Things to Know Before You Start Your Business

Things to Know Before You Start Your Business

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Everyone. It's Angelia Trinidad CEO, and founder of passion planner and you're watching the game changer where I share game-changing. Ideas that, have helped me on my journey to becoming a millionaire but, most importantly, help me live more intentionally, so, today's video is a little different, one of my friends Yousef from high school actually asked me if I could do coffee to answer some questions and I. Told him would you be down to shoot this for. A video and he said yes so introducing. Yousef. So. Um yeah, let's get started, a lot, of my questions today are gonna start, off with funding, because funding is a big thing for new entrepreneurs so. My first question is passion. Planner was initially started, using funding, from crowd sourcing yeah what do you think the biggest advantage of that was so, the big reason why I wanted. To crowdfunding, was because I didn't have credit and it wasn't something that I felt like I had access to to, go to a bank and say hey I'm fresh out of college and any money. So. I wanted to go, a different route where I was able to capture. Funding. Without giving, any percentage of my company which i think is the biggest, positive. For it and also when you take. A video and you upload it online, you. Gain, access to a huge, amount. Of people that are on the platform so for example for me it was Kickstarter, and Kickstarter. Already has hundreds, of thousands of users that are, frequenting, this site looking at projects, that they're interested in, backing in exchange. Of getting some sort of reward, so in my case it was if you, backed this Kickstarter, for $30 then you've got the planner and there. Were early bird specials and I think, what's really important, for the early bird specials is to include them because when you do that you. Create urgency. And when you create urgency you create. You. Create momentum and with that momentum comes, FRA reality so, I think it's really important, you have some, sort of discounts. For, your first. X amount of backers because. Then you, incentivize, people to act very quickly and because of that then, the algorithm then favors, you and puts, you on to, popular. Or so. It was kind of two problems so first. Off you never wanted, to seek equity. Funding you never wanted to give up party company for a certain amount of money yeah. I mean I I guess for me a big part of it was I was really, not educated. In how people, raise money I, understood. Kickstarter, they have very great like this is how Kickstarter works so I understood, I didn't, have any models for, like, relatives. Or friends that have gone. The. I, guess, private funding route so for me that was really scary and Kickstarter's, really and like like no one in your life had done that no so. For, me and then the other half, was free. Marketing yeah right you're on there people are looking at you whether or not they want to participate they're seeing it maybe they talk about it maybe they do participate so, kind of do a product yeah I think the, free marketing, just came with this idea of leveraging. Social. Media to share I think sharing is one of the most powerful ways to market because. It's word-of-mouth marketing on.

Steroids. With, this. Exponential, like, because, it's so easy to take. A digital platform and share. It via email, or via social, media and have, that exponentiate. And become viral. So. You've never gotten. Venture capital funding for any projects, never have you ever been, asked to give a venture capital funding um in, some, things but for, me personally I. Only want, to dedicate hours. Of my life to things that I would, be willing to lose sleep over so, I've been given a lot of opportunities to partner. With people or do this with someone and give my insight but for me I really, wanted. To invest the past five years into fashion planner because I believe that it is the product that is gonna change people's lives and. For me I think that in in. My personal opinion there was like no better cause because. I know that you can make a lot of money in different avenues and I, think. That if you, make money in the avenue that makes you most excited and, you feel will create the most impact that's, where you should be and that's kind of where I want, to be um so. In terms of receiving investment. Or funding, people. Have offered four percentages, but the, way that I see it is I know, that. I want to continue to -, I guess bet on myself and I know the amount of work that I'm going to be put and, I know that they're not gonna be putting in that work so I don't understand. Why they would get the return especially when passion. Alone has been really fortunate to have gone viral in a year so there wasn't any need to necessarily get any funny financial, viability was, right away so, I'm, gonna take that as a short. Answers no you've never given capital, funding is that something you're interested in doing it's, maybe right now you know you're in your twenties you're, young you got a ton of energy, you go after things is there. A time you think in the future near far where you're going to be like that. Person has what, I had and I want to back that person I believe in that person and what they're doing yeah I think that that's gonna happen probably in my mid-30s, thinks. That I'm at that point yet I think that when, I want, to shift my mind, into a mentorship, role that's something, that I'd be looking forward to right, now I feel, like there are so many things that I want to bring to life and I'm. Really excited about growing teams I'm really excited, about developing, teams and. Seeing. These things that are in my head affects, people and, I. Think. That it'll, happen in time but at this point in time like it's just not something that I just have, don't I don't have enough brain power to. Split. Myself in so many different ways and, make sure everything is going on yeah because I just yeah, so you mentioned being, a mentor yeah do you have any mentors um, I. Actually feel, like. If. You would have asked me this question at the beginning of the year I probably would have said no I would have said Google like for real I've I've answered, that in interviews, before but. I realized now that a lot of my mentors come as, my friends like they're my really close friends that have been with me for a long time and sometimes they're my mentors, and sometimes they're like they work with me on my team or and help, me grow this company and we're making, this thing happen together and they, keep me in check so. Traditional. Mentors where it's like hey you're my mentor and I'm calling you that not. Really but non-traditional, I feel like I have so much support from. A lot of my really close friends I have support, from the, professionals, that I've hired as my consultants. So, for example my lawyer my accountant, and they've, been really great. And I, think, right, now like. My life coach is one of my mentors I think my therapist is one of my mentors I mean I think that these are really new, relationships.

