Trump holds a campaign event in Henderson, Nevada

Trump holds a campaign event in Henderson, Nevada

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I love this. Land. God bless, the. Usa. From the lakes, of minnesota. To the hills. Of tennessee. Across. The plains. Of texas. From sea to shining. Sea. From detroit. Down, to houston. And new york, to, l.a. Where there's pride. In every, american. Heart, and it's time, we stand. Who died. Who gave that right to me, and i gladly. Stand. Up. Next to you, and defend, her, still. Today. God. Bless. Next to you, and defend, her still. Today. Well thank you very much, thank you very much. Thank you. Great to be with you. And a very special, hello, nevada, hello, nevada. But i'm thrilled to be. Here with you in henderson. Thousands, of loyal hard-working. Great, american, patriots. And 51, days from now we're going to win nevada. And we're going to win four more years in the whiter. And after we win four more years we'll ask for maybe another four or. So. Well thank you very much, you know whenever i say that, i watch look at all that news back there look at all that fake news. When i say that their heads explode. Our movement, is pro-jobs. Pro-worker. Pro-police. And 100. Pro-american. As we begin tonight, our thoughts are with the two sheriffs. Deputies, in los angeles, who were. Fighting for their lives, when a vicious, criminal walked up to their vehicle, and shot them. At point-blank. Range. Tonight, we send our love and our support, to their families, and we pray to god for their recovery. The radical, left in america, is waging, open war on law enforcement. Hundreds, of officers. Nationwide. Have been injured. In left-wing. Riots, and mobs you see it you see it all the time please sit down. Please let's have a little fun we got plenty of time i mean. Here. Mean you know. What do we have. Football's, boring, as hell. It's just not the same. Right. Used to be people would say hey could you keep it away from, a football game now they say, could you possibly, do it during a football, game. We have some free time. But during, violent demonstrations. In las vegas a 29, year old police officer, you know this very well. Was deliberately. Shot in the head leaving the young brave. Officer. Paralyzed. Yet, sleepy, joe biden and his supporters, continue, their dangerous, war on the police. They're putting the lives of our brave, officers, directly, in harm's, way. At his convention, he never even mentioned the words, law, and order never mentioned, him once now he's all of a sudden his polls are dropping, like a rock and he's starting to say, well we need law and order. And then he goes back into the basement for four days what happens to this guy, i know what happens to him. He's shot that's what happened to him. Every once in a while the great dana white does anybody know dana white. He's got some champions, with him tonight you know he's here i'm going to introduce him but, he's got but every once in a while i'll ask him what happened to that guy, he said sir he's been shot for the last. Long time, should have left a long time ago.

That's Joe biden. Joe biden he's shot and everybody, knows it. And you know what they ought to be ashamed. Because they do interviews, with him they give him the questions, and they let him read the answer from a teleprompter. And that's the fake. News. It is how about the other day could you, move that a little bit closer see these things, move it a little bit i must tell you. At great peril. I use them seldom. But those are the times we have the best fun too i will say. That's what we and that's actually when we learned the most for the entire, summer. Biden was silent, as left-wing, mobs assaulted, police officers. When biden's, far-left, supporters, set, fire to police cars, and. Precinct, stations. Courthouses. Joe biden called them peaceful, protesters. Right, they call them peaceful protests. And you know when we go to these radical, left places that are having problems, because everyone, look at the top ten. You go back. Go top 20, top 30 take a look, democrat. Run, radical. Left wing democrat, usually, run. Not republican. Run democrat, run, and we go back and we take a look. We want to give them help they don't want help. But when they do ask for help and when they do, we go in like minneapolis. The national, guard went in. Took 35, minutes, to quell. A situation. That went on. For. Two weeks. They knew we were going in. To seattle. We told them we're going in tomorrow morning. And so they sent them in they didn't want that to happen and we let the protesters. Know or whatever you call them they're really anarchists, they're not protesting. So we let the anarchists. Know that we were going in with approximately. 10 000 very tough, people. And. They immediately, raised their hands and the seattle police who by the way could do a great job if they were, let to do their job but they're not. And uh. And as you know in portland, the other day we had to send in the u.s marshals. A man who's a, bad guy, bad guy, shot somebody right in the middle of the street, who they say was a very fine. Young man shot him killed him. Just shot him like it was on television. Two and a half days nothing happened i said what's going on we sent in the u.s marshals. It was taken care of in 15, minutes. When asked if he would cut police, funding. Sleepy, joe said absolutely, yes i would now he's trying to change his mind do you ever see a guy he changed his mind on fracking. Okay. There will be no fracking. You know that he went all through the debates, he doesn't even know what fracking, is i guarantee. He was told to say that by bernie and the radical, left and his vice president, by the way how bad is she. She's the worst. You know we're going to have a woman president, someday. Not going to be her. Not going to be here. And that's no way to attain the office. We got in there. Because. Sleepy, joe, couldn't handle it anymore. You know, joe was bad in prime time see the reason i can talk so badly about him, because, he did an ad. Where he had me standing, over the grave. And the graves of our fallen heroes from many years ago. And. And they said and nobody loves the military, more look what i've done for them two and a half trillion dollars. And in the ad. They have me saying horrible, things in front of other people. Nobody would have put up with that, it was totally it's called disinformation. They make up a total lie. They put it out then they do ads. So once he did that i said now i really, look it's okay. It's okay. Because now the gloves are off i can say that this man, is totally, unfit. To be president. Up here he's totally. Unfair. He can't be your president. You know i've gotten to know, president, xi of china. I've gotten to know, president, putin of russia and by the way getting along with them is good, although china, i must tell you. Got a real problem with china, what they did with us. We can never forget that we made a great trade deal, the ink wasn't, dry. When the plague, came in from china. They stopped it from going into china, but they didn't stop it from going in to our country, europe and the rest of the world okay they could have done that.

