The Future is Amazing – 2019 AT&T Business Summit

The Future is Amazing – 2019 AT&T Business Summit

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How. Is everybody this morning y'all. Good, all. Right how about that concert last night at the bomb factory you guys enjoy that I'm. So, glad that we could get everyone out for a fun evening with, award-winning artist Lenny Kravitz didn't, he rock totally. Rocked in me how, many of you rocked, cowboy fit this morning. Crickets. True. Confessions, of a Dallas housewife, I didn't either okay. But there's always tomorrow, all. Right so I've heard from several of you that you thought yesterday's, program was, amazing I can say for us at AT&T business we, love spending so much amazing time together, now speaking, of amazing how, about Michelle Obama, all. Right just gosh. So, so so amazing. Well. The good news is for us that we are not done, yet we've, got another full day planned for you and in, fact our first piece of the program today is all, about how, the future, is going to be truly, truly. Amazing now, why. Is it amazing well, it's because we, are making it possible for you to engage your. Customers, on a deeper. Deeper level, with truly, memorable experiences. And discussions. That I've had with many of you both here, and in Prior roles you. Have challenged. Us to help you better connect, with your customers and I, believe, that, we are at a moment in, time where. We can help you now more, than ever because, of this modern, media, and communications. Company that, we've created, we. Are inspiring. Human progress through, 18 key business and our world-class, networking. Technology. And 5g. Warner. Media and our premium, and premier content. And through. Xander and the value of data and data, analytics, so. As you saw a moment ago this, combination, means that we can bring you truly. Unique experiences. Whether, that's in your car or whether, you're shopping at a retail, store or even. Staying at a hotel and, that, is just, the, tip of the iceberg, and so, no matter the role that you have in your company what, we're about to talk about matters. And that's because it matters for your business, everyone. Here has the opportunity to, combine, connectivity. Data. And, content. To make a better, and stronger. And deeper connection. With your customers, and in, fact 18t. Businesses actually started. To work with several of you already to, bring the power of the new AT&T. To life locking. Arms, with warner. Media and Zandar so. Whether it's custom, contents, new, data insight, avenues, or delivering. Industry-leading. Network, solutions, we're giving your business a unique and unmatched. Competitive. Edge so. We're, so excited to. Put the power of differentiated. Engaging, experiences. In front of you and your customers, speaking, of which we, took an educated, guess that some of you might be comic, book fans so, what you have your seats there thanks, to DC Comics and the, Justice League I'm betting that you've never seen 5g brought to life like this it's, a physical, example, of what's, possible with. Warner media and in, the next 30 minutes we're gonna show you some of the ways that we're helping to make the future amazing, and just like, in the comic book you now have or, the power and the potential of 1885 G was, brought to life to, help save the Justice, League we're, gonna use 5g, technology, now to. Bring to stage my, EVP, and chief, marketing officer, 18, T of ATT business no kotoba, except. Though, mo. Is not. Here with us right now mo. Is actually joining us not, in person here. At the convention center, but, in a holographic. Form from, AT&T, Stadium, in Arlington, Texas which, is about 20, miles from here we.

