Trump holds a news conference

Trump holds a news conference

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Today my administration. Has taken a momentous, step toward. Achieving. American, pharmaceutical. Independence. Very very big, big step. A focus, of our campaign, to bring america's. Critical, supply, chains, and. Medical manufacturing. Back to the usa, we've been working on this for a long time. This is a core of our strategy, to protect. Our people, from. The horrible, china, virus. Should it never happen should have never been here they should have stopped, it. In the decades, before i took office, foreign nations, were allowed to freely plunder, our factories, and loot our industries, take our business, out of the united, states. Millions, of jobs, were. Vacuumed, out just taken out so easily. Our politicians. Let that happen. And our communities. Were, stripped. And shipped in many cases to china, and all over the world countries, all over the world. Nearly four years ago we launched a bold effort to revitalize. American, manufacturing. Enact. Fair trade deals, and bring our industries, back home where they belong. When the china virus, landed on our shores, it became, clearer, than. Ever before. That restoring. American, manufacturing. Is a core matter. Of national, security. We must never be reliant, on a foreign nation, for america's. Medical, or other needs, and that includes, many other needs. I just want to say that pfizer, just announced. A little while ago. That they're combining, phase, two and. Phase 3 trials. And, the vaccine, looks like it's really heading, in a very rapid direction, in a very positive, direction. First time that's happened and there are many. Months ahead of any other. Trial there's never been anything like it so it's the fastest, ever and, to me it's very exciting. Today i'm proud to announce, one of the most important deals in the history of u.s pharmaceutical. Industries. My administration. Has reached a historic, agreement. With a great, american. Company, you remember this company it's called. From the good old camera age. The old days. To begin producing, critical. Pharmaceutical. Ingredients, it's called kodak. And it's going to be right here in america, so i want to congratulate. The people in kodak, they've been working very hard. Members of my administration. Are present in rochester. Right now rochester, new york good place. And they're trying to finalize. This, groundbreaking. Deal and they will be announcing, this deal i want to thank. Governor andrew cuomo, and his representatives. We've worked really well together, on this deal it's a big deal it's got a great deal and a great deal for new york and a great deal for, kodak. 90. Of all prescriptions. Written in the united, states, are for generic, drugs. We have approved, more generic, drugs than any other administration.

By Far. Generic, drugs can be just as good as the brand names. But cost, much, less. Yet in less than 10 percent of the active, pharmaceutical. Ingredients, needed to make these drugs. They currently manufactured. In america, more than 50 percent. However, are made in india, and china. And you'll be seeing a lot of things have happened it's been happening. But, it's happening at a more rapid pace right now. With this new agreement. My administration. Is using, the defense production, act to provide, a. 765. Million, dollar, loan. To support, the launch of kodak, pharmaceuticals. It's a great name when you think of it such a great name was one of the great brands in the world. Then, people went digital, and kodak didn't follow. But now under. Very extraordinary. Leadership, they are following. And uh they're doing something that's a different field and it's a field that, they've really hired some of the best people in the world to be. Taking care of that company, and watching that company watching, over it. But it's a breakthrough, in bringing pharmaceutical. Manufacturing. Back to the united, states. Under this contract, our 33rd. Use of the defense, production, act remember, when you were saying i didn't use it enough i didn't use it enough. And now you heard it's the 33rd. Use we don't talk about it all the time we used it and we used it as a, little bit of a. Threat. Frankly with certain companies, that weren't doing as we were asking them to do and it came through as both a threat and a usage but, this is a 33rd. Use of the, defense, production, act. Kodak will now produce generic. Active. Pharmaceutical. Ingredients. Which is a big deal. Using advanced manufacturing. Techniques, kodak, will also, make. The key starting materials. That are the building blocks for many drugs. In a manner that is both cost competitive, and environmentally. Safe. Will be competitive, with almost, all countries, and soon with all countries. Once this new division, is fully operational. In addition to all of the other plants that, we've opened, with other companies. Throughout the united, states recently. It will produce, as much as 25. Of all active ingredients, needed to make, generic, drugs in the usa. It's a big number, 25, percent. This agreement, will. Directly, create, 360. New jobs at kodak's, factory, in rochester. That's just in the initial, phase. And in minneapolis. A place i, have gotten to know very well and it's a great place. And i'm very happy that we're able to help them with the problems, that they've had, recently, the national, guard i want to thank the national, guard. Both state and beyond, i want to thank them for the incredible, job they went in and they did some beautiful, job they, cleaned it up you didn't hear about the problems, anymore. And indirectly, i want to create, we created, thousands, more jobs all across our, pharmaceutical. Supply, chains, we have. Now been building a very big pharmaceutical. Supply, chain, not only coming out of china coming out of other countries, also. I want to thank peter navarro. Adam bowler. And admiral, polovcheck. For their tremendous, work to make, this deal possible. Today's, action, is our. Latest. Step. To build the greatest medical, arsenal, in history we'll be able to do that, through the defense, production, act and, other authorities, we have. Invested, more than three billion dollars, in our nation's, industrial.

