This is straight MONKEY BUSINESS! Ragavan Paradoxical Outcome | Vintage League - 10/25/21

This is straight MONKEY BUSINESS! Ragavan Paradoxical Outcome | Vintage League - 10/25/21

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this deck is no monkey business we were playing  a rag fan nimble pilfer and vintage paradoxical   outcome and it was inspired by me playing vintage  cube playing ragavan and flipping over and susta   recall i then played it in a league last  night and in my very first attack step of   the ragavan flipped another copy of ancestral  recall i'm looking to repeat tonight i want   to do it again with reykjavan but this time  recorded for all of you that's the goal here   and the shoulder pulling is just a pretty  standard grix's po deck if i'm being honest   uh we are playing these sagas as our win  conditions we don't have any other win   condition in the deck other than urza saga and  ragavan that is the goal here and you can take   infinite turns using manifold key and time bolt  so that is the big combo in this deck um and you   can get half of that with saga and then you beat  them down with the construct until they're dead   pretty simple uh bragavan is theoretically  a win con but you have to get super lucky to   deal 20 damage with the ragavan alternatively  you can use boss's citadel plus yogmots will   uh to activate this twice and then bounce it  with their hercules recall or paradoxical outcome   one of those things um so that is a pretty  quick rundown of the deck if i'm being honest   uh but i feel like if you're watching this deck  you've probably seen paradoxical outcome before   if you're unfamiliar uh it's a four mana instant  you can pick up non-token cards non-token keyword   non-token cards uh and then put them to your  hand draw the mini cards and the reason why   it's key in this list is that treasure tokens  are well tokens you can't pick them up and draw   cards so that is a downside of rag event  here uh but that said rag really helps uh   create the metalcraft remax opal you might be  wondering bryant where did the slots come from   in order to add ragavan well we're not playing  those main deck flex slots uh the pything needles   the main deck soul guide lanterns and instead  we're just running a super powerful card instead   that's the idea here and then in the cyborg we  have more red cards we have lightning bolt for   collector oops as well as pyroblast for those  pesky control decks i'm not saying that this   list is incredibly optimal this is kind of  just like my second pass through of the deck   hopefully you enjoy it um and i'm hoping to  you know have some fun with ragavan tonight   that's pretty much what i have to say about  this deck list if you have any questions   you know always leave a comment that's great to do  like comment subscribe get us into that algorithm   the standard shelling you've seen it all before  do those things would really help support this   channel you can always become a member unlock  badges emotes sideboard guides donation decks   all that good stuff to  buy merchandise to support us i'm not going   to go through the slides tonight i kind of  want to just get playing magic so hopefully   you enjoyed this video and if you do please  please please subscribe would mean a lot to me   all right i'm going to see you in match number  one match number one with the ragavan paradoxical   outcome combo and vintage let's go all  right so here we have a turn two tinker   i think it's probably fine i'm a little  bit nervous about this hand mostly because   if our opponent's on a blue dock uh they can have  force but if they're not on a blue duck they're   usually on a prison deck that just disrupts us  so the sand isn't as good as one might think okay delta go misty okay by you okay so maybe they're not on i was thinking that maybe they're on bug  but it appears to be some sort of weird   green sun zenith deck i think we're  supposed to just go get tinker here   so if they're a green deck  there's a chance that they have   um source of vigor but we can't afford to not  tinker here like tinkering's just the best thing we're gonna put citadel and  play and then uh try to get them okay so it's better to play at lotus  first in case they do have force of vigor   if you play opal first you can get  punished if they vigor the opal cast tinker citadel let's fetch okay no uh force a figure there monkey uh let's hold priority and cast the augments well   i'm gonna pick up the ragavan this is a  very expensive bo for life for uh one card   okay well the yogurt can  resolve let's get back our opal lotus and let's mystical okay um if i get demonic plus  tinker that's infinite turn i believe the demonic probably get key here  because it's cheaper to cast and activate   i guess it's about the same actually uh but key pearl blue sacrifice the pearl i guess  it doesn't really matter vault key concession woot woot love it all right unfortunately the deck that had dried  arbor in it's probably going to be pretty good   against rugged vans we're going to board that out  let's bring in the bolts and we definitely want   to sinks of the steel wind i don't know if we need  hercules recall uh we probably want these needles seems pretty reasonable