The Problems with Support and Resistance (and the solutions to them)

The Problems with Support and Resistance (and the solutions to them)

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All right so you guys can all see me just fine Cool excellent excellent. Okay all right   let's share my screen, I'm going to talk  about a little bit on support resistance   I'm gonna show you some trades that we did  okay? Let me just reply to this, thank you okay   Cool all right I'm gonna talk about some trades  that I did this sell that I did while we were in   this webinar that exit that i did while we were  in this webinar we'll talk about these trades   as well revolving around support and resistance. Now there's a lot more that goes behind any single   trade but we're going to touch base on the topic  of purely supporting resistance does that make   sense is that okay for you guys yeah let me open  up the chat box so I can see your messages as well   now one of the things that we do for  those of you guys who do not know me   my name is Navin Prithyani i am the brown  guy on the internet the original brown guy   okay the one and only I'm as brown  as they come and i have a nice accent   so you guys can understand me i do  not talk like this so do not worry   I will talk to you normally okay so let's let's  get started let's get started okay here we go   here we go let's open up the charts let me  open up the bear open the webinar actually okay let's bring this up to an hourly  chart okay everyone see my chart   okay let's talk about certain things today's  topic is about support and resistance now the   whole whole concept of from what you see from the  title is what is wrong with support and resistance   you've always seen some of my old webinars  right where we talk about the way to do support   and resistance well so there's a whole bunch of  webinars from me on youtube going all the way back   to 2009 talking about all these things but today  i want to touch base on something more important   what is wrong with support and resistance  okay what do you think is wrong with supported   resistance okay elmer you're saying can you  see what i'm writing absolutely i can see it   okay those of you whatever you guys  type i can see it no one else can   okay that way you can speak  freely and not worry about it okay support resistance sometimes it works it's   always changing okay so let me  draw something and you tell me is this support resistance   okay i'm gonna help you guys with this a  little bit today is this support resistance how about this okay so i've drawn multiple lines on  my screen i'm getting multiple answers   okay i'm getting multiple  answers saying yes saying no   some people are saying one of them  must be a yes the rest must be no   right so everyone gets all that saying okay okay  so now let's go into what what's wrong with it   what is wrong with it and are they all support and  resistance or are they not supporting resistance   let's go to the whiteboard i want to  show you something really important   let me do this and open up the whiteboard for  you guys here we go let me open up the chat   so i can see your messages okay cool i'm gonna  draw a circle let me know if you can see it yeah perfect perfect okay all right let's  get started let's get started now now when the markets are going up and up and up okay  when the markets are going up and up and up and up   what are we looking at what are we  looking at we're looking at an uptrend correct now rather than just drawing  lines anywhere what is the purpose of   these lines if i draw a line below  me what's the purpose for that line we're looking for a reaction good possible  support a place where the buyer can come in   again from okay so you're not just drawing lines  you're trying to identify what is this line   for what is this line for sounds simple enough  right it's like seriously Navin, you're going to   tell me how to draw a line now no it's actually as  simple as it is it's very unusual that the normal   person doesn't understand this it's really weird  that way okay so what is the purpose of that line   so here we go here we go i'm gonna ask  you guys one thing what are the three   different states of the market okay this i  drill into all of your heads over and over   again in every webinar so that way you know we  have trend we have channel we have range okay   so far so good these are the three states  okay all right now in this whole process   if you have a range and that range  breaks above if it breaks above slowly   can you tell me if this is going to turn into  a trend or is this going to turn into a channel how do i know it's going to hold here or it's going to turn into a channel and come here   your whole support and  resistance theory depends on it okay if you sit here and you buy that  you're gonna unnecessarily be stopped out if you sit here and you buy that you might be okay   so far so good everyone with me let me ask you  this one more question going forward here we go   what if the price comes down like this he's at your support now how many how many in  this room honestly speaking would say oh that's   a probe on top don't buy it you sell it you  see that causes a confusion in the brain right   it has nothing to do with support and resistance  right now the whole context is messing with your   brain i'm saying probes are supposed