Trading करने से पहले ये करना जरूरी है।

Trading करने से पहले ये करना जरूरी है।

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hello hello friends, I am Vivek Bajaj, cofounder of stockedge and elearnmarkets so, friends, there are 2 types of traders one who gives his account to the broker and just logs in, the other one is who learns, tries new strategies, backtests, and front tests so you all should think about what you are? you are the one who plays games or someone just here to make money I think you all are in the second category because my viewers are into learning, not entertainment. when I was recording these videos, I realized that most of my guests are using stockmock platform. When I researched, I discovered that the founder is also a trader who created this to solve issues faced by traders It reminded me of myself that I started stockedge to solve my issues in trading and later it helped everyone, so stockmock does the same. And we will talk to Nitish Narang Hi Vivek ji. First, let me tell you thank you for calling me here. I hope I will be able to contribute and shed some light on systematic trading

so we will talk about systematic, but first, tell us about your background and then we will proceed to the presentation so my name is Nitish Narang and I come from a tech background, I have been in it for the past 10 years. I was handling a team of developers and I have also handled clients globally My passion was always in developing, I also did management. Being in the tech industry and coding made me feel that every problem should have a solution things were going fine till 2018 I was doing my job. Then I started getting into the market and then loss and profit with discretionary trading then something happened and I moved into systematic trading so you have been using your system for trading and then you will help us, poor souls, with systematic rule-based trading. So I will allow you to screen share I will talk about my belief system and I think everyone has that you have finalized something and then you say you will trade in this only, it is called time-based planning You have to watch learning videos and not entertainment videos to learn. And I can guarantee that you will get good content from him and you can subscribe to elm for more

I have called him for pure knowledge and I have no profit in this I met this guy who knew so much and he motivated me that I told him to manage my account this shows that someone can be very knowledgeable but you won't be able to understand his intentions the best part was the research, I did 3-month research in 2019 and tried to understand the issue I decided that I will do rule-based or systematic trading and something which is simple to understand I am not saying that everyone was bad, but even 70% does then it changes the game if your friend comes up with a strategy and then your enemy comes up with one. You will invest 10 crores in your friend thinking that he is your friend. But you do not trust the person, but the system the solution also exists in the market, it's not that it doesn't many people gave us so much love at that time I wanted to talk to everyone who was in stockmock and know about it nothing was happening that time, and corona also started during April, May I will try my best to not only make it super smooth but also super fast stockmock is also different from other platforms, we have a brand ambassador, we will show you when we talk about systematic trading or rule-based trading then what do we mean? It will be done using a rule or systematic strategy our rules are defined that we have to exit at 3 o clock only when we do a short straddle, we check all of them if there are 5 lots then you can do 6 and you can keep compounding I will make things simple and will make sure that I stay in the market the expectancies will be high so I will favor it drawdown is the biggest fear of every trader, so you need to get used to it you will be in a panic mode if you will not know that you can also do a third drawdown if you are taking one then you can earn 1000 rupees every day how will I analyze if some strategy is good or not, after seeing some results my last message to everyone is that this is options trading and not leverage that you can earn money all the time my expectation is this only, which is 25% so I will go to the part where I will say what is algorithmic trading let's say I exit at 10, let me remind you that stop loss is really important let's say the entry price is 200 I will only concentrate on that leg all the time and check what is the status we launched with just 1 feature and today we have 25-30 features but I want to see how will this strategy work in bank nifty but some people ask us to show the daily result so here it is for the past 4 years this will depend on your spot I would like to tell my friends that this is not the way to do it the backtesting just changes the result and it makes it super awesome even if I get 60-70% from this and if I am happy or not, this will tell me if it was positive or negative this profit is accumulated from everything, what profit and loss you have done I have added another parameter here, which is called stop loss to cause any given day you cannot take more than one leg for a loss I was told that I am the black horse of the game and can leave with a good amount of profit I think if anyone can show the historical report card then it is done I think a strategy is like Sachin Tendulkar's game diversification works on a psychological parameter I think diversification is really important in a strategy because if one doesn't work then you can shift no of months should be limited and the strategy should be checked I will sell the same strategy at different times so I will not remove the vix because it is not going to make any difference we have to manage the risk and not love it we have cracked something in drawdown, which is 18000 and the third is something that we need to think about in terms of diversification I was not speaking much in this video as you can see because I think you have the talent of teaching so you knew how to explain I can see some debit and credit..yes I will roughly explain to you that so in 14 rupees, you can do backtesting I am the founder of stockedge so I know the importance of subscription because with that money only we can proceed

2021-10-24 16:03

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