But You see uh i deal with all of these people, and, they don't have the kind of mental problem, that sleepy joe has. You're very sure. Kim jong-un. Kim jong-un, doesn't know about the problems, that joe has. We need very sharp people i'm sorry, joe is not qualified, for this. Position. Joe calls, for. Abolishing. Cash bail and closing, your prisons, he wants to close prisons. And he even called law enforcement, the enemy recently, you saw that the enemy until his polls started drop and then all of a sudden he said no we love law enforcement. I think i've gotten every major, law enforcement, group in the country, right. I even got. You saw recently, i got new york's finest, and they are new york's finest but they're not allowed to do their job, they're not allowed we have a, radical, left mayor who has no clue. There's no clue. What's happening to that poor city i love that city what's happening to that city. 300, percent, up but look 300. In certain. Very bad crimes new york, there's no reason for this, and we have the greatest police they're great new york's finest they endorse me chicago. Fraternal, order of police chicago. Endorse me. Oklahoma. Indoor speed. Texas. Endorsement. Florida. Endorsement. Every place. Endorsement. And if you think it's easy for new york and chicago, and these different places, ohio, endorse me if you think it's easy for these guys they never endorsed, new york they said, they cannot remember, ever having endorsed, a presidential, candidate, they endorse me, and they're going against. Their radical, left culture that's destroying, the city. So i was very honored but how about chicago, do you think it's easy for these great, police. In chicago, to endorse me it's not easy. But they felt that they had an obligation, to do it so, i'm just it just happened i'm just very honored by it. And biden's. Anti-police. Crusade, must stop, it's got to stop it's got to stop now furthermore. The corporations. These poor stupid, people that run you know they get paid a lot of money. They're weak ineffective. People let's face it they're funding anti-police. Organizations. And other organizations. That are, it's. So embarrassing. And i don't mean for a little. Like. They gave a hundred, million, dollars, and 250. Million. You're talking about serious, money. You're talking about serious money and that money is not used for good reasons. And these stupid, corporations. And they'll be the first to go if the radical left ever took they'd throw those guys out like they were nothing, if they were lucky they'd just be thrown out. It would probably be a lot rougher than that these people don't know what they're getting into. But instead of giving money they should give money to the families, of the crime victims, and the fallen officers. So. In the republican. Party we know that police officers, are not villains, but, the heroes, who risked their lives to keep us safe and they got you know. The thing that's incredible. I i know so many police they're so good one bad apple, and they're on for months. One bad apple they go on for months. The thousands, and tens of thousands, of good things nobody talks about it these are great people that have done a great job, and we have to support, our, law, enforcement. So biden, wants to appease, domestic. Terrorists. And my plan, is to arrest. Domestic, terrorists. And we also believe, that if you murder a police officer.

You Should receive, the death penalty, and that's something that's. Very. Important. And you saw a video of that animal that went up to the car did everybody see that. This animal, this animal, goes up to the car. Two unsuspecting. Fine people there was about fine people. I mean they're in very grave condition, as you know, fine. People. He's an animal. And i called him an animal, and i was criticized, by people, calling him an animal, they said he's a human being he's not a human being, he's an animal, he's not a human being. Joe biden opposes, the death penalty even for cops who. I mean look, you have to see even for these cop killers who. Go around the predators, they murder children. People like the boston, bomber he opposes, the death penalty for the boston, bomber, he wants to give. Prisoners, a vote he wants to have the boston bomber be able to vote i don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so you know who started that bernie sanders crazy bernie he wants to have. Crazy, bernie, says no no they have to vote so they asked him well. Does that mean every that means everybody that's in prison should be entitled, to a vote right. So they actually said well what is that what about the boston bomber should he be entitled. And bernie goes uh. Yeah. Yeah he should be entitled. Bernie is crazy but you know the fact is, that we got a lot of bernie votes four years ago because. Bernie's right about one thing trade, because all of these countries. Friend, and foe. They rip off the united states we've, we have made so many great trade deals. And you see it. Usmca. We got rid of nafta, so many. But biden is too weak to be present, and he's not a smart person and by the way, he wasn't, smart 25, years ago. Everybody, knew it. Now we don't even have to discuss, the matter. But i was going to say when he put that ad up we told him to take it down. When he put that ad up that dishonored, our fallen, heroes they are a great great. Heroes, of mine of yours of everybody's, i know really bad people. No bad person the worst person i know i saw i know some beauties, from new york. I know some. Developers, in new york. Actually. Nobody would say what they said they made it up it was a made up sape and then they put it up in the form of an ad from a third-rate, magazine. Whose best friend is obama. Who by the way. Who by the way. Who by the way got caught spying, on my campaign. He got caught. We caught him cold we have him call. Now let's see what. Happens. Now the republicans. You know it's interesting we have much better policy, but the republicans. They don't fight like colby. You know kobe is you're going to say hello to colby. They don't fight like colby they don't fight to win they've, just done that with better policy.

