Top 3 ways Professional Traders Look at Candlestick Patterns

Top 3 ways Professional Traders Look at Candlestick Patterns

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so welcome welcome to the webinar guys this is a  webinar about candlestick what are the top three   candlestick patterns that professional traders use  to trade for a living of course this is not the go   to all for how to do successful trading however  it is a glimpse on one of the one of the pieces   on one of the angles used to trade okay what  are all what are all your experiences been with   candlesticks can you let me know how did you ever  get exposed did you get exposed to candlesticks   recently long time ago and what is your experience  in terms of trading it did you make profits did   you make losses are they reliable or is it skewed  for yourself it's like i every time i deal with it   i'm getting mixed results like what would  you say so some of you guys were saying   bad experience hit and miss a long time ago  not so reliable just one piece of the puzzle   some of you guys are saying context is  key okay never used okay hit and miss   okay okay so there's a lot of a lot of  different variations a lot of different   ways everyone has exposure to this right all right  so let's get started let's get started i wanna i   wanna talk about a few things did all of you guys  watch those two supplementary videos that i have   given you before coming to this webinar yeah you  guys have watched it okay fantastic fantastic so   you you have the gist of the basics of candlestick  patterns so let's go into a couple some of my   personal favorite ones you know Henning talked  about it as well and before we get into that i   just want to say one thing for those of you guys  who are watching the recording we have just hit   a thousand people into the room which is probably  why some of you guys who are trying to attend live   you're not able to get into the room because once  once we hit a thousand the room maxes out so i i   i apologize for that if you are not able to attend  live but hopefully you're watching this recording   with all of us here yeah okay so let's get  started let's get started so i'm gonna turn   on my screen sharing and you let me know when  you can see my screen okay give me a second here   okay okay maybe i'll share this  screen and i'll move this out okay okay all right so let me let me put this here  and i'll bring my charts in okay you guys can see   my charts now let me open up the chat so i can see  it i don't see the chat yeah oh there it is there   it is sorry yep yep looks like you guys are all  saying yes to that you guys can see my charts okay fantastic all right cool cool all right now let's  let's get started i'm going to open up one of   these things i'm going to full screen it and i'm  going to take you up to an hourly i'm going to   remove all these ma's on there so i'll just keep  it nice and large like this okay uh duh duh uh   you're saying hi Navin i'm a big fan of yours i'm  a big fan of yours so welcome to the webinar okay   all right so let's get started here so let's talk  about some of the some of the common candlestick   patterns that are are thrown at us right how many  of you guys know of this one where it goes like   this and then it has one big tail on top okay  how many of you guys are are exposed to that one okay hammer inverted hammer pin bar okay it comes  with multiple names right okay obviously how does   a hammer look in real life a hammer looks like  this right like who holds a hammer this way   you know no one holds a hammer like that right so  generally this is the hammer and this one on top   is called the inverted hammer okay this is also  referred to as a pin bar some people just like to   call it a pin bar so it has multiple different  names we used to call it an exhaustion candle   back in the day and we still call it an  exhaustion candle okay so multiple things   that go around with it now what does this mean  though when you see this happen what does it mean okay it's a rejection of price good i see some  of you guys saying that price rejection price   rejection selling pressure reversal okay so it  seems like we're on the same lines everyone saying   it's a rejection and a reversal so let's  now look at this very carefully okay when   you're first exposed to candlesticks and  that particular pattern that i showed you   would you not immediately your eyeballs go to your  chart and be like oh my goodness look at that that   looks fantastic imagine if i bought it here and i  sold it up there how much money i would have made   guilty or yes or no i've been through that long  long time ago but people still do that people   still do that right it's it's sort of like your  eyeballs get attracted to that and be like oh man   this candlestick pattern this particular pattern  is so beautiful it's so beautiful take a look at   this area here it's there as well telling you  that it's getting rejected from the top that   means the price should go down oh my goodness  look how it goes down if i sold from there   and i closed over here i would have made so much  money in fact i would become the