Trade Review: Some Winners, Some Losers | Technically Speaking: Trading Stocks & Options

Trade Review: Some Winners, Some Losers | Technically Speaking: Trading Stocks & Options

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[Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone welcome to our webcast on technically speaking trading stocks and options i'm connie hill i love this class it's always a pleasure for me to be here with you and i'm happy to see some of our familiar faces here with us again uh let's just do a quick hello to kassan vijay tony bill krishna david larry richard ganache very good glad you're all here we also have joining us barb armstrong one of our fabulous coaches and she's going to help me she's going to write shotgun she's going to try to help me answer questions as they come along and then hopefully between the two of us will be able to answer any questions that you might have so feel free to chat those on or in and if you're listening to this on the recording just know you can ask questions too if you go ahead and put your question whatever it is in the comment section then as coaches we go back and review that throughout the day so we'll be able to get your question answered as well well let me ask you a question how many of you have been in a situation similar to what i'm going to describe when i was a kid when i was 12 i decided it was time for me to start earning some money and my sister a few years earlier had picked strawberries and raspberries at a local farm and so i went over there and i just knocked on their door one day and i said i would like to pick strawberries and raspberries for you this summer and they looked at me and i'm kind of short anyway and they're like well you're pretty tiny are you sure you want to do this i said yes i did want to do this anyway they hired me they let me work but i was waiting for feedback and i didn't know if they liked me i didn't know if i was doing a good job if they were just being nice to me i really needed some of that feedback and sometimes that's what we need as well whether it's on a job whether it's maybe in a relationship well in our case today we need to have some feedback on our trades and so that's where we're going to spend quite a bit of time today doing some analysis in terms of giving you some feedback and some information about how do we manage these traits well let's get down to business here i do want to remind you of my twitter handle chill underscore tda barb's twitter handle is b armstrong underscore tda and throughout the day we'll post educational information little tidbits that you'll want to get or to have available to you if you're not following us as following the coaches you're really missing out hopefully that to happen to any of you all right what we talked about talk about today is intended for educational and informational purposes only not investment advice or a recommendation of any security strategy or account type options are not suitable for all investors as the service inherent to options trading may expose investors to potentially rapid and substantial losses while this webcast discusses technical analysis in other approaches including fundamental analysis may assert very different views past performance of any security or strategy does not guarantee future results for success all investing involves risk including the risk of loss well we have some other folks joining us here just give a quick hello to mia osborne sarah and tony as well glad you're here uh as far as stop-loss orders go because we are going to be placing some of those today keep in mind when it when it triggers a market order on your stop order it's not guaranteeing a particular price it's just guaranteed that it's going to if it gets at or below that price that it'll trigger your order get you out at the next available price which we hope is close to the trigger price but it does doesn't always fall in that category all right we're going to do a quick market posture i think the move that we're looking at today is very interesting so we're going to just take a quick look there and then i have several positions that we have created in this class that need some feedback we need to follow up with them i think that's one of the important parts of our discussions here in our webcast is that we don't just show you the beginning of things we try to show you the middle of things and the end of things as well so that you can start putting those pieces together as you're practicing your strategies and then we're going to do a new example trader 2 depending on how far we get down the path let's jump over first and let's get our brief market posture well that's not where i wanted it to be i must have done something to it all right here's the spx it's a good gauge for our overall market the interesting thing that i think is happening today is that we're maybe getting a little breakout above resistance this is the spx had been trending in a kind of a wider channel for several months and then it started to make these lower lows lower highs okay today what it's doing instead of hitting resistance here like it did previously it kind of came up to it and what does it do man it's busting through we're having a pretty bullish day on the s p up 100 or not one point five five one percent which is a pretty strong move on an index and so this could be really something that continues when we see a break of diagonal resistance it gives us the idea of whoa all right maybe things are going to stay are going to change they're not going to stay in these boundaries where it had been before so i think that's one thing we're going to need to keep our eye on uh and i see it appearing quite a bit all over the place throughout our market all right next we're going to spend a lot of time on follow-up of our different trades and some of these are trades of patients some of them are trades that we did last week that are really quick pace trades so if we come over here let's go to our monitor tab and the first one i want to bring up here is and right here we did a couple of weeks ago we did some spread trades and like i said they're typically trades of patients i'm going to open up mgm first i want you to notice mgm is down just a little bit 14.50 and so on that let's do actually i wanted to be in a different area maybe i didn't want mgm let me just look here real quick all right this is where i wanted up here in this vertical section i actually really wanted to do target and and tjx and it's tjx that's actually up on this trade and i want to break it down here take a look at it you'll notice we don't have any sell orders off to the side although i think it's a great thing to do so that you can either get yourself out of the trade or lock in gains on a trade now we did two different trades with tjx it was bullish our first trade that we did here is a long call vertical the second trade we did here is a short put vertical both of which are bullish traits one typically is set up a little bit more conservatively the other one a little bit more aggressively but it doesn't have to be that way so let's take a look at what we have on our short put vertical trade our well our short put leg is the 65 in our long call vertical which isn't that is more it's a double spread it's not a credit spread like like the short put vertical is uh where we need the stock to go to get beyond that price where we can collect a maximum gain is uh 70 okay right now let's go see where things stand we can see right here the mark price is at 64 19. all right so that'll give us an idea let's jump over here to tjx all right uh let me go back here just looking at this here here was our entry day and you know i'm looking at this thinking did we construct bearish trades instead of bullish trades and i think that's exactly what we did and i just was reading it the opposite so really we've got a short call vertical where we need the stock to stay below 70 okay and then on our long put vertical we want the straw to drop past 65.

