Trainspotters and 4 Lessons to Build a Brand Tribe

Trainspotters and 4 Lessons to Build a Brand Tribe

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Hello. And welcome Janet Becker's here I've got a teaching episode. For you today for, bromance your tribe radio and what is more fitting for. A podcast. Program. Called romance, your, tribe where. We're going to be talking about something that I discovered just last. Week on a, wedding. Anniversary a mystery. Weekend it was my husband's turn this here to, organize a mystery, weekend, for. Her 32nd. Wedding, anniversary. That's. Not a mystery weekend's, we've done so. Was romance, there and, I was a tribe, because. My, husband always seems to organize really quite quirky. Events. For, when it's his turn to organize, and we alternated to you. And so. We, discovered, a, subculture. A tribe, of, trainspotters. And. What. I'm going to share with you here is lessons. That I learned from. Spending. Half, a day with, train. Spotters some really. Severely. Obsessed train. Spotters and the lessons, on that on tribe, and how, you can apply that to your business so we'll have a little bit of fun with this one so, let, me share the, story, with you on first. Of all I'll share with you you, know what was the mystery weekend. Then. I'll, share with you what I learned, about. Them. About, this particular subgroup, this incredibly, passionate tribe, then. I'll, talk about what, makes a tribe in your business and the lessons that you can apply so let's approach it in those, three steps if, you know me I know I like to have a system we're gonna follow so. Where. Did this all start well ever, since has second, wedding, anniversary. We. Decided. That you. Know what forget this whole idea of buying, presents for each other or, forget. This idea of Janet buying iris. Presents, and then, him going no no no what's a capitalist, ripoff and us having an argument so what we did instead was. Every, single year we alternate. Taking. The other person away on a mystery weekend now, part of this is the week beforehand. Seven. Days before the, person who is being, surprised, which, was me this year is allowed to ask for a clue or ask a question every. Single day for, that week, the. Person, who. Is organizing the, mystery tour has. To answer they. Have to give a clue or they have to give an answer and here. Is the. Clincher the. Person, giving the clues is, allowed. To lie, which. Means that, I have turned up to Outback pubs where. You know packing, stilettos. And really, really nice dresses, and I've also turned up to a beach holiday carrying. Babies, and walking, boots so I have, learnt, to, hedge. My bets and pack a lot of stuff so this. Year one of the clues though was I could only pack a very very small bag, that. Was a tough gig and. There. Were also some other really weird clues that led. Me leading, to something you know there was parallel. Before the time of electricity. There. Was. Shake. Rattle roll there, was the small bag and there was some other it's my other ones that actually went to other parts of the weekend so, there's, a lot we have a lot of fun leading up to it as it. Turns out a. Ferry. A city with us quirky things is we. Turned up at. A train station down, in Sydney and, coming. Into the train station, was a. Historic. Steam. Train, now. The people who were on that, translation, waiting for the steam train to come in was, so, excited. The energy. Was. Palpable. People. Were really really excited, then, when we went to get onto the train all. These other people came oh you are so lucky, I thinking. When, we got onto the, train that's, when I realized, that we, had just immersed, ourselves in, a, subculture, a tribe, that I, had heard of but, had never. Experienced. So, this train is very much lucky if you if you're a hot walks you know a Harry, Potter tragic. Like I am then, you know this was the Hogwarts Express and, incomplete. Without compartment. That was really. Really old just, like the. Hogwarts Express and, including. A conductor, or a. Passenger. Assistant, as we had learnt the term was who, fair, dinkum was dressed. Completely. As. If you know I Canada out of one of you know the Harry Potter movies, and. Had. Even have an English accent I don't even know if it was true but he was really only about 20, absolutely. Enthusiastically. Enjoying. The role of directing. Everybody. Now. Let. Me talk so this for me was a really, fantastic experience so for. For the for the the few hours of the train trip till we got up into the mountains is we. Just went wow we. Were. Different to everybody else here we. Don't know the language, we. Don't know we. Don't we're we don't have much knowledge at, all on, this, we've never done this before we're, not carrying the same equipment as other.

