The Business Process We Used To Hit 500 subscribers (**Woop Woop**)

The Business Process We Used To Hit 500 subscribers (**Woop Woop**)

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So hitting this major milestone for a YouTube channel has really caused me to take a step back and reflect. And I've just been trying to really take a deep breath and think back to where we started over a year ago. And I laugh because there have been some crazy, crazy, crazy times. [Inaudible]. Hey there, my loves welcome back to CPTV I'm Cheryl Perez or as my peeps call me CP in case you're new here.

And this is the place for aspiring and growing entrepreneurs who want to turn their passions into businesses and their businesses. Into, six, and seven figure empires. Does that sound like you? Well, you are going to want to come on in, take a look around and subscribe because every single Tuesday, I am giving you the strategies and the step-by-step actionable training for you to implement immediately in your business and your life so that you can get to that level of entrepreneurial freedom that you deserve and desire. So go ahead and hit that subscribe button and click that bell.

So you don't miss any of it. And of course, if you like it, then show me smash that like button and scream, hail. Yeah. CP in the comments below. Why are you screaming? Hell yeah, because guys, we literally just hit 500 subscribers. Y'all. Guess what? We just hit 500 subscribers milestone. Congratulations.

Woo. Oh my God. I am so stoked. I mean, it's been about a year and we started at zero subscribers.

My YouTube channel was only what I use to watch YouTube in the past. I was definitely not using YouTube or posting any content a year ago and we have grown to 500 subscribers and I am just so honored and so grateful and so thankful. And so appreciative of all the support and love that I've received over the last year, it has been amazing. And I mean, I've gotten so much great go for it, girl, you got this girl, your energy is great girl.

And I have tried to bring it every single week for you. I have tried to bring that energy and really great content really on helping entrepreneurs live their dreams and get to freedom. And to know that I've got 500 of you out there who liked the content so much, that you actually subscribed because you want to keep getting that info. And we have a connection. I mean, I feel it too.

I feel your energy and it drives me to keep it coming. And so I appreciate you. And I'm also just completely humbled and astonished that we've had over 20,000 views on our small channel because I know that not everybody subscribes, right? But they are watching sending me that great energy and getting something from what I teach. And that makes me ecstatic. So hitting this major milestone for a YouTube channel has really caused me to take a step back and reflect. And I've just been trying to really take a deep breath and think back to where we started over a year ago.

And I laugh because there have been some crazy, crazy, crazy times. Hey. There, my loves. Need some more wine.

They'll be looking at me like that. You think I'm over here getting buzzed. Everybody teaches better buzzed. Hey there, my loves welcome back to my channel and see PTV, the place where a spider caring and current entrepreneurs can turn their fashions. Sorry. I said fashions. You see what I'm thinking about? Oh God, I need to go shopping. Okay. All right. I'm ready. There's. Are you recording?

Oh. The five reasons you procrastinate and how to stop it. Okay, stop. Stop. This is 10 thirteens video. What's stopping your business success. Fix these four things and make

[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]. It just feels good to say and to think about doesn't that feel good? I mean like millions. Millions feels almost as good as billions. That's it? I quit again. I was just playing it. It's just like, that's my intro intro. Get it together.

Get it together. Do not use Asher against me. That's that's like the worst thing you can do. Don't use my children against me. That's my baby. He don't even know you.

I hate re takes, I feel like it's infringing upon my productivity rights. This is the democracy. This is a productivity democracy. It's infringing like, like a mask. Right?

Retakes is like my mask. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Okay. I @#$%^& re takes okay. All right. You know, you overcome Shit when you're an entrepreneur, you just overcome shit. Get it done. You are productive and shit.. Okay. All right. Let's get together. Get to get a girl. Right.

And I wouldn't change any of it for anything in the world. So I've also been thinking, how did I get here? And, you know, it's time for me to begin implementing my growth plan strategy for 2021. As a matter of fact, I'll go ahead and link to my video, where I teach, how I came up with that growth plan strategy right here in the cards, just in case you haven't had a chance to check it out yet.

