Trump holds a press conference ahead of Kenosha visit

Trump holds a press conference ahead of Kenosha visit

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Their 401ks. And with the stocks, that they have and. That's a tremendous, achievement. Best. In, 36, years. Let me begin with a brief update on the china virus, over the. Last month our. New cases in the united, states have declined, by 38, percent. Last week we announced a breakthrough, in testing, that will allow us to have over, 150. Million rapid point-of-care, tests. These tests return the results, in, less than 15, minutes. And many will be deployed, to nursing homes we're being focusing. We're focusing, very strongly, on nursing homes. Assisted, living facilities, and other locations, that serve high-risk. Populations. So we're going to have the 15 minute and less. Tests, and we will have 150. Million rapid, point-of-care. Tests at something. This evening i'm pleased to announce that astrazeneca. Vaccine, has reached, phase three clinical, trials, so that's joining another group of, vaccines, that are very close to. The end. And hopefully approval. In the united, states. We're doing things that nobody, thought would have been. Even possible, this is a process it would have taken, in some cases years, and we did it in a matter of. Months. Thanks to the. Efforts of operation. Warp speed we remain on track to deliver, a. Vaccine, very rapidly, in record, time. I also want to provide an update on left-wing. Political, violence, that we're seeing. In democrat-run. Cities. Under my administration. Federal law enforcement, is working with state and local authorities. All over the country to comb through hours of video, track down writers, looters and arsonists, and bring them. To justice, we've just come up with a report, that we've arrested. A, large, number, of. People. It's over. 200. And, you'll be hearing about that but they've been arrested, in various cities throughout the united states we're doing it very. Low-key but we're trying to help cities, they are. In all cases democrat, run but we're doing the best we can to help them without. Really, much of a consent, we'd like to have the consent, as an example in portland, we could solve that problem in approximately. One hour. But the mayor, refuses, perhaps for political reasons i don't know why it's good for him to have a city that's falling apart. And that's under siege now for 94, days. But really it's been under siege for years, if you know portland, so. To the mayor i say whenever you're ready let us know we'll solve your problem of violence, we'll solve your problem, of crime we'll arrest. Those criminals, very rapidly, and. You'll be able to have some nice, evenings, in. Portland. The department, of homeland security, and the department, of justice, are announcing, a joint operations, center to investigate. The violent, left-wing. Civil unre, rest and again in portland, alone the federal government. Has already. Taken care of and arrested. 100, rioters. Just in that one city the, wave of violence, and destruction, that we've seen in recent weeks and months has, occurred, in cities, exclusively. Controlled, and dominated. By. The biden. Joe biden party. If you, take a look, the top ten. In the country, are. Democrats. It's democrat-run. Cities, and it's a shame and it can be solved so easy. It can be solved very easily. The violence, is fueled, by. Dangers, rhetoric, from, far-left, politicians. That demonize, our nation. And demonize, our police. We have to, allow, our. Police, to do what they're very good at doing, we've taken that, power away they're afraid to lose their pension, their job their, everything they're afraid to be destroyed. You saw this when left-wing, extremists, attacked, law-abiding. Citizens, attending, the republic. The republican. National, convention. At the white house including. Senator, rand paul and his wonderful, wife kelly. What, they went through but other people went through it too. And that was done very. Systematically. That was done on purpose they knew we were having the convention, and they wanted to, do everything they could to disrupt, it, and the good news is the public is very wise to it they see what's happening and they're wise to it. And i think they are probably.

