The Macabre Death Of Edgar Allan Poe

The Macabre Death Of Edgar Allan Poe

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This. Week on the season premiere of BuzzFeed unsolved, we look into the death of Edgar, Allan Poe a case as mysterious, and McCobb as the infamous writers stories. She's. Season, premiere I mean Luzi astok, I don't know much about Edgar, Allan Poe I was really bringing the energy this yeah that's good that's good he wrote. Some fun yarns a gloomy, fella didn't, know he had an untimely death quite honestly I don't. Know seems like a cool guy they. Named the football team after him sorta. Did. The, Ravens I didn't realize that till a few years ago I was like I don't think they named it after the Baltimore Ravens they did not name it but was from Baltimore are you kidding me wow. That's. The whole thing holy shit I just not they like Raven the Ravens a scary bird it is this, is the this is the second time we've talked about like a tortured, artist type when we did old Vincent back in the day was Poe truly tortured tortured tortured I'd say he did kind of look the part yeah, he kind of looks like. Wood, you're donning right now facial, hair wise I don't hate to hear it. Edgar. Allan Poe was born on january 19. 1809. In Boston, to a pair of actors Elizabeth. Arnold Poe and David, Poe Jr within. The first three years of his life both, his parents were, dead and the we Poe was brought to Richmond, to live with his presumed Godfather, John, Helen how do you a, presumed Godfather, I don't know people get kind of fast and loose with that right what you're is it it's, just eighty nine eighty no no I got other stuff to worry about tea bees out there they're. Like oh yeah so we definitely will pick a godfather don't worry about it uh-oh we're, dead now in, 1826. Poe, enrolled at the University, of Virginia, where he was an excellent student though. John Allen was a wealthy, tobacco merchant, he was also a tightwad. Who sent Poe to school with less than a third of the money needed to. Try to make up for the shortfall post, started, gambling as, you might expect this, strategy, didn't quite pay off and by the end of his first term Poe. Was so poor he was burning his furniture, to stay warm I think it's okay that John el and wasn't, just handing him piles of money what does he want I mean you could hand him the adequate, amount no make, him work for it make him strong. You. Know get him out there get him working getting, burned in his own furniture I agree we teach him a few lessons the the, experience, of losing both of his parents probably didn't make him stronger. At. This time, Ellen was actually, angry at the young student, for gambling, while, Poe was likewise, upset, at his Godfather, for refusing, to contribute more, to his education with. No other options, Poe was forced to drop out of school thus. Began a tumultuous time in Poe's, life upon. Returning to Richmond, Poe discovered, his fiancee, Elmira, Shelton, had become engaged to, another man. Despairing. Poem, moved to Boston, and enlisted, in the US, Army to, support himself so he could write his, Godfather, however, then bought Poe's way out of the military, which was apparently, something you could do Poe. Then enrolled in West Point only, be expelled eight months later after, making himself absent. From all drills and classes, for a week with. Nowhere to go po attempted, to seek out his father's relatives in Baltimore, where, he was promptly robbed by one of his cousin's bad bad. Cousin, I, don't. That's, rough this guy is being followed by a dark cloud yeah it just seems like what do you do when when, life throws curveballs, at you know have a nice cry you you feel my gone to season of BuzzFeed unsolved, supernet. Yeah. I make, BuzzFeed unsolved that's what I do finally. Poe fell into the care of his aunt Maria Clem and established, some semblance of stability Poe. Started to publish poems, around. The time when he moved in with his aunt Poe also began publishing short stories, one, of which won a contest, that grew his notoriety and, led to an editorial, position, at the southern literary messenger.

