The Only Candlestick Patterns Trading Course You Need(For Beginners)

The Only Candlestick Patterns Trading Course You Need(For Beginners)

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welcome traders who is in control is the most  important question you have to ask yourself   when you are trading. Because in trading it is  a constant battle between buyers and sellers So, to know that you have to understand  candlestick patterns, candlestick patterns are   the visual representation of all the activities  that buyers and sellers are doing in the market So in this course I have given a clear  demonstration of all the candlestick patterns   how you can read them how you can understand  them and how you can apply this candlestick   pattern in your trading and at the end of the  course i have given three rules that you can   apply in your trading with the candlestick  patterns so make sure you watch the video   till the end and if this is something interesting  to you then smash the like button subscribe to the   channel if you're new to the channel and then  press the bell notification button so that you   don't miss out any of the content i release every  day and every week, with that said let's get it okay guys so let's start our course candlestick  pattern full course so first of all who is this   course for? this course is for complete beginner  who doesn't have any kind of training experience.   Also this course of course is for advanced traders  so both of you will be benefiting from this   course because this course covers  everything about candlestick pattern now i want you to watch this video till the end  because the important information you will miss   if you skip some part of this video this  is very very important because price action   trading is the most profitable trading used by  all the big boys all the hedge fund banks they   they use this price section pattern with  candlestick pattern trading so hopefully   you will enjoy this course let's begin so  first of all basics of candlestick pattern so   what is a candlestick pattern first of all what  does it mean now let's consider that you are in   when you are in a primary or in a kindergarten  school what they did they're introduced you   alphabet so a b c d so when you learn  this alphabet then what you did you   use this alphabet in different combination  to create different different words and   sentences so this candlestick is your alphabet for  trading so you cannot trade a single candlestick   but when you combine with other candlestick  and other market condition then you will get   a language of the market you will understand the  language of the market and if you want to trade   profitably then you have to know the language  of the market so let's begin with a basic candle   so that the candle the candlestick uh is is  the japanese uh name that came from japan   for some reason there we don't need to understand  it but uh let's begin what does it mean   first so let's imagine that you wake up  early in the morning and started open a chart   for the market that what you can see is like this  a small dot in the morning when the market opens   so this is a small dot when say so you are looking  at the daily candle so you see this dot that means   the price started from here when you saw a dog or  a small line and then what happened the buyer said   just say for example the sellers came back to  the market so when people sell the price fall   down okay like this down straight line and then  after some time the buyers came back in the market   and they started to buy so when the  price people buy the price goes up   at the end of the day say the price came here  and then again sellers came back to the market   and they sold some areas the price closed here so  how this candle is formed is basically like this   so open and close here so it forms its body  so this is the body of the candle and this   is called week this is also week so what happened  is the price opened here and then the seller came   push the price back here buyer can push up  here up to here and then press close back in   this zone so this is a candle this is basically  a representation of the order flow in the market   so what the buyers and sellers are  doing is a visual representation of this   activities candle is showing to you so let's  now analyze this candle according to the   where we have discussed so what happened  this is open of the session so a candle   can be in different time period so we are  considering a daily candle a candle can be   an hour hourly candidate so an hourly candle  represents that in that hour there will be a   candle and the next hour there will be another  candle if it is a daily candle that means in one   day we will see one candle we will explain this  later more clearly first so this is the open of   the session the price opened here and then the  seller came to the market push the price down   then this is the low so price up came up to here  and then the buyer starts to push the price up   so when price came here why this is green because  this is the opening of the session and then when   the price gone up the price is being green green  game so when the price came below there it was   the red but when it went up it became a good so  came here up to here this high of the session   so this is the highest price on the day that the  buyers brought and then the price the seller came   back again to the market push the price here at  this point the market closed this is this is the   closing price and after the end of the trading  day this candle is formed so this is the basic   alphabet of the trading that you need to know so  again i'm repeating this is the low of the session   this is the opening of the session this is the  close of the session this is the high of the   session so when you know this you understand what  happened now this is this is this particular time   period it can be a hour lead candle it can be  one hourly candle it can be one minute candle   or it can be a weekly monthly channel so whatever  the time frame is the representation of this uh   training activity happened on this time period now  let's see how does it look like a seller candle so this is a a different candle so what happened  on the day on the previous scandal the price   opened here and then went up now let's assume the  next day when the price closed here captioning   not available at this point and