Top Business, Healthcare and STEM Graduates Honored at SNHU Ceremony

Top Business, Healthcare and STEM Graduates Honored at SNHU Ceremony

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Ladies. And gentlemen it, is time to begin the ceremony. Please, ensure that all cell phones are turned off or placed on silent thank you. Honored. Guests please join me in welcoming into, the auditorium, southern New Hampshire University's. Executive, directors, associate. Dean's directors. Lead. Faculty and the, 2018, college, of online and continuing education academic. Awards. Recipients, to the auditorium. How. About we give these folks a nice round of applause. Thank. You you may be seated. Good. Evening, on. Behalf of our chief academic officer. And vice president, of academic affairs dr., gregory fowler and our, entire university, i want, to welcome you all to the 2018, snhu. College of online and continuing education academic. Awards ceremony, for, business, nursing. Health Professions and, science. Technology engineering, and, math programs. My. Name is Anthony Siciliano, and I'm the executive director for, general education, at COC and, I apologize, right now for anything that comes out of my mouth tonight. This. Ceremony, is part of a weekend of celebrations. For. The SNHU community, our students, and our families and loved ones, one. In which we honor the incredible, achievements, of our graduating, students, and share, with them the joy that is found at the end of a long and rewarding journey. Here. On the platform tonight, to, help honor these outstanding, student. Award recipients. Are the leaders of the various COC. E academic. Departments, who I ask to rise as they are introduced. Dr.. Jennifer Bachelor, associate, vice president of academic programs. Dr.. Gwen Britton senior, executive, director, for science technology engineering, and, math. Dr.. Yan Wyatt senior executive director for business nursing and nursing and health professions, mental. Health counseling, and education. Oh. It's. A contest, I. See. How it is. Dr.. Ruth Lodi senior, executive director for liberal arts and social science, programs. Dr.. Michele Hill executive. Director for social science programs. Dr.. Denise B's I own executive. Director for Health Professions programs. Peggy. Moriarty, lits our chief nursing officer. And in. The front rows of our auditorium. Tonight I'd ask for a big round of applause for our associate. Dean's directors. And faculty. Of various, programs at COC e. And. Thank. You again for your patience tonight we wanted to make sure that everyone had a seat and was comfortable this, might be the fastest, award ceremony, you ever attend, because I'm hungry. And. Because, the real ceremonies. Are. Tomorrow. As you graduate with your degrees, but tonight we want to take special time, to celebrate your high GPAs, I did not know there were so many people with 4.0, that's fantastic. The. Students, present here tonight along, with all of their fellow students, who will attend commencement tomorrow, and all of the students who were unable to attend, commencement in person, will know the joy of celebrating, the achievement, of earning, their university, degrees and we. Their, families, friends loved, ones teachers. And administrators, delight. In the opportunity. To salute them and to celebrate with them. As.

It Is our celebration as, well we. Do that later on them. All. Of you have come here tonight to. Support students, and to see them receive this honor are a part of their success story. Through. The support and love that, you have given them, during their journey we salute and honor you, as well. In. Our commercials, for SNHU, we. Say that the process of achieving your, degree has the ability, to transform, lives, we. Don't only mean that this experience, will help you on, your journey to a better career, through. Your hard work and dedication you. Model. For your family, friends. And especially the children in your surroundings, what it means to, persevere, through challenges. Prioritize. Multiple, responsibilities. Like. Family, work, school. And demonstrate. What success, looks like, we. The members of the SNHU family. Take great pride in your. Achievements, and we're honored that we play a part in your success tonight. Now. To, the reason we are here the. Food. Kidding. Beyond. Just graduating, this weekend the students in this room tonight, hold an additional, distinction, not. Only do they achieve their dream of earning. A university, university degree. They. Did it while achieving the highest GPAs. And the respective, programs. Each. Of these individuals, and there may be more I guarantee, you there is more from one program. Are. Among the elite group to be called the best of the best in academic, performance. While. We celebrate all of our student graduates, this weekend, tonight we pay special honor to those of you who through your dedication, and hard work have earned this added distinction, we. Know that tomorrow will be the big day for you as you receive your degree but, we also want, this to be a big evening for you as you receive this recognition of, your outstanding academic. Performance, and so. As each, of you comes forward this evening to receive your certificate by. Your, various discipline, area, I ask, you to remember that. No matter where you go no matter, what you achieve and no matter what else happens to you in your life no.

