The Chilling Black Dahlia Murder Revisited
This week on a special, episode of BuzzFeed unsolved, true crime TNT's, i am the knight has asked us to take a closer look at a case we previously covered the infamous, murder of the Black Dahlia I am. The knight is a new limited series on TNT, inspired, by the incredible true, story of fauna hotel, a teenage, girl given, away at birth who makes a discovery about her past that leads her to question everything, her, search for her identity leads her to the heart of Hollywood's most infamous, unsolved murder the Black Dahlia and one of the prime suspects, in the case in this, episode we'll take a new look at the murder the suspects, and the pile of evidence that has yet to be enough to solve this case you, can't hide the truth. Now. Shame this was before your time on the show so, you. May not have seen this episode I have not that, do you know the case at all The Black Dahlia Hollywood. Murderer. And. It's. Gruesome it, is gruesome there. Was a movie I think it's, also a show oh. Yeah. TNT. I am the night the point I'm trying to get across he was a little bit shorter because it was one of the first episodes that was you making your little power points you know okay no need to get back, I'm. Just saying now we've been given the opportunity, to dive deep yeah I got my goggles on I'm ready to dive deep I got a scuba tank baby let's. Go digging around, 10. A.m. on, January, 15th, 1947. Betty Persinger, was taking her three-year-old, daughter and on a morning, errand, to the shoe repair store, near what's now the Crenshaw neighborhood, of Los Angeles as they passed an empty, lot on Norton Avenue Persinger, recalls quote I glanced. To my right and saw this very dead white body my, goodness, it was so white it, didn't look like anything, more than perhaps an artificial, model it was so white and separated. In the middle, and quit, rough, start to this story there's, a reason why we're going into the grisly details of this because they'll come well you got we take no pleasure in this we're not sickos. Yeah. I'm no I'm not why are you looking at me with that accusatory, glare yeah sometimes, I get a little worried about yeah the body of 22, year old Elizabeth Short, was lying face-up and naked, her body split, in half at the waist, she was oddly posed, with, her eyes open hands, above her head with elbows bent and legs, out straight and, spread apart she, had been hit over the head and pieces, of her flesh had been cut out at, the corners of her mouth there were three inch long slits, as gory. As the scene was there, was no blood it, appeared, that the body had been drained and scrubbed, before being placed where it was found, Betty Persinger went to a nearby home, and called the police to, report the body Persinger. Then continued, her errand, I would not be going to get my shoes repaired after that I would say that, if I saw something as traumatic as this I probably, need to you know go home. But. It is weird to be the first person to arrive on the scene because, when you call in you, are going to be the first suspect usually, well, she's, not gonna commit, a grisly, murder I'm her way to repair her, don't underestimate anybody, if history has taught us anything you don't underestimate anyone anyone can murder anyone can, murder Julia, Child do.
You Think she could murder if pressed, yeah I think you could murder if pressed I don't. Know if I found out today that you had murdered somebody I wouldn't be too, surprised, I think cause someone told you right. After. Identifying, the body by its fingerprints, with help from the FBI. The LAPD began. Circulating, a flier in the hopes of getting more information it. Described, short as quote 5 foot 6 inches, 118. Pounds black. Hair green. Eyes very. Attractive, bad, lower teeth fingernails. Chewed too quick end quote, eventually. More, information, about the woman began to emerge, originally. From Medford Massachusetts, Elizabeth. Short moved to Hollywood some, say in the hopes of stardom, like many actresses she had worked as a waitress, and a cashier, and, dealt with periods, of unemployment as, she struggled, to get minor acting, roles that's Hollywood. That's. Tinseltown, you moved from Chicago here. With the same hopes of stardom, yeah you did also take an improv comedy class as well right I did to meet people, you follow the Wi-Fi PlayBook in LA Oh a hundred percent and I'll tell you what I did meet some of the most insufferable, people. Had, an improv class I can't believe that but they also met me and I wish that uh no one okay, all right it, was common at the time for, newspapers to bestow nicknames, on murder cases the, papers called her The Black Dahlia, due, to reports, that she often wore sleek black clothing and had striking dyed black hair the, autopsy, on the body provided a chilling glimpse into, shorts, final moments, officially. Short, died of hemorrhage and shock marks. On her legs wrists neck and right thigh suggested, she had been bound in tortured, the slits at the corners of her mouth were made while she was still alive she. Had also suffered a concussion from, blows to her head reports. Say that the cuts were clean raising. Suspicions, early on that someone, with surgical, skills, may have been responsible. Likes. Gruesome. One thing too to mine from that yeah if you wade through all the grisly, details which are upsetting is that. Whoever did this had, surgical, skills this. Was not committed. By someone you, know who, just picked up a knife at the hardware store this is somebody who knew what he was doing he knew Anatomy, sure so, that's, gonna come in big, later in the case okay I wouldn't want to be a detective, I have no aspirations, to be in law some of the most disgusting, stuff I've ever heard, it's gross yeah it's much easier to be an asshole sitting behind a desk like we are yeah, the. Gory details and proximity, to the glamour of Hollywood, cause shorts murder to become a huge, story, making. Page one headlines, in Los Angeles for a full, month feeding. This sensation, was the apparent murderer, themself, nine. Days after her body was found an envelope, arrived, at the offices, of the Los Angeles examiner.
It Contains, some of shorts belongings, including, her social security card birth, certificate. Photos, and an address, book, was missing a few pages all, of, the items have been cleaned of fingerprints. Using gasoline and the envelope, had been addressed using cut out letters taken from movie advertisements. All told. 13, letters were sent to the police and press taunting. Them as the investigation. Unfolded, many, signed Black, Dahlia Avenger, we're. Dealing with a great áááhole, here the mob was all over the town you got dirty cops the, whole town is filthy. Yeah greedy corrupt. Maybe that's why that woman went to go get her shoes repaired, it's probably the fifth dead body she'd seen that week. About. That one, other thing that we should talk about is the address-book had a few missing pages what, means what could, could the killer have been in her address book yeah he probably knew her for a little bit there were many suspects, throughout the investigation. It's been estimated that hundreds, were questioned, and cleared the, police contacted. About 75. Men listed, in the address, book that was sent to the Los Angeles examiner, the majority, of them said they'd met short only briefly, going, out on a dinner date or to the movies but, that things had ended before they went any further during. The case the FBI investigated. Approximately. 300. USC, medical school students, though, it seems nothing came of this at one, point fingerprints. Were found on one of the Dalia letters sent to police the. FBI race to match these prints with an identity but, the fingerprints, were not in their files so they were unable to find, a match eventually. The case went cold after. More than 70, years I think, there are three main suspects, worth examining the, first is a salesman, and former Army musician, Robert Redman. Lee his, relationship, with short began about a month before short was murdered when Manley noticed her outside a bus station in San Diego, and asked. If she wanted a ride, according. To Manly at first, short, would not speak to him but he was persistent and she eventually did, get into his car for, the next month Manley would take short on dates when he was in town in San Diego, when, the place where short had been staying in San Diego suddenly, fell through short.
Contacted, Manley and asked, him to come pick her up Manley, said next they both stayed platonically. In a tell in pacific beach after which, manly drove them both to los angeles there. He says he brought short to the Biltmore Hotel and left her there at about 6:30, on the evening of January 9th, as, far as the investigation was ever able to ascertain, that is the last place short, was seen alive six. Days before her body was discovered, when. Questioned by the police, manly pleaded his innocence, and willingly, took to polygraph, tests both indicating. That he was telling the truth, years later in 1954. Doctors. Gave manly, sodium, pentothol at one point thought, to be a truth, drug that. Would induce honesty, and questioned. Him about the case again. It seemed manly was innocent. Didn't they determine, that's pretty much baloney that's some professor snape shit it's not real I do wonder what the effects of it are you know we should do huh we should inject you full of truth serum and then ask you if you think ghosts you're real do, you think I'm lying about that sometimes, I make you're lying to yourself hmm now. I know this isn't the season for that it's not the season manly, died on january, 9th, 1986. After an accidental, fall in his apartment in Anaheim, California, 39. Years to the day after he last saw short alive at the Biltmore now, that sounds like a coincidence, an accidental. Fall on the anniversary of the last time he saw somebody he was accused of murdering oh so, you think he maybe was. Remorseful. And, jump, I'm not saying that it. Could go beyond coincidence that's all I'll say or the thing though is if I'm living in Anaheim, and I've got a balcony and I'm smoking, cigars, because it's the 80s and I grew up in Hollywood, in the 40s, and 50s yeah yeah I'm addicted to every substance known to man and I'm, out there on my balcony in Anaheim it's a miracle, that I'm not going over that thing any, given day of the week well, you got the fireworks to keep you on the balcony Oh from Disneyland. In. 1997. For the 50th anniversary of the murder the LA Times interviewed, Ralph Osdol, the last living detective, from the original investigation, as they'll. Claim that within weeks he, found the man he believed to be the murderer as Dahl had received a few tips in a description of a man witnesses, noticed, near the empty lot where short was discovered, other, witnesses, described seeing a black car around dawn as, Dale found a man matching that description whose. Car which had been recently repainted, also, look like the one described, because. As Dale had no hard evidence and only, a hunch to go on he was unable to confront, his suspect, but as of 1997. He, believed that this, mystery, man was the black dahlia murderer, great. Insight provided by as Dale here you're not a big fan of this one, he's the last living detective, from the original investigation he spent 50 years having, his nose rubbed in it and now, in the end he is just like yeah I knew who was all along can't. Tell you his name but I know if that's true kind, of a bad detective yeah. The, third and final suspect is well known to even those only casually, familiar, with the case dr.. George Hodel, many. Who worked on the case over the years believe they interacted, with the real killer at some point perhaps, no one feels stronger, than Steve Hodel, after. Retiring as an LAPD, homicide detective. Having, worked on over 300. Murder cases, Steve, Hodel published, his research claiming, the murderer was one George, Hodel the, detectives, own father. This. Is juicy. Can. You imagine being, a detective, working. Your ass off on this case he's got a big board and suddenly, he takes the yarn on the board and just where. Am I putting this on a photo. Of my father I, know oh well. He wasn't assigned, to the case this is something he took on after he retired interesting, okay his. Dad also as you will soon, find out was a bit of an asshole and it made, sense why he would suspect his father of being capable of something horrible, George. Hodel was a wealthy, doctor in Los Angeles described. As a well-connected, dashing. Man with, high IQ, George, was, in charge of a venereal disease clinic in LA which, supposedly, gave, him knowledge of the sexual, lives of people ranging from local sex workers to the city's elite, while, George wasn't, a practicing, surgeon he, was reported, to have breezed, through Medical, School where, he'd studied to be one yeah, I got murder after, George hotels death his, son Steve, found, two photos of a woman who Steve believed to be Elizabeth, Short the Black Dahlia.
He Began investigating, coming, to believe that his father had. A romantic, relationship with short, and that they had been spotted together at a hotel in downtown Los Angeles so. George's son is looking. Through his dad's photo albums, and he comes across two pictures that look strikingly, similar to Elizabeth Short now I will say I have not seen any confirmation, that they are in fact Elizabeth. Short did they run these past in a ransom they I seen that they ran past a couple experts, but no one conclusively, said yes but they also didn't say conclusively no, are they a little more revealing than that photo of the back of Amelia, Earhart's, head that you tried to pass off as if I didn't say I tried to pass that okay that wasn't mine you see her face in these things though we do you see her face hmm. Yes. You have his profession, which gives him a unique, insight mm-hmm and then you have these photos and then, you have the claims that they had been seen together at places. No so he, obviously knew, her at, the very least George, Hodel would have had the medical training needed to produce the surgical mutilation. Performed, on shorts, body and that, is only the beginning, steve has suggested, that George is also, responsible, for the murder of Jean French which, occurred a mere, three weeks after shorts. On February. 10th, like. Short French, received blunt-force trauma, to the head and her body was also found, oddly posed, in a vacant lot early, one morning, French's. Body bore the initials, B D possibly. Thought to stand for black dahlia written. In red lipstick, yeah, yeah, B D sure, yeah, I'll take it did, they send any letters following. That one no but, the. Actual, writing of BD. Is going to come into play the, penmanship, of it, notes. Allegedly, sent by the killer after, the murder match hotels handwriting. According, to handwriting analysis, performed by one forensic, expert, hired by Steve Hodel that, expert. Also believed, that the BD initials, written on gene French's body matched, George hotels handwriting. Now, that. Comes with obviously the disclaimer that it was a handwriting. Expert hired, by the person who was purporting, the theory yeah, but. Are they're crooked. I. Can't see why this person would be. Would. Aid in the miscarriage, of justice right, right, that doesn't make any sense to me if you're a handwriting expert you, got, to do your best yeah how many jobs are you getting I, I also I don't know if this is weird but I think there's more weight to it because, it's his son doing the accusing I think, it could be less because one against blood well, it could show a personal, vendetta if, this guy had a bad childhood which, is strong, but. This he. Was not even a whole he's not a good dad evidence, was found that hotel had 50 pound sacks of concrete, sent to his home for remodeling, on january, 9th, 1947.
The, Last day short, was seen alive and, less, than one week before her body was found, Hodel, son has claimed that there were similar bags found near shorts body that police speculated. Could have been used to carry shorts, body from the car to the lot what's. More George, drove a black 1936. Packard, that looked similar to the descriptions, of the black car that had been seen at dawn near the empty lot wear shorts body was found Steve's, research, pointed out similarities, between house shorts body was found and works by George's reported, friend surrealist, artist, man ray the. Dahlias arms, were posed above her head, not unlike man Ray's photograph, possessed, by MoMA Minotaur. As, for the slits on dahlias, mouth they could have been inspired by the artists painting, Observatory, time the lovers according. To Steve George, idolized. Man Ray and wanted, to be an artist himself could. The Black Dahlia have, been George's, sick attempt, at art, one, of George's daughters Tamar Hotel recalled, her father hosting, huge parties, at their Hollywood adjacent, home, with guests including, man-ray as well as movie stars Tamar. Also, claimed she had posed for nude photos, for Man Ray when she was a child after running away from home in 1949, Tamar, reported, her father to the police telling. Them he had tried to teach her about oral, sex at the age of eleven that he had offered her to his friends, for sex when she was 14, and that George himself had, had sex with her if. This man is not a murderer, he's, obviously a bad man yeah this guy is awful, surprised, these kids didn't get together and just kill their dad well. One of them said hey maybe I'll indict, him for murder, no. I got it. Yeah. As a side note at, age, 15, Tamar, gave birth to a baby girl in San Francisco, that girl, fauna, hotel would, be adopted, by a family in, Nevada and not, know the story of her biological grandfather. Until, much later when, conducting research of, her own. Do. We know who her father is I'm. Not saying this is what happened but it's possible, that, Tamar, since, she claims that George, had had sex with her at the age of 14 and gave, birth to a baby, at 15 it's possible, that. The father of that baby which is fauna hotel, could, have been George, her grandfather, oh this guy's a real piece of shit Ryan do, you see why I said, Steve, Hodel may have a conflict of interest now yeah now I get I thought you were just like oh oh. He's. A monster yeah he's a he's a monster yeah George, Hodel was ultimately, acquitted of incest, charges, after several, other family, members testified that Tamar, was lying there are those who have stated however that, the family could have been motivated to do so because George, was the breadwinner supporting. The family in, 1950. A few, years after the black dahlia murder George. Hodel moved, or perhaps fled, to the Philippines, perhaps. Not so coincidentally a woman, murdered in Manila, in 1967. Reportedly, was also, found bisected.
And Posed, in an empty lot just, like the black dahlia Steve. Claims that at the time George, Hodel was living just a half-mile away from, the I'm Z in, 2012. Steve, Hodel visited, his childhood home with a production, crew another, former police officer, and a search dog that picked up the scent of human decomposition in, multiple, locations on the property, such, as the Le way in back of the house according. To doctor Arpad Vass a leading, forensic anthropologist. Who helped pioneer chemical. Analysis, of human decomposition this. Does not technically, indicate, that remains are located, where the search dog found the sense because, the markers the dog detects, can move carried, by water and other forces over, the decades, however, VAS himself, analyzed, a soil sample taken from the alley behind the home and found that it was positive for human remains though. The sample indicated, a death that occurred anywhere from 20 to 100 years ago quite, likely beside, the point but I always feel bad for those dogs that got a sniff dead bodies all day yeah, I mean that's definitely not preferable, to the ones that have to sniff for like cocaine. Cocaine those dogs. After. Hearing, about the George Hodel theory LA Times reporter, Steve Lopez went to the Los Angeles DA, and was given access to case files and grand jury documents. In the, files he, found a photo, of George Hodel listing. Him among 21, other suspects, Lopez. Also found records indicating, that the LAPD. Had snuck listening, devices into hotels home undetected. And listened, to hotel for, 40, days in 1950. Not, long before he left for the Philippines, the. Recordings, do not exist anymore but, transcripts, of the recordings, were left in the DA's files, Lopez. Says one of the transcripts, had recorded Hotel saying quote supposing. I did kill, the Black Dahlia they couldn't prove it now they, can't talk to my secretary because. She's dead end quote. Well, you. Know people. Don't usually say, stuff like that it, sounds like dialogue, written for a villain like that's something that a normal person doesn't say. Another. Transcript, describes what may have been the sound of a woman being attacked in the houses basement. According. To a CBS 48.
Hour Special, on the case, the investigation. Into hotels, possible, ties too short was shut down abruptly, in 1950. With, one of the lead investigators stating. That the recordings, taken from hotels home eliminated. Him as a suspect if, that, sounds suspicious, to you you're not alone George's. Son claims his father via his connections, and occupation. Had knowledge about corruption in the LAPD and, their ties to prostitution. And abortion, rings and that the police covered, of hotels guilt to avoid their own dirty laundry being aired indeed. Some, officers, in the LAPD were notoriously, corrupt in the early 20th century and the transcripts, from the bugs left in hotels house also, reportedly, quote George's saying this is the best payoff I've seen between law enforcement agencies, I'd, like to get a connection made in the DA's office and. On, the nose there sounds. Like, it. It's. George Hodel. Again. Why does it always come back to evidence. Being gone what happened to the tapes they. Conveniently, fell, in the trash well seeing, that these tapes say this about the LAPD who is then in charge of the chain of custody of certain tapes yeah it makes sense in a sense to me that those tapes would, vanish yeah upsetting. But, then again when you look at that and you see oh the tapes disappeared, while they are in the custody of your, establishment. That only makes you look bad so regardless, don't care they. Don't care yeah cops don't care I guess no lending. Credibility to, the corruption allegation, according, to the 48 hours investigation. The LAPD, admits, that much, of the physical evidence from, the black dahlia case, is not with the files it's, unclear, where it is or why, it would be missing, pretty, clear I understand, you know there's bureaucracy. You got to fill out forms stuff goes places, oh do we put that on this shelf or that shelf I don't know but. They probably have some pretty good systems, in place yeah the police you. Should be able to keep track of these things, if, we could assess, anything out of that it's that Shaima de believes the, LAPD are crooked, wait, no while. There are some doubts as to whether the photographs, found in George's photo album are actually, of the black dahlia or if, his handwriting does match the letter sent to the police and press there's, enough cause for suspicion without, those, leads to keep the lens focused, on George Hodel after. Reviewing the hotel case Steven, K the then LA County head deputy da who'd, prosecuted, murder cases for over 35, years, stated, he believed the case had been solved, speaking, for himself not the DA's office quote, I would have no reservations, about filing two counts of murder against, dr. George Hodel end quote, Steven, K thrown. It on the team I mean I commend, him, but at the same time duh George. Hodel returned, to the United States from the Philippines, around 1990. He, died in 1991. At the age of 91, I've always wondered since, they found the fingerprints, on that Dalia letter can't, they take little George's finkies and put him on the thing and see if they match well now there bones. Well, I'm sure they have George's fingerprints, on file do they they have to it was he ever brought in for anything he was a suspect, yeah. Today. The case is still open but, it has been decades since authorities, were actively, investigating. Perhaps most frustrating, is the sentiment, expressed by, John Douglas former. Head of the FBI's, serial, Crimes Division and one of the nation's leading experts on profiling. Violent crimes Douglass. Notes that so much information, can be ascertained, from the murderers interactions, and time he spent with the body that today, the crime would be quote very, solvable and quote. The Black Dahlia Murder riveted. The nation and continues, to fascinate sleuths, today was. The Black Dahlia merely, the most infamous murder at the hands of dr., George Hodel or is, there, another answer out, there lost to time for, now the, case remains. Unsolved. What. Are you gonna do charge, George Hodel with two counts of murder according to the DA chisel. Into his gravestone, also. A murderer yeah I mean maybe I don't know what you do part, of Justice is forcing. Penance upon the person who did the deed, right sure, there's, no justice. Sleep, tight everybody, oh no. Way here we go okay. Yeah. Another part of justice is that the living descendants, of the. People who, had the, act. Committed against them now they could find solace that the true perpetrator.
