The Vanishing of Flight 370

The Vanishing of Flight 370

Show Video

Just. Let me know. 3:7. Funny. Malaysian. Addictive, at zero, temp I. At. Kuala Lumpur International, Airport. A Boeing, 777, is. Preparing, for departure. Already. Malaysian. Airlines flight 370, row it's a daily passenger, flight between kuala lumpur malaysia and beijing, china. 42. Minutes past midnight flight. 370's, given clearance to the port on board, our captain zaharie Ahmed, Shah first. Officer, Fariq, Abdul, Hameed 10. Cabin crew members, and. Less. Than an hour into the flight the, plane is cruising over the South China Sea, at an altitude of 35,000. Feet the. Night sky is clear, and the, weather is calm. Flight. 370, is then instructed to signal, air traffic control, in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam, as it is about to enter Vietnamese, airspace, the, flight controller in kuala lumpur. At. One. Minutes and 43. Seconds, later the, aircraft, suddenly vanished, from radar screens at kuala lumpur Ho Chi Minh and Bangkok. This, form of positional, tracking depends, on a signal, being emitted by one of two transponders. Aboard a plane and so, its disappearance, would suggest both, transponders. Cease to function or. The system, was manually, deactivated. By someone on board all. Subsequent, attempts, to contact and ascertain the whereabouts of, life 370, are unsuccessful, the. Aircraft, has seemingly vanished without. A trace after. Missing its scheduled, time of arrival in Beijing some four hours later flight, 370, is officially. Declared missing and in, the wake of that announcement, the most expensive, search, effort in aviation history is. About to commence. The. Search was initially, concentrated, around the location of the flights disappearance. Between the South China Sea, and the Gulf of Thailand the search area was soon expanded, however after the Malaysian military disclosed. Additional, information. Unlike, the radar system employed by air traffic control, long-range. Military, radar, does not rely on transponders. But used reflectance. To track the position of aerial targets, a review, of the data collected by the Malaysian military revealed. That moments of the contact with flight 370, was lost the, aircraft, had deviated from its scheduled flight path with a subtle turn to the right followed, by a prolonged turn to the left they, are crafted and flown back to wards, and across the Malaysian Peninsula before. Turning right near the island of Penang it, maintained, this northwesterly.

Heading, Until it escaped the radars coverage, over. The next few days the Strait of Malacca and the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal was, scoured by a multinational, fleet, of aircraft and vessels but. There was no trace of life, 370. Meanwhile. Investigators began. To analyze the aircraft's, satellite, communication. Records like all modern airliners. Flight 370, was equipped with a satellite, communications. Terminal, or SATCOM, to send and receive transmissions. To, and from the ground prior. To departure the SATCOM terminal, had logged onto the satellite, network and established. A connection with a ground station in Perth Australia, that. Station, then maintained a detailed, record of all the incoming, and outgoing, traffic, between, it and flight, 370, this, is what it contained prior. To the flights disappearance. Over the South China Sea, everything. Appeared to be working as intended then. At some point during, this portion, of the flight the, Sat comm link was severed for. Whatever reason, the terminal, cease to respond, but. Three minutes of the flight vanished, over the Andaman, Sea the, terminal, requested, to log back onto the network the, SATCOM link was successfully, reestablished. And was not disrupted, again until, nearly six, hours later, when, the flight is presumed, have crashed due, to fuel exhaustion. During. These final hours, two attempts were made to contact the plane via satellite, telephone, both, calls were acknowledged. By the SATCOM terminal, and would have been routed to the cockpit, yet. They, went unanswered the terminal, had also responded, to five automatic. Status, requests, in short, if the ground station had not heard from the aircraft, in over an hour, it would transmit the signal to confirm the terminal, was still online while. These transmissions, did not contain any information about the flights position. Investigators. Were able to measure the distance, between the satellite and the aircraft at the time of each transmission, based, on how long it took those transmissions, to be sent and received this. Generated. Seven rings, of possible, locations from, which seven of these transmissions. Are thought, to have originated, by. Taking fuel consumptions, speed and other factors, into account flight, path analysis, indicated, a most probable, origin of the final transmission to, be somewhere, along this arc in the southern, Indian, Ocean the. Search effort shifted, accordingly, and as the region fell within the jurisdiction, of Australia, the Australian government, took charge of the operation. Over, the next few weeks the, search area was progressively, refined, to account for oceanic drift, as well as improved, estimations. Of the flight path but. This part of the southern Indian Ocean is so, remote, it took six days just. To get there a new. Fleet of aircraft and vessels gradually. Covered more than 4.5. Million, square, kilometers. Of ocean but. Fly 370. Was nowhere to be found. If. The. Impact, with the ocean had been sufficiently, forceful, it was possible, the resulting, sound had been recorded, by underwater, listening, devices known, as Hydra phones this, possibility, was investigated. And for Hydra, coup stick monitoring. Stations, had recorded, something. While. The timing and direction, of the sound were recently, consistent, with a final satellite, transmission, the, estimated, origin, was not the, sound was in all likelihood caused by nothing more than geological.

Activity, Flight. 370, was also equipped with two underwater, locator, beacons, which had a battery life of some 40, days and as the deadline approached in early April signals, with a pulse and frequency, somewhat similar, to the signal emitted by the beacons, were detected, at depths of up to 3,000, meters an. Autonomous. Submersible. Then spent weeks scanning, the seafloor where the signals had been detected but, no wreckage, was ever found. And. Nothing. Would be found until more than 16, months later when, a discovery, was made on the opposite, side of the, Indian Ocean on the, 29th, of July 2015, a group of people were cleaning up a beach in réunion a small island to the east of Madagascar. When, they stumbled upon this 2 meter long metallic, object, covered in barnacles. Aviation. Experts quickly identify, the object, as a section, of an aircraft wing it known as a flaperon, upon. Closer inspection, internal. Markings, including dates, and serial, numbers conclusively. Ascertained, the flaperon, belonged to, flight 370. Even. Though Reunion, Island is some 4,000, kilometers west of the search area and more than a year had gone by since the flight disappeared the, location, was consistent, with simulations, of debris dispersal, patterns there, was now tangible, evidence that flight 370, had crashed somewhere, in the Indian Ocean the. Discovery, of the flat prom prompted, numerous searches, along beaches and shorelines, of southeastern, Africa and at least 31, additional, items of interest have since been recovered, and examined. Some, of these items include a, section, of the outboard, flap from the right wing a. Piece. Of cowling, from one of the two engines. A partial. Door from the nose landing gear a. Section. Of the vertical, stabilizer and. A. Mangled, casing, from one of the embedded headrest monitors. 18. Of these items, were identified, as either likely, highly, likely or almost, certain, to have originated, from flight 370, whereas, only three, could be confirmed the, remaining 11 could not be identified there. Were no traces of an explosion found on any of the debris tested, nor, was there any evidence for fire except. For three small burn, marks on one of the unidentifiable, items. The. Search for debris was further aided by earth observation. Satellites, analysis. Of satellite imagery, from March of 2014 and, covered, a number of images which appeared to feature man-made, objects, floating on or just below the surface in the southern Indian Ocean however. The images were not nearly sharp, enough to resolve any identifiable. Markings and, multiple. Searches notwithstanding, this. Debris was never recovered, a satellite. Image taken mere hours of the final transmission also, captured what appeared to be a contrail. Some distance, away from the search area a later, analysis, however concluded it, was most likely a shadow from, a somewhat linear cloud, formation. The. Underwater, portion of the search continued, for months and eventually years before it was finally suspended, in early 2017 by. Which point some 120, thousand square kilometers, of sea bed had, been scrutinized. The search, effort was then resumed, by an American salvage company known as ocean infinity, but after more than a year of searching they, too came, up empty-handed, unless. The final, resting place of flight 370 can, be located, it may be impossible, to determine exactly, why it crashed. Nevertheless. There. Have been no shortage of theories. On. The day of the disappearance, two of the passengers raised suspicions. State boarded, the flight with stolen passports. Which, immediately prompted, concerns of, a hijacking, but, investigators were unable to link the two men to any terrorist organizations. And soon, determine they had traveled under false identities, because they were seeking asylum not, due to any nefarious intent. Similar. Suspicions, were raised on one of the passengers, were identified, as a flight engineer who, might temp assess the necessary, expertise, to take control of a Boeing 777. Apart. From the 239. Persons, on board flight, 370, carried nearly 11 metric, tons of cargo among. The items listed, on the flight manifest, was a shipment of lithium-ion batteries. Which, led some to suspect a fire, might, have broken out mid-flight, for. Instance the crash of UPS airlines flight, six in September of 2010. Was, the result of a fire that was ignited, by a pallet of lithium-ion, batteries, another.

Potential, Source of ignition would be an electrical. Malfunction, the crash of Swissair, flight 111, in, September, of 1998, his, thought had been caused by a fire within the electrical, wiring above the cockpit the, fire damaged, and disabled, multiple avionics, systems including. The transponders, and zaqqum. In, the case of life 370, the sudden loss of communication, and subsequent, deviation, from a scheduled, flight path, might, have been a direct response to, a fire the, two pilots, may have turned back towards Malaysia to attempt an emergency landing, at, the nearest suitable Airport, but. No, such attempt was ever made instead. Of line 370, kept going and remained, aloft for another six, hours. Some. Have theorized the crew might have been incapacitated by. A sudden or gradual, loss of cabin pressure for. Instance when helios airways flight, 522, failed, to pressurize in august of 2005. The, pilots, quickly fell unconscious yet. The aircraft, continued, to fly on autopilot, for more than two hours until, it ran out of fuel airline. Pilots are of course trained for such an event in the event of cabin depressurization an, automatic. System is designed to deploy oxygen, masks to give the pilots enough time to perform an emergency descent, to, more breathable, altitude, the, data recorded, by the Malaysian military radar dust, indeed contain altitude, information but, it is highly, inconsistent. In fact the Boeing 777 is, incapable of performing the, extreme, altitude, fluctuations. Recorded, at one point the aircraft exceeded, its maximum, operating, altitude by, more than 15,000, feet before. Making a 50,000. Feet nosedive, in less than a minute attempts. To recreate, these maneuvers on a flight simulator were, unsuccessful, and, thus the data was deemed inaccurate, and unreliable. If. Flight, 370, did lose cabin pressure at 35,000. Feet and the pilots were incapacitated. Before descending. To a more oxygenated, altitude, it might explain, why the aircraft remained, aloft for as long as it did what. Is a bit more difficult to explain however are these, alterations. In, heading, flight. Simulations, have established that the aircraft, must have been at the manual, control, during the initial, left, turn, as the bank angle or inclination, of that turn must be on the limits of the autopilot, subsequent. Turns however could have been either manual, or automatic but, for the autopilot to have made these course corrections, someone, with a requisite, knowledge must.

Have Programmed it to do so the, only other alternative is. That the aircraft was in fact on the manual control. In. Late, June of 2014. Several, news outlets reported, that the special investigation. Had identified the captain, of flight 370 as, a prime, suspect a search, of the captain's home went uncovered a flight simulator which, supposedly, contained, a suspicious, route which, ended, in the southern Indian Ocean, at. The time there was no official, acknowledgement, that such a route had been recovered and a lengthy, public, report issued by the Malaysian government in 2015. Made no mention of such a discovery then. In 2016. Confidential. Documents, pertaining to a forensic, examination, conducted by the Royal Malaysia police in, May of 2014 was. Leaked to the media these, documents, made it clear that such a route had not only been recovered, but thoroughly examined, soon, thereafter the Malaysian government confirmed. The existence of this simulated, flight path and this, is, what it looks like. It. Should come as no surprise that, many regard, this as damning. Evidence of, premeditation. But. According to investigators. It is not quite so evident, the, data recovered, consists, of seven coordinates, -, in Kuala Lumpur. -. In a strait of malacca. One. In the bay of bengal and. Two. In the southern indian ocean the. Data was reconstructed. From a file that had been automatically. Generated, and saved by the simulation, software, a month, before the incident however, it's, not clear whether the coordinates, originated, from the same flight session, in, other words it might not be correct to simply trace a continuous, line between these seven coordinates, as they could be from separate, sessions, the. Forensic, examination, by the Royal Malaysia police simply. Concluded, no, activity, captured, conclusively. Indicates any kind of premeditated. Act pertaining, to the incidents of mh370. Even. So the similarities. Between the, simulated, routes and the presumed, route of flight 370, directly. Influenced, the search operation, Australian. Investigators, considered a possibility, of someone deliberately, extending. The range of the flight by, gliding the aircraft, of the fuel exhaustion if. So the plane could have travelled an additional, 200, kilometers. Alternatively. The range could been reduced, by a controlled ditching prior, to fuel exhaustion while. Ultimately deemed unlikely these, two scenarios did, affect, a search effort. If. The, captain steered, fly 370. Of course with intention, of crashing, in a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean his, motive, is an even greater mystery. Sahara, Ahmed, Shah was 53, and married, with three children he. Had more than 18,000, hours of flight experience and, a spotless, track record, investigators. Found no evidence of, financial issues, and his monthly expenses, before the disappearance, indicated. Nothing unusual he, had no history of mental illness nor, had he displayed any recent, changes in lifestyle, or behavior, he. Was raised on the island of, Penang, which has led some to speculate, the flight second, turn to the southwest, of Penang was, the captain getting a final, view of his hometown some. Believe a hijacking, could have been politically, motivated as, a hari was an avid supporter of a democratic opposition leader, who was sentenced to five years in prison mere, hours before flight, 370, to call others. Point to unconfirmed, reports, of marital, issues but, this is contradicted.

By The official, investigation and, disputed. By family, members, the. Only real inconsistency, noted. By the final, report is that the captain failed to repeat the assigned radio, frequency, during the last verbal, communication. It. Would have been standard, procedure, to repeat, the assigned frequency, as the captain had correctly done a few minutes prior. Whether. This omission is indicative of anything but a mistake is, anyone's, best guess, by. All accounts captain. Zaharie was an affable and well-respected, pilot, who was passionate about aviation as, evident. By the photos, and videos, he shared on social media hi, everyone. This is a YouTube, video that I made, as. A, community. Service. The. Copilot, was found to be even less conspicuous. Fariq. Abdul Hameed was, only 27, and due to marry a fellow pilot he, had nearly 3,000, hours of flight experience although. Only 39. Hours in this type of aircraft much. Like zaharie Fariq, had no financial mental. Or interpersonal, issues of note nor, was there any evidence of conflict, between the two of them some. Questioned, the plausibility, of a pilot instigated, hijacking, due to the apparent lack of interference. By the other pilot, well, when Ethiopian, Airlines flight, 702, was, hijacked by the copilot, in February, of 2014 he, did so by merely waiting, for the captain to take a bathroom, break before. Locking the cockpit, door behind him the, copilot, was then free to divert to Italy bound flight to Switzerland to, seek asylum. The. Only noteworthy piece, of evidence in regards to the copilot, of life 370, is his, phone you, see when the confidential, documents, were leaked they also confirmed another long circulated. Rumor namely. That the cell phone tower had briefly established, a connection with an iPhone, 5s belonging. To the copilot as flight 370, approached the island of Penang according. To investigators, it was not a phone call as has been widely reported by the media but, merely an automatic. Location signal, why. This information was, omitted from public, reports, we. May never know. So. What is want to make of all of this on the one hand the simulated, flight path seems, suspicious on, the other it is difficult to cast any substantial, doubt on either of the two pilots character, it is, equally, difficult to, deny a hijacking, is consistent. With the available evidence then. Again were missing, some quite major in literal, pieces, of evidence the, final.

Report Issued, by the Malaysian government in 2018, could, not attribute, the loss of communication nor. Diversion, of life 370, to a malfunction. Instead. It is believed, that someone manually, manipulated, the aircraft, and its systems, for instance investigators. Believed SATCOM, was manually, disabled, by a sudden, and prolonged, interruption. Of power then. Once power was restored the terminal simply, rebooted. Likewise. The alterations, in handing are believed to be the result of manual, inputs, with. That being said that, the uncertainty, of these findings, are repeatedly, emphasized, due to the limited evidence available and, the report does never explicitly, state, the flight was hijacked in, fact, no real conclusion, is reached. Both. The Malaysian, and Australian. Government, agreed at fly 370. Crashed in the southern Indian, Ocean but, at the cost is indeterminable. Without the wreckage the location, of which has managed to elude some of the foremost aviation, experts in the world as well, as an impressive arsenal, of cutting-edge technology, for more than half a decade authors. Aviation. Experts and independent, investigators, have all chimed in to offer their own thoughts, and theories as, to the nature of the crash in the location, of the wreckage some. Believe there was no crash but at the aircraft was shot, down by an American, naval base in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the satellite, transmissions, were then supposedly, forged, as, part of a massive cover-up, others, believe the aircraft, turned right towards, India and traveled as far north as, Kazakhstan. Completely. Undetected. Debris, was then supposedly, planted, along shorelines of southeastern, Africa as part of a massive cover-up, another. Theory suggests the aircraft, was remotely, hijacked. And, rolled by someone on the ground while. Bowing in other companies have experimented, with technology, that would allow for an aircraft to be remotely, controlled no, commercial, airliner, is known to be outfitted, with such a system. Nonetheless. Conspiratorial. Side the assumption at fly 370, flew in a straight line and, at the constant, speed of the turning left towards the southern Indian Ocean might, simply, be incorrect. In, early, 2018, a, French team of independent, investigators. Proposed an alternate, flight path whereby. An attempted, landing and Christmas, island led to a crash site much further north, than, the region identified, by the official, investigation. While. A surface, search of this area was conducted, about a week after the disappearance. The. Underwater, face never, reached this, far north. As. Of. The making of this video the search operation, has been suspended, but, there have been talks of potentially, resuming, the search for. Now it seems the, vanishing, of life 370, will, remain, a mystery.

2019-04-16 06:01

Show Video


Ofcourse it had to be a good ol' boeing...


[..]This story too will remain unsolved! Kinda ties in with BuzzFeed Unsolved Network's stuff. How about a weird collab? :D

We've always been praying for some answers for this but we'll just have to wait for now. Big fan from Malaysia

oh that's sad because my Malaysian brother was on that flight

I think theres someone behind this, a big person, underworld corporation. Cuz, how do u hid a plane for years? If its crashed on the ocean, or land, i think the plane shouldve been found.

Quality over Quantity in its truest form. (although sometimes I do like quantity sometimes, depending on the type of content)

keep the vids coming

Crazy huh?

honestly if youtube originals made a full hour long documentary with lemmino best believe im buying youtube red for it, lemmino is just on a different league with his content, and is defo worth the wait

What a great video, really high quality, and good keeping viewer attention. Waiting to see more from you


The premiere of GoT and a lemmino video in one day? What more could you ask for???

Never disappoints!

Great vid as always

I love my country, I just wish my country would be famous for other better things too but this certainly marked a page in our country's history.

My top guess would still be that the plane was hijacked for reasons unknown and that something went wrong during that hijacking, ultimately resulting in the plane breaking from course completely and either crashing near Christmas Island or the Indian Ocean depending on the course it actually took in the end.

What if it went up instead of down?

Bruh I haven’t watched this channel in years but the quality has gotten so good wtf


First Time watching on ur channel! I was amazed by *YOU*

Have been your fan since Top10Memes

Man this incident happened when I was 9 years old. I am Malaysian so of course I would now a lot about the crash. It was just a normal day, the weather cycle here is both hot and cold(it also explains why some Asians like me has darker white skin) but it was cold. I was heading to class and just there I heard my five friends discussing the incident, I had no clue due to me had no interest to the world before but that day was the most memorable day of my life. When schools was over I head back home and wait until 8 a clock a night(8 PM is where live news starts), and the whole topic was just about the incident and the victim family. They say couldn't identify how the plane crashed so the mystery goes on until now. Months has passed and our favourite radio station Hitz FM plays the the victims family's farewell music they made. 2 or 3 years after and they said that they found some of the wrecking from the plane in Brazil but I don't know if its true. What is even more astonishing is one more plane MH17 was shot down by the Ukrainian forces after mistaking an enemy aircraft. That incident happened 3 months after MH370 crashed. That's the story of my life when I saw the news. Terima Kasih Kerana Membaca Sampai Di Akhir (Thank you for until the end) that's my Malay right there ;)

Fucking finally. Weve been waiting bro

Who remembers Top10Facts?

I bet it's somewhere in the sea, the sea takes and it doesn't give back.

Another fantastic video as usual! Would you consider doing a video on Hitler and his unconfirmed death?

thank you for making this video, im malaysian, one of my friend is one of the passangers

When watching it feels like watching a Documentary from Nat Geo

Hey do you guys have any other suggestion For youtube channel video like lemmino Sry bad english

Here before 500K Views.

Please keep uploading videos at your own comfortable pace.

Good quality content

2014 Niggas be like: *_ITS THE ILLUMINATI!!!!....AHHHHH!!!_*

Without a doubt one of the best channels. I squealed when I saw you uploaded this. Kept it up my man

These are legit my favourite videos and my eyes light up when I see one. Which is a shame seeing how youtube can't be bothered to put it in my subscriptions. Always click your bells kids.

Welcome back


This just even made my day. Remembering Malaysian Airline MH370 We will miss u

This video deserves x100 the amount of views it has.

Hey, it would be pretty awesome if you make a video about robert johnson's contract with the devil

please make a 10 fact about naruto shippuden....thx

oh boy its fucking christmas

Your smooth editing made me cum

A lemino video ? My will to live has been restored

My ass was expecting a 2018 recap vid but oh well, looks like I’ll be watching this

I really want to go back to my home country but because of these stories I can't gather enough courage to do so,Even if the chances of these incidents are low,It still won't make it easier for me to go on board

very very incomplete

good thing i never heard theories about aliens or ufos.

Tiger Woods winning the masters, new season of GoT, & we get a new a upload...


I think hypoxia is the most likely answer to why it crashed. Terrible tragedy. Great video!

Welp, see you guys next year.

Where's the 2018 year review at

Great video, very calm explaination

see you in the summer again !

I miss this

Wot if... the whole crew and passengers were in on it. coz maybe everyone on the plane wanted a different life coz maybe it had taken a wrong turn or something, like an organisation said something like "want better life? sign up and we'll give it to ya!". and like the plane was designed to have camouflage and disappear from radars. i can't be bothered to research this but maybe detectives can interview all 239 people's families and see if they can find anything on my theory anyway Thanks Lemmino

Finally tqnk you

Lemmino, ITS TRIPLE SEVEN not seven seventy-seven

Hey bro...LEMMi smash?

Strap in bois

so it is either a hostage from a diehard fan or someone whom is insane enough to suecide themselfs for petty reasons? where there anyone special on board ? i heard stories about georrge soros wanted this batteries and that the flight was standing in america somwhere LUL but anyways very mystery much wow.. very unlucky tho

What has always seemed strange regarding the flight path is that is not followed on radar more. Just because the transponder is turned off does not mean the organisations with the advanced radars stop keeping tabs on everything moving in the air. The Malaysian military has a system good enough to keep the transponder designation after it is turned off. According to the final report they tracked it all the way with its flight number. That was why they did not do anything. There is no reason to belive that Indonesia and India are worse than Malaysia at having control of their airspace. Both Bandar Aceh and Nicobar Islands probably have pretty good radars to track aircraft and both of these should have seen MH370 fly by or even above. Nothing about any of this in the report, not even that they had nothing to report. Its like when something happens the CCTV is not working, have potatoes as cameras or looked at a slightly bad angle.

Please lemmino how you got so good at English.

Good video but why is that "South China Sea"?

You can raise your voice low and I can not hear you

it feels like the video is 30s long rather than 30mins

That was awesome, same time next year lads or?

I said to a friend of mine that Lemmino was gonna do 370 and here it is! I told you Angus!


