Timothy Sykes - Visiting Friendly Bear Podcast HQ & Discussing David's Trading Journey

Timothy Sykes - Visiting Friendly Bear Podcast HQ & Discussing David's Trading Journey

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good to see you absolutely man it's  pretty pretty crazy you're you came   to LA and like this is especially like you  know this is where it all started for me   um hardcore in this office and the one across  the street that I showed you on the way here yeah   yeah it's crazy man um it's beautiful I love the  dedication you see that hard work has paid off   yeah I didn't lead you straight yeah man you know  it's just uh like what do you call it um I've had   like a life-changing experience the past couple  years you know what I'm saying it's just it's   just I don't know right now I'm kind of shocked  a little bit still I'm still surreal listen   you put in a lot of time studying you laid the  groundwork and then people are always surprised   like how tough it is at first and then how like  the clouds part and you're like whoa stuff really   can compound faster than you ever think like it's  it's harder in the beginning and then it's easier   if you do the hard work people most people are  not comfortable with like you know everyone wants   like a nice gradual progression right where it's  like oh okay it's a little hard but then it gets   easier it gets easier like that that doesn't work  at the beginning it's like a giant freaking wall   you have to chip away at that wall for months if  not years and then you you know you're still like   guaranteed profits but it becomes a lot easier  yeah you know um it's like that that compounded   knowledge you know it really I think uh with your  stuff you had a lot of examples of like gritani   um crook uh and then all the new guys I saw I had  you know I saw all their their development early   on and their success you know like Jack Kyle  um all the guys there with six figures or more   you know they were a little bit they were  ahead of me by a year or two and in just   a year or two like I went from basically  nothing to more than six figures you know   where are you at right now let's date this um  around 600 000. 600 000 in profits and this is we last so that was 250k now I'm home 600k so I  I've definitely improved the last time I spoke   to you this office had like bare walls I don't  know if you saw the microphone was all messed   up we did a podcast it was like but then I I  saw since watching gear stuff like crazy you   always kept it real and sometimes your mic would  be off 100 it's all about the car I couldn't care   less yeah so like when people were asking me in  the beginning oh your microphone this I was like   man it's just about the content all right like  and I got that from you I got that from you I'm   like as you should people complain about a little  bit like this I was like yo this is life-changing   information focus on what matters they're like oh  like your button is undone like shut up you little   wusses like you're focusing on the dumbest stuff  and this is social media this is like the you know   world right now where they everyone complains  about little stuff and it's like you missed the   big picture focusing on all this minutia which  doesn't matter yeah you know um and I think when   I was when I was learning and in that other  building across the street that shared space   um and I was looking over the videos I people saw  me studying and they'd be like is that Tim Sykes   oh man you know you're they're always pissing me  and I was like man it's just about the content I   just want the content they're saying oh yeah that  guy's a douche that guy's this and I was like man   it's just a crime yeah 100 I was like man it's  just the content and I already knew I was like   all right this is you know if I study this there's  so many examples that this way I was fighting with   a promoter today on Twitter and they're like I  know you you're a fraud you're a liar I was like   here's the here's the chart pattern here's the  seven step framework here are all the tickers   that fit the framework what am I lying about go  and he's like I know what you're doing you're   like I was like no this is the platform is  yours tell me what I'm lying about this is   the chart pattern these are the tickers what's  the line and they they can't respond but they   can't there's literally no response any time it's  just like you're a fraud you're a liar I hate you   but I show you the data I show you the charts  like what what am I lying about yeah and it you   know it was pretty straightforward I got into the  challenge yeah it's not rocket science and you go   through all the videos one by one you know there's  a little star of one through five I would Mark the   videos as listen to with with the Stars yeah if  I didn't have a star on there that means I didn't   do it and I gotta go see it and then um you know  I was telling you I didn't trade in that office   because I was so distracted I think uh people were  like trying to see what I'm doing you can't trade   like that you know it's stupid but that actually  helped you because then you you were forced to   study before you trade yes yeah so it's actually  good yeah yeah so anybody watching and I didn't   have money anybody watching this if you don't have  money if you have distractions good now you have   no excuses not to study yeah yeah you nailed it  right there so like I I realized I can't trade   this is too stressful to trade but I can study and  I don't have any money anyway so let me study and   you have nothing to lose yeah and then some pieces  Jack in Titanic remember Jack you remember do you   watch Titanic it was like you when you got nothing  you got nothing to lose even though his official   character and he died in it but like in real  life it ends up yeah yeah it did and um yeah some   people you know what's funny someone contacted me  now those people they see like my podcast they say   oh my God this guy surprised it's real so so one  of those guys contacted me and said hey David I   have this amount of money what should I invest in  I said man you should just start with these videos   and study you know and yourself and he said he  doesn't want to do it he still doesn't want to do   it you listen some people will make every excuse  in the book why they can't study like this is why   weed out people like I have a lot of people are  like oh make me Rich I'm like no I'm not gonna   