The Struggles Of Trading (What They Don't Tell You)

The Struggles Of Trading (What They Don't Tell You)

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all right all right so going back to talking  about uh what are some of the issues when it   comes to when this picture is shown to us of  this is the future this is what you're gonna do   this is how you're going to grow in life and  then you come to join it and you start to realize   this is a lot harder than i thought it would  be it's a lot harder than i thought it would be   right many of you guys uh in that situation or  have at least experienced that situation that   man it's a lot tougher than i thought so what i'm  gonna do in this webinar is i'm gonna i'm gonna   point out some of the key things that makes it  so hard because the education is going all in the   wrong direction because you're not studying at  harvard you're studying at some weird community   college by a professor who himself has never done  the thing he is teaching does that make sense   you need to be very very careful on where you're  getting your education from i know it's on the   internet but not all information on the internet  is accurate right so there's a lot of information   all around the place right coming at you supported  resistance trend lines uh supply and demand   and uh you know structures and all that kind  of stuff by some guy probably some teenager   who's just got into trading himself and he's like  i'm going to become a youtube star you know and   he has no knowledge of trading whatsoever he's  in his hat tilted backwards and saying bruh bruh   let me teach you how to how to trade brah and  you're like well you just have to take a moment   and think about it like a surgeon takes years to  become a master at his craft you have to learn   from someone who spent years giving up their hair  color to become a master at their craft you need   to learn from them it's as simple as that bruh all  right so let's take it further now let me take you   to the whiteboard right now for now i'm going to  take you to the whiteboard i'm going to draw some   some things that you need to pay attention to  okay ready i'm going to draw a circle all right   you guys all see it fantastic fantastic fantastic  okay so i see you guys really love the word bra   i see so many comments coming out regarding  that okay now let's get let's get cracking here   let's get cracking in here one of the things  that you want to understand with trading is   let's say you're given a strategy okay let me just  type it in okay let's say you're given a strategy   and in your strategy you have a plus b is equal to  c okay i'm just making this a a simplistic form of   how things are taught now what does a plus  b is equal to c what does that mean it means   when people look at a chart and they see  this upward movement many people are taught   this logic of oh you know what you need to do  you see these things that stick out on the bottom   take a line you know you can if you  want you can take a crayon from your   kindergarten nephew and you draw that line and  once that line gets violated then so the line is a   the violation is b and then c is the action  then what you do is you let the price come up   a little bit and once it comes up you sell that is  a plus b is equal to c very linear way of thinking   very very linear way of thinking okay  how many of you guys have been exposed   to linear thinking like that just one track  very simple oh this is so easy i i can do this   i i will be able to go by that ferrari i've been  looking at over and over the dream needs to stay   okay do not let go of the dream it doesn't mean  forex is difficult what i'm here to teach you is   it is difficult but let me help you understand  it better do not let go of the dream because   dreams is what makes us go further it's what  fulfills us to be better than who we are today   so the dream is not wrong the method is wrong  does that make sense all right here we go ready   let's take it further let's take it further here  we go take it further now if in that same process   where we were saying whenever there's a break  of the structure they say prepare to do a sell   that means what they're saying is whatever is  going up has been violated and now he's going   down correct okay this information tells you  a sell is active okay i'm just taking it very   simplistic we're talking about the fundamental  issues in the knowledge of trading the fundamental   issues the very basics okay not a strategy not a  strategy and those of you guys who are concerned   all of your chat messages that you're typing i  can see them all it's coming to me and my team   i can get to see them but no one else can see them  this way you can participate without having fear   that someone might judge you that's okay just  participate join in on the chat if anything   i'll let you know okay all right now here it says  it's becoming a sell what about this situation   what if it's this what if i do this downtrend line  that was violated it and it's saying oh that means   it's a buy whatever the sellers were doing have  been killed and therefore it's a buy and this   is a very small picture in the buy that's  in play a very small picture of the bi   in play you guys with me so far you see how  there's a contradiction there a little bit   i'm gonna take this and make it even easier to  understand because you need to know that when it's   