so here we are this is the day we got into the trade stock had broken through this support level here headed on down and what has it done since then well it's done what we needed it to do no wonder it's a profitable trade for us both of those yeah so it has pulled back today's getting a little bit of a bounce so it's taking away a little bit of our profitability but is it below 70 clearly is it below 65 yeah definitely is below 65. so both of those are seeming to work out right now but we should put a trade in there to lock in our games we do it a little bit differently for a credit spread than we do for a debit spread let me get rid of the news here and we're going to be using our calculator and let's use our scratch pad here and more than anything uh this part i don't mind being on here the close above the whole the high of the low day is something that can be a reminder to you but i am going to get these off my screen all right give us a little bit of room to draw in our own notes here so on this particular order we've got the initial net debit for this trade was a dollar 22. well what's the spread amount it's 2.50

so it's almost almost in half we had a almost the same to gain as what we had to risk in this case we have a dollar 22 to risk that was what our debit costed and so our net potential gain or our max potential gain here is going to be 250 minus 122. and so we could say all right the max gain on this particular trade is going to be a buck 28 all right which is simply 250 minus the 122 is 128. now it's doing pretty decent there but how would we put in this order to go buy it back when we get a majority of the game now i'm going to use the number on this one of eighty percent you don't have to use eighty percent but you could all right uh a majority can be anywhere maybe seventy percent maybe ninety percent you kind of judge where you think that would be nice to be and you may have a methodology that maybe you use the same number over and over but i'll vary it depending on what kind of a trade it is and if i'm looking for big moves or small moves so we're going to say all right we could lose 122. that's our max loss potential whatever we put into the debit now let's figure out what 80 of a gain is on 128. our max potential gain so if we get 80 of it that means we've captured essentially a dollar to and so we would look for a dollar to to be added on to our max potential loss that's how much we want the the value of that spread to go up to so if we were going to select our closing order we're going to say create closing order we're going to pick the top one because that includes both of our legs and instead of being 155 which we're glad it's going that direction we're glad it's higher than 128. all right we're going to put on 102 plus 122 gives us what 124.

