Trulaske Commencement Ceremony - May 2011

Trulaske Commencement Ceremony - May 2011

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[ Music ] >> Good afternoon, everybody My name is Joan Gable [assumed spelling], and it's my privilege to serve as dean of MU's Robert J. Trulaske Sr. College of Business. Welcome to our college's May 2011 graduation convocation. >> Yeah! [ Cheering and Applause ] We are delighted that you're here today for what we know is one of the happiest days in the lives of these students sitting before us. It's an incredible accomplishment to be where you are now. And I really applaud you for your perseverance and your success. I want us to begin by giving all of the graduates a round of applause and our congratulations.

[ Cheering and Applause ] [ Applause ] The faculty and my colleagues are very proud of you, and we're really honored to be here with you and celebrate in your achievement. Now, for everybody else, when the graduates walk across the stage, applause and cheering are permitted and encouraged. So, let's start our celebration.

Please rise and remove your headwear. It's my pleasure to introduce Sarah Kraus [assumed spelling], who will sing the National Anthem. [ Cheering ] Sarah is from St. Louis, and she's graduating with an area of emphasis in marketing.

She's been very actively involved with Alpha Kappa Psi professional business fraternity, serving as the marketing director. She is a member of the Cornell Leadership Program and has served as vice president of fundraising and membership for Delta Epsilon Chi. She's worked with the Trulaske College of Business's Business Week for the past three years, participating on many committees including fundraising and night on the town.

This year she served as the Business Week Chair of Promotions. In June, she'll be moving to Chicago to work for Macy's in the Executive Development Program. Please welcome Sarah Kraus. [ Cheering and Applause ] [ Applause ] [ Singing ] [ Cheering and Applause ] [ Applause ] Now I'd like to introduce my esteemed colleagues who are on the stage with me today. I'll start with the faculty who are at the core of what makes the Trulaske College of Business the innovative, engaging learning environment that we know you've all experienced.

Please hold your applause until I've named all of my colleagues on stage. And will the members of the platform party rise as I call your name and remain standing? Peter Block [assumed spelling], a professor of marketing and Pinckney Waukee Teaching Excellence fellow has been at MU for 19 years. He teaches consumer behavior to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Dan Bomblaskus [phonetic], an assistant professor of management, earned his PhD at Iowa State University. Dan teaches various operations and production management courses. Steve Farris [assumed spelling] is the Rogers Chair of money, credit, and banking and director of our financial research institute.

A commander in the US Navy Reserve, he served on active duty in Kuwait. Phyllis Moore, director of the 150-Hour Accountancy Program has worked with MU since 1990 and was appointed program director in August 2008. An award winning advisor, Phyllis was just selected as a recipient of MU's 2011 Excellence and Education Award.

Roddy Rotnaschuar [phonetic] is in his eighth year as department of marketing chair. He earned his PhD at Vanderbilt University and teaches courses in branding and marketing management. He holds the World Book Chair of Marketing.

Lin Jiang [assumed spelling], Assistant Professor of Management, earned her PhD degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology and joined our college's faculty in 2010. She teaches strategic management. Merle Montrolla [phonetic] came to me in 2003 as the Sam Walton Distinguished Professor of Marketing.

He received his PhD degree in marketing from Northwestern During University and teaches marketing strategy and sales management courses. Dan Turban [assumed spelling], the ferbacher [phonetic] professor of organizational change serves as the chair of our Department of Management. He was selected as MU's winner of the Governor's Award for Teaching Excellence in 2006. John Howe, Professor of Finance and Missouri Banker's Chair has been at MU since 1994. John, who earned his PhD degree from Purdue, teaches courses in banking and corporate finance. Dan French is in his eighth year as Chair of the Department of Finance.

He earned his PhD at Louisiana Tech, and he teaches courses on real estate investment trusts. Ben Pepper is our student speaker, and I'll give you a more detailed introduction about him in just a few minutes. Marybeth Mars is our college's Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Strategic Initiatives. She has earned three degrees from MU, including her PhD.

In 2009, MU's chancellor presented her with the prestigious Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence. And last fall, she received the equally prestigious faculty Alumni Award. Ed Rapp [assumed spelling] is our esteemed guest convocation speaker, and I'll introduce him in more detail in just a few moments. And of course, Sarah Kraus, who you've just met, and just heard. Would you all please join me in applauding my colleagues and our special guests? [ Applause ] I want to take just a minute to express appreciation to Dr. Mars and her entire office, the staff of the Undergraduate Advising Office for arranging our convocation, who, as you can tell, worked very hard to make this a special day for all of us.

And I want to offer our thanks to Sarah Kraus and also to Dr. John Howe, who is the voice of our convocation today. So, let's give them a round of applause to please.

[ Applause ] Now, it is my great privilege to introduce our alumni speaker, Mr. Ed Rapp. Mr. Rapp is a group president and CFO of Caterpillar Inc. in Peoria, Illinois.