a territory or or when you learn a strategy every  strategy can work but in the context okay what we   specialize in at urban forex we're context traders  okay every answer comes with it depends and we'd   like to answer that okay it is not oh it's so  simple when you see this this this then you do   that no no get out of here no way no way okay so  let's answer that how do we do that well okay let   me put you in this situation right now okay let's  say prices are moving in a similar fashion okay   all of you guys in this room there's like 800 plus  people in here and counting all 800 of you guys   have gotten the information you've done  the done the knowledge you guys are all   harvard phd graduates you've done all  the research and analysis you're like oh   top of the game and you say this  is going to be a buy and hardcore   buy you know it john knows it lisa knows  it charlie knows it samantha knows it okay   it's going to be a hardcore buy can you tell  me one thing one thing when the prices go up   what do many people feel those who didn't get in  those who didn't get in answer that question for   me those who didn't get in the ones who did get in  they're making some money they're like yeah baby   they're making money but those who didn't get in  they're like crap these are not small time people   these are i'm telling you guys all of you guys are  proper graduates you guys are smart you guys are   intelligent so you guys won't chase it you won't  buy it up there right will you buy it up there   you will simply say i miss the trade however  if it gets me a better deal i'll buy it   if it gets me a better deal i'll buy it which  means give me a discount i will buy it so all   the people let's say 100 of them didn't buy  yet 700 did 100 of them like ah man okay if   he comes down i'll buy it so what they're doing  is they're waiting for this uh come on down man   ah here we go here it's coming down now  ready for this aha moment for you guys   those hundred people are now starting to say yes  we're gonna buy it it's coming back but what are   the people doing a plus b is equal to c doing ah  look at that line that got broken prepare for sell   so the unknown people are doing their sells  without knowing someone is going to buy their sell   and take over all you're doing is you're providing  liquidity for them saying let me bring you the   price for a discounted price buddy and you can  run over me do you see the difference between   a simple 10 person looking at it in a simple way  of i'm doing what i was told he's doing his job   unfortunately he just on he just doesn't  know better but he's doing his part right   is it his fault no he just need didn't raise  his level of thinking how many guys just just by   looking at this little piece of information have  aha moments like i get it i get it it's starting   to make sense i can't just keep it that simple  so far so good so when the question gets arised   and people you know sometimes when they  email me saying Navin would this something   be a sell i always answer with hey man i  don't know exactly how you're trading but that   it depends it depends what you're trying to do  with it how far you're trying to take that trade   there's so many factors behind it instead of the  structure has been broken and now it's a sell   cool so these are the things that really mess up  the people in their minds um when it comes to this   one clear thing i want to tell  you guys that you always should   should stay away from is stuff like this markets  are moving and you're saying okay you know what i   need a good price and i want to buy it also so  you're waiting for a nice deeper enough price   whether you're trading fibonacci style whether  you're trading support resistance style whether   you're trading supply and demand style whatever  it is you're waiting for a discounted price   so far so good you're waiting for if this is  one dollar you need prices to come down to   50 cents so you can say cool then i can buy  more if it's 50 cents i can buy more pieces   and when the prices go up i can sell those  pieces and make money but if you buy it here   you need the price to go to one dollar or 10 cents  to make money that becomes harder so here's where   the logic is going to come in and this is where  you need to understand this very very clearly   ready and i want you to tell me very honestly if  you do this very very honestly right remember no   one can see your chat only i can be very honest  with yourself here prices are moving sideways   you know based on your research it's a buy  okay whatever the technique you're using   you know based on your research it's a buy the  market jumps up and you're like i didn't buy it   but i knew it's a buy and for some reason  something kicks inside of you and says   oh man that is my research that is my analysis  it's working it's in play you buy it here   now then while you you're in that position  over there you attend a webinar by urban   forex and there's some brown guy screaming at  you saying do not buy in those type of areas   you know he's screaming out of his lungs and  you're like there's a brown guy screaming at me   but i'm buying up there because i know it's  a buy it should go further so far so good   everyone has this logic of yeah  but i don't think it's pulling back   it shouldn't pull back he should go further  he should go further now that logic is correct   there's one small flaw in there