Acting Accordingly. Left-wing, writers, are repeating, the same false narrative about america, that, you hear about the. Really you hear this from. From people. What they're saying. How they're saying, it the violence, it's terrible. And again it's democrat, politicians. I don't know that they're spurring it on or are they afraid to stop it. But in any event we're there to help we're there to get things, under control. What they did, on thursday, night at. The white house, just outside, of the white house to people that came from all over the world. Is a disgrace. It's a disgrace. And, frankly, the mayor, democrat, mayor. Mayor bowser, should have done a better job she did a very poor job but at the same time we had the police were very brave they helped rand i guess it started off with two and they took a beating. If you can believe this they really took some heavy hits one went down. And but got right up. And. Two others joined them and they were able to get rand and kelly through. But it was a terrible. Terrible, thing to witness but other people went through, similar, not to the extent, in terms of taping, we don't have the tapes as strong but, some people went through from what i heard as bad or worse. The violent riders share biden same talking, points in this year, his same agenda, for our nation. And even his strange. Speech today that he made. In pittsburgh. He didn't mention the fact. And he didn't mention the far left he didn't mention the far left. Or, for what i saw i don't believe he mentioned the word antifa. Antifa, is a criminal organization. And he didn't mention nt for thugs. But mostly, seemed to blame, the police, and law enforcement. He went on point after point after point. He even talked about, uh. Those on the right but he didn't talk about those on the left and those on the left are the problem and antifa, is the problem the rioters, and. Joe biden. Have a side. They're both on the side of the radical, left and that is so obvious, and. Until. That neutralizes. You're never going to have. Safe areas in those democrat. Run. Areas, for months joe biden has given, moral aid and comfort to the vandals, repeating, the monstrous, lie that these were peaceful, protests, and not peaceful protests. That's anarchy. That's, uh. You look at the agitators. You look at the looters, you look at, the rioters, that's not a peaceful, protest. They keep using the term it's so nice peaceful, protest, and behind the reporter, the cities are burning. We could solve it very quickly if they ask us to come in like we did in minneapolis. And, like we just did in wisconsin, where i'll be going tomorrow. And at least the governor. Asked me if i could, we would, i said you got to get, the national guard and he finally agreed. To even a small number but, they were able to take care of things and that was, about five days ago six days ago. And. Ever since it's been. Very good. 13 members of biden's campaign, staff, donated. To bail and, riders. They're getting them out of jail looters, they got him out of jail. And his running mate. Kamala. Urged their supporters, to do the same thing.

It's Outrageous, that they're now seeking. To shift the blame for the mayhem. And they really want to put it on the, on the backs of the police, i see it the police. Are, there there's just a, war on, law enforcement. In this country and without law enforcement, we wouldn't have a country. We have very talented, people they're not allowed to do their job. If you give the radical, enough power. What you're seeing in the democrat-run. Cities will be. Brought to every city, in this country, if they have that power, every city in this country, could be potentially, another portland, or. Another, chicago, where they've had such problems, to defeat them. We must jail, lawbreakers. And we must defeat their hateful, ideology. About this country about america. We must teach our children that america is an exceptional, free and just nation worth defending, preserving, and protecting. And that's what we want to do they want to destroy, our country they're going to destroy, our suburbs. But i think i've gone a long way from. Allowing that to happen. The suburbs, are protected, especially, with the rule changes that i made i took them out of the. Obama, administration. They were going to be made much worse. What we're witnessing, today is a result, of left wing left-wing, indoctrination. In our nation's, schools and universities. Many young americans, have been fed. Lies about, america, being a wicked nation, plagued by racism. Indeed joe biden and his party spent their entire, convention, spreading this hateful and destructive, message, while refusing, to say. One word about the violence, i didn't just. Even discuss, law enforcement, the police. Those words, weren't. Mentioned, two words, that, were. Taken out were the words, under god. Under god. Two very important words in the pledge of allegiance, in their caucus, i guess they did it twice they took it out of their pledge of allegiance. I heard it the one time and i said that's strange, what's uh. That's a big, change i figured they maybe, made a mistake, something happened no they didn't make a mistake then they did it later on. So they took the word essentially, it took the word god out of the pledge of allegiance, we're not taking the word god out of. Anything. We're not taking it out of our, pledge of allegiance, and we're not taking. The great word god out of anything. At our convention, we highlighted, law enforcement, heroes and repeatedly, emphasized. That, violence, has no place in american, political. Discourse. The left's war on police, faith history and american, values, is tearing. Our country, apart which is what they want they think it's good but it's gotten out of control, they're unable to control. This radical, left. Crazy movement but we can control it very quickly, very very quickly indeed. The only path to unity is to rebuild, a shared, national, identity, focused on common american, values, and virtues. Of which we have plenty, this includes, restoring, patriotic. Education. In our nation's, schools where they're trying to change.