That I've been building, but I think your mentor is anyone, that is looking, out for you and is. Able. To give you honest, feedback on, any, part of your life and you respect them so I think that traditionally. In. A traditional, sense not, really but in a very like oh what is a mentor it and how do i define that for myself I feel like I have a lot okay, so that's a pretty. Unique. Position, when. We're talking about like directly mentor so it seems like you're more interested, in let's, be peers and we can learn from each other which i think is great you can learn something from anyone would you recommend to, an aspiring entrepreneur maybe, someone, fresh out of college we're, fresh out of high school even go. Find someone, who, you aspire to be like or, go find someone who may, have sage, wisdom for, you to use, is. That advice you would give or would you say get, your hands dirty and get in there you're gonna meet the people that you need to meet and you'll learn much in the door I think that it's not, it's. Not either/or but its end so. Personally. I didn't have access to very many people that people would see as mentors I didn't feel like I had that, support system or the. Network so, what I would do is I read I read so many books and I still read books to this day that I feel like every single book has been a mentor, in some way that wasn't, accessible by, being, able to travel to somewhere and be like hey I want to be your mentees. And really diving in yeah really diving okay um, that's. Great that's great so there was a, question. So we're talking about funding, earlier, and and. Funding. Is one of those things I think it's really intimidating for people I, have, this great idea how. In the heck am I gonna get money for it. One. Thing people say is they're scared of their ID being stolen right, talk, about it with you but I trust that you're not gonna run off with it right another. Thing people do to protect themselves is they'll, create, an NDA and non-disclosure, agreement. Hypothetically. Speaking yeah, someone, comes you angel, I'd, like to seek your advice on something but. I request, that you sign a nondisclosure agreement before. We talk what. Are your first kind of actions to that are you like wow this person's pragmatic, they're, doing a good job I can see they're diligent are you more like kid. I'm not sure you have the clout to offer me, an NDA let's, sit down and talk first how do you think you'd respond to that I think, it's a case by case scenario. I think that. It's. I, think that when. There's, doubt I think that you should always you should have NDA I think that your ndh, I mean just. Protects you but. Again there is definitely, consulate, because some people take that very differently so it's a big, case by case scenario, I think what really matters, in this situation, is what. Are you able to deliver. Because. You're saying like okay some people a lot of people have ideas tons, of people have ideas but, very few, people start. To do things with their ideas and then, people that start very. Few people follow through with their ideas and then even, less than that are people that are actually, putting, in the consistent. Work and going over and through, these hurdles so every. Single time you're getting a small and small percentage, of people that are willing to do the work and on. Top of that are people that are making excuses for whatever reason, you. Know they have another job they have debt they have other.

Responsibilities, And there's just so. Many types of people that when you get to a point where, it's like someone's, actually going to execute on, that idea it's, a very small amount of people and I think that what's really important, in this discussion, is to think about what. Kind, of edge do you have all, of those things Plus this passion, and this I this drive, to make this thing happen I think that is so important, and a lot of people don't think about that. And I, think that that is one of the key determining, factors of if you should. Pursue. Business or not like. If you're willing to lose sleep on it you're willing to trade years of your life for it you're willing to give up all. Of this other stuff for, this idea then you should pursue it because you, already have an edge, against. So many other people because, what. It comes down to is, how. Much work are you willing to put in and how, much impactful. Work are you willing to put in and that might, be leveraging. Network that might be doing, research that might be finding. Investments, that might doing Kickstarter every, single time there's an action, more, people get weeded out so, I think that it's really important, I think an NDA is. Is. Just, a piece of the puzzle I. Think, that most. Great people aren't thinking about stealing your ideas and they also probably, wouldn't want to stake, their reputation on, stealing your idea but again I don't think that would hurt to just say hey I'm gonna have you do an NDA the only con to NDA is like if you're talking to an investor and. Then. That investor isn't that interested, in other things that are related to your product, then, it limits them and that becomes, a really tricky situation conflict, of interest yeah so, so. You just kind of laid, out a lot of what I think my next question was trying to get you sick now. This is different than just funding this is this, is more let, me give you a hypothetical situation I think you so, imagine, there's a chef that you know and he, has an idea for, a tech product. Or invention, or application, so, the question is should, entrepreneurs, pursue. What they think are great ideas outside, of their area of expertise, I, think, that the bigger question, is what, is the main objective of the entrepreneur so for, example if it, is to like. What, do you want at the end of it do you want this to impact the world do you want to be a big part of it do you want it to be something, that makes you money like what, is the objective because then the objective, informs, how you should go about it and those aren't those, don't have to be mutually exclusive do, that right so, you there's, like this huge spectrum of what a business is and, what it can be and how it's gonna affect you so I think it's really important, to get really clear on how. Involved, you want to be and what the end goal is for the company, because. When you start thinking about that then, you start to understand okay well I might, not be the best person for it and I'm willing to partner with someone and I just want this idea to thrive, and have, its, best opportunity, to be like. Highly impactful so, that would be very different than saying you know this is my vision and I want this, particular, thing to be executed. This way because I know if I give to someone else that might be misconstrued and then that, is when you start to think okay I need to take on that burden but, also you need to think what. Kind, of responsibility, can you take on because that's super important as well if you are working or, you. Have something else that you have to do you have a family then, you. Also need to take that into account and think about okay if my personal life is going to affect the velocity, of this project, then it might be worth finding, a partner, to then, help, we're putting it off to a time where you can do, it right yeah. Like. That so you. Kind of touched on it again I love the the path that we're going down here so. My next question is now. I had this great idea right tech idea but. I'm not a tech entrepreneur and. I don't know if I have what it takes to be a tech CEO. Should. You necessarily, be the CEO of your own business why are why not I think. That this, being the CEO I feel like it's a title that people will really misunderstand. I think, that the, CEO is the person that's making executive decisions on. Pretty, much almost all fronts but, that looks different from a five. Person. Team to, a 50 person team to 500, person team I think that depending. On what your wants and needs are in terms of what kind of lifestyle, you want to lead that, will employment, decision so I think that when you're a CEO you're, managing, lots of things and wearing lots of hats and those hats are going to change and if you're good with that if that's the lifestyle that you want then yeah you should be the CEO but I also think that there.

