The best way to start trading by Urban Forex

The best way to start trading by Urban Forex

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all right good morning good evening good afternoon  everybody welcome to another episode of At The   Table by Urban Forex. I have here with me on  the panel, I have Ian tuning in all the way from   Australia Hey everybody okay we have Lucas tuning  in from Malaysia hey everyone how's it going? And   Armand all the way from Thailand. Hello everyone  all right all right welcome welcome welcome so   guys we have a topic here today that i've  been getting a lot of questions about   asking me that what if i am new to trading  and on top of that i have a full-time job   how do i even get started with  trading should i even get involved   with trading because from what i hear  it's very difficult it takes a long time   so can i, is there a way for me to get my feet  wet and try it out to see if this is right for me   so let's talk about that a little bit  you know what are the ups and downs for   that sort of a thought process and is it even  possible for someone who wants to just come   in part time just to try it out to see if this is  for them so what do you guys have what do you guys   think about this Armand you want to give it a go  yeah well i i have that experience myself starting   out from having a full-time job first and then  trying to trade so i was based in western Europe   at that time and i i had a full-time job that took  my time basically from seven in the morning until   5 p.m roughly like that 5 p.m i would be home and  at that time London is done pretty much New York   they are slowly getting ready for lunch so there  wasn't a whole lot left on the table to trade   sometimes i would get lucky and i would be able  to pull a trade in in the evening um but generally   the day would be done and i always had a hard  time figuring out what i could do now you know   years later having experienced the market a  lot more i know there are ways around it and   there are ways to make it work but at the time  i i just couldn't figure it out so when i had a   chance to go full time i did even when you know  i was far far far from profitable at that time   right yeah i definitely know where a lot  of people are coming from when they say oh   yeah i have a hard time juggling between work and  trading okay okay Lucas what's your take on this   well personally for me i don't have that kind of  um well i have a little bit when i first started   i was in i was still in school so for me it was  a little bit easier because i can schedule all my   classes in the morning and me being being in  Asia the London starts in the afternoon so   i was able to play around with the time zone a  little bit better um that way okay so you didn't   have to really experience the option of well i'm  busy full time and then how am i gonna do this   okay well right now still you know sort of like  helping out students um from time to time you know   all the time basically so right now we're still  trying to figure out you know how to fit in our   trading in the right way um still being able to  you know service many students that needs our help   yeah right now it's a whole different case for  you because you've been in the industry long   enough to know what what are the right times  to trade what are the wrong times to trade   and do i have to actually sit in  front of my computer all day long like   you are you know that a lot better now than when  you probably did when you first started right   yeah yeah so all right well what about you Ian  in you got a family full time everything how   was it for you um because you have a different  scenario compared to Lucas what about for you   yeah i was gonna actually bring up even just  despite um having a full-time job that's one   thing that can take people's time but also you  know whether you're a single parent or you're   there's a lot of different student or whatever  there's different scenarios that limit your time   but um for me it was more along the lines of our  most scenario where i did work full-time when i   first started and i had kids and family  on top of it so um and also at the time   i moved to a different time zone now which  isn't possible maybe for everybody but   at the time yeah i lived in North America so it  was like i worked basically all during New York   i got home for just Asia and then  London was all while i was sleeping so   it was tricky it was a tricky scenario with having  to layer all those things in but it's possible so   it's and it's definitely doable so yeah absolutely  it has different effects for different people   um and it's a fascinating thing and and i  thought it was an interesting topic when   these questions started to come in and i figured  you know why not we talk about this because   it's not just a handful of people thinking like  this i think it's a lot of people thinking well   yeah i see trading as a lifestyle that i probably  want to pursue because it's not the trading itself   it's what it can give me right so for some people  they say trading can give me more money but when   i actually look at the bottom line it's not the  money that people are after it's many people that   i when i personally talk to them they say if i  can just make as much money as i do in my job   i'll take trading because all i want is that  freedom to do what i want yeah now that's the   perception of of how people start in the in the  industry now let's fast forward a little bit i'm   going to ask all of you guys here Armand when you  first started just to match what you were earning   before were you able to do it in less amount of  time or were you able to say you know what today   i'm not gonna trade you know i'm just gonna chill  how much time did you actually spend um in front   of your desk no it takes a lot of time especially  if you don't know when you should be looking at   your charts and and then even at some point