Trudeau earmarks $1.7B to clean orphan wells and expands business credits

Trudeau earmarks $1.7B to clean orphan wells and expands business credits

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We are as we do at this time of days Danny body here from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau he, is expected, today to respond. To some of the urgent appeals to support, various. Industries, across Canada, for, weeks as his government has been rolling out emergency aid, for Canadian businesses, and workers the Prime Minister has also been promising, sectoral. Help for. Certain industries that have been hit particularly, hard by, the Kovach 19, shut down all right let me bring in my colleagues, as we stand by and wait for the prime minister the host of power and politics Tashi cappellas and the CBC Salima chef G both here Vashi, I'll start with you so I don't think. This is a oil and, gas specific. Announcement, from from what I am hearing but, there will be components. That, will help Alberta, and and other places, yeah, and I'll tell you why I think we've all been asking, various people in government is this going to be targeted, rosy to oil and gas back at the end of March I think it was the 25th or 26th, the, Finance Minister Bill Morneau said, help for the oil patch would be coming in hours. Or days that didn't materialize there. Is sort of a double whammy when it comes to the oil patch right now not, just because. Of kovat 19, and decreased, demand, for oil much, decreased, demand but, also this price war that emerged between Russia and Saudi Arabia that kind of got resolved, last week but didn't, really end up buying oil prices, so they are at you, know basically. All-time, lows there's a point at which a barrel. Of Canadian oil for example was, selling for less than $5 so, the idea was is there going to be or the question rather raised to the government was going is, going to be is there, specific help, for the sector and what might that help look like there has been two kind of specific asks, for it the first is around orphan, wells so these are sites that the company ended up going broke and they didn't end up cleaning up it's, estimated the cleanup of those sites could cost billions of dollars upwards of 8 billion I think one assessment put, out there the Alberta. Government is putting some money or has announced that some money would be directed to it so there, is the anticipation, or the expectation. That the federal government will chip in on that endeavor I don't know to what degree the. Second big ass particularly. From industry, is around liquidity, for producers, that have had to shelve, capital, projects for example or, are, trying to keep you know employees on the payroll. There's, the wage subsidy that they can access but they've also asked for help with liquidity it'll be interesting to see if that's part of this announcement but like you said Rosie there are indications so far that this won't necessarily be, you.

Know A big package, targeted, specifically. At the oil sector that there's also an announcement, coming from the Prime Minister that would be aimed at helping people. Who the CRB, or the emergency, business loan have, missed and we have certainly heard from a lot of those people think of some, musicians, for example or others in the culture sector that kind of thing so I'm. Gonna be looking to see you know what exactly the, announcement, where those people are concerned involves, but also really, I know that there are lots of people in Alberta Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland, and Labrador who, are looking for some sector specific, help and and, to what degree will will this announcement, address, that yeah, it does not sound, like a, quote-unquote, bailout, for oil and gas today there will be some sort of measures there as you as you suggested, to help, them along but it will be from. What we are hearing anyway a much. Broader way of helping different, industries, that have been hit, in different ways and and you alluded to to the cultural sector, but tourism, would be another good example and, there are certainly others Salima, are we are. We expecting, that this I mean this, should be fairly substantive, I would guess - if we're talking about multi, sectors. And many ministers showing up at the noon press conference, yeah. We're hearing it's across many sectors, multiple, sectors and really that's been the focus from the government from the get-go you know as. Vash you mentioned Finance Minister Bill Morneau did, talk about you, know help for the oil and gas sector coming, within hours that was now three long weeks ago but whenever the government has been talking about this they've been framing it as help for multiple. Vulnerable, industries, as you mentioned tourism, the, culture sector as well and the focus always has been really, on workers so getting people back working. On this so so we're hearing you know Regional. Development, will. Play a part in this in terms of terms of as Vashi was mentioning what certain areas are really feeling more particularly. You know if you, know certain tourism.

Problems. Is that focus, on tourism you know where people aren't going on tour buses and people aren't aren't you know signing up to, go into museums and so so really the focus on workers and that in particular across, a broad structure spectrum, of sectors, that are really hard hit by this and one of the things the government has said is that the first priority was to try and get money to individuals and that's what we saw with the CRB, the second priority was to try and get help to businesses, and now we're broadening, out to larger. Industries, and I don't know if that includes even the, airline industry which, as. We know is waiting to tap into the wage subsidy. Benefit. Which is not in working yet, up and running yet, but maybe they also are looking for some substantive, money I'm gonna I'll. Come back to both of you but while we wait to hear more from the prime minister about these, details of various industries actually talked a little bit there about what what. Could happen what the federal government could be interested. In. In doing to help Alberta, but let us go to Alberta to talk about what they are asking, for because. We know that the, economy has been hit very hard, not only by oil prices, but also the pandemic sort of a dummy wet double, whammy rather in that part of the country and Jason. Kenney has, had. Said that it's possible that employment, there and the unemployment rate hits 25. Percent which would be just astounding, the CBC's Carolyn Dunn joins me from Calgary, all right Carolyn I know you you've talked to people in the industry regularly. And and, there have been a lot of asks. It doesn't sound like this is the big big package, that they, maybe were looking, for but there'll be something here. Well. I think that's what I'm watching for are we gonna be talking our Wiegand is this gonna be parceled, out as a giant industry, package. Or are we gonna sort of start, out smaller. Today. And kind of build to, those big announcements, with with Airlines etc, but, what Alberta, is asking, for is very clear. Twenty, to thirty billion, dollar, package. Likely. A lot, of that will be around, liquidity. You. Know around backstopping, credit, around, low-interest. Loans that kind of thing and you, you, mentioned, the the. Fallout for, workers, you, know an, unemployment, rate of up. To 25, percent or beyond. Which is astounding, and I guess for industry. If. They don't get some immediate. Help, their liquidity then. They're, gonna start you know all, three we're going to be losing oil and gas companies. Guaranteed. But even, you. Know it's going to accelerate and it could, even be the. Big ones we're, also hearing from industry, that they would like to see a freeze, in the carbon, tax as. Well as a delay in you know climate, and pollution, regulations which, is coming under, some criticism as, you, know perhaps the industry. Using. This. Pandemic. Crisis. You, know to kind of get with it through, the backdoor what it couldn't get through the. Beginning through, the front door but you know what's. Really interesting is, that orphan well packaged and I expect, that we right hear from the. Prime Minister today on that there are. More. Than a hundred and fifty thousand. Orphan, wells in Alberta. Those are wells that have basically been abandoned, and they're not being, serviced. They're just kind of sitting, wrecking. Farmers, fields really and it, would be you. Know billions. Of dollars perhaps eight billion dollars, to. Remediate. Those, but. What it might mean at this time is sort of a double. Win, that would put oil, workers. Back to work cleaning, those up and. It would get them cleaned up normally. It would come under a lot of criticism that. Taxpayers, are paying to clean up the mess that oil companies left. But. These are not normal times as you know so it. Actually. If there is some some, help for orphan, wells it could actually you. Know help. The industry by keeping people working, and deal with a real, environmental, problem, here in Alberta yeah it would, do a couple of things all at once that's for sure okay thank, you for that Carolyn done you're gonna stand by in case we need to get back to you appreciate it Carolyn done in Calgary as we wait for the prime minister though expected, in about seven. Minutes let. Me go to Kathy Duke she is CEO of destinations, st. John's it's the agency that works hard to try and bring in visitors to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and, obviously, like all places across this country it, is a tough challenge on these difficult times because, tourism and visiting, places isn't really think that's happening Kathy good to see you.

