Trading In Fear Based Markets

Trading In Fear Based Markets

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fear-based trading okay fear-based trading so  when the market goes into fear what do we do so   a couple of things to remember okay when there's  panic in the markets right when they're whether   it's due to virus or government intervention and  everything's on lockdown or anything like that   the market freaks out okay when the market freaks  out when i say market freaks that means i mean the   general public okay who and when i say the general  public okay i want you to understand one thing   this is not the day-to-day person who was  going to a job getting a nine to five salary   coming back and then spending all that money  into living right and then back to the job   back to that paycheck back to the job back to  the paycheck and no other life outside of that   i'm talking about people who who have savings who  have a surplus and they're starting to look for   what to do with their money to start growing  that little nest egg that they've been   you know that they've been building up right  or they've been saving up so these are the   people who are generally a little bit higher  earners and they're generally a little bit more   savvy when it comes to money because they have the  basic understanding of how do you deal with money   they might not be experts at money itself but they  might be at least better than the average person   of i know how to save i know how to survive i know  what a rainy day means and i know how to grow okay   okay now it's it's you you can say it's almost  controversial so that means these guys must be   boring they don't know how to live life no i i  can get that i can get that but no that you know   you got all kinds of people on this planet right  so so a lot of people who are investing because   when the market goes into fear like this they're  worried that their money is going to take a hit   so a big majority of that people who are investing  are looking for now what do i do with my money   because everyone is panicking okay so you turn on  the tv and you see more people buying toilet rolls   imagine as an investor who's put in money into  certain economies they might be sitting there   thinking people are buying toilet paper rolls  in masses that means we are in in the gutter   okay we're in trouble okay if they're thinking  like that they're going to start going into a   risk off scenario which means pull the money out  of aussie pull the money out of new zealand pull   the money away from canadian dollars and put it  more into a japanese yen or a gold or a swiss   franc area so the money still stays alive instead  of putting it back into the bank you know banks   might close or or the money the aussie itself  might get devaluated so much that you know when   you convert it back you're like i got nothing left  it's horrible so by putting it into a safe haven   you can at least control the downfall okay so  it doesn't mean you're you're you're you know   turning it around and saying okay now we make  tons of money but you're controlling that risk   so the the the people who are investing they're  aware of this to a certain extent okay so now   having that said what does that mean for you as  a trader okay for you as a trader first of all   you know we i discussed this a little bit in the  webinar watch out from the panics okay you have to   be careful and and not panic okay and the reason  why i say that the reason why i say that now think   of this as a as in in general in real life right  you see a person you say hello to them they say   hello to you fantastic this person is right here  with me he is a normal human being but if you tell   if you tell a person you say hey man how's it  going and that person says michael buble shoes   forks kitchen you might be thinking is this  guy out of his mind is he crazy what's wrong   with this guy because he's living in his own  world in his mind okay it is not the reality of   right now so having that said what when when a  person is thinking about the past of his life and   suffering today or he's thinking about what can  happen into the future and is suffering today this   is a person who is living in his mind about the  past or the future that does not exist right now   okay a person who is suffering from something  that does not exist we call psychosis okay and the   medical terminology that is a mental person right  but in this world that we live in it is and also   an acceptable state which we call panic okay so i  want you to always stay calm and i'm not saying do   not panic do not stalk i'm saying observe with the  calm conscious mind and and really watch what's   going on to understand you know what do i need  to do how do i need to prepare and think a little   bit bigger picture okay as traders you guys are  already good at this you guys are just gonna raise   the level a little bit more to your conscious  level being a lot higher than everyone else who's   pulling out their hair saying oh my goodness oh  my goodness oh my goodness it is those peoples who   always get stuck onto the wrong side of the market  unfortunately right it's even though they have so   much knowledge to back them up so much history  to back them up they still their emotions get to   the best of them last minute and it's not just  trading right it's in everything in life so the   market is just a representation of human emotions  on repeat it's on repeat that's all it is as long   as there's human players into the market you will  see that human factor repeating over and over and   over again that's why you have a 95 5 percentage  running stably at all times because you cannot   run away from that human element now the only way  around it is if you're aware of the human element   and you get onto the other side okay this is not a  strategy this is not a technique this is just pure   awareness of what is happening to the people this  is how fake outs happen this is how traps happen   this is how you know it's a cell inside of a buy  happens you know if you're in