The True Power Of Support & Resistance

The True Power Of Support & Resistance

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Good morning good evening good afternoon. How's  everyone doing? Welcome to the webinar today on   the importance of Support and Resistance and  why it's so powerful. So Support and Resistance,   okay i'm going to share my whiteboard here real  quick let's go through a couple of things so the   first half of the webinar i'm gonna go through  some of the basics of support and resistance   this is gonna be good for those of you guys who  are pretty much brand new the last half of the   webinar what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go through  some more of a in-depth talk about support and   resistance which is a little bit more experience  level okay those of you guys who are new you guys   will enjoy this as well and those of you guys who  are experienced make sure you know your basics   okay okay now along with these two things towards  the end those of you guys who are not students i   will give you guys a a chance to join Urban Forex  and that we'll we'll talk about that towards the   end so i got a little surprise for you towards the  end about that okay so here we go let's start with   some of the basics what is support and resistance  you'll see it sometimes listed at listed as S&R or   R&S okay mostly it's written this way and not  this way support is if something is below you   is called support imagine a person holding  up something this is called support okay so if your your your prices are here  whatever is below you holding it up is support   okay whatever is above you is resistance  okay so far so good simple enough right   now let's go deeper into why is this concept  so interesting what do how do people use it   and what do they do with it so let's say  prices are coming down prices come down   they hold a bit they come down they hold a bit  they come down they hold a bit they come down   so what people like to do is they like to take  this line and they draw it across and saying   that is my support okay when the support gets  crushed like that because support pushed up   that means oh this must be a good area someone  is supporting this area and pushing it up   oh sorry that looks like a bat  now okay someone is pushing it up   but when that thing breaks and goes down they  then say support is now equal to resistance   which means this anytime the prices come up this  area should push it back away so far so good does   that make sense okay so i want to go through these  basics a little bit with you guys to to make sure   there is no illusion behind support and resistance  now here's what what where the problem comes in   i want you guys all to start with this  concept of i don't know and then we can begin   the reason why the reason why we do that is  because when we come into the market to learn   something especially into a webinar there's  this whole notion of i'm in the webinar but   i already know this stuff then why join  the webinar right that doesn't make any   sense you're counterproductive so if you want to  join you join with the concept of i don't know   show me what you got because i'm curious to  see if there's more to learn okay so you gotta   sort of drop down the ego a little bit okay  because there's many many things that many   people will realize oh i didn't know that about  the basics so shall we do that all right so here   we go i don't know i don't know here we go  that's how how learning begins moving it   further moving it further what makes a support  and resistance good okay so let's say we have support here support here would  you say this is a good support   it's holding the price right it's holding the  price over and over and over and over again   it's holding the price now here's  a misconception many people have   if it's held the price over and over again  therefore it's a good support that's wrong   it's not a good support it's not a good support  how about this okay if price comes to here   and responds like that is that a good support that  is also wrong that is also wrong and this is why   this this webinar is important right this is why  this is going to be so important is because many   people have a misconception of what the hell is a  damn support right what am i supposed to draw okay   so let's talk about this i believe now i  have your attention all your brainiacs okay   so let's go into it a little bit deeper a little  bit deeper so far basic stuff so good everyone   understands support is the stuff below you all  the new people who don't know what what support   and resistance is it's very powerful you must know  this you must know this if you like to buy let's   say you like to buy a car what's a hot car these  days you guys tell me i'm not into cars and stuff   what's a hot car a Lambo okay all right so okay  a lot of you guys are saying Tesla Lambo Ferraris   okay let's say this is a Tesla mixed with a Lambo  mixed with a Ferrari it's like a supercar okay and   Aston Martin all of it together this is like ultra  ultra fancy okay now if this if this car is worth   one thousand dollars okay can you tell me is  this car is it a cheap price or is it expensive   or do you not know as of right now if the only  thing i've told you it's one thousand dollars   we don't know anything we actually don't  know anything if the price starts to rise and now the prices have reached two thousand  dollars now would you say is the price expensive   cheap or normal expensive right okay  the reason why you're saying expensive   you have something to compare it to now if  the store says this is now a bBack Friday deal   we are giving away cars for a discounted  price and the discounted prices are coming   down and they go to 1 500. would you say that's a  discount absolutely then the prices drop further

