The Impossible Disappearance Of Dorothy Arnold
This. Week on a special episode of BuzzFeed unsolved, we investigate, the unexplained, disappearance of New York heiress Dorothy Arnold in honor of the upcoming CW. Show Nancy, Drew The CW's, new series Nancy Drew Wednesday's this fall is a dark and edgy update, of the classic book series featuring the titular teen detective, in a supernatural, tinged, mystery drama what's. Dorothy got to do with old. Nance in the show Nancy. Drew is tasked, with finding a missing. Socialite. So I'd, love to be an heiress I. Know. She's probably gonna disappear, or something so you want to be a trust fund baby I'd like someone to give me a lot of money for doing nothing and, then you want to disappear but I was yes I want, to get. A lot of money and then vanish from the face of the earth and I'd love for you to disappear let's. Get into it yeah, tales, of the missing wealthy have always captivated, the public's imagination and, today, we're looking into one such case that's more than a hundred years old, Dorothy, Arnold, Dorothy, Harriet Camille Arnold, was the daughter of Mary Parks Arnold and wilty perfume, importer, Frances rose Arnold, as far as anybody knew she'd had a happy home life cool to be a perfume. Importer, I'd. Love to be that what, would your fragrance be what was it what would the name be, mmm. It'd. Be musky I know that okay for a second I thought your fragrance name was gonna be just a chipmunk like chipmunk noises. Did. You imagine if someone said oh that's a lovely scent what is that. Okay. I'll, see you later on the, morning of December 12 1910. The 25, year old left her family home in the Upper East Side of Manhattan and told, her mother she was heading downtown to, buy an evening dress, according. To the New York Times when mrs. Arnold offered to accompany her daughter Dorothy, said no quote, when I find the gown I want I will telephone you and you can come down and see it end quote I'll tell you what she sounds like an heiress pretty curt yeah, with your mother how about when, I find, the, gown, I want, maybe. I'll talk to you then how. About your tag when, I need the funds I'll call you how about that yeah how do you think this lady's buying gowns I mean if she's buying an evening down you would assume she's buying an afternoon, gown in a morning down maybe even a sleepy time gown that's right her family believed that when she left at 11:30, a.m. she, had as much as $30.
In Her purse which, in today's dollars would be more than 750, dollars, holy moly that's a lot of key yeah, a lot of key 30 bucks going, that far in 1910, I don't even have 750, dollars in my bank account I've never had 750. Dollars in my pocket I rarely, have had thirty dollars in my pocket well I don't really carry cash anymore, who does Dorothy. Made her way down Fifth Avenue stopping. At a grocery store on 59th, Street to buy some chocolates, then in brentano's, a bookstore on 27th, Street where, she bought a copy of engaged, girl sketches, a lightly, humorous, collection, of short romantic, stories, quite. A lovely evening for, the lit for the for the ladies a nice little jaunt through the Big Apple yeah I. Love, a humorous, romantic, story well this story does not get humorous nor does it get romantic, okay, around. That time reportedly. 2:00 p.m. she, ran into a friend from college Gladys, King the, two talked about a party, they'd both been invited to the same party for, which Dorothy, was supposedly dress, shopping, Gladys, left to meet her mother for lunch and Dorothy. Was, never seen again whoa. There. It comes so the last person this year was Gladys they were talking about the big party they'd been invited oh it's gonna be a corker kind of like Gossip Girl II I guess there's a little gossip well like in the 1910s. Yeah yeah, they, should do a reboot. Oh in that in that era yeah let's, talk about more shows people should watch that aren't the one word I'm so what word establishing. Here is that we got our finger on the pulse of hot searing. Teen dramas, I don't, like how you said that and this. One's gonna be pretty good team, should never be prefaced by hot and searing you're just gonna have you going hi Siri teens, and, then just cut right. There well. That sounds good I'd like to watch oh now they have footage amazing, yeah now you should have both the unsolved, hosts talking. About hot Syrians, I guess at this point we might as well say it in unison ah, searing. Jeans when. Dorothy wasn't home for dinner that night her, family started, to worry the, morning they began calling Dorothy's, friends, by that evening with, no one knowing Dorothy's, whereabouts, the family began contacting private. Investigators. The investigators, searched hospitals, morgues and even prisons looking for Dorothy they, visited her friends in Boston, Washington, DC and other cities, but turned up nothing, detectives. In Europe even watched as people disembarked. From ships arriving, from the US to try to spot Dorothy, nothing. Shortly. Before Christmas with, the private dicks having made little progress the family went to the police when, they two came, up empty-handed the family finally made Dorothy's disappearance, public, On January 25th. A full, six, weeks after their daughter was last seen hoping, more clues would surface, despite. A $1,000. Reward by, Dorothy's family, more than 26, thousand dollars today no. Leads managed, to turn up Dorothy, Arnold that's, a long time I know they had the private eyes working on it but six, weeks, feels like a casual, pace what, are you gonna do I mean it she was 25 years old she could have run away maybe, when a 25, year old goes missing you're not thinking she must have run away you're. Thinking yeah she's probably doing, stuff she's, 25. Years old what do you mean most stuff I mean. When we started this show I was 25, yeah, if, I went missing for like a week do you think you'd be alarmed or what you might think so, that's that's nice I didn't think you'd be alarmed I think you you're my friend I don't like how you said that you said it was you're my friend why are you yelling at me you're right Oh God, I would be concerned if you disappeared, and we'd get a pretty baller season, out of it cuz it'd just be me bein like. With. Almost no clues it's time to make like Nancy, Drew and Nancy, draw up some theories about what may have happened to, the popular, socialite, because. It captured America's, attention for so long this case has countless theories associated.
With It we couldn't possibly go into all of them so today we're, just presenting, what I feel are the most likely our, first theory is that Dorothy, Arnold, ran away after. Searching her bedroom investigators found, information Dorothy, had collected about various, ocean liners she could take near, it, wasn't clear when Dorothy researched, the ships but, the cruise companies, were nevertheless contacted. They all told investigators. No Dorothy Arnold had been aboard their ships in my 20s, it would have been very suspect if I disappeared, because I was for a brief while, very, interested, in McMurdo. The Antarctic, research. Base that's where you wanted to go in your mid-20s you wanted to go to Antarctica, it's. Really cool look and it's there's a lot of ice you wanted to go to a frozen, tundra for, vacation, not just vacation, but I don't I wanted, to learn things and and just live, there maybe, I still can your weird guy man yeah you, wouldn't do it you're weird, dude no I wouldn't do that when, I think oh well you're just like Cabo, baby no, I'm not thinking Cabo, baby. On. February. 6th, 1911. Mr., Arnold received, a postcard, that had been sent from New York City that stated quote I am safe and quote, and appeared, to be signed by Dorothy, mr., Arnold however insisted, it was a fake and that whoever wrote it merely copied, Dorothy's handwriting, samples, that were published, in the papers, I'd, love for this theory to be true I would agree, Dorothy if you're watching this you're probably, 127. Years lady, o lady, but um you. Know good on you you live the good life. Dorothy. If you're watching this comment, top, well vote well get, to the top comment, wouldn't that be this show's greatest, accomplishment, that we pissed off vanished. So much that they unveil. --vs. After they you know that, you got so angry yes he came out well good evening Cooper. Was like, assholes. Listen, I saw what you said about me getting speared by a pine tree Hebe Cooper breaks silence. DB. Cooper break silence to dunk on ghoul boys while. Writing the New York subway in 1917. John Galvin, a man claiming to be a detective, at Scotland Yard grabbed, a woman, and reportedly, declared, quote I know you. Dorothy, Arnold I've got, you at last, end quote, the woman not Dorothy Arnold, but rather a mrs. Smith begged, strangers, around her to help, but Galvan insisted. He was a detective he marched her into an NYPD, precinct. Where officers, let mrs. Smith go and sent Kelvin to Bellevue Hospital for, observation I know you, Dorothy, Arnold come, with me I have. Got you at last. Another. Case crapped, fergal, but imagine, being on, the subway maybe you have your air pods in and some grown man grabs, you by the shoulders looks, you in your eyes and shakes you and goes I got you probably happens a lot in New York I've, got Sabah bleah true you know the subway and such but it's a wild place not, only did he grab her it's not like this was a moment of Terror just a moment he marched her marched her to the police, station made, her get off the subway walked, with her I'm assuming, while holding her shoulder still that's, insane imagine, the people at the precinct, - they this man shows up he's like it's the missing lady, we've got her at last, ma'am. Do you have any ID she, takes it out I, don't get this guy somewhere. Quickly. I've. Cracked it here she is Dorothy give me the money now, over. The following decades. Many others would come forward claiming to have seen Dorothy, or even, to be Dorothy, none, of the claims ever led anywhere, casting. Doubt on the theory that Dorothy, ran away is the fact that she left behind practically. All of her valuables, expensive. Jewelry that could have been sold to help her journey as well as personally, valuable, correspondence. With friends, so, let's say I look like Kim Kardashian and, because, we do yeah and she, goes missing mm-hmm, and I and she's. Not turning up and I. Just really, pore, through the archives, get, a good idea of what she's like, yeah you watched 10 seasons, of Keeping Up with the Kardashians I'll, take copious notes I'll, watch it on a loop for 10 years I show up a little aged yeah. But. Still you know I still. Got it you know it still got what she's got because I sort of look like her and I just show up and I, spent.
A Long time I, feel I took, I fell down a hole I, have a beard I got stuck in a cave and. You just make up a story how. Would like what are they gonna know how, could they possibly tell. Well. They're gonna be like where's that mole on your butt cheek I mean. Don't know that no. I mean I guess, you're right so, guess what suddenly, I'm rolling, in there baby and there's, gonna be ten more seasons that Keeping, Up with the Kardashians. Under. The ran away theory, we should talk about a sub three of sorts that Dorothy, eloped, when police were brought on the case their first theory was that Dorothy, had eloped by the time the New York Times broke the story however that theory quote had been completely, abandoned, and quote, after, investigators, interviewed everyone they were sure knew Dorothy in any way every, one of Dorothy's family members and every, friend they could get the name of no, one was aware of any, secret marriage, but, before investigators gave, up on the elopement theory, one, potential, suitor merited, extra, attention. George, Griscom, jr. George, Griscom, jr. was a Pennsylvanian. Man in his 40s, at the time of Dorothy's, disappearance. The two had known one another for approximately. Four years though, Dorothy's, family never approved, of George mrs., Arnold even went on record to say she would never let George marry her daughter after. She went missing it came out that Dorothy, had met up with George, in Boston, a couple months before she disappeared, she had told her family she was visiting a college friend but there was evidence that Dorothy checked out of her hotel at the same time that George had checked out of a different Boston, hotel reports. Say that Dorothy, may have also pawned some of her jewelry to fund their rendezvous, while, the Arnold's denied this a Boston, pawnshop, was given the name Dorothy, Arnold by someone while she was in Boston at the time Dorothy went missing however George, had been vacationing with his family, out of the country for about a month, even, after replying to a telegram, from the Arnold's, that he didn't know where she was the, family remains suspicious, On January, 16th. Before the public even knew about Dorothy's, disappearance. Dorothy's, older, brother John confronted. George in Florence, Italy during.
This Interaction reports. Suggested, John even hit George and knocked him to the ground in, February. George ended his trip early and sailed back to America, he then hired his own private, investigators. To look for Dorothy, in the, month that George paid for them his investigators. Didn't find Dorothy, even so, if I'm George you are George yes, I'm not George but if I'm George okay you're a creep George I'm creep, I'm, a creep, yeah I want, to marry this. Heiress. Mm-hmm, I paid, for her to go, stay. Somewhere, for a little bit but if we want to open when's the perfect time to do it to, make myself not, look suspicious when I'm on vacation for. A month with, my family so she goes holes, up somewhere, for a little bit yeah, family comes knocking about doors she's missing where she'd been I don't know I'm on vacation, then, I hire. A private, eye you forgot the part where they gave him a knuckle sandwich whatever, if they hit me big deal I'm getting married I'm stoked hire, a private eye he, runs, around town looking for I don't tip him off maybe I tell him like hey by the way this is all bullshit I don't, know oh here's. Extra, money don't tell him well I don't know how much honor gumshoes, had at that time but probably none okay, uh then. I meet up with her later in like Sioux Falls or something, we. Get married, it's. Possible, it's, it's a fart gonna be they like find your identity then easy it seems like a lot of, steps. As opposed. To just saying to the parents yeah, we're gonna get married. Well. I guess. So you're right about that, yes. Yep. Our. Second, theory is that Dorothy, was kidnapped, and murdered this. Is the theory that Dorothy's, father eventually, came to accept as what happened to his daughter in the absence of clues the family came to believe this was the only logical, explanation, by.
April, The family was so convinced, their daughter was dead that they started requesting the police give up the case in fact, both her parents evidently, wrote Dorothy, out of their wills because, they were so certain she would not resurface, look. I am. NOT going. To pass judgment on a family, that is going through grieving. But. Let me pass some judgment. It's. Weird that you would ever want the case to be stopped being investigated I guess that kind of prolongs, the grieving, period but, at the same time if there's a chance you would think you'd want to keep going and then, I don't know how quickly people write, dead, children, out of wills yeah I don't know either, what, is that like six months later about four and a half months that's pretty quick I've, got stuff in my fridge it's, been there that's, a full season it was a full season a. Season. That's, that's, pretty quick it's. Weird that he would jump to that cuz if people were like I'm so sorry I bet, she's out there somewhere and he was probably just like I bet they stabbed her I. Bet. They killed her I bet she's dead I better ride her out of my will it's, a weird thought but once again I don't, know what it's like to go through that grieving process so possibly, this is what their process was and then you know it's weird to us because we're Outsiders and we're idiots and you know we're looking at this 100 years later but I think, we could say that's a bit odd and move on seems odd let's move on perhaps the strongest lead in the murder Theory comes from one edward glenn norris in 1916. Glenn norris was serving time in the Rhode Island State Prison for attempted extortion of, a clergyman, he claimed he found God and wanted, to come clean to the warden about his supposin involvement, in burying, the body of a woman he had come to believe was, Dorothy, Arnold Glenora, said that in what he remembered, being December of 1910. A man at a bar named Benoit asked, for help from him and another man that some reports named little, these. Guys sound suspicious, little. Sounds. Suspicious. Or like the star of many many silent films yeah I mean the only little I trust is Stewart, and that's it but. His is a little Stewart no oh a little oh the mouse mouse. Boy no man here's a mouse man he drove a car little. Louie does say he sounds like a funny little like what's, little Louie up to this week, Oh. Murdering. A woman Benoit. Glenn Norris and little Louie were tasked with moving an unconscious. Woman from a house in New Rochelle to, a home up the Hudson near West Point, the, next day Glenn Norris was informed, that the woman had died and he was asked to return to the West Point home to help bury her, Glenn Norris allegedly buried the woman under a concrete floor in the basement and was paid 250 dollars, for his involvement by a wealthy looking man there has been some speculation that, man who paid Glenn Norris could have been George Griscom, though there's no hard evidence to support this bad, dudes. If your, friend comes up to you and says I need a favor, help, me move a lady and. You're you're like yeah sure into her apartment no, oh no no she, is unconscious. I've, got a mover, just. Oh we could taken her to the doctor no no -, a quiet, quite, home somewhere, upstate where she could rest yeah, yeah. Next. Day by the way oops. After Glenn Norris confessed, to helping bury the woman thought to be Dorothy a team, of detectives searched, a home match England Norrises vague description, on April 21st. 1916. When, they got to the basement the, team was surprised to find an area of the concrete floor that appeared to have been broken up in the past the, area however was, small about, five feet by six inches and the, caretaker, claimed the floor had been broken to fix a gas pipe when, authorities returned, a couple days later with the owner's permission to dig up the spot they indeed found a gas pipe within, the year authorities, were satisfied, that Glenn Horace's claims were false the, third and final theory, were discussing, today is that Dorothy accidentally. Died during an abortion in April, 1914. The Pittsburgh home of one doctor Cece Meredith, was raided by police. Meredith, his nurse and another doctor one each a--let's, were all arrested the home was used as a private office, where woman would come seeking abortions.
Let's Made a statement to the DA that at one time Meredith. Had told him Dorothy Arnold had been one of his patients from, the way Meredith spoke of her let's infer that she had died and her body had been cremated in, Mayor this office, and while Lutz didn't admit to seeing Dorothy himself, he did testify that he'd witnessed another young woman who died in Meredith's care be cremated, in the basement in their, raid detectives, did find two oversized, furnaces, in Meredith's basement, their speculation, that Griscom, could have been who had impregnated, Dorothy but evidence of this or of Dorothy ever being in Pittsburgh for an abortion is scant at best just, two quick things about that one, even back then women didn't have control over their bodies so much that they would have to go to a basement to get an abortion from a creepy doctor who would throw them into a funny little furnace not that that's relevant to today at all donate, to Planned Parenthood but number two. I don't, really, know if, this. Applies to her I don't know if she got. The abortion went there or even got impregnated, by Griscom, or if the Griscom thing is even true so so this may be more. More. Just a wild public, imagination there is circumstantial, evidence, that maybe, this happened because Lutz, one of the three people that was arrested in the raid did, say that the other doctor, had told him that, you know Dorothy. Was one of his patients whether or not that's true who knows she, could have been there before. Disappearing, as well that or maybe he's trying to shave some time off of his sentence just lying yeah, just lying he's, lying yeah. He's lying to get time off possibly. Or it, happened I guess we won't know I mean, sorry. Why we're here yeah I know it's the end of the episode and you were hoping like the. Boys are gonna crack it we never do that's.
The Guarantee stories. Of missing socialites, have always captured, the public's interest, something, about a seemingly perfect life gone astray continues. To fascinate our, darkest imaginations. For Dorothy Arnold a lack of clues that confounded, investigators. Has also given rise to a slew of theories, to debate over for more than 100, years despite, decades of attention, in global searches as for what actually happened, to the 25, year old New York heiress, on that December day remains. Unsolved. What. Theory do you got here if, any now. Me I'm. A bit of a romantic. So. I'd, like to believe that she eloped I think, she ran away just ran away no eloping, just scram, I think she might have ran away and in 1910, how hard is it to run away probably not that hard yeah what'd you burn your ID that's it you're, a new person now anyways check out Nancy Drew on the CW, it comes out on October. 9th Wednesdays this fall she could have solved this case I think I think she could have she's certainly better at her job than we are.
2019-09-28 10:34
The part on women's rights and Shane whispering "donate to planned parenthood" made me smile. Love you guys
I think the aliens of area 51 took her
The lack of cursing concerns me.
All hail the watcher
It would make sense that she didn't want her mother to accompany her on her shopping if she was going to secretly get an abortion. Maybe she was hoping to quietly get rid of the baby, but she died and the doctors got rid of the body #postmortem
LOL how about when i find the f***ing gown I call you
I started watching this at 666k views just to change it because of the bad luck
Can you guys cover the case of Kurt cobains “suicide“ sometime?
#postmortem is no one gonna mention the last person who saw her, Gladys??!! I mean Gladys is a pretty shady name. I think gladys did it.
666k views, 13 hours ago **deep gulp** alright then
If the abortion theory was true, it could explain the family’s behaviour. Say, the family found out about the circumstances of her death... they’d probably want to bury that information since pregnancy out of wedlock and abortion were considered very shameful. Those reasons, in that time, were enough for a family to disinherit their daughters. If they truly believed she was murdered, they’d at least want justice right? But if they somehow knew she died because of abortion, they wouldn’t want anyone to know, even the police. #postmortem
Please make more of these!!!
Am I the only one who thinks that moving to Antarctica sounds like a dream come true?
Shane sounded like Jerry Seinfeld when he exclaimed
Shane: YOU’RE MY FRIEND Ryan: why are you yelling at me you’re my friend Shane: YOU’RE MY FRIEND Ryan: ohh my god Shane: I WOULD BE CONCERNED IF YOU DISAPPEARED and we’d get a pretty baller season out of it cause it’d just be me being like I don’t know what do you got anybody seen em
I'd watch an episode of just Shane trying to fill up the time while constantly deviating from whatever little material he'd gathered
STREAM chicken noodle soup by JHOPE ft. BECKY G :). (I’m sorry
Why do so many of these cases include some one with the name Francis
"The Kardashanes"
Sooo are we going to get another video today though
bfu really feeding us huh
This season is already hilarious
So, on their Supernatural ghost hunt episode. I'm expecting them to go to a Haunted Lighthouse.
"Let's talk about the shows we get paid to talk about"
#roastmortem the fact that Shane can look like a hippie, drug addict and a lesbian aunt really scares me
#PostMortem George Is involved basically in all your theories! 1. Does he have a wedding certificate? Maybe they did elope? 2. She was going to a party and maybe he got mad and got her killed. 3. He took advantage of her and thats why she wanted the abortion.
Y'all dont even mention the ND computer games smh
Shane yelling "you're my friend" at Ryan is so pure
When’s the real bun coming back?
Just saying what if her parents did something to her ....
As she kept like buying dresses or something and they got annoyed with her spending money ??
Here I am, boys
1:40 Mommy said not to go downtown
Let us assume she decided to run away . That's possible She had 750$ Possible #postmortem #boogara+shaniac
“little stuart?”
Omg finally another episode
Can you do a video into the death of princess diana ??
Guys... the greatest show in existence just existed *Keeping up with the Kardashanes*
What if the parents knew she was pregnant, sent her to the creepy doctors themselves, that's why they were sure she had died...
The perfume importer's middle name is Rose. Seems legit.
I'm laughing too much for a tragic disappearance case.
I'd binge watch all seasons of 'Keeping up with the Kardashanes'.
