Trading a Long Call Diagonal Spread | Long Verticals & Diagonals

Trading a Long Call Diagonal Spread | Long Verticals & Diagonals

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good morning everyone or good afternoon wherever you may be john mcnichol here and welcome to long verticals and diagonals our topic today will be the long call diagonal we'll define it we'll go ahead and do a setup make a practice trade and we'll talk about trade management so stick around all right hey it's great to see those that are live with us today such as dylan sarah michael john fred vijay el diego and everyone else seoul we have mr mike fairborne helping out on the chat if you have any questions and i am unable to get to them michael will be more than happy to help do appreciate him being with us here today also like to shout out to those who listen in the archive session as well i do appreciate you joining us each and every week you can see our twitter handle on the screen at j mcnichol underscore tda if you wish to follow myself along with other fine instructors such as mr michael fairborne let's take care of disclosures we'll get right into it contents intended for educational information purposes only not investment advice or a recommendation of any security strategy or account type options not suitable for all investors please read the previous added copy of characteristics and risk of standardized options as well as spread straddles other multi-leg options strategies like we're talking about today include multiple commissions which may impact any potential return advance option strategies often involve greater more complex risk than single leg option trades keep in mind as far as the long and short of it long options the entire position is at risk likewise with short options keep in mind that assignment can occur at any time regardless of the in the money amount we talk about rolling as well which do entail additional transaction costs and speaking of those some examples of those transaction fees for contracts on options and while this webcast may discuss technical analysis other approaches include fundamental analysis may serve very different views past performance domain security or strategy does not guarantee future results nor success and you're encouraged to practice what you're learning here today with tools such as the paper money software which is for educational purposes only in successful virtual trading during one time period does not guarantee successful investing of actual funds during a later time period as market conditions change continuously there's a brief background for those of you if you are new to the webcast please let us know in the chat that you're new would like to welcome you as this class focuses on two specific strategies long verticals and diagonals we're going to focus on the long call diagonal today by defining it demonstrate how we can place and do a setup on a long call diagonal spread we'll review some of the trade management techniques and some of you if you followed me before uh some familiarity on how one can utilize the thinkorswim platform to scan for lower implied volatility uh instruments as the long diagonal spread does benefit from that rise or potential rise in volatility let's go ahead and go to the platform here and uh you know with our example that we're going to do today as far as a long call diagonal some traders may refer to this as a a poor person's covered call the idea being is that we're going to simulate or potentially simulate by purchasing a option that goes to a further duration that'll be the long call what we'll also do is we'll sell a shorter dated option against that long option what that's going to enable us to do is one reduce the net cost of the trade two will also be able to potentially benefit from time decay as we'll use the shorter dated options uh positive time decay to offset the negative time decay of the longer dated option as a lot of you probably already know those shorter dated options would depreciate or potentially depreciate quicker than that longer option third we would also potentially benefit from a rise in volatility since we are looking at a net long option position that option position would benefit uh from a rise in volatility so if market volatility or the stocks implied volatility particularly is relatively low there may be potential to gain if that volatility rises all right so let's go ahead and we'll look at a a couple examples and a lot of these as we look at them from a technical standpoint stocks that may have been beaten down a bit maybe setting up for potential bullish reversal a common pattern that we teach in our technically speaking breakdown reversal patterns every wednesday at noon eastern time potential inverse head and shoulders hasn't quite broken out yet some traders may speculate anticipating uh that that price may break others may wait uh for that breakout so we got gilead here uh another example uh let's just kind of go through a few here so it's kind of more on the biopharma we got facebook knows facebook a similar pattern here as far as with the price coming back down kind of the characteristics of uh an inverse head and shoulders now there's no guarantee that uh this would be a bullish reversal as there's still certainly a risk in the market as we are you know at or near those all-time highs and the other candidate uh was looking at was nem for newmont mining now mining stock so it could be uh relatively a little more volatile there and as we go ahead and bring this out a little bit more this pattern a little more further out but you can kind of see the idea you know as far as prices had you know previously tested some of the lows on the year uh potentially setting up a little more of a double bottom and uh prices have pulled back after the last attempt to break now you know kind of trading on the lower part today once again based off the technical some traders may look for a little more confirmation of the bounce if they're looking for that direction others may be looking anticipate that you know that price may hold or and or go higher all right so for a reference folks as