then the buyer  came back again and pushed the price and the   market closed here now the previous one the market  opened here and the price gone up so it became a   green candle normally it is a color coded when  when price goes like the buyers are in control   the price goes up it presented my green when the  seller in control price goes down represented by   red but you can choose your own color normally  it's a it's it's a general color theme for this   types of movement now the price closed here so  this is the close of the session this is the low   of the session this is the opening of the session  and this is the high of the session and this is a   visual representation for this mode of this camera  so i hope that you understood now what a candle is   it's a different time frame we can use in  different time frame but this is the basic concept   of a candle let's look what types of candle  you can see so now this is the most important   question you always have to ask yourself when you  are trading remember always remember this question   who is in control remember because if you know who  is in control that means you will be on the side   of this strong group who is in control and you  will be doing it all the time the basic things   you have to learn and this candle this candlestick  will tell you who is in control because you need   to answer this question before you take a  treat now for this candle who is in control that's correct buyers in control how do you know  see the market open here and even there is no week   here so as soon as the market open the buyers  started to take control the price gone up   up up up up up to here this is the high of  the session and then some some replacement or   seller came the price closed here so this green  candle because they said the price was here 1.5  

and the price pros at two the price  save went to one two point three   and then the seller came the price closes too  so this this represents the buyer was controlled   in this trading session so what about this one  and then say the price flows here and the next   trading session suddenly all the sellers  came back even buyer could include any   so the strongly price came down to this level  and again some buyers came and then the price   closed here so this in this this trading session  completely seller in control so this is the first   thing you have to understand when you look at a  candle you have to understand who is in control of   the time period because that will tell you to take  the next move when there is a buyer's control then   you will know that what to do next in combination  with other factors that you will consider later   so hopefully you understood this that who is in  control you will understand from the candlestick   pattern now let's go down to the next one now  all these types of candle who is in control   the previous one we have seen that there is a  strong body that is telling you who is in control   now when you see a candle like this you need  to ask this same question who is in control   so first analyze this one what types of candle is this say let's see  what happened here so this is the opening as   you know and then what happened buyer skin they  have pushed the price little bit up up to here so this is the opening of the session and then  what happened seller came back to the market   strongly they pushed the price down here  and when they put this price at this level   the bulls came on the market unless  rejected this but they said no   will not let you go down we will take control  and the buyers aggressively put the price   up to the opening of the price and  then even further to this point close   here now in this scandal in this particular candle  who is in control i will give you for 10 seconds   that's right this in this scandal  buyers in control buyers in control why   because look the seller came to this point but  at the end of the day what different buyers   push the price even higher than when the seller  dropped so this is a sign of strong rejection from   this level when price created rejection that  means the buyers took control of this candle   and we can make this candle this this is  a we'll learn later how we'll name this uh   this is basically a uh hammer candle so  we'll learn later more about this but for now   and it's look like a hammer so it's with a  small small body and long weave it's a hammer   normally the definition of a hammer is when the  weak is two times the body is called a hammer and in this candle so what we have understood  is buyers in control so buyers push the price   up now let's see this one what about this one  what happened the price the the market opened here   and then the buyer scale push the price up  to here and then strongly rejected from this   level the seller came back and the closed price  back below here now who is in control in this   candle that's correct seller is in control  because at the end of the day the seller   the buyers have been rejected from this level  and the seller take control now this is also a   hammer remember this color of the body when there  is a small small body like this for a hammer or a   pinball is not important the the shape and the  pattern is important if this one can be red or   wheel this one can be readable but the same  function so it can be told as a so based on   where it is located it can be tell the shooting  star inverted mr hammer will learn it later   but for now you have to understand  that who is in control of a particular   candle so what do we have learned from here  there is a long way strong rejection along with   indicates a strong rejection and that is a sign of  the market sentiment change so this one here from   seller to buyer to control this one from buyer to  seller to control now let's see the next pattern   so the next one is this one so who is in control  on this candle but you have to know so this one   is a small weak with narrow body so this candle  is basically told as doji so this one is dodgy deo so this is a dodgy candle so doji means what  happened the price opened here the buyers came   here pushed the price up and then the seller came  back pushed this level for this level and then the   again buyers came and closed almost the similar  place when the price was open and form this   dodgy candle so this in this candle  represented the the buyers and sellers   had almost a similar battle so the the price  