The Future of Business Leadership | Forward Obsessed Ep. 2

The Future of Business Leadership | Forward Obsessed Ep. 2

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Thanks. So much for coming back and missing us for episode 2 we actually made it to an episode - really. Really excited to have Jane, Reese Baron joining us today from, inspire or welcome Jeff thanks it's, great to be here it's great to have you so Jenn is a friend a colleague a, client. And. Someone. That we partner with very often so there's a there's a whole lot of stuff here which I think gets down to some. Of things that we're talking about today which is this idea of the future of business and leadership and. Leadership quite, frankly one of the words that means everything, at nothing all at once right so. There are lots of ways to define it you know absolutely. And I. Think we're gonna talk about today is really. Really quirky way. That you, and your team at inspire core think about it so first. And foremost your title CEO and chief inspiration officer right, co-founder. Good. Right yes yes, what, does that all mean what's, inspired or tell the audience cuz everyone's, really really excited to talk to you I had. A bunch of emails coming in right. There. Like what's happening your ship what, is this for a ship leadership. So you're. No, pressure but. That's. Fantastic. That's music to my ears I love it I love what we do, so, what. We do is we help companies grow from the inside out through, their people and. And. We do this through, strategies. And through. Implementation. Both, and. Something. That you and I have talked about in the past is we really, pride. Ourselves on, bringing. Human. Qualities. And humanities. Back. Into, organizations. So really grounding. In what people need most, what, thriving, humans need most in order to thrive in their work so. There's, a lot of really, really big you. Know consultancies, and experts I know you and your team you. Know tell us a little about just, the, makeup of the the co-founders sharing I know many of you have you, know roots back to Yale and just, sort of a lot of experts so can you just tell us a little bit about inspiring. Her before we get right into just. This deep vast topic that we can talk four hours term, solution, yeah yeah this is probably important because I could super, geek out on research and we care as much about applying, the research as we do the research but our team is really this. Ambidexterity. And dexterous, organization. Of. Academics. So we we really pride ourselves on, ground and everything we do in social, science, and then, also, applied, practitioners so a lot of folks who have had c-level. Line. Leadership, experience. And know how, to take the research and really get the most up value, from it when we apply it so, yeah, so with so many books so many great books on they should I know you have to keep that a bunch we're both avid readers, will. Definitely share some with the audience a little bit but I think the thing I wouldn't understand is you. Have this really successful. Silicon Valley a career right, Connecticut. For many reasons you came back to us and we're excited to have you here in, district, and drive really. Building inspire core at the team, why. Start a company on leadership when there's you know we've got some of the biggest consultancies, in the world that have thousand, plus person, teams dedicated. On this topic what is it that inspire, core and you believe is. Missing, from, from these really robust curriculums, that that, I know you're doing differently but I just really want the audience to understand, it because it blew my mind guys and you know I just think that what Gentiles little bit about it'll blow your mind - thanks. Pete so, I would say that there, there are two things but the world of work I'm gonna date myself a little bit here but when my career start in Silicon Valley was late 90s, and the. World of work has changed radically. In, the last 20, years and, that's. Really exciting to me I seek. Change and love change and love innovating, and. It's, it's also pretty hard to keep up even, even on people's, strategy, and human resources and the evolution, and, so, five years ago we actually really, believed, that, you're. Right they're they're large consulting, firms, that provide robust. Curriculum but. We think about that is pretty off the shelf and what. We what we really want to support and understand, more is what, what are the customized. More. High-touch. Solutions. Provided. That. That are not off the shelf but are really tailored, to. The, most pressing priorities. And the. Biggest, opportunities, those, organizations. Yeah, don't think about you talk about the past a little bit I'm really glad to expects or pre comm level and that, wait and that's great tell, me about I. Personally.