One Can ever take away this achievement from you it's yours to keep. I. Am. Now going to ask that each of the respective executive, directors step forward as I introduced them and for their selected associate, dean to, join them here on the podium and at. The bottom of the stairs in the receiving, line the. Executive, directors, will read, the names of the students from their programs, who are present here this evening to be honored with this award as they. Read your name you, will be you, will make your way up onto the stage from where, you will be a standing, to my left your. Right coming. Up to stage not, tripping, getting. Your ward going, down the stairs shaking. Some hands and they're back to your seats. Sound. Good. Awesome. Let's get this on the road and, so. At this point I would like to start the distribution of awards by asking all the students, in the healthcare programs, to, please rise and line up to the right of the stage. Director. B's Ione will you and your academic, representatives. Come to the stage to honor your award recipients. Thank. You. Well. Dr., Lynn Ward associate. Dean of health information. Management, please, join me on the stage and. Will. The associate, Dean's please, form a receiving, line for. Our graduates, here, on the right. Now. I have the distinct, pleasure of, handing. The awards to you, our. Students. In the Health Professions. Including. Health Administration. Health. Sciences. Public. Health and health. Information, management. Programs. You. Will directly. And indirectly. Promote. Health fight. Disease, and support. Care and comfort systems. I leave. You with the Latin phrase, you. Taught a mundum. Change. The world. Bianca. Knotti. Vedad. A quano. Benedicta. Pia. Kerry. Lynn. Terry. Lynn. By. Johnson. Cory. D-trix. Katherine. Foster. Susan. E, Hendricks. Dave. Heinz. Shastra. Corrala. Cynthia. L paronto. Angela. Parks. Diane. Perkins. And. W. Peter. William. Reid, Joker. Richard. Rogers. Jilla. T. Salaam. Shahla. Can. Hinder. Salon. Allison. And, shut. Up. Louis. A, Velazquez. Laurie. Better. Thank, you. We. Have one more. Ray. And Dola. Wasn't. That great, wasn't that great. If. I had feelings I'd be touched. We'll. All students, in the nursing programs, please rise on line up to the right of the stage. Chief. Nursing officer, Moriarty, lits will you and your academic representatives. Please come to the stage to honor your award recipients. Thank. You dr. Siciliano. At. This time I'd like to take a moment to, recognize our. Graduates. Who have a. Significant. Accomplishment in, their, academic, journey toward, attainment, of a bachelor or master's, degree in nursing, today. Is particularly, poignant, as it, is the culmination, of a, celebration of National, Nurses Week, the. Theme.