the iconic trader   program this is how a set one set two happens it  you know i can go on and on and on for this so   now bringing this knowledge and this idea  into the trading world so now you're here   and you're watching you're observing so panic goes  into the market you see it on bloomberg you see it   on cnn you see it on all these things and you're  like okay the information you're getting is now   objective it is not a a debate panel between left  and right saying does this mean when the president   said this this could mean that and the other guy  saying no i think it means that now it's become   a reality tv show okay it is no longer based on  facts right now of he said this period okay and   those people who take it into an extension  of that could mean would mean should mean   you know it's become a reality show now based  on what is his or her own fears versus the   next guys his or her own fears right it's  a battle between fears when in actuality   what's actually happening in the real world might  be completely different right so that's the beauty   of all this that's the beauty of all this there's  nothing wrong with it but if you calmly observe   the markets tell you something similar so let  me take you on to the whiteboard here so let   me draw some stuff here for you okay let me  move my screen down okay i am down here hello   down here under on the corner all right so let me  first do this all right so can you see my circle   okay i'm hoping you said yes so great great great  job okay now let me start drawing this up for you   so if you see in tandem the aussie okay the new  zealand oh i'm really good at drawing this today   okay okay i just screwed it up by saying it okay  the aussie the new zealand the cad okay if these   currencies are going down and you see the yen the  gold okay the gold here's the ticker for gold xau   okay gold and you know swiss francs if you see  these in sync generally you know these ones going   up those going down then you know the markets are  in a fear-based state now what does that mean well   how what do you need to do to prepare to turn a  profit from it right to to where do you how do   you as a trader get involved into this safe haven  out of commodity pairs idea to be on top of it so   let's say you're a trend pullback trader right  so here's a trend here's a pullback and you are   looking to rejoin the trend for the sell side if  you get this kind of setup in a fear-based market   make sure you are not going against these in for  a cell do not do the buys on them in a fear-based   market watch out for that okay no buying and  no selling on this on these particular pairs so   having that said let me give you an example so  you want to do for example aussie yen for a cell   okay why aussie yen for a cell  because aussie is a commodity pair   okay okay so that should continue to go down and  yen will get strong so if you're looking at this   currency pair a downward market means yen strong  and a downward market means obviously weak okay so   having that said this thing will now go down now  having that said what do you do in this fear of   based markets you need to learn a whole new trade  management skills you don't get a market like this   this happens like you know only a couple months  in a whole year when you get flowing markets like   this you do not get out at your normal support  and resistance that you would normally do you   know okay i'm going to get at the recent low i'm  going to get out of 50 fibonacci i'm going to   get out at you know you know 61.8 percent or so  on and so forth your traditional way of exiting   i want you to extend it out even further okay  because the markets are in flow okay when   they're in flow like this they go they go that's  why traders are now switching their strategies   and going more momentum based and actually  milking out 100 200 300 pips in a single go   one with stop losses of like 20 30 40 pips only  okay so they're getting some massive risk rewards   that is you know two trades is making their year  not a month the whole year it's making that much   profits okay because it moves that far with  less hesitation okay so if you get stuck doing   something like for example aussie new zealand and  you want to trade that during a fear-based market   you're going to have some issues doing  that even if you have a technical setup   you're going to have issues doing that  because they're both commodity pairs so   if you're trying to sell it you're basically  saying i hope new zealand dollar gets strong   okay that's generally not going to happen you  know if if it is risk off markets okay remember   risk off means they're afraid of the market  they don't want to take a risk to make money   okay a risk on means economy is healthy again  let's put some money in microsoft let's put   some money in google let's put some money in  cryptocurrencies blah blah blah you know we're   looking to put some money into multiple places  to take that risk to make more money okay a   risk-off scenario is i don't want to lose money  does that make sense okay i don't want to lose   money so that's how the market mentality  shifts also another key thing to remember   during these times is when you have a risk-off  environment your fundamentals will get overrun   i'm not talking about your fundamentals  like when you're eating on a dinner table   do not put your elbow on the table i'm not  talking about those kind of fundamentals   you know don't talk down to your parents no  not that kind of fundamentals i'm talking   about fundamentals as in the economic calendar  okay so when you're looking at let's say euro   news was really really bad okay you can trade  that that's fine but if you're trading that for   example euro aussie you can know you're going to  run into some trouble if you want to sell that   okay because aussie is going to give you a tough  time so if you have any news that's good news   for aussie or new zealand or cad chances are  they're going to get overrun okay they might   bounce a little bit but then they might continue  the overall the weakness