For more than 85 years, Caterpillar Inc. has been making sustainable progress possible and driving positive change on every continent. Caterpillar Inc. is a technology leader serving a wide range of industries including general and heavy construction, mining, forestry, energy, and electrical power generation.

Ed has responsibility for the Financial Products Division, Building and Construction Products Division, Legal Services Division, Global Finance and Strategic Support Division, and systems and processes division. He's a member of the board of directors of FM Global and Junior Achievement USA. But most importantly, Ed received his BS degree in finance from MU in 1979. I'm also very pleased to say that Mr. Rapp is a member of our college's National Advisory Group, the Strategic Development Board, to which he provides very keen insights and a lot of his time for the betterment of the entire college, and we're very grateful for that.

So, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ed Rapp. [ Applause ] >> No, thank you, Dean Gable, great faculty, parents, and, of course, the most important part, the graduating class of 2011. You know, when I went to school here, I always dreamed of playing at Hern's [phonetic].

I just never figured out it'd quite happen like this. And I'll admit, when I got the call about doing this, I was both humbled and honored. But I have to admit that upon doing some research, I actually became quite concerned. I surveyed about twenty colleagues, and I asked them a very simple question.

Think back to your commencement speaker, and what was it that he said, that really stayed with you throughout your career? And the results of the survey were unanimous. Not one of them remembered who their commencement speaker was. [ Laughter ] I guess you could say that's my challenge. However, perhaps your challenges are even greater.

You know, I just flew in from Washington DC last night. And if you read the papers, you hear about things like high unemployment, budget deficits that the next generation is going to have to pay for, and even the debate about the lack of US competitiveness, and if left unchecked over the long haul, will lead to a lower standard of living. Yes, these are challenging times. But the thing that I'd remind you is you're not the first group of college graduates, that has gone through tough times.

And I am absolutely convinced that your generation will do like those that have gone before you. Now keep in mind, the future is not inherited. It is created. And based on the association I've had with a number of you in my time in this university, I'm absolutely convinced you will create a great future. But I guess you could say, that's your challenge.

A day like today is a trigger point, a time in your life when things dramatically change. Often when people experience trigger points, it causes them to reflect. And it did that for me as I was preparing for today's event. It seems like yesterday that I was sitting exactly where you sit today. You know, Pilot Grove, Missouri, just down Interstate 70.

I graduated from a class of thirty kids and showed up here with a balance of excitement and fear. And just four short years later, a recruiter from Caterpillar came on campus, and I asked him a question. And I said, is it really possible at a global company like Cat to see and experience the world? And I've never forgotten what he said.

Young man, Caterpillar is a company that if you work hard and apply yourself, you can see the world and get paid to do it. And that's exactly what I've been doing for the last 32 years. But today's not about me, it's about you. And while I'm sure you have a lot of people giving you professional advice as you head off into the workforce, what I wanted to leave you with today are three simple concepts that I would consider more as personal advice.

Consider the title of this talk, no regrets. So, point number one is thanks. If you're like me, you did not get here today on your own. You had people that encouraged you and supported you along the way.

I would strongly recommend that you reach out to them and let these special people know how much they mean to you. Now I'm not talking about a casual thank you, a text or a Twitter. Okay? I'm talking about take the time, put it down in writing, heartfelt thank you. For me, it was my parents who provided me the opportunity to attend Mizzou and a second grade summer schoolteacher who changed my view on learning. Now, it took me a few years to get around to it. But in both cases, I put it down in writing how much I appreciated what they had done for me.

For my parents, it was an emotional event. I think they always knew how much I appreciated what they had done for me, but there was something different in seeing it in writing. And for the summer schoolteacher, I think she was a bit surprised because it took me 45 years to get around to writing the letter. But trust me, if you do this, you will not only touch the people that have played such a role in getting to where you are today. It will touch you as well. There's a great song by an artist named John Mayer, and the song is entitled, "Say".

And the main line is, say what you mean to say, and if you do this, you will have no regrets about thanking those who helped get you to this point today. Point number two, passion. As I tell my own kids, find something you have a passion for, figure out a way to turn it into a job, or you will work the rest of your life. Now you may not find the passion in your first job.

When I went to Caterpillar, I started off pricing individual piece parts. Now not the most exciting thing I've ever done, but I knew I wanted to work at a global company, and I knew I wanted to live and work around the world. And if it meant I had to go through parts pricing, I was just going to be the best parts pricer they ever had. Today, I don't have to go to work.

I get to go to work. At Caterpillar, we help our customers build global infrastructure, which leads to a higher standard of living. And as we like to say at Cat, the road to progress begins with a road period. I would highly recommend you find a similar passion. And if you have to make a decision between passion and money, I would suggest you follow your passion.

Because when you love what you do, good things just seem to follow. Think of the people that you consider the most successful in whatever measure you want, and I think you'll go back to the root of it is they're doing what they love to do. Thirty years from now, you will regret more what you did not do in life than what you did. So, follow your passion, have no regrets.

Last point, strike the balance. As you head into the workforce, I'm telling you, it is both exciting and challenging. And the tendency can be consumed by it as you go about your work life.