you  you understand okay these are the hours i should   be spending at my you know looking at my chart  and i know there is actually something to look at   but then you you completely overdo it because  you think well since i have the time and i'm   here anyway i might as well just keep on looking  at my charts and then you you can go completely   you know overboard with what you're supposed to  do and it can actually have a negative effect   that you're you're cross-eyed you you're  unable to take anything in you're unable to   focus anymore and um yeah it just goes downhill  from there instead of uphill so interesting   okay then let me put it this way okay so  Lucas here's a question for you knowing   what you know now and if you are restarting from  the beginning how would you schedule your life   in terms of knowing when you need to trade how  you need to trade how much focus they need to   put on it how would you do that if you knowing  what you know now again and then going back and   restarting all over again and i am at what point  in my life you're partying you're DJing you   got multiple girlfriends you're at that stage  where you're just like i just want to go wild   knowing what i know now don't even get into  trading just stick with that if you can you still need money to you know  sustain that kind of lifestyle   so knowing what i know now i think the  only difference is it difference is um   it's gonna be a lot more clearer to me to know  where i should keep my focus and attention on   yeah so well the short answer to that  is if i'm trading on a lower time frame   which i am right now then putting my focus  on those busy hours as we like to call it so   yeah busy hours perhaps three to four hours per  session if i'm trading two sessions there's that's   gonna be like six hours of trading session  whether or not i get out of trading that's   something else but um yeah putting my attention  and focus during those hours and then for the   rest of those free time focusing on pa journaling  you know looking back at trace all those kind of   stuff and then if i still have time like  what you said earlier DJing partying goes i'll be sure to afford this  podcast to your girlfriend all right Ian so let's let's switch it up a bit  so let's say let's say based on you know same   thing what you know now and that you were to  go back and stuff if you're only trading one   session okay if you're only trading one session  would you be able to sustain a lifestyle part-time   by trading part-time is it possible would you say  is it possible yeah yeah it's definitely possible   in fact you can set your charts like you're saying  before too long so knowing what i know now it's   like it's just important to have that schedule and  your trading time based around the most effective   or the the best times you know because you want to  be there those opening hours those active hours so   as long as you can schedule that time to be  focused on your trading you can definitely   make it work okay cool now i want to touch  base on a myth okay let's talk about the myths   so is it a specific strategy that you guys trade  that if i only knew this strategy back in the day   i would be making millions  is it a strategy is it like   you wake up in the morning you see this on  your chart then you do this then you enter   that's where you put your stop-loss and that's  where you exit is it like a very routine process   where when that indicator crosses over this  indicator and that ocean crosses over this ocean   and that pattern becomes like a cat pattern  like is it very systematic like that not really   that's why it's it it's about reading the market  that's why i think into your schedule you have to   incorporate it's not just like coming home from  work or whatever and just slapping your bag on   the floor and then just like boom entering a trade  just like that you have to like you need a little   bit of time before to actually read the market  it's not just about seeing something on the screen   correct you know that crosses this and that so so  that's interesting right so so there's two sides   to the coin right now that we're talking about so  one yes it can be done part time for you to see is   this career gonna be right for me but two it's not  going to be as easy as oh well what's the strategy   i just need to know the strategy where do  i enter where do i enter where do i enter   unfortunately that's not the answer yeah right  there's there's a little bit of evolution that   needs to go in you can't just come home and  be like you know what i'm ready for surgery   today so who's next oh man run it's like  you do not want to be treated by that guy   so that sounds more like the guy that comes and  steals your kidneys yeah and still messes it up so um okay so that's interesting that's  interesting Lucas what would you have to   say is the key what would you have to if  you have to reverse engineer everything   and let's say you have a person coming to you  and he does not know a from b and b from c   of forex where should he begin where should he  or she begin and this person is working full-time   full-time what would you say would you say i  want you to focus on this specifically where   would you have that person start well not to  sound too biased here but start with Urban Forex all right i will send you the check tomorrow yeah Lucas is not sponsored  in this thing by at all that's it's actually a really good and tough  question um i usually recommend you know like   my close friend who wants to get started i'll  tell them to go through youtube and then just   look at everything related to forex or trading  in in that matter and then just try dipping your   toe in into everything you can find basically but  it's gonna be a period of exploration i would say   yeah absolutely perhaps once that student has  you know or one that once that student has   known a little bit about you know how to read  what what's an uptrend