Thank. You for having me no a pleasure so we I wonder, how, are things there obviously, your your, industry, what you're doing just isn't happening right now. Absolutely. The, impact, of code 19, on our tourism industry here in Newfoundland Labrador has, really been devastating. We the. Tourism industry is very important, to, the province we, have maybe 20,000. People working in the industry maybe, 2,500. Small businesses, the. Organization, that I work for destination, st. John's represents. The st. John's region, and we, certainly have felt it here. Many, of our hotels, are closed, the. Which was amazing that, that could happen and it's happening right across the country many. Of the others. That are staying open are operating at 35 percent our, restaurants. And pubs retail, businesses, on Water Street or downtown. Core are, closed and they're all very very worried, that, they may not even be around when our tourism industry starts, and, how much how much money comes into Newfoundland, and Labrador from, tourism, I like I know it's a place everyone wants to visit pretty normal time so I would imagine it yeah, I imagine you do pretty well yeah sure. Well the, revenues. That come in annually to the industry is about 1.3, billion dollars in. St. John's we really depend on the business for example in meetings, and conventions we, may do a hundred conventions, a year and that would bring in about 40 or 50 million dollars just in that sector in st. John's so, it's pretty significant, so. What could the government do, or what have you been asking the government to do that would be of help for this particular, industry and obviously you're just one example but this is happening across the country. Absolutely. I think. That the travel, and tourism industry was. The first industry, hit, and hit the hardest with the complete shutdown of travel, it's just unbelievable. The impact and that's had a ripple effect as I said through other businesses, who also serve, our travelers when they come to our destinations, we're. Working with the tourism industry Association, of Canada and putting. Together some of these ideas to be presented, to government, I, think that one of the things that we have to understand is that we, need an immediate, response because. Many of our businesses won't even be around when our tourism industry starts, and then, we need to have that recovery, plan that marketing, recovery, plan so. I think that for example to 75 percent wage subsidy, is wonderful. And I think that for many of our tourism operators, they'll need that following. June 6 they'll need it over the summer some of things like that that I think are. Unique. If you will to the tourism industry that, we need to see some, extended. Programs around those are. You the prime minister is talking about weeks still, of having to live, under these very, strict public health restrictions. Minh. This happen still for weeks or is there any pressure coming from any of your members to get the economy up and running, again oh I. Think that you know if we had our druthers we'd have things started tomorrow of course the. Tourism industry. Representatives. That we work with are, really just trying to get a handle on when things are going to turn around and I think destination, Canada's doing a lot of work around that people. Are thinking it may not start with July or August others. The fall and some are saying that there won't be any visitation, until 2021. We. Do know that as travel, comes back it'll be mostly domestic travelers a lot of international and, that's good for Newfoundland and Labrador and that 80% of our visitors have traditionally come from Canada but. So. We really need to be really targeted, to the traveler we understand, that visitors would prefer to drive rather than fly, there's. Gonna be a huge emphasis on. Space. Social. Distancing, cleanliness so, I think all of our tourism operators, have to rethink who the new traveler is so, we really will need some help as we do that it'll.

Be It'll, cost us a lot more to do the kind of things that we're going to have to do for the individual, traveler than we did in the past, okay. Kathy Duke well I I will happily come back to Water Street any time I can get there so, sending. Your sending your province all the best thank you very much. Okay. Kathy a Duke is CEO of destination, of st. John's the agency in charge tourism, for, that province which is of course another sector, that has, been hit hard and just to give you a sense of, how. Bad things are and then I'll bring in Vashi, the, accommodation, and food services sector in this country has shrunk, by almost, a quarter. Arts, and culture lost, 13%. Of all its jobs education, 9%. Wholesale. And retail trade lost, 7%, the, the only place that continues. To add some jobs other than say grocery, stores and essential services work it would be agriculture, nearly, 7,000, jobs they're created. As obviously, the the reliance, on a domestic food chain becomes more and more important I'll bring in my, colleagues, again and turn to you Vashi about, about, I guess the ways in, which the government has tried to shore, up support. For. The economy and and, how this might be different given that there are particular, areas of, course that are basically not. Functioning, anymore yeah. I think we've seen the unveiling, and the sort of rolling out of two giant, financial aid packages. Right the first being directed. At individuals, who have to stay home because of kovat 19 who can't work and who have lost most, if not all of their income they're getting right now $2,000. And as you reminded our viewers, yesterday they should be reapplying, for the second month to which they might need that money that, was the first step the second step was aimed. At businesses, and it involves, wage. Subsidies, seventy-five percent wage subsidy, as well as this. Loan this Canadian emergency. Business, account. Basically a $40,000. Interest-free, loan a quarter, of it can be forgiven, they expanded. The parameters, yesterday, to who can qualify for that loan I think they've had. 220,000, applications approved so far 8.8. Billion dollars, worth of credit so, the need is clear, and it's evident, however as you've been discussing with Carolyn and with your last guest there are certain, sectors and the prime minister always. I've noticed, names them in tandem I think Salima pointed that out as well airlines. Tourism. And the oil patch those, are clearly, what the government has indicated, and I think what we can all sort of discern from what, we see in front of us as sectors. Industries, that are particularly, hard-hit. Even, though everyone is hard-hit they're sort of suffering from double or triple whammies. And so you, know what we are looking towards here from the Prime Minister is beyond. An acknowledgment, that that is the case some, specifics, about how the government, plans to address. The more acute needs in those industries, and obviously we're paying close attention to the. Oil patch because there is again. It is set against the backdrop of a very different political discussion. And I, think sort of tensions, that existed, prior to all. Of, this between Alberta. And and the, federal government and I think you, know that factors, in to all of this to a certain degree we know about this discussion, that's apparently happening at cabinet where there's pushback to the idea of subsidizing, the oil patch to, any degree so how that factors into what results, today and what the Prime Minister is able, to announce I think is something to keep our eye on but as. I said that I think what we really need to focus on is if those are the industries that are most, acutely feeling the pain right now what, is the remedy the government proposes here. Today yeah. And we there is I think as Lima mentioned this to regional. Economic, development so there are some agencies government, agencies, of course like a koa for the Atlantic provinces where. Federal, money can be sort. Of distributed, in a very in. A very quick way so if there are particularly, hard-hit areas, it. Is probably easier and, faster for those agencies, to be able to get it to people. That need it rather, than the federal government doing it centrally from Ottawa so we would expect some. Of that to, be addressed here today as well, I'll, turn to a Salima shift you just first as we wait the Prime Minister is running a couple minutes late I might cut you off but, hopefully not there. Is there, are ongoing conversations, around the canada-us border we, know that that suspension.