Is Value in, saying. This is not where I create the most impact and I'm willing to step down and put, someone in that position I can make, the right choices and this is. In, alignment with my vision and I think that's really important, and also, I think that being the CEO of any, company, is a huge experience that, makes you a better person like very many other experiences in your life so. I think that there are definitely pros, and cons for each person, in each scenario I, think, that when it comes down to it you, should think, about what is it that you want what, is it that you can commit to and what. In, the. End is, the, product or the, lifestyle. Or the. Benefit, that this company is going to bring to you or the, world and make, your decision on that do. You think that there direct. Benefits, to you keeping, yourself a CEO Patrick planet-like had I hired someone else I don't think this was would have gone as well I think my vision is in line I think I know the right people to do a job it's important, that I'm still CEO a passion play the, scales are so different when you start a small business, you're the CEO of everything because you usually, are the only person so you're doing everything you can call yourself whatever you want I honestly don't really love titles, I think titles are there too, for. The convenience of outsiders, but sometimes. For the convenience of also the team but, for the most part I think that it's. Really important. To. Like. Think about what your wants are so, if for me I don't. Know if, I'm ready to not be the CEO of this company but, I also know that there might be a time where that happens because, I want to do something else or I feel like I can impact this thing and I can't look at everything with, a critical, and like, composed lens and I think that it's important, to know. When, that. Like. When that happens and when you want when, you want it to occur I think, the benefits, of, someone.

Being A CEO is being, able to set the foundation for, all departments. And that's. Something that I'm still doing to this day you know I'm five years into my company and we, just started our community relations department so setting, that foundation, and we also just started our R&D department, so starting that foundation, and I think if you're someone that likes to be the strategize, or in the beginning that's thinking about how to go about things from a very high-level perspective, and, then finding the correct people to put into those places then that might be a good position for you but if that's a very head up type of position but if you're really into like being head down about execution, like being, a CEO is probably not the best so. It's really based on your personality type and also how. Well. Do you communicate to people what. Your vision is because, a, lot, of times people are now gonna have to make educated, guesses on what they think would be the best decision. Based. On their experience, and also based on the parameters, that you give them so I think that it's really important, to at, any, level if you are the CEO or if you're not the CEO being able to communicate what you very, clearly which is an ongoing learning, process which is something that I'm still get going through right now are. You natural, no. No, your learn it I'm. Sure I think everything no one's really I don't know what a natural talk about a natural leader do you find that you're just like this. Is it I'm doing, what's right and I don't have a problem helping. Other people help. Me to, work towards this vision or is this something that's like you know I've had to put a lot of effort into leading. In a way that, is both productive, and makes my team feel good about it as well definitely think it's been a process. The. Way that I am I'm a very type a very. It's. Weird because I'm like type-a but I'm also really spontaneous, and kind of hard to predict everyone. My team knows that so, I might have these really great ideas and then, I might not be the best person to execute on those ideas and I'm, just my, brain is working so fast that. A, lot, of the times I have to put myself in other people's shoes and say like okay well, what. Is the best way I could approach this especially, being away for a year because I took at your long sabbatical, last year I think that was a huge learning lesson for me in, readjusting. And also understanding. People other people's points of views because, in. The. Evolution. Of passion clutter it's been, in. The beginning it was like mom like literally, in my parent's garage well. First in my room by, myself and then with my parents garage with two other people and then, moved, to 40 people in a warehouse and, then, moved to our own warehouse with, now, we have about 26 people so that evolution. Has also. Seen, me evolve from a 22, year old to a 28, year old and that's a very different angel in each phase and, people, that have worked for me when I was 23, or 24. Experienced. A very different angel and a very different type of leader for. Me I think that I've unpacked, a lot of things that personally. I've had to, understand. Are my faults, and be. Able to accept. Those things and live, up to those things and also apologize, for those things and. Make. It better for everyone else and also. Know, when I need to like put my foot down and say like this is what I want and it's not negotiable and that's. Been a really hard for me because I think that. Different, situations, call for different things and I'm someone, that has worked with a lot of my friends and I've actually lost a few friendships because of running, my own company in the way that I have and I, think that it's all growing pains and it's all lessons, in communication, because, it's all about being. Explicit, with what I want and what the, standard, or expectation, is and then, holding. Them to it so, sometimes I'm really good at one thing and sometimes I'm really good at the other thing but, it's like such, a dance, in such an art in its own thing.