is or no one is in control that means both has   equal control so this is this is in decision the  market is in indecision neither of this group   has won the battle so this means that dodgy candle  is a very very important channel we'll learn later now we have learned the basics of the candlestick  now let's do the summary so catalystic pattern   represents order flow of a particular trading  session or a period so this is the candlestick   pattern the presence a candlestick has four  components open close low and high also   candlestick represents who was in control on the  trading period so far are you with me hopefully   you understood so basically what we have learned  so far is how we will read candlestick and what   it means to you now let's move on now we'll learn  the combined candlestick so different time frame let's consider this scenario so let's say that  this is a 15 minute scandal so the price opened   here buyers took it up to the high to this level  and then closed back here in the first 15 minutes   so when the market grows here on the first  15 minutes the next candle is start here   okay and then whatever the set then  the buyers again came to the market   pull the price up to this level and then  seller aggressively came and pushed the price   back here and up finally closed back here so this  is a 15 minutes chart when you look at the 15   minutes chart you see this like that but what  happened when you see on a 30 minute chart or   half an hour chart what do you see you see this  scandal this is very very important you need to   understand it otherwise it will be very confusing  for you when you are looking at the chart   so this when you look at the 30  minutes or half an hour chart you see   not like this you see this so what does it mean  if you see only 13 years what it means that   the price the market opened here buyer scheme to  this point push the price up to here and then the   seller rejected this price to this level and close  here so for the 30 minute scandal is basically   the open is here close it here okay this is the  rejection so this is the body for this candle so   on the 30 minute you will basically see a hammer  on this candle so this is very very important that   you understand this concept of multi-time frame or  combined candlestick now let's see a real example okay so this chart will be looking and let's  see the real example so this is a real chart   where you can see this pattern so let's look  at this particular candle so this you see   this green candle first 15 minutes opened  here and then closed back here the next candle   opened here and then sellers came back closed back  here so this chart basically a 15 minutes chart   and this is what happened on this two  candle on the 15 minutes let now let's go   to the 30 minutes chart so the for the same same  australian dollar even dollar for the same thing   on the 30 minutes you will see  this candle look at this one here   okay you see this candle so the same  representation but in a different time frame   so you need to understand it green candle closed  here the next one goes back below so finally on   the 30 minutes you see basically open here close  here high and low so i hope this this clears you   so this is what happened when you go to  the different time frame let's move on   now let's go to the let's see another example so  this is another example on the higher time frame   what do you see that on the hourly time frame  on the hourly time frame so i draw this box so   that you can identify where is the location so  this box is no chart or anything just it's a   separate box so what do we see on the hourly is  see if we consider this candle first one first   hour then what do you see the price opened here  and then you know the the seller came take to this   point first open here and then the buyer came  take to this point from there the seller came   up to here and then the price closed back here  so this is the body of the weak candle this is   the low this is the high next one what happened is  the price closed here the next one open here again   came to this point again went up and close here  so this is becoming green because this is opening   this is close here what happened on the next  one because it closed here again opened here   after that the seller came brought the price here  and then buyers pushed the price back up to here   again seller came and the closed in this part so  this candle closing here open here closing here   and the next one the same thing happened seller  came and the close here so all these four candles   this is one hourly chart like this but if you look  at that like if you look at the four hourly time   frame this same scenario what you see is this  look at this you will see only this so that's   one very very important you need to understand  on the four hourly you see this why because look   starting of the hour was here so this is the  opening level of the hour right and then price   gone up down up down quite a few times and then  the on the final hour what happened the closed   here right this is the closing of this candle  this is the opening of this candle this is the   closing of the scandal they are in the same line  see they are in the same like on the other candles   what happened the price just gone up and down so  on the lower side the price have come to here on   the higher side the price have come here and that  is what we presented on this four hourly candle so   the price where the price open close there this is  the high of the price this is the low of the price   so that's how you have to read candlestick pattern  i hope this this example clears you how you can   read multi-time frame candlestick or combined  candlestick pattern let's move on now major price   section pattern or candlestick pattern so now  you have understood how to read candlestick and   how you can identify in a different time  frame or how you can read the combined   candlestick pattern now we'll learn major  price action pattern or candlestick pattern so   remember a single candle will not give you any  price indication it's a letter say for example   a or a single b or a c will not tell you anything  it's just alphabet when you combined with other   alphabet then it creates a language similarly  a single candle will not tell you anything   you need to combine it with other candle  other market structure to create a pattern   or