Trader On Chart Program - Best MetaTrader MT4 Trading Platform

Trader On Chart Program - Best MetaTrader MT4 Trading Platform

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Hi in, this video let, me present you the trader, on chart software, and you. Know I assure, that it's, a it's the software, that will make a Forex. Rating easy you know I know, it's you. Know it's quite, a bold statement to make but let. Me just give me you. Know just. Give me a few minutes and I will just show you how it really makes. A trading easier so. If you are. Fully, in totem at the trading then it's not the perfect application, for you but if you use. Manual trading and you, trade more like every day. Or. Just a few times a week it's. It's, really the perfect app for your meta trade so. It, starts, with all this panel, you know it's the trader and chart right here so. The panel has lots of settings and it might be confusing. For many of you when you first see it but. Let. Me just say with that after, a few minutes of using the software, you will get used to it pretty fast you know I have like hundreds, of clients. Using the same the. Same the same software. For. Four years already and then they're, very likely that, it. Will happen so you like it happened for them you know they are so happy about it. So. It. All starts, with, these buy and sell buttons so these. Are used to execute. Market. Orders you know kind of immediate. Positions. But. Also you can execute like. Place pending, orders so you would use this section right here so. At all times, the. Section above is used as well so. Let me go through each of those settings, and, let me explain you what they are about so. Right, here you can see we have fixed lot size set and it's said to. 0.01. So, let's. Say I would I would set, it to 0.03, and, if, we just click Buy button I, would. Get my trade executed, immediately and, obviously. It has. 0.03. Lot size. Right. Here we have, closed. Section you, know if. I click this button it will close all the market rates this. Profit. In a button will close all the trades that are in profit, this, one will close all the trains that are in loss and this will delete any pending, orders that might exist in the account so, I would just click. Them in the market, and it will close all the. Market orders so. Let's. Try again this, time let's add a stop, loss of let's. Say. 25. Pips and. A, take profit of, let's. Say sixty, nine, point, five, so.

I Would click Buy trade and. Immediately. It will open the by trade and we'll place the, stop loss and take profit that, I have set right here so. I could try to measure it with my with, my mouse right here so. Yeah. It's somewhere about when you know it's 25 pips, stop-loss, and. You. Know my measurement, is not that exact but it's and, sixty. Nine point, five you know you can do the calculation from. These numbers right here you know so. Again. Let's. Try another setting, let's say we have we want a tick profit and you. Know of ratio, wouldn't stop loss so let's, send it for. Example three, so. Now when I click a Buy button it. Will open another by trade. But this time it will use the same stop-loss or 20 face but tick. Profit will be three times bigger than the stop-loss, so. Let's say I will set, this to, 0.5. So this will make my take profit to, be two times smaller. Than. My stop, loss in pips so, I. Will click Buy button again and I, see another ordered, open, and here's. The the small and take profits right now. You. Know and again if I click on the market, button. It will close all the market trades so. We can start over, okay. So let's move further you know there are much more than that if. We open, this. Section we, can choose to risk in, percentage. Of the, count or. We, can, in money so, let's say I want to risk, say. $500. And. Then my stop-loss, will, be 50. Pips and. Then. I want to use, let's. Say take profit and stop-loss ratio. Of two I will have my. Take profit two times bigger than stop, I click, buy and. It. Calculates immediately. That I need, a full lot, size. To. Risk, $500. With, a stop, loss of 15, 50. Pips, if. I make my, stop-loss smaller. And, then. Buy. Another trade it. Will open to full Lots so. Now both, of these trades. You. Know if they hit stop-loss. Both. Of them will lose, $500. Each that's. How it works. So. Again if, I want to lose. With. With the third trade let's say want to lose I don't, know. $200. And. I click buy again and. This. Time. Application. Calculates, that it should be point, eight, position. Size to. Lose $200. If the, trade hits the stop loss of 25, pips so. Isn't. This awesome there. Okay. Now. Let's. Go let's, go further, so. Let's, say I want to risk in percentage, I. Can. Just say I want to risk 1%, and. My stop-loss let's, say is 63. I don't know and. You. Know take. Profit in pips let's say I will leave it open at zero and, let's. Click a cell try it this time I. Click. The sell trade and. I. Get my cell trade open and. The. Lot size is point, 16, so. This means that. My. Stress you know my. Order. When. It head stop-loss, of, 63. Peps it. Will lose, 1%. Of the count. The. Next important, thing to know that this. Threaten. Chart, has. Two modes of trading, by. Default it is set to use two weight training but. You can also, choose. One-way trading so. What this, will do is that, it will close, all. The, trades of the, opposite, position before, opening, the new one so, again if I want to execute, another sell, trade it. Will close all the bitrates, and only, then execute, the sell trade, so. This is the mode that you should be using on accounts, like fxcm, broker you know the, ones from the US. Regulations. That, come from and if I think and, you know, those. Regulations are called first-in first-out and, hedging is prohibited. On those accounts so or, just you, know maybe a strategy, tells you to do this so I just. Click sell trade and I see all bitrates, closed and then. Myself trade execute, it again so. Now, if I click buy trade all. The sell trades get closed and by trade open immediately.