Have A 5g, network covering, the stadium, which is of course the home of the Dallas Cowboys and, we, also have 5g. No boos I thought. I heard one in the back there okay we have Phi G right, here on main, stage, so. Mo many. Are here wanting. To better understand, how 5g. Can transform, their, business can, you help people, understand. What we've done in collaboration with the Cowboys and how, and why we think 5g, is such a game-changer. Absolutely. Let's, start with this right here I am speaking to you via, hologram, over. 5g connection and hey good news, the hologram, doesn't, add 10 pounds but seriously, this, is all because. Of the unique characteristics of 5g ultra, fast speeds of course but, it's more than just speed its ultra-low, latency and, high, reliability, you, put all that together mix. With other cutting-edge, technologies. And the possibilities, are nearly endless, that's. Awesome and no so I know that you're ready think you see them not just because, you love the Cowboys but because we're doing some amazing things with 5g, for the fans there can you tell us where a few of those things are, yeah. I'd love to you so let's start with xviii, applause a which is part of the entry way into the stadium when. You're in the plaza you can use a samsung. Galaxy s n 5g device, and as you're looking through it and pointing it up at the stadium here's, what, you're going to see massive. Huge, digital, versions, of back Prescott, Ezekiel, Elliott and the other Cowboys towering. Over, AT&T, Stadium getting, you hyped up for the big game that's. So pretty cool no hole so what else you got well. And the experiences, only get cooler from there right when you walk into the stadium, you're, gonna see pose with the pros digital. Experience, built into these incredible. Immersive, columns it allows, you to digitally, jump in for a quick photo with virtual Dallas Cowboys players these. Columns. Are connected, to our 5g network you can take a photo of yourself with, amazingly, realistic, renderings, of up to five of your favorite players check, this out this. Is what I look like when I'm not a hologram and for, me what's really weird is that the digital versions of the players they, look more real than I do. They. Kind of do so, you know what Moe this is a totally great example, of what. Businesses, can do using 5g, to put customers, in the center of the, experience, yeah. Absolutely and, and unlike, some of the other guys we've, actually allowed, the style the Cowboys, at the stadium, to, redefine. The in venue, experience, for fans using 5g. Giving them an entirely new reason to attend the games, this is 5g, happening, today for, one of our business, customers okay. So no you may not be able to see this but we've, got over two thousand customers here in the audience that, are wondering the same thing what can I do with, VG now right. Well first understand, how 5g, is significantly. Different from any other mobile tech that we've rolled out 5g. Has incredibly. Fast speeds here. At AT&T Stadium we're, using what, we call 5d. Plus which, is transmitted. Over a millimeter wave spectrum, and deliver. Speeds of up to two gigabits per second, next. Lower, latency. This is a game changer think. Of, latency. As network response, time, 5g. Especially. When it's combined, with edge computing, means that applications, like augmented. And virtual reality, run. Smoother. Yeah. That's awesome and I you know I think it's totally worth noting here that the reason why we're able to actually have this discussion over a hologram, is because, of 5 G's totally incredible speed, and ultra-low, latency yeah, exactly, and, don't forget mass connectivity. Everybody. Out there has a story, about network, congestion. 5g. Provides. The ability to connect, millions, of, devices in an area where, 4G, LTE could, only connect thousands, yeah, yeah and so Moe I know we've actually been working with some customers now, who. Are eager to experiment, with 5g, can you share a couple of those examples yeah. Let, me tell you what we're doing at, Samsung, Austin, semiconductor. We're testing a variety, of use, cases for, instance using. 5g, 4k, live video and IOT sensors, Samsung. Is seeing how they can improve quality control. And materially. Reduce defects. And we're. Learning more about how we can use 5g, and mixed, reality to, train new employees make. Them more productive faster. Now, let's, talk about transportation, we're.

Collaborating, With uber on their effort to use 5g connectivity, for their commercial air taxis, and drones that are planned for 2023. Yeah, that's that's awesome so Moe you know when we announced, 5g, earlier this year we. Also, included. Edge, computing, as part of that can, you explain, why and then also by the way at this point I'm going to pass the baton to you and I'm gonna look forward to seeing you when you get back from AT&T Stadium okay ditto. And thanks Anne so edge, computing. Combined. With 5g, means faster, processing, of data and even lower latency, one. Variety of this that we're really, excited about is multi, axis edge computing, or mech so you know what is the heck is this mech thing mech. Is all about, keeping the data that is most important, to you as a business closer. To where it's generated for faster, and even, more secure processing. Let me give you an, example which by the way you can see out there in the innovation, showcase today many. Of today's retail, leaders, are using robots. To manage, inventory by. Scanning shells the, challenge, becomes that these high resolution images that the robot produces, and the, need for the Associated, near real-time analysis. Can, be super, taxing, to a stores existing, network with, mech you, can split out that data from the robot and send it to a local server, meanwhile, the four year old probably, mind riding in the shopping cart can, happily, stream cartoons, over the stores existing. Network, now if mech, can, help a four year old stay happy, just. Think of the possibilities for. Your business but, that is only, one third of our story now let's. Focus, on Warner, Media will you please welcome to the stage the CMO. Of Cartoon, Network Adult. Swim and boomerang, Michael. Aleem thank, you. He's. Gone I wanted to say, goodbye to a hologram, I've never done that thanks mo and thank. You for having me on stage here today you. Know there's no doubt that customer. Experiences. And therefore their expectations. Are totally, changing, really rapidly every, day so, for us in entertainment, the question is how, do we take the. Content, and characters, that we, know they love and marry, it that with everything that mo is talking, about to. Innovate in ways that are actually meaningful right. So. That starts, not, by creating, shows but. By creating worlds, because fans today as you know don't just want always want to sit back and watch stuff they want to actively participate - they want to engage and discuss argue. Even game, they, want to immerse themselves, in, the worlds that we create. So. That's why we make sure we don't just create shows we create things that can live across multiple, touchpoints, in a bunch of different ways on screens in the real world all kinds of stuff, basically. Our job at Warner media every day is not. To just create shows but to rewrite, the story of what's, possible. Now. This company has this really weird, cool, combination. Of assets, that we can leverage, it's got connectivity. Right which is amazing.