If somebody found the plane just LEMMiNO

just wow with everything with this channel.

this is so weird, uh its so annoying that we will not know for years

This flight never happened, fight me

A guy from internet who is I think Malaysia told me that it was a because of captain wanted to protest against political shot that was going on and talked to the pit box/ government who were on the line with him and they kinda greed on some shit and some not so he crashed while having an arguments with them. ( can’t remember most part ) that explain the way he was going as captain most of the time was on the boarder (flying ) and then government covered everything... tried to keep it super shot if you want more and better explanation that what I wrote just comment below and I’ll try to find it

Whats the name of the last song? Does anyone know? It is not credited

Waited your awesome videos! What takes you so long. Great vid, quality as usual

i really hope that technology will advance more in the future and MH370 will be found, at least the reason why this happened

How come YouTube didn’t say you uploaded I got the bell on wtf

great video to see before bording a plane

Intense and left with so many questions

I love these documentary type videos

They went into cloak mode

_Malaysian people is typing_

They probably got scammed

Does anyone else notice how jittery the pilot's voice gets? Is it normal?

We Malaysians. We still mourn. We are still sad. But we do not cry because we know our tears will never be enough for anyone. We move on. But we still remember. Relationships were broken but new connections are made. Every cloud has a silver lining.

It was aliens.

Yes! More LEMMINO!

Super interesting, but bad wording at 17.55 -> "Shah was married with 3 children"! Good to see another upload tho! Once again, not disappointed in the content!

Waiting for quality videos like this better than a daily/weekly upload.

Aka 9/11

3:30 ok they maybe crashed around there 4:13 WHAT


My aunt was on that plane...

We even had to borrow a sub from Singapore

i need Top 10 2018 noww

I thought the video title said The Vanishing of Lemmino


I'd like to see a video on the Voynich manuscript

Do you really really do this alone? by yourself? all of it? God, I'm just amazed and can't believe the quality you put into every single video, which makes every wait very worth it. Never seen any documentary-like video to even get close the quality of your videos, just 3 mins in, gosh.. I wish I could support you, but at my current stage and age, I am not able to. I spank the thumbs up as always !

Great video, see you back after 6 months now.

bloody awesome as always. good work.

I can’t believe it’s you. The gut who created a lot of memes now is making science mystical videos. Good job dude. It’s awesome

i remember the report of this crash years ago, and i'm so confused why it took so long to find it.

lowkey, there should be a Netflix series about this conspiracy

MH370 is the most advance stealth airplane in the world.... No other airforce in the world can match its stealth technology.... So advance that up to now it remains undetected.

Holy shit. Lemmino is still alive? I'm not being a bitch, I legit thought you had stopped uploading. Glad your back!!

Not sleeping tonight... Lemmino’s videos are creepy yet soothing.


We might never know what happened to this plane, but I doubt the families of the missing passengers are going to give up. It's been half a decade now and still nothing has been found. Its disappearance will forever remain a mystery.

We were able to find a black hole and yet we couldnt find this plane.

i always get the chills when i listen to these videos.

Loved the video, would have loved to hear your thoughts and theories on this though

This man is the definition of quality over quantity

anything about the passengers? there were 227 passengers on it ? none of them tried anything ?

We find a rare sighting of LEMINO in the jungle of the internet

The quality of these videos is incredible!

What if he didn’t say the call sign correctly for a reason? As if it was an only to indicate some thing is wrong as if someone hold the plane hostage and only The Terminal and The Royal Police when investigated would know?

My uncle is a pilot, soon as I heard about the flight going missing I asked him About it. Straight away he told Me he thinks it landed and to look at the location of the U.s airforce base called Diego Garcia. Also said that not many people know about this base, could of quite easily landed there based on his calculations. As to why is the biggest mystery I think.

I can't even imagine the pain the family members of the passengers must've gone through, not knowing what happened.

Best YouTube channel.

Islamic pigs took it

Please upload videos more often

99% comment section is about missing of Lemmino 1% comment section is actually discussion of MH 370 Flight.

See ya bois in another 6 months

i will never forget the day it went missing. i can't imagine being on the aircraft. are they dead? are they alive? what happened to them? i feel so pity for their families.

2019 is worth it

All I will say is Allah Hu Akbar

Please make some videos about space , i like your videos

I... Your editing style is just fucking fantastic. Cannot get over it.

Really, really great video.

This is the real meaning of "quality over quantity". Loved every single bit of this video.

Every video of yours is a treat, thank you

I'm pretty sure the pilot committed suicide, the plane passing through his home town after the detour is a dead giveaway. To all those thinking the pilot didn't show signs of any change prior to the flight, I once became suicidal and no one knew it not even my family, I had come to my hometown to bring my life full circle, even hours before the night I had planned my suicide I went to my aunt's and no one suspected a thing, except for my cousins toddler child who kept staring at me. Hometowns are very sentimental for suicidals I guess because people want to bring about a full circle when they die sort of like saying "I never wanted to be born, so I'll kill myself by my accord where I was born without"

Facts, damm theese are good. Great factual content as always

See you in 3 months

your video is dope,,,,, in a certain way, and it made my aviophobia strikes back again!!thanks! i might need a shrink for this now!

Try to redo top 10 about portal but try to get some new information

My question is: -Why didn't any of the passengers do anything ? They must have noticed the sharp turnes and flight taking longer then it should. Why didn't they call anyone for example ? It might be a stupid questions but maybe someone knows the answer.

Didn't they find the black box from this flight? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Great video LEMMiNO! loved the simulations :)

what if one day far in the future this plane suddenly appeared and landed. all people on board still alive and at the same age as a result of time travel

Why doesn't this dude have more subscribers?

What an interesting topic, let's see if in another couple of years this mystery is solved.

Half the comments are about how LEMMiNO is back and not about the vanishing of the flight..

Great Video, keep this stuff up. I'll be waiting for more quality content!

Holy shit news channels in Singapore are STILL chasing theories and false leads on MH370 its damn scary

Yay he's back

That’s 140 people on board

I love the quality of this video.

Detta är så löjligt bra! Fortsätt så!

why is there no top 10 facts 2019

do my essays lmao

you seriously need to be more recognized by others, your work has always been a treat for everyone to watch and enjoy, and when you said "lengthy" and how much data you recovered from it, just shows how much work you've put in to them, keep up the nice line of work man!

Yes new vid

Top quality content here. Thanks for your effort.

Hey bro watch yo jet.

They should Air this on TV.... oh wait... Nobody watches TV anymore.

his videos are literally elite and sharp and just beautiful to watch ♥️♥️

and he is back!!! lemmino we missed u!

literally the best channel my eyes ever saw on youtube ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


There's so much I've now learned about this disappearance that no amount of traditional media articles and news coverage could've ever provided me with. Thanks as always for these wonderfully researched videos.

what about plane black boxes? do these just stop existing sometimes? all seriousness though, i thought they always emit a signal??

Pilot: Haha watch me do a donut spin Co pilot: Pilot: Pilot: shit, the steering wheel broke.

Watching this a few days before a flight... This feels like a mistake.

4:02 tf, whos man did that

I got No notifacation


Been here since his name was top10memes lol

Your thumbnail looks more innocent than what the video is about.

Only LEMMiNO could make a video this great. Absolutely loved it man, great as always!

I think flight 370 crashed because the pilots heard someone in the cabin playing It's Everyday Bro. The pilots got a mental breakdown followed by seizures and death. Leading for the plane to keep moving on the autopilot and exhausting it's fuel.

Lemmino: *releases plane vanishing from malaysia* *MALAYSIA FANS HAVE JOINED THE SERVER*

Amazing video right there! keep up the good work!

This is called a successful hijack

The Location Based Service that connected to the pilot's phone was probably him looking on Google Maps, trying to find his old town or street from the air.

A new video from lemmino is always exciting

im from malaysia

As a Malaysian watching this from Kuala Lumpur...

I closed Latina for this .

Yes this incident

Just as i thought Monday couldnt get any better LEMMiNO uploaded :))

I work at Ubisoft and I would want this guy to make a documentary about behind the scenes here (including all dem secrets xD )

Lemmino’s voice is the ultimate clash between relaxing and eerie

Your videos dude, they make me happy. No matter how dark the subject material is, they just light up my day. Keep up the good work

Meticulous research combined with amazing editing. Another typical LEMMiNO video :))

All those people... just... gone...

I still remember this story because I’m a malaysian. And this is one of the most infamous mysteries I’ve known

I can't express how much I absolutely love this channel. Every upload is like an event.

AYYYYY a new video! thank you so much!

I was literally on a flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia when you uploaded this...

the way you say Perth and break your accent is so weird

See you all next year everyone...

Why is there a delay for the captain to remember the name of his plane ? 19:00 This delay is consistent in numerous occasions 1:21 2:06

Being an aviation geek i can tell u there is nothing abnormal in that. listen to other atc recordings and u will see many pilots like that

+Ben Close It is almost as if he had some other higher priority or he was distracted, this is pure speculation of course ! Maybe that's how he is in all his flights

Abhinav M Good spotting! Could be either he’s nervous or oxygen deprived.


A great video with extraordinary quality!

Whats up orang Malaysia


What about the semiconductor company that lost more than 10 experts (and co-owners) and the only remaining owner was alive on land ...


Jag älskar dig

Plot Twist: They stole the plane, took it somewhere else and sold it

this is the type of thing where your imagination is the limit when theorizing what happen

Just lemmino

_Lemino uploads a documentary_ Youtube recommendations *_im gonna pretend I didn't see that_*

Helios aircraft depressurized. Hmm

i love u

Seven seventy seven

Lmao why is this trending in gaming? Regardless, amazing vid as always

Welp see you again in 6 months i guess


Ååh fan vad man har saknat content ifrån dig hhhh

IMO the plane was deliberately vanished and the search budget was marked up so it "really did missing without chance of finding".

Well we all know if we do not get paid.... W E . D O . T H E . W R O N G . S T U F F

This is the best channel in YouTube, keep up with the good work!

Simply brilliant.

You’re voice soothes me

Quality and hardwork put in the video is amazing!


FINALLY A NEW VID I was from the top ten memes days and recently if you make a vid it just makes me so excited because i know it will be amazing

The quality in your videos, man I can’t describe it

Imagine finding the black box of this plane.

18:52 If this was the only anomaly with the captain's behavior and a hijacking is one of the most probable causes of the crash, couldn't this be him trying to give the air traffic controller (and also to have an audio record since he knows its all stored automatically) a hint of abnormal behavior? And since many of the failures of equipment were most likely caused by human intervention and the experts themselves say it could only be compromised by a person with good aviation knowledge, I think the hijacker could potentially be the engineer guy at 12:04 , who was also a suspect but wasn't analysed in detail by investigators. It would also explain why locating the plane would be so hard since he knows the most about probes.

the question is who get the benefit if all passenger died or missing and never found again? yeah we know.. but without evidence its impossible. Edit : if they use MKUltra then there will be no evidence. Deep mind project..


Holy shit, your video quality keeps increasing!

Y is it 50 on gaming trends

I are gay

you should have your own tv channel.

The best YouTube channel

LEMMiNO's videos always make me feel like a detective when I'm laying my fat ass on my bed

RIP crew and passengers.

The underwater audio recordings gave me chills.

The plane at the start wasn’t even a 777 but anyways great video

This may be a seriously dumb theory, but throughout this video I kept on thinking that maybe they tried to go to space, but failed. Because first of all, when the flight reached their maximum altitude at 58.200 FT (14:09) , they did that huge drop in around one minute, because the flight wasn't able to fly higher. And as a captured it, the pilot was around socialmedia, maybe in some kind of way, like using the deep web, he had managed to contact people and told them about the plan, therefore the passengers using fake passports, which also is connected to the deep/dark web. This is just a thought of mine, but maybe it is something we can take further, it may be worth keeping in mind. Great video though as always! Keep it up!

my aunt friend was in that plane rip to my aunt friend;(

This Channel has come along way from meme videos

*It is already the end of the video?*

Mysteries are the best, I’d be glad if you made more! Also, +1 sub.

The only thing that kind of goes against hijacking/suicide is the fact that the passengers and crew apparently didnt react to it. Im assuming the flight crew and the cockpit stay in close contact so having little response will cause alarm and having the flight time extend the original perceived flight time to Beijing could also cause alarm. But you cant say anything with certainty

Prolly bad comments at his youtube videos made him suicidal.

God man I enjoy your vids. Plus your voice is soothing and just so calm.

Professional video . As a Chinese , I really appreciate what you've done.

I still believe someone shot down the plane and refused to admit it due to a potential deadly mistake (mistaking it for a hostile aircraft) or human error during the search (someone overlooked a critical detail). There is no way an aircraft can go missing in this day and age.

Love your vids can have enough

For those who were wondering why the copilot's location was transmitted onborad. So, the copilot's phone transmitted an automated location signal in which wouldn't be affected by airplane mode. Even in airplane mode, the phone would still emit quick transmissions in certain peroid just to make sure the phone is traceable by the authorities etc or just lets say your phone and data including your location is not really your own, even when your phone is turned off, as long as the battery installed.

Since the investigation is suspended, it's a great opportunity to for the enthusiasts to try to solve this mystery by themselves. They can succeed and as Einstein once said a problem created with a mindset cannot be solved with the same. A new perspective might help this problem. I wonder what was told to the family of the passengers. Did the airline declared all passengers to be dead or not.

the simulated flight path from his flight sim to him somehow "forgetting" to repeat the frequency as protocol dictated I feel as if the captain was playing a larger role in this mess, the investigators found something but subsequently covered it up by order of the higher ups and everything is charted to remain a mystery

11:35 BUT THEN...

aye nice to see the place I live popping up every once in a while, the most isolated city in the world, Perth city.

I made this comment on another video bu this is my theories so far (please comment what you think and why or why not any of this is valid) the only "non malicious" possible theory i've got is the fire theory, causing a power out and causing them to fly out to sea but that theory is flawed IN may ways. For example the "rebooting" of the satcom system and the two turns rater than one. my best theory is one I commented on a previously seen video and is as follows. definitely with you on this one because the first maneuvers the plane makes are way too intentional looking I think we might even be able to piece together a guess of a story as the plane flies past his house he realizes his fellow pilot is in the restroom (or otherwise occupied (or he wacked/incapacitated him)) he makes a split second decision to end it(thinking split second as there was no evidence he planned this at all as the police looked at his personal flight sim records), also realizing a radio hand-off would be a great time to "sneak away". he turns the plane out to sea in a an attempt to get out of radar and ground visibility range and pulls the transponder/transmitter breaker out to kill it. he then proceeds to direct the plane out to ocean and sets the autopilot to that heading. he then proceeds to de-pressurize the cabin, suffocating everyone, so nobody could break down the cabin door(hence the un-answered satellite phone calls(there is a phone in the passenger cabin)), leaving the plane to fly on autopilot. After 7 hours of flying the plane runs out of fuel and power to the whole plane is cut, cutting power to the satellite beacon. This causes the plane to switch to emergency batteries and the apu is started(thee is an auto start feature for the apu right?), this causes the satellite beacon to re-boot sending a login request. The plane hits the water moments later and sat communication is lost. Q couldn't the other pilot or passengers broke down the door to regain access, and dosn't the other pilot have the key/code? ever since 9/11 pilot/cockpit doors have been extremely well reinforced.I would take a significant amount of time to break it down, and the other pilot might have been incapacitated in the cockpit

Wherever the plane ended up, I'm so sad for all the families that lost their loved ones aboard this flight :( And all for what? If it was a hijacking, where is everyone?

Where have you been???

so aliens gotcha

...after a century.... He has uploaded, the legend has uploaded.

dude the fact that the mistery is unsolved really triggers me


For my birthday, I wished that we would uncover the mystery of flight 370 ._.

The MH370 may have found 2 suspicious conclusion rn, it is that the terrorist attack and the pilots, somehow that the satellite had capture the plane that its flying to the Africa and it dissappear all sudden


Absolutely amazing quality.

Nice documentary. Thanks very much top 10 memes

i live in Malaysia and i really sad about those kid who is waiting for their father that never come back to their home , the incident happen when i was 12 damn its 5 year from now on.. feelsbadman

Can someone provide the name of the narrator? I like the accent.

Great work!

it was alien. bermuda triangle enlarged

Pilot took that plane into the ocean full throttle.

Bro they got isekai’d in mid air

Oceanic Flight 815 ........

I think this is the only content on yt that deserves pay to watch because it's so well made



They fell asleep

Alright, this must be the best-made video on YouTube.

not just humans get vanished even planes get vanished, wow thanos...

_Obviously one of the pilots fell into lava in Minecraft and went into a fit of rage_

What a video, ok guys see ya in 1 year


Is it that stupid MCAS thing again?

"Oh boy. I sure do love being a passenger of Malaysian Airlines Flight 730 on the 8th of March 2014!"

Don't say Boeing Seven Seventy Seven again.

It's weird seeing my city's name in one of your vids

That's what baffles me about this. The plane was equipped with an underwater beacon. It's like some disabled it because they would have found the plane before now.

This is why we sub

Oh shit here we go!!!

Its the Black *holes* Fault

Good job

Jesus, i remember the dumb headlines and anchors on CNN talking about the moon but outside of that the story was lost to me with little media coverage.

Fucking Aliens

Oof, Fariq was about to get married. Can it get more heartbreaking?


Gear video

Quality over quantity as always, I love this channel

Amazing video! My condolences are with those on board the aircraft.

Probably got hijacked and then the hijackers crashed it into the ocaen

You never disappoint

Greatest content creator on YouTube. Certainly.

probably somebody was checking their social media, which led to malfunctioning. perhaps more than 1 person was doing it

this fucking video is 5 years old and comments be days old lem must be good videos


hell dude if you just turn off the radars and just fly to the antarctica and calls it a mystery

Top 10 facts Notre dame?

Watching before my early morning flight to Singapore


This animation is beautiful.

you deserve more views my guy

Someone paid these guys to crash the plane, the location signal was send as a conformation and the plane path was already simulated. There was someone in that plane that wanted to be removed.

what are you stupid ? just ask the pilot smh

An interesting tidbit my mum found out through meeting a judge who'd overseen some part of the case, at the evening shindig of our street-party a few years back. _Allegedly_ there was evidence that the plane had flown _upside down_ at some point to block it's transponders from transmitting to earth, as from what I recall the transmitters only sent signals from one side of the aircraft, or something - I don't remember too well myself, she told me this in like 2015. It's possible that would explain the erroneous altitude readings from the Malaysian Military radar - maybe the signals were confused by the aircraft transmitting data in the opposite direction? I know you'll almost certainly never see this comment but it's something weird I thought I should mention. I might ask her again about it, but she doesn't want me telling anyone - apparently that one detail is somehow really important and very hush-hush.

why would she hide this information ? there's literally no reason. unless it was a massive coverup as some independent investigators are claiming. may i ask more detail ? just throw everything you have at us any information is good information

I remember there were speculations about religious motivations one of the pilots could have had. Didn't see this mentioned here, was that BS?

both pilots have arabic names, and btw lemmino's spelling of them is absolutely halarious XD. but if they really had terrorism thoughts why in the world would they sail to the indian ocean ? shouldn't they keep going to china's capital or somewhere else where a terrorist attack would result in MUCH more casualties taking in that china has very low religion percentages and it's one of the most crowded areas in the world. would be a perfect place for an attack if you ask me. so why would they take a 180 degree angle right back to their homeland ?

I guess you can say this is a... Pilot episode

LEMMiNO i have a suggestion for an interesting topic for a new video: the Luther Blissett Project. Not only was it a fascinating mistery, it is probably behind the conspiracy hoax of QAnon which became popular last year. I really hope you see this comment and decide to make a video about it, since unfortunately it's not widely known outside Italy.

Dark Event but Lemmino makes it soothing

I'm guessing part two will be about the Twitter voicemail

high quality shit my man

You need to get on Youtube Premium!

this content is the same level at youtube premium content if you ask me, but for free !

I don't think I should be watching this considering im flying to South Africa today :( wish me luck guys xD

maybe lemmino would make a video about your flight someday XD

Great Video! from Malaysia

Better explanation compare to the Malaysian government.

May as well be a crash with something

Love your work, you always tell everything in detail and your videos are simply perfect!

Yo man, these documentaries are great and all, but um... where is Top 10 Rage Comics - Episode 23?

You take time to post a video But they are worth it and your hard work is clearly visible Btw love your style of talking and editing

hi am a malaysian thank you for making this video.

Its MH370 but thank u

what ? isn't it MA370 standing for MALAYSIAN 370 flight ?

I Love it

Visual animations are amazing

I still want the 2018 top! I don´t care if it´s 5 months late

Great Video Lemmino, what about the passengers in the plane other than the two suspect. There are rumours saying there are phone signal of a few passenger. Also interesting is if the plane is intending to get as far as possible it wouldn't make a ditch after the left turn too.

no time to talk, LEMMINO posted another video


My country bruh We still looking for it

What’s seeking asylum?

you have google, figure it out.

I remember your name when I first sub to you and it is Top10Memes

Remember when I was 9 years old when this happened. As usual, every morning we would play the national anthem, state anthem and the school song. Cause of the event our school didn't raise the flag and play the music. To honor them in the disappearance. The school was kinda quite, a little surreal.

BBC needs to hire you!!!

I don't know how you manage to keep such a good quality. Looking at how much research and attention there is in this video, it's completely okay if we only get one every once in a while :) Hope you still enjoy making videos, because we definitely do!

I am malaysian and I am asian. Rip my people in Flight 370

lol of course you are Asian... cause you are in a country in Asia... *Facepalm*

Rip MaHang SanQiLing

Ayy youre back

They need to add a box similar to the black box but better. They need to make it to where it has its own power, and make it as explosion/water proof as possible.

I know exactly what happened. Message me if you'd like to know.

shit im calling the CIA. why would i message you the cops would take you right out of your house for questioning

How bro

Why didn't they just check the server record then ban the greifer oml, smh, bruh.

This is the greatest mystery in aviation history

Great video ! Love to see you upload

The transponder should never be manually disabled under any circumstances. They need to update this in future models

I think the fact that the pilot followed that route on a simulation is enough proof he did it on purpose

how about mh17? a commercial airline got shotdown months after mh370 disappear seems fishy too

At least my city/state (Perth, Western Australia) got involved in something important

I think the terrorists did some work

oh shit never knew perth had anything to do with it lol. Any perth fam here?

someone literally commented the same thing right next to your comment. go to the comment section and select new until you find him XD

Next vid should be about the Vietnam war.

I'm a Malaysian who have relatives working at the Malaysian Airlines company, it was quite a tragedy and a devastating blow hearing from the employees close up

I feel like the show “Manifest” might be based off of the disappearance of flight 370. If you happen to start watching the show cause of me, you’re welcome

why wont they look underwater

slap a bluetooth tile on every plane


*seven seventy seven* ouch.

If only you posted more often my dude! amazing!

How are people so smart???

Do a Video of MOSAAD please!

does Lemmino just wordplay of Let Me know?

Ahhh yesss. He's back, baby!

Guess I’m not sleeping tonight

Ooh yeah its that time of the year for a Lemmino vid... Great as usual


Why don't they just find the plane?

If your reading this sophisticated seagull you’re gay lol


Good video

Lemmino, the only youtuber I actually go out of my way to pause adblock before I watch a video.

it may not be in our lifetime, but it is only a matter of time until we find the wreckage. just like we did with the french plane

the wreck is GONE. completely disintigrated in the ocean and parts of it floated to shore on multiple beaches all around the indian ocean, satelite pictures showed extreme amounts of wreckege floating around in the area. basically whatever is left of the plain it's now a million pieces

It could be in a parrarel universe and that it might of slip to another universe? (Just a Theory)


F*ck, well I need to stop watching these videos before I go to sleep, cuz I'm too paranoid to sleep now

Wait...Why is this trending on Gaming?

i had goosebumps when hearing to hydrophones

Arthur Curry would have come in handy in this rescue op.