Believe From what I've seen when our clients have seen that leadership. And sort, of human. People development was a lot less complex, you, know back, then from. Your perspective what would spend that radical shift that radical change that you're seeing happen, from just how, organizations, have to think about and respond to people and leadership helped us understand that unpack that for us yeah, it's interesting I was on the phone with someone this morning and he. Was, really really frustrated, with his highest. Level board and his company, and he. Mentioned. You know either. They're. Not telling me something, these this was his rationale, for what was going on right they're holding something back or they're. Wildly incompetent. And. I pushed. Him and introduced, a third option right. That actually. The the. Complexity. Of what's happening, in the. Situation, that they're in has. In some ways paralyzed. Their, leadership, and decision-making capability. We actually, see this happening, a lot with you know one. Of the most frustrating points, that we see in organizations, is, decision-making. Capability. Yes. Yes, and so we attribute, that to the, changing, conditions the, changing, pace changes. In technology. Lots. And lots of disruption, and really, having to navigate. More. Uncertainty. And, assume. More risk and it's, it's really tough at decision, make a decision, making levels I thought what, I think I'm here to say is this idea like trust, and the blame game and, the, echo chamber that is social media the echo chamber that is technology. And just Rapid, Response you know we're all we're always so accessible, by these phones, by these emails and everything. Is trust and blame this for two things that you're seeing. Cause. I've ever, done um. Yes. I mean I would say more. So the lack of trust, right, I mean yes certainly it. Digresses. To blame, in some situations, but the. Interconnectivity. Makes. Trust, that much more, essential. The. The constant, feedback mechanisms. That technology, affords. Means. You actually have to manage those feedback mechanisms. In a way that's productive, so. It takes a more active. It. Requires more more active, leadership, in. Managing, that technology, using that technology one. Of those I thought was really interesting is just. Were. We, have a design consultancy right when you were doing so we should work with our team you, know one of the things that you had when your co-founders Allison, was. Sort, of tech mister who's this idea of 3d leadership. And, obviously, as a. Former. Gamer and just lover of all things sci-fi what you said 3d leadership but you know a lot, of the other words were saying admittedly, it was play isn't over until I have my coffee well. You said 3d leadership that really kind of perked me up so what. Is 3d, leadership, and how. Does that intersect with the inspiration, what inspire or delivers yeah so. The, way that we think about 3d leadership is that leadership is a full-contact sport that, that your impact, and your ability to influence as a leader actually, happens through, your your body your body language your comportment it, happens through your emotions, and what you emot--, and. Then it also happens, through your cognition, your mindset your framing. On the world and the language that you use to. To bring meaning. So, all of our programs, incorporate, all three dimensions, both. Because, it's, faster, to Train leaders in, 3d. Right they actually stickier, and it's you're able to integrate it more quickly but. Also because, leaders, need all three dimensions, they need self-awareness, in all three dimensions in order to be their, best and that's missing in most leader development programs the, original, idea for this came, when I was training, md/phd. Scientists. About. 15 years ago at Johnson & Johnson and frankly. I became, really really. Impatient. Really, impatient when some, of the concepts that we were introducing, cognitively. Right, these are super, super smart people right, huge. Horsepower. In. The brain and, it. Was just taking way too long and it was really frustrating so, we started incorporating some, edgier really. Innovative. Methods. And learning. Curriculum that. Incorporated. More 3d. That's where Allison's expertise, came in so you were asking about our history you know Houston Holzer was. One of the early pioneers and, emotional intelligence and. And. So, a lot of our curriculum is grounded, in that and Sandy's potaro you, know an amazing, scholar, and, organizational, behavior and so we're, really committed to integrating, and, innovating. In, 3d. That's, awesome yeah I think the. Two things that stood out to me I think is just, having. Worked with you and just the more I've studied leadership, more I realized that, everybody. Talked about me to show us a soft skill right, and it's, my, visions for the hardest things to build and right so why.

