The HUGE MISTAKES I made doing business in PHUKET Thailand @The Thairish Sun

The HUGE MISTAKES I made doing business in PHUKET Thailand @The Thairish Sun

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first day we opened i had some leaflets made  up and i made everything that was on the menu   and i put a sign outside saying free food so  i said to her here's the leaflets can you just   stand outside and let people know we're open just  hand it to people as they go open new restaurant   there guys give us a chance sometimes it's kind  of said what we sold and stuff and then uh no what do you mean no like it's like the boss  is asking you to do something you need to   go outside and do that and i went back out  and she still sat there doing nothing so i   said something that would have motivated  me because i would have known my boss is   unhappy with me he obviously thinks i'm doing  a bad job and so something what you're doing   there like you might as well go home if you're  only going to sit on your phone you know you   i need your help went back in two seconds later  she came in she got a coat on her bag this is   one o'clock in the afternoon on the first  day i said what are you doing i'm going home hey folks pete here from the irish times  coming at you from downtown bangkok   at about 9 00 a.m on a thursday morning  it is nice weather today a bit overcast   but perfect for my uh irish skin you know  i like days like this in thailand i can   actually go out and i don't get burnt to a  crisp so the person i'm interviewing today   doesn't actually want to be named and he's going  to explain why at the start of the interview   and this person by their own admission made a  number of mistakes which led to the downfall   of their business the business failed in phuket  thailand we're gonna get into that in this video check out this folks we got a huge  construction project going on here   they're building a new condo  right here in central bangkok you can probably hear the noise starts  at about eight o'clock in the morning   and goes all day and they're working  really fast this thing is flying up anyway folks i hope you enjoyed the interview  let me know leave me a comment below i'm always   interested to hear your opinions and like share  and subscribe if you're not already subscribed and   you enjoy this interview now while i go off and  get myself some breakfast oh and by the way folks   this interview was filmed in koh samui last week  and obviously i'm back in bangkok now but what i'm   going to do is as we do the interview i'm going to  b-roll the shots of the hotel that myself and noon   stayed at because i thought it was really good and  was good value for money i think we paid 1400 baht   per night so you'll see shots of the hotel as we  do the interview and if you're interested go and   check out the hotel if you're ever in costa me  anyway let's get into this interview irish sun nice to see it was finally the second  most famous irish person on youtube so   for the sake of this interview we're going to  call this man it's The Thairish Sun because   he doesn't want to give his real name away which  is fair enough you have a good reason what's the   reason i'm just fairly private person i haven't  said it myself on my own channel maybe i will and   i don't know maybe i'm being stupid even not  doing because everyone else seems to i just   i don't know i i i've had people come up to me  in the streets already and i only have like 600   subscribers and and i don't know i'm just kind  of private off camera you just said that you   you're not interested in being famous  yeah i'm not which is not looking at   yeah that was a dream of mine when i was a kid and  now i used to be an extrovert i used to do a lot   of like theater musical theater and acted in some  like low budget films and i was in bands for years   but even when i was in bands because i was already  a bit older i used to have to get drunk before i   could go on stage and stuff is just i don't know  um i'm quite i've got social anxiety i guess and   well you're a brave man to sit down and do  an interview for youtube so let's let's get   started right yeah tell everybody where you're  from because you have a really interesting story   um i grew up in north wales but um my so i'm irish  but my family moved to all four of my grandparents   are irish and obviously my parents my dad's from  limerick my mom's from dublin and uh just before   i was born big recession in ireland there was no  money to be had so they moved over to they weren't   the first some of my dad's brothers and sisters  had already moved over they followed them over and   then that's where i grew up as a result so every  school holiday or summer holidays and everything   i spent all my time in ireland and as soon as i  couldn't wait to get back to ireland i thought   uh i i just didn't really like living in north  wales and i thought when i moved to ireland i'd   be like super happy and i was wrong so that's why  i've ended up on the other side of the world you   know so what was it that you were not happy about  in ireland yeah the weather is definitely one of   the things but i don't know um again this is i  guess kind of personal but i had quite bad them   like depression and stuff and i didn't i didn't  realize i had it until i didn't have it i thought   that was just my personality that maybe i was just  