Track Your Trades in a Trading Journal | Technically Speaking: Trading Stocks & Options

Track Your Trades in a Trading Journal | Technically Speaking: Trading Stocks & Options

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[Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone welcome to our webcast on technically speaking trading stocks at options happy that you would join me here today we've got some important topics to focus on in fact the topic we're going to discuss today came from one of the comments and questions from several of you when we've been doing some of these surveys and so i thought maybe that might be a good thing to tackle today and that is how many of you have a great way to track your trades sometimes you don't all right today we're going to talk about using the trading journal show you how to post all your information in there if you're somebody that has a trading journal already i g i commend you because that's uh it is it takes a little bit of work to keep it up but uh i would uh encourage all of you to find a way to track your traits we'll get into that a little bit further here let's say go through some disclosures let me well let me say a quick hello we've got several of you checking in here uh krishna john wayne although it's not john wayne it's john separate wayne vijay boss betsy todd tony tony c tony p bill betsy mia awesome and we also have here in our chat to help us out today cameron may he's one of my fellow coaches that always does such a super job and is incredibly qualified to help me answer your questions now i'll try to tackle what i can but if there are a few things that i don't get to hopefully cameron will be able to pick those up now uh let's go through our disclosures and let's lay out exactly what we're going to do here today talk what we talked about today the content is intended intended for educational and informational purposes only not investment advice or a recommendation of any security strategy or account type options are not suitable to to all investors as the special risks inherent option trading may expose investors to potentially substantial and rapid losses a trailing stop loss or stop-los stop a trailing stop loss or stop loss order will not guarantee an accident execution at or near the activation price once activated they compete with other on incoming orders that might be something that we will touch on in a little bit more depth today all right for our agenda number one we're going to look at some trade management in terms of some trades we've done in the past the majority of the time i really want to focus on that trading journal and actually going through our trade review before we go to the trading journal will be helpful because we're going to use some of those examples and then we'll of course put on a sample trade that we can track and monitor in its progress so let's get over to the think or swim platform here now i'm going to bring it back over here to activity and positions the first one i want to talk to you about is skin we had shares of skin in our portfolio up until 24 minutes ago and then at 24 minutes ago it executed our trade because we had put in a one cancels other we had put in a stop loss and a target and and i want to go back to on the account statement and show you that information just kind of highlight it here right here down in our trade history we can see what we're talking about right here all right we can see at 10 36 which is mountain time it executed a trade got us out at 2501. well what were the orders in here the order was essentially we either we can see skin here okay for the hundred shares we either were going to have a stop at 1902 or a limit at 25 okay the target was 25 it triggered 25 boom it filled us we got a little we got a penny extra out of it that doesn't always happen got us out of the trade did we have to stand there and try to catch it no we didn't that's one of the beauties of using orders to help lock in your profits and minimize losses in fact when i looked at this earlier today i thought oh we need to adjust our stop loss and then when i got out to look at the chart i could see oh it is all but they're ready to hit it and i was going to say maybe some traders might consider taking their profits because they were because we were so close to the target some traders might have decided to do that you can see it ran up just a few cents higher now of course it's pulling back a little bit all right grade number one made a nice little profit on that let's go back here to our next read we're going to take a look at we're going to take a look at a trade we did last week which was alibaba and on alibaba we did a short call vertical it's been a downward trending stock last week we were practicing some bear strategies and we indicated that no the market had not turned bearish but maybe we could go pick on some losers and practice our bearish strategies and our bearish trades so we did one here on alibaba uh let's see [Music] oh just like you know what vijay had said here to maya my head says i use the trading journal but i'm not sure how to record calls sold that expire out of the money or worthless we're going to touch on that meal we're going to show you that vijay gave you a little bit of an explanation but we'll go through it visually as well so in alibaba uh we did a short call vertical a 175 180 call spread which means we're bearish we're expecting that the stock is going to stay lower than our short strike price which is 175 and it looks like right now we're up on the trade over all about a whole 13 dollars that's all right let's go just take a quick look at the chart and let me switch this to the link because sometimes we'll want to use that there we go uh you can see this nice downward trend of the 30-day moving average is headed down like if you're not certain about picking out when you have lower lows and lower highs sometimes that moving average can help you so we had seen uh alibaba have a pretty decent drop the day that we got in that's the green oval that was just last thursday what has the stock done since then well it went down a couple of days like we thought it would and it's gone up a little bit but it's not like it's on a huge march upward is it i marked down here our short strike which is 175 that we're looking for the stock to stay below and i want you to notice that even though the stock hasn't done exactly what we thought it would do we still have a lot of time left in the trade and we're up in the trade well actually