That, It's. It's. Something that takes. Experience. You. Just can't read it yeah I would say there's a reason there's a ton of books about it because it's, a tough subject it's hard to do effectively, but. It seems like you're doing pretty well you. Know I'm doing my best. So. This is something I've been contemplating because I do have an idea that lies outside of my expertise, and for. This to. Initially. Get off the ground there, may be some, kind of equity exchange so my question was for. Essential, employees and early development how do you decide between salary, or equity compensation or. Is equity, just completely, off the table it's never gonna happen I'll find a way to pay you so. Personally. I went the Kickstarter route and found, funding. In other ways to. Be able to pay salaried, employees, for, a passion planner in particular, I've never had to, go. The equity route so, that's not really something that I'm thinking about or taking this company, public but who knows maybe in the future that might happen so you touched upon two. Things that's gonna go to the same question one how. Important, it is to like, the people that you work with and how an, enjoyable work experience, people who have buy-in it's really important, now you've also talked about how, you you've, lost some friendships, over business my. Last business I lost a friend. There's. A duality, now. I know something about that person I didn't know before, that's. Good I lost. A friend that's. Not so good with. Your experiences. Would. You recommend, hiring. Or working, with a friend I think you definitely can, I think that some, of my best some. Of my best people, on my team are my friends. And I think that I love, being, friends with people that works for me but there definitely is a trade-off I think that there. Is, a, hierarchy which, then leads to some complications, and that also because. There's a hierarchy there's, this whole. Potential. For miscommunication. Because then you become like. Not as approachable, because you're not seen as a peer anymore your seat as their boss meaning. That in, other situations, where they would feel comfortable talking you about something then they're like am I gonna get fired am I getting in trouble are, people you know this, kind of thing is happening, which.

Can Lead to other people then talking about you without, being really cognizant, that that might like come back up and then there's like an issue there so, I think for me one of the main focuses this. Year is really, creating a pathway for, honest, and candid conversation. From. All levels of the company and that's something that I feel like we didn't put enough value, in because I thought it was an assumption that this, was what we're gonna do but, I definitely understand, that me angel, my personality, sometimes is very intense and I can also be very intimidating, and I also talk very fast and, I'm. Smart. So sometimes. It's very hard for people to approach me and I, think to mitigate that we've. Been able to create, like slack. Me or email, me or text me or say hey you need five minutes of my time and I think that creating these openings, has been helpful but at the same time it's a growing process so. To. Your question is it advisable. To, hire your friends I think if you, are able to communicate with them then. Yes and if. They are adding value to your company then yes I think that being, ensuring, that both of these things are, two, clear checkmarks, is super. Important let. Me touch upon that yeah, that. Was the big schism. Between us, was, I wasn't, apparently. Completely. Aware of what her skill set was. And, the depth of her knowledge, yeah and trusted just kind, of what I had seen and, maybe it wasn't enough and I didn't. Evaluate. My future business partner well enough so a lot of our, discourse. Came from, hey. You're not doing this correctly. Or you're not putting in enough time in, this aspect. And so I think what you said when is just really knowing what, their added-value is is. So, important. And I think that, is something that that I don't know how we emphasize this yeah again but understanding. That if you do take a business partner what they're capable of what, their pros and cons are and just what is their added value. And. I think being able to explicitly, state that and, I, think is super important but, also for me I've been really lucky because culturally. I fit super, well with some people and then they've grown, their skillset I think what it really boils down to is trust do, you trust, that this person, is going to execute on the. Vision that is set for, you know this company and also do you trust that they are going to put in the effort to grow, as this, company grows and also do you just trust them I think that that is one, of the key things, because, also you have to trust, that they are able to do the job because if you don't, trust that then, you will micromanage, the out of them and then it'll be annoying for everyone, yeah. So. I think that it's really important, to trust, one another to. Be able to communicate to, create, safe spaces for conversation. Whether. That is like on on, a regular basis. So that might be like a monthly, meeting, where we say hey you know take couples, therapy, things, into, like, into. Action. And practice here. One, of my friends, tells, me about how, they. Sit. Back to back with their partner and they tell each other candidly, for five minutes without any interruption, how they feel about, their relationship, no, interruption and then that other person then, says to them what they heard so, that they clear, up any miscommunication and that happens like and then, the other person does that and that happens on a weekly basis and I think that taking, these ways that people have learned to communicate in high intense, situations. Like high intensity situations, is really, important, and super useful even. In the workplace so, I think that I. Mean, I've cried a lot really my company, I have. Been. Upset a lot I've said things that I feel like retro. Actively, I'm like oh man I shouldn't have said that and I think when. It all comes down to it it's. When. I apologize, do they trust that. My intentions, weren't to do to, hurt them and vice, versa and I think that if you know and trust that both, people really care about each other and just want what's best for one another that is like a solid foundation for. Any relationship including, a working. Relationship I think the fact that you compare working relationship, and a romantic, relationship is, spot-on. Because, in. My experience there's, nothing closer to, a romantic, relationship, in the. Compromise, and the, headaches, but the desire to also, make it work as there isn't a business relationship, those two parallels, I think, it can be stated enough and so if you have experience, with either one so if you have experience romantically, you, know how much work it takes and I think that's something that's really important, people don't think about and, it's definitely something I took for granted my, thought was I like this person this, person seems, quite competent, let's, do it when, it should have been I love this person and, I know this person and what this person is capable of and I think it's.