But They're not they don't have that vicious streak. If this were reversed. If this will reverse. They would be in jail for two years already, and it would be for a 50-year, term for treason, that's what it would be. Okay. But biden is too scared to stand up. To the crazy, socialists. And never will they'll never have the strength. And he's he's going downhill, fast. It's going to be very interesting. And you know i called for a drug test. Because you know what, i want a drug test. Because we don't want to have a situation. Like we could have with this guy, i watched him in debates. With the other, 24, lunatics. And he was so bad. No he was so bad. You know maybe he'll win because they don't like me they don't like my personality, but i hate to say it i'm what you. Need. But if biden, ever did win. He would surrender, your country to the mob you know that, and he will have nothing to do with it it's not him, i mean he's being he's going to be pushed around. And she's by the way just so you know what you're going to get, she's, considered. Far more liberal than bernie sanders how about that that's what you're going to have. I don't think your state is into that unlike biden. I'll always stand with the heroes of law. Enforcement. And i'm deeply honored to have gotten all of those endorsements, that to me is a really big deal, that to me is really a big deal and i just want to thank all of them including, the, national, troopers, association. And coalition. Just came in. We also, received. The endorsement, total and complete, endorsement, from the public, safety, alliance, of nevada. And the las vegas police, protective, association. From. Nevada. And i want to thank for that steve grammers. Who's with us tonight we're steve, steve here steve. Thank you. Thank you, that's a big deal. Make sure they get out and vote steve because they're playing around with the ballots, okay you know your governor. So we had many sites by the way all exterior, sites all outside today you'll hear these phonies back there well look at that. Now today you're gonna hear them. They'll say oh it was indeed well the reason it was we had. Five sites, all outside, sites like last night tremendous, room. And, a great gentleman who owns this building said you know what what they're doing is really unfair. You can use my building, don i want to thank. You. I want to thank you. This is the most important, election. In the history of our country. At no time before, has there been a clearer choice between two parties, two visions, two philosophies. Two agendas. For the future. Joe biden spent the last 47. Years selling out america, look at what he's done, everything he's done was wrong he always voted the wrong way. Even his, secretary, of defense, as secretary, of state, they said he always voted the wrong way. He was offshoring, you jobs. Throwing open your borders depleting, our military, and sacrificing. Your children's, future, to china, and other faraway, lands. I've spent the last four years.

Only In the vatican. I would never say so what did you say. Okay. This way i can't get in trouble. I've spent the last four years bringing our jobs back to america, securing, our borders, rebuilding, our military. And standing, up to china like no other president. Has ever done. If biden wins, china wins if biden wins the mob wins if biden wins the rioters, and anarchists. And and, look you see what's going on. The arsonists. And flag burners, how about the flag burning i would love. I would love to have a law. This is so sad what's going on, when i see the american, flag. Burn, i get so angry, i get so angry. I would love to have a law it has to go through a big, process. You burn the flag you go to jail for one year i would love to see it i would love to see it. I would love to see. It. I would love to see. It. If i were a congressman. Or a senator i'd be in there with that one you know this oh freedom of speech, that's not freedom of speech, you burn the flag you should go to jail for one year i really mean that. They'll say oh it's horrible, he's against free speech, no no, we're not, we're not against free speech but i'm running for reelection, to bring back. The tremendous. Prosperity. That we enjoyed, before the play came in and it's happening very fast. And i'm running for your state i love this state. You know i put a lot of money in this state, and it's been a great investment. And we want to keep, this state, strong not for that reason by the way. For other reasons, because this is a great place. You have a governor right now who's a political, hack. We want to put violent, criminals, behind, bars, and tell your governor to open up your stake, by the way. Open up your. State. You know just so you know these shutdowns. We did the right thing, we had the greatest, economy, in the history of the world. They came in they said we were all seeing what was happening. We closed, up. I mean you know. You're presiding, over the greatest, economy, in history. And a group of very smart people walk in and say sir. We have to close it. And we did the right thing. We closed, it well actually he didn't think we should close it yet but later on he said we did the right thing. We closed, it, we closed it, we saved millions, of lives, if we wouldn't have closed it we would have been talking two and a half or three million we're at 180, it's far too much. But we would have. We would have been talking about. It would have been unacceptable. Unsustainable. It would have been so bad think of it we're at 180. 000. Other countries. Are doing terribly, did you see the statistics, of us compared to other countries, us compared to europe oscar pitt. We have done an incredible, job we get absolutely, no credit for the job we've done, and i don't want it myself. But i want it for the admirals. And the generals, and mike. Pence. And joe biden was against it remember he was totally against closing, he said oh he's xenophobic. I'm xenophobic. I wanted it closed, and nobody else did at that time nobody else did i was way early, you know they say he didn't act fast, i was, months early nancy pelosi, was a month and a half later saying, come to chinatown. Let's come to chinatown. And sleepy, joe was totally he thought what i was doing was terrible then all of a sudden now i see him saying he should have closed it earlier, this guy you know the great the great thing about the age in which we live. It's all down in tape. You know it's all down, i've got a reel on him. We call it. We call it biden's, best, you've got to hear this. But we want to ensure, the future. Of america, not the future of china, and other countries. Because. If we win america, wins. And it's all about america, first you know you've had, presidents, they never put america, first they didn't put america, first. They didn't take care of our country, but we're taking care of our country now joe biden cannot, lead our country. Because he really doesn't believe. Truly, in our country but i i sort of that i think that's a very strong statement. I don't think he has a clue i'll be honest.