A perfect case for you guys would be the "Orderud murders" in Norway. 4 people sentenced to prison but it's still allot in this case that is a unknown today, and the convicted still claim today they are innocent. After they have served their time in prison they even hired a private detective and tried to get the case reopened.
12:57 wait wait wait... what happened to “febeeyary”?
For the #postmortem What if the parents are ones who kidnapped and “vanished” their own daughter AND that’s why they wrote her out of their wills. The parents could have wanted to get rid of her because they was tired of her overly privileged attitude of hers?
Let's Nancy Draw up some theories
ryan and shane are inseparable... Ryan what would you do if Shane's gone missing ? #postmortem
This looks like a case for C.C Tinsley
What if she was abducted and then her kidnappers left the cruise books or whatever behind to make it look like she ran away?
I wouldnt trust Stuart Little he a rat
Yo where the qna video for ann a bell
hey you guys could do about the disappearance of the erebus & the terror naval ships, loved the amc series but i'm not sure that an evil polar bear did it
for Shane's theory about pretending to be Kim if she disappeared: the police will probably have your fingerprints checked and see if it matches Kim's (unless they don't have Kim's fingerprints)
Shane and Ryan mention Gossip girl; this show just got a whole lot better.
0:07 Shanes blank stare XD
For postmortem : Just a theory i got while i was supposed to study for my exam . Her brother John could have kidnapped or murdered because he wanted to be the sole beneficiary of their family's will . Maybe the parents knew maybe they didn't. Like you guys mentioned the parents removed Dorothy from their wills 4 and 1/2 months after she went missing and i agree with you , that's too soon to remove your missing daughter from your will. That's definitely not gonna be on my mind if my daughter went missing. And they only notified the police 6 weeks after she went missing and they even told them to stop the investigation. Tell me that's not suspicious
Ma bois are back baby!!!!!!
Keeping up with the Kardashanes
#postmortem what if she got pregnant and the family found out and was so disgusted they got rid of her. Explains why the had the case close and why her father was on the kidnapped and murder ish
America in 1916 : looking for a missing woman Ireland in 1916 : in a war for independence
You know what would be an amazing content and also very helpful? You could add a new category about children or any person missing . You could either dip into old cases to prevent kids from being unsafe out there or help the people who are currently missing in the world. You guys have the platform you could help so many people, think about that. We love your mystery videos but I really think this would be interesting and can make a change for the better
4:33 Does that man look like Cillian Murphy as Tom Shelby or is it just me?
Ryan and Shane were then escorted by the FBI, and were never seen again
If they could make Nancy Drew, why not the Hardy Boys
is there a theory, where the parents/the dad have something to do with her disappearance/death?#postmortem
#postmortem could you possibly give a brief run down of some of the other theories, like in one sentence? love u guys!
Imagine like 40 years later she calls her mum saying “hey yeah, found my dress come take a look”
Maybe she went to Brum to live with the peaky blinders
Nobody: Literally no one: Ryan: CABO BABY- OOO OOO OOO
"HoT seAriNG TeEnS!!!!" -Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara 2k19
Start your own podcast please
Can u guys pick more interesting case. This is episode so boring , just my honest feedback .
Yay you guys are back
I think they found her married, and instead of dealing with the shame of who she married they swept it under the rug and wrote her out of their will.
I really want to see Shane and Ryan go to Antartica! Make it happen BuzzFeed!
My 70 year old grandma doesn’t watch YouTube and u think a 170 year old woman is watching YouTube?!?!?! Edit: the 170 year old woman is Dorothy
I think she married George when they met and her surname changed that's why when they called the cruise companies there wasn't any Dorothty Arnold because she was Dorothy Griscom now.
Wait they bleep the swears now-
Donate to planned parenthood! ❤️✊♀️♂️
Doesn't sound that impossible...
That should be turned into a series...
We love being up to date so I can follow the new episodes
19:40 excellent points made by Ryan
Edward Glenorris was taking about a rich looking man paying him. it have Dorothy's brother...
Am I the only one getting the vibes that the family could’ve paid someone to off Dorothy?
#postmortem if you look at the time period and the fact that she belonged to a wealthy and well-known family, it might have been easier for the family to accept that their daughter is kidnapped and murdered than the fact that she eloped
I'm with Shane's take on theory 1.5
Admittedly there doesn't seem like much, if any evidence against the family, but I can't help but feel like they had some form of involvement.
I really think it was her brother, to try and get her out of the will? #DorothyArnoldPostMortem
*"So let's just say I look like Kim Kardasian-"*
*She got abducted by aliens*
U have been gone for soo long
If I were a person like Dorothy and decided to ran away, I wouldn't take all of my jewelry to sell it, bc they could trace me from there
I feel like there was so much to this family that we didn't know.... rich people hide things like this. There was probably a lot of backstory here that no one except the relatives are aware of. Was John trying to get his sister to disappear so he could have the family fortune? Did her parents do some sketchy business that she wanted to expose so they got rid of her? The world will never know... #postmortem
#postmortum If Dorothy was looking for European holidays and George was holidaying in Europe she could’ve gone to Europe and used her’s or George’s money to pay the cruise company to tell the police that she wasn’t aboard any ship- or she could’ve cruised with a fake name. So they could’ve married abroad in Europe and vanished or when George came home Dorothy could’ve stayed there or went with George and hid somewhere then moved out into a house with him. (She could’ve changed her name or took George’s to stay hidden- she even might’ve been Mrs Smith from the subway as ‘Smith’ is one of the most common names people use to hide their identity) :)
for #postmortem ... is a little bit weird to me that dorothy´s parents took 6 weeks to take her disappearence to the police even with their private detectives looking for her AND removed her from their wills after 6 months... i MEAN, what if they found out that she really run away and took her of their wills to block her acess to their money?? and never told that they find out because it would be "easier" to drown out the scandal that this would be. it would also explain why they asked the police to close the case. they could also had something to do with her disappearence..
if y’all really wanna hear a story like the kim kardashian one, look up “the return of martin guerre” is the same thing in real life
As you can see at 7:56 the mannequin in the window thing was still there but at 8:09 it wasn't but at 10:18 it's already there And the disappearance and reappearance of the mannequin remains Unsolved
What if its theory 1.5 and 2? What if her family killed her because she was going to disgrace them by marrying someone below her station?
17:22 the other wealthy man could have been john which is the other heir of the money. maybe another theory? like the guy out of jail could have been brought for questioning on who might have paid him?
The dad did it
I kind of like the idea of Shane and Ryan disappearing on one of their ghost hunts, only for the Worth It guys to take over next season by hiring three different detective agencies at drastically different price points to find them.
5:43 Inside shane: "if he escaped from the king of hell I would be hella shook"
Hell yeah, y'all are back. Binged watched the past episodes and now waiting for new episodes with you 2 has sucked lol.
For Postmortem, I think it's a mix of all the theories. The parents organised for her to 'go missing' as a result of her wanting to elope with her boyfriend, who also may have gotten her pregnant. Her parents didn't want her to be an unwed mother, and also didn't want her to marry that guy & realised the fortune was in danger so had her killed off and written off the will.
none of the theories were family foul-play related? like her brother could have done it so he was guarenteed all of the family fortune? or the parents could have done it or arranged it because they found out she was pregnant out of wed-lock to a man they disapproved of? the whole point that they gave up after only 4 months and everything doesn't sit right with me.
"I'd like someone to give me a lot of money for doing nothing" Hmm, you don't have to go anywhere, Shane
LESBIAN THEORY! Dorothy did elope but with a woman. The family no longer wanted it investigated when they found out and wrote her out of the will in case she came back to claim it after their deaths.
Theory: Maybe someone was blackmailing the family to close the case and write Dorthy out of the will. #postmortem
Shanes perfume would smell like fruity garlic
... donate to planned parenthood... LOVE THESE BOYS
Do all Americans pronounce Dorothy like this? Or just these guys? "Door-thee"
Ryan and Shane are basically the Lucifer and Chloe of Buzzfeed, I'm just saying. An impulsive guy who runs around looking for trouble and the partner who babysits him half the time
"so now we get 10 more seasons of the Garb-Kardashians" LMFAO
No one: Literally no one: Not even the aliens in Area 51: Shane & Ryan: *hOt sEariNG tEEns*
Shane is being too friendly now I believe he has realized people are finding out he’s a demon and he has to hide it better
"keeping up with kardaSHANES"
Bruh ryan be looking like kakyoin in his pyjamas
nobody: shane: YOY'RE MY F R I E N D
What if she changed her name and then went to the ships which is quite clever from her
What if her dad found out about the pregnancy and killed her before she could cause a scandal? #postmortem
In his 20s my dad spent 6 months in Antarctica as a physicist, studying the Aurora Borealis. I don’t blame Shane for wanting to spend time in Antarctica; it sounds pretty dope
So proud of Ryan for learning how to pronounce “February”
I bet that Dorothy did elope, her family found out about it but felt too ashamed so they decided to write her out of the will and have the police atop looking to avoid the news getting wind of it
If kim Kardashian ever goes missing,i think we know who kidnapped her
#roastmortem Keeping up with the Kardashanes sounds like ones of those ‘based on’ porn videos
if it weren’t for Ryan & Shane, I wouldn’t know that there’s gonna be a reboot for Nancy Drew lol #postmortem
I think the parents changed the will in case she eloped. They wanted to make sure that her husband had no claim to the family fortune.
youre my friend!!! *wh- WHY ARE U YELLING AT ME YOURE MY* YOURE MY F R I E N D !! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who else chuckled when Ryan said "Private Dic"? Hopefully I'm not the only one.
Ryan: * continually insults Shane * Shane: *YOU’RE MY FRIEND*
Do madiline mcann
*Y O U R E M Y F R I E N D !*
The thought process of the grieving parents was probably along the lines of, "If she ran away, that means she doesn't love us, doesn't care about our grief..." but if she was murdered, it takes the blame off of Dorothy for not making contact or coming home. It's really sad, but I kinda get it
I think she was kidnapped and held for ransom and the parents didn't go to the police as one of the conditions. They killed her when the kidnappers weren't satisfied and possibly the prisoner was involved. Maybe her and her possible boyfriend even staged the kidnapping to begin with but it could've gone wrong.
i'd watch 10 seasons of keeping up with the kardashanes
Why is the name Glenorris sound so familiar? Like there's been someone else in these season's with that name.
I love you guys and everything that you do! I wish sports unsolved would come back.
All I can imagine is them saying "Hot! Searing! Teens!" and then someone editing the clip of them touching their nipples to follow that. What is *up* this season, bros? You guys okay? XD
i heard it as " hot tirin teens "
Shane is literally me to all my friends: “YOU’RE MY FRIEND!”
My theory is that she is somewhere over the rainbow #postmortem
Shane: "You're my friend!" ☺️☺️☺️
*ssssssssss mmmmmnmm... [chipmunk noise]*
0:05 Shane looks enthralled
Who thinks they should do Rebecca Zahau’s case next caz that’s like still unsolved if im not wrong?
I might be crazy but I think they switched from a real studio to a green screen type of thing and it’s weirding me out
#PostMortem - Did anybody bother to check to see if there was a Dorothy (or Dot) Griscom at all? ;)
Good lord Ryan. “...and nAnCy dRaW uP...!”
Shane couldn't pass as Kim K they would DNA test his booty so fast #postmortem
#postmortem I got all my family into buzzfeed unsolved even my nan, we are all Shaniacs sorry Ryan .
Is noone going to point out their fashionable clothes this episode
I kind of wish the abortion theory was explored a bit more. The parents writing an heiress out of their will and cancellation of the investigation matches with views on abortion at the time. It's sad to say it, but in some families, kidnapped and murdered is a lot easier to handle than failed abortion and death. Leaving home with a lot of cash too? I wonder if there were any deaths confirmed to have been caused by the same place #postmortum
#postmortem I have a strong feeling that it must have been her family, no one writes their children out of will so quickly. that to me just sounds very suspicious, or it could have even been her brother that just wanted her share as well
Do the mysterious death of Tutankhamun
“Donate to planned parenthood”
"In 1910, the 25-year-old left her home..." "Dorothy, if you're watching this, you're probably 127 years old..." What... what year does Ryan think it is...???
14:24 when Shane says "Well..." I thought he'd end it with "Love gives strength at the cost of the mind"
750$ to buy chocolate she was wealthy
Shane is Dwight schrute. That's my conclusion.
So y'all are trying to tell me that Ryan is half of the channel that BuzzFeed, a large corporation, had to make because of his wild success.... And they don't pay him enough for him to have $750 in his account right now. And they probably don't pay Shane any different. We just love that don't we.
-are ghosts real?- *Which chipmunk is getting the best head?*
I think his brother has something to do with her sudden disappearance so he can get all their family fortune
What if the brother killed her? He bribe someone to kill his sister or kidnapped her. And then he comfronts George so that he won't be suspectected, faking that he mourns for his sister's death? What if he was the Little Louie and he suspected that Glenorris might spill out the beans so he moved his sister's body to a new abandoned basement or to a cemetery? But one of the investigator or detective crack it and tell it to Francis. Francis tells the police to stop the searching because she was killed but never told them that it was son who killed her daughter because he wouldn't have a successor for his business. #postmortem
so far we have ryan rubbing his nipples, calling shane daddy, and yelling "hot searing teens!" three times. okay. edit: also ryan getting (obviously) genuinely upset over women's issues and shane telling people to donate to planned parenthood has cleared my skin and raised my grades
Yehey!!!! They are back
I think she might have been kidnapped by Aliens
Parents (both equally involved) killed her. Whether it was direct or via an abortionist's room doesn't matter. She shoulda stood up to them years before and left.
I believe her family had something to do with the disappearance. As stated in the episode; I find it very strange/odd behaviour to: 1. Wait 6 weeks after their daughter went missing before reporting her disappearance to the police. 2. Encourage police to stop investigating, after only a few months, and then promptly remove her from their will. Seen many parents hold onto hope that their disappearing child is still alive somewhere, and never give up searching for them until their death. Either her family was cold-hearted as hell, or they were involved in some way. #postmortem
“Private dicts”
Seriously love y'all even more now
#postmortem so when is the premiere of keeping up with the kardshanes??
Shane is definitely stoned in this episode! Shout out to Shane tho, if I worked for buzzfeed I’d have to be constantly smoking weed
Private..... Dicks? I just-
Leave it to buzzfeed to sneak endorsements to murdering babies into the show about murder. Ironic and sad.
Disappointed to hear you support the assassination of babies, even when the woman is an adult and has the resources to take care of him/her. But ok, I still enjoy a good mystery.
"I want someone to give me a lot of money for doing nothing - millennial (2019)
How did she expect to get from NY to Pittsburgh and back in one day? In 1910.
16:34 Lil J Hap Hap Ta Pap ...This, for sure, sounds like gibberish for anyone who doesn't get it.
what's your favorite animal? #postmortem
“I don’t even have $750 in my bank account” honestly same
Thats broke broke
her brother was responsible for her disappearance! he got rid of he so he didn’t have to share the inheritance
what if it was her parents. two wealthy people in 1910 could surely very easily disappear their daughter.
When Shane said “ WHO DOES!?” at 2:44 I thought it was a Jerry Seinfeld clip #postmortem
Couldn't they just follow her scent?
god dangit
Sadly, theory number 2 is probably closer to the truth of what happened to Dorothy Arnold. Whether she was kidnapped for ransom, leverage or simply because she was an eye-catching female some turd decided to have, it sounds a lot like most disappeared women's fates.
I still see that fcking maneqquin behind that winfow over there
cant wait to watch the edgy nanny drew movie!
My theory is that Dorthy, unfortunately was murdered and her body was never found. My reason for this is she seemed to have a happy comfortable life so there would be no reason for her to run away, also if she had run away why would she leave her belongings and valuable items. It also doesn’t make sense for her to just suddenly up and leave when her goal that day was to buy a gown for an event she had planned to go to. It just doesn’t make sense to me why she would run away. #postmortem
Wait they still do this vid?
4:47 Am I the only one who misheard the word after 'private...' xD
Madeline McCann Unsolved?
You guys should do a True Crime Unsolved Mystery on Marilyn Monroe's death.
Nobody cares about you....just get on with the mystery
5:50 I'm so sofT
True crime is soooo much better than supernatural
I somehow always end up watching these at 3 in the morning...
I felt uncomfortable watching lol
0:40 "I like someone who gives me a lot of money for doing nothing" Can relate
I didn’t like the Nancy Drew promotion. I hate when channels interrupt to flog something they’ve been paid to.
Great episode, though I really could have done without the 'Planned Parenthood yay!' thing. Personally I think Dorothy might have eloped.
have you guys notice the mannequin has an eyes and mouth
dorothy never left the house because here mother killed her because of the argument and her mother dressed up as her and talk about the party
"I don't even have $750 in my bank account" I feel you
#postmortem say if she did run away and changed her identity, then it’s not too far stretched to imagine that some of us could actually be related to her and don’t even know it
i miss watching you guys
I'd go to Antarctica for a fun time
Shane looks like he's trying to give up cocaine
"old lady! ooooooold lady!" tf was that even XD XD XD
hi my name is dorothy
galvin : “I CRACKED IT! I FOUND DOROTHY ARNOLD!” me : “yea you’re definitely... associated with crack”
Please investigate kate yup
She probably ran away with the guy her parents didn’t like and they found out later and then didn’t want the media to publicize the bad marriage so they claimed she’s murdered and cut her out of the will so she’d never have their money
“Shortly before christmas, with the private dicks having made no progress.” Ryan 2019
4:52 haha, dicks
"yOU'RE MY FRIEND," "why are you yelling?" *"yOU'RE MY FRIEND."* "I-" *_"YOU'RE MY FRIEND."_*
Announce 1 hour Madeline McCann special pls
I think the reason they wanted the case to be closed and accepted that their daughter had died because this case blew up and as you mentioned a lot of people were trying to benefit from it. The family may have gotten tired of all the drama and false claims.
Disappearance of ma370 /flight 370 plsT-T
DNA tests, Shane, DNA tests...
10:58 how they gonna know DNA testing: am I a joke to you
Ryan is me laughing at my own jokes..
Imagine us all trying to find Ryan lol
No one think that maybe her brother or father is the one who kill her or cause her to went missing? I mean who will think begging the police to stop finding their own daughter? I think that maybe her brother set all this up and perhaps force his parents to beg the police to stop investigating so he could get all the money?
I am safe. - D. Arnold
I wonder if Dorothy got pregnant and was sent to a home for unwed mothers, like the Magdalene Laundries, and then was kept there to work like a lot of the other girls after she gave birth. Or if maybe she ran away to be with someone, and then her parents found out where she was later but thought it would be better to have her remain "missing" to protect their social status/honor. Either one of those could explain why her family so abruptly and thoroughly stopped looking for her. #Postmortem
Shane DNA tests my friend the Kardashians would want a DNA test sorry to tell you you can’t fake DNA
at 10:52...wouldnt they know if she had a mole on her buttcheek?
Abortion theory makes sense. She had a lot of money on her, and didn't want her mother to come with her. Could be the case.
Keeping up with the Karda-shanes
Anyone notice in these videos which awesome that ryan says he instead of she alot
#Postmortem maybe she eloped with a girl??? would explain how none of her friends seemed to know about her whereabouts, as a social elite she might have been terrified of judgement from both her family and her friends and just disappeared off to europe with a hot babe
Private dicks?
maybe she didn’t find the dress she wanted in manhattan
next company to make a dark and edgy update of anything is getting guillotined
Ryan only has $700 in his bank account I hope to god that was a joke these guys have millions upon millions of views and fans please Ryan tell me that was a joke please
As someone who carries cash more then my card I feel offended
I think parents discovered she had an abortion and then spread she got murdered to save face! Might explain why they were so 'sure'.
Look i'm feeling a little offended that ryan thought it was weird Shane wanted to go to antarctica in his mid 20's. I'm 23 and one of my biggest dreams is to go to antarctica so that when I come back I can do huge landscape paintings of it. Things like this are why I'm way more of a shaniac than a boogara. I came out to have a good time, and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
You guys should do the unsolved murders for Georgette Bauedrof
Maybe she just decided to finally live out her lifelong dream of being a pirate
No-one: Shane: "So let's say I look like Kim Kardashian..."
Me trying to convince people I like them: “YOURE MY FRIEND!”
Some people think that she killed herself. She did want to be a writer, and try to get her story's published, but they kept getting rejected and her "Suter" said that he didn't want to marry her. There more videos that going into the theory.
"Where is that mole on your buttcheek". I'm literally dying.
Keeping up with the KardaSHANES!!!
Honestly I think it was her parents who killed her or something because she was spending alot of there money on shopping and partying. Considering the way her parents moved on after 4 months I mean..
In all seriousness,Shane if you had a perfume or fragrance ,what will it be #postmortem
4:50 am I the only one Who hears him say private dicks because I'm kind of confused hahahaha
Jury: Your looking at about 36 years Tekashi 69: So you know dorthy ran right?
guys so our best bet is to convince shane to leave buzzfeed ryan is for sure too brainwashed to be swayed. if that fails we will just have to viciously bully ryan into submission not ideal but it would work
LOL, Ryan looks like he just woke up. But I am so surprised why they couldn't show the real photo of Dorothy Arnold? I did a quick Google search and I was able to get it. Why couldn't they use it here?
This story reminds me of the Matt Damon movie "The Talented Mr Ripley". How's the creeping, Tom?
You mean a night gown?
What if her parents were the ones to kill her. They may have seen Dorothy as unfit of being an heiress because of her spending and attitude and they might have gotten rid of her.
I wish I had that much quiche
If she wasnt murdered that very same day she disappeared she could have run off with someone and started a new life. My grandmothers sister disappeared in 1905 and no one ever knew about her. My grandmother and her older daughter took it to their grave. About 15 yrs ago my parents were notified by the relatives of the new family she had started in Washington. We all lived on Long Island and were very surprised. She took off with a friend of her father's.