all right that's how much we're going to say get up to that and then we want to lock in our profits now i'm just looking here real quick i think i may be off just a little bit um that was 102. if i take i just need to make sure i didn't mess this up 250 minus 1 22 yeah should give us the 128 and then i uh added 102 to the 128 that's what i did wrong it should be uh 230 okay 128 plus 102 should be 2 30. that's the part i messed up there we go that looks better to me so we're getting trying to lock that in we're going to make this as a good till cancelled order and so when the value of that spread gets to there we're saying execute for me don't execute before then if you're still down at a buck 55 don't do it wait till you get to 2 30. we're going to say confirm and send we still have several days for this trade to play out jack thank you for helping me there and we're going to send this off should go up in our working orders now now the second trade this was a a short call vertical so bearish on the trade uh we brought in a credit of looks like 61 cents here we've got a two and a half wide spread on it so let's go check this out so our max gain in this case i'll make this in the same column here our max gain is 61 cents what's our max loss i mean that's our take that back that's our max gain and i should have put it right over here there we go and then if we want to calculate our max loss we're going to go 250 the strike difference minus 61 cents is a buck 89.

so in this case we are risking more than what we have to gain so if we were going to say well if we can get a majority of 61 cents what would we want to buy the spread back at that would essentially mean the value of the spread is lower than where it was when we got in we sold it for 61. you know we're hoping we can buy it back for a really small amount maybe it's a nickel or a dime and we'll go ahead and do a percentage here so if we say 61 cents times uh let's go 15 this time okay we're going to multiply this one by 0.15 says go buy it back at nine cents that's what we're going to do up here on the vertical right mouse click create closing order it's pretty close actually already not quite there's it's down to 19 cents so it's making good progress for us we're gonna have it do it at nine cents get that period in there make it a good till cancelled and we're gonna send it on its way so when you do a debit spread you you calculate your profitability one way on a credit spread you do it another way and that's a good example to show you here all right off it goes next trade we need to take a look at kind of a hard look is a target now i'm just going to collapse these i want you to see on target we are down on the trade okay last week we looked at them they were in good shape but we said their trades of patience which they are and as though we open up target here we did the same thing intentionally we have a short let me just take a quick look at target real quick because i'm thinking it went the opposite direction and i should kind of show you that first before we get into the numbers so you have an expectation of the numbers we got in here it had been downward trending target had some disappointing numbers a lot of retailers had some disappointing numbers back near this day and so it did drop a little bit for us but what is it doing now whoa it is clearly changed [ __ ] it is not bearish anymore is it so you have to decide hey i know i put on a high probability trade but it looks to me like the trend has changed and so if the trend has changed we either want to do one or two things we want to close down the trade or what we're going to do today which is a little trickier we're going to change the trade and i don't want to use the word salvage the trade because it's not necessarily that we are going to salvage the trade but it is an attempt to help improve on those negative returns right now so as we come over here we look at target uh notice here let's do the calls first the 250 long call is profitable the 240 short call is not profitable okay see how that's down 345. this one's up 176 so the net there is 169. now if somebody wanted to you could just say do you know what we're wrong the stock