But life is not just about work, and if you don't plan your personal life with the same rigor and discipline that you do your professional life, your personal life will suffer. Now make no mistake about it, I stand before you today because what I've achieved at Caterpillar. But as I look at those accomplishments, trust me, they pale in comparison to the pride I take in what my wife, Anne, and I have achieved on the personal side of our lives. Twenty-eight years of marriage, three kids that absolutely mean the world to me, and great relationships with extended family and friends. Because at the end of the day, those are the treasures of life. Trust me, if you solely pursue your professional side, your work, and you sacrifice everything and everyone else, you may achieve a lot, but you'll get to the end, and it will be a shallow victory.

So, strike the balance and have no regrets. In closing, as I said in the beginning, no one remembers their commencement speaker. But trust me, this is a day that I will never forget. You know, the old saying is you only go through life once, and if you do it right, once is enough. My challenge to you is do it once, do it right, and do it with no regrets.

Reach out to those people who've helped you get here and give them a special thanks. Absolutely follow your passion. It will take you in some great places. And as you continue on your journey in life, strike the balance. And as you leave this great institution, no matter where you go, no matter what you do, no matter how important you may think you are, you never forget, and I mean never forget, where you come from.

I proudly hail from Pilot Grove, Missouri, and I am a Mizzou tiger. Thank you. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] >> Those were good words. Thank you very much.

Now it's time to recognize our soon to be graduates. Dean Marybeth Mars, would you come forward and start the proceedings? >> Well, before we begin this procession, I'd like to say to each of our graduates what an honor and a pleasure it has been to be a part of your time here at Mizzou. My colleagues and I are very, very proud of you. We are very delighted and excited to have this opportunity to have been a part of your time here at Mizzou, and you've touched us all a great deal. As a reminder of your time spent in Mizzou's Business School, we are pleased to present each of you with a keychain with an imprint of the MU Trulaske College of Business. Now, we ready to have some fun? Are you guys ready? Family, are you ready? All right.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Will the students completing the combined bachelor's and master's programs in accountancy please rise? Because they're receiving a master's degree in addition to the bachelor's degree, most of our accountancy students will participate in the graduate ceremony later this evening. Phyllis Moore, Director of the 150-hour and aster's program in accountancy will congratulate the candidates, and we appreciate her joining us today. [ Inaudible ] >> Elizabeth Mary White, Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] >> I believe we have several students who are graduating from the dual degree international business program.

Would you please come forward so that I may congratulate you? >> Stephen Randal Brooke [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Bryson J. Aarons [assumed spelling], Summa Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Donald Edward Greenwell, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] McCabe Johnson [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] William Kaufman [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Demetrious Antonio Moore [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheering and Applause ] Megan L. Thickpenny [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Grace Myong Hunt [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nuar Saezan Romanelli [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Brittany Marie Aton [assumed spelling], Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Elaine S. Thetis [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Laura Elizabeth Fink [assumed spelling], Cum Laude.

Jennifer Marie Marishal [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Caitlin M. Byler [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Bridget Kathleen Riley [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Mary Christine Archibald, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Trin Hong [phonetic], Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Keyon Samuel Serishteth [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sean Tobler [assumed spelling]. Lauren N. Pew [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers ] Huong Wong.

[ Applause ] Paige Shelton. Bryce Alexander Navarro. [ Cheers ] Travis David Lang.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Rachel Gabrielle Moore. [ Cheers ] Alexandria Marie Sales [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers ] Anna Christine Covart [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew Gregory Burkhart [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] >> Will the students completing the Bachelor of Science and Business Administration degree with an emphasis in finance, real estate, and banking or economics please come forward. Dan French, Department of Finance Chair, will congratulate these soon-to-be graduates. Now, based on our applause meter from last year, I believe the family members and friends of our finance grads in December cheered the loudest at the college's convocation in December. Let's see if they're up for the challenge today. >> Rashank K. Dar [phonetic].

Christopher Michael Mossman [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. Joshua Lloyd Bruce, Magna Cum Laude. Casey K. Sanders, Summa Cum Laude.

Kyle A. Sanders, Magna Cum Laude. Travis Landon McKenney [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers ] Nochae Coumsi [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. Ashley Nicole Ross, Summa Cum Laude. Logan B. Wyatt, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] William Benjamin Pepper, Magna Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kyle Bumberey [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Maxim Ralinco [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. Sean Roland Smith.

[ Applause ] Edward S. Cherry, Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Zachary M. Mooter [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. Brandon Allen Hagan [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Joshua David DeWalt [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] John Casey Cox, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy Francis Alwal [assumed spelling]. >> Yeah, Timmy! >> Zachary Thomas Atterbury. [ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew John William. >> I got them.

>> Wei Wong [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Thomas C. Stream [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Conrad Nicholas Sansone [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Jason Michael Burg [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy Patrick O'Toole [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Douglas A. Smith. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Caitlin Ray Padfield [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jenna Denae Dawson [assumed spelling].