Content. And data. And when, we bundle all that stuff together with our characters, and integrate. It into your brands and properties, we. Can really create something that will spur. Conversation everywhere. And really kind, of hit people social consciousness, you, know Ann mentioned the DC comic book earlier and how it tells the story of 5ji, we. Could have used any of a thousand, Warner Media characters, to tell that same story, anybody from Bugs Bunny to scooby-doo, to, Wonder Woman or even. A newer property, like Steven universe now, if you don't know it steven universe is a Cartoon Network show it has really great, storytelling. Really, funny weird songs and in. Every episode these, themes of empathy. And inclusion. Write and Unilever. And of recognize. Those themes in the show and partnered with us and we, made it this global campaign with custom content, and, touch. The lives of 60, million, kids. To. Teach them about body. Confidence. And self-esteem. You know this campaign, generated 65. Million organic. Social, posts so that kind of shows you how. This interaction, differentiates. Us and gives, us a competitive advantage when, we work with you. Our. Characters don't just live on people's personal, screens either. They. Can leap, off the screen, in this case literally and into. A brand's properties, so. This, is Rick and Morty if, you don't know them they're. They kill it on screen whenever, this show, premieres, its number one comedy. On all of television has, a billion s. Vaudevillian. Streams, but. It can leap off the screen and into. A relationship, with a quick service restaurant, or a video game with, custom content, like you see here or an, event. Any. Number of things we have a great example coming - we. Do this every year we do this music, and comedy festival, for Adult Swim we're doing it next week in LA and the AT&T 5g team and the. Word and media Innovation, Lab have created this really cool fan experience, where, like Moe talked about you can get volumetrically, scanned, and insert. It into a really classic, hilarious, scene of Rick and Morty we, can do this kind of thing not just at the festival but you know pretty much anywhere and a. Good example of that is we have two such activations, right outside the doors maybe walk by on this morning with your espresso, there's. This Batman, in Wayne autonomous. Vehicle do you guys see that if. You sit in the back of that you're immersed in 270. Degrees of a DC comic, experience. From, Warner Brothers and Intel or. Right out through the door right here is the, Ben 10 experience, making its debut right there it's, going to be installed next month at the first-ever Cartoon, Network hotel, and. What's cool about this is it's, usually VR is kind of weird you're just alone doing it and maybe getting a little nauseous here. You're working with teammates, to defeat the big bad guy which makes it perfect for like a retail environment wherever, families, are and want to like play a game together. This. Is the kind of stuff we love making and we love connecting with our fans and enabling, you guys to get your stories out there as well at. The end of the day whether it's Ben 10, or a DC, superhero. Rick, and Morty or Steven universe all, this, comes back to why the future storytelling, is really amazing. And exciting, it's. Great content, innovative. Technology, it helps, people connect, with this stuff on all these different levels and live them in their world right so. The possibilities, for how we tell our stories and work. With all of you are, basically. Going to be endless. All. Of that is really, just one part of what's going on now, I'd like to welcome Kirk MacDonald the chief business officer, of Zander as he, shares a little bit about what's possible with that amazing platform, Kirk. Thank. You. Thanks. Michael and thanks to all of you for, allowing me today, to tell you a little bit more. About what we do every, day at Xander. Now, Xander. Is a, TNT's advertising. Company and we are a different. Kind of advertising company our focus, is on making advertising. Work smarter, imagine, intelligent, advertising, see. We connect advertisers. With their prospective audiences. The ones they care about in premium. Environments, and we do that at scale. So. What does that really mean that's a lot of jargon we, create audience. Targeted, advertising, using. Consumer insights and powerful. Technology. To, make advertising, work better for brands, and to make advertising, simply, more relevant, more timely, for, the consumers, who are experiencing, it now. One example of the type of advanced, advertising, that we've pioneered is called addressable, advertising. Which, is this ability to show a different, ad message, to, different households, while they're watching TV. Even watching the same program, this. Is an, area where we're the leaders in providing, this. Advanced advertising, solution, and helping marketers serve.