Base. We've contracted. With companies, such as ford. General motors, phillips and general electric to produce more than, 200. 000 ventilators. By the end of this year, nearly seven times, more, than we would ever do in a typical, year. We've, contracted, with honeywell. 3m. O m, helyart. Moldex. And leidel. To increase u.s production, of n95. Masks, and. We've brought it from less than 40 million a month to over a hundred million a month. By august, and we'll have 160. Million. In a very short, while, 160. Million a month. That's many times what we used to do if you go back two years ago, many many times. We're, increasing, domestic, production, of gloves. By, one thousand, percent. It's one thousand, percent. We will be manufacturing. 450. Million gloves, annually, by next year. We're finalizing. Contracts, with our textile, industry, to make gowns in america, with. American, fabric, which makes a lot of our businesses, happy that produce the fabric. We have 13, million reusable, gowns, in the stockpile. And we'll continue, to grow that number to 72. Million, this fall. Which is a rapid, escalation. Indeed. We made. Major, investments, in new rapid point-of-care. Tests. So we have uh, there's nothing like the rapid, point. Where you get your answer in 5 minutes to 15, minutes to maybe 20, 25, minutes at the max. And we're already at about a 50 percent, level. And we're bringing it up very substantially. From there we're growing domestic, production, from less than 250. 000 test kits per month. In may to 8, million, test kits per month. There is nothing like, this that has ever taken place anywhere in the world or close. Through our partnership, with puritan, manufacturing. In the state of maine great state. We've increased production, of test swabs. From 30 million. Per month in june, to 56, million per month now as you remember i went to maine i went to the plant where they do this it was incredible, it's great experience. And we'll produce over 100, million swabs, per month by january. We've dramatically, ramped up production, of materials.

Needed For a vaccine. And earned tract to rapidly, produce, 100, million doses, as soon as a vaccine, is approved, which could be very very soon. And 500. Million. Doses. Shortly, thereafter, so we'll have. 500. Million doses. And logistically. We're using our military, our great military. A, group of people their whole life is based around logistics. And, bringing, things, to and from locations. And they'll be able to, take care of this. Locationally. And bringing it, where it has to go very very quickly they're all mobilized, it's been fully set up. A very very talented, general, is in charge, and. When we have that vaccine, it will be. Discharged. And taken care of it'll be a very, very rapid process, all over the country. And, perhaps, we'll be supplying. A lot of the vaccine. To other parts of the world like we do with ventilators, and other things that we, all of a sudden have become very good at making. When the china virus struck our nation we mobilize, the entire government, and the private sector to acquire, source and deliver. Life-saving. Supplies. Hhs. Fema, and the private sector combined. Have coordinated, the delivery, of more than. 196. Million, n95. Respirators. 815. Million, surgical, masks. 20 million gloves, 34, million face shields and. 354. Million, gallons that's a lot of gowns. Last week fema, completed, a second shipment of personal, protective, equipment. To over 15, 000 nursing homes in the united states our big focus, has been on nursing homes and, senior citizens, as you know that's, where. We want to take care we have to take care of the most vulnerable. Especially, if they have. A medical difficulty, a medical problem, in particular, heart. Or diabetes. Which provided, a total of 1.2. Million pairs of protective, eyewear, 14, million mask. Mask. 66. Million pairs of gloves, and, 13, million gallons. We have replenished. The, long neglected. National, stockpile. In january, the stockpile, had, 17.9. Million. N95. Masks. Today the stockpile. Has over. 50 million, n95. Masks, and we'll be doubling that in a very short period of time and then doubling, that number. We've shipped more than 14, thousand, ventilators. To areas, of need across the country, and we've, more than seventy five thousand available, to deploy. Not a single, american. Who has needed a ventilator. Has been denied a ventilator, and if you remember.