[ Applause ] Daniel M. Moore. [ Cheers and Applause ] Joseph R. Reeker [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Zachary James Promomarley [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Austin Daniel Cambric [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Timothy John Kotowsky [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Adam Robert Aker [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Thomas K. Biggum [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Marina Valeria Polobotko [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Michelle Kristine Ward [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude.

[ Applause ] Cassie Jean Dennis. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sean A. Seabert [assumed spelling]. [ Cheering and Applause ] Benjamin Check Haysi [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Daniel Joseph Wheely [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nicholas Gregory Frijerio [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Caitlin Nichole Har [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Andrew Corbin Thickpen [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Colin Christopher Gillum. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Jordan Blaire Ripley.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy A. Gash. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Pero Kamari [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Rachel Marie Churchman. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brittany Elise Weissman [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Joseph Michael Katrokay [phonetic]. Stephanie S. Jones.

[ Cheers ] Tess Aires Marshall [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers ] [ Applause ] Brian Scott Rothes [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Joanna Marie Whitty [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] David Joseph Thompson.

[ Applause ] Danielle M. Anderson. [ Cheers and Applause ] Laurie Anne Paige. [ Cheers ] Nichole C. Burzick [phonetic]. [ Cheers ] Erin Hunkens [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Jennifer R. Snerbush [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] John W. Libel [assumed spelling]. Nicholas Allen Wood. Michael Robert Nahorsky [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Adam Michael Forney [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Emily Kate Jordan. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kayla Jean Ott [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] J.P. Thompson, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Christopher A. Torgerson [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Linette Corrin Tribble [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. Kyle Darwin Kilmann [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Zachary Stephen Rosier [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Bradley David Hemingfeld [assumed spelling], Cum Laude.

[ Applause ] Sarah M. Prost [phonetic], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Andrew T. Nilches [phonetic], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kenan A. Patelle [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Cameron Michael Johnson, Cum Laude. Kevin Peter Heffernan [assumed spelling], Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Rory Michael Faust, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Michael D. Horton. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Reginald Dwayne Johnson.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Jennifer Sue Burton. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] William Charles Muckridge [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kristine Denisue Alexander [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Megan Elizabeth Judge. [ Cheers and Applause ] Michael J. Ball. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Joseph W. Seagrave. >> Let's go! Blake T. Kesler, Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Andrew Jonathan Potest [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kevin J. Birack [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lindsey Miller. [ Cheers and Applause ] Corey Miller.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew James Connell. [ Cheers and Applause ] Chandler Scott Delinburg [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Ryan James Nichols, Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Henry Olive.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Christopher Baker Cargill [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Drake A. Smith, Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Admair Omoravec [phonetic].

Bridget Rose Brahimi [phonetic], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Catherine A. Irwin [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kaylee Michelle Jones [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Robert Joseph Bullinger. [ Cheers and Applause ] Bavendor Singh Banes [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Jason D. Brenton, Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Amy Rose Morin [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Anne Celeste Wellborn. [ Cheers and Applause ] Andrew M. Rocko [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Andrew Thomas Briggs, Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Lauren Elizabeth Begley [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Adam Jason Barge. [ Cheers and Applause ] Ryan J. Gartland [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Zachary P. Krotophil [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Cody P. Hogan.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Tyler L. Jasper. [ Cheers and Applause ] Leanna Nichole Bell. >> That's it, Leanna! >> Lauren Alicia Simmons [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Katherine Kristine Higgins [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Andrea N. Reeves.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Nicholas Dean Savio [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Logan L. Heathener [phonetic], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] John Elward Fletcher [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Daniel E. Miller. [ Applause ] James Patrick Killeen [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Harrison Tyler Hoober [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Jason Eno Leets [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Elizabeth A. Payne [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Patrick Edward Phoebe. [ Cheers and Applause ] John William Custer. [ Cheers and Applause ] Bradley Scott Shimons [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jack M. Deloshe [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Allen J. Finnegan, Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Mark J. Veto [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Eric J. Applegate, Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Clay William Carter, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] John R. Anderson. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kenneth Jenkins.

[ Applause ] Lindsey Ray Hider [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kirsten Kylee Hon [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Mark Asher Alexander.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy Ryan Myers. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Dee Ya [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Yuwei Chen [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Nichole Anne Ladaky [phonetic]. Brent A. Argon [assumed spelling], Cum Laude.

Katherine Anne Yelling. [ Applause ] Adam J. Hall [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Zachary Adam Howser [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Jonathan E.F. Medscer [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude.