ferrari dealer   where i would have 500 ferraris to display  right this is how the average person starts   to think when they're exposed to candlesticks  the first time however however we we don't we   don't get accustomed to seeing stuff like this  where they show up in the middle somewhere   okay because they happen quite a bit too  or or they show up like this like that one   because during the time when you're learning  something your eyes don't spot that your eyes spot   things where the markets will turn where it looks  so beautiful it's like oh wow that's a beautiful   pattern to see right you guys agree so initially  everyone is exposed to candlesticks in that way   where it's like i learned a few candlesticks  and i was told candlesticks are the way to go   and because of these patterns that i've  learned i've learned a collective of 20   different vocabulary words and now i know how  to trade okay and because it is so unique no   one else can do this i'm gonna make more money  than anyone else in the world unusual isn't it   unusual isn't it always have to think of it in  that language if what you do is truly unique then   of course you will make more money but if what  you do is so common that everyone can do it   then do not get stuck in the hype of this is how  you're gonna make a lot of money more than even   a job can pay agreed yes or no okay so at least i  know all of you guys you guys have your heads on   straight and you're like okay there is a certain  limit where i'm willing to test a certain thing   but i'm no fool right and i know a  lot of you guys are here with a a   a level head and you guys know when to think with  common sense right so now however because we're   cynical right we're because we're cynical and  we're like we don't want to be taken for a ride   it doesn't mean we also turn off the idea of  it's all wrong right information is not always   all bad okay it's just what does it actually  mean why is there so much fuss about it okay   right so let's get into that let's get  into that would you guys agree like   not all information is bad in fact you can sit  into any webinar on youtube you will always   find some kind of a golden nugget in there that  can help you grow you might not agree with it   but you can find something in there that you can  use to be better right so let's take a look at   this on these charts and and go deeper into it  so okay and then later i'll move back to some   of my trades that i did today and we'll see what  kind of candlestick patterns show up for those   and how were we been able to turn a profit  from those okay now i'm going to give you   an example yeah let's say the markets are  moving upwards they go up up up up up up up   then they start going sideways sideways sideways  sideways in this sideways motion a candle shows up with a wick on top okay a candle shows up with a wick on top what's  going through your mind okay frank you're saying   means nothing some people saying sell robert  you're saying stop hunt anthony or single   reversal robert sell bibek saying faker okay so  can we all come to a conclusion for one thing that we don't have a common answer right so let me let me let i  want you guys to understand   notice how i'm reading out all of your comments  here right and not not any of you guys have come   to the same conclusion majority of you guys  haven't said one same thing right there's a   mixture of answers but the candlestick design  that you studied you all know what that is but   when i say if it shows up what would you do  everyone has a different opinion about it   yes or no you guys agree with that so how can  you use the way you're learning this thing   to turn a profit from it if how you've studied  it is not the same way everyone looks at it so   how can you get a sustained move off of it does  that make sense so what i'm trying to say is when   a candlestick pattern shows up in an area that  has no purpose of being there it means nothing   okay let me let me explain let me say let me  explain what that what i'm trying to say here   now i'm going to change the scenario a bit  okay the markets are now moving upwards   they pull back they're moving upwards and right  up here you get a candle with a big wick on top what does this mean for you okay rolf you're  saying sell sell standby sell sell rejection   sell so interesting i just changed  where i put this candlestick and   now majority of you guys are saying the same thing   see how how the opinion changes behind that same  candlestick pattern that everyone has learned but   the way we respond to where it is is a very unique  thing okay this is something important you guys   should understand that it's a very unique thing on  where it shows up so far so good everyone with me   okay now i'm gonna take it one step further one  step further how many of you guys understand   momentum how many guys here are actually part  of the mastering price action program with me on yeah so okay so a lot of you guys  are in the mastering price action program right   some of you might not be but majority of you guys  from the looks of it are saying you guys are okay   i'm gonna throw in a little bit of