Trading Different Markets With Urban Forex Principles

Trading Different Markets With Urban Forex Principles

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all right all right all right good  morning good evening good afternoon   can everyone hear me just fine all right welcome guys welcome to the webinar for  those of you guys who do not know me my name is   Navin Prithyani, I am also known as the brown man  of the internet okay i'm known as the brown man of   the internet i am here to make finances easier for  you okay that is my sole purpose okay that is why   i wake up in the morning okay this is how urban  forex has started right so welcome guys before we   begin i just want to know all of you guys signing  in to the room right now we have 493 people   where are you guys from where are you guys logging  in from let's see it okay belgium iowa india uae   cambodia montreal south africa serbia uh it's hard  to even keep up tokyo zimbabwe philippines hong   kong morocco jamaica am i missing something denver  okay canada okay all right i think i think we're   connecting from all around the world so i want to  start off by saying one thing to all of you guys   thank you for being here okay thank you for being  here and at the end of the webinar i'm gonna ask   you again were you proud to be here okay i wanna  ask you again were you proud to be here okay   all right okay because today is a very important  topic it it goes around money it goes around money   which means everyone asks me constantly it's  like naveen i see you trade forex all the time   i've seen all your instagram videos and all  your youtube videos i know you trade forex   well but can i use your teachings to make money  off of stocks as well futures cryptocurrencies   now when i hear those sentences and and  those questions that come towards me   i first see is the person strictly trading  just that so if i see someone trading just   stocks and saying hey can i use your knowledge  for just stocks yeah you can yeah you can well   recently i've been seeing more and more people  asking me saying naveen i trade forex i'm doing   well with all your material that you're teaching  me can i also trade crypto this gets my attention   because now i i know some of you guys  are stepping into wealth management   which is good which is really really really  good which means if done well you will never   never ever have to go back to work ever again  in your life okay probably not even your   future generation if done well because  it's all about moving your money right   okay shall we get deep into it shall we crack into  it so let's start with this let's start with a   simple stuff here all right all right okay i'm gonna move this here cool yeah i'm i'm  drawing a circle can everyone see the circle excellent excellent okay i'm gonna move my your chat here  so i can see all your messages all right   cool cool all right let's get started all right  now i'm gonna walk you through this thing right   here i'm gonna tell you let's take bitcoin as an  example because everyone understands bitcoin right   so let's say bitcoin right  now is worth five thousand   okay five thousand dollars per piece now is  that a lot of money for many people in this room   okay whatever you answer don't worry it's private  it's only for me to see me and my team to see   no one else can see your answers okay seems  like a lot of money right to buy one coin right   so what makes people jump in and  saying i'll buy it at five thousand it's the previous history of well it used to be  ten dollars and now it's become five thousand   and tomorrow it can become x now as an investor if  you're an investor because you're coming into this   industry with uh what's a bitcoin right if you're  coming into this industry purely based on i see   the technology it's been five years plus that it's  been around it hasn't been sanctioned it hasn't   been shut down it's running strong it's here to  stay in fact goldman sachs also has their own   coins banks are using their own coins now they're  starting to go to the crypto technology looks like   it's here to stay and now you're saying all right  time for me to make an investment so far so good let's talk about the investment okay this is your bag of money this is  a horrible bag sorry i wanted to   this is your bag of money it looks more  like a science lab flask or something but   okay so it's your bag of money we're gonna call  this savings okay i'm gonna call this savings   all right and you're thinking look man i've  been working 10 20 years 10 20 years and i've   done pretty well i went from the latter i started  here where i was working at uh let's say flipping   burgers when i first started then i got a better  job then i was working at this place i don't know   selling watches as a salesman then i got a better  job and i became a white collar job now i sit down   and do data entry okay then from the data entry it  pays well i'm doing well in data entry and then i   got a promotion promotion promotion okay so i've  been making more and more money throughout my life   as i become smarter and smarter right it's not  all luck if it's luck and you're getting all this   staircase up just know your your job is gonna  be lost soon because someone's gonna replace   you okay no one likes a guy who gets paid  more and more and more for doing