THE WOLF - TRUE ALPHA ft. Christian Slater and Jonathan Banks | HP

THE WOLF - TRUE ALPHA ft. Christian Slater and Jonathan Banks | HP

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Frederick. Sorry. The perfect, tidings button. I think, a weaponize post quickfire will do it, well. I think all that torvik. Industries, dotnet, would, print just about anything you sent her can you get word to our friends in Bangkok. Revenge. Feels good it's. Bad for business, noted. It's. Still not gonna bring him back. Feeling. Good feeling. Anything. Interesting. Hey. You, really want to rattle some cages get. An internet connection. Trust, me dude, Digital Molotov cocktails that'll, make some noise. The. True subversive. Wears, the uniform of, the enemy, fYI. Sheep's. Clothing. Two, brave new world where printers, or exploitable, portals, and faces, of the new fingerprints. Who, knew, yours. True of course. Excuse, me your reservation, any piece it's. A silly brain. This. Is UK World News in the Swiss Alps where, the most powerful, and influential, people today are gathered, for the annual world, economic, conference. Billionaire. Stefan, koubek this, topic industries, in compasses a vast network of shipping. Energy, and agricultural. Companies, and, his lavish lifestyle. Controversial. Stance, on climate change and aggressive. Business practices, have, become lightning rods for protests, wherever he goes mystery. Still surrounds his company's alleged role in the drowning, deaths of three environmental. Protesters, in the Bering Strait four months ago some. Attendees, are even calling for a boycott of his, appearance. This. Is it the. White-hot, center of modern civilization. Gentlemen. Have you met Cecelia gray of gray cybersecurity. Cecilia. Congratulations. On the London Airport contract, by the way thank. You from, what I've seen the public sector isn't much better than anyone else when it comes to securing endpoints, but, but you, don't worry up like that anymore do you know. That you're working for the 1% here, I. Work. For myself. Excuse. Me. Excuse. Me. Miss, gray I. Admired. Your friends ideas, she. Despised your cynicism. You. Say cynicism, I say practicality. Either. Way my condolences, I'd. Like you and I see. Unforgiving. What's. The story, the. Gloves are coming off, I'm, adding the plugin that will break all their devices to its, time tomorrow the wrong containers, are going to be on the wrong ships going the wrong way and no one will be able to stop it so. See how you do us about the favors sleep on this. My. Father. Hey. CeCe. It's. Been pretty crazy out here. But. I'm trying to stay safe. Happy. Birthday. I. Miss. You so so much I think about you every, friggin. Day out here this is for you I. Love. You and I miss you goodbye. Okay. I don't. Know bad. Dreams bad vibes, I. Think. My rooms bugged. That's, what they do and they don't stop I. Hope. That silence, is you coming to your senses. Your. Set oh, yeah. The. Reservations. Technical. You. Know I'm. Gonna stand by for my go let. The Bangkok team know. Thank. You thank. You even. To some of the haters. Climate. Change is real the. World is getting warmer and time. To enact preventative, measures have long.

Passed, Anyone. Who denies this is a, fool, but. As. The Arctic warms I believe. This will create massive, new opportunities. Take. Food production, for example. Our. Siberia. Thoughts this, will transform, over. 30 million, square, kilometers, of one's frozen tundra, into, farmable land, not, to mention shipping, once. The ice melts, no shipping lanes will open up through the Arctic and dramatically, shorten supply chains between east and west. There. Will be a period, of disruption, of course, those. Living, in low-lying. Coastal regions, will be displaced, and, we will have to build use your beach houses further inland. And. Then I will miss all of it they. Make such nice work. Scientists. I, had. A feeling she would not have a killer instinct. Before, maybe she's just a good business woman either way boring, thing. Is I've been a fan of her plan ever since I got women's will Hall of Fame love the stuff so I co-opted. Made. It my all and of course you know just. In case. Remember. Her friends in Bangkok they, also have me be my friends too. Because, despite what the fairytale saying with him there's. No such thing as a lone wolf. Fact, is we're everywhere, predatory. Opportunists. Always, on the prowl for no way a weakness, and, the moment we see it we pounce. Terry, Ewell arm em from limb or, you even know what's hit you feeding. The bloated, carcass of your so-called security. Until our bellies, off the ball and, there's. Nothing we like more than, a fancy Swiss, feast. I go to. I must. About. This. Is my favorite, part. That. Moment. When. Powerful, people realize, there's someone else with even more power in the room. Confusion. Panic. Disbelief. A. Wolf's, favorite food groups. It's. The one that always gets me, disbelief. How. Is it that people can still be so surprised, but someone like me comes knocking. Doesn't. Matter how protected you think you are. Inevitably. You'll stumble and forget. Sir. Destroy. Entire company I don't care what it takes. Yeah. Listen carefully. I need to debilitate ID, security London.