make you rich I'm Gonna Make You educated then  you make yourself rich with that education but   that so many people like oh I can't study I got  kids I got a job like if you want it bad enough   you'll study yeah and I think that's what it is  you know um all your successful students they all   wanted it bad you know they decided this is going  to take a long time let me put in the work and uh   stay the course you know what I mean um but like  you they're surprised at how it pays off like Jack   Kellogg you came to the conference in Miami yeah  Jack Keller was up on stage and he's like you guys   have no idea how much work I put in to make 10  million and it's like yeah no [ __ ] buddy you   just made 10 million everybody wants to make 10  million he put in the work but then it paid off so   much quicker like you can study you know physics  you can be a doctor you can be a lawyer we're   talking a career of decades and you still won't  make 10 million so like the upside is so huge in   trading if you put in the time in the beginning  yeah and um okay so I was I'm an architect and   I went I came to LA to do architecture school  10 years ago or more than 10 years ago now and   um that took like 10 years to get to be like a  junior architect and then when I got to treat   him in when you came on the screen on YouTube and  someone pointed me out I and I investigated on it   by watching all your free content on YouTube I  downloaded them and I watched them all yeah and   um I was like wow what an opportunity I can switch  careers and if I treat this serious I can do like   and I know my work ethic that's all of that's on  you and um and how many years ago was this 2006   17. so five years yeah and now you're at what 650  yeah but I didn't even take his I mean I always   took it serious but I I uh 2019 is when I started  playing your time yeah but you also got lucky with   a crazy bull market in 2020 and 2021. so if not  all years are equal right like some some people   might start like hey I started in 2010 but then  like they give up like 2017 or 2018 because it's   slow and then they missed the promised land of  2020 and 2021. yeah so like it's you can't compare  

every year equivalently right like they're not all  equal years but the key is you don't know when the   next Mania or bubble is going to be all you can  do is control your preparation and the question   is will you be prepared for that meeting and you  were prepared in 2020 Yeah you mentioned that a   lot of times you know um because the lead Mania  I missed it and I was like oh man and then the   Bitcoin Mania or the cryptomania before I think I  missed it yeah and then like 2019 I was studying   I was like like crazy and in 2020 uh April was  when I started with the over PDT account I was   under PDT until crazy before May 2020. amazing  you know so two and a half years you go from   twenty five thousand six hundred thousand yeah  yeah even with some big losses yeah you know uh   uh yeah the big losses you go on a  streak and um you get too cocky you know   um what's that word well yeah you get too  cocky arrogance you know um and you you think   you're untouchable you're walking around you know  thinking oh I'm rich now you know I remember this   feeling but you see this is this is what you're  learning right so like you missed the weed minion   you missed the crypto Mania but then you think  that you screwed up by missing it but that like   I've lately I've been saying like you have a giant  checklist of like 900 things missing a Mania and   feeling guilty is a key checklist because that  is what is going to inspire you to study harder   if you don't miss a Mania you don't really know  the opportunity but when you miss it you're like   damn I should have been ready and that actually  helps you so missing a Mania I encourage everyone   to be unprepared in the beginning don't take it  you're no very few people take it seriously in   the beginning because they just don't understand  the upside within a few years like even with you   like you still can't believe your success within  a few years right yeah um that's what I'm saying   like architecture took me more than 10 years to  do and I was still here yeah yeah because I still   need to get licensed and I was gonna take another  three years so it was we're trading it after it   it was a life-changing opportunity for me because  it's not you know not linear right so like almost   every job almost every Pursuit on the planet is  like you know you have to put in the time years if   not decades to become a master because this isn't  rocket science but because there's a high barrier   to entry knowledge wise not money-wise anybody  can trade but knowledge wise there's a huge Cliff   that you have to climb in the beginning that most  people don't go over once you're over that Cliff   like once you put in all the time studying you're  sleeping here on the yoga mat like you grinded you   put in the time Roland did this he was studying  in his Law Office Jack did this he had strep and   mono he's still studying Mariana didn't trade  for a year she studied from 10 a.m to 10 p.m so   like there's example after example after example  of people who are like okay let me commit to my   studying and then everyone capitalized when there  was so much opportunity now 2022 is a tougher year   to learn but you're still learning lessons like  you said even when you made a lot and then you   got two cocky you thought you're untouchable now  you don't think you're untouchable you did another   check off that checklist when you say okay I had  to what was your biggest loss 100K in a day or two   uh like two days yeah how'd you feel uh  like like Mike Tyson just beat me up to   sleep you know right it's like all the win's  gone out but how many months ago was this   two months ago and now you're getting off the mat  you're recovered from your brain injuries like   yeah yeah I I recovered like 60 of it you know but  now you're more aware of the risks right with like   with great power comes great responsibility  Jack Kyle and I were on the boat in the Miami   Conference and we were talking about this whereas  like they've worked so hard to make a few million   dollars but now they're betting bigger size and  it's such a slippery slope right like before to   go from like twenty thousand to fifty thousand  or fifty thousand to a hundred thousand so many   little trades but if you put two or three million  on a trade and you're wrong 500 000 