Trading a Smaller Account | Barbara Armstrong | 1-8-21 | It's A New Year. Let us Begin!

Trading a Smaller Account | Barbara Armstrong | 1-8-21 | It's A New Year. Let us Begin!

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well good afternoon everyone welcome to trading a smaller account if you have a small account and you're interested in knowing or learning how to actively trade a smaller account or perhaps you have a larger account and you would like to trade a smaller part of it either way you're in exactly the right place buckle up we have a lot of awesome stuff coming your way this afternoon so stick around all right i just want to start by thanking all of you for finding us at our new time we get to trade the entire class you know with the market being open so like three cheers for that good to see so many of the old guard here some of the new guard here and i have a feeling this is the new year we probably have some people who are here for the very first time so as you may have gathered from how busy the chat is very interactive community so feel free oh i've already got a chart up let me bring up my powerpoint um so feel free to type a greeting into the chat so we can welcome you hello to radio radio wayne phil get the money i love that handle ben john ac um dawn at derek tanya david uh guillermo and many many others thanks also to mike fairborne for joining us in the chat today he brings a wealth of experience so if you have questions hopefully between mike and i we have answers so if we miss ants answering all of your questions i will review the chat later and i will to whatever extent i can answer those on twitter so if you aren't following me on twitter my handle's above my head at the armstrong underscore tda you're doing yourself a disservice also mike posts lots of great content as well at am fairborn underscore tda so there's your first to do so second to do is to buckle up because exciting class we trade very actively in this class and we trade lots of different trading strategies so and a lot of them are option strategies some are a combo of stocks and options and some of them are long stock or buying stock only um so let's get to our important information so we can go through our agenda get out to the platform where the magic happens and um get things rolling okay so know that all investing involves risk including the risk of loss we always discuss our risk in this class and we always manage our risk in this class so that's important to understand the other thing that i want to go over is the fact that we do tons of examples in this class lots of different trading strategies but we do this for example purposes only it's not to be construed as a recommendation on the part of td ameritrade or myself so any investment decision you make on in your live account that's on you my friends okay so and the paper money platform is a great place to practice and get a handle on all of this know that when it comes to options options aren't appropriate for all investors there are special risks we do discuss those risks in this class also know if you are brand new to td ameritrade you have to apply for option trading privileges you can do whatever you want in your paper money account but i know that sometimes people have been caught out in the past thinking that they had option trading privileges in their live account and lo and behold they had to apply for it okay so what are we covering today and you know what it always looks like this teeny tiny agenda but you know it's kind of like aladdin in the lab like teeny tiny living space like phenomenal cosmic powers so we have a phenomenal amount we want to cover today we're going to look at the market overall and i know that many of you you you come to multiple classes in a day we're not going to spend long on that and then we're going to review the portfolio that we worked with last year and say a farewell but we'll just have a quick look at that as we reset things and then we're going to start our next example portfolio and we are going to do lots of different types of trades today on stocks in different sectors we're going to do short put verticals we are going to do a buy right we're going to do a long stock we're going to do a short put so um yeah roll up your sleeves so lots of examples okay so let's get out to the platform okay so this is the s p 500 and you know we're now on day eight of the new year so this isn't going to be totally exact for 2020 but if i come over here and i say show price as a percentage we can see that the s p last year you know was up about 18 and then if we come and obviously up trending hit a new high again today um orlando that looks so good i am thirsty uh somebody's you know for those of you in the archives somebody just uh put up an emoji of a of a frothy uh beer but i do not drink and drive a webcast so there we go that'll have to wait okay so this is the nasdaq and so you know we can see the nasdaq you know up about 46 over the last 12 months so if the light is bright david you are just gonna have to wear shades yeah we're not doing the dark mode okay so um nasdaq up about 46 now our account although this says a hundred and thirty one thousand um our little account and you know some people may not consider this to be little but in our account we uh started with a twenty thousand dollar budget um so we had twenty thousand dollars we didn't wanna risk more than four hundred dollars on any one trade and because we wanted to be able to do long stock and a buy right strategy which is buying the stock and selling a covered call our other rule was that we wouldn't go over a 25 position size now if you are following the wonderful james boyd you know his rules are different but his accounts are different he has a half million dollar account and is saying okay you know i want uh no bigger than say a five to seven percent and i think in the smaller account it may be five to ten percent on a position size um i don't remember exactly so let me just bring up my scratch pad so our assumption here is we have a twenty thousand dollar account our max risk trade is going to be four hundred dollars and our max position size and and that's two percent and and again if you have a million dollar account or you have a 