momentum in  here okay so the markets the markets are going   up okay and those of you guys who don't have  the measuring price section course don't worry   about it i'm going to explain to you what i'm  trying to say it will make sense to you it will   make sense to you so the markets are moving up  they're going up it goes up this high 100 pips   then it the market takes a little breather comes  down 30 pips okay and then it goes up 300 pips and then an exhaustion candle or a pin  bar or an inverted hammer shows up here can i sell now notice how how all of your answers i'm i'm  reading it i just see no's across the board notice   how you change the way you you you've used the  word from earlier you were saying sell it now when   i throw in a little bit more data behind it and i  said look at the momentum of this you guys are all   saying no do not sell this now same candlestick  pattern similar location at the top of a trend but   now because you have a little bit more data you're  saying yeah i know it's the same candlestick   pattern i know it's what we all studied but now  it means something different you guys agree so   can we all come to a conclusion by just studying  a candlestick pattern won't get you anywhere yes at least we we all agree on that part right  okay just studying a pattern means nothing   i want to expand on that just studying any  pattern in the world you know a bat pattern   a cat pattern a raccoon pattern a dinosaur  pattern studying any pattern on its own means   nothing a fibonacci pattern a higher high higher  low pattern all of these patterns on its own   mean nothing you need data around it to  support what are we actually looking at   a pattern pattern there you go okay okay so far  so good so i i like how some of you guys are   saying need context very good very good so we need  context right good now let me switch the scenario   around a little bit more okay let me switch the  scenario around a little bit more okay i'm glad   you guys are coming to a realization of why is  is is something good or why something bad when   it's exactly the same education everyone has got  but now you think differently this is the key you   need to identify how the world is looking at what  you are seeing to get an edge over the next person did you did you understand what i just said okay  you need to get an edge over the next person but   to do that you need to understand when people look  at a certain thing in a certain way during certain   times so when i drew that sideways range we had  multiple different answers but when i put the   exhaustion cam on top of the trend  suddenly everyone's answer became the same   but when i included some momentum in there  suddenly everyone's answer changed again but   it was the same if i know how everyone thinks  can i not have an added edge above everyone right that's how trading works you need to be one  step ahead one step ahead which means you need to   think like a chess player if i do this then the  next person does this i can then do this that's   how you think okay that's how you have to think  you have to think in multiple moves like that   okay so but having that said we're going to  discuss candlesticks we're not talking about   chess today we're just talking about candlesticks  okay so let's go into this a little bit deeper   a little bit deeper yeah okay so now the  markets are going up bam just like before   100 pips then it takes a little breather for  30 pips pulls back right then it goes up again   okay and he makes only 50  pips then he takes a breather okay for 50 for 25 pips then he  goes up again for 25 pips and now   an exhaustion candle shows up what would you do okay now i don't have any buys in the  chat right now all i see is sells sells   cells okay across the chat it's all cells all  over the place okay now there's multiple ways   to look at this some people look at trends  right how many of you guys understand how   a trend works do you guys know the the general  pattern of a trend right what's a what's a trend a higher high a higher low okay so if we're  looking at this chart if this aussie usd 60   minute chart and you look at it and then you you  bring in your son or your daughter or a toddler   to look at the screen and say okay help daddy or  mommy understand which way is the market going   he or she will say up right he will he or she  will say oh it's going up look at all those nice   christmas colors going up but what exactly is  making them say up it is this thing the idea of   the low points getting higher and higher and the  high points are getting higher and higher okay   so the concept of higher high higher low sequences  makes the idea of a person to say it is an up flow   okay having that said how did this movement start  the one i was trying to put the candlestick on   it started with a movement strong move up  very very aggressively michael yes very fast   very strong then it moved making a higher high  sequence higher low sequence great and then for   the very first time we were unable to make a  higher high and that exhaustion candle shows up so not only do we know the momentum each move  subsequent move up is slowing down