Tippie College Of Business Commencement - Fall 2020

Tippie College Of Business Commencement - Fall 2020

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[Music] do so [Music] congratulations hawkeyes and welcome to the university of iowa's 2020 fall commencement obviously we're recognizing your graduation in a relatively unique way we would much rather have celebrated with you and meet your friends and family and shake your hands in person so while our celebration is virtual please know our pride in your accomplishments remains as strong and bright as at any iowa commencement in the past you are a very very special class of iowa graduates having finished your studies during a global pandemic that's been unprecedented in our lifetime throughout it you have shown commitment and resilience in completing your degrees and you've set a great example for our whole campus community as always we stand together today as hawkeyes with strength purpose and pride now today many of you are gathering with others it could be family members or friends or mentors and those loved ones are very important in the process of your getting here and any commencement is in fact a recognition not only of your accomplishments but the team who got you here so today we also want to thank and recognize the family members friends teachers mentors and many others who have supported you and aided you in your success soon you'll be moving on to a new phase in your life whether it be professional personal community and maybe even educational you should know that you have been central to the excellence of this university while studying here and you have in fact contributed greatly to our campus community as well as the larger community in our region and looking forward we are very very grateful that your future accomplishments will always be part of our proud iowa legacy we know that you will represent yourself your university and your profession with honor and integrity and that you will make all the people in the world better through your talent your compassion and your newly minted knowledge and skills we will always welcome you back to your campus and we hope you in fact you might join us in the future for another in-person graduation once again congratulations good luck and best wishes for great success in the wonderful years ahead of you please know we are very very proud of you and all you've accomplished and all you've done for us and very importantly remember once a hawkeye always a hawkeye go hawks graduating students family and friends i'm honored to join president harold in bringing greetings from the university of iowa on this very special occasion i know this is a very different commencement celebration than what you've imagined but even though we're at a distance i'm sure you know that today you are surrounded by the best wishes of your peers family friends and the faculty and staff who have cheered you and supported you along the way and who are all so proud of you and even if i can only be doing this virtually it is no less of a privilege and a pleasure for me to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of our graduating class of fall 2020. graduates you should be so proud of what you've achieved please know that we could not be more proud of you we are honored to have traveled with you on this part of your academic journey in addition to receiving the highest quality education inside and outside the classroom i am sure that during your time here you build up a wealth of special memories and form friendships that will last a lifetime you've also faced some truly daunting challenges including these unprecedented past 10 months and you have navigated them with resilience and determination those qualities experiences and relationships will serve you well no matter where your journey takes you next as you leave this university you are carrying on a long tradition of excellence so go forward with confidence and do great things i know you will always be proud to be a graduate of the university of iowa just as i am and just as we will always be proud to claim you as a member of the hawkeye family congratulations class of fall 2020. welcome graduates family friends faculty and staff to the tippee college of business winter 2020 commencement ceremony commencement is defined as the beginning of something new but beginnings only come from something else ending although we likely all agree that we are not sorry to see the year 2020 end the end of your academic journey at the tippy college may be bittersweet the last few months have thrown obstacles in your path that could never have been anticipated when you started your program yet despite these challenges you persisted your eyes were set upon a goal that you did not relinquish no matter how many circumstances turned against you the late reverend martin luther king jr once said if you can't fly then run if you can't run then walk if you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward that quote aptly describes your efforts toward this degree some days you may have felt like you were flying toward graduation and other days it may have felt like a crawl but whatever the pace you maintained forward movement to reach this goal others gave up along the way but you did not and today you receive the benefits of that persistence and hard work by receiving your degree from the tippy college of business at the university of iowa this degree will open doors for you that you may never have imagined the career path may be exactly what you expected or something completely different you're walking into a world where nothing is exactly like it was nine months ago but along with persistence you have also