we go through uh this setup and we're talking about defining what a long call diagonal is and again we're going to utilize this as an example uh what may be referred to as a poor man's or poor person's cover call we're going to go ahead and demonstrate on how we can place that trade and one of the ways on helping us understand that is referencing our coursework as well as potentially some sample investing plans if you're on the td ameritrade website or on the thinkorswim platform we have the education tab uh once on the education tab we'll go over to options uh education and options once there we're looking for the options for volatility uh course now you may see that under the featured education if not here some of our other courses are here scroll down under all options content and look for course once we're there looking at that course you can see the trifecta for our options education from some of the basic options which by the way long verticals are discussed in this course here and then here we have options for volatility we're going to go to the options for volatility course and if you go ahead and look under time spreads you'll see the breakdown in the course for long diagonal spreads if i scroll down a little bit more and this is on the options for volatility course under resources we have sample investing plans you can go ahead and take a look at that to follow along for those of you that are in live with us i'm pushing that link out i'm gonna expand this out a little bit we're going to scroll down and take a look for the long diagonal so here we have the long diagonal investing plan you know what's the objective as i mentioned some of the benefits for this strategy potentially benefit from an increase in volatility uh notice as far as the bias says trading in a range although you can be uh you know slightly uh bullish or generally bullish if we're doing a call spread and it's going to be a limited risk strategy as we'll see it'll be multiple paths to profit uh watch list criteria and this will get into the scan uh that i'll share with you towards the end is considered in stocks and etfs high daily volume liquidity very important much more important when one's in multi-leg options two looking for relatively low volatility instruments and relative compared to where it's been over the year we'll show you how to look at that and uh seeing that the underlying implied volatility in the lower half of its 52-week range the scan that i'll share with you in a bit does attempt to cover that both as far as price direction volatility and liquidity now as we scroll down on constructing this particular strategy that long diagonal is going to have both a a long option and a short option component it does start off with the short option uh you know based off of the duration and this is also the one that definitely needs to be managed uh obviously the long one as well but it's a short option that's going to be tied to a potential assignment if it's in the money and since it is a shorter dated option versus the longer dated one you know action on that shorter option would be required in trade management so kind of put a pin in that as we'll talk about trade management after we get into these trades okay you can also see the selection as far as with time longer duration for the long option shorter duration for the short option also the deltas which kind of tie with probability notice those of you that are already familiar with selling shorter dated options whether they're covered calls cash secured puts short verticals the emphasis is looking for those out of the money deltas which basically points towards probability in this case a 60 to 70 percent probability of expiring worthless that would be a desired outcome for a short option uh the best outcome over the nearer term uh for this strategy is for the price to expire at or near the strike price that we select for that short option that's where potentially the maximum gain over the near terms realized now we're also going to go ahead and do a longer dated option to represent the potentially a stock kind of a stock replacement and notice in this case uh the example is looking at more in the money more intrinsic value more equity a little more parity as far as with the stock movement so long 60 to 70 uh short 30 to 40. so with that in mind let's go ahead and see if we can go ahead and construct that also consider money management uh how much you're willing to risk in the trade we're position sizing our examples based off of a maximum loss even though don't intend to have a maximum loss position size for more of a worst case scenario in this example it says no more than three percent of an active trading portfolio you would have to decide what you're comfortable with in that regard so let's go ahead and go to the platform i'm gonna go ahead and we'll start off with uh we'll do facebook and you can also see the potential attraction for this strategy and with stocks that are uh much more higher priced uh this gives you know an opportunity to potentially profit from whether stocks move volatility uh with outputting a large capital investment so with facebook at 338 uh let's go ahead and go to trade tab we're going to take a look further out in time let's look at the long option so here we got 90 to 120 days as far as which selection it's really a matter of time frame you know uh kind of considering if one was long a stock you know what is your duration uh for that uh likewise in an option trade that may be trading over a trend you know you're looking at it at you know weeks to months or or even further okay uh let's go ahead and we'll start off uh with the february one and actually we can do a comparison uh if i click on february and notice i got the delta selected right here i'm going to do i'm going to minimize this right here scroll down let's look for a delta somewhere between 60 to 70 and notice we we do have a few strikes here that can be considered from 325 up to 315. now notice uh these options are not necessarily inexpensive but notice compared to the stock that's about 10 percent of the value of the stock so a lot less money being tied up in the trade okay uh so if we're looking at these february ones you know ranging from around 31 you know up to about 37. well if we went out to 120 days you know really how much time are we you know buying in that regard if we look at a a 60 to a 70 delta well looks like you know somewhere from around three uh to possibly six dollars more and that could be a consideration uh if one's buying that time it also gives us an opportunity to sell potentially more time um what i'll do is uh we'll we'll go ahead and start off with the 90 days and then we'll go ahead and select that delta that's somewhere in that 60. let me do one more check here so