Thanks Lemmino, you finally did this..

You can make every video you make creepy and eerie I like it

Lemmino was seriously born to make videos like these

Your video quilty gives me a boner.

Am I the only person with a giant L on the video when I'm in full screen

Totally unexpected but well appreciated! Also you beat Allec Joshua Ibay to the punch. ;-)

hot dang you'r back!

Do a video on the sinking of the mv sewol case

Probably didnt get a good night's sleep

... I was just thinking about MH370 out of nowhere and u uploaded a video. What is this

What if there was an explosion so silent and huge that nobody can detect the frequency nor see it while it exploded mid air that dissolved almost everything

Watching this as I'm about to board my flight

I think it was the main pilot. Human's behaviors is simply unpredictable.

Better than ac-inv

bring back top 10 unsolved mysteries please!

As always another incredibly produced video essay.

My money's on suicide by the captain.

9/11 documentary next???

Shaggy just didn't like the plane, so he snapped it out of existence.

Christmas Island is that the same place where they were talking about someone saw a plane on Google maps in a jungle

if only we saw this shit in school this shit is entertaining

\what if flight 370 was the plane that traveled back in time and commited 9/11 im sorry

Great, great video. I suspect this mystery will never be solved. Even if, by some miracle, the CVR and FDR are ever found, there will be no answers to be had.

MH370's copilot sounds like Janusz Korwin-Mikke

You're a God

Disappointed you didn't come up with an worn conspiracy theory, that power outage could be alien caused and then transponded to the mothership over the Indian ocean

This is much more interessting and well made than actual documentaries back in the days. Your videos are always a pleasure to watch.

Anyone else just love his accent?

This documentary was a delight to watch and extremely detailed! See ya'll in three months.

This is some X-files shit right here

The Reason MH 370 Disappeared because the Chinese shot it in West Philippine Sea *jk sorry for the joke tho*

Why is this mystery almost similar to the game forest??

Plot Twist.Plane is still flying

That guy looks like ricardo

at least the vid didnt' say we have found the mh370 " i will shit the fk out" cuz its come in media not on tv news or anythin.....good thing ur video is very interesting to watch.....and all details record from the flight were mostly true..........but its the first thing i thought tht it turns to south after indian ocean and i was like "mind blown" im clueless again.......XD

Hey are you still making top ten facts

Amazing video! Great job with the research and effort you put in to make this video. Thank you for making such an engaging documentary!


Very well done!

Amazing video as always

Malaysia Airline: Exist Indian Ocean: It's _free_ real estate

probably aliens

Plz make a videos on law of attraction

As a Malaysian, I think America had hijacked our plane because there is some kind of technology that China bought and is going to Beijing and USA don’t want China to have that technology so they hijacked the plane and go to the military.( sorry for my bad English)

Maybe all of those things happened

Yeah, because I wasn't already scared of flying xD

holy crap this was so good


okay YouTube....i finally watched it and gotta admit it was great!

This is great production!

Breath-taking amount of details! Really astonishing work of research and dedication to create this video. Congrats!!!

I’m sorry, but I still can’t click on a 30 minute, documetary-like LEMMiNO video with out remembering this channel used to be called TopTenMemes.

LEMMiNO I remember you since I was eight years old and I see making amazing videos you make great videos make sure to keep it up.

What makes Lemnino's videos different than the other videos? They always seem to be higher in quality than the rest

What about aliens?

Just your intro gave me goosebumps. Incredible production quality.

my god. Ya tuhan.

You didn’t have to make this into a documentary

I remember when I used to watch you when I was like 7

To be honest, this is one fo the best documentaries about mh370 and he took less than 30 minutes to explain all the stuff. Animations are also solid which makes the viewer to continue watch the video.

What if someone saw Flight 370 from ground crash?

Its why i don't fly with terrorist airlines

I can't shake this sadness off from watching this documentary and finding out that 239 people on board have vanished with M370. So sad. :(

Anyone remember when lemmino used to post rage comics

Twenty-four minutes after months of waiting. But the quality is unique.

Decent Video, but you neglected one very plausible theory; that MH370 had enough fuel to make the Republic of Pakistan and safely landed there. The small parts found were planted in the same way in which you described the Kurdistan theory.

You should be on Netflix. This is brilliant storytelling.

You sound like Gus Fring lmao


this is so sad

what if the REAL aircraft never turned?

What if the signal was heavily modified

I am so scared

Still think the Malaysia gov is hiding things

If more comes up on this topic I think we would all love you to make another video on it. Fantastic video as always, keep it up.

min 2:31 moment MH370 vanishes (I believe it was a UFO abduction) min 4:00 Military radar no longer tracking MH370, rather a UFO.

Happened during my birthday while watching the movie Non-stop about plane hijack and I'm malaysian

I bet you this will cause better technology to be developed for deep sea machinery that can locate and extract planes/ships/artifacts and so on.

Worlds best stealth jet

Tooo sooonn

Some of your best work, your graphics were perfect well done

100,000th like!

5 years ago? I was just 10 when that happened, enjoying minecraft, though i remember seeing this in the news. I never really thought of it.

that 326 like to dislike ratio though...

Great video! The maps really made the events better understood.

Lemmino great video, would love to see a documentary with your style on Ancient Egypt, I think it would be wonderful.

Damn, you make every topic interesting and enjoyable, how?

F*cking aliens dude BET

Also I really love this video it's so good

Maybe ufo?

excellent video. More videos like these on mysteries please.

Wow I guess the impostors won

Can u do one for Dylatov Pass incident , if at all possible .? (1959)

America Hijack Two Plane That Year MH17 And MH370

The planes caused 9/11 in the past

Absolutely fascinating.

Haven't watched the whole video, but my theory is terrorist took over

i like this music

this was stuck in my recomend and i was like fine il watch it now i cant sleep thanks not saying its bad but its scary

this is my theory so the simulator pilot guy wanted to crash the plane and do the simulation but when the 27 year old pilot saw that he was going in the wrong direction he tried to stop him witch explains the turns but the simulation pilot guy over powered the 27 year old pilot knocking him out witch explains the strait path at the end and then running out of fuel and crashing

can we get some fucking live cameras installed in cockpits? then we would know for sure what happens if something like this ever happens again.

This scares me

Yes, finally, you're back

Finally an upload!

Lemmino and Ahoy could do a collaboration... I dunno what they would talk about, but like, I just want to hear both voices talk about the same topic y'know?

Why are Lemmino's documentaries and voiceovers so much more engaging and interesting than most documentaries on TV? I mean this is British-Documentary quality

i am kinda creeped out but i hope they find the people if they're alive

Probs shouldn't be watching this when I need to go on a plane in June to travel across the US.

the atmosphere is so eerie

To me, the scariest part about this is what the passengers on board must have been thinking.

It’s one of the planes from the left behind series.

If you listen you can hear the pilot getting paranoid and breathing fast by 3 brpm (brpm means breaths per minute)so something was going on

It got shot down probably

*West Philippine Sea

Lemmino is just like MH370 uncertain if they coming back.

Najib is related

I like this. Very informative and his voice suits

I feel pure ecstasy when I see a new LEMMiNO video

great vid with the highest quality and very clear explanation great 3d animation

Thank you for this amazing content

lol just the radar system might have got damaged

i'm about to go on a plane i shouldn't be watching this

It was a fire in the airplane. The simplest and easiest explanation. The reason why they didn't effect emergency landing was due to it being too late, the pilots were probably already in serious medical distress, or dead.

23:21 with a ps4 controller

what if someone hacked the auto pilot, turned and went up to 50k to knock out the pilots while they were turning off auto pilot, with no pilots it explains the sudden drop.

glad youre back! also glad I came back to this page randomly

I love your videos so much, I am more engaged to learn from you rather than all these other sources of knowledge that have degraded in terms of quality which was History and NGC and the supposedly institution of learning known as school. But getting back on track, I just love your videos and the passion you put into them which I could just feel from watching it, the effort, the intriguing style of narration, all of it is so perfect in my opinion. And I hope that you are having fun as well in doing kind of edutainment for us, much love from the Philippines! ❤️

more please lemmino

"South China Sea" here we go again...

What happened to top 10 facts about 2018?

man, your videos are absolutely brilliant and tensing to the end.

Just a suggestion. I know you've been making top 10 facts, you could consider a top 10 video about the most mysterious aeronautical crashes. In my opinion this was one of your best videos, loved it!!

*When you realize that LEMMINO posts documentaries with better quality than the entire BBC..*

This was clearly the work of some powerful government. Think about the logistics that goes behind any one of the plausible theories, it's a massive undertaking capable only by a few countries. Logically speaking, the main result of the "disappearance" was that the flight, along with its passengers/crew, did not reach its intended destination in Beijing. This leads me to believe it was orchestrated by people against Chinese interests. Could be anyone, but most likely US, UK or Russia. Also, the flight path and final destination are so well hidden/bizarre that it still confuses experts around the world. This definitely points to foul play. If people were to find the aircraft or wreckage, analysis would definitely give away what happened in its final moments. Whatever the reason and whoever the culprit, this incident has left over a dozen countries scrambling for intelligence. That is more scary to me than any hijacking or natural phenomena.

I'm from Malaysia , I really proud you release this thing❤

Yes after waiting for Months. Im baffled.

SWEDEN anyone?

why didnt malaysian air force dispatch fighter jets and intercept it

What thing that confuses me quite a bit. This happened in 2014, and the there were passengers. Mobile phones were common in 2014 so why didn’t anyone of the passengers try and contact family or friends or the law?

This is very well done

why do dumb DIY videos, if i can call them that, get more views that this??? YT is so broken

I look on youtube,i get notification Lemmino posted "Time for some serious business"

Good god this channel is still alive

the production quality of this video is amazing, keep it up!

Amazing documentary, I am so you're still making just as impressive quality content. It's awesome. You're editing is INSANE!!!

LEMMINO LEMMINO LEMMINO! Your intelligence is my common sense, so LEMMINO xD

This would be a history to behold on future examinations

If the flight had been found, we would've had a pretty cool movie in the future

Might be shoot by navy laser weopan

What's more mysterious was the brief disappearance of the Lemmino channel. Make a documentary for that

This is why turning on the notification bell for Lemmino is worth it.

... or could it be - EXTRA TERRESTIALS!

9:47 *Ping noise*

Wait you still make videos

What if the people who wanted to seek asylum wanted to seek it in Australia, since we know how China is...?

go go go more views man!!!! you are EXPLODING!

This is so ridiculously great wtf?

Please make a top 10 facts about roblox for one last time

PewDiePie: (reads jokes about the media written by the comment section) Media: *are you frickin making fun of journalists in war zones*

Sounds like an aviation titanic

I wish this plane wasn't highjacked by a genetic freak that getting mind controlled by there word

The thought of a commercial 777 Flight completely missing in this day and age is still baffling.

Ah, one of the most famous unsolved mysterious during my time. Just a matter of time, this will be completely unknown to the newer generation.

So the captain had motive, opportunity and a shitton of evidence against him. Nice.

best educational channel on YouTube by far

the plane crash was only the beginning of our country's Ariel problems we don't know what happened, but we hope this will never happen again.

I know what happened: {Aliens} In all seriousness, thanks for this video! Mysterious incidents like this have always fascinated me, and you shared a lot of facts that I hadn't heard of before.

Space part 9?

How is it even possible to get this much informatiom without working inside as an aircraft crash investigator? I am thoroughly dumbfounded and impressed

That time when some random youtuber who used to make Rage comics makes a better documentary than some of national geographic documentaries

"Let me know" Say it as quickly and repeatedly (but not very fast) and you'll discover something :)

heres a video idea, how about a documentary on a mysterious underwater sound recorded by hydrophones (eg: the bloop) i hope you read this or take it into consideration next year you upload

Nobody: Flight 370: yheeeet, we out a here

I'm guessing an EMP. The biggest thing that gets me is the disabled gear that cut off communication simultaneously like that.

Hey can you keep making these videos? I cant get enough man. Your videos are addicting af. I cant wait to hear "Just let me know"

Could you do Flights 513 & Flight 914?

Uhhh....what is this YouTube channel and why have I not come across it till now?! I'm subscribed to so many other youtube channels that depict accidents through simulations, but have never seen this one. And this is the highest quality channel I've seen! EDIT: thought for a second you were exclusively an aircraft accident channel, but I discovered I was wrong after looking at your other videos. Still awesome video though, please please make more aircraft accident videos!!!

I have recently started to get into the video production and can recognize the insane work yout put into those videos man. This is beyond great. All those animations synced with audio would take me years to produce. And how detailed, well-thought out and organized your delivery is is just out of this world. Amazing video.

370 goes Isekai

first youtube vid that have the country malaysia used/referenced and no malaysians thinking its free real estate


You are getting worse and worse, it is very obvious that 370 was an experimental AI plane that failed miserably. Boeing engineers were on that flight to test their AI software.


They did find the a similar route on the captains simulator ... seems like suicide to me .... :/

I really cannot wait for any future videos you may make, the topics you cover and information you give are so interesting and compelling. I only wish there were so many more videos like this I could watch on your channel, but rewatching some will have to suffice.

it's about time

is the total amount of destruction done to the parts they have found comparable to a plane crash in water?

Omg this should’ve got on tending

Somebody PLEASE PLEASE link the music at 24:15 and onward. It goes on throughout the video and I think it's absolutely amazing...I want to listen to it so bad. Really appreciate it if possible...

We don't get quality documentaries like this on tv anymore. Glad I find a good one somewhere that actually keeps my attention. Unlike what the History channel has turned into with Ancient Aliens crap.

LEMMiNO never fails to amaze me with is content, right up there with Ahoy and way better than most TV broadcasts about the topics he expands on, just cold hard facts.

The dragons triangle...... next time on the twilight zone

Growing up to see one of the mysterious disappearances giving me chills wondering how if I was there at the time?

Why isnt this on trending?!

Finally he got his YouTube password :p

Amazing work as always !

Nice, no aliens

Finally, a new upload. Yes!

Noooo, he is adding in the mid-roll adds now!

Gotta pay the bills somehow

The quality is just can a person be so good like what!?!?

Incredible production. This is just awesome

The pilots are muslim... So u should know..

I seconded this...

4 8 15 16 23 42

Dont let this distract you the fact that they vanished to buy the new rdr2 on sale

This happened in 2014, and people died,

Great video, very interesting.

Great work. Thank you.

It was aliens man, thought it was in 2014 and I still think it now

Pilot didn't readback the freq. He forgot it and had nobody to contact, so he flew until they crashed?

Top 10 facts about dogs

These are the types of videos that I'm glad exist on Youtube. Thank you for making this Lemmino.

Question, no matter how weird it might seem. How high could it have even remotely possibly flown? How far could it have flown after doing so?

Black hole???? Top 10

malaysian here, anyone else?

Could you do an episode on ghost ships too? like the Ourang Medan, Mary Celeste, etc?


9:27 Rolls Royce item of interest? lol

Rolls Royce makes the engines, Fam,

Those pauses when the pilot was talking at the beginning really didn't sound normal.

GREAT VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moment of silence to the family members of the MH370 victims.

Whenever he stops talking and the screen goes black is when I get a bit anxious.

I feel like this is a “Lost” situation



This was a very informative video. Amazing work.

Lemmino literally makes the best videos on Youtube. I would also like to hear your "theory" Lemmino about this case. Great stuff man, keep it up, you're the best!

I think one thing that is to be considered as well was another Boeing aircraft crashed in the indian ocean, a SAA 747 30 years prior. It could be wreckage mixed together, even though the plane crashes were some 30 years apart.

hold on a second he claimed that connection were lost then resumed, that looks to me an engine loss which means power loss, till you turn the apu gen on, also I believe boeing got a system called Rat (ram air turbine) that deploys a small lets call it fan that generates power

He was the person who crashed the aircraft What do you think, its so goddamn obvious

This is without a doubt a very very very bizarre case, talk about the technology we have today, how can no one official manage to track the plane? And no one on board manage to make contact with anyone? talkabout over 200 people. Someone must be hiding something to the public. Thanks Lemmino for the awesome video.

Perhaps the aliens made their sortie from space while the plane was in the middle of nowhere. Hmm, speaking of space.... Space pt. 9?

hmm if i was dumb i would make a triangle out of the lines not by the first line that was curved the second one with the simulation related

I love this channel, It will and must grow bigger and bigger, I recommend it to everyone who wants to know, I don't want to see you everyday, even it it's every few months, your authenticity making these videos is worth the wait.

Is it just me or is the voice different between 19:01 and 19:14?


Its like the one time in my home i was bored so i made a paper plane i used a rubber band to shoot it and i put alot of little papers in so if it crached i can locate it but as i shot it in the air with my rubber band i saw where it went and it was like a wall not completely but like a open there ubove and then as it went over and crashed wich i didn't hear the crash as i went to get it Gone just nowere to be seen no plane no piece of paper nothing still to this day where im still in the same house it never reappeared into my house It literly went into another time/dimension/galaxy/reality and nether came back Point of the story it just disappears into fin air no where just gone

It would be cool if you did a video on the zodiac killer

What if there was a zombie outbreak on that plane , and they decided to shot it down to hide the truth. or the pilots did that cliche moments where they can't land the plane because the virus might spread...

The only way the plane would be off so much by its actual route would be an autopilot failure or a pilot has turned it off and did it themselves, (suicide?) but if they were going off course, the other pilot wouldn’t have known unless they were working together or the pilot taking control had either killed or had make the other pilot unconscious.

Is there any "Ideas" did the pilot commit suicide? was it hijacked? was there a person "of interest" on board so the plane was blown up? I often wonder what happened. They found parts and baggage wtf happened.

previously...on lost

Take a shot every time you hear ‘some’

Did the bloody pilot got lost? 21:01

12:13 persons.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Don't tell me some of the world serpeant captured the plane.

Man, you make good content!!! keep it up

Goodnight, New York

Its okay i guess

I remember when this channel was called Top 10 Memes

apparently 2 kids (siblings) from my school and their mother were on this flight. school had to send a heartbreaking letter to everyone. it rlly sucks

I think the last transmition to ATC was from a hijacker, there was some hesitation and stutter in his voice I also don’t think that said hijackers would know much about technical things, maybe all they did was respond back to ATC to suppress any suspicions After that, due to a miscalculation of distance and fuel left, they had no choice but to crash land Their estimated destination would have been somewhere in India or near the coast of Africa Shortly after takeoff, after the flight had left the coast, I assume that the hijackers had begun due to an assumption that they won’t have enough fuel if they go too far from their destination. The hijackers very quickly bypassed the pilot cabin securities and were met with resistance, possibly including firearms, explaining the burn marks Just a theory

Aliens dude, they're wack

The only channel I don't mind having ads on is LEMMiNO's because we all can see how much effort he has put into each of his videos. Awesome job, fren

This is my first Lemmino video in quite a while and DAMN the quality keeps getting upped every time i come back!! Fantastic video!!

I still feel sick about this..

They got shot down by a fighter jet the aliens got them or they were escorted to Area 51 I’m happy and would never kill myself so if I end up dead they were on to me

Simple. Aliens I’m not crazy,right?

Never crashed, it landed on the US military base called Diego Garcia and pieces spread around the indian ocean.. That little island is one of the biggest secrets and mysteries on earth, look into it guys

Either suffered total mechanical/navigation failure, Boeing aren't famous for a spotless safety record after all. Or, it was hijacked. Your guess is as good as mine...

i was on that flight

I absolutely love these videos way better then the top 10 videos from back in the day

So the military accurately record thousands of flights a day but when it comes to one they really need to know about the information is “innacurate”. Hmmmm

I love how it's all facts and zero drama or personal speculations. To the families of passengers on board MH370, my heart goes out to you. I pray that you will get closure soon

future : it's like searching 370 on earth!


Its the biggest mystery since Amelia Airheart. :( 5 years now

Dude, you are a beast with editing

Lemmino is back boiz

this is why im terrified of going on planes.

You could have asked google or facebook for help. They collect and track every data, could have been helpful investigating passengers records.

10:31 that legit looks like a person

Fantastic work

Nanika from hunterxhunter made a wish for $1,000,000 and the plane teleported to her estate carrying the money. Solvd.

i thought u was dead

Can you do more space videos?

The Airplane went to Hogwarts

Do Bitcoin!

good thing that you dont butcher the malaysian names too much. how i know? im a malaysian

Can you do Top 10 facts about pewdiepie again pls????? and give (I do now know pewdiepie) plsssssss


the way this documentary was put together was fucking great

If you need any help just LEMMiNO

happy easter bro

These vids probably super hard to make but they are interesting as fuck well done

What if everyone agreed they wanted to go to another country but ran out of fuel?

this happened right after i turned 16 and thought to myself “wow this will always be on my mind around my birthday”, and let me tell you i just turned 21 last month and i still remember. i still think about this flight

The only people that knew what happened was the people on the plane. That's what's unsettling.

Awesome video! I’m subbing!

I just wanted to say that Im really happy how you're videos turned out. You produce very quality content that takes months to make, and you do it because you love it. I honestly feel so happy every time you upload a video.

Damn, i got goosebumps

I remember when this happened, I would wake up for school and they would announce a new area of the ocean that has been searched, with no sign of wreckage. Still can't believe nothing major has been found.

The Vanishing of LEMMiNO every few months (jk he makes astonishing videos i love them)

Wow, I love how he uses footage at night to perfectly set the mood and tone, I felt like I was the one in the plane, taking off in the morning hours.

Better than Air Crash Investigations (somewhat).

I've been in 30 planes since 2016, and being in this type of situation is something I worry about every time I board. What if I just disappear off the face of this planet just like that

It really seems like something went horribly wrong with some electrical systems, just my theory

*insert think emoji*

I hate documentaries, but yours sir, is not one of it

9:30 Finally, some evidence! I love you for this! It crashed. Sad...

let me know.

well they did say goodnight

Every Lemmino upload is like a mini birthday present, your videos are the best!

godDAMN your videos are amazing

anyone else keep getting this video in their up next tab ?

This editing is 100/10

The Chinese subtitle miss plate the FL350 into 350,000 ft, it is 35000 ft

How dare you! This is obviously a pirated document. Otherwise the editing, the context and everything else would not be so awesome and smooth!

About time you remember your password

Dude this video creeped me the fuck out. Well done fellas

My gosh what a well written and intriguing video. Keep up the good work

The captain hesitates a lot whenever he says 370 in 'MAS370'. Nearly every time, in fact. Spoopy!

For some reason this is really disturbing.

What if they travel through time and space, then they get into a similar universe to ours but the flight path is different

What probably happened : Flight was hijacked . SATCOM was manually disabled. The pilot is guilty. The airplane did follow the provided route. Now we don't now why any of this happened but these things are the most propable. If you asked me i would say there is a bigger plot here but no way to prove it.

remember, this was the same guy who made rage comic videos a long long time ago.

What if it was a meteor that hit the plane causing to make the missing parts to fly to other places and the debris of the meteor made the burn marks....

Satellites and people would have seen it.

Really high quality content, keep it up

*Intercom*Please tern on airplane mode *Idiot on board* Wait what? thats exists? Nah

Can't believe you missed the next theory Lemmino: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was made to disappear so one party could gain control of a multiply-owned patent. Four days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders: Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) Freescale Semiconductor (20%) If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone (what an interesting name for a company) who owns Freescale. Here is your motive for the missing plane. As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane, and that patent was the breakthrough. We have entered the future proper, and four men was just murdered so that the last, still living member can keep this for himself to either hide or profit from.