In Richmond, gotta, feel good right yeah win a contest if all this happened to me my life is just the pits and then I won a contest. I'd. Be like back. On top it still feels like the scales. Have not tipped but yeah but this is the beginning it is the beginning is the beginning this is a little a little. Pebble on the scale it's true nice, darkest before the dawn Poe's luck was finally turning around in, addition to his newfound career, traction, Poe had fallen in love with a girl named Virginia grossly. Virginia. Was his cousin even, gross leer Virginia, was half his age despite. These circumstances Poe. And Virginia, married, in Richmond in 1835. When Poe was 27, in Virginia, was, 13. Can. I say yeah. Can't, be doing that you know obviously. But it is a tie it is a thing of the times. You. Kept doing this I mean. Usually what I'm saying though right don't, need to condemn, from. Our vantage. Point, in history and so we do condemn, wholeheartedly. Well. Their marriage was said to have been a happy, one it was also largely marked, by money troubles, you tell me she wasn't out there in the raking. In the dollars as a. Turning. In her finger paintings to City Hall get, in a nice little quarter. Poke. Continued moving about the eastern seaboard piecing, together different, writing jobs but finding it nearly impossible to. Make an adequate living, when. His first collection of short stories tales, of the grotesque, and arabesque which contained his famous story the Fall of the House of Usher was first published in 1840. PA's pay wasn't, even in money but, instead, 25. Copies, of his own book five. Years later in 1845. The New York mere published, Poe's poem, The, Raven which. Catapulted, him to national, acclaim five years later five years later rough that's, five years five years ago we started working up buzz I know imagine, or even five years later imagine all we have to show for it is your, video dogs watching TV for the first time it's a classic, a copy of it an MPEG, it's a classic, I don't know why that is glued to every internet biography, of me because it's a master. Television. For the first time it is a good, video, for. The record and the dogs and. That's all you have is that MOV file for five years that's all you have to show for it no money not bad just, a copy of the video a cat comes on screen and they're like. For. A brief period Poe, was finally, living relatively, comfortably, in the life of Edgar Allan Poe however tragedy, was never far off in the winter of 1847. Virginia, died of tuberculosis at. Age 24, Poe, was devastated. And literary, critics, assumed that Poe himself would be dead before long, in two, years time they'd. Be proving right, by. 18-49. Poe, is said to have embarked, on a wild, spree presumably. Relating, to alcohol, abuse by, the summer however he'd, made his way back to sobriety, back, to Richmond and back to his first fiancee, Emira Shelton, so, is he going back to her now with like a copy of the Raven be like.

How. About this now huh would. You would you give Almira a second chance no you, wouldn't no you, don't believe in the capacity to forgive she I mean I would forgive I wouldn't, forget they, were soon and once again engage aged with plans to marry after Poe returned, from some business in Philadelphia on. September, 27th, Poe left Richmond, by steamer stopping. The next day in Baltimore, for the next five days Poe's. Whereabouts, are unknown. Easy, to disappear back then though is the thing not, hard yes, it is easy it was easier to do nowadays we got this. Surveillance. Date yeah go get, your money out of the ATM and, they. Don't. Care I'm, on the Internet you know everybody. Famous. Birthdays calm, that's right, where. It says that I am the producer of. Television. There, it is we're back on October 3rd. Poe was found by an employee of the Baltimore Sun, Joseph, W Walker, delirious. Immobile, and dressed, in shabby clothing, Poe, was discovered, in a gutter outside, of a public house that was being used as a polling place what, do you think about polls being in bars do you think that helps voter, turnout yeah that's actually not a bad idea it is right I thought that's a pretty good idea dude pretty good you got to get the kids out there oh my, god uh register. To vote that's, a good debt. We. Registered, to vote talk to your friends about registering. To vote scream. At them and celebrate, with a nice brewski, yeah if you're here to over 21 oh it's a a PO si. Rapping. At desk chamber door-- po was taken to Washington College, Hospital that, afternoon, assumed. To be drunk the weak and weary PO was brought to a special, room reserved, for patients ill from, intoxication. PO, never fully regained consciousness. To be able to detail, what had happened to him dr., John J Moran wrote two Poe's aunt /, mother-in-law. Maria Clem that, Poe's last days were filled with quote vacant, converse, with spectral, and imaginary, objects, on the walls his face was pale and his whole person, drenched, in perspiration end quote, on October. 7th, 5 hours, past midnight dreary, at the age of 40 Edgar, Allan Poe died, some. Reports claiming he used his last breath to calmly say quote lord, help my poor soul. The official cause of death was for nightís or brain. Swelling po, was buried in a pall temor graveyard, two days later in an unmarked, grave with, little ceremony, and nothing, more, it's. A sad story, and. Hopefully. That doesn't happen to any of us or the people we care about I would hate to sweat for that long which part not getting married or dying in a gutter or getting, buried in an unmarked grave all of the above sure yeah, all of them yeah let me if you don't want to get married live. Your life if you maybe you don't have a significant, other it's not the end of the world you know find some obvious. Just. Trying to make everybody feel good out there with po unable to explain what happened while in the hospital and no autopsy, ever performed, theories, abound regarding, what happened to the famous gothic writer today. We're going to address some of the most interesting, ones so, without further ado let's, get into the theories our, first theory is that Edgar Allen Poe died, of some alcohol-related, syndrome. Such, as dipsomaniac. Alcohol, dehydrogenase. Or delirium. Tremens Poe. Had a problem with alcohol yeah. Sounds. Like. Not. Only did he possibly struggle, with alcoholism, but, it appears, he was genetically, predisposed, to not be able to handle booze according.