Has, Been pointed, out place. That's something it's good for the living descendants, closure. Check. Out I am, the night on TNT. With. Chris Pine that. Guy is, okie, he's. Got nice eyes.
2019-01-14 19:40
Me: “YAY TRUE CRIME IS BACK” Also me: “Yeesh whats up with Ryans hair?”
"attractive woman with bad lower teeth" yooo hmu if you gots info, let's get this bread !!!!1!!!!1!!
BD for black dahlia? Um no sweaty it's for B.D Cooper
That guy in the thumbnail kinda looks like the german show host „Klaas Heufer-Umlauf“
Hey, George tangina mo
Ryan what is going on with that hair x)
Can you make an unsolved episode on the assassination of Rasputin?
I read that Steve Hodel also points his dad as the Zodiac Killer. If he returned to the US in 1990, wouldn't that place him away from LA during the ZK murder spree in the late 60s and 70s? I don't think he just went on a vacation to murder a bunch of strangers. But, hey, if he's that crazy, who's stopping him?
Shane the demon is getting bolder
19:10 what’s that a house or a demon?
I think u solved this one
You Hollywood people are cavemen
Does anyone else think Hodel looks like Martin Freeman in a fake moustache?
ive missed a couple season of this show but recently ive been listening to my favourite murder and its getting me into true crime again... boys, i think its time for me to catch back up with this show!!
but also im not letting go of karen and georgia anytime soon!!!
ohh I've missed these guys
Um there is a shop black dhalia in greece....
You should do the murder of Carl Brigewater
I miss them. :(( What's with Ryan's hair? I'm not sure if I'm in favor of it or not.
It's a metal band also. Watch "The Black Dahlia Murder "Nightbringers" (OFFICIAL VIDEO)"
I believe these guys but where do they get their information from?
If the photos are Elizabeth Short then it would have been George Hodel
Finally true crime series is back
American Horror Story WHO
its illuminati
Anyway. I like your hair, Ryan!
Ryan looks so cute/exhausted
It’s creepy when he fled to the Philippines and someone was killed. Geez
Can you do a video on Madeline McCann, she was a little girl that went missing in Portugal and it’s quite a big thing in the Uk.
hotel was a nasty piece of work.
10/10 not recamed watching this at 3 am otherwise a great episode
Does this remind anyone about La Noire and the homicide cases you do in that
Ryan's hair = sexi
Have you guys heard of Madeline McCan it's a huge case in the UK and the news papers still believe they keep finding her because no one knows what happened to her.
Bad people always go to Philippines because they can hide well there.
I watched a documentary a long time ago about the son accusing his dad and I think I remember thsy the song said that his dad had a secret room in the house and the son wanted to investigate but the current owners of the house wouldn't let him.
Why doesn't the granddaughter have a DNA test to see if he's also her father?
I was living in hollywood trying to make I knew could then some things turned upside down reached the top then I hit ground they said I would have a star on the walk of fame almost there I got so far but i know whos to blame you said my skin was porcelain I want fame like marilyn bury me in azaleia now they call me Black Dahlia they call me Black Dahlia Aine Cahill - Black Dahlia
For post mitten: If you think that on the body of that other girl were the letters BD saying “Black Dalhia”, but you said before the people and the investigators called her Black Dalhia after her body was found, like at least a week after her death, because of her jet black hair and the kind of overcoat she wore, so how are the words BD are the acronyms for Black Dalhia when George Hodel doesn’t even know that name?
Shane brings dogs sniffing cocaine in the mystery like it's so natural.
#5 on trending in the U.K. IM SO PROUD OF MY BOIS
1:56 *s i c k o m o d e*
secure the bag, boys
Im from the philippines
Please revisit the Elisa Lam case!
I think you should look at the murder of Chrissie Venn, not gonna lie it’s kinda creepy.
how did George get out of being accused? all the evidence points to him.
Almost all of these unsolved mysteries is because of law enforcement doing a sloppy job.
Next Whitney Houston death mystery plzz
One of My favourite Unsolved Cases
Unfortunately, fingerprints are not passed down genetically so even with little George's fingers you'd have no clue :(
"George Hodel moved or perhaps fled to the Philippines" i felt a sudden goosebumps when i heard my country in this episode hahahahahahahaha
She died.. On my birthday... Year 1947.... No wonder i sometimes get dreams of being chased, chained and killed.
John Douglas? The guy from Mindhunter? Whoop whoop
Please do an episode on the Swedish twins Ursula and Sabina Eriksson. It's a great case of shared psychosis and murder.
Please do one about Madeleine McCann, it's so interesting to me!
18:49 ... Well... I just got chills... yes im from the Philippines
Is Shane ok?
Maybe someone's working behind the scenes, making everyone thinks it's Hodel. You can't underestimate what a human can do.
Charles Montgomery????
Buzzfeed solved.
What's this a BuzzFeed video with good content
Yaaay true crime is back. Only seasons I watch. Great work!!
Our demon bois is #5 trending in UK hell yeeeeeeeeee
The True Crime stuff is sooo much better than the supernatural stuff
Hodel is definitely guilty of something.
Yo I played this in LA Noire
They solved this ages ago it was a Danish mobster who killed her
*when you tryin to reach the word count* “ it was white. So very white. A white body. So white it was blinding. Extraordinarily white. The white body was there. White.”
If there is anything that would look like a motive it would help figure out who killed them, because all the evidence might lead to one person but if you have a motive, it can bring so much to the case
I so want a full season of Ryan and Shane revisiting the cases from the Brent era.
Can someone talk about Ryan’s trash garbage hair? Like I love him but did a rat take a nap on his head just for this ep?
My favorite Youtube 'couple'. Keep up the good work! Still waiting for the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Unsolved episode though.
Thumbs up if you like Unsolved more than Supernatural!
Back for good?
my goodness.... it was so white..
When I heard Philippines I was like, "What?! DAFAQ! Gonna ask grandma about if they know about it lolz"
Don't feel sorry for cadaver dogs. Dogs love disgusting-smelling things.
"There's no justice, sleep tight everybody" -Shane
do Polybius the evil videwo game(Not a joke by the way do it the story is interesting DO IT)
What if Hodel was performing abortions for the mistresses of political figures and lapd officers and for prostitutes that could explain the remains could be the fetuses buried somewhere and the screams of a woman heard on the recorder thingy. Then what if the dahlia was one of them but she was gonna expose the whole thing so they had him kill her and make it look it was part of serial murders because apparently there was similar murders to those of the black dahlia and who would know that police officers. What if he was the copy cat
You Guys need to do some research into the Mary Hatchet Story on Long Island. I will say nothing more, other than this. There are two locations: One, in Cedarhurst, Nassau County, LI, Which is the more evil of the two, and the other in Smithtown, where her grave is. If you choose either of these locations, I can be a wonderful guide, as I'm a native Shamanic worker and lived here my whole life. You'd love the activity level on these locations. The Cedarhurst location, is a bit hard to obtain. I have a 5 mile radius. It's been a long time since I chose to go back to that evil place. lol. Now a part of a golf course or a nature preserve in Woodcrest hills.
I swear cops in the 40's&50's were so bad like seriously come on
Hey! How did Hodel get his hands on her birth certificate and social security card? it's not something someone normally carries around with them?
the fact that anyone could be that disgusting of a person is making this harder to watch
Was expecting a bowl cut
buzzfeed is such a fuckin sellout
BuzzFeed unsolved, but solvable
3:17 That would be a no no for advertisers, boys
when you said a woman was murdered in manila, I wanted to fly back to Australia immediately.
I miss my two lil munchkins :c owo
h-he moved to the philippines. filos: _[screaming]_ he moved back. filos: ...
The cuts seeming surgical is eh to me. I took a bio: human anatomy class so we had to dissect things, it's not hard to make clean cuts. Just saying.
There was a episode of ghost hunters and a girl admitted that her father/grandfather? Said on a regular basis that he was the bd murderer
Back Dahlia is also a tattoo and piercing studio in Athens
This show is a very inferior copy of much better unsolved crime channels made by people with actual passion for the subject. Another sad buzzfeed attempt to cash in on others success... Keep to the trivial stuff buzzfeed, you can barely manage that, as a channel you have no talent for serious subject matter... At least try to find presenters who give a damn, or have some background, in this sort of thing... This was truly awful.
I hate Ryan.
I was creeper out when Ryan mentioned him eventually moving to Philippines. I was like "we already have enough psychopaths here! We don't need another one!"
For #postmortem: I've tried searching the case happened in Manila in 1967, it's Lucila Lalu's murder (don't include this on the PM if this isn't the case you're referring too) Just to make this short and quick, according to what I've read, she moved in Manila from her province in Pampanga to try her luck, just like Black Dalhia, she worked as a waitress, met a man, got married, get lucky, she finally owned a business, cocktail lounge, sort of having some affairs and lovers, like Florante Relos a 19 year old lover of her who was the main suspect at that time but immediately released because his two friends corroborated his alibi that he was somewhere else at the time of the murder. Then later, here come a guy named Jose Luis Santiano, a 28-year old dental student came and confessed to the crime. He detailed the events that led to the brutal killing. But, a few days later, he denied his own confession and insisted on his innocence. According to a news clipping from The Sunday Times, Jose, "claimed and insisted that he was an unwilling witness to the murder of the woman by three man." Police also found an evidence to Jose, a hammer with positive Lalu's bloodstain and hair. Just to add a little spice, Black Dalhia suffered concussion too. It's plausible that the one of the three unnamed man could be George Hodel (just a theory though).
They NEED to do a supernatural episode on the Jersey Devil
all videos, documentaries made since 2001 have been based mainly on the George Hodel theory, would be good to see something based on another theory. George Hodel DID NOT kill Betty Short. If you have seen the 2 photos that were dicscovered in his photo album I think it Is pretty clear that those photos are NOT of Elizabeth Short. the lady photgraphed with the flowers in her hair and the wooden horse behind her has come forward to confirm that the photo is of her and not Betty Short. Seems like this story is a big batch of family revenge, if you are reading this you should look into the theory of "Jack Anderson" he seems the most likely to have killed her.
when I opened this the lights flickerd. I'm scared
i have wanted them to revisit this case for the LONGEST TIME
"Also a murderer" omg i love shane!
why does this look like season one
The black Dahlia has always made my stomach turn, but its always so Exciting to hear about Evidence that's never seen the light of day. To think that the Answers are lost in grave with the beast will always keep me on my toes. Good episode 10/10
For the postmortem: Hey, I have a suspicion. Maybe Ricky’s grandfather Victor Goldsworth killed her.
For the postmortem: Did George have a wife?...Could photo have been of his wife?
Also you guys taught me today that ‘Baloney” is a word and not just a misspelled Bologna moment lol
Been waiting for the remake of the black dahlia episode!!! Thank you Ryan & Shane! Keep rockin'!
For #postmortem, I just wanna say I love Shane and Ryan.. But I'm kinda torn between hating and loving hot daga.. xD It's a bit obvious that George Hodel did the killing especially after he started acting like 'Yeah I did it, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to ask LAPD to catch me? HA!' I really liked it when Shane said, 'There's no justice, sleep tight everyone.' #BoogarabutIwishIwasaShaniachaha #ButRyanlookinglikeahotmessyhotdaddyforthisepisode
ah yeah saw a post on facebook someone's family who were doctor lived at that time and all so was hoping you'll go back to ti
I did some research on the murder in Manila in 1967 , he wasn't suspected at all
*I knew who it was all along. can't tell you his name but, I know.* this is making me mad. wtf
Hi shane and ryan! Im from Philippines! Im shocked that one.of the lead suspect went to Philippines!
I know you guys usually do cases within The States and nearby but it would be really great if you guys could make a video about MH370.
Move the dummy plz.. :'(
Do 7 bridges
At the time of the Black Dahlia, there were several other violent murders of women happening (some including dismemberment). What do you think about the idea that some of these could be linked?
can you please do an episode about the disappearance of Madeline McCann!!
I believe that George Hodel is the murderer. I live in the Philippines and in 1967, there were a lot of murders happening due to Martial Law but that case with the girl was a unique one.
Every time you guys are in that room I just think of the episode where the mannequin behind shane moved its head...
Alsoo dis week, we should band together to find de wae! De wae is perfect my bruddas! Let us find de wae!
The Real photos of the crime scene is truly awful ....... Lucila Lalu is the name of the girl, killed same way as elizabeth short, here in the Philippines.. Her case named "The Filipina Black Dahlia"
Not that it matters, but that's not the correct Biltmore Hotel footage. It's entrance is more grand.... pun intended (it's on Grand)
too bad they don't have the original letter from the killer. they might get dna from the stamp, and compare it to the Hodel's son
The case itself sounds more inconclusive than unsolved due to the convenient “lack of evidence” on hand from the LAPD
she kinda looks like jennifer connely
Stanley Meyer Theory on new invention of "Fuel Cell". He died under mysterious circumstances and his invention went missing in 1990. Including, this invention would give no pollution to the atmosphere.
I feel like Shane's catchphrase is "insufferable"
Finally up to date on true crime
i've wanted a revisit of this case for so long!!!!!
why weren’t Jeanne and Elizabeth’s murders connected? I know that the serial minimum is 3 bodies but if they connected the two they could’ve done other things to bring out the killer, using those methods would most likely end in someone else being killed but I have a feeling the police scared the killer away.
You ever thought about naming our favourite mannequin? He's become so icon chilling in the back there I think he should have a name. I'm going to say Thomas.....Thomas the mannequin.
Quick Q for the lads and the postmortem. Would you rather be friends with a zany ghost or a fun cryptid? Go skiing in the mountains with a yeti or go hang-gliding with the Mothman? #Shaniac #RyanIsStillValid #LoveYouGuys
"was he ever brought in for anything?" shane, his mugshot has been right behind you for like 5 seasons...
Mystery as creepy I think this case shouldn'tbe solved. someone knew everything but know one need to find out anything. This case never be solved
come thru budget!
the living descendants did Elizabeth Short have kids that survived???
For #postmortem: not related to the vid, but I recently discovered BUN, and i got obsessed and started watching from the very beginning, and i just need to point out HOW MUCH Ryan's editing skills has improved? like, the boy has talent! #alsoshaneyouregreatily #muchlovefromchile !
For postmortem: Manley and accidental fall? He doesn't seem guilty so why would he supposedly commit suicide? Perhaps a crazed fan or a family member always blamed him and took revenge?
Ya’ll should do Riverview Hospital in Canada!
Do the disappearance of Madeleine Mccan
I like ur haircut Ryan
I believe this is Shane post-bowl cut
My dad said if I get 2000 subs he won’t put my dog to sleep
i was drinking from a mug that has spongebob saying all cops are bastards on it while watching this :)
Sorry for pushing video games into this horrifying case, but this reminds me of Twin Peaks and Rachel Amber.
I really enjoyed this one
No doubt Hodel is the killer! :/
I think you guys should visit a haunted place in Alaska! There is this one place where I used to live in Whittier Alaska that is proclaimed haunted. It is called the Begich Towers. It is a supposedly haunted building and it is 14 stories high.
I never even noticed that they changed Shane and I've been watching it since the beginning
The guys talking are annoying
I always get paranoid whenever I watch these. So why do I watch these at night?
Are they running out of stuff too do??
Muhmuhmuhmuhmuhmuhmumuh *MAN RAY!!!!!!*
I'm watching this as there's a murderer running loose in my neighborhood
As a licensed Doctor, Hodel's fingerprints should be on file. I don't know if it's the same now as it was way back then but to become a CNA I had to have my fingerprints filed so you'd think he would be on file too.
Shane looks 1 million years younger again
me: *is eating a pie as they start the details* me: a bad idea
Steve Hodel is a fraud who is also trying to pin the Zodiac and at least 10 other serial murders onto his father. When you actually look into the evidence against George Hodel and even the’s an extremely weak case. Read the latest book on this case Black Dahlia Red Rose for a more factual timeline of this case and a far more probable murder suspects!! This video will just prolong justice for Miss Short
George Hodel is the dude. Why are we talking about this anymore
ahhh i'm a huge american horror story murder house fan!!!
Go to skinwalker ranch
"Black Dahlia" by Ainé Cahill is a really good song that I think everyone here would enjoy, you guys should listen to it sometime
Wow a 26mins video
For Postmortem : Okay so this is regarding Short getting into the car of a freakin stranger! I mean who does that? And oh, I don’t think that Manley approached her in a platonic way when she was at the bus station. So I doubt him when he says that they loved platonically!
I definitely believe that George Hodel was involved in her murder and was the murderer. There is a lot of evidence against him. It haf to be him since he was a doctor and had those medical skills.
it’s not a buzzfeed unsolved without em’ wheezing lol
Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej are soft for Chris Pine......bless
You guys should do the villisca axe murders in villisca Iowa!!!!
Yo! Medford, Ma with the shout out! Represent!
Y'all should revisit the JonBenet Ramsey case
Y'all also need to do a series where you just talk about Murder cases that are solved because I would love to see an episode on the Gainesville Ripper but they caught the guy
Cases like these make more buzz and possible money being unsolved rather than solved. Just my opinion. Who knows.
I think they should try to find the fingerprints, and see if they match. And the granddaughter's DNA should be checked because you can tell incest that way.
sicko mode or mo bamba?
watching this at 3 am like I’m not gonna be traumatizes pretending that I’m not gonna think every noise is a serial killer
Did you come upon anything about Hodel’s supposed secret room that his children weren’t allowed to go into? I watched a documentary with his son and they talked about a secret room the kids weren’t allowed into; could that be the room where he could dissect in peace?
J.B.Moore and the Villisca Murders
Lilly Lindeström and the Vampire Murder Case
The Grimes Sister Murders
The Lake Bodem Murders
hey guys I think this case is pretty much solved already. it's just they couldn't make it official because of other "things" that should not come to light with the conviction of Hodel. How about y'all start a new subseries that is already Solved? Pick the ones that took 20 30 years to get solved, with equally grizzly details. You may have not to come up with theories of suspect but you can talk about motives and things to learn from each cases.... that most people are psychopath.
Gotta stop watching these before bed
The Murder of Mary Jane Hanselman
Well, it’s been exactly 72 years since she was found. And there’s still nothing- poor woman
The supernatural seasons don’t give me the spooks. The true crime ones actually give me the heebie-jeebies though. Especially the little scenes edited in. Good ep boys.
still waiting for MH370 Episode
Hey guys could you make next epizode about murder of Barry Seal, the guy from American made?
I did it. Im sorry.
LOL, these 2 have been friends too long, they now look, dress & sound the same. Twinzees !
Okay this is probably disrespectful but if you google black dahlia, the picture they used in the video was her mugshot!!!!!! Omg
When a victim ends up having “clean” wounds we always jump at the idea that the killer must have had surgical skills. Why don’t we ever consider butchers and slaughterhouse workers?
I'm from the Philippines
Loving Ryan’s hair
Is this TNT show about Fauna Hodel finding out that her father/grandfather murdered The Black Dahlia?
Of course if the suspect fuan hodel is nowhere to be arrested the descendant need to pay for what their grandfather did....
Can someone fix this dudes hair
you guys should come here at the philippines for your Unsolved Supernaturals!
Isn't alcohol a truth serum?
I didn't know those cuts on her face were made while she was still alive. I always kind of hoped it happened after she died. That's just so cruel.
Pre bowl cut
Do Madeline McCann
nice hair cut ryan!
How often do you guys shoot videos? And how long does it take for them to get edited and posted after they are filmed?
How often do you guys shoot videos? And how long until have they are recorded do you post them? Thanks!
i feel like they should do the Lavender Town Syndrome (idk if that was ever solved and ended up being something else)
All police departments are corrupt, some just more than others.
Speak of the PHILIPPINES try Ninoy Aquino
Is nobody gonna talk about Ryan's hairstyle XD Lmao it kept gettin my attention throughout the video.
They should really do the Oklahoma Girl Scout murders. It’s a tough one but it has a lot of depth. I’d rather see that than the death of some mobster.
Elizabeth short looks a LOT like Cobie Smulders !?
Don't like the jokey double act crap.
Hey, Ryan, you should do an episode about Missing 411’s!
Poor woman. I wish this would be solved. It’s horrible that someone got away with this horrific murder.
"i met the most insufferable people... But they also met me :)" "And i wish that on no one" :')
Ryan why do you look as wet as a newborn?
Dr.Hodel is the killer
Do a video on the sports section about Ayrton Senna's death
Do a video on the sports section about
Ayrton Senna's death
Omg can we get an unsolved REVISITED season?!
yesssss i really want to see them do Dyatlov pass again!!!
