank you very much, and i have a few more things to do. Um. My. Betty my wife and i were being blessed with three excellent young boys. Boys, three young men. They're doing very well in college. And i feel that.

Every Kid. Has the need. To be supported. Or to be loved since there are four five six years old, helping me in high school. Helping them get through college. We're like i said we've been blessed our kids are graduating, from from high school from college, with honors. And i i think. That. Part of the problem that we're having nowadays, in so many, people are looting, so much hate. Breaking windows, stealing, somebody's, property. Is because the parents, are doing a poor job, in helping the. Kids. In helping the kid the kids achieve their dreams. Their goals, so if you are not there, when they are very young, do not expect them to be. A very. Good citizen, when they get older, yeah, so i feel that we as parents we need to do a much better job, of raising our kids, because if you're not if you are a. A person, of uh, either your immigrant, you are minority, you are hispanic, or black. Person. If you are not helping your kids when they are very young, do not come with me 10 years 15 years later and tell me that you have a sign, for me to, say to me to respect, your sign that says black lives matter. Here. If you are being irresponsible. Not helping your kids i will i will suggest, for you to, take your sign, frame it and put it in your house in your living room, and look at it every day and, care for your child. When they're. Young. We need to keep the family, structure. Together. Stronger. Family, dad. Because for us. My wife and i work very hard in our business, 12 14 16 hours a day but we all we always make time to support our children, make sure that you know that their needs were met. You know we are not rich or anything, like that we would we make sure that they had, you know what they needed to succeed. And i think we are failing very miserably, on that. Um. When when your opponent, is not saying anything, about, all the destruction, that the people are doing out there, they're only promoting, that destruction. So we. We as latinos, we are people that care for our families. People that, that. We call, ourselves, christians. We must support, someone. In this case president, trump to lead this country for another four. Years. Thank. You. Just two more sentence okay i'll be done almost. I feel, uh mr president. That we. If we call ourselves, christians. We should, we should really think or maybe those people people out there that comes that consider themselves. Independent. To really think what do you want your country to look like in 10 years from now, do you want your kids to have an opportunity, to succeed, or do you want to have, a breakdown. In society, where they are not going to have the options, to to live their american, dream. So for for those reasons. I feel that is extremely important. To listen, to what the other side is saying because for for the the. The commercials, that i see, are all based on lies. And hate. Let's let's. Let's lie about what president trump is doing let's lie about, you know blaming him for kobe 19 or everything else, you know. And they are not, and they're not showing, any. Structure, or any goals or any plans or what they're going to do everything, is based on attacking, president trump. Shame on you mr. Biden. And lastly. This last thing. As a, as a good business, owner. As a as a. Entrepreneur. As an american. Mr president, i wrote a book i finished, writing a book two weeks ago. And i gave uh one of your white house staff a book. To give it to you, so if you please read it i think it's very good. It is called. It is called, american, patriots.