The People that push him around. Don't believe in our country. Because he agreed to a manifesto. With crazy bernie right it's called the manifesto. You know why it's called the manifesto. Because, this is beyond, socialism. This is a word that starts with a c, not an s. That's where they're coming from. That's what they're coming from at biden's, convention, they decried, america, wicked and they were saying it's wicked, sinful. It's destined, for a fate, of doom and despair that was by the way that was the most. That was the most depressing, convention, we had a great. Convention. They actually said america, wasn't great. They actually said that america was never great you know who said that cuomo, the governor of new york. Said america, was impressed. I don't know if he's going to get away with that one that's going to that's going to haunt him, that's going to haunt him. America, wasn't great, him and his uh brother fredo do you ever watch freda. His ratings, aren't very good so you probably, don't. But we know the truth america, is the most exceptional. Nation on earth, and our destiny, is blessed by. God. We love this nation, with all of our heart and, soul. And we will always, take care of our nation you know uh, we have a little expression. Make america, great again that's what's happened. And you know we had it done. Now i say make america, great again again. Comma, i go comma, again. And that's what we're doing at a record clip they've never had a clip like this with the jobs and everything else you see the numbers on november, 3rd. Nevada, will decide, whether we will quickly return, to record prosperity. And we're doing it we're going to have a tremendous, year next year. Or whether we'll allow joe biden, and the group of. Handlers, to impose, a four trillion dollar tax site. Ban american, energy. Destroy, our suburbs, demolish, our second amendment. And indoctrinate. Your children, with a poisonous. Anti-american. Lie. Yeah get him out of here would you. Please. Uh. Under my leadership, we built the greatest, economy, in the world he's going home to mom. And now we're doing it again. We're developing. A vaccine, in record time the other administration. Would have been years, and we're almost, there, it's going to be announced very soon we'll be ready before the end of the year. And we will very easily defeat the china virus, that's what's happening, and we're already making that turn. We're making that round, beautiful. Last turn. But it should have never happened. China should have never let that happen. They should have stopped it in china. Under my administration. Before the virus, we quickly, achieved the lowest unemployment, rate, in nevada's, history. And we'll soon be there again. To see what's happening. A guy like biden would. Totally eradicate. Nevada's, economy. He would make it impossible. For you to compete, and he's already said if the doctor, suggested, that he would shut down the country, again, we're not shutting down our. Country. A shutdown, will destroy, the lives and dreams, of tens of millions of americans. Look the americans, you know on the other side if you look at these shutdowns. And you're living through it right now you know there aren't many. States that are shut down they're all democrats. North carolina. Your state, but north carolina. We're not you know. You take a look at north carolina. Pennsylvania. Shut down, every one of them that are shut down are doing not well. They're not doing well, and they all have democrat, governors. And you know when you look at the suicide, rates. When you look at all of the suicide. All of the domestic, violence. The drugs. All of the problems. We can't have it we can't have it open up your state you've got to open up your state, it's all political. It's all political. It's all political. On november, 4th they'll announce we're going to open up the states they're only doing it.

To Affect your november, third grade election, most important, election. Biden will always do whatever the radical, left demands. And if elected, his radical, supporters. Won't just be causing mayhem on the streets, they'll be running the department, of justice. The department, of homeland, security. And by the way the united, states supreme, court. And we will have a very different, country. You know the next president, probably, will have anywhere, one two three or four. Supreme court justices. So. If you want your second, amendment. If you want life. If you want. So many other things. Even having to do with your military. Even having to do with your vets, if you want things if you want, you've got to you've got to have the court, because, you know they'll last for 25, 30 40 years. They're put on as young people and they stay a long time. Our country will never be the same we'll never be able to recover, from it so you got to get out on november, 3rd. Or early voting, you got to get out and vote. And you could send your ballot, and then you have to check that your ballots counted, because they might not count your ballot of this state they may not count your ballot. But we're looking to save and we're going to save america, we're not going to let that. Happen. So. We're joined tonight, by two terrific. Congressional. Candidates. That have been just incredible, in the. Job they've, uh you see it i mean you've seen it, all the way. The job they've done. In their campaign, they beat people that were very good very talented, great politicians. And they won. Damn. Where is he dan. Rodemar. Dan. Rodemar. Dan rodimer. And we're with you all the way dad. And jim, marchant. Jim thank you very much. Thank you jim. So we're backing you all the way you got to get them in we need uh we will take back the house. You know why. Because people cannot, stand nancy pelosi. They don't like nancy pelosi. Even the woman that owns the beauty parlor turned her in can you believe that. Nancy pelosi, is a customer. She turned her in she thought it was disgraceful. But that's what we're dealing with a bunch of phonies but you guys we have, we have you back a hundred percent, michael you'll make sure right. I also want to. Introduce, and thank he's done a fantastic. Job. Nevada, republican, party chairman, michael, mcdonald. And a friend of mine and thank you michael. Your former attorney, general. Adam, laxall. And a person with tremendous. Spirit, and personality. To put it mildly. She's tough, and she's but she's very kind she's a great person. Kimberly. Guilfoyle. Thank you kimberly. Thank you. Thank you. Kimberly. The owner of the chicago, cubs, and he's in first place so he's very happy. The rnc. Finance, chairman, todd, ricketts, where's todd. God thank you great. Go win that pen in time win the pattern. One of the best. People. Ever to work for me in government. He's tough he's smart. He can't be vicious. But he's just, fair, more than anything, else but he is a talented, guy. With tremendous, energy, and tremendous, brain power, rick. Grinnell. And here he is again because they're going to try and find out man what's this guy manufacturing. You know this is a manufacturing. Building. And outside. 25, to 30 000 people everyone's saying what the hell is he manufacturing. Maybe he's manufacturing. Trump i don't know. He's manufacturing. Something pretty good they're gonna boy they're gonna be giving you a lot but again don thank you very much don, am. Thank you don. Thank. You. Also, a las vegas, legend, rick harrison, rick. Thank you rick. You are a legendary. Johan. Great job you've done. Great job you've done. A friend of mine for a long time. You know years ago, he was looking for a place can i tell this story just quickly, do you mind. He was looking for a place and they said well that sport's never going to make it it's too violent. They just don't know how violent the american people are do they. They they never quite figured that out, no they said no it'll never make it there's nobody, like this guy i'm telling you i always say it's a great sport without him i don't know what they do i don't know if it could i don't know if anything would make it he could do anything.