1 200. would you say that's a discount then the prices drop further  and now it's at one thousand   what do you think the public will do at one  thousand they would want to buy because they would   remember this as the original price before prices  started to rise this is what makes it a support   this is what makes it a support so let me  ask you the question i asked you earlier when i asked you guys this thing is this a  good support many people said yes can you   tell me now is this a good support no so the  whole myth of the more times it touches a line   the more beautiful the line becomes that is  correct it is beautiful but has no no value it's   useless but it is beautiful it looks nice to draw  it's like oh it's like preschool all over again i   can connect the dots really beautifully right so  far so good so this one from 1000 the price shot   up to 2000 therefore it becomes a memory if this  is 1000 and price shot up to 1100 that's not going   to do much for you that's not going to do much  for you people won't run after it to buy right   because you're not trading forex you're actually  purchasing something you have to understand that   if you understand that logic that you're actually  buying a good then you will understand that it's   nothing than how you normally do shopping it's  exactly the same way so far so good all right   let's go deeper let's go deeper so this nasty  horrible beautiful looking car that we have that   is going to be actually it looks like the tesla  truck i'm good at drawing i should go join tesla   okay anyways moving forward moving forward  moving forward okay now if we say prices are here   for this car it's a thousand dollars prices go up  one thousand one hundred and then prices collapse now this collapse went to fifty dollars do  you think people will want to buy it yeah   it's a discounted price okay let's say if people  start to buy it and the prices don't go up so fast   if it goes up fast what do you think happens the  discount was only for one or two or three cars   not a lot and some people bought it things are  back to normal so far so good does that make sense   there was only a few pieces some people bought it  things are back to normal however if prices go up   slowly and now i'm teaching you market dynamics  a little bit if prices go up slowly do you think   the discount is still around 75 100 the discount  is still around but people are starting to buy it   more people buy it because it's cheap more  people buy it because it's cheap more people   buy it because it's cheap more people buy it  because it's cheap what happens when you reach   approximately this area the memory kicks in  the resistance the memory of hey remember last   time when the prices were close to one thousand  one hundred it went down to fifty dollars bro   bro bro bro don't buy it here it's gonna go down  it's gonna go down bro don't buy it here it's   gonna go down this is why all the buying halts  okay that's what makes a resistance a resistance   and this is like a fibonacci guy's worst nightmare  that's a 100 pullback a fibonacci guy is like   losing his shirt he's like oh my god what is  happening right okay so let's move this deeper   into this only basics for now okay remember  the first half we're gonna go only basics   how many how many of you guys right here would  say it's been 30 minutes or 25 minutes into the   webinar i've already learned something we're not  about wasting time here we're about you got to   learn something before you leave otherwise you're  not allowed to leave okay make sense good good   let's go further let's go further so this nasty  car that's worth a thousand dollars normal price   let's go further into it prices are now doing this  ready i'm i want you to observe what happens to   your emotion okay i'm bringing in one more factor  to your how you're supposed to draw your state of   the of the movements okay so prices are hanging  around one thousand to one thousand one hundred   okay it's one thousand one thousand one hundred  one thousand one thousand one hundred one thousand   one thousand one hundred okay so far no movement  right do you feel panicked at all no you're like   oh it's okay it's a hundred dollars more or  less right so it's like it's not a big deal   it's okay okay i can afford to buy that junk all  right here we go now prices start to go up 1150 just a little bit just a little bit the resistance  that was here is now broken are you saying oh my   god i can't wait to buy this do you feel like that  therefore this support equals resistance not so   valuable not so valuable emotions have not kicked  in okay we teach this part a lot in a lot of my   webinars about how do you know where the support  resistance might come and it generally comes in   deeper anyways that's in that's for other webinars  but this is tying into a lot of that stuff   so far so good so not so important i'll  just switch it around just a little bit   prices go up to 1500 okay now would you say would  you have some kind of a fear in you saying hey man   i need to buy it soon if i don't buy it soon  i don't know maybe it'll become three thousand   maybe it'll become ten thousand my neighbor tom  dick and harry they all bought at 1 100 i should   have listened to them so now when prices come  down around 1 100 what do you think people will do   they will buy emotions began support resistance  got cemented it got cemented it becomes more   natural to buy from the area now not because  because this is the same line as we were drawing   before but now it's more valid than before does  that make sense so what what many people what i   like to teach in a very simplistic manner for all  the people who want rigid rigid rigid remember   i say look at the size of the break look at  the size of the range if the break is big   then the snr will be close by but now if i take  you away from the rigid and i say you know what   can you be one with me here one with the  universe and understand what just happened   so tell me one thing do you understand what  just happened to emotions do you now know why   this is a good support now there you go there  you go this is how you understand what is a   good support what is a good resistance you have  to do that calculation of got it got it got it   you can't just be blind and be like oh all right  i'm just gonna do this oh my god so beautiful   we should hang this up in the you know the louvre  you know we don't