to mean  a false move up that means it must be down   but when he moved up it means the buyers are  ready but i need a better price so he's going   to come down towards the channel and then  i'll buy it wait what's the right answer do you guys understand that so  now can i ask you guys one thing   i'll ask you guys one thing whether i draw my line  here saying that's my support and resistance there   or i draw a line here saying that's  my support and resistance there   can we answer it simply by drawing  it or must you read the market you must read the market simply drawing a line   does not make you a pro that makes you  a beautiful line drawer that's all it is   okay you're not going to end up on the museum next  to Van Gogh saying oh look at that beautiful line   no who cares you know who cares about the line  it's not it's not about the line it's about what   do you do with that line is it useful or will  it not work and we probably go for the other one   okay so you can draw lines all across your  screen but which line is useful so far so good yeah some of you guys were talking about getting  into the room the room is packed right now   okay the room is packed right now so you might  not be able to get in there is a limitation of   a thousand people into this room so if you can't  get in i'm sorry about that if you're watching   this recording but those of you guys who are  in congratulations all right cool cool so   so now very well said one of you guys said it's  the million dollar question which line is it   let's take it further the movement goes up  the movement goes up the movement goes up okay   let's take it back to the basic logic of trading   okay if the prices are crashing down let's say  bitcoin for example if the prices are crashing   can you tell me in this design that you see  whether it's bitcoin forex indian stock market   japanese stock market nigerian stock market what  is the best place to buy can you tell me that the bottom okay so hear me out  yes this is the best place to buy   but many people might say i'm not sure if i  can get that what's the next best place to buy higher low what's the next best place to buy next higher low what's the next best   but notice the words i'm using next best next  best next best which means it's getting worse it's getting worse do you guys agree  now here we go prices are up here   and I get an S and R there support  resistance here do you want to buy it go back to the reading mentality read the markets  don't just draw stuff read the markets if people   began buying from here if any of you guys were  in that buy from down here are you not looking   to soon cash out if he's slowing down on the  way up you're looking to get out right but   anyone who's simply drawing a support resistance  is basically saying why don't you give me your   shares why don't you give me your coins i'll buy  it from here thinking it will go up even higher that's not trading that's investing  that's basically saying the buy should go   up until it goes through my screen through the  neighbors upstairs and all the way to the moon   beyond the moon into venus like come on man what  what what logic is this it's not trading anymore   trading is get in right get out right repeat get  in right get out right repeat get in right get out   right repeat trading is not it's a good price let  me buy it and let's hold on until i get white hair   that's not trading so far so good fundamental  logic of trading people do not understand they   all get in thinking now today's the day  i make a million dollars why in one trade   it's not happening in one trade stop trying  to make one trade into the into the winner   does that make sense okay so everyone  understand this reading concept part   so let me ask you this let me ask you this  i draw that same thing now okay here we go   the best price is on the bottom like you  guys all told me prices start to go up you have multiple lines of  S and R that you can draw   correct but you can decide  to say i don't want that one maybe that one preferably that one   why because this whole movement that's  gone up i would prefer a discount please i would prefer a discount because  that's how i shop in real life i   don't go to the rolls royce store  and saying how much is the car   300 000 no no no tell me when it's 500  000 and then i'll buy it who does that it's always give me a better price and i'm in   right no one goes to the store and says  this apple is too cheap today i want to   come back when this apple is super expensive  and then i'll buy two come on right basic logic right like it's what we do in real life   but we don't do it in the markets i don't  know why i don't know why it's very confusing   right does that make sense everyone  understand the concept of give me a discount now if you have a tough time saying give me a  discount because you know you feel like oh i   don't want to sound cheap that's a whole  different problem that's a psychological   problem but no one can see you in the  market it's like you don't need to look   cheap in the market no one knows who you  are be cheap as you can be cheap as hell   that's what you want to do in the markets be super  super cheap does that make sense do not be afraid   to be cheap frugal yes that's the right word  be frugal okay so far so good everyone with me   let's take it a step further let's take it a step  