It angers me so much that this plane was just lost and no one could find it. It's a mother fucking AIRPLANE!!! How can we lose this and not have any clue what happened? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THIS PLANE?

can you do a video on Sewol Ferry tragedy? i’ve been following you for a few years and love love love your videos!

top 10 facts were better videos even if they were simpler keep up your work my man

Wait, Shouldn't the rings be overlapping each other heading in the direction of the path of the satellite & how come the signal circumference kept growing into larger & larger circles, was the satellite heading away from earth which in turn made the circles larger or was the satellite receiving strength getting stronger & stronger? was the satellite standing still? how did they calculate the red circles? what was the actual path of the satellite, why is it that the calculated path of the missing flight 370 ends right next to the ground receiver in Perth where the satellite pings were being received, It almost seems like the missing plane was the one communicating with the ground receiver in Perth & not the satellite itself, maybe that's how they calculated the flight path, is Perth the only ground receiving station able to pick up these satellite pings? I highly doubt that, something is very fishy about all this, why assume geological activity, why not search the area it's better than nothing.


They're on an island with a smoke monster and a button that has to be pushed every 108 minutes.

Can u do mh 17

great video btw thanks

How have a I never seen this channel before, this is a better production than any discovery documentary, incredible.

I just got the channel title. Let me know!

When you go to this guy channel page, the URL say "/user/Top10Memes" lol Live up to your name bro, why are you delivering high quality content like this :D

Aliens took the plane

bruh this shit whack

Please make a video on Elisa Lam

Ok cool But WHERE is the 2018 Top 10 Facts?

the aircraft might still be in the gray place they didn't search at all...

Is this real?

Unless the wreckage is found, we will never know what really happened...

A gay theory.

They should’ve made a better route. If they knew they were in trouble, they should’ve headed to the nearest airport. I’m halfway through this video, so idk if they knew they were in trouble in the first place.

can you plz do more documentaries plz. yours are better than Netflix.

has anyone here ever seen a satellite orbiting the earth ? (not photos)

You have to be pretty precise because they move really fast. Your eyes on the ground only cover so much visual sky area and compared you, how fast it's moving and how fast the earth is spinning, your location is just a tiny spec it has to travel over every few hours.

there youtube, I watched it, now stop recommending me this shit

Wasn't there some bankers and politicians on board this flight ?

Please make a Top 10 Facts video now.


i think it's in the mariana trench !

The PILOT did this, it's clear as day that he decided to kill himself and take innocent lives with him. Sad!

The same kind of sudden descent that was seen here & so they say flight sim was attempted, is also policy when Hijackers are aboard & you still have control, you dive violently in attempt to incapacitate those attempting the hijacking. However if it truly was to be reproduced in the sim under the hypothesis that Men were behind the wheel or stick, certainly a computer could fly the plane in such a way, or by remote control just as on 9/11.

My friend's mother died in this.

You've never uploaded anything that has disappointed me, and with this video and especially about something I'm so interested in, you're certainly not breaking your streak. I love your videos and how much effort you put into them :")

You know something nasty is afoot when youtube has one of their propaganda pieces underneath your video!

I'm getting lost vibes from this

Why isn't this commercial like c'mon your actually amazing at creating documentaries like you deserve more views and subs.

It's in a parallel universe or in another plane of existence (pun intended)

Your voice makes me ”disturbed”

My gut saying our government knew what really happened but stay silent to avoid further problems.

Ah, I love science. Brilliant video!

maybe the plane died in infinity war

Personally, I think that this video is great, not too complicated but not too simple. another reason I like it is that it has a tone of mystery in the video.

So advanced we are but can’t find a tin can on earth.

"seven seventy seven". Sorry, it just triggers me

My best guess is a hijacking of some sort and/or a sudden explosive accident. Might explain why the full plane is yet to be found anywhere. If there were a hijacking you'd think at least one or two people would contact loved ones in the middle of the flight as was done on 9/11. Whatever happened to bring that plane down probably happened very quickly.

I still love your voice

Goddamn your videos are worth the wait every time!

I really love your videos man, I wait for them all the time like most commenters. But can I please ask that you lay off whatever effect you are using that results in the extreme chromatic aberration? It is sooooo distracting and I am always against any filter or effect that degrades image quality. I know many viewers may not even notice, but it is extremely distracting to any viewers on a technical level. It is just such a basic technical correction that it just brings me out of anything you are trying to show. When I see it, all I can think is man, that is some REALLY bad CA, and I completely miss what you were even saying.

*More like the vanish of Lemmino*

Inconsistent locations of a crash near Australia? A team of independent French investigators? This flight may have gone the same route as Oceanic flight 815.

U should do one on the Tylenol murders it would be interesting lol

Oh shit, you guys are still searching for me? Im fine btw XD

Why wasn’t there a 2018 year review video? Has this been answered? I’ve been wondering for a few months now

Yet another reason why in never flying

this video is so well made i just keep coming back to it

Bruh mome g

(((they))) toke it down


I have a rare view first off e.t. interaction is well documented in history we see ufo spottings all the time . There was a phone call voicemail that was mystery almost as thought the call hit the wrong frequency in the voicemail it says "they are not human " I think it was the black box of that flight

New video! I wait check every week for this ^^

Hackers. It was noted that the Co-Pilot's phone was receiving a signal right? Well, the funny thing about technology. Those who know to mask their digital footprint. They are able to mask any signals and make it look like it was nothing out of the norm. Yet it seems that when the power was cut off from SATCOM. It was odd. Being that pretty much nearly everything on a Jetliner these days is networked. It can be easy for some group or even a single person to completely cause a craft to fall out of the sky. Now I know people will just blow this off as some wild shot in the dark. Yet hacker groups have stolen millions if not billions from people every second. And some of the best are still out there doing their thing. Fucking up lives one press of the keyboard at a time. Yet I even believe this is a wild idea but hey reality is far stranger than fiction. After all. Trump is President. Now tell me how many people ever predicted that day? Just saying. Never rule anything out. Even how wild it is. Look at it. Study it. Test it even. Prove that even the wildest of ideas is impossible. I mean hell Flight 370 could have ended up being abducted by Aliens for all we know lol. That is a rather hard one to prove right there.

We might never uncover what happened. The world goes on and there are far older airplane crashes we have never found.

TFW Youtube has to add the "wiki" on the subject to say "oh it's not a conspiracy"

227 passengers? Damn.

It was probably the gay frogs

It was flown to a different location, flight data was prerecorded and it worked flawlessly to throw everyone off the scent. Landed somewhere north of Malaysia, probably Siberia or a little farther east. Shit's wild

"Boeing seven seven seven." Just say Boeing triple-seven.

The vanishing of MH370 was a failed attempt by the previous Government of Malaysia to assassinate Pascal Najadi, the son of the AmBank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi who was assassinated in Malaysia because of his open concerns about corruption at the bank he had once managed. Hussain Ahmad Najadi was brutally gunned down in a Kuala Lumpur car park on 29th July 2013, allegedly the day after he had filed a police report on the matter. Pascal Najadi, who currently resides in Moscow, said he fled Malaysia for the last time on March 8th 2014, which was the day also of the disappearance of the MH370. He said he no longer regards himself or his family to be safe. Pascal Najadi was thought to board MH370 for a transit flight to Russia, was one of the five passengers checked in for the flight but didn’t end up boarding the plane.

"Boeing Seven Seventy-Seven"

Its so sad.All of their family really sad because losing someone they love.whitout knowing where they go

Want to know the weirdest thing about MH370? A company called freescale technologies.

Cool video. Thanks for the upload

Ghost ship episode would be a good next episode

Now explained the 727 that vanished.

Good video i've tried to follow this crash as much as i could and there are points in there i didn't know about the onboard sim? disconnecting for a time is interesting. but as others have said this gets the facts together MUCH better than any news site has done in years it just shows how the legacy media is trash panda. I do find one thing missing from all of these, the blame for a 2 day delay should be put right onto Malaysia's head their withholding of military radar data delayed the search in the correct place ruling out any chance of finding where the plane hit water.

Who remembered his old youtube channel name. I still do!

What an amazingly made vide - props to you.

that shit was aliens

At first I thought this was a video about final destination

It was me I did it

thought these was a production documentation, great quality

Honestly, I wonder if the debris is buried in sand at this point. What if we combed the entire Indian Ocean? Sure, it would take forever, but it would cover a lot of ground and no stone would potentially go unturned.

This is why I don't trust muslim pilots. They might take me straight to their Allah

Did it... did it crash - me before the video

thank you for adding many subtitle

That hitman voice makes me uncomfortable at 2:00 AM

I know what happened to 370. It crashed and everyone died. Why or how that happened, I don't know and in the end, doesn't matter. Grieve and move on or you'll never get over it. Trust me.

hum, flight 370, flew in air space of Garcia island , usa air force cia , cover up

The only reason I renember this incident is because it was on my birthday

One of my friends borrowed one of my video games, said they'll returned it. Look what happened to them. Sad that the game was lost tho.

Bro I was on that plane we just transformed into a spaceship because of a ufo and we went into space

LEMMiNO -> Let Me know. :0

BEST.Youtuber.Ever! Pure class! Please don't make us wait so long next time. Keep it up!

I guess we’re going to have to get game theory on this

Your videos are very informative and intelligent, very well worth watching. So, why are you Swedish...duh? Just a question ask in your 3 million Q&A, cheers keep up the good work.

should of checked the north of indian ocean

That was a spectacular analysis! I never had much interest into this specific case but you drew me in and kept me hooked, and now I'm all about trying to find out everything about this flight's disappearance, although you probably covered it best and the most thouroughly.


just drain the ocean and you'll find it... idiots

Very nice documentary. I still hope this gets solved in my lifetime, but it might be a mystery forever.

Really wonder what it was like to be on that plane

Awesome video! Subscribed!

We all know what truely happened the altitude system was broken and they flew higher and higher until they reached space .. :D that would explain why they got off the radar XD

Heiße Henry im not

JodiTheBee Not something to joke about

Hey felix, two word for Tuber Simulator. Payment proxy.

romanians stole it and sold it for scrap metal

Can you do one on the WOW! signal?

remote control, just like 9/11

That is how to do a documentary! Excellent.

damn, an amazing video again. Great work thank you

Swedish accent detected

I think it was a fire

from a meme channel to this... amazing

My theory is that during mh370 flight Something in cockpit malfunctions causing the auto pilot to turn off as for the pilot are trying to get back to the nearest airport but during this the aircraft could have suffered an in flight fire and brake up or an explosion could have happened during the attempted return causing parts of the plane to be flung from the wreck site. Which is probably the reason why half of the planes parts have been found in different areas But for the plane hijacking theory. So if it went off track and disappeared in the ocean ( I forgot the ocean name ) It probably was crashed by terroist Or my other theory. |comment below what you think.|

Maybe we are looking in the wrong direction

The Vanishing oF LEMMiNO

I would like to point out that you forgot a key piece of evidence that is refused publication, and that is the over the horizon radar from the US base pine gap in Australia

Great Production! Had me intrigued from the get go

just finished watching this video then looked at the time, it's 7:47

Why do every centuries have mysterys? For example 1912: Titanic 2014:MH 370

the titanic is not a mystery?

Lonely Noob there was room for jack and we all know it!

BANKSY ! lemmino plZ make a video on that. It would be super interesting to see.


trust me, nation sponsored hijacking was behind this incident...

Either aliens or they found a wormhole

This is my theory about the potential crashes piece: Believe it or not, there was a small piece of news from last December told that a google explorer using google map to see around the world. One of his project, picture I believe, saw a plane crash in somewhere between Thailand mountains or Cambodia. The news then said that the man and a chief of a nearby village in both Thailand and Cambodia took a expiration around the mountains. They didn’t found the plane but they found some pieces, parts of the plane So in conclusion: Maybe, just maybe, the plane was crashed somewhere between the mountains where it is so remote that not even google map saw it correctly

This video is a perfect example of YouTube content creators out "doing" the MSM. Very detailed, accurate and well produced.

It has my conviction for some time that the flight crew are fanatical adherents of "Lost" and are now live encating their favourite show on an unknown island.

Yo the editing and animation on this one is incredible!!

You guys should start a TV series.... u kinda put BBC to shame ngl haha, rlly love the quality!

Look at the name of the pilots just sayin

Sorry for being fucking late The modification was broke Also, great video Lemmino

2019 TV SERIES *LOST* probably they are in lost island and punching numbers unto the machine

flat earther hijacked it and was flying to the edge of the earth and it was shot down by a laser lol

Congrats to malasian aircorce to let a such a big plane flew across their country, better than b2 bomber

A. H. and congrats also to thailand and indonesian air force for let the unknown plane flew into their airspace

Everyone knows who covered up stories !!!

This is by far the best documentary abt mh370 I've watched, well done.

*National Geographic has left the chat*

I cant believe that was 5 years ago, WOW.

i still dont feel like the captain did it. i dont know why.

Cabin depressurization can make people totally incompetent and he may have been insane due to lack of oxygen

10:1 view to like ratio is pretty unheard-of, speaks to the quality of the video.

Great, but please call it a triple 7

Who got an ad showing Kids explain the internet to old parents?

I forgot that I used to watch this channel but then this video popped up, and I remembered why I used to watch it. Really top quality content here.

So all possible scenarios about what went wrong. #1 Passenger Hijack: two guys with a fake passport board the plane and were likely attempting to seek refuge. They either force the pilot to change the heading to their desires or pilot the plane themselves. #2 Fire: lithium batteries were listed on the manifest. Multiple systems could've failed to detect the fire before it was too late. #3 Pilot Hijack: Pilot's flight simulator contains similar coordinates to flight path. The pilot could've deliberately crashed the plane with some unknown reason behind it. Now you say it's one of these three, but why can't it be two of these things? Like what if the plane was hijacked and the lithium batteries lit up too? Hijackers fly the plane to their own accordance, and dismiss the pilot or kill him. They also mess around with the equipment and turn off the transponder while doing that. So they make the turn. Fire begins to increase on the lower levels. Hijackers disregard any notion of a fire on board (if they were ever told). Hijackers turn plane. Hijackers being to regard the fire. The fire damages some systems to the ship. Possible cabin decompression at this time. Damage is enough to prevent the automatic deployment of masks and other emergency functions. All people on board swim in and out of conciseness including the hijackers. The hijackers make one last attempt to correct heading. The plane crashes.

this is why i dont want to fly

Buzzfeed Unsolved who??

Conclusion: still not found

I've been watching this channel for years yet I have not yet subscribed so you've got a sub from me.

I feel this channel is underrated, even with 3,000,000 subscribers

that like to dislike ratio doe damnn

It was nigga

*Boeing seven seventy seven*

The ad before this video is of “european flight academy” hahah

This is the type of content I will pay a premium for. Thank you for your hard work and contribution to the corpus of human knowledge.

There! I watched it now get out of my feed

Electronic fog

The plane crashed, pilots are human beings, technology isn't perfect, things malfunction, ground crews aren't perfect, inspection of planes prior to take off is probably not as good as it should be, pilots rely on their instruments, instruments malfunction, fuel doesn't last forever, electrical problems are unfortunate, sometimes people can never find the remainder of something that crashed/sunk. Seriously, get in a plane, and look at all the wiring. You think when you press that button to ask the stewardess for a pillow, it's not connected to something? You ever had a car? What happens when you have an electrical problem? The entire car doesn't work right. I'm pretty sure I could go on for ages, but the point is, this is not as much of a mystery as people might like it to be. If that plane had a single faulty wire, it could be disastrous for every single component, because they're all connected, except maybe the black box, assuming it had one.

F, sorry gotta pay my respects for this great video, keep passing by.

Doesn’t Kazakhstan have any of those air discovery spinners?

We should just make a call to Elon Musk or something

Who else finds this story, creepy....?

Please make a video on stonehunge. Ps: love the video

You should make more videos based on airplane mystery's

23:20 Is it possible that the firmware for the plane's onboard systems was vulnerable to a buffer overflow or some sort of memory management bug that could allow an infected network packet to run code on the plane and take over?

I've watched this video eight times. Keep it up LEMMiNO. I've been watching since you released the video "top 10 facts memes"

Why is there a big "L" when I full-screen this video

They tried to get to the n icon on map (gta sa )

Denver airport next plz

I remember ur ragecomics

More comments about the skill of the documentary than about the events. But fair play, ‘tis a nearly made piece.

its triple 7 you aviation noobs

It flew into another dimension

Why would the engineers have the option for a on Nd off button for those devices.

I was about to say "The predicted flight pattern was so erratic and purposeless that it almost has to be hijackers" but this video presents some very good theories!

Wow. So much effort whent into making this video. Greatly appreciate it. Ive been interested in this case for a while now, and it really seems like we wont know what happened to mh370 for many many years.

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos: "IT WAS THE ALIENS!"

What if it is not the flight that disappeared but us?

well obviously it went into the sea

satcoms were trash in cod tho

Topic - Pewdiepie vs T Series Talk about subbots, subgap, idk It could get a lot of attention and views

One of the world's greatest mysteries.

Did thanos snap his finger the same time the plane vanished?

Hope you make a video about Bob Lazar :) + gret video as always 10/10

I remember the top 10's, seeing your channel so real, high quality, and in such detail makes me happy.

You genuinely make better documentaries than the vast majority of professionals on TV or Netflix. You dig deep and go in depth, you stay unbiased for the most part and address different perspectives, arguments and theories, you look into the validity of information spread by the media, and you have a full list of all your sources in the description. This is genuinely some of the best content on this entire site, keep up the good work

if it made a turn like that, it could've been hijacked or something?


Someone needs to do that deep water search near Christmas Island

The quality of your vids is insane

Maybe do top 10 plane disappearances/crashes? This video is by far my favorite from you, you covered it so well and I've re watched it quite a lot now.

What's the conspiracy that there's a Wikipedia article attached to the video. Do the socialists in charge of YouTube propoganda believe some other information?

Does this count as a documentary?

I think it is likely that the pilot was playing with a flight simulator earlier and because he was too tired, he confused the flight patterns that he was supposed to take with the one he had just done in his simulator and tried to fly like he had in the simulation rather than the flight he was supposed to be doing.

It’s the aliens. I’m telling you.

This guy has a very calming voice... very suiting for a video like this!

I think the plane could’ve been hijacked but experienced cabin depressurization, leading to both the pilots and said hijackers to fall unconscious and leaving the plane to fly on autopilot until it was met by fuel exhaustion. It’s very mysterious, what do you guys think what happened?

Lemino. You’re awesome man.

Must be the work of an enemy stand

why is it always the boeings

maybe it went to the sun and they live there now

Been in my recommended for ages so I guess it's time

I don't say it's Aliens/Demons,but it's Aliens/Demons.


liz? is dat u?

I was with one of the investigation team working at MAS during the incident. All I can say is, never trust your goverment.

Why are we ruling out the staff apart from pilots ?

you truly earned my subscription

I think either the pilots went rouge or the plane got hyjacked

The guy took away the passengers oxygen, flew to a height in which they would pass out, and then flew back to his homeland (don’t know why? One last goodbye I guess...) then crashed the plane somewhere in the ocean where it’s nearly impossible to find. I wish the news outlets would give a much simpler story. Instead they make it so much more complicated.

Plost twist: It's actually Oceanic 815

Thanks for posting this great documentary. I thought you died.

You make far too many assumptions. It is much simpler that you think.

To see how a US government agency could remotely control a Boeing aircraft read US Patent 7142971,

Just watch twilight zone ep about flight 1015 and mh370 back on my mind. It's possible that the hijack situation happened just like in the ep.

@LEMMiNO you tryna help me out with my history presentation

It's tragic what had happened to them. A lot of people have lost their beloved family members. My sympathy for the lost.

The flight landed in the future like the TV show *Manifest*

This is some of the highest quality content on the whole platform

A question lemino ..I know every detail about this incident...there were 239 or 238 on board is also a conspiracy ... Let's assume there were 239 cell phones too....can a single phone not be tracked? Can makers not track a phone via the product number or something? We will never know the truth maybe...all just a cover up


The simulated path mirroring the real path is really suspicious and the fact they discounted it is assinine.

Obama did it.

@LeMMiNO Great video. With your help i will find that plane.(hopefully)

Wow over 5 years now... sees it that long ago

why isn't this monetised ffs

top quality. literally the best quality of a documentary. well done

The story, engagement, production value, narration, God I love these videos. This channel produces some of the highest-quality content ever

I know where the plane is. It's on US, under the desert that has cliffs around it.

There's a theory behind this that, there were aliens who took over and took the plane.

10 facts 2018

I want to know more about those insane altitude changes.

They disappeared because thanos snapped with his gauntlet remember

Wow, that was one of the most well done documentaries I've ever seen, especially on the topic of MH370. Thank you for putting together a visually beautiful and well researched video.

this is my theory *chinese coast guard.*

How the fuck do you loose a plane

I saw falling bright lights in the sky that same daay , it was night.

I think we will have to wait like decades until some retired governments agents starting to tell us what really happened

This is hard to solve

Keep up the amazing work LEMMiNO

The build up of 3:02 to 3:22 gives me crazy chills...

Poor pilot I don’t think he did anything I’m sure he tried his very best to save everyone. God rest their souls

I just watched the dyatlov pass incident and now this. All i have to say is, i believe.

Boeing Triple seven son. Not seven seventy seven

Pure quality!


Thank you LEMMiNO for this beautiful video, thank for all the informations you gathered and your hardwork... this is absolutely the best documentary video ive ever seen.

I WaNt To Drive ThE PlAnE!1!

wtf tho

I've come up with a far fetched but viable theory: Similar to the Helios flight; the pilots and passengers were all incapacitated by loss of cabin pressure, but one crew member or passenger remained conscious and probably attempted to fly the aircraft, but since they are inexperienced, probably only managed to make a few random turns using the heading selector while falling unconscious themselves. It's far fetched, but not impossible.

The plane hasn't been found cause it's most likely sunk under water and didn't float like the smaller parts.... the people probably sunk too sadly..... I just don't get it.... what happened?!

Maybe a terrorrist attack? And I think the Malaysian military was involved in this mystery.

Great job on this video, very interesting.

man this is interesting! thanks for the video

3301 if you know what this means. You know who is behind it.

do some solved mysteries video or sth man you're freaking me out like that

The report claimed that the loss of communication was due to a loss of overall power, would it be possible that when that happened, for whatever reason, messed with the gps or navigation, and the first turn the plane made after the u turn (the one right next to an island) was the pilot believing he was on the right course and knew to turn at some landmass that became visible, but then after realized that that was incorrect and tried to turn around or turn to where the thought there was land, where the ran out of full and crashed

This, this is quality

i wish i could hit the like button more times, your work is absolutely the best.

This video is made so well!!!

That was incredible. It kept my full attention the entire video. Amazing script.

This is why there is no way in hell i'm getting on a plane .

lend at Diego Garcia

The plane did not land anywhere, therefor it is lost..

And he did it once again. Amazing content from an amazing you tuber, thank you for this.

You should doa vid ab the nazca lines in Peru.

Idk what it is about this guy but he never makes boring videos.

Good quality video. I'm going with the Anwar Ibrahim theory and the depressed ideologically possessed pilot decided to spite and sabotage the Malaysian Government by hijacking the plane and crashing it into the sea.

allow to express my feelings to your work... I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!!

Probably muslim hijackers changing course to reach a target and not reaching it before it crashed.

for some reason, this video scared the shit out of me. this story is so creepy

Diego Garcia an occupied US military base was on the flight history of the pilots flight simulator. Eye witnesses in Maldives also saw a plane flying at a surprisingly low altitude. That's one way the plane could have vanished from the radars.

thanks for the high-quality documentary! seriously, u could sign for a big company that searchs for a documentary team.

I am force-fed numerous documentaries on Netflix, etc, but I come to youtube and CHOOSE to watch documentaries, because there isn't an agenda. This is good stuff sir.