want to do that okay makes sense   so you want to be away from rigidness and try to  understand why it's drawn why it's strong so far   so good all right we're gonna go deeper now now  that we're reached half of the webinar shall we   go deeper and take it into a more in-depth concept  Suman you're asking if this is recorded yeah it's   recorded let's record it so you can watch it well  you'll get the email in the next 48 hours about   it and you can watch it as many times as you want  but those of you guys were asking about recorded   can you at least try to be here and watch it  it's more fun when you're here would you guys   agree it's more fun to be here live excellent  i i prefer you guys who are live too because i   can feel the rhythm i can know what you guys like  what you guys don't like and i can adjust for you   okay so you know thank you for being here live  again i always appreciate you guys taking the   time all right so let's go further let's go  further now let's talk about the concepts about   support equals resistance how does a transfer  happen okay there's a transfer right because   what we just talked about was just support support  support support how do we know support can become   resistance how does that happen let's talk about  that so like earlier we talked about this right 1100 and one thousand prices go up a little bit  one thousand let's do it like this let's do it the   simple way first boom one thousand seven hundred  do people want to buy oh yeah they want to buy   right they really want to buy they feel left  out any price discount will be bought so when   the price comes in the memory kicks in to  buy it from here if that buy fails to launch and it comes down and now the price is 500  what do you think happens to the people's   emotion wait wait wait i want you to move  away from any label you're giving this chart   do not draw it do not call it a certain thing  i want you to just think about the emotions   all of you veterans are gonna label  this i don't want you to label this   anything i want you to simply say what  happened to their brain did it explode   they're angry now i thought 1100 was a good deal  but now prices went to 500 what the bloody fff   right so now if prices are coming back up what  do you think those angry people will say to their   friends when their friends are like maybe i should  buy it at 1 100. they're going to say do not buy   it at 1 100. i would not recommend you buying it  so if no one buys it up here what will happen to   the price if no one buys it from a store what will  the store owner have to do with the car he has to   drop the price he has no choice this support right  has now become resistance not because of a drawing   remember that concept not because of a  drawing but because of how it happened   tell me you understood that otherwise you're  in trouble tell me you understood that   why did the power transfer from support to  resistance is it because i drew a line like   that and the price must respect my line  it's the memory it's the memory correct   good now i'm gonna change it just a little  bit very tiny thing ready very tiny thing   nothing else changes very tiny thing i'm  going to change prices go up to 1 150.

tell me about the emotions of people saying oh  my god i gotta buy it i gotta buy it i gotta buy   it are they running after it are they lining up  around the store yeah like a lot of you guys are   saying meh i wish i had emojis on this thing like  i don't care you know it's okay it's just there   nothing's really happening right now  this for many people is gonna be support   if this thing goes down tell me now did support  become resistance did support become resistance   but i'm drawing it correctly good i'm very  glad very happy all of you guys are saying no   not one yes very very good very happy about this  good job do you guys now start to understand why i   i should not draw that line good now to mess with  the veterans a little bit because we like to mess   with veterans too because it's a webinar you know  it's for everybody you know it's for beginners and   for advanced people shall we go deeper okay when  i say mess with veterans i don't mean people who   want to war like don't get this wrong like i don't  i don't mess with those veterans there's no way   let's go in deeper prices are hovering around okay thousand dollars they shoot up one thousand seven hundred  dollars okay emotions high would you say   is this a good support to draw yeah  absolutely right that's a good support to draw   if prices come down but slowly slowly slowly and they do this and they do that what now what  what just happened now think about it okay now   the brain is hijacked right that emotion that was  here what do you think happened to that emotion   now they're more aggressive like oh  my god i can't believe i missed this   you'll find this very similar into the bitcoin  market very very similar okay now the the the   expression of damn it i missed it again okay i  didn't buy it here i was hoping to get that same   price because i thought the market will come  down and give me the same price all the time   they didn't give me the same price they  went up again now their support becomes here notice how i'm not not drawing the support like  somewhere down here like most supply and demand   people do supply and demand people will use areas  like this i'm not using that area it's here that's   the level so far so good okay because now  as prices come around this area they will   try to buy it especially if it comes down  slowly especially if it comes down slowly   because it is not a line that is drawn simply  the way i just did it has a story that comes with   it it has human emotions that carried on with it  it is an ongoing evolution of what is happening   you cannot just come in today and saying  hmm what what can i do here it's it's part   of the whole process it's all of it  you have to understand all of it okay   let me ask you guys this those of you  guys were a little bit more advanced   a little bit more advanced when i say advanced  a little bit more experience like you've been   in the industry more