but we also   see our trend is now at risk it is coming into  trouble now if i sell this is this going to   crash all the way down to here and then make a  hole on my floor and go down to the first floor   no obviously not right again where where it shows  up makes a difference let's take your knowledge   of this one one candlestick pattern okay i know  we're going to talk about three but i want to take   one one candlestick pattern and open it up so much  that you can look at it with all different angles   and be like i know what the world's looking  at this as and i know what's going to happen   okay so let's take this even further  now okay let me delete all these lines a little bit more okay done okay terenda  Navin can you see my messages because i   can't see anyone yeah all of your messages for  any of you guys who are typing i can see them   and the team can see them but you won't be  able to see each other's messages to avoid   any confusion so you guys can call you know calmly  just talk with me and we can have a conversation   with each other but don't worry i can read all of  your messages yeah all right all right cool cool arjuna is saying it's like a blind  date that's exactly what it is except i'm dating a thousand other people  and you guys don't know about it you know   okay so here we go here we go so now i'm gonna  change the scenario a little bit more okay   so the markets were going up pulls back a little  bit goes up pulls back a little bit goes up   pulls back a little bit goes up no higher high   drops down pulls back a little bit  and now you see an exhaustion candle okay now i want to ask a question now i haven't even asked  the question and the responses are already coming   in but i'll ask a question calm down slow down  okay i want to ask a question how do you see what   is happening here now okay what do you see just  happen here you saw the momentum fade okay you're   not just looking for a candlestick pattern saying  where the hell is my candlestick pattern because   once i see the pattern i need to sell it and once  i sell it i need to quickly go to the bank so i   need to go to the ferrari dealership no no no  no no okay you want to take it easy you want to   understand the whole story so it was an uptrend  dying out it was slowing down every step of the   way and that uptrend with a higher high higher  low sequence suddenly said no more higher highs   no more higher highs in fact he made what what  happened to my lowest point here what happened   to that it got lower it got lower i now have my  first lower high brand new brand brand new okay   okay i'm walking you through this three-stage  process of when do you touch a candlestick pattern   when do you like a candlestick pattern when do you  hate a candlestick pattern but the same pattern   i'm walking you through very very slowly okay  so please don't take this sim simplistically   because it's not simple because many people  make this mistake all the time all the time okay   all right so far so good everyone with me we've  made a first lower low and then a first lower high   okay now i want to ask you guys one thing here  okay would you sell that candlestick pattern okay yes okay a lot of you guys are saying  yes some i see so i see one or two no's i see   one guy said wait but i'm seeing yeses from  the rest okay i see 100 yes also okay good   good now we're getting somewhere let me open it  up even deeper let me open it up even deeper okay   okay here we go here we go let me get rid of all this and  i want to take it even further   okay ready for this now let me ask  you something markets are going up bam   they start rising bam they start rising bam  they start rising okay i want you to think of   anything in the world that you know about anything  that you can actually purchase okay what happens   to okay ben is saying pineapples let's say this  this uptrend is for pineapples okay we're gonna   i've never used pineapples as an example but here  we go pineapples okay so we are buying pineapples   right this chart represents pineapples  are hot these days hashtag pineapples okay   that's the new trend now everyone is behind  these pineapples they're like no matter what   happens i gotta get that pineapple okay i gotta  get that pineapple so what people are trying to do   is to say if i can get a good price on  the pineapple hopefully the pineapple   rises in price again into the future that  i can sell it for a profit so far so good okay i want i want you guys to put yourself in the  shoes of this design so the markets are going down   down down down down sideways sideways sideways  sideways sideways okay are you a seller   in this stage just put yourself  in the shoes of any average person   okay some people are saying no i'm not interested  in selling it's sideways market and everything   like that okay the market goes up a little bit  and then it goes down more are you a seller okay now some yeses are coming in okay  then the market goes up a little bit are you a seller okay i see some no's i see some yeses  notice how mix mix results right okay   then the market goes down a  little bit are you a seller okay see some knows then the  