If the flight did go over the Indian Ocean shouldn’t the island nation of the Maldives picked up on something. I mean idk if it has the radar or the flight didn’t have that route but it might of picked up on something

this plane has been taken down by americans jetfighters around diego garcia. theres plenty of evidence in this way. btw military radars whows exactly where the plane hits water

God, that was already 5 years ago? Geez.

The plane was highjacked by Bane.

OK now see you next year

Amazing production quality! This is totally well done for a free to watch youtube video!!

Zaharie was such an innocent man.

Has CNN ever found the plane?

You should do a video about the holocaust

14:26 temporary time travel?

2:34 rip

How about you make a video on The Manhattan Project

Diego Garcia.

This video was amazingly well produced! Thank you for taking the time to create something of this quality!

Welp see you in a fucking year jk you make so good videos

Congratulations. This video earned you an instant subscription.

If it crashed in the ocean, someday the plane will be found. If it was abducted, then we will never find out.

I can say proudly, this is my favourite youtuber.

There must have happened something that caused the crew to lost their consciousness, otherwise the plane wouldnt have been flying randomly until it run out of fuel. If it had been a murder suicide committed by someone from the crew would have made sense just to crash the plane and not just wait the fuel to run out.

This video is a masterpiece!

Wait. So when the flight was supposed to land in Beijing it hadnt crashed yet but was flying somewhere over Indian Ocean? How the strange plane randomly flying six hours in the other countries air space without responding didnt confuse any air traffic controllers operating?

Sad that you didn't talk about the people having Seen the aircraft in the indian ocean

Can’t wait for top 10 rage comics episode 10

Why do I have the channel logo in the middle of the video frame?

Towards India? T-series is behind all of this.

+Some Guy It never ends

go away its over

Yo use find my iPhone


This is one of the very best documentaries I've ever watched on Youtube. My respect, great video.

Why is the L keeps showing when I'm in fullscreen? On mobile I can't find a way to turn that off and it seems to be happening in other videos from this channel too...

This was very interesting

look like there is something to do with australia, is it conspiracy?

Idk man, even we the malaysian also were confused of what happened to this flight. Condelence to the family who is onboard on that flight.

This is some Lost level shit

This was one of the most absorbing videos you have ever made mate, quickest 24 minutes of my life

1.7m views, only 507 thumbs down, I think you're doing a great job!

I have travelled in Malaysian airline more than one time over Indian Ocean and java sea if it was crashed possible the parts disappear in the tsunami, there is so many live volcanos causing earthquake. And if it was highjacked, there is so many remote areas around that area. But in both conditions they left it too late to find evidence. But miracle happens.

I'm not sure how it "disappeared" but I'm fairly sure it got shot down over Ukraine. My evidence? There are 100,000 flights per day, over 5000 airlines, do you know what the odds are of two planes of the same model from the same airline falling victim to high profile disasters 4 months apart is? It's mathematically impossible. Same plane.

My theory is that someone paid the pilot to destroy the cargo, valuable lithium ion batterys which can be used to replace fossil fuel vehicles.

Okay, I need to say something here. I discovered your channel yesterday. (How the fuck did YouTube never thought about recommending this to me) I instantly became obsessed with your videos and watched almost everything in one sitting. And *wow* ! This is probably the best YouTube channel I have ever stumbled on. Those documentaries are just incredible, you're style of narrating and the beautiful animations are just amazing! Wow, wow, wow. I need to become a Patron rn....

I missed your voice

I didnt need to sleep anyways

Interesting fact: The findings of the French investigators makes sense, when they found the Flapperon they calculated its origin and its likely to be from that area

I think the pilot commit suicide and he did it with landing the plane on the water flawlessly(like the sully) so there is no evidence to be discovered....

So creepy, so similar to the plot of Lost

10 facts India plzz

most likely shot-down as it was nearing the 66th parallel.. The satanic globalists don't like nobody going down there!!

Who else was waiting for a conspiracy theory..

Malaysia Airlines changed the Flight Number to MH360 for the planes making this route today

Don‘t forget that the Flight route still exists. Although it‘s not Flight Number MH370 anymore. A few days after the event, Malaysia Airlines changed this Flight number route to MH360

When you're late to finding LEMMiNO so you got dozens of videos to binge until 5am.

After this event, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine. 298 people were killed. It was traveling from Amsterdam from Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia Airlines retired number MH17 and changed it to MH19 afterwards but now they terminated service to Amsterdam

Finally a cohesive and well-researched documentary on the issue!!!!

One thing I just love about lemmino is that he doesn't say crap like "It Was The Aliens!!!"

Now, this is quality.

No mention of the cargo - there is speculation of a captured UAV base station that was capture and sold to China that hidden in a bunch of mangosteen...

Seeking asylum in China? Gimme a break!

dude,what if was borded by an UFO then it gives the plane something to cotinue flying

Quality as fuck on goddddd

I fucking love these documentaries, keep up the work

I like the theory that the plane went north to Kazakhstan because it lends hope that the 227 people lived somehow

The only fact that leaves the captain, in the aim of truthers is that in his own home set up ie flight simulator, the captain actually had coordinated the same flight turning the plane into nowhere where if the plane crashed it would never be found, now that would be a massive coincidence why would you simulate a flight you actually do in real life, turn the flight from its destination into nowhere the one he practiced at home mmmmmmmmmmm

That conversation with the traffic control was off. Back and forward exchange of "goodnight"? then the plane immediately did a u turn?. Seems like a code word to me. Then flew all the way until it just reached Australian territory to "Crash". I do not believe any western government. Australia gov said they didnt find anything. I smell rotten bs.

I knew the French family that died on this plane, they used to be our street neighbours back in Beijing. I'd take the bus everyday with the daughter who was 1 year younger than me. It was very hard to take the school bus after we came back from the holidays. Seeing her usual seat empty, god what a sad thing to remember

What is the ending song? It's not in your credits. :o

The pilot intentionally killed everyone on board

Hello! Thank you for choosing this case to be your content, since I'm very curious about this case too.

This is really scary to listen to

Please make a video about SCP – Containment Breach

It's only that this game popped up to mind when I thought of SCP.

+[Verbose Bot] Ah yes sorry ;) by that, I meant the SCP stories.

Why specifically that shitty jumpscare game? I think the SCP stories and lore is more interesting.

Very very detailed, good documentary.

(Que lost Intro)

Dang the details!!!! Best documentary ever.

I'm not gonna complain about the ads, you clearly put lots of time and effort on this video

It is 2019. If a plane needs to be found, it will be found

Can someone tell me how metal parts of a play that would otherwise sing are being washed up on beaches?

TheRes a ThIng CalLeD CurReNts Yo, shut up. So while a 5 KG shard of wing is sinking its getting pulled along AS IT GOES DOWN I get that. So there's metal that is sinking but also moving in a direction whilst sinking. My question was, (Sorry for the spelling in the original comment) How, when metal sinks, is it then brought BACK UP to the surface and washed up on the beach? I get that currents are strong af, but if it landed thousands of KMs out at sea, and factoring in how far it sinks per minuet and how far the current pulls it ect, I don't get how it is pulled back up and washed up like its some light material.

There's a thing in the sea called currents

On your next video can you do it on 8/23?

How could this plane disappear with today’s technology? We have both radar in water and air. The government can track any cell phone. I think the plane may have got hit by a ufo

How does this happen? With all of these radio waves and satellites and modern day technology tracking this airplane, it's insane how so much is unknown about this flight.

Not as big a mystery as often suggested. The pilot is easily the chief suspect. Coincidence the southern Indian ocean was on his simulator? I don't think so.

someone please answer this question .... wtf was the co-pilot doing in all of this ? Was he part of it , drugged up and out cold or what surely he didn't just sit there during all that time and do nothing what so ever

That co-pilot looks like a FA-REAK!

This mystery bothers me like none other

Very clear and logical presentation. It clarified the whole story extremely well.

Yo I’m fucking shook.

Great video!!

At last someone I like to watch talk about this...

Well done.

Well obviously the kids hijacked the airplane and wanted to go to Christmas island. But since kids play those damn video games, they think they know how to fly a plane and end up crashing it.


Diego Garcia??

top 10 facts sega next maybe?

probably jews or something. or the bilderberg group. perhaps lizard men too. am i doing this right?

clive ramsbotty you forgot about liberals.

Maybe the autopilot became sentient

Comes to show, no matter how far we are technologically advanced and how well connected and informed we are, we have a long way to go and the world is still vast and terrifying.

Some of the people on board were doctors that were close to finding a cure for cancer. Higher powers had to put a stop to this because the ammount of money cancer treatment costs right now. Cruel world

You make the best documentaries i have seen on Youtube. Btw, have you thought about doing Jack the Ripper? It would have been awesome to hear you talk about that!

Pretty sure the moon aliens were involved.

That was a rough year for Malaysian Airlines.

You didn't cover the possibility of a black hole, as suggested by CNN.

That plane in in Thailand waters near islands Ko Ra Wi and Adang. the Malaysian government know where to look for.

17:58 3 children. Chill man

Excellent work.

It's the Bermuda Triangle guys

asia, not americs

anyone isnt gonna talk about the song of pitbul abput mh 370

After hearing the names of the pilot and first officer, I now got some idea about what may have went down that day

My guess is that since the copilot was relatively new to that specific model of plane, he accidentally flipped a switch that shut off all electrical systems and didn't know how to revert it. Both he and the captain tried to turn around to the nearest airport, but everyone went unconscious due to lack of oxygen because the captains could not control how high the plane was rising. The plane then went into autopilot, ran out of fuel, and crashed and sunk somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Feel free to disagree this is just my opinion/thoughts on the matter.

A very well produced documentary. 'plot' layering was highly engaging.

This was reaally well made for being an independent documentary! Thank you!

Always wainting for your videos, never dissapointed. Great video!

Wow!! Thumbs up for the quality

Hi Lemmino. How to contact your team? If interested please reply me as i want to share some technical information regarding this incident, which for some reason was never discussed by western media. It may provided extra understanding and might assist some trajectory to your already excellent explaination, but somehow regretful was never explain in this video. Thanks

24:11 someone search there, it could be our last hope

Wow... really high quality content! Thank you!

I helped with the search for the wreckage. I used to run a laser spectrometry lab, and was given a barnacle from one of the recovered pieces of the plane. We were trying to work out the path of the plane fragment through the ocean by measuring concentrations of trace metals in the growth rings of the shell. No idea what happened with the data.

Very good synopsis of the events, but as part os healthy speculation, failed to mention the passenger manifest, that reveals the presence of several patent holders of Freescale Semiconductor Corp. and upon their death (disappearance), the patents reverted to the parent company(fact). Also missing was the total lack of security on the ADS-B systems installed on the aircraft, that can (easily) be hacked, as per the keynote presentations of Hugo Teso(Hugo Teso - Aircraft Hacking- Practical Aero Series), and RenderMan (DEFCON 20: Hacker + Airplanes = No Good Can Come Of This) . And naming the NATO airbase of Diego Garcia, one of the possible locations to where the plane could be diverted or landed.

You got yourself a sub

Fantastic report. Thank you for making this one.

Maybe someone can answer this question: Why on earth is it possible to turn off both transponders from within the aircraft?

I wish you could make more of these videos, do you work on this channel full time?

Love your videos. I'll be waiting patiently for the next one bc I know you take your time with them. Wouldn't have it any other way either

This is my favorite mystery. I have watched so many videos about it but this one is probably the best so far. Good job.

Can't believe that was five years ago

What if it’s in some desert like in the Land of the Lost movie?

This. This is the future of the documentaries you see on TV. YouTube will be the primary source for this kind of content when TV dies.

this content was next level, its better than other Documentary...good job

Do top 10 facts vids again about unsolved mysteries and space.

I watch your videos like a movie, lights off popcorn

I want to give a award to the guy hwo called something ``hidrophone``

Holy shit that was an amazing video.

What a compelling vid. Great editing, great info accumulation. Thumbs up.

Top 10 facts ATRONEER

Please do the Kholat Syakhl incident, it's one of the weirdest mysteries I've ever heard of.

This is the best coverage I've watched yet

Amazing video! Amazing visuals and great research as always. Such a pleasure to watch your videos. Keep it up!

I kind of don't want it to be solved, am I the only one?

I have been watching lots of information on this disappearance of MH 370 you did a very good job on the video and I actually saw some animations that I didn't see on any of the other videos man I would sure like to know what the hell happened to that aircraft I saw a comment about oxygen deprivation and that was also an idea that I had I wonder if we'll ever know. good work man I enjoyed it and I learned now that there are other parts that were found that may have been from that aircraft which I didn't know about before I hope somebody finds it I'd sure like to know where it is LOL

When he didn't repeat back to the air traffic he was distracted, he has over 89,000 hours in that aircraft alone, you don't "make a mistake" like that, it would be automatic to respond properly, the Boeing engineer could have been there to assist him turning of the transponders, the fact he was practising a similar flight path was also really weird, something is seriously fishy now, hope we find out

Earth is small, yet we Mankinds are much more Smaller. I really like watching your documentaries, damn.

i love this guy man, ive been a sub since he had 500k subs

Actually the pilots wife left him hours before the flight.

Excellent video. Subbed


Hi I'm from Malaysia

My goodness, the number of patrons he has. Plus, I bet it was worth it to produce this video.

Hopefully someday there is an answer for these mystery stories

Just maybe it's by Madagascar where the pilot might suspect no one to look and Africa is mostly third world countries who wouldn't be able to look for it like many other developed countries Edit: watched like 5 mins before saying that

can you please a make Top 10 facts- Breaking Bad

What and Who was really onboard that Plane. Is the real question!?

High quality content above the ultimate standard. Very well done.

Hard to think that this channel was once named "Top 10 Memes".

Im from Malaysia and who here too

CIA is behind this

You know, its probably good that he has midroll ads on lol. I often get pretty creeped out by his videos (they're that good) and need the ads to settle me down lol.

The 43 students from Mexico . Plzzz!!!!!!


i feel like the airplane was indeed hijacked.. the pilots got killed by the hijackers and this led the passengers to stop them. at the end no one was capable of flying the airplane which explains the u turn

This kind of shit is what freaks me out, not horror movies or creepypasta or r/nosleep THIS IS THE FREAKY SHIT I LIVE FOR

Wow. Love your videos now! Cicada 3301, facts and now this?! Wow, man! You are a hybrid!

What are the songs used in this video? You say it's your LEMMiNO music channel, but I've checked half the videos there and found no song used in this video.


this disappearance in particular always intrigued me... the fact that still no one even knows for sure what direction the plane went is crazy to me. amazing job on the video

Can you fuck tards stop complementing the channel I get it great quality and I just want to know if ppl know more info. thats why I'm at the comment ....

I thought the Honeywell flight recorder at 8:00 was a joke, so I Googled Honeywell, and no, they actually make aerospace equipment... The more you know.

Thanks for collecting the known facts, and double thanks for presenting them in a coherent and straightforward manner.

Pond5 does great work...they do stuff for ID too. Great film guys, can't believe its been 5 years already.

The cunt had a flight path ...he made his grave for him and all abored

How in fuck could it be an accident.....when no call for help happened and thing where turned off and on again

Really great job on this video. I'm going to go with autopilot with faulty navigation/sensors.

you never address that fact that the flaps which were found was damaged with impact with evidence that the damage shows those flaps was extended.

Remember when you watched this channel

Just came across this video and was amazed to see this channel had 3M subscribers...then i saw the i understand...

Its not missing. Christian prophet TB Joshua had a vision of its location in the ocean

What about top 10 fact about the netherlands 1 fact actually is the netherlands in dutch nederland actually stand for nederlanden (de lagen landen) meaing in english the lower lands because the netherlands was not 1 but multiple lands/provinces as the now known provinces


Does Malaysia just have absolutely no air defense command and control structure? How is it that an airliner squawking NOTHING, not under the control of any tower, and unresponsive to communication attempts, is allowed to overfly a country without interception? I know their military is relatively small, but one day that could an attempt to remodel Kuala Lumpar's skyline, or Chinese bombers.

Holy crap

Absolutely fantastic video.

Didn’t know you were still alive

That was the moment thanos snapped, even the plane disappeared

no automatic system exist to provide oxygen for the pilots. Getting you quickdonning mask is a procedure that required consciousness and acting form the pilots

LEMMiNO: Some suspected that the plane was shot down, but none of the found debris showned any signs of an explosiom. Some suspected that the pilot was suicidal but his past seems to suggest against it. The case remains a mystery and we're not sure what happened. COMMENTS: Yeah the plane was probably shot down or the pilot was suicidal

I have a theory maybe the cell phone traking thing maybe the co pilot tried to send a S.O.S to the ground but then was killed by a hijacker maybe cuz its just a theory who agrees a bit?

I’ve watched so many videos on this flight but the quality of this one is undeniable. Especially when you showed which/where the items found would be on the plane.

You're simply the best, better than all the rest. Good work, Lemm!no. :)

I love your videos .cant wait for the next one.

it was aliens obviously

0:30 That's not a B777...

Is it possible it broke up in too many small pieces when it crashed its not possible to find it using SONAR?

Did the passengers who flew with fake passport have any criminal records?

To Think I remember subscribing to this channel for Top10Memes to become one of the greatest factual video channel of all time

This is an excellent documentary of Aviation’s Greatest Mystery. As being an aviation geek myself, and having some knowledge prior to this video, I still learned a lot from this documentary.

Pilots are heartless bastards! Fuck 'em all! I already fuck one! yeah baby


Guys just chill im fine

Good night

Wow this is really good content

what happened to all the passengers mobiles, did not one passenger have time to call or send a message?

They were likely asleep since the flight started at just after midnight

This is scarier than any horror movie ever. Never want to get on a plane again lol.

Amazing documentation and study. No bias, just facts precisely presented. Well made video !!

Shot down by US military when plane approached Diego Garcia in the Indian ocean , and all hushed up by US and her allies. Totally credible given USA would invent a lie to invade Iraq and killed millions of Iraqi civilians.

The production quality is insane.

The production quality is better than the whole of American television, it's outstandingly good

Your channel is really good i really hope one day you get to make Much more :))

1:35 the captain speaks in a slight American accent? Hijack?

Very well done. Ive subscribed

Malaysian Airlines Pilot: We have a prob- Me: *Ah shit, here we go again*

My Beijing to kl trip in a nutshell Seriously my plane was shaking so hard I barely slept.

When it’s crashing and half of it breaks off “not too worry we’re still flying half a plane”

Brilliant video. Thanks for compiling all that information.

I have a theory. I believe the United States knows where the plane crashed, but they refuse to broadcast it because they dont want to tell the world the full extent of their tracking ability. Not because the US is involved, I dont think they are, but just because they can track anything and everything without blind spots.


So Lost was a docudrama.

*Unrelated to the video* Happy Birthday, Lemmino.

Quality videos here.. Pls keep up this form of quality, it is SO GOOD.

Bet it was the fault of boeing as well. You just can't trust that company. BUY EUROPEAN!!!

Damn you won’t see my ass flying to or from Malaysia any time soon

Probably shouldn't be watching this while waiting to board a plane....

Amazing video, very detailed and contains tones of useful info every one should know. Great job man.

Does anyone still remembers this channel once called top ten memes I know I do

Make a video on 2018 dude :c gotta keep the tradition going Great work on this video, truly fascinating...

Make a documentary about the game 'Polybius' from the 80's! It might just be a hoax but you might find it interesting :)

Amazing video Loved it.

Those burn marks looks suspiciously like the ones from when you put lithium in water.

Bro I fucking love you

one of best MH370 documentary on whole YouTube!

Pilot was likely trying to see the icewall and if the earth was flat.... big sad

I love how youtube puts up their propaganda below every video they deem as conspiracy

Supr coverage of the whole episode..

So goddamm good

Whoah that picture of zaharie is taken from a boat I can see out of my window right now... Eerie.

Why there is no theory about alien abduction. Its not impossible.

This channel was named top 15's before and i still miss its old name

I kinda want you to do some pop culture like movies games or shows in this style

You all wait they will find this plane accidentally some shipping vessel will stumble across it or some deep sea mining company will find it way outside the search zone. This has happened before were they have found missing planes years later

6:16 : *ariana grande has entered the chat*

Now this is REAL talent. No Clickbait. No Memes.

You're videos are so great. You do amazing research, know how to deliver information in an incredibly satisfying way, and you really know how to tell a story. Shit, if you made a movie three hours long, I'd fucking watch it.

This was very well produced, highly informative and greatly entertaining!

FSX: Cancer Edition

Amazing video bro

You did a great work here

There's a dark secret behind the missing airplane. It's either been kidnapped to somewhere else (area 51) or shot down and clean up the crime scene by the U.S Navy. There are two major reasons for them to do so. 1st: more than 200 Chinese top scientists on the airplane. 2nd: Whoever claimed to have witnessed the MH370 hit by missile rain will be followed and surveillance by an unknown group of forces.

17:58 "...was 53 and married with 3 children." XD

I would love to see top 10 facts about madness combat

Amazing work, really worth watching your videos

I don’t know anything but to believe that it was man-made is just logical. Two theories, one that the pilots were drugged by someone. That “someone” took over but was unable to control the plane because of inexperience, or just planned to crash to death even with experience. Or the second, it was a conspiracy between the pilots and some terrorists, or just them. The pilot said “Goodnight.” Without any explanation, and it was the last contact with that flight. Doesn’t it tell us something? Maybe he knew, or planned something was going to happen. A flight just cannot go crazy without anything being detected, no calculations were incorrect, everything was perfect. What could’ve possibly happened? Somebody turned a vital part inside the plane off. Which stopped those transmissions, it was somebody. The pilot could’ve launched off the plane with the parachutes, they had the time and the right place. Did they just suddenly disappear? I’m sure some people had payed WiFi, and outside connection. Nobody said anything to any family. Isn’t this like?? This is why sometimes being extra cautious and having WiFi connections regularly is so very important, especially on planes. They make it way too expensive, but pilots usually get access to WiFi, and some other rich passengers. But nobody said anything! Alright, forget that darn WiFi. What about phones? Most, if not all passengers had phones. Why. Didn’t. Anyone. Use. Their. Phone. It’s only signal-loss or humans stopping them. The second idea is far more suggested, because this area always had signals. It isn’t the first time they take that route. We never know what could possibly happen in the air, land, or sea. But we know those theories that talk about black holes and diverse universes, some even say alien abductions are all untrue, and simply fantasy. Aliens existence itself hasn’t been confirmed. That’s because we found a part of the plane after years. That shows us other parts are still here, we used up so many years, and so many finances to find that part. That means we’ve been searching the wrong place. The plane is here, just where?

Radical Islamic terrorists hijacked the flight, the Chinese shot it down!

Black hole. Flight 370 disappeared into a black hole. Or not.

Very nice video

Probably all eaten by aliens, or at least probed and enslaved

My brother’s friend was on that flight.

it despawned

just wanted to LETYuNO that YouTube unsubbed me from this channel wtf

Thanks YouTube Recommendations

Clearly they were flown to umbrellas secret arctic lab. The T-Veronica virus needs to be tested people

me: what about the intro, hmmmmmmmmmmm intro: just lemmino also me: just lemmnio=just let me know IQ +2938

LEMMiNO deserves way more subscribers than he has. The production value is amazing and shows how much work he puts into these videos. I can't wait to see whats next!

we all know it crashed because its a boeing.

Previously, on LOST

black holes

Great documentary!!

What an incredible presentation. I've learned so much more from this video compared what I've read from the past several years.

I can't watch your video beyond 3:55 due to your use of the annoying chromatic aberration effect which hurts my eyes. It is a goofy effect and not needed at all. I would have watched longer but could not. Thank you.

beautifully put together piece.

Another suicide I wonder?

why are they speaking English on the recordings?