Maybe her parents truly did move on. They wrote her out of their will to prevent people who had the same idea as Shane looking like her and appearing 10 years later from taking advantage of their money.
For #postmortem: Given his track record, I'm surprised that Ryan didn't suggest that Ms. Arnold was abducted by aliens. #shaniacs
Still waiting for the video about the dancing french people
She went to Europe, tried to come back in 1912, died in the sinking of the Titanic. Boom, I'll take my award now. Edit: This is mostly a joke for anyone who might get salty
but is no one suspecting the brother? idk??
I think the person who killed her wrote that letter either that person felt sorry or so that her parents would stop the investigation. What i find weird is her parents taking her name off the will. Why did they do that? It could only mean they knew she will never come back. So if they knew she will never come back and they know why ,it could only mean they are hiding something either to save a family member or some secret of hers/the family's. This way the outside world won't know their/her secret.
Keeping Up with the KardaSHANEs
I’m still kicking....
Maybe she ran away with her lover George. And the parents knew about it that’s why they removed her from the will in exchange of what she have done.
Ryan: Yeah I mean... The only "little" I trust is Stuart and that's it but- Shane: Little Stuart?
my great grandmas name is Dorothy Arnold...
10:10 Did Shane forget about DNA tests?
What if she got on the titanic ? Remember it hadn't set sail until 1912.
Its hard to count how many times they went off topic in this episode
Expecting the ghoul boys to ever solve a case on a series called buzzfeed unsolved is an impossible expectation
5:47 Me showing affection to my friends
I would watch every season of Keeping Up with the Karda-shanes!!!!!1
Is it just me or is this show not the same anymore
They're talking about perfume right as I put on one that smells like vanilla milkshake, cherry on top, pink lemonade, fresh cut grass clippings, and waffle cone. Wild.
I have the same last name as the abortion doctor
Please make an episode of the unsolved murder case of the Chiong sisters! Hehe
It does seem a little sketchy but maybe they wrote her out of the will do discourage people from showing up years later claiming to be her in order to inherit her fortune. #troublesoftherichandfamous #postmortem
i love shane
Yes! You guys are back!
She's in Antarctica #postmortem
they carry the $850 million Buzzfeed company on their shoulders, but they’ve never had more than $750 in their bank account
*keeping up with the kardashanes* I lost it
1:18 (chipmunk noises)
Maybe she found ruby shoes.
Why in the hell are we sensoring Ryan and Shane? Gtfoh
Theory: Dorothy ran away from home because she didn’t want to eat that sad excuse for pasta.
miss ya
#postmortem Ryan i am disappointed that one of the theories wasn't that she was kidnapped by aliens
Wouldn't Dorothy Arnold getting into contact with the boys make this a Supernatural episode?
This show is a comedic romantic honestly #shyan
Last theory is believable
sounds like alien abduction to me
Guys do the murder of Amy mihaljevic. It's is almost the 30th anniversary
I was thinking maybe the family knew that Dorothy and the guy eloped after sending out the investigators for six weeks, and since they are a rich and well known family, it sounds like the thing she did would bring disgrace for them. So "removing" her name from the will is sort of a removing her from the family, and them saying she died or rejecting her letter or spreading rumors she got kidnapped were just cover ups. Plus this to Shane's theory, it could be like a cheesy drama plot but it could happen. it just sounds wrong for a family to give up easily and for George ordering to kill her. #postmortem
What if it's her own brother? Her brother might have killed her for the will and assets.
(Chipmunk noise)
Why is no one talking about how good Ryan looks with the shirt and sun kissed skin??
The Kardashanes!
*H O T S E A R I N G T E E N S*
she joined the sewer people
The abortion theory is interesting, but considering she was a wealthy, connected young woman, she no doubt would've had access to a more reputable doctor who could've performed the procedure safely.
y'all are not serious enough for me... so I unsub from yall Channel,
What if someone held her in captive in the basement. And she died in the captivity
next minute kim kardashian gose missing shane ses here i come world
well. helloo. im dorothy and im a fan of BTS. Make this as top comment ☺
Shane looks like Benson from Regular Show
Watching this at night LOL... ...I’m scared, please help
shane you NEED to explore antarctica before your too old they are HIDEING LAND the earth is wayyyyy bigger than they say forget those flat earth weirdos just believe me the earth is wayyy bigger and the UFO are coming from our earth in areas beyond antarctica think shane space is too far for any craft to fly but people are seeing ufo so they are coming from somewhere when you take away the impossible what your left with is the truth in the end the ufo came from our own earth we were just lied to thats all .
just a big fat commercial xP lame!
Do a video about the missing Australian prime minister Harold Holt
ok listen ryan has honestly gotten funnier since they started this show
Really unsettled me cause my last name is Arnold and that her brother’s name is John Arnold, which is also my father’s name. Kinda intriguiged if I’m related to this set of Arnolds. #postmortem
Bad pun Ryan, no, unacceptable, do you not know your limits
Just a guess: maybe on the day she went out to buy her 'evening' dress, she actually had an abortion scheduled as she was carrying George's child (which physically-speaking, a 4 months pregnant tummy could still be relatively passable as just putting on a chubby belly, and therefore her buying a new evening dress reasonable). Her chocolate purchasing may have been a pregnancy craving, and her bookstore purchase of 'engaged girl sketches' may have been her day-dreaming about a possible matrimony with George and having a family. Then maybe her parents DID find out about her dying during the abortion (probably through a quiet confession that they managed to keep away from the media and police), and them writing her out of their will makes sense to distance themselves away from the guilt, shame, and grieving of losing their child and potential grandchild. Considering how pre-marital sex and abortions were viewed and handled with socially during that time period, I don't think that would've been far too off that her family would be ashamed to reveal the truth if that was the case. Also, whaddup ghoul bois come down to Asia one day
Cha Cha real smooth
her brother killed her he could’ve killed her to inherit all their parents’ money. and the flying over to punch her alleged bf could’ve his way to look like a loving and concerned brother? maybe he even told his parents later out of guilt and they decided to write her out of the will and ask the police to stop looking for her cuz they had their closure
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO AN EPISODE ON THE MISSING BEAUMONT CHILDREN FROM ADELAIDE IN AUSTRALIA. It is such a strange case and I’d love to see you do an episode on it :)
"Grandma, it's me...DOROTHY!"
Donate to planned parenthood? Really?
#Postmortem - SO folks here we go with another ridiculous theory that I like the sound of. What if Dorothy did elope, just not with George. What if Dorothy eloped with another woman? It would explain absolutely no one knowing about a secret lover, considering the publics view / treatment of LGBT people at the time. And what with Dorothy's family being quite high up and wealthy it would have been a huge scandal. This could also explain the parents stopping the search and writing her out of the will so quickly... if they had found out they would have wanted it covered up as quickly as possible. Not to mention the fact that if evidence suggesting this had be found it would have quickly been overlooked or dismissed. History is pretty well known for denying the existence of gay people (the classic tale of "oh here's this famous historical woman who lived alone in a house with her best friend for 30 years..... )
Have they done one that covers the death of Edgar Allan Poe? I’m pretty sure the cause is still under many speculations.
shane: you’re my friend! * everyone liked that *
I beleive she went to the party... and some thing went wrong and the rich friends cleaned it up fast.
Tbh it seems like her parents had something to do with it. When they "gave up" on the investigation, that's when they could have heard from the doctor that she died during the abortion? I can't imagine them being okay with her getting pregnant out of wedlock with a man that they disapprove of.
You guys should do an episode on the disappearance of Eddie Aikau! Everyone in Hawaii knows the story and it's remained unsolved for decades
7:18 i felt the amount of effort he put into saying february in my soul
0:39 WAHHHH only why dont we fans can get it❤
Guyyyssss omggg you should do the killer clown craze
If she was kidnapped I feel like they would have sent a ransom note. Her parents have a ton of money so why not try?
will you guys please pretty please do an episode on qanon i KNOW you can make it funny
"Private dicks" -Ryan
The boys: that would be our greatest accomplishment Vanished: well now I’m not going to
#PostMortem What if the family killed her? They were so eager to say that she died and to write her out of the will, plus dorthy seemed snippy to her mom, maybe they were tired of it and decided to keep the money too themselves since she mooched off it. The fact that she wanted to marry a man that she couldn't have, she lived at home still, and didnt seem to be leaving any time soon could have been a factor. Didnt they want women to be married soon? She was getting a little crusty and they decided to cut her the money sandwich. Shane will you ever make a series like hotdaga again? Also ryan make one too please, or if you could what would it be about?
what if the family knew she went and married george and that’s why they removed her from the will so that he wouldn’t get any money
Shane, my daughter is in her mid-twenties and she is living in Antarctica!
"Dark edgey new Nancy Drew's teens" Said on this date by Ryan and Shane. Everyone heard it!
Y’all should do a video on the “dyotlov pass incident”
Postmortem She went to get the boat to Europe to meetup with George and elope. Something happened before she got to him and that's why George got a private investigator because he didn't know what happened to her either
The abortion theory makes the most sense to me because if her parents or the public were to find out about the abortion she would be shunned. I think her parents found out about her dying during the abortion and took her out of the will because they were disappointed and they knew she wasn't coming back.
Shane has such Michael Scott energy this episode
i lost it at Karda-shanes
“I want to get a lot of money, then I want to vanish from the face of the earth.” Damn I felt that
I’m Dorothy Arnold, I have hid for most of my life but have come out of hiding for this. I don’t care for your impression of me Shane!
Night gown: *exists* Ryan: “sleepy time gown” Night gown: “am I a joke to you?”
My theory: Dorothy was the inspiration for corpse bride
I'm very about the abortion theory. The timeline of visiting Griscom matches up with the timing of an abortion. She was a part of a wealthy family who (obviously) didnt seem to care about her (4 months?) So she decided that instead of coming clean about a pregnancy with a forbidden love, she decided to take care of the issue herself. She grabbed a book to read while waiting and the abortion went wrong. She was cremated and that's that.
my theory...she did need an abortion and was taken to a friends house to rest when she started bleeding so they had to call those two guys to move her to a quieter place closer to a doctor who could be bought and she died from that and is still buried under the house with the pipes
pretty pretty please do the unsolved case of Blair Adams next? I promise if you even just take a peeksie at the facts behind the story you will be so intrigued you won't be able to NOT do an episode about it ;)
10:35 I can’t get enough of Shane
I totally thought Shane said he wanted to BE an heiress, not date
Please do an episode on Brian Shaffer, truly baffling stuff.
What if she just tripped and like died
19:42 we stan shane’s feminism
Hot Spacey teen's
I’ve never watched an unsolved mysteries and laughed soo much
Okay yeah, the Parents killed her
12:58 wait wait wait wait WAIT. Why is no one talking about how Ryan pronounced “February” correctly?
When he said $30 like it was a lot I was confused, then he said *$750* . *WHO IS CASUALLY CARRYING $750 BUCKS???*
19:42 thank you shane
Shane at 19:41 = the *best* effing boi ever
Mom- Sleep Me at 3am- Oh buzzfeed unsolved uploaded new video, night made!
Shane's perfume *Shanell num 5*
“Donate to planned parenthood hood* *happily continues watching.* I love you two.
we need an episode where shane does the research and explains a case to ryan
15:33 "I'm sorry I bet she's out there somewhere-" "THEY STABBED HER :D"
But, did they consider Upside Down to look for the missing girl? #postmortem
Can you do an episode on the disappearance of Madeleine Mccann pleeeaaassee
That f*cking mannequin to the left gets me every time
Buzzfeed is for mongoloids
If you showed up as Kim they'd do a DNA TEST. THATS WHAT THEYD DO y'all really out here letting each other run w anything
What if she ran away and contacted her parents later? Her parents were so angry that they cut her off and not willing to find her anymore. #postmortem
19:34 but I thought she had control because she (in the theory) asked for an abortion. Maybe she was ashamed because she was pregnant outside of marriage so she didn't want to go to a big hospital, risking to meet people she knows (and maybe made her parents know about her secret love life). I mean, a lot of people, even until now, seek for abortion from "experts" because they didn't want anyone to know that they were pregnant due to similar reasons.
No one: The porn ads on 123movies: HOT SEERING TEENS
Maybe they wrote her out of the will to discourage scammers from pretending to be her or have found her?
I’m 28 and planning a trip to Antarctica hahahaha
So Dorothy did you find a dress?
were fake ids a thing then? how did the police know that the “fake Dorothy” wasn’t her?
When they talked about Kim Kardashian look-a-likes I was reminded of the storyline of Anastasia.
[chipmunk noise] 21:51
*watching a show called Unsolved* mmmmmmm I wonder if they are going to crack the case and tell me who did it.
my theory is that her parents had something to do with her disappearance due to their suspicious behavior after she went missing. I mean, that short amount of time and you try to bury the case and write her out of the will?? maybe they were tired of having to fund her lifestyle. and its interesting to me that they contacted private investigators before they contacted the police after 6 weeks. I know people handle grief differently but its odd how they handled things. i also think they may have spread a few rumors about George, trying to throw people off the scent and give the public someone else to blame. which would also tie in with the fact that George felt the need to hire his own private investigators to find Dorothy. it would make sense that if they got rid of their spoiled daughter, wouldn't it be killing two birds with one stone to pin it on the man who your daughter saw behind your back when you forbade her to do so? #postmortem
#postmortem my theory is that the family was involved in her disappearance. It's mighty suspicious how quickly they removed her from the will and urged the police to stop the investigation. It isn't uncommon for people to cover up crimes by showing concern and jumping into the investigation. Obviously money wasn't a concern to them if they put up a $1,000 reward AND paid for all of those private investigators throughout the world. I think it's possible that Dororthy was involved with her friend or she caused some other kind of scandal that could have destroyed the family's reputation and they couldn't let the word get out. You didn't mention them investigating any asylums, which seems strange to me, so maybe they had her committed somewhere (which was not an uncommon way of dealing with women who had their own opinions and didn't conform). Of course this is all speculation, but I do not get any good vibes from that family.
What if the parents, or one of them, killed her?
donate to planned parenthood!!! I love you guys even more now
I commented like you said. Stop saying my goddamn name and I'll reveal myself to the public! Sincerely -Dorothy
#postmortem The abortion theory makes a lot of pieces fit! If she met up with George Griscom Jr. a couple of months before her disappearance, around the time of her disappearance she would have known that she was pregnant. Being a pregnant, unmarried socialite in 1910 would have brought ruin to her and her entire family. Due to the conservative views of the 1910s and the family's disapproval of George, she most likely never even told the family about her pregnancy and went for the abortion in secret, hence telling the mother to not meet with her until she found a dress. She would have given a fake name at the abortion clinic, not that the clinic would have notified the family of her death had she given a real name. My guess is that the PIs the family hired found out about the abortion and the family kept this quiet due to the ruin it would bring. This would explain their certainty of her death only 4 months later and writing her out of the will. It's also very likely that George never knew that she was pregnant and had no idea what was happening. HAS NOBODY SEEN DOWNTON ABBEY?!
This case eerily reminds me of the disappearance of Barbara Newhall Follett due to the similarities. Both were 25 years old when they disappeared, both only had $30 in their wallets, both American - one from New York and the other from Massachusetts, and both were not reported as missing immediately - 6 weeks for Dorothy and 2 weeks for Barbara. Might just be a coincidence but the similarities are pretty creepy. #postmortem
sometimes i feel like shane isn’t breathing
Did Shane's mom have a one night stand with Dietrich from Barney Miller? (only old people will get this..)
"no one heard of a secret marriage" ...... isn't that kind of the point of a secret marriage?
I had to rewind the video 3 times to make sure Shane said Sioux Falls
i feel like maybe dorthy and that one guy did get married and ran away together and when her parents found out they were so ashamed that they just wanted to stop the investigation and write her out of the will and stuff so quick. idk man shits wack. (btw i love you guys.)
She was obviously killed by the elite because of something she did. This sort of 'strange disappearance and deaths' of influential people isn't uncommon. Everyone is trying to chase the throne of power and control.
D.B Cooper is my favourite mystery, alongside the legend of King Arthur.
"Even back then women didn't have control over their bodies..." "Donate to Planned Parenthood." if any of you DO want to donate to planned parenthood (like shane says) you can do it here:
Ryan going missing on Buzfeed unsolved would be like that one time when all the animals had to save the wonder pets
Yes? Why are you looking for me?
4:20 ok but that pasta looks so good though
Is this the testimony of how low and desensitized today's society has become? Am I the only one who do no feel the urge to laugh at these two poking fun at a mysterious disappearance, albeit a very old one? It is in very poor taste and it's quite disturbing seeing these guys behave this way.
not relevant to the actual case: CW's Nancy Drew is a trash joke just from the trailer (Nancy kissing a MURDER SUSPECT? Seriously?) PLEASE tell me this wasn't sponsored by them...
I would like to live in Antarctica
Ryan, the word you're looking for is nightgown 2:15
They're officially back. I don't count the area 51 video cause I need crime.
no one: shane: “cAbo BaYbEEy
Honestly with the way she talked to her mother, I think she was ready to run away
I would loveeee to see the ghoul boys cover the mysterious disappearance of Barbara Newhall Follett, the child prodigy/author
4:17 he looks like John Lennon
Yeah, she sounds like a brat
I honestly believe her family murder her and had others take care of the body. It’s very well that the wealthy lookin man that paid him to take care of the body was the father. They showed no signs of remorse and quickly wrote her off of their will. I don’t know seems fishy
I'm Dorothy. I'm right behind you Btw.
Votye c spring
Did Shane do the whole Kim Kardashian bit for that one pun? Did he leave out the possibility of DNA testing that way he could finish the bit for the pun? I guess it’ll remain..... Punsolved.
I live near the bellview hospital, its SUUUUPPER creepy and abandonded its now a park you can visit everywhere around the grounds of the hospital is abandoned. Some of my friends have gone there to investigate and heard noises and things inside I really want to go but theres a lot of aspestus. the weirdest thing is that theres now a soccer field right under the building ( the pic used in this episode) that little kids play soccer games lol.
In 1910 there was a major boxing championships, I highly doubt Dorothy was there though.
Are we going to talk about the Nancy drew pun or not
Nvm just remembered the cover for the season is the Hardy boys and we love an aesthetic
Maybe she got lost in the upside down
No one: Shane:
Ma ghost boiiiis, I have seen these 2 in ages
(2:17) Ryan, do you mean a.... nightgown?
“maybe even a sleepy-time gown” so a nightgown??
The parents gave up!! That's insane! Yeah it could the time and their status, I just know if something like this happened to one of my siblings or myself, my parents would never give up or stop looking. You don't. You just don't. Shame on them.
Its really scary and crazy that people really just disappear out of nowhere like this...
Something has to be said that this girl was 25 years old, still living with her parents and never married? During this time that is very odd. The median age (according to google) a woman got married during this time was 21. So I’d say she was the black sheep of the family and there is way more to the story than we know. This is why the family cut her out of the will so fast. It may have been that they figured she’d find a way to manipulate the system and get her inheritance out and the family didn’t want that if she was going to be with George. As far as whether she eloped or died. My thoughts are she got pregnant when she met George in Boston and she either got murdered or died in an abortion. George sounds like he was no good. 40 year old with tons of money and unmarried?! Something fishy there.
Oh , and D B Cooper was Dorothy Arnold
Id go missing if that was my supper too...
Y'all should start doing more Jane and John does
y'all are going to jail!1!!!1! PERIOD!!!!1111!!1
do Munir from Indonesia
January 25th you say? T h a t s m y b I r t h d a y
"It's time to make like Nancy drew and Nancy draw up some theories" hahahahahahahahha I'm sorry what!!
6:50 Your call Shane
Girl loves boy. Girls family hates boy. Girl lies to family abt where she is to go and eff her boyfriend in a hotel. This story seems familiar...
"the private dicks".....
Where is the episode on the Orderud murders! Like, it's such an interesting case
her parents did it #postmortem
*"He's a Mouse Man. He drove a car!"* Ryan was serious about that!
I’m gonna try to be cool with your food babe babe love yeah yeah sure
Can we talk about how Shane got extremely defensive when Ryan asked if he went missing would Shane notice and then just keeps yelling “YOURE MY FRIEND”
“New York is a crazy place” As a New Yorker, I can confirm that
why is it every time Shane does something or a voice you have to then do the same thing with your spin? not funny. and stop with the quote unquote thing. its even more annoying. we can see its quote.
Do the zodiac killer you’ve been missing out
In the captions at one stage it said “hot Syrian teens” and I was so confused
4:20 That pasta looked like cookies n cream ice cream for a sec (not wearing my glasses)
I have got u at last
At 10:39 *Shane and Ryan: Ahhh, it's me Kim, I fell down a hole~~ I have a beard now~ I got stuck in a cave~~* good lord x"D
Omg i could not get past 2 mins of this video. The side commentary interruptions are so annoying i could not take it. Please just tell the story and stop jumping in with your unfunny interruptions!!
The evidence on Dorothy Arnold eloped and her father finding out she went with George Griscom jr. maybe the reason she was written out of his will is quite strong. Albeit it was a complicated plan by George by having her "stashed" away somewhere while he is on vacation, it is not too much out of the realm reality to do it and execute it as it just needs for Dorothy to go out on a certain day while George is out, have suspicion cast away from him, marry Dorothy and return months later already married and probably with child. But having her removed from the will may have been the reason for them to never return to her family and just move on somewhere else... or maybe because she is no longer an heiress... maybe something more sinister happened to her after.
damn did shane shout out sioux falls sd???
censoring swear words ? I actually liked that ryan and shane could say whatever they wanted without being beeped out :(
Ryan: So you want to be a trust fund baby? Alexa: Now playing Trust Fund Baby by Why Don't We.