Everything That we've learned what we've learned in fact what most of you have learned they want to change it they want to, change it for whatever reason. Cancel, culture. Whatever you want to call it at the same time. We must strictly, and fully enforce, our law and have, no tolerance, for anarchy. And no tolerance. Zero, for violence. Anyone who breaks the law should be arrested, prosecuted. And punished this includes, targeting, law enforcement. Efforts to focus, on antifa. The left-wing. Domestic, care organization. The mission of antifa, is to spread terror in the u.s population. With a goal of getting americans, to give up. To their agenda. This is how terrorist organizations. Have always operated, biden won't. Even say the name antifa. I don't believe he said it today. He made a speech and he didn't mention that he mentioned, others but he didn't mention antifa, he mentioned. Law enforcement, and mentioned the police. And uh. But he didn't mention antifa. I wonder why, and if he cannot, name, the problem. There's no way that he'll solve the problem you don't name it you don't solve it. In fact biden would give. Antifa, exactly, what it wants the far-left, policy, agenda it's asking for. And if that happened. We don't have. Much of a country, left. If you give violent, extremists, what they want the violence, doesn't go away. They gain new power, to spread, the terror. Nationwide. Most of our nation is extremely, safe by the way you know you only see the bad you see portland, and chicago, and you see what's happened in new york. Just in a very short period of time it's horrible, what's happened in new york i love new york i come from new york. And when i see four years ago i left and i could see that it was problems, under this mayor. He's a terrible mayor one of the worst i can't say the worst i mean i i've witnessed, portland. Hard to top him. But uh he's certainly one of the worst and, when i look at what's happening in new york and, i look at what's happening in the city and, so quickly, it happens so quickly it's a shame. Biden's strategy, is to surrender, to the left-wing, mob which is exactly what he's doing i don't think he even knows what he's doing and, give them control, over. Every lever of power in the united, states government. But when you surrender, the bob you don't get freedom you get fascism. That's what happens in all cases you take a look at venezuela, look what look what's gone on there and other places. Biden is using. Biden is using mafia. Talking, points the mob. Will leave. You alone. If you give them what you want that's what it is the the mob. Will leave you alone, give them what you want but it doesn't work that way because once you give them they keep taking taking taking.

What Happens, is you give and give and give and you take and they no longer respect, you. And that's what's happened with the democrats, because i actually think they've lost control, of these. Radical. Left, maniacs. I think they've lost control, because i don't think, they feel that's helping them, when new york and chicago. And portland, and. You look at oakland, and you look at, baltimore. And you look at so many different places. And what's going on there, the top 10, are all run by democrats, and you can go, a lot further down the list than 10.. In america we will never surrender, to mob rule because, if the mob rules. Democracy. Is indeed, dead. The reason we're continuing, to see violence, in left-wing, cities today is that. Liberal politicians. Mayors, prosecutors. And judges, are, refusing, to enforce the law and put the riders, in jail these are riders these are dangerous, people. These are killers. They kill, a lot of people. And they don't even think about it they wake up the next morning they don't even think about it. This is the extreme left's agenda for america, they want to appoint, radical, prosecutors. Judges, and federal officials. Who will set, criminals. Free. Their stated, plan is to cut police funding. Abolish, cash bail. Close down prisons. Re-educate. Our children. Preach left-wing, social, justice, establish, a national, sanctuary, for criminal illegal, aliens. And abolish, the death penalty. Even for cop killers. No one will be safe and in fact they. Want very much to let people imprisoned. Like as an example. The boston, bomber. They want to let everybody vote if you're in prison. If you're the boston, bomber they want you to have a vote, i don't know i don't think that sells too well. My administration. Is a very different approach we want. States to work with us to deploy, the national, guard to quell, the unrest. All they have to do is call us we will have the national, guard we're prepared, we're ready to go no matter where they may call from. Any part of the country, east coast. West coast doesn't matter. We're ready to move immediately. As we did in. Minneapolis. As we did we we are ready to move as quickly, as you can imagine. Tomorrow i'm going to a place where we move very quickly. You know that in wisconsin. And, we move very very quickly. And as soon as we move that was the end of that. It was, very well behaved. I'll appoint, more toughen, crime prosecutors. Support stiffer penalties, and longer jail terms for riders. And support effective. Policing, methods. That are proven to be. Great crime reducers. When you enforce, the law. Order follows, and we need order we need. We need. Order. You can't have cities run like these cities are wrong. They gave a little then they gave a little then they gave a little more, and all of a sudden they've lost these cities, but i'll get them back very quickly, all they have to do is say please come in. As you know they have to ask unless we go a much tougher route which we could. But you don't like to do that. They have to ask you to come in when they ask me to come in we'll be there within. A matter of minutes.