Early On when we were first. Hit with the virus, uh, ventilators. Were very hard to come by. And now we're the largest, maker anywhere in the world by far and not only are we fully supplied, in stock. But we're helping other nations, because ventilators, are hard to build and hard to get. This is just the beginning in the coming months we will continue, the largest, onshoring. Campaign, in american history. We will bring back our jobs and we will make america, the world's premier, medical manufacturer. And supplier, that's what's happening already it's been happening now for, quite some time. We're seeing improvements, across the major metro, areas, and, most hot spots. You can look at large portions, of our country, it's. It's corona, free. But, we are, watching, very carefully, california. Arizona. Texas. And most of florida, that's. Starting to head down in the right direction. And i think you'll see it rapidly, head down very soon but, if you look california, arizona, texas. And for the most part most of florida. Starting to head down in the wake of, the recent mass gatherings, americans, have witnessed, in the, streets of portland, and seattle. We are also tracking, a significant, rise in cases, in both metropolitan. Areas. Because of what's been going on and. We as you know have done a, excellent, job of, watching, over. Portland, and watching, our courthouse, where they wanted to burn it down they're anarchists. Nothing short of anarchists. Agitators. And, we have protected, it very powerfully. And, if we didn't go there i will tell you you wouldn't have a courthouse, you'd have a you'd have a billion, dollar. Burned-out, building. We're also working aggressively, to combat, the virus in native american, and alaska, native communities. Under the cares act we provided, eight billion dollars to address the coronavirus. In tribal, communities. And we've worked very hard with tribal communities, they're very, vulnerable. To this horrible plague. That's the largest, investment, in indian, country. In u.s history, there's never been an investment that big in indian country. We need every american to help protect, our fellow citizens, and prevent the spread of the disease. It's critical that younger americans, remember, that even though they are at lower risk and in fact, some are in. Some age groups are at, extraordinarily. Low risk. Themselves. They can unknowingly. Spread the virus to others. Who are at higher risk. I ask all americans, regardless, of background, or age to practice social distancing. Which. People have gotten very used to. But we have to keep doing it. Remain vigilant, about hygiene, avoid, indoor. Gatherings. And large, gatherings, but especially, indoor, especially. Where you have crowded, bars, and. That you wear a mask. Whenever, appropriate. Through the genius, of our scientists, the devotion, of our doctors, the skill of our workers, and the dedication, of our people. We will achieve victory over the virus, and emerge stronger than ever before. We're looking at a very powerful, year next year economically. The job numbers, are looking. Outstanding. To put it mildly, set records. The. Numbers, on. Retail, retail, sales, came in two weeks ago. At the highest number in the history of our country so, we look like we're heading, to some very. Very good economic, times that means jobs. That means stock market, stock market is already doing very well it's getting to a point very close to where it was. When we had this, when we were hit with the. The plague. So i just want to thank everybody, for being here. Uh steve please go ahead can you clarify. Your acceptance, speech for the republican, nomination. Are you physically, going to be in charlotte, or will you give the speech here somewhere else. We'll be doing a speech. On thursday, the main speech the primary speech. Uh charlotte, they will be doing, uh nominating. On monday that's a different. That's a different, uh period a different thing happening but they'll be doing nominations. On. Monday. I speak on thursday. Okay, from where. Uh we'll go we'll be announcing, it soon, oh so you could be going to charlotte anybody have any ideas. We'll be announcing, it very soon. Mr president um. The, negotiations. Are ongoing, right now for, the next relief measures. Republican, senate republicans, have put forth their plan. Do you support what senate republicans, have put forward and are there certain aspects, that they have put forward that you don't support. Yeah there are actually, and, we'll be talking about it there are, you know also things that i very much support. Um, but we'll be negotiating. It's sort of, semi-irrelevant. Because the democrats, come, with their. Needs and asks, and, the republicans, go with theirs. So we'll be discussing, it with.