change trend let's close it down that would be just fine if you really think that there's enough time here which we have 36 days for the stock maybe to continue to move the direction it changed to that it continues to go positive then what you could consider is saying you know what let's get rid of the losing leg let's get rid of that short call let's hang on to our long call and let's see what it makes up now to really track this closely you would want to keep a trading journal and you would want to show what we're going to do getting out of each leg separately so that you can really track hey did this work when i when i just basically sold off this the call that wasn't earning money uh in this case buying it back did it really work you'd want to be able to track those numbers i'm going to try to track them using thinkorswim and we'll we'll touch base on them in the future so let's go here first leg our negative call guess what we're just going to get rid of it we're going to go buy it back we're going to create a closing order we're not going to grab the top because that would grab both legs but we do want to come over here and do a plus our 240 call we're going to go buy it back we're doing it a loss we know we're doing it at a loss okay we have to recognize that so there's the value we could try to get the midpoint price which i'll try to do here we're going to be done with this leg and we are really counting on the stock continuing in a bullish direction that's the reason why we're doing it and trying to have some reversals so that we're not down on the position nearly so much and if it really goes great maybe we actually salvage the trade and it becomes a little bit positive for us or at least a very small loss right now it's a decent loss so we're going to hit confirm and send we want this to go oh let's see here put that down again all right now one leg closes out uh dylan says change of polarity and that's what uh some traders will call it basically saying we're not positive anymore we're negative we're changing our probability we're changing our outlook on the stock okay next trade here we have looking at that i thought we only closed one leg there on tjx we did the long call i'm not seeing where oh it went down here okay there we are good now what do we do with our long put vertical well our long put is the one that's profitable here right it's up 602 our our long put isn't profitable at all we thought it was going to be when the stock was going down and that's why we set up that kind of a trade but it's not so what are we going to do here are we comfortable being short the put here are we comfortable saying okay i'll buy the stock the target if it's a 2 30 if for whatever reason it gets put to me we have to be comfortable taking on that risk all right if that happens now what we're going to do though we're going to close down this long put that's not profitable we're going to create the closing order we're going to come down here and sell it it's the 240. i'm going to sell it again for a loss we know it's a loss okay so that's why we've got to track the numbers just one leg we're going to hit confirm and send actually i'm going to try to do the midpoint here see if paper money will be nice to us a little bit okay good got filled on that so now what we're going to do is we're just going to track the two remaining legs again if i had a trading journal i would want to go and record those numbers so i could keep track of it and that's something you would consider doing all right all right those are our trades of patience they're going to keep going and we're going to keep tracking them now last week we taught a little talked a little bit about swing trading and have a trade i want to show you the results of let's go to mosaic and in mosaic this was a real quick trade for us guys we had our day that we got in it was a nice short flagpole but then it had this consolidation against the grain of the direction of the pole it was breaking out on the day that we got in the expectation of movement was essentially the height of this previous flagpole which again wasn't super long we duplicated it we put it on here the expected move was to be about 41.54