a bit of a [ __ ] or whatever you know and then   i moved to australia i was like 29 and about six  or seven months afterwards i realized i was waking   up in a good mood all the time and i just uh  changed i love ireland in a way i love going   back there now for a holiday and spending  some time and catching up with people but   um yeah i don't want to i don't want to say  anything bad about the people in my life and stuff   so i just i wasn't super happy that you know fair  enough yeah believe it or not okay we'll leave it   at that right so first of all we actually actually  didn't say where we are where are we right now   we are in chiweng in kosamini actually yeah yeah  this is my mana so i'm glad you came i knew one   day we'd have to meet but i figured it would be  in bangkok so it's good that you've come yes my   first time ever being here i've only been here  like a couple of hours two or three hours so   i'm looking forward to exploring khao samui for  the first time it's a wonderful island you love   it yeah it's a pleasure to meet you as well and  it's nice to see that church you're wearing yeah   my friend is this is my friend's bar mad mohali  if you're ever in phuket in rawai go and check   out madame halley's bar right so big question what  you're doing here on samui i don't do a great deal   here at the minute to be honest i used to have  a restaurant in phuket i lived in phuket for the   first four years when i was in thailand my friend  actually moved there first and i'd been a couple   of times but my friend moved there and i would  come and see him for a week and then i would come   for two weeks for a month and then i realized i  was actually happier in samui than i was in phuket   and so i thought why don't i just move  over and originally the plan was to start   a business here or something and then looking for  an opening so as i say in phuket at a restaurant   i've personally found that the the food in phuket  wasn't great couple of all right restaurants   but the i'm talking farang food and great  selection but when you actually go in there's   the food wasn't great whereas in samui it's  amazing so when i came here straight away i   was okay so the restaurant's not the right thing  because the standard of food here is very good   most of the frank places will do actual back  bacon rather than the streaky bacon you can get   sausages that actually taste like they taste back  home when you go in and order chips they cut up a   potato they make actual chips it's not just out  of a freezer in phuket it's a lot of shortcuts i   found and what kind of restaurant did you have  in phuket it was comfort food mainly but we so   the street i was on was uh it's called soy ed it's  in in shillong so 700 800 meters to my right was   tiger muay thai and seven or eight hundred meters  to my left was phuket top team it was a fitness   street so you had to have a healthy menu there  and then but i was also doing comfort food so   um sundays we were busy as hell because that was  everyone's day off they're not training and stuff   during the week not so much because there's people  there that wouldn't eat a potato you know because   they don't want the carbs and they're super super  super strict so what we were getting during the   week was people who were injured or they were  about to go home or they just arrived you know   when i first started there so tiger was it was  a muay thai place and uh top team would be mma   and then they started sort of stepping on each  other's toes in terms of they were doing both   and then you'd have a lot of on the street you'd  have a lot of people selling like muay thai gear   gloves and blah blah so then tiger started  selling their own brand of gloves their own   muay thai t-shirts their own shorts so people  that were training there didn't want the generic   stuff they started buying the tiger stuff you  know same in top team same in all of them so   everyone on in that area is like a  walking billboard you know kind of like   what i'm doing right now so they're all like  this is the gmail training you know and then   after they did that they started doing  accommodation so then the hotel started taking   a hit because so people were buying packages  before they come so they have already bought that   hotel they've already bought all their training  and that and then the nail in the coffin for my   business was that they all started opening their  own restaurants and so people before they'd even   come would buy a package online and when you come  they hand you a load of vouchers so your breakfast   and your dinner's already paid for you so you're  not going to go to anywhere else even if you don't   like the food there you paid for it so you're  going to eat there anyway so people were coming   and they were getting almost an all-inclusive  there was no reason to leave your compound   it was just difficult because like i say i  was mainly trying to do comfort foods and   people didn't want to eat did you jack it in did  you quit the business yeah well i got rid of it   yeah and it's a tattoo shop now it was last time  i was there and i was able to get out relatively   and hassle-free in the end because the landlord  knew he could charge other people way more than he   was charging me so he was happy happy enough for  me to just step away and but there was also a lot   of staff issues that i had