Please do an episode about Marilyn Monroe's death pleaseeeee
The only way the murder can REALLY be solved is if we were able to time travel
Ryan that hair style suits you so well
“oh so you mean it was just you making your little powerpoints”
okay, so Hodel sounds like the most likely suspect even with there being some circumstantial evidence, but you guys did say that the LAPD had 21 other suspects, what criteria ruled them out? could one of them had a higher motive? and, side note, the recording of Hodel mentioned the death of his assistant, was that ever looked into further? was there a connection there to the assistant and the victim?
bad lower teeth... disrespec
unsolved is the only good thing abt buzzfeed
Ryan your hair looks so nice like that :)
You should do the unsolved murder of Bob Crane.
Ryan honey... that hair just aint it sis. Shane daddy, you shouldnt have let him step out like that
when is the next season of unsolved airing??
boiiis let’s bring back the **wheeze**
He BuzzFeed unsolved it's okay you can go figure out the death of xxxtentacion in Jamaica please
Let’s talk about that
"My was so white." What people say when they see me on the street
How come you guys have never done Marilyn Monroe?
this is so much more informative than anything i’ve seen or read so far, normally i don’t like movies like this but now i want to see it
And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is on our part.
Most cases that go ‘unsolved’ usually never want to *be* solved...especially by the people who pay for it to be covered up...
you probably won’t see this but here in australia, the chamberlain case was HUGE. a family was on holiday up the northern territory and night the mother claimed that a dingo took her baby and ate it. she was a suspect of murder and the way she was treated was horrible, despite the evidence against trail. it’s pretty interesting, and even though the case is closed, the result still troubles many people. i would really love it if you did this : ) love you guys
You now that I think about it... The phone you have in your pocket, If you knew the right people, and had the right power..that phone could alone destroy a lot of political, urban, worldly things...
TRUE CRIME, BABY I’ve missed these lmao
Yeah I still maintain that George Hodel is the one who murdered the Black Dahlia. But Steve Hodel also claims that his father was the Zodiac Killer, which I think is a total exaggeration.
One of my favorite cold cases, also the most chilling. Just the unsettling name she was given by the public shoots shivers down my spine. Anyways, Australia LOVES you guys! Your video is trending #19!!
It's 1am. I'm home alone. I shouldn't be watching this.
Just me but dr George looks like Shane
In 5 mins it will have been 72 years since the murder
It was the Cleveland Torso Murderer.
Literally Shane and Ryan did a hair style swap.
I love you guys but I was disappointed you didn't add anything from Piu Eatwell's book. I really like her theory of the crime.
Have u guys seen ghost adventures they investigated Gorge's old home where the murders was meant to taken place. Gorge's kids r in the episode along with his grandchild.
Hope season 5 comes back soon! Any ETA for that?
This is my favorite!!!
Question for the Postmortem (hope I’m not too late): I was thinking about you guys coming to Ireland. Dunno what unsolved mysteries are around here but there’s some spooky stuff going on. I was laughing to myself thinking of Ryan trying to pronounce Irish names and places, so here’s a few for you to pronounce: Names: Aoife, Oisín, Bláithín, Niambh, Sadhbh, Cliodhna, Saoirse, Domhnall, Siobhan, Máire, Tadhgh, Caoimhe Places: Portlaoise, Skeheenarinky, Tievebulliagh, Kilmacongue, Glendalough, Malahide, Dalkey, Boleynass, MacGillycuddy (mountain range) Anyways, love you both, hope you come to Ireland and keep up the good work! #boogara #loveyoutooshane #isaoibheannliommobhuachaillí
I love how they roast cops almost every episode honestly love these guys!
Oh my, a new upload, and I'm three days late! Can't wait to watch and listen when I get home. Love these guys!
Please do the good hart murders!!! I've been hearing about the case from my relatives who lived near the scene and I want to hear it unpacked!!
I call it BuFUN now
buzzfeed unsolved: who was the scranton strangler
George did it I mean COME ON it was very obviously him... and if he didn’t (not likely) he got inspired and killed the others
McCaffrey did it
i honestly think it was charles montgomery, because he was a dentist i believe, and had done horrible things to woman around this same time. idk, that's just my theory
When revisiting this evidence did you happen to see anything supporting that the press or police doctored the photos released to the public? I'm specifically referring to the shot of Elizabeth's body covered, with the exception to her face and feet. Elizabeth's head is leaning toward the left side with weight on her left cheek. The picture appears to be taken from the street view with the empty lot in the background. The most notable feature of this killers marking on Elizabeth Short is her ever present smile due to the facial lacerations. In many photos it appears this has been removed. I'm assuming this was done to make the photo less jarring in order to send out in a public document such as a newspaper but I can't find anything confirming this. The lips/mouth put on her face in the doctored photos is to calm to match the brutality of this crime. Just curious if you found confirmation that I couldn't. Love you guys!
C Dk they did paint over her face and they painted on the blanket in order to show the photo in papers. There’s also a painted-over version of a close up shot of her face that they sent out to papers before they were able to identify her, hoping someone might recognize her.
For post mortem ( if you do one) Hey Shane I sweat but dogs don't sweat #boogara
George Hodel died in 1999 not 1991.
You guys shouldn’t try and make jokes, that’s so disrespectful I stop watching after a minute about the texting part. Making a joke of something that’s not funny is wrong!
rewatched the original before this and it really highlights how much the show has grown, i'm proud of them (:
All these years and I still can't handle that goddamn mannequin in the corner
Y'all its George Hodel I'll throw hands to anyone who says differently
New mystery on twitter, if you like the content help support it, everything posted is real not fiction
I got really confused at 22:14
that show actually looks so lit
im honestly doubting that hodel did it, seeing as his son also said, and i quote, "I know now that my father was also responsible for a series of infamous murders in Chicago (where he was known as the Lipstick Killer), Manilla (where the local press dubbed him the Jigsaw Murderer), and the Bay Area of California (where he called himself Zodiac)." so likeeeeee claiming he was the zodiac killer and the lipstick murderer AND that he was the black dahlia killer? it seems like if you throw a bunch of stuff at the wall, something'll stick eventually
if you guys do any more of these please do the zodiac killer again. also I think you should do a solved series (even if it's just a couple episodes) where you talk about solved cases -such as John Wayne gacie- but show different motives (which would be like the suspects in the unsolved) love you guys xx
Please revisit the Somerton man!!!!
Do Burlington county prison
L.A. Noire
Were the pages that were missing from the address book ever been discussed? If only a few pages have been missing do you think it name George Hodel name on them? As most address books are in alphabetical order the pages that might have been missing could have pages “G” and “H”
it was me,i did it
Bring back ruining history
Go to Cannock chase here in England and check out the black eyed children werewolf and pig man stories there
Ryan, what is with your hair?
Should do a unsolved video in the Hodel home and use the voice box in the basement
He actually passed away on the 16 May 1999
Woah I didnt know George Hodel was connected to the Jigsaw Murders in the Philippines. I gotta read up on that again!
Go play la noire. The devs at rock star games already figured this out.
hey ryan looks thiccer
Hey Ryan and Shane! Love you guys and this show. Have you read any book about real life murder mysteries ??? Can you tell us one or two?
I believe a Temp bartender named Garrett Mason killed her and then killed several other ladies several months later. He was then shot inside the The Christ Crown of Thorns in LA by homicide detectives. The only reason why we never found this out was that Mason is the half brother of a high ranking political figure.
Got so excited this morning to have a coffee and to sit back and watch this vid! Another great one guys! Keep em comin!
Maybe it's his children framing him for the murders because of what he did to them as children
boyyyyyyy this is what i wanted from this channel
DISGUSTANG- George dude wtf
Sorry bu reviews are not so great. Really wish someone like David fincher would direct the story about black dahlia murder.
YAS ur back
Damn...this is recommended me on the same day when they found The Black Dahlia (January 15)
What a great birthday gift, a BUN special episode, love the ghoul boys, back in action
wtf happened to Ryan's hair
India is hot
If you want to know more about Hodel There’s literally a conspiracy show on Netflix called “Conspiracies” (lmao) and there’s and episode that goes into the Black Dahlia case and it’s all about George Hodel so yeah
Run a comb through your hair for Christ sakes
Man, I wish I didn't watch this after midnight
L.A Noir was such a good game a copy cat killer acted out the murder?! Wow, good job Rockstar.
PLEASE make a video about Benigno Aquino Jr., he was a senator of the Philippines back in the '60s and '70s and was like, the savior of the people because he talked back to the immoral president at the time of martial law. He was said to have beef and political fights with the president back then. He went to America to get surgery for his sickness, and came back (under a fake name for secrecy, not much people knew about his secret identity), BUT was shot (in the HEAD) while going down the stairs of the plane. In film evidences, there was a white van. The whole investigatory business of the Phils. got involved and almost every single politician was accused of conspiracy. No one's sure who actually killed him. But, he was a great symbol of nationalism and was the start of fighting for freedom. R.I.P. Senator Benigno"Ninoy" Aquino Jr .
Suspect moves to *another country* and another crime similar to the one *already being investigated* happens...but no one's arrested?
You guys need to do an unsolved of skinwalker ranch!
Ryan - Would you murder someone running at you with a FULL heroin needle? They could squirt it on you and get it in your EYE!!!?! Bam you're hooked.
Robert Manley died on the 16th of January 1986...
Oh look, the murder that happened on my birthday
Ryan did you skipped your resting schedule to solve this?!
Y’all should do the Steven Avery case.
Check out the picture of the woman's coat from Hodel's house and the coat on one of the police pictures of Elizabeth Short.
20:51 i literally shouted out _"NO"_
What’s really creepy to me is that season 6 of America’s next top model was filmed here and they had all the models LIVING IN GEOGRE HODELS HOUSE
Is it just me or does Ryan look juicy
buzzfeed lol
I love how I can watch this at night because ya know juuust when I'm about to be scared to death.... We shift to cocaine happy German Shepherds!
Wasn’t this in an episode on American Horror Story?
I felt weird watching this. I got chills and I felt as if someone was watching me behind my back. Guess I won't be sleeping tonight.
I got an ad of the show “The black dahlia” HM....
Major ice truck killer vibes
Work hard on the next season of unsolved !
I wonder if they've run the letter fingerprints with new tech.
cool you got a sponsor
I shall only refer to those I find attract as, “Smokey.”
Don't mind me but Ryan is looking like a S N A C C
This was on American horror story and it was sooo good and it was on murder house
6 minutes of content, 20 minutes of transcribed unfunny banter.
Can they do the Kendrick Johnson case I feel like we need more information on what happened to him R.I.P to him
*Accidentally watches this on the 72nd anniversary of the finding of the body* Happy 72nd Black Dahlia
When does the new season start?
get that coin, bitches
You guys are selling out hard
The slits by her mouth are giving me joker vibes
Seriously, these guys need to tackle the True Crime case of "The Monster with 21 Faces;" it is a terrorist organization that targeted Japanese food brands, swindled them out of millions, kidnapped executives, poisoned candies, taunted the detectives, and ultimately escaped, leaving just one last note for the police saying "It's fun to lead a bad man's life." I feel like Ryan and Shane would really dig this one.
Shane and Ryan!!! I hope you guys can go here in the Philippines. We have soooo many creepy places here like the haunted mansion in Baguio! And I really want to meet u guys *_* pretty please?
The only problem with Hodel, is that it's extremely unlikely that he ever would have stopped.
JonBenét revisited ASAP
I'd like it if you look into the murder of Betty shanks it's one of the oldest unsolved murder cases in Australia and the Tynong North and Frankston Murders (also another unsolved murder in Australia)
You should do the case of the murder of Mary Phagan
THEY still give the 'truth serum' to those the police question in some cases in modern day.
It’s also a band
Today is the anniversary of this case
I can just imagine the creepy doctor walking towards the crying tied-up woman, slowly drawing a knife across the corners of her mouth while saying:'You look so beautiful with this smile on your face. Don't worry flower, I'll make you very pretty.' Then continue to muffle her screams while creating his wicked definition of art.
Uh guys Julia Child was a spy before she was a celebrity chief so it's very possible she may have committed a murder (probably not but hey it was world war 2)
These make me paranoid as hell.
Yay! So excited for new content!! Thanks guys! I missed you! #Postmortem questions: Does it bother you guys when there are unsolved cases that don't have any justice to them like this one? How much research do you do that doesn't get put into the episode?Also, what happened to Ryan's hair? Boo, you look like you haven't seen daylight in 163 days. Love you guys!! #Boogara #LowkeyShaniac
Where's the bowl cut Shane? *Where. Is. The. Bowl. Cut?*
A TnT Sponsor??? whatttt???
Yay intitals BD
What’s with Ryan’s hair? You okay buddy?
Jesus christ, we do this vids keep popping up in my recommends. AND WHY DO I KEEP CLICKING ON THEM
Yo, Unimportant, I’m watching this on January 15
for real now okay “yeah! yeah BD! yeah! okay!”
last comment i really missed the (wheeze)
“yeah that guy’s a murderer.” PFFFFFTTTTT
Why has no one pointed out that Rayn didn't comb his hair?? Not even shane did??? I thought he'd poke a joke at rayn about it??
i always feel super spooked after watching unsolved
*watches on Jan. 15* *looks at date* OH MY GOD IM WATCHING IT ON THE DAY HAPPENED
“oh from disneyland!” yeah shane. mhm shane.
okay um hellur Ryan where did ur hair go to
pls do an episode on the lindbergh baby
Ryan, you good my guy??
“anyone could murder” yes anyone could shane. anyone shane.
Hey you guys should really do the Martin Luther king conspiracy plz I would love to watch it
so basically on this day many moons ago a poor women and her child had to see the body... yikes
dang the killer went sicko mode
Can you do the death Of XXXtentacion
Sounds like a duck... Walks like a duck... Definitely not him?!
Half of the comments are about Ryan’s hair and the other half is about the new season
Can u please pleaseeeeee cover Maura Murray's disappearance?? Pleaseeee I'd love to see it
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but will you please go to the Myrtles Plantation?
I always know I can find the best comment section here
Please do Madeline McCann
(Supernatural)We have a unsolve mystery here in the (Philippines siquijor cebu) that when its 12-3am two unidentified ships travel/Ghost ships. Some believed that the ship had a horrible accident, and ship its self is all the memories of the people that died.. If you search "kapuso mo Jessica Soho" (kMJS)(Ghost ship of siquijor) you can have more details about the Ship. Hope you can investigate the so called Ghost ship. #unsolved
For an unsolved mystery I suggest you investigate the French men who may have crossed the Atlantic before Charles LIndbergh did there are accounts of people hearing the crash in Maine etc. Just a thought
Why have a transcript of what you're saying show on screen? Just show the video of you two talking. Really don't see the point of the scrolling text.
Loved the new episode. Along with everyone else, I’m curious as to what’s coming up next. What have you got for us? Ruining history??
Hey guys! You should look into the disappearance of the Beaumont Children. Three children vanished from an Adelaide beach in 1966. Its probably the most famous missing persons case in Australian history.
Is there anyone else who believes Hodel was not the murderer?
what was the movie clips in the beginning?
Its Hodel. Case closed
26:08 excuse me but is Shane in fact 6’7???
You guys should play L.A. Noire and solve the Black Dahlia cases in homicide
If u pause at is in that picture on the right?!?! Looked like black face for a while, hmmm
Is anybody else really fascinated with this era of Hollywood? That was the golden era of cinema and on top of that the mobb was very powerful and they had a lot of influence becuz of the money they had to finance whatever in Hollywood. Just seemed like a crazy time to be alive
Gahd wth he lived in our country?? I dont think it was sensationalized in a sense here. I think he knows that he’ll surely get away wt murder since there are a lot of murderers and rapists here
Is it possible that if they go back to Hodels house would traces of his dna while living there still be there?? And maybe some of it is on Shorts body?
2:24 do u know how I got these scars??
I tried to watch the old episodes with Brent, but I just couldnt do it. The absence of Shane was too overwhelming
Am i the only who was surprised when (george hodel) flew to the philippines? Lmao haha, buzzfeed filipino fan here.
Shane is from Chicago!? makes so much sense as to why he reminds me of John Mulaney
George Hodel is guilty as hell
Polygraph tests are bs. Not sure why people bring them up as evidence if someone is guilty or not.
Ryan’s hair tho?
Do Ourang Medan or something cool
Ryan looking like a whole damn meal
Couldn’t they get a fingerprint from something in Gorges home to compare to the ones on the killers letter?
I'm not sure if this would be true crime or supernatural, but what about an episode on cattle mutilations? Not sure if there was any real explanation for that.
Why does Ryan look like he just came out of 5 days of jail?
Someone tell me why I’m watching this during the middle of a lightning storm as my power is out at 10 pm on a school night
Could you possibly say, she finally reached her dream of stardom? #postmortem
You guys should investigate the jersey devil!
Julia Child
For postmortem: coke or Pepsi?
You can see some pictures of the body of the Black Dahlia at the Death Museum in Hollywood. Disturbing, but interesting for those who have an interest in researching/learning about infamous killers.
Do and episode on HH Holmes
Me and Elizabeth short have the same birthday.
I 100% believe George Hodel is the killer.
What you guys should do is ... inject Shane with truth Serum the next time you guys do a series on demons and ghost. I for one want to see a role reversal if any in Shane. Give this a thumbs up if you think they should consider this!!
Black dahlia was on American horror story
I was going to give you guy's shyt, but realized it was re-visit.
What the fliif. I literally had chills when my country was shown oof.
You know I'd love if Shane and Ryan went to H.H Holmes's Murder Hotel. It'd be so cool.
when ryan and shane joked about putting 'murderer' on Geroge's tombstone my brain went 'under what? loving father?'
wait is that amys sister from the secret life OTAT?
Dear Buzzfeed, if you try to replace these two....I for one will not watch this channel, these two are the only reason why I subbed this channel.
Ryan looks fuckng good with those beard.. and hair
Anyone else remember this from LA Noire? Don't say I spoiled the game, since you've had like 6 years, but I hated how those cases ended. Phelps had real evidence against the murderer, and It went down the sink because he had to do with the government. On a side note, I didn't even know those murders were real.
aww Ryan still can't say "February"
Super excited the boys are back and for this show
I've been seeing commercials for this show and I always think of you guys LOL
Ryan said let's go digging and Shane said I'll bring my scuba tank like
can u do the Luloreie house plz?
One of the things I have read and heard about the Black Dahlia case is that the body was also drained of blood. Who has access to equipment that will drain someone of blood? A doctor. Another thing, it was the 1940's so him being a doctor, his handwriting had to have been on all sorts of prescriptions and reports. The letters sent to LAPD to have been cut outs of alphabet letters is pretty deceptive as someone could have figured out his penmanship to a handwritten letter. I think the case is pretty cut and dry but when a crooked PD is involved, everything remains UNSOLVED.
i still believe the father killed her, also wasn't the father a scienctologist?
6:20 the cutout letters suggests to me that it was someone who knew the Black Dahlia who did it.
George obvolisy did it
Do the Battle of Los Angelos (Aliens in World War II)
I've been rewatching all the unsolved series and I need you senpais to notice me. Please explain the mannequin in the Roanoke episode please please please. We all saw it move!
My country got added here as well XD
TNT needs to put these guys in the show at some point
If you played la noir you know who the murder is
2:27 it’s Jeff the killer!
Julia child knows how to use a knife though...
u know what another good unsolved case is???? THE GLICO MORNIGA CASE!!!!!!
for episode ten u guys should do the glico morinaga case!!!!! just a thought!!!
i never clicked on a video so fast
Is Ryan's hair hungover?
Hey guys why you don't investigate skinwalker ranch or stardust ranch.
You guys should talk about the Romanov's next
This scoundrel, Hodel knew how to play the law, and innocent people had to pay for his “innocence”. Wow...
Ryan really let himself go
The only thing buzzfeed is good at
Can you do a story on gypsy Blanchard
i always get suspicious of unsolved cases when evidence goes missing or never returns with nor clear explanation. lost media is a huge phenomenon that happens, but most often there's an explanation as to why its gone. so many videos, audio recordings, and pictures get locked away because of the sensitive content within and it's explained why the evidence won't be made public, so when authority figures go "oopsy doopsy the evidence is gone!" its really suspicious
it's the chesapeake ripper
This vid came out on my b-day I’m so happy :D !!! I love this series!
the lindbergh baby kidnapping should be covered next!
Couldn't watch. Stick to the story! All the mindless jokes and side comments really distract from the tragic story.
This whole story is scary
I’m scared
this is literally the worst episode to watch while eating
It's so wild to me that America's Next Top Model used the Hodel house to film one of their seasons.
*has evidence against hodel* *has same car as witnessed near crime scene* *was an abusive father* *is a doctor* *reoccurring murders in the same spots near him* *has audio of him basically saying that even if he did it no one could catch him* Detectives: hmmmmm nah it’s not him
Goddoggo That's why people think it was a cover-up.