everyone  agree that they have this logic they get   this feeling sometimes why would it pull back  that was the analysis it's working it'll go   so even if i enter now it's still a good price  because it will go double many of my friends   who are getting into dodge coin or bitcoin have  the same logic of it's okay in the grand scheme   of things it's only 50 cents it'll go up to three  dollars then 50 cents is nothing compared to three   dollars right so people think like this of like oh  it's nothing it'll go up let me ask you one thing all those people who bought here who bought it  there everybody who bought it there what do you   think is going in their mind are they happy or  sad they're happy right they're very very happy   they're like good we're making some money but  the further it goes higher and higher and higher   tell me you yourself if you were that person  buying from here will you not think let me at   least take out some money let me remove at least  my initial investment let me close some profits   let me do something okay they have a tendency to  start taking action they have a tendency to start   taking action if they start taking action a little  bit the prices move down a little if they take   practice action hard the prices drop faster and it  becomes a snowball effect now what happens let's   say okay i'm gonna pick out some names from  the group okay ready so john eduardo jared uh   murli you guys are all buyers okay brian jerry  levy and noor you guys are waiting to buy you're   like come on give me a better price i want to  buy it okay ready okay ready for this example   okay here we go here we go so those who didn't  get into the buy okay and those of you who are   in the buy i want you guys to answer me all of  you guys i want you i will ask you guys imagine   you're the buyer with those guys i mentioned and  the buy is going up here any reason to take action   right now any reason to take action like dude  it's purely green why would i take any action   those who are waiting are saying that's okay  let's we'll wait or we're professional let's   wait for the pullback to come in and then we  buy it so they're pros they're waiting to buy   okay so the early people they're happy now if  the early people put a hundred dollars each   if the early people put a hundred dollars each  at this point for whatsoever reason because the   profit is too much or they're approaching  a resistance whatever the reason may be   they say i'm going to remove ten dollars  i'm gonna remove my initial investment   okay because my ten dollars has become a hundred  dollars i'm gonna remove at least ten dollars   what will happen to the price up there can  you tell me what will happen to the price it will start coming down a bit this makes the  waiting people happy because they're pros they   understand what that means let me change  the situation a little bit okay i'm gonna   change the situation a little bit those early  people decide you know what i don't like this   anymore it just happened out of a fluke i'm gonna  remove eighty percent of my money eighty dollars   what do you think is gonna happen to price now  what do you think's gonna happen to the price   it's gonna start dropping it's  gonna start dropping aggressively   when it starts dropping aggressively all the  people who bought a little bit late what do   you think they're gonna think oh no it's going  down you know what close it close it it's going   down close everything close everything this calls  causes a snowball effect and prices fall further   it snowballs it goes down further let me show you  something that's very important in this process   ready pay very close attention when it goes  up and they're starting to remove some money   and it does this the people waiting are looking  to buy they're looking to buy because they know   the larger players are still holding on they're  going to join the trend but at a discounted rate   if it collapses stronger they will not buy  and things are going to come down even deeper   here's where i want to bring your attention back  to the beginning of the a plus b is equal to c   when that structure breaks is it as  simple to say sell it or don't sell it or will you start saying actually it depends it  depends now do you understand why everything is   actually conditional you now understand the why  behind every technique is conditional based on the   situation around it you cannot look at a strategy  or a structure and judge it instantaneously all   the information around it tells you okay  do it or don't do it does that make sense   so the answer generally is it depends it  depends it depends what you've understood   from what is happening if you did  not understand what is happening   then you're like everybody else okay you'll be  going from one strategy to the next one webinar   to the next constantly looking for the holy grail  because this structure line break isn't working   does that make sense so how many guys here just  had an aha moment saying i get it you know what i   can't just keep it that simple i can't just simply  keep it that simple there's more to it and and the   thing that will always keep you safe is just put  yourself in the shoes of the person who did buy it that will really put you 10  steps ahead of the average person   put yourself in the shoes of those  who got in early what are they doing   that's it that is the golden key if you're looking  for a golden