But a huge piece of my growth plan strategy is to continue to build out my organizational processes, to scale my business and gain greater freedom in my business. I mean, if you've been around and with me for awhile, you know, that I talk about working crazy long hours sometimes, and I am so over that y'all okay. So I'm slowly trying to get my business and my life to a point where I don't have to work so much and I can run my business from anywhere in the world that I choose. So I can enjoy the success and begin to position myself to be an empty nester.

Once my youngest son who is now 11 is going off to college. So in thinking about how I got here, how I got to 500 subscribers on YouTube, I realized I played with and tested and implemented a process. I call it my YouTube marketing process and we've just kind of followed the process while tweaking it along the way and learning along the way and slowly. But we have seen our subscriber count,

go from just trickling in to gaining subscribers almost every single day. And I thought the perfect way to say thank you to you guys. And my audience is to introduce CP style, not just celebrate the 500 subscriber milestone, but give you the gift of sharing with you. What my YouTube process actually looks like. Now, I know it's not a perfect process because I'm still learning too. We're still a very small channel, but we're getting there and I know things will get more complicated as we continue to grow, but I'm telling you this process is what we've used and the one that I'm going to take to the next level in 2021, because this time, next year, I want to be telling you guys thank you so much for being at 50,000 subscribers.

That is my goal. That is my vision. And I know that you guys will totally help me get there. So if you're a small youtuber right now, or you're a small business owner, and you're looking for a concrete YouTube process, keep watching because I'm going to share my story and my journey on how I got here and tell you what my plans are to get to 50,000 as well. So let's get to work. Now, you may or may not recall, but I have already mentioned back in 2019 when I was doing my CEO retreat and I'll go ahead and link to that video right here as well. I was really,

really focused on analyzing and improving our marketing strategies as a business. And I had really begun learning everything about marketing, becoming a student of marketing. I determined that my options were going to be at what you know, that marketing strategy should actually include.

And I realized that I really had to beef up my digital and online marketing strategies because I've always been really, really good at in-person or face-to-face marketing word of mouth type of marketing. And I get a lot of referrals and a lot of people reaching out just from the brand that I've developed in my local market face-to-face, but I knew in 2021, that online marketing was going to get me to a different level from a business perspective, and also get me closer to that freedom, right? So that I can really run my business from anywhere in the world that I want to. And so in 2019, I realized that I had to implement a complete full blown, large scale online digital marketing strategy in 2020. And from that I knew that I needed to have a primary marketing platform.

And that brings me to step number one in my process, choosing YouTube as my primary social media platform. Now you might be thinking, why do you have to choose one primary platform CP don't you want to be everywhere? Don't you want to be all over social. And the answer is yeah, to a certain degree. I mean, you do want to make sure that you have a presence on all of the social media platforms. It's critical because not everybody is going to be everywhere, but you really want to choose one to focus on building and growing and maximizing mostly because each of the social platforms have so much involved independently and algorithmically in order to really grow an audience on them. And if you try to master all of them at once, it will be very, very difficult.

So you want to make sure that you are choosing a primary social platform to focus on initially. And for me, YouTube was that platform. Now I didn't make that decision lightly. I did a lot of research and I chose a platform that my ideal customer would actually be on because I wanted to make sure that I could bring the content to them where they were. And I wanted to choose something that I knew would use my strengths, right? And I've always used videos in my training to grow my businesses, to coach my students, to be a consultant. Now I know video isn't for everyone,

supposedly, although I do believe that everyone can become amazing on video with some learning and some practice. But for me, it was the very best fit. See, I'm a speaker, I'm a trainer, I'm a visual person. And I knew either video or podcasting would be the way to go. So ultimately I preferred the visual aspects of video.