No No i'm sorry it doesn't well. It is called. Modern, patriots. Why modern, because we are. We feel that we as latino, we are, new well like myself we're a new generation. But we all we're full of love for this country, and we're standing, up for what what is right, and we're standing now for you mr president. Thank you, beautiful, i love you. Thank. You. Wow. That was a good job that was actually very good are you proud of. Him. Well thank you mr president for the opportunity, to speak with you today. My name is moses sanchez. And i'm a legal immigrant. From panama. My family and i came to the united states, during the reagan administration. In search of that american, dream. And we've been pretty good. With doctorates. Nurses, and entrepreneurs. In our family. That are contributing. Back. To the fabric, of this country. I've proudly, served. My navies, my country's navy, combat team for the last 24, years. With a tour in afghanistan, in, 2011.. Now for decades, our hispanic, community, and persons, of color. Have been accustomed. To getting lip service, from our political leaders. Promises, of better schools. Safe communities. And economic, security. You delivered. On, all. Your promises. That have improved, the circumstances. Our communities. Face. Historical. Records. In unemployment. Homeownership. Massive, investments, into opposite, opportunity. Zones. An economy. That lifts all boats. My daughter shannon and i. We own a digital marketing, company. Named known as marketing. It's her name shannon. Backwards. Good. When you came into office we had one employee. At the beginning of this year, we had over 12 people in our office. Working, hard. Helping. Other businesses. Increase. And improve their digital footprint. Then covet hit. And it impacted, everyone. Our company was no exception. We are fortunate, to receive ppp, funds. During the first round. Many of our clients, also, received. Ppp, funds. The ppp. Loan, helped us get through the shutdown. And many of our clients, were able to stay afloat. Now many are doing better. Not fully recovered. But better. Kovid. And these shutdowns. Have a huge, impact, on our economic, security. Mental. Physical. And spiritual, well-being. My. My. Mr president. My. I think it's important that my my wife, is an ob gyn, here in phoenix. Focusing, on substance, use disorders. In pregnancy. And parenting, women. She personally, asked me, to tell you, that she really appreciates, all the work you've done in addressing. The often overlooked. Opioid, crisis. We believe. Long-term, shutdowns. Have added, to substance, use. And we're glad that you're doing, everything, you can to fight, covet. And open our economies. In a smart. Safe. And effective. Way. And we're really looking forward, to the continued, recovery. Thank you mr president very nice thank you. Thank you very much, beautiful. Say hello to your wife please that's really nice i appreciate, it we have made a lot of strides, with the opioid, and the drugs, but, uh you get set back with this uh. This giant virus was, a big setback, but now we're back to uh, business, but we, we did get set back with this, horrible thing that was sent it could have been stopped it should have been stopped. It should have been stopped they stopped it going into their country. But not coming into our country, not coming into europe and the rest of the world so, but i appreciate, those are beautiful words thank you very much, please go. Ahead. Thank you. Thank you mr president, welcome back to arizona. My name is leah marcus, peterson, i serve on the arizona, corporation, commission, so we regulate, our public utilities, among other things. I'm also the past president of the tucson hispanic, chamber. And i've been a proud republican, since i was 18, years old. Our family. Has a long history of small business ownership. And, that's really what resonated, with me as i was growing up in arizona. And it's really those values as republican, values, of, less government, more personal responsibility. That you've heard from many of the other panelists, today. I went on to own my own small businesses, a chain of gas stations and convenience, stores, as well as a business brokerage, firm, in the tucson, area, also. I'm very proud though of leading. Our tucson, hispanic, chamber which is one of the largest, hispanic, chambers in the nation, with more than eighteen, hundred members. And during that time i worked with thousands, of small businesses. From pima county cochi, santa cruz all throughout southern arizona. And i wanted to, mention to you, just a very big thank you for the tax and jobs act, i saw firsthand. Working with small businesses in southern arizona. The impact, on their businesses, the ability, to, acquire, additional pieces of equipment, or, hire new personnel. And it really had an impact. Secondly, i think the governor mentioned it also i wanted to thank you for your leadership, on the usmca.