Do You think that they call it a soft skill and why. Do you think it's so damn hard. Really. Good questions, those are tough ones so, write that one, down yeah that was good, you. Know I think I think we've called it a soft skill because it's not something that we've that we've trained in business. So, it's you know kind of something that I think people have fooled. Themselves. Into thinking isn't, as important. You. Know we often here we work with with folks in the MBA program the. School management here in town and, it's. You know between five and ten years we often, get e-mails back saying wow. I really, am getting the value from. From. What you taught us five, ten years ago so you, know right away they're using their technical, kind of classical, training the finance, side, and. Then as they grow in the organization as, they rise in terms of leadership they, really. See, the value of that, training, so, it sounds like if. I'm turning to reading currently your. Programs, are, a little bit more, experiential. And that it's. Almost like time released knowledge right so you're planting those seeds. Developing. Those sort of leadership muscles, there I say. What. Is it about the experiential curriculum, that you guys have that you think you. Know we talked a lot about last. Episode about future. Education. We. Spoke, a lot about this idea of education. Was always done the following way and past present and, one of these that came up with a set day of experiential, learning so how we learn, and how we behave, obviously. Those are two critically, important, things to leadership right so, how do we start to look at it having, the audience right to look at this. Idea of 3d leadership, that they can start to turn a go, on to learn more about where, they can learn more about it and then B start. To embed. Those things into themselves so over time they can become a better leader yep, so. I. Would. Say that a good place to start thinking. About 3d leadership, is you. Know starting. With basics, around emotional, intelligence right, lots of good resources out, there. You. Know one of the pieces. Of work that we use a lot and one of the. Contributors. That really, led the field and somatic. Intelligence. And. Somatic. Learning is Richard Strozzi heckler so we love his work, and. You. Know cognitive. I mean that that's a little more straightforward, but. That's, you know a place to start but but really it's and. And. You, know the model that we use often you, know foundationally. Add in smart cores situational. Leadership and. That's, a literature that's been around for quite some time about. 50 years and so, it. Essentially, says you know that that. Inspiring. Leadership great, leadership depends. On the situation and, so to have, self-awareness. Is, really the starting place and. And were the players and what's the outcome that you're hoping to produce and how, do you align those three pieces to. Be most you, know most impactful, or have high esteem, no it's awesome I, think, motional. Telogen to point out that love. That book. We. Work with a lot of tech companies you, work you work and have a lot of tech open as I mentioned supper value for. What. Is it about tech companies that. Tend. To lack. Some. Of these core tenets of leadership you know we certainly see many things on the news today you, know whether, it be with Amazon, or, Google or.

Facebook Or the other sort of a tech companies I feel like they they get a lot of pressure as it comes to. Leadership. Or lack thereof and tech companies I mean you work with a lot of big tech companies, why. What does that come up so often you know why is leadership, lacking so much in areas, of these tech. Geniuses, I actually. Think, tech companies have come a long way I mean I think I think that that they are realizing the value and starting, to train leaders earlier in their career right the time time, value, of starting. Early. But. I actually, would. Say that. You. Know we, all as, humans, tend, to gravitate toward. What we're good at and what. We've been trained, to do and so, whether. It's tech or you, know we have a really, strong practice. In health care you, know those are classically. Trained Doc's. And. So, you know it it, isn't natural for, them to move, toward, how, to resolve, conflict, or how to, you. Know align decision, making or how. To set. Clear goals and expectations and, hold people accountable those, are not things even, in business school that they're really, trained doing very well they might be trained conceptually, but, that's, really different than applying it on a you know on an ongoing basis. So it sounds like what, you're sort of getting towards this idea of. Practitioners. Ultimately. Are. Pushing towards practice, mastery, in their. Particular craft but, leadership. Is not something, that's being largely. Practiced, considered, in. The. Modalities, that they're delivering that's fairly accurate yeah, I mean I think you. Know there. Are there, are few companies that, take. This on as, a. Foundational. Sustainable. Way, of, growth. There. Are there, are companies that do but it is not, as a. Lot, as common, as we'd like it to be that's interesting you, know obviously. Technology to me is something that we're really passionate about I'm really passionate about. How. Would you say that, for. Companies that are doing a pretty, good job at leadership development I want to come back to the flip side of an odyssey in a bit but just, to sort of get the juices, flowing in both our minds yeah and the audience's mind is how. Would you say that with this remote economy, and. The. Workforce that are completely, being changed by you know 2020, 2025, how. Do we develop three leadership, when. So. Much communication, so much or action, now is, happening in these digital channels platforms, like slack, and. Facebook. At work I think I think those neighborhoods, escapes me how. Do we develop. And practice through leadership. When. We're, not face-to-face yeah, so. We're. Still figuring this out right I mean this is pretty, pretty hot off the presses, in, terms of inspiring. And. Managing. Geographic. Remote. And and, disparate locations. But. Here's what we know for sure that, there are, Cadence's, of.