to me you could maybe  argue that you're supposed to board out narsa   because they're not like a  blue duck let's try this out okay game number two and we've opened  up ancestral plus force blue card keep   can't tell me i'm not going to keep this hand buy you is back by you boys that three shaman  you got it i'm not gonna fight over a death rate   okay we'd like to see a moxier cluster all right so you could get super greedy  and just cast ancestral right now there's no   reason to do that instead we're just gonna pass  and cast ancestral on the run stop or something   wasteland i'm very nice okay  let's go get a basic island here   and ancestry we did give them a mana  of a death ray shaman via the tarn maybe their bug they have foster  dispute well i will force it um pitch the posture i want to be able to po and ancestral okay not the  worst ah that mox was good okay um i guess it's probably fine i'm going to  figure out the best way of doing this if i play opal may respond with force of vigor i  want to be able to um bounce are you wasting me opal up now how much respect do i want to give  to our opponent i can cast po here um   i think i'm just gonna go guns of blazing  cast it give zero respect to force a vigor   you can judge me afterward hey do  i get to have a draw seven here hey i like the draw seven so we've already played our land that got  wasted so playing another is off the table   but what i can do is time walk i don't know how good it is  but i can do it time walk pop and then i'm gonna i'm gonna top right now   because i think i'm gonna  i'll keep vamp for tanker i don't know those really matter okay number one card over i'll  just describe the other top now i can get rid of the misti i think all right i'm going to take one from  manabul here upkeep vamp go get tanker draw take one play saga tinker away the vault so i could get the  citadel right here i could also just get sphinx   i don't think they're going to be able to beat  it i think sphinx is probably just the safer play   i can't imagine them beating them but  apparently they're bug i wasn't expecting blue   like seeing greens on zenith and vintage i was  convinced that they were like a weird depths list sure maybe this is just like   new bug mid-range where you run the green  sun package for collector roof and friends sure you and my tinker congratulations  all right let's make it so that death   row shaman doesn't do anything i'm tired  of them wasting my time with game actions okay let's get in there take that okay so their death  rate is now just a squire okay so they are bug i mean we probably  could have guessed that based on the   mystical but it just confirms  that they are bug mid-range up here at this point we're  just protecting the sphinx double side is pretty good all right get in there again the next turn  we can swing and then bolt them for lethal play another needle probably name wasteland here that's the basic forest okay let's bully you uh yeah oh i'll let you do  that that's fine um yeah   sure that keeps them alive for one  more turn murk tied regent huh i see all right so sai guru is the  chapter two play this saga and sphinx them rar okay i like i could be playing up this top like it  doesn't really matter that it's in my hand or not   um i'm just like keeping my mana open  for foster storm because i thought   that was one of the few ways i  could actually lose this game   so that's why i i kept it in the hand i didn't  think that like topping into the same cards   really mattered all that much but we got the match  win anyway we're 1-0 with uh cyborg ragavan po match number two and we're on the draw we've  opened up a reasonable hand uh our payoff here   serves as a saga which is you know fine or  whatever but we can't play saga turn one   into time walk that's just not  how this hand works so ideally   you would play like volcanic manic turn  true saga but that doesn't and to turn to   like it just doesn't work out the way  you want it to so i think you can go   like turn once like volcanic pass turn two  metacrip saga timewalk and hope that resolves okay let's go lotus okay shops well fluster is certainly a pretty  good pitch card here you're on golos well you're getting forced you have one card left raw another bulk all right so i'm just going to tie mock here   if they have a waistline in their  hand it's going to stink but oh well okay i always lose so that's fine mystical that  can get tinker so we're in a pretty good spot here there okay they do have the um metal craft  forefair see what they're gonna get here mystic forge okay you got it okay so they're passing with the forge mystical tutor go get tinker okay upkeep lose our manic flip oh we  broke even nice okay so saga is now on two   let's get rid of that crypt go get citadel  our own pseudo mystic forge academy oh that's a bummer so this forge is probably gonna wreck us here okay so the exhaust wasteland let's hope that  they hit another land relic is fine i don't   care about that but i guess it does clear the  top of their deck for forge here's a good one okay they're passing we cannot make a  construct this academy only taps for one okay and they were sandbagging  a wasteland anywhere come on herkles this is going to cost one to