market jumps up just slightly are you a buyer okay mixed results then the market goes down and  then jumps up very aggressively are you a buyer then the market pulls down a little bit  and jumps up aggressively are you a buyer okay now the entire chat has turned into a yes  okay compared to earlier this whole era people   were the focus point was is it still a sell or not  i don't i don't get it is this still a sell or not   but only after it makes a visual appeal to  you saying look how high it's gone that's   when people say of course it's a bye you know my  grandma can see it my mom can see it my kids can   see it my dog can see it everyone can see it of  course it's a buy so i want you to remember one   thing at least from this webinar is when  someone notices a direction it's too late   it's too late so that means when a market is doing  this and then it's going up like this and this and   this people do not buy that people buy this less  more people buy this most people buy that agreed okay you don't want me to repeat  the chart of bitcoin for everybody   okay bitcoin is gone from the news it is  unspoken of anymore except   and stuff like that but it is not even  spoken about anymore because it's no longer   cool right so if people chase it once it  becomes popular let me ask you one question now   if this starts to pull back  slightly and goes down that deep   and then it goes up and then it goes down  a little bit more and then you get a hammer do you want to buy now have mixed results again okay there are some yeses there are some no's   do you see what i'm doing here i'm using that same  pattern i'm just putting in different places of   the market and all of your answers change all  of your answers change because you're learning   how to read the market instead of reading the  pattern if you read the pattern you will fail   if you learn the market structure you read  the market and then you use the pattern   you will win and then you can say i know how  to trade that pattern there's a difference if   not do you understand the pattern can you trade  the pattern there are two different things okay so far so good everyone with me so far   okay now i'm gonna take this entire  scenario and i'm gonna redraw it one   more time for you to get a quick aha moment  yeah very very quickly here we go here we go delete delete okay we're going to do this  in under one minute so markets are going   up 100 pips pulls back 30 pips goes up 200 pips  exhaustion candle shows up right on top sell it no good good you're talking like pros now let  everybody else sell it not you guys let them sell   it they like candlestick patterns let them sell it  no worries market goes down goes down 70 percent   then it goes up unable to make a higher  high exhaustion candle shows up sell it now you can but what do you know about  this cell is this cell gonna go down   to make new lows and and show up on the  news that oh my goodness that exhaustion   candle that showed up on the markets today it  broke the market you know it took microsoft all   the way down to zero no no no you know you can  sell it but don't forget you are in an uptrend   you're in an uptrend but because the uptrend  is dying there's a chance that he can come in   quite deep good that's an in and out kind of  trade very good you're getting somewhere now   let me take this even further here we go let's  remove some okay now the market starts to go   down bam pulls back and from this pullback  exhaustion candle shows up pinbar can i sell it oh yeah you better be on that cell  because why why should you be on that cell   remember the world is looking at buys they just  want to buy they haven't grasped it's a cell yet   now the market goes down  and pulls back and goes down   and pulls back and goes down and pulls back  and then an exhaustion candle shows up sell it doesn't this look exactly the same as this but  now your answer to how do you deal with it changed   same pattern exactly the same pattern  in three different locations and your   all of your answers are different  from how you would trade it right i haven't changed anything  i'm using the same pattern for   you guys but you guys are getting  smarter on how to use that pattern okay the further price goes the more people are  on that cell okay the earlier it is more people   are buying and buying and buying if you were  dealing in stocks okay luckily you guys are   all in forex so you don't have this concept of if  i want to buy something someone has to sell to me   if i have to buy something someone has to  sell to me does everyone understand what   i just said that one small sentence many of  you guys me or maybe not any of you guys here   but many traders who are in just forex don't never  thought of that because there's so much liquidity   they never have to think about it because if they  hit buy they get the buy if they hit sell they get   to sell so they never think about there needs to  be somebody on the other side if you want to sell   over here down here someone needs to hit the  buy button so you can sell to them correct   but who is hitting the buy down there everyone  is selling remember the whole public mentality   