Obviously. Each trade gets set all the stop, loss and take profit as, they as they appear you know in. The settings, additionally. I can apply. Breakeven. Or tail, or trailing, stop. Now for trailing stop it's you know it's quite it's, quite obvious. I. Don't. Know how trailing stop works I won't. Go through explanation, in this video just. To make it short they know but I will. Just to, mention that breakeven works and in. In a way that if. If. Your strategy kind, of charges you I mean your broker charges, Commission's. Then. Trading, chart automatically. Calculate, the sides of commissions, for your trade, and. The swap. Costing. For your trade and. It will add a, break-even, point, just. Above, you, know slightly. Above the open, price, so. If the price reverses, and gets back at you and closes. A train at breakeven. Then. You will you know you would get your order closed in a small profit just, to cover expenses of your Commission's and swap so, this is quite a good feature and you. Know clients, really love it people, love this because, you don't need, to figure out how many pips to add you know in profit, and so on you know. Application. Does this for you now. Let's take a look at the pending. Orders so. Let, me just close this market, trade right now and I will I will want to place by stop. Let's. Say somewhere around this point of. Right. Here, so yeah. 1.09. To. Be buy stop at the, exact price and. I. Won't stop, loss of 50 and take, profit of say, 200, and that's. I want to risk I don't. Know H. $1, and. I click, place, and, it. Will place my pending, order it, will calculate the, right amount, of. Position. Side you know the right position, size to lose their to. Lose 8 to 8 dollars in case it his stop-loss, but obviously, in case it hits take profit, you, would make four, times than. That because, my take profit is, four, times bigger. My. Take profit line, is. Not visible I will, have, to, lower. The scale right like. This yeah here's my take profit. So. Again. Let's. Write to, place a sell, stop let's. Say I want to play sales place a still stop right, here, a to, five ok. One. Point oh eight to five and, this. Time I will use take profit, of 50 pips for. Example, and click the play button and, it, just places, the you, know the pending order and it. Looks like it just plays it on top of my previous or that. Number. By stop. And. Stop. Lost right you know it doesn't matter I just can click pinning right. Here in the close section and it will close all the pendings so. Another, cool, stuff. Around. This app is that I could use pips distance. So let's say I would, say.

I Would want sell, stop order, placed. 20. Pips. You. Know 20, pips distant, from my. Market. Price no current market price so clicks place button and 20. Pips below. It places, my, sell. Stop obviously. It adds a stop loss and take profit as, well. Now. The cool thing about is, is. That you can choose buy, and sell stops, and, if. I decide to place at 20, pips. Distance. It, will happen like this click, place button, and it. Will place. A. Buy, stop 20. Pips above and, a sell stop 20, pips below so. This is something that nukes traders use a lot you know so. Just a few minutes before. The trade news released. You. Just said your, desired parameters, you know the distance stop-loss. Position. Size and so on and you just click place button once and it will place buy and sell stop orders, for you at your, desired, distance so it's really quite useful on. The other side if. Don't have time to wait for that perfect moment, just, one a few minutes before news release, to. Place a pending, orders you, can schedule. The tray so. Let's delete. These pending orders I will. Switch my time from two one minute just to make it. Kind. Of zoom in and, now, I will choose, that I want, to schedule, my. Tread so I now I need to enter the, time it. Will be 2016. And it should be a broker time according. To the market, watch clock right here. So. It's. January. 19. And. It's. 1624. It. Actually worked with seconds, so I can do 23. And, for. Example, 40. And then, I can say, place. My two pending, orders 10 pips from, the, distance. That we'll have so I could, place button and it cries this horizontal. Line purple. Line, and. It means there's a there's, a scheduled, order and. Now at this exact, time for. 40, seconds, it's, just in a couple seconds, it. Will place, two. Pending orders from the current. Price that, happened. To be at that very exact moment you know so you could place this powers, or days in the future kind of and, it. Doesn't matter what the price is at the moment the. You. Know the, important thing that is when you when. The time gets to. Your scheduled, time of, your order you know it will get placed, and. The. Current price at that very same moment will, be used in all the calculations, for the position, size for, a distances, and so on so. Right now we've got two or displays, and. Let's. Close, them so. Let's. Try to schedule, something else let's, write a schedule. Let's. Say fix, that lot size of. One, of. 0.1, to 2. Let's. Stop loss of 10 and take, profit of 10. And. Let's schedule it. 25. Minutes, and, click, buy. So. Right now we can see a blue, vertical. Line it means a buy buy. Trade is scheduled, and. Here. It goes, so I at. The right you know at the exact time. Application. Executes, the scheduled trade and the. Market price that was, at that very same moment you, know. So. Hope. You guys enjoying, the application, so far and. You. Know one, last thing to show. Actually. A few few. Couple things to show is, that it has also Osio. Option. So. This means that I can place two pending orders in opposite, directions and, when. I have Ecco, enabled. Then. The, opposite, pending, order will get cancelled. The. Very next moment when, the first, pending Gordon is executed, so for example I have buy pending, order and still sell stop and Gordon if, my self stop gets triggered. Then. The the, very next moment the, buy stop, will be cancelled, or or. In, reverse you know if my buy stop is executed, then, my sell stop will be cancelled. So this.

