TRAVEL 100KM TO SURPRISE MY BOY WITH FLOWERS (boys like flowers too)

TRAVEL 100KM TO SURPRISE MY BOY WITH FLOWERS (boys like flowers too)

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I'm tongue-tied Twisted around your finger Like a piece of string I’m winded Chasing after your ghost Is real exhausting hello friends my name is Nhân with the hat and  welcome back to my channel hello I'm about to   say something very exciting I think you guys gonna  be excited and I'm very excited too which is I'm   gonna meet Mr.B in two hours so for those of you  who don't know, Mr. B is a guy that I matched on   Tinder we had a very good first date and you can  see more of it here I promise it's very wholesome   I haven't seen him in three weeks we've  been texting every single day but today   I didn't text him he texted  me first but I seen him   I tried so hard not to respond back  because I want him to be shocked when I   be there and meet him he didn't know this  yet his friend Chiara and I coordinate this   honestly I'm really excited and here are  the things that I do before I go and see him   let's go first of all I bought a whole luggage  a whole new one last time I borrowed it from my   friend Evita because I don't have a small one  but I just bought it and I'm going to unbox it so last time I wasn't prepared at all  I planned to see him only two days but   I ended up staying five days this time  I'm gonna stay a little bit longer than   that so this whole pack is for food and for  food-related stuff this whole green bag is for   stuff yeah that thing is not easy at all as the  media says you have to be really prepared for it   it's always good to be prepared I think it's very  sexy to be prepared yeah I like prepared people I have to water my plants waiting for all the water to drip out  first before bringing it to my room so pretty oh look at this baby this plant the root is so crazy I  have to put it in a separate pot gotta eat all the food in the fridge because after  I go back from Mr. B's house they will go bad   this is sweet soybean pudding it is so good no food can be wasted and finally I'm taking all the trash out including  the homophobic haters that was a good joke so here's the plan Mr. B and I have been apart  for almost two weeks we miss each other very  

much so I want to do something nice to surprise  him I text his friend Chiara and Chiara told Mr. B   to be at the station at 7 pm to pick  up their friend Lucy well I was Lucy it was funny you know the movie Lucy I was Lucy look at me yay the luggage and my big ass bag I'm so ready  this time I'm so much much more ready this   time than last time okay let's go I'm so excited  honestly I'm really really really really excited   my Uber is waiting so I have to go soon I belong. I belong to you. I belong. I belong to you.

too heavy for me thank you it's alright I am buying flower for him look at this I want to surprise him by  flowers as well he doesn't feel that good so   I want to buy him something  to make him feel nice okay you have a good day yay I made it to the  train five minutes before the train closed wait this is first class I'm not first class wrong because I was so  close to the depart time the train was full I had to walk all the way from first class to  standard class and it honestly felt much much   longer than the flight from Vietnam to the UK  people were looking at me I was dropping stuff   I was just happy to be sitting down and got a  bit closer to him plus the flowers are beautiful so right now I'm waiting in the bathroom yes I  have to catch another train to go to Colchester   Town this is just Colchester but the station  near his house is Colchester Town so I   have to catch another train but I'm glad I mean  everything is well except for the fact that I   thought I was in standard class although I was in  first class I have to move all the way across the   train there were so many people I was carrying so  many stuffs i actually dropped my shoes but then   somebody pick it up and give my shoes back  and then I dropped another one. I have to hold my pair   of shoes like this it's so funny though but it's fine  at least I'm more prepared this time I actually have   my water bottle I don't have to ask for water  bottles oh I'm sorry nothing's free no   things everything is perfect just like this flower  he likes lilacs yeah lilac is not in   season right now so I bought him similar. Nhan in  the future see you soon you're doing a great job   actually I'm a bit tired right now like I'm trying  so hard yeah but it's fine because I work all   day already and now I'm just I wanted to see him really want to see him I really really really want to see him going it's going it's going we're  coming i'm coming Mr. B waiting for me