That The prevention, to travel, across the border except for essential workers, is set to expire next week, that's. Right and there are discussions as to whether that would be extended. Or not we are understanding, that those discussions, are still ongoing. That, you, know obviously this situation, we're still in the midst of it in terms of this crisis. And and the health effects of this and so, the the limited, movement, of course limited, to only essential. Essential. Supplies essential, businesses, along the Canada and US border, set. Set to oh there was always a deadline for it as most of these things and, of course we're hearing that there are talks to extend that as we're, still going through this and as as we're still seeing the effects and cases rising, most, particularly, in, the United dates as well and, some of the hardest hit States. Down, there New York being one of them so we, are hearing that. Is still an ongoing discussion, and and they're working on that with officials. Down in the United States and there had been some concern. After the president said earlier this week that Canada, US border would would be one of the fastest, to reopen and. And some, interpretation. That maybe that meant that it was about to reopen that is not the case from what we hear from the Deputy Prime Minister who, is. Working on this file obviously, that that there will likely be an extension but they haven't actually reached, that deal yet so but, that would be important you're right because the. The containment of the virus and seen how Canada is doing at a time like this versus, the United States probably, the last thing that anyone want is to sort of open borders and start to see travel move again alright. We are waiting for the prime minister as we do at this time of day he, is running a couple minutes late that is Rideau cottage you are looking at live I'm sure you're very familiar with it now a, couple other issues to keep your eye on today, and we heard earlier from Conservative. Leader Andrew, Shearer and that is the return of parliament it too was. On a deadline. All. Parties, had agreed that it would be suspended, until Monday. Unless. They could reach another, agreement, to, continue, that, suspension, as of now, there. Is no deal on that either and Andrew. Shearer has been pushing very hard to, see in person, sittings, he, is asking for four times a week doesn't. Sound like that is acceptable, to the government and, it doesn't even sound like other parties are interested, in that coming in and having MPs, here in a reduced capacity for. That many days a week but. It is something that conservatives, continue to push and for now there. Is no deal and if they don't get a deal by Monday which, I imagine they will we, would be in a place where the House of Commons would have to resume sitting. In full which. Obviously would fly in the face of public, health directive, so another, issue to keep your eye on. And, I will bring in Vasi because there's another two-minute, warning and I don't think I'm gonna be able to vamp for another two minutes on my own. Maybe. Maybe we'll just pick up on that issue of that the Conservatives, are pushing, very hard. For increased. Accountability, and increased questions to the government which you, know I totally. Get but I'm not sure that we are it, doesn't sound like we're anywhere near close, on on a deal in terms of everyone, agreeing that one or two times or three times a week will actually happen yeah, this is kind of an interesting, Ottawa. Scenario, here, in, the midst of all of this that that is understandable, I think from both points of view there the nexus of the disagreement, seems to be how, much in person Parliament. Should we or should should politicians. Be engaging, in as you mentioned Rosie the Conservatives, want sittings. In person, sittings obviously with the reduced number of MPs, four, times a week that was their initial ask the negotiations, have been ongoing my. Understanding, was late yesterday that, it looked like there might be at, least some. Movement, towards an agreement for. A reduced number of sittings maybe once a week and it would end up being a few hours and very much an accountability, session, so maybe, not like question period but something like what we've come to know as committee of the whole basically, the opposition, getting, a chance to ask, questions of the government about the policies, that they have rolled out and that they plan to roll out that. The this corresponding, question is well can they do that virtually, will they be able to do that virtually the government the speaker's office in particular, is working on some, sort of plan to make that happen. The issue is that for. The opposition, they would like to continue some in person they say that the virtual thing can be a companion, piece but if it's not ready yet then there has to be something happening in person the government, has put forward the idea that, that virtual, idea might work going, forward but to have those in session, you know two sittings, every single day to be in person every single day doesn't, really adhere, to physical.