It's Just so important, now you you. Don't have a business partner yeah do. You think that the, business has benefited, because of that so, you haven't had to waver you haven't had to cast, votes it's I think this is right if it's wrong we'll find out soon enough but I think it's right and we should move forward I definitely think there's pros and cons it's, kind of like having a. Single-parent. Family versus. A you. Know like, a two-parent. Household, and I, think that it's. Important. To. Again. Be able to communicate because, it, doesn't help that if I make a decision and it pisses everyone, off it doesn't. Help me at all you know so, and also. There have been times where in my company I feel like I'm completely alien, to everyone because they're, on one side and I'm on one and then. I make the exhaustive decision and then, they, don't like it so for example, when. I decided to change, our three sizes to one that was my decision because I really wanted to simplify. And streamline the whole company and I. Think. That that was the best decision that we could have made because I'm all about like, the essential, but, after. Getting, a lot of feedback and all, this stuff from our customers, and from people. On my team I realized. That I had made sake and I needed to change it but, then. I made that mistake and I felt like it was just me it was all me you know and I. Think that that, can be really alienating, and scary. Because. Also people don't want to talk back to their bosses so it's like a weird thing. But, I think that what, has happened now, is. Having. A cuz, I have directors I was gonna ask you is there any is there any kind of process, in place, that can, mitigate your decision-making, there. Is but, ultimately, out like, I will make the decision but at the same time I feel, very, confident. And comfortable and making compromises if it is for the best of the company and, for. Me when I made that decision to go from three sizes to one size I thought that it was the best for the company, it would streamline like all. Of our shipping it would help people make, decisions quickly if they wanted a planner or not because a lot of people are like okay now I need to pick what's what start of the week what color what size it was just so many decisions that people were like getting, like, yeah, so I think that what. Really changed. Was that, decision was the fact that it wasn't accessible anymore some, people that had like, poor. Vision or it wasn't accessible to teachers who needed more space so for me then, I had to think and ask myself what. What. Is the process patch upon it so that people could put it into their lives and I. Changed, that, decision, based on the fact that because that decision wasn't making that more accessible that it had to change so that's how you decided, so we said I found, out that was a wrong decision yeah that was from feedback, we. Need more so you've, now gone outside your vision my vision is to help people and make this thing usable. In every day now if one, person is telling me this is no longer as accessible, or it's usable that's, kind of your driving factor as far as was i right in this decision or not I mean I think that there was a lot of different factors to because, in, all honesty like we sold more planners, in the one-size than we did in the three sighs prior so revenues didn't go down no it was the same statistical. II told you this is a it, was fine, but also when, I had talked about it extensively on, my team I started. To understand, that they were willing to put in the work so that the customer could be happy and I, think it was like angel you're not going to do it, on you it's on them I mean, you are gonna be paying them for more of this work but at the same time they, want to do it and I think that it would create like a big rift between you and your team and is it worth not. Compromising, so, that, was one of the big things that I did right when I came back to my sabbatical all right I wrote all of this stuff the PR that needed to happen for, the big announcement we, made the announcement everyone was happy again so, I think that, you. Know and for, me one. Of the big things is being able to say hey, I up like, I'm sorry I messed up did it make the right call I'm. Gonna do what I need to do to make it better and do, that thing and that's. It you know and I think in relationships. And in business, whether that be through your. Employees, or your customers, that's what they need because, then, they're like okay I trust, that you're looking out for my best interest, and and by taking their advice you.