Mitch, And, all of the other people involved. Kevin's, been very active as you know. All of the people involved, steve mnuchin has done a great job, keeps everybody. Together, both democrat. And republican. And we'll see we want to do what's best for the people. I want to do what's best for the people. I want to do what's best for the economy, because that means jobs and lots of good things all. Right. Mr president, two questions quickly uh first can you clarify, your position, on the efficacy, of hydroxychloroquine. After, you retweeted, a video, uh making claims. That. It's. Recommendations. Of many other peoples and people including, doctors. Many doctors, think, it is extremely, successful. The, hydroxychloroquine. Uh. Coupled, with the zinc and, perhaps, the. Zithromycin. But many doctors, think it's extremely. Good. And some people don't some people i think it's become very political. I happen to believe in it i would take it as you know i took it for a 14-day, period. And. I'm here. Right i'm here. I happen to think it's. It works in the early stages. I think frontline. Medical, people believe that too some many. And so we'll take a look at it but, the one thing we know it's been out for a long time that particular. Formula, and that's what essentially, what it is the pill. And it's been for malaria, lupus and other things. It, it's safe. It doesn't, cause, problems, i had no problem, i had absolutely, no problem felt no different, didn't feel good bad or indifferent. And i tested, as you know it didn't, it didn't get me and it's not going to uh. Hopefully, hurt anybody, so, we know from that stanford. Because it's been so many years from a safety standpoint, it's safe. I happen to think based on what i've read i've read a lot, about, hydroxy. I happen to think that it has an impact, especially, at the earlier years there were some very good tests at. Ford and. The doctor from yale came up with a very very strong. Testament, to it there was a group of doctors, yesterday a large group that were put on the internet, and for some reason the internet, wanted to take them down. And. Took them off i guess twitter took them off and i think facebook took them off i don't know why i think they're very respected, doctors. There was a. A woman who was spectacular. In her. Statements, about it, that she's had tremendous, success, with it, and they took her they took her voice off i don't know why they took her off but they took her off maybe they had a good reason maybe they didn't i don't know, i can only say that from my standpoint.

And Based on a lot of. Reading and a lot of knowledge, about it, i think it. Could have a very positive. Impact. In the early stages. And i don't think you lose anything by doing it, other than politically. It doesn't seem to be too popular, you know why, because, i recommend, it when i recommend, something. They like to say don't use it john please. On that note mr president last night in tweets that were deleted by twitter, uh you said that dr fauci. Misled, the country about hydroxychloroquine. How so. No not at all i think i don't even know what his stance is on it i, i was just you know he was at the. He was at the task force meeting a little while ago. Uh i have a very good relationship, with dr fauci you know it's sort of interesting we've listened to dr fauci i haven't always agreed with him and that's i think pretty standard that's okay. Uh he did not want us to ban, our. This, this put up the ban to china, when china was heavily infected, very badly wuhan. He didn't want to do that and i did and other things and he told me i was right and he told me i saved. Tens of thousands, of lives which was generous but it's, you know i think it's fact then i banned. I did the ban on europe. But i get along with him very well and i agree with a lot of what he said. Uh, so, you know it's interesting. Uh, he's got a very good approval rating and i like that i it's good because remember, he's working for this administration. He's working with us. John we we could have gotten other people we could have, gotten somebody else it didn't have to be dr fauci. He's working with our administration. And for the most part, we've done pretty much what he and others, dr burks and others who are terrific. Recommended. And he's got this high approval rating so. Why don't i have a high approval rating with respect, and the administration. With respect, to. The virus we should have a very high because. What we've done in terms of we're just reading off about the masks, and the gowns, and the ventilators.