Distancing, Rules from their position, where they sit or it doesn't really speak I guess to the sentiment. Behind physical. Distant, distancing, and the message. That they've put forth all right here's the Prime Minister of Ashley thank you for that the Prime Minister of Canada. This. Morning I want to begin by talking about, the request for assistance we receive from. Quebec on Wednesday, and give, you the most recent news about. Medical. Equipment, supplies. The. Minister of Public Health has been Kien with Quebec and the Minister, of National Defense, and I, can now confirm that, approximately, a hundred and twenty-five members, of the Canadian Armed Forces with. Health care training. Will. Be. Providing, support to workers. In long-term, care facilities, we. Continue, to work with the government, of Quebec to find other ways to support them including. With the Red, Cross and specialized, volunteers, registered. With health canada. As. Regards. The supplies, of medical equipment Bell. Canada, has donated, one and a half million n95. Masks, and we are working as quickly as possible to get them to our frontline, workers, that. Can. Be added to the millions, of surgical, masks, that we sent out to the provinces, and territories this. Week. The. Pandemic has created anxiety and, uncertainty for. All Canadians, but, some are going through an especially, tough time, kovat. 19 has brought many industries, to a halt and workers. Across the country are struggling as a result. From. The start our goal as a government, has been clear to help, all Canadians. Get through these challenging, times as I've. Said many times before, we're. Here to support you to, lend you a helping hand when. You need it most across. The country, Canadians. Are standing, shoulder, to shoulder and. We're all in this together. Today. Our. Government, is announcing more. Help for, workers in Alberta, Saskatchewan. BC. And Newfoundland. And Labrador, we're. Also announcing more, help for small businesses, and more, help for those who work in the arts, culture, and sports. Sectors. I'll. Start with the energy sector. Right. Now workers. And families are struggling, because of things beyond, their control both. The devastating, effects of the pandemic, and the price. War driven, by foreign, interests, are a. Challenge, as. A result, companies, have had to slow down or pause their operations, leaving. Too, many people out of work to. Help these workers our government, will invest. 1.7. Billion, dollars, to, clean up orphan, and inactive, wells in Alberta Saskatchewan. And BC, these. Wells which, are no longer in use can. Be detrimental not, only to our environment, but, to people's health, think. Of the farmer who can't grow anything on his land because, of an abandoned. Well a few, steps away from his home think. Of the small town or indigenous community. Struggling with this issue that. Has been festering for, years or even decades. Cleaning. Them up will, bring people back to work and help many landowners who have had these wells in their property, for years but, haven't been able to get them taken care of and the land restored, our goal, is to create immediate. Jobs, in these provinces while. Helping companies avoid, bankruptcy and supporting. Our environmental. Targets in. Alberta alone these, investments, will maintain. 5,200. Jobs, we've. Listened, to the concerns of landowners, municipalities. And indigenous, communities who, want to make sure that the polluter, pay principle. Is strengthened. And that, their voices are heard I, want. To thank the government of Alberta for, working with us and listening. To their concerns. Our. Government, will also establish, a, 750. Million dollar emission, reduction. Fund with. A focus on methane to, create and maintain jobs, through, pollution reduction. Efforts, this. Includes 75 million dollars to help the offshore, industry cut, emissions in Newfoundland, and Labrador, this. Fund will primarily provide, repayable, contributions. To firms to, make them more competitive reduce. Waste and pollution and most, importantly, protect. Jobs. Right. Now manage. Many energy, firms are experiencing. A cash crunch so, they don't have the funds to invest in technologies, to reduce emissions, or fix methane, leaks, today's. Announcement will allow for this kind of work to be done and create. Jobs people, need during. This difficult time. Through, the wells and methane initiatives, we estimate, that we will maintain roughly. 10,000. Jobs across, the country just, because, we're in a health crisis, doesn't.

Mean We, can neglect the, environmental. Crisis. We're. Also working with BDC, and EDC to, expand, credit support for at-risk medium-sized. Energy, companies. So, they can maintain operations. And keep, their employees. Norma. Davis, will. Be investing, 1.7. Billion dollars, to clean up orphaned, and abandoned, wells in Alberta Saskatchewan, and British, Columbia the. Goal is to create. Jobs for, workers. In the energy sector avoid. Companies. Going bankrupt and support. Our environmental. Targets these. Wells, which, are no longer used to produce oil. May. Present a risk not only for our environment but also for, our health by. Cleaning them up we. Will create jobs for workers we. Will also help people who, have these, abandoned. Wells on, their land and cannot. Get rid of them we. Are predicting that these funds will maintain almost. 5,200. Jobs in Alberta alone we, developed this policy, with the government of Alberta and municipal, partners and I want to thank them for their contributions. Our. Government, will also be setting up a. 750. Million dollar fund to reduce emissions that, will focus on pollution. Caused, by methane. In order, to create and maintain jobs, of that, some, 75. Million dollars will be allocated, to oil, and gas companies, who. Work offshore Newfoundland. And Labrador to, reduce their emissions this. Fund will. Provide. For, repayable, contributions. To companies, in order to protect jobs. Increase. Their competitiveness, and reduce, pollution, right. Now energy. Sector companies, have, cashflow problems, which means that they don't have the necessary money, to invest in technology. That, helped to reduce emissions or repair. Methane. Leaks, today's, announcement will, allow these companies to carry out that work while. At the same time creating, jobs for workers. During this difficult time. This. Public. Health crisis, must not prevent us from taking, action to, fight climate the. Climate crisis. And. With. This initiative, to clean up the wells and the fund to reduce emissions we believe that, 10,000. Jobs will be maintained. At. The same time we are working with, BDC. And EDC. To, strengthen, credit. Support for medium-sized. Energy, companies that are particularly at risk, once, again the. Goal is to allow these companies to continue, their activity, in order to keep their employees, I. Want. To turn to what we're going to do next for small businesses, and the people they employ, over. The past few weeks we've, taken a number of steps to, support these employers and mostly. Their employees, we. Introduced, the Canada emergency, wage subsidy, to help keep people on the payroll we. Launched and expanded, the Canada emergency, business account for, those businesses, struggling, with cash flow but. Ministers Jolie. In Bane's, and others have. Heard that some businesses are still, falling, through the cracks to. Fix that our, government, will provide. 962. Million. Dollars, to, regional, development, agencies, and the, Community, Futures Network, this. Funding, will help ensure, that more, businesses, especially. Smaller, employees. Based in more rural parts of the country or those who don't have a relationship with a traditional, financial institution. Are, getting the support that they, need. We're. Also going to give, 270. Million, dollars, to future preneur and the industrial research assistance, program, to support, innovators. And other, early-stage, development firms. That, don't qualify for the wage subsidy but. Still need help. Boskie. Departed's entre please. For small. Businesses, today we are announcing two further investments. First. Our government, will provide, nine hundred and sixty two million dollars to regional, development, agencies, and to. The, Community.