Get More buy-in from them I listen, to my, boss is. Hearing what I have to say and my voice doesn't mean nothing in this environment yeah and people like to be heard oh yeah, they don't need to even be listened to but, they just want to be heard, so. Okay. We're. Pivot. Here. What. Has been your, most effective, marketing strategy, and how. Does social media play. A role in your marketing, strategy overall yeah answer, the first question first so, I think the most effective marketing, strategy, has been being genuine, and that. Sounds, like very cliche, but I think. That we live in a day and age where people can sense like. Physically. You're, bullshitting, like I think that people understand, when, they're being sold and for. Me when I presented, passion, Conor in the video that made it go viral I was, just telling my story about how I came up with this product and it was a really honest, and true story like, I went I was in college finished college moved back home became depressed then. Wanted. To start something that could, help people including, something like someone like me who felt. Like I don't. Know what the I'm doing in my life so I designed this planet taking the knowledge that I had read, after, reading hundreds of self-help books and put it into something accessible and to. Back that was if, you, share this video on any form of social media you can download the PDF for free so, clear. Accessibility, for everyone which, led to people sharing, this video hundreds. Of thousands of times on Facebook in, a matter of a week so, for. Me it was that story being. Genuine, in that story being. Able to give someone, something for doing something for you aka, the PDF and then putting. It out in the world and, I. Think that are our, actions as a company, have, always. Emphasized. Us trying to give back and do something and impact people and I think because of that we have a really strong following. And a really strong diehard, pash fam then it's just willing, to go above and beyond to spread this message and to share this product so, definitely. Being. Genuine sharing your story and I think a big part of that is when, you know the story well and you. Know the problems well you know the solution better than anyone and you know if the solution is just a band-aid or a real solution so, I think that that's really important, so going on to your second question about, social media I mean social media without social media like. Passion, powder wouldn't be, as successful for, sure like. Passion. For, social. Media took passion. Powder from a, $64,000, a year company to. Want. To point two million dollar company yeah. So, for. That to happen that, that couldn't have happened I, mean it could have happened like, without the internet but I think. Literally. We went viral as I was like on my way to go, camping, my. Phone is blowing up my assistant, back, at home was like oh my gosh we have so many emails it's gonna crash and I was just like I'm gonna be in the mountains in an hour and, you got to figure it out and this is what I would do like we set the email but go in the backend and but. I think that it was really important, that. Like. Social, media played a huge role in this because. People cared when people care they share and when they share your word exponentiate. S-- and it. Just, I mean, that's how it goes out is, there a marketing campaign without social media these days I. There can be I mean there are like pest control people, that are very local that do great. But. I think that social, media is just a great amplifier, of any message. So. A couple, questions left. This. One is kind of like kind, of some kind of we're talking about and it's it's, if I haven't touched upon it what is it if you could give one piece of advice to entrepreneurs what. Would it be and if you could escape, the cliches, and I think like you know kind of the realm I'm talking about that'd, be great what's something that we're not thinking about it's. Not online in all the forums but, it's impacted, you in a way that's you, know that one thing if it had been different could have changed everything or that. One thing that I did do, totally. Helped me get through X Y Z is. There anything that comes to mind um I think it's honestly be generous like, be really generous and I think it's to go above, and beyond what people expect, of you generous with your employees, with your everything, everyone, have like. Employees. Customers, friends. Family. Your network like. Everything. That people expect, from you, give. Them a little more because, I think that's where delight happens I mean there is also a slippery. Slope because then people start taking you for granted which, has been an issue that I've had in the past but. I think being able to then communicate like, hey I feel like I'm being taken for granted is another, skill so being able to, be.

That Person that, they know is gonna go above and beyond when you enter any agreement, and when you enter an agreement know, that this is a commitment and know. That if you're gonna have to leave the commitment, then you are going to ensure that you you're leaving that person better off than when, they when they first entered. This agreement whether, that and that that's that's great because I think that's what partnerships, are all about and I. Think that this. Is like such, a solid, piece of advice. Because, a lot of people nowadays are looking for the bare minimum so what you get is interactions, that are bare minimum, superficial. That are really superficial and I think that being. Able to go, the extra mile, sometimes, it means being a little bit more vulnerable than, you think that they're comfortable with sometimes, for, example I meet people when I go to conferences. I feel. This, feeling. That that. They feel more at ease when I'm around because, I'm willing to be myself and sometimes, that doesn't look like how everyone else looks like or that isn't how everyone else talks you know I might cuss or I might you, know just be myself and I feel like when I do that I really do give people permission to be themselves and, I, think that. This. Concept, of you can't be what you can't see is really important, because there, are so many people. Out there as, far as the individual like seeing themselves yeah you need to see yourself in spaces where you aspire, to be and for. Me I think that, everyone. Especially, people that are in minority realms, or have, had any type of struggle. You, can be a beacon of light for people that can relate to you because no matter who you are whether, you are a person of extreme privilege there is also a demographic, of people that are looking at that person in being like hey I understand, your struggle and I want to relate and I want to connect you and I want to help you so it's all parts, of the spectrum I'm, not just talking about people that are completely, not privileged or completely on this spectrum of disadvantaged. Like. Like, livelihoods so. I think that it's really important, to be models, and. To, show. Up fully as yourself and, show, up and, like. Deliver. What. You think is your best at that time and I think that's so important, but. At the same time be humble as a person like I think that there's just so much about, genuineness.