He Is so smart. So tough. So cunning, he's been a friend of mine for a long time i've been a friend of his but i gave him a place a long time ago. And all i know is just like we have outside we had lines i said what the hell's going on here dana this place is packed, right we were packed we had thousands, of people that couldn't get in, and i was so nice i said let's do it again dana please. And we did it again and again and again. And it became the ufc, and he sold it and has a big chunk of it but he got four billion, dollars when he sold it. Four billion. That's not too bad. That's not too bad dana. But he really is he's an incredible, guy and you know he also loves his fighters he wants to take care of his fighters and he brought some of them along the best, but i want to introduce, dana white dana please, stand. Up. And dana brought along a few of his friends, and, these are not people you want to pick a fight. With. Because under those beautiful, suits there are a lot of muscles, a lot of power a lot a lot of genius. For fighting and for other things. But a lot of genius, under those suits a few members of the ufc. Community, so here's a man who's been he used to walk into that ring and he still does and he's uh, as good as there is in the world, number one. In the world. Uh. You don't want to pick a fight with him at a bar let's say you had a fight. And you happen to meet, colby, covington, you say what's your name. And he said my name's colby covington. And you know the first time i saw covering, covington, and kobe, he walks into the, ring now he wasn't fighting, but he walked in with that same hat that you're, wearing. It said. Keep america, great, it says make america, he doesn't care as long as he does trump on it someplace, he doesn't care, he doesn't discriminate. But this was the same day that we had. Our, conservative. Reporter, beat the hell by that wise guy who's now in big trouble for doing what he did. And then he walks in wearing the hat right, keep america, great, and he wears the hat. And he's going, like this, because this was a big story you remember what they did to that guy. Conservative. Reporter not a fighter he wasn't a fighter. If, and it was, 10 people against one. Now if we had 10 people, against, that one. Those 10 people would be in serious, trouble they said what the hell.

But I'd like to introduce. Colby, covington. Great title, great great father, incredible. He is a great fighter. Three months ago i saw him fight a guy, he looked like uh, it would be impossible, to beat i never saw muscles he had muscles, on muscles, or muscles. And kobe's, a very fit guy and you know, fantastic, but, he didn't look quite the same. It wasn't even a contest, it went. A few rounds and it was like i couldn't believe what you did he took them apart so easily it was like, an easy day at the office. So you have to explain that to me someday, colby but we love you man you're with us and we're with you. Another, great great champion. Another, great champion, henry, cejudo. Who is. One of the best in the world and henry please stand, please. Henry. Is. And you won the championship. Twice right and twice. He won it twice he's uh. Don't mess with him. Don't mess with him and his brother alonzo, is here alonzo, cruz thank you very much alonzo, thank you. Thank you. And alonzo, doesn't mess with henry he learned that a long time ago. So one of the best fighters in the world and he's got a tremendous, fight coming up against, i guess the number one, rated. Pound-for-pound. Fighter. Justin. Gaithy. Please stand up justin. Justin, gaichy. Thank you. And you feel good about that, fight. He said he's going to knock him out well. We're going to be watching. It's right before the election but i think i'm going to be watching, okay. I'll be watching, you better believe it that's going to be an incredible, fight good luck good luck justin, great fighter. And also. He's. A great guy. One of the best. Thank you very much. But these are great people they have so many people at the ufc, and they've been big fans of us they love our country, they love our country, so you know, and we love them and. Nobody like our dana thank you dana very much, great honor thank you man. Tonight we're also praying for everyone. Throughout the west. Affected, by the devastating. Wildfires. We want. Really forest management, we want forest, management, my administration. Is closely, coordinating. With the state and local leaders with the governor.