200 000 account you may want your position size to be your max risk per trade to be a third of one percent or half of one percent but when you have a smaller account sometimes um in order to be able to do different types of trades you have to be able to take a little more risk now having said that are we still going to manage our risk you bet your sweet bippy we are and i can get rid of this um but everything else is going to stay is going to stay the same now in this account although it says a hundred and one i couldn't for some reason i was having trouble at the beginning of last year getting this back to um twenty thousand so we started at a hundred and twenty thousand so we finished our year and we're we're you know now eight days in but basically up over 50 so i don't want us to all throw our shoulders out for patting ourselves on the back um and it could have been very different but you know us meeting once a week play both placing and managing our trades really within this 45 minutes we've had once a week we've done pretty well so what is still in our portfolio well we have aflac which we recently added in which we're down 168 dollars on so aflac the duck is adorable but it hasn't done much for our account thus far we um bought a position in freeport mcmorren and mcmoran and that's up almost 80 and that was just long stock and so we did we've done really well on that now would we be saying like it's january and you know even though this stock is up trending to beat the band it's a new year so we're going to liquidate no we wouldn't we would absolutely still want to stay in this position however um having said that we have a lot of new people maybe joining us at the beginning of the year and so i thought we'd just reset the clock as much as in some ways it kind of breaks my heart a little bit and then we had positions on neo and with neo as you'll recall i mean you know we've done very well on this particular stock it's a company based in china it is an electric vehicle company um and i thought you know it would be a very utilitarian looking vehicle if you go out online and look at what some of these cars look like they are pretty hot looking cars um and so we had doubled our money on that and um exited the position we're up another 40 percent on this and we have it under buy rights because when we last met three weeks ago it was sitting near support and now of course it's gapped up today hit a new all-time high we were looking at neo as a shorter term trade you can still see you know what i've got to get with my tech team to fix this um but hopefully you can still see the charts and and when we get to trading it'll be more important to see the bottom of my screen than the top yeah so with neo um and again this is kind of one of those ones where it breaks it may break our heart a little bit because we're up on this but you know what this is one so i've created a watch list of positions that we had in 2020 some of them um and so you know neo we did well on and we might be looking today if we still had this in our in our portfolio to maybe sell a covered call on it because it has gapped up now it may gap up and just continue to run um you know when somebody's saying neo is definitely long term so sometimes and this is really a good point because sometimes what we may want to do is add a stock like neo to our trend trading growth stock bucket and then also trade it as a short-term income generating trade for those of you who may have a larger account and you're looking to do some shorter term trades to generate some additional income that can that you can withdraw on a monthly basis and if you have a long-term trend trade you may not want to sell the stock to take the pro profit does that make sense now plug and you know what i say this all the time so you guys can say um okay you're eating your words today but let's look at the chart on plug so on plug we did two calls so we did two buy rights we did one that was further out and we did one that was a shorter term trade and then i mean this thing has gone to the moon and so you know what this is kind of one of these um you know renewable energy stocks and and hey if you want to have a pity party we have done very well on this but this does kind of bring a tear to your eye because on plug we have uh we bought the stock and then we sold the 35 call or the 35 call well it went up to 50 almost 53 dollars so we will definitely be called out on that um but we bought it for a net price of 29 so we were still up seven dollars which you know if we bring our calculator out if i switch this back to the calculator seven divided by pretty much 30 dollars well 29.59 and actually we're going to make about 750 on this that's still like almost and if i add the other 50 cents it's close to a 25 return so we still did very well but as it turned out the stock went to the moon and you know it would have been nice had we just bought the stock and put it in our trend trading growth stock we also have a a short put vertical on tesla uh you know at the 580 and 577 that sucker's now at 866. so you know this is worth nothing it does expire today and then we also sold a cash secured put on apps which is a digital turbine company and this is you know we've got 46 of our max gain on that so you can see in this class that we trade a lot of different types of strategies and it's it's very active so you know there's a question saying what if you rolled out the plug call and you know what we aren't going to do that because we're going to reset the account but i think it's a really fantastic question so let's look at this i'm going to go in just before we reset it because we had an exit on plug because we're big on putting exits in this class why because we have to manage we have our rules right and our rule is we're not risking more than 400 or now maybe it would be 600 on a 30 000 account so we're going to cancel that and we're going to come to plug this 35 call and we're going to create a rolling order and so this one had you know we were out on the monthlies so what if we went out to the february monthly you'd see we get a dollar 27 credit what if we went out in to march and could we come out and say take this to from 35 to 37.50 uh we might have to go all the way to 40.