The U.s mexico canada agreement. Thank. You. As, as you're probably aware arizona does more than 16, billion, dollars in trade with mexico, they're our number one trading partner, and you often hear about a lot of the large companies, and transactions. But there's so many small businesses. That are dependent on that relationship. So that really meant a lot to the members of the chamber that i worked with thank you. At the corporation, commission. I'm working hard to ensure that businesses, and families, are not going to be hit by the radical, california. Energy, policies, that a lot of us are seeing now. We're hearing about the california, rolling blackouts. We're trying to defend our state against a lot of these, green new deal components, that are coming forward, so. That's something that's very important, i know it's going to drive up. And i i know that you understand, these issues, and you've got our back there because we need to do all we can to to really recover, from this economic, time and i think the cost of energy has a a big, part of, what what's going to impact families and businesses in the future, but thank you president thank you very. Much. Thank you very much mr president it's truly a privilege, to be on this panel and sitting at the same table with you here today thank you for coming to arizona. For the fifth, time. My name, is, pam kirby, and i'm a first generation, college graduate. I also, serve on the latinos, for trump advisory, board, and i'm the first vice chair of the arizona, republican, party. Most recently, i completed, eight years of service on my local school board and in the spirit of lifelong, learning three months ago i earned my masters, in education, policy. I have a i have a lot of responsibilities. And priorities, but my passion lies with education, policy, and that's what i'd like to talk with you about today. I first want to lead by thanking both you and ivanka. Who she did by the way she did a fabulous, job introducing, you at the convention. Um for the reauthorization. I want to thank you both for the reauthorization. Of the perkins. Career and technical education, grant cte, grant, that was worth over 30 million dollars to arizona. For more than our 200. 000 cte, students. I want to thank you for your efforts, to roll back, federal, intrusion. In our classrooms. That. Allows. That allows, our local districts to better respond, to their communities, needs rather than wasting valuable, resources. Chasing down one-size-fits-all. Mandates from washington, d.c. And you mentioned it earlier. I'm grateful, for the opportunity. Zones that you have created. Because that encourages. Expansion, of quality, charter schools and our most underserved. Communities. Mr president, arizona. Is a national, leader in school choice but even so. 80. Of our 1.1. Million, k-12. Students. Enroll, in a public, district, school, and almost, half of them are latino. My eight years of service, on the school board taught me that we cannot, continue, with the status, quo, if we want to be competitive, in a global economy. We must stop, the radical, indoctrination. That's happening in our. Classrooms. We must stop the indoctrination. And instead teach our children to love our country. And all she has to offer. And mr president that includes. Standing, for the american. Flag. We must have an education. System. That prioritizes. The children. Over the adults. And funds the student, instead of the institution. You know you talked about school choice earlier there are a lot of candidates, out there who say, school choice for me but not for thee. We have to reject, those candidates, because school choice cannot be reserved, for just the few people. We need to empower. All parents with the right, to choose, the educational. Systems, for their children. And more importantly. We need to empower them with the means. To execute, against that choice. And when we have done that. We will have truly freed all students from their zip codes. So. In closing mr president, i want to thank you for your commitment, to the american people and more importantly. I want to thank you for your commitment, to the most vulnerable, of our society. Our. Children. Great job thank you. School choice. Absolutely, right. Thank you please. Mr president. My name is sergio, arellano. You can call me. Serge. And. I am a, first generation, american. My parents are from sonora mexico. They, received. Their right to be here during the ronald reagan. Amnesty. As a show of gratitude. To the country. That allowed them to do that, i enlisted, into the u.s army.

On April, 1st. 2001.. At the age of 17.. Fast forward to september, 11th, which we just recently. Uh you did a great job in remembrance. Mr president thank you. And i find myself, deployed, to ramadi, iraq, september, of 2003. And participated. With the first in the 16th, infantry, division. On the fight for ramadi. Fallujah. Habaneria. And. Al-assad. Unfortunately. After ten and a half years in the infantry, due to combat, sustained, injuries, i left the military, as a wounded warrior. And, when i left the military. I was lost. I was homeless. I had a three-year-old, son. And. Now i have four. Good job. But it was really hard to navigate, the spectrum. To get services. To get any help whatsoever. It's a travesty, what the government has done, to veterans, when they get out of the military. It's thanks to you, and your laws, and your leadership, that allowed me to have. Choice. When it came to health care. Not only for me but for thousands of veterans, in the state of. Arizona. I'm born and raised in tucson arizona. And i'm also a small business owner, entrepreneur. And i'm also a school board member, so, donald trump's policies. Are music to my. Ears. But i just wanted to, bring a couple of things from down south, from tucson, and and bring it to the table, as to what the latino, community, is feeling, and what it's missing. And what it's missing is more of your leadership. And latinos. Are conservative. They just don't know. It. I'll i'll make it really quick, i don't want to drag on too long here, but, um, ever since you were elected. It's been easier, and easier, and easier to recruit latinos. From all over the state. We started doing. Three-person. Trump trains down in nogales. And we've grown i'm also on the advisory, board for latinos, for trump. And we've grown, our organization. Here to include three victory offices, for you. And, also. Over 1100, volunteers. For latinos, for trump, in the past three. Months. It is a critical, time right now for our kids for our family and for our children. And i'm going to give you just one personal, tale, where. I had my kids in the car. We pulled over to the side of the street, we were playing pokemon, go. And we got pulled over by a police officer. And. I told everybody you know relax. These are the good guys. Police officer shows up says hey what's going on are you okay, yeah my kids wanted to catch a pokemon. And he says well you can't be parked here but you know go ahead, go on your road uh go go on your path. This was about a year ago and my son says dad. I haven't heard in my entire life and he's 17, now. Anyone, say. That a police officer, is a good guy. In my neighborhood. This is the stuff we're facing, in, southern arizona, in tucson, in liberal. Ram. Areas. That hate police. Okay. So. Lastly. I want to, really. Have my. Kids who are your biggest fans. Stand up. And. Say hi to president trump. Guys. They are your biggest, biggest. Biggest. Fans, in the world. And they have your picture in their house and they're beautiful. And they're beautiful, kids too thank you so much president, and in closing. When i tweeted, that president, trump was coming to arizona, for the fifth, time to hear, latinos. And their. Opinions. I had some hecklers, say. I'm sure president, trump will listen to you. Here he. Is. Thank you mr president thank you. That's a great job. That's a great job. Thank you very much. Please. Good afternoon. We welcome new citizens, who love our people, and share our values. Poland, speech, 2017. Immigrants, enrich, this country. And i want them to come in big numbers. State of the union, 2019. Mr president. These words, will resonate, with me forever. Thank you so much for what you do for the latino, community. For securing, our borders. For supporting, legal, immigration. And for your efforts, against. Child, exploitation. And. And for being so successful. Fighting, human, trafficking. You heard us loud, and clear, and you know that we want safer, communities. My name is monica, yelin. I was born in bogota, colombia. I came to this country in 1998. With a j-1, war visa. Just one piece of luggage, and, 300.. In 2005. I proudly, became a citizen, of this.