Chase Murphy Ladd [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Taylor Emily Oast [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Erin E. Bowen [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Eric R. Sar [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nathan C. Sheets [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Ashley Lynn Ostiff [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Mark J. Bowdre [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Richard Alexander Esponshede [phonetic], Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Jessie J. Greenstreet [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Bryan Jeffrey Thaler [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew Stephen Masharan [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Peter Raymond Oguarman Wiegert [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] James K. Labath [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Evan Robert Grace, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kristen M. Seth [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Megan Kathleen Harshman [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nivette Sarah Jeremy [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Catherine Jane McCarter, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Anthony James Wright. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] David A. Rhodes.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Jeff S. Weimer [assumed spelling], Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Evan Michael Ransford [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Gregory Joseph DeStephen [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren Elizabeth Moffat. [ Cheers and Applause ] Justin Michael Karr [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Mario J. DeRose [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] Eric J. Arathjen [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Matthew J. Cronin [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Thomas Joseph Sheffer [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Gia Xiang [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Timothy J. Collins.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Michael Anthony Martinez, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brandon K. Terrebonne [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nicholas J. Park. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nicholas Scott Johnson. [ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew Thomas Phillips.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Nicholas Laurence Phillips. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jacelyn Nichole Mora, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Garrett M. Brenton.

[ Cheers and Applause ] >> Well, I don't know, but I think the finance families did a pretty good job with their graduates today, especially the Michaels' family, woo. All right, well let's see if the management students' families are up to the task today. So, will the students completing the BSBA degree with an emphasis area in management please rise? Dan Turban, Chair of the Management Department, will congratulate this group of students. >> David Eridom [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kelsey L. Allen [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Nathan J. Yunt [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Anne Shaw Elliot. [ Applause ] Brian Scott Howard, Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Ryan A. Newman. [ Cheers and Applause ] Tyler Ross Tharpe [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Monica Francis Van Kamp [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Caitlin Elaine Hebson [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Brock William Grimion [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Aaron R. Partel [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] John Steven Hargrove, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Adam Joseph Gibson.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Emily Joe Mayhan [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy Lazlo Sherman. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Nichole Marissa Depperman.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kimberly Suzanne Coleman. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Brandon Joseph McBride. >> Yay, Brandon! >> Michelle Marie Clark. Kelly Stegeman, Cum Laude.

[ Applause ] Wyatt Wade Schwartz [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brandon Robert Green. [ Cheers and Applause ] Eric Richard Market II. [ Cheers and Applause ] Walter Charles Vance. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jeffrey David Levenson.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Cole Nathan Gurman [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kayla Elle Williams. [ Cheers and Applause ] Camilla Izabelle Mohammed Gumate [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kathleen Mary Kelly. [ Cheers and Applause ] Grace Elizabeth Simki [phonetic], Summa Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Lauren Justine Anderson, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jeffrey Michael Peterson. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nicholas Keith Coleman. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jennifer Amanda Shenephki [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Aaron L. Keiser [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren Ashley Morrison [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Marron Elizabeth Chavez [assumed spelling], Summa Cum Laude. Alexandria L. Zumsteg [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Caitlin Lee Corvette, Magna Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Nichole C. Keenan, Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] James Nelson Girl [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kevin A. Birch [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren Elizabeth Eck [phonetic], Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Stacie Erin Shaw [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Jonathan Edward Hunt. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kirby Blake McClellan. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Sarah J. James, Cum Laude.

[ Applause ] Eugene Specter [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Cory Michael Hernandez. [ Cheers and Applause ] Justin Powers Mulligan, Summa Cum Laude. George Michael Nicholas. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brittany Morgan Raney [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Brittany! >> Justin Matthew Rumpsa [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Daniel R. Morris. [ Cheers and Applause ] Patrick Thomas Hooper. [ Cheers and Applause ] Steven R. Corsidor [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Ryan Douglas Allen.

>> Thank you. >> Jacob Ryan Gebhardt [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Zachary David Jones. [ Cheers and Applause ] Joseph Robert Elliot.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren C. Trevino [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Cassie L. Brottis [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Eric Taylor Clark [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Mary Kristine Jacobi [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Caitlin Kristine Frink [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] William M. Dees [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Michael James Watt. [ Cheers and Applause ] Daniel B. Waxman, Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Tyler James Davis. Brian Christopher Wyble [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Allison Keiser Fauts [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Rachel Anne Lukan [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Joshua Bryant Weaver, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Samuel Detaly [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jennifer Didion [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Elisa Renee Slater, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brittany Bloom, Magna Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Rodrick J. Coday [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Bryan Isaac Clarfeld [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Alexander Remington Howell.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Thomas J. Owen. [ Cheers and Applause ] James Andrew Kiner. [ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy James Noche [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Paige Allen Elemocheck [phonetic].