key put yourself in that position   are they still holding on or are they  getting rid of it or are they getting   rid of it so when i want to buy a discount  i want to see how fast it's coming down okay even if i say 50 percent is where i normally  buy because i'm a fibonacci trader i want to see   how fast is it coming to the fibonacci number  that is makes all the difference in the world   okay the how makes a difference cool all  right so all of you guys who had an aha moment   okay i've recorded all your names okay i don't  want to see you guys doing this weird nonsense   ever again with the simplistic a plus b is  equal to c stuff yeah all right cool cool cool   i'm taking you guys under my wings  now right or i'm training you guys   to think better think outside the box be  better bro i will say bra if i have to if   if it means i can get your attention to help  you out here to learn properly okay all right   all right here we go let's take it let's take it  a bit further take it a bit further since you guys   are getting the hang of this most people don't  understand this you know it goes over their head   anyone confused at this stage i hope no one's  confused if you're confused let me know but so far   if you get it can you type in the chat  got it so i know that no one's confused oh man i know the amount of bras i'm  getting i i have a feeling it's gonna   turn into a meme and there's gonna be bras all  over all my youtube and all my instagrams like   it's gonna go go haywire like okay i  see lots of got its and no confusion yet   perfect perfect let's take it a step further  now take it a step further so everything   you think of needs to come with the context  okay always think context without the context   it's just a technical analysis technical  analysis has no value has no value on its own   zero value okay it is powerful not on its own  zero value okay let's take it a step further let me show you guys a technique that i like to  do shall we do that shall i tell you how i like   to trade how i like to buy i'm going to teach  you guys one of my edges okay i'm going to show   you guys one of my edges i'm a discount trader  okay okay now what that means is trend pullback   okay trend pullback this is financial jargon  if i put it to you in a simple language   if prices go up i'm a discount trader which means  give me a discount i'll buy it and what i do   is i judge the discount and i judge it how the  discount is coming in where it's coming to and   is this a good time for me to buy it while judging  that i'm also judging are these guys still around   are these guys still around so far so good i'm  about to give you guys another breakthrough but   this breakthrough has to do with if you've  understand everything i've said so far in   the webinar i'm going to raise it a little bit  higher your knowledge okay if you're confused   do not worry write down my email address it's  going to be that's n-a-v-i-n   okay or my team replies faster  than i can reply so that would be the best thing   okay if there's any questions do not  hesitate all right here we go here we go   there we go so i'm a trend pullback trader  i'm gonna show you something where many   many people get lost ready here we go prices  are coming down okay prices are coming down   then they start pulling back into a discount so  let's say i want to be a seller i want to be a   seller they start pulling back like oh sweet  i want to get ready to sell this looks like   a pretty decent discount the way it's been  coming up fairly okay he's not going full   speed he's coming up choppy i like that i want to  get ready to sell this whole time i'm not getting   technically involved i'm just getting involved at  the big picture i'm like i see what you're doing   all right show me more show me more so i  can get the feel of it so i can get into   the rhythm of all right let's see what you're  doing these guys are early i understand that   and there are many people who didn't get in like  me saying okay i want to also sell but give me a   better price give me a better price i'll sell it  with you so the way it's coming up i can judge how   much is he closing at this area so i know this is  the area where they all decided to close a little   bit of money so i'm aware of that area that is  in my view site i'm aware of how he's coming back   now the sells activate they're going down they're  going down they're going down and it does this what just happened all right that means they're  cashing out more again but i got involved in   these areas i sold but they're getting involved  by removing some more money in this area okay   okay keep that in mind keep that in mind  prices are going up but they're going up slow   they're going up slow they're going up slow and  then it comes down hard from this area hard huh   same spot for the discount  same spot for that discount guy   my type of people hit it for a sell again  now what is happening to the structure what   what what is being developed here it's a  range right we all know a sideways market   is a range we all know that but do you know what  a range represents rather than just memorizing it   like a parrot you know a parrot just  memorizes words and just repeats it   but the parrot has no idea what he's saying you  don't want to be a parrot a forex parrot right   that's a good word actually i should they should  you don't want to be a forex parrot okay you want   to know why things