It’s 2019 can’t somebody put cameras on a plane and live stream so if a plane goes down we see WHATS HAPPENING!?!?!

Welcome to the latest episode of "the only thing wrong in my Youtube recommendations"

RIP MH370, RIP Malaysia Airlines, and all Boeing 777 in the airline company.

I've had a theory for this, a hunch more like, but i just have a gut feeling this was a hijacking. this just has hijacking written all over it. that's just me though, so don't take it any more seriously than a theory.

Boeing Seven Seventy-seven

u have my thumbs up

16:30 pilot practiced a flight to the Indian Ocean a month prior... Police say "No connection." RRRRiiiggghhhhttt

Has a simulator run been done, simulating the lithium ion burning and with smoke, in addition of what electronics said fire would impact? The theory that it was shot down and the pings spoofed back to the satalight seem a little far fetched. Fire and electrical shorts do funny things. I think the planting of the found parts also seem a little far fetched as well. This looks to me of a failing electrical system and loss of control, perhaps even loss of cabin pressure. Someday we will have satellites that can obtain detailed ocean floor topology and this will be found. Perhaps they did go in and try to "reset" or turn systems on and off in a effort to recover the plane( I would have tried). I wonder if any of the radio antenna lines runs anywhere near where the the batteries are stored. I also think the math used to locate the path by the pings could be off because the data can not be verified perfectly. Someone should develop some AI to fly a simulator millions of times, and some AI to inject various types of issues into systems and see if some match could be created. Just the other day we saw a Tesla catch fire in a china while parked underground parking, and that tells us that lithium batteries can blow up without any real cause. What's to say when it took off these batteries were not secured correctly and something happened... again this could be simulated with complex AI running simulations...The one turn to me looks like they wanted to go back, the other turns looks like someone else is at least trying something when they saw some land below, then the effort stops and it flys south... I could be wrong, even without autopilot and trimmed ok, it would just fly on till out of fuel. I am also going to assume that these engines prob can run with some electronics off or disabled, in which the engines will just run until a command is given to change rpm or whatever, with no signal due to some electric fire, the engines will just run.. I work in IT and always have to figure out crazy stuff with limited info and this looks like some computer problem, and a struggle to control it back, then total loss of human interaction.

Do a video on the defcon (defense readiness condition) scale for the USA

Very interesting, and refreshingly detached from the usual 'it's an end-times false flag operation' claptrap.


They flew off the edge of the world because the earth is flat

Brilliantly done.

The big question is why would the AC and passengers be taken and dumped in the South Indian Ocean?

If the simulated route was actually this similar I have no idea why they just left it out.

i could put this flight path in their computers without a plane even in the sky,just pointing that out,simply search "defcon hackers and airplanes" and you'll see a demonstration done by our community during research

LEMMiNO is truly the pinnacle of Youtubers in terms of quality. He never disappoints

Hectic... Thanks for the video

18:19 gave me goosebumps holy shit

Werent the Flaps on the wing found extended, suggesting that the plane 'landed' as apposed to crashed. Any Crash in aviation is a sad event but the lack of answers for the families of the victims of this case is heartbreaking. The case is open to speculation, theory and debate of course but i feel deep down this was a murder suicide from the pilot. god rest them all.

Clearly, none of this could have happened because the earth is flat.

I hope I live long enough for this mystery to be solved.

Remember when CNN had someone on to talk about aliens abducting the plane?

look at the like to dislike ration oml

Diego Garcia?

He was looking for the end of the flat earth

You deserve at least 10 million subs

asian accent is soo funny la XD!

“The essential trail is the Inmarsat data,” Wattrelos said. “Either they are wrong [in their analysis] or they have been hacked.” If the latter is the case, the ramifications are scary. Whoever took MH370 was determined, aggressive, and far more sophisticated than investigators have been willing to contemplate. They have also succeeded in fooling officials, the public, and most of the press for half a decade. That’s an uncomfortable prospect, and one that many people would prefer to ignore. But if it’s true—or even possibly true—then it’s something that needs to be dealt with expeditiously. Because that could mean whoever took MH370 is still out there...and nothing whatsoever has been done to stop them. Jeff Wise's new book, "The Taking of MH370,"

370? Yeah yeah 370, 370. 370 the 370 good night ok 370? Good night 370 from 370. This is 370 calling from 370, 370 are you 370? Ahhh 370 370 good night

what about the passenger-list? there must be more links.. follow the money/passengers..

Governments and airlines are in collusion to protect their money and honor. They will do whatever it takes to avoid any blame. Feel for the poor families of victims who will never know their loved ones fates.

Wow. Such an amazingly well put together documentary

How incredibly patronizing and arrogant that Youtube puts an "information panel" below videos that may contain conspiracy theories, as if their users are naive little children who are too dumb to think for themselves. I'm willing to bet my life that this is just one step toward their plan to control the narrative on other subjects. Right now it's just things like moon landing and 9/11 conspiracy theory videos. No reason to worry right? But in a few years, these "information panels" will show up on videos about controversial subjects such as abortion, immigration, economic policy, etc...

First video I've watched on your channel. Heres a new subscriber!

Looking up information, preparations and making scripts then creating this video. All of this is up to the highest possible point, this is documentary 10/10. Facts with known but probable theories, all with very consistent writing. You are a true detective and journalist with a passion, without a doubt. I'm a subscriber for some time, but there is not a single channel that I am sure that I'm not wasting my time with nor do I regret signing up for content. We owe you.

A picture surfaced on social media shortly after the "vanishing" was reported it showed someone on a plane, through the window taking a picture of their plane landing on the US controlled territory of Diego Garcia. It is well within the range of the aircraft inside the rings shown on the map and it explains the clearly straight and angular contrail being deemed "a rather straight cloud formation" which obviously comes across as bullshit.

USA hijacked MH370. There were Freescale and Chinese chip Kinetis KL02 core inventors/engineers on the plane flying to China, USA want to monopolize the chip industry so USA killed all the inventors/engineers.

Reminds me of Wendover Productions

That last bit about christmas island doesn't match up to debris found from oceanic currents. Nice apologetics though.

Congratulations on 3 million Subscribers!


Werent some unusual waypoints preprogramed into the into the plane before take off? If that is true, they how could it be fire etc?

it was kidnappped by us governmment!

Who was passenger? Blessings

probably the only documentary (included) channel i like

Just Lemmino when your next upload is.

Use this comment as another like button

Smells like America is hiding things.

As a Malaysian, I'm glad that he finally made a video about this.

This channel stands for LET ME KNOW???

Best video I’ve seen covered on this unsolved mystery. Great job!

Great video! One rhetorical question? Would someone benefit from it?

... Fact all New Aircraft are fitted with Uninterruptible Autopilot . This is installed so NO Aircraft can be Hijacked . If Hijacked the Plane will be taken over by Remote and Landed at nearest Airport . So Fact MH 370 could not be Taken by a Pilot or Hijacker . The People who have the Command Center could take control of the Plane and land it anywhere . Lets say Diego Garcia . Might start looking at SERCO and the Rothschild's ... Google it . Also this means the Planes on 9/11 where not Hijacked for same reason

When he didn't repeat back to the air traffic he was distracted, he has over 18,000 hours in that aircraft alone, you don't "make a mistake" like that, it would be automatic to respond properly, the Boeing engineer could have been there to assist him turning of the transponders, the fact he was practising a similar flight path was also really weird, something is seriously fishy now, hope we find out

Nicely done video. Stuck to the facts.

Extremely good account of MH 370. Except no mention of why Ocean Infinity's search ship; seabed construction turned of its AIS for three days? May be a plausible reason but the non explanation all adds to the suspicion. Why not search the area highlighted by the hydrophones even if the location seems implausible?. Same again for the alternative flight path mentioned? My conclusion and I do not say this in any conspirital sense. I believe mh370 was shot down by mistaken identity (as its locators/identifiers were turned off) And the whole thing is covered up to prevent a major diplomatic incident. If the latter is true we won't likely hear anymore for the rest of this century. NASA can track 0000s of pieces of debris in space all around the planet to safeguard shuttle/ space missions from damage yet they can't find a plane after 5yrs?...

lose the music! this is not a disco video. Show some respect for the survivors of the victims!

well i came to a conclusion like this please who were involved can read this and get a little shaky i know you are reading this comment MH370 not crashed may be a great deception your team played Excellently not for long the show will be over :)

Oh no dudes, guess somebody didn't turn on Airplane Mode.

factual, non biased doc. just as it should be. congrats

maybe a space documentary ?

Best video so far

I have watched a lot of aviation videos and cockpit videos and have always noticed that pilots repeat the co-ordinates or contact deatils of next tower before saying good-bye to the existing tower. In this case, the pilot didn't do that. He simply said good-bye. It's as if he knew he wouldn't just need it. That set me off the first time I saw this. Less than a minute later, the plane took a turn. The pilot did it. Remember this comment.

Any back ground check on those passengers ?

I have seen many documentaries on the missing flight 370 but you have done a great presentation probably the best, I somehow feel the flight vanished is manmade maybe its pilot suicide or a shotdown coverup, I am sure Malaysian govt know the exact cause of crash.

It's a most likely pilot has crashed the plane.

i wach full video

I've never been on a plane am I the only one

This documentary is very enlightening, even for us Malaysians. God knows where and what happens to it...

*Just lemmino*

To me it looks like mechanical or electrical failure that caused the pilots to lose ability to fly the aircraft where they needed to. Radar shows it making steep dives and climbs, although the data is said to be inaccurate. But I think it is probably showing that some uncontrolled diving and climbing was taking place as the aircraft turned sharply back towards the south west. Loss of power to some electrical systems appears to have happened. Then it looks like the pilots regained control of the aircraft just enough to maintain level flight and heading. It looks to me like the pilots tried to turn it but could never get on the course they wanted to bring it to an airport. I can imagine them trying to ditch, but not even having enough control to do that. Every explanation except the most obvious one was touted in the news, i.e., that something in the aircraft malfunctioned. Blame pilots or lithium batteries etc, but never the Boeing 777 itself.

Amazingly clear, professional, in good faith. Thank you

What if it was just a complete loss of power and digital instruments . The pilots were just flying the plane blindly

Cover up or not, I don't believe the flight will ever be found now. It's simply too little too late. If indeed those pieces of debris were planted the plane would have already been removed from where it landed or crashed. If not, the environment would have already grown over whatever is left, if any is. In my opinion I don't believe the flight had an accident. Someone had an agenda and the plane was merely a distraction or it was a means to an end, it may have even landed for all we know...I hope the friends and families of those lost passengers have somehow found peace.


18:26 Although zoom out it looks like a single turn, in the final report it is actually three small turns. To me, this is the biggest "human" evidence that the pilot did indeed commit suicide-mass murder.

19:23 this pilot had 18000 hours. he knew all the procedures. his omission of this simple protocall was his only way to let the world know something was wrong. i now believe they were hijacked and he did what he did to buy time and get as far away from population as he could. he's a hero.

Please do one on the roanoke island dissapearences.

It so crazy that this plane lost for nearly 4 years but there no clue of the crash

Perhaps some passengers survived the fire or decompression and tried to pilot the plane? Explaining the manually executed turns. And they didn't know how to use the radio.

Aliens. Most likely a secret Russian test.

What if they are in the Mariana Trench

so it crashed

*the intro start grab popcorn

Awesome content! Thank you for making this.

bruh they were just using speed strats u can always just reset

I still remember this like it was a couple months ago. I came home to my mom and step dad watching the news showing that a 777 had vanished crazy to think it was 5 years ago

I don't know why I keep searching for "MH370" every week

it's probably the engine because another plane crashed and it's like flight 370, second of all the adjusting of the wheels b cause the other plane I was talking about had higher wheel adjustments.

20:50 Damn iPhones

Peace to the people on board and their families

Lemmino are u swede?

For anyone wondering why they are speaking English it is is because English is the official language of all international aviation.

so scaary

Top 10 facts About Xbox

A 25 minute video with pretty much all necessary information given, for a documentary that is very impressive. Great video

They went into other dimension

Best combination of data analysis regarding every aspect of this, including the Inmarsat handshake data, debris analysis, and satellite records I have seen anywhere. Good job. I think we know roughly where it crashed, possibly how, but, not why.

Amazing documentary.. thanks for the time you put into it

Wow Really great video. But very sad ending for this flight. I feel sorry for the families of these passengers. And it is sad the pilots are not around to defend themselves if innocent. I think the flight was shot down then a cover up began.

Top 10 facts about lemino/you

I missed you lemino, and your southing voice

i need to build a time machine to watch all of Lemminos new videos in the future

"Cellphone tower had briefly established a connection with an iPhone 5S belonging to the copilot as Flight 370 approached the island of Penang." What about others iPhones? There were more than 230 people on board.

Best video I have watched in 2019.

heh, funkin goonks

What does this guy do for a living?

I just found this channel, and this video is so fucking interesting. I never paid much attention to the Flight MA370 as it's really hard to trully follow anything in the mainstream media and with their own bullshit involved, but god damnit this video concluded it all in just 25 minutes. It just really baffles me and makes me suspicious how we've never supposedly found the wreckage yet with all the god damn technology we have, and whatever the world militaries have, IF it even crashed. It's just really something is hard to believe, even WITH the knowledge that 95% of the oceans are not explored by man. God damn, this is a good channel!

why is it even an option to go off the radar?

We need houtaru on this shit

Wow, this video has been put together really well, incredible job!

They should have let 4chan be in charge of the search for Flight 370. They would probably have found it in 24h

Bruh, you should participate or make a tv channel about these kinds of mysteries, like cicade 3301 and this. You always take these mysteries to the next level aswell. It's interesting as hell. Keep up this btw

Interesting idea. Make a video showing how you found all this information out and the websites which gave you this information. Great video!

Title should be "The Hijacking of Flight 370"

Pilot murder-suicide is the most appropriate...

It was just a prank

Image being a terrorist and hijacking this plane, then the radio fails and you can not communicate and let anyone know you hijacked a plane. :D

that sodomy cases was ridiculous, the rotten government found a sperm inside him after almost a year since the first investigation, yes, it is A SPERM, one sperm ....

Intro: "Just let me know" my brain: *ITS LEMMiNO*

HOLY SHUT HE STILL MAKE VIDS last time I was here this was top ten memes

The quality of your video is so high

Amount of research and creativity in graphics is commendable

I have always suspected the plane was hijacked and landed in Vietnam to be outfitted as a flying bomb.  Guess I was wrong.

Is Lemmino music dead?

There's this article that popped up and it said that the estimations were wrong and proposed a new approximation of where the plane could've crashed. Just thought I'd let you know

You should be on netflix

*This* is the content I'm here for

This guy could put up a video of him reading a phone book and I'd still be subbed.

*alien abduction*

Can't say yours have 0 possibilities (at this moment)...

i were today years old when i found out that LEMMiNO is saying Let me know

this is obviously a false flag nothing disappeared no plane went down this is all coded Illuminati bunch of garbage a bunch of actors and a bunch of Lies. all of you believe everything that comes over the tube in your living room and you are the most mindless idiot fools on the planet for believing such nonsense I suppose you believe that we're spinning endlessly through space on a giant water ball. Fools

Boom boom boom good bye.

"at Koalalumpoor international airport." The swedish accent is marvelous

Whenever I see youtube adds their little bit at the bottom of videos with the official encyclopedia definition of an event, I know the official story is bullshit.

Wow this is my first video of yours and might I say I think you need to stop. You're making all other YouTubers look terrible by making such high quality content

That's hot it is said in a CORRECT way.

민니제니김 I’m with you. It must be an abduction. The parts of plane that were scattered and found in many parts of oceans was a cover up and might have been removed after the incident to support the crash theory.

AkaDo rip

K W I’m sure they landed on some secret remote island that is inhabited by “them”. I don’t know about the virus but you might be correct in sense about the passengers acting as guinea pigs.

Would you do an episode on the Philadelphia Experiment? I love your channel!! @LEMMiNO


Ok wow, like seriously wow, I am so impressed by the way this was produced with outstanding quality. You have earned yourself a subscriber right here. Fabulous work and keep it up.

Hopefully, someday it will be found just like Titanic. But then again D.B Cooper was never found.

IM A MALAYSIAN, AND THIS IS THE BEST ANSWER I HAVE EVER FOUND ON THIS DOCUMENTARY, now you makes me wanna know about magic ! haha LEMMiNO The great history of MAGIC / behind the sence magic

Im from the UK and this is what I believe. 1. Genuine crash in the ocean, and by the time the search started to begin the ocean swallowed all the parts, current etc. 2. A cover up by government.

Anyone from New Zealand will recognize the Auckland ferry building in 21:23

We’ll never know.....

I thought they found that shit already

starting at 9:30 ...Astoundingly detailed tracking of each significant piece of mh370 found, showing a zoom in of each item AND its corresponding location found on the globe... Indian Ocean dispersion modeling graphics ... these are the details that even 60 minutes Australia didn't show in their hour long documentary, but should have ... Lemmino, this is the kind of pertinent detail should get you a journalism award, imo!

370 was abducted by a far greater state of advanced technology than any of us here on earth have even come close to achieving.

I'm not convinced it was a suicidal pilot...but also...I'm not convinced it was an accident...what I am certain of us that the plane and passengers alike suffered an extremely horrific and violent crash witch killed everyone instantly...the plane was shredded into a million tiny pieces and sank into the abyss never to be seen again.Any corpses left afloat would have subsequently been devoured by ocean life....I'm afraid we will never know.

Pilot suicide. Penang is the home island of the pilot. Plane transponder is turned off from the cockpit shortly after the last transmission? Coincidence?

My assumption is that the caption of MH370 did this deliberately if pilot were decapitate because of cabin pressure then flight should have been captured by radars but look like the flight path was carefully controlled to avoid detection new information for me was the practice of this route in simulation by caption this cannot be coincidental this world is full of mysteries and humans are the most mysterious animals

Yo, where the fuck my Uber taking me But does anyone else remember watching this on the news? I remember being a my grandpas house on a chair at like 7:00 in the morning watching the news and this came up

Still can't believe that this video is made by a YouTubers, it looks like a high budget documentaries. Kudos to LEMMiNO ♡

Who was the first the moon? Neil.A how do you spell Neil A backwards...ALIEN...this is a fkn cover up you simple let me speak to your president

may their souls rest in peace

Hijacked and landed by pilots, they knew what to cut Maybe not

What a video! So in depth.

dude i turn off my ad blocker

China toys only last for so long

I'm so excited that you're back. I can't wait to see more content from you, LEMMiNO!

There's been several videos, indicating the plane was located at Diego Garcia , intact. No mention of this in the video. Of course this is a US Government air base. The passenger list may give indication of the reason for this event. Not as perpatrators, but as targets. There were I think engineers, etc. on a particular project that had just been completed. We've learned what happens to useful idiots when Governments are done with them, and they know too much

Great vid can't lie tho starting to miss those top 10s

**insert guy saying 'aliens' here**

Love the quality research done by this channel, simply amazing

why do they even use shit quality mic?

I’m flying tomorrow and this just happens to pop up on my feed....

You should definitely upload more videos of such kind, i.e. intriguing short documentaries which explain deeply and objectively a subject. You will certainly find plenty of content ideas and the history showed that you will have plenty of popularity as well. Probably you are doing also many other activities in your personal life, but this might be really worth of giving it a try. Your video of Cicada is one of my favourite videos I have ever seen on You Tube :))

It's on an island

I just hope and pray one day we’ll find the aircraft

Two blind pilots are at take off speed on the runway. As the plane approaches the end of the runway the passengers start screaming and the pilots take off. One pilot turns to the other and says: "One of these days the passengers aren't gonna scream and we'll all get fucking killed".

"LOST" you know u were thinking it too

My money is on the pilot.

No! It's over smh

The most realistic version is that they crashed into the ocean. But sadly there's no official report about it yet sadly.

maybe targeted by a new weapon?

Me: this guy seems likebthebguy who made the cicada one *checks channel* Me: ohhh

This is such a beautiful video, really well done!

why are there underwater listening stations. Is the government listening in on our scuba dives

Guess i ain't gonna be flying for a whil- *get's an ad to fly to Malaysia*

So it crashed in the ocean, nothing special about that! Take this homemade mediocre documentary with a lot of SALT!

You’ve evolved so much from top10memes

*Gret videos* ✅

Please do one on the Sewol Ferry Accident that happened in South Korea.

Top 10 facts- Naruto Plsss

Excellent documentary.

abducted by aliens!!

This is how a documentary should be made. Well done even given the subject matter. Only one inaccuracy, the depressurisation of the aircraft would lead to the passenger masks falling, they will supply oxygen for around 15-20 minutes to allow the pilots to instigate an emergency decsent to below 15,000 feet. The air outside the plane is sufficient for unaided breathing. The pilots however have specialized breathing equipment that allows longer more variable oxygen supply and specialized comms equipment built in to the mask. The mask is self fitting to ensure that in case of smoke the pilots can still fly. Still a cracking documentary, add me as a subscriber.

swedish accent. hate it

i blame aliens..

I know that there lies a recorder, which is already stollen by an agency. Which as time goes on, will come to light... The planet is huge... Life of a passenger is of no use to search further...

You've cleared the pilot. You're totally wrong in doing that. He's not without HEAVY suspicion.

This Video is better than any Horror Movie

so glad i found this channel. so fucking good

Lost, anyone?

how about the MH 370 morse code incident ?? I saw that news few months ago

Plot twist: LEMMiNO was the hijacker

Bad taste.

Not one mention of religion or terrorism? The names of the pilots sound eerily Islamic?.......

They ended up on and island that had a underground bunker in which you had to enter a specific code so the bunker wouldn't blow up

hey lemmino can you make a video about mass surveillance and freedom of speech next

AWACS jamming ?

I think we might have the first international search mission in history to be initiated by a YouTube video...


And if it was, I don’t think the responsible for this is just gonna watch a YouTube video.

How do you know? We have almost no evidence that that crash was intentional.

Itll pull a "Manifest" and reapper in a few months with the people on board thinking that no additional time had passed.

Anyone knows the music?

Thanks for a great thriller!

This was epic and super engaging, as someone else noted this is far far better than anything produced by mainstream media!

Great fucking video let me know!!

so amazing, only in real life you can get something so mysterious. they didnt find any bodies and very few parts and its can't be confirmed, OMG! why does it have to be my country plan? damn!

Is there MH370 actually existed? Or this is an act of making people who already Vanished Before.................I am sorry , i am just wondering.

Malaysia errr 370 in every response... The captain seem to feel unsure about his plane code?

OMG!!!!!! If you keep doing those air investigations videos YOU LITERALLY WILL BE WAY BETTER THAN AIR CRASH INV. AND MAYDAY AIR CRASH INV. COMBINED!!

Very good document. So far, the best one i have ever seen about MH370.

I can't believe how long ago this whole thing happened. I remember seeing it on the news as if it was only months ago.

this is dajjal conspiracy. the dajjal will come.

its not logic to address anyone expert in the search of MH370 because the plane has not be found or cause of its disappearance solved. Until then all those involved in the search are considered skilled person.

Great quality videos! Music is a nice touch.

Holy damn ffff. I really am impressed by the video, and that even before knowing who made it. But then when I saw it's LEMMiNO. I'm not really that surprised anymore. You're really consistent in doing well!

great video!!

Exquisite work. One of the best documentaries on YouTube

The pilots did it........ who knows why.......... ?

Why dont anybody talk about the flight 370 here...

It’s scary to think that, had flight 370 not gone missing I wouldn’t have my current part time job. The old accountant that worked there lost her husband to the flight and was replaced by my mum who she knew well, which led to me receiving work there every few days. It’s crazy how an event that took place so far away and so high from where I live changed my life for the past 3 years, though I wish they solve this mystery and give the former accountant some closure.