play and fluster isn't that what i want um i'm gonna fetch that away i could spin  top but it costs mana now with this sphere i think it's countered and  cost the mana okay ponder the scroll can go get the  herkles and i kind of like that so i guess we want to keep   it doesn't matter the land versus the will they're  going to remove our graveyard so it's not like   that's very good now we just go get hurtles  and hope that we're allowed to untap all right so you get to run away with the game his workshop is tab for three all right so their own jet was  countered removing ancient tomb   they still have relic to clear the  top of their deck if they need it   testing something for four crucible for  waste in my academy that shuts me off of   potentially casting the hercules  if i didn't have another land draw let's keep that mox there circles you box okay draw we only at 11 we don't have  that much life to work with obviously   i'm gonna i love the time vault here  wow what a luck sack what a luck sack i'll take it oh no justice all right let's bring the citadel   the herx can come in bolts are probably fine  needles decent misstep can go fluster can go nurse that's not great has us at 63. it  might just be ragavan in this matchup maybe we'll bring in ragavan on the on the  play for game number three so we know we lose   whoops we're at one extra carter  that i didn't mean to man a vault um i don't know if i can justify keeping in rag  van over anything else like potentially bolt according to goldfish this is  the deck we're facing i believe   one mystic forge there's four revokers  so bolt ends up being pretty good yeah let's try this game two we're on the draw  we've opened up force blue card which is terrific   the rest of this hand isn't so good in our best  tinker targets in our hand so i'm gonna ship this not bad um i think we're probably  supposed to get rid of the will hope for the best here you can have a max chat workshop into here what is your last they probably have a  second piece here i'm wondering what it is no okay i like that draw perks is fine wasteland i wonder if i even play the academy here like what's the point i'm gonna hold it i  think i want to see if they have ghost quarter   like i don't want to just play out  the academy and have it get destroyed   that's a little bit annoying okay poor mana  crucible okay so they drew the sphere for turn at the vault up to three cards in hand now five mana six man is this golos it is a golos how wonderful give me tinker i would also take a po off the top  there's throwing that out there   okay so they picked up saga it's interesting  that they didn't get caracas for the golos okay i guess if they had something like ghost  quarters sitting in their hand we'll find out no rod a little bit annoying but fine okay  so we're going to follow the 16 here not take any damage off the vault draw so cycle goes up to 2 here now we can cast our her   goals i'm just not sure when i want to  do this so we want them to at least um activate their sagas to take up mana but also we  get rid of their constructs with the herkles okay i'm not sure what they're getting with the saga here it can be like a needle i guess or  a cage needle okay they probably named saga and they did name saga okay then they replay their saga off of crucible i'm  going to take 11 on purpose here uh so i'm going   to follow the five life and the reason that i'm  doing that is i want an opportunity to get ahead   and by her closing them on the n  step that's my easiest way of getting   so we're going to hurt the  opponent and then activate our saga what ah i did not expect that um yeah you got me okay game number three how much i could do about that it's one way to  cast my brake trap all right so we're on the play   do i want ragavan bolt didn't seem  very good i'm gonna try two rags let's go okay the third game and we're on the play this pl card's pretty good let's try it  we're going to po and our opponents up   keep the player on mine break we did  see that it does make us weaker to   our opponent having a sphere effect on turn one  maybe i'm supposed to just jam it i don't know   rough six let's just jam i  get trapped i get trapped hey all right so i can merge and scroll for another po colorless roll yo we're actually doing the po thing for  once i haven't done this in so long i'm   actually not a big fan of the card po  anymore um it's just like with force in   negation being as popular as or not negation  force of vigor being as popular as it is max   opal has been like kind of bad in po hasn't  been great for me whenever i've played it but   obviously here we have the nuts and when you  have the nuts just take advantage of it all right we can demonic here or will our opponent is saying good game okay so we just got a concession but i think  you're supposed to get well there and just   replay your graveyard cool for 2o ragavanda  hasn't really come up yet i promise there   will be monkey business at some point but  uh let's just also focus on getting the next match number three and we are on the play let's  get it um we are likely facing the mirror justin   i am actually level one also  plays a lot of paradoxical outcome   the question i have with this hand is are  these six