shown a remarkable ability to pivot to shift direction or method or plans around the point where you currently find yourself you have all mastered the skill of pivot tables in excel and just like those tables which allow you to take different views of an existing set of data you have learned to see existing options in a new light some of you did virtual internships allowing you to partner with companies around the world some of you found ways to study abroad while never leaving home and all of you found ways to collaborate and learn effectively via zoom we don't know yet what the next set of options will look like as there is much uncertainty in the world but what is certain is that the knowledge and skills you have gained at tippy combined with persistence and the ability to pivot will serve you well as you begin this new adventure these last few months may have felt like you were sometimes crawling toward the finish line but now it's time to fly thank you for being a valuable part of the tipi community and best wishes to you for all continued success in your next endeavors now it is my privilege to introduce to you a very special speaker the namesake of our college henry b tippe he is speaking to us from his office in austin texas and has a few words for you our extraordinary class of 2020. my name is henry v tippe and i want to congratulate the tiffany college of business class of 2020 on your graduation you are graduating during a most challenging time your future will be what you make the same best of luck to you in your future ventures and go hawks one two three win thank you henry and amy for your inspiring remarks the business world expects great things from tippy graduates and from what i know of them our graduates have what it takes to meet and exceed those expectations hi my name is associate dean ken brown and it is my distinct pleasure to introduce today's student speaker bella volson bella's from davenport iowa and is graduating with a bba in marketing on the retail management track an international business certificate and minors in both russian and spanish during her time at tippi bella was involved as a consultant in the marketing institute a peer mentor for the direct admit seminar and held executive positions in both women in business and the national retail federation after graduation bella plans on getting her teaching english as a foreign language certification in hopes of becoming a fulbright scholar in the near future thank you ken i can't believe we're already here it seems like just yesterday that i was a senior in high school visiting tippy on an admitted student's day when dean brown introduced himself to me it just happened to be my 18th birthday and the gift of our 10-minute conversation was life-changing it's what ultimately brought me to tipi thank you ken for that and the unwavering support that you've given me over the years you're appreciated by us all my fellow tippy graduates look how far we've come from those first days of having no idea what the upo stood for and getting lost trying to find a way into w401 we're now about to enter another stage of life completely different from the ones we've already passed through now more than ever the future is extremely unknown i mean seriously 2020 has been a whirlwind of a year i don't think any of us would have guessed as freshmen that this is how we would end our time in undergrad i believe this quote by the great paul rudd sums it up look at us hey look at us huh who would have thought not me today it is my duty to talk about the time we've had at tippy in order to trigger your own nostalgia and for your loved ones to understand our experiences over the last few years at the ripe old age of 23 i have a few lessons that i would like to share lesson number one face the future head on it may be intimidating it may be terrifying but it's coming and no one can stop it remember how scared you were for that first financial accounting exam that you didn't really study for well you passed and you're here you made it through life is one big financial accounting exam you might do well in some sections not truly understand others but as long as you get the gist and hang on for the ride you'll end up all right in the end lesson number two change is okay as a type a personality i constantly have to be in control of everything do you remember in middle school when we took that test that told us what we should be when we grew up mine said that i would study business at the university of california santa barbara obviously i didn't spend the last four and a half years in california where the weather is much nicer and there's more than just three mexican restaurants that all share the same name the changes didn't stop there switching majors adding minors being the first student from our college to study abroad in russia i just never seemed to get into a set groove while it was a challenge for me as a control freak to accept there's nothing in our lives that is ever going to remain constant i found some of the best memories and truest friendships were forged when things didn't go as planned i came into college thinking that i would be in a sorority but i actually dropped out during fall rush another marketing student in my recruitment group also ended up not staying in a sorority her name may still be katie wong recruitment in my phone but to this day she is one of my closest friends lesson number three failure does not define you your grade zone either you may think in order to be commencement speaker you have to be the top of your class that's what i thought too but here i am since this speech is pre-recorded when it airs i will be sitting next to my family who are