liberty upper were we down let me just go back here real quick because okay it was it's been changing on me here sometimes today it's been a little bit up and a little bit down so we are actually up on the trade and that's one of the nice thing about spreads is that especially a credit spread if you do it setting it up as a higher probability trade the stock could maybe not drop like we thought but if it does we can have a positive trade if it just goes sideways and in this case i'm going to use maybe the end of the day okay if it just went sideways we could still be in a positive trade and if it goes against us a little bit it can still be a positive trait now so far and this could change but so far it hasn't gone above our short strike price if it were to go above our short strike price and let's say there was a radical move and alibaba just totally changed trends and started marching upwards there is the possibility that you could be uh have your option exercised prior to options expiration date in the paper money platform it does not do that okay which is not a real reflection of the real world and so you need to be aware even though paper money doesn't typically do that that it still is a potential uh that you have to accept as a possibility all right there's alibaba now let's spend some time in the trading journal i'm going to jump over here to the td ameritrade platform just because i can make it bigger and we can hopefully see things a little bit better come into education select on webcast now why are we going to select on webcasts we're going to select on webcasts because that's where the link shows up there's it's in a couple of different spots the one that's coming up or that's the closest one for us to see is in a session that's coming up tomorrow with barb armstrong about trading a smaller account which i didn't mean to do that dread let me get back here trading a smaller account i'm going to scroll down this time i'm not going to click on trading a smaller account uh see that's right here in blue letters it says trading journal now hopefully you have a spreadsheet program this one is i identified to work with excel but i know there are other spreadsheet programs that can be compatible i can't guarantee that but what i can do is show you how you can use it in excel and some of you might not be spreadsheet people you might say i don't really think excel solves all the world's problems like you do connie which that's not totally true but i really do enjoy working with excel so let's take a look at you click there and lo and behold what's going to come up here is the trading journal okay it's going to pop open for you and it looks like this so let me give you some orientation here down here at the bottom it probably is going to open on this tab called strategy one but there is important information here that you want to review and then these instructions are fabulous we're going to go look at them in just a moment something that some traders do is they like to keep track of a strategy altogether so for example say you're doing stock trades they want all their stock trades together what if you're doing some long options or some spread options or time spreads they sometimes want to have a separate spreadsheet for it so we've started you out with three spreadsheets but you can always increase that to a number that you would like up here at the top but i want to kind of actually let's uh let's come over here to the instructions first and i want to make this a little bit maybe bigger than what it is gives you some general instructions here about how the trading journal works and then it starts out here with kind of a screenshot of the trading journal you'll put in your beginning balance that you want to start tracking from you can always put in additional deposits along the way it will do some calculations as you're putting in your information in terms of your capital you can keep track of what are your historical profits and losses per strategy now why is this important it's important for your numbers to not get lost in the sense that how are you going to know how well you're doing in a particular strategy if you're not tracking it i mean you might have an idea like oh i had you know a few good trades in a row but in order to really effectively identify where you're doing well and where you're not doing well is to track it and i will say this i had have seen some other trading journals i know there's a lot out there that you can search for all right you might choose to add some additional fields to this journal but i wouldn't necessarily play around with the calculations i would leave the calculations alone and just use blank fields for extra data i'll show you where that where that goes now it goes through and it basically gives you a general you're going to do a long stock what to do when you're ready to close the long stock what you know what columns are you going to be using what are those columns going to do and then it gives you an example of all sorts of different trades and just walks you through step by step by step so if you're for example doing something where you have multiple legs sometimes you might want to put it in together like if you're doing a short call vertical there could be other scenarios when maybe you want it to take up two lines maybe if you're planning on legging out of the trade or maybe you've got a further dated option that you plan on selling other options against it to generate some revenue you might want to put those on separate columns and it walks you all the way through the scenarios so if you're not really sure come back to the instructions page and that'll give you some good examples to look at now let me just see real quickly robert says how can you obtain the trading journal that you speak of robert i'm not sure when you type that in if you typed that in before i showed you let me just jump back in case you didn't see it you come to the upcoming webcast it's in a couple of them one i think is in the uh trading verticals and it's just right here below the description of this particular one trading a smaller account it's available to anyone but that's a class that uh is is sometimes using it more actively okay so i think that's why they put the link for it here okay robert so that's where you can find that and let's get back here let's see what other questions we had that maybe i can help out with um okay mia we'll talk about this mia's saying it she was talking about recording a short leg and it says