nothing   okay nobody likes that no business likes that  right so as but you know if you're getting   paid more and more you're getting promoted  more and more that means your skill level   is going higher so far so good you're becoming  smarter therefore you're getting paid for it   okay now let's take this a step further okay  now all the stuff i'm teaching you here what's   going to be in my you know new course that  i was going to do at but   we're holding off on it i'm going to i'm going  to share with you all the information here   if you guys like it i would love to hear your  reviews around it so that way i can make a topic   on finance for you guys so if you guys want to  go away from trading and strictly think about   wealth generation then i can teach you guys on how  that's done as well okay but that's besides the   case right now let's focus on this and uh we'll  take it from here piece by piece okay here we   go all right so you've you've gone up all these  years and through all all these years you also   had your expenses that went higher right if you  make more money does your expense go higher too   right it always goes up right so you know you  would drive a toyota and then you'd be like   i'm making i'm a data entry guy now so instead of  toyota you're like all right time for a mercedes   okay i don't have a house but i'm  buying a mercedes because it's cool   that's fine that's fine you are unaware of  what is liability because you are so happy with   my job pays me well therefore as long as my job is  there i can take a car i don't need to buy a house   or anything like that i'm good i'm good and that's  fine that's how it should be for the average   person because that's how they think and that's  perfectly okay there's nothing wrong with that   along the time a little bit always goes into  the pot it always goes into the pot right and   then your bag is getting bigger and bigger and  now with the internet's age you are now seeing   twitter facebook and youtube and there's  some guy on there these days with some   motivational messages screaming down your neck  ferrari in the back saying if you don't do   anything with your life right now you're going  to be here forever you deserve who you are and   you start to feel wait a minute i thought i was  doing good but according to them i suck suddenly   your mind has shifted to i gotta do something  i gotta do something unfortunately these goons   are getting into your head and  telling you you are not enough   okay they're they're trying to tell you you're  broken and you're not broken you're just slightly   uneducated which we need to get that educated  you're not broken okay someone tells you you have   a psychological problem that's why you're not rich  that's nonsense that's nonsense no one is broken   it's just people don't understand money  it's as simple as that okay so let's take   it a step further take a step further let's  get these goons out of the way all right okay now you are a guy who doesn't get fooled by   simple things that you see on the internet you're  a little bit smarter than the average person   because the average person sometimes he sees  a facebook post and says uh thank you so much   miss vanessa you have made me three thousand  dollars into fourteen thousand dollars here is   my telegram whatsapp message and please contact me  and i will also deposit and make millions for you   right you guys don't get sucked in by there tell  me you guys get don't get sucked in by that please   okay there's messages all across the internet  saying you know you know hi vanessa and there's   a picture of vanessa or some some poor girl  you know so there's a scam artist basically   doing that so you're smarter than all  those people who are not just chasing   the money you're not chasing the money you're  being smart about it and you're thinking well   i'm not falling for that trap but the guys on  the screen that were screaming down my neck   they're not technically wrong either right right  do we agree they're not they don't mean us harm   they're talking down to us yes but they  don't mean us harm they're actually   there's some truth to that that i need to be  better that's always a good thing so we can we   can cut out all the screaming and we can take  the good part which is yeah actually you know   what the message is still right i should be better  i should be a best version of myself and that's   good that's good so what am i going to do with  this pot that i've put together all these years   what am i going to do with this pot  so then you start investigating stocks coins futures okay okay i'm gonna put forex just below it  futures forex or as you guys know yeah property   or business okay i'm gonna put property and  business in the same line because they're very   dangerous both of them okay they're very dangerous  highly risky okay not to mention even everything   else but you get it right so you start thinking  and you're like what do i do if i go in and   specialize in any of these things oh man like i  i don't think i have enough time i'm not leonardo   da vinci only he can be multiple things at once  i'm not tesla i'm sorry not tesla uh elon musk   right it doesn't make sense for me to do all that  because let's be honest i'm chilling i'm riding   my bmw or sorry my mercedes i'm happy i'm doing  my data entry job and