not all privy to the fact that i failed stats for biz the fall of junior year heading into spring my esteem was the lowest it's been since high school i felt unworthy and that i would never amount to anything because i let this grade define me as a person that same semester as i was retaking a failed course i landed an internship in new york city where i spent the summer of 2019. if you would have told me the week after fall finals while i was sick on my bathroom floor with grief that i would be moving to the big apple in six months i wouldn't have believed you but i did the moral of this story you can build yourself up once again after failing you are more than the gpa you're graduating with today you are a person made up of experiences and memories and all these immeasurable factors that speak volumes more than a failed class remember that going forward because if you haven't failed yet you will and it hurts but also remember that my story is not unique even if you fall down seven times make sure to stand up eight lesson number four you determine your own path as we're all december graduates it would appear that we've each taken a quote-unquote non-traditional path in college we have all arrived at this moment due to our own choices whether we are graduating earlier or later than initially expected if anything this year has solidified my point coven 19 is a rupture in everyone's plans proving that there is no traditional path all you can control is how you let it impact you i don't want the focus of today to be on the pandemic covid19 has been a detour that has rocked all of our worlds think of all the memories made on this campus before march going to football games with freshman year floor friends eating our ponchos way too many times in one week and dancing at homecoming concerts to artists we've never heard of before for me it was lizzo there has been so much good throughout our shared iowa experience that you shouldn't let this moment in history make you forget those fun times i hope you're proud of what you've accomplished despite the challenges you won you've made it through i would like to take a moment for each of us to acknowledge our friends and family members who helped us get to this point whether you're sitting next to each other socially distanced or zoom calling into your celebration today these are the people who love and support you through thick and thin personally i would like to thank my grandparents boris and olga wolfson who sacrificed everything to give their descendants a better future felicidades congratulations class of 2020 the credits and debits are balanced we made it now let's go into 2021 and show the world what we've got thank you bella for your message we are so proud of you before we recognize each of you individually we would like to recognize several student honors and achievements during the presentation of graduates those tippy college of business students who are graduating with honors will be recognized the college awards degrees with highest distinction to students in the highest two percent of the graduating class with high distinction to students in the next highest three percent and with distinction to students in the next highest five percent the students who are graduating in the tippee college of business with honors will also be recognized students graduate with honors in their major by achieving a 3.5 grade point average and writing a thesis relevant to their academic interest or major students may also graduate with university honors by completing 12 semester hours of honors coursework and undertaking significant hands-on learning experiences including research study abroad and internships finally i would like to invite you to turn your tassel with me the turning of the tassel is the traditional gesture by which each student signifies passage from degree candidate to graduate each of you now mark your new status by turning your tassel from the right side to the left we congratulate each and every one of you and now president bruce harold and dean amy kristof brown will confer the degrees president harold these candidates have completed all the requirements for the degree bachelor of business administration and are recommended to you by the faculty of the tippy college of business for the conferring of this degree on recommendation to the faculty of the tippy college of business and by the authority vested in me by the board of regents state of iowa i confer on each of you the degree bachelor of business administration as qualified and designated we will now recognize the tippee college bachelors of business administration class of 2020 heartfelt congratulations to each one of you [Music] [Music] michael benjamin abbas michaela nicole ackermann visar ajraja danny aldridge emily rose baccatan how ben olivia may barrett jacob michael baron sarah barons kyle james burley cassidy paige birkenpass muhammad fasan bin abdul haqq jordan cole burkhog [Music] cole with highest distinction lexi brennaman keel brown jess buman noah richard berger ian mitchell carlson magdalena caro justin christopher castillo gianna chimo timothy james cohen tucker alan cobb abigail elizabeth coleman samuel williams cox stephen robert culpepper annaleigh dannagher with distinction khalil fuad doud with distinction joshua patrick denning tyler dennis with university honors with highest distinction jessie denton shewin ding tanner william dracy brooke rose drizwicki cayman dew elise catherine dunscombe shane michael erickson william eversman shannon faulkner with highest distinction madison ashley fisher evan andrew frank elizabeth marie freeze derek friestad tristan garcia sean matthew garinger nathan geiger