so we would end up getting out five dollars more but it would cost us a dollar 43. so you know and and so we might want to do that we might just say oh what if we came to february and this is something you can play with and when uh up from the 35 to the 38 well that's still going to cost us so sometimes we just have to take our like i said our 20 almost 25 profit or 24 profit and kiss it goodbye and keep that stock on our radar and look at um perhaps trading it again okay so a drum roll please now how do you reset your paper money account so obviously you know we can do this in paper money we can't do this in our live account so you can right click on any position and then we're going to come to where is my reset reset all positions are we ready drum roll please yes and and you know the comment is better not to roll with a debit but it's surprising because sometimes you can roll if it's not like skyrocketed into the money you can roll and roll up your call strike so now you're getting out at a higher price and you're getting paid a credit so it was a really great question to ask so this will reset our all our positions to zero do we want to do that yes here we go okay so there went all our positions they'll be gone the next time we meet and it resets this to two hundred thousand i'll adjust that later but i don't want to take time in the class to do that okay but if you want to do that you can click again on any position and say adjust cash so if i wanted to take let's just see if this will work minus 180 000 that is a non-zero amount okay so we now have a twenty thousand dollar account alrighty are you ready to start okay so the first one i thought we would look at is is apple we set it to something like 20. we set it to 20 000. so somebody's saying can we set it to something you know closer to realistic um and so we've we've decided to set this to 20 000. so you might have a large account and just want to take a small portion of it that you're going to trade actively so let's start with um a short put vertical so we're going to start with apple you may say well hey this is a 20 000 account that's an expensive stock and you are correct it is it is well it's a lot less expensive than it used to be after the four for one split but if we come in and look at this you know it it has been kind of consolidating and has now bounced off the 30-day moving average and has moved up for the last couple of days and so you know we thought could we come out here and look at maybe the 125 strike going out about three weeks so we would come to the trade tab this is a short put vertical so with a short put vertical we're going to sell a put to make our money and then below that we are going to buy a put to define our risk and the most we can make on this trade is the credit we get paid to get in um the risk you know often is somewhere in that neighborhood of three to one so if we come out here and we look about 21 days out so if we're looking out 20 to 50 days the advantage of 20 days is time decay it is accelerated the advantage of 50 days is that the premium is a little higher but it takes longer for time decay to kind of come in and and do its work its charm and the idea with the short put vertical is you're selling something you get paid up front you want it to expire worthless now when we're looking at short put verticals and this is an intermediate level class so i know some of you are newer so i'm going to cover some of this today that i don't always go over to the same degree in this class but we've got apple it's already traded 81 million shares today this is a weekly so sometimes with weeklies the volume on the contracts isn't as high but when we look at the 125 strike we have over 4 000 contracts on the books when the market opened today volume over a thousand bid ask spread is tight 4 cents on this 125 strike and we have a delta of 29 which means we've got about a 71 percent chance and this is a fluid number it could change by the end of the day it can certainly you know if the stock goes up dramatically on monday or comes down dramatically um this this delta can change so let's just see if there's enough premium in it and you know it's trading six dollars above this so as long as it stays you know above 125 we would have a profitable trade so if we come to the 125 123 we've got a 55 credit so how do we calculate our return on risk so if you do a lot of these you'll know it's 54 or the credit divided by the difference between the striker the two dollars minus the credit so we're dividing that i'd already put that in okay clear 54 divided by 146.