Futures Network, this is money that will, make, it possible to provide help to small businesses, that don't qualify for, the emergency, wage subsidy, or to, receive a loan through, the emergency account. Our. Government, will also allocate, two hundred and seventy million dollars, to, future, open oil and to. The. Industrial. Research assistance, program, to support innovators. And other, startups, that, are not eligible for the wage subsidy. We. Also have news for. People working in the arts. Culture. And sports sectors. These, are industries, which. Somewhat. Like the small businesses, I just described, are, not able to receive, the assistance already, announced, because their, income. Structures. Are not the same or they don't operate the same way from. The beginning of this crisis, artists. Have been providing. Us with comfort. Laughter, and. Unhappiness. Now. Our athletes, that continue, to inspire, us encourage. Us and make us proud people. Who work in the arts culture, and sports sectors. Share. Their passion, with us and allow us to dream and these, days when. We're all at home and, isolated. They. Make us feel a little bit less alone these. Are only some, of the reasons, why we. Have to be there for them as they. Are there for us therefore. Our, government, will provide. Five hundred million dollars to Heritage Canada, to, support our artists. Creators, and the rising stars, of our sporting. Associations. Through. This funding, people, will be able to receive wage, support, and, organizations. Will have access to funding, if they are experiencing. Liquidity, problems. Million. Dollars to Heritage, Canada to support those who work in the arts culture, and sports, sectors, like. The small businesses, I was talking about people, and businesses, in these sectors do, not have access to some of the help we've announced because of how the companies, operate, or, how revenues, are generated, with. This investment, people. Will be able to receive wage support, and organizations. That are struggling with cash flow will. Be able to access financing. At. The same time we, continue to support those who've lost their jobs with the Canada Emergency, Response benefit, so. Far over seven, and a half million. Payments. Have been made that's, money sent directly, to those, who need it most, I want. To again, thank, our amazing public, servants, who are processing, these speeds these. Claims at record, speeds. Moving. Forward we. Will be releasing the, latest figures on the CRB, through, the government's, open port, open data portal, three, times a week so academics. Researchers. And Canadians, can, keep track of the, work being done, we. Will continue, to provide and open, up data so, that we can get the best advice from, experts and continue. To help Canadians, I. Want. To end this morning by, reminding, everyone that today is the 30th, anniversary of, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which. Underpins, who we are as a country and who we strive to be as a people, it. Protects the right of each and every one of us to be who we are to, worship how we want to. Love whom we love at. The heart of the Charter is the, notion of choice, that. We can choose. The. Kind of life we want for ourselves as. Our. Country confronts, this pandemic, I'm, especially grateful that, Canadians, have chosen. To, protect each, other and care. For, one another to.

Everyone, Who has stayed home and followed public health recommendations. Thank. You, making. That choice together, today. Will. Ensure that, we remain who, we are as. Canadians, for. Generations, to come, merci. Beaucoup de menthe, Minako. Town panic is I'm now ready to take your questions. Thank. You the. First question Dylan Robertson. Winnipeg. Free Press line, open. Prime, Minister you've, expressed, a preference for virtual. Parliament, many, regions, of Canada have terrible, internet, connection, and they, tend to be the ones that feel the most ignored by Ottawa, are, you comfortable with having virtual, sittings, if empty's can't participate, in, real time from their home. Obviously. The point. Of virtual, sittings, would be to ensure that Canadians. Who. Are not within driving distance of, Ottawa continue. To have their views represented, and their concerns. Heard that, is a technological. Challenge that we will work very very hard on to ensure that as, we move forward on virtual. Parliament, solutions, as the. Speaker, and the House of Commons work, on that that. We make sure that every voice can, be heard of the 338. Canadians, at. The same time we have proposed. To the, opposition, parties that Parliament. Could come back every, single week to, discuss. Legislation. And to ensure, that there is accountability we. Need to make sure that, our democracy continues. To function and this is something that we are very serious about, we. Recognize, right now. On. The, books there is a rule that says that. 338. MPs need. To get on flights Friday. Our Sunday evening, to come back to Ottawa on Monday morning as Parliament, is supposed to resume that, is obviously, not, a good idea we are not in normal circumstances. So we're negotiating with all, opposition, parties to try and make sure we can find a way to. Keep, the important, work of our democracy going, while at the same time, respecting. Public health advice. Da, ba da. Da. In. Terms of a virtual, Parliament, I think, it will be important, to ensure, that. Members. Of parliament, from every corner of this country can, share their. Preoccupations. And those of their. Constituents. And that's, why we're working with the House of Commons to ensure, that we, have the technology, to do that at, the same time we know that it's important, for our democracy. To continue, to work and. Therefore. We have proposed, that Parliament. Resume. Its work, every. Week to pass legislation and. Ensure. That there is accountability. And. That questions. Can be asked of the government we, do hope that the, opposition parties, will, agree to that proposal, because. Otherwise. Parliament. Is supposed, to sit with 338. Members of parliament starting, on Monday morning and I, think we all realize. That that would not be a good idea. Premier. Has asked for an emergency credit, eaten, the act of better interest, rate governor. Polos says that your government, is not a the Bank of Canada and help with the provincial fat market, he, said no one has asked us to do anything on the provincial, France the, premier has also asked to put public servants, on the I today's. Robin and, dozens of Prudential debt markets so my question is when, will the provinces, learn what you're doing for their dad and what. Is already off the table I, had. An, excellent conversation last. Night with the premiers of all. The provinces and territories this, issue was brought up and I assured them that Finance. Canada is looking, at it we recognize, that different, provinces, carry different. Debt loads and different challenges on access to credit the, Bank of Canada has taken, significant. Measures that have had, a positive impact on.

Provincial. Provincial. Coffers. At, the same time we will continue to make sure that provinces. Across the country are able to give the support they need to give to their citizens. Thank. You next question my data. Thank. You they'll see, next. Question, of Garage huffington. Post's line, open, good. Morning Prime Minister Youth announced the number of mothers today and also earlier, this week changes to help those with some income apply for the CRB you've, lowered the threshold for, some business owners to apply for interest-free loan but. Still a number of people I've spoken with this week are not impacted, by any of these changes what, should people in these divisions people, who are left out and who has a. Hard, time making ends meet do should they apply for the CRV, or, should they wait for your government to come up with another suit from. The very beginning, we. Knew we had to help as many people as we possibly could, who needed the help as quickly, as possible that's, why we, move forward with two very big very strong programs, both, the Canada Emergency Response benefit. That has sent. Out over seven, and a half million, payments. Already and. The, wage, subsidy, which will kick in in a few weeks which is allowing, employers to rehire. Their. Employees, so, that when the economy bounces. Back people, will still have those links to their jobs while they are supported, in this time of difficulty but. From the beginning we recognize, that. Moving. Quickly and broadly. Would, leave gaps and that's why over the past weeks we have been announcing. Almost every single day new, measures that, tweak, the, proposals, we've made that expand, other. Proposals. That create. New initiatives. To try and, make, sure we're getting help to everyone, who needs them the announcements, we've made today around help for the arts and, cultural, sectors for sporting. Organizations, for, small. Businesses, like startups, for. Small businesses, in rural areas, for. The. Range of workers, in the energy sector who are facing layers. Of calamity. Right now are, the kinds of things that we're, making sure that everyone, is getting the help we need we, are continuing. To listen to Canadians, who are expressing, that they, are not getting the help they need and we are constantly looking for ways to help, them. Follow-up, question. Yeah. Thank you so are you, basically saying wait, until the government comes up with another fix because as you know on Saturday and peace' voted, to support a motion that basically said that if you need help. The. Government, is going to ensure that if you applied for CRB, and you weren't supposed to be eligible that you'll be unjustly, penalized, so it's the government saying that the worst thing that will happen to you if you apply for CRB but don't actually qualify, that, you will have to pay the money back in full next year is that the worst thing that will happen to people who, apply.