what did the stock do well it moved pretty quickly for us and we love it on swing trades when the stock moves quickly for us that's what we why we're trying to be on time to the party which we talked about last week that we want to be very quick to get into the trades and very quick to get out of the trades and guess what happened ours our stop here we'll go take a look at it our target i believe was uh 42 it was either 18 or 13 okay the stock moved 42-22 so it went just barely above our target and we had put in our target in there and so it executed for us so if we come over here to the monitor an account statement we pull up mosaic here and we had done a long call and we had purchased the stock in this class some of you are not option traders yet which is just fine but i like to show both ideas both stocks both option trades so here's our 268 shares of mosaic we paid 38 or 39.88 for us it hit our target there it is four cents below the high of that day triggered us out at 42.18 and that's where our target was it was at 42 18 so it did it filled it at that price now what about the long call the long call we got in these trades same time same class and the call cost us 298 and when it triggered and took us out of the trade it it triggered out 435. now i'm going to take you back to the chart and then i'm going to run a couple of numbers by you as but i want you to be able to see the chart here on the stock it made this move pretty quick i went through and calculated the numbers before our session started and it had a 5.8 return from the buy price to where it sold out at 42.18.

the long call on the other hand what do you suppose its return was should it have been bigger than the stock percentage return all right those of you that are knowing options getting better about options yeah it definitely should be so the gain on these call was we gained a dollar 37 on it it started out at 298 that gave us about a 46 return now those of you that are trying to develop and cement in the concepts with options i think that's a good example of why somebody is interested in maybe doing a swing trade and using just a long option with it okay if it moves the direction you thought it needed to and it moves there very quickly you can get a pretty decent return on it if it dilly dallies or goes the opposite direction you could end up losing the whole amount right in this particular scenario i wanted to show you the vast difference so a 5.8 percent return compared to a 46 percent return on that long option uh let me see what mac has to say here i know that i know selling the option will close the contract but is there something special i would do to exercise it before expiration rather than just sell it in thinkorswim all right let's go back uh to and i think you're thinking this this instruction or question was when we were looking at mosaic i think right maybe it wasn't maybe it was when we were in target and you were saying what if i were to exercise it so the only ones you could exercise would be the short legs okay the long legs we have a potential we have a right we can exercise it if we want to it's on the short legs where we have the potential obligation now as we were looking here at target the one that we just got rid of we got rid of oh that's interesting they were both at eight o'clock 805 and 855. if we had wanted to exercise it we could but in this case what are we doing we're we're keeping we're keeping part of the trade let's open up uh target here right we are keeping our long 250 call there's a bigger return potential if we hold on to the call and let it gain in value than actually exercising it but could you theoretically exercise it yes you could on the long put that we sold because it wasn't doing us any favors could you have theoretically gone and exercise that you exercised your right to sell it to somebody else for that value that strike price yes you could have done that that is definitely one of your choices it probably just doesn't pan out mathematically to work in your favor if you do that hopefully that makes sense and mac if i didn't answer your question tell me to go back and read it again or give me more details about what you're looking for uh bill wants to know how is she getting the trade bubbles on the chart let's go back to the chart i think what you're talking about are these trade bubbles what i'm doing is i'm using the oval icon and i have my oval icon set up to be green in color so when i draw an oval i just go put it over the candle where i want it to go and then it fills it in and then on this one well green's my default color on this one i initially drew it and it was green and then i set out of properties and i changed it to pink the red was a little too dark so that's why i did pink as our exit hopefully that max makes sense um oh okay let's go back max giving me a little bit more detail i mean more in general if i if i had one leg long option and i wanted to exercise do i just click the right mouse and close the order will selling it automatically exercise okay so yeah let's talk through that mac selling it does not exercise selling it means you're making the choice that you want to sell it off instead of exercise all right now if we come over here and let's say we've got our long call here if i wanted to do a right mouse click you could choose off of here exercise you could choose that but again it's an intentional choice it doesn't happen just because because you close it okay so i'm glad you're asking those clarifying questions next up uh next up is murphy on our we'll just take a look here here's murphy again we did a swing trade last week we got on into this on october 7th today's 14th month is flying by and we did a hundred shares on this particular one and we put in our order looks like we put in a stop order and i'm i'm not seeing the buy order but if we come over here and look at the chart on murphy let's see what happened since we got in last week again we had a nice little flagpole flag was the consolidation it broke out and then read up a little bit and guess what it's doing again flagging wagon again it looked like earlier today was trying to break out of that flag we'll see where it really closes it might not be a very convincing flag especially if it closes flat or negative then we'd say okay didn't really break out but we do still have sitting in here our orders we have our order for the target set at 31.75 we have our order for our stop down here at uh let's see what that exact value was i missed it basically going down a dollar 76 from the purchase price but as you look at it here here's our day we got in uh price of the stock is up here would it make sense to leave our stop loss down here would make sense to move our stop loss up a little bit okay i'm going to propose for us for this situation we are in a partial profit scenario let's move our stop loss up where would we want to move it up to there's a lot of things we could do but some traders what they'll do is they'll say okay in this pullback where was the low price and let's just go a little below it a little might be 10 cents 25 cents and big dollar stocks maybe it's a buck okay it just totally depends uh here the low price was 28 12.