People Who have obviously done this before like, we are the outsiders, here but, there. Is this whole, like, 90%, of that train. Was. Serious, transporters, and they knew their stuff and their excitement. And enthusiasm, was. Absolutely. Contagious. So. That's what I realized, there is a tribe, here a really. Really strong tribe and, we're not part of it so. Let's just, totally. Immerse ourselves and, just really. Get to know all these people and have as much fun as we can which, included, of course down to the buffet car and try to get as many lollies, as possible because that's, what they do in Harry Potter but there's you, know there weren't any birds or flavored beans or chocolate. Frogs jumping, but we did get lots and lots of big snakes on lollies and eat, those and, talk. To as many people and wave to as many people as we can and say just, immersed ourselves for, a few hours it was actually, quite a lot of fun now. Let's talk about what. Made this a tribe, and. What. Made, from. What with you know I'm gonna analyze, that in terms of what makes a tribe for business, so. Let's, have a look at that, in. Order to have a tribe, anywhere. You. Need to have number one something. That is a shared, idea, a shared. Passion something, that. People focus on. Now. For, these people, it was trains, but not just. Any. Trains. Historic. Steam. Trains now. That. Was the thing that brought everybody. Together. But, that is not enough, now. For you for you what is it that people are getting drawn. To so. For, me for, my business it's very much about how do I take my business and market it online but, it's more than that how, do I do it in a way that, is all about building. Relationships and. Trust and doing. It in a way that I really, attract and connect with people so. That, is you. Know the, thing that people are being drawn to so for. You in your business, what. Is the, thing that may be a niche, that, you are in or if, it is a very broad niche it may, be your. Way that you approach that within your, niche so. That's number one number. Two. Is. You. Need to be, able to say this is what we believe around. Here you. Need to be able to jump. Off the fence because people who sit on the fence get splinters in their bum okay so, you. Need to be able to jump off the fence and say this is what, we believe. Around here if you want to be part of this, tribe, this. Is what we believe, around here now. For the tribe of trainspotters. The. Thing that they believe around there that really, the. The. Engineering. The romance. The history. Of, steam. Trains, and that whole era, of. Travel. Is. So. Much, more interesting. Much, more. Valuable. And so much you, know worth immersing. Yourself in, then. Just. Ordinary, travel trains. Buses. Cars, this. Is so much more interesting and, very. Very specific, on that so, what is it for you for example, for me you, know what nobody. Who is going to be attracted to me it's going to be attracted because they are interested, in how do I build a business, that. I'm not the slightest. Bit interested in, with customers, that I'm not really interested at all in them but I just want to be able to find out where. There is a demand and do. It in the most disconnected. Way and that is there, are a lot of people who do, that really, really well you know the whole sort of finding, they do the numbers just do ads have no contact, they. Do that really really well but you're never going to get that with me because, that's, not, what I love doing in business and the people who I attract, love. That connection they love being part of the transformation, so. That's, what we believe around here so what about you, what. Is it that you can go you know what but. For people who are just into the numbers okay what are these people doing wasting all the time talking, to people and connecting. And understanding. What's important, and their values who, cares that group, will never ever get our group and as. We look at that group and go you. Know you're it's. A bit cold I get bored, so. What's. Happening in your, tribe where you can say you, know what this is what we believe around here. Now. The. Next thing that you need is you need a shared language. Now. This was, something that we really really. Discovered, when. We were in, our group of train spotters because. The, train, spotters, they. Had their own language, they, knew, not, just, all the names of the different parts, of the trains or how, many axles, there are on each carriage, yep.