when i go home i want to   watch netflix i don't want to study and become a  master of one of these things right you guys agree   everyone to a certain extent even though we say  we are not like that we are all like that correct so now let me bring you back to  you remember the guy you saw who   had a lot of money and you were thinking  i wonder how he does it does he look like   he's not getting enough sleep because he's  mastering everything possible on the planet   does he look like he hasn't slept in a while no  does he look like he's working 24 hours a day because someone on the tv is screaming at  him saying you're not enough you must do more   also no he's not working that that hard either   so the question comes is well what's  he doing different than what i am doing and the answer comes into investing okay you have a cash flow that's coming  in you have a cash flow that's coming in   but now with the cash flow you  don't know where to spend the excess   okay if you keep it in the bank obviously  it's going to disappear in like 10 years   right let me ask all of you guys this if whatever  money you have saved in your account right now   imagine you pass that on to your children 40  50 years from now how much will that be worth   two months rent one year's rent maximum but  to you today it's worth a lot but to them   it might just be one year's worth of rent it's  it's probably not a lot of money right having that   said the plan of just savings and then passing on  the savings to the next generation is incorrect   is incorrect you must invest now the question  comes is how do i invest in something that's   growing because cash is constantly going down  the value of cash is constantly going down so i   don't want to hold cash ever i don't want to ever  hold cash because it's like me buying a bunch of   bmws and saying you know what 30 years from the  line this 2021 model is gonna be so expensive   no it's not it's gonna get worse right no one  wants to buy it right so so the value of cash   keeps dropping so you need to put your money  in something that keeps rising so far so good so that opens the door for coins stocks and all  these other things because this is something you   can do a little bit more simpler with a click of  a button and if you don't like it you can sell it   and be out so far so good does  that make sense if you buy a house   and you're like oh crap you know i need to sell  that house because i need the money because i   got to do surgery or whatever or emergency  well good luck finding a seller immediately right but when you're dealing with stocks or coins  or something you hit the sell button you're out so far so good this is why this is the world's  largest industry is this online trading is the   world's largest industry because those who  understand money understand this is a longer route   and a more dangerous route to go because you can't  just buy this without any experience also right   you also need to know what you're doing in that  market too you can't just enter in saying well if   i just buy a house houses always go up therefore i  should be fine no it doesn't work like that right   houses is an appreciating asset so i just buy it  and then i just have to hold on for 20 years and   then it'll be worth a lot no you're mistaken  okay all right so far so good everyone with me now i'm gonna open up a chart let's bring you to  the charts and i'm gonna show you certain currency   pairs okay so not currency price i'll take you to  a coin since i'm always doing webinars on forex   today i'm gonna do a webinar on kryptos okay i'm  gonna show you certain cryptos i'm in also so you   know uh i'll show you where i got in also right  so you guys have an idea okay so let me open up   a new chart here okay i'll bring it over one  second yeah just need to bring the screen over   um and by the way those of you guys who are my  students um i'm in that new zealand usd okay i   got in before the webinar but anyways we'll we'll  touch base on that on the elite community later   um let's uh sorry i'll share my screen  let me know when you guys see it okay okay you guys see my screen you wanna  open this up i'm gonna open up uh bitcoin okay yeah okay let me get the chat  out all right you guys see that right okay all right so now now  that we're looking at this   uh bitcoin right here i want to ask you guys  one thing if you want to invest in something   okay what do you want the investment to do let's  say this is your pot of money and you're saying   i'm investing this i want in the near future that  this value of this price goes higher okay so in   simple terms if this is going up and i buy it here  i am at the mercy of it better continue to go up so far so good i'm at the mercy of that which means many  people think it's going up so if i just buy   this it'll keep going up that's incorrect you  don't invest like that you invest in anything   whether you're trading or something you can  only invest if you get a deal no deal no invest okay the markets are nothing but a bunch of cheap  people trading against each other that's all it is   it's just it's like a jewish and an indian person  just going at it all day long it's like no you   give me a good price no you give me a good price  you know that's all it is so it's just a bunch of   people just bargaining with each other all  the time