further okay now you guys understand you can draw   a line anywhere right so this thing can go up  let me ask you this once he comes down like this and he gets to a deeper price that you would  like what happens to the people who bought here stop down right this is the time when you get that  guy from simpsons what is that guy's name nelson   you just hear that sound like it's it's like  people wrongfully buying at the wrong time   right it's it's it's like okay it's you got in  wrong footed you got wrong foot you got trapped   you got trapped okay and they're forced to sell  at a worse price because they have to liquidate   because they over leveraged do you guys  understand the concept of over leverage okay let me let me explain to you in a very very  simple terms of over leveraged here's what happens   and i want you to tell me which industry this  happens in okay ready let me tell you something   someone buys here makes money cha-ching  now they get a good deal again to   to make that money again are they  gonna trade smaller size or bigger size bigger they make more money once they  make more money they see a discount are   they going to trade smaller size bigger  size they make super more money up here as they over leverage now they take loans from the  bank saying i don't want to buy three houses cash   i want to buy three houses cash plus four  houses that the bank has given me a loan from   the market is going up i must buy buy buy buy can you tell me which industry this happens in ah one person has answered it correctly mr  anders all markets every single industry   when someone gets the taste of  that money they lose control   they want more and more and more because there's  no goals in their mind how much is good as much   as possible how much is that doesn't matter  keep it coming that's incorrect way of thinking   so over leveraging gets a huge amount of buyers  stuck over here so if that's a huge amount of   buyers there a lot of buyers who get crushed is  there more money up here or is there more money here on the top let's take a step back  a minute wait a minute what you guys   are telling me right now is this support and  resistance line is more important than this one well what do you know i didn't  answer that question you did and that is correct that  support resistance line up there   is far more superior than the  ones that are getting lower   and lower and lower what is if the market  is going down what is the best place to sell at the top what's the next best place to sell  lower high and then it gets worse as it goes down does that make sense how many guys had an aha moment  right there i am not changing   anything that you have in your mind  i'm pointing you in the right direction this is stuff you know naturally  naturally you know this   all we have to do is change your perception  support resistance on its own is useless   if you read it a little bit you bring in a  little bit price action to it things start   to make sense i'm saying that's snr is good  that snr down there horrible aha so far so good okay shall i go deeper let's go deeper  let's go deeper you guys got this let's   go deeper if at any point you get lost  or something like like listen brown man   i'm getting confused step it back a little bit  okay all right so let's take a look at this now in the move up the whole concept was  when when the markets are going down   okay when the markets are going down we want  to buy right because we know the overall flow   is up if we know the overall flow is up it's an  uptrend okay like from a higher time frame or   whatever let's say the daily isn't an uptrend and  you're on the 60 minutes and you're trying to buy   well you don't want to buy up in  this zone right like up in that sky i'll tell you now we'll talk  about the topic of today   is what is wrong with support and  resistance and i'm gonna show you right now   and i want you to tell me honestly everyone  in here if you've made this mistake ready prices are coming down and we say that  support and resistance get ready to buy how many of you guys say that's  a good support and resistance okay i see yeses and knows i'm going to share  something with you today that will help you   remove your mind from this when you are going  down every step of the way you must look left   when he's going down who's to his  left that guy you have support here   when he's going down who's to his left that guy  you cannot go through him you can't go through him does that make sense do not go through him there's a wall right there let me do it in a different way let me  do it in a different way okay let me do   a different way sellers are here boom boom  boom boom boom buyers are coming in bounce how many think that support resistance and then this happens and you're  like what how did that happen   because people are drawing through the charts from  left side to right side they're drawing a line   from like 1960 cutting through all the candles and  bringing it to today's date because it looks cool   why it's like why does it make logical  sense though will the price stop there   if you sell from there and you put your stop-loss  above are you sure your stop-loss is safe so far so good let me show you something cool  let's go to the charts now   let's go to the charts now i'm  going to show you something here okay so there's this move going  up let me let