When I signed the executive, order outlining. 10-year, prison sentences, as an example, for destroying, monuments, and statues. It immediately, stopped that was three. Months ago or so. I signed an order. And it said 10 years in prison, 10 years have you knocked down a statue, it immediately, stopped i mean to the best of my knowledge i haven't seen it happening for. About that time. They were going to have a big. March on washington, they canceled that march. They said 10 years is too long before the outbreak of left-wing, extremism. Our strategy, produced, a historic, reduction, in violent crime in the last two years. Of the obama administration. Murder increased 30 percent, in major american, cities. And we witnessed, the largest, two-year nationwide. Increase, in murder, in over a half a century. In the first two years of my. Presidency, the number of murders. Went down significantly. Earlier, this year we announced, that, operation. Legend, surging federal law enforcement, to cities. Plagued by violent crime. And we did a lot of it we did a lot of it very quietly, but we did a lot. Since the beginning of operation, legend. We have conducted, more than 1 000 arrests. And reduced the murder rate in kansas, city which is one of the cities we targeted. By, one-third. Cut it down 33, percent. In the last month alone. We cut the murder rate in chicago, in half people don't know that but we sent them in. To chicago, without fen fare at all but we cut it down in half it's still far too high. And if they'd ask for, full help, as opposed to just sending in some very talented, people. Would be able to cut it down to a very low number. Well i am president, we will defend the rights of law-abiding. Citizens, we will honor the heroes who keep, america, safe and we do we honor our police we honor our law enforcement. I have the privilege, of having gotten. I guess most. Most. Every law enforcement, group in the country that i can think of the sheriffs. In florida. All of them. Law enforcement, ohio, and texas. North carolina i mean almost no matter where you look i think i've gotten. All of it we'll have to do a little study so i'm totally accurate but i would say all of it and, the ones who didn't i think we have to look at them, where do they come from. So we, we've done a real job we're ready willing and able to help. These democrat-run. Cities that are doing poorly they have to call and ask all they have to do is call they don't even have to put it in writing we'll put it in writing later we'll get them in there. And we'll straighten out the city. Very quickly whichever, city we may be talking about. So uh. Those governors, that, are, responsible. For a state that has a city that's got a lot of problems, call me or the mayor can call me. And, we'll be there very quickly tomorrow, we're. Making that trip, to wisconsin, i think a lot of you are going to be going and it should be very interesting. It should be very interesting, but we're proud of it because in six days. It's been like a different world. And it took place immediately, as soon as we surged, as soon as we went in. It took place immediately. Okay please thank you, mr president, um, are you giving any consideration. Or, did you give any consideration. To the governor and mayor's request. Not to come to, kenosha, tomorrow, no because kenosha, was something we did a good job when the governor didn't want us there. He didn't want. The national guard as you know, he was very reluctant, but i give him credit. Because, ultimately, he said yes and as soon as he said yes the problem, ended. But i have to see the people that did such a good job for me and we're meeting with numerous people and we have, tremendous, support in the state of wisconsin. So i promise them, when it all gets taken care of. Concerns, though that it could. Exacerbate. Tensions. And, increase, violence do you give any. Uh consideration. It could also increase, enthusiasm. And it could, increase. Love, and respect for our country. And that's why i'm going because they did a fantastic, job as soon as i called. And told. Them let's go. The whole problem stopped that was what six days ago, yeah jeff, mr president. Why are you not meeting with the family of jacob lake while you're there. Well i spoke with the pastor. Wonderful, man the family's, pastor, and. I thought it would be better not to do. Anything with their lawyers, involved. They wanted me to speak but they wanted to have lawyers, involved, and i thought that was inappropriate, so i didn't do that.