you don't want to be the retail   trader that does not bargain and just says  okay no problem i'll buy it more expensive   no problem i'll buy it very expensive it's  okay because i know it's going to go up more   you don't want to be that person you want to be  that cheap person that says give me a deal because   that's what we do in real life we don't go to the  supermarket and say oh this banana is one dollar   here's my telephone number call me when it's  50 i'll come back and buy it at that time   no one does that like it does  not humanly possible right okay   so now let's take a look at this i'm going to take  you to the daily chart now why the daily chart   let me ask you guys one thing are you looking to  invest your money to take it from here to here okay this looks like a discount  coming in right like whatever this   up move was we're getting a discount  right we're getting a decent price   if i buy it here am i looking to take it  up to here or there or possibly higher right so the time frame is important the  time frame is important because you're not   there trading all day long you're  using it as an investment vehicle   now that word investment vehicle if the  finance guys hear me say that and i and i'm   saying that as per bitcoin and i say bitcoin and  investment vehicle in the same sentence i might   not be here tomorrow you might see me in the  newspaper saying i've been murdered it's like   it's very controversial to call bitcoin an  investment vehicle i am explaining it for the sake   of education of if you're after this how would  you go after it okay there's a way to go after it   all right let's take a look at this on  a higher time frame such as the daily   you want to look at things like  hmm in the entire year of 2021   here prices have been rising  rising rising rising rising   at what point do you get a discount that comes in   here you want to begin buying certain extent  of money there what's the next point here   okay very simplistic very simplistic prices go up  give me a better price i'll buy it okay prices go   up give me a better price i'll buy it so far  so good as simple as that does that make sense all trading is is prices go up give me a  better price i'll buy it that's what trading is   but so is investing give me a better deal and i'll  buy it because now if this momentum continues to   go up i actually can write it up with it before  it makes a new high and the whole world goes crazy   and says oh my god i need to buy this also i need  to buy this also it is now it used to be forty   thousand dollars now it's at 41 all-time high do  you think the world is going to report about it   the newspaper the tv every youtuber they're  all gonna talk about it which makes the public   saying you know what i didn't get in i need  to get in they will buy it up there why is   that important to you why is that important to  you a guy who likes to buy when it pulls back because if you don't want it anymore you can sell  it to them who are willing to buy it at a higher   price and you can say i'm done i'm free they want  20 pieces i have 20 pieces i can sell it to them does that make sense but now if it goes higher and higher and higher  some people will back off and now there'll be   10 pieces up there they want to buy it  what if you have 4 000 pieces running   and only 10 people want to buy it more you can't  sell it to them you can't get rid of your position because you will only get rid of  10 and you're still stuck with 3   900. so the only way to do that is to  get chasers in the market once things go   higher high people go absolutely berserk and  saying i have to i have to i have to buy this because i'm tired of hearing it  from everyone in the supermarket   right everyone's talking about it so far so good sorry yes 3990. my bad see another reason why  the finance guys will probably kill me not even   counting right okay cool right all right now let's  uh let's take a look at this in terms of some of   the other coins now how we buy this is the whole  point of our education the entire thing we do with   at urban forex is all about how do you buy this  but not here not there not here but close to here   how do you do that to such precision that you  can get that buy in that is the whole point of   urban forex so what i teach is simply how to  get in on a trade at the best possible level   to continue the buy now as traders what  are we doing remember how i said cash flow   you guys remember cash flow i was talking  about you might be working at a data entry job   the cash is coming in cash is coming in  so now you're looking to invest it right   so what i do is my cash flow is from  trading itself but on a lower time   frame i'm on the lower time frame i'm here  on a daily on on a daily basis spending   eight hours a day looking at the charts  and i'm buying stuff that's on a good deal   and i sell it as it goes up a little bit more i  take that money and i invest it and i say i'm done   let it be let it be because that's  how you make generational wealth   okay this trading that right there is work  if you do trading all day long you're working   what's the difference between your data entry  job supposed data entry job and this it's work   you got to move that money you got to move that  money so why trading is attractive is because the   cash flow is bigger but you will