me open this up from   the four hour chart ready just take you one time  frame higher okay i want to see everyone's chat   here on the side okay i put the chat open up  i want everyone to participate in this you're   going to have your aha moment in the next 60  seconds ready here we go i'm going to draw a   line on my chart i want you to tell me if you  agree that's a support and resistance or not number one support resistance number two okay i see one yes okay two yeses also number three so far so good okay ready i'm gonna take you in  this flip journey from the beginning until the end   everything you've been here watching staring  at your screen that i've been teaching you in   the last 32 minutes i'm gonna put it to the test  right now here we go here we go watch carefully on this move up if i draw my volume profile and seeing in this  move up where is a lot of the action happening   okay this line this high line is called point of  control okay and we're saying where is a lot of   the action happening remember we're trying if we  go down we don't want to go through the candles   so there's an action here there's an action here so far so good volume shows there's high level  activity in that area right that cluster there   there's high level activity in this area that  cluster there those of you guys are saying i   need this tool you guys all have this tool it's  on your trading view it's called volume profile   it's called fixed range okay let me let me show  it to you where it is just click on indicators   and it's called fixed range under volume profiling   okay this might not show up if you're not in  a in a premium account or something like that   you know below this video i'll put down the  link for trading view if you want to pick up a   premium account you can and then you'll you'll  have this it'll show up okay so far so good okay now here we go here we go so there is support here we don't see anything  here and there's support here right so far so good there's also a support resistance  there do you want to buy that why not everyone is saying no now there's not one  person saying yes everyone's saying no why not   where did the buys begin in your eyes when it was going down it began here so it went up  he pulls back he goes up he pulls back he goes up   pulls back goes up pulls back like you really  want to buy up there in the sky near the moon that's not you're not being cheap i'm sorry  the word cheap in forex is a good thing   you're not being cheap must be cheap period  that's like right your parents are gonna love   me they're gonna be like man just listen to this  brown guy we're gonna be rich be cheap you're   like i've been trying to tell my kid this for  ages he doesn't listen all right so far so good let me take it a step back now here we  go that idea of if there was a line here   like that and we say there is a support  equals resistance there and we say   that's less likely to happen that's less likely to  happen i want to ask you something right now ready prior to the launch to go to the upside the  market was holding holding holding holding holding he breaks out how much does he  break out little bit or a lot a little bit which means i don't know if it's  going to be a trend it might be a channel correct look very carefully now look very very  carefully would you say anyone who sold here   down in that area got wrong-footed they  sold incorrectly and they got trapped   so this area we're waiting right here saying  that's my support resistance we're gonna buy   come on come on we're gonna buy so far so good  now does the buy come down here does the does a   pullback come down there for you to buy no no one  gets in no one gets in the prices start to rise   you're like okay we're we might be sitting here  but now tell me with the range that broke out and   this is the movement it did what are the  chances of prices coming back to here it's low now it's not going to happen  now you must step up your game and saying   all right i know this is the best price  but now he's broken above that much get me an S and R that's a bit higher   not that high screw that one get me an S and R  a bit higher this one is less likely aha moments everything you just learned they're all S and R  drawings every single one of them one is correct so far so good another example okay i see many people saying one  more time but i'm not doing a magic show here but   i'm glad you guys are happy and this is making  sense to you good we'll do it again we'll do it   again so you know it's not a magic show it's  actually logical just watch it closely okay   here we go EURUSD maybe let's change the pairs  a bit okay ready so this is a messy chart right   messy messy chart we're not gonna look for  a a chart that's like all right let's find a   chart that's so beautiful that it's going to be  perfect for me to draw a line no let's choose a   messy chart like this all right what would  you say is the direction of this down or up so some people are saying down  some people are saying up both   are correct whoever sang down because of  that is correct maybe they see the down   like that they're correct whoever sees up they're  seeing this they're also correct so far so good yes okay remember one thing remember the idea of  the buy is happening it's going up he pulls back   it's going up he pulls back  it's going up pulls back   it's going