it's not calculating the gain loss percent that is actually something that is addressed here in the instructions somewhere uh i can't remember where it is exactly uh it might be might be this example right here of selling a short put okay and over here it says your gain loss value and your gain loss percent when you're doing something short or selling an option short it's hard to make that calculation all right so that's why it'll just do no calculation it'll say can't be done and you won't worry about it all right robert you have downloaded it perfect um [Music] john wants to know to cameron do you use this journal with trading your synthetic call transactions cameron did a really nice trading room or webcast this morning about trading synthetics and that might be a situation where you use a separate line for each if you were wanted to record that information vijay says ken rose has a version here that is upgraded an upgraded version that includes a vertical sheet also hey that's great knowledge bj thank you great to know i did not know that that ken had something separate okay yes where can i download this journal okay i want everybody to pay attention here all right we come back to i'm on the td ameritrade site come to education come to webcasts and then webcasts will pop up this page where in the upcoming ones and you scroll down until you see this blue trading journal it's right with this class trading a smaller account all right that's where you get it now let's move on to some examples that we can put in the trading journal that are trades from our class all right let's do it uh we're going to start out easy and then we'll move to more complicated now i'm going to use my uh plus here so that i'm zooming in showing you a much bigger picture over here i do want to point out are the calculations all right calculations are going on behind the scenes and so it'll calculate some data over here that populates in the columns over here on the left hand side now see if i click in yellow yellow has some formulas in it some people might want especially if you're somebody is not familiar with excel you might choose to hide these columns all right i'm grabbing those rows i held my mouse down until i got all of them highlighted and then i'm going to say hide all right that way you are not accidentally what getting uh posting in on top of a formula that would totally mess up your trading journal all right for our purposes today i'm going to put all the transactions in the same sheet i'm going to put them all in strategy one however like i said some of you might want to choose to break it out so that you're doing similar type trades on one spreadsheet so you can see your effectiveness in that strategy the other thing that some people might want to add is if there was some other information maybe you wanted to put out to the side that you could put in column s some people might put something like what was their trading signal uh were they using stochastic macd a moving average crossover you know what exactly were the studies they were using that they really took their cues from because that could be different from trade to trade i know some people that have been so detailed asked to um even make a separate spreadsheet for those categories like somebody who's trading a macd and a stochastic man they put all that data just on one spreadsheet and then if they had something else like the crossover even though it were the same strategy they might be trading like a long call or a stock they would stick that in a separate call or a separate sheet but for today we're just going to stick them all right here together that shouldn't be too bad now we're going to start with a really easy trade we're going to start with the trade that we just looked at on skin if you didn't see how to get a copy of the trading journal sophia maybe somebody can share that with you i've shared it three times and so if you don't get that then you might want to go back to the recording all right i know some of you weren't here right from the get-go all right so let's do skin now i have i have a little bit of information on skin that i remembered from our transaction if i come back here to the monitor tab account statement skin since that ticker symbol is still in there is showing me the data now i did have to go back a hundred days from today to see the data right because initially this trade was put in and filled the stock trade was filled on july 1st so you have to go back make sure you go back in time enough to be able to track the transaction so we bought a hundred shares of skin and our price was 1803. all right we're going to go fill that in so we just jump over the spreadsheet and the date do you remember what that was july 1st so i'm just going to put 7 1 21. all right symbol we're just going to type it in skin and in this point you're either going to put in shares or contracts not both in this case it was shares so we're going to skip the contracts filled we'll just put in 100 shares and the price was 18.03 you would put in commissions and fees here if you have any commissions and fees on paper money you're probably not going to see any for the stock but you will see those for the options all right you can just put this data in here and leave it and some people like to put this in as soon as they do the trade there's other people that maybe wait till the end of the day if they're an active trader or i would not wait until the end of the week though okay there will be so much data to go through if you're an active trader now we in this case initially i was planning to show you that just getting it in all right but now because it executed for us let's go ahead and fill this in so today is the 26th and we had 100 shares that was a swing trade and if you'll recall we got filled at 2501 zero commissions and then as i scroll over here to the right let me center that a little bit gives you your dollar value gain or lost and then a percent was a 38 percent return on that stock swing trade sweet now the other thing you're going to notice is up here at the top historical net gains and profits looks there's our little 698 sitting there for us and then down here where it says trade information we have a trade we have one trade now with gains all right we don't have any losses in here yet all right but as you put those in it'll start calculating that information now our portfolio i'm going to go fill that in we're using about 150 000 portfolio generically that changes and i'm sure it's higher than