cards strong enough to outweigh   having citadel in your opener i don't know you just don't know i'm gonna try it okay let's see what we can do here max emerald and top opal s kind of funny that i  ran into justin on the league where i'm playing   p.o i mean i haven't played pio in months and uh   we're both uh i'm actually level one justin  gunnari and i both played this deck quite a bit   but more recently i've just  been on the esprit tinker decks   i can't help but wonder if maybe  grix's tinker would be better   just because they're agavan but the white  cards are pretty strong right now as well all right what is i think  i'm supposed to miss up that renaissance okay that can play erz i believe all right so it's not po so this is bomberman one card in hand is this affinity you got it okay this is some real uh phil  gallagher type stuff right here uh these cards don't actually help  me so i'm gonna fetch these away and let's just get an island black lotus well that cast  citadel into double monkey okay then it out and justin has conceded okay well we got  game number one versus uh what i'm assuming   is model white affinity uh we should probably  bring him bolt oracle seems pretty good here i think we probably want to  plate steel this nerve set can go   fluster bless the storm can you get sided  out until messed up and then maybe a rags i don't know if this is a matchup  where we actually want needle or not i just want like blue ducks for these ragavans to  actually have some use and that hasn't come up yet   i'm going to leave into monkeys i promise monkey business and i'm going to try to  deliver so turn on time walk up keep mystical for   i don't know uh we're gonna keep this i'm not sure  if that actually is the play we might just want   to like merchant scroll for ancestral all right so  they have blue in their dock news to me draw perks okay let's do the chime walk see if i can  hit a land here because if i hit a land i   can just merge a squirrel for ancestral  in one fall swoop did not happen um i wonder if i'm supposed to go get force i'm just kidding all right don't waste me please not  wasteland do you have a stone for ultra probe was a good draw fired off lots of forces and here i am boarding  it out like half my counter spells um interesting i have another stone forge in  hand i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do here okay so taking five going to 13. so i didn't get any extra information out  of them i'm going to po here if justin   force is pitching riddlesmith there's  a good chance that justin drew another   blue card for turn but if this resolves  i i don't think justin drew a blue card okay i don't think justin has a blue  card saga is not great here honestly um what can we do so i could get force  of will off demonic to try to get   this ancestral resolve but i feel like  that's just like not the right game plan   but i realized that i could have bolted  last year and that didn't escape me i just   don't think that's what this game's actually  about when they have a second stone forge um i think we're just gonna pass here all right so i'm taking six going down to seven jet on forge okay all right so they have five cards we're probably  so supposed to try to figure out how to beat   double force here i don't know if this hand is  capable of that but we're gonna do our best so i think we're supposed to ancestral  just to draw out a force here   like i don't think this is going  to resolve um and next turn i can well i guess i can mystical for like lotus and then demonic uh that's  actually not that good um you you had to have drawn a another  blue card horse pitch riddle yep okay so now we have to figure  out what to get with these tutors i can buy a turn with the  herkles that's another option   so if missiles getting will i should  cast mystical but if we want to get lotus   i think it's vamp but i don't think  there's a real reason to go get   lotus just because like this  demonic could get forced i could also just like go get  brainstorm try to fix this hand up finger for boyd steel just like isn't good enough i guess we just get the will i feel like this plays wrong  but i'm just gonna die it's fine okay draw we're gonna go get lotus with this and  they just immediately force demonic okay so we're going to pass and when they  attack we can hercules them to stay alive and then uh unchap and yangmos  will we cannot keep vamp for lotus   yeah we should have it okay  so here comes the nettle cyst you got it and now they can whip it if they want they're getting mapped  for saga here probably academy that's cool blue white and herxy so we're gonna take two falling down to four  and our upkeep we're gonna go to three off of   the mana bolt we'll go to cast vampiric for lotus  down to one and then i need to find a way to win okay so let's go get black lotus nope draw okay so play lotus i don't even know if we're going to  win this right now for what it's worth   we're just trying to figure things out uh let's start off with ancestral recall see if  we can head any more artifacts for hercules recall   wrong wrong kind of artifact um you're not out of this yet can merchants scroll for brainstorm i don't love it but it's something i  guess this black mana isn't