And We thank the more than 28, 000 firefighters. And first responders, courageously. Braving the danger, and the lie. And i'm going there tomorrow, i'll be going to california, tomorrow we have meetings with fema, and all of the different. People. Now, it'll be it'll be amazing, to see it's. Like the biggest we've ever had it's crazy, it's crazy what's going on. Thousands, and thousands, and thousands, of acres, it's crazy. So we're going to be there tomorrow, we'll be with the governor we're also going to. Various, other places. We have washington, also is in big trouble in oregon, i spoke with the governor of oregon, and, uh, they're having. They've never had anything like it. And uh of course they also have a place called portland, and we will put that fire out just tell us to put it out governor. That firework, went out. That's a much easier fire to put out it would take us less than a half an hour. We've spent the last four years reversing, the damage, done by. Joe biden and all of the damage that him and his. Thought process, has inflicted. Over a 47-year. Period, we passed, record-setting. Tax cuts and record-setting. Regulation. Cuts, we achieved. American. Energy. Independence. Nobody thought it was possible. When biden, pledged, to abolish, the production, of american, oil and shale, and clean coal and natural gas. Which is very clean. And he wanted to ban fracking, we said no we're not doing that for 47. Years biden, crushed the dreams. Of american, workers to enrich, foreign countries that's what happened. Look he says he's going to change. He's been there for 47, years and you know he's been there until three and a half years ago so it's not like gee he hasn't done it for 20., he was there recently. They didn't do it and you don't change and you always go back to the first statement. And his first statement, was, anti-religion. His first statement was anti-fracking. Anti-energy. His first statement was anti-all, of the things, but it was really anti-gun. Anti-second. Amendment. He even put this whack job. He even put beto o'rourke, beto. They said beto was spanish, i said how does the beta go with the iraq. They said well he wanted the spanish, vote. So his father. Calls him beto, what's that, does that sound a little bit phony because we had a poll today, and hispanics. Are at 52, percent for trump and 40, something. Never. Happened. Never happened. They've never seen that before. I love the. Hispanics. But the democrats. Championed, nafta. Tpp. The horrible, south korea deal south korea deal. Hillary clinton crooked hillary she said we will create. 250. 000 jobs i say it all the time, we will do this deal with south korea. We will create, 250. 000, and she was right. But they were created. Career not for us we didn't get anything, and we renegotia. And he was there for china's, entry into the world trade organization. Earlier this year. I kept my promise, to american, workers. When we ended the nafta nightmare, and we signed the brand new u.s, mexico. Canada, agreement. Into law great deal for us. That's a great deal. And by the way our stock market, is setting records, i hate to say in the middle of. A pandemic, but hopefully, as we round that final, turn, on the pandemic, we're setting records with the stock market your 401ks.

Are Doing very well, your stocks are doing very well. And you know what if something would happen where he'd get in and there's a headwind, believe it or not that stock market would be much higher, but there's a headwind, on the possibility. Okay, everything's a possibility. There's a headwind. But i'll tell you what. If he ever got in you would have a market crash. The likes of which, this country, has never seen before, just remember, it. Just remember, it, because what they want to do is crazy the green new deal 100. Trillion dollars. The green new. Deal. That's more money than we could make in a thousand, years, a hundred, trillion, dollars. We don't like that building the windows, are too big what do you do rip it down. Oh good that sounds good. I saved the u.s auto industry, by withdrawing. From the last administration's. Job-killing. Catastrophe. The trans-pacific. Province. And we're building many auto plants. You know that. Some here, but we're building many auto plants in michigan. Many auto plants in michigan. If we don't win michigan, after all those auto plants and i don't know but it's been tough but we won it last time. And, we're showing a poll that just came out that we're two points up in michigan that's very good, that's very good. I took the toughest, ever action to stand up to china's, rampant, theft of american, jobs. Biden's, agenda, is made in china, my agenda, is made in the usa. That's what it. Is. For the last four years i've been delivering, for our incredible, hispanic, community, i'm fighting for school choice. Safe neighborhoods. Low taxes. Low regulations. On all, hispanic-owned. Small business and they are great business, people. And they understood, that. They understood, that they understood it and by the way there's nobody, that knows. Our southern border. Better than. I call them the hispanics, i call them latino. You know. I say what do you prefer. It's very interesting. Some say call us latino. Others say, call us hispanic. Others say call us whatever the hell you want we love you. We love you. But our hispanic. Population. Knows our southern border. Better than anybody, else, and they don't want criminals, coming across. They want people to come across. But they want them to come across legally, and we have the strongest, southern border now. The democrats. And biden would be a disaster. For, hispanic, americans. He's pledged to wage, attacks, on catholic, organizations. Like the little sisters, of the poor. They're fighting, him, he supports, taxpayer taxpayer-funded. Extreme, late-term, abortion. Stream, late term. He would allow left-wing, anarchists, to burn down your businesses. He would hand over your jobs to china. And your country, to the socialists. And beyond the socialists. The democrat. Party, also continues, to attack our incredible, border agents, more than half of whom, happen to be, hispanic. Americans. Okay. And they're great. And i want to thank. Not only law enforcement, but a big part of law enforcement, of the border patrol, and the ice agents, they are. Incredible. You know the ice agents. Dana could sign some of them up the ice agents they go into like a pack they call it a pack, they go into a pack. Of, ms-13. Fighters, these are criminals.