up one more time what  happened to those over leveraged buyers trapped bring it bring it to  the side bring it in the future   okay because we have to whenever we're going up we  don't want to cut through candles we want to look   to our left and say what are we dealing with  so we have a level up there and we're saying   i can see this by but i can also see this as long  as i stay away from that my buys should be safe   now the buys have begun from down here i can see then they went up they try to sell a  little bit and then they went up even more   like whoa whoa whoa whoa what happened to all  these sellers down here who sold below this area all trapped now you're looking at a  situation like this level up there   level down here trend has gone up really fast   over here so if you were to imagine this as a  range how did we break the range strong or weak strong if you're able to get this support  resistance like that because you're not using   it through the candles remember that you're  not using through the candles i'm not saying   draw a line through the candles it's because  you know this whole section is trapped therefore   this comes to life you're not going through the  candles remember that that's the difference there so far so good okay if you get that and the buy runs  good would you say many people got on okay if you say many people did not  get on and the price is running away do you want to buy up there do  you want to buy close to him no you were saying you know what from here to here   he never came down he never came down give me  a discount and i'll think about it give me a   discount and i'll think about it so where  is the discount going to come level level   level multiple levels it is not a fibonacci  number it is not going through the candles to   find the line that comes in from 1960. okay okay  i'm not trying to draw beautiful lines like that does that make sense you have a level here that  held and rose from there made new highs made   new highs you have a level here that held and  made new highs you can't go through from this   wall to the left to start saying let me read  something let me figure something out because   if you do it like that draw a line anywhere close  your eyes draw a line anywhere you can justify it   okay that's a test you guys can do this  for homework if you close your eyes put a   horizontal line anywhere and then you zoom  out you'll see that line actually works you   can actually draw a line anywhere and you  can justify it it doesn't mean it's correct you'll see it hold at certain points wherever  you draw the line at any point it will hold   what you need is some line that is reliable   okay because support resistance is not how do i  draw support and resistance support resistance is   which level can i put my money  on and saying let's do this does that make sense all right so the  idea of those of you who saw the sell   correct those of you who saw the bi also correct  but just stay away from those areas you know are   dangerous if the sell starts coming down now like  it is would you say the buyers got killed in here right anyone who bought from whatever this support  resistance is they got killed it's not working   so well it came down really really hard okay if  this is your range how strong is he coming down hard but how much if it closes right  now where it is he hasn't done much he's not far away from the range so we  don't know if it's going to be a channel   so if it's going to be a channel huh see this buy that was artificial   price might come to there and then resume if  this is the top what is the best price to get in your eyes need to see a sell in this design  your eyes need to see a buy in this design   not a buy in this design if you look for  buys in that design chances are you're gonna   you're gonna be wrong-footed because you're  too late by the time that design shows up okay all right looks like there's a problem  with the recording i don't think this webinar   was recorded no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding  it's recorded i'll i'll get it to all of you guys   don't worry all right okay okay so the whole  point is not to wait for the recording you   gotta focus you gotta focus right you gotta focus  as much as you can now recording is just a recap   it's just a recap okay now would you guys agree S  and R is something so simple yet so misunderstood right did you know this is the same  situation for everything in the market   the simplest things are actually very powerful   but misunderstood and people say oh it's basics  basics basics basics is where the money is that's where the money is okay so let's  take a look at this another example all right let's do another  example here we go give me a pair what do we have so far no pair  yet i see EURUSD i'm on EURUSD   okay gold okay i don't know why many  people are saying gold let's open up gold   i guess this is hot today so you guys want to talk  about gold all right so what do we see about gold except everyone's eyeballs looking at this  last candle what do you know about gold   is it an uptrend downtrend forget the time  frame i'm just keeping whatever time frames   in front of me let's say for this time frame  up there what's the goal doing that breaks down   pulls back and starts coming down right now  here we go very carefully uptrend or downtrend downtrend correct when this