doing anything all right let's cast brainstorm okay so that's interesting put blade steel back and bolt sapphire we could mystical the shuffle blue circles myself pearl sapphire oh i'm gonna get infinite turns  i just realized okay so we should have this um i'm just trying to think  about how i want to do this uh herckles myself because it just makes mana i'm vault blue um no that's wrong um time walk okay justin got  bored and conceited i was just trying to piece   it together i think it's just time walk uh make a  construct pass but like i tap this which i think   is the mistake i think you're not supposed to  make the contract because then i have to pay   manage to untap here uh but it doesn't matter we  got the match when justin doesn't think that i was   bm'ing him this was me just not playing vintage  and having to figure it out while i'm playing   no bad manners here uh props to justin  we're through two more matches left to go all right round number four and we were  facing our round two opponent that was on golo   shops don't lie i was in queue for 15 minutes  we might both still be in the same league   i'm not sure so i could mulligan this  hand that's actually fairly reasonable   or i can keep it pretending that i don't know  that my opponent is probably on golo shops   i'm gonna be a little bit more  aggressive and i'm gonna ship it   honestly this hand is better than the seven  i'm gonna keep this it's like the potential   to just like crank out constructs is worth  it to me okay keep bottom the bulk let's go sapphire saga you're a thorn in my side top okay so we're just gonna  play out some artifacts here that's the turn no wasteland come on right now i would win the saga war ancient tomb okay so looks like  we're entering the saga war okay we're able to play top here and then just  make a construct on the endstep so this   helps to get us ahead they're probably  gonna take two here to make a construct   you know i'm just gonna be lazy and do  it now because like we could do this   in their upkeep but i don't wanna like not  respond to the correct trigger or whatever   so our opponent's probably going to make  a construct and then search their library   for needle and name saga so that way i  can't make another and they dig a needle dude they named top okay that means that i'm  going to get to get ahead in the saga war ooh that hurts i'm going to take five here and  hope that i can draw an artifact   another land geez let me in the dirt  now uh i might be forced to trade here and now they can play an artifact all right  looks like we're losing game number one   that's a bummer i guess i  could always draw my herkles so i could go to one here i'm  going to block to give myself   the extra out of drawing to monitor into  hercules which i can only do if i block that doesn't do any good um yeah it doesn't  do any good never mind all right game two we do know that this opponent has my root trap and i'm on the play so do i want to try to keep   it right like this just isn't a  rag event match up unfortunately all right four slots we want these bolts we definitely want a needle yeah that's just how we should be boarding it stinks because i want to showcase ragavan  but we just haven't had the matchups this league   what's unfortunate about losing the first  game here is that if we win game number two   we'll be on the draw for the third game and  uh it's certainly tough against golo shops okay this is not a term one citadel very close but  not a term unsaid at all we're gonna ship it   i supposed to keep this oh i think we keep and bottom the volcanic okay ruby pop emerald pearl walt pop those are pretty good um all right i'm just  going to play directly into the mind break four and not that good um we picked up our herkles  but that doesn't really matter that much like it's nice to have her calls but  it's not the end of the world here   her hand doesn't do anything  which is kind of a bigger problem you might be thinking like why  didn't you just wait and then   p.o on your next turn what if my opponent  plays a sphere and i don't ever have the   ability to replay my artifacts uh no rod's  fine here because we can just hurdle that ah i mean also if i hurcle's there they  could just replay the note rod for one   but i have a feeling we are not going to  be getting a game one here and i'll take it okay that's actually pretty good   this could be a win next turn if her  opponent doesn't do anything that hurts me all right they've already played nola rod they  have five cards these two artifacts are shut off   there's a good land for uh for me  not for them uh but for me i like it okay so we can hercules them  and then try to do something um all right so black mana  green mana go get yagmas well now we replay lotus trying to figure out what i want to do here  is it just demonic for bolt i think it is blue wow i can't believe we  won that game wooch wooch all right always had it played super  well all skill super lucky um i'm just gonna leave it in sure i like uh having four lands on the draw just  so that eventually i can cast the herkles pearl i don't have any zeros anyway sure draw so it's a little bit annoying  because i have to play a land into   this wasteland in order to even needle that's