So I picked YouTube. I also needed to decide in step one, what I wanted to use it for. And I knew that I already had a business and that I needed to use it to market that business. And I also wanted to reach a wider audience, a world wide audience, and I knew YouTube was the way to do that. So once I chose YouTube as my primary platform, I then moved. On to step number two.

Determining my goals for my channel. I think I've already mentioned it, but my primary goals were to build an audience, to deliver quality content, to, to use my skills and expertise of starting and growing businesses to help others and to attract my ideal customer into my business. I didn't start my YouTube channel with the goal of making a ton of money from YouTube, right. But don't get me wrong. I mean,

you can definitely make some really good money just by having a YouTube channel because of YouTube ads, especially once you become monetized. But that wasn't my focus. My focus was to use YouTube, to build my coaching and consulting business and that decision impacted every other step in my process because I knew that growing my audience and getting people interested in working with me and utilizing my products and services meant that I needed to be very strategic in what content that I actually put out there. I had to make sure that it would exhibit my expertise and skills, and I had to make sure that it provided valuable freebies.

So my audience could become a part of my list. So you see the goal of growing my business, using YouTube meant that I had to start right away providing free downloadable tools for my audience in every single video in order to bring them completely into my world as CP insiders. So I chose YouTube and I wrote down my goals for the channel. Now it's time for step three, create a content calendar that helps you accomplish those goals. Yes, I absolutely use my video successes and my YouTube analytics to help guide my content creation. But I also use those goals because at the core of what content creation is, is that detailed four to six week content calendar, full of video ideas and content for me.

And by taking the time to actually sit down and create that calendar, I'm able to be very strategic. I'm able to see into the future. And I'm able to write my video scripts and incorporate my team and make sure that all of my content is focused on creating a buzz and building my expertise around one of my products or services. So that content calendar also enables me to be very consistent on YouTube. One of the biggest things that I hear from folks on YouTube or those that are starting YouTube channels, is that it's very difficult to produce the videos on a regular basis because a lot of work goes into them. And in order for you to grow your YouTube channel,

you must produce consistent content. Think of it this way. As you're building your YouTube channel, you are at the mercy of an algorithm, right? It's artificial intelligence, and you're trying to sell your channel product to that algorithm. Well, Amy time, you're trying to sell something. You need to recognize that consistency and follow up in delivering information is critical to accomplishing that sale. Well, it's no different with YouTube and its algorithm.

You're trying to sell your channel to the algorithm so that it puts it in front of more and more people so that more and more people find your content, watch your videos and ultimately subscribe to your channel. Well, if you aren't really following up with the algorithm and giving it consistent information and content, you're not doing a very good job at selling it on why it should put you in front of a million eyeballs, right? So consistency is critical. It doesn't mean you can't shift or pivot because if you guys recall, when I first started CPTV, we would publish videos every Tuesday and Friday. And then we made the shift to only Tuesdays because with our workload, I knew we would not be able to keep up with being consistent on both days. So could we have reached 500 subscribers sooner? Had we kept our two times per week release schedule? Well, maybe, but I also know that I wouldn't have been able to be as consistent. I would not have been able to manage the workload that goes into producing videos twice per week.

So I opted to eliminate a day and maybe grow a little bit slower in order to make sure that my audience, you were getting something every single week come hell or high water. So step three is very important and here's how I do it. Okay. Usually between the 15th and 20th of every month, I set aside a day and focus on creating my content calendar for the following month. So on December 15th and 16th, for instance, I write out the entire month of January on January 15th, I write out the entire month of February.

