Top Lessons from the Top Pros. A MUST WATCH If You Want to Succeed in Forex!

Top Lessons from the Top Pros. A MUST WATCH If You Want to Succeed in Forex!

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hi there folks now doing this job week in week out  putting out all my educational content sharing my   experiences with you sometimes just sometimes  invites some criticism from the small minority   i am pleased to say normally it's those that say  if you're so good at trading why are you doing all   this education show us your profits well i'll tell  you why i do all this week in week out because it   actually helps me it helps me in my own trading  as well and this week this last couple of days   has been absolutely fantastic to that regard what  i've basically done i've gone back and looked at   all the other market professionals over the years  seen what they've had to say about the markets   what i've done today is now compile a short video  with all the top quotes from the top traders   that have helped inspire my life over the years  come on let's have a look okay so let's get in   to these top trader quotes now i encourage you  to watch this video to the end we are going to   whistle through quite a few quotes but actually  think there's almost a trading course in this   video alone if you can learn from these wizards of  the market then you're going to be halfway there   to achieving your successes in training so listen  to these wise words by these wise men let's start   off by looking at this chat martin schwartz  trading is a psychological game most people   think they're playing against the market but in  reality they're playing against themselves a lot   of traders in the past i've seen them blaming  the market the market did this against me the   market was unfair to me the market shouldn't  have done this you're trading against yourself   forget about what the market's there the market's  not there to give you anything the market is there   just as a mechanism or as a platform for you to  extract um an income from market will always be   there whether you're there or not you're trading  against yourself understand that the psychological   aspect of trading is the most important aspect of  the entire game very words very wise words there   said by martin it's all about you you're  trading and playing against yourself   now martin also went on to say a lot of people  get enmeshed in the markets that they lose their   perspective this day and age is quite easy to lose  perspective everything's there in front of you on   screens and so many different things you can be  trading working longer hours doesn't necessarily   equate to working smarter we are trained as people  to believe that the more hours you put into your   working day the more money you should be getting  paid but often that is not the case when it comes   to trading often the less hours you spend in  front of your trading screen the better it is for   yourself and the account also makes for a better  lifestyle as well a lot of the reasons why people   are drawn to the markets is that they actually  have a better lifestyle they're in control of   their life but then they spend 14 15 hours a day  in front of the screen so less time at the screens   maybe is something you might want to consider more  time doesn't mean you're going to become a better   trader if anything it could be detrimental to you  as well now jesse livermore we're going to talk   about him a bit more in detail in a moment he's  got to be one of the uh the biggest articulators   of trading advice over the years he's an absolute  pro when it comes to his knowledge of the markets   this one i really caught my attention  and i think it's a great one   there is time to go long basically when you buy  there's time to go short basically when you sell   and there's a time to go fishing that basically  means you don't need to be in the market all the   time pretty much a bit like we just saw there  a moment ago time to step away from the market   only be trading when it's the right time to  trade the markets are not always conducive to   a good trading environment appreciate that walk  away go fishing quite a few of the wizards we're   going to be talking about here today are going  to be talking about the same um sort of the same   uh theme so pay attention to that jesse we'll  talk about jesse again in a moment uh bruce uh   sorry bernard barish here trading investing it's  not about how much money you can make but it's how   much money uh you don't lose very very wise words  a lot of people get drawn to trading because of   the money how much money i can make i can give up  my day job i can go and tell my boss to jump in   the lake but the right professional trader the guy  that's got half a chance he's thinking about how   not to lose his money capital preservation thank  you for that wise words there um from bernard   and jack boggle here uh 1929 to 2019 i  think uh jack was the founder of vanguard   um the mutual fund time is your friend impulse is  your enemy traders there that are taking trades   on impulse they are doomed to fail trading is  much more about time and time is your friend   you can sit there all week and not trade it's up  to you uh what you did die a couple of years ago   maybe time eventually caught up on jack but very  wise words there from jack time is your friend you   are in control of the time you're in control  of when you train and when you don't trade   here's one from bill lipschootz if most