The Good And Bad Of My Recent Trading

The Good And Bad Of My Recent Trading

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hey tim sykes here documenting my wins my losses my successes my failures my mistakes my screw-ups um not very proud of this video lesson but it has to be made um you gotta review everything you gotta see what you can do uh better in the future and frankly you know for me i got to do better because today wasted wasted wasted opportunity i was prepared i was ready i didn't get to be fair like the the perfect perfect patterns but it was pretty good enough for me to profit especially because of my preparation um leave a comment below this video though if you understand that uh you got to be honest with yourself you got to be honest with yourself you got to be honest with others this is the key to my success as a trader and as a teacher sometimes i'm i'm very honest sometimes i'm very blunt like i'll you know rip on a student i'll rip on myself i really screwed up this this dip by an ilus um this opportunity today because this is a perfect perfect perfect 60 drop off the highs over like two and a half days of trading got the big panic and i just i bungled it i totally bungled it first i'm gonna link below this video um my pre-market video lesson this is my second video lesson today um pre-market i said how i'm preparing how i'm waiting basically for these panics on cybl um on on ilus i was ready i was so freaking ready and i didn't get the morning panics again to be fair i gotta be honest like good and bad i was ready but it didn't happen uh exactly according to plan and you know trading isn't an exact science so it's not like the biggest surprise um but for me you know like i made a thousand bucks today roughly still not that bad i mean when near worst case scenario is here and you make a thousand bucks or even if i lost a thousand bucks like that's the beauty of this strategy it's such a low risk strategy because i'm only coming out of retirement as a trader i'm only entering these trades if the patterns fit what i like i don't need to trade any day um you know i'm actually pretty busy right now i'm filming a new guide uh you know this is going to be a ridiculous filming day for me i'm giving a challenge webinar in a little over an hour i'm going to answer questions for all my challenge students i'll post a link to the challenge underneath this video if you want q a if you want two three sometimes four live webinars per week so i got a lot going on trading is not what i need to do um but again i'm called out of my quote trading retirement if the plays are perfect um and on on this one you know my biggest mistake like okay in the morning i had a pretty good trade i made nearly two grand on ilus in the morning because i was looking for a morning panic and we got this i got this little panic in this little bounce and i capitalize on that but there just wasn't that much meat on the move here right like there just wasn't um there wasn't that much to capitalize on i took what i could this was the better opportunity on ilus um and again remember the reason why these things crash is because they're promoted and when the promoters stop doing all their promoting and they actually you know sell the shares that they're they're you know being paid with or that they've accumulated uh it's like a jet without any fuel and these things crash why do they bounce then because the promoters need to create kind of a soft landing so they don't get investigated so i like promoted stocks because they have the predictable panics and they have their predictable bounces that said you don't know exactly how soft of the landing the promoters are going to create sometimes you know the promoters are just incompetent and you know they might try to create a soft landing and and you know they'll try to re-pump and everything um but sometimes it just doesn't work like i would never just keep adding adding adding if a promoted stock just keeps dropping if you look at a lot of my top millionaire students you know i have nearly two dozen millionaire students now if you look at all of their the top ones trades the biggest mistake that they made is just adding adding adding on these dip buys so i'm aware of that you should be aware of that and with ilus even though i captured the morning panic i got faked out right here you can't really see but there's one green candle right here and i thought this was the bottom and this is the the interesting counter-intuitive part of trading where it's like i was so prepared and because i was so prepared that led me to enter early and when i entered early i opened myself up to losses so this is why i say it's good to be a retired trader it's good to say hey i don't need to trade but because i was so prepared because like literally the the ilus promoters i came out of the blue to like attack me on social media i didn't even know how many promoters there were until i started getting all these messages being like sites is anti-ilus which i'm not i've never shorted this stock i'm not against it i'm a big fan of the promoters they're just too dumb to realize it but because i was made aware of how many promoters there are because i've seen how much this stock is up i entered on this first green candle which