so our return on risk is 36.9 we can round that to 37 for a trade we would be in for 21 days so some people because they're sometimes looking at different time frames they might say as a rule of thumb if i'm in the trade for 21 days i want to see at least a 21 return on risk others might say i don't care how long i'm in the trade i don't want to take the trade if i don't get at least a 30 return on risk you're going to want to establish your own guidelines um so how many of these could we do we're fifty risking about contract max risk 400 we could do two so because we'd be risking about 300 if we put in our exit and say hey when we've got you know about 80 percent of our gain we've got the majority of it and we'd be happy with that we're going to come down here to advanced order single order first trigger sequence right click create an opposite order when this is worth about 11 let's call it 10 cents that's about 80 percent we would like to buy this short put vertical back to close it out so what's our max gain 108 dollars and then what is our potential max loss 292. uh thank you for mentioning earnings because one of our so we had earnings on apple on october so november december january 29th we're going to be out before earnings because earnings will go up so sort of one of the rules that some traders employ is that they will not trade a short put vertical over earnings because they're trying to stack the deck in their favor okay so we have this confirm and send so we have a short put vertical a group already set up fire in the hole okay so that's our first one and we did two contracts so the next one i wanted to look at was apps apps so apps uh the ticker symbol apps if you're not familiar with this company digital turbine is the name of the company it is a tech company it delivers products and solutions for mobile operators etc so you may want to kind of look under the covers you can also come out to the thinkorswim platform or sorry the um td ameritrade platform and we aren't going to spend a lot of time looking under the covers but we can see that this has way outperformed the s p and the nasdaq over the last six months we can see that it is scored very highly by tip ranks and you know as so if we're doing a bullish trade we might want to look at this okay and and so we aren't going to spend a lot of time going back and forth but i encourage you to write down these names and then come out to the td ameritrade platform and do some exploring i haven't heard a ping on this somebody saying they didn't think [Music] it rejected oh somehow this is telling me i have a negative balance in this this is why i didn't wanna okay so i'm gonna adjust our cash we're gonna add a hundred thousand okay let's try this again create a duplicate oh that's not the one i needed i can go in and put that in [Music] later and we are waiting with baited breath okay so let's continue on yes so sometimes we have these issues when we've just reset the account um so hopefully that one will go through just fine and i'm going to just adjust this credit a little bit to see if we can just get a fill on it um so we'll take a little less just to see if we can get this to fill okay yay fire in the hole looks like we're back in business okay so we were looking at apps so when we look at this chart and you know we do often you know we want to look at the longer term perspective um you know we can see you know back here in march this thing was trading for three dollars and 48 cents it you know went up to a whopping almost six dollars by um june and you know it recently hit 61. so and it's pulled back and and we're seeing it it bouncing so if we looked at apps um if we look at the options on these the options are very very robust and we can see that this is a stock that can move a lot you know that's a 12 move from 48 to 61 in a short order so you know this is um this is a stock that has volatility so when we come and we look at february and this has only monthly options this stock has traded over 2 million shares today we have 1200 contracts on the at the money strike and the 55 strike is paying 550 like back the truck up that's 10 that's pretty huge for a stock that you know a week ago was trading at 60 so you know we could look at also we could look at the 60 strike and if we looked at the 60 strike and it paid 390 well it's trading at 52 um and if it did go back up to that previous high in the next 42 days and we got paid three dollars and ninety cents which on sixty dollars you know if i look at 390 divided by 60 that's still six and a half percent so you know if we look at this and we say okay a buy right we're buying the stock selling a covered call at the same time and the intention is to get called out the intention is a short-term growth or income generating strategy so if we right-click we want to buy covered stock and so if we look at this and say okay we're in for 48 what's the most we can make 60. so you know i'm i'm going to round here and get rid of the 2 cents so if i made 12 on a 48 investment well my math skills aren't fantastic but that looks like 25 to me and you know is it going to go up to hit 60 who knows oh rg you guys are good and so we've got earnings coming up uh october november december january so february 8th so you know we might want to exit this trade or with some they might choose not to enter it at all although in the last earnings it had a pretty positive response so but if you're trying to stack the deck in your favor some might just choose not to do a buy right over earnings because if it gaps up you'll feel badly that you know you didn't get to participate in that move um so you know some might look at that and say well i would just do long stock but for just to do long stock that's a little out of our budget because we don't want to do more than 5 000 so if we look at this and we look at the recent low and we put our stop in we're going to go ahead and do this regardless so we're looking at an investment of 47.91 so that's under our 5k we are going to put in an exit why are we doing that because technically speaking we're risking 4793 dollars and the deal is we don't want to risk more than 400 so we're going to put in a first trigger sequence we're going to right click we're going to create an opposite order and we're going to make it a market order why are we doing that well we're doing that because we don't know exactly what that call will be worth if we end up stopped out and so we are going to come in and say okay our recent low was here and that low was 47.78