If Ryan dissapeared this show would just become Shane being a real estate agent for haunted places
Hey guys it's Dorothy Arnold just letting y'all know I'm safe and living my best life in Cabo baby
Can you guys look into the Timothy Pitzen case??
Please bring back ruining history
7:18 hahahahahhahahahahahahahahha feb
Maybe it's a small town thing, but cash is definitely carried here by most people. Actually the place I work only takes cash, we don't even have a card slider on our registers. But my town also has 3 beer drive-thrus and no movie theater so...yeah. cool story, bro. ~FCA
Glad to see the creepy mannequin behind Shane is gone
"So if I'm George" *"You are George, yes"* "I'm not George, but if I am George" *"Okay you're a creep, George"*
For postmodern: Why were the parents not suspects because their actions seemed suspicious, like who would claim that the letter wasn't real when their daughter was missing and why would you want the investigation to stop? Love you guys
I’m Dorothy Arnold
#postmortem Pfft, knew there was gonna be a pregnancy theory. No wonder they wanted her gone considering the shame involved. I mean, my guess is the parents were told what happened and tried to shutdown the police investigation because they knew they would’ve been shunned from their social circles, which as sad as it is was probably easier to deal with than finding out she had been murdered. By cutting her out of the will, had she been found was them disowning her and proving to their circles that their family didn’t find the behaviour tolerable. I hope she eloped, but with a 40-year-old... eh?
"and i'd love for you to disappear" *mood*
Do the 2001 anthrax attacks!!
Shane sounds like Jerry Seinfeld sometimes and it absolutely kills me
She probably went to a parallel universe. That has happened to people.
What if Dorothy was going to meet with someone else at the party? Probably she was getting to know someone else and George didn't like that so he kidnapped her and kill her? #Postmortem
No one: Shane and Ryan: Cmon lets say it together, *HOT SEARING TEENS*
hang on. an unmarried 25 year old woman in 1910? girls were married off quite young and popping out babies by then. this is a capital L Lesbian who ran away from home to avoid being married off to a man, word made it back to her homophobic parents, who subsequently asked the police to drop the case to save them the embarrassment/public shame of their daughter turning up alive, well, and gay, and they took her out of the will so that once they died, their lesbian daughter could not ever resurface after they've died and claim inheritance.
Did my dude Ryan just call the private investigators Private Dicks
in unison: HOT SEARING TEENS!!! lmao
3:11 ok...
I think the abortion one makes the most sense bc if they burned her body there would be no evidence and that’s why there were no clues
Nancy is a teen detective? Sounds like a 90yr old
Hey wait a sec my name is dorothy... Wait where am i?
Hey, do a true crime episode on Bob Crane
salem witch trials !!!
Oh.. What a wonderful, peaceful day *You feel a hand on your shoulder* Shane: "WE'VE GOT YOU AT LAST"
Do the disappearances of the British colonist in Roanoake Island!
he started the show at 25? wtf he looks 20 i-
Do another true crime
Love this case!
Honestly it sounds like she was getting an abortion, died, and her family found out and was ashamed so they didn't make it known and went along with the investigation for a few months. OR because they took so long to go public, they may have somehow inadvertently caused her death (like not getting to her quickly enough) and the guilt made them call it off and write her out!
What if Mrs. Smith was actually Dorothy, and she got a different identity. What if she wasn't a doppelganger, but the really one?
greatest quote::::::::::::::::: "next day, by the way----oops"
Am I the only one who agrees with Shane at 6:41, that going to McMurdo in Antarctica would be an awesome experience?
why are they trying to get me scared about dorothy eloping
Get this to the top comment because I’m Dorothy Arnold.
Little stuart
When you have absolutely loved Shane for all these years until this episode when he says "Donate to planned parenthood". Shane stfu
The fact that the family took her out of the will so fast makes me think they know what happened to her, also the fact they asked the police to drop it. Like, either she eloped and got pregnant and all, and they learned about it and were like "ok but now you're cut off" (which is not a stretch - it was 1910 and women had no control over their lives, specially rich women, to decide who they wanted to marry), OR she could've died during an abortion, yes, and her parents just didn't want anyone to know about it cause it would be a hell of a scandal so they just pretended she disappeared and that was that.
Why was the brother mentioned only once and never again? If she was the heiress doesn't that mean the brother got the money? What would her spouse even get out of killing her? A wealthy man paid those dudes? Sounds suspicious to me. Everyone always suspects the maybe-boyfriend, but the brother could've easily done it, not wanting to get his hands dirty and paying off those guys. He even caused a scene with George (Who knows? Maybe George suspected her brother himself and got clocked in the face for it). Not to mention her parents writing her out of the will a mere 4 and a half months after she disappeared could directly relate to the fact that her brother convinced them to? Her father seemed plenty distressed over her disappearance, and spent so much money in order to find her (including the reward + all of the private investigators they went through), so it seems kind of redundant to go through THAT much effort if the murderers were her parents. I'm genuinely baffled as to why nobody's investigating the brother, or not even so much as suspecting him? Siblings have definitely killed each other for less. Logically speaking, it seems the brother had the most to gain out of her death. Not to mention he could've been jealous if she was the family's beloved daughter, when it's usually the man in the family who gets the perks--at least, back in that day. Worth looking into, maybe! #postmortem
The abortion theory seems very plausible, circumstantially. Good home life, didnt take any valuables, told her mother she would call her later, bought chocolates and a romance book before disappearing... definently sounds like she intended on returning. And the whole waiting 6 weeks to make the disappearance public and everything with George... idk seems like the family would want to keep something like this under wraps. The $750 she left with also couldve been to fund the procedure and pay off anyone.
OK but I used to work for a 107 year old named Dorothy..... coincidence?
The abortion theory explains why she didn’t want her mum to go shopping with her:
The Boys are back
we stan some progressive ghoul boys
I like horror movies, but there ads. You could just be watching a video and then you'll just hear screaming from a horror movie ad
Kim Kardashian
If you pay any attention to anything BuzzFeed puts out that doesn’t involve Ryan and or Shane we can’t be friends.
I'd go with the abortion theory and that the family found out about it and that's why they wrote her out their will.
I trust lil pump
Ryan doesn't even have $750 in his bank account? You got to be worth more to Buzzfeed than that.
"nancy draw up" oKaY y'all, simmer down
I choked when he said "I dont even have 750 in my bank account"
Her family killed her
I would definitely watch gossip girl in 1910s era
Shane giving me 'I LOVE YOU DOG' vibes when he says Ryan's his friend
is it just me or does shane's shirt match the color of his lips a bit?
"Hot, searing teens!"
merideth is secretly msr. lovett from sweeney todd
You should look at Ted Kennedy’s chappaquiddick incident. I know he didn’t get caught for it but whats unsolved is whether or not he made an attempt to save her
Ryan : *softly* " I have a beard now.." Me: JESUS CHRIST DUDE!!!!!
my payee is doing just that getting free money each money and it doesn't disappoint, downside the bills happen to arrive daily, each stacks of bills that comes in each day are at least 6 pages thick each no joke I get the mail but when I don't my mail never gets to me don't worry already on it too
Yo these to, ahahaha
Shane wants to go to McMurdo? Great, now he's The Thing.
"finger on the pulse of hot searing teens," more like the pulse of cold lifeless teens because anyone who was a teen when gossip girl aired is 25+ now ... ouch #roastmortem #postmortem
I feel like the abortion is the most logical and least sad one
Maybe shouting *YOU'RE MY FRIEND* will drive Ricky Goldsworth away
I'm surprised no one suspects the brother - I mean having the inheritance all alone could be a good motive to make your sibling... disappear. #postmortem
You guys should do a video on Tara Calico.
is it just me or are Ryan's eyes puffy in this ep?
*_tb cooper breaks silence to dump on ghoul boys_*
I thought Ryan would be pro life, since he's too afraid of ghosts. :(
for the post-mortem: can you investigate why the cw and other channels insist on hiring grown adults to play teenage characters
The fact that Shane didn't laugh when Ryan said private dicks blows my mind
Pretty please give us a #postmortem for this one.
You work for Buzzfeed and you don’t have $750?
The abortion makes a lot of sense, it would also explain the punch a lot more and the weird grieving from the family if they knew about it.
0:51 in and Shane's voice sounded so offended at Ryan's "And I'd love for you to disappear"
I would watch keeping up with the kardashanes lmaoo
19:41 Shane championing for women's rights can I get a hooyah
When high, I can’t understand Shane. Is this bad?
Imagine Shane (who is now Kim Kardashian) and Kanye in the same room !!! #postmortem
Megan Nichols FAIRFIELD ILLINOIS murdered at 15 by? remains found wrapped in blanket in field not far from fairfield. by farmer years later. it’s a small town people think it was her bf which was a state cops son so they weren’t caught. we’re told her remains are currently with the fbi and she still hasn’t has a proper funeral.
"I'm getting married, I'm stoked"
No one: Dorothy: aight Imma head out
“Yeah we’re going to get married” 2019
Maybe she did get pregnant by griscom( the hotel meetup) and her parents told her to get an abortion(why thr doctors knew her as a patient) but ended up not going through with it and her parents wanted her to vanish as a result to avoid the shame so she quietly disappeared and had her baby and they wrote her out of the will so she could not come back after their death for her inheritance. The six weeks was long enough to disappear
I’m just curious as to how you know of Sioux Falls cause no one effin ever references us.
Two things that should never change about BuzzFeed Unsolved: 1. Ryan is the one who does the narration. 2. The duo of Ryan and Shane.
D. Arnold got pregnant by george. Parents wouldnt ley them marry. Sent her off to have an abortion, which she died during and was tossed into a furnance, but her parents knew, but had to save face, so weeks after being missing they hired detectives and then and couple months later claim she was kidnapped and murdered and then written out of their will. They would rather have had that, than her marry George or have a bastard grand baby... therefore making all 3 theories accuratish
excuse me young man, i am greatly offended by this. take the video down immediately.
I was hoping for someone to make an account in her name and comment on the video, I’m disappointed.
Do Dennis martin
I think that maybe the guy that said he helped bury her might've been telling some truth. What if she was kidnapped, they were gonna hold her for ransom but whatever injury they had caused her to knock her out; like a hit to the head, actually killed her which is why they originally were just going to move the body to a "house upstate" but they ended up having to bury her, maybe the cops just went to the wrong house or maybe he gave a bad description of the house #postmortem
1:24 Oh Mr Dalliard. Have your boys taken up a sleuthing job on the other side of the pond?
Shouldn't there be a postmortem for this?
y’all should totally do something on Anna Anderson and the whole people pretending to be Anastasia Romanoff debacle!
It’s so funny how most top comments are just repeating what Ryan and Shane are saying.
those boots are so cute i can’t get over them
I think she ran away and was really seen by all those people
lmao i was born january 25th
Here's a link to the public domain book listed at 2.56
Most people want to go to europe while shane over here wants to go to Antarctica
Why'd it take you so long to get to my case?
thank you guys for giving a little shout out for women's rights. i honestly don't even care about the crazy right wing antiabortion comments here and you guys shouldn't either
wait was that pasta on the plate?
Ok so this might be far fetched but what if like she got pregnant like someone said but instead of her family killing her she ran off and killed herself
Shane’s fragrance line should be “Made Madej” or “Made by Madej”
kind of off topic but im sick of entertainment companies making "dark and edgy" reboots of my favorite shows. like HOW was sabrina the teenage witch in any way dark and cultish. i cant wait to see how they're gonna pull off buffy the vampire slayer in that light. also good show i love you shane #postmortem
5:47 when your friend says that they have no friends and you're honestly done with arguing with them at this point so you tell it to them straight
Benoit? Jeanne Benoit????
what if she took a vacation
What about the parents?? If they wrote her out the will because she was spending all the money. They got someone to get rid of her. If they can afford a private detective why not an assassin?
I'm pretty sure the parents did it because they waited so long to make a police report, and waited longer to announce it to the public, and then they told police to give up the search
Can you make buzzfeed solved
how much did an abortion cost back in 1910 she did have money on her? its possible
either she ran away, or her parents killed her. those are the only plausible solutions.
the thing abt planned parenthood the boys said made me go
I love the idea of a teen drama based in the 1920s! I'm going to write that right now.
I call my 3 year old cousin little Louie, sense he was named after my aunts husband... so he’s like the little version of him...
When they were describing her day all I could think about was “she ran away to be with her lesbian lover” and I dont know why
"Unsolved" still remains the only thing worth watching on BuzzFeed. Besides "Worth it" and the "Try Guys"
Do Madeleine McCann!!
5:47 is my favorite part
The fact that there was evidence to support that she had an interest in traveling to Europe wouldn't be unlike. It was acting common practice during those times for rich heiresses to marry for titles. They would often be arranged to mary men with titles and even princes. However the common practice included a large dowry to encourage the establishment of marriage to these men. In similar fashion of Grace of Monaco. When an American receives a foreign title of nobility, the American must relinquish their American citizenship by law.
I love Shane’s “donate to planned parenthood” quick quip. Because please, donate to planned parenthood. Planned Parenthood is very necessary!
ive watched 1,2,3,4,5,6 series finnaly
please talk about the disappearance of madeleine mccann!
She wasn’t happy with her life in the US, took a boat to Europe, took a different name, stayed there for a few years before deciding to come back to New York, boarded the Titanic and died in the sinking.
The family did it. Why wait so long to report? Why write her out of the will? Why INSIST the police stop. I always think the family is guilty tho. Or the abortion theory #postmortem
8:38 Is anyone else getting deja vu? That name sounds familiar.
please dont donate to planned parenthood lol
My kitty is named Little Biscuit. Does she sound suspicious? She does sit on my Playstation when she's been explicitly told not to.
She been kidnapped then sold to dubay as slave
Could’ve been she committed suicide because of (1) maybe there is a pressure being a socialite, knowing that her family didn’t report her disappearance one of the reasons may be of public embarrassment, like her father seems to be so strict and believes what he wants to believe and also (2) her failed writing career. But I would like to believe that she just ran away and the real one that sent the “I am safe.” postcard to her father. #postmortem
Shanes whole kim kardashian thing is basically the plot of one of the adams family movies lmao
Random Sioux Falls reference, thank you.
I’m starting to feel that they really don’t care about this series. They barely make any true crime videos, mainly supernatural ones. I mean I don’t care if people like those ones, I personally don’t but other people still like them. But give some love to the true crime fans.
Do the sumpter county does
What if her body was underneath the pipes in the house? The pipes could have been put in place to keep authorities from being suspicious.
I was waiting for Ricky Goldsworth to come up as soon as Theory 1 was discussed :((((
The parents did it
This is exactly the plot of the Luxe YA book series in which the oldest daughter of a wealthy family fakes her death and moves out west to elope with one of the family “servants” because her family would never approve so....could be what happened here, I don’t think it would be hard in 1910 to make yourself disappear
Eloped with a woman I bet! I think she may have been a lesbian
why is Shane looking at the camera like that at the beginning? I'm scared.
I would like to see shane and ryan doing a escape room
If these two aren't ballin I'm blocking Buzzfeed
Hold up Ben wa???
U guys should do cases from other countries in Asia. There’s a famous unsolved serial muderer from South Korea that has a lot of weird leads
These two are so getting haunted
Shane in the quietest voice: Donate to Planned Parenthood..
A lot of things are plausible, especially since it IS 1910 and $30 is actually $750!
Keeping up with the KardaShanes....... *Kris Jenner can ch0kE
is Shane ok..... 0:11
Love this channel lads! From
Whyyy do they have to remake nancy drew. Please dont ruin nancy drew. It looks just like riverdale /: make original content ffs.
The family had her killed, ima pass judgment lol. Probably because they couldn't control her and didn't want their money going to someone or something they didn't approve of, not unheard of.
this is a kind of weird suggestion, but i think they should talk about like the whole thing with the 20 findings of severed human feet around Washington and British Columbia in the Puget Sound, its really heckin bizarre lol
I think she ran away or was mugged
Just saying, Shane’s fragrance should be called ‘The terrified screams of demons’
WOW i missed the true crime series so much
@Shane 07:16, that's pretty much the sign for drunk in ASL so maybe you were onto something!
I am safe -Dorthy Arnold 2019, 127 years old.
I honestly think her family killed her/had her killed because she was a lot to handle and was more hassle to keep around. I don’t think the brother knew or was told about this (or he was and it was all a show with going to Italy). I think the man who paid the guy who “squealed” was either Dorothy’s brother or her father. At 25, most children weren’t in their parents homes, they were married, and even had kids. They probably saw her as a “failed bride” along with her being still childish and hard to handle.
"these are the theories I feel are most plausible" I already know ones gonna be about aliens
Do one on Connie Converse
This is such a Gossip Girl thing lol
Actually Shane they would know about that mole.
look up tcnj trash chute death. it would be the perfect true crime unsolved video
Yes the Ghoul Boys are back!
You guys should do Madeleine McCann or someone else idk
Can we stop with the No one: Literally no one: Not a soul: Comments? They’re annoying an unoriginal
My theory is the parents didn’t want her to inherit all their money so they paid someone to kidnap her and just blamed it on George or maybe lied about not liking him and actually paid him to do it that’s why they took her off their will so quickly
I personally feel threatened as a teenager, *HOT SEARING TEENS*
15:45 Also, Ryan, Rich People
5:40 I’m timestamping this for whenever I’m feeling down and need to laugh at something
Ryan: "The only Little I trust is Stuart." Shane: "Little Stuart???"
i watch this show to escape politics and be entertained please don't bring them into this show.
Accidently clicked on this video not realizing it was BuzzFeed
This is the poor man’s version of Rhett and Link and I’m okay with it.
My theory is that the family had something to do with it. Four months is not very long at all. #postmortem
Now ya just gotta summon dorathy arnold case solved (jk)
love these guys but correction dont donate to the murderers at planned parenthood
That agressive "YOU'RE MY FRIEND!" Was adorable
Bruh I wanna live in Antarctica!! smh it is not weird
Chipmunk noise though
The sad thing is. I used to work at kfc. And when the whooper burger came out. People would come through the drive through and when id ask what they wanted, they would quite literally just make the "spicy hot" sound with their mouth like. "Can i get a *phff*". Like on the tv ads. So tbh dont be surprised if someone steals that chipmunk sounding perfume and makes millions off it.
Shane sounded like Barry B Benson at 2:44
Y'all dorothy didn't go to Europe she went to Kansas to see if she could go to Oz like the other Dorothy
When he was with his "family" was his wife and kids. Maybe if she got pregnant and said she was going to tell his wife. Maybe he had her killed.
nancy draw books are better. i hate the new ones. the old ones are like the best thing ever.
Why did they have to do the “dark and gritty reboot” on my girl Nancy drew she doesn’t deserve this.
I trust lil Wayne w my life
“keeping up with the kar- kardaSHANES”
this might be one of my new favourite episodes of bfu
She def hopped on the Titanic and dipped
Get A BuzzzzzzzCut S H A N E p l z
Why is Ryan dressed like the boy in the striped pajamas?
please do missing 411 cases!!!
Is a sever has had 3,000 dollars in my wallet before. Low-key gave me so much anxiety, when I realized I had that much the next day I deposited that s**t as soon as the bank opened.
At 2:43 , Shane sounds like Bob the Tomato from Veggie Tales
The adjectives in front of the title are getting hilarious
They need to make a podcast
Honestly the people who work on this series carry the entire Buzzfeed company
The “Kardashanes”
Dorthy and George eloped because she was pregnant. The parents dropped the case because they felt disgraced by Dorthys actions and they decided to collect the life insurance policy. Case closed.
I think she died having an abortion.
We are friends!?
i was waiting for ryan to say it was aliens tho
uhhhhh ᵍᵘʸˢ
The Kim K part killed me.
I feel like the parents know something... sorry if any family member/descendant is reading this but to me this is kinda sus...
Ok but actually I’m glad I’m not alone in wanting to go to Antarctica lol it seems so cool and who else can claim that they went there??
I’ve been found out!
Reading the title "The impossible disappearance of Dorothy (Arnold)", all I could think was: she's in Oz, don't worry, she'll be back as soon as she clicks her heels. Just me?
Theory(ies): She did get pregnant, it was probably by George Griscom. Her parents found out and forced her to have an abortion so as to not be an embarrassment to the family or ruin her chances of marrying in the future. She either died during the process or attempted to resist and died somehow in that process— which would explain why the family was so odd and moved slow on alerting the police. It would also explain why, on the night of her disappearance, her mother told a friend that phoned to look in on her that she had, in fact, returned home and couldn’t speak on the phone because she went to bed with a headache. Maybe she got the abortion, made it home, and died from complications later— to avoid questions the family covered it up and that is why they were so eager to move on after a few weeks. OR. They forced her to get the abortion and instead of doing that she ran away (maybe with the assistance of Griscom or the father of the baby) and her parents knew this — but wanted to save face so they pretended she had went missing and just let her go off and live her unapproved life. This could explain them waiting to tip the police off AND the reason they wrote her out of the will so quickly. If she was still alive, but living outside the realm of family approval— and the parents faked her disappearance— then imagine how embarrassing it would be if they died and suddenly she showed up to collect her inheritance. That would explain the reason they changed the will so quickly. Also, perhaps her brother chased Griscom down because she had disobeyed their wishes and had ran off — maybe they didn’t alert police to give them time to chase her down and convince her to come back and do what her family wished for her to do... but they couldn’t track her down and Griscom didn’t help (which is why he got popped in the kisser) and so they went with Plan B of getting the police involved and acting like they had know idea what had happened to her.
Please please pleeeease cover the death of Kurt Cobain
Ben Was? Like the vaginal eggs? Wow, those were certainly differently times.