It's a huge part of my process. Every single month I create a content calendar. And if I've got a product for sale or something like that, I look at that as well. And while I'm creating that content calendar,

I'm able to do my keyword research to make sure that I have the possibility of ranking in those areas and really working through my video ideas selling to the algorithm, yes. Using the right keywords and making sure that your video is SEO'D. If that's a word is very important and getting views. So while I'm creating that content calendar and working through those ideas, I also do the research as well. I'm laying the foundation to begin creating the videos. Now obviously how to SEO YouTube videos is a video all by itself. But I can tell you that two of my favorite creators,

Sean Cannell from think media and Sunny Lenarduzzi gave me so many golden nuggets to incorporate into my own strategy. They're the experts I'm not. And I have followed them from the very beginning. I hang on to every word that they teach.

I binge watch their content because they are stars. And I want my channel to be like theirs. I've learned a lot about S E O from them. I also use as my favorite research and optimization tool Tube Buddy.

Yes. And I do use Sean and Sonny as my favorite optimization trainers. So make sure you check out their channels and check out too, buddy. It's a lifesaver. Now let's talk about step four because it took me a while to get step four down Pat, and that is create, organize and implement your video production process. I have to say thank God for Asana my favorite project management tool, because all the steps that go into producing one CPTV video is listed in a sauna as a project, my entire step-by-step process in order.

And then I'm able to incorporate my team into the steps and keep track of what's being done. Let me show you real quick. All right. So let's take a real quick look at what I mean when I say, you know, mapping out all of the steps. So this is my Asana YouTube videos board. And as you can see YouTube is the project, uh, YouTube videos is the project and I've got kind of divided up into various categories. So I've got templates and general things to do. This is where I kind of have a running template.

So our entire video process that we go through, which I'm going to show you guys shortly. I created a template for it. And so this is kind of the Tuesday video template that we use. And once I have this video template, every single time, I'm going to move myself out of the way, sorry, every single time that we create a video, this, the entire video process that I've used is created as a sub task. And so all I have to do when I come up with my content ideas is to actually duplicate this template. And I put the title of the video, um, in here or the title of the idea.

And then I begin to kind of go through and complete, um, all of these steps and the process and they're automatically in there. So once I add my new topic, I duplicate the task and it kind of creates a task like this. So I have a section with ongoing ideas. These are just different ideas, questions that I've gotten, just different ideas that we can ultimately use. And then I have a to write, I've got a to record, I've got to edit to promote. And then those that are, that are,

that are completed. And so as you can see, my content calendar for January is kind of already in here. Um, and so for instance, this video that we're currently, that you're currently watching right now, this is the, the, the, um, the project or the tasks for it. And so when you,

when I talk about making sure that you organize all the steps in your process, this is what I mean when I say Asana. So this is exactly what ours looks like. These are all the steps that are involved in creating one CPT the episode. And so I've got the overall title here. I've got the SEO information, what the keywords that we're targeting are, what the title is going to be. If there is a call to action or an opt-in, which there should be one for every single video, I recommend what our thumbnail text going to be, the thumb nail image.

There's a file that we go to and then the location of the file that we have everything in. And so, as you can see, everybody who participates in the process is already over there, kind of as a collaborator. And depending upon this due date or the actual publish date for the video, that's when I go through. And because these are all in order, like,

like step two, can't happen, unless step one is done, I can go through and just basically create the deadline dates. And once they're created, my team gets those assigned. And as they're done, they check them off. We can communicate about the videos. We can talk about cards, we can do all of those things. And so I've got four team members really that work with me on every single CPTV episode. And this is what I mean when I say, you know, this step, I mean,

this is how we keep track of it. Um, so yeah, hopefully, you know, if you have any questions about these, please let me know down in the comments below. Um, also if you'd like to see a more detailed video on these particular steps in what we did, just let me know in the comments below. Yeah.

I know those were a lot of steps, lots of tasks, right? And yes, every single video requires that many steps for me. And we could have an entire episode surrounding creating your YouTube videos. So if you want to see that video, let me know in the comments below, and I will walk you through why we have the steps that we do and the specifics of what each of those steps are. But I mean, look at all of those steps in our video making process.