The Theme this year for. The national recognition, is inspire. Innovate. And influence. These. Graduates, have inspired, us with their determination. Perseverance. And standards. Of excellence. Demonstrated. During their academic. Coursework. Anecdotally. Today, is May 12th the. Birthday of Florence Nightingale, she's. The founder of modern nursing education. So, happy birthday Flo. So. To all our graduates our, nursing faculty and, if there are any nurses, in the audience we thank you for your contributions. To health care thanks very much. And. I'd like to ask dr. Staci Rosenberg. To join me on the stage please, to help me with the certificate and then. Also any, nursing, faculty that, would like to join our associate, Dean's to acknowledge, the students please come up. Patricia. A fogger. Kathy. Bhudev. Nicole. Brooks. Matthew. Qian. Cathleen. Collins. Mary. Alice, Cunningham. Timmy. Do, Tillie. Ashley. Holder. Laurie. Crawl. Christina. Libby. Elizabeth. McIlroy. Carrie. P, Mellet. Jocelyn. Dakini. Naranja. Melony. Naughton. Kelly. Newcomb. Carrie. And panel. Kelly. Surratt. Olive. Schultz. Jesse. Smart. Lindsey. Verbal. And. Her husband Zachary, verbal. Sharleen. Hilda. Rumen. Violet. J, white. And. Stephanie. Woodward. Congratulations. To all our recipients, I. Was. So nervous but this is fun. It's. Where y'all from. I. Asked. All. Right, we'll all the students in the science technology engineering, and, mathematics programs. Please rise and line up to the right of the stage. Director. Britten will you and your academic representatives. Please come to the stage to honor your award recipients. Thank. You. Hello, everyone, I'm gonna start in just a minute dr., Scott Overmeyer our assistant, executive director of the stem programs, will be joining me up here on the stage and I'm. Going to take just, a moment, to. Go a little, slower until. You guys get lined up you, wanna know why I totally. Need a selfie. So. Once. You're there I'll do, it quick when I promise. Okay. We're almost there almost look, at all of the stem people. Alright, I'm back. So. As, our, stem graduates and. Incredible. Brilliant, graduates, I must say walk across the stage there's, three things about them that I think all of you should know, every. Single one of these individuals. Are the most brave. Persistent. And creative. People that you will ever meet in your entire life. Why. Are they brave they're. Brave because they've achieved something. Great because they had the courage to go after this opportunity. Second. Every, single one of them is persistent, they simply, refuse to give up I guarantee. You every, single one of them has failed and, gotten. Frustrated. Probably. Said a couple of naughty words and even. Thought about giving up but. With goals so strong, their failures and frustration. Turned. Into motivation, and guess what they. Persisted, because here they are. Finally. Every. Single one of them is creative, what do I mean by creative. Let, me read you one of my favorite quotes by Mary Lou cook. Creativity. Is experimenting. Growing. Taking. Risks, breaking. Rules making. Mistakes and having. Fun. Kudos. To all of you incredibly, brilliant brave. Persistent. And creative, stem graduates go. Forth create. Innovate. And make our world a better place and. I'm. Gonna apologize because I'm really horrible, at last names so if I really ruin it wink at me and just give me a thumbs up okay all, right Stephanie. And Tony.