yeah so let's get into  that because you told me you have an interesting   story about running the business and issues that  you had yeah and you said that you'd like to   tell people that are thinking about coming over  and setting up a business in thailand that you   know really think it true that it's a great place  to come for a holiday but if you're coming to do   business in thailand you got to read you need to  be careful in my experience yeah and especially   where i was so if a business closed the next day  someone that was in that area thought i could make   money in there you know and it was like you didn't  see any shutters down you didn't see any closed so   the illusion was that everyone must have been  making money but if you were on that street   for six months you saw that that stopped  being a cafe and now they were selling   whatever muay thai gear and then they stopped  being a muay multi-gear stuff and now they were   trying to be a tattoo parlor or whatever and it's  just the turnover was was massive you know and   but as soon as it closed another one would open  and because the footfall on that street is if   you go to that street it used to be a country road  so i knew about the street in 2008 my brother went   and trained at like tiger muay thai at the time  you're a tiger on one side you had the top team on   the other and you had one restaurant called tony's  in the middle and if you go down there now it's   like they need to widen the street it's it's it's  like a it's like a city of it's a town of its own   everything you need is on that street you know  the footfall was there and there was a lot of   people you know if it's a busy area why were the  businesses failing because partly because of what   i said about you've already paid so you you've  paid and the thing is they could have saved money   all these people because once they got there they  realized wow that hotel's way cheaper than what i   paid and that restaurant is way cheaper than what  i'm paying but when you're at home and you're on   your pc and you think oh it's only 10 euros for my  dinner every night and it's only eight euros for   my breakfast every morning and there it's only 30  euros a night for my hotel just this is fantastic   and then when you get there you realize you could  have rented a place for ten thousand baht for the   month you know you could have in a different  restaurant every night for cheaper and had a   bit more variety and stuff but you've already paid  right so when i first opened it wasn't like that   and it's just as the place got busier and busier  the bigger businesses got even bigger and the   smaller businesses suffered as a consequence you  know the main reason i opened it because i used   to spend time on that street and i knew the food  was muck everywhere else so i thought if i open   up a restaurant on that street i'm going to clean  up but the reality was that most people weren't   they weren't there for that they weren't there for  tasty food they were there for getting fit for and   a lot of them were actually a lot of my customers  were like actual ufc fighters or bomber one fc and   stuff like people that i've seen on tv and stuff  it was like wow you know thanks for coming i made   friends with a guy called vaughn lee and he was  in the ufc at the time and now he's one of the   main trainers at phuket top team he's coming in  my place all the time and so you mentioned you   had a staffing issues yeah what happened with the  staff so when i moved over the restaurant wasn't   my idea it was my brother had already negotiated  the deal i came over i kind of moved here by by   accident there was no planning i came on a holiday  i'd already been a few times like many people   i love thailand and i will say in advance if  you're coming here on holiday or if you're coming   here to retire or whatever this is a fantastic  location if you're coming in to spend money   you've made a very very wise decision this is a  great place to come if you're coming here to try   and make money everything gets a little bit more  complicated and difficult a lot more complicated   and difficult and then so for example you can only  own 49 of your own business so you have to have   two thai partners they have to own a combined or  you can have as many type partners as you want but   you have to have at least two and they have to own  together at least 51 percent of the business now   you can still be the chairman of your business so  you kind of the ceos you can there's some control   but um you can't own thailand's very protective of  thai people which i don't have a problem with but   as a foreigner coming in it can be quite difficult  so when i first came over i come on holiday   to kopanyang actually and i spent one day here was  the first time i'd been here and then went back to   phuket and my brother had already negotiated this  deal for this restaurant and it was the field at   the time and they were going to build it we knew  how much rent we were going to pay and everything   and then this had been dragging on and on and then  finally in the end he said i'm not going to do it   so after we left i i didn't get on the plane i'm  supposed to leave after 19 days i didn't get on   the plane i said i'll just milk it i'll stay for  the 60 days tourist visa and that and then i'll   leave and then i went and knocked on the guy's  door said