Do a video on the death of marilyn monroe
George Hodel looks just like Shane
Y'all ever named after a flower and a murder. Also, side note: it's DAh Lia not DaHl ia
I guess those 70+ dudes that went on dates with her were turned off by her bad teeth. Hell, that's one of my dealbreakers, too! Bad teeth (which usually equates to bad breath), poor hygiene, and incompatible pheromones. :)
Omg that’s the girl from the secret life of the American teenager like the younger sister of Amy
Shane's face after Ryan says he thinks the LADP are crooked... I haven't laughed so hard in while, omg. I love these dorks.
Shane: We're not sickos *looks at Ryan* Ryan: Why are you looking at me with an accusatory glare?
I should’ve known not to watch this while eating lunch.
goddamnit why do y'all gotta include the philippines in this jshsgFTgsg
Is it just me that thought of American horror story?
Who else got an ad for a Black Dahlia movie
What if they did conspiracy theory videos
A brutal brutal case and one that may well never be solved. Always makes me think of LA Noire...
Scopalamine has the same effects as Sodium Pentothal and go read up on how that makes you an unwitting participant to suggestion.
stop talking in between it’s agitating
Do the Madeline McCann case for the UK viewers
Shane wasn't always part of this show?? Talk about the mandela effect...
Biggest UNSOLVED Mysteries In The World Read this Article:
you should do a unsolved on Aaron Hernandez because i truly feel like he did not commit suicide in the jail cell i think the guards did it
10:16 based off that I think Shane killed her
This case reminds me of American Horror Story season 1 Murder House when the woman was split in half and cuts in her mouth as her smile, she was also wanted to be in hollywood... Bishhhh this is basically like ASH season 1!
I thought that the body was art when they called it a white body with her blood drained in a specific pose
Damn I miss when I caught on late and had like 30 of these to watch, now all caught up, miss this show
Who else here will not watch the show on TNT?? who else does not watch anything on TNT unless it's a Christmas Story marathon in Christmas???
Omg George fled to my country the Philippines??? WTF TAKOT NA AKO
Do a revisit to the Sally house plss
do the historic mounds theatre in saint paul minnesota
Please do a True Crime episode on the death of Kurt Cobain. There is so much more involved in the case than just the alleged suicide. It would be very interesting and neat to see an episode on it.
Man Ray.. *from spongebob* duhn duhn duhnnn
George Hodel's wiki page says he was born 1907 and died 1999. I think you guys said born 1900 and died 1991. Either way, it doesn't help the case and this guy is a sick bastard lol
Alright, In the true crime seasons- Take a shot every time they say “rub your nose in it”
U can remake all the episode before shane and still hit millions views, ez money ez life ryan, no need to make research again
SKSKSKS I’m so glad y’all are back!!
Am I the only one that got the Black Dahlia/I am the Night ad during this?
Hodel looks like Shane in a stache
Saw this at AHS
Hey random person scrolling down the comments.. Have a wonderful day
Please shutdown BuzzFeed India .. it's bringing shame to the name of BuzzFeed
Of all countries why philippines?
wait wait wait wait wait......... in 1967 in the Philippines there is one murdered lady that became an instant hit in the news, she was named the CHOP CHOP LADY her real name was Lucila Lalu, there were 5 suspects at that time which all of then don''t have concrete evidence that they killed Lucila Lalu... up until now its still a mystery and unsolved... could it be?
I have literally just finished making notes in my sketch book about Man Ray that is due in in 6 hours only to discover he is a pedo and possible murderer. Lovely.
It’s George 100 per cent. Also his association with Man Ray.
You guys should do the Susan Powell case.
Did anyone else get a add for I am the night
I love you guys
“George had had sex with his daughter” no Ryan. He raped her. Come on you can say it.
Y’all should totally do a cross over with ghost adventures
Wait, how did the FBI have her fingerprints in 1947?
why am i watching this at NIGHT
What evidence is in the Philippines from the woman killed there? If he set a pattern, seems to me that should be examined.
If I found out today that Shane had killed someone I’d just be disappointed, he should know by now how to cover everything up
And my name is Dahlia
This murder looks oddly similar to the kills of Brian Moser (Ice Truck Killer) From Dexter. No blood? Odd position? Suspicious
Can you guys please revisit the Elisa Lam case. Since the originally idea was so short and there were tons of more evidence that weren't used.
LA Noire?
I was so shook my maiden name is Mefford and he said Medford and it struck too close to home of the mispronunciation train
It would be awesome seeing Ryan and Shane go to the Warrens Occult Museum and interact with Annabelle.
i’m gonna be honest.. i think it’s kind of fucked up using someone’s murder to create a fabricated tv show .
me and my brother own a butcher shop and i 1000% believe i can cut a person very neatly with "surgical skills"
10:17 am I the only person who felt that seemed.... off. almost.. fake? dam I'm getting to into these shows
Looks like Ryan forgot how to use a comb in the episode.
Robert manley seems susppious to me way wold he jump
i love the narrative, but the whole typed out chat between ryan and shane took away from it.
George totally did it wtf
wheres the post mortem?
I got a Black Dhalia add on this
PLatonic??my buns, in AHS she came to the Doc for an abortion, if that happened 6 days later, then that wasn't platonic smh
is it weird that just before i watched this video,the black dahila trailer ad just came up.....
Do an unsolved to Daisy Márquez she is a make up YouTuber . She has been experiencing paranormal activity in her apartment.
Hears Anaheim and is Shookith
#postmortem i don't know if this will be seen but if it is, it doesnt need to go into the video, just at very least have some kind of acknowledgment. would it be possible to put a disclaimer for pedophilia? i understand its a murder show but ya know thats a different kind of just gross. this video was,, great and I loved the editing and little effects/visuals!
Someone should get those fingerprints checked
Is there a Q + A video for this episode yet?
I’m pretty sure it was a man and woman team that did it. Or a single male. Either way you don’t have to be a surgeon to do what was done to that poor girl.
THIS WEEK On another episode of buzzfeed unsolved . . . That was a long week
Why does this guy have the foot lettuce voice I can't
please do the disappearance of Madeline McCann
Pls let shane do that liedetector test
Would be funny if these guys reacted to Ghostbusters 3 teaser trailer 2020. XD
Who else got an add for the “I am the night”
Anyone remember in AHS murder house Elizabeth Short was one of the ghosts?
Yo they should do a documentary on the assassination of Gianny Versace.
why are you trying to be funny? you're evidently *not* funny, and the small cuts where you add unnecessary commentary ruins the whole flow of the story.
I just got a ad involving black dahlia murder, crazy, right?
super robotic this time
Black dahlia commercial during the video wtf
I got an ad of I Am The Night midway though this video, talking about the same subject Coincidence?
Got a I am the night ad for this
16:17 wtf, Hodel was friends with Man Ray?!
I guess the bowlcut was fake
No surprise tht khedd is from medfuud (it’s a Boston thing)
Haha I actually had an ad for I Am the Night before this video
Can you do a video on Thomas Brown? His body was found after two years and I know they don't know a lot since his body was found a few days ago
You guys should do a episode on Malaysia flight 370.
You guys should talk about Boston,Ohio aka Helltown
omg i got an ad for i am the night before this!
another theory, maybe Dr George did it because he wanted to spend more time with his son. So he planned a murder that he knew would make his son interested in, and then leave clues that would lead to him. Then his son would *have* to spend more time with him. It's pretty messed up, but ppl are like that. Plus the relationship between father and son was not good so he might have wanted to fix it. but who knows
You gotta revisit the JonBenet case!!!!
Can we get more True Crime episodes !
Can you guys please look into the Brittany Murphy case
On anyone being capable of murder; anyone is capable of murder in self defense. And that's not technically murder. That's survival.
Brent Or Shayne Who's better? I think Shayne
I wish you also featured the jigsaw murders in the Philippines during the time that George Hodel was also in the country. Did you think he went there to hide? The dying declaration letter was another one worth mentioning. #PostMortem
They should cover whitey bulger like even though he’s not and unsolved it’s just an interesting topic
...this is season 4?
I love how if they actually solved this murder, people will forever know that two guys in front of a camera making a show solved the case
just realized im watching this while wearing my hey ghouls shirt.
Can you do the real story behind valentines day ? Its a dark story .
bwiset na hodel yan dinamay pa pilipinas
Silly emo soy bois joking about a historic event in LA crime- Red Manley was ruled out as a suspect and the last detective on the original case had a VIP in LA and of an existing power family today- that's why he couldnt say( and senility)- Hodel actually knew the crenshaw district, especially leimert park where Shorts body was found as well as people he knew within a few blocks of the body dump site. If more of the evidence actually existed today, shorts murder would have been solved
Never knew a suspect of the case black dahlia had been here in the Philippines and possibly did a murder too
my heart stops every time he said philippines good lord
What's up with Ryan's hair?
i'm so happy this video doesn't show the picture of her face all slashed up. i just can't handle that picture at all
*watches this at two am*
freaky, I live in san diego and hang out at PB a lot D:>
No new vid. Cool too much money. Go back to entertainment not budget...
Buzzfeed Unsolved is now being dictated in direction by advertisers? They're redoing one they already did and has been done to death by other channels JUST TO CONSTANTLY PUSH THAT TV SHOW How cringey it was to watch them completely shill out for a tv show that's probably paying them oodles for a show they're doing again to appease them There's SOOOO many other cases they can do and they pick this - theyre not even subtle how they quite literally have sold out in every way
The video isn't monetized and this show obviously has a budget, so if they want to make a living on youtube, aside from merch, paid sponsorships are pretty much the only way. Plus the previous Black Dahlia video was made before they'd established a proper formula for the show so this episode is a lot better in comparison.
Does anyone else think theyre selling out for doing this show for an advertiser? And its not like theyre pushing these out every day
Can you make an episode for Jean Spangler? (please make this known too)
This is pretty distrubing
Huh, I always thought Man-Ray was more child friendly...should we sue Nickelodeon?
it was charles Montgomery hehe
its an ahs reference btw
When is the q and a coming out for this one or are they even
Would like to see the Malaysia Airlines flight 370 on the new season #GoFindItBoys
"Anyone can murder." Yeah, but historically and statistically if someone is gonna brutalize and sexually pose a woman's body, it's a man. C'mon.
you guys should maybe look into the murder of jenny lin. it's not very interesting but its still unsolved
Is there going to be a Q and A follow up show for this episode? ( the newest black Dahlia episode? ) Thanks!
Body drained from high levels of DMT flesh eaten in sacrificial ceremony. Body placed in shape of a star. Not that hard to figure put that it was the cult of pedophiles and perverts in Hellywood
I got an ad for the show lol
New video?
WHY DID HE GO TO THE PHILIPPINES Of all places naman hay nako HAHAHAH
nah she was killed in murder house and dr. montgomery helped drain her blood...smh
The only justice in the world is the one we take for ourselves.
if it was the doctor, maybe it was some sort of brutal, psychotic coverup of a botched abortion.
george is SCUM
lol y are those people running from shits come here in the Philippines? speaks a lot HA HA
So this is where Hollywood undead gets this song?
When is unsolved back for the next season?
2:30 I was eating and I regret eating and watching this
it happened in philippines?! in manila?!
I missed vids like this. Keep up the good work! :))
George Hodel killed short, the case is solved. His soul is rotting in hell right now
20:01 I have a human remains search and rescue dog, haha. She loves her job, I promise
the professor snape reference made me so proud
Me: *Pays for Youtube Premium* Youtube Show: *Let's sponsors put ads in the middle of the show*
No new episode?
Hey, at least she got the stardom she wanted.
The sign that says dahlia’s belonging thing looks like the thank u, next sign....
My moms side of the family is surname Manley
The boys are back
The way Elizabeth Short was murder I think it was more like a warning from the killer telling anyone involved in this case to keep quiet or else suffer the same fate as her.
Ryan’s hair tho lol
Yo I got an add about a show that is about the black Dahlia
Hey, where's the new episode? It's already friday
BickXep ikr
many actress where a waitress i might have a chance in hollywood
BuzzFeed unsolved: Who was the hash slinging slasher
I want to see one on Grigori Rasputin
+Rudy Lynn Thank you! I'll check it out
Vic Mercer You should watch Ask a Mortician’s video on him
AHS murder house anyone??
Buzzfeed Unsolved: I think you guys should do the case over the Fire In the Sky movie!
*i like video*
That PowerPoint comment was ice cold, you would be nowhere without Ryan!
did anyone else have a black dahlia add?
Is that Noel Miller??
I didn’t realise I missed this so much until seeing this
Do one on the disappearance of Jim Sullivan! It’s really interesting and kinda gets into aliens a little bit
Omg I got an ad for the show before the video!! Lol
There was also a room in Hodel’s house that his kids weren’t allowed to go in.
Please cover the disappearance of Amy Lynn Bradley. If you haven’t heard of it, I highly recommend it. She went missing while she was on a Caribbean cruise with her family. I still find myself randomly thinking about what could’ve happened
You guys forgot the band :(
I had an AD about this video when I clicked
Where’s the new episode? Could you be more inconsistent
Yeah plus they haven’t posted anything about it being postponed
Kieth Livingston was wondering the same thing
Legit came to these comments looking for answer, like it's be so easy to be consistent and it'd be so appreciated, seems like a win-win move to me
What happened to your hair Ryan?
when i clicked on this vid an add for the movie came condused
Did they check the fingerprints again with the other suspects? Even the ones that weren’t suspected
Ok... Who got an I am the night commercial
Please check out the case of the Chiong Sisters
Wish you’d do an episode on Madeline McCann Like if you agree
you guys say george hodel died in 1991 butttt google says he died in 1999 sooo idk man
Ryan looks like he’s homeless
the ad was about the black dhalia too uhhhh hello lol ??
Who else got an advertisement on the black dahlia series
Nah Cole Phelps already solved this but couldn’t say.
american horror story???
I literally just got an ad for “I am the Night” right before the video
I got an add for that Black Dahlia thing before this video... hmm
Perfect play the ad
OHHHHH SHID I got an ad for the show without knowing it was sponsored and I got scared
I love you guys but you'll never have an authentic experience how you guys are set up. I suggest bringing an real medium. The best medium in my opinion is Terrie Huberman and shes worked with youtubers like Collen. I'm more excited to see shane and her get alone because she is hilarious.
When are you guys bringing Ruining History back?
still see your zodiac killer paper... have can you help me on that "pal"
The black dahlia murder used to be so good but their new stuff is lame
Pleaaaaaase do the west Memphis three case!!! It's so amazing!!! There's so many things you can look into, please ????
1:43 "my goodness.. it was so white." is literally how people describe me
Um George Hodel died May 16th of 1999 at the age of 92* you’re welcome.
If shane left i would leave life
TNT has been putting out great content lately
I literally saw an ad for TNT's 'I Am the Night' when I clicked on this video...
I would not only accuse my mother of murder but actually go as far as to commit the murder myself and frame her for it. Only if I didn't fear police so much. They make me so uncomfortable and I hate it
whew... white people issues
You guys should do the Girl Scout murders
Watch this while eating my mcnuggets
This is the only good buzzfeed series
This episode didn’t have the usual zing to me.. maybe cause the whole thing was essentially an advertisement? Maybe??
I like when the boys are more into what they’re talking about. This doesn’t feel that way to me :/
Cops corrupt in the 20's? Corrupt always haha
26:02 he really is
Please do the Chinese Black Dahlia case too! It's been unsolved for a whole twenty years! She was cut up to 2000 pieces (which the Chinese police put her body back together and released the picture online). Her body was partly cooked and dumped in various places. Her sister is still trying to fight justice and find her sister's killer.
Could you guys do an episode on the disappearance of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose? Please, I'd love that.
If I am correct Steve hodel had the pictures 'scientifically' analyzed on some sort of tv snow and it was likely not Elizabeth Smart nor were the two pictures the same girl as they all had different features like nose and ear shape
Ryan, you okay man? you need hug? I got you cus I need one too
sounds like jack the ripper to me
oi where's the new episode for this week
I'm eating while watching this
why do they say "have sex" when they're talking about a father raping his child...
Hey! My daughter's name is Fauna. The possible product of an incestuous relationship with a possible murderer is the only person i've heard of who shares the name.
“WAIT, NO!” -Shane
julia child went to smith college she could murder if she needed
Dr. Hodel is such a dirty man. I just hate the fact that he came to my country after doing his crimes. Call me out but I'm grateful that he died before I was born in 1992. I cringe every time Ryan says Philippines and Dr. Hodel.
i couldnt get past five minutes because they kept talking about themselves. this is boring.
bakit sa philippines pa HAHAHAHAHAH
Just recently discovered this Buzzfeed unsolved and boy I had been missing out ! Haha How often do you guys upload for true crimes series ? and is there any particular schedule ? Btw please do Do a Madeline Mccann ! Ps. Love you Shane and Ryan ❤️
the granddaughter of the Hodel Is probably the protagonist of the series you mentioned
I'm eating right now
shane: that guy is smoky ryan: he’s got nice eyes me: BWAHAHAHAHA
leche nung sinabi sa pinas lumipat napatayo ako kaagad tas naalala ko dati pa pala to
Why does he say janeary
Shane and Ryan look like they both just studied this case so fast like they had a test they forgot about
It was the ice truck killer
This is going to be fun. This episode then the zodiac killer episode. YAY!!
I got an I Am The Night ad before this...
Wait Why no new episode this week?
I didn't even a crime like that happened in the philippines
Buzzfeed unsolved: the smiley face killers of Pittsburgh :)
haha I got a black dahlia ad... yea one cares cool bye
How could the murderer not be George hodel. All the arrows point to him. It's almost as if he wanted to get caught.
It was aliens...
I just got the ad for I am the night before the video
You guys should check out the jig saw murder
And the similarities and gorge hodell was in the Philippines
I knew about LAPD 1940s corruption thanks to LA Noire
Where’s the postmortem or new episode
Like J Cole said everybody is a killer all you gotta do is push em to the limits
This is literally just LA Noir.............
Review the lake bodom murders
Have u done on William Tyrrell (born 26 June 2011) is an Australian boy who disappeared at the age of 3 from Kendall, New South Wales, on 12 September 2014. He had been playing at his foster grandmother's house with his sister, and was wearing a Spider-Man suit at the time of his disappearance. Tyrrell is believed to have been abducted (have a look on wiki (yes i know its nit reliable source) its actrully quite interesting
That moment when you get *I am the Night* ad.
The Joker's Wife
You guys solved this case! Maybe think about working as actual detectives in the future?
I got an "I am the night" ad at the start
Please do an episode on the Ericsson twins
Wtf so after I watched this video I clicked onto the 6 hour long season 2 marathon and got the Black Dahlia tv show ad randomly. I went back to this video to comment it because I thought it was weird, then I got it again on this one. My mind is blown
Okay but Buzzfeed Unsolved Skinwalker Ranch?
I also think maybe she was prego so gearge hodel removeed her uterus and the baby.
It's not unsolved because Cole Phelps solved it
Ok, has anyone ever thought that George hodel was promising plastic surgery then once he tied the woman down he killed them. Also the Julia childs comment made me laugh because she was a spy in world war 2 and could of easily killed someone then.
Please look in to the Oakland County Child Killer case!
It's Jack the Ripper for sure Edit:Jack the Ripper killed bout 5 woman if I remember correctly and they would say Jack the Ripper had surgical skills.
Is this really unsolved? Seems pretty probable that it was George.
they referenced this in AHS season 1
I got an ad for a black Dahlia movie right before this jeosndbdj
Dude, I got the black dahlia add and then I had the same add on my tv
Please look at the disappearance of Brian Shaffer. It's a very interesting case.
Does George Hodel kinda favor Shia Labeouf? Or is it just me
I wonder if they checked the next page of the notebook because you know when you write something the writing usually went thru the page on to the next page...but he probably knew and the police ,but it's something to think about
As much as this case was mentioned in LA Noire, it should have been a mission.
What if it was a women
I got a black dahlia ad
BD looks like a face
what happen Ryan's hair haha???
You should do an episode on Susan Powell. We know the murderer was her husband, but most details are unknown and no body has been found.
its ya boi
the assumption that the person had medical experience is misleading... it can easily be someone who never did anatomy but has actually done this before. They could have killed dozens in unremarkable ways just gearing up to this
I was thinking about your episode on this a few days ago and now this
love the haircut Ryan!!
I don’t know if you guys have the seen the meme made with Shane on it reading. “When you make that walk to the kitchen at 2 am for water” following with a picture of Shane saying “ hey demons, it’s me ya boy”
I could totally do with their inconsistent and meaningless chit chats
what if the killer was actually a female
Am I the only one who thought of Kuchisake Onna when they brought up her mouth being slit?
One of the most interesting things about this show is when they cut to just the blue and yellow text on screen when they are talking to each other. I don’t know why it’s so effective, but I love it. How is the most basic blank screen reading what they say satisfying. Very creative.