And we use that as our Bible. So step four was really important in helping us get to 500 subscribers. So now that we've organized all the steps and I have a content calendar, it's time for step five, make the videos. And I have tried all kinds of ways to make the videos I've incorporated tips and tools from so many sources. And I finally found my own groove.

Sometimes my videos have a complete script written out, and sometimes there's just an outline. It just depends upon the topic and how quickly I need to get them edited, because the reality is if I'm running behind on getting something done, and I know my team is going to have a limited time to produce an edit to the quality that I want, then scripting is very helpful for them because there isn't a whole lot of stuff and ums and stuff to cut out when you script. And don't worry, I'm going to do a whole CPTV episode on how I make my video scripts, because I get asked that all the time from all angles, but anyway, bottom line is no matter how you do it, make the video, right? Trust me. There are days when I don't feel well and I have to make a video.

There are days where I'm just not feeling creative and I have to make a video. There are days when I don't feel pretty all and I have to make a video. Bottom line is just make the video.

You are 90% of the time going to be harder on yourself than anybody watching you. And you've already got one step up because you've actually taken the time and initiative to make a video. And that's not something a lot of people are comfortable with and actually wouldn't do so Pat yourself on the back for that, right? Write out your key talking points or a script, pull out your video camera or phone record the video, edit the video and up load the video.

Trust me, you will get the hang of it from zero subscribers to 500 subscribers. We have come a long way in the beginning. Our lighting was way off. Sometimes our sound quality was crazy and scratchy or maybe even just, okay. My content was always crazy long. I don't even know what we were doing in some of the videos. I mean, I see them from time to time from like a year ago, and I'm like, Whoa, we have seriously grown. So trust me,

the more videos you make, the better you become at making them. And the only way to start getting good at making good videos that people want to watch and share and subscribe to is to make more videos. My love. So do it. And that brings me to step number six.

Don't be too hard on yourself and have some fun. Yes, CPTD is work. But when I go back to my decision and step one and my goals in step two, I recognize that everything worth having that is successful is not going to be easy peasy. Growing to 500 subscribers on YouTube has not been easy. It's been a ton of work. It's been a lot of dedication.

There's been a lot of positive reinforcement and self-talk going on between these ears behind the scenes, but I wouldn't change it for the world to see the results in my business with only 500 subscribers gets me so excited for when we get to a thousand subscribers or 2000 subscribers and 5,000 subscribers and 50,000 subscribers. And even more than that, I have developed an entire audience, a family. I have met so many amazing entrepreneurs.

I have heard your stories and your journeys. I have heard so many thank you' s and to think that I would be in a position on this earth to inspire others and to help others achieve their dreams, gives me so much joy in my life. It makes all the hard work, so worth it. So you have to have fun. You have to Pat yourself on the back. You have to realize that the simple act of following these steps to make the video is an accomplishment all on its own.

And that's why I'm celebrating 500 subscribers. That's why I'm throwing this video into the middle of my already prepared content calendar, because it was not on the schedule guys. Okay? I had no idea we would hit the 500 subscribers, but I knew once we did that, I needed to say, thank you. And that I needed to say, I love you.

And I appreciate you. And I am inspired by you because the simple fact that you tune in to CPTV every single week means that you are serious AF about being a successful entrepreneur. And that mindset that drive that discipline is the foundation of the entrepreneurial mindset that billionaire business owners have. So as long as you keep tuning in and telling me what you want and need, I will keep showing up every single week for you. I promise.

So let's pop this bottle because I would like to propose a toast to our journey towards freedom as entrepreneur. Sorry. Y'all, I'm excited to be on this journey with you, for me, for you, for us. Thank you so much. Cheers.

My love. And before you leave, do me a favor, subscribe in that bubble right next to me like this video, share this video, especially if you think it's going to bring value to someone else, and I will see you next Tuesday for another episode of CPTV until then my loves have a wonderful weekend. 500 SUBSCRIBERS!! Thank you. [ inaudible].

2021-01-07 19:27

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