Live. To. Remote that, that are that, we know are proving, to work. And. Well. You know it's so when you're launching a new project you. Know there there is good, research that shows that a. Live launch is very, much worth the, investment, bringing. People together life and you'd be surprised, they're at their, multi-million. Dollar projects, that, are being launched live that. That, investment that design isn't, happening. It goes a long way I mean Pete were animals. We. Actually, have you, know needs for, for. Trust and needs for connection, and needs for sameness. That. That. Don't happen when, we're connecting, across. Technology. Initially, so like that's just an example. So, I think what, I was writing hearing you say is the. Importance, of even, for remote companies. Or workers. And employees, being. Able to. Find. That human community, being able to, get. That sense of belonging. Is key. To developing. Themselves as leaders and as the, workforce is that Seraph yeah, and something that we train in leaders is is the. Idea of pulse, right, to actually have a pulse, on. How. Strong, is the connection, that you have with your, people and how strong, is the connection, that, exists, across a, team so. One of the leaders you know most important, roles is, to be aware of that. Pulse and then, to manage, that pulse right, so if you start to sense that the pulse is getting faint, you. Actually take action you get crafty, you get wily. About how, you can, produce. That, additional, connection, or address, it that's. Awesome yeah so, to talk me about. Just. As a leader myself don't, have the teams that are we, have a remote. Policy in arborization. Having. Teams that are in person and remote. What. Are the things that that me in the audience can, try. Just. Even. Just tactically, or pragmatically, that can. Help to a gauge. And measure this pulse but then also to, sort. Of stove the fire and keep it burning yeah in these situations, where we're, dealing with multiple, time zones or. Person. Digital. Telepresence. Things just just some thoughts or ideas that you guys are flirting, with him playing with I know you guys have a really awesome, culture. Of sort of test and learn internally which which I've experienced. Firsthand and it's pretty awesome to talk to me about just how many I go about doing that with the pulse. Yeah so you. Know something that one of the ways that we think about the, future of leadership is that you're really managing, aspiration. Versus, managing, performance right. And so. We. Have a tool that's called the four three two one tool that helps, leaders, to guide. Conversations. That could be as short as two minutes or they could be as long as a full one, hour check-in. Well. But, it's the same framework, and, it's, a framework that's evidence, based on how, to have these really productive, really. Connected. Conversations. Even in a really short period of time, and. I'll give you a sneak peak that the. Piece that's usually, missing in conversations, because, we're moving so fast and because we're orienting, to our, technical, craft, is. The first, piece of these conversations, which we call the good news or what's going right, and. So, when you tee off a conversation, with, even. You know 60, seconds, of catching. Someone doing, something fantastic. Versus. Just jumping right into the. Tactics, or the updates on, production. It. Can, it has the opportunity to, really shift the, conversation in, powerful, ways whether. You're live or remote it, has the opportunity to build that connective, tissue very quickly right out of the gate so that the rest of the conversation can, even be more that's, also a slack, has screen you know screen sharing video sharing we. Used to quite a bit so that's awesome I feel like that's what that technique, could be applied. You know what they I want to open, up is there's, always the, you. Know I've, heard referred to incorporated, environments it's like the sandwich which is like I'm going to open up with with. You know open up with positive kind, of web stuff bad stuff in the middle and then with positive ready for the tournament yeah if anything's, like it. Was. Probably doing. What. I think is what I have experienced, personally having don't work with you guys is. It's. It's. The human, way of, actually. Caring. That. Makes the difference between, how. To open with heart news or good news or whatever the order is you. Know I find. That it's. The human thing that's, really lacking and, a lot of these really strong. Institutional. Programs. You know I have you know I've had the pleasure working with some of the greatest consultancies, of the planet and those. Of which will not be named and. Oftentimes. The. The. Sterile, miss and, of. The process, and the, rigor around that sort of takes that human, essence out so, talk to me about and in one of those two minute or one-hour types of dialogues, and you know I'm not suggesting we're okay here both you know if you were talking to me as a employee.