[ Applause ] Mark C. Joseph. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kyle H. Eschmann [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kirk Devon Zimmerman.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Nicholas Albert Wolfe. [ Applause ] Zane Michael Hildreth. [ Cheers and Applause ] Clinton Scott Turley, Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Hakida Nichole Womack [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Catherine Marie Benning [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Makaila R. Lowe [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Gregory Michael Clote [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Duncan E. Kenshilo [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Paul M. Huskins. [ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy M. Baroni [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Michael John Blakely. [ Cheers and Applause ] Joseph Pollitzi [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Larry Michael Holt. [ Cheers and Applause ] Robert N. Scheidecker [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Alexander A. Hicken [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Gregory James Enigard [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Patrick T. Rucko [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Rebecca Anne Sholay [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Drasha Denise Simpson [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Aaron Patrick Fuller. [ Cheers and Applause ] Bryan Kenneth Burns.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Crystal Brooke Ferrous [assumed spelling]. Chad Playman [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Evan L. Simpson.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Eric Goa [assumed spelling]. [ Applause ] [ Cheers ] John C. Fox. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Christopher Charles Foster. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jacob Mitchel Brinkley. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Bradley Allen Sabin [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Brittany R. Newman. [ Cheers and Applause ] Erin Ingall [assumed spelling]. >> Erin! >> Scott C. Nil [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Austin Kyle Mouse, Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Katherine Danielle Duria [phonetic]. >> Go K! >> Kevin James Schmidts.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Richard Gitano Pisani [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Daniel Sean Mahoney Jr. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Austin Claygus [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Darius Markel Whittaker [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Ari K. Posten [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Raschel Monique Danielle Evans.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Nichole Teresa Starzick [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Allen Jeffrey Metzen [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jacob Logan Silva. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> So, I think Darius's family has laid down the challenge with that group. So, finally, it's time for the students who are complete the BSBA degree with an area of emphasis of marketing to be recognized. Roddy Rotnaschuar, Department of Marketing Chair, will congratulate these students.

>> Lauren E. Marion, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Emily S. Shiken [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren Elizabeth Bank, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sarah M. Kraus, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Alexander C. Craig. [ Cheers and Applause ] Oliva E. Moniachi [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Adam Andrew Riggs. [ Cheers and Applause ] Benjamin B. Wegeson [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brian H. Micah.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Bradley Joseph Duncan. [ Cheers and Applause ] Patrick William Anderson. [ Applause ] Sinaya Bernadette Redwine [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Rebecca A. Sappington. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Shelly L. Nichols. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Christopher Barrens, Cum Laude. [ Applause ] James Edward Steitz [assumed spelling], Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Robert Paul Yakel [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Maxwell Joseph Holter, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Tyler Preston Fillmore.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Brandon J. Mills. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jeremy C. Johnson. >> Yeah, Jeremy! >> Jeremy! >> Get it man! >> Benjamin William Loomstein [assumed spelling].

Spencer Elliot Riostack [phonetic], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Mitchell Sam Greenblatt. [ Cheers and Applause ] Melissa J. Baxter. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kelly Michelle Leeman [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kelly Nichole Sullivan.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Ryan Carter Fletcher. Austin R. Kukulhan [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Carson Winter Reese.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Caitlin Marie Acreage [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren Nichole Gordan, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Joseph Mehari [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Grace Cairn Speradling [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude.

[ Applause ] Jamie Anne Brady. [ Cheers and Applause ] Maria Diane Sagobiono [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Angelica Li Chun [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Erin Elizabeth Roseler [phonetic]. [ Applause ] Tanya Pascha, Magna Cum Laude. Katherina M. Oswald.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Kristen Lee Mensonmyer [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Samantha R. Allen, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Elizabeth Brooks Nailer [assumed spelling], Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Laura K. Godi [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. Paige Elaine Harper. [ Cheers and Applause ] Ryan J. Ampleman [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Austin Anthony Weevils [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brandon Francis Connelly. [ Cheers and Applause ] Adam C. Roanwald [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Andrew Benjamin Goldstein. [ Cheers and Applause ] Michelle Nichole Galloway. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jessica Rose Angelo.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Amanda Stazick [phonetic], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren Raschel Lammers [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kylee R. Bobet [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew C. Clark. [ Cheers and Applause ] Stephen Alfred Musto [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Timothy Michael Kane.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Katherine E. Harland [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Elizabeth C. Hattery [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Christina N. Maglio [assumed spelling], Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Tyler Laurence Scholtz [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jarret Thomas Sutton. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Jennifer M. Poluviak [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kevin Michael Renard.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kayla Nichole Wade. [ Cheers and Applause ] Thomas Lee Whitaker. [ Cheers and Applause ] Meredith Nichole Roberts, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kelly Anne Webb, Magna Cum Laude. Shannon N. Armfield. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Gena Marie Proctor, Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kevin P. Hutfer [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew Charles Opperman. [ Cheers and Applause ] Anthony M. Mainyer [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Michael F. Mond [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Mallory Anne Whited, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kelly K. Felt [assumed spelling], Cum Laude. Tyler A. Harris, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Maxwell Stuart [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Andrew J. Hayes.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Blake C. Aversman [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Ryan Andrew Johnson. [ Cheers and Applause ] Allison Marie Kysol [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Alexandra Kristine Blao [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Kent Lesley Becker. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Stephen A. Capron [assumed spelling], Summa Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Brittany Renee Victory. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Katherine Anne Hall [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Cierra Kathleen Still [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Aaron Sullivan Fleming, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sarah Suzanne Elden, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Melanie A. Callier [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Sarah Elizabeth Jennings, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Destiny J. Durnberger [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Anne K. Rische [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Stephanie Anne Lenoman [phonetic], Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Sean M. Melton. [ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew Thomas Mormon. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Patrick Van Cleeve [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lauren Nichole Bradley.

[ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Lauren Ray Hughes. [ Cheers and Applause ] Julia Catherine Ebling [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Katherine E. Weesey [phonetic]. [ Airhorn ] [ Cheers and Applause ] Samantha Nichole Balaski [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jessica Brooke Russel, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Danielle Nichole Bixby.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Taylor M. Court [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Travis D. Kaufman [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Nicholas Joseph Landgren [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jarrod Scott Barbie, Cum Laude.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Bonnie Michelle Coon, Cum Laude. [ Applause ] Trevor Matthew Hill. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sarah Lauren Andrews, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sean Patrick Mooney.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Christopher C. Webb. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] John Michael Casement [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Timothy E. Vearling [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Xuong Won Lim [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Devon Hieronymus [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sean Patrick Morrissey [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jonathan Bernard Robertson.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Nichole E. Waji [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Lacy Renee Carlson. [ Cheers and Applause ] Christopher Andrew Moore.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Adam J. Brown. [ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew J. Hutman [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Alex Slamming Alkahawk [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jonas Jacob Stephen Broner [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] James Gordon Barnesh [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jason P. Hein [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Melissa Lynn Beckring [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kelsey M. Myer, Magna Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Megan M. Orby [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Sally M. Finny [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jessica Lynn Brown, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Kelly S. Reed. Andrew M. Dewan [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Emily Suzanne Sullivan. [ Cheers and Applause ] Andrew R. [inaudible].

[ Cheers and Applause ] William A. Vaughn. [ Cheers and Applause ] Matthew P. Polsky. [ Cheers and Applause ] Ja Hao [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Hong Li Ni [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Sarah Jane Kaufman [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Kristine A. Welsh [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Jill Kathleen Walsh. [ Applause ] Elle Suzanne DeNazio [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Sarah M. Elgin [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Chubim Ouchinna Chouku [phonetic].

[ Cheers and Applause ] Elizabeth Suzanne Balduchi [phonetic]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Megan Raines [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Deborah Ashley Wilson [assumed spelling]. >> Go, Deborah! >> Julianne R. Odor, Cum Laude. [ Cheers and Applause ] Brittany Christina Volkmann [assumed spelling]. [ Cheers and Applause ] Arkayla Corinne Jackson [assumed spelling].

[ Cheers and Applause ] >> I'm going to give her a second to get back to her seat. Students, please rise. Family, friends, and colleagues, please join me and the Trulaske College of Business faculty and staff in recognizing the academic accomplishments of these outstanding young women and men.

[ Cheers and Applause ] Students, now it's your turn, give a round of applause to your wonderful supporters, friends, and family whose support was so critical to your success. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] Now, it's my great pleasure to introduce our student speaker, Ben Pepper, who is from Kansas City, Missouri. [ Cheers ] You may have a seat. Sorry, go ahead and sit down.

Although, I'm sure he'd appreciate it if you listen to his comments standing. Ben will receive a BSBA degree with an area of emphasis in finance, banking, and real estate. He was chosen by our college's student council by his peers, to speak on behalf of the May 2011 graduating class. Ben has been actively involved in the Delta Sigma Pi professional business fraternity, most recently serving as president and as a business week steering committee chair this spring. He also served as an event advisor for the Trulaske College of Business Leadership Conference.

Next month, he'll join the management trainee program at Citizens Bank and Trust in Kansas City, Missouri. Ben, congratulations on your achievements and please come forward. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] >> Thank you, Dean Gable, for the introduction.

Earlier this year, I had one of the greatest experiences of my life. I had the opportunity to eat lunch with a man I greatly admire. In our conversations, he said something that will be ingrained in me forever. Without passion, you don't have energy. Without energy, you have nothing. That man was Warren Buffett.

Ladies and gentlemen, faculty, parents, distinguished guests, and fellow classmates, it is an honor be speaking to you this afternoon. While thinking about what to say today, I spoke with friends, business leaders, and people I admire to find out what really leads to success and creates happiness. I heard many different responses. And the underlying theme is best summed up by a German philosopher who once said, "Nothing great has ever been accomplished without passion." Passion propels you to excellence.

Everyone in this audience has something they are passionate about, but not all of us will utilize that passion. Find your passion, whatever that may be, and follow it to wherever it leads you. If you have the faith to take the journey, you will reap the rewards. In Mizzou's 172 year history, many proud students have transitioned into alumni after receiving degrees at this prestigious university. Each year, they enhance and keep MU's tradition alive through their accomplishments and display of passion around the world.

Our challenge as graduates is to continue that legacy. How are you going to leave your mark. =? As we sit here, many of us are unsure whether or not we want to make the next step out into the world.

Many of us are remembering the good times we've experienced here and wondering how life could get any better. The handful of years we have had at the Trulaske College of Business have prepared us for the next fifty. Through your education, your experience, and your dedication to continuously improve, there are many positive things to come. As you walk out of this auditorium today, know that everything that happens to you is in your hands.