All Those, lots of things they, knew. The. Names, of different, numbers of different, trains, and they, would talk fondly. To each other about so. I heard. About what's happening with the 50:17 where's its house now oh it's, over at Kara, really. What's so-and-so doing, over there why don't ya and they would use different language, for things that for, parts of a train that some pea trains would have in other ones wouldn't they all knew. The, language they. All knew the equipment you, know people carried, goggles, so that when they stuck their head out the window for hours, to. Be able to see the truth of the the, steam coming up that, all the suits we didn't realize this that comes with it that plasters all over you wouldn't get in their eyes and. They carried wipes so they can wipe it all off before, they got off the train so, there was a whole sort, of equipment, whole language, that, people knew, so, on the train there, were people going up Hannah, senior for ages, since the last carriage, we were on and they. Were talking immediately. They, had a common language to, talk about we. Stood out as not, part of that tribe we, didn't know the language but. We were there alone, okay. So for you do. You have a language that, you use if, you don't you have a huge opportunity here that's why we've in my attract your tribe program, one of the cool things we do is, the. Way that you work with people and there, may be you, could have thousands. Of competitors that may do similar work with people but, what we do is we create a signature, system and a trademark upon language around. That so, when you're being hanging, around me for a while you will know that we talk about flirting. Back, to my place we talk about commitment we, talk about, forth. Winters we talk about romance, in your tribe, attracting. Your tribe we. Talk about. Courting. And we. Talked about preferable, avatars. All this different language, all comes around the. Romance, your tribes signature, system now, in your, business you have an opportunity, to create your own language, that people know part.

Of This tribe because. I use this language for. Years now I will have people who might send me an email and they. Will be using the language of my signature system, when, they're talking, to me for. Example I also. Divide people up into four different avatars, and get people to, self-identify, you. Could be a, stargazer. Star blazer shooting. Star or a superstar and those. Four are on my website and you can identify and, see the different paths you should take depending on it so people will email me and say hey Janet under star blazer, my. Language. Did. Developed. Specifically. To, make it so that you will know you're part of my tribe, so. Do you do that do you have a language that you can be using that lets people know they're part of your tribe you have a great, opportunity here, but. To be able to create something there, so. You have a language as well now. What. Else do you need well. You need a place for people to gather hang. Out and to, talk to each other, now. Online, that, becomes quite easy because. You have your website if, you have selling your programs, you, can create others, private. Facebook groups or a forum. A place, where your people can connect you, can be doing that through live, events, you, can be doing that as, an example with, my Rising Stars and my attractor tribe accelerator, clients, we. Meet on video Huddle's and so, people get to see each other and we hotseat, they get to see each other in the private, Facebook group you. Can be doing that through a free, Facebook. Group to bring your tribe together, so, finding. A place where people can hang out is absolutely. Essential for you to develop a tribe so, for, our. Tribe of trainspotters, not, only did they gather, when. There was an opportunity to take a heritage, train trip and they paid good money for it as well it wasn't like it wasn't a cheap you. Know normal, cheap train. Fare you. Know it was special. But. They also have clumps and the. In fact as we were sitting there one. Girl you know she, was one of the rare women who were on the train who, was in our, a, little, carriage was going you. Know. I'm. Actually with the competition, I'm, with the enemy anyway. What are you talking about. Train and. The whole trip was organized, by one historic society she volunteers, for another Historic, Society so, even, that so she was there was a sub tribe within, the bigger tribe and an allegiance, that, she felt but still coming here because she wanted to be part of this extension, in the tribe so, for you, have. You got somewhere where you can make it for people to. Join. Now. Let's bring all of that together, because. Now we want to look at how do you, if. You have a tribe well, then there, is a potential, for you to set yourself up as the tribal, leader, now. The tribal, leader really. Is somebody who can very, very, clearly. Articulate. This. Is what we believe around here and this.