language so that's what we will learn  now the first one is called bullish   or bearish engulfing pattern it's a  very very powerful pattern you need   to understand so first of all let's learn  the bullish what is it so a bullish engulfer   is like so this consider this is the support  so what is the support and support is a place   where the price came and rejected we'll learn it  more in the future but for now consider that this   is supposed to say support council is like a floor  in a house so this is a support consider this   candle first the price opened here went up here  and then the close back below here so came here   and then closed back here okay this is the low of  the candle this is the high of the candle so this   is the selling candle this is support and all the  support what happened after closing this candle after closing this candle what happened  the buyers came strongly and then   the sellers tried to put price below and went a  little bit lower than this low and then strongly   buyers came to the market and pushed price  more than this selling candle okay so the   the seller was here now the buyers went  above this zone and create a new higher high   so that is a bullish engulfing so what  what is telling a bullish and girlfriend   is the sentiment change that means when the  price came to this support or this floor level   there is a strong buyers in this market  and this point and there to full control   that's engulfed this name is came from this  candle has engulfed the previous one completely   and close above so that is telling you the  answer of this question who is in control   so the price was in the seller the buyers  took control from the support so when   you know this when you understand it then you know  that now at this point you can go long or you can   buy because i control so this is a one pattern is  called bullish and golfer so if we just flip this   this this pattern it becomes a bearish and  golfer so if we consider this resistance so   when when it is a floor they consider this  one the ceiling of the of the of a house   so it's a different pattern so just the  other way around let's assume that the buyers   here is in control the candle closed in this the  green candle closed here and then the next one   what happened the price for the next period the  price open here the buyers to control that create   new high and then whatever strongly rejected  from the zone and the seller to full control   create a new higher high and then the price  closed even more than the buyers had in control   so this scandal is a bearish engulfer so  when you can see a candle like this on a   resistance it's a strong sign of selling  pressure on the market and at that time   the sellers is in full control and then  you can go for short from this zone   so hopefully you understand this  pattern let's move on to the next one   now a pin bar or a hammer so as i told you  before you cannot trade these types of pattern   as a single candle you have to combine with other  camera so how we can trade this pin bar with   respect to support and resistance let's assume  that there is a selling candle now you know how   this camera is formed and there is another one  and then the next one what happened this is the   support the price came to this level the seller  put the price below but the buyers is strongly   rejected and close even above the support about  this result so creating this hammer or pin body   okay and how do you define the pin bar as i  told you the body so the width is two times   then the body so it is a hammer of  pinball and at this point this is a strong   sign of buyers in control and then you  can go for long from this result the same   pattern just the other way around so when  this happened there is a buyer buyer and then   the buyers put the price in a new high then the  seller came is strongly rejected from the zone and   puts the price back below the resistance  so this is a strong selling momentum   okay i'm creating this pinball all  this hammer pattern so this is another   pattern that you can try to learn  more example at the end of this course so let's move on to the next one so this is called  hanging man or shooting stuff they are basically   same types of thing but different  combination of different market condition   so this hanging men and shooting stuff don't get  confused just pay attention okay i want you to   stay focused we'll learn a lot of examples so it  will be clear i know that initially it might look   confusing to you so what is that like this one  is a hanging line so what is the difference with   the pin bar what do we see is when this form  this the easiest way to remember that i do i   i imagine this one is a human like this is a head  a man is hanging okay mine is hanging here on the   resistance so that's how  i normally try to remember   so how do you know this is a hanging men is when  there is a green bar and there is a green bar   it doesn't have to be always been just an ideal  scenario so the fire basically buyers came and at   this point what happened there is a resistance  and the buyers could not break this resistance   the sellers took in control and finally the  price the buyers again came but they could not   break this resistance because the price  closed back below this resistance is a sign of   seller in control now you might be saying well  the seller came that at the end of the day buyers   to come through yes buyers to control but they  could not break this resistance if this price   bring this resistance goes above there is a sign  of biasing control but this one this hanging man   is selling control because they could not break  the ceiling if if you want to see more about these   types of level i i put a link here on the above on  the right side you can see another video where i   have clearly defined what does it mean so this  you always have to consider in relation to the   level say for example if there is a house level  then this is a ceiling this is a float so when   the price is here you need to consider selling  but when the price is here you need to consider   buying this is another video i've explained  clearly you can watch that one too   so this is the hanging man and the seller  is in control now let's see this one so this one so in this one is the other way around  the seller created the scandal and there's another   one selling cantrell and then the price came to  this