what's a range what's   the channel know a little bit about what's an  indicator and what certain indicator does and   once they have a little knowledge here and there  then you know we can put more focus on okay now   you know you want to put more attention on how to  read the markets like how Urban Forex students do all right i'll make the check bigger like   all right Armand what do you have to  say about that well you want to add   i have to agree with Lucas you have to try all  kinds of different things even things that you   might not use a whole lot afterwards just  so you know what they are how they work and   then put your attention to learning how to read  the market step by step like a story and if   you do that often enough you become experienced  enough in reading the market you will actually   have that that system where you just show up in  front of your charts no it's not a five minute   thing but it'll be you know depending on how fast  you are 30 minutes or 45 minutes or something but   in that systematic approach you will still have  something that's like a habit like muscle memory   where immediately or within that time span see  okay there is something for me in the session   and i know what i'm going to do and i can make a  plan with this right right absolutely absolutely   so those of you guys are tuning in whether you  guys are listening to this episode on apple iTunes   or Google or Spotify wherever you're tuning in  from what i'm going to be doing specifically right   after this podcast is i'm going to be taking  the this podcast directly into a live webinar   so the link will be below the podcast so you can  find out how you can watch that webinar recording   those of you guys who are here live i see 300  plus of you guys tuning in live um you guys can   just stay on on board and we'll go directly into  it i'm going to show you guys a few things on what   techniques and things that you can actually focus  on if you're just getting started so one of the   key elements that if i made to to add to this  is in the beginning do not commit to anything   as as weird as that sounds um do not commit to  anything in the beginning in the beginning just   be like that guy that says i am ready to fall you  go on to youtube you say forex what question mark   it's like and then you go in you you look at the  first video and you're like okay i understood what   i could look at the second video okay i understood  what i could alright that sounds like well this   guy is showing me how to make money per se doesn't  matter don't commit take that knowledge try it   take the next piece of knowledge whether it's  support and resistance or trend lines or whatever   stuff that you might hear around forex try it  as you try it the one key thing you need to do   is stop hopping and looking for the answer  listen to your curiosity of i did this   it worked i did it again but this time it  didn't work why begin your journey with that why   it's that why that's gonna get you further and  further and further you have to do this part time   but i'm gonna say one thing that it is going to  sound bad for those of you guys who are starting   off and i don't want you to get disheartened by  it it's not gonna happen in the first month or two   so if you're trying this journey out you have  to realize that it's not gonna happen overnight   it's not gonna be even a month it's not  gonna be even two months having said that   are you still interested are you  still looking to get into trading   if you have that desire in you that says i know  i'm not gonna make it in the beginning but i'm   gonna start my journey then you have a glimpse  of hope of all right let's see what you got   okay because if you want to make more money then  engineers doctors pilots and lawyers combined   then you gotta put in some level of work right you  can't just show up and be like well i tried it it   didn't work on to the next thing i'm gonna be a  car mechanic now well they don't let me work on   the Rolls-Royce so i can't get the big bucks now i  want to be a pharmacist well i can't sell weed so   now i'm gonna do something else like you can't  keep hopping around like that you know so   so the whole whole perception is  can we specialize can we specialize   and that's that's where the money is okay so as  a small reminder for everyone who's tuning in   or listening in you want to be a pilot you  can be a junior pilot you can be a trainee   and still earn money you want to be an engineer  you can be an intern and still make money   when you come into trading there is no intern  there is no i'm a bachelor degree graduate so   i'm gonna earn something it's either you make  money or you actually lose money not i make   money or i don't make money no no it's either  you make money or you lose money that is a risk   perspective that a normal person who's in a job  does not is not used to understanding this logic   because all of us when we were beginning into  a job our whole risk parameter was either   i'm going to make money or if i get fired i  stop making money there is no downside ever   trading opens the downside up for you now  you can go negative now you can go negative   okay so that door is very unique to many  people that they haven't experienced before   they're used to if i do something i get paid  for it if i do something i get paid for it   but i this thing what you're doing now is i do  something and they take money from me that's weird   i've never seen that before this is something  completely different for those who are outside   the business side of the world and simply into  the working side of the world in the working   side of the world you do not experience that you  don't experience downside does that make sense   would you guys have to would  you guys agree with that   Lucas in Armand yeah no yeah thanks getting used  to yeah yeah so you got to get very curious and   then you have to go through this process which may  take a few