here we've got a 320 around 34. it's the one that was comparable in the march there that was around that and we got the 325 so we actually don't have a big difference here so maybe uh it may be so 325 for that strike more into money just trying to see which one's further more into money there so it's about five dollars it's about a higher about five dollars here we'll go ahead and actually take a look at the 120. it doesn't look like we're paying that much more of a premium there so i'm going to go ahead and basically click on the buy so we have a long option we do confirm and send uh you can see how much equity is being locked in that trade and you can also see based off the break even where the stock would need to be for this long option to be profitable that's about a 20 move okay uh two um if we go ahead and actually analyze uh the trade right click on the position go to the analyze tab and go to risk profile you can see that risk profile for a long option notice in this case kind of simulating a long stock uh defined risk however significant what we pay for that option but you can also see what the the issue is with a long option that's at negative theta the passage of time we're losing uh in this case 10.78 cents a day and that'll accelerate as it gets closer to expiration so what can we do to help offset this and likewise we do potentially reduce the overall risk on the trade well that's where we're going to go ahead and add another option here to this longer dated option so we're going to go back to the trade tab we're going to minimize this we're going to go ahead and just like we saw in that sample plan we'll look out 20 to 30 days out let's say we'll go out to december and we'll look for an option with a 30 to 40 delta and here uh we're kind of in the range between 355 and 350 which is about 20 to 25 dollars above where we are right now now part of selection here would be well how directional are you if one was a bit more strongly bullish uh on facebook over the next 30 days we may select a higher strike if we're a little more neutral we may come a little closer to that 40 delta let's go ahead and do something a little in between and we'll look at that 355. so in this case on the 355 we can sell about six dollars we can sell about six dollars a time now i'm going to hold on to control key and click sell and then we just basically created a long call diagonal uh being long longer dated option uh and selling a shorter dated option in this case 355. notice that reduce the net

cost of the trade and if we go ahead and actually analyze this trade i do need to go ahead and remove that single one that we were just looking at here you can see the risk profile for a long diagonal where we do have the characteristics of a long stock here however notice that there is a peak on that max gain that peak is actually going to be at that short strike in this case the 355. so just like covered calls you know have uh a kind of a max gain uh the long diagonal does as well now if the stock continues going higher uh that maximum gain will dissipate a bit but yet still be profitable uh the other thing we can look at here is that break even uh what we can do here on this uh profile if i right click and do a confirm and send you'll notice on the confirm and send page it doesn't have a breakeven max game max loss like in some of the other strategies particularly verticals and single options it's because we're dealing with different expirations so that's why we're on the risk profile to kind of get an idea at least to the shorter dated option you know what's our risk risk being the debit okay i did not mean to do the send there but uh looks like we did i guess the button wanted to go let me let me go ahead and analyze the trade again a good thing it was just one contract and if we want to go ahead and analyze this a little bit more we're going to come over here to the price slices over to the far right bring that up now notice we can learn something about the trade compared to the single option let me make sure i still just have that one position actually since i already have a long position i'll just go ahead and uncheck the simulated one so this is the practice trade that went out if i go to the price slices notice now we are positive time so basically with the passage of time this trade would be profitable with that time decay so we offset the time decay now we did offset some of the bullishness as the delta be a bit smaller but nevertheless still a bullish trade you'll also notice as we look at vega which represents volatility this is positive vega so if volatility rises it would potentially push the profit up on this in fact you can actually visualize that there is a tab here on the bottom and i may need to move this a little bit out of the way uh where you can go ahead and make some changes uh on the drop down now i may have maybe a little bit skewed here but let's see if i can bring this up you'll see a little gear over to the far right if i click on that gear you'll see a volatility adjustment and if volatility was to rise you'll see this wrist profile push to the upside i'm just going to go ahead and click on this a bit and notice it may be a little subtle but notice that the peak of this profile is actually rising it's also adjusting our break even let's go ahead and talk about that now make sure if you do play around with this is come back to this gear go to the parameters there or actually i think right up here on the top there's a reset parameters