And. You know you're my boss and I, wasn't. Performing. At the level that you wanted me to perform how. Might you. Or I as a leader, go about. Trying. That Oommen framework, whether it be in person or over as comfortable. Yeah so, I'm. Gonna back us up because, regardless. Of what I tell you about the 2-minute framework it will not work if a foundation. Of trust isn't, present, so so, that, takes a lot more work than than. Two minutes of good news, and. We have a deep curriculum, on how. To manage. Your your, brand and Trust as a leader right so the experience, that others have of you as a leader let's. Assume, that, you're managing that actively. Then. I mean I'll give you an example I. Was. Late for a meeting ran into some traffic meet, an internal, meeting with my team last week and I kind, of came running, in hair, on fire and, I was very, very apologetic, and we sat down and we knew he had a lot to cover we started kind of drilling in on all of the tactics all of, us immediately, kind, of had this. The. Sensation, in our bodies that something, was missing and, we, couldn't go forward with the conversation, we all knew what it was we were actually, missing, the two minute good news kind. Of groundwork, so we I you know I kind of called, an audible and said back. It out like I need, the 30 seconds. Of something. Really proud of having, you, know having observed. Witnessed, or created this week like so it can sound and look like anything but once you start training, it you. Start to notice when it's really missing and the difference it makes of what it infuses, into, a conversation, early on. But. Back to the sandwich so. So. You. Know it will be a, sandwich. If someone. Doesn't believe that you have their back in. A in an ongoing and. Drumbeat. Sort of way and so, we. Think about trust as like a marble jar this is an, analogy that comes from Bernie Browns work which we're certified in and. So. And. It comes from like they do this in kids, classrooms, right, so when, something good happens in, the classroom you get to you know people get to add marbles, and and so the class is always looking, at that level of trust from, people, being nice and doing, good things and then you know missteps, happening, and Trust being broken. And. So you know we that's, that feeds. In with the pulse right so the pulse is it's not just connection. It's, meaningful. Connection, how. How how, much are we feeling, like, we're. On each other's team is. Really what we're getting at how much are we remembering. Each, other and that what, we're trying to create requires.

Both. Of us or all of, us not just what. I'm doing right no that's total. Close I'd say I think you. Know what I'm hearing and seeing how. This is this is what you do damn, good at is really it's in and around. Foundations. Of trust are built, through. Consistent. Persistent behavior, the. Shift of. Predictable. And predictably hitter and so you. Know a mood management right here so your team your team had a lot of trust for you they saw that you were obviously frazzled, whether it was personal or professional whatever, it is they. Cared enough to to, give you the space to W be inaudible but, if T if, it was okay Jack's gonna be laid all the time then. They sort of start to learn that gents give you a little time. All the time that time so I guess the question is that that makes a really good question which is you. Know talk about technology, a lot I feel, like nowadays, we. Have the, many masks, that we wear on social media or behind the scenes and you, know nowadays employers. Or employees being, connected on Instagram, or snapchat these, types of things right and, you, know how we behave, or act in a work setting or a personal setting might, be one of the same they might be different, right, so a lot of times, everyone's. Tuning in all the time right and like this video right here help. Me understand, you, know what we see happening a lot because there's a lot of movements, happening right now and we're not gonna go, political, in this conversation. Because. God knows that that's a fine thing but. What. I see happening a lot is. It. Takes so much to build trust in. A tweet, can. Explode that trust right, so, much to build a relationship in a, moment, of meeting. Explode. That so, as humans knowing, that we are flawed knowing that we make these sets of mistakes how. Might we as future, leaders that, are watching us when. We make that mistake. How. Do we recover from it start. With that and then I. Have, a follow up to that I would just I don't want to bombard terms too many questions and ones yeah so. I. Love. I love everything that you're saying I actually, love, that we've moved into into, this. This. World because, I think. Who, we are as leaders is who, we are at home until we are at work I, have. Believed this for a very long time you know when we tried to when we used to try to compartmentalize, it actually a lot of people still do try. To compartmentalize, it like Who I am at work is different than who I am at home actually. It's not, you. May think of yourself differently you may try, to act differently but you are one person who. Is you, know shifting, gears or shifting lenses. And. That takes a lot of effort, it takes a lot of labor. Psychologically. So we. We, push leaders, to integrate. As much as possible. We, know. That leader, tend, to. To.