turned out to be a fake out and then i was cutting losses into this drop which actually turned out to be the absolute bottom so this one fake out screwed me up and then you know i my head was all screwed up and i missed out on this this nice run up um you know nothing huge in terms of percentage gains um but just stupid because this actually could have been a lot worse like i'm fortunate to make a thousand i'm fortunate to lose only about a thousand uh when i was wrong uh on this one you know if you get a green candle fake out and you're dip buying some of these stocks that are panicking like this one i mean this is basically the the third day off of its highs i mean even though this was a green day it finished off of its highs here it finished off its highs this is the third day of the downtrend um you don't know if it's going to bottom here at 28 27 26 it could go all the way down to 22. it could break 22 and go all the way down to 18. so being early is very very dangerous um you know and that was my mistake here i was actually fortunate to cut losses quickly you know me wanting it too badly was the problem okay this is why i say be a retired trader don't want profits don't want to trade part of the reason why i keep so busy is because it prevents me from over trading i have a massive over trading problem because i know these patterns so well i'm like let me trade let me trade let me trade put me in coach and that kind of hunger and obsession and addiction is dangerous as a trader because even though i know the patterns again this is not an exact science so there are fake outs sometimes what i need to do is be busy and be called out of my busy life to come back into the market because the trade is so good that i would feel guilty missing it and i know that's a very weird way to look at this but that's the reality so i answered too early and then i missed the bigger run-up congrats to everybody who nailed it cybl also had a giant panic i actually nailed the bottom on this one this one was a different problem uh with with ilus you know i nailed the bottom but it was a double bottom which i'm not great at because you never know if like the second bottom is actually gonna be a bottom or if it's gonna you know keep going if you're in the chat room uh you might have heard me say like i want this under three cents a share um you know i thought that this this would keep going and this is again because i was too early on ilus so i'm a little freaked out i'm like wait a minute do i really understand these patterns or am i being like too aggressive um and as it turned out i mean this was just a double bottom and there was percentage-wise this was a 20 bounce from you know whether you got it at 12 30 or the double bottom at 12 40 to 1 15. so within 45 minutes you make

20 30 percent on the bounce you know so i screwed up both um i nailed the morning panic on ilus because i was ready for it um too aggressive on this morning panic dip by axtg i was just like chasing it was morning spiking that i don't mind that trade you know plus or minus 50 bucks like i'm just going for the morning spike and then cybl i did have a profit um but not as much as i should have and it was it was due to ious and when you have a loss when you're too early on something you start to realize like wait whoa wait a minute like you might be you might be a little off so good opportunities on ilus good opportunities on cybl you know cybl also had a little morning panic and bounce you could have got that but it was a little choppy so i don't mind missing that the biggest screw-up that i had was cybl midday in ilus midday and ilus you know don't get faked out necessarily i mean it's easy to say like oh don't get faked out you know sometimes when you buy the first green candle and if you don't buy that like you miss out so um i'm not saying like never buy the first green candle but i should have been aware of my mindset um i should have had a little more awareness because this one was this was just a little choppy you know when it's falling off a cliff here from 31 you know buying it at 29 it's perspective like okay we got the day low we're getting some panic but really it's only two cents so far so really the panic the quote panic is only like six or seven percent that's not really enough um and i should have you know should have been a little more patient so that's my confession leave a comment below if you promise to be honest with yourself with others um you know still up a thousand on the day overall but again missed out on this opportunity wanting it too badly not thinking about everything enough the good news is i'll probably get another chance on both of these so this is just like me marking you know this screw up and hopefully you can learn from it thanks hey tim sykes here and it is now thursday um i didn't even get a chance to post yesterday's video it was just a crazy day i'm filming this new guide i was in the studio on my bad ankle for like eight hours and i was just in pain um but i gave a good challenge webinar and you guys will be able to see that soon too um i was literally icing my foot the entire webinar and you might hear me scream because i'm i'm a little baby when it comes to ice um but you know i wanted to do this secondary video lesson just to follow