Important. Do as much damage as. Understood. Will drop some bait now, London's. On. To, get what you want sometimes got to play both sides. You. Know. More. Information comes in. Security. For each of the courts of Europe, you, know the breaking also. Issues. With. What. The hell is going on I was gonna ask you the same thing. They. Are on to us tell me. He. Thinks it was me of course it does and, now there's a problem a London Airport somebody's messing with the lights. But. I don't think it was just too early. If you ask me this smells like the wolf I've. Caught you out. I'm, thinking, why would the wolf get involved the topic, your. Contract, with London Airport, is one of the most high-profile. In the world, it's, government-run, who said that the wolf side you have a good time I don't know what is that's. The case the lights work version. Quietly. On. My way if. It doesn't feel right take it one offline. All. Of it. Buckle. Up this. Is gonna be a bumpy ride. Is. This your back sir yeah it's my back. From. What we can see they go into the connected lighting but. There's no real way to tell what they're after, give me somebody I need to speak to somebody right now. Your. First day on the job pal just, a moment sir no I don't have a moment, neither do you know you keep the bag just give me the phone the duty officers expecting, bigger it's, fine he's with me don't go let's go. You found the buyers and then connected lighting infrastructure. Ancing. Anything, built on its coming. Are, you listen up you, keep the planes flying, you, shut down everything, else between here in the Queen's house. Now. Shut, it down. Get. Up get these off, to network so brightness to it. Do. Not touch the printers do not touch the printers. So. We're here they, should have survived the attack and. Their looks might be able to help us figure out where they came from. Let's. Pull the printer out, start. With this. 1/4. Alpha I. Think. These DNS names aren't just random you're. Getting warm. You. Spit out something. Warmer. Coordinates. We. Have a winner we need, to get you apart on this I. Bet. This is where the attack originated. Perfectly. Played miss grey I. Always. Knew you'd find out the surprise I left for you in the printer logs. My. Only regret is that the rest of the pack had to get caught up in this thing too. Sorry, fellas. Sometimes. You got to take one for the team. I'm, off-duty, no. Can. I drop you somewhere on. That day no. Watch. Of a people person are you, you. Want to know something crazy. I. Think. The wolf wanted to get caught. You, be careful. I. Know. What you're thinking. The. Wolf's gone soft, but. I gave myself up, to help miss gray get her vanish. Wrong. I'm. No one's lapdog. This. Was about something much bigger than that, showing. The world that, no one is untouchable these, days. Not. Even this guy. All. It takes is a tiny opening and a few keystrokes so.

Take. Heed people. As. Long as there's holes out there I'm. Coming in. Or, going out. Time, to get back to work duty. Calls. You. You.

2018-10-10 18:24

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More than just an advert, a story with a message


Movie was 10/10, not sure what it had to do with HP though

Geen naam last 1 minute ? products ?


Sooooooooooo....How plausible is something like this?

kemicalromanc15 “Detecting compromised systems: Splunk ES alerted Integra when a laser printer was sending out SSL traffic and played a critical role as the investigative team isolated the printer and its network – eventually discovering it had been compromised and needed a firmware update.” Refer to NIST IR 8023 , it explains risks with printers in detail.

This should be adapted to a sla4ter...h3s b3st

True that

Can we have these as an actual advertisement? I'd watch the entire thing.


Now that's some super ultra mega corporate cringe.

Loved this! Betty Adewole was great, loved the vibe of the whole this

this video shows prague CETIN and bridges

Better than most dramas on Netflix


All this to sell me a printer.. okay take my money already!

Great Secure MPS story

17:20 A little correction. The romanian police cars don't look like that, also the uniforms don't match. If you want to do something realistic, do it right.

it's part 3 in a series of mini-movies showcasing alleged/possible vulnerabilities of printers and other computer products without "HP's unique security features"

nice short film for HP starring Christian Slater (Mr. Robot)

I thought it was a film

A: What's your favorite series on the internet? B: Well... HP - THE WOLF commercials

hp needs to hire the people that made the BMW short films, the bmw films solid. this video was joke. i dont often leave really negative comments or even down vote videos or much of anything, this gets an exception as its weak sauce

Amazing!!! here my friends we are watching the future of ads!!! loving this HP Ads!

LOL you are right Peter!


We should just stop using printers then, I mean it's 2018. Do we even need paper?

What music was used in this? Specifically the soundtrack at the end revealing the printers

I can't wait the VF.

And "Mike"! :)

Brilliant. Once again HP Inc. you have demonstrated the reality of Cybercrime and the value of highly secure IT hardware in a way that your competition just doesn't understand. well done.

Subtitle in spanish


looks like HP likes Mr. Robot and Breaking Bad...

Spanish translation?

Love these videos!!! About to sell my msi laptop for an hp one

Seriously, this needs to be developed into a series. There isn't anything like this out there and it would be sweet to see a real to life cybercrime drama that has REAL tech, not the garbage that doesn't exist and makes beeping noises when it prints out a lot of text! Mr Robot is great, but it's the last season...

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