that right now and so then we can see on your current capital look at that it added that that gain to our total current cash gives us a little percent for the entire portfolio and a dollar value all right so you can just see that just lays it out for you and then it'll continue to calculate when you put in more information uh deepti has a question here is there a way to import them automatically to excel you know i wish there were that would be sweet um i do know that there are some people that have told me and i haven't seen it that they were they had a programming background and they worked with thinkorswim to find a way to do that now i haven't seen it i don't know if that's really true but i can understand the logic of man i wish i could just populate it over there i i get that all right let's go to our next transaction next one we're going to look at is uh we'll go over here back to think or swim and you're we're going to be going back and forth and back and forth we are going to look at facebook get my mouse in the right spot let's collapse alibaba and facebook i'm going to open it up we have a contract as september 16th expiration in the year 2022 so we're looking out over a year here it's a 380 call that we bought so we're bullish on it okay it has 386 days left on it to trade not so worried about what it looks like now i just want to tr i just want to get that information in there so okay you guys memorize that for me okay and help me if i mess up which i hope not to mess up at the date here click on the quantity was august 5th so this was just about two three weeks ago that we did this particular trade all right we've got our pertinent information uh sometimes you may have to go back and forth a little bit just to make sure you get it all but let's jump over to the trading journal all right we're going to put in what was the date there august 5th uh 21 what was the symbol it was facebook now what still would be handy here is to put in the strike price and the expiration all right so we're going to put in uh september 16 22 as the expiration and then on this one it is the 380 call now what if we had sold that call in this case we bought it all right we haven't sold it yet the sold size site is over here but what if we for example had sold a call against maybe a stock we already owned we would start on the sell side all right that's the site you would start your recording of information on so in this case we have just one contract we are not going to put anything in shares because it's not stock and then the price here was 40.75

there's a commission you can put it in um i think in paper money i think it's going to be what 65 cents per contract so you can put that in so it'll be part of the calculation as you're going and we see our total out of pocket here what it was uh that adds up for us we're done recording that little piece now let's do something a little bit more complicated all right let's do our alibaba spread trade this is where we did a short call vertical we looked at it earlier but let's just jump back here so you guys can see it so alibaba we got into this trade just last week right uh we're practicing some bearish trades we can see what the price was per and we'll go ahead and this particular trade we're going to do the legs together if we thought that we might leg out of it a position then we might put them in two separate lines this one will do them both together all right and that was just last week so let's jump back to the spreadsheet we're going to put 8 19 21 we're going to put it alibaba and i use some abbreviations you might not use abbreviations but a short call vertical i just abbreviate as seb short call vertical and then i'm we already have the ticker symbol in there we're going to put this is for um september 21 expiration if i know it's the current year i'm in i leave it off but you might want to record that if you wanted to put in uh 21 that's fine and then on this this was the 175 180 were the strike prices and they're just that just in that symbol filled you can capture the whole essence of what that trade was now we're going to come over here to and you can put in contracts here on the buy side if you want in fact we did on this one we just did one but over here we're going to put this in we're going to put in one contract and actually that was incorrect i shouldn't have put the date there i should put the date right here and that date was uh 8 19 right just last week we have one contract no shares and so what was the price the net price on this is a buck 30 credit so we're going to put in a dollar 30 and notice it calculates it out for us yeah we brought in 130 on that bearish spread we are practicing you can see it starts over here and it says you've got to gain but realize it is not a locked in gain is simply recording the credit we received and then when you get out of the trade what you're going to do unless suppose we're getting out of the trade and let's suppose we bought it back for if we got it for a buck 30 or received a buck 30 let's suppose we go and buy it back for 25 cents okay here on the price per share put in your 25 cents put in your just 60 actually that wouldn't even be accurate because we have two legs there so 2 times 65 is going to be what 130. i did that commission wrong that one's fine just this one so we would have the commission going in initially on the trade have the commission coming out and you would record it right here and then it shows us what kind of gain or loss here supposing that we're the case and it's not uh 103 and it is a selling strategy and so sometimes those gain loss percentages look way out of whack okay for example if we said what is our risk or our max gain divided by our max loss then we would get a particular percentage of our intended uh return okay which is not going to be 394 percent you know sometimes it'll be 30 sometimes it may be something more aggressive might be 45 or 50 okay so just know that number is ignore it all right i see you have some more questions here let me just check in um [Music] john says can you amend the spreadsheet to build two additional fields one to calculate total base the security is held you certainly could do that and another to calculate an annualized return you could do that john if you wanted to if you're if you're comfortable in excel in spreadsheets just make sure that you choose a field that doesn't have calculations and so somebody might even want to hide these fields here um highlight them that was a right mouse click