we're here we're here okay I'm at the station already I'm so excited and  nervous because I don't want him to see me   i want to record it first oh  my god where's the dude oh my god I hope he is coming what are you doing? there is a Lucy there is a Lucy no [butterflies in my stomach] I got you flowers hi hi okay i'm here it's over okay the surprise is over he got flowers and i got sweat but okay i'll see you later  i will give out some more sweat to him   Thai and Chinese food *teehee* i'm here waiting for food he's too shy you are so happy so cute [talk about our days] [thank you Chiara for making this happen] there is Chiara we are on the same bus *teehee* getting the food ready so we bought quite a few things we  have roasted ducks we have green curry   we have pad thai we have green  vegetables and also we have tom yum Tom Yum is one of my most favorite food so when I was in America next to  my house there's a Thai restaurant   and I went there every single Friday to eat  Tom Yum and they asked me what's the spicy   level from one to five I always choose three or  four it got really spicy so I was sweating and   crying and eating at the same time I was working  in the summer at the same time studying so I was   really busy always frustrated and stressed so  I feel like Friday is my day off and I will eat out  I will spend money and I was sweating in the  restaurant I remember that feeling that's why i   like Tom Yum but in America though the portion is  really big Tom Yum this big reminds you of   school this is your pretty much your school meal  you know not my school meal but yeah it's special   place in my heart, with you with me? you guys are next to each other you're both in my stomach good morning what do you want to eat? bananas nuts, peach, oh my god good morning people good morning lovebirds right now we're going to the supermarket to get  some groceries i'm a bit tired he's a bit tired   because we have a late session and early morning too because we slept late and woke up early now  we're gonna get some groceries and he has to   go to work and I will be alone for like five hours sunscreen is really important yeah so I brought my collection of sunscreen this is not sponsored  but I bought this when I first came to the UK and I saw it in Tesco which is a grocery store I just kind of bought it I bought in pairs because   they are discounted this is three pounds this is two pounds I think almost done with this and we're gonna put it on sunscreen is really  important so you always need to wear sunscreen   regardless of your gender unless you want to get  skin cancer the sun doesn't discriminate anyone it will kill you all [he hates sunscreen] music? music so we're home we decide not to go to the grocery store because we are both tired and we need to take a nap you look nice you look nice in your uniform okay he's going  to work now i'm gonna stay home sleeping   going to work, breadwinner see you later, Mr. B time for myself I used to hate Saturdays because I felt so  inefficient I would wake up, grab my phone and   lay in bed all day when the night came I would  feel really guilty for wasting a perfect day   but then I learned to loosen up and give  myself a chance to rest whether it is going   out for a run or stay in bed I would take it easy  Saturday is my lazy day so be easy on yourself   Saturday Afternoon so relaxing I think I deserve a break last week has been very busy with work with YouTube and everything   okay lazy time is over actually I don't think  I was that lazy I took a nap for about three hours   he's gonna go back from work in about two  hours and I want to surprise him with something   and I figured why not making him a Vietnamese meal  I'm gonna make him Goi Cuon which is summer roll   it's gonna be so amazing he likes seafood so I'm gonna make shrimp and fish and maybe I'm   gonna buy pork too Goi Cuon it's gonna  be amazing it's gonna be refreshing   he has never eaten it oh my god do you  hear that? he has never eaten that before so   it's gonna be cool I'm gonna get ready go and buy groceries now I just don't want to move from this bed so comfy anyway it's time to be a supporting friend we're not yet, not yet, I don't know let's go I actually just took a 20-minute nap after a three hours nap   so I have to go really quickly  because he's gonna be home in an hour see ya where is banana? so lost hello just an eco-friendly young person carrying two bags   and have to run really  fast because he needs to pee I need to pee he's back he just gave me a call hopefully  he's running to me so he can help me carrying   this stuff I'm a strong independent  young man but if he can help   me with those stuffs like these stuffs  is kind of nice you know is he running? are you tired? can I make you a delicious meal and  after that you will be my meal? me too he cut himself and I cut myself in the same place   so weird you know why I cut myself it's carrying these stuffs do you know why I cut myself? because I cut you? yeah okay I have to go quick  he's really hungry right now   lettuce cucumber pineapple bell pepper so I brought this from London because the  last time we went to the only Asian shop in Essex  [trying to pronounce Essex] I still cannot say that word we cannot find rice paper and also hoisin sauce they were out, sold out so I brought these from London See my dedication I'm so dedicated mint pork the skin is so good it looks so amazing look at this so delicious it's time to make the sauce and if you haven't noticed we eat a lot so i'm going to use up everything here hoisin sauce peanut butter sugar minced pineapple and lots of love this is a lot of food for a meal of two we have noodle pineapple shrimps pork peanut butter sauce lettuce cucumber mint bell peppers yeah I think he's gonna like this the food is ready see how much effort I put into this okay let me show you how to eat this first we dip into water and then you put all the vegetables of your choice a lot of lettuce cucumber bell pepper mint pineapple noodles seafood pork and you roll  it in like this this is peanut butter sauce with pineapple huh peanut butter yeah really yeah peanut butter and hoisin sauce his first-ever Goi Cuon how is it? is it good? I like the sauce yeah, even the sauce this is for you you rolled that for me? you deserve to have a good roll working all day day and night when I was a kid my mom kept rolling it  like this and i would eat it and keep eating   keep eating and keep eating until I'm full I don't have to even roll it   it's very cute you didn't think that i would  like it i know for sure that you will like it but reality is different from expectation even if you are sure for example, after I took a test I thought I would get 95 but I end up getting a hundred percent I was like it's always different you know everybody in the class hated me though there's no curve how many points in your humble opinion? points? out of a hundred? twenty-seven twenty-seven what the hell I'll try better next time (he is joking) cheers cheers sword fighting try your best to roll me one I already tried my best you can do it I will roll one for you too you can roll one for me and we eat each other i'm so handsome yeah looks so good thumbnail thumbnail? okay exchange okay this is his roll this is mine oh wait it looks better from this side okay comment down below who rolls better   no I think you do because you have so  many shrimps see anyway cheers good? where's the seasoning? there's no seasoning now but just eat it bland it's still good with the texture you can dip into here too yeah see it's a good snack it's so nice no the sauce is so good it's so simple so simple so many people have crush over you because of that cinnamon bun look at this beauty oh   it is good people yay cinnamon bun let's see if it tastes better than your bun okay I still prefer your bun your bun is sweeter no maybe a bit salty going out for a walk there is a bench here look at the view I mean this view oh so lovely okay it looks like one of those horror movies look at this oh my god so dark one thing you should know about me is I am really scared of ghosts, like really I don't like horror movies look at this let's jump onto the train and go to somewhere alright this is like one of those influencer movies  you know like influencer holding a camera and they get killed let's go get killed there this is the train rack see the train maybe this side is better this side see the train right there so nice though so relaxing oh my god the train yes hello also what we're doing right here is not illegal  okay we can actually open this and cross that   see that the other the side so it's a cross walk people be careful with the train okay be safe anyway we're gonna go home  and sleep now not really sleep   let's go I'm so scared no how can we go out? this way? no I can't end of day one check is it day two? day two check thank you for tuning in there's no such thing you

2021-08-10 22:52

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