than two years how many  guys have been here more than two years okay   some people saying not me a lot of people saying  yes okay those of you guys who are doing been   here more than two years there's a chart a  charts like this like that this this and then you see that that and then today opens this is today right now here's what i see many experienced people do  i want you to stop this immediately including   newbies i want you to avoid this trap we  come into the market we look at this big   red candle and we say oh if i get a pull back  i'm going to sell it we ignore everything to   the left and saying you know what i'm i'm like a  horse i don't see anything else i only see this   i can't see anything else because i refuse to  see anything else why that can cause you trouble   because how do you know if this is part of some  emotion or not this has come come from all of this   there's some story here where the emotions were  flaring up and down up and down up and down how   do you know what you're what you're part of only  when you have new highs or new lows can you go one   track pony one trick pony but if you're in part of  a flow that has more story to the left you can't   just say look at that big buyer oh man i'm just  going to focus here if i can just get a pullback   i want to buy don't do that don't do that okay  so how many guys here were in the podcast earlier   good many of you guys were in the podcast right  you guys remember Lucas talking a bit about volume   okay so as we want to talk about the advanced  stuff a bit let's talk a little bit about volume   what does volume have anything to do with support  and resistance let's talk about it now but if this goes up and there's a lot of volume here would you say more people  bought than the store can sell   okay let's say the volume is very standard very  standard yeah that is a sign of active buying   that is a that that is a sign of active buying  okay Lucas keys off of this now compared to before   where he used to just draw support and resistance  you can see there's a lot more evolution around it   so there's active there's there's  active buying around these areas right   if there's active buying around these areas  what do you think people are doing up here   so they're they're right now waiting like oh man  i wish i can buy this but i'm not going to buy   it up there i'm not a a crazy person right many  people do that like when it jumps up like let's   say the bitcoin now has jumped up many people  who didn't get in and they were hearing about   it from their friends and stuff but they're like  i don't know man i don't know but when it jumps up   very few crazy people buy it up in the sky but  a lot of people will be like okay you know what   okay i believe you now if i get a discount i'll  buy it a lot of people are like that if i get a   good deal i'll buy it because now they know this  is a good deal but if the price of the car that   i told you is 1000 and today is ten thousand  how do you know if ten thousand is a good deal   you don't know ten thousand is a good deal it's  just up in the sky so who who buys stuff like that   do you go to the supermarket and you say how much  for this apple three dollars okay good and you   come in the next day how much for this apple oh  four thousand dollars and you're like i think it's   gonna go to five thousand you know what here's  four thousand dollars for the apple like which   [ __ ] does that right no one does that in real  life no one does that no one does that okay so in   trading you want to bring that same logic in stop  doing that wait for that deal wait for that deal   okay so when the deal comes in they will buy  now as the deal comes in and it's starting to   pull back if this is not met and it actually  starts to turn around and it starts flying that person who was waiting for that deal  his panic has increased a little bit more his panic has increased a little bit more   which now means if the price slows down into  this area he will go more closer to this area   because his memory point is this high where the  discounts came in and then it broke that high   does that make sense that's how resistance  now becomes support this is resistance   people were expecting maybe this price will give  a discount again it didn't it went up so now when   it comes down to here they'll be like you never  know it's going to go up again man buy it now it's   the cheapest price you're going to get it's the  logic of is it cheap or not that's how support and   resistance is created the illusion and the idea  that people put around oh this is a good price   this is a good price okay okay i see some  of you guys saying aha moment how many guys   can say yeah you guys learned something already 15  minutes into the a little bit more advanced side   okay just a little bit more okay can  i ask you this who would have known   support and resistance has so much information  it's because we're all trained to look at support   and resistance in very childish manner okay  when i say childish manner is we're all learned   taught to do this and saying oh yeah oh yeah you  see it went up next time i'll do the same thing   well next time it won't work are you sure why  it happens answer the why if you know the why   you'll know everything okay Chi Chung exactly  why why is important now let me switch it around   a little bit i like to change things a little  bit you know just so you guys i can see   where your brain is getting  curious ready here we go   thousand dollars thousand one hundred dollars  okay so far so good is anyone going crazy no right things are normal okay prices jump  up 1700 like before but this time no volume so now it's like huh there's no  demand prices went up without demand   so no one's buying it and then  there's some kind of a resistance here and then the volume starts to show  up what do you think that means it   doesn't mean sellers are coming in it's  panic buyers very good felix panic buyers   we need to understand who the hell is buying up  there now and why are they buying so much up there   okay why are they buying so much up there we want  them to succeed