hit hide so you're out here doing whatever the other data is that you want to track okay just make sure you're not in a formula make sure you're in an open field uh weight wonders would it be better to take a different tab for verticals one for iron condors etc yes wayne it would be it'll be more helpful to you to be able to track your gains and losses if the strategies are kept together for our purposes of just showing you how to record the information for simplicity i chose to just do it on one on this one spreadsheet here together uh let's see craig says do you need the microsoft suite in order for the trade journal to work properly i have not experimented with it on another software program i know there are programs out there i don't know how accurately it works with them i know it's designed to work with excel so if you have it great if not you might consider doing that uh archie says you have separate columns for the commission on the purchase and the sale you're right on the stock trade are there commissions to get in and to get out not with td ameritrade right no there isn't with options you are charged on a per contract basis and so to get in you're charged right you pay that little commission to get out same thing now though could be in some scenarios and this could turn out to be the case with alibaba because it's looking uh still performing just fine right now it could be that we do not pay anything we let it expire worthless now i want you to notice here we brought in 130 and if i remove the price and the commission yeah we get that entire 130. okay and then what you do come over here maybe this is like september 10th or something you and then you just put in the date whatever that date happens to be and again i'm doing off if as if it were in the future and let's see archie says yeah john and put bring john is asking about some additional columns that he thinks might be useful absolutely john go ahead and do that uh rj says how can you save the column headings in the account statement trade history how can you save the column headings and i think what you're referring to we'll go back to thinkorswim and um the account statement trade history so come over here to account statement trade history uh i these are just in there when you're saying how can you save them i don't know really how to respond to that maybe i don't understand your question something that somebody could do and and honestly this is what i did to help keep my my notes straight as far as what trades we wanted to go through today i just did a little screen a screen clip okay if you're on a windows machine embedded in it is the snipping tool on a mac uh we have this handy little thing called shift command four and it allows you to go and grab whatever you're looking for so if you're looking for your trade history and you're like i just want a bunch of it on a separate sheet so i can copy it in or something you know just go and grab it it takes a picture of it save it and copy it over to another sheet if that's what you're looking for okay i'm not sure if that's what you mean by that rg but if i didn't answer your question you let me know back to excel we go hopefully there we go all right let's do something a little bit more complicated all right because i don't want you to just see the easy stuff um let's do one last one here before we do our new trade this one is a calendar last week we did a bearish calendar on dq we come back up here we look at what we did on dq trying to collapse alibaba there we go we're going to come down to dq i know it's not dairy queen but i always think about dairy queen with the dq so we did a calendar where we sold the september strike price in a calendar you're using the same strike price all right but they're different months so we're using the 45 and uh notice one the long legs out in october the short legs in september now you could put it all on one line if you wanted to some people might say you know once i get a lot of value out of that short september maybe i'll go sell something else against it if it has for example weeklies all right and that's why somebody might choose to do that or say you did a covered call on the covered call it's likely you could go back and you know maybe you brought in about 25 on the call and you go buy it back for 20 cents or something and so you'd want to keep that separate from your stock trade okay so we've got the data here this again this was last week let's go record the information how somebody might choose to do it again if they wanted to be on in this case probably two lights i'm going to take that out of there next transaction so we have a dq uh i'm going to call it a put calendar get my hand out of the way so you can see and it is the 45 strike and i'm going to say sept october okay so we know what months we're working with in this case we did i think we only did one contract each i forgot to pay attention to that but i think we only did one so we'll put in one and is it a net buy or is it a net is it a net debit or a net credit on this trade it's actually going to be a net debit and so i kind of messed that up there let's do dq but let's just put in this particular one the october option and let's use the separate lag here on the separate or september on the top and then i'm going to do october on the second one well i ruined that let's just copy that back up and then i'm going to put scp on this one so we're going to have a short leg and a long leg here so the first one or september is going to be the short leg so we're going to come over here to the south side we'll put in the date that was the 19th we'll say one contract and the credit that we brought in from this one let me see what that was looks like it was 5 30. so our price here 5.3

don't worry about having to put in pluses and minuses if it was a credit just put in the straight number the the smart the spreadsheet is smart enough to figure out what where it needs to go and then here on the other side the price is going to be uh let's see here 530 was the credit and then 370 is on this option our long leg so we'll put 3.7 okay and you're just going to have to know these two go together you can put in your number of contracts go ahead and fill in the commissions let it calculate but that's the basic idea of how you would do this and i should put this data out here as well as 8 19. all right whatever the entry date was on the short leg we don't know when we're closing it out and buying it back on the long leg we're going to put in 8 19 21.