gone like that   so it's you know stairs on the way up and then an  elevator straight down yeah um you know and I know   all their stories man I've watched and that's  like a big part of like me grinding the way I   did is because I had the examples like okay this  is the this is what they did this is Dayton were   successful I gotta do that and then like when I  would hear Jack grinding and I don't he took it   to like crazy law I was like man I'm grinding this  hard I I imagine Jack grinding even harder if I   grind it 22 hours a day I was imagining Jack did  23 now you don't want to burn out though that's   one thing right like yeah especially in 2022 where  people get discouraged because there's not as many   great plays and there's like like you know like  we were talking about Evan chunk where he's at 750   000 but this year he's basically flat and he's  now traveling more and I was like you know props   to you go travel enjoy do the money that you've  made a little bit you know like why work so hard   if you're never gonna enjoy it yeah I was actually  talking to them the other day and exactly that   you know I was and I'm I'm planning to go travel  myself you know what I mean some more I'm ready   to go uh Japan India and then Korea and then back  be careful with India I got food poisoning twice   there oh yeah one time I was like adventurous it  was my own fault second time I was like I don't   want to get food poisoning I'm only eating in  this five-star hotel still got food poisoning   so like be careful in India Japan love it try  to go during cherry blossom season which is   March or April it's magical uh-huh I remember  yeah you you did those videos of uh trading I   don't know if you remember them the YouTube  videos yeah you did like some some kind of let's make sure this is recording look at it real  quick let's see let's see keep it going yeah it's   still going all right I always have fear where I'm  like oh that's happened before I know that's why   I'm like yo we need to we need to keep this just  in case yeah so it's recorded yeah it is keep this   in there don't even have it but yeah no absolutely  actually I don't edit anybody it's very good two   seconds off the beginning and that's it but um but  yeah man just all the examples so I read this book   um it's called mindset and uh they go over two  examples of two baseball teams from um Island   and Aruba and they both had these two baseball  players one was Andrew Jones you know Andrew Jones   Atlanta Braves there you go yeah yes and there was  another one and Andrew Jones became successful in   kudasau and went to the modern world series Gold  Glove hall of fame or whatever and every kid in   Curacao has an example of Andrew Jones to be  like a baseball they have a culture now yeah   they talk baseball at dinner all this because of  Andrew Jones in the 90s and then so Aruba the same   thing they had a picture that was a top prospect  gonna be like the next crazy cool facts everything   and he ended up being an alcoholic and failed and  like nobody talks about baseball there so you need   Heroes but at the same time you have to realize  that some Heroes just like aren't great that's   why when I created the millionaire challenge was  like I don't know who's gonna take this seriously   but it's not gonna be one or two people and now  the speed at which the new millionaires are being   created because now you guys have so many examples  so now it's like wait you he did it he did it he   did it she did it like the more examples and now  there's like a path and the cool thing I don't   know if you've seen this I was playing around on  my challenge webinar the other day I was like you   guys know that there's like a chat archive in  the challenge like you can change the url to   any date and you can see what was said the entire  chat room the entire day so I was like I did this   I think it was like November 16th 2022 a few days  ago right yeah and then I changed it from November   16 2022 to November 16 2012. a decade ago within  my three seconds it's all popped up like you can   see Tim grittani and this is when Tim grittani  had like five thousand dollars to his name now   he's got 15 million like you can literally go  back and see every single step that's the cool   thing like with baseball players okay you can  see their game but you can't really see their   practices because they're not recorded yeah this  is everything is recorded chat room webinars DVD   and video lessons and it's like if you spend the  time because it is time consuming you can piece   everything back together in its fascinated yeah  it is and um that's crazy man so you can see Tim   grittani starting out with just making ten dollar  wins 20 wins you can go back by the date and you   can cross reference his trades right so like you  can see a big trade like he had a 300 000 day on   cydy I remember that yeah and I was like how are  you gonna celebrate and he's like can I give a   challenge whether or not I was like I love you I  remember that yeah can you give him a challenge   webinar how we made the 300 000 but that's just  the big day he also has many small days and he   used to be in the chat room all the time now he's  got a family with kids he's like a busy life but   back then like you can see uh decades worth of his  chat commentary with the day and because you're   looking back you can compare it to his trades  you can compare it to charts it's fascinating   yeah you know and you had gratani and you had  ducks and you had all these other guys that   came up rolling Matt Monaco Donald Huddy all of  them yeah I I interviewed Roland um not a couple   weeks ago and I remember him doing the interview  with you like he had like a bandana on and he was   saying yeah I put I studied like 20 hours a day  and I was like grinding grinding grinding and and   um people would make fun of him when he got up  from his desk because he was in like a legal   office like this and the other lawyers were like  making fun of him like when you're studying penny   stocks it's just yeah no I I heard it all I heard  that's why that's why this one this office this is   you I can close the door man don't close the door  get the hate I I love the hate I love the doubt   because that for me it pushes me more absolutely  for me man um and that's why I like Jack on your   conference he mentions like the naysayers like  it's almost like a like a superhero character you   get all their energy there's a great book