so what if we were to say hey stock if you drop down to 2802 let's get out of the trade or maybe you know sometimes people will put stop losses right at even numbers and so we could even go down to just a shade below 28 we could do like 29.95 okay just get a little bit below it just in case there's lots of stops sitting there executions that pop the stock back up so i'm going to drag this little guy if he'll cooperate with me okay doesn't want to cooperate so we're going to say cancel replace this order our stop was set here at 26 and what do we just say we're gonna do it for two cents or 12 cents lower so we're going to go 29 90 for this one 29.90 what does that allow us to do well it allows us to say hey the stocks move the way we thought it would move it's a swing trade we wanted it to move quickly it did let's at least lock in some gains maybe it's not all the way to where the target is but we're going to leave that target in place we're just going to update this we're going to hit send oh what did i do wrong rat uh it sold us out clearly oh those are canceled orders field orders right here murphy triggers us out of the current price that was our field order i'm gonna have to go back and see what i did there if i come over here to account statement i can see we said for this stock there we go let's put the right ticker symbol in there and some of you may have seen what i did yeah it sold us out here at 28.68 so we did at least lock in some profits but i was intending for that to be my stop i wonder if i didn't put i'd wonder if i didn't market stop i wonder if i just left a limit and i forgot to market stop i'm willing to bet that's what my my problem was okay so do as i say not as i did all right i did that incorrectly now i want to put in at least another trade for us to follow up on all right i'm going to come over here to charts and i want to use the same approach that we talked a little bit about last week which is be on time to the party meaning swing trades you want to be aggressive on your entry you want to be aggressive on your exit all right you don't want a dilly dally you can't put these in and go on vacation okay maybe you can if you've got a real tight stop and a tight target and you don't care how it plays out maybe somebody might do that but it's the idea that you need to be paying attention to it let's take a look at a stock here we're going to look at valero oil there's lots of oil and energy stocks that i pulled up today that look very similar to this they have a nice little flagpole they have a consolidating flag in this area and then it looks like here even if if the price of the stock closed where it is right now it would be a close above the high of the low date and it would also be a breakout of a flat sometimes we get both of those we do have earnings coming up that will be on the 21st so next thursday before the market opens so this would be a fairly short term trade now some people might choose to uh do a an order that maybe i should say a strategy that they think might execute quickly on this i'm going to duplicate the drawing i'm going to move this flag pole over i'm going to set it down right here where it broke out and let's see where the potential target could be well it could be at around 86 94 so almost 87 so let's do a trade that we think might be beneficial with that now if you were a little bit worried it wasn't going to make a quick move maybe you'd do a vertical okay on swing trades a lot of times people don't go that way so we could buy the stock out right and put that target in there for it in fact let me write that target down here so we can reference it that target was uh 78 no 80s i told you wrong 86 94 so almost 87 let's do it a little bit lower than that let's go 86.50

okay let's put our target not all the way up that might be a little optimistic but let's do it just a little bit shy of that and let's put it in stop loss where should we put it well let's just put it a little bit below where it maybe would be dropping out of this consolidation because if the flag breaks out or the formation breaks out and then it dips back into the consolidation area we say the pattern is broken it did not work okay and so we would want to get out of the trade quickly i'm going to put that we could go a little bit below this low which would be fine let's go the low here 76.92 let's do the the stop here at 78.50 okay i'm just going to use 78.50 we're going to use kind of a little bit round numbers okay let's do it right mouse click by custom with ocl bracket if you were an options person you could do this with an option as well we're just going to keep it simple today just do it with a stock uh our price we're okay getting in some people might want to wait till the close and make sure really stays broken out of the flag consolidation pattern we're not going to do that because you're going to be doing your thing and i'm going to be doing my thing so our target we're going to put up here is 86.50 we decided to go just a little bit below that uh where the top of the flagpole duplicated would be and then our stop loss here we're going to put at 78.50 which is just a about i think it was 28 cents below the low of yesterday we're going to mark it good till cancelled good till cancelled uh remember on this one we're saying a limit order get to 86.50 or better and

