Travel more, travel smart - The business part

Travel more, travel smart - The business part

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Hello. And welcome, back in this. Second part I'm going to share with you our business. Opportunity, with this, concept. With our lifestyle. Travel club if. You didn't see the first video please. Check, on my channel subscribe to my channel and check, the first video but, called travel. Smart okay. To. Understand, the concept to, understand our, product. Okay. If it's if, you have seen the video the first video now you can, understand, better but. I'm going to say right now I'm. Going to share. With you this, way. Of making. Money with our concept, I'm. Sure that you understood, very well that this is a network, marketing business we. Are not selling. Anything we, are not trying to convince, anyone, here, we. Are just giving a very. Nice information. Of smart. Traveling, so. If people like this they, are welcome, to join our community if they don't like it it's ok we are can, still be. Friends, and, continue. Our lives so. I'm. Going to show you this way of making money it's a very simple way a very smart way and anyone. Can do it because we have a system, if. You are following this. System. You, will have success. It's, the same in all the network marketing companies, because, in. This way, of making money, we, are going to build on network of, users. Of this product, it's a very simple way just. Getting the information and, there are, several. Ways of giving, this, information. Because, the network marketing business, this. Let's. Say this year are very. Well known and, a, lot of. Leaders. From all around the world are. Promoting. The network marketing business, as. Robert. Kiyosaki or, Antonio, beans. Trump. Even, or Bill Gates they're. Saying the natural marketing business there best businesses. Now in the world okay. And well we are doing actually this, kind of business. By. Traveling, with. Our. Weight. With our Travel, Club so. Okay. This is. Let's. Say a. Business. A part-time, business it depends, on you. Depends, how much time do you want to invest in this business, so. How much time you are going to invest the prefer an, amount of money that you are doing to make, you. Can starting, with the, part-time. I was, starting in part-time also, two years and a half, I. Was, having. The job from multinational. Company. And after. My job I was doing, this, one two hours or five, six hours a week and, then. When I have seen this, network. Growing, and my, revenue. Increasing, I was. Giving. More time of my. Time. To do this and now I'm doing this full-time, so.

I'm. Going to show you now the. Few, simple steps to do this business. And. Here, there are the owners, of the, the founders, of our company, they started in 2010. And. Five, in the United. States and 2010. They entered in Europe, through. An England, through. Germany. Holland Sweden, Poland, Greece, Hungary, Romania a trough of countries, and, then. We. Are now in, the top five. Dozen, if you know this, top. Of the, best companies in the world and in. Here. You. Can see a, few. Details of, our company, the company is called WorldVentures, and. We. Have now reached. In the top 100. Direct selling companies, of the. World the. Place. 25. So. That's, amazing because there are in the a lot, of network, marketing, companies multi-level, marketing companies but. Here there, is an international. Top. And we, are on the 25th. Place right now. And. We are very excited about this because this is a very. Fast-growing, company. And. Okay. Here, you. Can see all the. On. The countries, where this company is, officially, open right. Now when I'm talking with you there are 35. Countries. That are officially open, okay it means that we, have. An. Office, in there okay, the. Website, is in, their. Language, okay and we have also the concierge. Support. In. The. Language of the countries that we are open already so. If you find your country in there or already, open it's, a, good. Thing if you don't find it it's not a problem because, you. Can join. Also, and when, the, company is going to open in your country, it will be a big, deal for you and for your business also, so. How. Does. This. Work, one. Time if. You want to start the business because, it's totally optional, the, business you have to pay 100 US dollars. It's. Incredible, it's nothing, to start the business with 100. US dollars because. It's like a franchise, ok, you, are going. To receive, our. Support, you're going to receive the recipe. In. Order to have success ok. I'm. Sure that you know many. Kind of franchising. Companies. Like, McDonald's. Or. There. Are a lot for in this world and, 20. US dollars we, have to pay per, month, it's like. Maintenance. Of the website, because the is going to be a different ops website. Then the website with the pop. And. The. Like. Accountants. We have to pay the accountant because this, website is going to calculate for us all the bonuses, the commissions, that we are going to receive or our network, we don't have to do anything only we are just going to open our website, into, same thing there the growth of our network, and all the commissions and that's it it's a, very. Good. Website is very well. Built in, there so, we, are going to receive, also, on our website with your maybe hear.