support zone so when the price came to the   support zone what happened buyers took control  creating this week and then the sellers came back   close back above this support job now this in  this in this zone will be considering buy because the seller could not break this support zone  and the price goes just above this support is a   representation of buyers new control so  don't get confused as i told you just   try to understand it i will give you  more example in the coming slides so and then another pattern is called morningstar  and evening star so they are just the different   name of the combination of the camera so what is  the morningstar is basically the price opened here and the buyers came creating a new high and  after that whatever seller aggressively came   creating a low and the price close finally in  this area so we're creating this right candle   and then the next one is creating these  types of candle okay so small small you know   we with a small body so basically what happened  the price opened here a little bit of selling   pressure a little bit of buying pressure and  the plus has closed in the same place so that   is the market is in decision or when the sellers  open the cell entry they basically close their   cell and trade this candle that means slowly  buyers is coming and the next one what happens   is the buyers strongly to conclude so open here  low here closed high here and then closed here   so this is basically the market sentiment change  so the price started to reverse and after this   candle if it is in a level of area value  then we'll be able to buy from this   from this so so that's a morning start and the  beginning start is same but the other way around   so this one first seller and then in  decision and then the buyer this one first   buyer and then the decision and then the  seller so this one is the other way around   so in this way you can consider selling so  this is it even in the start this is a name so let's move on to the next one now we have understood all the candlestick  patterns important candlestick pattern you   need okay these are the most common and important  candlestick bisection pattern that you need to   create the market now you have understood how  to read candlestick how to combine candlestick   and how to understand the different candlestick  pattern to find traits now we'll learn the rules   to apply to this candlestick pattern  so that we can we can trade the market   uh using this candlestick pattern so there are  three rules that i have given you that if you   apply this three rule it's a problem above and  tested rule that you can apply in the market   so what is the first tool the first rule  is market structure trending or segway   so the first of all you have to know either this  market is trending or sideways you learn from   market structure how do you know say when you see  a market like this okay creating a move and then   creating a connection and then creating a  new high and then there is another correction   and then there is another height and there  is another connection so this is basically   a trending market so this is the structure of the  market so this is a high this is another new high   is another new high this is the low and the  new low lower high this is the lower high   so this is a market structure telling you  that this market is in trend right similarly   for the downtrend i will know so there will be  a move to the down so there'll be a few candle   that will tell you more and then there is a duck  and there will be correction and then there is   another move and then there is another connection  there is another move there is another connection   so this is the basically a down trending market so  this is the market structure that you have to know   when it is trending so how do you know  either this trending or not trending   by seeing the market structure  it's very very important now what is the sidewalk so if the market goes  like this neither creating new higher higher or   higher low just doing like that going this  fashion so this is a sideway market this is   called the sidewall ranging market so the first  thing you have to the first rule you need to   apply is identifying the market structure either  it is trending or in a sideway if you don't know   this then it will be very difficult for you  to build up to trade currently okay the next   uh rule that you have to apply is finding the  area of value so you have to find out support or   resistance or moving average or trend line so for  example say you found that this market is trending   up okay like this you saw that the market is like  that so you saw it is creating a new higher high   okay and higher low so that means it is in an  uptrend you you found this one now the next   thing you to trade you need to find the area of  value so area of value means it can be a support   or resistance or it can be a trend line so this is  the trend line trendline means where the price is   moving along this line so this if if you see this  the price is here that means the price is in area   of bell but if you see the prices here it may not  be in an area of bill unless if there is any level   so this is the area of that this is the area  this is the area of banner so where along   the trend line is variable or some kind of moving  average or if if it is a like this types of market   so this can be any of that is the resistance  okay because the price touched here just here   rejected passed here so this is the best area  so when you know the market is structured and   then you will find the area value based on these  factors the third rule that you have to know is   entry trigger so when you found the market  structure when you found the area of value the   next thing you have to find out the entry trigger  candlestick pattern that we have learned so far   okay so for the market structure and area of value  you can watch the other video that i have linked   here so that you know what is area of value where  you need to be for finding the trading opportunity   after you find the nearby now entry trigger  or candlestick pattern so you need to find   out a characteristic pattern in that area either  a pinbar shouldn't start bullish and golfer or   whatever morning started being start and then  when you see this pattern in the area value   based on the marginal structure then you can  decide your trade either it