traders  would learn to sit on their hands for 50   of the time they would make a lot more money  again the same theme very very wise words a   lot of traders i see that are coming into the  markets for the first time they're compelled to   always want to be in a trade why because it's  exciting it gives them that rush or trading   shouldn't be like that sitting on your hands  waiting for the best moment to pounce should be   the approach you should be taking again the same  theme time impulse be aware of that if all these   gurus are talking about that all these wizards  of the market then maybe we should be listening   up to them i fear not the man that has practiced  ten thousand kicks but i fear the man that has   practiced one kick 10 000 times who said that  then well of course it is it's our friend bruce   lee now i'm not sure if boost intended this to be  relevant to the financial markets but it certainly   is i see many traders when they come into the  markets for the first time they've got so many   different strategies they're always in the market  always got a trade running remember trading is   all about emotions the more trades you got going  the more strategies you've got going more intense   your emotions will be so you're far better off  mastering one perhaps the two strategies and   just work and focus on that be a master of a few  the key is consistency and discipline very wise   words here from richard dennis a big author uh in  the education field in the markets almost anyone   can make up a list of all that was 80 as good as  the ones that he teaches but what they can't do   is give people the confidence um to stick to those  rules when things go bad i think he's referring   to here the ongoing mentoring you want to learn  how to fly a plane you're not going to do so from   reading in a book or watching on a youtube channel  you need the ongoing mentoring which i'm sure he   offers as well we offer it as well basically  anyone can learn the rules from a book but to be   a consistently profitable trader you do need the  ongoing mentoring to make sure you keep on track   so wise words there from richard dennis jesse  livermore one of the biggest articulators again   so in your own time i suggest you go and research  jesse because he's got some really good quotes   out there i've just included a few on this video  but in the research of this video i saw literally   hundreds and i'd love to have included them or  maybe i'll do a video just on him at some point   patience is the key to success not speed again  all about patience time is a cunning speculator's   best friend if he uses it right we can control  time another jessie mall uh jesse livermore one   price movement patterns are being repeated  they are recurring patterns that occur   over and over again with slight variations this  is because markets are driven by humans and   humans behavior really changes so he's basically  advocating here the technical analysis using price   action in his trading and it's still very very  relevant today we teach price action as our one of   our key ways to approach the markets because human  behavior it does repeat itself that's why it's so   important to understand how you can predict  human behavior in the future by looking back   at what humans have done in the past we are such  a predictable race it also said not taking a loss   that's what damages the pocket and the  soul this really has got to be i think   his best quote it really is that important  many traders will sit in trades they can't   take that loss they think it will come back  they sit there praying that it comes back   and eventually it damages their pocket  they blow up their training accounts   and all that does is not only lose money but it  damages the soul it really affects the emotion   so you're not able to take the loss the first  cut is the cheapest have this in your trading   plan if your laws align you take the trade and  the rules don't comply with a profitable trade   get out of the trade move on live to  fight another day thank you jesse for that   paul tudor jones while i spend a significant  amount of time um on the fundamentals at the end   of the day i'm a slave to the tape and proud of  it he's basically saying he's a technical analyst   he believes that what you see on the price chart  is the fair value of a particular trading entity   and the fundamentals basically come second a lot  of traders ask me should they trade fundamentals   or technicals let me pause the jones on this one  i believe that technicals basically what you see   on the price chart at the time is the value and  hopefully we can predict where markets are going   based on where we are today not on trying to  guess what the fundamentals are doing who iterates   i always believe that price comes first and  the fundamentals come second that debate will   go on forever and ever in the financial markets  fundamentals technicals hello maybe you want to   use a mixture of both me i'm a technical traitor  so i'm with paul mark douglas now mark douglas is   i think a life-changing person for me i followed  mark basically pretty much all my trading life on   the screens not before of course on the trading  pits but certainly since i came onto the screens   i didn't think i'd be where i am today without  the contributions of the late great mark douglas   unfortunately died a couple of years ago i don't  work for mark i'm no affiliation to his company   but i do think it's worth certainly picking up one  of