happen the way they happen  okay so as prices are responding from this area   prices are going down they're still not going  down through now ready they buy it again now   can you all tell me what is the process of a  range how do you trade a range i know you all   know the answers to this because you've all been  trained in a very similar fashion i guarantee it   how do you trade a range sell from the top  buy from the bottom correct it's not magic   because i know the training that's out  there sell from the top buy from the bottom   right so here is the sell areas here's the  buy areas did you know there is a condition   that that when you're looking at if you're like   this seller after the discount is still holding  on did you know when the when they're cashing out   on the bottoms when they're removing some money  they're not removing so much they're removing   a little bit once it comes  here again if you see this what's happening what is happening  can you tell me what is happening now for a normal technical analysis person he'll  say oh that's a range inside of a range inside   of a range i get that i can see that also  but what is happening what's the context they're no longer removing money anymore  crazy right they're no longer removing money   that's interesting that's interesting when they're  no longer removing money your chances of the drop   increases your chances of the drop increases  ready here we go i'm about to blow your minds   in the next five seconds ready in this process  when you have a structure break like that   and people are telling you well you should  buy it because the structure has been broken   you're at support from the bottom of the range  you should buy it technical analysis says buy   we have confluence two things agree with the buy   that buy didn't work that buyer died you know  why he died now you know the context of things   ready next piece i'm about to take you to the next  piece ready i'm gonna just remove this a little   bit so that a plus b doesn't work you know that  much let's take it to the next piece okay so we   got structure break type of people in trouble it's  not working for them we've got uh range traders   in trouble buying from the bottom not working for  them but it's a range it's supposed to work it's   not working now it's not working now but if you're  reading it left to right piece by piece and you're   taking in all the information you're like i'm not  lazy i understand i can process this information   i don't need to just put a line at the bottom it  says if it touches that line i buy it come on man if you do it that simply and  you expect to go buy a ferrari   where a person spent years  developing ferrari to the perfection you know perfection cannot be sold so simply you gotta work for it at least  a little bit now can all of you   guys tell me is this information hard  what i'm teaching you guys is it hard it's not hard it's actually quite easy it's  just no one teaches this stuff people are not   pointed in the right direction they're point  to a technical analysis world where there's   no context there's no context whatsoever that's  the problem that's where it's all going haywire does that make sense you guys all with me   all right now ready i'm gonna show you guys  a little bit more anyone lost at this stage   or does everyone understand can you say got it if  you get it or lost if you don't get it so i know   yeah there you go so freddie you're saying urban  forex model it's not hard it's easy there you   go there you go you see as long as your dream is  there your mind is set that you're gonna do this   i can get you there but i'm just telling you it  requires a little bit of work but it's not hard   it's really not hard just takes a little bit  you know a little bit you can do this you know   all right all right i see a lot of it bros  all right cool cool all right so let's take it   a step further okay let's take it a step further  okay i'm pretty sure what you're learning in this   webinar alone is more than what you probably  learned in your entire career as a trader   because you've learned so much knowledge but  the core foundation was probably all broken down   it's never been there the core foundation  but you have a lot of knowledge right   that's the problem with our industry everyone  has so much knowledge but there's no why why   am i doing anything what's the point of it and  that's got to be there that's got to be there   okay so let's bring it back here so that was the  thing that you guys were looking at was this piece   uh turning into a range and then when that range  started to consolidate and then break down okay   now let's bring in a little bit more of why  does this happen let's answer that because   without answering that you won't know what this  means you won't know what this means you need   to know the why if you have a guru teaching  you anything you come up with the question   why if he comes up with the answer you go in with  the y again until that why is not answered for you   internally it won't make sense you won't  know it's time to put big money on this trade   you won't know that because you  you're just guessing at that stage   you have to get rid of that guessing  mindset you know why you're doing something   that's the only time when you'll be able to size  up okay so i want to explain the why behind this   let's take it a step further the why behind it so  let's say there is a