Occam's razor: the companies that do the underwater searches shot it down and planted a bunch of evidence to profit from everlasting searches. The number 1 prime suspect is the american firm (infinity searches or something like that) that apparently decided to continue searching by itself when the search was called off... obviously they planned to drop the remains of the plane somewhere around where they went looking for it, but it either got covered by debris on the ocean floor after they dropped it, or they never managed to put it there on the first place because satellites where constantly monitoring and they woulda been caught.

How can today be lost a modern aircraft in the 21st century and thousands of satellites rotate over us,I think satellites do not exist

There better not be any Thanos jokes.

LEMMiNO, can you please make a video about the Trayvon Martin Case?

If the little evidence we have it seems that the pilot did it and we will likely not find out why for a very long time and only if the black boxes are found by accident.

Never got on an airplane with pilots that have muslim like names. Obvious terrorist shit. both pilots where probably in on it. End of story. And the whole story, and title every video gives this incident is misleading, I though it had actually vanished. It was just taken over and crashed in the ocean. Thought this was something like the bermuda trinagle or some shit. Also this video is too long, all the things he talk about he knows isnt true, its for the sake of lenght. Other videos know what happend, now its just about finding the plane, and that was years back. Lemmino...

Do the other Malaysia Airline shot down over Ukraine in the same year.

the CIA and Israel are behind this, mark my words

In my opinion, these documentaries are the best videos on your channel. You should definatley make more of these.

wait wtf?! this was not told in my country's ( malaysia ) news. just the progress of the search and bla bla bla about the blackbox

this is a true story and idc if you dont believe it or not(im not gonna say which school she's in or what's her name or her missing friend's name): i still remember i was 14 at that time and the next day there was no class because of that incident so our counselling teacher came to check on us and she was trying to talk some stuff with her and we were talking about other stuff until one of my friend suddenly ask if she heard about the flight MH370 disappearance and she said she know about it and the first thing she did was called this family because she knew that one of her friends was on board of that flight and while talking to us she burst into tears that the the girls in my class try to comfort her. She was so heartbroken by the incident as the person was her best friend who guided her so many times in the past and we were all grieving because of it. I really wish that authorities around the world would still put (even if its small it counts) efforts in finding the boeing 747 that was missing. i want my teacher to know that her friends will be okay but till now she still have those grief even when i graduated. she shows us the photo of her with her friends. she tell story about her and when we made small memorial for it she will all her strength put up the picture of her missing friends without breaking down. i am so sorry for the family that has their loved one missing in the flight and i pray that this plane will be found one day

I've been learning about molecular dissociation and I feel that's exactly what happened to it from a satellite that is controlled by some pretty evil son's of bitches. It's a new technology I believe was used on the 9-11 Trade Towers too. Many of us are still searching and we're closing in on them too.

Your video is nice but its not factual. In fact a lot of what you might of researched is unsubstantiated and untrue. If you want a true expert on this case follow Frenchman Mr. Ghyslain Watterloos. He lost his entire family on this plane and he's been seeking answers ever since.

RE: The Captain. It;s likely that the route information found on his simulator, was planted there, by the same people who had planned this or who had wanted his plane to disappear. These people could've easily hacked his computer from a remote source and loaded the false route etc. Likewise the same people could've remotely hijacked the plane , as some commercial planes do have ability to be controlled by remote access, even if pilots are unaware that their plane is equipped to do so. The "false" simulator route and the "false" satellite info which subsequently and suddenly and "brilliantly" surfaced could all be part of the "plan". So why? There was a news report in early days about some businessmen who were on board and en route to a meeting in Beijing, where they were supposedly going to present some major "break-through" technology/invention. If the pilot and co-pilot had no obvious reason to commit suicide, and if none of the search authorities have any answers, and if the plane cannot be found, then it is likely it was hijacked remotely, and landed at the American Naval Base, pilots and passengers disposed of, and then re-flown back into some very remote area of the Indian Ocean. The Americans are pretty good at intelligence and false flag stuff and flying remote controlled airplanes. Strange that the plane flew near or over the naval base. I don't know but.... something seems very fishy. SOMEONE KNOWS..... what happened to the plane.

Very nice piece. Clear, good graphics and simple terms used. However you never once mentioned the theory of the Diego Garcia option.......... I know its all a bit James Bond etc, but the debris field from those beaches is very small and those Islands are much closer to Garcia than Australia. You would of thought by now a body or a larger piece would of been found. I was interested in the iphone 5s signal though, given over 200 people on board would of had phones, not a single distress call or text was ever seemingly sent or received. The litium-ion batteries... were these inside that piece of equipment that the 10 Chinese Nationals had onboard..... seems weird how the USA got that contract after this plane went missing. I don't buy the Captain had a melt down and did all this. If your going to crash a plane via mass suicide, then why go to all that trouble. He could of caused a crash anywhere but he would of needed to incapacitate the co-pilot and crew and all those passengers first before making the flight changes. Then heading 6 hours South...... I dont know. Its sad, yet very interesting. I hope the truth does come out.

Is it possible it just couldn't navigate due to some systme failure and couldn't figure out how or where to land so crashed into the ocean

Somali airplane pirates strikes again

transponders should be untamperable… did we not learn from 9/11??

Lemming should do a video on 4chan

I'm not saying it's aliens, but........


Nobody entered the crypts from the walls, it was the dead Starks disturbed from their sleeps.

More documentaries

If it hit the water at speed you aren't going to find wreckage on the ocean floor. it'll be bits scattered everywhere,

I took the same flight a week prior lol

Here's a thought... Pilots should just wear oxygen at all times like fighter pilots JUST in case?

turned off ad blocker for you :)

The island has taken them.

Great. Now I can't sleep tonight. Edit: grammar

I think capitan behaved very normally until the copilot left the cabin then he hijacked the plane, turned of the transponders and deviated from course. When the copilot and other understood that it was not a joke, they tried to break the door but the capitan performed several very dangerous maneuvers threatening all that if they won't stop he will crash the plane. He intentionally chose a very remote route over the sea so passagers phones won't be able to catch any GSM signals to inform authorities. He wanted to crash the plane as remotely as possible so that nobody to be able find the black boxes and find out the evil truth about him.

I dont quite understand the assumption made that it just continued to fly straight into the indian ocean following 2 abrupt turns

I suspect the lithium battery shipment caught fire, the crew attempted to fight it, , then turned off the AC packs, to stop the smoke accumulation. turned off avionics while attempting to isolate the source or the fire did it for them. They then got overcome by smoke , with the fire extinguished, then passed out and the plane flew until it ran out of fuel .

This is the content I want

Don Lemon from CNN said black holes stole it. CNN is (((real))) news

That is absolutely false. Don Lemon was reading various conspiracy theories off of twitter and called the black hole theory "preposterous", and then asked someone else if they also thought it was preposterous, and they agreed with him. Don Lemon most certainly did not say that black holes stole it, and I have no clue how you came to that conclusion.

I think a terrorist tried to hijack the plane and do a 9/11 situation on Beijing but wasn’t able to do it perfectly and most systems were down. As this person was captured, the plane started going down. The pilots tried to steer the plane up and were successful but since they didn’t have the navigation system, they went the wrong way. And before they knew it, the plane crashed in the sea due to it being incapable of adjusting to the denser air. The remains are at the bottom of the sea somewhere around the arctic and most is covered in coral, making it harder to stop. But that’s just a theory, a aviation theory.

I am impressed by this documentary. More professionally done in gathering and presenting information than TV station studio. You got a new sub!

3M subs is waaaaaay too low for the quality of this channel.

Its bcz of cicada 3301, the 5th puzzle...

Must be the captain. 1. What little evidence there is points to control. 2. Other explanations are less likely. 3. The Malaysian govt has a vested interest in leaving this as a mystery and I think are hiding / covering something up.

Please make a video of the vanishing of 'Top 10 Facts - 2018'

The quality and atmosphere of this shit is amazing

Might I reccomend exploring the history and interesting explorations of the arctic circle

mariana trench is where it is at.

I may have see that aircraft when i was in penang that day.. I was in gurney area that time and saw a plane were flying low... But i wasnt sure if that was mh370 but i know that that plane was a malaysia airlines

no, what really happened was that some fucker forgot to turn his phone off

morseCoder ?

UFO s WeirD CYBorG channel

NEW! Awesome New Zealand channel

WeirD CyBorG

WeirD CyBorG channel 2019 Awesome New Zealand scenery Awesome music!

WeirD CyBorG channel 2019 New Floydian style music from morsEcoder

the most Impeccable impartial reporting I have yet seen on this subject . once again your quality is 100%

very good documentary.

Kudos ....what a video .... wow, keep doing this with other unsolved accidents ... CONGRATULATIONS...

What mystery? Do people not realize how huge the ocean is? There was no definitive way to mark where it went down so it was pretty much impossible to find.

We till today still find it hard to accept how Boeing 777 vanished in thin air.

Maybe Bran the Three-Eyed Raven can help us solve this mystery after the end of its season finale

When Boeing planes crash outside the USA they always blame the foreign pilots

Wait ! IF the co-pilot's phone briefly established a connection with a cell phone tower, doesn't that imply that the plane must have reduced it's altitude significantly ? If so, that implies there was a reason for them to drop. Enough of an issue to investigate a possible landing near by ? Why else lower the altitude around Penang ????

No doubt the captain took it down. They found almost exact path on his home flight simulator, thats a smoking gun right there.

Didn't know they were making another series of Lost

This is why onboard wifi should be free of charge so every passenger can have access to update their well-being to their family and friends.

This is a beautiful video about a horrible incident. Thank you for taking the time to make it.

Wonderful documentary film. We will never find out the reason.


Best documentary about mh370.

very good video

Never mentioned aliens....just sayin....


then you see those videos showing how the universe was created ect, yet they could not fight find a simple plain right here on earth.

They don't want us to know.

I got one word for you guys about this....... ALIENS

are you serious?

What a delightful video. Thanks.

wasn't the plane found crashed in Vietnam or something. The London Daily Express reported on this but then again it's a pretty dodgy news paper.

Very good quality. I sure appreciate when an aviation topic is covered with knowledge on subject! Keep up the quality level! Subscribed

Anyone know the music playing at 23:36 ?

I can think of at least 4 accident findings, quite a bit of specific aircraft technical data, eye witness testimony, and various national intelligence data that was omitted from this video that would leave anybody guessing as to what happened. I know exactly what happened. Who am I? I'm an aircraft mechanic of over 30 years experience and I am certified on 777's, the very same type of aircraft. I reported my findings to my local FAA rep; but, got no where with it; because, people prefer "mysteries" and hijacking "theories"; instead of looking at the facts and seeing how it all could have happened. I will admit as to one piece of cover-up; which was even corrected late in the investigation. It was criminal to even allow for that to happen; but, with politics involved, it's no surprise. The root cause of the accident were the batteries being shipped in the cargo hold; and, I can explain point by point as to what and how it happened.

Plane was shot down obviously

One of the best video content on MH370. Dislikes? Must be some cardi B fans or some nut cases lurking to find the plane on their own. Kudos to LEMMINO. Gotta share this with others since most of the content is actually legit (don't ask me how I know). Cheers!

You idiots havn’t found it yet? I solved the MH370 mystery within 2 weeks. I notified news agencies and governments of my findings and it was all ignored or swept under the carpet. MH370 will never be found because nobody wants it Found! FAKE NEWS FRAUD!

The plane is on the ocean floor. Hope that helps!

The deepstate cabal brought the flight down.

Next video should be about those Thai kids who got stuck in a cave for 10 days...

Probably the best documentary on MH370.

Can you do top 10 unsolved codes or hidden treasures? Love your vids:)

It is a Muslim Pilot who decided to make a suicide terror act on infidel passengers. Just like his religion told him to do so.

Can you do an episode on how common myths that create bad luck like breaking a mirror, spilling salt, walking under a ladder etc. originated, and when?

Guys I know the answer -It ran out of fuel- -engine failure- *ALIENS*

So the Captain said good night and everything seemed perfectly fine & calm 1min.43 seconds later the plane vasihed from radar! ... Hmmmmm i very much doubt it was a technical issue. I think eveyhting points towards pilot suicide

It was Aliens!

*CNN has entered the chat*

What about a episode about Soviet Union secrets ir mysteries ..???

Its Alien conspiracy..!! Some fools still believe its an accident..!!

top 10 facts garry's mod

Not saying it's Aliens...but it's Aliens...14:00 it was inside a UFO...

I suggest you should make these documentary in 2.35:1 aspect ratio. It'd feel even more EPIC! Anyone else thinks the same?

Professionals have now confirmed that Cap. Zaharie is the and only main cause. i as a Malaysian WILL NOT FEED ON SUCH CONFIRMATION. like you have placed in the video. the flight being recorded on the Sim may not be one flight. it is so Painful that just to have a story and fame about who have solved the problem have confirmed the death of hundreds. confirming the fault to be someone that could be innocent. its painful. It's cold. FIND THE WRECKAGE TO CONFIRM ANYTHING AT ALL. Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir have resumed the search. that is all i know and care about. until the Flight is found only then the judgement can be placed under fair trial. How i hope i can solve the mystery for the sake of my Beloved Country men and women that is lost in the flight. i have no ability nor knowledge. But this i pray that one day. we can find the plane and properly solve this mystery. And hopefully in my lifetime.

370. 32 Right. Cleared for take-off. Good night 32 Right. Cleared for take-off. MAS370. Thank you. Bye. Love you 370. 32 Right what?

+Yurimail uhh i do. I read a lot even before the missing of mh370. But I'm just surprised about the disclosure about many information in my country

If case you didn't know, searching Black box is very important because it record any voices on cockpit and flight data. It the key to solve this mysterious MH370 disappearance.

"Trumps involvement suspected" - American media

There's no way that you can lose a whole damn airplane with all the technology available even back then. I think that plane landed somewhere

For me it was set up.. cut out connections, plane crash set up, hide all components of plane, salvage of people.. Maybe reasons: -Illegal Goods inside lagguage (maybe the check up of lagguage failed, or the one who check up the lagguage is also with them and set up and the ones who set up will go according to plan for the check up was unsuccesfully failed from the personel incharged) -important person which is to look at(maybe they will get intel or not possible because there must be hostage) - captain took their or his/her own life - rebel inside the plane (suicide bomber or something else)

This guy Lemmino does high quality work!!

Maybe it drifted into american air space

Aliens abducted the whole plane and teleport it to an alien planet. They will only be in alien planet for a day but will be 100 years Earth time. They will be back with alien technology and cure for cancer in the year 2114.

I think we are up to 1000 possibilities of what may of happened??? By the so called experts it's never ending. Will we ever know?? But a fantastic video and awesome music

Thanos did that

Excellent documentary!

The second day we already were screaming Diego Garcia, then the whole world started to point Eastwards towards Australia. We had Google Earth videos of Diego Garcia's underwater structures, within and outside off the eastern coast. Now you cant see it anymore on Google Earth. Many Youtubers already suspected DG, as there were witnesses in Maldives of the airplane going towards DG. You have zero of these info I am saying, now Lemmino if you are being paid by someone, or are you foolishly ignorant, trying to be smart?

That's why we need Avengers.

Did he just say Boeing seven seventy-seven?


Gotta say, I’m kinda disappointed scrolling the comment section and not seeing any theories or ideas thrown out there. So Youtubers, what do you think happened to MH370?

I'm pretty sure they got snapped by Thanos.

The most reliable news source I know

As a Chinese, the MH370 really makes me sad...

Its a man made incident, whether it’s by the crew onboard or other organisations that’s the question. It’s sad and disappointed that it remains unsolved to this date.

The fact that it flew back over Malaysia is disturbing. I think Australia made more of an effort to find the plane and figure out what actually happened than any other country. They should be commended for that.

Diego Garcia

Again, all you need is one white whale to prove that not all whales are black, grey or blue. Find one proven piece, and you do know the plane broke up. Then it just became a question of where and how. And why it was there.

He flew south to check the flat earth theory, around Australia radar air space. They took the pilot PC with the flight sim to see where he was flying, he used it to test when he would run out of fuel and how far he get coming around to the the north pole. It just disappeared never to be found.

most clean cut investigation documentary I've seen to date by an amateur, you sir is what we call a professional to the highest degree!

Yess. I miss your voice.

i have to wonder if the plane even took off to begin with , im starting to think this is a huge cover up for something much much bigger ... i think everyone on board were eventually kill by the government all so called data showing it was in flight were 100% fabricated and the plane quickly disassembled with part being dropped into the ocean many months later with hopes they be found in an effort to misguide the investigation.things just don't add up , my thoughts make it so much more clear

You know where they're gonna find Malaysia Flight 370? The last place they look

Jason F


Avengers Endgame quantum time travels possibilities.greatest technology

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

2:15 is that a scream in the beginning of the audio

Well made and easy to follow informative video. I'd give you more then 1 like if I could.

Not unlikely flight 370 was remotely guided. Lithium is very valuable these days, especially to U.S. military. The planes that hit the twin towers were by remote and its impossible they were commercial planes because commercial planes couldn’t make that sharp angle of a turn.

Mike Williams lll this has got to be one of the worst 9/11 theories I’ve ever heard...surely even someone with your level of intelligence should be able to find some flaws in it right

Why would a military modified 767 be able to maneuver more than a commercial one? The only way that would be possible is reducing on board weight but other then that it’s the same aircraft

sad history,i from malaysia

Just let me know?

Its probably chilling at the bottom of the ocean. Its sad but im sure we'll find it eventually

If it was terrorism they would have just crashed the plane on the flight path they were on. Not to mention terrorists usually want their motives and intent known. With the vastness of the ocean (if it's even there at all) this will never be solved. My personal opinion is that the moves we're to avoid detection and someone on that plane was of very high value to a government. Important enough to kill everyone on board and obtain that person. Possibly even pay off the pilots

Brilliantly done!

Hmmm, maybe Freescale patent holders and Jacob Rothschild have something to do with it. IDK

What about all the cell phones with GPS tracking?

narratören får det att låta som uppdrag granskning eller något

wow '

Amazing video with excellent graphics/visualizations and a clear, serious, measured narration. (By the way, Reunion is a French overseas department and should therefore not be pronounced like the English word reunion.)

I still think the plane went north rather than south, across Burma, a Chinese ally with a military dictatorship, and landed in eastern Tibet, controlled by the Chinese military. Once landed, the Chinese could have disassembled the plane and dropped pieces of "evidence" on the western side of the Indian Ocean. Why would they do that? There were engineers on board that worked for a company developing practical invisibility technology. Imagine what that would do for the balance of military power in the region and the world. Haul the researchers off to a secret laboratory and pretend the plane crashed far to the south in the Indian Ocean. The wreckage hasn't been found because there is none. The plane, what's left of it, is sitting in a hanger somewhere on a Chinese military base.

Nerd...go get black box

CIA kidnapping for the secret space program

Its in diago garcia American military Base. Small island direction of the planes suggested final route

The question is who was in the passenger list and why you haven't mention it ??

ALiens!! This is what they do

They can track your phone. But not a plane.

Thanks for LEMMiNO

"Vanishing" is not a word [in this context], try "disappearance". What else have you misunderstood/misconstrued in the rest of the video?

Does anyone know the background music around 9:45 onwards I swear i've heard it before in a video game or something!

sounds most similar to TWA Flight 800. the only flight on Air Crash Investigations that was 'unsolved'

I thought maybe a mid air collision, no way to land or even descend, set the autopilot for the middle of nowhere and as the last of the oxygen ran out; think to yourself: I wonder if anybody will ever figure this out.

Paradox?Internet shows how small the world is ...missing plane shows how big the world is

Holy shit dude, I just got recommended this video, not having watched any of your content since the Rage Comic videos. Good to see you after 5 years.

I thought Don Lemon solved this and it went into a black hole... along with his journalistic skills, integrity and objectivity?

clearly James Cameron needs to get involved

The vanishing of top ten memes

so much questions here ! why the malaysian took 4hrs to déclare the plane lost ? ,why the malaysian waited 5days to tell they saw the plane coming back from there own military radars ,why he cannot see the famous datas from immarsat? why boeing do not tell about the datas from the engines all a long ? what about the truth for the cargo bay ? how about the most watched area in the wolrd ,(awacks.submarines.fighter planes ,radars civil and military .satellites ..) ans we lost a plane? how about the chineses, very short investigation for the most people on board , and they have the ability of sendind a probe on hiden face of the moon, and what about the FBI, they never been invinted for the investigation but they where the first to take the famous simulator? and i can go on and on like that , use your own logic here a 777 er 200 , going at aminimum speed over the indien ocean will leave a lot debris ,parts, floating stuff,, and all the parts they supossed be from a 777 ,it only powder inyour eyes , journalysts and investigators saw those parts and they cannot confirm it is coming from the mh370, for myself i got my own theory but this it is a other story , to much coinsidence here , think about the JFK story until now we still don't know and ,after more 5years it is still one of the bigest mystery of aviation. Accident or cover up! ????

can someone send me the link to the video at 22:30? i really wanna see the full version but i couldn't find it through his credits page ;-;

See you guys again in 5 months.....

Just a suicidal pilot.

Yawn it crashed

Wh would a pilot be able to cut satellite signal? How should that even be possible ? Unless they want to disappear. Try to take out a GPS signal for an ATM machine and see how quick the cops get to you.

Top 10 Facts Dota 2 pls

They were lying when they said the captain said goodnight MH370 in sad voice.. he was responding which is so normal! WTF .. I feel they shoot the plane

That is a nice documentary, and I enjoyed watching it. However, I was a bit disappointed because there are a few missing pieces in this documentary, and I am surprised that Lemmino did not mention about these at all: 1. The Malaysian military data showing that the plane made a U-turn back to Malaysia was released a few **days** after the first searches were conducted in the sea between Malaysia and Vietnam. This means that some people knew the plane had turned back to Malaysia probably a few **minutes** after it actually happened, but no one said anything and let the searches start in the wrong area. Which feels like some people were trying to buy time. But for what? Curiously, nobody ever mentions about this intriguing yet very crucial point. 2. The official investigations and the media totally gave up on the stories of several witnesses from the Maldives who swore they had seen a plane flying lower than it should in the early morning of March 8, 2014. The times at which these witnesses said they had seen that plane are consistent with the last known direction of MH 370 and the time it would have taken the plane to fly from that last known point to the Maldives. Why was this investigation lead abandoned? 3. Security camera footage at the security checkpoint at Kuala Lumpur airport when the passengers of flight MH 370 were being screened showed two men going through the X-ray gates and making the lights blink without anybody paying attention and letting them go through without being further checked. Who were those people? Were they on that flight? If yes, were they supposed to be on that flight? Again, not many efforts seem to be allocated to determine who those two men were. In any case, I am still surprised to see that after spending so much time and money searching for the wreckage of the plane in the Southern Indian Ocean with absolutely no results, nobody has every thought about investigating the 3 points mentioned above, in particular points 1 and 2. So yes, the disappearance of MH 370 is a mystery, but it is very difficult to believe that nobody knows what really happened. Just the fact that the Malaysian military knew that the plane made a U-turn but did not bother informing the investigators and media until a few days later (and let the expensive and timely searches start in the Vietnam Sea for nothing for a few day) may suggest that the disappearance of that plane is not a mystery to everybody.

A very informative and high quality content video with a shitty comment section. Only few relates about the missing airplane.

I have keen interest in this subject matter and watched many documenties and read many books and must say this is one of the best if not the best, never knew about the altitude fluctuation, they said the manoeuvre made buy the suicide pilot (baggage handler, God Rip) in Seattle couldn't have been pulled of but yet it did, might mean something similar here. Thanks

If It was a shotdown of the entire power system then reboot It probably took them out of guard. All data info on the cabin would be erase or in former position. Before the shotdown there were much position, coordinates and data..i don't know if there's any chance of putting that together no radio, no comunication. We don't know what was left all those hours since the first lose of contact that were usuful to them on keeping it intact.

thank you very much for not stretching the video beyond necessity.