For CRB because they feel they need it, we. Expect, people to apply. For the programs for which they qualify, and. We are therefore working. To make sure we're expanding the qualification. So that people who need the. Help will, get them we will continue to announce measures that will include more and more people help more and more people as. We move forward because for. All the millions. Of people and. Companies. And businesses. And employers that we're helping across this country we. Know there is more to do and that's what we're continually. Announcing, almost every day new, measures to fix. People and fix the support for people in particular situations. Like, an assault, we. Recognize, that the programs that we created, very, quickly to help as many people as possible are. Not enough. Because. Some people have special circumstances, so. For a number of weeks now, almost. On a daily basis, we have been announcing, changes, or extensions. Of the programs to. Allow people, to. Receive, more, help. Based. On the programs, we put in place. Thank. You. So many vested reserve, laws. Mr.. Trudeau, I'd like to come back to your, aid. Plan, that you have just unveiled. A, lot. Of people were expecting you, to do more. Some. People, were suggesting. That. There. Needed to be an equity, contribution, from, the government. Are, you prepared, to do that and if not why, not why did you not choose that Avenue. Our. Emphasis, right, from the outset was. To help Canadians, in difficulty, to help families, that are suffering to. Help people who need help and that's. Why the. Wage subsidy and, the. Canada, emergency, response benefit, are there, to. Assist, millions. Of Canadians, in, industries. Right across the country and. We. Clearly saw that the oil industry, has special. Issues. Because. Of what, is happening on international, markets with. The oil, price decline and. Also. Because of Cova 19, so all of these issues mean that we have to do a bit more and that's exactly, what we're doing now we, will continue, to look at other, possibilities. If. There's a need but, we, primarily. Want to ensure that we're helping, Canadian. Families, and Canadian, workers who need help during these difficult times. Took. As an approach from the very beginning, that we. Need to help Canadians, we need to help workers and, families, who, are hit by this kovat, 19 slowdown and shut down the.

That's Why we move forward with the Canada emergency, response benefit, that has helped millions, upon, millions of, Canadians, and, the wage subsidy which, has allowed companies to, rehire, workers, and, will ensure that. Families, across the country get, much more support and that is across, all industries, across, the country however, we recognize that certain industries. Are facing. Even more difficult. Times the oil and gas sector because. Of the, global price war because, of the lower, demand, related, to kovat and because of the measures brought. In to counter kovat itself those, families are particularly. Hard-hit and, that's where this, initiative. Which will create or preserve, 5,200. Jobs in in Alberta and the other initiatives, which will lead to perhaps 10, 10,000. Jobs across. The energy sector are, the kinds of things that we, can do right now of course we will continue to work with partners, and concerned. Sectors. Across the country as, we move forward to see if there's a need to do more I'll, stream at him. Yes. People. Were concerned. That. Your. Assisted. Would, be influenced. By. Some. Members of your cabinet. The, abuse of some members of their cabinet. Today, you're providing, support, to clean up orphan, walls and, to. Reduce, emissions, so what do you say to those, people who. Will. Be disappointed. By the extent. Of the assistance. That's, available and, also. Other people who said, that you may have been tainted by the views of other members of your cabinet, I. Can. Tell you that personal, convictions. Of cabinet. Members, have. Always been that we need to help Canadians, who need help and to fight the kovat, 19 crisis. It's. To ensure that we can get through this and we continue, to be an extraordinary country, in the years to come that is our priority and that is why the help, that we've been giving, workers. With, two main measures. The, emergency. Response, benefit, and the wage subsidy are. Available. To everyone but at the same time we're doing other things. That. The, government of Alberta has been asking us to do for some time which is to clean up orphan, want wells so, that the companies. That. Now, are, reducing. Reducing. Or required, to reduce their emissions, are. Able, to do that. Particularly. When it comes to methane. So. That. Is the choice we have been making to, help Canadians, and. We, hope that all, Canadians. Will have a better employment as a result. Thank. You yes she, doesn't. Get so many lucky guys. Good. Morning mr. Trudeau. With. Respect to the deployment of. Canadian. Armed Forces members, can. You tell us where those military. Members are, coming. From and. Why. Such a limited, number of. Reinforcements. For Quebec. Because. As. We know the, these. Facilities, are in a dire situation well. We have been working with Quebec, and we were. Speaking, to Quebec yesterday, to see exactly how we could, support them and.

We're Talking about a hundred and twenty five military. Members, who will, be providing, significant. Support, to these institutions, in Quebec but we also know we can do more, with. The Red Cross and. The. Bank of volunteers, that we have Quebec. Also, has a bank of volunteers, it can access so, we, will continue, to, seek. Ways to provide. That help as. Best we can and we always, will want to do more. But. The situation. With, the CAF, members, is that. We are always, limited in, in, our medical, resources, within any organization. Equally. Including. In the Armed Forces do, you have a follow-up yes. Just. To. Get. A clarification I. Realized. That medical. Employees. Are limited, in number but. There. Is information circulating, mr.. Trudeau. That. An agreement has been reached with. The, US on the closure of the border could you comment on that well. As I've said before we. Are in constant, conversations. With the United States. Which, is, our. Ally, and our friend to, ensure that we can, both, protect our citizens and my priority, will always be to protect Canadians, and we continue, to work with the Americans, to, ensure that the, borders, remain, secure. As. I've often said I do. Not expect those borders, to be reopened. In a short period of time we. Will continue, to listen to science, and to. Closely, monitor, the, evolution, of this virus in Canada, and around the world before. We make any decision. On that but I can tell you that our discussions, with the Americans. Continue. And they're very positive. Conversations. Are constant, and ongoing with. The American administration on issues, of mutual concern including the, border as. I've. Said we. Do. Not feel that reopening. The border anytime soon is is, likely. My. Responsibility. Is to ensure the protection and safety of Canadians, that is what we will continue to do and the. Conversations, with the Americans have, been extremely. Aligned, and extremely productive.