will go long or   short so let's now the feel examples when you can  apply these rules and what we have learned so far so example one okay example one so example one in  the real chart we have learned we have seen so far   so let's consider this scenario first of all rule  number one i give you 10 seconds what is the rule   number one is market structure that means either  you have to find out this market is trending   or sideways okay so as we have just recapping the  basics so this and they told you these all are   candles see these all are candles so individual  one candle will not tell you anything you have   to consider the bigger picture based on this  catalyst so what is the market structure of this   of this uh chart like what is the rule  number one what you can find on this one correct this is a trending market   so now you found trending but is it an uptrend  or downtrend by analyzing market structure you   can find it so let's start from here this is  the mode and then there's a correction okay   and then there is another move and then there  is another correction there is another more   correction more correction more correction  more so what types of market it is it isn't   uptrend how do you know every time it is creating  see this low this low is higher than this one   and this low is higher than this low this low is  higher than this also but in case of higher a few   things sometimes it happens so they didn't create  but here it has created and here it has created   here it has created so this is in a uptrend  so rule number one is in a trend so you found   it is in an uptrend okay so you group number  one we now what is the rule number two rule number two is area of value for support  resistance now look at this particular example   this pin bar okay before we train this  pin bar we need to satisfy all the ropes   so where this pin bar formed so how do you  know this is a pin but first as as as part   of the description that we have learned so far  see this is a small body long weak and the weak   is two times more than its body so this is  a belly pin bun or whatever you want to say   and then this spin bar formed in an  area of value how do you know that   if you draw this trend line okay so this is  in a trend line first thing another thing look   at this level here so the price came here  creating this support see this red candle   closed here and then the green candle rejected  from this level every time the candle is coming   here rejecting from this level creating a level  of support so only support this pin bar is   formed so this pin bar is in an area of value so  rule number two to trade this is you found area of value okay so the rule number  two is satisfied area of that   now let's go to the rule number  three what is the rule number three the rule number three is price section better  so you found trending market you found in your   value now the price section pattern so rule  number three is price section pattern so   what is the price action pattern or entry  trigger so what is your entry trigger here   it is pin by okay this bar is closed above  this support about this support so this is   the entry treatment and then you can go long  from this so it's a very profitable trade so   when you you apply this three rule you found the  profitable trading opportunity okay is it clear   let me know if you have any confusion let me know  in the comments i will clarify you personally okay   make sure you comment below if you have any  question let's move on to the next example   example number two is we'll learn the bullish and  beige engulfing better so the first rule as i told   you what we have to consider is market structure  now tell me what types of market structure is this correct this is a ranging market how do you  know price creating this range so neither   creating it later it might be  trending but for this zone it is in a   range or if you consider this move only it is  an uptrend this move only it is a downtrend but   overall picture it is a ranging market  creating a resistance and support   so how do you consider this uh let's find first  area of value first consider this one okay the first one is that we found the market  structure is changing the second goal is   area value so this if we see this zone here this  is the resistance how do you know so the price   basically is not a line it's a zone so this zone  is look here this is the resistance here there is   a resistance here the price rejected from this  um two zone creating a level of resistance and   then the price came here again went back there  creating another touch and then strongly rejected   now how so this this zone is this from this  zone this red candle is created this red candle   basically a perish and golfer how do you know  see this candle basically can go the completely   the previous one the seller the first look at this  candle the price closed here and then the next one   the seller strongly pushed the price back up  to this point and crawl back here so this is a   bearish and golfer from the level  of resistance the price came here   completely and got the previous one is a  sign that the seller is in full control   of the market okay so that's a bearish  and golfer as we have learned so far okay so let's see this example okay this is the  bullish engulf for example so let's apply the   rules same rules here for this one this is  a level of support how we know the level of   supports if the price created a resistance here  later broke and acted as a support in this zone   and also has a supporting vision the price came  here with the red candle and then rejected the   buyers strongly to control creating this strong  green candle now when it has created this skin   candle then we can think of training but we need  to again apply all the rules the first one we need   to understand the marker structure okay so this  is the sidewall as we already explained but if you   consider this more this this can be a trending  but as we know that the the price came to this   level of area of value and then rejected so  the first rule that we will be applying here is what is the first rule market structure that  you have known second rule in your value   both is being applied the third rule is trisection  pattern or entry trigger that's what we have   learned so this is the bullish and golfer on the  area of value the supporting the market structure   so we can go from