and date next to that double arrow okay now if we go ahead and take a look at this risk profile let's go and bring this down i saw a few questions come across and we'll take a look at those i'm going to go back to these price slices and look at our break even go right next to this plus sign click on that we're going to set slices to break even for that short dated expiration i'm going to click on that and you can see the break even is showing up at 3 34 3 34 42. let's make note of that and go to the chart now 334 is just right about in this range here and it's just kind of right at that support range so if the price stays where it's at which is basically about uh five dollars above where our breakeven is this will be a profitable trade uh prices rise be a profitable trade if volatility rises uh it will push that 10 up now let's talk about volatility if i go back to the trade tab and go ahead and look at the implied volatility for these options in aggregate i'm going to scroll down and take a look under option statistics and for facebook it has an iv percentile of 39 percent now in the context of low versus high implied volatility if we look at 50 percent or the 50 percentile as being kind of the center anything that's below that would be considered to be relatively low implied volatility uh the lower the number uh the better for this example uh if we were above 50 in the higher range that would be more high implied volatility and that would be uh more conducive potentially for selling options now we can also look at the range of implied volatility by going to the chart i'm going to go and go to the chart we're going to go ahead and click on the beaker or the flask on the chart and we're going to go ahead and type in imp for implied volatility so there's inp there's the indicator implied volatility i'm going to double click on this we're going to bring that up and so here's the implied volatility chart for facebook now this is a three-month chart i believe actually i think i have a one year um one may consider looking at this over the last year or six months to kind of get a bit of a range now if we look at facebook facebook's actually in the middle part of the range so this isn't exceptionally uh low implied volatility in fact it's relatively high uh compared to where it was uh in august but it's not necessarily in the higher range so there could be equal risk whether to the upside or downside with implied volatility so something to keep in mind um whereas if the volatility was in the lower part of the 52-week range uh this would show up as a percentile of closer to zero or in the single digits uh whereas if volatility is in the higher part of the range that percentile would be closer to 100. all right

okay so now that you know we got that set up there i'll repeat that again since we did that fast click uh on that trade and and make sure we got the position size right but i do want to take a look at some of your questions there first off i do see there is a survey so if you can click on that link push it off to the side fill it out to the end do appreciate that we'd love to get your feedback there those are listening to the archive session you can vote to by clicking like and uh those of you that are filling out the survey too you can vote twice by clicking like uh dylan mentioned about you know support uh on the stock at around the 325 mark you know kind of looking at the uh shoulder of that position rg says tess says what are all the strategies that are also known as uh diagonals well you know diagonals in a simple form is what we just looked at uh separate months different strikes okay separate months different strikes okay that's what makes it a diagonal some of you are familiar with the calendar which a calendar is going to be different months same strike calendars are also referred as horizontals based off of that so a diagonal whether a long call diagonal or a long put diagonal would be the long put diagonal would be more the bearish version neutral to bearish version of this strategy and we'll talk about one of those in another session rg says why did you select the 325 call in march 22 instead of the at the money 335 well again this strategy is meant to be a little more of a stock replacement strategy where we're going a little more in the money higher delta to kind of have a little more parity with the stock uh whereas if one was just looking at selling time or uh or just playing off of volatility they may look at an at the money calendar that's not this class so we're doing an example of bullish over a period of time and looking to reduce the net cost of that trade over time by selling calls against it all right and if we go ahead and actually bring up that example going back and kind of give you an illustration here on facebook we're gonna go back to that trade tab actually let me go to monitor if i still have that trade up there okay so here's the example the trade that we had placed if i go to confirm and send on position sizing uh you can see that with one contract we're tying about dollars in equity now that's a lot less than tying up what thirty thousand um in the case of a three hundred dollar stock okay uh with that in mind we're also position sizing this to a maximum loss or think of this as far as a percentage of the account you know if this was a hundred thousand dollar account uh this would be about three percent of that account and so a larger account may do more contracts a smaller account may be priced out of it unless they were willing to take that risk okay now the other thing to consider as far as with this trade uh is if i go ahead and look at that 120 march option and then come up to and it should show up as a position now there you go green pos and come up to layout and we're going to take a look at intrinsic and extrinsic value now those of you that learn from basic options intrinsic is the equity in the option extrinsic is the time premium so i want to take a look at that time premium and notice on this example the extrinsic value was twenty dollars and nineteen cents now one of the overriding goals over time on this strategy if we're able to sell