was that range  that you saw how much of that range was broken a little bit or a lot look  at the size of that range   look at the size of that break which one's bigger it's almost the same which means the  break was not that strong so we don't know   if we're gonna come back as an S and  R to this level or must we go to an   S and R for these levels okay remember i  can't go through the chart so i cannot say   this is the level exactly can't go  through can't go through that's not it does that does that make sense so far okay so what makes this valuable now so we have an  area here that we can sell from but if you do not   trust the break of this and saying that break  is not that big so he's going to come in deep so come in deep to where let's find out where the  bias can come to why this area there's nothing to   my left but why in that area is because there's  logic to it there's logic to it that that's the   area he might slow down that's the area he might  slow down okay now we're gonna go very very slowly   ready we're gonna go very very slowly here we go the buy that comes up here   would you say at that time half the world is  like oh my god oh my god oh my god it's a bye sorry if i'm thinking oh  my god oh my krishna oh my   buddha whatever like would you say half the  world is saying it's a buy right because they   see a full speed so they're going to do they're  going to do that they're going to follow it   so far so good okay sellers who are  selling down in these areas wrong footed okay don't forget that the strongest  area of support resistance is this level   and this level do not forget that so when  prices come up and you want to do a sell   you want to be aware that this is a dangerous  spot this steps in and saying you're gonna have   you're gonna have support right there  where you're gonna have to close your   trade and see what happens once it reaches  that area can you tell me what can the bi do what do the buyers have nothing they've  weakened the sells can now resume the sells cannot resume because we are continuing  this overall flow of this is the best price   up here the sells have started but when he  comes here we have a temporary stopping point   there's no buyers at all it's  just a temporary stopping point does that make sense okay now do you see me  drawing a line going through this area saying   i'm doing this line because it comes from this  and that line going to there and therefore there   we're not doing that right i'm trying  to tell you look at these areas these   are high probability areas where you're going  to have issues so whoever is selling selling   the over leveraged guy at the end is killed  that one and that one because look at the way it   runs away after that oh i hope they had a stop  loss if not they're holding on for their dear life what happens if someone's holding  on for their dear life here and   no stop loss what will they  do when the price comes back they're going to try and exit that causes a  temporary reaction in the market because a   lot of people are trying to get out that  causes the little bounce in that area   but are people activating the buys nope nope  sells continue you don't believe me take a look   at this you chose this pair this time frame was  there we took at that time frame take a look here okay i'm gonna zoom in a bit here here  we go you see that sell i have up there   i'm worried about this area where the last  seller who was coming down got wrong footed   so instead of holding on to my sells i got out  made money once i saw the buyers got nothing   i re-entered for the sells took  it all the way down exit here I know in the back of my mind it's a  seller's market sellers market sellers market   but i'm also aware of where is  my levels that are dangerous   where is my levels that have meaning to them  where are my levels that can cause me problems okay does that make sense okay so putting  our money where our mouth is kind of thing   right just want this is a trade that you guys  chose on gold i'm just showing you how it fits   in with what i did just earlier in the webinar  okay this time frame is what time frame is this 60   60 up here i think i think that's  60 i can't see it yeah 15 sorry okay so this this particular trade all in all  ran me five thousand eight hundred dollars   okay all right so quiz time quiz time really quick  wanna check with your guys knowledge here okay   ready gonna test your knowledge just think about  this so if if the market moves can i draw a line   anywhere okay as you guys saw in the earlier  podcast that we were doing can i just draw a   line anywhere and saying okay cool you know  we're gonna make some money off of this line the answer is you can draw a line  anywhere but it has no value has no value okay but when you draw a line that has   purpose and reason behind it which one is  the best the early ones or the late ones the earlier the better the later you're going  you are asking for it you will become the over   leveraged sucker don't be that over  leverage greedy sucker at the end   because we take advantage of that that over  leveraged guy that's all the way at the top   he gets killed the whole market comes out  there and he eats them alive it's not that   people are the big boy or wall street is trying  to squeeze him and kill him no it's just the way   of the world that's how it works those who