i'm his brother let's do it you know   let's crack on so we i went home sold everything  and came back and when i came back the place was   already built and it was a lot kind of bigger  and more i would have been happy with a kiosk   just a small kiosk i wanted to sell maybe four  or five things that you could keep hot and when   people came in you'd literally ch and hand it  to them and off they go but i had so much space   it was the first day when i opened i also ran  out on money because this wasn't planned and so   i pumped all the money i could into it and on the  day we opened them the guy that owned like really   owned it that i was renting off came to me and  said i'm very disappointed with your restaurant   i actually said it to me and i said what do you  mean he was like is this it like you know and i   was like well this is kind of the vision i had  and then he was like you're not even doing thai   food and blood and you kind of had a bit of a  go at me and then and there was people who would   come in and be like oh lovely like chicken shoe  or beef stew whatever and do you have whatever   and i'd be like no we just have this and all right  i'll come back some other time when i'm on my own   and they thought and i was like i'm gonna have to  make a bigger menu for this place and like i say   it was a big space anyway so um i moved  over and i didn't have a thai girlfriend   at the time i didn't really have any close thai  friends and the military coup was still sort of   ongoing it just people like your mental like  why have you come over here at this exact moment   and the truth was i didn't have much going on at  2014 if you looked at what i did on 2014 on paper   i had a fantastic year i traveled all around  i've spent loads of time in america and that   but um i was actually mentally not in a  fantastic place to be perfectly honest and um   i didn't really have much going on so when we  came over it was new year's end of 2014 2015   and then this sort of fell on my lap i said i'll  give it a go and when i come back we we needed   someone to own the 51 right so my brother already  had a girl that he trusted and he said this girl's   going to be she's a hundred percent you can trust  her and and the other people i thought i could   trust when i spoke to them they made it clear like  they were going to take over like they didn't just   want it in name like they wanted things done their  way and blah blah and i was like it's not really   what i'm looking for and so this girl was supposed  to be my head she'd never worked in a restaurant   but they were like it's not rocket science you can  train someone to work in a restaurant so that's   all right we'll go with the girl that my brother  was going with and then before i'd even opened i   knew that i'd made a big mistake so she now owned  51 of my business and she'd come in and then   this is before we opened right so i'm still  setting the place up and she kept turning up and i   was like in my head i'm like okay so this is maybe  she's quite dedicated and really wants to learn   and stuff so the first day she mocked the floor  we weren't open yet but like i'm like okay that's   good she's cleaning the place up a bit but she  did it with cold water right and no bleach and no   soft like not softener but like  tile cleaner or whatever you know   so i said to it and i didn't i'd only just moved  i didn't understand the whole like saving face   and how to speak to thai people and the fact that  they don't want a frank telling them anything ever   right which is another thing you need to know if  you're planning on coming here to own a business   and ideally have a girlfriend and then you tell  your girlfriend what to tell them and they might   listen and so i was like oh you know it's just  that cleaning it with cold water and i know it's   not not really going to clean it you know like  when it dries you can see it still looks like   kind of dusty and and i thought i said it nicely  but maybe i didn't say it nicely enough you know   and then so the next day i was doing whatever i  was doing and she came in again and so there was   loads of there was tons of stuff to do right and  i'm like maybe you could do this dude and i'll mop   the floor and i was thinking okay you mopped the  floor yesterday and no one's been here since but   okay so i'm like don't forget that you know the  bleach and the it leaves off a nice smell and when   people come in you know they get no this place has  just been cleaned and she's like kind of muttering   under her breath and talking in thai and stuff  and i'm like she's not and i'm like remember boil   the kettle now and it'd be nice and hot and you  know and cold water no bleach no no and i'm like   she's not listening she's not listening so i'm  saying to my brother she's not really she's not   really getting what i'm saying you know i mean and  then he's like don't worry she's 100 100 this girl   no problem so i'm like okay and then this happened  a few times she just wasn't getting it and so i uh   i bought three boxes of stuff one day right and i  actually i said to her like because those cobwebs   on the windows and stuff we need to get rid of all  that before we open and do this and do that and   she's no interest so i was doing everything  myself right and my lawyer had said it's okay   when you're closed we should once you open the  police are going