Ochi. Oscar. Caius. Argue. Ellis. Real. Bubble. Renew. Machine. George. Bravo. Bryan. Brunel. Kimberly. Carmen. Angela. Ruth Lucilla's. Denis. Daley, I. Like. That fanclub. Nicholas. David. Daven. Delavan. Michelle. Lee, DiMaggio. Ashley. Dougal. Jennifer. Foster. Michelle. Gillett. Michelle. Green. Siobhan. Joseph. Canon, Law. Claudia. Lewis. Diana. Bandung. David. Menapace. Travis. Vincent, Milliken. May. Boy. Eric. Om. Sergej. Joseph. Poirot. Jamaal. Power. James. Proctor. I'm. Gonna try really hard, but. You want to try this one. Can. You dare, you try. Muralikrishna. Rajendran. Thank. You. Marsha. Rogowski. Ella. Rosenbloom. Stephen. Scan. Yellow. Ashish. Suja. Potty. Lisa. Sighs. Low. David. Vega. Sarah. Wyant. Bun. Okay. What's. Your name. Here's. Say your name come over here we're gonna do selfie. Hey. Do it pepper. All. Right one hour down three to go. We'll. All students, in business programs. Please rise and line up to the right of the stage. Director. Wyatt will you and your academic representative. Please come to the stage to honor your award recipients. So. This is the front, I'm. Going this way, this. Is the front. This. Is the front. I'm. Going this way right. From. Front to back yeah okay that's fine thank. You. Oh No. Is that it. Good, evening. We'll, associate, dean of faculty dr.. Christina de Mangan please join me on stage. Will. Our other associate. Dean's please join me to the left of the stage stage. Right. And in, recognition of the business faculty in the room thank you we just we. Just can't have a receiving line yeah. All. Right so. Before I get started with, with your names I want to do a couple things first. So. First of Anthony. Has Anthony mentioned we have two distinct groups in the room who I would like to recognize. So. Will the associate, deans and faculty please. Rise, all. Associate. Dean's and faculty in the room please right. So. I still have something to say so. These. Are the folks and, please you know you may know the faces you might know the names but. These are the folks who over, the last few years have. Fought, for you have. Supported. You have. Fought with you in. Some cases and. Who. Have done everything in their power their work day and in many times night and weekends. To bring you to this point so please. Let's. Celebrate your associate your associate Dean's and your faculty. Thank. You. The. Second group I'd like to. Recognize. Before. We move on is, if. You would look out into the crowd and see if you can find or see, that. Loved one the family or the friend or the, family and friends that's showed up here with you and have been there supporting you along the way I think this is a great time to thank, them and congrats. For. Being a support and helping you get here today. Thank. You. So. I was. Dude. Don't, you hate it when someone tries. To sound really intellectual, and then. They then use like some kind of like sports, metaphor, as an, analogy for up some point in life that they're trying to make yeah. Me too. So. I used to run the. 100, and 200 eights to run track and I, was alright I wasn't, you know I wasn't great I wasn't bad but then I had a cathartic moment one. Day one of my coaches, said to me he said dr.. Wyatt no she's kidding he said yawn. You. Know running, the race itself, is actually the easy part. So. The hard part comes, way before, you step up to the line. It's. The hard work that you put in it's a sacrifice it's, the practice, it's, the eating healthy it's the eating vegetables. When you want to eat a hamburger right it's giving up time partying. It's giving, up time doing. Things that you, would much rather do, to, put into work so that when you get to the race you're, ready. Do. I need to say more no. But, I will. So. You know, about, you. Know about the hard work, right. That's, why you're standing here you know about the sacrifice. You. Know that, there were days where you would much rather have been at the club with your friends, right, then. Studying. And doing, exams, and discussion, posts, but. You did it anyway so. You, put in the time and so, I I what, I'm saying is that today, you shouldn't think of today on the next few days as, an. End, rather. You should think of it as a beginning as a. Start, and so. With that in mind if you've put in the time you're, prepared, and so, you.