trajectory so during   these whole times any small good news okay another  thing to remember okay so you can you can mark   them out as pointers so another very key element  to remember is when the market starts to trend   down right like aussies going down new zealand's  going down cat's going down and you're like   okay aussie yen new zealand yen caddy and i  wanna i wanna just sell cell cell cell cell   as it's going down any sign of good news a  research or a drug that's being in being developed   or there's some good news or the numbers of deaths  or viruses have reduced or a breakthrough new   vaccine is being made you can be sure that there  is people who are willing to go risk on to bring   that market back into float so whenever you're  in a downward movement and you're you're doing   momentum trading so here's one thing to understand  here when you're doing momentum trading it's all   about this the markets are going down it goes  up a little bit and you're like i'm going to hit   it again and it goes down it goes up a little  bit i'm going to hit it again and it goes down   here's the thing one good news  comes out it'll bounce like this   it'll come up very very aggressively very very  aggressively and then it will take some time to   digest all this information okay even though  it market wants to go back down it will take   some time before it resumes and makes new lows so  remember whenever there's a good information it   can bounce hardly against you and you can't look  at that as oh that's my pullback cell why isn't   the cell working so why isn't the cell working  cell why isn't the cell working okay by the   time i got up to here well all the profit i made  is gone okay so you want to be careful of that   and and remember when you're momentum based  that any sort of good news is gonna have a   sharp sharp pullback okay and when it has  a sharp pullback to resume the momentum   it needs a big a bit more of time okay so we're  actually in that phase right now of we are   doing this sideways momentum and now the world is  still on standby the numbers are reducing there is   no vaccine yet so the numbers are reducing good  news okay the the world's on lockdown good news   but then a vaccine is still not ready yet bad news  people the numbers are people getting infected are   are still on the rise bad news there's news  about china not reporting the right numbers   bad news so there's still fear is  looming around into the markets so   whoever is more looking for okay i think i think  we're good they're trying to hit the buys but the   big money is not hitting the buys quite yet until  they know for certain okay because they need to   you know go back up from all this down move it's  done so it's going to recover very quickly once   a good news comes out but we don't have good news  yet having that said the markets are still going   into a downward spiral okay downward spiral so  so keep these things in mind so to recap it all   when you see these pairs in sync the aussie  the new zealand and the cats getting weak   and the yens and the gold getting strong know  there is fear in the markets okay the markets are   in risk off situation okay they don't want to take  a risk they're scared okay and in those pairs you   want to see if you get your design whichever way  you trade support resistance fibonacci you want to   stay on the sell side for aussie new zealand cad  and the buy side for yens so that way you can make   the most of it and practice to understand am i  in a nice flow of momentum where i can hold on to   that trade and make more than i'm used to making  okay so i want you to not do this live check it   out look back on your charts re-study it do some  back testing do some forward testing before you   take it live onto your account don't just be like  okay all right tomorrow i'm gonna go do this live   you know be very careful because like i said any  small movement it can spike back up very very   hard and that movement up can be a couple hundred  pips as well okay so now we are in a transitional   phase and when we're in a transitional phase just  know that it is still looming for the downside   because we don't have good news yet but if a  good news comes out i wouldn't be surprised if   it goes down a little bit gets many people  short and then jumps up very very hard so   these are the multiple scenarios we're looking  at so for the most part i would still say it   it is a sell you know me and my team are  still on the sell side i'm looking at this so   december january and most of february a fantastic  month fantastic month early march also was pretty   decent and then it started to slow down a bit  the whole month of march started to slow down but   december january february like you know fantastic  moves purely speaking from the financial markets   perspective this is what traders want okay and  many people complain that oh my goodness it's   moving so much it's what we need movement trader's  job is if there's movement i want to get in here   get out here make that profit in there for a sell  side if it goes up i want to get in here get out   there make that profit on the buy side when you  have a market moving like that the chances of you   being wrong in the way you're trading lowers as  long as you're going with the overall flow okay   so now however way you enter based on your own  strategy whether it's moving averages fibonaccis   macd rsi pivot points you know you name it chances  are all of these guys are start are going to see   some profits but remember of the risk of as  long as you're making that money that's fine   just be careful of any slight good news bam you  know move back up so stay on top of news events   like on bloomberg stay on top of new sites  but make sure you're only watching objective   information okay so the fundamental data came  out and they're saying euro is very strong today   that's objective news okay because the gdp got a  lot better that's objective you cannot fight that   and say no that's fake no it cannot be fake it's  it's done it's a done deal it's set in stone