Reflect on the memories and all the good times had while working towards the ones you will now create. We all know that things have changed in the working world. No longer do you have to wait to accomplish your dreams. Every day, more and more people like us are leaving their impact on society. Whether it's in Washington D.C., Silicon Valley, on Wall Street, or even in their hometowns, people are finding their passion at a younger age, and making real contributions and differences in the world.

As those passions are uncovered, limitless opportunities present themselves for us to grasp. Many of us have already used this passion firsthand without even knowing it. A Thursday night at Harpo's is just one example of how a good night can't turn into a great night unless you've got the passion to put your entire heart to it. And judging from some of those familiar faces here today, there's a lot of passion in this room. [ Laughter ] The columns in front of Jesse Hall serve as one of MU's most recognized landmarks. Just as the columns have endured turbulent times, the university's four core values of respect, responsibility, excellence, and discovery have also withstood the test of time.

One of the first things we did after arriving here at Mizzou was walk through the columns toward Jesse Hall. As we've now walked back through those columns, I encourage you to take those core values with you on your journey out into the world. As I conclude, I'm confident we can leave here today satisfied with our accomplishments. But we can also be optimistic about the great things this graduating class will achieve.

Everyone here will find their respective passion and the pursuit of that passion will proudly add to MU's strong tradition for the next generation of graduating Tigers to use as inspiration. Warren Buffett said, without passion, you don't have energy. But from what I've seen and know to be true, I say, without energy, you can't be a tiger, and therefore, success is inevitable. Thank you. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] >> Ben, congratulations on your selection by your peers to serve as their representative.

I think we can see why they chose you and bestowed such an honor. Before we conclude, I have just a few brief remarks that I'd like to leave you with. I'm concluding my first academic year as the Dean of the Robert J. Trulaske College of Business and one of the best -- thank you, one of the best parts of this job has been the quality of the students that I've had the pleasure of having the company of. You're at such an exciting time in your lives, and it's really a privilege for all of us to be in your company and to have watched you progress in this way. The world is your oyster, and I think you know that.

But you also know that these are challenging times. But let me assure you in ways that you probably don't even perceive yet, you are trained. You're ready. You have what you need to succeed. And one of the best ways that you've gotten what you need to succeed is by aligning yourself with this group of wonderful peers that you sit next to and amongst today. I really strongly encourage you to stay connected to them and look to each other for guidance as you travel along your path to success.

I also invite you and encourage you to stay connected to us here. Whether your next phase is near or far, remember how much you enjoyed having speakers come into your class, especially ones who were recent graduates. Remember how much you learned from them as they supervised you through your internships or mentored you or advised you.

Many of you have heard me call this the cycle of engagement. Keep us posted on your journey. Let us know where you are. Come back and share your stories with us in classes, in conferences, in workshops.

Join the recent alumni advisory board, connect with an alumni chapter wherever you find yourself. These sorts of activities will help us guide the college as we move to the future. They help us prepare the next generation of students to hit the ground running just as you are today.

And I also want to remind you that success is a very individual thing. The most successful leaders credit marching to the beat of their own drummer, as you heard today, finding their own passion, what drives them when facing forks in the road. You will all progress at different speeds, at a different pace, and with different goals, and that's fine. It's to be applauded. The choices we make, the priorities we set are all dependent on our own views, how we define what it means to be successful.

So, I want to remind you that even though you are now graduates, you don't know everything, but you should forgive yourself if you find that you need to redirect because education didn't stop today. It's really a lifelong journey, and that's why we're always so eager to have you come back and share your experiences with the next generations to come. You do graduate during challenging times, but challenges yield opportunities, the best opportunities in my experience, and a little uncertainty, a little flexibility, a little willingness to cope with the unknown when it doesn't go exactly as you thought it might are leadership skills. And you have them, and they will pay off for you. So, as you begin this next very exciting phase in your lives, I invite and encourage you, I really challenge you to hang on to those Tiger lessons that you learned here in the classroom and from each other. Be true to yourself, work hard, pay attention, present yourself well.

You never know when the next exciting opportunity will come along. And congratulations and my very best wishes for a bright and successful future. So, now, will the audience please rise and join Sarah Kraus in singing "Old Missouri"? [ Singing ] >> Congratulations, graduates. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Applause ] >> This has been a wonderful celebration. It's really such a special day, and we have much to celebrate and cheer about including your alma mater, Mizzou. So, Dr. Mars, will you please join me and help me up here lead us in our cheer?

So, I'm taking this side of the arena, and I expect it to be the louder side. Are we all clear on that? All right, excellent. Okay, I'm going to start from the microphone, and then I'll move over.

M-I-Z -- [Inaudible]-- >> Multiple Speakers: M-I-Z-Z-O-U. M-I-Z-Z-O-U. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Ladies and gentlemen, celebrate pensively, travel safely, and we are adjourned.

Congratulations. [ Cheers and Applause ] [ Music ]

2021-01-21 19:40

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