is sell sell sell sell and if we want to sell also  who are we buying it from who are we selling to so   but up here if the public hasn't switched to a  sell side yet and they're focusing on the buys   still can you not sell to them willing  to buy at these high prices up in the sky because the market kept going higher and  higher and higher and if you want to sell   hey anyone will buy from you you're willing to  sell they're like oh they're hungry for profits   they've been seeing it go up for so long  they're like i can't wait to get a piece of this   and when you hit the sell button they're  like no problem i'll buy it from you so you get a fill you get your 100 shares  that you want to sell someone on the other   side says i will take that hundred thank you  very much but the lower you go on the other side   they're also looking to sell you're also looking  to sell how do you how do you get a buyer   so that candlestick pattern down  there has less odds of working one pattern different locations different approach yes so far so good how many guys can say you  officially understood the logistics of   patterns now okay yeah good good i'm glad i'm glad  yeah so it is not about how much can you study   it is not about how many degrees can you  put in your belt it is about how can you   make use of that information otherwise what's  the point of learning ridiculously non-stop   you can fill your house and make it look like  a library but yet it doesn't mean you have   a scent of knowledge because you don't  know how to use it does that make sense okay so a person with 500 degrees   and you with zero degrees but know  how to use what you've learned so far   is a lot smarter in my eyes than the person  with so many degrees but zero application skills   yeah okay there you go yeah so don't get don't  live in that illusion so shall we look at our   trade from today okay i took some trades i took  a trade aussie usd that you heard earlier lucas   was on that one as well and i did one for euro yen  and marco was you know eyeing that this morning as   well so we'll go into both of those trades and i  want you to tell me did i get the first good price   second good price or a bad price okay you will  be the judge of this and you will tell me very   bad Navin or very good you can you can judge me  accordingly based on what you've learned so far   yeah oh i see some people you're saying first  time here welcome welcome and some of you guys   you said you were late don't worry about it it's  recorded i'm sure some of you guys couldn't get   in again once again i really apologize for that  how many of you guys here actually picked up the   mastering price action during easter okay anyone  here who doesn't have the measuring price action   is and anyone in here who doesn't have  the mastering price action course okay   so i i do see there are some people here who  don't have it what i'll do is towards the   end of this webinar okay we'll go for go on for  another 10 minutes towards the end of the webinar   i'll extend the issuer promotion so you can pick  up the mastering price section 2.0 for that easter   price of 99 yeah so you won't have to pay the the  149 dollars you'll i'll extend that promotion out   for you towards the end of this webinar and i'll  i'll get it for you but for now i want you guys   to all stay here and focus okay so here we go here  we go okay all right right now everyone's typing   in the reviews about mpa so unfortunately you guys  can't see that but there's a lot of good reviews   of people saying you know they really absolutely  love it and stuff like that so life-changing   some of you guys are saying so i'm glad you guys  like it thank you for your feedbacks on that okay   so aussie usd let's have a look let me  go down to the 15 minutes let me open   up my charts now can you tell me this guy over  here what kind of candlestick pattern is that what kind of candlestick pattern is that inverted  hammer okay inverted hammer so i sold that   over there so i have multiple choices of where  i can sell from but i sold from over there   how come i didn't hold on and write it as long  as i could okay this particular trade i made 3.9  

r on this which is approximately 390 okay so  if you were risking 100 you made 390 dollars   basically you know in a nutshell okay so what are  we seeing here so a lot of the people are saying   it's a lower high adjusting you're saying too low  to keep going okay momentum is still going robert   you're saying joseph you're saying because  it was far from original start of the trend   okay upside down hammer he had yes that's  correct already in a downtrend so it could   be a reverse christopher will okay very  good now shall we look at this closely   of i need to know should i pay attention to my  patterns on this or not can you guys when you look   at this chart tell me where the cells began just  by looking at this chart like if you bring your   dog back in and saying okay doggy Navin needs you  again tell him which direction is the market going   all right so your dog comes in your dog's  looking at the charge he's like okay   rough down okay so it's been going  down since