To Chris Symphony curator. Of the POE Museum quote, it has been documented that after, a glass, of wine he was staggering drunk his, sister had the same problem, it seems to be some hereditary. End quote, some. Say fern itis may have been a common euphemism, to politely attribute, a death to alcohol, a few, months before his death Poe, had a traumatic experience after, becoming ill from drinking in, Richmond, according. To biographer Susan, Archer Tali Weis posed. Doctor, apparently warned, him that quote another, such attack would prove fatal. Quote this, may have contributed to him becoming an active, and vocal member, of the temperance movement for. The months leading up to his demise if PO, had fallen off the wagon during his five-day disappearance. That could have explained the disheveled, and terminal, State when he was found temperance, was dumb as hell can I say that. You. Know don't wait, you got it babe, just. Cuz you don't like a. Chili, boy here and there you gotta go tell other people how to live their lives you, know I don't like heroin, I don't think it's them getting on it you. Say what, are you what, I, don't want why, I say I don't like heroin, why. Did you doubt how. Much heroin have you done today none I don't we try to convince here I don't. Enjoy this joke. Our. Second, theory is that PO was fatally, beaten perhaps. After drinking since, PO would become inebriated after, only one drink he would have been an easy target for ruffians, indeed. If po was beaten and robbed, that, would explain his shabby state of dress as po hadn't been known to wear ragged, cheap ill-fitting. Clothes, there, are even a couple theories that a potential, beating would have been because of a woman biographer. E oak Smith wrote in an 1867. Article, quote at the instigation, of a woman who considered herself injured, by him po was cruelly, beaten blow. Upon blow by a ruffian who knew of no better mode of avenging, supposed injuries, it is well known that a brain fever followed end quote. In author John evangelist, Walsh's, book from 2000, he posited, that the Brothers of pose again fiancee, Amira Shelton, drugged, Po with alcohol, and beat him to death according. To Walsh Shelton's. Three brothers had warned PO against, marrying their sister while. Suggests. That PO had made it to Philadelphia, where he was ambushed, by Shelton's brothers po. Would have been disguised, himself in shabby clothing and gone into hiding, Walsh, contends, that when po tried to sneak back to Richmond, Shelton's, brothers would have found him in Baltimore, beaten, him and drugged, him with alcohol knowing. It would have made him deathly, ill was. Meek well-dressed, man who wears clothes, if, you wanted them dead you didn't have to get it he was like a weird little spindly, man with the head the size of a pumpkin you've seen or, maybe I'm just thinking of the funk what. You not want him who would I not want what PO as a brother-in-law ha no I wouldn't, he's. A beard, our man I would not beat him to death I, can't. Even imagine you throwing a punch no I, mean either if I'm ever gonna throw a punch I could only imagine you like backhand, except no, no like I was like a lord it would be mid-conversation. And I'd maybe set it up a little bit like there's there's, a great line from The OC where. Ryan. Yes. The, main character who's like from the rough-and-tumble, parts ooh yeah yeah he says you know what I like about rich kids and the rich kid says, he's like huh he goes nothing. Then, he walks away. But. I might kiss my fist first I might be like you know, so you're only fight, then you've ever imagined, as you sucker punch, yeah, well I'm a sucker puncher all right I'm.