And, Numbers that nobody's, seen, and the testing at 55, million tests we tested more than anybody in the world i have a graph that i'd love to show you i'm, perhaps you've seen it. Where we're up here and the rest of the world is down at a level. That's. Just a tiny fraction, of what we've done in terms of testing. So it sort of is curious. A man works for us with us very closely, dr fauci, and dr burks also highly. Thought of. And yet they're highly thought of but nobody, likes me, it can only be my personality. That's all go ahead can i just ask you also. Dhs, announced today. That it is going to undertake a thorough review of the daca program, to decide whether to continue, it and if not, how to disband, if you had mentioned. Uh after the supreme, court uh, ruling about daca that you were thinking about. A path to citizenship. For daca recipients, are you still thinking we're going to work with a lot of people on daca, and we're also working on an immigration, bill a merit-based. System which is what i've wanted. For a long time. That decision, was an interesting, decision, because it gave the president. As a president. More power than many people thought the president, had so the president, is now, which happens to be me, in a position, where i can do. An immigration, bill and a health care bill and some other bills and you've seen some of them come along. Uh we're going to do tremendous, if we just, signed it. Three days ago we're doing tremendous. Prescription, drug price, reductions, tremendous, it could be over 50 percent. Whether it's, favored nations, clauses, or anything else i mean it's tremendous, numbers we're talking about you know you go to some countries, and they'll sell like a pill. For 10 cents and in the united, states it costs. Two dollars. And it's the same basic. Factory. It's the same everything. The united, states bears the cost of all of these low prices, that you see all over the world where people go to canada. To buy a prescription. Drug from the united, states, not going to happen with me it's not going to happen with me so john i think, one of the exciting things got very little coverage and that's okay but the people understand, it. Uh i think we will be reducing, prescription, drug prices, by. Massive amounts numbers, that, have never been done before, other thing, in 51, years, we got as you know last year. Drug prices came down first time. In 51, years, that they came down. Now. With what i signed last week. I think that drug prices, can come down. Uh, by, numbers like 50. And even greater in certain instances. Where i originally, started are you still considering, a path to citizenship, for current doctors, we are going to make daca, happy and the daca, people and representatives. Happy and we're also going to end up with a fantastic. Merit-based. Immigration. System, please, yes. On the drug pricing, you had said that pharmaceutical. Representatives, would be here today for a meeting to talk about bringing drug prices down or to negotiate.

That Meeting was cancelled. Why. I didn't know a meeting was canceled oh a meeting with the drug, there would be a meeting today, with drug, companies. Uh. Well i said there would be a meeting, yeah of meeting sometime, this week yeah, they want to meet i mean i don't know that it was canceled they want to meet, uh i thought the meeting was actually scheduled, for tomorrow. I thought i, thought the meeting was scheduled tomorrow sorry about the dates but you know i see how upset you are by it, go ahead please bloomberg. Bloomberg, mr bloomberg. You look like mr bloomberg go ahead, thank you mr president would you support a temporary, extension, of uh supplemental. Unemployment. Aid. If uh the deal that they're hashing out in congress, isn't completed by the end of this week we'll do something, we're gonna take care of the people yeah it's a good question we're gonna take care of the people. The woman that you said was a great doctor, in that video that you retweeted, last night said that masks don't work and there is a cure for covid19. Both of which health experts say is not true, she's also made videos saying that. Doctors, make medicine, using dna, from aliens, and that they're trying to create a vaccine, to make you immune from becoming religious, maybe it's the same maybe it's not but i can't i can tell you this. She was on air along with many other doctors. They were big fans of hydroxy. Chloroquine. And i thought she was very impressive, in the sense that from where she came i don't know which country she comes from, but she said that she's had tremendous, success, with, hundreds, of different patients. And i thought her voice was an important voice but i know nothing about her. Last week, real quick. Thank you very much. Trouble don't everybody.

2020-07-29 17:46

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