by David  Goggins have you read this audio right yeah yeah   yeah yeah he's working on a second book but like  he was like abused like he had a terrible life   and he was like wait a minute like that didn't  destroy me I'm strong like he calls it mental   calluses right like if you're working like manual  labor and your hands hurt every day but like then   after a while you get calluses and you can do  manual labor better this is not manual labor it's   much easier but it's still like if you have a loss  like when you lost a hundred thousand it sucked   terrible but you learned what not to do now you're  trading more conservative you've already made back   half of it in a much more conservative in Risk  adjusted way yeah I analyze so that that loss and   all all my losses I analyzed the hell out of them  so yeah I made a lot of changes and that's made   you better right so yeah yeah that 100 000 loss is  Gonna Make You millions in the long run just like   my million dollar loss on cygnus I personally  lost 500 000 my hedge fund lost a million the   Press dragged me through the mud it was terrible  that has made me Millions ever since because I   never want that to happen again yeah I don't have  any big losses anymore yeah by the way your book   and we covered this in the last last year on  the podcast like your book is so underrated man um I'm gonna I'm gonna get it but like you give  it away for free although I got the audio the   audio was like 12 bucks yeah and it's so good  you like that guy who's voice it is yeah try   this silky smooth I tried to do it myself but like  oh you tried like you do audio books like you have   to say the word and like it's such a weird thing  because like you can't breathe you can't like say   any other word like you have to go word for word  so I was trying to do word for word then I'd screw   up and I was like ah [ __ ] and then but you can  hear me say [ __ ] and I was like ah [ __ ] and   then like like I couldn't do it so I paid this guy  Brett Berry I think was his name he does all these   audio books yeah I've heard them before for sure  it was just funny it was like saying my words and   I wanted to do it myself but I you know but um but  no it's just like that 1999 Mania you know I did a   podcast with Tommy Knoxville the other day yeah I  just I told you before we got here um and he was   part of the 99 Mania where he was a grocery boy  he did grocery bags and he turned a thousand into   thirty thousand during 1999 2000 and then he lost  it all yeah and he said this time in this media I   know this is the meaning because if a grocery Boy  made a thousand or 30 before and the grocery boys   are doing it again the Uber drivers all those guys  now we can do it in a risk-adjusted way exactly   he decided to study but then you I told him did  you until Sykes was part of that Mania too and he   kept his money because he stopped or like you were  learning in a short sale because you realize that   it wasn't working I was buying OTC winners I  was up 700 000 my first four months of the year   2000 I remember this very clearly and I started  extrapolating I'm like okay if I can make 700   000 every four months and then I'm betting bigger  so maybe I can make a million in four months and   then two years from now I can make four million in  four like I was out of my mind I didn't understand   that I was part of like one of the biggest bubbles  in history yeah but I always and back then even to   this day whenever I'm in a supernova when I'm  in a play I usually sell too soon I I just I   you know I like to to grab the profits back then  same thing so I always sold too soon like the Y2K   plays they would go from like five to like 210  to like 150 and I would ride it from like 15 to   like 25 or like 30 to like 40. like that was  just me then when they disappeared I the last   eight months of the year 2000 I lost ten thousand  because I I kept trying to look for breakouts but   nothing was working and I was like clam down  and I wanted to save my money then that forced   me to go into Short Selling where it was the same  pattern just later in the pattern instead of the   front side it was the back side so I didn't lose  much in fact I had to lose more later I I regret   that I wish I had lost in the year 2000 if I had  lost big in the year 2000 with a smaller account   that would have protected me from losing bigger  when I fell in love with cygnus e transactions   in the technology in 2006. people shouldn't be  afraid of losses like gigantic losses you want  

to experience the gigantic losses early in your  career so you can learn what not to do because   then it'll help you in your career later on I'd  worry about somebody who doesn't have any big   losses because then they're just taking time bomb  that's it's inevitable they don't have the mental   awareness they don't have the risk  adjusted strategy now you do that 100   000 congratulations you lost a hundred thousand  dollars you're better and you've already made   some of it back and you have the lifelong lesson  so yeah win-win yeah no I learned a lot from that   and also you know just the self-reflection that  comes after that it's like man I came a long way   um just two years ago I I was completely broke  and you know I'm I lost 100 Grand but I did make   a you know I looked at all the Traders this  year yeah then you know it's and it's a big   difference having a record year yeah and I was  I was having a record year so like I just got   too cocky you know and sizing up sizing Up So  eventually you know it's gonna come you can't   she's up to you you can't cheat your way to  success right you need to have this lesson   and a lot of people think like no I don't need  a big loss like yeah you do because now it's   totally that emotional intelligence that you  gain from that six figure loss that's priceless   like if I had zero big losses and someone offered  me a life-changing education for a hundred grand   this weird analogy I would say yes I would take  it because I know how valuable this loss in this   lesson is going to be in the long run that 100  Grand that you lost it's literally a multi-million   dollar profit for you in the long run it's  weird to think about yeah a friend of mine   um mentioned that to me he's a very successful  Trader so like that's another thing I I've   with your community I was able  to start a network and now with   the podcast from your community I got the  whole podcast idea from Matt Monica yeah him