do  not know gets gets crushed by those who do know   and now you know so be better be smarter  do not just go in there saying i deserve   to make money from this even without having any  knowledge don't be that guy don't be that guy you know i was born in this country so i deserve  to make money don't be that guy work for it   get smarter get better and me and pave  your way through pave your way through   okay so how many guys can in this webinar tell  me in the 60 minutes that we were together   you have learned more about support  and resistance than ever before right the whole thing was recorded so you  guys can watch it as many times quote me   and also tell me hey Navin last time you talked  about this but how come not this side quote me i'm   not going to change the way i talk about it it's  something i do with my read over and over again   i don't change it as per the design i'm like now  i'm going to change it to this thing no you have   to read the market not draw the line okay having  that said having that said how many of you guys   in this room are actually part of our membership  from the Mastering Price Action student actually   okay let me see it here how many of you  guys are actually students here there's   942 people in here how do you guys are students   okay wow okay so let me see this here give me  a minute i'll share the results with you guys   okay three two one kind of get it up to 70 votes  almost there we go 70 votes cool there you go   all right so 72 of you guys in this room okay  481 of you guys are actually already students   cool those of you guys who are not students and  you want to learn you want to learn how to do   things right you want to start your career in  the right path and i have something that i've   developed called the Mastering Price Action  2.0 okay this is a eight week long program  

that i have developed over the years with a  step-by-step routine week after week i'm going to   show you exactly what to do okay i'm going to show  you exactly what to do how to look at the markets   how to understand what you need to be doing how  do you enter how do you exit we even have private   webinars like this but only for students where  we go in and we go deep into all the materials   and make sure there's no holes in your knowledge  but apart from that every single day examples   will also come out okay you get examples  every single day that comes out where you can   whatever you learned in that week you can test  your knowledge you can test your knowledge and   seeing hey that what i understood is it correct  it's happening in the markets right now here's   the example that was given to me i can  see it on euro usd or pound or whatever   and it will be applicable so you will learn  faster and better and then towards the end of your   education there during your eight weeks we'll  get onto a webinar and make sure we iron out   all the details okay i are not all the details for  those of you guys who have been in those webinars   where we iron out all the  details do you guys like it you guys had aha moments in that good good i'm  glad to hear i'm really glad that 70 of you guys   in this room are actually students okay that  says a lot that says a lot you know we have   good retention you guys are happy to come back  over and over again i'm really happy for that   really happy for that so for those of you guys  who want to pick up the Mastering Price Action 2.0   we have the whole thing it is  priced very very reasonable we   are the cheapest in the industry for  high level high quality of education   you've seen the numbers you've seen my  trades you've seen the numbers we go through   the price is at 149 dollars it is a bargain  it is a bargain but for this specific webinar   we're going to take off additional 30 bucks format  okay which means you can be cheap you can get it   at a decent price the website to pick it up is,   I'll type it in for you guys there you go it'll  show up on on your screens there okay so if you   want to pick it up you can you'll pick it up for  a decent price i'll see you guys inside the course   a lot of you guys are already in the course so  we'll see you guys as you develop your careers but   i really hope today's S and R lessons really hit  the nail on the coffin saying all right i got it   S and R is not just a simple line it is not  just a simple line there is more to support   and resistance thank you all of you guys who  are actually in this room recommending the   Mastering Price Action 2.0 but unfortunately  the other people cannot see your messages  

but i really appreciate it thank you for  that we have the reviews on our site anyways   so you know people can refer to that but all  right so if you have any questions or concerns   me and my team as you've just met earlier were  available or pretty much 24 7 around the clock   you can always email us info either  me or any one of my teammates will assist you   very quickly as quick as possible and we're  available 24 7 basically we have people around   the clock in different parts of the world on  standby so if you have any questions or concerns   we'll be happy to assist you all right guys  thanks a lot for coming in i look forward to   seeing you inside the Mastering Price Action  2.0. cheers guys until next time bye for now

2021-02-21 11:12

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