his books at some point you can go and google   him as well as i say i think um you get them on  secondhand sites as well so i've got nothing to   benefit apart from sharing my opinions uh mark  has come up with some great quotes over the years   um 95 of the trading areas you make will  stem from your attitudes about being wrong   people can't face being wrong they don't like  being wrong losing money missing out leaving   your money on the table these are the four trading  fears remember fear and greed and so forth mark   really does home in on these uh traits that really  are the um are the problems that many traders face   uh learning to accept risk is a trading skill the  most important skill you can learn i really love   this and i talk about this all the time again in  our uh live streams and you know we all understand   about risk management yeah okay say we risk half  percent per trade missed one percent of the trade   okay you've got a thousand dollar account i'm only  risking half percent i lose 50 i'm okay with that   but are you really okay with that are you really  happy to lose that 50 pounds dollars are you   appreciative that is part of what the process  of trading is all about saying that you're happy   with that risk doesn't actually mean that you're  happy with that risk you've got to appreciate it   and accept it and accept that risk is part of what  we do we have winning trades we have losing trade   you have to accept those losing trades as part of  the process of trading it is the most important   skill you can earn in trading accepting the risk  he's got a lot of quotes down here i'll whisk   through them uh for the sake of time i predefine  risk on every trade i think that's right i think   you should have a predefined risk on each and  every trade that helps to remove the emotions half   percent quarter percent one percent or whatever  that is i completely accept the risk or not or i'm   willing to get out of the trade i'll have you the  risk get out move on to the next one i act on my   edges without reservation or hesitation he always  talks about this uh you've got an edge you've got   your back testing you understand your edge if  it happens take the trade if you're sitting on   the fence and you're procrastinating whether you  should take the trade that's not a good trade to   get into if the rules apply take the trade i pay  myself as a market makes money available to me   i continually monitor um my uh trading um  to basically home in on those errors to   maybe alleviate them at some point keeping a  trading journal always evaluating your trading   mark really does come up with some great advice  tyler ballhorn now i don't actually i don't know   too much about tyler i did find him on my research  today but i love this quote simplicity in trading   demonstrates wisdom complexity is a sign of  an experience very easy when traders come into   the markets for the first time there's so much  going on there's so much going on that they over   complicated i've seen charts before they look  like you know just a plate of spaghetti with so   much going on keep it simple what is it k-i-s-s  keep it simple um stupid or whatever they call it   do you recognize this chap of course you do it's  warren buffett and what's he doing he's throwing a   baseball he's got to be one of the most successful  traders investors of all time but he homes in on a   quite an important point here in this game the  market has to keep pitching but you don't always   have to swing you can let the ball go you can  let the ball go again it's all back to what the   others are saying timing impulsive trading you  can stand there with your bat on your shoulder   for six months waiting uh to take that pitch  when you get the flat pitch there very very   true you don't have to be in a trade wait for  the high probability trades for them to come   along very very wise words there from mr buffett  it's dakota uh it's the coder uh again a good no   eater uh good educator in the market so i got to  know a bit about ed by reading one of these books   the market wizard you may have seen it again  i'm not affiliated to these guys at all lots   of really good traders featured in these books  it's the coaches one i really liked what he had   to say again something that really helped me in  my training when i came onto the screens um back   in 2005. setting a stop loss is probably the most  important job setting a stop loss a lot of traders   don't even use a stop loss but setting it at the  right place is very very important handling risk   is the key to longevity a lot of traders think  how much money they can make they're not thinking   about the risk that is very very important don't  expect a steady paycheck from trading yep true   you're going to get down periods you're going to  get drawdown periods you have to appreciate that   so what you do in those drawdown periods is  very very important you have to appreciate that   everyone has drawdown periods let the market be  your guide the market is always right a lot of   people i've heard say the market was wrong market  shouldn't be up where it is yeah do you remember   uh you know the stock market is pushing new highs  the market's too high it's overbought the market's   got this wrong well i think we've got other  quotes on that one as well the market is right   it's what you do in between that decides whether  you're going to make money or not good timing is   important remember this chap of course you do of  course you don't