I liked it. But I kinda hate that they’re trying to be funny now and then. It’s disrespectful to the victim in my opinion. A murder is serious and shouldn’t be mixed with a bunch of comedy. But hey. That’s just my opinion
George Hodel was the killer obviously. It's just that there is no concrete evidence.
Inject Shane with truth serum and ask him if he’s a demon.
shane seems more subdued than usual. like buzzfeed shot him with a tranquilizer and dragged him here
if Tamar had a child in 1947, that child is probably alive today, why not have a DNA test? The DNA would show very close contribution from each parent - thus proving George was the father?
I've already left a comment about this, but honestly you guys should do an episode on the disappearance of blair adams! or if you're reading this is the comments, look it up :)
For the next True Crime would you Consumer investigating the Murder of Rebekah Gould from Arkansas???
I live in Medford mass
someone with some medical background
how are they so sure its a he ?
I got a ad for I am night right before watching
Does anyone know why they haven’t been uploading as much?
It's jack the ripper
There’s this Instagram influencer @daisymarquez_ that claims she’s been having paranormal activity in her apartment she said she found out someone committed suicide on the floor she’s living it would be cool if you guys checked it out , reach out to her!!
The murderer is probably *late* by now
2:25 it was the joker case closed
is this an inspiration to american horror stories murder house?
John Douglas........The valley of fear anyone??
Can you guys do Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe?
"There's no justice. Sleep tight everybody." Sums up Shane's attitude pretty well.
She voted for Obama oh yeah yeah
It's also a band?
Can you guys sell Unsolved merch? I think it would be a great idea for those that love this show.
Next Lets see the cover of the mystery murder case of The Royal Family of Nepal please
I am the knight
i still cant believe that buzzfeed made this show. theyre the people who think that manspreading is a legitimate problem and that we should be castrating men for doing it
I didn't thought that happened here at the Phillipines???!??!???!!!!!
Why did you let that nibba in our country? wtf yeah yeah
Pepsi Paloma of the Philippines. Please and thank you!!!
Are we gonna ignore the fact that one guys name is Man Ray?
There literally was an ad for this video that was about her. Like a TV show making of it..... danggggggggg
Id love to see more 'revisited' videos. This was really good!
(W H E E Z E)
I got an ad of the black dhalia
Its also a death metal band
I heard 'The Murder of Ryan's Hair' is going to be the next episode. I'm hyped
dudeeeeeee i got a black dahlia ad
Please do an episode about the missing MH370
this is juicy *(wheeze)*
Can you do one about h.h. Holmes
I keep seeing the trailer for the TNT Black Dahlia everywhere on You Tube.
Do an episode of Unsolved on Lerina Garcia
great episode! just wondering if you guys are coming out with buzzfeed unsolved: true crime sweaters in the new year?
What’s with Ryan’s hair
All buzzfeed channels are pure aids
DOES ANYBODY KNOW when the new episodes and season of Buzzfeed Unsolved will resume??? (THANKS!)
Anyone else got a Black Diaha ad
Dame story.. Is there nothing new to make??
Does anyone know why Elizabeth Short was buried in the bay area instead of in LA or where she was from?
buzzfeed unsolved: why am I so lonely
I love true crime!!!
is it not DAY-lia?
Igneous Rock nope
reminds me of jack the ripper w “murderer w surgical skills”
PLEASE do something for Villisca Axe Murder House. It could be a true crime or supernatural. Or BOTH!!!!!
A hand writing expert that went to med school?
“This is juicy” 11:54
i would KILL, to be fucked by both of them, please DM ME nathan____walters (4 underscores) please daddy shane and other aidan guy i cant remember cuz i’m drunk (ryan?)
Soooo i got an "I am the Night" ad on this video
Lol I thought of Paradise PD for sure when the dog sniffing coke was mentioned can’t be just me
Could you imagine Short dating Hodel for some time for the money and her wanting to leave him, leading to his rage to avenge with her death? Cuz I can for some reason lol
I got a trailer for the show as an ad before the video
Omg it was definitely George Hodel That’s a lot of evidence this case so creepy omg I’m getting no sleep tonight
#postmortem definitely George Hodel, all signs point to him and he seems like a sinister creature. And what a coincidence he “moved” to the Philippines and a similar murder was committed. Is this not significant to investigators? Is it not enough to have your own family go on record saying he did it?
Yesss I’m so glad they revisited this case!!
George Did it. Case Closed.
Wanna know how I got these scars?
Please do the Sam Shepard case!! I had to write a paper about my theory on it for my GSW class last year and I'd love to hear what you guys think about it!
Eh. Can you guys dive deep into the shafia family murder that happened in Kingston Ontario Canada
the white guy looks like steven gerrard
You guys should do a video on the disappearance of Yingying Zhang. She was a foreign exchange student and got stranded in the city trying to catch a bus, a man persuaded her to get into his car and she hasn't been seen since. When they further investigated they found that the man was on the dark web looking at torture methods and really crazy stuff. There are a lot of theories surrounding the whole thing considering it was a nationwide case, they just sent the man to prison recently if I remember correctly.
ARE THEY BACK? Is this new season of True Crime???? I need answers guys plsss
at the end of every episode you guys need to end by saying “and that’s the tea sis”
The Girl from the Philippines was Lucila Lalu. Different theories about making it unsolved.
Her life was really short lived
I don't like Ryan's hair
Ya it’s George , they should have caught on
70% of the comments - Oh yeah oh yeah 30% of the comments -Regular comments
It was George Hodel
You should do the grimes sisters.
You two make me laugh and i seriously shouldn’t be laughing
He killed her with his Manray ray!
Ryan’s hair though, He’s been staying up late again being paranoid.. then runs into the room like I got a story for this video!!
18:15 its Chinatown
Regarding Jeanne French.....the letters scrawled on her body were PD, not BD.
2:28 Jeff the Killer creepypasta
Y'all should go to the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO.
Wtf I got an ad for that show right before this
Can we talk about if George was killing people in his house with his children living there how did the kids not even notice! They said he dissected bet short in the bath tub. It's hard to miss your daddy cutting up a body in your bath tub.
Murder boys are back
Wasn’t this in American horror story Murder house?
Ryan's hair!! He looks so much better when it's done!!!!
I believe that someday someone's going to find a locked trunk or filebox in an attic or basement containing the missing evidence and tapes; when EVERYTHING goes missing like that, it's far more likely that someone, *one* someone, did a sweep and took as much as they could get their hands on. Why? Blackmail material, probably-- leverage. Why hasn't it been used? Probably because they died. So there it sits, waiting to be found. I doubt they destroyed it; if they went to that much trouble to get it, they'd probably keep it safe. Of course, this is just my little plot-line fantasy, and I like to write; it's just as likely that it went into the police station's furnace. But I still maintain that for so much crucial evidence to go missing, well... that's not something that happened due to accidental misfiling or stupidity. That was deliberate.
A crime to look in to: The Murder of Hazel Drew
I dont know if at the end, the height thing is exaggerated, but is Shane really 6' 6"?
The only buzzfeed show I can anything about
Oooh, the girl in the show sponsoring this is played by India Eisley, she's an amazing actress. I've seen her in some horror movies, she has one from last year called Look Away that's pretty wild. She's awesome!
When's the next season ?
Did anyone else get a “I Am the Night” ad before the video?
Can you make a video about the ROYAL MASSACRE OF NEPAL?
Anyone else got the tnt ad before the video
Lmao I thought of Spongebob when he said Man Ray
It was Ted Cruz’s father
Not the Philippines
this thing is so creepy +u have that music , i like this tho
Hello Ryan & Shane can you uncover the details in the assasination of Benigno Aquino, Jr. thankyou very much~
Kinda sucks not every video is clear and loud enough. Some vids I click on, I turn my volume up all the way up and it's still so quiet I can barely hear you guys talking normally. Some are really nice and loud and I don't need to have my volume up all the way. Not this one.
I'm patiently waiting for the next episode... :)
The boys are back in town !
So.....they made a same video wit same content for show promotion ? . i've waited alot for new video. m so disappointed.
0:00. Quote 26:24 End quote
Can you please do buzzfeed unsolved about amanda knox roommate who was murdered in italy.
im twenty minutes from where elizabeth short was from and its 3 am and now im gonna have to sleep with the lights on
When Shane mentioned the dogs that smell cocaine I laughed. Legit my thought.
Would love for them to do the Chiong Sisters case from the Philippines. Still unsolved and exposes the flawed system of the Philippine Justice system. Cheers! love ur show as a filipino
What’s on Ryan’s head?
What if the person who murdered her just had experience doesn't mean he has surgical skills maybe he just has experience (ya boy an experienced murderer.)
You should do one on hunua falls in nz.
Would like to see Assassination of Gianni Versace.
Shane really looks like a maniac right there 26:09
Come on it was George Hodel without a doubt
Unsolve is dying
Oh yeah yeah
I literally got a ad for the show that asked you to do this before the video started
can you guys do the Lynette Dawson case, It has been "solved" but a lot of mysterious stuff happens in that case.
Got an “I am the night” advertisement before the video
really in manila
yall remember that dance off dance moms about black dahlia
I believe that the killer was a women simply because of the fact that she wasn’t sexually assaulted this seems like a jealousy crime
I love this series so much!!!
The only questioned medical students, but what about coroners or vets. They would have surgical equipment capable of cutting a body in half.
If a time machine is ever invented, i would love to travel back in time to figure out how people disappeared or was murdered. Like the Bobby Dunbar case or the murder of Lizzie Bordens parent's
The ad came up soon as I heard I was like wow
Wait, did anyone else get an ad for I am the Night?
Now I know why the whole time I recently watched This I'm getting the "I Am The Night" ads lmao-
Solve why I don’t have a girlfriend
this new editing is awesome
So lets see,The witness's of the night said they saw a man in a trench coat right?So if his children had maybe kept his stuff they would of been able to accuse Dr.hodel.And if they look back of maybe hodel and his car, and looked backed saw his car in 1946 to after the car in 1947 they could find it was him.Btw it was probably him and he just paid the lapd to cover up evidence.
Well we all now it’s George
hodel so obviously did it holy crap
Any AHS fans here?
The Ad for that show literally came on before this video
The only mystery is them big ears
i completely forgot that shane used to not be on unsolved
TFW commercial before this was about Black Dalia
a vampire killed her
I got an ad for the show right before this.
I think the case is 'Solved' with the amount of evidence and extreme coincidences that happened nearby to where the Doctor lived in two countries. Its obvious.
LA Noire anyone ?
It was definitely that Hodel guy.
god i love these men be my dads pl
Open a dyubbk box in Shane’s house bet you won’t
I got an ad for "I Am The Night" before watching this video.
i didnt wanna outrightly say this but Ryan I think you need a nap...
You guys should do amber hagerman
When you get an ad for I am the night before the show starts
Hey Shane & Ryan can you guys do the 3 kings ritual or play the elevator game? I’d love to it see it
I really want to see a video where ryan and shane switch places with Steven limb and the other guy,so ryan and shane just eat while Steven gets scared
your hair, are you okay?
Just started the episode and I see that me and Shane have the exact same haircut sksjsjsjsjjs
What if George Hodel didn’t actually do it himself but hired someone else to kill short
"her father had had sex with her" you misspelled raped her
I missed this.
what if Ralph Asdel knew it was George Hodel and was threatened not to tell anyone.
I got an add for I am the night lol
Cole Phelps solved the case back in 1947
There’s something really disturbing about being called “very attractive” after being found gruesomely murdered...or is that just me?
hm. trying to eat while watching these true crime eps isn't the best idea.
When you share a last name with the victim
Hell nah that boi was a blood and said that’s on bd
i literally got an ad for the tv show you guys were talking about lmao
Next Unsolved episode: Shane
You should do an episode about Madeleine McCann
When you get an ad for 'I Am the Night' in the beginning of the video
Do the phantom killer
Shane & Ryan. You guys make these videos less scary. When you started talking about the dogs and sniffing things. I lost it
Literally got an ad for I am the night right before the actual vid
Brutally murder o god
ButtFeed is a sewer
they need to visit some solved cases
I got an ad for I am the night
I got an ad for the TV show before this, lmao
It’s also a band..
Pleasedo one on Princess Doe. I think it will be an interesting one. Thanks!
This is relly guersome I don't know if I should continue
TECHNICALLY, Lucila Lalu (Manila, Jigsaw Murder, 1967) was not posed. Parts of here were cleanly cut, YES. But body parts were found at least once a day for several days and quite near each other.
We’re not sickos
Hey, can have that library lamp? Y’know, that green one? I really really want it. Like set up a give away so i at least have a chance. Pls pls pls pls pls. :(
Unsolved? Lol... you’re kidding right?
It’s so weird because my name’s Dahlia so hearing it being said over and over again about a murder case makes me shiver lol
Remember when address books were a thing
Am I the only one who thinks that Shane looks like Steve from haunting of hill house?
Although Steve from haunting hill Looks like Pewdiepie too
Yeah now that you say that he does
Ryan be hitting them gyms
its soo much like the zodiac killer. even active on the same time
I got a black dahlia ad.
Now I’m gonna play LA Noire
If you’re going to give Shane sodium pentothal, just be aware that it was one of the main injections used for lethal injection executions.
George Hodel died in 1999 not 1991
Ok I need everyone to know there is shane/Ryan fanfics out there in the world
Nice cross promotion guys...
I wish they'd make a video about Hwaseong murder case. It's like one of the most mysterious case that I found.
they should also do one where they go into really interesting crimes that were eventually solved (just so i can have some satisfaction haha)
It wouldn’t be buzzfeed unsolved without Shane.
Why do I always watch these all alone so late at night
Can u do Brandon lee mystery unsolved
No doubt that George Hodel was a horrible person, but Steve Hodel's claims are harder to accept, since he has pretty much gone on to accuse his father of being guilty of just about every unsolved murder of the 20th century. He has accused his father of also being the Zodiac Killer, the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run, the Lipstick Killer, and I think, he also suggested his father might be EAR-ONS (Golden State Killer), but I'm not sure of this. Again, George Hodel was horrible, but Steve Hodel's claims have entered into the realm of the ludicrous.
Ever since I watched this case here, I became curious... good to know that Ryan dig deeper about this Edit: 18:53 Oh that must be the case of the chop chop lady. Can you do that case pls?
Shane is the black dahlia murderer
If Ted cruise is the zodiac killer shane is the black dahlia murderer
Some historians suggest the murderer of the black dahlia is linked to the Cleveland torso killings.
show is now only worth watching for shane!!
24:41 JacksFilms
the victim that had "bd" on her body was killed before the black dahlia and didnt the press create this name for the dahlia which i think heavily implies it means something else
An ad on the new show about the Black Dahlia for the YouTube vid on the Black Dahlia. Woahhhhhhh
I just got the add
9:10 spelt bologna wrong :))
does anyone know when is the exact date they will release the new season ???
I stan Shane
Can u do a video about who the Mona Lisa is?
You should look into the Casey Anthony case
Buzzfeed news Is fake news srsly if ure gonna pretend to do journalism at least check your facts before releasing "breaking" news. Now that idiot trump has no effective counter to his claims that journalism is fake news against him. Buzzfeed news is a disgrace to true journalism
You should do a Unsolved on Agitha Christie's disappearance and reappearance.
Shane is 100% Ben from parks and rec or is it just me?
*did anyone else get the i am the night trailer for the movie while watching this..?*
I hope I make it into the PM! Do you think that the killer would of known her acting career? Hence the cut smile? Just a thought!
Well looks I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight...
0:55 don't forget its also a band!!!
3 in. slits at side of mouth "wanna know how i got these scars?"
I had an add for a tv show about I am the night on this video.
Every time a victim has "clean wounds" everyone immediately says it has to be a surgeon or something... How hard is it to slice a body cleanly? (if anyone actually answers this, im calling the cops)
Anyone think this sounds a lot like American horror story
I actually went ghost hunting at the murder seen of the black Dahlia butt I had to ask the owner of the house bc the crime seen is now there front lawn so that was fun
Welp, it's obviously the dad
a i am the night ad played before this video
oh my god im from the philippines.
The lot where Elizabeth was found is now a home and it’s a very peaceful neighborhood
Not sickos, but what about SICKO MODE
Please go to the Comedy Club which was Ciro’s back in the 40’s. All the comedians who go there claim to see the ghost of “Gus” or something even creepier
1:40 the Supreme Court
You need to do the disappearance of Denis Martin from the Great Smoky Mountain Park.
She wanted to be big...
I wanna see you guys look into the murder of Stanley Meyer. He made a car that ran in water and it apparently disappeared when he died.
9:35 berty nine years
You had me at Chris Pine.
23:02 “pretty clear”
You should cover the death of Adolf Hitler, as there were many theories about his death and what has happened exactly.
Did ghost adventures do an episode on the black Dahlia
Can you pretty please revisit the JonBonet Ramsay case, i feel like you missed out a lot when it comes to who could have done it. There is a lot more to touch on in regards to Burke being the guilty individual.
1:58 *someone then screams out after the pause SICKO MODEEEEEEE*
Have you guys heard about the story of Selina Wadge and Bodmin jail? It's pretty creepy, especially when you visit the jail in person and the staff tell you that she wanders the halls and grabs children...
No reference to the band? Very Disappointed
I would love to watch shane write and narrate an episode
Biggest question I have composed whilst watching this: am I the only person that thinks George Hodel looks like the possible older version of Shane?????
My theory is that Hodel met Elizabeth at the hotel she had been dropped of at by her friend who was the other suspect. Then the two were seen together and he killed her after that.
Okay the cop that said that the tapes in hodels house made him innocent, definitely got paid
I got an ad about black dahlia on this video
yo this reminds me of american horror story season 1
Would love to see an episode on the Stanley Hotel in CO (inspiration for The Shining)!
Little known fact - The body was posed in a sexual manner ( legs spread open ) ( She was a hermaphrodite ) she was killed some where else drained of all blood & scrubbed meticulously ( hair shampooed ) ( genitalia was mutilated ) - She was an aspiring actress who often would date just for a meal,until she ran across the wrong doctor,that positioned her in that suggestive manner just a stones throw from the police station
hey would you do a EP on brad bishop
Ok my last name is short and the description of Elizabeth sounds exactly like me (except I have brown hair but hers was dyed anyway)... plus my middle name is Elizabeth, I’m a little creeped out
Uhhhh yeah so when I hear my country, the Philippines, is featured, I get happy. But when it got mentioned here bc Hodel has gone here????? Omg so there's a possibility one of my relatives interacted with him???????
so when are y’all gonna cover maura murray
Ryan’s hair isn’t good style your hair better man.
Case closed, the doctor did it
Love this
I would love to see you guys the Dennis Martin case. Woah that case is just odd. I don't know how to think about that case.
Pls do taxa chainsaw massacre real murders
+REXY 1993 oh
mynaneismason 12 it was solved
the story of the chop-chop lady is like,,,, a legendary case here in the philippines
Did they not check the fingerprints of the suspects after they found the fingerprint on the letter?
I think they should cover Meriwether Lewis’s death. (As in Lewis and Clark) It’s a mystery whether he killed himself, was murdered by bandits, or was the victim of an assassin
You should look into the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders in the 1970's
It has been proven that the lie detectors do not work, the inventor himself even said something along the lines of it “being the Frankenstein’s monster of silence”! Just watch Adam Ruin’s Everything, it explains this in much more detail. :) love your show!
PixelPikachu “STOP IT ITS A LIE ITS A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve hodel knows the truth
The 1967 murder in the philippines was called “The jigsaw murder” case. Lucila Lalu was the filipina who got murdered. I think it still is the lobgest running unsolved murder case here in the philippines? Idk. The killer chopped her body parts and threw them at different locations. From what i heard, they haven’t still seen the head of lucila. The police added that when they found the bodies, it seemed like they were stores in a freezer before they were thrown. Hence they concluded that the murderer was somewhat rich and intelligent to have done the murder so “professionally”. A dental student confessed to the crime but later retracted his confession and pleaded innocent.
When I clicked on this the add was black dalih show
I think this was in American Horror Story too
Do Chiong Sisters form the Philippines
I believe Steve Hodels story. It makes sense.
when did ryan get a 'punk' haircut, kinda rate ngl
"my goodness... it was so white." uhh WOW rude!
OMG The show was the preview
Can you make more true crime videos please!
The last place she was seen alive was the day I was born though the year is different the month and the day are the same, and maneley also died on my birthday .... (diffrent year)
Michael jackson!!
*when you relize that buzzfeed unsolved was made by buzzfeed* why can't they put this amount of quality into their other buzzfeed vids or channels
I literally got the commercial for I am The Night
What about Elizabeth Short’s family
You do this now! A month after I did a class presentation on this very case! I could have used all this extra information!