Shane : I'd love to get a lot of money and vanish from the face of the Earth Ryan : Id love for you to disappear
I am so glad that I can just open another window and put on some happy music in the background to deal with the fear bubbling up in my poor chest (Please don't judge me! I need my sims music or I will not sleep tonight!!)
11:01 the karda-shanes.
The next socialite disappearance you should do Pulaski's Masterpiece the poodle. This was cool though
Here’s the theory with George. I think it’s likely because back then in the 1940s, parents needed to approve. Society was like that. People really didn’t get married unless parents and family approved. Also the murdered one. That sounds bad because what mom would move on from 4 months???
Buzz feed is holding them back... they could make a lot more money without buzzfeed... I mean like the “ try guys”... But idc I love them Anyways... so never leave lol
Funnily enough, there is a documentary (It's called the imposter its brilliant!) about a guy that faked being a missing child so if Shane wants to be the next Kardashian there are ways of doing it! But they should totally cover the case, see if they know what happened to the real child
The pathetic attempt to put some humor in this disappearence.
I feel like she was killed. Also she had a good family life i am sure she would not accept not seeing her family at all just to marry a guy no matter how much she loved him
Keeping up with the kardaSHANES
Nancy Drew
Back then being involved with the police was scandalous, which is why the family waited. In 1910, any unmarried woman would have been ruined by having a baby; having an abortion was unthinkable. If the family discovered she *might* have, it would not be surprising if they stopped the investigation and wrote her out of their wills. And yes, there were morning dresses to wear at home, afternoon dresses for going out, evening dresses for dinner and going out at night, and even nightdresses (nightgowns). And Shane thinks he knows history!
i find the father very suspicious..
Insensitive, disrespectful and tasteless Yet Exhaustive, organized and hilarious. Great value to these series as they let the rest of us come face to face with the horrors of humanity without somehow losing fate in humility. Y’all got a new sub right here
i loved buzzfeed unsolved before and I love them even more now after the "donate to planned parenthood" part
I believe this is a case of a young woman just taken off and starting a new life of her own.
Those glasses look gay!
4 1/2 months is enough time for a person to be long gone, but not enough to give up on them altogether. People still show up years later.
Oh Ryan how I love when you always passive aggressively threaten Shane’s life
All women who seek abortion deserve to be gone like the way dorothy did theory 3
Did any one else get a Nancy Drew ad halfway through??
is it just me or do they remind you of cody and noel?
Keeping up with the Kardashanes
Y’all should do Marilyn Monroe’s case next!
No way I just got a Nancy Drew trailer right before this ep. Once it started I thought it was part if the ep but noooo. Coincidence?!. I THINK NOT
2:43 shane temporarily turning into Jerry Seinfeld
OK is this the clue of the three black keys??
liberal propaganda, glad i watch them with adblock
You guys just crack me up
Anyone else get a Nancy Drew commercial?
sleepytime gown? shudder....
Shane right at the beginning is my last brain cell thinking about conspiracy theories at 4am
nancy draw up really made me roll my eyes so far into my skull lmao ok dad
I think she and george loved each other. Her dad didn't approve, she became pregnant and she feared her father. George told her to leave all her stuff behind and casually leave. If she would have packed up her stuff or sold her jewelry her father would've been able to locate her. She probably lived in George's family summer home until it was time for the baby, however she became ill, and eventually died.
"It's horrible this woman died" "Donate to planned Parenthood" so they can murdered millions more?
bruh she got impregnated by the man her family didn't want her to be with. When they found out they forced her to get the abortion. When it went wrong they came up with a story to cover it up, sent dude away, and when the police started getting too close they called off the search.
Keeping up with the shaniacs-10 seasons (each season has one episode)
lmao I got a nancy drew ad on this video
Do the West Memphis 3
yo i think the abortion theory kinda makes sense??? like, she met with the guy she wasn't supposed to meet a few months before she disappeared... after the meeting, a few months later, she noticed the signs of the pregnancy and she made an appointment to that secret abortion place. and, on the day of her disappearance (the day of her abortion surgey), she bought chocolate and a book which are great things if you are rehabing in a hospital (or in a basement surgery room, you know) after a surgery!
The brother was quick to violence. That mixed with the four month parent thing I'm suspicious.
Why don’t they do one on madiline McCann
I legit got an ad about Nacy Drew before this video. I thought nothing much about it until I heard Ryan say "Nancy Drew".
true crime > super natural
They don't go to the police for 6 weeks???? Yeah.... Daddy knew something. A ransom maybe?
"Hot searing teens" you guys were obviously talking about the 1910's being an awesome place for a new TV drama, I see no cause for alarm ;)
When Shane said, "Yea. I'd be worried," My soul kinda melted. It was so sweet because we don't really see stuff like that. I felt warm.
sooo i have a strange nickname... people call me stabby sam... not a gangster or a stabby guy... was just a victim of a crime
"you wanted to go to Antarctica in your mid-twenties???" "It's a very *cool* place"
me liking a buzz feed video: wait no what was I thinking
It’s crazy you a real one if you’ve been watching this since 2016
I literally got an ad about Nancy drew like and hour ago
Hi the music scares me shitless
I got a ad for Nancy drew before this....what?
Idk why but their vids haven’t been showing up on my feed at all so I’ve missed so many
"I would love to be an heiress" Same, Shane. Same.
Y’all should do the Burger Chef murders for Unsolved
i think we’re missing the perspective of a wealthy person here (no offense shane and ryan). personally i agree with shane and think she eloped. it might seem like it would’ve been easier for dorothy and george to just tell her family that they were getting married but it probably wasn’t that simple for her. her parents were probably really adamant that she’d marry someone they’d approve of because she’s an heiress so they’d want that money to go to someone they trust. plus, she has to think about if the public would approve because her high status means they’d also be judgmental of her life. if george had enough money to hire private investigators and go on nice vacations i think he’d have enough money to pull the whole thing off without needing any of dorothy’s valuables. anyways, maybe next time bring kim kardashian in to give her socialite opinion.
Did anyone get an ad about Nancy Drew before seeing them they say they're showing Nancy Drew
can you please do madeline mccann?
at 6:09 you can hear shane laughing at ryan
I got a 'Nancy Drew I'm dieing...XD
I like how they spit out episodes
Me, who lives in Sioux Falls, SD: Why the hell would you come elope HERE!? XDXD
Whenever they said Gladys, I thought of Pheobie's doll
Okay excuse me I really want this 1910 gossip girl
i went to hot topic the other day and someone had written buzzfeed unsolved as an anime they wanted to see more of
A good idea for a season would be making ryan disappear some how and make shane follow clues to find him kinda like looking for alaska but shane can interview actual detectives and police in the process and ask for tips
Do one on The disappearance of Andrew gosden
Plot twist: mrs smith was dorothy arnold. She just changed her name after eloping lol
gets an ad for nancy drew they talk about it aight then
6:05 missed pun: "'s time to Nancy Draw some conclusions of our own."
Fragrance scent called Its Ya Boi
hot searing teens!!
The 1910s era Gossip Girl series should be called Gibson Girl lmao (also 100% Would Watch That)
Must not have been impossible, it happened, lol.
Ok, can we talk about how the new Nancy drew show is literally just Riverdale with a different name? I mean she’s literally just the main character with red hair instead of blonde
Socialites be like: *Hold up, lemme disappear*
I literally got an ad for the Nancy Drew show, wow
"There is going to be 10 more seasons of keeping up with the KardaSHANEs "
10:46, "hOw ArE tHeY gONnA kNoW?" well ... they could check your fingerprint but idk
Who was the new benefactor to the parents will?
please do the Alcasser murders in Spain! absolute crazy mystery
" nobody knew about any secret marriage or eloping" why would her friends or family know about something that is inherently SECRET BY DEFINITION!?? Duhhhrr
dude on the left looks high AF in the intro lol
"This story does not become humourous or romantic" it's alright that's what we've got you two for!
I carry cash
Honestly kind of surprised no one thought she got abducted by aliens
Getty Images = outrageous price gouging! FYI
10:50 Shane....DNA records...
Have a little respect.
Who wouldn’t be alarmed if a frequent went missing? Regardless of age.
Omg. Didn’t know you guys were still uploading. I missed you!!!! Also Shane’s a demon just sayin.
Can’t wait for the new season of keeping up with the karda-shane-uns
She literally just could’ve been killed and buried. I mean it was 1910
The unsolved disappearance, of Judy wardrip.
I had an Antarctica phase like a year ago!! I still wanna go live there for a little while!!!! I think I keep getting recycled, hand-me-down brain cells from Shane
4:17 as an 18 year-old I feel *oFfEnDeD*
when is season four of true crime releasing?
So they talked to every FRIEND OF DOROTHY?
Sky Crime and BuzzFeed Unsolved should do a collab and have all the series episodes on TV!!
Chipmunk noises!!!! XD XD
Hey boys heres a sugestion. The mistery of mary roget from edgar a. Poe its actually based from a real crime. What a bout a video on that?
I would watch the heck out of vintage gossip girl Someone please make it
These people remind me of Rhett & Link
Look at that face 0:46
I would love to here what you guys think of the disappearance of Barbara Newhall Follett
I love my sleepytime gown
Writing her out of the will, if it was published might have been in an attempt to get her to return home. Money and family honour meant a lot back then
I really liked this series partly because it was so apolitical. The "donate to Planned Parenthood" comment was unfortunate.
The Ghoul Boys are back!!!!
Shane: donate to planned parenthood!!!
Nancy was a real person?
Do you think The Marvel Cinematic Universe have their own Buzz feed Unsolved series? Like.... BuzzFeed Unsolved: The Disappearance of Peter Quill Shane: It's Probably aliens Ryan: Aliens are not real
the karshanes id watch it
Who got an ad of Nancy Drew?
Who else got a Nancy Drew ad
Have you guys considered looking into the Colonial Parkway Murders?
Jonah Jamison makes when he gets info on Spiderman: 9:45
What if her brother had her killed so he didn't have to split the inheritance?!
you should do one on the beaumont children from australia
“i’d like someone to give me a lot of money for doing nothing” isn’t that what he does?? he doesn’t believe in ghosts
But isn’t it unusual that she told her mom not to come w/ her? Idk but if I was going dress shopping I would’ve been like sure come along
I know it isn't a cheerful topic, but why do you never cover the suicide theories in cases? Van Gogh for sure killed himself, Natalie Wood possibly did, and most of Dorothy Arnold's family and friends believe she committed suicide.
Ryan: "That we pissed off a vanished so much that they un-vanished themselves? Shane: Like if D.B. Cooper was like "You assholes, listen." Ryan Imitating Cooper: "I saw what you said about me getting speared by a pine tree." *D.B Cooper breaks silence to dunk on Ghoul Boys* I mean, the Watcher is probably getting angry somewhere, drinking Cola as he's furiously writing Buzzfeed a letter. "So, about those two young-blooded dorks of yours...."
Can you do the Orderud case from Norway
how much weed does Shane smoke?
you should solve the mystery behind Danielle Cohn's age
Did anyone else get the Nancy Drew add twice while watching this video?
*donate to Planned Parenthood* I love you guys so much.
"So you want to be a trust fund baby" The crazy Limelight aka me: I DONT REALLY WANNA TRUST FUND BABY!
Them looking in the camera while saying my name triggers my fight or flight
I’m Dorathy Arnold Not
watching this episode is just me getting whiplash every time they say my name I feel like I’m on a video call with them but they can’t hear me
That’s the guarantee
I’m a trust fund baby, you can trust me
For postmortem: could you guys make unsolved and ruining history podcasts? I love them so much and I listen to them while I'm at work or driving. Also bring back ruining history!! Like actually, don't just read it and ignore it
I clicked on this video and the Nancy drew ad came on
I am Dorothy
Private dicks??? Anyone else hear that
She had one to liverpool from new york? She probably came here then, i know a family named arnold maybe its them
DO KURT COBIAN’S MURDER!!! btw love you guys ❤️
5:53 making me emotional
“Keeping up with the Karda-Shanes”
Lotta quiche, big whoops.
hi im dorothy
There is an unsolved murder in Antartica maybe The Buzz could send you guys there
But if only Mr. Beast could do his slow clap, at the end of this video.
“donate to planned parenthood” i love you guys
Hey it’s Dorothy doing well in Indiana
They need an actual tv show
Buzzfeed unsolved is literally one of the only thing I watch from Buzzfeed. Keep it coming and never go on air because it won’t be as good & juicy.
There was a Nancy Drew ad right before the vid started for me
"I don't really carry cash anymore." "Who does?" Me: People who make tips.
When is next episode coming?
I'm an arnold and I remember a arnold named dorothy.....but in Victoria bc
damnit, it wasn't until 21:21 I noticed that face through the window to the upper left behind Shane! Made me jump thinking there was someone just standing there
Gosh I love you guys.
Shane is glasses is just kinda yknow *Wack*
finally back to ya guys show
I mean, she could have died having the abortion, and when the P.Is found out, the parents paid to have it covered up, to avoid being shamed.
Think of it this way if you kidnap a socialite...wouldn't you ransom her off...even after you kill her
I am Dorothy Arnold
Can you guys do one on the Wonderland murders I'd love to hear you're take on it!
Oh, that’s a lovely scent! What is that? [CHIPMUNK NOISE] Ok! Well I’ll see you later!
My theory is that Dorothy was planning a trip for freedom, her mother had asked if she could come but Dorothy said No in a bratty way, most likely meaning she wanted to be treated like a adult. So she wanted to move, as her history had shown, she booked a ship and on her way bought chocolates and a book for the ride to Europe. She had sent the postcard to her father but he was in disbelief. George Griscom had later heard about her move and decided to go on vacation to Europe, where they probably got secretly married
0:07 why is Shane staring into my soul he is freaking me out
6:08 Why is that one shot of the scene from nancy drew, the scariest thing we have seen on any episode of unsolved
Keeping up with the Kardashane’s killed me
The family Is very suspicious
shane is disgustingly proud of that pun (11:04)
i love how i got a nancy drew ad before this video
Hi, this is Dorothy Arnold.
19:32 WOW we Stan these men
I think she contacted her parents.. and whatever it was they decided it was too shameful.... Maybe tshe had a baby(got pregnant by that 40 yr old) and was keeping the baby... that being shameful she was never allowed to resurface, never expected to come back or turn up for there wills, they might have sent her some money.... maybe she lived a long life happily with her child, out of the spotlight. ☺️
Wanna hear something funny? My nic name for my little brother is "lil Lui"
mom im scared.
Ryan, Shane isn’t scared of snow like you are. He grew up in the Midwest, we know snow.
Not even 2mins in and I’m already failing to suppress my giggles (I’m at work) !!! God dang I missed your videos & banter! Please please make more of these crime ones!! I stopped watching the supernatural ones because they just don’t Intrest me but omg how I have missed these true crime masterpieces!! Big love from NZ
Do the murder of Seth Rich please
guys you should take a pc somewhere and ask them to type what they want to say
of course i get a Nancy Drew ad as I’m watching this
Right before this video I got an ad about the movie Nacy Drew did anyone else got that ad too?
Noel Miller and Cody Ko look different
Okay so what If the parents found out she did elope and they hired someone to kill her so that’s why they took her off their will and told police to stop searching for her
Xoxo, Gossip girl
dorothy: ight ima tell you when i find the perfect dress i guess she never found the one she wanted ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
Wow was not expecting Shane to just throw out Sioux Falls as an example no one ever talks about South Dakota
I still think you guys should cover either Tammy Lynn Leppert, an extra in the 1983 Scarface who went missing after filming, or the Max Headroom Incident, one of the most well known TV hijackings ever pulled.
Can someone tell them to leave buzzfeed they would be so much better if they just left the try guys left and their so much more successful
probably sacrificed and eaten by the diabolical elites.
the only sensible people at buzzfeed
"little stuart?" "no, stuart little" "oh, the mouse"
why’d ryan say that dorothy would be 127?
Wow though.
aw man I don’t want an edgy Nancy drew smh >:/ that’s like making an edgy murder she wrote lmao
Oh goodness. I never thought I would see the day. I never did find the dress I was looking for
Ryan: I don’t even have 750 dollars in my bank Me@ buzzfeed: can you pay them more?
Do Kayla Berg
Ryan: "lets think like nancy drew and Nancy draw up some theorys" Me: CAnt decide on laughing or cringing so does both simultaneously
"donate to planed parenthood"
I am Dorothy wait is this thing on wait what am i ........
Did anyone realize that head in the window at 14:26
Late comment I know but you guys make serious murders and kidnappings and actual scary things hilarious. another thing you guys should talk about is jack the ripper/leather apron if you can gather info. on it
Anyone else looking for someone named Dorothy Arnold in the comments?
When they were talking about Nancy I got an ad about Nancy show
they made Dortheys disappearance know to the public on my birthday (not exactly cause I was born on January 25, 2007)
Dorthy told her parents she wanted to marry gorge, they got mad and killed her. That’s why it took so long to start the investigation and why they took her out of the will so quickly
One of my old teachers has the last name Arnold and she’s one of the oldest teachers in the school— weLp, i guess this is the only buzzfeed unsolved ep that may be solved
Bruh she dissappeared on my birthday
Yeah it’s that last one.
Can you two please do Nora? (The severly autistic girl)
My theory is that the parents found out what really happened to Dorothy (most likely that she eloped), and they were so upset they called off the investigation, told everyone she died and wrote her out of the will. #postmortem
Before the video it was a Nancy ad
The fact that I got a Nancy Drew ad before this is weird.
Do the murder in the bayou strange and unsolved murders
What if one of Dorathy’s sibilings wanted more money in the will so kidnapped her and killed her then pressured the father to cut her out of the will.
You should do the Paul McCartney theory
*happiness noise* ~happiness movement~
Can you guys please do Harold Holt?, He was the Australian PM for christs sake- one day he went into the ocean... and was never seen again. Pleeease cover Harold Holt!
Maybe she did have an abortion, the dad found out, got angry, kidnapped her to teach her a lesson or something, locked her up up near the West Point home, where she dies, gets Little Louis and others to bury her. After that, he writes her out of the will because he can't deal with a daughter who made her own choices. WHO THINKS?
Maybe don't donate to Planned Parenthood, an organisation that kills babies
I would like to see old case finally be solve...
I have a friend with his last name Arnold (and yes I know people can have the same last name I just think it’s funny because he hates this stuff
How did I miss this video lol?
Bruh. Is it me or does Shane have way more emotion that before?
I’m just surprised he said Sioux Falls! Shout out to SD!
Why was $300 in 1910 only $750 in our money now, but $1000 in 1910 is $26,000???
Next up on UNSOLVED....kaspar hauser or the servant girl annihilator
I got a Nancy Drew AD right before this video.
The only show from BuzzFeed I actually want to watch.
i would love a video on Jeffrey Epstein
(me looking in the comments to see if someone made an account named dorothy arnold to comment and get top comment)
Nobody Not Buzzfeed Not Youtube either Ryan and Shane:HOT SEARING TEENS
Why Shane sounding like pennywise @7:50
*I think running away or eloping are unlikely because why not take small valuable stuff, like the jewelry and the private letters mentioned? They didn't have security cameras back then. I think pretty likely foul play. {Edit} I also like the theory I read elsewhere here that the parents involved. I'm thinking they probably either took part in an elopement, or something more nefarious; say if she was about to bring some type of major embarrassment to them.*
Unsolved just became a bunch of advertisement for shows
Sleepy-time gown, aka nightgown :) Edit: Also, Im pretty sure you have to be under 18 to run away. Adults just leave.
Or dig deeper.
I think George killed her. Most cases it's the boyfriend or the last person who saw the victim. Just because he left with his family doesn't mean they knew where he was that entire time. Idn
this should be a netflix original series
McMurdo is actually really cool. Worked there for about 3 weeks
Dorothy Arnold here to tell you this video is absolute rubbish and I demand that you delete it immediately!
Seeing as this is a special episode does anyone know when season 6 is actually Coming out
Hey why are you using a picture of the former British PM the Marquess of Salisbury as her dad? Lol
“Donate to planned parenthood” -Shane
11:01 he was gonna say car carcrashians. That's why he chuckled
I subbed only because they renamed this channel after you guys.
Dorothy Arnold never existed.
I would watch keeping up with the Karda-Shanes
"Donate to Planned Parenthood." -Shane 2019
C.C. Tinsley and C.C. Meredith, what's next?
"Keeping Up With The Kardashanes" Now that's something I'd watch
That family had something to do with her disappearance that’s weird like y would they write her out of there Will so so soon
is shane okay in the intro
Ay yo i'm chillin'
Dorothy’s parents are apparently the 1910 version of Casey Anthony. I think I know what happened. Her pasta dish looked like it was drenched in Arsenic.
theory 4!!!she's been abducted by alien!!!
Ok so the Arnolds decided she was murdered and asked the police to close the case. Did they have no interest in finding the murderer?
Thank you boys for doing a story about me, i miss my parents, i am 127.
Pleeease do the Maura Murray case!! It's really fascinating and kinda creepy. Also thanks for the censor bleeps, I appreciate it.
8:53 showing King's Park Psychiatric Center on Long Island like no one would notice
I’m still alive don’t worry
HER MIDDLE NAME IS MY NAME. sorry just thought that was relevant
Can we have a BuzzFeed SOLVED Network for crimes that are solved but still very interesting?