this price here right now my trade is is down there like i can barely  you know see it it's all the way down there   let's have a look at this in terms of structure  so how i trade these things is i start from my   60 minutes as my larger player and i work  my way from there so i'm looking at the 60   and i'm watching this momentum of what is  going on with this who are the players into   the market what is the momentum and you  will walk with me into this entire trade   not by pattern but by reading the market closely  okay you ready we'll do this together we're going   to go step by step i'm going to ask you  the question you guys are going to answer   okay so i'm on the 60 minute now if i  just open this chart i see the markets   were heavily going down from here agreed lower  high lower low sequence which means downtrend   so far so good what happened to that downtrend  that low that got lower stopped getting lower so far so good then it turned into an  uptrend higher high higher low sequence   okay as that higher high higher low sequence  started people started to begin to buy it   much late in the face they don't buy  it initially they only buy it once it's   a given right so it starts going up but that up  suddenly turns into a sideways momentum because   we never get a higher high we keep getting higher  lows along the way but we never get a higher high   which means it can no longer be called an uptrend  it becomes a some kind of consolidation okay   consolidation basically means the market's  not going anywhere it's getting stuck okay   christopher will you're saying range is range  is our friends yeah there you go there you go   from the mpa man good job all right so now in this  process the cell took over it came down hard bam   made its first lower low here first one okay and  then it pulls back here would you say that is   the first lower high the brand new cell while  the world is still looking at a possible buy   there's a brand new cell coming so i know all  of you guys are thinking Navin why why didn't   you sell that what is wrong with you i know  i was sleeping i'm sorry like i wasn't there   i want that trade too trust me i want that  trade as much as you are like dude sell that i   i want it badly i was sleeping okay so i come into  the office i see that as a lower low so i'm aware   i'm late okay i'm aware i am late to the party  but remember that momentum i was talking about no   it doesn't mean do not sleep anymore guys it means  it's okay you can get on to the next trade it's   fine all right so the markets move down so let  me delete all these things again and i'm going   to focus just from the arrow yeah i can't get rid  of all this okay here we go so here we are now of   the market move down first time lower low first  time lower high it's just starting bam this trade   missed by intervene sleeping okay can you tell me  something about this momentum how did it move down   and then when it pulled back and he  came down again how did it move down   would you say he's slowing down or has he still  got power oh yeah he's got some balls right   sorry i shouldn't say balls in case there's kids  here he's got some kahunas right there we go   is it moving right so it's like yeah now give  me a pullback and i'm gonna i'm gonna sell it   so he pulls back to an snr  area and he's holding there now all of you guys like  Navin sell that you monkey   sell that why aren't you selling that i know  i wasn't there unfortunately on that part too   i just wasn't there okay so i missed  that cell as well yes i was making coffee   i come into the i come into the office and  then i see marco talking about it saying   sorry lucas talking about it saying i'm really  interested in getting into the aussie usd sells   and he hits it you know he hits it around  those areas and he and he takes the cell   okay now i'm at a dilemma the markets are moving  i know the markets are strong i missed two main   entries okay i missed two main entries i'm  sulking i'm sulking like this is ridiculous   you know how can i miss this damn you sleep in  coffee okay all right now fast forward to the   moment where i'm watching this carefully because  i want to understand what can i do if i should   do anything okay if i should do anything okay so  all jokes aside so far so good everyone with me okay okay let's take this a little bit deeper now  now there's a lot of money to be made obviously   right unfortunately not in any of that but let's  take it to where now it gets very interesting   okay let's get rid of all these drawings we'll  get you right up and close to a clean chart   okay here we go now the markets are  starting to move and i don't have that   price okay let me go into the 15 minutes now okay  the 15 minutes i see when the markets were going   up and up and up obviously when i hit the support  and resistance and i started seeing these kind of   candlestick patterns it gets me interested you  know it gets my interest is like prepare for   selling new monkey but i didn't sell it okay i  didn't sell it the market shoots away how does   it shoot away do you guys remember this design it  was an uptrend what just happened to that uptrend   