and Bryce interviewed me long before they  joined my challenge to learn to learn more   correct that's what I did I did I wanted to learn  more this is in rocket science guys make sure it's   still recording make sure make sure this is this  is money content yeah it's still recording how   long 24 minutes good good good yeah so um I was  like man uh and like after seeing all the example   the good examples of success I was like okay  so I need to just get all the knowledge I can   you know and Matt Monaco I saw him go from like  2 000 to a million or more so you know when he   was doing the the crash course or whatever it's  called the 30-day boot camp yeah he was at 50   000 I saw him I was like man this guy's like up  50 000 he's making a course and then and then   like a few months like a few months passed or  six months passed he's over a million dollars he   didn't even know he was gonna be a successful so  we just we used him for like the 30-day boot camp   because he was he's organized I'm not organized  I got too much stuff going on and I was like he   studied a lot so I was like okay come up with  like a basic framework of my stuff he studied   all my stuff and he gave me a framework and  I went back and like tailored the framework   a little bit and then we just recorded and we  talked about my lessons but in an organized   manner yeah he edited it and because we did the  course it actually helped him under understand   everything as a whole and then he went from 50  Grand now he's had two I saw that I'm like oh man   so I really gotta like get as much knowledge as I  can the Pod he did the podcast he he's organized   I gotta get organized I gotta I gotta podcast  it's not easy but like you it's you can start   a podcast I think everybody everybody should  do a podcast and that way you learn structure   you're uh you know made aware of all different  Traders like I see how many Traders you have on   your podcast is great yeah you're getting these  amazing conversations all you're basically doing   is talking with Traders which you should be doing  anyways you're recording it to help other people   but because Matt Monaco inspired you because  Roland wolf inspired you you're learning the   proper framework and guess what when you apply the  habits of successful people you become successful   yeah it's funny how that works and another thing  with Monaco he started a podcast or not him with   steady trade to twist him yeah Jack Kyle and  Mari and Mari they would do uh they weren't up   a million dollars yet no and they would do these  reviews and I was like man so like the framework   you know I just just gotta you know and I do  it do what they do but like do it in your own   way and do it more the more you review your trades  the more you review other successful students and   other successful Traders trades the more you talk  with other successful Traders you get this whole   understanding of where the opportunity is and  where the angles are and we're all different right   like you gravitated towards Short Selling I've  gotten away from Short Selling because frankly as   a teacher it's very dangerous just for newbies I'm  not saying Short Selling doesn't work it clearly   does but for newbies like people with like two  three five thousand dollars I used to have like   these short sales and I would like nail a pump  and I would you know make like 30 50 70 whatever   there weren't that many shares available in short  I think there's more shares to short now because   there's more but even when I would nail a pump  even when there were Shares are short I would get   like five or ten students canceling and I was like  I just nailed this pump out it was like it's dead   on and they're like no sorry Short Selling is like  confusing I don't want to do it so I would I was   like wait a minute this this strategy isn't good  for my teaching business so I got away from it   yeah well for me um but you're not into teaching  you're in this for you which is good well you know   I decided early on when I saw those old videos of  you you have a ton of like this must be like 10   000 hours worth of material I saw as many as I  could probably uh 70 000 hours worth who knows but   um you know you you covered a lot of Short Selling  early on and I decided for myself early on I was   like I'm gonna focus on one thing and that's  Short Selling from early on and then you know   you mentioned a lot in the for I mean it's crazy  how it's still 2022 now the bear Market's coming   but you were saying for a long time we've had a  five-year Bull Run six-year Bull Run 10-year-old   I was too early in my warnings like you know  it's like and you were short selling back then   and then I was like you know what we're gonna  have a bear Market eventually so like with my   newbie mindset I was like you know let me just  learn Short Selling it's going to be good for the   long term yeah it is and um and you know watching  Michael good and gratani well gritani was my main   example I was like man this guy made a million  dollars from 1500 and 10 000 from his parents   borrowed yeah um I have around the same amount so  I emulated I I modeled it after that beautiful and   I was like you know I'm just like Bruce Lee does  mastered one kick a million times rather than a   whole bunch I was like you know I'm just gonna do  that and then like you know if I was starting out   now I would it's tough you know because uh it's  crowded there's no problem it was a lot different   back then so that creates squeezes like I lag  it wasn't even a good great short set up so many   short sellers like good short sellers like Michael  good lost like 600 Grand like not just on my life   but HKD also like you're having these these black  swans that should theoretically only happen like   once every decade but they're happening like every  few weeks yeah there's too too many short sellers   now there's too many short sellers there's a lot  of locates that people gravitate they all want you   know we're human beings we all like you know we  ever go like to a baseball game or a soccer game   someone scores a goal 99 of the Arena screens it's  like when short sellers once short goes up yeah   99 of short sellers yeah yeah of course you know  and that's why I got out because it's so crowded   and it creates it changes the the wrist Dynamics  because now there's too many shorts there's a lot   of burrows so a lot of shorts are borrowing which  is fantastic but then if they're all