all right some of you may have to go back and listen to this recording all right because we have covered a lot of ground and i know it's a lot of information a lot of numbers that we're trying to find a spot for but if you can get good at tracking your trades and putting them in a journal it'll raise some awareness in you of maybe things you're not doing right maybe a particular strategy maybe if you tweak things a little bit different you try and paper money that might make a real difference to you now i do want to put in one trade here today i'm going to bring up crowdstrike they've got some good news going on this week crowdstrike has their cybersecurity company uh they were added to the nasdaq 100 and i think it started trading on the nasdaq 100 today and then i guess i don't know if it was this morning this was just in the news uh looks like motley fool gave it the pick of the day or something like that so there's been a lot of activity and what does it look like it's doing man it looks like it's busting through that resistance that was pretty strong resistance and it's looking pretty strong today up 3.6 so far we have some extra volume which is nice i'm sure this volume had to do with some of the news that had come out and that's why there's you know so many uh so much volume coming in here when we see extra volume coming over a resistance level to push the stock usually not always but usually that means hey the market's engaged with this and typically markets aren't day traders okay and that's why that volume can be so important now if we go to uh i went ahead to the september options all right 20 to 50 days is what we're looking at we're looking at a shorter time frame here uh but i put on and i said let's do a short call vertical on this with the 265 260 250 do a short put vertical create a credit now a while ago is that it was at 80 cents uh let's see what it is now hey it's even better now 85 cents sweet for our position sizing we don't want to risk more than 750 in any trade so that means this is a 250 wide spread that gives us what about a buck oh this keeps changing out on me a buck 70 something of risk we'll just quickly say 87 divided by a buck let's uh call it 170 i know there might be a little change there we could do five contracts so let's bring up our five contracts i'm not going to take the time to put on a closing order on it uh just because of the sake of time i'll go back and put in an order here to buy it when we get say 80 percent of the max gain all right i'm going to i had a blast all here because i was experimenting with it'll just go in as a single order or you could leave it as a blast all let's go ahead and hit confirm and send just review it make sure it represents what we really want it to represent we're going to go ahead and put it in our portfolio for this class that we're keeping track of and if it all looks good let's see our max loss oh i exceeded a little bit okay we got to go down a contract my math was off we can we'll have to do four contracts instead of five all right we're staying below our 750 of risk tolerance put this back in our class send it off all right we have filled out we will track that trade just as i'm making you want to go to dairy queen now i know i'm sorry things like that suggestive things can really mess with you count it so we did a little bit of trade management seeing what was going on on a couple of our trades spent the bulk of our time trying to show you how to use that trading journal again there's a little bit of a learning curve to it go back to the page that shows you um the the instructions on how to use it how to fill in certain trades and we went through that sample trade pretty quick here but what i'd like you to do to reinforce this go download the trading journal take whatever take five of your current trades whatever they are and start putting it in and if you want build you know tabs for each strategy whatever you want to do there and then i was going to say go back to your last five completed trades go back to that account history so you can see where what was the price when you got in was the price when you got in are out what are the dates and so forth so you can fill that out completely and get a nice picture of what's going on with your strategies all right just need to wrap up here and remind you that what we've talked about today is for educational and informational purpose only not investment advice or a recommendation of any security strategy or account type and in order to demonstrate the platform we need to use actual symbols but teeny ameritrade doesn't give recommendations or determine suitability of any security or strategy for traders so any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is your responsibility you guys have had some great questions here today thank you so much cam for your help in answering our questions you guys stay tuned uh coming up next is let me think what it is let me look real quick uh long verticals and long diagonals that's gonna start at the top of the hour thanks everyone bye [Music] [Music] you

2021-08-30 05:50

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