to come and they did often this   is a much more relaxed island and you'll see white  people taking the order and taking the money off   you and stuff in phuket you cannot do that there  it's there's so many police in phuket like even   driving around on your motorbike you're gonna get  pulled over they're gonna ask if you've got the   right license if you don't have your helmet on or  anything they're going to open the thing and look   if you've got anything illegal there's a lot of  police in phuket and they're really on top like if you want to drive from one town to another  chances are you're going to go through a police   checkpoint you know they're everywhere in phuket  so and they did used to come all the time and   check my paperwork and i'd be like aren't you  the same remember i showed you a few weeks ago   like that i have to by the time i was still a few  days away from having my work permit and uh but   she said long as your clothes no problem right so  i bought these three boxes of stuff and i had this   display fridge made it's like you see them at  home they're nine foot long you go into a deli   you know you'll have a bit of lettuce and a bit  of tomato a bit of onion and they take it out and   it's it's refrigerated as well right but getting  it in phuket was impossible so i had to get one   made in bangkok and the money they wanted to send  it down to phuket was more than me renting a car   getting all the gasoline and stuff driving  up there spending two nights in a hotel   driving all the way back and i added it up and  i was like the money i'm saving even with the   time and effort it's taking i'll just do that  so i drove before i went i went to the shop and   i bought the plates the pots the pans the salt  sellers and you know everything you need and the   first night i drove as far as who were in so i'm  in the hotel in hawaii and she sends me a photo   from of her in the restaurant you know and  i'm like oh how come you went and said i'm   just hanging out and i was like okay also she was  supposed to help me find stuff and make it like   a little they would they would be her friends  right so it would be like a little community   and then they'd come and hang out you know and and  drink and make the place look busy and stuff right   which didn't happen and on opening day it's still  just me and her so i came back and so it takes me   a day to drive to hua hin then i went to bangkok  to get the thing back to hua hin slept there for   the night drove down so i've been gone for three  days went to sleep i came in on the fourth day   and she was there again mopping the floor cold  water nothing else right i went into the kitchen   and all the boxes that i bought were still exactly  as i'd left them she hadn't unpacked anything she   had and i because i'm thinking like i'm going  to go back and everything's going to be like   set up and kind of i'm like okay she's done  nothing so i had to do everything and then the   very first day we opened so like i said i kind of  knew i'd already i was i was in for it with this   girl first day we opened i had some leaflets made  up and i made everything that was on the menu and   i put a sign outside saying free food people just  had to come in and eat for free i just wanted them   to see what we had and then say oh i had you know  how to play in a place there today it was lovely   so i said to her here's the leaflets can you just  stand outside and let people know we're open just   hand it to people as they go open new restaurant  there guys give us a chance sometimes it's kind   of said what we sold and stuff and then uh no i  don't know what do you mean no like it's like the   boss is asking you to do something you need to go  outside and do that and she's like no i'm too shy   to do that i don't want to do it and i'm like but  nobody knows we're open and we've been open for   about an hour or so now maybe an hour and a half  not one person's come in the door right so i'm   like please like please i need you to do this just  so ty i'm in the kitchen doing stuff and i come   out and she's taking a chair she sat outside and  she's on her phone playing snake or candy crush   or whatever and the leaflets are on the floor and  i'm like what are you doing like please i so i got   them and i went out into the middle of the road  and like i say the football here is amazing you   get rid of these leaflets in no time so i was like  hey guys how you doing yet just opened it and i'm   like i can't do this legally i said i'm still two  days away from having my work permit i said please   it's very easy you know they're not they're not  going to give you any hassle they're nice people   that no i don't feel comfortable doing it so i  sent my brother a message and i'm like please man   maybe you can get through to it so he  screenshotted what he sent back to her   and it was really nicely worded like please can  you help him because you know by tomorrow he's   gonna have to throw all this food in the bin and  just help him out and that and i went back out   and she still sat there doing nothing so i said  something that would have motivated me because i   would have known my boss is unhappy with me  he obviously thinks i'm doing a bad job and   so something what are you doing there like you  might as well go home if you're only gonna sit on   your phone you know you i need your help went back  in two