Is Where we can hang out if you, can very clearly articulate. What. It is that, you, are helping people to do and what, we believe here, as part, of this group and. Provide. Any kind of venue whether it's going to be through your business whether it's going to be online offline, however, it works for, people to be able to connect you, will naturally be. Positioned, as the tribal leader. Now. Here. Is something else that comes with being the tribal, leader then, a lot of people don't. Really understand. And yet this is where it becomes really, really powerful is a lot. Of times people, will create, you. Might create a group that, might be say we say for a free Facebook group and you're, the person who started it you are the tribal, leader now, through, this happening and people interacting. They, will start to evolve people, who, become leaders, within that group they. Are naturally, the ones that come up with good ideas they. Cheers their cheerleaders, for other people, sometimes. The. People who are the at, the beginning of the group or the leader can, be quite threatened, by, this and see, this as you know people, could, be using my platform to takeover so it is your role, as the tribal. Leader to, identify. Other. Emerging. Leaders, and to, nurture and then bring them in to. Make sure they're still using, this, in language, that their philosophy is still the same if this is what we believe around here and mentor. Them to help them to lead, within. Your. Tribe, because. That's where a tribe starts to get its own energy, where, it starts to expand, and you, are still the, person who, has set, that overall tone and has, provided the place for people to hang out so. The same thing with our beautiful. Enthusiastic. Tribe of train. Spotters is. You. Know they, within. There there were people that would be talking about Oh have you seen someone serves on the train and, they know their stuff so, that, was somebody, else who, was. How to position themselves as a leader within. The. Bigger tribe and that allows. For. People to have aspirations. Within. A tribe because, there are always going to be people who want, to go higher and higher so, allow that to happen that's where true tribal. Leadership, happens. So. It. Was a really really fun weekend we went on to do it lots of other things as well but we we laughed, and laughed and laughed so. Much about. The. Quirkiness, of this. Tribe of train. Spotters who themselves. Would not see themselves as quirky at, all but, from an outsider, who doesn't know the language who. Doesn't have the same passion, and who. You. Know doesn't have those SPECT connection, almost like the secret handshake, and it seemed really. Quirky from, the outside, and so. That's. What will happen as you are building up your tribe the people who don't belong there are, gonna look and go I don't get it and that, is good because, the people who were in there they.

Get It they. Get you so. Let's. Have a look at a summary now on how, do you. Take lessons from such. A tribe as. Transporters. And use. That those lessons what are the lessons that you can use to be able to create your own tribe. Around your business your, brand and these are the important things for you to know you. Need to be able to say. This is what we're interested in this, is the topic we're interested in you. Then need to be able to say this is what we believe around here this is our approach to that particular topic this, is what we believe around here, you, need to be able to go you know what we've, got our own language, we've kind of got you know you know you're on the inner because you know the language that is used around here, so, do you have a language. You. Have an opportunity to create your own language through. Signature, systems and trade markup or branding so. You have that now the other thing you need to do is to be able to say this, is where we hang out so this is where you can connect with everybody, else and then. You also need to be able to say you know what there is an opportunity for other people to lead here and, let. Me help you and we're gonna stay here with in. This, tribe and we're gonna make it bigger and bigger, and a, much closer, knit. Community. I, think, I covered all of those ones there a place for us to hang out I did I say that so if you can do that as the tribal leader if you can provide this is what we believe, this. Is our language, and. This. Is where we hang out and create. An opportunity for, people together, you've. Just positioned yourself as a tribal leader in, your niche and that's, where is a fantastic. Platform for. You to be able to start attracting great. People to you and your business so. I'd love to hear from you number, one are you a trained spotter like are you part of this culture, honestly it was all generations, mostly. Men but there was still women there and people, who, you, know looked, like they had completely. Different, kinds, of. Professions. And lives, outside of that that passion for. Historic. Trains, so. A really, really broad cross-section it. Wasn't the demographic, necessarily, that was the defining, so are, you a are you a transporter I'd love to hear from you like does you know is that something where you would stay excited for the whole trip. Your. Tribe are you building a tribe around your business can you identify as being, having, a tribe around your, business do, you have a signature system and language do. You are you part of my tribe are you part of our free Facebook group are you one of my clients are you do, you understand. Oh the language, have, you, you. Know do you have some examples of, you know some of that language that you may have been using outside of, our. Just tight romance your tribe tribe, so, I'd love to hear from you so please leave, comments down below share. This with your friends if you'd like to I'd really appreciate that, and, and. Yeah go. For it come on over into our, Facebook group and we can talk about this this, week's topic over there okay, bye.

2018-10-15 11:36

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