A Coward, took a turn no function, what is happening I'd, run real fast. Got. You get. On a train that I'd moved to a different city and I changed my name our third theory is Edgar, Allan Poe was the victim of cooping, a violent, form of voter fraud that was extremely common in Baltimore, at the time whooping. Was when gangs would kidnap a victim, and force him to vote multiple times in a variety of disguises, strange. That's. Strange. When crimes were like this. Groucho. Marx yeah, yeah. It's weird it's a weird time also it's, a crime and yet these people need. To have some sort of trunk. Full of disguises. Walking, around with a carrot top like hardened. Criminals be like we got you now put on this feather boa okay, okay now they know the pink number. Put. That one on how long with the spaghetti today like could you audition those glasses I don't know if that frame fits I'm off glass. You know let's go with you I was. I was right the first time ever thought it this was good this was good character work for us let's keep going. This. Theory makes a lot of sense as it explains why Poe was not in his normal close and why he was found outside of a polling place during. This time voters, were often given some alcohol, after voting as a celebration because. Of Poe's genetic, sensitivity. To alcohol if he had been forced to vote several, times thus having to drink multiple, drinks it could have explained the drunken stupor, he was discovered, in biographer. JH, Ingram during the late 1870s, received, several letters that, caused him to believe this was how Poe met his demise a member, of the faculty, at Johns Hopkins William. Hannah Brown wrote Ingraham saying quote the general belief here is that Poe was seized by one of these gangs pooped, stupefied. With liquor dragged, out and voted, and then turned adrift to die, end quote if, you're gonna kidnap, someone, to. Coop them yes, wouldn't you want to I don't. Know how recognizable, he was but maybe, don't Pig Edgar, Allan Poe's author yeah I don't think these people were beating up Edgar Allan Poe inand one of them stopped Midway was like wait a second this dude wrote the Raven Scott wrote followed the House of Usher haven't you guys ever read yeah it's you read of the beautiful story you know what I'm about you I'm sorry man get up get up get up we love your prose we're, sorry about we're really good. We'll. Take it easy I don't think that's what happened I think it was just the I was just he was a guy no okay our, final theory is that Edgar, Allan Poe died, as the result of a brain tumor which could have explained his odd behavior in, the days leading up to his death though. Poe was buried in an unmarked, grave two, days after he died 26. Years later a, statue, was erected to honor his gravesite, during, which his coffin was dug up so his remains could be exhumed I used, the term honor loosely.