then fill me and then on the stop loss if it gets to 78.50 or lower we say trigger a market order get me out of the trade it might not be at 78.50 okay it might be a little bit lower than that what if it gaps down and goes down and opens up at you know 77 that's certainly lower than that but we're saying get me out of the trade and that's what you commonly will do with swing trades so we've got valero here i'm going to hit confirm and send and we are going to send this to our trading stocks and options all right we got filled we're going to have one more order to track here um let's see here's a note here you moved the stop up to 29.90 you meant to move it up just under 28 around 27.98 okay yes it was a human error for sure human error but it was still a profitable trade which is correct it still was a profitable trade and i do think i left it at that target and didn't change it to a stock which i should have done all right uh bert says well if you weren't going to do an option trade what option trade would you do well number one if you're thinking i want to buy a long call long call vertical you want to do the right amount of time and the other thing is you want to keep track if you want to be out of this trade before they announce earnings you need to make sure you go out there on the 20th be out of the trade by the end before the market closes on the 20th because it's going to be the next morning when valero announces earnings now the same thing with a call or any of these options could you do a short put vertical yes but do you need time for a short vertical to execute and have time value meld away yeah is that the best choice maybe not could you do a long call vertical you could you don't have a lot of time decay there helping you but if it moves in the right direction that still could be profitable so you're you're wanting to make sure you've got your time aligned here okay if somebody said yeah i'm gonna do a long call option november could be just fine this also could be fine if you're doing verticals okay giving you enough time hopefully for the play to execute we know we only have six days so we're gonna have six days before we would get out because of the earnings announcement and we want to add on extra time we need that buffer of time so that time decay doesn't whack us so bad especially if the stock goes sideways or even retraces a little bit and doesn't go the way that it wanted to so if in that kind of a scenario you want to be out by next week you know maybe these uh we uh monthlies would be okay there's lots of open interest here maybe you're like well maybe a little bit less time would be okay check out that open interest you make sure that there's a big c and you're just a little tiny fish in the big sea of contracts i would say on the november 21st there's just not the liquidity there to justify that now if somebody said you know i'm going to treat this as a stock substitute and i want to buy a long call for out in the future maybe you'd look at march of 22 maybe you look at june of 22. all three of these bottom ones would be considered leap options at this point the june the jan and jan okay so it really depends on the type of option trade you wanted to get into very good well i hope you're able to keep up with that analysis because it was for you giving you feedback on what happened with these trades and and maybe you're paper trading alongside me and you can compare notes what we discovered with these particular trades and what you might with your own trades so we did a quick market posture seeing the s p break through that diagonal resistance we looked at all our open positions we determined what we needed to do with each of them give you some feedback in terms of managing those trades and then we were able to throw on valero as one potential option um i think and let me just take a quick look here did we have a survey out here um i barb if we did have a survey yes we did have a survey here it is i would really appreciate your feedback you know as coaches we will get surveyed to have a survey thrown in once in a while and and they like to check your pulse they like to make sure this is beneficial for you so there's three fill in the radio dot buttons pop pop pop you can answer those really quickly and then after that um there are two places you can write in information if you want and sometimes we get some great suggestions from you things you would like us to cover in our classes so feel free to use that space for anything but i would so appreciate you filling out that survey for me we read every comment we go through and look at them they're anonymous we don't know who sins and what so sam we have no idea okay what's going on there uh sam wants to know if you could set a trolling stop loss at the top i'll just answer you real quickly sam you can set a trilling stop loss at any point as long as the trade is in play right maybe it gets to a certain point and you're like okay i want a trolling stop at two percent or five percent or ten dollars or whatever it is you can go ahead and add that you bet don't have time to show you but yes you certainly could all right well as we wrap up need to tell you james boyd's going to be up next right at the top of the other trade uh top of the hour trading the trend and then i just need to remind you that what we talked about today was for informational and educational purposes only was not intended to be investment advice a recommendation of any security strategy or account type all right barb thank you so much for helping us out in the chat i think you guys kept her a little bit busy i appreciate that don't forget forget to subscribe if you're not a subscriber yet click on that red subscribe button so you can keep up to date with all the classes we have going on all right everyone have a great afternoon we'll see you tomorrow bye [Music] you

2021-10-18 11:05

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