And They do it like it's routine you don't want that job nobody, i don't see any of the people. Male or female, sitting in this audience that wants that job ice. They take out thousands. And thousands, of ms-13. Killers, a year. And bring them the hell back out of our country. All around our country our communities. Are protected, by hispanic, american, heroes, and law enforcement, and they deserve, unwavering. Gratitude. And i want to just thank you all, i want to thank you. With us tonight, are members, of the national, border patrol, council, and they are great friends of us i want to just thank them the official, union. Of our nation's, incredible. Border, patrol, agents and you know what they're not supposed to do it but they did it anyway they endorsed, me. I want to thank brandon, judd who's here. And art del cudo. Art. Where's brandon, where is my brandon. Where is brandon. Oh look at these guys, look they're, ready. They're ready to. Fight. Hey, brandon. All right. So, pick out your toughest, guy. I want to see whether or not. He can take colby in a fight. Don't do it. Thank you very much thanks fellas we appreciate, it very much thanks great job too great job. My administration. Has achieved, the most secure, border in american, history. We ended catch and release. We stopped asylum, fraud. We've deported, 20 000 gang members and over half a million. Criminal, aliens. We built, over. 320. Miles, as of today border wall. And we're adding 10 new miles, every single week we're doing about 10 miles a week. And we'll be finished with the wall very shortly, and you think that was an easy one that was not an easy one, we were fought. You know two things when i say it, two things that never get old remember the democrats, are saying a wall won't work oh really tell me about it, war works that's one of the reasons our numbers are so good, but two things that will never get old. Never you know what they are a wall. And a wheel. A wall, and a wheel better. A wall. You know i see. So many things and i see all these businesses, computers, you come up with a new chip you come up with a new computer, you come up with a new laptop. Three weeks later you buy it three weeks later it's obsolete. But a wall will never be obsolete. And a wheel, will never be obsolete, you come back in a thousand, years a wall and a wheel. Thanks to our powerful, new security, measures, we've doubled the amount of meth. Seized at the border over the last year we've doubled. We invested, 2.5. Trillion dollars, in the u.s military. And launched the first new branch, of the u.s armed forces, in 75. Years. The space, force. We passed va choice, and va, accountability. And i've accomplished, more in 47. Months than joe biden did in 47, years that's true. That's true. I withdrew, from the last, administration's. Disastrous. Iran nuclear, deal so good for israel. So good that we did that. They paid 150. Billion dollars, 1.8. Billion in cash i think dana white could have made a slightly better deal than that. You know what we got for it nothing. We got nothing. We killed the founder, and leader of isis, al baghdadi. We eliminated. The number one terrorist, in the world. And we're talking over a 50-year. Period number one in the world the mass murder. Of american, troops and many other people throughout the world kasim. Solomani. Is dead. I kept my promise. Recognized. The true capital of israel and opened the american, embassy, in jerusalem. I recognize. Israeli, sovereignty, over the golan, heights. And we've achieved, the two, historic. Peace deals in the middle east, in just the last month two. Two, over 75. Years they did two we did two in a month. And many other countries, are coming in the united, arab. Emirates. And bahrain, have both agreed to normalize. Relations, with israel nobody thought this was possible. In fact you didn't hear it because they don't report this you know they just don't want to report it. But we, they gave. They nominated. Your president. Twice, last week on two different subjects. For a nobel, prize. But. But the fake news media didn't cover it so that's.

It. Biden, got it remember. Okay remember, when, when uh. Our great president, right, barack hussein, obama he got it. Right. Like immediately, and they said why did you get it and he was unable to explain do you remember. Why did you get it because it was like he just became president they said we're going to, dominate. Barack hussein, obama, for the. Nobel, peace award right, and what what happened and what happened. And then biden said what about me they said who the hell is he this guy. The hell has he done. But. It's true obama got it for no reason whatsoever, rick you know that no reason whatsoever. Joe biden brought you only endless, wars. I'm bringing you peace and i'm bringing our troops back home they're all coming back. Endless, wars. Biden voted for the iraq, war. He opposed the mission to take out osama, bin laden. He opposed, the killing of salamani, he oversaw, the rise of isis. And he cheered, the rise of china as a positive. Development. For america, and the world. When i banned, china. From coming in highly infected. He said it was hysterical. And xenophobic. If we had listened to joe hundreds, of thousands, more americans, would have died just by that one move alone. When the. Thank you. I agree actually. I don't think i'm allowed to say it. When the virus, arrived, we launched the largest, national, mobilization. Since world war ii, we're delivering, life-saving. Therapies. We've achieved among the lowest case fatality, rates of any major country anywhere in the world you don't hear this, europe's, excess, mortality. Rate, is 24. Higher. Than the us, and despite, their, very punitive, lockdowns. They're once again seeing very large spikes in cases, unfortunately. The united, states has experienced, the smallest, contraction. Of any. Major, western, nation. And the fastest, recovery, by far. Who's going to do that. And there's a reason for it. Through our historic. Relief, programs, we've saved more than half a million nevada, jobs. And over 42. 000, nevada. Businesses, we've saved, 42. 000 of your businesses. Biden would terminate, this comeback. And put your families, in great danger. He would reimpose. The. Federal regulations. Destroy. Your social security. Destroy, protection. And you know he's, looking at doing all of this stuff, he will destroy, protections, for pre-existing. Conditions. And decimate, your 401ks. Your retirement. System your stocks. He'll establish, a national, sanctuary, city policy, for criminal. Illegal, aliens. He wants to cut your vet facilities. In half. Go to socialized. Health care and end, 180. Million, americans. Private health care plans which they love. Biden pledges, to oppose, school choice. And he stated that if elected. Charter schools, are gone, and charter schools have been growing. In a second term i'll provide, school choice to every parent in america. A vote for republicans. Is a vote for safe communities. Great jobs. A limitless, future. For all americans. It's really a vote for the american, dream that's what it is it's the american, dream. Versus. The american, nightmare. Instead of letting washington. Change, us despite, all that we've been through, we are changing. Washington. So in concluding. This wonderful, afternoon, and again don thank you very much. But in concluding, this wonderful, afternoon. And if the governor comes after you which you shouldn't be doing. I'll be with you all the way. I'll be with you all alone. Don't worry about it then. Over the next four years we'll be making america. Into the manufacturing. Superpower, of the world. And we'll end our reliance, on china once and for all. We will make our medical, supplies, right here in the united, states. We will rapidly, return to full employment, soaring, economies. And record prosperity. We will expand, opportunity. Zones. And we will continue, cutting taxes, and regulations. At a level, that nobody has ever seen before. We will hire more police, increased, penalties, for assaults, and law enforcement.