At. Glenn McGregor CTV News a prime minister for weeks now you have been promising, relief, and aid for the energy sector what. You've announced today is going to help a comparatively. Small number of workers, isn't. Going to do anything for the sector overall, to. Help deal with devastating. Impact, of this virus and the downturn, in the world. Oil markets, my. Question is is this it is this the package, you were promising, and if so what do you say to people in Western, Canada particularly, who was expecting, more substantial, relief the. First things we did was move, forward, with the Canada emergency, response benefit, it's putting money in the pockets of, more. Than seven million Canadians. Including. Many. People in the oil and gas sector who've. Lost. Their paychecks because of this, ghovat 19 crisis, on top, of that the. Wage subsidy, allows. Canadians. Canadian. Workers to continue, to. Receive their salaries, to continue, to stay connected to the work in the oil and gas sector which, are significant. Helps for a major. Industry across this country on, top of that we've been working with the government of Alberta and with industry to look at other things that can be necessary we, heard very, clearly that. The, methane regulations. That we are bringing in will, be a challenge, for industries. To meet an industry. And others ask that we therefore. Back off on the methane regulations, we decided, instead to. Lend. Them money to help them keep. People working to upgrade and, update their. Measures, so. We can continue to fight, climate change and reduce emissions, while. Keeping. People at work we've. Also heard, very clearly and. Not just from industry, but from municipalities. Particularly. Rural municipalities. Landowners. Across Alberta, that the issue of persistent. Orphan. Or inactive. Wells is. A real challenge, and this, is an opportunity for us to make, sure that Albertans, are getting to work in. Cleaning. Up their. Their. Province, at, the same time as we've, gotten commitments. By the government, of Alberta to. Strengthen the regulations, so we see fewer orphan. And inactive. Wells in the future we've. Also made credit. Available, for medium-sized oil and gas companies, who, are facing particulars. In, terms of liquidity right, now we. Will continue, to, look at ways we can support important. Industries, in this country including, the oil and gas sector we. Look, forward to doing that a while at the same time keeping, our focus squarely on families. And workers. Who need our help, Prime. Minister Julie, Van Dusen CBC News you, spoke to the premiers last night so I'm hoping you can update us on this, Blane. Higgs as an example has said he's hoping to get his economy, going by the summer John. Horgan this morning, on CBC. Said. That he and his Washington, State counterpart could, decide when the border opens so, I'm wondering, who decides all this is it you is it them, and. If it is you will there be national, standards, to guide them. We, talked last night about how important, it is to be, coordinated. And agreed on the principles, and the approaches, that we take well, at the same time recognizing that the situation, in PEI, is very, different from the situation in, Ontario, very different from the situation in BC, there. Will be regional. Approaches, as there have been all along to the next steps but, we all agreed, that we, need to continue to remain very. Very vigilant as. We carefully. Look at reopening. The economy, about three relaunching. Certain sectors, in, the future we. Will continue our coordination. Around the principles, and the, steps. That need to be taken. But. Of course this is Canada which means that there, are very. Different needs and very different approaches, that will be in place across the country what, we will be working on to coordinate, and collaborate on, is ensuring, that the messages, that get out and that the lens. That we take and the data that we collect, and the way we do this is, aligned. And coordinated, so. That we can maximize our, chances, of getting through, this without. Having to fall, back into self, isolation, the way we have been these past few weeks. Earned. The place really care one of the principles. We agreed on with the Premier's, is the. Importance, of coordinating and.

Working. Together. To ensure that any steps that we take. With. Respect to reopening, the economy, or. Relaxing. The current rules. With. Respect to, self. Isolation. And physical. Distancing. Are. Done in proper coordination. Now obviously that, certain provinces and regions will, have their. Own reality, and we. Respect. That of course but. If we can ensure, that there is proper coordination. So, that Canadians. Understand. That the same principles. Are being applied across the board that. Data, is being collected in the same way and that we're analyzing the, reality, vigilantly. And consistently. And in a similar manner then, that, will maximize, our. Chance. Of getting through, this crisis. Without finding. Ourselves in. More self, isolation. And economic, slowdown. Largest. Oil and gas lobby group says the federal government, should consider suspending, dozens, of environmental, regulations, laws, and policies, due to the economic and health crisis, triggered by kovat 19 critics, call it a crass attempt, to exploit the pandemic how do you respond, to the letter and are, some of the 30 requests. Requests. Still being considered by the government. Just. Because we are in one. Crisis, right now doesn't. Mean we can forget about the. Other crisis, the climate crisis that we are also facing as, a, world as a country, but. We recognize, that for. Example, moving ahead with, the methane regulations. Is something very difficult, for companies right, now in the oil and gas sector who, are strained. Because of the multiple, challenges they're, facing both, on the global stage and on the, down the lower demand, that's, why we're, making investments, in supporting. Those companies directly, so that they can meet. Those, methane. Reduction targets. You. Know with funds. That we're giving them so, that we can stay on track to. Protect future generations and. To reduce. Emissions, from our industry this, is something. That Canadians, understand. That we need to continue, to move forward but, we need to help people in different. Ways as we, move forward that will be the lens that we take and. On. A separate matter China has revised its numbers on the wuhan deaths increasing, them by 50% do, you think this is a statistical. Verification. As China claims or proof they covered it up I think. We. All need to be very attentive to, how. Data flows around the world and be very, very. Thoughtful. About how, we process. Different, information, and how we apply. The lessons. Learned from elsewhere around the world to what we do we, will continue to work with. And, allies, and international. Institutions and organizations, as we, figure out how to get through today and tomorrow but, there will be many questions to ask once, we are through this on how various.