a problem we do have the saga so the plan here might actually be saga   needle name wasteland and then try  to hit karn with the construct tokens we also have lightning bolts  in our deck for that karn all right so they're getting an artifact metamorph okay so if i play needle they can  copy it and then name saga   i'm gonna name wasteland anyway i mean it's not impossible for me  to win this but it's very difficult   and they have their own saga all right yeah  i i don't think my ads are great anymore okay metamorph copying thorn my opponent's having a really difficult  time trying to figure out how to cast   this rexia metamorph all  right so they've plus carn and when got lattice this steps for three so i'm dead next  turn as long as they have another land well that just made it more difficult for them  to cast lattice i think i guess it breaks even   with the academy okay so the academy is  going to cast cost eight here so they can   get lotus next turn you can also make  constructs that way the academy taps for more   i think what we want to do is  ancestral into um oracle's recall okay so now this asks for one two three four five three mana shorter casting the  lattice but they probably have   something else if they're tapping  the academy true bibble you got it ancestral be good to me mystical so slow i have a feeling they were just dead here pass and discard strand they picked up soul rings so this should  give them enough mana to cast the lattice yep eight mana enemies a powerful card and that's good enough  so i'm just going to concede here and we are now   what three and one with run one run left to go  let's just focus on getting that all right the   fifth round we were facing my very good friend  jeremy hines so we've opened up ragavan with   no red source against our first opponent where  i feel like this card might actually be useful   i'm gonna keep it anyway just because i think that  saga is going to be fairly good here our opponent   jeremy is likely playing a blue duck and i like  saga there jeremy loves underworld breach so the   fluster storm's pretty good all right let's just  hope i draw like a max ruby off the top lotus passing the turn i'm just gonna ponder i think show strength i don't love  those i'm going to shuffle probe the jeremy countering probe okay all right the probe has been countered all right so i still feel like this might be  breach i'm not going to let the sea throw me   off i mean it could be doomsday let's not throw  that out there but i think it's probably breech i have i got my face it's  probably doomsday and there it is if we get super lucky it's a past  the turn pile and i can dash ragavan okay so doomsday ancestral's not in the pile there's  probably a gush on top or in hand all right jeremy has the cycler here so gush is  going to be picked up tap this for a blue ask gush into oracle lotus it's definitely low to something and i'm going to concede to that you don't  get to see my hand all right so we had our   first matchup where rag event is good and i  didn't really get to use it that's fine though   um my cyborg is not very good in this  matchup for what it's worth okay um i don't know if we need it to be though looking at  our deck i'm not even sure what to board out here maybe like a saga let's try this okay i'm gonna play for game  number two against doomsday   and uh we've opened up this ragavan card again but  no red source uh i think i'm gonna keep it anyway okay and i'm just gonna jam a turn one time walk i walk i think i'm begging for a land here jet is fine enough we get to make your  construct to start you know the beat down plan   and then next turn i can get ruby off this we're just a beat down deck this game we have to hope that beat down plus  one force will get the job done okay you're a lot i wonder if vintage po will adopt the consider  piles at some point because like i've seen some   of the doomsday decks playing cards like  peak and i think peak is actual garbage   so you could play consider just throwing  it out there might be interesting all right activate saga draw then the saga will trigger that was a very  good draw okay let's make another construct go get ruby my mouse dying academy five mana dash old rags here three mana floating all right top we were supposed to put the pyro  on top because the treasure token so drain my mana pool get in there for  eight whole damage we have double counter up ragavan this might be the  only ragaman hit of the video   luster i actually don't mind denying my  opponent of this if they have the kill next turn and now old rags comes home okay our opponent needs to win right now we have lethal  on board we have a pyroblast on top of our dock upkeep vamp i will allow it okay so it's gonna put them to eight lotus four cards left you can have a  dark grit i'm gonna force this so if they fluster we let it go   and then we try to counterspell their  draw spell with the uh the top thing ooh that's interesting i mean they need a draw spell and a  counter spell here so i just pay the one that doomsday's been countered and the monkey business gets game number  two against doomsday game three gonna   be a little bit more difficult um i don't  think we change anything let's just resubmit game three on