And Vulnerability. And coupling these two things. But. I think the last, pillar of this so being genuine genuine, being. Vulnerable but, also being. Valuable, and when I say valuable I don't, mean having a lot of money I'm think I mean, having. A lot of value in terms of what you bring to the table whether, that is someone, that is the person that's just the runner for the team that gets all the stuff all the errands is the last person that isn't like, in the office the first person that's in the office that is poor yeah just it's it's a big part and I think that. That's. Really important, and. The. More knowledge. More information. That you know that you strategize, and apply then that also adds to your value because, I feel like a lot of people come into negotiations. Or come into situations asking. As opposed to offering and I think that because of that they, leave themselves in a very big disadvantage because, it's like what's the point of me trying to help you because all you, want is to leech off of what I can give you so my life coach right now his name is Alex he's, way younger than me and he. He. Is because, being, a life coach you usually have to be older with a lot of experience so when. I saw that you want to be a life coach she was actually one of my interns back in the day and he was like I want to pursue something in life coaching I was like cool cool. Like tell, me like tell, me how it goes essentially, so he. Actually was in town for the. When. The holidays and he, was doing this special which was $50, for a session. And I was like you know what I'm down to do it so I signed up for a session with him and it was great and I felt like he asked really great question so you got me realigned, and I was just like cool like a really great perspective, and then, I was like okay I'm I don't need a life coach like but. Then he, contacted me maybe like a month later and, he, said pain so I'm putting on this event and I'm and I, really want you to speak at this event and I'm willing to trade a month. Of life coaching for, you, to speak at this event because I can't afford like. Your speaker fee and I was like alright I'll think about it and I already knew because I already knew what kind of value he'd add to my life and also I knew that he, was willing to do whatever it takes to, you. Know to. Connect, the dots so, I, mean, I still actually right, before I walked into the seat he texted me is a co-host on the invoice and that's why I said like Kay just send them automatically, because. It's like when, people understand, your value usually they need a sample usually. You need to prove to them as opposed, anyone. Can say anything so. I think that it's really important, to show your value show up in your best light and, be. Like, a good, human being because, those are the people that people are willing to invest in and also partner, with, words. Are wind huh. Where's, our wind yeah. So, yeah just to touch about what you're saying I. Think. Generous, vulnerable, valuable when, you're a generous person you have a generous spirit when, you're vulnerable I mean kind of let your walls down you, show value there's, almost this visceral, reaction. To people like that like, you meet something like that and you look to your buddy you're like this guy you know like this guy's he's got it or he's on track something and at, the same time being, that guy just, doing something we were like this is gonna work because it has to work because how, was no one thought of this is such a great idea I'm. Gonna throw everything I have into it I think that's. Huge if you don't feel that if, you don't feel like this is a, world-changing, or this. Small, world you know the small niche market, this if, this isn't something I should totally throw myself into then you shouldn't do it yeah, I mean I, like. I completely agree and as you're talking about it it reminds me of being in a relationship you. Don't want to commit to someone where you're like you know would be fine it's like no that's not what you want to do you want to say on, all aspects, of this this. Is a great thing for me and I want to put, in the time and energy because all we have is time it's, not about money and it's not about. Like. Things. It's about how, much time do you have on this earth because it's something that is so precious that, you. Need. To protect your time I feel like so many people will. Protect, their car but, they won't protect their time which, is kind of like mind boggling because you can always buy another car but you can't buy, any more time so why are you gonna let a person that wants to talk your ear off for an hour just, do that like that hour you're. Never going to get back so I think that it's important, to be able to create clear boundaries again communication.

And Say, hey I don't really want to talk like, right now like I really just need to do this and I, mean you don't have to justify yourself you could just say hey I don't really want to talk right now and. Let. It be you know I think a lot of times we are trying to be so nice and that. Doesn't, lead to happiness, for, us that actually Brees resentment, for the other person which isn't doing anyone any favors so. Being able to create clear boundaries being able to say those boundaries in a way that's respectful and being, able to. Like. Just. Show, up as yourself, in whatever, state you're in while. Still being respectful is like one of those important, things that I feel like we are learning now because. As Millennials. I think we have been taught to be, really nice and be really accommodating. And like, just, do your best, and make, sure everyone likes you and do all the stuff and I think that it's actually creating, a disservice because, then we start to lose who we are because. We want to make everyone happy and I really, really believe that. No. One is for everyone like I cannot. Be for everyone someone watching this video might be like after this video I hate angel and I don't like how she talks, I don't like blah blah blah a lot they might and that's completely okay and that's a lesson that I've had to learn very slowly, because. When. The, Kickstarter went viral and I went crazy, we. Couldn't fulfill because. The. Docks, were closed the the ports were closed on the west coast so our planners were literally, sitting, on the ocean for two hours for two months for, two months so I had so much hate email I have so much yeah. And, so and, a, lot of my friends were checking in making sure that I was okay and for, me I was like well you know all I can do is be honest and be genuine, about what, is happening and what I'm gonna do to fix it and that's. It and be transparent so I. Think that, really. Important, to, set. Clear expectations and, when, I say boundaries I think also this means expectations, if I, tell my if, I tell my customers hey you're gonna get your planner in two days but I can only give it to them in three it'll feel like a, loss so, I think that being able to under.