long after the scandal for this  to the upside so let's move on to the next example   okay so third example is about the shooting  stuff this is a very very profitable   price section pattern so shooting stuff and  hanging them so first of all let's see this   example here so this candle you see this candle  this is the perfect example of shooting a star   okay so this first of all let's see this market  structure rule number one market structure what is   the market structure from this move that's current  it's clearly significant uptrend creating a   higher high and lower high levels it is more  creating this high and then this connection   creating a new higher high and then the  lower high and then the new higher high   every time it is creating a new higher  iso rule number one satisfied it is in a   applied it is in an uptrending market rule  number two is find the area value so this is a   trend line okay so in one sense it is an area  also this is the level here okay so this is the   any of value for this scandal so this  scandal is formed we learn the marker   structure and we found the area of value  for this scatter now we can create this   bisection pattern so this is the shooting star  how do you know it's a shooting star is because   this scandal has an opposing direction we that we  have learned so far if you still not understand   go back to the lesson and see what is the shooting  star and then this is formed this candle is formed   in an area value so it couldn't break that bring  the support but closed above the support so we can   create this and the shooting star pattern this is  third rule is the entry ticket is a shooting stun   go for long with a stop loss below this low and  it's a very high risk to the world ratio trade   all right so far with me all right cool now let's  see this one is the hanging man so this is just   opposite okay this hanging mains form so first of  all what is the first rule marker structure this   is a ranging marker okay if you see the bigger  picture it might be uh trending but for this   zone it is ranging so how so as it is ranging  then let's find the area value so this is the   one touch resistance resistance resistance  okay so first the price came here rejected   creating a level of resistance again came  back here again rejected getting another   level of resistance when the price came here  we can watch the price section for further   rejection because since it has rejected quite a  few times there is a charge it will be rejected   again and that is what happened what happened  the price came here to the zone creating this   hanging man as i told you how do you remember  hanging man consider this is the head hands okay   two legs okay so this is the hanging band and  shooting a stage just the other way around so   when you see this hanging man that means you found  the third rule to be applied for this training and   then you can go for short from the zone with a so  it's a very tight train but you can have a very   good streak slowly but if you do you'll stop us  above this zone but entry here it could be a one   two four or five trade even with this small  movement if you know how to apply this   shooting star and hanging on in the real  chart okay so let's see more examples okay so let's see example number four okay in  example number four we'll learn how we can train   the evening star and morning star so as we said  the evening mr morningstar is like there will be   a couple of candles but for  this one what you see is   the price this green candle has not moved and  then creating this is like a plus like candle   which is a small which is small body and  then from here what happened the past fall   okay so creating this evening star so in this  evening star how will be trading this is the   level of resistance so we can't see left but there  is a level that that is creating this level of   existence and from this level from this zone you  can go for sure your stop-loss will be above this   law so what are the rules that we are applying in  this one so this is a so far we can see that this   is a sideway market there is other um kind of that  you can't see so creating this uh arranging market   and after the way in this ranging monday this  is the area of value or resistance creating   this evening star or a stop loss will be  above and then what this project will be   this move to the downside so rule number one  market structure we have found rule number two   is area of value we have found number three the  prime section patterns beginning is done for the   morning star is same so what about first rule  here so this one was sideway what about this one   correct this one is a uptrending market  because every time it is creating a new   higher high and lower so we found the  trending market and the second is finding area   so this this level see this candle you are  thinking about so this level is basically area y   this candle this this zone the price has  been rejected quite a few times and also   this is a swing low for this for this trend  creating a new so this basically this zone   is just a bit about this zone so this  candle is rejected from this previous swing   load so this is the area value this is the area  of value and in this area of value so what we can   do we can see this morning step red candle and  then the previous one is dodgy indecision and   then the next one is paid so you can go for long  from this zone and our stop-loss would be bigger   and then slowly class will go up that's what we  expect so we have learned this example for as well   let's move on now we have learned all the examples  that we need to understand this bisection pattern   now we are at the end of the course see i  have given everything you need to understand   that bisection pattern all the rules that you need  to apply all the technique then you need to read   the market structure i hope that you enjoyed this  course if you have any question just let me know   in the comment and also let me know what next one  want me to cover for you what types of course or   technique or strategy you want to learn just let  me know in the comments i will do a video for you   i hope that you understood everything and i  hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching   don't forget to subscribe for more  content in the future thank you you

2021-05-25 09:18

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