seconds later she came in she got a coat   and a bag this is one o'clock in the afternoon on  the first day i said what you doing i'm going home   out the door gone so now i'm stood there i'm still  waiting for my work permit to come through and the   one thing my lawyer said do not ever be on them  premises without a thai person because they'll   slaughter you i mean if they don't close you down  on the spot they'll want a lot of money make sure   you always have a thai person there with you so  you can say this is my stuff so i had to close on   the very first day after three hours right now by  the grace of god about ten minutes after we opened   a thai guy i think he was tired he might have been  burmese but he came in and then he was dressed as   a chef and he was looking for a job and i said she  said he wants a job and i'm like how much does he   want i forget it was low though like nine or ten  thousand a month and i'm like tell him yeah you   can start right now she said he said he'll start  tomorrow so i'm like okay so it was just luck that   he had turned up so the following day i came in  and i'm sat there thinking please god please let   him show up let him show up ten o'clock comes ten  past ten quarter past ten no sign of him and i'm   like i'm not going to be able to open again and  finally he pulls up on the bike and i'm like yes   but i'm torn between do i say to him hey you know  you you you're 15 minutes late mate you know and   or do i just be happy you've shown up so i've  opted with just be happy that he's shown up and   we got on all right that day but it was like  faulty towers you ever seen faulty towers yeah   yeah he was manuel and i was basil and and  he had not he knew less english than i knew   thai and all i knew was saudi cup and cop punk  up he had nothing nothing me so he's my waiter   right and top and my chef right so i had to send  him out with the pen and paper not speaking a   word of english so he'd be like stood in front of  them and i was at the doorway you know like this   and he they'd say what they wanted and he'd  like and then he'd look and i'd be like   you know and he'd and he'd come back in and  then we had to make up this we had our own   little language because we couldn't speak to each  other we'd use google a lot but it was literally   kind of like we made our own little sign language  so i'd be like oh two chicken shoes bit of bread   and then we've we managed to make it we made a lot  of mistakes but we managed to make it work right   and he'd be cooking sometimes and i'd be  like someone's calm you know and he didn't   know what i was saying so i'd have to like and  like kind of push him out the door and then   it was just me and him day two i went to macro  and when i came back that girl was there with   two police officers right now i still hadn't got  my work permit so they're like where's your work   permit i said well i'm not working i said i just  got here i said he's he's working and and i did   have some shopping that i just bought and stuff  was on the bike and then they're like we want   you to come to the station i said i haven't done  anything wrong so i'm not going to the station   and then she's like oh real angry head on us  and she's angry but she owns 51 percent of this   business 51 of the business yeah all right come on  at this point and so she said i want i want 13 000   baht and i said for one day's work and you left  at one o'clock i said come on like what are you   talking about she's like i want 13 000 back right  now and like real like why did she want that money   well i guess because she knew she owned it  she had some leverage was do i mean so i   anyway in that moment what i did was i kind of  panicked because i didn't really want to deal   with the thai police i knew i didn't have my  work permit fully so it was it was in the post   it was like i think i got it the next day or  the day after that it was it was ready it was   all good to go but um i went down i took out the  thirteen thousand i had that and the big like hmm   kind of i got you kind of grin on her face and she  started counting it out in front and then she went   and handed it back to me and i'm like what  like you asked for 13 no 30 and i was like   [ __ ] i'm not giving you 30 000. i said no it's  a family mart across the way so i went across to   the family mart i just left the police they were  still taught and i was like nah and i had no money   in my phone or anything so i was panicking but my  lawyer lived just at the end of the road and she's   a good lawyer so i went into the i topped up my  phone i wouldn't leave the shop i was like look   they're stood outside now they'd come across  the road they stood outside the family mart   so i'm like um i need you to come right now i  should just put me on loudspeaker so i put her   on loudspeaker she started talking and the two  cops went on the bike and took off so now it's   just me and her and she's like she went down  went to my lawyer she knew where my lawyers was   and so my lawyer called me that day and said look  you need to get her off the book straight away she   wants 20 000 baht and she wanted 30 but i was like  no i'm not giving it to him the lawyer spoke over   we negotiated down to 20. and so then following  day this is day two of me owning a business by   the way and so i had to go down the next day and  we signed the documents to