Promise And over deliver I think is one of the key things that you. Should do across the board for whole life yeah managing expectations is so important. Buddhism. Right. There this. This here is a product of angel would you like to have some coffee and I have some questions no but. If you'd like here's. This opportunity, that you can participate in hey, I thought that was extremely reasonable like hey, she's, a busy person it's you, know it was a shot in the dark to reach out a little bit and. There. Was a compromise there you know we're not gonna do it what, you want but I'm willing to give, you a piece of my time but. It's gonna be something that benefits. Projects, I'm working on yeah hey, that works I'm enjoying our conversation now, I feel like I'm getting what. It is I was seeking anyway and at the same time you're getting some media to put out so that's, not necessarily a bad thing to protect ones time because. It can they can lead to things that you weren't expecting, last. Question this is for me, when. You running, for office I don't. Know dude me. I'm like I'm not vote with my dollar I plan, on being like powerful. At least whether that be a network or money. It's. Numbers. You, know it's linear, ya know what you're getting yeah and I think for me I think. That there are people that have a love I mean maybe I'll look back at this video and be like oh, and all you said you wanted what you were gonna do it but I feel like that's me all the time because, at this point in time this is where I sit and this is where I stand and I, think that every, person evolves. And changes and, like, what they want and their interests change I think, for me at this point in time I feel like there are so many people out there that that's, what they want to date you know that's what they want to marry and that's not for me and I, know that and.

That's. Just not it is. There anything you wanted to elaborate on that maybe I missed that we skirted, a subject, and and, because, I was thinking of something I forgot to ask about or anything you think that based. On what we've talked about you know I, think your point actually of finding, the compromise, I think it's, being able to find the win-win. Situation. For both people I think that a lot of times people. Propose, win lose situation. So. Being. Able to come up with that. Win win and say hey I, understand. That this is gonna be a loss for you in this way but let's how can we make it a win for you too and that might be hey, I'm gonna I'm, willing to volunteer and do X for you or I don't know it's it's again, this communication, of like how, are you going to get your needs met and how am I gonna get my needs met or and if that's not gonna get if that's not gonna work then how we gonna. Explicitly. Say that it's not gonna work and just be done I think, that it's really important, and it's, something that I feel like also happens in relationships it's interesting that relationships, have come up a lot in this conversation but, I think it's really important, because the way that I see it is a relationship. Is not a compromise. It is. A negotiation. When. You compromise, someone, is giving up something when, you negotiate people. Are saying hey, these are my boundaries, can we work within these boundaries and. Okay. You can't give me this but I think you can give me that and, I think that a, compromise, is a loss for someone, sometimes. And. A win for someone and this is like more of like hey let's find the wins for both of us yeah. Well. Thanks for watching if you have any questions about running, a business or starting a business feel, free to comment them down below I will be making another video in, the future maybe, in the next couple of months and you might get your question featured so thanks, you sir for all your great questions I, really appreciate, it so remember to Like comment and subscribe it, really means a lot to us we spent, so much time and energy making these videos and hopefully. They aren't super valuable to you and if. You can just take once I can do that I'd really appreciate it and remember, it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to start see you next time.

2019-06-12 13:32

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I love and appreciate your forthrightness!

Awesome insight about Kickstarter and your background in starting up. Only tip I have is next time you have someone interview you... make sure they’re mic’d up well. I couldn’t hear the questions well enough that were being asked of you at times.

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this video - I'm a huge fan of your product and your style as an entrepreneur. Thank you again from a happy customer in Las Vegas :)

This was awesome! TFS

Great video!! TFS!! ❤️

Loved this!!! So much value!!!

I took quite a few notes from this video, I admire your passion and transparency. I received my first passion planner through my school (womxn's leadership institute @ CPP) and I love it. It's been helping me achieve my short-term and long-term planning. I have two more years of school but several business ideas rattling around in my head. I subscribed ot your channel, I'm looking forward to watching you progress? Can you create a book/resource list for young independent entrepreneurs? I had an online business from when I was 16-18 that started on pre-order basis to prevent the need to have investment, which I grew to have a considerable profit. But now that I'm interested in creating apps and digital technology I feel like I would need a team to get that started. Cheers, Julia

I include you as one of the 5 people that accumulate my average. I love playing Passion Planner videos on repeat. Being a woman that goes against societies norms you will define the hope going into the future. Thank you for supporting Indigenous communities as well

Great video! Awesome life lessons that are transferable to life skills, communication skills, working effectively with others, and seeing your own value in the world. I especially loved the quote "You can't be what you don't see", and I strongly believe in the critical importance of creating your life as you wish it to be (even re-creating it, if necessary). I work with college students [we received 150 Red PassionPlanners in the Empowering Community initiative in April]. I also teach 2 courses, a firstyear seminar as well as and Academic Recovery course for college students trying to improve their GPAs. What advice would you give to students who stumbled in their college careers, in terms of 3 tips to re-start their momentum? Robin Stokes Penn State Brandywine Advising and Career Services

Wow, Angela thank you so much for sharing your vision and expertise with us. So well-spoken and intelligent. Great insights that can help so many people from watching this.

AWESOME VIDEO. Thank you! Q: How do you navigate dealing with a manufacturer that is overseas? - What are things you have to account for I.e. tariffs, shipping, bad product.... - What are resources you would suggest, or was it more a learn as you go process?

Love this! Thank you for sharing

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