and we're going to take that 47.78 and i'm gonna do this on my little calculator because it's just faster times 0.97 is 46.34 so i'm going to come back to my trade tab i'm going to come to my little disappearing reappearing sprocket and say when if apps not that we're expecting this to happen but if apps goes at or below 46.34 get us out and you want to be sure that it says that down here as well that the security is you know worth equal to or less than 46.34 okay save when we bring this up this is again where you want to maybe even read this out loud we want to sell one covered apps which means we're buying the stock selling the covered call our entry fee to get in or we're investing 47.88 we want to exit if apps is at or below 46.34

so how much are we risking well you know we're risking about a buck 50 a share here plus we have to buy that callback so it's going to be worth less than what we paid for it but we're within our 400 risk category so what's the most we can make on this 12 a share two or 1 twelve dollars now on a twenty thousand dollar investment twelve hundred dollars is a big deal if we're to be called out now if it goes through the strike then you know we're called out we make the twelve hundred dollars if it goes down we could lose you know maybe three hundred dollars and if it ends up up and somewhere in between we get to keep the credit which was how much well we'll see when i've you know we put this in i think it was over three dollars a share plus the appreciation in the stock so you want to be this is a bullish strategy obviously okay so we've got that one teed up so that one was apps okay so another one that i'd like to look at and in this class i know we get to look at some of the stocks i don't want to say in the cheap seats um but snap for those of you who are kids or maybe you're just younger than i am i am not a snapchat girl um but do we think that you know over the next six months or so even though the vaccine is coming young people are going to be among the last to get it you know um so my snapchat continued to do well and when we come to the analyze cap uh a tab camera company camera application you know people do these short videos so my my kids use snap it's in communication services although it isn't as highly ranked by um some of the analysts we've seen that this you know along with all the other communication type companies has tended to do not too badly so here's one where we could look at it and say well if we look at these recent lows here around this 48 level um and if i remove this and we kind of put it here now if you want that dollar level to show uh the price we can come to edit properties and just come over here and say show the price on the right and we can save that as a default and then our price will show up so could we sell a short put it's trading four dollars above 38 and would there be enough premium in it for that to be worth our while and so if we come to the trade tab so and what does a short what is a short put well with a short put what it's saying is hey i'm agreeing to be willing to buy a hundred shares of snap for 48 dollars a share at any time between now and expiration and it could be put to me at any time so i have to be willing to put four four thousand eight hundred dollars kind of aside just in case we end up having to buy snap so even though you know it doesn't look like we're spending money we are and so if we come out to february so this is 42 days and we looked at what did i say we wanted to look at here the 50 they'd pay us three dollars and 55 cents now doing quick math or coming over here and looking at return on risk which we can add um that's about a seven percent return so as long as snap stayed above you know this 50 minus this 355 so 46 45 we would have a profitable trade so if you come out to your charts and you say you know what i could see it maybe consolidating a bit but if if your technical analysis and your understanding of this company says yeah i i think this could stay above 48 um if you wanted to sell that put and again it's a way to just add some income to the account and remember you know at 355 that's about a percent and a half return in 40 days and it's not that we're necessarily going to stay in it for the entire 40 days but it's a way to take advantage of time decay so if we did one contract we would click sell and a single and we might say well you know let's see if we can get 360. get that extra five bucks and send that in so what have we done so far well we've done a short put we've done a short put vertical and we have done a buy right you know i wasn't really looking at my money here yeah because we've invested uh we've invested quite a bit already so there was another stock i wanted to look at and i thought we could just do look at just buying stock and this is a company called lqk it's and 53 cents a share it was trading you know back here at the end of march at 1331 so you know it's almost tripled in price it was kind of hanging out here going a whole lot of nowhere yesterday you know it broke above this resistance level it's in our price range um so we want to come up to the analyze tab it's a consumer discretionary stock and what is what kind of business are they in well they distribute replacement parts um and you know components and stuff used in the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles so whether you are like my son who bought this ancient subaru and has learned a lot and you know done a lot of work on it so that he can take it into the national parks and all that or you're taking it to a mechanic whoever's doing the fixing i mean i'm one of those people when my car tells me it has a problem i drive it to somebody who knows what to do so