the draw and i've opened up  a pretty good hand we're gonna keep this   so i have force blue card mystical for tanker  and then fluster backup what i really really   want to hit is an artifact on turn number one  so that way i can do all this pretty quickly okay let's go jeremy heine  let's let's finish this match uh jeremy knows the jig's up that  my hand is absolutely effing stacked there's no covered island okay we're rooting for an  artifact here preferably a mox well why did i i could have specified a little bit  more i suppose i could have said a mock's not opal garbage what um i'm gonna let that go interesting that jeremy ported in sabotage   i don't know if that's a card that most  doomsday players board in but it's interesting i wonder if i'm supposed to  mystical for ancestral now cycling street wreath okay passing the turn that's  this mystical looking to go get ancestral uh   ancestral visions and such a recall  i'd like to draw three cards please you are not supposed to counter this okay um i guess if jeremy has  flustered i just get crushed here rushed and doomsday usually plays  four fluster in the 75. interesting

okay this is my fluster resolve for my ancestral i mean get a blue source i'll take that you could tell that i'm tired because like   i'm just like mixing up words  non-stop now been a long day okay so now we play saga start the middle dude beat down well next  turn i can't make any constructs this turn   this is like right here is kind  of the problem that i have with po   or like we've had just like two dead draws this  game and this po is just like not very good anyway   where like if you were on esper tinker like  these are live cards that just like don't suck   like the p.o shell is very very good and i love  the i love pio the doc i just feel like opal   and outcome itself hasn't have an age  super well over the last year or so all right flooded strand draw another fluster okay feeling better  about not dying not dying is good that fire they're just gonna pass   i guess maybe jeremy brought in the sabotage  to slow down my clock like bouncing constructs   or whatever it just happened to be nice that it  under the ruby probably not the worst thing ever emerald trying to figure out if i should make a  construct here because it takes me off   double fluster and i don't love that  um i think i'm just gonna go get top so i could play vamp wait opal um i can't tinker with double  counterback double fluster backup   that seems pretty good to me i think uh play opal got this for a blue draw card and tanka got the storm count nice and high i could have attacked first which  would have given me a guaranteed   four damage but the upside of not attacking first  is that um this could get much larger than a four well nurse that's pretty good demonic i'm not gonna cast um i guess i just get top right  just like the best thing here play chop all right so tap is resolve draw card we need to get this construct up  to a 1515 to show jeremy who's boss lotus is another power i'll take it as brainstorm okay let's probe hang the mana here because i'd rather spend  mana than life when i have a citadel in play what do you have fatal push instead of jam  consultation but you knew that i had fluster   what's minus the nars narsa why not i i could  flop a top but why not let's minus um take a pearl draw it's up to an 80. i don't actually know if i can get it large  enough if i'm being honest uh let's draw a card okay so now we replay the top top again there's another power it's up to nine all right now we go down to five and now we're going to go to four  and then draw the volk replay top all right so we get a monkey into play   i like that i could have drawn it and  then dashed it that's a play mistake but we got the monkey into play that's  all that really matters um move to combat okay so we can fluster this i have to pay for like this 22 times okay jeremy's being a real pain in the buns by  not conceding here just being super dead all right and jeremy has finally  conceded thank you for that   thank you for not making me click i do appreciate  that let's go look at the deck list again   all right we got a 4-1 wooch wooch with monkey  pio the monkeys literally did nothing um if i'm   being honest i don't really feel like the po stuff  did a whole lot this week we had the one nuts game   against chops but for the most part i think it was  just the core of the deck that was super good and   not necessarily opal or po let me know you think  i could be entirely wrong and i'm open to that   sort of a shame we didn't get more  balloon matchups for the rags but   maybe this card just isn't good enough maybe  that's the lesson learned from this league   thank you for watching keep storming have a  great day you're beautiful see you next time hey bryant cook here i hope you enjoyed this video   if you did please like and subscribe but also  follow the social media channels down below   if you want to support this content directly i  would recommend going to   and if you need a little bit of assistance with  the episode to get to that next level i would   recommend going to don't  worry there's more great content coming right up

2021-11-04 23:14

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