Works Very well with new trading as well. So. There. Are a couple more features so, we can set. Take. Profit, in seconds, those are for scalpers, and. We. Can also set. Take, profit, in the exact price. And. Those are the same for stop-loss, what else you can set stop-loss. At exact, price and. Also we have an, option, to set, stop-loss. At a, high, or low of the previously, closed, price. Bar and this. Next one is, is. The, second, closed. Price. Bar, so. Let's try this one. And let. Me close this. Illustrates. I, will. Switch to a daily, chart and zoom, in. So. This will give us a bigger scale so, let's say I want. To risk. $100. And, I want to place my stop-loss. Higher. Low depending on the try direction, that I will go and. My. Take profit pips, should, be, two. Times bigger then. The stop-loss, so I'm not sure how big my stop-loss will be but no, matter how big it will be my take profit will, be two times bigger and. Let's. Say I will, switch to instant. Execution, now and, I. Will click the sell trade I, click. Sell and immediately. It opens. The sell trade and then. It places, a stop-loss, right here, just. Exactly. At the high price of the, last closed bar and. Now. I. Can. See that my stop-loss is, about. 53. Pips so this, makes my take. Profit, to. Be around. 106. Pips. Isn't. It cool yet so, let's try another one let's, try a high-low, -, so this should. Play should, use, the. Second, closed bar price bar high, right. Right, over there as, a stop loss, so. Let's say I will, use two. Pianist L ratio of one that, my take. Profit should, be of the same size as my stop loss and click the sell button again, immediately. Places. Another sell trade and. Just. Like I was saying my, stop. Loss was placed. Right. At this. High. Price and my, take profit is, of the same size as. The stop loss so my stop loss is about. 110. Pips and my, take profit is. 110. Pips as well. So. Obviously. Both. Boat, raids had position. Sizes, calculated. Exactly. To, kind of lose. You, know hundred, dollars, so. Let, me do a small experiment, you know it's. It's, always kind of hard to demonstrate how, all these. Options. Work. But. If, I make my stop-loss, is quite. Small I might I might succeed, so let's say I will I will set my stop loss at five pips and my. Take profit is five pips as well or. Me I know. It's it's a take, profit and stop-loss ratio, action so I will make it two so, it should be 10, pips and then. I will, open a by trade. And. Now. It. Chose to have a lot size of two and this. Means that if. My stop-loss gets, hit of five pimps the trade. Should lose approximately. $100. So. Let's you. Know. And. If it hits take profit, obviously, it should win two, times than, that you, know it should win $200. Because my take, profit is, two times bigger then, my stop-loss. So. While. This trade is. Running hopefully. It will hit stop class soon. It. Usually happens when, you don't expect it you know but now that I am waiting for it to, to. Hit stop-loss, it might never happen actually yeah, but. Well. You know when you use such application. It. Really makes a trading easier for sure you know because you can load it on as many charts as you want and.

You. Know you can just switch. Switch. Between charts, so let me show you you know I can I can open for, example dollar. Franc, and. I can, add. Application. As well I just drag it on the chart I. Put. My license. Key click. OK. Location. Will load and, now, I have application. On the second chart as well so, I can you know place trades - so. Now I can even go to the, to. The. Eurodollar. Chart and, click this little, hard, button, right here what. This makes is that it saves. The. Settings, as default and, now. For go to other instance, of trade and chart and click this arrow, right here it. Will load the default settings, so as you can see all. The same settings were loaded, from the previous, instance of the euro dollar also. There is this button right here, that can hide, the, panel kind of minimize it or the, same effect happens if you click on that, right. At the top. So. Again you know a really. Really powerful software, for sure. So. Now I could, you know open even more charts, if I wanted to so it's, really really, really. Useful. Let's. See how what trade is doing oh it's. Going, up yeah, not much left.

2019-01-08 10:23

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