Their. Messages, to consumers, in that right moment. Let. Me illustrate, this and illustrate, how addressable, advertising, works, let. Me introduce you to three different types of audiences, watching, television, programming, one. Is a family. Household, another. Behind me is a business, owner and last a young, professional, now. Imagine, for a second, that they've, all taken a break from their busy days and they, choose to watch a, Wonder, Woman it's, a Warner Brothers movie and they're watching it on TNT. Three. Different audiences, with three different interests. But they're all watching the same content. Your. Businesses, may be, trying to reach one of them as a target, two of them maybe all three are prospective, customers, for you now. From, millions, of a TNT's deterministic. Consumer, touchpoints where we know and touch, you with our services, we, create an on amazed anonymized. Audience, data segments, that, can be used to inform or I like to say decorate. The advert, opportunity. That advertising. Impression, sometimes, we do it even in real time now. This information allows, us to determine, households. Using our services, no matter what device they're using and allows. Marketers. Advertisers. And content, creators and ability, to enhance the delivery of the message in the, home or to the individual, now, with. More relevant, advertising capabilities. We make advertising, simply, more efficient, and more effective for, the marketer and at, the same time improve, that experience, for the consumer or for, the viewer, so, imagine ads that are more accountable, to their, spend and have, attribution, solutions, that can help you prove effectiveness. For, your marketing campaigns, all. Right so now back to example, that we put up let's. Imagine that we have a commercial, break during. The Wonder Woman movie, remember. These are three distinctly. Different households, but they're watching the same program at, the same time they, made me on the same street, during. The same commercial, break we, can serve a different ad depending. On depending, on our knowledge of who, is watching, so, the same commercial break the family household, on my. Left or, your left will, see a 5 G gaming commercial, while the business owner, in. The middle is learning about a tMT's business edge-to-edge business. Solutions, the, young professional, on the. Right is, about. To see, the latest personal, technology from AT&T now. In this example we've, used AT&T. But this could be any brand. In and offering. The same set of solutions in this situation, this. Is the future of audience, based advertising, but. Even, with all the technological, advancements. That we've, been talking about this, is still only just, the beginning, the. Way to the future happens every six months in our industry, every six months of changes, because we hold a portion, of a, mil of millions, of consumers attention and the, power of AT&T tech nology solutions, and this incredible. Content, library with warna media our, goal, at xander is to, really reinvent. How we think about advertising. Reinvent. The entire experience, we to make advertising. More, intelligent. Personalized. To who the consumers, are in a moment in time and delivered, in the right context. Intelligent. Advertising. Relies on high. Fidelity data, signals, at scale. Technology. And the, ability to join that together in near real-time to, create a personalized. Experience for, the consumer so. Now let's look at another example, imagine. It's morning, this. Consumer, is at home getting ready for, work we. Know a lot about them, in this moment we. Know the time of day deterministic. Knowledge of who they are. Location. Signals, let us know that they are at home and that. There's a probabilistic, insight, and understanding that they're getting ready for work now. We can serve them an ad on television as they, watch the Morning News and since it's around breakfast, time we. Know that that ad could be related to breakfast, foods like a new brand of cereal now. That same person leaves their home and they're, on their way to work location.

Signals, Inform this think, again about the incredible, insights, that are being created with their movement, and the device signals, the. Patterns, of location, data and usage, signals, can be used to inform a probabilistic, model, of intentions. And interests, we. Might determine that this person owns a dog and that they left their office, which. Is narrator, Surrey, store because. We can reasonably, determine. Off of these signals, that, this person is on their way to work we can serve them an ad on their, smart device like a SmartWatch, or any other device they're carrying we. Can serve them a dog food ad because, they're probably the pet owner we've assumed and think, that they'll want to know about a sale on all the pet food that they normally by now. After work, again. Time, of day signals, location. Signals, our consumer, is doing some errands before they head home think. About in the future the. Ability, to use all the, data that I've mentioned earlier to, send a personalised, ad as the, person walks by display, either in store or, on the street it's. Like a scene from that old movie Minority, Report if you remember only the future is here and it's, now. It's all starting be possible, right now today I would. Be remiss if I didn't touch on the high standards, of data privacy and governance. That this requires and at, AT&T with more than 140, years of putting our consumers. Our customers, relationships. First we're. Committed to managing, this data very, responsibly, and would never put advertisers, needs over the needs and protection, of our consumers. But. As a TNC, and Zander we're. Also in this position to, shape the very future of the advertising, industry making. It intelligent, making ads intelligent. For brands, and then, at the same time simply. More, relevant, for consumers, the, future, is now and as, we enter, the. Dawn of this new decade we, couldn't be more excited, thank, you again for your time this morning. Thanks. For watching for, more videos from AT&T business, click, Subscribe.

2019-12-10 01:09

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