As The, marker lists his birthday as, January. 20th, the, day after, Poe was actually, born they. Tried to remedy, their mistake from before with the unmarked grave and then they beefed. It real hard beefed it literally. Etching it in stone you, don't want to double-check that I guess not imagine, if your headstone said like Ryan, Bergara, loving. Wife. You. Wouldn't care I mean I'm dead so yeah, I mean yeah I mean you know my outlook on things it's, like whatever leave. Me in the street for the dogs to pick up my bones that's. Another thing too I've always wondered what graves like when people, things at the grave like flowers, or even like food or things that they liked yeah if you die, isn't. Your grave like one of the last places you'd want to go check out I mean that's where your body, is, maybe, your spirit, inside me knows a Dia de los Muertos, it's like the cemeteries. Become like fun that is that's not cocoa it's just I don't want to hang out at a cemetery if I'm coming back to earth-2 should. Be a happy place may come happy places I'm, just saying that most times ghosts, haunt the house that they were in or where they died they, don't or wherever is convenient for the story yeah I know. Understandably. Poe's, coffin, and corpse, were in terrible, condition, as workers, tried to move the coffin, it fell apart, spilling, pose remains I can't, catch a break this is conical at this point it's, what you get from marrying your 13 year old. Can't. Say that I don't know if that's fair you can't say that I think it's Oh dare, you judge him for marrying, his 13 year old it was historically. Accepted at the tide don't care I can, I judge, thee I could say that without condoning it I judge, workers. Noted that there was a mass rolling around inside, the poet's skull at the, time news, articles reported it was posed brain quote, dried, and hardened, in the skull and quote claiming. Quote the, cerebral, mass evidenced. No sign of disintegration. Or decay, though of course it is somewhat diminished end quote so. What happens to the brain, that's. Gnarly. I, do not think the brain hardens, into a funny little ball I don't think that what happens wouldn't, be funny, funny. Little mouse came out I, guess. However. If there truly was a mass remaining in Poe's skull, it is unlikely to have been his brain soft. Brain tissue would have been some of the first to decay after Poe's, death it. Is much more likely any mass would have been a tumor, which, could have calcified, and hardened, after the, expert. Testimony also, suggests SPO had been told earlier in his life by a doctor, that he believed Poe had, a lesion on his brain that, explained his inverse reaction, to alcohol well. I will, say that the tumour does explain a lot of things it makes things make more sense because like all of the sobering-up and all that stuff it was you know it was all nullified, by the fact that he just had a tumor that's why he wasn't getting any I mean they also said he was talking to spectres in his final hour you know it could have could have explained some we, talked his person. Could. Explain some hallucinations, or things that, might. Not actually be there while his hallucinations. Weren't caught on cases what his hallucinations, weren't caught on cantaloup Shinae shion's. This. Is not the season to talk about ghosts, also, fuck you as you may have noticed none, of our theories, rules out the others Edgar. Allan Poe may very well have been beaten, and kidnapped, in a cooping scheme said, to his stupor with alcohol, after voting and unable, to recover due to a brain tumor or any. Combination, thereof well that's fun I mean, sad, but, we've. Never had have we ever had a theory, a case. Where that Theory's kind of served is like a mad lib of sorts or like yeah we're all series, are possible. But could also all, have. Connected at the same time yeah interesting, other theories, such as rabies the flu carbon. Monoxide, poisoning and, syphilis, epilepsy. Cholera, and many, others, have also been posited, though. Poe was beginning to attract, the literary credit, he deserved, he could not have known the impact, his Gothic, tales of the macabre and mysterious, would have or, that an annual, prize for excellence in mystery, the Edgar award would be named after him, cementing, his legacy, evermore. With. The no autopsy, and no official death certificate ever, found what, caused the death of Edgar, Allan Poe one of America's most famous authors. And poets will, likely remain. Unsolved. I. Will. Say the close thing does make me kind of give a little bit more credence, to the the coupang theory in the sense that that involved, disguises, though you could also say the clothes were the results of getting, into a drunk altercation and people robbing him that but, also, who's.

Keeping Tabs on which clothes he owns well, it was never he had some raggy like, some raggedy ones that he never wore that often it was like a I'll take these traveling I feel like if you showed up to work one day and raggedy, ill-fitting, clothes well actually that'd be kind of conducive. To who you are right now because. I mean, you said yourself your goal in your 30s is to look weird it is so. Actually, that was a bad example but, anybody else that's normal, it would be weird if they all of a sudden showed up in things I didn't make sense I'm. Different I guess. It's just done small I guess.

2020-03-15 16:48

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