Your. Name dr., ventures got bees and. Here. We have also. For. Kind of commissions, ok the, first one is, as. Ourselves boss or the direct, Commission is when you are going to make, a sale. Recommend. A person, in this Travel Club and if, he is going to join you are going to be paid so if. He, is going to choose, the. Gold, membership, you, are going to receive one hundred the, drink points, you can use it right away it means one hundred dollars for your traveling. Or, you. Can use it in some. Different way for hotels. Cruises. Flights, and to, also to shop, on our website. A lot of applies. Appliances. Electronical. Garments. Also. Shoes. Cosmetics. From the best. Branded. Brands, in the world and. If you are going to enroll a platinum, member dragon to receive two hundred, dollars. Doing. Three points, and fifty. Dollars. In cash. So. If. You're going to enroll three gold, membership, will receive, one hundred cash. Dollars. And three, hundred bring three points, if they, are. Going to choose platinum, you are going to receive two hundred and fifty. US, dollars, cash, and six. Hundred points, and also, fifty, training, dollars that, you can use it in our trainings. National, international, trainings. Or regional, trainings. But, the best thing we hear is if. You are bringing the fourth person in, your network. The. Company will say stop. The, monthly fees they're not going to pay anymore the monthly fees for your membership but. The company is going to pay for you and, after. One year you are going to receive. 663, tip points to, use it in your holidays. On some, other waves for. 1,250. Points, if you are plotting member, and. Also going to receive, 400. Points right away and 100, US dollars or 500. Cash, and. 803. Points. And, so. And so you can continue to enroll more people, more, people that means more money more drip tip points of course, so. But. Here we have four, type of bonuses. The second bonus says, each, time the, system is, going, to find. Six. New, customers. In, your network, it, doesn't matter who brought, these customers, it was you your.

Directs. Your, friends the friends of your friends it doesn't matter each time you're going to receive, 75. US dollars in cash. That. Can happens, once. A month once. A week once, a day or once an, hour because, in this business you don't know who. Is going to bring food, that's. Very interesting because here we, have a binary, system. The, tie we're going to be helped by the team also. Okay. The. Third commission called, lifestyle, bonus and. All. That is going to happen under, you in a month, okay. Even, though there are new members that are enrolling, or they're. Actually. The members, the existing, members that are paying their monthly, fee all this, amount is going to gather and you. Are going to be paid each, month, 8%. From all this amounts okay. All. These bonuses we. Can add okay the first the second, and forth but the, third bonus, is the most important, bones but because because called. Residual, income passive, income. Okay, you're, going to receive this bonus even, though you are going to sleep or you are going to you. Know holiday, for three months the, company is going to pay you monthly. Each, mind. Because. You already did, a good job, you're, the, develop. Very. Good network under, you and the company is willing to pay you each month so we, have six, levels. In here, the. First level, if you have 30. Gold. Members, in, your team, not. Only. By you. Together. With your team okay or. 30. Members platinum, or 60, members gold, because when you are going to roll one patent equal, to, members, gold you. Are going to reach the first level. Of original, income of course you are represented, if it doesn't matter the name, no. At the beginning but. It's, going to be an average of. Seven. Thousand, five hundred thirty, years it means. I'm. Telling, you about my experience, from experience. This. Revenue, the. Residual on, the first level is around, four. Five, to. One thousand, US dollars and. In, plus we can earn. The. Other commissions. The. Cycle bones the lifestyle bones and of course the personal, service bones okay. In, the next levels. You can see in here how many members. Do we need in our, organization. And here. How much we can, earn. Monthly. And here. Is per year excuse me so the. The. Last level, international, marketing, director. In. Here, around. 400,000. US dollar there, year. I know. But I know a lot of people, that, are. Heading. This revenue. Now, okay, I met a lot of them they, are like. Us there are normal people but they have a dream, they. Had a, dream they have they. Had a no objective, they. Worked hard, okay, they. Create, big organization, and that's why company, paid them a lot so. Here. Let me give you an example for, the last. Level. You. Need to, 1500. Platinum. Members in your organization. Or 3000 gold members or a. Mix. Of golden platinum of course to reach this number. But. I'm going to, give you an example in Cyprus. This. Project. Is. For. Six. Or, seven years right now in. Cyprus, there are around. 800,000, citizens. From. This number. 100,000. They are already members in, our Travel. Club, it's. Amazing, and also, in Romania now there are around. 25,000. People and. I can give you a lot of examples. In France I think, there are six. Seven, thousand, over in Italy eight. Thousand, people in Germany, more than ten thousand people already. In our but. You, can. Develop. This, business. World. Over, the world where, do, you have connections. Because. We have friends, all over the world and you can, develop. This business all over the world only, by giving them the information we have four types, of giving. To. Give the information the. First one is like, this like a video you can send them this video they, are going, to watch it and they are going to give you a. Response. Yes, or no it's very simple. The second way in each. Important. City. All, over the world we have public, presentation. Ok I click, on I can connect. With. The presentations, in your city okay, you can talk after this video they connect you with the, Facebook. Groups in your city or in your country so you can be connected with the, team in there because, here we are a big team. One. Team one dream and we, are helping, each other this. Is very important, here because you're going to have the support in this business, my.