on the same   stock and especially for me because I show every  trade publicly and promoters like hated me for   it so every time I would like short a promo they  would all like try to spike it I don't know if you   watched the video where I said like I've watched  Shaquille O'Neal Justin Bieber yeah no but this is   crazy so there was this was crazy there was once  when I was on Skype and I got added to a Skype   group I don't know if I told you this but this  is really relevant here and I got added to this   Skype group and it was called oh they deleting  you right away yeah it's called payers invite   pigs I don't know remember like it's like  it's like coming like Pumpers who promote   and I clicked it and I saw everyone talking  like hey I'll offer you like three million   shares for you know a two-week promotion and I  just saw it for like 30 seconds and I was like   it's like someone like peeling back like a  layer and I was like what and then someone   said Sykes is in there and they're like get him  out of there and they kick me out like this one   yeah so this helped me understand if I'm shorting  that group and other groups like it they're all   like yo besides his shorting let's squeeze the  bastard because they know my rule number one is   cut losses quickly so they could just squeeze me  out I'm gonna cut losses quickly so by shorting   against promoters is a very dangerous thing  for me so now I've learned to ride the pumps   I don't trust them but I ride them higher yeah  I've seen that firsthand so so last year I spent   the whole year in Puerto Rico I'm gonna go back  eventually pretty soon but um I saw one guy in   there he wrote a report he's a big short seller  yeah big short seller your order report put it out   and it's not Zach Morris promoter put on Twitter  squeeze them hard yeah and he got squeezed so hard   it's nasty short squeezes are tough especially  with like Reddit like you know what was his   name uh Citroen research yeah basically got out  of short sale he was like he's like because he   didn't want to fight the mob they didn't try going  long and he sucked at it he should go back to show   yeah I think he has that yeah so short selling on  2016-17 before that it was a lot easier you know   it was it was nobody when things get too crowded  right like where you hear everyone making so much   money in crypto and then the whole crowd's coming  to crypto and then it drops 70 yeah like when you   hear about too many people making too much money  too quickly that's the time to go opposite yeah   um and that's you know so I think John F Kennedy's  dad Joe Kenna Joe Kennedy he he was from he's a   former manipulator yeah so he is SEC commissioner  outlawed all of his all of the churches you know   the story I learned this doing the podcast  you know someone told me a a hedge fund   manager interviewed he he said uh so Joe Kennedy  right yeah Joe Kennedy was like the he was head   manipulated he would organize groups to do pumps  yeah and then dump it on people back in their   1920s yeah the Roaring Twenties and then they  didn't have regulation back then you know people   were taking money out of their credit cards and  cash and investing in stocks and he would organize   people and yeah so then he was like the first head  of the SEC and then he became SEC commissioner and   he outlawed everything that made him so rich  and it was like wait a minute and so now their   thinking is like the Kennedy curse because all  the Kennedys die and very mysterious circumstances   it's kind of like Karma where like guess what your  father got very rich by doing very evil things   now there's a whole curse on the family and he's  the one I think he had the quote uh if the shoe   shine boy is giving stock tips it's the time to  get out yeah 100 and this is the same thing where   everyone thinks like crypto is a new thing nfts  is a new thing and that's right before everything   collapses yeah you know I remember 2020 things are  shut this la la was crazy you think anywhere Kobe   was bad L.A was it was like crazy yeah so you go  outside uh I used to go to this French coffee shop   every now and then everything is shut down there's  like tumble weeds going down the street and yet   the market is ripping and you go into Uber Uber  drivers are getting unemployment you can't even   get it over but the Uber drivers they're like  they're all uh Robin Hood accounts yeah they're   all Rob they're still buying stock because with  their unemployment because they have unemployment   they got stimulus and so you can make a whole case  that the whole run up from 2020 to 2022 was all   stimulus all yeah extra liquidity but it wasn't  based on business fundamentals and this is what   short sellers say like wait a minute everything's  getting ridiculous valuations but business isn't   growing that well like it's nothing's that great  yeah and then you know a lot of online companies   benefited like zoom and Peloton because everyone  was home so those businesses actually did take   off but now those stocks have crashed now that the  quarantine and the pandemic is over and yeah you   know a lot of short sellers lost a lot uh during  that time he's like nothing made sense and I know   because like when I was coming from architecture  like I went I went to the top architecture school   whatever yeah I thought I was Hubris right I was  like oh man I can do this this is it makes sense   you know a short selling company as a fraud or  whatever just short sale yeah you know it's like   just discovered some research and yeah sure um  and that and a lot of intelligent people and I   know you mentioned this in in your webinars and  stuff that like you know the midwestern people   like lawyers and dentists they think they're too  smart yeah and they they're losing Traders you   know so doctor's made terrible Traders yeah so  like really smart people are attracted to Short   Selling and they think they're smarter than what  like just you know what's going on they're smarter   in their profession but not in the stock market  again it's you know you have this podcast you   talk to everybody you've studied a lot you have  an understanding of the industry as a whole right   if you're a lawyer if you're a doctor you have  like this very small Vision based on your own   experiences but you're missing all the rest and so  like you're using your small vision and you think   that it's a big Vision but it's not you're just  narrow-minded yeah so um and I I