resistance here okay you all   know what a resistance is right resistance is a  barrier up ahead of us if you if we are down here   that's the barrier above of us above us thinking  like resistance it's like a ceiling okay you all   know that so let's say there is a level here and  a lot of you guys bought a lot of you guys bought okay not all of you but a lot of you guys bought  prices are going up very very hard and you see   these things along the way you're like whoa looks  like they cashed out but they wrote it again   they cashed out they wrote excuse me they cashed  out a little bit but they continued again they   cashed out a little bit they continued again tell  me what happens in this area here was he able to   make a higher high from this point did prices go  higher than his last attempt we're approximately   near the resistance we don't need to be exactly  we're in that vicinity did we make a higher high   no i want you to all first understand  one fundamental reasoning behind this   is do we need to touch this line no we do  not need to touch that line anyone telling   you let the line be touched only then  the trade activates is not a good person   because everyone's price point everyone's  drawing style is slightly different it's slightly   different you are not against one person who's  drawing it accurately who has a billion dollars   you're against the masses who's drawing it like  this some draw like that some draw like that   and then the word zone comes from my 2009 videos  where i say it's a zone and then everyone starts   copying you get it i'm always ranting sometimes  you know so there's a lot of people out there just   copying the stuff that i'm trying to explain and  they're saying now i want you to follow the zone   okay explain the why behind it then at  least man you're sharing my stuff but at   least explain the why behind it anyways okay  enough of the rent let's go let's keep going   all right so far so good we're not making any  higher highs prices are coming down and every   time they came down they would buy it every time  it came down they would buy it who would buy it   the guys on the sidelines who didn't get  in they're buying it but every time it   goes up a little bit higher they cash out  it goes a little bit higher they cash out   okay now we are approaching what looks like a  range in context of a resistance above our head   in context of the resistance above  our head so now i want you to think   cosmic okay that's the word i like using these  days i want you to think cosmic do not simply   look at one thing for what it is understand  that one thing is involved in everything   too spiritual stick to cosmic what i mean  by cosmic is you know that there's a range   but that range is within an uptrend but  that uptrend has reached a resistance   ah you're now becoming smarter you're bringing in  all the pieces of information that you're catching   and you're like all right what does it mean now  what does it mean now what does it mean now you   see what's happening you're not simply looking  at this range and saying oh i know how to do a   range you're coming outside your comfort zone and  saying i can take in absorb all that information   i feel it i can see it all right now let me ask  you this ready i'm about to go nuts on you all   right i i might step over the line by confusing  you but if i confuse you let me know immediately   okay stop me immediately and let  me know if i've confused you ready   here we go here we go yeah multi-dimensional  thinking mark that's it all right here we go   prices start to move up a little bit they're at  resistance prices come down they break the level   what happened to the buyer let's go piece by piece  piece by piece what happened to the buyer okay   the buyer looks like he's quitting the buyer  looks like he's quitting the next candle   comes up and everyone's thinking i need to  sell sell sell sell sell next candle comes   up goes back inside the range goes back  inside the range prices hang around a bit and then they fly up they fly up now i want  you to tell me up until this point was anyone   expecting that buy was anyone expecting that buy  in fact a lot of sellers got in trouble but was   anyone expecting that by all right here we go  i'm going to bring you the context now so you   need to be aware of these things ready what  if i just draw one piece for you one piece   what if you were in a range like that this is  the top of the range which is resistance this   is the bottom of the range which is support what  just happened by going sideways up near resistance we just talked about this in the last example if you were aware of that  this would make more sense   for a buy wouldn't it if you're unaware  of that then we would all chase the sells we would all chase the sells just having a little  bit more information can change everything if you   remember from the podcast earlier what do we  talk about can you trade from a cell phone you   might get away with it once or twice but  out of 10 times you're gonna lose because   you don't see the big picture you don't pick up  on all the information that's in front of you   now i'm gonna answer the whys here okay  so i see some people saying confused i see   one confused i see two confused okay um and  some saying can you please repeat that okay   shall we do it again those of you guys who  understand this can you say cosmic so i   know you understand it you guys