albert einstein well you might do   um i certainly don't remember him but i know a  lot about him he said a lot of things in his time   did albert and i think one of the most important  things he said all the time was i didn't say that   anyway apparently he said this as well compound  interest it's the eighth wonder of the world   those that understand it they earn it those  that don't they pay it i'm often quoting this   in my trading education as well compound interest  it is the way to grow an account over time   basically letting the account grows that basically  means your account is going to get bigger in the   winning times and it's going to be protected  in the losing periods as well if you don't   understand compound interest if you got a credit  card then you will understand compound interest   because that's when your debt to the credit card  company is getting bigger and bigger every month   as you don't pay it off thank you albert for  that you've given me a lot of ammunition in my   trading education as well bruce governor i know  where i'm getting out before i get in i get a lot   of this even inside our trading room saying when  should i get out i'm losing money uh shall i stop   out here when should i take my profits quite  frankly if you don't know when you're going to   get out of the trade you shouldn't be getting into  the trade so i do feel for those who are in trades   that are going against them and they ask me where  to get out i don't know where to get out i didn't   get into the trade in the first place i wouldn't  certainly walk into um a room without knowing i   can get out of it so why am i going to walk into a  trade with risking my own money my family's money   without knowing where i'm going to get out thank  you bruce don't get into a trade without your   stops and profit targets in place of course you  might want to trail but you've got you all set up   before you enter that trade as well okay tony  robbins i think we all know who tony robbins   is he's a motivational speaker uh covering lots  of uh different uh fields of business and life   but i think this is quite relevant to the  financial markets as well it's not that what we   do once in a while that shapes our lives is what  we do consistently again it's about consistency   in the markets anyone can have a winning trade  knocks the ball out of the park makes 20 30   on a trade those that boy bitcoin back in the day  they'll know all about that but it's what we do   consistently if you want to be in this game  for the long haul if you want to tell your boss   then you need to have consistency  in the markets so thank you tony   for that i've never actually seen you live  maybe it's on my bucket list at some point   i'm only rich because i know when i'm wrong i  basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes   you gotta recognize your mistakes you only learn  by interface normally when you make mistakes   in the financial markets it costs you money across  your back pocket well don't waste that money learn   from them learn from your mistakes that lost money  shouldn't be a waste of money learn from that make   sure that you don't do it again losing by the way  mistake isn't when you lose money in the markets   that happens to all of us but a mistake basically  is what you should be learning from thank you for   that uh george george and i well not literally me  but i was fighting george back in the uh back in   the day when he was taken on the bank of england  i was trading in the in the trading pits in london   the markets were going crazy i didn't know who  we were trading against at the time found out   later that it was george sauce trying to smash  the pound um i was in the trading pits trading   at the time maybe against him for some period of  the time or we know he won the game on that one and lastly the trend is your  friend until the bend at the end   that's me well i think it's me i haven't heard  anyone else say it yet i'm a trend follower   i always like to follow trends i like to get into  trends on pullbacks but i'm also aware that trends   don't last forever that's one of the reasons why  i try to avoid trends when they're about to change   hopefully we can help predict keep us out of  certain markets when they are about to reverse   one of the teachings that we do inside the  trading room here so the trend is your friend   but beware of that bend at the end don't think it  will last forever don't be shy of taking profits   along the way okay so that's basically it  these are the top quotes that i have found um   in my research i actually found the research  quite exhilarating really and gave me some uh   some good uh tips for my own trading as well now  if you like the video as always give me a thumbs   up give me a thumbs down if you didn't um why  don't leave a comment now let me know some um   quotes that you found beneficial in your  trading as well don't forget to follow us on   all the socials as well subscribe the channel if  you don't already do so bell notification that   notifies you when the next video is coming out  now we are streaming live around the clock uh up   to six times a day five days a week if you want to  take part come over introduce yourself to me talk   to me in person you can do so just head over to  for signals com i'll roll out the red carpet for   you if that's not your thing that is not a problem  i will see you next week and have a good week

2021-09-04 20:39

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