Why does your narration have to be done with intrusive music? You can play your stupid tunes when you are not talking, and silence it while you are talking.

Excellent. Thanks.....

Oh god i really love your videos! Your documentary always so beautifully edited and easy to understand :D

What software and course should I go through to make doc's like this ?

I hope the following mystery to be solved before i die MH370 Madeleine mccann the dyatlov pass incident

MH 370 sleeps with the fishes

I think they got shot down

Apart from Human interventions like terrorist attack hijacking accidents or sudden engine failure. I still believe Natural Matters are exist. Like Bermuda Triangle or something. OCEAN is the most frightening thing in this world

Awesome coverage ✌️

its very weird how there were 7 rings and thats an ariana grande song???????????

If all commercial aircraft has Auto Pilot. Then, it can be control via Satelite or Radio Frequency from elsewhere. Undetected & unknown to the pilots, as it is on Auto Pilot.

What if one day the flight mh370 came back???.......

that's what i was thinking i mean can you imagine if that happens?

they should had also check the possibilities of all the passenger phone cloud backups, at least some of the passengers record any suspicious event and somehow it been uploaded on cloud backup :/

Aarif Hussain Khan Genius.

The survivors are probably now investigating Dharpa facilities and fighting black smoke

+Hyrochi1 i too watched it when it was released. But since I know this "Dharma" language, I could tell the difference :-p

Jhingur yeah I guess, it was a long time ago I watched Lost

Dharma... dingus

Very nice opening shot. Pity is ISN'T a B777. It' not even an Boeing. It's an Airbus A320.

*A L I E N S*

Captain zaharie turn off transponder, killing all passengers

It will be a mystery for many years , only professional science will discovery the truth

Better then air crash investigation

The poor families and friends... the amount of pain it must be for them not knowing the reason for the crash..and if it was a malfunction, it's something aviation experts will not be able to examine to avoid for future flights.. on another note, thank you for your videos, the quality is outstanding.

Was it teleported to a parallel dimension?

It's completely impossible to believe that none of the 3 countries in that area scrambled interceptors for an unresponsive airliner, who are they trying to kid with this? When an airliner goes off it's route and fails to respond to communication attempts fighter interceptors are always scrambled to go see what is going on and the fact that this is not mentioned at all makes me believe the whole story is fishy! You can easily bet everything you've ever had that one of those countries interceptor pilots saw what happened to MH370...plain and simple

Top 10 facts about fortnite

Sounds like it was an explosion

that was an outstanding presentation. well done!

I went from watching Top 10 meme facts to watcthing this in this channel.

Betting a dollar that it will be found before the next video

SUBSCRIBED. A fascinating study of the last events of #370.

What a great, clear and factual documentary! This is very impressive!

Its really hard to earn my sub,even with the highest quality content creator I still think thousand times before I press that red button. But here,take it.

several micro technology company reps were on that plane who also had military contracts. nanotech

thank you LEMMiNO, very cool.

What a great video this is, well done. A perfect cover up on what's known and what's suspected. It is evident the plane crashed somewhere in the indic, it's just not clear why. The first turn in the direction of Penang might be explained as a try to hide the airplane while traveling along the Malaysian - Thai boarder, along Sumatra and then turn into open water. On the other side, Penang airport was the closest alternate from the point it disapered, it has a long enough runway to land a B777 and the CPT. knows it well. In case of any incident that requires to go for an alternate and bring the plane down quickly, you don't need to guess where the captain would be heading. A fire onboard could explain the loss of systems, though it seems to be unlikley. But it's a possibility, and it would explain why the first turn was made (to perform an emergency landing at the closest alternate in Penang) and when the fire moved on it knocked out the crew. Note that a fire must not have left traces at the debris found. Whitout finding the wreckage, it will stay a mistery.

Please help me answer this: At < 15:00, the video states that the headings around Indonesia and the Strait of Malacca (sp?) could have been programmed. How possible is it then that a fire caused the transponder to fail, and the captain turned back for the nearest runway, but programmed the headings so that if he and the crew lost consciousness before reaching the runway, the plane would crash on water instead of on land? I know that scenario may be far-fetched, but if it is incorrect, then the only answer is pilot suicide/murder because nothing else fits. An attempted high-jacking to Christmas Island makes no sense because no reasonable motive can exist. Christmas Island has a thousand inhabitants, and a large plane landing there would be detected and reported to Australian authorities.

Best documentary Of mh370

Any excuse for an upload 'eh. This subject has been well covered over the years, so what you can teach us is irrelevant. The plane is on the ocean floor south of Christmas island & will be found eventually. In the mean time, how about you go find some of your own material & stop uploading repeats! PS: didn't even watch your shit!

Obvious solution: _Aliens_

Well done documentary

Anyone who knows Malaysia well and the old corrupt government knows their police cannot be trusted..... No one should believe their police investigation regarding the pilot.

@3:50... Some inaccuracies here... 5 years ago, Malaysia has no military radar coverage over their northern region. Their military radar in that area has not been working for a while... The military radar information regarding the plane's turn came from her neighbours. That's the reason why everyone was searching the South China Sea for 3 days before they reveal 'new' radar information indicated the turn.

One day we will know the truth. There will another life that god will judge everything.. what we have done.

One day in the near or far future, MH370 will emerge from the abyss and suddenly appear on radar right where it disappeared, continuing on its course to Beijing. MH370 is stuck in time. This will be covered up and we will never know the truth. Count on it.

370 didn't vanish. It ditched in the ocean after running out of fuel. It was hijacked and forced to fly to Australia. It never got there. Everything that happens is meant to happen. They will be found; the truth will be revealed, when it is right to do so. (UK)

Legends say the plane is still looking for the airport.

Anyone else find it strange that large nations will readily expend millions of dollars to try to find 250 people, but don't care that millions of people are starving every day in places we could easily deliver food to?

When’s the next top 10 memes video

when the terrorist is flight captain himself, that's nothing much can be done to stop his act.

but hey thats just a theory, an aircraft theory!!!

Hey can you do a video about THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT?

*When you accidentally install NordVPN on the plane.*

Fuck you

Hard to imagine this guy used to make top 10s fact about porn and memes... times have changed

Man.... THE BEST ONE EVER!!!!!

so it met an accident, good to know

interesting documentary video ,,,,one thing for sure we know about this sad incident is, if someone intended to make this incident difficult to resolve ,he could not of done a better job

Very easy to turn off a 777 transponder. Be it pilot or hijacker. I sure hope we solve this mystery someday for all these inquiring minds and the families of victims.

In my opinion, this aircraft was taken down by a troubled Muslim pilot that new what he was doing to disable the electronics so he could get his mission of destruction done. Pissed off by something in his life, he had no feelings for those on board. He was hoping to get his virgins for his warped practice.

I hate no one Franklin. But muslims are good at taking the lives of many at one time. I believe in the real God and His Son Jesus Christ. Not some made up being.

you are a heartless and despicable trouble muslim haters !

The pilors of this flight were Sum ti N'won We tu lo Holi fung Bang ding owww OK ALL JOKES A SIDE, im sorry any people that are affected by this devastating new, my dad him self is a Pilot and i woundt want him to vanish like this, no trace no nothing.

hope your father's plane crash whilst fucking a gay steward on board

very sad. I hope the eventually find what happened.

Married with 3 children. That sounds like a pedophile.

Freescale and government won 107 billions dollars

Poor victims. Rip

What kind of accent does he have?

Its difficult to call this an accident. The fact, that everything started once they were just leaving Malaysian Airspace should proof that.

TOP 10 FACTS 2018 ????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

This is scaryyyy

It was hijacked and landed in Diego Garcia, there were some high profile passengers on board.

The plane went to Diego Garcia someone on the plane transmitted a image which was black but the information sent shows the call came from Diego Garcia with audio on the message indicating they were imprisoned on Diego Garcia by someone that was on the plane

I have watched some others on this flight. The pilot had been doing flight simulators at his home on how to make an airplane disappear without evidence. He had it planned and he would have had to have killed the co-pilot(s) right away and then depressurized the cabin, so the passengers would have slowly went into hypoxia and then death for them. That way people were not calling or texting from cell phones. He wanted to go to the Indian Ocean, because of it's depth apparently. And if he did a direct dive from a great height at full speed directly into the water below, the plane would break into so many small pieces, it would be hard to find, if not impossible. The pilot manually turned off all of the satellite and black boxes, etc.

MH370 never crashed, if It had, it would have broken into hundreds of thousands if not millions of pieces.

Internet makes the world small. A missing plane makes the world big.

This is one amazing, fact-filled video, better than many documentaries Lemmino.. I hope you make more videos on mysteries.. Good work.

What about the reports soon after the crash that the plane passengers phones were actually ringing out for a time after they went missing? I read that somewhere after the crash

Suicidal pilot.

His middle name was Ahmad, nuff said.

Najib Razak hide the plane. 2 tragedies occured involving 2 MAS Boeing in the same year. Which is MH17 was shot down a few weeks after the MH370 vanished. Aren't that very suspicious?. That is not coincidence, but a setup by Corrupted Government.

Love these vids but would also like to see some more top 10s

West Philippine Sea*

.....for now it seems the vanishing of flight 370 will remain a mystery.

There's an Australian show which used various experts to conclude this was a controlled landing. Your evidence suggests otherwise, and from the found debris it seems the aeroplane broke up completely on hitting the sea, leading the logical conclusion to be that there's nothing to find, the pieces having been dispersed across the world. This makes more sense to me if it WAS a deliberate act; as no-one will ever find a crash site. Somehow I can't believe the captain would do this, and I suspect the men travelling on false passports, but we'll never really know the truth.

One of the pilots committed suicide as it was NOT an "accident". VERY simple.

Patrick EH what are you talking about?

Can you do S.T.A.L.K.E.R. next?

As a Malaysian, I am saddened by the incident. Rest In Peace to all victims

The coordinates of the iphone 5s was a picture sent which had all the metadata saying it was at an american airforce base??

I was thinking the exact same thing! Kinda weird because that's what Ive been scrolling the comments for.

Eventually the heavy parts stay there and turn into ocean floor, unable to be spotted and lighter material is long gone now (it drifted away). We’ll never find it.

Top 10 facts - space part 9


Plot twist : it's in my backyard Double plot twist : I don't have a backyard

Thank you, a clear and unbiased presentation of the known facts together with neutral presentation of theories. Certain professional news companies should take notes.

MH370 is the biggest malaysian government cover up.

damn ads

either Russia or US shot down the plane. Knowing the history of conflict between the three powers in the Asia Pacific region, it's possible... just saying

Hi malaysia im from indonesia your brother im sad youtube let me this in recommended

Moeslem Pilot.........

I just love your videos


No mention of the passenger list , you would have seen the twenty four owners and top scientists of Freescale , the Chinese owned nuclear scientists who design all the weaponry for the advancement of weapon systems mainly sold to the American Military I`m presuming . The shock I read , weeks after the plane went missing , was that Lord Jacob Rothschilds had inherited the company !!!! Was that real ? Was that legal ? Or was that the real reason the plane went missing in the first place ! A huge cover up ? Then , conveniently , a couple of years later , the same airline`s MH17 gets shot down by a Bhuk Missile over S. E. Ukraine , more lies and cover ups and finger pointing , then all quiet for a long time , hoping people would forget about it !! Low and behold information about how some of the body parts were long decomposed compared to the fresh ones from the tragedy , plus passports not belonging to anybody from that flight , real confusing , was it supposed to be ?? Certainly a cover up , and no results from the half dozen inquiries , makes you wonder !!!

Is it just me, or are there a lot of bots in the comment section?

fucker CIA know where the planes being hiding and evil shit they do to the passenger !

I believe it was a conspiracy

i was really small when this happened. i remembered drawing many pictures of aeroplanes at the time. as a malaysian myself, it really saddened me so i hope it gets solved soon.

The minute the plane was reported missing , is when the lies started !!

Could a crew member other than the pilots had access to the transponder equipment.

Im more interested in the conclusion of this story than I am for the conclusion of Game of Thrones at this point

18:01 HE WAS A PEDO!1!!!11!!

That Plane was abducted

I still remember the day when this happened. It was one of my worst days and I was returning home and listening to the news on my car radio when they mentioned the story.

You should make a video about human cloning!

Such a cool video, and unbelievably made by a Youtuber with somewhat small amount of subscribers compared to News Outlets. Love the detail in this, and it still leaves me with so many conspiracies on what actually happened.

two muzzy pilots, and anyone even questions why this went down. HONK HONK

How are you able to do documentaries better than TVs? lol, the only missing thing in this wonderful documentary is a little bit of interview parts inserted in some parts of the video, which creates intensity and also better change of rhythm.

This documentary really awesome & it has more infomation than the news in the Malaysia.

Only ACP Pradyuman can solve this case. Only.

The cause of fall is still unknown. No conclusions.

I know you're probably already working on another video but I would love if in sometime later you could cover the disappearance of the Mary Celeste.

Amazing content! New sub here

Next video: Climate Change

Am I the only one here to think that the mh17 that crashed in Ukraine, 4 months later, it's the same plane?.

Top ten facts red dead redemption

maybe there is like a portal/dimension there like with the bermuda triangle but probably UFOS

Idk but i highly doubt the transparency of malaysian govt official to reveal the facts and if they have good will to solve this. They have the established reputation to ignore or sweep dirty secrets under the rug rather than addressing it...

You have two Mohammed worshipping pilots that is all you need to know.

I respect the work. This video is so well made in every aspect.

hmm, where do you come from? sounds littlebit like a strange swedish accent..

You can't find the truth, not even spending 5 years more. Why you should find it out? The truth is classified. Only fact: the victims took the wrong flight at the wrong time. This is the only thing for you to know. If you are allowed to know, you should have known five years ago.

Quality content ✌️✌️

Keep up the "Quality over Quantity" content we enjoy your vids :D

Nobody: MH370: Haha, I'm invisible now!

well this might be CIA job or some shit

0:38 you could of just say triple 7

Really excellent channel, thanks for taking the time to make such thorough and satisfying videos.

That plane landed at Diego Garcia and was sold or traded in another star system. The occupants were sold into slavery or murdered.

omg i cant believe this was like 5 years ago it felt like a year at most lol

This and Think Anomalous are the two best channels on YouTube

It won't let me sub to you?

If the trajectory is indeed correct, it is obvious that the aircraft was controlled manually, as the islands were obviously used as a visual aid to navigate. After each island a curve was flown...

This must be hell for the passengers' loved ones... they just vanished without a trace... at least if they know they died there's some degree of closure...

muslim captain and first officer, what did you expect

"Married with 3 children" well that's something

Malaysia police the worst in world... (Kill Mongolian citizen- altumtuya)

Great video

Malaysian Government are to blame for allowing two individuals with STOLEN passport on board. How are you so incompetent?

Really good doco - damn. Am I the only person suss on the military info given? Hmmm

Now, this is called quality information. Well collected, analysed, explained!!!! Makes me wonder the time spent on this video.

Life of 227 passengers remains the mystry

Believe me or not phillipines has a connection of what happend to that plane. It's all wrong to see what happend to plane that is going to turn back. not gonna say anything

what do you expect , this tragedy involved 6 countries and everyone involved gotta zipped their mouth.

the fact that flown back to Malaysia disturbed me :(

pretty clear what happened when you think about why everything happened right after handoff.

Boeing BUAP Device ,. Kristen Marcy ,. Hillary Clinton

malaysia airlines flight 370 was vanished on my birthday (march 8)....COOL

I'm curious, if it flew back across Malaysia and turned west at Penang, is it possible anyone saw it in the sky that night? And has anyone come forward about it?

excellent presentation. it is unfortunate what happened to the aircraft and all persons within. i just had a thought they landed in antartica.

They wouldn't have had the fuel to reach Antarctica

What Next Missing Person In Malaysia???.... Oh my god it is happening..

The end credits scrolling was top notch! I felt like watching an official documentary video by Discovery or Nat Geo!

If PEWDIEPIE talk about this...maybe nasa ELON MUSK give 100% satelite on the ISS to find the plane...

This video is better than any video I have ever watched. Not gonna say any word.

I wonder about the close relative/friends that may have had contact with the passengers could’ve gave some clues? There must be at least one person with a phone on that plane... but they may have not realize what was going on.

The thing is.. Most of them either turn off their phone or put it on airplane mode in wich the phone basically doesnt give any signals.

Maybe some of them had been Eraser.... Where is the pilot wife, try search..

My friend ask his brother in law who is the high officer in malaysian air force about this incident and the answer is secret... Maybe Najib can answer all of this problem.

Mohamad Zaki Zakaria nwo project

TOP10MEMES what happend

Top ten facts about Lemmino please

They replace pilot and chief stewardest at last minute... Who are they..

Brilliant video!

Well-made and well informed short documentary of the mystery of MH 370. This is one of the best summaries of the tragic flight I have ever seen. Well done, Lemmino!

Bruh what if they crashed landed safely and r just chilling on some random island living off the land

Ye.. 270 ppl living on an island

See, I was expecting 2018-A Year In Review... but I think Lemmino just doesn't wanna talk about the garbage year that was 2018... This was still a good video though


A video about how the 1% got rich & left 99% of the world poor.

You are the first, and only person, that I've actually white listed my adblock on. Congratulations.

This video has the best like to dislike ratio I have ever seen.

This is like national geography channel documentary with next level editing just one person hand made, amazing!!!

Why the fuck did he call it the south china sea Im so mad

Lemmino do you think there's any truth to that area in Africa being Atlantis?

All is revealed it’s part of a ploy for follow on season for TV show LOST

I will say it again. It was not the plane and not aliens and not the government and it's not on Garcia. It was murder plain and simple. It was the pilot or co pilot or both. End of mystery..

For starters the aircraft shown in the beginning is a A320 or A321, not even close to a Boeing 777!!!!!!!!!

i'm again scared of flying :(

the U S government KNOWS , EXACTLY , where that plane is .!! they have assets in place in the area that SEE everything. the U S GOVERNMENT will say NOTHING , because to do so will reveal stuff that MUST remain SECRET.!!!!

God I been watching Lemmino for so long and his content has only improved and I’m also waiting for him to release that unreleased song in most of his videos

Mass murder/suicide by the pilot it’s just hard to except

In the audio recording, just slightest concern on the pilot's voice. Can you hear it? Hos voice sounds concerned

You mentioned that a signal went to the plane and should have been directed to the cockpit but was not. Perhaps a flight attendant had prevented communication, manually shut down the things they give signals, and then knocked out the pilots. Maybe it would be helpful if the police looked into the flight attendants too. Or a passenger could have messed with the electricity in the plane or its systems.

I think that if lemmino made a Madeline McCann documentary that it would be the best thing to have covered the subject ever

Notice how all of the parts were found in Madagascar or Africa

This is without a doubt one of the best videos I have ever seen on youtube :) props to you lemmino

On god one day the world will know what really happened to this plane

Cant beleive malaysians simply look at rogue planes changinh path doing nothing. If its been hi jacked by al queda sure thousands dead.

Dude welcome back! We miss you!

My mother in law mimics a black hole to perfection, maybe she was near it when it disappeared?

See you in 5 months.


aint no way no one knows anything, someone knows something, and its just a matter of who and when

Obviously the plane crash-landed on a mysterious magical moving island and all survivors later died after contact with a giant black smoke monster.

What else is new ? Why was all info not revealed in public ? Only God knows. Whoever the perpetrator, may you rot in hell. God will punish you.

basically it fell to bits. in light of titanium shavings, production waste etc potentially crippling flight controls and power in dreamliners and the issues with the 737 NG & MAX aircraft... and the USAF returning faulty tankers to boeing... its most likely that it feel to bits.


This a good documentary, keep it up!!!

who gives a fuck

it's 2019, I'm sure the GOV know exactly what happen. We, the public are just not ready for the truth.

From a highly reliable source, Flight 370 was abducted by alien UFO.....the plane and everyone on board were taken hostage and brought to Planet X somewhere in the universe where they are being held hostage by the highly intelligent alien species. The aliens are doing a study on the human race and they might be making a visit to planet Earth soon enough. Are we prepared?

+Rinka Hayami says the filthy fucking mud slime.

ur not funny btw

dr salunke

جاي من طرف مترجمنا الحلو عبدون ✋

Hello Lemmino. Could you do a video, about what happend on 10/04/10, please? Thank you, and all the best.

This is one of the most well-done docs I have ever seen. This level of talent is crazy, man

they should've made a seperate power supply for the transponder so it couldn't be manually switched off and could only be switched off remotely from air traffic control if needed be. i really hope we find the plane in my lifetime.

The quality of this documentary and the fact that was made by a single youtuber, beggars belief.

The captain is the cause of missing..

Mouthy Buddha’s videos are like Lemmino + Secureteam10 combined and on steroids. He just doesn’t have the sheep following (yet)

The attempted landing on Christmas Island & unfortunate crash into the nearby sea due to electrical or other system malfunction, does seem the most likely, given the lack of any cohesive evidence of terrorism or pilot suicide. It would also explain both the dismal search results & why the found debris is further north on African shores than the computer simulation would have it. Hopefully they find the crash & the families get closure before they they too pass on.

Russia and north Korea hijack the plane and flew it over us military base and us shot it down for protection!!!

najib razak sale to pay debt

great video

please do top 10 facts about space part 9

*Must've been the Bermuda Triangle*

I think this was planned by someone

May i know some names of passengers in MH370 ?

Wait so why did they make that u turn in the first place???

more like the vanishing of top 10 memes

What about theory that Russians took it down in Ukraine by anti-aircraft missle ? I've heard it quite a lot 2 years back and quite a lot people seem to believe it is true.

I'm losing my sleep, where the hell is it and what happened?

Top 10 facts about weed

You make videos about facts and shit like that but you put SOOOOO MUCH EFFORT AND DETAIL into them not like the shitty fact youtubers

I'm convainced that it was a suicidal mission from the pilote, he plained this and wanted his death to remain a mistery , he succeeded .

I can't stop watching your videos, much love from a fellow swede!

Could an antropomorphic immortal with unlimited magical powers have hijacked the plane? Yes, easily. Could he have done so without leaving a trace as to his involvement? Yes. But what would be the motive? No terrorist profits from an attack that does not get attributed to him. That is unless that terrorist wants terror for it's own sake: generalized fear and uneasiness. And who famously generates terror for it's own sake? God. I think that at this point it is fairly clear that God hijacked Flight MH370.

Incredible documentary. Wow.

Top 10 Facts: India

Conspiracy therory spreading plattform

Only God knows the answer.

Watched this before a plane flight, not a good idea

Why build an aircraft , worth millions of dollars, and have transponders that can be manually turned off? Hmmm... something doesn't seem right here......another Government Cover Up

His editing from making top 10s to documentaries has majorly improved Keep going!

This video gave me goosebumps all the way. Those lithium ion batteries are a major safety hazard tho. Who in their right mind would keep lithium ion batteries when you have over 200 passengers on board???!?

the rest of the plane's shell will be found eventually if they keep searching, things cant just disappear into thin air

so they didnt found nothing of this plaine even many countries there have radars,satellites,navy again with radards and so on!! and that means that someone are involved into that from USA or similar or even maybe aliens

I love you lemmino.

Quality video in every single positive aspect, as always.

I really did finished the 24mins video, wats wrong with me... Got *goosebumps* after watching *5 years already passed and this mystery is yet not been solved can u imagine?*

99.99% better than most new outlets

thx youtube recomendation.

+Arcade Gaming but usually you just do that in the beginning of the flight (I think) and not everyone does that

Other news