months but again as just as i told you   slightly earlier five minutes ago that it's  not so easy to start off with but let me ask   each of you guys one thing okay ian i'm going  to start with you once you get the ball rolling   is it satisfying oh well yeah because you're  doing something that i don't even know what the   percentage is you the top five percent or maybe  the world whatever it is that people can't do   i mean it's definitely satisfying perfect perfect  so there you go Lucas how about that the top five   you're in the top five percent is it hard  yeah of course it's hard that's why it's   only in the top five percent right no but  is it hard as in like is it rocket science   no it just takes a lot of time practice there  we go yeah that's the word i was looking for it   takes time all you got to do is show up but it's  not rocket science right would you guys say that   is it difficult like to that extent where it's  like i don't understand anything um i'm having   to do algebraic math with calculus and stuff i  wouldn't be sitting here if that was the case   i mean neither yeah for sure it's a myth  that it's that you know if you're in finance   or if you're in trading that um you're gonna  have to crunch a lot of numbers um okay well   Lucas what is the exchange rate of the Indian  rupees to the Malaysian ringgit right now   do you know that right now i have no idea right  right how many of you guys here on this panel   have have got a family member or a friend  or a relative asking you hey i'm looking   to travel oh yeah should i exchange my money  now or later what do you think i should do   yeah i think it's easier to ask me than just to  google it or anything like that no idea just like   so as traders there's this misperception that  people have of traders of oh you're in forex well   you should know all the prices of the world right  now live i'm streaming them in my head as we speak but as traders the one one thing you're  doing at a fast pace at a very very fast pace   is you're learning to look for opportunities  executing it and seeing the results and moving on   when we come out of a job we don't have  that exposure we don't have that exposure   okay because what what is a job for us we leave  one job we join the next job that is one simple   opportunity and then in that job we spend a month  two months one year two years ten years and then   we realized this is right for me not right for me  this is very beneficial not beneficial and then   you learn from it right that is one opportunity  for that long of a period of time in trading you   are doing one opportunity within the next few  hours done what did you learn from it move on   next opportunity shows up did you make money  from that opportunity move on and then you have   to learn from these things at a very fast pace at  a very fast pace but you can also go at your own   pace you don't have to take the next opportunity  until you don't sit down and say what did i learn   from the first one what did i learn from the  second one it's like having unlimited capital   and saying now get out there and get into the real  estate business what are you going to do buy all   the houses you're not going to buy all the house  you're going to think about it like where should i   buy the house when should i buy the house how big  should i buy the house should i buy a one-bedroom   house a two-bedroom house should i buy a condo  single-family house you think of all these things   so just by being in the industry doesn't mean  you're gonna make money you must specialize so   if the lifestyle you're looking for is freedom  and you might say but i'm not asking for a lot   i'm not looking for the Rolls-Royce or the  private jet i just want to replace my income   i'm going to ask all of you guys on the  panel if that is the question at at hand can i just learn a little bit and then make that  much is that possible no it's it's very very   different because um think of trading successfully  like a bell curve so in a bell curve the only last   five percent makes money but all the rest of  it doesn't make money so if you're learning   you and your your level is like in the middle here  you're still going to lose money but once you're   able to make money although you don't really make  much but knowing that you're profitable you can   add more money and then that's yeah that's where  more money comes in a way in a way in in in other   words you know when people say i don't really  want to make much i just want to make enough   but then that actually means if you're  able to make enough that means your profit   profitable and if you're profitable means you're  going to make huge amount of money good good   very well said very very well said there  is no such thing as a little bit right   yeah you want to add to that Lucas yeah yeah so  understand that just being able to make money is   probably one of the biggest destination  you want to get to in trading   and i don't think there's anything in between  there until you reach that destination so anything   before that you're not making money and  you're better off you know keep learning   and keep trying until you get there yes as as  safety measures i would like to also add that   if you are at a full-time job and you  get some kind of success in trading   stick with the job still until you can get that  consistency going before you actually throw in   the towel and saying all right screw you boss i'm  going here full time now you know like be careful   like not not so soon be very very careful everyone  will have that phase where their their performance   is kind of in a range where it's like slightly  profitable slightly not profitable and profitable   again and once you break through that then then  you're profitable and then you can face the   next challenge which is getting a bigger account  scaling up which it's not like oh i'm profitable   and now immediately i'm raking in millions and  billions there's