you know it's   like you got to realize you don't know anything  and just start from scratch and I think that's   that's why like your community a lot of people  start from scratch they don't know biases it's   like I just want to learn I don't know anything  like when I was watching even like Penny stocking   101 or whatever like learning from absolute  scratch and realizing I don't know anything   with this I got it's gonna take a while to learn I  was a philosophy major the smartest man is the man   who knows it exactly exactly so it's like having a  very humble beginning like some people say like oh   I can't be a millionaire I have nothing fantastic  like I can't be your next millionaire I only have   a thousand dollars fantastic starting low and  realizing that you're a blank slate is actually   easier than somebody I have some like trust  find babies who like come to me and they're   like oh I have 500 000 this will be easy to become  your next millionaire and I'm like do not trade   stop thinking that you're smart you got born  into the right family but you know nothing   you're going to lose it all and I've had like  three or four trust fund kids and I tell them   like even if you have 500 000 start trading with  five thousand and they're like yeah I don't care   I spend five thousand like on at a club on the  weekend I'm like leave your entitled self at   the door just be humble and they can't I've  never had a trust fund kid become successful   I tell them to start small I tell them to be  humble in their entitled lives they can't do it   and so that's one thing that's always baffles me  it's like man so people you know the the number   one thing in this is you got to stick around you  got to stick around to get the screen time to get   the experience to absorb as much knowledge as you  can in the different markets and the different   strategies yeah for different sectors for some  people they they get blown out in six months two   months three months they want it too quickly right  I always say it's a marathon not as friend I'm   actually working on this video I've been to like  14 countries in this video and I just say it's a   marathon not a Sprint it's like a two hour video  I'm gonna get it up to like three hours before I   release it they don't want it to be a marathon  no one wants to put in the time studying like   you did you succeeded and you're gonna continue  to succeed because you have the work ethic guess   how I have thousands of students guess how many  sleep on a little yoga mat and study non-stop one   uh yeah does sleep in the yoga mat I don't  recommend that but I'm saying that it's the work   ethic that has driven your success it'll continue  to drive your success if you stay humble and you   stay grinding you don't have to necessarily go  that hard like you can take like you know Timber   dining takes like weeks off or months off now  where he's spending time with his family like you   can you can you know smell the roses a little bit  but again it's that work ethy it's that grinding   that has led to your success people who don't have  a work ethic it's almost impossible for them to be   successful yeah um and I remember like on your  community like uh Kyle everybody's open man is   kind you know what I'm saying so Kyle he's like  man yeah this is all a lot of it's is front loaded   yeah it's like two two years you're gonna do like  the way I saw it was like all right I'm doing like   two or three years of work hardcore like I did  with architecture for 10 years yeah it's cool and   you mentioned this a lot too like you go people  go to college they get like a brain surgeon goes   to school you know med school becomes a resident  the residents actually sleep in the hospital yeah   they have beds there for them and they've spent  six figures on their education and still you're   six you're seven year eight they're treated like  nothing trading you don't have to put in six seven   eight years you don't have to pay six figures well  Market tuition you might have to pay six figures   like you just did but like it happens quicker  so it's it it's quicker but it's not as quick   as people want it people want like oh I've studied  you know like unsuccessful Traders say like yeah   I'm sending your stuff it doesn't work and I was  like well how much have you studied and they're   like yeah I've watched like 20 of your videos I'm  like okay you've watched like one one thousandth   of what I've done and they're like yeah but I  get it it's the gist no you don't you need to   go over every little thing the biggest money  that you'll make the best lessons are in the   smallest details that people glaze over because  they don't take it seriously right like you're   trying to find an edge whether long short you're  trying to find your position size there's a lot   of little moving pieces that you have to you know  hone in on in the beginning then you understand it   then after you have a few good trades or a few  thousand good trades you start to realize okay   this is the path that I want to take yeah  and oh and so now since like since you're   here in La man you know it's like bro like like  it's surreal still I used to think one day man   is it all your successful stuff I'm trying to  yeah yeah I was like man if I use this is all   performance driven if I reach a certain level  and 100 eventually it'll happen so and look   it's happened but I was gonna ask you okay so last  question I got to go yeah so like um are we still   recording check it yeah okay try again you can  never check it again yeah it's recording this is   how like scared I am like it's like me in a trade  and I'm always wondering like should I get out so   so so yeah you know these days we have like the  computer here all this technology all this stuff   and you know you mentioned you gotta like figure  out your position size figure out this all these   little things you gotta tweet so like in 1999  when you made that million you gotta he had to   call from the phone and the ship and all this how  did you manage all that there was no audio books   back then you didn't have an iPhone so I didn't  have any guy that was the problem this is why   I got started teaching because I remembered how  frustrated I was there were like websites like the   lion where they're showing it's like a message  board and they're showing their entries but   they're never showing their exits and I was like  what's going on guys that's not trading right so   we