get her off the papers   and i had to get new owners to come in and which  is another story but they they never caused me any   problem i they never called it how did you get  her off to papers by giving her twenty thousand   baht had she accepted that yeah she took the  twenty thousand baht and she sat well i mean   we could have always just changed the business  name it would have cost more than 20 000 baht   basically if i could have gotten out of it i would  have done but um this was the easiest way so um   like i say this was day two so there's hazards  to opening a business here to say the least and   so we got her off the books but it's still  just me and this guy now i had a banner made up   and i put it up outside the restaurant now  it was ugly and i really didn't want it there   i mean this is a big banner and in english it  says staff wanted apply within and underneath   in tight says the exact same thing right and  i had so i mean i went through so much stuff   you would not believe i had people call me i'm  coming in tomorrow and i just wouldn't show up   or they'd come and after 10 minutes to say i don't  like the job and leave i had one woman come she   was a lawyer and i was like you're a lawyer like  she was a lawyer for phuket fc and she was like   yeah but uh i forget why but they canceled  the season it might have been because of the   military coup but they cancelled the season she  said i don't really have much to do this would be   nice i'll get to meet some people and stuff and i  think she thought she literally just had to write   down the order and and i was like okay great  so you're in charge of the front of the house   so you need to wipe the tables clean i'd give  her a little and you could see her face just drop   and i was like so sweeping brushes over  there you know went into the kitchen   and then she's coming is that my phone i  was like no i don't think so should i oh and   oh no disaster kind of thing and she's like i have  to go something's popped up when i open this thing   the reason i did it was because i thought i  loved phuket and i loved being on the beach   i wasn't expecting to make a fortune right i  just wanted the restaurant to pay for itself   and give me a work permit so that i could  enjoy my life and eat for free you know so   i wasn't really but it ended up being me going to  macro at 8 30 in the morning to get all the stuff   to go back and work 12 hours i mean i was locked  there people would come in and be oh mate you're   living the dream hey living in phuket this is  unbelievable and i'd be like man i haven't been   on the beach in like six weeks you know like  you've got sand on your feet you've been in   the gym twice a day like this was kind of before  i got into health and fitness but at the time that   was my plan i thought i'll go to the gym every day  i'll go to the bhd my life's gonna be amazing and   i ended up being a prisoner in this restaurant you  couldn't leave and even when i did leave after we   had customers people would come in and say oh is  he here and then they'd be oh he's he's gone out   to macro or whatever and i'll come back tomorrow  yeah i mean and so if i wasn't there to either   cook their food because they thought i cooked  it better than the staff or to sit and talk with   them while there's the same if you own a pub you  know if you ever own a pub and you take a day off   you'll come in and the till will be empty the next  day because most people that come to your pub come   because they like you you know and they want to  talk to you they want to tell you their problems   so if you're not there they don't want to sit on  their own drinking i mean so you're just going to   earn a lot less money than if you're actually sat  there conclusion is if you're thinking of opening   a restaurant or any business here just be wary  maybe do a little bit more research than i did   because i came like i say on a 19 day holiday  thinking out and then just didn't go home and   at the end of it i'd signed a contract for for  a restaurant that maybe i should have thought   longer and harder yeah i mean hindsight is 20  20 and you can see the mistakes and i think   like the 51 percent handing it over to it to a  basically a stranger well it can even be risky   with a girlfriend or whatever you know because  how many relationships don't work you know i   mean you would say the majority maybe i don't know  about marriages i don't know what the percentage   is these days but certainly pre-marriage most  relationships don't work i remember when i first   got over to thailand i remember i met this really  old guy probably maybe in the 70s from london   and he told me he said look the best piece of  advice we could ever give you about thailand is   don't put into thailand what you can't  afford to lose so if you got the money   and you got the cash and you can make the  investment and you say well i can put in   a couple of million bath and if i lose it i  lose it so you take a punt right it's like   gambling yeah and if you don't gamble what you  can afford actually exactly if you can't afford   to lose it don't put it in which i did and but  look i i obviously regret it because in a way i   could have come here and sat by the pool for  a year and i just spent less than i did so   the last thing because we're losing we're losing  all the light now it's going to be dark right so   