*hOt* *sEaRiNG* *tEEnS*
No guys. That is most definitely NOT normal in New York. I would punch them if I could
couldnt hear over Shane's disposable cup screaming 'landfill' smh
When Is the next episode of unsolved? Or is this just a one off thing
why do they feel the need to try and be humorous every 2 secs while cutting the story? seriously just show the god damn story with perhaps some discussions after... I'm guessing more ppl would watch and stay all the way through the cuts and attempted humour really adds NOTHING
bruh i got an ad about nancy drew
Are there any records of Griscom getting married? That would seem like a way to prove/disprove one theory at least *shruggie*
Shane looks like a serial killer in those glasses
Wait so they got a clue saying that they may have buried Dorothy and when they go to house that fits the description they just look up the place which has obviously been opened up before instead of like the whole floor? Cuz if I bury a woman I may or may not have killed, and want to keep it a secret, I will make sure that you can't see that there has ever been any work done afterwards. I'm not gonna like close the hole sloppily so it's easy to see that there might be some work done there, it's gonna be done like nothings been done
i’m calling it now—the family was involved in her disappearance, in some way, they were; maybe not the brother, but the parents for sure.
7:03, i think there is gonna be a alien attack theory-
Just like to say I'm back and braver! After the Annabelle episode I stopped watching bc I realised (not just the Annabelle) I'm getting nightmares/terrified at night whenever I watch these but I'm brave bc I cant.. i miss these guys! So I'm back. And braver. BTW: I'm 12 yrs old and i ain't brave
I'm with Shane today bc I went to Antarctica and I'll just say DO IT SHANE IT'S INCREDIBLE!
When does the new one come on?
Shane is trying SO HARD to convince everyone he’s human.
She would be 133-134 years old...if she is alive
that little abortion add on made my day... we stan shane and ryan
Planned parenthood kills lives. They perform over 300,000 abortions a year. I wish we could teach people that we could save both the baby and the mother. They don’t need to abort their babies and have more suffering. Why are we teaching others that killing and violence should be used to solve our problems? We have to make the world a place where people don’t need to feel like they have to kill their own children to feel comfortable in life.
I’m waiting for the episode about my dad. He disappeared 16 years ago after going to the gas station to buy some coffee.
2:01 There’s a face in the back round, wth
I have to pause my work and this video to laugh at that "HOT. SEARING. TEENS!"
Only OG’s remember D.B cooper
The case of the danish Emilie Meng. She was kidnapped and killed. She was found in a little lake a year after
Mabey the theory of her getting an abortion is actually true and explains why the family got her off the will so quickly and told the police to stop investigating. If the police would continue investigating and they actually found out that she died while getting an abortion, that would ruin the reputation of the Arnold`s family.
legends say Dorothy is still looking for the perfect dress
they said the “teens” part of “hot searing teens” at 4:20 nice
Me to
Several notes, one "Hot Searing Teens" would be a hilarious text tone, number two, her family was rich. The will really matters then
For Unsolved True Crime you HAVE to look into the disappearance of Ben McDaniels from a fresh water diving cave called the Vortex in Florida. Please just read up on it and give it a try. Will NOT disappoint!!!
Currently thinking Shane may have been BenDeLaCreme prior to coming to buzzfeed...
"It'd be musky ik that" thought he said musty lol
are Shane and Ryann messing with us? Every week their hair gets thicker and higher...
Keeping up with the Kardashanes is something I'd actually be interested in watching.
HONESTLY the abortion one sounds the most plausible? like, she had $30 on her which was probably enough for an abortion then right? she told her mother not to go with her, and got a snack to eat and a book to read while waiting or something. of course, perhaps it's a bit more than that. perhaps her father found out she was pregnant and wanted her to "take care of it", and when that went wrong there was all the fake detective work and then the whole calling off the search and erasing from wills stuff. she dawdled while making her way there because she really didn't want to go, and then boom she died and was shoved in the oven. her father was called, and then the "search" for their "missing" daughter was on.
For postmortem if you guys are doing it, wouldn't they want to write her out of their will to prevent people from pretending to be her down the road to gain the inheritance?
Parents killed her. Put her body some where in the house
if I hear "Nancy Nancy NANCY nancy N A N C Y" one more time on this ad...
No one: No one at all: Shane: [chipmunk noises]
It's me, I'm Dorothy Arnold, I'm here. The ghoul boys finally got to me... Now let's get that top comment.
Leave ur liberal views out of this buzzfeed.
“When I need the funds.”
I love the dynamic between you two. Late on founding this show but it's awesome. I like the real stories and alien stuff more than the paranormal but they are all fun to watch and I'm sure there are people that enjoy the paranormal more.
"You were hoping the boys were gonna crack it; we never do" Despite the name of the show, and how every episode ends, a part of me always hopes you boys will.
9:05 I’ve been to London a lot via the London underground Wild frickin place That happens a lot
*end quote*
I never heard someone call private detectives “private dics”
Ryan: *pronounces "February" a lil weird* Everyone: *freaks tf out* Ryan: *calls private investigators "private dicks" (at **4:51**)* Everyone:
I would watch "Hot, Searing Teens" if it ever comes out
She obviously ran away
I agree with Shane, I'd love to go to Antarctica, experience the life there, learn new things.... So interesting, man
I havnt yet read a comment suggesting her being burried further underthe gas pipes. Maybe a little deeper down it widened up to house a body, the body was then covered by a little more concrete only for it to dry and place false pipes running along the length of the body as to aprear as proper gas pipes? Just a theory..a ga-wait no..but please feel free to lean in
Do one on the Zodiac killer
Can you guys make more true crime videos? They're absolutely the best. Jack the ripper was so in depth, big ups guys
i got a ad about nancy drew before the video started
Sorry, but one of the two regular hosts of a professional YouTube channel that has "3.1 M" subscribers has never had $750 in his bank account? I have never considered myself particularly good with numbers or money, but I'm certainly not particularly rich either, and I usually try to have a bit more than that in my bank account. In fact, the monthly rent for a cheap apartment where I come from was around $500. That was small-town Wisconsin. I think you might wanna talk to your manager at BuzzFeed, dude. Sounds like you're being just a little underpaid.
this needs to be a podcast on spotify real quick
What if she traveled to Europe hitched a ride on the titanic then died, I could be wrong but I think it matches with the time line
Did anybody just click because the title had Arnold in it???
I wasn’t expecting to see [chipmunk noises] and I read it to spit out my soda
Of course they're pro abortion! cuz BUZZFEED!DO NOT DONATE TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD! It's not a "feel good" donation!
you are my friend. PERIODT.
she claimed she was MRS.SMITH?
Heath Ledger death please
Girly Boys?
it never works out well for trust fund ppl. It's something u think u want, but something u shouldn't.
“I don’t really carry cash anymore.” “Who does?!” Me: me??
You guys should do a true crime on Princess Diana!!!!
Now I’m just imagining these two selling reboot gossip girl, buying a yacht, drinking whisky and wearing Hawaiian shirts, whilst screaming that they’re friends over and over again. Don’t know why but there it is.
Hahahahahahahaha y'all clown haven't found me hahahahhahahahahaha
When’s the Coleen Rooney vs. Rebekah Vardy vid?
Omg I just saw the trailer in this video
I wanna watch keeping up with the Kardashanes...
I got a Nancy Drew ad at the start
“Donate to Planned Parenthood” AN ICON
Hahahaha I love you guys!!! “DONATE TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD!!!” ♥️
What if she was a lesbian? A person of her status being gay would’ve been a HUGE embarrassment for her and her family. She probably ran away with a lover and then told her parents she was gay so they stopped looking for her. #postmortem
There's a case that doesn't have many theories, but it is still really grisly: The Kelsey Outrage on Long Island. It would be awesome to hear about this
4:19 no wonder she didn't go home that meal looks nasty
I still carry cash lmaooo. It’s the best way I can manage what I can spend after bills are paid. Whatever cash I have left in my pocket is what I have to use for my metro card (NYC) , food, other supplies, and paying my phone bill. Yes you can easily use a credit/debit card or online payment, but if you know about NYC trains is that anyone can run by and snatch your card away. I had too many close calls so I just opt out for cash.
Damn these Nancy Drew ads are getting out of hand
Ryan: “Well it doesn’t get fun or romantic” Shane: “okay
ffs there’s so much crimes
Shane, not sure if you're much of an anime person, but you should watch "A Place Further Than The Universe". It's a phenomenal short series about a group of high schoolers making their way to Antarctica (one of their Mom was a researcher and disappeared there during a storm), and there are a lot of facts about everything that goes into an Antarctica trip. It's a really well written story and definitely shows it as a beautiful place.
If I'm George Your a creep George I'm a creep I'm a creep Lmao
The $30 would probably be enough for an illegal abortion operation, I'm in support of this theory.
You guys are great but also you guys get off topic to much . Especially that long hair dude lol that's why these videos are long
The deep horror in Shane's voice as he says "don't go to planned parenthood" kind of scares me.
0:05 - 0:12
Are we getting a post mortem for this episode?
@Elli Taylor tbf it is almost a month after the video was originally posted...... unless of course your saying u like the cuts and poor humour?
* nobody liked that *
That is strange why would she not want her mother to go with her
would love to see you guys do an episode on the Disappearance of the Beaumont children, as its been back in the news recently and is still......unsolved
I think she was written out of the will, in the hopes she might return/show up. Because if her parents died, she could pocket the money, maybe with that guy she might have married, or while she's somewhere in Europe.
I love how thete friendship grows every episode
4:51 The *_WHAT_* now??
Between Supernatural and True Crime, which series you prefer? (Of course we watch both )
"Sleepy time gown" oh Ryan, you mean a night gown?
5:48 Naruto to Sasuke throughout the entirety of Shippuden
14:06 my city let’s go, Out here representing one of the least known capitals
why did I only just see this?
Shout out to Sioux Falls, SD at 14:05 !! It’s my home town!
"Keeping up with the Kardash...shanes [real life tongue-face emoji]"
Why was “Nancy draw up” something that was greenlit RYAN WHY
What’s funnier: the fact shane doesn’t mention dna to prove he’s not kim k, or the fact that I thought of that though you can just look and be like, that’s not kim.
19:33 i've never stanned these boys more
4:50 hehe
they should do an episode on “the family” (charles Manson’s cult) and their murders
I’ve been busy the past couple of weeks and am just now catching up on my unsolved but OH MY GOD HESAID FEBRUARY NORMALY
It would make sense if she died having an abortion and all that money she carried with her was to pay for it!
Ayy shout out sioux falls
19:30 abortion is murder.
MARILYN MONROE episode please, pretty please!!! I'm having Unsolved True Crime withdrawals
What season was this guy heart broken, i can't see it.
What season is this??
The only BuzzFeed junk I actually like
Uh oh
he said "donate"
Trash. You guys aren't funny and I couldn't finish the video because of the constant interruption
Ryan:if I went missing for a week would you be alarmed? Shane: I think so Ryan: that’s nice I didn’t think you’d be alarmed Shane: YOURE MY FRIEND Ryan will remember that
Y'all should do an episode on the disappearance of a couple from here in the Coachella Valley back in 2017. Really interesting and still unsolved story. Wouldn't regret looking into it.
It’s me ooooooo I do not mean this in anyway. I just mean this as a joke
Hey buzzfeed unsolved, could you do an episode about the mystery death of the people on the ship of medan
I wonder when season 6 of True crime will be back?
Dorothy's mom answered the phone & told the caller Dorothy was in bed with a headache. Later called a lawyer. According to other versions of this story, they contacted the lawyer before reporting her missing. & they said she only had 25.00$ with her. The whole story sounds shady on the parent's part.
you look like you're starting to hate this job. love it
4:52 “private dicks”
What if the dad killed her and threatened to kill his family if they tell the police that’s my theory because obviously he was upset that she wanted to marry George.
Sleepy time gown? You mean nightgown?
I find it very weird that she disappeared after she went shopping for her dress. I don't always like to go with the running away theory but I think it's very likely. She could've eloped but not with the man she was friends with for four years. If she lied to her parents about meeting up with John then it's very possible she lied to her parents again about the friend's party and the reason why she didn't want her mother to come along is because she was shopping for a wedding dress and she won't be happy about it.
She had to find her freakum dress
What if over 100 years later today, she called her mom and told her she found her evening gown
Oh no im so sorry I bet they stabbed her
Leave me alone
Please keep making these I love them so much!! Plz tell me you’re making more :(((
This guy doesn’t make six figures I’m never going to let him marry my daughter
Oh please give the supernatural series a break and come back to true crime. It's way much better
I think they have already
Maggie Sterling that theory might work if the dates do, but there would have to be some sort of payment for a ticket documented somewhere which would say her name right?
There's a case that doesn't have many theories, but it is still really grisly: The Kelsey Outrage on Long Island. It would be awesome to hear about this P.S. If you know about the case or they end up doing an episode on this, I'm actually a descendant of Royal.
reckon she just fucked off
The parents should have been in one of the theories. I mean it’s pretty obvious they’re sketchy af for waiting so long to start the case and trying to end it just as quickly.
I am safe
Private dicks? Really?
So y’all rly aren’t going to talk about how suspicious the parents are???
I'd totally binge Keeping up with The Kardashanes
Poor db cooper.
Wait.... Shane doesn't have his ball anymore (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻
Me: just relax, deep breaths, go to sleep... My brain: HOT SEARING TEENS!!!
It was penny wise
no one: Shane: [ chipmunk noise ]
He said PRIVATE DICKS. We’re all thinking it.
H O T S E A R I N G T E E N S!
What a about madiline mcaan that be a good one
What does 19:42 say
the kardashanes
What if you combine all 3 theory’s
I had $21,000 in my bra the day I got an insurance lawsuit payment and cashed the check with no bank acct so no place to put this money except my very empty bra
Hey you guys should make an episode about bodomlake murders or kyllikki saari murder they are unsolved finnish murder mysterys and are really fasinating
I don't get how it's sooo impossible that she disappeared. She could have lived in an unmapped/distant island, she could have drowned deep enough to never be recovered, she could been burned to ashes, even abducted and never seeing the sunlight again.
It's amazing how people still disappear in to thin air.
Shane has the personality of Patrick Star
Little John
They are the only reason I'm subscribed.
With every attempt, Ryan gets closer to saying February correctly.
I think you the two of you saying "Hot Searing Teens" on a new Porn Hub intro.
Going to get an abortion only to be the one who gets aborted. Poetic justice.
I think the brother killed her because he wanted more money from the will and convinced his parents to give up looking for her.
I think it possible that the brother did it. Dorthy would have trusted him, he would be able to convince his parents to let go of the investigation, and he got all the inheritance, not just half. I don’t think you’re doing a #postmortem but if you are, what do you think?
I think her friend that she spoke to last killed her
I love this bromance, it’s goals
Anyone else think the family might have gotten rid of her?
Can I have your attention please “F*** you goat man”
S Slashion Maybe Shane is Kim K
What do you mean how hard is it to run away? I don't know how someone could just walk out and never want to see or talk to their family again?
Unless they killed her
when he mentioned sioux falls all i could do was laugh cause i live 2 hours from there lol
Shane I love the hair
She might have walked through a golden road meeting a lion,a tin man and a scare crow while facing the evil witch in the land of OZ
5:53 - keeping this for later
Do the Disappearance of Maura Murray
Lmao, “I don’t really carry cash anymore”, “who does”. I literally carry the equivalent of $2000 with me on regular basis.
Tbh I want to go to Antarctica
no one: buzzfeed: chipmunk noises
"keeping up with the... Kardash- Kardashanes"
Ryan: if I went missing for a week would you be alarmed? Shane: I think so. Ryan: that’s nice, I didn’t think you’d be alarmed. Shane: your my friend! Ryan: I like how you said tha- Shane: *YOUR MY FRIEND!* Ryan: why are you yelling at me, your my friend. Shane: *_YOUR MY FRIEND_*
An evening gown is what pj’s where called back then
What if Dorthy had left somewhere and committed suicide
Not gonna lie, I'd gladly watch Keeping up with the KardaShane's
Abortion is murder. The killing of an innocent human being is wrong, even if that human being has yet to be born. Unborn babies are considered human beings by the US government.
Or maybe she just got raped and murdered
“nancy draw up” jesus christ ryan
The NYC subway is filled with many different people.
When are you gonna do Madeline Mcann? It’s so interesting
I think realistically she was murdered. I mean it might of been a planned thing it might of just been a casual mugging in New York city but either way I think she was murdered. She would of took at least something with her if she was running away or eloping
Sioux Falls I’m from sd
She saved some of her parents riches unbeknownst to them, hightailed it out of there and eloped with her lover. They sounded overbearing, most likely had a hunch, and by not liking him, took her out of the will so quickly. I would imagine most parents search to the ends of the earth for their child.
Me, a person who carries cash: ._.
That's it, you caught me, I'm Dorthy. If it wasn't for the ghoul boys and their bickering, I would have gotten away with it too.
when is the next true crime episode coming out? or am i unaware of a new episode?
So even if it didn’t happen to Dorothy Arnold, it IS true that there were many women who snuck off to have abortions, died during the procedure, and then were cremated...and their families never knew what happened to them. That’s insane.
I believe that she ran off with a man or woman and the family found out and they took her out their will to punish her and cut all ties.
what if she ran away then went on the titanic
7:18 you can hear Ryan pronouncing February
9:11 I totally burst water out from my mouth. Yeah my keyboard is not ruined at all
my theory is maybe Dorothy had pregnant with George's child and she ended up getting an abortion but then telling him. Which might've caused him to get mad and pay someone off to kill her.
She's walking alone with lots of money. Was probably robbed and killed.
Rich parents: Let’s put a $1000 reward for information 2019: are you sure? That’s almost a KIA
For the next true crime episodes could you look into the Vampire of Niteroi story?
What if her dad was abusing her and she ran away or she’d committed suited or her parents were embarrassed of her so they faked it
I dont know if he has done the axe murder case yet its solved right? If not I dont know if he dont it yet if not PLEASE IF ITS NOT SOLVED
istg, I really thougth Ryan would come up with an "she got abducted by aliens" theory but he didn't
I think the abortion theory makes the most sense
They can't do that, if they address the theory of the parents doing something to her (the most popular, and, in my opinion, the most plausible theory) they'll get sued :P As much as I'd love them to do this case, the McCanns have sued or tried to sue people over it before
Ryan: if I went missing for a week would you be alarmed? Shane: I think so. Ryan: that’s nice, I didn’t think you’d be alarmed. Shane: your my friend! Ryan: I like how you said tha- Shane: *YOUR MY FRIEND!* Ryan: why are you yelling at me, your my friend. Shane: *_YOUR MY FRIEND!_*
Yeah....the parents killed her thats way to suspicious
I wouldn’t have come home for that dinner either.
21:09 more like bunsolved!
i guess she never found the dress she wanted
Ryan: so you wanna be a trust fund baby? Me: Damn I don’t really wanna trust fund baby
4:52 “Private Dicks”... Nice.
Gosh dang it I like Shane so much but he just had to go and throw that "donate to planned parenthood" crap in there
Hahahaha loved it!! “Donate to Planned Parenthood”
What if there Was a secret marriage and dorthy's father found out and either killed her or paid someone to kill her.
Youtube, you can't say 0 comments and still proceed to show many comments at the same time
1:41 Makin' my way down town gonna go get a dress
Writing her out of the will doesn’t seem that unusual, they had money and probably had accountants urging them to protect their assets. With her missing, leaving her name in the will could lead people to impersonate her to try to get the money, by writing her out of the will they take away the incentive for someone to impersonate her. Having the police stop looking is more questionable in my opinion.
maybe Dorothy did elope in secret with George, and her parents agreed to this courtship ONLY if Dorothy pretended to be missing, so it would not bring shame to the family,
I do think she was killed, but accidentally. The abortion theory makes the most sense to me - they had appalling practices and if someone died on the table, they'd dump the body at a morgue or in a ditch, or sell in on the black market. It makes sense as to why she wouldn't want her mother to come with her, and why she only had cash and nothing else.
No one cares BuzzFeed. I don't care. Please shut up with the standard cringe you put out on a daily basis
dorothy got what she wanted she went home to kansas
I would be hella sad if Kim went missing
Parents killed her. Explains how they called the police so late, took her out of their will and requested that the police stop investigating
That’s a lot of *quiche*
Alright put on your theory caps cause I'm about to theorize! Theory: So, brother gets in a fight with his sister over something that she did that angered him. She refused to except that he was right and in his blind rage killed his sister. Let me know if I loose you. His mother and father not wanting to have their last child go to jail helps cover up the crime by burning the body somewhere far, far away and scatter her ashes on a mountain or something. I DON'T KNOW! Anyways, They cover it up even more they hired private investigators. They tried to blame it on George or whatever his name is to draw attention away from their family. They then attempted to close the case to stop them from getting caught in their lies.
*she had to go to a basement to get an abortion* Why did she come to Argentina?
Another Theory She Had Plastic Surgery And She Does Not Look The Same Way
You guys should do the devils tree in New Jersey!!!!
tbvh i think there’s a huge possibility that George and Dorothy fell in love. my theory is that George paid Dorothy’s family to marry her daughter. I honestly think that the parents of Dorothy were in one this, but John was not aware of anything. Her parents most likely wanted to draw the attention away from themselves by removing Dorothy’s will. George and Dorothy’s case might just be a sugar daddy relationship. George got Dorothy pregnant and that’s how she “died from an abortion”. This could also just be an excuse of how Dorothy could escape, she found out she got pregnant and bribed her parents with George’s money so they wouldn’t catch on.
if ryan n shane is gone from this channel so am i
You should do a story about the New Jersey devil
I think she was robbed and killed, but that's probably just me...