Support, First of all and then the support of the, team the rest of the team okay. The. Third way we we, have presentations. Each night. Online. Presentation. So you can, send. The link to, all your friends around, the world and the, fourth way, we have presentations. On YouTube, in all the, international. Languages. Representation. In Germany, Italian, in French. In, Portuguese. In. Arabic. Chinese. In. Russian. If. You are from there so, I. Can. Give you the links to the presentation, you can send it to your friends, it's very easy to develop this business it's, important, what, do you want for. Your life. Okay, so, we, have several. Other bonuses, for the people who are very. Hard. Working here. Okay, for. Some. Levels, you are going to receive. Also. Additional. Carbon. 3, Pro each here. 2. To. 3 per year ok. Bonus. From the company and also house, bones for the people who are reaching, the highest level. Okay. The. Very good news here. That is that, we. Are going a very, well. Sustainable. Training, system. Here. We are going to, learn. How. To do this business from. The, top leaders, from our company, we, have, trainings. We have local trainings we have, training's. We have international, trainings, i mean, there you can meet people from all around the world who, are doing this business where, success, in this business and, we can learn from them, how, to. Reach all these levels because. Here. I told. You that we are a team and we help each other because. This is a business i. Of. Course that i want. To help you first to have success, because, if you have success, i'm going to have success, this. Is the definition of, a business success. Success it's a win-win situation, okay. And i'm going to give you all the support that you need and we are going to meet also, in this training. Trainings. There are a very, nice training suite with, leaders, from all around, the world and, we are doing to invest in us this, is the most important, because in this training we are going to, learn. Personal. Development. Ok. Communication. We. Are going to be more, to, be better, parents. To be better. Friends. To be to, can communicate. With some other people very well to. Connect. With a lot of people, it's, very important. Personal, development, we here. So. Of course, the guarantee, is you if, you are going to. Spend. Some some, time to do this business you are going to have success of course it's, like in different, ways of. Your. Work and you, know support if you are very consistent, in there you are going to have success. And. Here, i can give, you some, examples, of leaders. From the, table readers from our company, from, different, ways, of from, the different countries. Worldwide. We. Are in in the theme of mr., johnny wing breed. He's. At the top, level, of course he's a double, international. Marketing director it. Means that he here we can reach two, times three times four. Times even. The top level, ok there, is only, one person in the company American, has, reached four. Times the. First the. Top level okay. During, breezin an international, speaker also international, training okay. And. Also he, is, doing this great business with us met. Maurice of course he has a, very. Big. Experience. In network marketing you, can find him on YouTube, there are a lot of trainings, with him. For. Personal. Development for network marketing businesses, also but, he's doing this amazing business with us, if, here James Lee is from Asia. And. He has a lot of success he developed, this business, very, well in Asia. And. Also, here, we are I am also in the team of these three musketeers, from Cyprus. Okay, they. Started this business. Six. Years ago and, they. Have now a lot of success they have fun. Wonderful. Life in here they travel 300 days. Per. Year. Okay. Because their revenue. Are is very high a few, millions they made, already. A few millions and. We. Have here, also. Family. From, Cyprus. Here. From Romania this is our main leaders, okay, they. They. Made on, like. They. Made a level. There. In top. European. Income. Earners, also. Here. Also from. From. Greece. Your. Juju and we. Have a lot of different. Persons, like us who, are who. Has a lot of success in in our business from. Different ground from Australia, and here, from Greece. Romania. From. Germany. And. Also, from all around the world here, there are people. Who. Are of, course members, in our tribe, but they do also the business and they have success, they, have now a passive. Income. There. Are a lot of people. From different. They. Have a business or they have a job they did, this part-time, first, and they quit, their job and they're doing only. This it's. Very nice to travel, all, around the world to, develop a community of travelers. A big, family and to, have a passive, income this. Okay, so, we here like. Resume. For. Enrollment for, DreamTrips. Only. If you want to become a dreamtrip member, okay in a gold member you have to pay one time two hundred and fifty five, US. Dollar the. Two hundred is going to transform right, now in two hundred points, and you can use it in. Your DreamTrips and, 55th.