“You wanna know how I got these scars?”
Ya’ll should investigate the murder of Gianni Versace !
You guys should look into Ana Lídia's unsolved crime. It creeps out brazillian people til present day cause it envolves politicians and media cover up.
I actually got the preview for that show, lol.
do an episode on Elsie Paroubek!!
You should do an episode on the disappearance of Madelaine McCann. Parents were totally involved, negligent at the very least
Omg I got the black dalia commercial before this
do the disappearance of the footballer
This explains the ads
"I'M LAPD" -Carter in Rush Hour
I think Shane and I could be friends.
True Crimes > Supernatural 1,000%
fate led me to this video ive been scared of this for 3 years bruh im just hoping this video will somehow help with the fear
Why didn’t they check the address book to see if his name was in the alphabetical order of the page that was ripped out?
Did anybody else get the ad for the show before the video
Not to be weird but the victim is GORGEOUS!!!!
Do a video on El Chapo's escape from prison @BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
As I always say, just because you have a certain job it doesn't make you a good person.
I would love to see Shane on ghost adventures just to see if he would taunt the ghosts so that they can get more evidence of paranormal activity. Do y’all agree?
Kinda reminds me of the Jack The Ripper cases ..the murderer has medical knowledge,female victim ,brutal murder. Anyone else?
*This video has been taken down by the FBI*
Oh no oh no oh no
Can you guys do the unsolved murder of Bob Crane?
Love this series. I think an episode about Marilyn Monroe's death would be interesting.
they should make a video with shane dawson.
well she wanted fame and she got it.... careful what u wish for
Oh my God I can't look at Ryan's hair in the beginning
Do the murder of RFK
Next do an episode on the slash slinging strangler
I thought the Black Dahlia was upset to find herself pregnant and she discreetly went to the Doctor to “take care of it” she could continue her career...why is this not talked about in this video?
of course I get the I am the night ad before this
You should do Marylin Monroe
This reminds me of the homaside desk in la noir P.s I can't spel
I believe the killer/suspect of black Dahlia is a like psycho dentist or just a dentist who's a addict
Well he got away with it he died a free man
So George Hodel was in a Hollywood Pedophile cult. Surprise surprise. Not much has changed.
I like the topic hate the written transcript on the screen
It’s Hodel. Come on. It’s Hodel.
please could you do a video on the monte cristo in Australia, junee. it is said to be the most haunted house in Australia.
I think it's very clear who the murderer is here
For the next true crime season, please do an episode on the Monster of Florence!
*gets an ad about the show about this case* Me: *sharp gasp* what the flip.....
when is the next season???
For the next unsolved disappearance could you look into the case of William Tyrrell?
How much $$$$ did y’all make just for remaking the same episode you already did? Must feel good huh? Time to cash in on the fans? Jumping the shark guys.
Did she have family?
You guys should do "Septic Tank Sam"
While I’m eating tho
Finally you guys are back!!!
It’s the chilling hot daga mirder
Before this video I got a comercial about this
Hey Ryan.. 2019 hair... questionable. you do you.
Do the el dorado Jane doe case!
Buzzfeed dropping the ball. Hodel died in 1999 at the age of 91 And according to the Internet was indeed the father of Fauna Hodel by his eldest daughter Tamar.
Plot twist- the killer was Arthur Leigh Allen, assisted by DB Cooper...
Did anybody else get a black Dailia add?
They should do an episode on the disappearance of Madeline McCann like that would actually be so good tho
Had a couple of good “wheezes” watching this
Man ray? Like the guy from SpongeBob?
Can you do a true crime on madeline mcanne
I already knew it was Hodel for a long time and LAPD were just covering him up since he was a rich, powerful, wealthy influential man.
we need an investigation about bunny man e.e
Can someone get this to the top of the comments, apparently JonBenét Ramsay’s killer confesses two weeks ago and it was GARY OLIVA, he was the most obvious killer and it even talks about when he said “I hurt a little girl” it is talking about him confessing on the internet if u search about JonBenét!!!
What do they mean by "oddly posed"?
Rest In Peace Fauna Hodel :(
I noticed the number 9 come up a lot, weird.
When someone accuses you of murder you don’t say “well even if I did you can’t prove it”. Like what? Don’t give them a chance to say you even half confessed
Pray for Emiliano Sala
Who is up to form a hunting party and shoot George down?
What about a plastic surgeon?? I mean shes a young woman in show biz and the cuts on her were clean and her body was drained. So maybe she went to a doctor appointment and maybe he turned out to be a creep??
Since u mentioned philippines, and mad of the corruption of the police officers, you need to Paco’s story. Chong Sister Mystery.. You gotta hear how the Philippines covered this up lmaoooo Well if you’re allowed to do this kind of unsolved of the other country
Lol "very attractive" as a descrption for a body .... Humm
I keep thinking ‘Batman’ when I hear “I am the night”
“Black Dahlia? That case was ten lifetimes ago.”
How about our school in The philipines Study my school Its HUANTED
Omg Thank god im still alive Cause i live in The Philipines
I like the entertainment of this show lol love you guys but, the major things about this is what did George do to the other body ? Killers will always push farther, did he mutilate it farther? Initials? That’s just a copy cat at the point.
The girl who died is so freaking pretty tho!!
w h e e z e
does anyone know when the next season is coming out?
I shivered when I knew he was ONCE here at the Philippines.
Since you mentioned the Philippines in in the last part of the video, please do on the unsolved mysteries of the Philippines
I hope one of these mysteries get solved ugh
I just got the "I am the night" ad-
You might consider doing a show about Bob Lazar famous UFO whistle blower
Gets I am the night ad
Hodel "had sex" with his daughter? It sounds like he raped her. Let's call it what it is, please.
Sad that they cancelled the show
Also do an episode on the murder of mary phagan!!
You guys should do an episode on the disappearance of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt
What the hell? Why are there no new episodes?
If LAPD was corrupted since the 20s, is anyone surprised that OJ Simpson got acquitted? I'm surprised anyone got convicted in that city, for anything really. You could not base a case on corrupted offices' work.
Arthur Leigh Allen IS the Zodiac Killer
mah mah nmah mah mah mah, mah mah mah mah mah mah, MAN RAY!!!!
why are they taking so long to do a postmortem/new season!?!?!?!?!? anyone have an answer?
can you do a video on mh370
But this ain’t heavy metal
HEY GUYS! So can you guys do a video about H.H Holmes and his horrific hotel??? I know y’all can do a good job digging into the case, plus y’all are too funny!
it was definitely george
Some of these episodes fall more under "Buzzfeed Unpunished" than Buzzfeed Unsolved lmao
Are you guys ever scared that you'll say something about the wrong person/people and something "accidentally" happens to you?
I reckon you guys should look at the Madeline McCann disappearance, definitely think that would be a good one!
OOOOOOHHHhhHhhh my goodness! I clicked on the video and an ad for the movie black dahila( or how ever you spell her name) came up. I am shook
Heavens Gate please??
Do MH370
The tapes would've maybe been celluloid which rots and releases gas over time... that could also explain tapes being gone.
Plzzzz do black-eyed children next
You should inject Ryan with the truth serum to see if he still believes in ghosts after finding nothing for so many seasons.
“ *i did need some of the most Insufferable People..but they also meet me* “ -Shane Madej *best quote ever*
i don't think george hodel was the murderer of the crime in manila. lucila lalu's murderer has confessed, i read it from a news outlet here in the philippines
you guys should start a podcast !!!!!
I’d love to see an episode about Manson family!
Ryan forgot his brush this morning
Most compelling I think is when Hodel moved to the Philippines and a woman was killed in the same fashion as the black dahlia shortly after along with Hodel being pretty close to the kill site.
I'm from the Philippines and I've never known about that incident in 1967.
BTW not lying at all I have photo I can't attach them though
I just met Ryan at Sundance I gasped and covered my mouth. He looked at me and laughed, at least I got a photo I was very embarrassed
How come I havent seen you fellas upload vids in a while? I got my notes on. Get your acts together!!
Shane, Ryan, you guys make this channel much more interesting than it actually is and I’ve been on countless “buzzfeed unsolved” marathons and YouTube because of you guys and you made me watch videos that are 30 minutes long and I’ve never watch anything that long on YouTube!!!! Love you guys. I’m from Malaysia and there’s so much of unsolved murder mystery cases here. I hope you guys would investigate these cases too!
I had a ad about im the night XD
I actually got an ad for "I Am the Night" at the beginning of the video, wtf
Woooow did not expect for him to come here in the Philippines
I love these guys and this show.
Can we get the boys to do the Kyron Horman case?
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Ryan... oh Ryan, you really need to be fixing your hair before these videos
Ryan, Tamar didn't have sex with her dad, he raped her.
You guys should do an unsolved episode on Cédrika Provencher, the little girl from Québec, Canada!
Ok so this isn't about this ep but i noticed that in the ep where the ball rolled to your name, on the wall across from it, it said Rick. Maybe Timmy knows about Ricky Goldsworth...
It’s 1 am and I’m regretting watching this
That girl is cute af
Wasn’t this an episode of the show “DEXTER”???
You guys should make an episode about the 43 missing students.
I wonder if one day the could go and solve the missing legen of the "llorona"
Ummmmm America horror story: murder house
never EVER trust a doctor with high IQ
You should do your next mystery on the Malaysian Airlines flight 370.
Last video of Ryan and Shane on this channel (possiblely)
I literally saw the commercial for this before the video played XD
I want to be a cocaine sniffing dog now
Who else remembers that one time the mannequins head moved
Wwe owen heart death from fall
Do the wineville chicken coop murders
I just have to say how cool it is that these guys are open about their paid promotion.
I got a “I am the night” comercial before the video even started
You guys should do an episode of the murder of Carolyn Wasilewski!
And the cops are still corrupt
can you make one about emiliano sala going missing
You guys should take a look into the 300 million yen robbery in Japan: It's still unsolved to this day
Did y’all ever think about the butcher
The next one u guys should do is the West Memphis Three!
4:49 Jeff an EJ at it again
I literally just realized that la noire was inspired by these murders
OMG GUYS! What if Shane Dawson and Shane and Ryan made a collab
Wait am I the only one that noticed she has the same name as that girl that was kidnaped for like five years?
Please do Madeline Mcann
i love this cause
it was groge hodel and groge hodel took the tape i know beacuse my frather farther was a cousin freind
+Lars Vanta HAHAHAHAHAHA hello
Hi co-once
OMG hahaha I get it
I'd really be interested to see the boys go to skinwalker ranch
When is Ruining History coming back?
Every time I get the "I am the Night" add tho, I hate it so much! The guys who says, "10 lifetimes ago." Like dude, hyperbole much? Also "I am the Nigh," sound like something Batman would say, lol. Love my boy Chris Pine tho!
you guys should leave BuzzFeed make your own channel you will be more successful
ask Charlene about Micheal Dunnahe
Don’t wanna watch these videos as night...can’t wait until morning to watch #dilemma
Case closed, it’s Hodel.
Best duo to search for ghouls ever
Go deeper on Biggie & Tupac's cases please !
Nobody: Ryan: End quote
Hey, do any of you know if they’re taking questions for the post mortem still, or if they were ever? Because I think I have a good one if they are.
well it is obvious that George is the murderer
Please do an episode on The Death of Brian Jones from the Rolling Stones!!
I got a suggestion for this series. You can research the disappearance of Emiliano Sala. The disappearance happened just a week ago.
Oh ya ya ya
I think Hodel did it but didn't some suspect who was polygraphed later died in an "accidental" house fire after the police were still investigating him
Omg I got an add for I am the night!!!
“If it sound like a duck and walks like a duck it’s a murderer” - best quote of 2019
Dear Buzzfeed Unsolved, I found a case that I think you guys would really enjoy covering. It's Septic Tank Sam, and yes, it is unsolved. I won't give anymore information because that wouldn't be fun for fellow fans (plus I only read like two sentences of the case online :/). I really don't like being formal in a 'letter' so like...... PLEASE DO THIS CASE!!!!!!!!!!! Grace Beaudrie
i got an add for the show before this.
Julia child was actually a spy in the army... So... She probably could have killed
The next place you should go is the Stanley hotel in Denver Colorado
Who got a actual. " I am the night " movie ad before this video started and talked about the I am the night ad xD
American horror story season one explains it all
"Oh from Disneyland!" *cute smile* WE MUST WORSHIP THIS MANNN
Yeah, no. The doctor did it.
Hey guys, when you return to Supernatural stuff, could you check out Skinwalker Ranch and the Uinta Basin?
You should do an episode on the disappearance of Susan Powell, in Utah
This is solved its george hodel period.
Please investigate the Madeline McCann case
I watched this and then got and add about a movie coming up about the Black Dahlia...
Bring on Shane Dawson for an episode. It would be brilliant.
Was I the only one who saw an ad about the Black Dahlia right before this video.
For true crime, talk about Sister Cathy Cesnik. I know there is a Netflix series about it, but I think it would a good episode
Madelaine McCann... Her parents are so suspicious...
Do the case of Belle Gunness!!!!! One of the most brutal killers in the worlds history!
Ryan looks so hot here
there is an unsolved mystery I would like you to show the burani case or the 11 mass suicide case in New Delhi India and it happened very recently
So this guy was like the kingpin, ie Wilson Fisk huh
Shane and Ryan - you guys should review the Jerika Binks case! Jerika Binks is a Utah woman who went missing last year while she was on a run. There's no evidence on where she's at or what happened to her. She's been missing for over a year and the case remains unsolved.
Investigate the Madeline McCann disappearance please
Of course Hodel did it. solved
i got the ad for i am the night
|\ |\ ( - _ -) (>. )>☕
They need to do maddellins case
i got an add for the movie right before this tf
Dr.Hodel did it.
"Pretty clear."
Nah sorry Hodel definitely did it no question (and the other murders). Probably out of jealousy, rejection or just plain evil and entitlement.
“ *i did need some of the most Insufferable People..but they also met me* “ -Shane Madej *best quote ever*
Is it weird that I got an “I Am The Night” ad for this video?
Hey guys! New subscriber here from PH. Maybe you would like to check this out. It is a documentary from philippines, Thanks and I hope to watch more episodes!
More episodes pleaseeee!
Can you do a revisited jonbenet ramsey? I LOVE reading about that case
“I would not be going to get my shoes repaired after that” lmfao. My day would be completely over too if i came across something like that.
Is it just me or these two are so hot?
Revisiting is cool, I suppose, since there's a shortage of classic, high profile unsolved cases - especially since so many unsolved, puzzling cold cases are being solved by advances in forensic techniques (particularly DNA). It's a pity - there's been a glut of interesting solutions to old, fascinating mysteries, which seems to be cutting into the cases you could profile. If only there were some way to use those recently solved, many with very interesting, bizarre and unexpected solutions and conveniently listed in Reddit's r/crackedcoldcases sub, for video entertainment purposes. But I suppose you'd need some sort of science-savvy, overly intelligent person to team up with a strongly emotive, instinctive person to host something like that to really get the story told. And where would you find such a team?
Like if buzzfeed unsolved fell off
HEY can you do the Kurt Cobain conspiracy please!!
i want more of theseeeeeee
Who else got the add for the t.v show??
Everyone always assumes it was a man. And that's how the women get away with it.
They should do where in Mcfarland California kids got cancer and people could not figure out how they got cancer
I ! Am ! Scared !
No Post Mortem for this video?
wtf is he doing in the philippines?
*this is juicy*
Do Paris catacombs plzz
You should do a story on the “Tisulsky Princess”. It’s a mummy they found in Russia that apparently all the witnesses that dug up the body have been killed. They body looks ‘new’ but apparently it 800 million years old. It’s sitting in a weird liquid that is keeping it perfectly reserved. Interesting stuff!
I wonder if they ever thought to check if she actually chewed her nails or if it was the killer...
''sometimes i worry about ya'' cute cute cute people
Wowzingus! Wowzingleberry!
Anyone else remembering American horror story murder house... Nope just me
When is a new season of Buzzfeed unsolved going to start??? I’m dying for more!!!
FINALLY! I've been waiting for a True Crime episode for so long!
Idea for next episode: M A D E L A I N E M C C A N N . Her negligent parents are somehow involved in her death, and their behaviour bizarre on television interviews thereafter. The story makes 0 sense.
boooooo! go to Hollywood!
Why do y'all get the most nasal-y guy to read these?
You should do an episod on the junko furuta case ( might have spelled that wrong)
Watching this with my lovely poodle "Black Dahlia". She perks up everytime y'all say it. Named her such because I love dark things, but she is also beautiful, and the Black Dahlia has always been described as beautiful.
wow ryan just become like James A Janise from deadmeat
george hodel 100% did it
Reminds me of LA Noire
You guys are great. New subscriber!
Do the oak island mystery
Am I the only onw watching this at night lights off and staring at the closet and keeping their feet away from the edge
*insert trendy AF hairstyles* Tbh lookin great, y’all!
When you guys "ghost hunt" use the Ovilus 3. It's much better than the spirit box.
"man ray" yo where the dirty bubble @
Anaheim, ah, my current location. Right in front of Disneyland
I'm confused! When you google Fauna Hodel it straight up tells you that the grandfather is her father. Why did the I Am The Night people go through the trouble of making out her out to be of mixed-race?
Who else is waiting for a super natural video BTW: I just want to see Ryan afraid of staying alone in a room talking to himself. Like " Hello"
Villisca Axe Murders
I could listen to Ryan read the Chili's menu
I got a I am the night ad before this
Oh do hitler from nazi Germany
It’s kind of like Jack The Ripper
Am I the only person to notice the fact they spelled ‘Balogna’, ‘Balony’?
This is too sacred for the likes of buzzfeed
How about you idiots get on with the case rather than attempt to be 'funny' whilst discussing real people who have tragically lost their lives and have families who loved and miss them.
Google says he died 1999
Can you guys do a episode on camp hero
i really want to see an episode on the wendigo or skinwalker
R.I.P. B.U.N.
Can you make an unsolved about slender man!?
You guys need to solve the mystery of why I don’t get any likes
I need to stop watching these before I go to sleep
Wait isn’t this like the same from murder house
The I am the night (the black dahlia) ad played before this
I solved the case.. on LA Noire.
L.A Noire, anybody?
Wikipedia says he died 1999 at the age of 91
This is enough shane and ryan to me keep subcribed for another month and endure the short pointless videos you put out.
Madelaine McCann episode please
I got the freaking I Am The Night ad before this xD
Is this sh*t?
Is it weird that I got an “I Am The Night” ad for this video? Edit: after watching the video, I’ve determined that it’s not weird at all
When Ryan mentioned that he moved to the Philippines I choked
Im an avid fan of your unsolved mysterious crimes stories. Please feature the story of Asiong Salonga "Manila Kingpin" or Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino of the Philippines. Waiting for your reply.
I got a black Dahlia commercial before watching
Anybody watch the pilot for the show? I dig it. India Eisley is an absolute angel.
Please do a video on the Jonestown massacre!
I got an ad for the show before this
Do the $1,000,000,000 Bangladesh bank heist next
Ryan can you do a show on the disappearance of June Robles?
When I am the Night is the ad you watch on the next video...
I think this was the longest Shane was ever quiet for...
This Hodel fellow is just Howard Stark
George Hodel died in 1999, not 1991... I know because he died the day I was born lol, so this fact is off.
Stop with the text transitions
Do Clinton road N.J
ryan, what is up with your hair
can we get another episode plz
I just saw a vid of her and now something told me to watch buzzedfeed and now I’m scared...
I live in Texas (Houston to be exact) and I’m kinda creeped out about this thing called “ the mysterious lights of Marfa Texas” so can you pleaaaasseee make an episode on that ( so I can get creeped out even more)
Please go on GMM and investigate the set ghost!
I know this is a horrible crime, but their comment on the sniffer dogs and cocaine lol!
I’ve seen a lot of questions raised about the credibility of Steve Hodel’s claims re: his father. Apparently he’s also claimed that his father was the Zodiac killer, among other things. Then again, stopped clocks and all that.
Should do an episode on the villisca axe murder house
All I took away from this was Chris pine has nice eyes
Wow he went to Philippines huh. Need to watch more of this
Regarding Dr. Hodel, serial killers, psychopaths, and sociopaths all have below average I.Q.s. The entire idea of the super smart serial killer is a total myth. In short, if a person has a provably high I.Q. you can pretty much eliminate them as a suspect.
Do Cicada 3301.
I got an ad of I am the night of this video which is sponsored by it and is about the same case....just thought I would say that...what a coincidence
that bit of the music at 9:20 freaked me out a lil cuz i swear i e never heard that section before. its... unnerving
You guys are great. New subscriber! You need to do more of these!!! So many to cover. Please do the Dyaltov Pass!!
I am now scared to even leave my house.......