created profitly because it was like okay show  your entries and your exits this shouldn't be that   revolutionary of a concept just showing everything  but in trading you have so many fakes and frauds   like transparency is revolutionary still to this  day we used to have a lot more people on profitly   but I was like you have to show every trade if  you're gonna have a chat room if you're gonna   have a newsletter one by one it drives people away  they're like I don't want to show this I'm like   well I'm not interested so for me even though  I didn't have a guide I'm fortunate I have a   photographic memory so I can remember things very  well I still don't do like Excel spreadsheets my   education really hurt with like no data like  people like Jack Kellogg Kyle Williams Lucas   the short bear I don't know if you've had them on  you should have him on they've excelled because   they get their Excel spreadsheets they get the  data and then they can size up based on the data   of confidence because they're running all these  data sheets if I could go back in time I would   do that I can't I'm too old to learn I'm just  focused on teaching my stuff but that's what you   have to do you have to model this in your head  either based on Excel spreadsheets or through   trials and tribulation I might have made a lot of  money back in 99 and 2000 but I didn't have risk   management obviously I had my biggest loss in 2006  2007. crazy it was seven years before I had like   a big loss but I I had to do everything the hard  way in in this era you just don't now you have the   DVDs the webinars the chat rooms the trade alerts  the commentary you have successful student after a   successful student where you can model everything  that they've done and you can go back in time and   you can see what they're saying in chat you can  see everything so there's many more tools but   again it comes down to work ethics how many people  are actually going to go through and look at all   this stuff not many I have thousands of students  some people say oh you're a thousand students you   only have a few millionaires I only have a few  millionaires but I only have a few hundred people   who even are willing to go through everything and  then when you go through everything then you have   to train and you have to put those theories in  into practice so every step of the way people   don't want to study they don't want to click they  don't want to put in the time to make excuses then   even if they do study maybe they have a loss maybe  they break the rules maybe it's a slow market so   a million excuses just like weeding people out  it's like uh If This Were I don't know if you   saw All Quiet on the Western Front there's like  a new Netflix remake of the the book and it's   like a really nasty look at War and there's one  guy running and like everyone's getting picked   off around him and it's just luck bed like he  makes it through but that's like trading where   you might start with a thousand Traders and one by  one they're gonna get picked up this guy gives up   this guy got tired of trading small so we went  too big he blew up this guy just had a baby so   he can't train anymore he's got to focus on his  baby you know there's endless excuses why you   can't study hard and then put that into practice  only a few are willing to do that that's why I   say obsession is a good thing some people say oh  don't be obsessed like have a work life balance   no no I took that too hard I was like I have no  balance whatsoever and then buy yourself a life   with your Financial Freedom absolutely man this is  like Amazon like Jeff Bezos works his workers like   hardcore but Amazon has become one of the most  successful you know companies in the world oh   he slept in the office by the way he did and Elon  Musk too you know so guess what there's a pattern   here the success yeah congrats on everything we're  gonna do this every year this is this is something   new leave a comment below if you like this we're  gonna post the video is it still recording yeah   okay make sure just double check how long is it  44 minutes good so we're going to do this every   year we're going to do a 45 minute conversation  we're going to check in and I'm gonna see and   we're going to watch as your office multiplies  and hopefully your success multiplies but you   got to stay committed don't burn out too much and  also don't you know go off the deep end but take   some time off every now and then you've earned it  all right yeah um yeah for sure treat your family   that's my number one tip the best money I've  spent is on my family I'm going to find back   time I bought your parents a house and maybe Miami  I thought of doing that myself like that's one of   my goals three places together and we combine  them actually oh man yeah so it's nice but you   know whatever drives you but you've earned it you  also just have to understand if you spend too much   in the real world then you can trade with less  so like you don't want to like have such a small   trading account because now you have too many real  world expenses you want to keep them separate like   you want to live humbly so that you can afford  to trade well I'm very separate you don't want   to be in a situation where it's like you know I'm  living the life but now I got to pay this like 30   000 a month rent I got to make some good trades  that's a bad thing um almost it doesn't seem like   it maybe but like I'm as Frugal as it gets it does  seem like it FYI you were sleeping on this yoga   mat man this is all my possessions are here in a  tiny bit of my apartment you can afford a little   bit but again like it's it's a balancing act like  you you choose how much you want to live how well   like I I encourage you to travel because travel  I think gives you an education too and you see   more of the world come to Bali we're going to be  in Bali a lot in 2023 you're welcome uh how many   schools are you right now we're at 112 right now  the goal is still a thousand when did you make the   Thousand gold uh this was 2016 but then there's  no construction basically for two years so we've   had like four years of construction and we're  trying to ramp it up too and also I haven't made   that much this year I'm just like taking losses  and donating more but it's fine that's cool man   um for sure man I'll see you again  congrats mistakes study hard get obsessed

2022-12-05 04:01

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