up with you know how these stocks do the day after the big panics and ilus now i mean you can even see how amazing it was this entry here 2728 again i got in at 29 i was a little too early um but i was on the right path and and i think it's important that a lot of people get frustrated they get angry when they don't profit um like if you have a you know i mean i had a loss on this one but had i timed it a little better um you know it would have been a nice profit i'm not saying i would have held it overnight to you know 42. i didn't expect this huge of a bounce and run up um but it's nice to see and put things in perspective i mean you're in here at 26 27 you're out here best case obviously best case but best case you're out here at 42 i mean this is like a 60 70 return from this bottom to the top and there hasn't been any news it's not like oh it bounced because there's some amazing new news no this is just what multi-day multi-week runners can do they bounce back very quickly so i was on the right track i screwed myself by being too over aggressive wanting it too bad and i'm gonna learn my lesson um congrats to to anybody who did better i mean it really shouldn't be that hard to do better than me on that one i mean i missed the bottom by two cents a share but again right track um bigger props to anybody in fern this was my supernova pick um i have multiple you know strategies and i'll post a link to my supernova patterns below this video so that you can learn them it's good to learn different patterns it's not just about morning panics oh i should mention i had a morning panic this morning on iswh missed the bottom on this one you know this one dropped really quick i'm watching too many plays i'm a little overwhelmed right now um dropped really quick in one minute from like 325 down to like the 280s so congrats if you caught the 280s i got it right here at around 3 10 um and sold around 3 30 and you know it was a decent little bounce like i'm not gonna say no i made a few hundred bucks um but if you got it in the the high twos you know the reason why it panics so much people ask like why is this i mean it's in this this steady range all day because of stop losses okay a lot of newbies use stop losses they like to you know quote protect themselves um if you use a stop loss it doesn't protect you it doesn't ensure that you're gonna get that price so you can put your you know three dollar uh stop loss but by the time you know your stop loss gets triggered i mean it might go to 290. it might go to 280. in some cases i mean you might create or be part of creating a massive panic if like 50 other people have stopped losses or 500 other people have stopped losses and you know that's how giant panics and opportunities are created so i missed the best opportunity on iswh i'm trying not to you know force things too much um but i still made a few hundred bucks let me just show you real quick uh this was my my trade and you know i i missed the bottom because again i'm i'm trying not to like be so aggressive and desperate for plays like i was yesterday which caused me uh you know to only make a thousand bucks when frankly it should have been much more um but again this is the beauty of this strategy okay so many people not day trading so many people knock penny stocks so many people knock me worst case scenario like because i'm on the right track because this strategy is so powerful yesterday i made a thousand today i made 600 that's like near worst case scenario so just think about that in an industry where ninety percent of traders lose i'm not trading anywhere near perfectly and yet i'm still crushing it compared to everybody else um not to you know brag but again this is this is the the power of these patterns and i am so far off from truly nailing them and yet i'm still taking small pieces um cutting losses quickly uh cybl also uh bounced more you know so this was a nice uh little little um you know run up from this this intraday panic um so some people are asking why am i not trading more today i'm not getting the big panics uh you know iswh i think was like the best morning panic um you know i took a small part of that move um there's not always going to be great place and again i'm trying to be a little more patient um but sorry i interrupted myself with fern um this was my supernova play the other day at uh three sets and i didn't even nail the breakout like the breakout was here two seven two eight even after the breakout at three it got back down to two eighths yesterday so endless amounts of time if you're aware of you know these this is a perfect cup and handle formation if you're aware of these plays so you don't have to be perfect you don't have to be there right away but you do have to learn these patterns know these patterns trust these patterns and try to write it and you know this one nearly hit four today so it's it's fantastic let me just show you one student his name is mike and michael uh tweeted me lifetime subscription to timothy's psych supernova alerts has paid off big with his firm alert in at three out of four this doesn't look like much okay you know like in a three out of four i can understand why promoters are like oh congrats you flipped for a penny but you know obviously he's making thousands of dollars