Do the disapearence of Peter Bergmann
And when the video started playing it was about the ad I saw
FYI Red Manly didn't live in Hollywood at all. He had travelled there for work. Anyone who is truly interested in this case should read the book entitled Severed. It's by far the best book ever written about this case.
Or Theory 4: ALIENS
Lol I hope that Shane and Ryan weren’t fired
Jan 31, 2018 an I'm still getting I am the Night Commercials. Sooo sick of it.
So, what happened to this channel? It has so much promise. You guys need to leave the sinking ship that us Buzzfeed.
They should do a DNA test on fauna.
"That's some professor snape-" Aaaaayyyye! Any harry potter fans!!
I got a "I am the night" commercial right before thus video
George hodel died in 1999 not 1991.
I hate it when someone is clearly the murderer but they can't prove it bc of one or more minor details or the person has some kind of power in higher places
I am do to believe that I am a distant relative of Elizabeth. My name is Bradley Short and this case hurts my heart and soul. It was always a story in my family that was passed down... I thank you for your input and I am a fan of your work.
She died so gruesomely, that's very sad. Rip Dahlia.
I got a I am the night ad yeet
This case made it to my country.! Philippines I just need to get that out
If there was a movie about this, Jeremy Strong should play George Hodel. They look just alike
You should go to Pocatello high school in Idaho
I have a request/suggestion for true crime and its the Laci and Scott Peterson case,i can see you guys investigating it better than I could but I want to explore that case,since thats something my mo,sistr,and I do,we look at old cses and try to figure out who did it,including the ramsey case and the oj simpson case.
Damn.. it was totally George Hodel. I feel bad for his granddaughter/daughter :(
Two Black Dahlia movie ads on this video
Yeaaaah I'm pretty convinced it's George......
Please please do katherine knight, it's so messed up
Shane should be on a episode of Ghost Adventures! Like if you argee!
So this isn’t unsolved It’s pretty clear who did it
I got a black dahlia tattoo kind of morbid that I got it thinking of this but I mean I swear I’m not a psycho
If Steve hodel was his son he could have tried to find some sort of fingerprints of his father and used the one found on the letters to see if it would be a match or not.
You guys should do a video on the Circleville Writer.
i literally got the ad for the movie right before wtf
do the Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination?
You guys should investigate Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham, Alabama!
ok can they please cover/go to the amityville horror house
Just to correct you guys George Hodel Died in 1999 not 91
I love this series. I'd really like to see your take on the mysterious death of Ludwig II of Bavaria in 1886. He was the king who built Neuschwanstein - the fairytale building that inspired Disney's Cinderella Castle - and was declared insane because of it. Today that insanity diagnosis is seen as a manipulation created by Ludwig's political enemies. Anyway, both king's and his psychiatrist's bodies were found in shallow water near his castle. The king's death was declared a suicide by drowning although no water was found in his lungs (and the psychiatrist's neck showed signs of strangulation). There were witnesses stating that they actually heard gunshots and at his deathbed the king's personal fisherman claimed that the king was actually preparing to flee the castle escaping his political enemies the very night but was assassinated when entering a boat. Afterwards the state threatened the fisherman and promised to finanacially take care of his family if he stays silent about the assassination. Many years later a duchess close to the king was showing a jacket belonging to the king to her friends and it had 2 bullet holes in its back. I'm sure you could dig up many more interesting details and there are various theories on what actually happened to the king that night. Because of the mix of fairytale associations, politics, the king's excentric behavior and murder this would be a perfect material for an episode.
Please make an unsolved case on Jamal Kashoggi, I really want to know what actually happened. Who else?
haha lol nice try
Everyone did nice job cole phelps
can you do an episode on András Pándy
do MH370
hello to my fellow filipinos who were watching this episode!
i hope they do a true crime episode on the Chiong Sisters murder case!!
Oh how I have missed the (wheeze)
these guys could make a hit show off of camping!
Howdy y’all not sure where to put this but I’m p sure theres something living in my house and its been terrorizing me for a while and idk what to do yeehaw
i just got a damn black dahlia commercial
Why are you looking at me with that accusatory glare shane
shhhh its ok ur safe in the comments
Gianni Versace Murder for next episode!
Where's the new content
The dude in the background also really freaks me out
Y'all I always get scared and hide in the comments I can't be the only one?!
Buzzfeed unsolved has really gone downhill. They literally redid an episode adding nothing to it for a sponsorship. Sell outs
Shane And Ryan make these videos the best
Y’all really really really really need to do a true crime ep about BTK.
Lol bro wyd *show more*
Who fell for it
You guys should talk about the missing Malaysia flight, I think a lot of people would like to hear that story
If you guys are looking for an interesting case, look into the Disappearance of Tammy Lynn Leppert. She was this actress in the 80's who vanished after shooting the movie Scarface with Al Pacino, and the circumstances are really freaky.
My favorite book
Same I was looking for Shane
When do new episodes come out?
What upsets me the most is that monsters like George Hodel don't have slow and painful deaths :(
Do the shooting of 50 Cent
this is one of the grossest murders ive ever heard of
Could you please do the Burari case where 11 members of the same family were found hanging in their home ?
Okay wait... I got creeped out when he mentioned Philippines
Can you visit Hill House? I’m pretty sure it’s haunted.
It was the Hash Slinging Slasher
Hell yeah Unsolved making that big commercial money. You go boys!
At 1:40 it sounds like she’s describing me.
Manila, Philippines omg
George is disgusting
Why the hell u bringing crimes in the *PHILIPPINES* !?!?
Hodel looks kinda like Hitler
“Only the victim know who killed them”
ummmm did anyone else get an ad about the Black Dahlia?
I got a ad on the new movie
ok wait what happened to Ryan’s hair
Challenge time ... Take a shot everytime Ryan wheeze
one big ad!!!
When the next season?
big boi coincidence
the conversations between the information that they are giving is annoying. Can they just explain the case and suspects instead of talking or putting their input in between information? the conversations are annoying between them two!!!!
You guys should discuss the Long Island Serial Killer.
Give shane sum of that truth syrum I want to see if he admits that ghosts are fake
Omg guys you guys should investigate John Titor
I Am The Night was the ad before this video...
Do any fan-edit makers notice that they use overlay transitions in these videos
Bruh can yall do the Texarkana moonlight murders
Revisit JonBenet!!! Especially with the news recently about Gary Olivia’s confession
There's also some circumstantial evidence linking Hodel to the Zodiac murders as well. The fact that this guy's name just keeps popping up, it seems likely he was involved in something crazy.
Shane: did any tell u Ryan: nooo Shane good Shane in his head: thank god he didn't find out
They should do an episode at the bakers in mineral wells Tx
........ man ray................ mermaid man and barnicle boy......
Where are the new unsolveds?
My reaction when the new seasons end and realizing no new episodes coming out soon 23:24
Are Ryan and Shane alright? They haven’t posted anything in 2 weeks. Is the season over? I hope they didn’t get fired like other Buzzfeed workers
bruh. The narration reminds me of the Burger king foot lettuce.
who didnt get an "I am the night" commercial?
I want hot daga back who else?
You should do leather face next
Please do the “West Memphis 3” case!!
When are we getting a new season?
you guys need to do gianni vercase
Can someone explain how her mouth was cut but in the picture of her body on the ground it just looks like normal size lips/mouth on her face?
I’ve been wondering this myself and I’ve asked 2 times already but nobody has answered me
Who else thought of America horror storie ???
Its George hodel
please do a supernatural video about the bunnyman bridge in va!!! it has haunted me since i was 10
Oh honey he’s more guilty then me eating a cupcake at 2 am when I have school at 7.
i totally forgot this series even existed, and it has made my sunday to rediscover it. why ryan gotta look like he just woke up from a one night stand tho, like boy u rough af
I got a black dalhia ad before this
Y’all should investigate Myrtles Plantation
Plz do an episode of the death of xxxtentacion since I don’t think it’s been solved
It had to be hodel the house looks like the all seeing eye where he had eyes wide shut type parties and short was likely tortured and her blood was drank and pieces of her eaten in an illuminati/pizzagate ritual sacrifice
Do the grim sleeper next!
You'd be surprised at the amount of genuinely *horrible* fathers
im here again bcz i see no new episode of my boiz
When are Ryan and Shane going to go to another haunted place and get scared??? I miss it, what happened to the Gool Brothers Hey Demons it’s ya boy
It’s gonna be a while! Next season is going to be true crime. You’ve gotta wait until after that.
I think you should do columbine high school shooting, I know it’s not unsolved but,, it’s the 20th anniversary so,,
spot is hot the whole point of buzzfeed that it’s unsolved. they aren’t going to do solved cases.
Have they ever done an episode on the "ghost" ship the Mary Celeste?
That Hodel guy .. Such a monster . Weird that you mention PH for a murder . hahaha :D But much love for BUN from Philippines ! #Shaniacs #andThatAsianGuy :)
Can you please do more unsolved because you guys used to do it every Friday and now you stopped
they do it every Friday for about two months, and then take a while break. that’s how seasons for shows like this work, dude.
“Julia Child, do you think she could murder?” I mean she was a CIA agent for a while there.
I’d absolutely love to meet Shane and Ryan. Mostly Shane, but Ryan can come if he wants ;)
Shane,ryan where did u go in the next few episodes??????
I’d love to see an episode on the Oakland county child killer or the Girl Scout murders
When's the next episode coming? :
This isn't the band i was looking for
Ryan's reading voice
Dallas M That’s part of the goddamn show my dude. Literally do not watch if you can’t handle one of the main parts of it.
but that’s a solved case
Teagen sorry that people need to eat I guess.
I just realized Ryan has Ed Gein's haircut in this video.
19:12 Heeeey, isn't that the Ghost Adventures crew?
When does the next episode come out?
Has there ever been a case on this show that has been solved.
Have you guys done the Texas phantom killer
For the postmortem: As you said it is odd how Betty continued with her errands it would be less odd if she didn't have her CHILD with her #Shaniac
This case is so similar to a scene in AHS
Is the ghoul bois run over? I’m getting worried they haven’t done an episode for three weeks
The Doctor was an alleged abortionist --those bodies had to be buried somewhere...
Shane's sooooo cute
Should of got Cole Phelps on that case
this makes me mad it was unsolved
they should do a video on the death of Aaliyah
MADELEINE MCCANN please do thissssss
Chris Benoit Double Homicide case
When does the show come back for the true crime season?
Jedibantersocks literarily all the people involved were arrested what u mean unsolved ?
you should cover the babes in the wood murders (bristol, uk) and also perhaps a madeleine mccann episode too
Please solve the mysterious death of Former Indian PM Lal Bahadur Shastri
How is this case not closed with all this.
You should investigate Dozier School for Boys, idk if the state is done investigating but that place is haunted for sure.
y'all should do the Moonlight Murders they're really interesting
You should look for the bell witch
When did Ryan get new hair ?
I know this has nothing to do with Buzzfeed Unsolved or anything, but, I saw the new Spiderman movie a couple weeks ago, and seeing the fanart of Spiderman Noir really reminds me of Shane for some reason
definitely george hodel
please try to solve the Benigno Aquino assassination I want to know the real stort about this case.
Make a video on The Dyatlov pass incident (1959)
One interesting tidbit left out, that is kind of recent, was a letter written by LAPD informant that was intended to be published if either of his were killed. It indicates a man by the Name of GH as the killer, who happened to be an acquaintance of the Chief of the LAPD.
Where have you guys been? It’s been almost a month since this video. Please be alright.
Please cover the Dian Fossey case!! The gorillas in the mist woman
Oh Philippines?
You guys should look at the Amber Hagerman case;)
They need to do the Girl Scout murders here in Oklahoma.
Why are they going back over old cases? When does the real season start back up?
What year was Short born
Are they gonna do more true crime this season?
Shane looks like George hodel
LA Noire
Do an episode on the phantom murders
Can you do the giani Versace assination sorry I don’t know how to spell
Unsolved mystery of Hilter weather he survived WWII
This show reminds me of Good Mythical Morning... Rhett and Link
Remember when Ryan solved that one case?
You should do the Chris Benoit case changed sports forever on how they deal with concussions and CTE so many different theories on what actually happened to him and the family
You guys HAVE TO DO the Susan Powell case! There's a podcast that is talking about it (it's called Cold and is AMAZING) but I would love to see what you guys have to say about it!!
Actually according to the 2003 book I got from the library this case is actually SOLVED
LA Noire anyone?
Just started to replay it
That what I was thinking
They should do an episode on the disappearance of big band leader Glenn Miller. I’m not so sure if it’s as interesting as a murder case but it revolves around a plane mysterious disappearing during ww2, kinda like Amelia airheart.
#BuzzFeedMultiplayer Can you do one on natalee holloway?
Do the dancing pleage of 1518
That's how mafia works in Hollywood
That scene is literally about Elizabeth Short lol. Part of the description of that episode is "one of history's famous murder victims visits the house".
ratatouille: anyone can cook unsolved: anyone can murder
i guess george hodel
If you haven’t (Pretty sure you haven’t) could you investigate the Caylee Anthony case?
When is the next episode coming out? :oo
Investigate the disappearance of Anthony Fox, I’ve been reading Last Night at the Viper Room and it seems like his disappearance has been overlooked for many years and no one knows what happened
Do an episode about the lynching of Josepha Segovia
can u guys please look into flight MH370 that not so long ago just dissapeared...
Whens the next series of unsolved happening?
yall don't find it weird the info poster listed short as "very attractive"?? we're gonna let that one slide???
You guys ever want to head back to WV you can always investigate Transalleghany Lunatic asylum, Moundsville State Prison, Flinderation Tunnel and The Flatwoods Green Monster.
American horror story had a murder in murder house inspired by this.
Do Piont PLESANT!!!!!!! it's Shanes bridge now.
I shouldn't be watching this at night
This is very interesting
The USs Hornet is supposedly haunted
Please do a video about the nine Siberian hikers who died in mysterious circumstances
When I heard Philippines I’m like
This was obviously Hodel. Case closed.
I'm still waiting for the Buzzfeed Unsolved: the people in France that danced until they died.
I wonder if they should run that fingerprint on the envelope again. Possibly the perp’ fingerprints might have been added to the FBI’s database some time after the initial seRch.
Hey guys! You should do an episode looking into the murder of Sam Cooke!
So when are we gonna get another episode...?
Can u do the Okland county child killer please
BD... Anybody reminded of Stephen King
I know this happened years ago, many before I was even born, but when Ryan said that George had moved to the Philippines and someone was murdered in Manila, I had CHILLS running down my spine and my jaw fell slack. I live in Manila and I have never heard of any infamous story about someone being murdered so it shocked me. To think that possibly my grandparents had lived in a time where the possible murderer of the Black Dahlia lived among them scared me. Crazy.
truly living for the fact that shane called chris pine “smoky”
Can you please do the disappearance of flight MH370?!?! I think that would be a good video.
I just finished the Sam Cooke documentary on Netflix. Please do the murder of Sam Cooke. It's such an interesting/suspicious/bizarre story. There are so many theories.
Do Juan corona Yuba sutter area
Do Juan corona Yuba sutter county
shane is one close minded person.....
its funny big oof
You get the reward for longest discription
I am the night sounds like a phrase from the dark knight rises
Tbh how do these guys not get nightmares!!
Video ideas for True Crime/Supernatural -The Murder of Bugsy Siegel -The Deaths of Lissane Froon and Kris Kremers -Laularie Mansion -The Dancing Plague of 1518 -The Murder of Thelma Todd -The Disappearance Of Joseph Force Crater -The Disappearance of Ben Needham -The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann -The Mystery of the Disembodied Feet -The Max Headroom Broadcast Signal Intrusion
Nightstargalaxy the current season is true crime I thought ..? Lol
+Dom Lamour thanks
ssstupidasss s it was the Bobby Mackey one.
Can you tell me what video that was
The fact that Dr. George Hodel looks like my father when he was in his 20s and 30s is hella freaky.
The Kenneka Jenkins case should be an interesting case to discuss. I mean.... how does she get into a freezer while not sober and it was a deadlock case
Can you please do more murder mysteries or disappearances like you haven't made to many lately
You should do a video on the Donna Payant case or the phantom case
La noire
do trevyon martins death next time bc ive been questioning that
I think his father killed her
I love Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara more than I love myself
I hope you guys are alright and you haven’t discontinued the series totally. I’m a huge fan and always am so excited when a new episode pops up on my feed. You two are something special and you have the unique talent to teach but also make us (as in your audience) laugh so hard at your silliness. I know there’s definitely many people involved in the production of these videos who also are invaluable to the operation of Unsolved. I just hope things work out and if I have to write a long letter to buzzfeed to get you back on here, I will xD heck I’ll fly to Cali and hold the camera for you if I have to xD But on a more serious note, if what I read online is true, I’m very sorry about the people at Buzzfeed who lost their jobs and my heart goes out to them :(
Next episode should be on Madeleine McCann
I want shane and ryan to do a Cult special!!
You guys should go see the Jersey devil and go to Clinton road
New Buzzed Unsolved cases please
next unsolved mystery y'all should cover is the mysterious death and or murder of kpop artist kim sungjae !
Victoria ツ I read Laularie as Laura Lee
He moved in philippines???
Did Ryan said Philippines cause I lived in Philippines I have to say a bad word Putang Ina.
12:24 sounds like George hotel not hodel I’m glad this is being revisited
Can you guys do The Paris Catacombs for Buzzfeed Supernatural please
You know doctors are not the only people that know how to do Surgical incisions on bodies what about people that hunt people that hunt have to learn anatomy and how to cut their animal right so they don't get blood in the meat so you should put on your list that it could have been somebody that was a active Hunter you should bring that up keep up the great work love the show but you need to make a new episode been waiting 4 months for a new episode please put out some new episodes please
Unsolved: Kurt Cobain
Lol i just watched ahs
Where did he ghoul boys go ?! I want them back on the other video ! Please
Hagley woods skeleton!
I love Shane-my fav and anyway you should do a video on the mystery of the
Honestly you guys are really starting to fall off the train of what you used to be
“It was so white” meeeeeeeeeeeee
seems like 90% of unsolved cases are down to police and/or government incompetence and corruption...not surprised tbh
Did anyone notice they spelled bologna wrong
Can U guys pls do the Taured Man!! Pllsssssss
That son of a BICH Hodel even had the guts to live in our country?!
Couple of babbling baboons
I think you should cover the revolution in Romania from 1989 ... it's really interesting and worth checking out in my opinion
When is the next episode of True Crime? #Booniac
this murder is basically solved already
I’m no Detective, but George hodel is the killer
when are yall comin back though, i miss you guys:((((((
I wanna marry Shane
love your vids, however, don't love the black and yellow contrast challenging to see
She died in biltmore holtel.She was last seen from the employees using a telephone.biltmore holtel is known from the #2 most worst game the elevator,she is the lady.She also was cult into little bits,And thrown to the lot nextdoor.
Don't forget this is a person who suffered greatly & not someone for you to use as "material" to gain higher view counts. Maybe less sarcasm & jokes and a little more respect.....
I think you got your research wrong bud. He was born in 1907 and died in 1999, not 1991. 1999-1907=91 1991-1907=84
Are they stay posted
they ruined this show
Since hodel and short obviously knew each other he would’ve been in her address book probably. So if his name would’ve been on the ripped out pages it’s pretty clear
Eww buzz feed
miss you guys, ill watch anything that sponsors you.
Do the disappearance of Johnny Gosch.
Y'all should do Rodney Marks and The Mystery Of The South Poles Only Murder
Am I the only one that's expecting the mannequin behind Shane to start moving? I remember seeing it move once.
Dude, that’s the cycle 6 ANTM HOUSE!
Pleaseeee do Patterson Road in Houston Texas!!
Do Patterson road in Houston tx
ideas for buzzfeed unsolved/true crime: - ted bundy case (unless that's already been covered idk) -john wayne gacy -james bulgar's murder
Y'all gotta do the Leo Frank case. Me and my friend Myra, who watches this all the time, agree.
Well I live around 5 mins away from Medford lol that’s creepy aha
Shane: "i would not be going to get my shoes repaired after that"
Hodel did it
So are we not getting "ruining history" back?
Were the missing pages in the address book part of the H section?
With you guys talking about not wanting to be detectives and stuff, it reminds me of my dad, grandfather, uncle and cousin who are all firefighters and EMTs (or were before retiring) My cousin specifically works as an EMT in a small very dangerous native reserve and he says that the news covers a tiny Extremely edited version of horrible things like this. There's so much more way too gruesome to speak about publicly. He said that he wouldn't wish the things he's seen on anybody and it changes your life.
Omfg I love these two ppl I freaken promise duuude they make these series the best and the way they tell lil jokes here and there makes it better to see them doing this
1 like=A revisit to the Sallie House!!
Now I wanna watch I Am the Night
You guys should do an episode for black history month
Madelaine McCann!!!!!!!