Countries Behaved and what, sort of principles. We need to. Learn. From and, conclusions. We need to draw as we move forward. The. Posca. We, need to look very carefully at. The numbers, being shared by countries, around the world and, certainly, there, will be certain, conclusions, to draw from them. Regarding. The behavior, of some of these countries but, for the time being we must work together we must cooperate and, do everything we can to, learn. From each other and better protect our own citizens. Other. World leaders have raised serious questions about China's, handling, of this, pandemic and for, not and whether it holds responsibility, for not containing, it within its borders it's, not just the White House it's also leaders, in France and the United Kingdom here. At home your government has taken the opposite, approach with one, former, Canadian ambassador, calling ottawa's approach almost humiliating. And your answer, just now you didn't, even mention China, by name so. Why, is your government so reluctant, to acknowledge China's. Possible faults in this pandemic, my. Job right, now is, to make sure that Canadians, get, the best support, the best protection, and. Are able to get through this as best. We possibly can, that. Means getting. The equipment that we need that, means ensuring, that the. Cooperation. And the collaboration, on the international, stage is. Done. Properly that means, focusing, right, now on today. And tomorrow, and how we're going to keep Canadians, safe there, will be plenty. Of time to. Point, fingers to, ask questions. To draw conclusions and. To make. Ensure. That there are consequences for, things. That different countries may have done during this this this, pandemic, right. Now my. Job is, to look out for Canadians. Okay. Matt, Matt, sponsibility I don't my, responsibility. As Prime Minister is. To ensure, the, health and safety of all Canadians, and that's exactly what I'm doing now and that's, what I intend, to continue to do we, will continue. To work with different. Countries and international institutions, to. Ensure that we're doing everything, that's necessary, to get through this and after. That there's no doubt that there will be questions raised, and, further, reflection. There may even be consequences. For some countries, depending. On how they behave during, this global crisis, but for the time being I have. To remain focused on, what is important, for Canadians, are. You suggesting I guess that you, know trying, to mate with hold PPE, or something is that why you're, not mentioning, China as you still continue to do and on. Julie's, question about. The. Way out of this what level of testing do we need to see across Canada, in order to start reopening, the economy, we've, looked, at the need for many. More tests, so we see that testing, has been a key, part of controlling the spread not just knowing, who has who. Has developed kovat and can pass it on but, actually being able to control, the spread through contact tracing, through, isolation. And quarantine measures testing. Is a key part of it we need to continue, to ramp up our testing capacities, we, need to do a better job of, coordinating. On, testing. Methodology. And approaches. Across the provinces, so that we can have a better vision, of what. Is exactly happening but. Testing, certainly. Needs to increase as we move forward fortunately.

It Is increasing. As we move forward. Motorola, should offer the best office looking at that. About. The 125. Medical. Personnel, from the CAF, how, many physicians how, many nurses are in that number, are we taking people, away from civilian, hospitals, to do that and when, exactly will, they be able to go into these long-term care facilities, we. Will be sharing that information with, you in the coming hours but I can tell you that as early as this afternoon there, will be members. The armed forces, that will, be on the ground, to. Assess. The kind of approach that is needed, and what their posture will be and in the coming days. Many. Of those, 125. Personnel, will be arriving on the ground in Quebec and, with. Respect to the 500, million dollars for artists, who will be getting it, why. Isn't. It the Association. Receiving, it well. I want. To say that Minister Guilbeau, and other ministers, will. Be, at. A press, conference very. Soon. To. Answer those questions as. To how we're going to be helping our artists, we know that this is a situation where, many artists. Are. In, real difficulty. And we, need our artists. We. Need them to. Continue. To make us dream particularly. In dark times that's, why we're going to be there to help them. Thank. You everyone. Okay. That is the Prime Minister of Canada, speaking. To Canadians on his daily update, for in. The government's fight against kovat 19. Another. Huge, amount. Of money really to try and help different, Canadians and different sectors in this country, and, I'll bring in Vashti cappella since lima shiv ji just to sort of muddle through a little bit of what we heard there because there was a lot of it and. We are waiting of course for the federal briefing as well let, me just say this part that, Quebec did. Ask for additional. Help from the federal government and that has now been negotiated. And the Prime Minister confirms. That 125. Canadian, Forces members, are. On their way to help at long-term care centers presumably, to do some of the additional, work that that.

Doctors, And nurses and aid workers can't do and they could be there as early as this afternoon so that is significant, but. There is just an astounding amount of money flowing. From federal coffers right now and I'll just say this we got some updated numbers on the CRB. 17. Billion dollars so far 25, billion dollar federal loan program the. 71, billion, dollar wage subsidy. And now today on top of this factually, what what part stood out to you there is highly, significant, oil and gas probably want to talk about yeah, I think I will I will if you don't mind rosy zero in on oil and gas because as we had been discussing prior, to this there is a heightened. Need for help in the sector especially for workers many of whom have, been laid off thanks, to the double whammy of kovat, nineteen and it's sort, of concept consequences. And then also a, price, war that emerged between Saudi Arabia and Russia, the, announcement, from the prime minister today somewhat. Anticipated. Geared towards cleaning up what are known as orphan, wells in both Alberta. And Saskatchewan. And I think BC as well a one point seven billion dollars directed. Towards that that the government says will, help maintain fifty. Two hundred jobs in Alberta alone they also announced three-quarters, of a billion dollars, for what they're calling a, an, emission, reduction, fund and they say that combining that and some of that will go specifically, towards Newfoundland, and Labrador but, combining that with the, wells announcement, that saves or that maintains, is the word that they used about ten thousand, jobs on the orphan wells just to explain basically, this is a big, problem in Alberta and has actually been for decades, usually, it happen I'll, company, will come drill, on someone's land in Alberta you have rights to your land but not to the minerals, and the resources underneath, them when, that company if that company goes broke what ended up happening as, many of those whale wells then sit there unclaimed. They're not remediate Adar not cleaned up and thousands. Of such whales Wells, pardon me exist in Alberta, right now the fact the provincial, government has put some money towards it industry, has put a little bit of money towards it but this by far is the biggest chunk of change that, has been directed, towards, that I would highlight just one final, thing and that is on the second, part of what, was being asked, for by, the province of Alberta, specifically. More, liquidity, for oil producers. The, Prime Minister in, broad strokes said, that they're going to be working with the BDC the the Development, Bank's and the EDC, to, offer more credit to small and medium sized oil companies, but he did not offer any specifics, about how muc

2020-04-23 15:55

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