premium on the shorter date is to basically sell down that time that we bought and we already got a head start on that we bought twenty dollars in time if we come up here and take a look we had sold i believe about six uh six and change 620. so we basically decreased that time premium by almost a third over the next 29 days now think about as far as with this option there's 120 days for this longer dated option uh so potentially we have a at least another three opportunities to possibly sell let's say another six dollars depending on what the implied volatility is higher implied volatility will may be able to sell more premium so with that in mind uh we can basically be net positive as far as with that time premium if we're able to sell appropriately about that six dollars okay so that's the goal for a strategy now let's talk about managing uh this particular strategy what are some of the possible outcomes well if you go to the analyze tab over the shorter term the most positive outcome would be the price expiring at or close to uh the short strike in this case 355 29 days from now you can see what that potential gain is that's about twelve hundred dollars you think about return on risk about what twenty six hundred dollars that's about over thirty percent uh not bad for as an example compared to uh a traditional covered call where the return is typically going to be less because of the capital invested all right uh two if it falls somewhere in between as long as it's above or break even we still have a profitable trade and a potential opportunity to roll by selling another option uh we still need to make sure we manage the overall position let's say if the price breaks below support we may look to close out that position if the price goes strongly higher then the idea is probably just to close out the entire trade and lock in whatever gains that will avoid or potentially avoid assignment if we go into money now if we go ahead and take a look let's go to the monitor tab and look uh what we have as far as positions you know here's our facebook position right here i actually don't have any existing diagonals right now i've been offer a bit here we have a bunch of verticals that we'll be reviewing more uh under facebook here's the trade knows there's 29 days uh on the exit of the trade we're going to be keeping an eye as far as time to expiration on that short strike and we're also going to keep an eye on the value of that option ideally if we come closer to that 355 strike this would depreciate and we get to keep that premium now if we go ahead and go to the sample plan and again that's on the plan that we pushed out is notice we're managing around that short option if the underlying conditions still meet the criteria we may consider rolling the short option to the out of the money strike so one of the criteria would be if we would consider staying with that trade enroll enrollment is are we still generally neutral to bullish on the stock and two are we able to get a credit by rolling that option uh now those of you if you're very new to this webcast here i did talk about rolling options in last week's class i'm going to go ahead and put a link to that class here so you can take a deeper dive on those roles and obviously with this strategy when a role occurs or an opportunity we'll go ahead and do that but short answer is if we're able to get a credit now if the short option is out or at the money now remember the at the money is a potential desired outcome we're looking at some time management here if we're 10 days within 10 days of expiration we're going to consider rolling that short option possibly to the same strike if the option is far out of the money simply let the trade expire now if this occurs you know we're possibly down on the long option and one may be looking to close that out if i go ahead again look at facebook you know tipping point on facebook is if the price fails to break out and let's say breaks below the shoulder uh we may look to close out this position and take that loss okay now let's say uh the option goes uh in the money and usually closer to expiration you're going to see that itm now remember you can close out this trade at any time if you're concerned about assignment you can go ahead and right click and close out the position if you want to maintain the long option you can just go ahead and buy back the short although keep in mind that will offset the risk profile of the trade otherwise you can go ahead and close out the entire position and more than likely that would be profitable if the short strike is uh whether slightly in or even a little more into money now if assignment does occur this would recur in a short stock position if you don't have the funds or you don't have the accompanied stock that would result in a margin call and a liquidation of that stock however keep in mind remember you also have the right to own the stock at 325 so that is why this is still a limited risk strategy or the poor person's covered call instead of a long stock covering that short option you do have a long option that's doing that however keep in mind uh since these are different expirations one is not automatically going to cancel the other this is why it's required uh to manage that position and therefore looking at closing that out a little closer uh to that expiration let's go ahead and bring that up uh on our plan here okay now another way i'm possibly closing this out is if we see spikes in volatility if volatility does spike it's going to push that risk profile higher which is potentially going to give us more of a potential gain whereas if the volatility drops that tent on that risk profile may drop down a little bit okay so keep that in mind and if we go ahead and take a look i do apologize that we don't have an existing diagonal that we can go off of but one consideration that we do have here is if one has a single longer dated option could you make this into a diagonal if you want now i can go ahead and sell a call against this if i want to go ahead and reduce whether the risk on the trade or possibly generate a little bit of income as notice that right