Yo Buzzfeed guys I have a request pls go back again to the Sallie house with your spirit box and try talk to the demon or whatever is there. I think the viewers would love to watch Ryan & Shane revisit the Sallie house. I hope you guys notice this. More power and God bless! :D
A quick google search will show that Hodel died on 1999 and not 1991. Goes to show how much effort these clowns put into their research.
They should go if it still exists to the house of the dr and see if they are able to find any paranormal stuff assuming he would murder them at his place
You should do one of marylin Monroe
The “Group” That did this were part of a very serious and very powerful occult. Thus the reason “He” was never arrested. The Lipstick Killer, In Chicago And maybe the Zodiac killer. Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction...
Wasn’t Ryan doing those back correction ads you sometimes see on Facebook?
You guys should do an episode about Sade Abe! That story is friggin creepy and no one knows where she dissappeared to after the murder
Shane calling Chris Pine smoky is one of the best things that has happened on this series
Are they still posting
Why George hodel looks like my dad
Very attractive bad lower teeth
i love these guys.
I tend to think in these cases that the most obvious explanation is the correct one
Do an episode on the poisonings and murder of Jane Elizabeth Lathrop Stanford
@11:53 “this is juicy”
where are the unsolved supernatural videos guys??
According to google, George Hodel is the father and grandfather of Fauna Hodel...
Whats up w ryan’s hair
i dont think they made an episode so if they didnt they should make one about Ed Gein, id looooove to see their reactions to what that man did
Next would be John Titor's case.
Can you STOP with the yellow and blue writing, which is so unnecessary and why do you keep on repeating and everything you say is so UNNECESSARY NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS we want FACTS
george hodel is obviously the murderer. god.
Please please please look into the story of Tom Thomson. A precursor to the legendary Group of Seven, he mysteriously disappeared, his body was misplaced, and years later falsified evidence regarding his body was discovered, but the circumstances of his death have been buried beyond the exploration of those that are close to Canoe Lake where he died.
Someone said some of the unsolved producer team fired
I’m watching I am night and can say whole heartedly it was Hodel he may not of killed her but he had something to do with it, he’s creepy as hell
I would like to point out that in the video, you guys say that George Hodel died in 1991, but Google lists that he died on May 16, 1999. Now THIS is the real unsolved mystery.
Hodel? Trivago.
idk why but i really wanna see them do an episode on the chris benoit case
I feel like George Hodel was inspired by Hannibal, and every time he killed someone he’d say “This is my design”,
Do the st valentine murder
What about them doing an episode on the Valentine’s Day massacre
Stop being obnoxious.
An animals body and a human body are pretty different. Hunting skills, unless you were in fact hunting humans, would actually not help you.
That’s not unsolved...
You guys should do an episode on the Christopher Abeyta case. Its from Colorado Springs and about a child that's been missing for 33 years. Some people have come forward thinking they are the missing child, but none of these have proven true yet.
Does anyone still remember kelsey impicche wanting to be part of an unsolved episode? maybe you guys could take her to the demon episode of the next supernatural season
either google’s dates are wrong bc they say he died in 1999
I swear Reddit, and even this comment Section can solve this case better than the lapd
I started thinking about something, what if the people that committed these unsolved crimes were already in prison, so when people were looking for the murders, the murders had already been caught for another crime?
Ryan saying February is the funniest thing to me
This is the last episode I watched until y’all left COME BACKKKKK
Smiley killer murders please?:)
Man ray
This was on American horror stories, right, bc I just watched this and idk if it’s the same or not
Please fix your hair Ryan like just slick it up ....please
What about it do you think they should cover?
Well, the conclusion is, chris pine IS smoking hot
Why did they stop making episodes?
It's also we a band The Black Dahlia murder metal band
You guys should totally do something with the catacombs. You all should like this if you agree and they can see this
Is there going to be a new season soon?
whens the next episodeee gahhhhhhhhh
having surgical skills and knowing anatomy doesnt make the murderer a doctor, could be just a serial killer.
Why don’t they do unsolved videos every Friday anymore?
I feel like if they talked about Sr Cathy Cesnik from Baltimore and like the whole sexual assault scandal surrounding that that would be really interesting, but it's kinda dark and like there's that Netflix series about it. Then again, that series is so dark that most people don't finish it, so maybe a Shane and Ryan take on it would spread the story. I don't know, that's one of the most interesting unsolved cases to me
12:18 Why tf does he look like a chimpanzee??? Just me? Okay then
New episodes please!
Are there any new episodes of unsolved since this one came out?
yikes thats all i have to say
Yeah....that’s enough evidence for me that he did it I meaannnn yeah he 100% can burn in Hell even if he didn’t do it he already deserves it with what he did to his children specifically his daughter
Wait... wasn’t this in AHS??
can you guys do dinasour buzzfeed unsolved..i would love to ryan & shane's inputs
You should do a full true crime on Ted Bundy
Who else saw the title and thought it was a reupload
the start of the joker
Can you guys go back to the sallie house please.
I say take George's bones should be thrown in the dungeon for his crimes
You should do the disappearance of Maura Murray.
Do the Dover demon for a demon episode
Anyone else think of Ahs murder house?
Oh from Disney land
I thought the guy on the front was Hitler,anyone else?
Again with the Febyeary. He has to pronounce the Rs
I stayed at the Black Dahlia Hotel in down town LA once. My room was super haunted!! I woke up to someone sitting next to me and rubbing my back. When I opened my eyes there was an imprint on the bed but no one was there. The two people I was staying with were still sound asleep and snoring in the bed next to me.
Elizabeth Short was last seen on the phone in the Biltmore Hotel. She had been dropped off there to see here sister. Her body was near the hotel.
Do the. Checker board Killer!!!
You guys should go to desplaines and do a true crime on John Wayne Gacy
Does anyone else think that Ryan is kind of like Ben from parks and recreation
Oh heeeeeeell no this is solved he did it George is guilty!!!!!
This is literally coming in my English exam and im studying by watching this
Well, one think I know for sure now having watched that episode is that I won't be visiting Annaheim anytime soon :-) You guys are great , I really enjoy watching you ! :-)
It's not looking too good for ya George
When you say “Man Ray” I think of the guy from spongebob
I wish these guys would do Kendrick Johnson.
Please do the Viscilla, Iowa axe murder. The guy who did it was never found and the house is allegedly haunted and open to the public.
You guys should do a video with shane dawson.
I'm from philippines. I wonder who's that girl in 1967 george mutilated.
"I am knight" director should consider changing cast of George Hodel. He doesn't even look 10% similar to original person.
Dr George Hodel died on May 16, 1999 not 1991.
Shane is the lead producer!!!!!!!!!
Can you guys do a video on the disappearance of Tommy DeSimone
When are you guys going to do the Madeline McCann case?
Julia Child was a former spy. She could totally murder someone
The Biltmore hotel...the most haunted hotel ever
when is the next season of unsolved coming out? also shane and ryan u guys are the best! #shaniac
Please do the Sister Cathy Cesnik Case!
the way Ryan reads the information just makes the videos more excitingXD
Azaylea sharp yes
"he died in 1991 at the age of 91"
you should talk about the unsolved case of the stolen inflatable monkey from a Californian car dealership
*when i heard philippines* Me: :O philippines!! That’s where I live!!
Do one on a solved crime with Tinder.
What if she wanted to do plastic surgery and didn’t ended up good what if she died on the table
yesssss there back
His hair is making me mad
them fangirling over chris pine at the end is *everything*
Looking at the after photograph of Elizabeth sends shivers down my spine. How can anyone do that to a human being? Nothing but sympathy for her. RIP Elizabeth.
You guys should look into Dorothy Kilgallen. You won’t regret it.
Do a case on The Charles Manson Murders!
I’m kinda glad there aren’t any Cleveland torso murders, or black dahlia murders. Basically murders where somebody is horribly dismembered and then left out in public. Well hopefully they won’t happen again if they haven’t already.
RockStar made a game for this
Buzzfeed solved?
4:39 wtf ill be having nightmare bcoz of her evil grin
not @ how ryan says chris pine's "got nice eyes"
Shane makes these episodes great with his humor
I totally think it’s George Hodel
Shane, I love you. That's it. Sincerely, Me. P.s. you too, Ryan!!
I’m trying so hard to watch this video but the way you’re talking, like some kind of caricature of a reporter, is just so annoying.
Buzzfeed is an exclusive sub 80 IQ club.
the only good thing buzzfeed has ever done
They were smart af to have u guys promote that because I definitely want to check out the show.
I have one question when is the next episode of unsolved coming
I think its george hodel
I'd really love if you looked into the Lake Bodom murders! It's something that's not really widely known so it'd be really interesting!
Go to station hotel in dudley UK , unsolved murder was taken there
4 true crime you should discuss the Los Feliz murda mansion
Please do a video on the man from Taured!!!
i miss your old vids
Summing up the plot for Paradise PD at 20:05
didn't these guys used to be on SB nation?
So nobody knows Man Ray is from Spongebob?
I live in anaheim you assholes
I miss them
What if Hodel was the mysterious man??
Yea nah it was definitely Hodel
Can y’all do one on hitler
Why isn’t Shane and Ryan on the new episodes? (Sorry I’m new please explain)
I think they're still preparing for the new season
Please do: The Disappearance of the Malaysia Airline Flight 370.
I think Tamara was the murrdere beacouse she wanted revenge....
It was the season finale :) they are filming the new season of supernatural right now
George Hodel is definitely the murderer. No one here in the Philippines would murder somebody like that.
"Hollywood..... Murder"
Haha ye i laughed too
do the Biltmore hotel next!
Where are Ryan and Shane?????
You should do one on the circle ville letters
He’s put together a pretty solid case but the photo that Steve Hodel claims is the Dahlia is definitely not her.
What's up with Ryan's hair
You guys should do the disappearance of Evelyn Hartley! She was a girl in La Crosse who was babysitting and just completely disappeared around 1937, nothing has really been found about this and I don't think they ever found her/her body
True crime is better than ghosts adventures dont @ me
Just a thought, I hear u guys mention "the cuts were clean, leading to a belief the killer had medical knowledge"... also a common theme in the Jack the ripper case. But any average american hunter knows those things too... it's not just people in the medical profession, a lot of people have practical knife skills
The average farmer also
For your next season I suggest going to Helltown, Ohio! It is said that there are ghosts and serial killers that come out at night and the trees move after dark! I would love to see this as a video
Yo Ryan what’s up with your hair? It looks like you haven’t washed or combed your hair for weeks.
- ning ahh I see, thank you :)
This feels like the last episode since the Ghoul Boys had uploaded and nothing came after yet
Is it just me or does George Hodel look like Hitler...
Later that day, at Shane's residence: *"FBI OPEN UP!"*
Woah woah woah. There is another Black Dahlia in Philippines? You should cover that too! I am curious how that would lead to this case.
I just realised: There's a character in spongebob named ManRay And there's a guy in this video with the same name
*solves crime* “This mystery will remain unsolved” Me: Gets mad and yells at my phone
For god sake.. you're making a real life murder into commodity. Please at least show some respect. The information is top notch but it is depressing to see 2 guys jokingly talk about real life murder.
This is kind of what they do and people love it.
When will my boys come home
It is tbh
Impediment Ravaged Critter
Love it
It would be cool to see you guys take part in a proper summoning ritual with a coven. More stuff on demons please
You guys should do an investigation about the Flatwoods Monster. I myself find it very interesting, and I would like to see what you guys could dig out and find out about it.
12:02 to 12:10 I'm like dying
Where did they go. Why are the new videos with out them. What if they got abducted by the cia or something. They do look a little weird in this video
George Hodel didn't 'have sex' with Tamar. He raped her. Big difference
when are you guys coming back with more true crime and paranormal?
+Aida McEwen awesome news!
After this recent twist in I Am the Night, I realize I should've figured it out by the foreshadowing from earlier: a flashback of a young Tamar Hodel watching her father's sex parties and him eyeing her - ick!
Why does True Crime fascinate me yet terrify me at the same time?
You guys should really put a place where you cite your sources on like a doc or something in the description of the video. I want to do research on these topics but you guys speak fast so I can't write it all down. I would like to look at the websites to be able to do more research.
The ironic, "funny" little asides are awful... And the facts you have are shaky.
Can you do the assassination of Martin Luther King
Buzzfeed is literally what’s wrong with the world. All you people kys
My great grandfather was one of the main people who worked on this case and he said that seeing her body was like something he had never seen before . One main thing was we blood being drained it was something they really looked at .
I want them back and I want merch
Why do we pay extra for no ads yet still get videos with includes paid ad
Sorry my bad paid promotion. Seems like I will get them any way.
did anyone else search a picture of that 1936 Packard car wow its beautiful
Do Vizconde Massacre pls!
James Ellroy's novel is quite good.
Does anyone remember Lucie Arnaz playing her in a made-for-TV movie, probably in the mid-late 1970s?
+Lacey DeWhistle awesome news!
When's the next true crime?
I live in Anaheim
You guys should investigate the ss ourang medan.
You should investigate Ed & Lorraine Warrens museum in Connecticut
Who else got scared of the manican in the back
Hey idk where else to contact you guys but you should do a case on the death of Devonte Hart. I'm not sure if it's a conspiracy case in the traditional sense but it's a case that a lot of people don't know about and Devonte is still technically listed as "missing." He's famous for the picture of him hugging a Ferguson cop and crying but it's all one huge lie. Here's a link to the full story:
this case freaks me out more because my name is dalia... (but i like how ryan can say my name properly)
Guys I watch I am the night it is so good I totally recommend
at 11:50, i almost spit out my orange juice, that’s how shook i was lol
Has Ricky Goldsworth finally left Ryan’s body in peace? We must celebrate!
I miss the two!
Can you please do another supernatural exploration video
Can y’all do a video about George hodel and all the killings he “might’ve” done
Man Ray? How's The dirty bubble?
I want to see you guys do a video with Sam and Colby.
U guys should go to Gettysburg
Do an episode on Teresa Fadalgo
sis was on American Horror Story
1:40 I'm not the best with my left from my right but I'm pretty sure the body is on the left of the woman
Can’t we please get more of these! I miss them and I feel like we haven’t had any new ones in forever!
March ,22, 2019
Shane should scare Ryan
You guys should do the Oakland county child killer case
*#Gruesome** Murder!*
No sleep for me tonight.
*A whole ton of **#coverup**.*
*#Jealous** Boyfriend Dr. Hodel.*
I love you guys
I shouldn’t be watching this before bed
why haven't they made a madelaine mccann video yet?!
Two words about this channel: DUMBING DOWN Top 5s is far more professional than these Buzzfeed Clowns
Centrist Philosopher hello
"There were some pretty corrupt cops back then" Yeah, it's almost like when you have an organization charged with dispensing justice, there are always going to be those willing to let things slide for money or favors. Corruption will always exist as long as people with power have something to gain by abusing that power, also known as "as long as people are in charge of literally anything".
I think they should do the Timmothy Pitzen disappearance :)
George Hodel killed her.
Please Do the 43 missing Mexican students
Where's Sherlock Holmes when you need him?
He was a nurse for a while.
I saw the slits on the side of her mouth and i was like, "It was the joker, obviously!"
Who was his secretary?
Love the L.A Noire version of the case
i would love to see you guys do an episode on the eilean mor lighthouse disappearances, it’s such a weird but interesting case !!
I think Hodel is a very solid suspect.
Tip for all murderers out there: burn the body so It's a missing persons case XDD idk I came up with that while on the toilet don't come at me
Truth drug? What kind of Divergent shi is this
4:30 i know this isn't the point of the video, but i can't help but wonder what my murder case nickname would be...
I(Ryan) If we could sus anything from that out it’s that shane thinks the lapd is corrupt (Shane)
Do an unsolved on Lars mittank
you guys should do one over the Amityvile house
I am the Night is such an oustamding show. I just finished it and I really gotta say it‘s one of the best shows I‘ve ever seen. It needs waay more attention
Ryan saying ‘little George’s fingies’ is my new favourite thing
I mean... it was Hodel.
Hi Ryan and Shane you might be interested in this mysterious book that no one understands what its saying - maybe you guys will give it a try:
What the hell of course it was George When someone is able to have sex with his 14 year old daughter he is probably able to kill someone
Ryan : If I found out you Have murdered someone I wouldn’t be to surprised Shane: Has Someone Told You this?! Me: .......... I’ll be right back
Am I the only one Watching this and waiting for our Ghoul boys to come back to us?
Next episode idea: 1.The murder of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin( Malaysia) 2. The murder of Altantuya Sharibu( Mongolian killed in Malaysia) her body was destroyed by using c4
Has anybody noticed how much this case sort off resembles jack the ripper murders?
Man Ray
george still looks evil with no evidence, he gives me bad vibes, and when I have bad vibes, they're r e a l.
How about the aarushi talwar case
That was great. Thanks for these deep insights. Why doesn't Douglas try to get a profile from the files? It is possible and has been done in another case you already covered, the Hinterkaifeck murders.
Dr. Walter Bayley is a very good suspect in the Black Dahila case as well.I thought yall would have mentioned him
you guys should stay at the hotel where it happened
"he's got...nice eyes" that was such a dreamy voice ryan are u good?
Shane made this video not serious and scary but hilarious.
A dog wouldn't be able to find that smell over 50 years later like such bs
When is Unsolved coming back?
I think Mann Ray was involved as well. These men were demons.
Most serial killers are white males between the ages of 20-40. They are usually from middle class or wealthy backgrounds. They seem to be so normal and charming that when they are caught others who know them cannot believe it. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
applause to the video editing team, the video is not bloody at all but it creeps me out and gives so much detail
its definitely hodel. point black.
I believe George is the Murder 100%
Do the case about kelsey Barrett next please.
Do Jennifer Pan
Buzzfeed unsolved has me wanting to be a hominid detective
still waiting fot you to cover the chiong sisters....
9:21 that reminded me of "I'm Ron Burgundy???"
Do Malcolm X's assasination
Spread apart legs...
It reminds me of American horror story
i mean wasnt it charles montgomery
You two should shorten your meaningless chit chat.
Go to the hotel that she died at
Can use lot go to the bunny mans bridge cause if you do there is a 80% chance you will see him but you have to shout so you can get his attention
Manl(e)y kind of very much sounds like hes a a part of troom troom
You should check a place here in finland which is known for being very haunted. Its quite scary place. The place has some history
No one ever conclusively says yes because no one wants to be the person whose wrong when the next person thinks the stuff doesn't match
detective Phelps gonna buss this case
I love that there's a Pikachu outfit on the coatrack
Where'd you guys go:(
india eisley!!!!
I am watching the shows right know
Either way this guy was never convicted of these cases and that's what sucks he got off scott free like Michael Jackson
Even tho it's not funny to make a joke like that especially covering touchy situations like that I just wanted to lighten the mood
I'm sorry that was uncalled for I had to make that joke
Hodel died in 99
Kirk Douglas was somehow involved.
Man, ih8 shane.
You should go to Georgia’s island boston
It was so Hodel! All the evidence points to him. He was seen with short so he was connected with her. He was a doctor with experience. Moves to the Philippines where half a mile down the road another woman is killed in the same way as the black dahlia. It was him. They should just close the case. It was George Hodel.
Shanghai tunnels in Portland Oregon please!!
Can you guys redo the zodiac killer
Im not saying anything about hodel but look into my eyes
The Oakland County Child Killer Growing up as a Child in Oakland County, this was terrifying. Even more so when it got mixed up with the urban myth of the Walled Lake Child Killer and the infamous Shoe Tree
Every murder case covered in this show:The injuries were clean,so it might be someone with surgical experience. no shade tho
You guys could try figuring out how killed Mariele Franco, which rn is the biggest unsolved in Brazil
Please do: The Assassination of Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. Its quite a juicy mystery for us Filipinos.
Can you pls do MH370
was gorge hodeels name in the address book they should have taken his finger print itz clear itz him
my head throbbed when i heard philippines omygod
you guys should do a video about the phantom killer, or the hookman or whatever his name is
TOP 3 MOST OVERUSED COMMENTS IN THE COMMENT SECTION: 1: "Welcome to the comment section! We have hot coco and blankets." 2: "Who's still watching this in - - - -?" 3: Or just repeating a comment straight from the video.
is it bad that i looked at the pictures and i wasn’t bothered and kept on eating
Why dont you guys become an independent company like try guys did
Well I guess I’m never going to Disneyland again
I want to go to law school and study criminal law and criminal investigation. I know that there will be things that will haunt my forever and that's the scariest part
Am I the only one who has now test the the black dhaild case has been on the boarded behind them for a long time
Haven't watched in months!
They should cover the Jeff Davis 8. In a Parrish in Louisiana 8 women were killed in a 4 year span and the case is very interesting!!!
Buzzfeed on trending for no reason like usual