Hold Back on sharing more of themselves or being more transparent, and usually, their team wants, to know more. We know that leaders hold back on. Increasing. Expectations of. Their, team so, you, know the highest performing. Leaders and organizations often, get 360, feedback that says they, could expect more from me. And. You, know when you ask leaders why aren't you expecting more from them they'll say well I thought, I was asking enough or I'm already asking a lot, it's. A. Challenge, they want they want to be in it with that person they want to know that person. They. Want to have an opportunity to fail they want to write and throw. Where. Were we with that let's see where did we start. Personal. Professional whole, leadership I. Think. The, thing, I was really trying to what. Do you do yeah, how do you work hard undercover at that point you, know because it's so easy to. Be. Working so hard for so long to build something yeah and then just a mistake, or a miss shift or, or even isn't that just a perception shift yeah you know I mean I I think it's so easy now. As. Humans, we. Always think that everything's about us right. Not. Everyone's meditating, so the question every day right so I think as, leaders it's really easy to think that everything's about us or not about us or things, are happening to me you. Know when. These things are happening in organizations, what. Are some ways where the leaders can, recover. From yeah. So. When. We work with a team one of the first experiences. We do to, get to know them as we ask them, to think about a leader that has inspired, them in their career. And, we do this to help illustrate our, model, because what comes forward is what we know inspires. It. Is, inspiring, leadership and. And. How that works and what it looks like and. What. One of I mean we've done this hundreds, of times one, of the things that always comes, up is. That. This, leader, was, was. Fallible. They. Admitted. When, they made mistakes or, when they didn't know something. We. Knew that, they needed us, right. So they, showed transparency. With what they didn't know instead, of pretending, they knew everything they. Asked, for help when they needed it they showed some vulnerability. Which. We have completely, backwards. And organizations, we tend. To want to kind, of show this tough side and, not be needed and manage, our impression. You, know that that we have everything under control and what, really. Inspires. The followership, is when people. Know, that they're needed and you are specific, about utilizing. Them and activating, them across the team so. So. You know I would say if you've made a misstep. Fastest. Clearest. Way to. Bounce to, actually, recover from that is to admit, it and to. Speak, about how, you, know have what you've learned and. And, just to ask for help if you need it so. That's. A great segue into just where I wanted to go next which is this idea of culture right, so culture, defines so differently about so many people I mean I'm the. Some, of the hodgepodge compiled. Versions of what. I think is called trial period once's just, shared language shared, behavior, or shared understanding.

Right An organization, I think is how. I would define culture I'd love to hear if, you, sort of agree with that - screw that as a definition yeah. I would, agree with that I mean a you, know it's it's. The water that you're swimming in it's you, know it's, everything from, how, people behave, especially. When no one's watching, -. The, decisions, that you make about, systems. And structure. I mean that's a big part that's like the hardwiring, of culture, a, performance. Management system for example. You. Know how how, you guide, those conversations. We've, worked with a lot of companies, that have basically. Thrown their performance, management system out the window and you. Know my assistant you mean processor. You mean like a technology, oh okay. Um time, what about that well. I mean it's for the largest companies in the world with. Several. Hundred thousand employees have, shifted. Away from a, more, formal, process once. A year or you know annually, or every. Six, months to a, more ongoing conversation. Where you're managing, aspiration. You're managing, motivation. Versus, just managing, production. For. Many many reasons but. The. Maybe the. The. The lead reason is that the. Research showed that it actually isn't accomplishing, what, we'd hoped it was going to accomplish in terms of motivation in terms of productivity. I think, it's so interesting we talked about this a little bit. Before. The job was this idea of you, know how the Industrial Revolution moved, us from the factory, to you. Know knowledge workers you know we are no longer a. Manufacturing. Is being displaced, by. Artificial. Environment intelligence. Automation. Machines, robotics. You know technology, has essentially. Changed. The way that we work right so what. I'm hear you say now as you. Know in terms of how to manage that throwing, out some of these you, know over. Cumbersome, technologies. Or systems has. Created, some new ways and some new challenges for these. Large companies in terms of how they manage their people what do you believe is the biggest shift between the factory. Worker and the knowledge worker today that, is, contributing. Towards, these. People throwing, out these probably. Very expensive systems. To implement train and roll out right so, why are they trashed. Yeah. Because they're, not working I think you know first and foremost it's hundreds, of thousands, of hours of, you. Know misused, time and, not. Thousands. Of hours in. Performance. Management right so if you think about it you've got a hundred thousand employees right. Maybe. Takes on average five. Hours, per employee, when, you think about them, thinking, about their, performance of theirs here there later, thinking about / it's a lot of time it's, a lot of wasted, time for, stuff and it's not reducing, the motivation, that it was intended to produce yeah back in you know manufacturing eras. Giving. People feedback about how many things they counted or how many things they, assembled. That. Was, motivating. Potentially, so, you, know that that, is, just it's it's gone now, people have choices they, have choices about their career they have choices about working elsewhere they, have choices about, you. Know one. Of the trends that I think is most interesting is, that.