be that guy who  has that fancy restaurant but you're not wealthy does that make sense you will have your nice you  know cars you will be able to fly private jets   every now and then but you're not wealthy you  can't own that private jet you can rent it does   that make sense so if you want wealth to develop  you do what you do for cash flow get that going   at all times whether it's trading or with your  business or with your job but you need to keep   this avenue open you need to keep that avenue open  at all times this is a much better word than this okay however this is also important  because not in all investments work   therefore savings can keep you alive so far so good does that make sense so your sole  purpose is to make sure do i know what a good deal   is is this a good deal and should i buy it let's  start going into some of these pairs i'm in okay   let's start with algorand i'm in this pair  right now in dubai notice where my buy is   i didn't buy this that looks like a  discount right he was on his way up   that looks like a discount i didn't buy it  there i didn't buy it here i didn't buy it there   or there i bought it here look how  close it is to the edge to the launch   let me show you another one okay this one i'm  holding this one i'm holding and i'm going with the volume showed up too notice where my   entry is the volume was not  there it showed up after the fact okay i'm more interested in stuff like that  i'm not interested in chasing i'm interested   in anticipating that is the name of the  game anticipate don't participate okay   okay a lot of you guys keep asking about the emas  i'll show it to you it has nothing to do with the   ema's i'm sorry to break your heart has nothing to  do with the emas but here it is okay we got the 10   the 20 the 50 the 200. why did i  choose those numbers i felt like it  

i wanted round numbers it's as simple as that  i don't trade using indicators i trade based on   what's it doing why do i buy anything i don't  go to the supermarket and saying you know what   before i buy this banana let me see the ema  behind this banana and if that ema is fantastic   i will buy this banana i promise i don't buy  stuff like that do you buy stuff like that   do you go to the supermarket and saying wait  let me plot this price on this no you know   before it was worth this now it's worth this  people like bananas they must eat bananas so   it's a good deal i'm gonna buy this damn  banana so i can sell it expensive later   right so you look for a discount you look for a  discount that's all that matters to you now the   question comes is where your expertise where  we specialize in is how much of a discount   how much of a discount that is the whole purpose  of are you good at trading that's what determines   this i can blindly buy it here and say i'll  just hold on i'll just hold on it but what's   the difference between me and the guy who's  buying it here and saying i'll just hold on   i'm not i don't need 200 i'll buy it  for 200 it's not gonna make or break me   if you have that mentality of i'm gonna buy  it for 200 it's not gonna make or break me   i'll just hold on then you're not investing  smart because in the future you will never   be able to turn this into 200 000 because  you will be afraid if i'm doing it right but if you do it right add as many  zeros as you want you won't be afraid   you're like i'm investing it with  a large amount i'm okay with that   how do you see people like paul tudor jones buying  into bitcoin for 200 something million they're not   going to say i got 200 million just spare cash  laying there my dog's sitting on it let me just   put into bitcoin i'll just hold on i don't think  he's doing that you shouldn't do that either   right by the way those of you guys who don't  know who paul tudor jones is is one of the   greatest traders of all time okay so far so  good all right let's move on to the next one   xlm this one is just getting started i'm into  this one as well okay this one might take a bit   this might take a bit so this is stellar  okay again i wasn't interested in these   areas wasn't interested in those areas  but i am interested in these areas   long-term holding process daily chart let it go  let it go next one iota okay look where i got in here here those of you guys have seen  my instagram videos you saw me buy this   okay i don't know if you guys underst remember  this you saw me buy this live on instagram okay   so i didn't buy it here i didn't buy it there i  bought it here so now the question is is first   i need to learn how to trade if i learn how  to trade okay then i'll learn how to invest so step one is obviously you got to  be a good trader you got to be a good   trader to get the good prices to get the  good price once you know how to do that   you can then start moving your money  into creating generational wealth so you can be that guy who drives around a rolls  royce and when people ask you what do you do   you can be like actually nothing   it's like you can be that guy because  you have investments running for you you know you won't look like you have  a huge dark circle underneath your eyes   because i'm just trying to make ends meet  i have five jobs because i want to be a   millionaire why are you working five jobs to  be a millionaire that doesn't make any sense okay you don't want to