are picking  up all the information can you say cosmic   so i know you got it saying the next  course needs to be mastering cosmic 2.0 okay all right um by the way guys what i'll do  is since this topic is very very critical and   i think many of you guys uh uh are having some  issues with this how would you guys like it if   i make a foundational course around it it'll  be free do not worry it'll be absolutely free   but would you be interested in something like  that where i just get you guys the groundwork   at least really really well and then you  guys can you know take further strategy   whether it's with me or with anybody else  but we can get you to the whole new level   get you to a whole new level because this  groundwork is it's really important really   really important okay so for those of you guys  who are interested in that make sure you guys   are signed up to our webinars through that  we already have your email we'll let you know   when we release that fundamental information  okay well we'll we'll take care of you bro   okay now let's go into the why behind this  because we saw i saw some of you guys were   still a little bit confused all right here we go  here we go ready ready all right here we go let's   say most of you guys bought okay you guys bought  okay if there is a resistance up here this is all   the information you know okay no cosmic stuff  here this is all the information you know what   do you think the buyers will do if they know this  is a very strong resistance can you tell me what   the buyers will do okay they're going to remove  some money right let's say they remove a little   bit of money and the price comes down the people  on standby what will they do they're gonna buy because this is a discounted price for them to  buy so they go up they bring the price back up   once the prices back up from the resistance the buyer cashes out more the buyer cashes out more so far so good  you guys are with me now in this process   if the prices start to drop with a little  bit more aggression why does he go down fast   okay let me let me switch it up just a little  bit let's say it does this it doesn't go up   it goes up like this let's say it goes up like  that can you tell me all the buyers who got   in afterwards how do they feel are they happy  about this they're not happy about this right   prices come back down to an area where they  bought they start to go up a little bit   but it's still not going up making higher highs  now think about this in this area think of the   logic okay not the pattern think the logic so  the buyer who had a hundred dollars he removes   20. why 20 you know it's only 20 because he  only came this low he didn't remove that much   more people bought adding to the size more people bought here adding  to the size but at the same time   the cashing out is happening  liquidation is happening of these guys   this is how you get a range to develop if you  know there's an area where someone else is going   to come in but your guy is still interested that's  how you power range develops if that range breaks   a certain barrier and starts going down that  means they're out fully if they're out fully   and the sellers add more money to it what  should the price do what should the price do   if there is nobody so let's say okay i'll keep it  simple if 100 are buying and 100 are selling what   will happen to the price if there's a pressure  four hundred dollars up and the pressure for a   hundred dollars down what's going to happen it  will go sideways okay if the pressure reduces   from the buy side to 80 and the sell side is  still 100 the pressure will slowly go down it will slowly go down but if he disappears  and goes to zero and he increases to 200   what will that look like to you i  want you to always remember that   in the places where there could be trouble  remember the reaction how is the reaction coming   in that makes all the difference because that will  tell you is my buyer if i want to sell is my buyer   still a threat or not so you're no longer reading  technical analysis you're trying to understand   what are they saying what are they doing  what are they saying what are they doing   what do i need to do do i need to do it now  or later this will help you with timing also   this is the core fundamentals of you trying to  understand where do i need to position myself   to make the most amount of money where do i need  to be to get the most amount of money from this maybe i went a little bit too high on this one  but don't worry when i do the fundamentals and   all that stuff i think what i'll do is i'll throw  in a lots of examples left and right with charts   and everything so that way you guys can really  take in and soak in that information okay really   taking and soaking that in actually i forgot to  even ask how many guys here are actually students   i don't even know that i i don't know if all  of you guys are new or sorry if new or student   let me let me check here one second here okay all  right wow so so a lot of you guys are um students   of the mastering price section 2.0 those of you  guys who are not in the measuring price action   2.0 or not have taken any sort of education from  me if this is something you would be interested in  