You. Know people who, are graduating from school, from, from college now they, don't, necessarily aspire. To, owning a home. That's. Just a whole different world right. So if they don't aspire to oh man owning a home how. Does their entire. Schema. For, what's you. Know what, life, looks like what, work looks like what. Compensation, looks. Like what they're you know the flexibility. That they. Desire. Etc. So it's it's pretty big changes yeah I think, you know clearly thirty minutes is not nearly enough to get inside. Jenn's mine it says Jenny's brain. Till. We get probably. A whole hour on schema, just. You. Know I think for me other, than just saying thank you for just, your, time and a little bit it is about you, know I think the thing and playing. What. I think is really really the. Thing, I want the audience to take away from this is that you. Are not managing people, in the, traditional sense of the way to finish managing people you were managing their aspirations, I think if there's one thing we can all take as an. Immediate sort. Of check out our own pulse is you. Know one of the questions that we're asking and, what. Are the things that motivate, cost what are the aspirations, and you. Know it's managing, that journey it's managing that path that ultimately, I feel, as what you're saying the future of leadership to all out so before I let you go back to your busy schedule thing how, does the audience sort of look more up on you, we're. Gonna get more information about 3d, leadership in, the team at inspire work yeah there's, some great stuff written on website in blogs which is our, website is inspire, core, like the Peace Corps cor, PS comm. We. Have a book coming out soon on the. Future of organizations. And leadership through, inspiration, called, inspire. We, believe it is a leaders, first job to inspire themselves as, Pete just said and. And. That inspiration, is a most important, resource to be managed, in organizations. So, that's community. We expect that we. Are deciding, on a publisher, right now so probably. Fall of 2019, but lots of reap lots of writing on it in our blogs already, so can I convince, you to come back to your district, be. Honored. I was beat honored, anytime, awesome, we talked about a lot today again, I can't. Wait to hit the publish button on this so thank. You so much before I let you go is there anything that I, didn't. Talk, about her asked about what specific, to the. Future leadership and business leadership that you're just burning. To kind, of speak up I. Think. It's a what's, most exciting to me is it is it's, a whole, new world to. Be created. Right so there's. More that we don't know about how. Organizations, are going to look and what's going to be needed in the future then we know and that's, the exciting part is you. Know through people analytics, through. You. Know experimenting. And taking, risks, I. Would, really urge. People. Who are in decision-making roles, who have that authority, to.

Build. Things and take, you know take risks. Change. Things try. Things. People. Are hungry for new, ways of working in the world and that's, only going to happen through courageous, people saying let's do it a little bit differently yes, I think for everybody watching to whether your leadership session or not I mean what. I'm hearing is that. Authenticity. And transparency being, able to ask. Your employer for more being able to ask, your teams for more and really. Shaking, up the status quo is really one. Of the big things that you guys do so I think you know one of these I'm looking forward to doing is trying, to shake some of those things up after this discussion so we're ready.

2018-06-29 22:49

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