if it's beyond gas and windseal windshield washer fluid you know i'm not buying and installing parts however somebody's buying auto parts right and if you're looking at a lot of people who are still on the unemployment rolls they're more likely to be repairing vehicles than you know going out and buying something new so if we think that this stock could go well do well and again you might want to come out here and say well let's look under the covers and you know we don't have a lot of time to be spending under the covers today but it trades over a million shares a day the price earnings ratio on this is under 20 which shows indicates to some that this could be considered a stock in a value category been outperforming the nasdaq and the s p you could go in and look at the smart score and why it's rated the way it is etcetera etcetera okay um you know ada i have got to get with my tech team um so if you aren't seeing um the complete the the top of the screen um i apologize for that and i'll have that fixed for next week okay okay so coming back if we said okay let's just buy a hundred shares now how much are we risking if we buy a hundred shares we're risking three thousand eight hundred and fifty three dollars so maybe we wanna say you know what we have this support level here around this you know 37.48 so what if we put a stop three percent below that so if i take that 3748 and we multiply that by 0.97

36.35 so then what are we risking we're risking just over two hundred dollars now is there is is it guaranteed that we get out at exactly 36.35 no there can be some slippage it will generate a market order and we would get out at the next available price so we are going to come to the trade tab we are going to right click up here on the stock line we want to buy custom with a stop and our stop we want to put that at 36.35 okay make this good till cancelled fire in the hole now for those of you who are new and for whom this has been like drinking out of a fire hose i will put in links to one of the getting started with options classes that talks about short put verticals um i'll also put in a link to um a buy right class in the archives um so if these are new strategies to you or you may just want to go to the um the archives for getting started with options and this is going to be in our trend trading growth stock bucket fire in the hole well guys you know we did cover a lot of ground there were two others that i was looking at and so you know we'll we'll look at blank next week we can't do all things in one week um but here's another stock that you might uh want to so this is a charging company and you might say whoa like this is in the nosebleed section do we really want to participate you know i have one word for you tesla you know so if you looked at tesla eight months ago you might have said wow it's had such a big run like we've missed it but you know if you bought tesla two months ago you'd have practically doubled your money so and i'm not saying this is is like that um but you know an interesting and interesting chart and it's under 50 it's under 50 um so i'm looking for stocks and it's not that we can't trade higher priced stocks because we can and we do but we have to be looking more at spread trades when we're doing um stocks that are more expensive so guys um you have done so well and if you are new also so first of all come to the education tab and when you get there whether you come to this through the td ameritrade platform or this platform if you're new to options i'd recommend the options course so you can come down here and click on that and then here's the course the other course i'd recommend is under stocks if you're really new and do the technical analysis it talks about trend and support and resistance and all these words that even though i do my very best to speak in english in this class these are terms that are very basic in the world of investing if you are looking at trading on a regular basis and then you may want to come and check out the webcasts there's a getting started with technical analysis on mondays if you really like a particular strategy chances are there's a class dedicated just to that strategy on a weekly basis so if you come to the calendar if you want an overview on options i teach a class and and and today we talked about the basics so we went back to the very beginning of the rotation so that's on friday mornings at 11 o'clock eastern there's one on mondays on technical analysis how to understand the charts and all of that and um and then there's one on stock investing on thursday mornings on getting started with stock investing so um guys i will go back and look through the chat again um love how interactive everybody is i love um all the questions that have come in there was a survey posted in the chat so here's the deal if you promised to fill it out let me know what you loved what you'd like to see more of or less of if you promised to provide me some feedback i promise to read each and every comment the other thing if you enjoyed this hit that like button if you haven't subscribed to this channel you'll want to do that but i want to welcome you all thank you all for and applaud you for investing in your financial future by attending a class like this keep coming back you are worth it and your future self will be grateful that you did have a fantastic weekend stay safe and i will see you in a webcast coming up soon i think we did cover what we promised to cover and just in closing remember options aren't suitable necessarily for all investors there are special risks inherent to options trading also we place lots of trades today um and we did that for example purposes only um not to be construed as a recommendation on the part of td ameritrade or myself any investment decision you make in your account that's on you thanks to mike fairborne he has probably got writer's cramp really appreciate all the uh expertise that he brings to the table and his willingness to be so helpful in the chat so guys that's a wrap take care everyone we'll see you soon

2021-01-16 22:49

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