be that guy who has dark  circles because you're working your ass off so money needs to be understood at its  core of how does it work how does it move   what do we do in real life that's all  it is we buy discounts we buy a deal okay moving forward moving forward raven  coin i missed this one unfortunately   that's why you don't see any indications on  this i didn't get in i didn't get in on this   i marked it i wanted to buy it i didn't get in  on this and then here's the other one dodge coin   dogecoin dodgy coin i don't know what you  call this i don't know what it's called but   the elon musk coin the one that's backed up  by him he keeps talking about it all day long   okay so i'm in on this one as well i got in  on this one at these prices around that time   so all these are become long-term investment  you can do more with stock markets as well   you can do more um with uh indexes as well so  now here's the thing when it comes to safety okay here's the thing when it comes to safety   let's say you are all about the  deal right you're all about the deal but the deal must be real uh you see what i did there yeah word play huh  but the deal must be real what does that mean   it's not the deal that has to be real it's you  that needs to be real if your expertise is not   in trading then quit with the ipo nonsense or  ico because what you're doing is you're entering   a market with no prior experience you're entering  it thinking it's really cheap now because it's a   good price and it can go up to at least one dollar  or ten dollars you need to stop that because   you're not being real with yourself there's a  deal but you're not real does that make sense so the best things to do is if you want to ever  buy a deal you buy stuff in the top 30 or top 50   top 20 to top 50. things that have capital things  that have been around as a giant and saying i am   here to stay i didn't show up in this top 20 list  yesterday and then disappearing tomorrow i'm here   to stay you know it's real and then when you  get a deal on something that's real you buy that   because they have the knowledge the  technology the blueprint to keep winning the blueprint to keep winning now  how long has microsoft been around they've been around for decades right do you think  they've not seen the ups and downs in the market   they've seen it all they have adjusted they  have adapted they have made plans on how to   deal with it in the future that's a safe company  because you know there's experience behind them   going into a new company your safety level  is very low but the deal is very high   you don't want to invest in stuff like that  you want to be very careful because that is   not generational wealth that is you taking a  chance because someone on that screen says you   got to take a risk if you want to be somebody you  want to keep it consistent not one-time lottery   all these coin buyers are one-time lottery  people if this thing ever goes down   all of them are going to be  on the street all of them   all of them all those people who sold their houses  who sold their cars to buy in on this it's going   to be bad it's going to be bad like i said first  generation second generation probably wipeout   third generation will be really really good when  it comes to money they're gonna be really smart okay does that make sense so these stop  losses are not for me to get out of the   trade these stop losses are just if it goes down  i don't want this investment anymore i'll be out   so my investment also comes with a risk i know  how i'm gonna get out it's not i'm just gonna   hold on forever for dear life and even if it comes  down no it's okay hold on man hold on i'm not like   that i need to know things are gonna work or not  gonna work if a deal is good or not good anymore   right if you buy a car at a good price at the  dealership and you start to drive it and it   starts to give you problems do you hold on to  it or do you say i need to sell this before   it becomes worse in price i got to  get rid of it while it's still new correct unfortunately in the  markets people don't think like that for some reason they don't think like that but  the reality is exactly the same if your deal   that you got is not working out get out because  you can always get back in later just get out make sense okay so those of you guys who are  asking um do you do fundamental analysis on   my coins no no because coin is not my industry  okay i know how to trade i know how to read a   chart but i don't know the backbone behind  how everything operates so well in a coin   and why they've made certain coins like  for example dodge coin i know it's a it's   a gimmick right i know it's not the real deal  it's just a gimmick but i do understand the   social economics behind it therefore i bought  it okay therefore i bought it however however   all of these things whatever you see in here is  within the top 40 top 40 or top 50 which means   they're large size they're they're they're  not been around they didn't just start one   one day ago two days ago they've been  around for a while they're here to stay   and all of these that i'm buying also have a good  deal notice very few of them are over one dollar   very few of them are over one dollar okay i bought bitcoin in between as well but  my bitcoin was from here oops not that one here this is the price