what are your future plans what are you going to  do are you going to set up another business or   what's your what are you thinking it's it's it's  completely up in the air to be honest and i have a   small amount of money coming to me from back home  because i own half a house in dublin but um the   money that comes to me it's not enough so every  month i'm spending more than and i don't live a   lavish if you sin my youtube channel i don't live  a lavish i try and cut corners wherever i can and i don't know i'm open i'm open  to doing something and i almost   especially in the last couple of months it's not  good especially for someone like me because i'm a   i think a lot and it's not too good  to have too much time on your hands   and i tend to end up getting getting down but at  the same time i find when i ask people for advice   even when i'm super enthusiastic about  something they kind of [ __ ] on the idea   and so you say oh it could be anything i'm going  to greece oh you don't want to go to greece so i   was there it was terrible i'm blind don't listen  yeah they suck your enthusiasm but this is one of   those things there's a lot of them around this  is i didn't say it at the start when you asked   me why did i leave ireland but one of the things  is a lot of the people i was surrounded by of that   kind of people trying to drag you down into their  pit you know like rather than push you up i had a   lot of people around me that were trying to pull  you down they didn't want you to be happy because   they weren't happy and i was probably like that as  well i was a bit of an internet troll and you know   like it was until i was happy that i realized like  oh my god like i was a very negative person i was   not being nice to people and maybe that's just a  a reaction but yeah the the people who i would say   i turned to very infrequently said go for it  most of the time they were like oh i wouldn't   go there or what are you doing that for even when  i go home now people like oh you're going back to   thailand again like are you not sick at a place  yet and i'm like man i love it there you know   it's great and it's like they can't understand and  people don't want to hear my stories you know like   almost none of my friends i haven't even bothered  to tell them about the youtube channel because i   know they won't want to watch they don't want to  see people being happy they don't want to see um   you know i don't know if it's jealousy i i  can't say what it is but they're definitely not   i guess you i guess that's because in my lifestyle  over here you know we're getting eaten alive when   we're having so many absolutely again eating  we're losing light now i hope the quality of   the video is good i'm going to try and bump up the  delight in the edith at the end of this but anyway   this man here has a youtube  channel called the tirish sun   and if there's anyone that deserves to get  to a thousand subscribers after a story like   this it's this man he makes great content about  life on samui so if you're interested and you're   gonna come on holiday to thailand you wanna  know where you know what what's good on samui   this is the guy this is the channel it's  called irish sun this is Thairish Times   tabloid version of your broad sheet the poor man's  version now you make really good stuff and you're   really humble there's no bs on what you tell it as  you see it you know there's a lot of people that   are making youtube videos now and i mean the  thing about youtube is you you can make you're the   creator so you can make anything look i mean you  could i could make a video about how this table   is the best table in thailand i mean you can edit  it nice you can clean the table all this kind of   stuff but you call it as you see it if there's one  thing i say i'm not fake like and i don't do the   hi you know where you're on the terrorist is it  i'm just me and i just tape myself doing whatever   i'm doing and um i don't know it might not be for  everyone but if you do subscribe please watch as   well don't just subscribe beat found me i had like  70 something subscribers when you first commented   on my and i was like whoa and i already knew of  your channel because i was calling my channel i   told you this before i made a logo and everything  it was called the irish times and then when i   typed it in to see did it pop up your channel  i was like oh [ __ ] that's fast i'm gonna have   to come up with something i was like okay we'll  go with the irish sun because it's hot here and   like i say yeah i thought i thought you had  it because i thought irish times right and you   had irish son i thought you're like doing like  the sun newspaper and you were like well that   was that was their play on words yeah because  you have the irish song yeah exactly the irish   song and i just put thai in front of it and  just to yeah exactly that's what it was and   but also a lot of people hate the sun newspaper so  i got rid of that logo just um yeah any liverpool   fans are going to have of course and i know a few  people from liverpool and they were like that logo   man that logo you know yeah anyway look it's been  a pleasure and thank you very much again thank   you and you're a legend we'll go get a pint let's  go we're going for a pint now first time in samui you

2022-04-08 23:36

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