a first time lower low and then that  lower high i took that i took that cell   but remember when we were on the 60 minute how  low in that sequence am i selling am i selling   brand new that the whole world is buying and  i am selling it no i sold late i sold late   which means i can't hold on it's risky there you  go it's risky so when i sold that i know i am not   selling it for for long term i'm selling it for a  quick in and out that in and out pays well too if   you're entering nicely it pays well it gives you  nice money too so my return on this is 3.9R which   is like i said 390 so far so good makes sense  so you see how that candlestick pattern is there   that candlestick pattern alone just tells me to  sell but i don't know what to do with that cell   how do i do i even enter it  do i hold on do i get out soon   i have no clue what to do with that pattern if i  don't read the market carefully but all i've done   is taught you how to basically read the market in  a matter of 50 minutes and it's changing your pers   perspective it's changing your perspective on how  you're looking at a simple candlestick pattern   right so now do you can you come to a  conclusion of how professional traders   use candlestick patterns to trade are they  using a candlestick pattern itself to trade   no it is where the candlestick pattern  shows up that makes the difference okay is that making sense how many of you  guys would say you had an aha moment today   yeah okay there's quite a few  good good i'm glad i'm glad   i don't want you guys ever to leave any  of my webinars without learning something   okay if you guys leave my webinars without  learning something you email me i am in trouble   okay good i'm glad i'm glad so would you say  this was difficult what you've learned today   is it is it difficult no but the thing is that  because it's so simple it's so easy many people   just ignore i think it's the basics i don't want  to learn the basics it's just for kids no you have   to get the foundation right you have to get the  foundation right it's not hard it's actually quite   easy but you know how which direction to focus  someone needs to point you in the right direction   yeah all right so all you guys who were  saying you guys do not have the matching   price section course as we're getting ready to  wrap up i wanted to bring this up let me let   me actually turn off back my turn off my screen  sharing and bringing you guys back to humanity   where where are we okay okay  you guys can see me just fine   yeah okay cool cool cool okay yeah so basically  all of you guys who said you guys do not have the   matching price section course you guys can  pick it up for the easter easter promotion   i will extend it out for another couple  of sorry another 24 hours for you guys   you know we're way past easter it's not nice to  celebrate easter when you're past easter like this   but you know because it's a special webinar i  want you guys to really make use of growing and   learning and being the best you can be because as  you've seen in this webinar it is not so difficult   it's just you need to be pointed in the right  direction and with the right thought process   so this is a eight week long program  course once the eight weeks are over   you can still keep all all the material i won't  take it away from you it is yours to keep forever   it's an eight week long program week after  week i will walk you through on how to read   the markets with various things such as even the  thing we talked about the momentum stuff that's   in there as well where i talk you through  on how to read that momentum professionally   but in an easy way so you don't get lost in it  you know and confused so all of this is available   armand you know one of the one of the panelists i  think armand will put it in the chat room for you   guys on how to pick it up you are able to pick  it up you can go to   okay i know it's very difficult to remember  but it's okay otherwise   our most put in the chat for you you can copy  and paste it onto your browser and you will be   able to pick up the meshing price action course  for a discounted price of 99 now those of you   are watching the recording this is a one-time  thing only chances are if you're watching this   recording you're not going to get that deal so you  know i apologize for that in advance so all right   so before we end this yes agreed did we all have  a successful breakthrough in the knowledge today   aha moment are you walking away smarter  and better than before when you walked in   yes sometimes the best answer is just showing  up okay surrounding yourself with people who   know what they're doing you just gotta show up and  you will learn you will learn you will be better   okay you just gotta show up so thank you all  for coming here today i know you know for many   places that there's still a lockdown going  on and there's curfews and stuff like that   stay safe take care of your families we're  always here for you if you ever need us you   can email us at thanks guys  until next time see you then cheers bye for now


2021-02-27 17:29

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