where i got on on bitcoin   but i got out there i was done with it sorry  here i was done with it okay now he can go   higher and stuff like that so let me ask you this  then finally do you see potential in trading well   i've given you the clue to become rich and wealthy  for generations but how do you do that it all   stems from the core base of if you can trade well  then you can invest well if you can invest well   then the doors are open you don't need to lease  a ferrari to show off to your neighbor you   buy that damn ferrari you don't rent it for  one day because i may have some extra money   in the bank so let me just rent it for today  because what's the point of living otherwise   losers talk like that okay everyone who's going  out yolo all day long no don't run away from the   game beat it do not run away and say yolo yolo  yolo all day long beat the damn system be better   be smarter and don't yolo for the sake of hiding  your incapabilities you're not dumb you're smart   be smarter okay all right now how many of  you guys here know about st patrick's day   okay those of you guys were asking about yolo  yolo means you only live once you know those   people who says oh uh why not let's have a pizza  you only live once those people who are on a diet   or or people who are investing ah you only  live once people who want to buy a car that   they can't afford i only live once these are  all the people who have no control who cannot   beat the system and therefore they  lie to themselves by saying yolo   okay anyone who says yolo you want to stay  yolo as far away from them as possible okay you want to stay away from them because  they are not willing to be better   they're not willing to be better okay  yolo is spelled y-o-l-o you only live once   is a very famous word that's used amongst uh  youngsters these days unfortunately because   there's not much hope out there and that's  okay but it's not the right mentality in my   opinion of course okay in my opinion all right  so having that said tomorrow is st patrick's day   okay so we're gonna be wearing green in our  company we're gonna be sharing it with you on   our instagrams and stuff like that so st patrick's  day is tomorrow and we are running promotions at   urban forex however however all of you guys here  in the webinar i'm gonna give you that promotion   one day before anybody else okay one day before  anybody else because some of these promotions   have a limit on how many people can get in i want  to know the average person getting into my stuff   is not someone who just watched my youtube webinar  and came in you guys here know what we're about   you guys are here you are understanding  you guys know the plan and the plan is   to become a better trader to become a better  investor to secure your future once and for all   therefore if you guys know what we're about you  guys seen how i teach if you want to learn how   to be a pro trader you're going to receive an  email right after this webinar okay or probably   right now you probably get the email and you'll  be able to pick up the saint patrick's promotion   why do you pick up the st patrick's  promotion why do you not buy it at full price because it's a deal there you go there you go good  when you get a discount you buy it why because   everyone wants to damn buy urban forex stuff  it's so popular freaking scammers are after us   so it is hands down the best thing you will ever  invest in yourself um and it is a way to level up   okay no yolo in fact yolo you only live once  invest in yourself now be better be better   okay all right guys so your better prices your  better deals are in the email coming towards you i   look forward to seeing a lot of you guys into the  courses some of you guys are already in the course   how many guys are here already in the course wait  let me ask you guys here i just want to know if   you guys are a student here all right how many  guys here are already students can i see that all right all right we have 784 people in here  all right in a few minutes i'm gonna stop the poll   sixty percent has voted 62 has voted   i'll take it to 70 and then i'll share the results  with you guys all right 70 voted cool here we go   all right so 77 of you guys are students okay  for those of you guys who are not students the 23   this is proof right here that majority of my  students stick around they stick around they   come to my free webinars imagine what the stuff  we talk about in the inside it's high level stuff   lots of material it is easy in a difficult  market it's actually easy and i'm telling   you that personally because i am i am a university  dropout i am telling you that it took me a while   to figure this out to condense the knowledge to  make it in a simplistic format to make sure it's   not daunting okay i'm not telling you that you  need to be in front of your screen 24 hours a day   neither am i telling you you're not good enough  i'm telling you the quite the opposite i'm telling   you step up your game step up your game you  deserve it to yourself to be better and be   smarter okay all right guys well i see you guys in  the next webinar in two weeks we'll have another   webinar i will see you guys in that one until next  time guys cheers bye for now thanks for coming you

2021-03-19 02:20

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