if they do not succeed there's a   problem up in that area we will never go back up  there properly okay if this buy hangs around here if this buy hangs around here and  then it pops up and then it pops up   would we then say oh genius people i know what  they were doing that makes sense interesting right that's us like whoa who's who's buying  up there and then when that happens we're like   ah that's why they bought up there okay  makes sense makes sense so cool so cool   now let me ask you this in that design remember  in the beginning when i was trying to mess with   you guys who have been in the industry a little  bit too longer and we said which one is good   is this a good support is this a good support  now look at this tell me about the resistance   is that a good resistance now you put  that together with the volume information   things the story changes the story changes even  if you're at a resistance just because your   resistance has touched five or more times three  or more times seven or more times i don't know who   has all these kind of rules doesn't matter how  many times this touch what does it mean to you   that is the key if you cannot answer that then  you'll be drawing a line endlessly for the rest of   your life and getting nowhere sometimes it works  you'll make money sometimes it doesn't work you   give back your money zero sum game does that make  sense now shall we switch it up just a little bit here we go let's switch it up just a  little bit let's talk about this one   why did i say this is not good  isn't that supposed to be good okay all right so i know you guys are  you guys have been waiting for this   since the beginning and you guys were like all  right nevine i sat through the damn webinar   i went through the basics just so  i can see why is this one not good   what are you trying to tell me okay so  let's talk about it let's talk about this   tell me right now at 1700 what do people want  to do what do people want to do they want to buy   they can't wait to buy right they want a  discounted buy if the discount does this do people still want to buy yeah the context is  still for a bye the context is still for a bye   so if i put a resistance here i don't care  how strong that reaction is the context is   still for a bye that will be destroyed so far so  good does that make sense so you can't just look   at a strong reaction purely based on emotion  either it's all of it together that tells you   and that's your support and resistance therefore  you want to use it so which line is better   is the blue line a correct line to draw  or is the black line a correct line to   draw which one is more accurate the blue or  the black the black line very good very good   yeah is it starting to click now it's starting  to make sense of what makes a good level it's   the whole concept around why was a level made to  begin with why was a level made to begin with okay   so we went through quite a bit of stuff we went in  a like a big loop of the importance of support and   resistance would you say support and resistance  is important now now that you watched it   so those of you guys who are new to sport and  resistance i hope the last half of the webinar   doesn't scare you in fact i wanted to inspire you  to be like when you go rigid that's coming next   it'll come automatically if it if you've spent  two years in the market and that hasn't come   that means you're so rigid maybe it's due to  cultural aspects or age you're unable to break   away from the pattern you must calm down and have  an open mind to be like i wonder what this means   i wonder where this is leading me to instead of  no you must draw it like this that didn't work   let me go to the library look at the books ah  that's how you do it okay you must do it like   this you don't want to be rigid in the markets  ever ever all right so all of you guys who are   not in Urban Forex i wanted to tell you guys  that if you guys would like to join Urban   Forex if you like the way i teach then we have a  eight-week-long program that i had specifically   designed for some premium students back in the day  we went through version 1.0 which is very powerful   and now we're at version 2.0 which is  called the Mastering Price Action 2.0   if you are interested in joining the Mastering  Price Action 2.0 it's an eight week long program   i take you step by step into what you need  to see how you need to approach the markets   what you want to do as you saw there's like  70 what 70 percent of the people in the room   are actually students so you know people like the  stuff there so you have feedback there as well   there's a lot of good good stuff to see a lot of  good stuff to learn i walk you through in a rigid   format but give you the ex give you the idea of  how to be unrigid as well so that is the Mastering   Price Action 2.0 walking you step by step to  start your journey correctly it's not going   to be overnight i want to be honest and up front  with you right now it's not going to be overnight   but if this if everything i've taught you makes  sense and it's logical to you then trading can be   a career for you but if it's not logical for you  then maybe it's not the right path to take so   those of you guys who do want to join you can join  today for free using a free trial that we have   give it a shot go through the first week of  lessons understand what i'm trying to say   see if things click and you know it will at the  very least stop the bleeding get you a little bit   profitable and then if you want to take it further  we have more advanced programs where we can go   even deeper and deeper and deeper and we can  talk about how you can make more money from   the same trades all right so thank you guys  again for being here it's always a pleasure   and thank you so much for your time to be here to  to to close off if you guys can just let me know   did you guys learn something in this webinar  yeah excellent excellent great great great   it's always a pleasure thank you so much for  coming until next time guys cheers bye for now

2021-11-12 19:39

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