But I did speak with the pastor, of the family. Who's a fine man a wonderful, man and. I think we had a great talk. And, uh. I may at some point. You know do that but they. They did have a, lawyer that wanted to be on the phone and i said no that's inappropriate, but i just gave my best regards. Uh but again i spoke with the pastor. Yeah please, i have a question on coronavirus. But first you were just criticizing, joe biden saying he did it to the far left or antifa. During his speech today you said you wanted to talk about left-wing, political, violence, yeah but i noticed you did not mention, that your supporters, were also in portland this weekend. Firing paintball guns at people some form of pepper spray, so do you want to also take this chance to condemn what your supporters, did well i understand they had large numbers, of people. That were supporters, but that was a peaceful protest. And paint is not and paint, as a defensive, mechanism, paint is not bullets. Your supporters. Your supporters. And they are your supporters, indeed. Shot. A, young. Gentleman. Who. And killed him. Not with paint. But with a bullet. And i think it's disgraceful. These people they protested. Peacefully. They went in very peacefully. And, i'll tell you what they're protesting, they're protesting, when they turn on television. Or read whatever they may be reading, and they see. A city like chicago. Where 78, people were shot, and 13, died. Or a city like new york where the crime rate has gone through the roof or. A city like portland, where the the entire, city is ablaze. All the time, and the mayor says we don't want any help from the federal government. When these people turn that on and they see that they say, this is not our country, this is not our country, that was a peaceful, protest. Totally. It was a supporter of yours mr president. That was an interesting. Situation, you saw the same tape as i saw. And. He was trying to get away from them i guess it looks like. And he fell, and then they very violently, attacked him. And it was something that we're looking at right now and it's under investigation. But. I, guess, he was in very big trouble he would have been he probably would have been killed but, it's under, it's under investigation. Do you think private citizens, should be taking, guns i'd like to see law enforcement, take care of everything. I think everything should be taken care of law enforcement, but again we have to give our cops back our police back their dignity. The respect, they're very talented, people they're strong they're tough they can do the job, but we've taken it away we don't want to have. When somebody, makes a mistake, he chokes, or, in some cases you have bad cops we have to take care of that, in other cases they choke. They're under they have a quarter of a second. A quarter of a second to make a decision. And sometimes they make the wrong decision. If they make, the wrong decision, you know if they make the wrong decision, in the other direction. They're probably, dead. So they choke, sometimes. And. That, goes on the evening news for weeks. And. The thousands, and tens of thousands, of great things they do nobody covers that nobody writes about that. But if they make a mistake, and again the bad cops everybody agrees have to. Be very tough on bad cops. But sometimes, you have. A cop. Or a police person, who is a good. A good, police person, right good. But they choke. You know the timing and they go through this and they study this and they work on it all the time, they literally have a quarter of a second to make some of these decisions. And they make a wrong decision, it's very devastating. But i will say this. I honor, law enforcement. We wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for law enforcement. We have to stop. This. Horrible, left-wing, ideology. That seems to be permeating. Our country. And basically, its weakness, its weakness, on behalf, of. Democrat, politicians. Or republicans, we don't have problems, you take a look at our cities our cities are doing very well they're safe. They're secure, i spent. A lot of time in texas. As you know just a couple of days ago and. I was with the governor of texas, greg abbott he was. Explaining, they wouldn't put up with it for a minute they just don't have the kind of problems, that other people have, thank you very. Much.

2020-09-08 06:43

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