now we got a negative theta there so let me show you how this can change a dynamic of this trade by the way clack is a one i think we talked about quite a bit this has been a trend trade that we've done multiple times and we've rolled those long options for credits again look at the session that i pinned about 10 minutes ago you'll be able to see that there but if i want to turn this into a diagonal i'm going to go ahead and go to trade tab let's bring up clack and again i can look at 20 to 30 days out let's look at these weeklies with about 22 days here we're going to look for a 30 to 40 delta and particularly if uh you know we just hit a new high for clack i'm a little more neutral think kind of like covered calls i feel that the price may be a little more sideways possibly a little bit down that short call can provide a little bit of a hedge and we can also get a little benefit from that volatility let's go back to trade tab there uh 30 to 40. so about 20 days out let's say a look at this 34 we got the 435 strike i can sell six dollars and 50 cents and uh i believe i got two contracts so i can sell up to two so i'm gonna go ahead and do that i'm gonna click on the cell we're gonna change that to two we're gonna do a confirm and send now there is a little bit of a spread here let's see if i can possibly get a little bit more here we'll send that through went ahead and got a fill now if i go back and take a look at that trade notice what i've done to this long position i've now gone positive theta so now we're not losing with the passage of time still bullish although not as strongly and we're positive on vega or volatility so volatility rises will benefit from this trade okay now last thing i'll share with you is okay how do we go ahead and scan for some of these things and a great reference for you is my twitter feed if you go ahead and follow me on twitter at j mcnichol underscore tda you'll see a pinned tweet with a link to a lot of productivity scripts that i have here and one of them is for an implied volatility scan now one thing to keep in mind this is case sensitive and uh i probably should replace it uh but uh if i go ahead and take a look here bear with me for a moment now in the scan make a note that the code is a capital i uh some people get that confused with a lowercase l which makes sense but it is a capital i if you're transcribing that for those of you that are live i'm going to go ahead and type that in it's a capital w lowercase k lowercase a capital i uh lowercase a and i believe that is let me have to double click on it since my nearsightedness looks like it's a 9 bravo and with the intent of this is to go ahead and actually look for stocks that are liquid and have relatively low implied volatility so if i go ahead and actually on the thinkorswim platform uh go to setup uh open shared item and go ahead and type or transcribe that code i think i got that in there click preview looks like i'm broken here someone can verify that i think i may have typed it in wrong or i just got an extra space in here there we go uh i'm going to go ahead and import now you can go and call this whatever you want i call this uh low implied volatility or it says love right there but it's low i go and click import and click ok now this will only work on a real-time platform if you're on paper money you need to consider uh doing on your real-time account and practice on paper money and what i'm doing is basically looking for stocks that are at least a certain price amount uh looking for average volume that is greater than a million shares and the iv percentile that i shared with you is looking at it to be in less than 40 kind of in the lower half of that range if one want to look for high volatility you can look for a higher number okay now if i go ahead and hit scan this is looking at the s p 500 and this is not a recommendation for any particular strategy or any particular scan this is just meeting some of the criteria uh from that sample plan you can search whatever list that you want uh once you go ahead and uh whether open it up as a share you can save it as your own uh by going next to the little flame in the upper right and select save scan query now with that uh this is actually an active list and you'll see a lot of times when you go to a watch list over on the left-hand side or any watch list it should be part of your personal lists and you can see i've done this a couple of times and that'll be an active list of stocks that meet those criteria not a recommendation for a diagonal but ones that just meet some of the liquidity and the implied volatility and you can see how found examples like gi ld um i'm not sure if if i directly pulled there's facebook okay and there is new mod mining just a couple examples and we applied some technicals on to it as well all right uh once again uh let's make sure we covered down on what we intended to today we defined a long call diagonal we placed a long call diagonal spread talked about some of those trade management techniques now keep in mind this is ongoing as we'll look at existing positions and see how that facebook uh transpires and also showed you on how to scan uh for stocks utilizing the thinkorswim platform so once again uh let's have that survey pushed out again there thanks for sharing that mr fairborn and for those of you that are listening the archive session consider clicking like and more importantly practice what you learn here today translate that knowledge in the wisdom uh consider doing a practice trade based off of that sample plan we shared with you take a look at those exit strategies as we'll continue to manage this strategy on a day-to-day basis or week-to-week basis so thank you so much remember in order to demonstrate the function out of the platform we did have to use actual symbols keeping in mind td ameritrade does not make recommendations or determine suitability of any security or strategy for individual traders any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility have a great day folks we'll talk to you again real soon bye now

2021-11-21 01:06

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