now   done so you want to look for objective information  and not information of well she said on the news   panel and then he said on the news panel and  then they said on the news panel and then they   interviewed one guy on the street and he was like  you know the world is ending and then the next guy   on the street like no we're just you know we're  good we're good we just need more toilet paper   no so you want you want to stay away from  all that stuff you want to look at objective   clear to the point information that's like  done it is official from the government or   from who it's signed it's sealed done okay  now how does that react into the market   and then you plan accordingly okay you plan  accordingly all right so i hope this entire   session was useful your i hope you are you were  able to look at this take it to your charts look   at them try to understand you know why aussie yen  has moved a lot you know if you look at all my   instagram videos that i've shared with you guys  all my live trading for the last three months   it's hardcore something yen right it's hardcore  something i made a ton of money with the yen's   you know it was very very great you know it was  extremely smooth and and easy to handle okay so it   was very very busy times so now that things have  slowed down a bit we're doing the webinars again   so getting back to talking to you guys as well so  spending some more time but it was great to see   many of you guys yesterday a thousand plus people  showed up it's a wonderful feeling a lot of names   I recognize a lot of names and you know i  know it's a it's a time that you're at home   your family's at home too and you want to spend  some time with them and i really appreciate that   just because you're home doesn't mean you have  to attend these webinars but the fact that you   chose to attend the webinar already means a  lot you know so i you know i appreciate it   from the bottom of my heart that it's always  fun for me to see you guys as well and you   know one important thing always during these  times is it's very easy time to get lazy it's   a very very easy time to get lazy try to fight  that okay so you know so i've read this from a   a submarine captain okay i don't know they call  them captains i think they call them captains   a person who was running a nuclear submarine a  captain for that ship he talks about isolation   and stuff and he and he goes you know he talks  about having a routine you know when you're   in isolation you want to have a routine you  want to do cleanups you want to clean stuff   and you want to keep a schedule and keep building  on your skills you don't want to go obsolete right   and you don't want to put on bad habits during  this you know that's temporary quarantine that   there is you know whether it extends or not  extends that's not the point you know whatever   extends another six months it's okay let it extend  what you need to do is understand are you still   growing are you still bettering yourself whatever  the situation might come right you know our   grandparents never lived with technology we do so  we adapt with technology you know so whatever the   new thing comes we know how to adapt we're in that  generation of we went from no technology to some   technology to 100 technology so we are in that  generation that we can adapt we know how to adapt   can you thrive now that is the opening question  that we always give to our students at urban forex   is i'm not asking you to do just the bare  minimum can you be the best you can be okay   so do that raise the bar for yourself and  for your family and if you have family in   your house with you they will look at local look  at you and and take you as a leader by example   okay you don't need to tell them make sure you do  this make sure you do that and no one listens to   words these days you want to show them by example  you know so i hope you guys are keeping fit   as well you know and and staying safe that's  the number one concern please stay safe whether   it's a small issue for you or a big issue for  you regardless your health should be important so   you know be safe and you know do what is needed  to be done to stay safe all right guys so that's   all the time i have for for right now i wanted  to make this webinar short and to the point so   it's not an hour long because you had those two  supplementary videos as well so going forward   i'm going to make the webinars like this i'm  going to make two small supplementary videos   and then the webinar itself so we can interact  and talk to each other that'll be like 40 minutes   long and again for the major announcements for  those of you who did not know actually tomorrow   is going to be the private webinar for the iconic  trader program not tomorrow meaning april 3rd 2020   okay i'm saying the year because i know people  are referring or emailing me saying hey Navin   why did you take that poll back by on on this  video and then i look back at the video i'm like   that's like you know 2010 i'm like oh that's  a long time ago like i don't even remember   you know so so yeah so again stay safe i  will see you guys in the next webinar and   those of you guys who are in the courses and  in the programs i will see you guys in there   growing doing what you have to do to get better  because this is a very very active market and i   hope you guys are at least staying at home and  enjoying the process of making some money and   ordering on amazon there you go there you go right  so that's the beauty of it so a lot of people are   fighting to stay and talk about do i have a job do  i not have a job and you don't have this concern   you're a traitor so you know another thing to  be thankful for it's a blessing it's a blessing   your job just got more interesting actually  so you know you know appreciate it and   make use of it and grow right don't just use this  time to netflix and binge so do it on the weekend   all right guys thanks a lot that's  it for me for now bye for now cheers

2021-05-07 03:25

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