Should Walk up to that starting, line confidently. Knowing, that you're ready to run the race. Congratulations. Sophia. Sang, gonna. Narrow. Raymond-james. Amendola. Melody. Jan, Anderson. Kendra. Arruda. Rowana. Armored, asada. I. Own. Joseph. A ballast. Rocky. Zachary. Barker. Jennifer. Be bakla. There. You go, Oh. Fel. Annoyed. Kala. Kala. Been Chief. James. Bishop. Stephen. A blaze. Evan. Ryan, Bodi. Carrie. Burns. Garet. Bus. Craig. Campbell. Gabriel. L, Castellanos. Stephanie. K, Chandni. Casey. Clark. Have. Our Clifford. Denis. Kostin is. Sherry. Crane. April. Cutler. Megan. Elizabeth, Delaney. Jatinder. Pal Singh. Dara Dara Wow. Wendy. Drake. Andrea. The steamer. Samantha. De Fleur. Chiara. S dire. Saundra. Michelle, either, Lee. Melissa. Eckhoff. Michael. A EDA. Brian. Seneca. Eldridge. Mark. C Evers. Jessica. Fischer. Robert. E faster. James. Arthur. Frankenberger. Sabrina. Marie Foucault. Freeman. Ashley. Samantha. Gagnon. Amy. Marie, Garcia. Jamie. L, Giarrusso. Taylor. Rose Glasser. Michelle. Gomez. Lindsay. Gorg auras. Jaclyn. Graham. Kendra. Griffin. Eva. Harden. Deanna. Harding. K, Harper. Patrick. He's. Yvonne. Marie Heslop. Cherish. LaBrea. Rose. Older. Frank. Lyle Hopkins. Martha. Lavar, on Powell. Roma. Hyacinth. Donald. William, Jacobs. All. Right it's halftime. Everybody, be back no sorry. Terry. J Jacques. Christine. L Johnson. Katrina. Katina. Johnson. Heidi. Bejerano. Can. Hack. Connect. One. More you tell me right. Heidi. Bejarano. Connect. All, right. Lauria. Ori. Am, cannot. If. You want to leave early feel free. Yeah. It was the best of our Marianne, and Karcher. Marie. Kingsley. Kathy. Fay. Cry. De maker. Alma. Evette cron. Ibrahim. Be, ke. Christi. Kyle. John. Henry laughs. Airy air left. Nope. La. Feria Thank, You. Gregory. Landry. Nathan. Norman. Lang. Catherine. Ruth, Larabee. Mugen. Allah. Lakhs. Cheyenne. Loretta. LeBlanc. My. Release. Katie'll, in Lystra. Christopher. Karla, Libby. Melissa. Ella Lindsay. Paden. John. Payton. John, Livingston. Christopher. Lum of the second. Phoenicia. Luster. Analia. N lions. Jeremy. D mayor, Meyer. Mayor. Deborah. Kim, Mayfield. Jordan. Ryan, McCleskey. Genova. Rose McKenzie. Steven. Tuck, men, she, oh, yeah. Thank. You oh. There's. A licensing, licensing. Job. Laura. A Mercer. Current. Myth. Kurt, myth offer. Chelsea. Monroe. Danielle. Danielle. Lauren. Morrison. Andrea. Narducci. On. My. Noggin. Summary. Nunez. Luna. Terra. John, O'Connor. Leonora. Olson. Evelyn. On your, knee. Laura. Polly. No. Mark. Alyn, Peden. Janelle. Pellegrini. Melissa. Peralta. Lisa. M Perceval. Shari. Santos, Parral. Shannon. Peyton. Angela. Pimento. Alexandra. Plaque. Justin. Pleadwell. Bryan, Edwin, Powell. Crystal. Hope. Refused. Refused. Kellyanne. River. Theresa. Theresa. A read. Claire. I Reagan. Don. I reproach. Matthew. D Riker. Thanks. Catherine Romero. Donald. Lewis Ross. Paula. Here, assassin. Weeda. Weeda. Larae. Shank. Lepore. Elizabeth. Scott. James. Kittredge. Sears. Oh. Kyle. A Siegen. Jeff. Simply, some, preening. Rita. Sharma. Randall. Shepard. Denise. Nicole Silas. Amy. Sim. Joshua's. Lyman. Stephanie. Susi. Jennifer's. Dead. Lisa. Stuart. Same. Mine loud I don't. Take requests. Maurice. Be. Stuart. Deborah. Sturgis. Diedra. Tavares. And. Antonio. Tester. Jason. E Tipton. Michelle. Valley. Nevada. Joe. Van, tine. Mary. F verbal. James. Our, Whitney. Andrea. S Williams. Amy. Woodworth. Stephanie. E wolf. Robert. See right. David's. Ellwanger. Laurie's. Ographers. Benin. Salonga. Doris. Doris. Boomer. Virginia. And. Direct son. Raymond. James. Amendola. Oh. I. Want. Somebody to say to me that's my baby, I said. Say to me. That. Brings us to an end of tonight's official, ceremonies. If, there. If there, are any student, names that we did not call could you please raise your hand. Going. Once going. Twice. Awesome. On. Behalf. Of SNHU. I congratulate, all of our students, on receiving, your awards tonight, we.

Look Forward to seeing all of you tomorrow at our commencement ceremonies and good. Luck as you move forward and continue your own journey of personal, discovery and success success, Oh Greg. We're, wrapping, up so you'll want to get in line for the shrimp. We. Invite all of you, to join us momentarily, for light refreshments, over here on the side I, ask. That you remain seated until the platform party, and students, have recessed out of the auditorium, and then you can meet your graduates, for light refreshments, thank, you all very much. Stores, and telly. Shut. Up. You won't see, better come out now. A. Little. Glory Sam.

2018-07-22 05:39

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