a new challenge there and that's   you know doing it in a bigger fashion correct  it's probably easier than or it is easier than   that first journey of becoming profitable all  right now then let's talk about the final myth   for the sake of being non-popular since we we  we love doing that and we we like spitting fire   if you want to call it where we speak the  truth but it's like they're going to hate   us if we just say it outright they're going  to hate us i swear they're going to hate us   i'm just going to be outright and say it i  want to ask all of you guys this one question   if you get even a little glimpse of  success in trading in your early days   is going for a prop firm and getting  funded the right direction no not yet that stage yeah what will more  capital do if you don't know how to trade   you're just gonna what lose  more capital bigger loss   yeah if it's for free do it if it's for free  do it but if you paid for it you got that hat   what's that hat you were in school when you  get in trouble like d-u-n-c-e or something don't don't be made a fool don't be made a fool of  by people just trying to make like 50 bucks or 100   bucks don't do don't do that you guys are smarter  than that you guys are better than that it's just   a new wave coming in so to answer everything in a  nutshell in a summary to bring it back to reality   um can trading be done part time to actually know  if this is the right path for you what would you   all say yes or no yes absolutely absolutely  will it be done in a very short span of time   no no if anyone promises it will be done in a very  short span of time what would you like to say to   that he doesn't know how to trade that person  himself probably has never traded himself right   that's a scam run away scam run away okay  is the dream of well i can become a trader   it's going to take some time and i'm going to  become ultra ultra rich from it is that bad   no absolutely not absolutely not if you're a  guy that says i want to make so much money that   i have Ferraris all in different colors parked  in my garage is that bad should you feel guilty no if that's what you want to do that's what you  want to do people have different definitions of   what they want to do with money it doesn't matter  it doesn't matter what you want so whatever you   have in your mind whether you want to be um  robin hood you know and and take from the   rich give to the poor take from the market give  to this market like whether whether that's your   thing whether you want to be an ocean cleaner to  make sure all the plastic is gone whether you're   a guy that says you know what i don't care  about anything i want 10 helicopters outside   of this can be done right and wrong is  a perception based on every individual   and society society will generally label right  and wrong and put pressure on you but if that's   what you want to do then do it there's nothing  wrong with that there's nothing wrong with   that so the only reality that's going to be in  your way is it takes a little bit of time but   there are some techniques that we can show you on  what to look for and where to begin yeah would you   guys like to add anything before we switch this  over into a webinar no that was really nicely said all right yeah i'm just seeing a comment saying um  how long is some time um i guess it's referring to   how long a student should expect to make money  from the day he begins trading i think this is   also one of the questions that most new student  coming into markets are thinking yes so yeah what   do you what do you guys think about the answer to  that i'll give you my personal experience to that   it took me over 10 years for me to turn profitable  maybe even more um like seven years i've just made   losses and then after that was very fluctuating  after that there was no consistency just   fluctuating i'm still trying to find myself  but i'm more controlled and then after that the   profitable phase started however i have students  who are doing faster their waves are down to like   one to two years right where they're stabilizing  at in one to two years so it depends on   where you begin your journey if you get lucky  with the right type of information or not   but the whole point is it's not the information  that gets you there it's the correct information   with a level curiosity side by side yeah if that  curiosity is not there of why is this technique   so important and then you dig deeper oh yeah the  doors will open further and further and further   you got to go down that rabbit hole it's like  seeking for the answer seeking for the truth   and all you're going to get is more education  more learning and a better vision what's going   to happen all right Ian Armand would  you like to add any final touches to   those who want to start off should they do it  at all is it worth it if it's going to take   longer than two three four months is it  still worth it yeah of course yeah it's 100 i   i left my i mean i'm i'm over 40 years old i mean  i worked at a nine-to-five job for i don't even   know 15 years or whatever and i changed my whole  life through through doing this so i mean it's   just about not giving up and just like you say it  takes time but it's totally worth it in the end so   from my personal experience so you can show up  every day then you can do this correct i see some   people in the comments saying it's fun and worth  it okay yeah that's good that's good that's good   all right all right guys so for those of you  again those of you guys who are listening to   this podcast we are now going to switch this over  into a webinar those of you guys who are here   live just stay tuned we're just going  to switch this over into a live webinar   um and we'll take it from there so thank you  all of you guys here on the panel Armand,   Lucas and Ian i'll take over from  here yep all right enjoy everyone

2021-11-05 12:22

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