Surge, Federal, prosecutors. Into high crime communities. And we'll be watching, the ballots, very closely also by the way. And we will ban sanctuary. Cities. We will appoint, prosecutors. Judges, and justices, who believe in enforcing, the law, not in enforcing. Their own agenda. We will ensure, equal, justice. For citizens, of every race, color religion, and creed. We will defend the dignity, of work and the sanctity, of life. We will uphold, religious, liberty, free speech, and the right to keep, and bear. Arms. We will strike down terrorists, to threaten our citizens, and we will keep america. Out of these endless, ridiculous. Foreign, wars. All coming back. We will maintain. America's. Unrivaled. Military. Might, and we will ensure, peace, through, strength. Two and a half trillion, dollars. Have the strongest, military, we've ever had beautiful, brand new equipment when i took it over was totally depleted, our military. We have the greatest, equipment. That any military, has ever even conceived, of, things that people have no idea, what we have and let's keep it that way. We will end surprise, medical billing. Require. Price transparency. Already signed. Further reduce, health insurance, premiums. And the cost of prescription. Drugs, will be dropping, like a rock very soon. The drug companies, do not like me too much. It's a favorite nation's, law as i said. We will strongly, protect, medicare. And your social, security, will be totally secure. And we will always protect, patients, with pre-existing. Conditions. America, will land the first woman on the moon in the united, states will be the first nation. To land an astronaut. On mars. When i took over. Nasa, was. A shell of itself it was closed, it was. They had grass growing in the runways. Grass growing in the runways, now it's the number one space center in the world by far. We will stop the radical, indoctrination. Of our students, and restore, patriotic. Education. To our school. We will teach our children, to love our country. Honor our history. And always, respect. Our great, american, flag. We will live by the timeless, words of our national, model. In god we trust and we're going to keep it that way. For years you had a president, who apologized. For america, now you have a president, who is standing up for america. And standing, up. For your state. Nevada. So get your friends get your family, get your neighbors. Get your co-workers. And on november, 3rd or sooner. Get out and, vote. From carson, city to elko. From las vegas to reno. From minden, to right here in henderson. We stand on the shoulders, of red-blooded. American, patriots. Who poured out their hearts sweat and soul to secure, our liberty. And defend, our great freedom. Nevada, was, founded by pioneers. And, prospectors. Minors, and, cowboys. Innovators, and trailblazers. Who tamed the frontier. Raised up the mighty hoover dam. Transformed. A sprawling, desert, into a shining, oasis. And inspired, the world with the brilliant lights of the. Vegas strip. Our american, ancestors.

Made This into the greatest, nation, ever to exist. On the face of the earth. And we are going to make it. Greater, than ever before, that's what we're doing. Proud, citizens, like you helped build this country. And together, we are taking, back our country. We are returning, power to you the american, people. With your help. Your devotion. And your drive, we are. You know the story. Going to keep on working. Going to keep on fighting. And going to like these guys. Keep on, winning. Winning. Winning, you hear that colby. You hear that justin. Okay. He's fighting a tough customer, but i don't know i think maybe i'm in vegas off the place is the president, allowed to place a bet i don't know. He'll say the president of the united, states just placed two bets justin, and colby, i don't know. I don't know, but they are great, that'd be easy money. Well maybe not that easy. I don't know it's that easy. We are one movement, one people one family and one glorious. Nation, under. God. And together, with the incredible. People of nevada. We will make america, wealthy, again. We will make america. Strong, again. We will make america. Proud again. We will make america. Safe again. And we, will make, america. Great. Again. Thank you thank you everybody, thank, you. Young man. There's no need to feel down, i said a young. Man.

2020-09-18 06:35

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