“Kardash-Shane’s” LOL
After herring that stufff the dad said I think he is connected to the disappearance
I got something in my house
didnt they say she was supposed to meet with her mother for lunch, and the last person she saw was her friend, maybe it was the mother? Once it was dinner that night hours after the lunch presumably, they realized
no one: her parents: aye its been almost 2 months were putting it out for the world
What if she just got mugged in an alleyway and then got buried somewhere completely random
Maybe she eloped... But with a girl. So that's what nobody knew - 'cause most straights are blind like that- and why she just vanished. She knew her family and the society would never accept it. So she upped and left with her girl and they lived a happy life far away
Omg he was only 25 when they started this? I feel so old
I am alive lol
the word “nightgown”: *exists ryan: sleepy time gown
i like the shot of the plate covered in cigarette butts when they say Dorothy hadn't shown up for dinner, as though dinner that night was going to be cigarette ashes. Mmm, delicious.
Just think about this she and George had met up about a month before she went missing right if you think about it makes since that she could have been pregnant and went to get the abortion and if she was cremated that makes her body unidentifiable therefore never to be found....idk just a hunch
I was really hoping someone would make a channel named Dorothy Arnold then say I'm here but no :(
Mystery Suggestion... would be the disappearance of Madeline MaCann. It was huge in Europe for years, they speculate they've found her but who knows and what the hell happened?
I’d like to be an heiress too. You guys make me giggle
So the mannequin wasn't removed, it was just hidden behind that pannel behind Shane and it can be seen and it somehow startles me even more now that's not that obvious.
Just found this show... love it! Please do an episode on the unsolved murder of Dr. Dean in Jaffrey, New Hampshire!
Her parents taking her so soon from the will,make me think they have something to do with her desapearing...¡¡!!
Do a video on the Charman of Ojai, California
ryan saying he doesnt even have 750 in his bank makes me sad. hes worked so hard for these eps
sorry but um ryan and shane remind me of eddie and richie of IT. ok bye.
In band a guy always shakes our drum major like gelvin did to Mrs Smith
Isn't it possible that they broke the pipelines while digging in the basement, buried her below them, then fixed them? I doubt the cops looked any deeper after seeing them.
Aliens took her
When are you gonna do about Madeleine McCann ?!!
Please do the 2008 noida (India) double murder case
Tbh . Seems like Benoit was planning on kidnapping her and holding her for ransom, since her family always had expensive jewelry, mounds of money, etc. He probably roughed her up too much and had Glenn and Louie find a burial spot to keep their tracks clean
Can they please break off like the try guys
I wouldn't have come home either that pasta looks bland and dry
Strippers carry cash
I would love for you guys to do an episode on the murder of Hae Min Lee. I think it's a really intriguing case that really doesn't have a clear answer.
LOL... Ryan. "Private Dic's"??( around the 5:00 mark)
They should do an episode where they go to antarctica to investigate somewhere haunted
in actuality Dorothy Arnold didn't find the right dress and she is still looking for her new blue dress...
Arnoria oh I didn’t know, that sucks though, would be a good episode
Hate to be that person but *You're
Anybody who has ever watched Say Yes to the Dress knows exactly why you wait until you’ve bought a dress before showing it to your mum.
So... after sneaking off to have a tryst with a forbidden suitor, months later the heiress sneaks off again with a large amount of money while said forbidden suitor is off to Europe? My theory is, heiress gets knocked up, suitor doesn't care/know. They break it off and he harries off out of country to avoid her. She tells her brother, then makes some back-alley arrangements. She goes missing, bro confronts ex- suitor. Ex is afraid that he will get blamed for murder/ kidnapping so hires PI. One way or another bro finds out she died from a dirty abortion and the family decides to keep it secret.
Is it just me? Or is Shane getting uglier...
Im like 70 miles from Sioux Falls
Totally unrelated to the story but bless these boys for supporting planned parenthood
Okay, I love the show, but can we just take a moment to admire the time they took to put all the image credits in the description
You guys should do the unsolved case of Marilyn Monroe’s death
She got yoinked and boinked
Mentions trust fund baby Me: WHY DON’T WE
Today Dorthy is still looking for that dress...
okay but why did 1.3k people dislike this?! how?!
0:44 D.P. Cooper
When are these boys gonna cover Madeleine McCann's disappearance?????
>dark and edgy.. yeah hard pass
Please do one on Agatha Christie!
Do more true crime I love these episodes !!!
Why do you censor your cuss words now?
@2:43 obviously they don’t follow ANY rappers on IG.
One of you should make a disappearance mystery, like post on your social media the places you go and have us solve it!
10:49 .....blood test? urine test? cheek swab?
was her friend (the last person to ever see her) not ever questioned in depth. maybe she was the one who is responsible for the disappearance, my theory is she was murdered by this friend and then the friend afterwards went out with her mom like she told detectives as if nothing ever happened
When Ryan was about to talk about the last therory, I half expected Shane to say something like, "Don't tell me it's aliens"
I'M YOUR FRIEND! - Shane MadeJ
Shane yelling "YOU'RE MY FRIEND" at Ryan has been the mood for this entire season so far
When you said Private Dicks I laughed out loud a little
Do one about Madeleine McCann!!
Why arent we questioning the father? Or like parents? They took a long time to take her disappearance to light by the public. 6 weeks? Thats more then a month? Then all of a sudden they take there daughter out of there will? Dorothy father claimed that a note that she possibly sent saying she was safe wasnt hers? Could it be possible the father had something to do with her disappearance? Maybe paid her to leave after he finds out she wants to be with the 40 year old guy? Maybe they both had gotten on the same cruises she had in her room? Idk but the father seems shady
When is season 6 of true crimes coming? thx!
Donate to PP!
When shane shouts "who does?!" he sounds like Barry in bee movie I cannot
Ryan: I barely have $750 in my bank account! Me from the distance: SAME!!
"sleepy-time gown" Ah, yes, up-and-coming rival to the traditional nightgown.
Honestly, such tyranny and mystery can really lure the tension and intimacy of the wealthy down to their knees. I too am soooo intrigued that high-class people even vanish without ever being seen again. It seems there is more than meets the eye, despite how high, low; static or obscene the situation may have turned out.
Kids. Kids can feel whether or not you're their parent
You could hear how hard it was for Ryan to correctly pronounce "February"
D.B. Cooper here. I'm pissed about the pine tree. Your tomfoolery knows no bounds. Damn you hooligans!
Shanes perfume: Essence of the Shaneacs.
0:44: Guys I think we found the real D.B Cooper.
It’s not a true vid until Ryan wheezes at least once
The fact that she had met up with George in Boston a few months before she disappeared really should have been connected with the botched abortion theory, it would make perfect sense timeline-wise.
Once more unfolds, you guys should do an episode on the Essex Lorry deaths
I dorthy :)
Wait tho, what if that ms smith dude WAS actually Dorothy ?eh?
"donate to Planned Parenthood"
This the womens version of dad "Getting the milk"
Next on...... Keeping up with the Kardashin-Shane’s
With theory 1.5 you need to remember it’s 1910 people were very naive and trusting, she could’ve easily gone somewhere else and changed her name not wanting her parents money and wanting a normal life with her man
I dont know if you veer outside the US much but ever thought of doing the Lord Lucan case?
YO she was reported missing on my birthday (January 25th)
Does anyone else think Shane looks like Barb from Stranger Things
Real men carry cash
I hate the way these Buzzfeed videos are made. Shame, because this could have been interesting. Moving on...
Emma Peritore ((WHEEZE))
Also, her parents taking so long to even taking it public is very suspicious. Maybe the abortion theory--She may have died and they were too ashamed to report it?
Heard C.C.
7:17 that cut killed me
Wait, what is buzzfeed paying Ryan that he doesn’t have $750. They need to be paying him more.
the only thing scary about this is the music
Maybe she wasn’t murdered but if she did get married to the guy she couldn’t voice them what she could’ve said I don’t maybe he was so raged and he wanted to killer but she could’ve gone on the run but he could’ve found her and killed her and then buried her
She could have switched identity’s with the last person that ever saw her
Okay idea: George sympathized with gay people of the time. Helped Dorothy escape with her female lover. They moved off the grid together. The lover was a seamstress for the place where she bought her dress.
8:22 Music?
Planned Parenthood sells baby body parts to Big Pharma and medical research companies supported and funded by the Koch brothers, so no thanks to donating to them guys.
My theory is that the older brother had her killed so that shed get taken out of the will and he'd inherit all the money
so it's Riverdale? it's.. literally Riverdale.
Ryan: if I went missing for a week do you think you’d be alarmed? Shane: *stutters* I th-think so Ryan: aw don’t think you would say that Shane :you’re my friend Ryan: I didn’t like how you said that Shane: *YOURE MY FRIEDN* *slowly intensifies* Edit: I’m sorry I just love how Shane just starts shouting at Ryan saying he’s his friend, like same, I would do the same to my friends
The abortion theory breaks my heart. So many women killed from unsafe abortions back in the day just to cover up relationships outside of wedlock.
19:33 Respect though on Ryan and Shane's part for just throwing that out there.
to this day she still looking for a dress to wear at this sick party !
Talk is convoluted. And unnecessary cursing. They need to work on their behavior and deliver a better package.
so is their background of their unsolved room real? or is it a backdrop?
You guys need to have a murder mystery podcast
"Hot, searing teens!" hahahahahahahlLOL!
Hey disappearance isn't impossible. There's just so little to go on that really anything could have happened to her. I'm surprised you didn't speculate as to whether her family had something to do with her going missing, just based on how quickly they called off the investigation and wrote her out of the will. I think she did run off, then sent that message that she was ok. The parents knew she was alive and had probably eloped but they're so mad they don't admit it. Then they call off the investigation and write her out of the will. The end.
The guy with the glasses is so annoying
please do the lead mask case.
“Your My FRIEND” “ Why Are You Yelling I’m Your Fri-“ “ YOUR MY FRIEND”
You guys should do more true crime for those of us that can’t handle supernatural
“The Kardashanes”
12:55 i can only think of the Beatles
These guys are the best thing to have happened to me in a long time
5:47 must be one of the cutest moments in the whole history of Buzzfeed Unsolved
I wish you guys would do a serious bigfoot investigation. You guys can do a unsolved mythic creature series were you guys do an series investigation into creatures that have been seen by eyes, pictures or videos but have not be fully identified. Creatures such as the chupacabra, bigfoot, loch ness, etc. You could do a few episodes in a roll about 1 mythic creature, such as like 3-5 then move on to another one. But a serious bigfoot is my most wanted episode. Thank you in advance if you decide to do this. I personally have had a sighting of bigfoot on my way leaving Florida to go back home. I saw it at the ocala national forest in Florida. While driving home with my ex mother in law driving I was looking out the window and saw a huge bipedal creature with a dirt brown hair behind a tree with its arms holding on the the tree. I looked to appear about 8 to 9 ft tall. Its shoulders was much larger then the tree with about 3 to 4 ft in width. I could see both shoulders because the tree was about 2 feet wide. Its head and body was hairy. I could not make out a face because its face was dark. I saw this bigfoot in the afternoon. I had maybe about 3 to 5 secs of sight on the creature. The speed we was going was about 35 to 45 mph. I cant remember the road we was on. But I clearly remember what I saw. It didn't move. It just continued to watch us as we drove by. I have done research on the Ocala national forest and it is a hotspot for bigfoot sightings in florida.
Ryan:so when you were in your twenties you wanted to go to - Shane: *Antartica*
So sad how difficult it used to be for a woman to murder her unborn child back in the day...
Please do Robert Wone or Brianna Maitland next if you guys can!
I wish this was also a podcast!! That way i can listen at work lol
Nobody: Not one soul: Not Kim herself: Shane: 10 more seasons of 'Keeping up with the Kardashane's'
my therapist: chipmunk shane isnt real... he cant hurt you. chipmunk shane: 1:30
Not to sound morbid, but if Dorothy's dad made the assumption that she was murdered...shouldnt he be investigated? After 4 months, no parent is going to assume murder. Seems sketchy to me.
The real Unsolved question: where do they get all of the photos of these people?
If 30$ was worth 750$ at the time, I wonder how much 250$ was.
I still think Mrs. Smith was actually Dorothy the Scottland Yard Detective did have the right lady lol
You're my friend!
Can you do the Madeline McCann disappearance
please stop saying 'impregnated' X,D
basically they said. "who carries cash? pfft. what a loser." XDDD
A sleepy time dress is definitely what I am in the market for !
Make a video on the blackout ripper!
Yall should read thirsties tweets on the other buzzfeed channel ehswjdjdj
I died. I died. Lmfaooo I couldn’t stop laughing I love u guys so much ❤️❤️❤️
Is nobody gonna think that Gladys King killed her/kidnapped her because she was the last one who saw her or is it just me thinking this
That’s one long game of hide and seek. I think Dorothy won. So, hats off to Dorothy.
When y’all said it in unison, I died
Marilyn Monroe episode please!!!!!!!!!
What if she was pregnant and there was a fight either between her family or the father of the child and they accidentally killed her.
Shane: (donate to planned parenthood) nice! Thanks Ryan for your “not that this is relevant to today....” point out. Good job!
Wouldn't it be possible that the parents killed Dorothy? The last person Dorothy saw was her parents
Ryan looks like #Jabykoay
Ngfl it going from being very serious, to them joking about serious situations is hilarious to me
Shane: "Kim, where is your mole on the buttcheck! Like, no one would know!" Yes Shane, people would know. What part of Kim haven't we seen yet?
no one: literally no one: shane: *[chimpunk noise]*
pls do a video on madelaine mccann
Unfortunate Events no....?
I hope you do have more than $700 in your bank Ryan..... Shame on buzzfeed if that’s the case.
Hey its me Dorothy Arnold I fell down a hole
2:42 I noticed that as well... I rarely carry cash on me anymore lol
the brother was behind it... you take the daughter off of the will in order to avoid someone else getting access to the familiy's money (leaving the brother as sole heir). the parents have to protect the family heritage and can't know for sure if she just eloped and is planing to come back with some gangster to claim a big chunk of money. if she is off the will, it's over. the brother created an alibi by attacking the boyfriend in italy and hiring a p.i. he seems just "too involved" in the investigation.
If I had my own perfume, I'll call it Fleur de Cirey, eau de parfum
Hi im Dorothy:D
No one: Not a single soul: Shane and Ryan: *HoT sEaRiNg TeEnS*
6:08 why is there a peppa pig in the background
I love how I'm drinking hot sause while watching this.
I genuinely dont remember if you guys did a case on the Donelley's, but every so often I can hear Ryan's voice in the back of my head talking about it. Dunno why this came back to me now, but... fellow ghoulians, help a brother out?
Their friendship is pure
"Bamboozled them"
Cabo babyyyy! Oh oh ohhh
Does Shane seriously watched 10 seasons of Keeping Up with The Kardashians? LMAO
Best friends !!!! :-3
“Keeping up with the kardashhhhhhhhanes” aha love you Shane
Can you please do one on the murder of Hae min lee aka Adnan Syed?
"Hot, searing, teens!" -Madej, Vergara (2019)
I think her father had her killed. Super sketchy to write her out of the will four months after her disappearance.
Honestly, Dorothy's family removing her from the Will is a good idea on their parts. There were fakes already coming forward to get a piece of that fortune, anyone trying to steal following her parent's deaths wouldn't be able to get away with much of anything.
I think that her family dad/mom killed her
So last guy she talk to is not a suspect
Do you think a lot of these "weathly people disappearance" are human trafficking from their families? Like, they sold their family members; or used them to pay off the debt that they incrude while they were working on their businesses? Seems quite the circulating coincidence.
Don't tell me to donate to Planned Parenthood, be entertainers
Isnt this the plot to Corpse Bride?
I had that exact same lamp when I was little except that Tigger from Winnie the Pooh is on the end of the chain. :)
Do India's stoneman next
The Australian government regularly has jobs in Antarctica Shane, you can totally live the dream
i love them sm
Can you be more serious about this and not laughing this much? Thank you
They know gossip girl???
What if Dorothy was going to elope with George but her family found out and had her killed?
*Freaks out when he says sioux falls*
BuzzFeed Unsolved is the only good BuzzFeed show
Of course the suspected killers name is Benoit
I know nothing about 1910, but I imagine the girl did elope and was told by George to hide, got pregnant, aborted the pregnancy, died during surgery, and George paid people to hide and bury her body. Her family came to know about this, but ashamed that their daughter got pregnant out of wedlock, decided that it's better to think she's kidnapped and murdered instead, so they pushed the investigation to stop and crossed her out of the will. There. All theories combined. Plausible enough?
I would watch keeping up with the karsahshanes on loop for ten years and then fall down a hole/get lost in a cave
Shane was really proud of that little comment
They could have just killed and buried her but ok
Her brother had her kidnapped so she would be written out of the will. Boom
“Maybe even a sleepy time gown” Y’all never heard of a night gown
Ryan saying "and nancy draw up" is underrated.
How many mystery’s do you think they accidentally solve
Lol when he's about to say "Garbashians" and corrected himself right away
I would love to see you guys do the Asha Degree Case next
Shane should still do what he was thinking when he was in his mid-20's. Sounds interesting! Though Sara might not want that lol
What if she under the pipes and they broke her up too fit
I mean to be fair, these days they could just run a genetic test against parents/siblings so even if you really looked like Kim K, I doubt you'd last very long
Do the murder of lil dojo in Chicago, it was recent and it was never really solved but there are a lot of theories containing famous rappers like Chief Keef and lil Reese
Shane: I love a humorous, romantic story! Ryan: Well this story does not get humorous nor does it get romantic Shane: Sure it doesn't. Whatever you say buddy
I have a theory that Dorothy and jr. Were planning to elope but her father found out and accidentally killed her , and hired those two guys to bury her bodie
Can you make a True Crime Season 6 Premiere using South Korea's #1 Unsolved Case "Frog Boys" LIKE SO THEY CAN SEE
cabo, baby!
Come on Shane let's hit up Antarctica I'm with it
Who carries cash anymore? Lol most people I know carry cash
Private dicks hahahahah
I love how Ryan got so defensive of Stuart Little
"I've got stuff in my fridge that's been there longer" I have 11 year old spices, so argument not valid
*whispers* donate to planned parenthood
Was there no Q+A follow up this one?
In terms of the writing out of the will and giving up the search so fast, the family is wealthy, this is all very high profile and there are certainly people out there that are going to try and pose as the daughter, or otherwise get money out of them. It seems pretty cold but I think they needed to move on at the speed they did or risk never gaining peace of mind.
*where’s that mole on your butt cheek*
Shane’s little “donate to planned parenthood” made my day
I think she eloped and later on her family members got to know about it and then wanted to end the search coz it would harm their family reputation. It would explain why they wrote her out of the will.
Watch it be the parents and they ended it so soon cuz they did it
You should do an episode about "Canserbero" a Venezuelan artist that died under fuzzy circumstances, where the cause of death is still unknown. This case is from big interest due lyrics on his songs where years earlier to being "assassinated" he predicted it to much detail in many of his songs.
At like 0:44 it looks like the men in black guy blinked
Do you think you guys could do the disappearance of Natalee Holloway? I’m not sure what your policy on your stories are and I know it’s a recent case so if you feel it might be indecent I totally get it.
Ryan: I don’t even have $750 in my bank account Even after carrying Buzzfeed?!
Hello, I am studying the popularity surge in True Crime as a genre, and I would find it extremely helpful if you could answer my questionnaire below. All the information is confidential and it will only take about 5-7 minutes. Thank you in advance!
I would keep up with the kardashanes
Why isn't there a video on Robert Johnson yet?
I think she was blackmailed
It's 12:33 and I work in a few hrs
Like if Keeping Up With Kardashanes needs to be a thing.
Waiting for them to do the case of Madeleine McCann
I still wanna know if she got a evening dress.
She obviously hasn't found the right gown, that's why she didn't come back
the family is INCREDIBLY suspicious, I think they... may have murdered her
What I would love to see is the Unsolved Mystery of the Catacombs of Paris, I’m not sure what kind of mystery that Buzzfeed would present if they do decide to make something about the Catacombs, I’m sure theirs loads of mysteries to discuss, but all I’m saying is that they should make it. I find the Catacombs so interesting.
Was eloping in 1910 a shameful thing?(it probably was) i mean if it was, then i believe theory 1.5 and theory 2 but instead it might be that dorothy wouldn't have been killed. It could be that her father had known that she eloped and as it might have been considered shameful by the society, her father to cover up her elopement would have accepted the fact that she has been murdered so that nobody could ever know that she eloped. And as she was from a rich family which usually had this pressure to keep up their reputation in the society, i don't find it hard to believe that her father did this to hide her eloping with a guy her family didn't like. I mean what father would probably believe that his daughter has been killed and would request to close the case if people are willing to investigate? that's just what i think so if you find it trash im sorry.
they wrote her out of the will to prevent con artists from trying to get her inheritance.
Get ready for ten more seasons of keeping up with the kardassssshhhhhannes
Please do one on the death of Jeffrey Epstein!!!!
I think the friend killed her.
If they kidnapped her, why didn't they try for a ransom?
I’m always v interested when romantic leads are investigated in these older cases bc u KNOW that they only thought of looking into the men in her life, I feel like it’s totally plausible that if she were to run away with a woman in 1910 that probably no one would even think of that possibility since it was literally a crime then
Do a show on the murder of duell Moreland.
Do Kate Yup pls!!
Please do Paula Jean welden
Ok im done with this you got me im dorthy
Shane: YOU'RE MY FRIEND! Ryan: *awkward smile*
Unsolved on Chance Engelbert please! Its recent with a lot of wild theories, plus maybe itll help the case as it's currently still ongoing!
Is the thumbnail for this video a screenshot of a gay porn video for anyone else or am I/my computer tripping?
Sorry but private dicks.....
I don't even have $750 in my bank account
So nobody’s gonna talk about Shane saying “donate to planned parenthood” ?????? This, this is why I love Shane
The abortion theory makes the most sense to me. She's 25, she's unmarried, she could have got knocked up and went to get a back street abortion (which probably cost money, possibly what the $30 was really for). She might have been abducted but in the middle of the day? in a city? seems less likely to me anyway. Maybe by that dude, maybe someone else idk but abortion that went wrong and then her body got disposed of seems most plausible to me idk.