with this so it depends on your you know position size um and fern i mean if you can make 30 in a few days why not um he didn't time it perfectly i think he actually got out you know near the highs but he didn't time his entry perfectly um and as i tweeted here like i love getting tweets like that but i've been underestimating tgi ilus iswh cybl and sfor remember sfor i mean i was buying this on the first potential first green day on the morning of here okay i was a little too early and i psyched myself out because there was you know it didn't really spike towards uh until towards the close so i was way too early but this thing is now doubled in a few days so again right track where former supernovas start heating up again with volume they can run for several days so i want you to understand the opportunity seriously click the link below watch this video on supernova see how it takes days to develop sometimes um also one last thing i want to talk about some of you have mentioned um i'm coming up on a million dollars in trading profits uh on the year so many people are like oh are you nervous like are you gonna celebrate i don't care you have to remember i donate 100 of my trading profits to charity i've taken all the fun out of you know trading for me personally i'm optimized for teaching not for my own personal trading my own personal adrenaline and i know that might sound sad but again i get a better high i get more meaning and more fulfillment when students pass a million like roy yesterday made 50 grand let me just show you real quick this is uh my student roy if you're in the challenge chat room roy devry's is his username he was really trading well yesterday and alerting everything with his uh crvs and mrin trades um and you know i think he's at 1.4 1.5 million i think he's like 22-23 um he's a you know my first european millionaire um and i met him in dubai you can see how exhausted i was you know my eyes were like barely open uh because dubai was just a tough time zone for me but i get greater enjoyment out of this where you know roy makes 50k or even if he made 10k like you know he he hugged me like he was so thankful he's like yo man like you showed me like this whole new way and and i love it okay i absolutely freaking love it um and you know like you have to figure out what motivates you so i'm glad to make a million dollars like i'm not ungrateful for it i'm grateful for every penny that i can you know trade with and donate um but for me you know my milestones have passed it's it's all about you guys and it's it's just cool that this will be you know again i don't know what's gonna happen the rest of the year but it looks like this is gonna be my second year in a row making a million dollars in trading profits um in 20 plus years of trading before last year in this year i never made a million dollars in any one year i i want you to understand that i've been consistent six figures but we have more opportunity more trades even though i'm not necessarily nailing them all it just seems to be a better market and you know again this is why i think i've quadrupled the number of millionaire students the past few months not because they're so amazing or you know the strategy is so amazing it's just that there's so many more opportunities the strategy is solid but it's like fire at will market environment and all of these new millionaire students roy included have been studying during slower markets so i know everyone's always wanting like more plays because you're like i want the best place you should want no place you should want less plays because that'll give you more time to study and be better prepared for when there are good plays it doesn't matter what you want the market is going to do what whatever it wants but i just want people thinking properly where you know if you lose if you if you sell too soon like i've been doing you should not be discouraged i'm encouraged by being on the right track i'm motivated to try to do better um and i'm trying to you know just take the meat of the move so i hope this video lesson has been useful uh leave some comments below let me know how you're doing with these morning panics or supernovas or multi-day uh breakouts i'll post a link uh to my supernova presentation just so you can understand these multi-day runners better and i'll also post a link to the challenge i'm not in need of any lazy students okay there's a lot of people out there who want to be millionaires but i am in need of students who want to be millionaires and who are willing to put in the work the hard work to get there um you know i might be the tired one in this dubai photo but roy has put in so many hours studying video lessons dvds webinars and now you know he's reaping the rewards being prepared in a hot market 50k in a day freaking awesome so congrats to roy uh congrats to so many other students michael who just made a few thousand on fern um you know i want to give you guys example after example after example so that you understand it's not just me it's not just tim grittani anymore like more and more people are finally getting it and taking advantage of the volatility in this sector and that's all i want so study up i'll see you in chat

2021-09-27 15:05

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