you've seen how i teach you just saw  this whole webinar about how i teach   the point is not can i teach you a technique  or strategy to get you winning yeah that has   something to do with it but the whole goal is  how quickly can i get you the right information   to get you to where you want to be based on  your dream that i'm telling you do not abandon   the dream the dream is correct the information  coming at you might either be wrong or might not   be so simple to understand okay that's what we  specialize in at urban forex our job is to make   hard complex things be taught easier but verified  information it cannot be some jagged technical   analysis that you can pick up off the shelf in a  library okay because that doesn't work you know   it doesn't work i've proven to you right now it  doesn't work you need good information so those   of you guys who are interested in picking  up the measuring price section course 2.0   we always do webinar specials in this  specific webinar special i'm going to allow   20 of you guys to come into the measuring price  section 2.0 for a discounted rate it goes for 249   i'm giving away for a huge discount to the first  20 people you can pick it up there will be private   webinars just like this where we go over the  material together i'll take you step by step   week after week where you watch the videos learn  the material and you get to keep it for yourself   for the rest of your life okay this course is for  you to keep there's no subscription no nothing   it is for yours to keep and support is still  valid for you whenever you have questions   ask us the question it also comes with daily  examples and a 30-day money-back guarantee in   case you still don't like my teaching you're  like you know what i like your stuff but you   know you're that brown face of yours bothers me  man if that's the case no problem you know just   email us back we'll get your money back so it  comes with a 30 day money back guarantee as well   so for today's special rate i'm going to get you  guys this matching price action course for 20 off   first 20 people for less than 120 you'll  be able to pick it up starting now okay   there you guys go and okay sorry for the first  25 people sorry sorry there we go there we go   if there's any questions or concerns you guys  can reach out to us the   team is always on standby to assist you whenever  you're you need any any assistance on anything   one question though before you guys all leave um  i i see many of you guys might be going to the   checkout process for the matching price section  2.0 but i want to ask for the rest of you guys um  

how was the webinar today was it helpful like we  take very a lot of pride into bringing our own   members back also to these webinars not  just new people but even our own members   so you can learn something more be better or even  refresh your knowledge of can i can i be better at   what i already know you know if there is value  you can say value bro in the chat i'll be happy   i'd be like good good because what we want to do  is i think i'm thinking of bringing the webinars   back a little bit more frequently i think a lot  of this information is needed i'm still surprised   how bad the basics are on the internet i  think by bringing more webinars on basics   we can really make a difference in the industry  um you know we've always led the industry in a   way by being the biggest firm the most  successful firm out there with the most   happiest students out there but i think it's time  we lead the industry with the basics as well um   i think it's uh it's time it's time  so would you guys support us if we do   that if we start with the basics you will  support us with the reviews the feedback   you know all that stuff would you guys be right  there with us side by side it's a lot of hard   work that we're going to have to do but we won't  be able to do it without your support and help   you know there's a lot of misinformation out there  we want to make sure we can clear that up make it   better clean up the industry a little bit because  it really has a bad name really has a bad name   okay all right guys i see a lot of you guys have  picked up the the mastering price action course um   there's only 17 left now so uh thank you guys um  and don't forget those of you guys who are in the   program there will be private webinars where we  do some stuff just like this but we'll go deeper   into the things a little bit more teach you guys  from the very basics of things of how you should   look at the market how things get very active  how do you make money in a very simplistic way   very quickly using the mastering price action  2.0 and then if you feel your career is on the   right track we have more advanced programs as  well we have more advanced programs as well but   many of you guys are already i'm pretty sure many  of you guys here already in advanced programs   as well but mastering price section 2.0 will  get the ball started off right we'll get you   like consider like your bachelor's degree  okay you'll get get to the right start and   then depending on how hungry you are for  more information or or for more mastery   we can take it a step further you can take it a  step further okay so once again as always thank   you again for being here it's always a pleasure  you guys are taking time off uh from your busy   schedules to be here i will never take that  for granted so thank you guys for being here um   it's always been a pleasure until next time  guys thank you thank you cheers bye for now

2021-06-03 18:25

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