A Monthly. Fee after, one year they are going to transfer me in 660. Limited points and you can use it. Whatever. You you want if, you, want to choose the, business part also be, here, 375. US dollar and seventy five per month. And. If you are going to refer three members, 100 cash three hundred in points, and fifty. Training dollars. If. You refer, for. Your you are not going to pay any more the monthly fees okay. You are going to earn, also. Points, and the cash, okay. For. The Platinum membership three, hundred dollars. One. Time that the rule you transfer me three hundred points you can use it right away and one hundred US dollars per month after one year they're going to transform thousand. Two hundred Limited. Points and you can use it however. However, you want. And if you want to choose the business part also green, tips platinum. And also. The business part that means five, hundred and twenty US dollar okay. And 120. Per month. For, only four three-member you are going to to. Earn 250. US dollars it's. Very interesting and, 600. Entry points, and also, 50 training dollars and for four person you're going to receive. 500. Cash. 800. Minted, points and you. Are. Not going to pay any more monthly, fees. Okay. So, this is it guys fun. Freedom and fulfillment this, is our logo. And. Here. Now you are, in the front of. You. Know front of. Proposal. Let's say okay, because. You have, to decide even. You, can you, want to do this with us or no it's, not, a problem but. I am asking you please. Give. An, answer to the person who sent you this. Video even. Though you are saying no, or, yes, give. Him an answer it's, very honest to do this, they're. Not going to be upset on you because. Maybe it's not your time to do this business maybe, later you want to do this but. They. Wanted to share, with you this information I, wanted to share with you this information. Okay, so, here you have two ways of giving them. Response. Here, the first one if you are saying no what's, going to happen, nothing. Of course you're going to continue your life if. You are going to say yes here, there are two, case scenario. There. Are the. Positive, case scenario, or the. Negative case. Scenario, the, negative case scenario, can. Be the. Forum you're going to hear all but. You you are going, to give. This information to, all your friends or your family and, no, one, wants. To join. So. What, did you understood, that, is going to happen with your money that you've paid for your enrollment. Of. Course you understood very well that, those. Money is going to transform in drinking points, and there. Are your money you can use it, holidays, music no hotels, on flights or. Shopping. On cruises, so. You're not going to lose anything. Okay. And. The. Second case. Scenario. Is the positive one you can find people, very open like you who has vision, in this, type. Of business and they can develop, also a network under you and this. Is going to be an win-win situation, for you and for them. So. Thank. You very much forum for. Watching this video and very. Important. If. Someone. Else. Send. It to you this video please, contact them, because they're don't roll, you if. No one sent it to, you this video and if. You find, it on youtube, you. Can enroll by, yourself, by. Clicking. The link below okay, in the description. Rob. Elementary school dot, world ventures not B's and in.

Them In the next video. In. The next video in here, I'm going to show you, the. First steps, to. Do your own enrollment. Okay so. If you if you haven't seen the. First video with our product, here you can find this, video you can watch this video if, you like it this you can like this channel, and please, subscribe, here to my channel so you are going to receive more information, about the, company about. This product about, the business and the steps that you are going to do this business so. Thank you very much for watching, and. And. God. Bless. You.

2017-12-13 22:16

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