I'm still not over *10:39* x"D Shane: *Heyyy it's me Kim~~ It's been a long time, I fell down a hole~~~ (Ryan: I have a beard now~~) I got stuck in a cave~~*
That’s a shame! I hope we can find her soon!
It would be cool if in the title or in the intro to these videos it said something like “season 3, episode 1”
"Quote....... End quote"
Shane: 14:10 Me: Buzzfeed unsolved: the real identity of Shane
You guys are the reasons why I don't get scared during these documentaries lmao
I used to like Ryan before he confessed that he doesnt despise Stuart Little. Lost all respect
Are they making any more true crime episodes? All I see are the supernatural ones and I was hoping for more true crime.
I think they asked cops to stop investigating because they faked her disappearance to ransom money from her boyfriend. They hid her somewhere & didn't want that to surface. Had the investigation continued, it'd have had resurfaced, so they just asked them to stop it.
what if she actually wanted to get marry with someone and she told her parents bout it after she went to bought the evening dress . Her parents got mad and kept her at the basement or ceiling till she died of hunger . Then she turned into a zombie .
she legit could've just been a made up-person who's parent's friends and doctors just wanted to start a story for fame in the biggest city at the time
private dicks
No one: Shane: *YOU’RE MY FRIEND.*
2:40 I still do
Ruining History season 2?????
Ryan, Shane, I want you two, to revisit the dyatlov pass incident. And look mor3 into the yeti theory more
Dorthy was gay
Sorry, the obnoxious mouth sounds is where you lost me.
Or she ran off and her family was so embarrassed they wrote her out of their will! Back then, a rich daughter running off with someone they don't approve of was scandalous as hell. I could see these people getting irate for her disobeying.
Please do the Brian Shaffer case!
No one: Shane: [chipmunk noise]
5:47 Your my FRIEND
Wooah she went missing on my birthday :0
Okay so...they were saying about how in 4 1/2 months they wrote her out of their will. If they only had 2 kids, what if the brother got her kidnapped and killed, convinced the parents to stop trying to find her and convinced them that she was gone forever just so she could get taken out of the will. Then once they died he'd have the whole fortune to himself....what if?
maybe her parents murdered her? or sent someone to murder her?
Shane would never pass for Kim because they are going to check the serial number on her implants
It looks like she was tryna run to Europe doe... in her time like she could’ve came back and died on the titanic
Can y’all do the axe murders of villisca
Nobody: Dorothy: Alright brofist, imma head out
"Look, I am not going to pass judgment on a family that is going through through... but let me pass some judgment here..[wheeze]" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
Check out The Landmark Inn in Marquette Michigan and the Michigan Dogman! Think both of you would definitely get a kick out of both mysteries
Why do I feel like her parents killed her
I'VE GOT YOU AT LAST!! Honestly, best part hands down
I think you guys should do a video on the The Crawford Disappearance in Arkansas, it involves one of your favorite mobosters boys, Al Capone.
*Y O U ' R E M Y F R I E N D !*
No one: Shane: Y O U ‘ R E M Y F R I E N D
Keeping up with the Kardashshshanes
We kinda know if Kim has a mole on a buttcheek
I'm loving the Planned Parenthood plug they threw in there
I would love to see what Ryan and Shane could take away from the case of Kendrick Johnson!
Except me
So stunning
Just the banter that they have is so funny in itself
I also really appreciate the boys supporting Planned Parenthood.
I think the parents did it, and that's why they were so quick to call off the investigation and take her out of their will. Maybe they were embarrassed by her or didn't want any of their money to go to the man that they refused to let marry her. Or maybe she did get an abortion, and they were so disgraced with her that they had her killed, bribed off detectives and police so it would never be traced back to them. With that amount of money, it would be easy to cover up something like that in 1910.
Uh I still carry cash. ;_;
she had 750 dollars in her pocket. She could have easily bought a ticket to cruise ticket
I hope they don’t begin habitually injecting political viewpoints into these videos.
D.B. Cooper breaks silence.
Will you guys ever come out to Southern Oregon for a "Ghost Hunt,":0+ xxx ooo, Muah!PEACE!
I love that they think the subway is a wild place
I knew Shane was a closet flat earther ❤️
They call people little _____ because they were named after one of their parents..........
My guess is she eloped and sent them a letter after a few months to tell them. At that point they disowned her and tried to stop the investigation.
shane's fragrance would be "choo choo pickle pie" :D
Have the guys done Edgar Allan Poe's death??? If not I'm surprised
I'm kind of mad she would make her mother come all the way downtown only after she found the dress
7:48 ok boomerang
Waiting for the Unsolved: Epstein edition
the family did it
1:11.....a)"Spice Gold"
You guys should do a video on the disappearense of Kayla Berg she has been missing for a little over 10 years and I think it would be cool to hear what your theorys on her disappearense are
Why not do Mikelle Biggs?
That is strangely suspicious! Who the heck gives up on a missing family member? The detectives, should check for a large Life Insurance policy...Hope I'm wrong.
She left to meet her love interest, this explains why she didn't want her mother to come along to dress shop.
If Sherlock Holmes actually existed in this era I swear this series wouldn’t exist
consider this: parentals found out about her n ol' George over there maybe she was pregnant maybe not and they had her killed
Dare you guys to investigate the dybbuk box ghouly boys
"I don't even carry cash anymore" "Who does" What XD Everyone?? XDD
The top two comments
No one gunna talk about maybe the parents did this
It was a different time then. I feel like 4 months would’ve felt a lot longer to them than us, considering their life spans ( I believe ) wasn’t as long as it is now.
4:51 listen
By abortion do they mean terminating your baby when your pregnant because my baby brother started crying as soon as it said abortion
4:51 “private dicks” boy I know you did not say that
I think that she either ran away or I also was kind of thinking maybe the parents killed her and hid the body. Hey, its happened.
Oh hey I’m dorthy, yea I’m sorry for making such a big deal... I followed the yellow brick road... a witch told me too
could you guys please think of doing the Tamam Shud case? Thanks and you guys rock
Suprised the police after raiding the doctor's office, didn't allow experts to examine the furnaces for human bones. This Unsolved Cold Case, needs to be reopened.
"I don't really carry cash anymore." "Who does?" Me, a german: Germans. Like, literally all of them.
Where's the next episode?
Well this is New York in 1910s.... Edith Wharton’s the age of innocence comes to mind. Being involved in a scandal was worse than death, it said, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the family staged the whole thing to avoid scandal to hide the girl’s elopement or pregnancy. Because back then, that was worse than being kidnapped or murdered.
She was clearly robbed then killed and buried somewhere
I got the chills when you talked about this Gladys woman ?!? Btw, Shane
4:52 y’all heard that too right?
Do an episode on Kaspar Hauser
Nobody: Goat man @ the teens on his bridge: 4:18
Can we get a unsolved series about stephon paddock? (Las Vegas shooter)
I just farted
I am Dorothy . U have summoned me
Love y'all's show. Y'all should do the disappearance of Lauren Spierer
Can you do an episode on either the Max Headroom broadcast hijacking or the disappearance of Susan Powell? I feel like those two are very interesting cases
this may be a missing 411 case
If the guy was like I GOT YOU NOW!!! TO THE POLICE!!! and wouldn't let me go then I'd be like yes!! Police!!! Let's do exactly that you raving lunatic!!
I really hate the Bellevue hospital because I heard scary stories about it and my school has Bellevue included in it
Thats where cc tinsley the private eye went!! He became cc meredith the doctor!!
I live in Sioux falls SD!
Post again please
How do y’all not have 750 y’all make good money doin this who are u playing y’all got the best job ever.
Shane, you’re right Antarctica is cool
Maria PhotoG no
buzzfeed is so cringe and somehow you guys have completely revived it from full cringe bruh tf
Gregory Villemin please!
Perfect you've made a ton of money now disappear.
[chipmunk noise]
Do the Hitler conspiracy theory of him making it to South America
They joke about someone who disappeared, commenting on one of their videos, and look what happened, a Dorothy Arnold has made her presence known in the comments section, in the video about her. Next they might get D.B. Cooper, and few other missing people, Bigfoot, Mothman, or Aliens maybe, making their presence known, but as hard as they'll (Ryan) try there won't be any gouls, ghosts, and demons making an appearance.
Would love to see you guys tackle the Lindbergh Baby case
I'm a creep. I'm a CREEP. lol
I am her reincarnation and I am offended
I'm from NYC, and cash is preffered in not only nefarious dealings, but everywhere.
I GOT A MYSTERY Flanners isle
Shane looks like Sid from Ice Age
6:53 SENT ME
You should do the unsolved murder of Frank Saletri. He was famously murdered in front of Bela Lugosi's mirror
can u do a unsolved on MH-310
You should do Lake Bodom next!
I'm not going to willing donate to murders.
best hide and go seek player EVER
#postmortem Dorthy was pregnant with George's baby, she went to get a abortion, and died. Her parents found out and tried to cover it up.
Keeping up with the kadrishanes. I would totally watch that
*the FBI has entered chat*
is nobody gonna talk about the chipmunk noises
no one: literally no one: not a damn soul: Shane and Ryan: HOT SEARING TEENS
you should look at the disappearance/death of azaria chamberlain! we looked at it in our law class earlier this year and it ended up splitting the class in half of who thought she was killed by a dingo, who thought she was killed by the parents and strangely enough, the few students who either thought she was still alive or thought someone else killed her.
I lived at that house in Westpoint, it was at garrison
It was an old Victorian house built around this time and had some interesting background when we bought jt
The private dicks
she ran away, only to legally change her name to amelia earhart
You guys should cover the disappearance of tommy desimone
Hello, Can you guys do Grant Hadwin next? It’s one of the most weirdest Unsolved mysteries in Canada. Most Canadians learn about him in geography as a topic and I think you guys would have a laugh out of this one. (Just Search up Grant Hadwin and he’ll pop up). There’s even a documentary you can watch! Have a nice day!
if shane ever goes missing we all know who did it after the intro of this video
shane: lets say i look like kim kardashian ryan: cuz you do yeah
Why are y'all so funny on mystery story!?
My lil brother's name is Louis (pronounced Louie) and we call him Little Louis so this episode was low key wild. Like what'd the mad lad get up to this time lmao
did ryan just say 'private dics'?
8:53 isn’t bellview hospital that photo is a psychiatric center called kings park psych center one of the many buildings there but it’s not bellview looks nothing like it
I find it very disrespectful how they are constantly making jokes about the situation. Absolutely disgusting
0:06 the dude on the left tho
Ok but why is Shane staring through my soul at the beginning of the video
"All me baby!" -The Watcher
omg they made her disappearance public on my birthday :P
you should do Madaline MCcann or the Moores murders
donate to planned parenthood
WTF does google bring this video up when I'm searching for hot teens? Algorithms need fixing.
I think her brother hired people to kill her. And when their parents found out, they dropped the case of dorothy to make sure her brother wouldn't go to jail. Charot
I’m still waiting for the video where the French people danced until they died
She said yes to the dress
You guys probably get a boatload of suggestions but if I may, I think you should do episodes on the murder of Gregory Villemin and the disappearance of Madeline McCann. Both are still unsolved and Gregory's case is very interesting from what I've read already.
I'm surprised they didn't go over the theory that Dorothy committed suicide. Dorothy wanted to be a writer, but her father, thinking it was nonsense, burnt several of her stories, and even after she went missing, called them "foolish". When Dorothy asked him if she could leave home, he told her "a good writer can write anywhere!" She sent several of her stories to "McLure's Magazine" which were all rejected, which caused her to write this note: "McLure's has turned me down. Failure stares me in the face. All I can see is a long road with no turning. Mother will always think it was an accident." She might have killed herself because of this, or maybe because of George. It could be that George didn't love Dorothy in the same degree as she loved him, and refused to marry her, so she killed herself. I dunno if this is right, and I know this video is a few months old, but I had to share it.
Can you make a video on the Giggling Nanny?
I’m so sorry I’m sure she’s somewhere. I bet they stabbed her.
keeping up with the gardash- kardas..s-shanes
Theory- Dorothy did elope with that man her parents didnt want her with. Her parents finally found out. However because this was such a public thing they just wanted the investigation stoped and wrote her out of the will for going against them. They never said anything because they didnt want to then become a public spectical for that reason instead of her disapearence, as well as their "reputation" ruined thinking they would look bad for multiple reasons along with one being her now married to a man they thought was not up to their standards to be in the family.
Anwar Jibawi, Ryan, and Liza Koshy all look somewhat identical. I'm sorry, I just really had to comment that.
Is it just me or does Shane sound EXACTLY like Seth Rogan?
2:40 sounds like Barry Benson from the bee movie.
They mad it public on my birthday! Well I mean I wasn't alive but still
Campaign to send Shane to Antarctica
Shane:"ssssssss. mmmmmmmm. [Chipmunk noises]"
The thumbnail shot of the narrator doing a bong handsignal is not very appropriate
Can you do a video on Barbara Follett, the genius child writer who disappeared when she was 25?
I really miss the live re-enactments for this series.
Even if the cruise companies were contacted and they said there were no passengers named Dorothy Arnold, wouldn't it be particularly easy in 1910 to just..... Give a fake name??
No new episodes?? T.T I'm kinda creeped out by Supernatural. Lol. Not watching those...
Off to oz she goes!!
I lovvvve Nancy drew
You guys should do one of elisa lam!pretty mysterious n bizarre!!
Can you go to the portal of hell in gary Indiana plz
Abortion is wroooong!
Nah, it's pretty tasty.
You should do a case on Emmit till
Seriously??? Kardashanes ????
*Legend has it she's still looking for a gown...*
6:48 OOH! Shane, I'd recommend watching "A Place Further than the Universe"! It's a show about these high-school girls getting involved in an Antarctic expedition; "Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. "
No one: Absolutely no one: Ryan: *ITS TIME TO NANCY DRAW UP*
Supernatural is soooooo bad.
This is so sad :(
"i'd love to be an heiress" - same, shane, same
cash is king bois...
That gossip girl reboot sounded good! I’d watch lol
Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser You should do a video about Kaspar Hauser
You know what would be REALLY cool? If you guys would do AMITYVILLE!!
This meme is old and tired
Nah in New York you just see crack feens yelling on the subway and the occasional performers who don’t get any money and then the fake homeless people trying to get money.
I think George was Dorothy's gay friend and she shacked up with a bohemian artist.
High school boys, 4:17
“DB Cooper breaks silence to dunk on goul bois”
Dorothy Arnold: goes missing the watcher: all me baby
Can you guys do the lake bodom murders.
I’ve watched almost every single video...I need more.
Why would they not hold her for ransom???
Or maybe they took her out of the will just in case she was to come back with her new mans and killed her parents
technology was obviously not as advanced as it is today, so i feel like 4 1/2 months back then would kind of make the case unsolvable unless someone just brought dorothy to the police station with proof.
This show is so-so but God, the Asian guy's voice makes it intolerable.
Dorothy & Gladys sound like old ladies, but I guess old ladies had to be young sometime.
The real mystery is why this is still legal:
What if her brother kidnapped and murdered her to get a larger proportion of the will?
It's been 2 years since I watched BuzzFeed
love New York... there's never a dull moment here :)
“ Donate to plan parenthood “haha
Hey so I just found this out so I took a 23 and me test and I was part French so I was looking more and in my living room at my grandmas it was a picture of her and it said on the thing you’re related to Dorthy Arnold and I’m like HOLY SH*T so I told my mom and she flipped out and that is the whole story true
never knew I had a family member named dorthey
Bless these men for their bit with Planned Parenthood
“Nancy Draw-up” y’all, this man
The ‘not a soul’ meme: “Hey look! I’m the cringiest meme!” No one: Not even a single soul: The ‘hold my beer’ meme: “Hold my beer.”
Yeah its like the hold my beer thing. Everytime i see it i cringe
“No one was aware of any secret marriage” oh damn it’s almost like it was a secret marriage
Do Madeline McCann
Doppelgangers are weird, i swear i saw a duplicate of my best friend from highschool who walked right past me on the sidewalk, they were even wearing the same kind of grey and blue sweater from his dads work, same light blue eyes, same small jaw with a big nose, same Osiris shoes i last saw him with a year before i moved 1k+ miles away........ They even had the same distinct stride, they took long strides with a noticeable left twist to their torso when they walked and their right foot was at an angle further out than normal, just like my friend. As i was stopped on the sidewalk thinking my best friend was right in front of me staring in disbelief, they walked right past me giving me the (wtf is up with you?) kinda look and just kept walking. The only thing that i don't remember is seeing his dads company's logo on the sweater, but as it is it was a dark grey logo half the circumference of your fist on a lighter grey background, which was a popular sweater design with a grey body and blue arm, you have likely seen one in the wild at one point or another.
"Chipmunk noises" Okay, see you later!!! lmao
Do the Disappearance of Madeleine Mccann
I wanna see you guys talk about the Marilyn Shepard Case!
Am I the only one who's still waiting for the human statue behind Shane to blink or something?
Watching this home alone
Maybe Dorothy just hasn't found the evening gown she liked yet
Can they do the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?
her parents are kind of sus to me... maybe they had a hand in something?
I would HOPE that my parents would look for me at least for a year before giving up... but that’s just me
at 4:40 ryan says "private dicks" and i need to share this
those are both words for ,,,,,,,,,, penis parts
There’s a haunted hotel in Wichita Kansas. A man died there after jumping from his room. He was a piano player and people say he can here him crying and playing the piano.
Hi, yes, I’m Dorothy age 127
I still find it super suspicious that her parents wanted to end the investigation
"Where's that mole on your butt cheek?"
Next could you do the dissapearence of Lee Boxell?
Sounds like she has died after a back alley abortion. She met a 40yo lover in Boston a few months before and then disappeared. She bought a book & chocolates to eat while she recovered.
I wish they would not call it buzzfeed unsolved because it’s a great show and I love you guys but I cringe every time I see “buzzfeed”
Severely disappointed by the lack of “Buzzfeed Unsolved: The mysterious case of Ryan Begara” jokes. Just saying.
"the private dicks" HUH
Maybe Gladys did it? :(
I mean, it was 1910, the fbi didn’t have to kind of technology they do now, she could of been killed and buried. :((((((((
CW is fucked up except super natural
hear me out.... bailey sarian x ryan and shane.. the ultimate crossover
Don’t even step in the court unless you got that ...... finish the sentence
I was actually abducted by aliens
I am still alive
Nice impression, one on the left of the handsome one. I am still alive.
I think the parents killed her. How quick they took her out of the will, wanted the investigation to stop, and just accepted she died with no other hope. And they took so long to tell the police.
Every time I think of Shane as Kim Kardashian I start laughing again. These two are the reason I can watch unsolved at night
I only carry cash for work
here’s my theory: she eloped with George, got pregnant, and since she had run away and didn’t want to be seen in new york she went to pittsburgh and got an abortion and she died there because something had gone wrong
That guy with the glasses sounds like Barry b benson from bee movie to me, idk why or how
I was abducted by aliens
NO, IM DOrOthy
@Dorothy Arnold you know what, it'll be worth it
@Jada Rose Shawger sure, but you won't be back for the next 100 years
@Dorothy Arnold tell them to abduct me also
@Jada Rose Shawger I also got abducted by aliens
@Dorothy Arnold I knew it, mole pic?
Right here
1:43 he was heading downtown to buy an evening dress...
5:41 can you feel the bromance lol
i don’t trust people with four names
Okay, hear me out... a video on the dancing French people and a supernatural one on Virginia city
Theory 4 .. Aliens. Shane: Nope not happening.
Rick from the hit tv show and meme: that seems like marriage but with extra steps
bruh what if the family killed and buried her cause she was gonna run away with george and they found out and that's why they wrote her our of the will and wanted them to stop working on the case so fast
"Id like someone to give me a lot of money for doing nothing" "And then you want to disappear?" "But I want –Yes."
I'm sorry the private what now?
how was i just thinking about her similarity to rose in titanic
Shane:alright demons welcome to hell
Omg I want Ryan to disappear for a week and it just be Shane Shane:alright demons and criminals come get some
Wonder if they’ll ever do the disappearance of Madeline McCann
She became a nun
Please do Don Decker, it’s a demonic possession case. It was featured in Season 5 Episode 18 of Unsolved Mysteries.
"And we'd get a pretty baller season out of it. Cause it would just be me being like, 'I don't know. Whatya got? Anybody seen 'em?"'
19:42 very important✨
Shane: YOURE MY FRIEND Ryan: ?
April 21 is my birth
These guys are my absolute favorite ❤️❤️ Especially Shane
Top Oh those ghoul boys!!
I wish these guys were funny cuz they waste a lot of our time trying to be.
Is it bad I ship Shane and Ryan?
The type of people I want in my life
“Private dics”
Why did i know Shane’s fragrance would be musky?
I hope one day they join the try guys production company instead lmao
*donate to planned parenthood*
Please, stop doing so many supernatural and conspiracy theoriess videos and do more true crime! They are the most interesting.
okay but can we take a minute here to appreciate how good they both look in this episode?
To Ryan: Antarctica isnt tundra you motherfuckin lier!
And to add, i dont mean tall trees would grow on tundra, i said it just to make a point. But northern Norway and russia are whats considered tundra. And mayby parts of Canada. I assuma that both of you are highly educated and wouldnt make such an error unless to trigger tundra-lovers.
Ps: those who dont know, Antarctica is a frozen desert if described correctly.
Why don't you talk about the Titanic and the theory that it was swapped with the Olympic Ship?
keeping up with the kardashanes HHAHAHAHAH I DIED
I want to see the Winchester bros do an episode with y’all xD