brian iver greenough with university honors with highest distinction [Music] ciao lauren hall with university honors with distinction parker lee hansen paul russell hardy adam gerald harrington dustin adam hartley claire berdine siebens henry holly ann herrig bailey nicole hershberger rebecca peyton hill paige taylor holton lilly honold [Music] tanner lee horchak martin juan spencer thomas humble nicholas jardine with distinction billy jensen jeremy gia shin jin jing joseph vito johnson tyler josend james patrick kane mark joseph karczewski jacob edward kaufman with university honors grant james kelly [Music] erica rose brandy nicole cropman mckenzie ann crum alexis ann larson erica nicole law spencer gage leach zachary rod leatherman ethan lebeda jacob michael lens frank jordan lipour audrey geralyn lester zsa lin evelyn labrenz logiudisi caitlyn long riley jacob lau yang yang lu with high distinction michael scott ludolph ii matthew joseph manus billy marzin kristen j mathis el margarita mccormick with high distinction jacob a mcneil caitlin nicole mizel with university honors with distinction sabra mitchell elena linda munson amy marie morrison daniel james mullen audrey mumford jack nelson [Music] nicholas joseph norby spencer russell nyberg alexandra jill oliver jennifer elise oliver patrick henry o'malley tom owak sachita nand pandey katie elizabeth parizek jacob kaufman parker andrew james parr ryan jeffrey palowski joshua michael pellick [Music] natasha bettina pennyman alexis rose pitzen drew charles pulzoise thomas leo poen with distinction andrew prosciutto dan rafferty brandon don randberger trevor razo grant charles reese taylor reagan weather amanda raj hung chung ron rosetta sodawasser alec shakhtar sam schnebin [Music] joanna mariah schrader nicholas a shanker sawyer shaw caroline jean siebers christopher michael siebert sidney skinner with distinction sabrina scourin miranda rose slife reed snitcher kimberly fett cyrevang sydney k stegman jeremy struder echen sun trevor zveck samantha jeannette swamberger tanner tokal tyler james topsick bella wolfson diane wang dylan waters kyle witt dalton allen weber emily christine wolfe maria wright [Music] shah [Music] with university honors hong kong with distinction on behalf of the board of regents state of iowa i congratulate each and every one of you graduating today today is a wonderful day for you for the university and for our state iowa has long been known as a state that values education that is a core value of the region's mission the pandemic has changed our lives and certainly made many things more difficult through this you have persevered through unprecedented circumstances to achieve your goal of receiving your degree commencement is when we fulfill the most essential mission of iowa's public universities graduating talented people like you who will go on to make a positive impact on our society celebrating your graduation today in a different way is only one of the higher education changes we are experiencing one of the changes we are experiencing in higher education right now though today's ceremony is not a traditional format and not what you're expecting when your college career started this in no way takes away from the tremendous accomplishment of graduating the common theme of all commencement ceremonies is that we celebrate the value of education and your achievement as you embark on an exciting new chapter of your life and the many personal and professional successes ahead of you take pride in being a graduate of the university of iowa one of the great public universities in the nation you should be proud of the people that have helped support you and helped you to this significant threshold in your life rest assured they are extremely proud of you receiving a degree is one of life's truly great moments once again congratulations to all the board of regents state of iowa is very proud to now call you an alumni of the university of iowa dear seniors congratulations on your graduation from professor hosmanic congratulations to our son tyler joseph graduating from the tippie college of business with a degree in accounting we are so proud of you and love you very much hi audrey we're all very proud of you on this important day and as your father i want to say how honored i am that my little sweet potatoes graduated from the university of iowa congratulations bella from metadata to moscow i've loved watching you grow professionally and personally over these past four years you did it and i'm so proud of you steven your dad and i are so proud of you graduating from the university of iowa we are excited to see what the future holds for you go hawks congratulations to the tippy college of business 2020 december grads you did it in the craziest of circumstances now go be a big deal congrats congratulations and welcome to the ranks of the hawkeye alumni this is a big accomplishment and i wish you all the best as you go out and make us all proud of you hello graduates congratulations on earning your degrees i wish you all the best as you begin your next adventures congratulations on graduating during such a challenging year i'm so proud of you and your determination and resilience you are going to do great things hot guys i'm so proud of how far you've come when you could have given up you kept going and next time we see each other when this is all over we're skipping the handshakes and we're going straight to dogs tippy graduates congratulations we're looking forward to watching your journey keep in touch because once a hawkeye always a hawkeye [Music] um [Music] please [Music] [Music] you

2020-12-21 18:37

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