Country. And right after my naturalization. Ceremony. In brooklyn new york. I drove as fast as i could, to the new york board of elections, and i registered, to. Vote. I live in port washington. A little town. On the north shores of long. Island. My husband. My husband is here, and he's, a jewish. American, new yorker from new. Rochelle. Who is glowing. Full of excitement. And wanting me to thank you for standing, for. Israel. Mr yelling. Never ever believe in any candidate, for presidency. Until, you run for. Presidency. That's right. So he voted for you. That's great thank you, that's really nice thank you very much. Nice looking guy too, nice looking. Beautiful. Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you very much. And of course he owns a small, ecommerce. And investments, business. That, even, with this pandemic. Is still succeeding. We left new york because of high taxes. The cost of living, and as you know, the potholes. It's like too far, like this. One. We came to arizona. Because it's a prosperous. State. Today. Arizona. Is one of the fastest, growing, states. We have, surplus. And it is estimated. That, by, 2022. 57. Billion, latinos. Will have that, amount of in power. In. Spending. Thanks to your administration. Policies. Latino, families, have more money, in their pockets. Because of the double child credit. And the standard deduction, the double standard deduction. Furthermore. Small, and medium businesses, are grateful, for your tax cuts and the deregulations. Back in 2019. In september. We had the lowest latino, unemployment, rate, which was. 3.9. Percent. And in 2018. More than. 362. 000 latinos, bought homes around the country. Thank you. Mr. 21, years ago, when i arrived alone. In this country. I could have never. Imagined. The diverse. And blessing. And blessings. In the journey, that i was, that was ahead of me. From getting a master's, degree. Translating. Everything at night at home. To, becoming. A chairwoman. Of a large insurance, industry, committee, in the east coast. To, director, of strategic, initiatives. To being elected by vote. To a county, board. To be appointed. As, one of the members of commission, of domestic, violence. To serving. My community. Every day. And most important, to be here today with the president, of united, states of. America. I am, a living, proof, of the american, dream. Anything. In this country, is possible. And on behalf, of many latinos, around the country. We want to thank you. For leading this nation, and fun, and for sharing, your family, and religious, values, with us. Due to the nature, of. My. Duties, i. Communicate. And i engage, with organizations. And non-profits. In the community. Every day. And. Everyone. Is aware that we are on the road to recovery. And much, faster. Than we expected. Again. Thank you very much, for, this wonderful, opportunity. And for serving, our country, we love you president. Trump. Great. Well i just want to finish by saying my people told me this was going to take about, one third of the time but after these stories started going i wasn't leaving i want to tell you they. They are, they are incredible, stories success stories, all success, stories. Uh, you've done so well the hispanic, community, is amazing i knew that immediately i knew that from many years ago long before i thought about doing this. Whole deal in politics, i didn't have to be told about the hispanic, community i dealt with them. Natural, business, people great business people, great great business, people. You have to be very sharp when you deal with hispanic. Americans. My latinos. I love the latinos, but, uh but i've always known how great you were i mean artie's a great example of one of your great examples, of it but, uh. It's a fantastic, community. I will never let you down i will tell you i'll never let you down thank you. Thank you very. Much.

2020-09-17 20:33

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