The best futures trading funding programs (How to get funded as a futures trader!)

The best futures trading funding programs (How to get funded as a futures trader!)

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hey everybody i wanted to do a quick video on uh some of these futures um funding programs that traders can enroll in basically what they are are evaluations to test your trading skills and if you pass then you get a funded account from a proprietary proprietary trading firm a proprietary trading firm is a firm that uses its own money uh to trade and to make money so they don't use clients money uh they use their own money um to trade and make money off of uh there are several of these out there these these days i'm going to go over four that i have personally done in the past year year and a half so i have done each one of these and i'm going to give you my feedback on them and i'm going to rank them for my least favorite to my favorite i'm also going to give you um some kind of insight into each one of them and some things maybe you might overlook and also at the very end some tips on how to pass this i have passed these um five times i've passed these combines they're also called evaluations or combines i've passed them five times i'm currently in a funded account and uh just to let you know that's pretty typical people usually pass these and then they blow up the account futures trading is is really risky it's a it's a lot of margin highly leveraged and these products can really move around on you and so instead of risking your own capital you can risk other people's capital now you do have to pay to do one of these combines and the prices vary depending on which account that you choose but if you pass it you get a trade with somebody else's money and for each one of these four i've never heard nor have i had any problems with drawing money from them i know some other companies out there that do this there have been some complaints that they have intentionally found errors in people's accounts just to not uh give out money but these four seem to be reputable um organizations um and uh i i've never heard or seen anything um that would raise red flags about them so let's just jump into it um so each one of these has some things in common essentially what you do is you sign up you pick an account size that you'd like we can just use let's say top step trader here as an example you pick the account size that you want they've got these account numbers at the top thirty thousand fifty hundred hundred fifty thousand there's the rules below them and then you pick the account size and there's a monthly price that you pay with that monthly price you are enrolled in the evaluation or test you get a data feed lots of these provide you with some sort of trading platform they'll give you a ninja trader license key or the like top step has a ts trader which is basically trade-off and they all also offer you are trader art trader pro it's because they all use rhythmic data connections however top step i believe if you use their ts trader it is a continuum data connection so that's somewhat important if you're trading your own account your own live account and you have a rhythmic data connection on your computer you are not allowed to have two open rhythmic data connections at the same time so if you are for instance when i first did one of these i had a live account with ninjatrader brokerage and the data connection was rhythmic when i tried to also have two connections at the same time so that i could do the combine plus also have my live account open uh rhythmic would not allow me to do that so you want to be careful with that um and just and keep that in mind so i i ended up doing a top step just because of that so that i could i could use their ts trader platform and also have my ninjatrader platform open and have both accounts going at the same time if you break one of these rules when you're doing the combine you can pay to do a reset we can go over the rules the rules for each one of them are basically identical you pay a monthly fee you have a profit target that you have to hit now you can hit your profit target it can take you however long that it takes you it can take you a month it can take you six months uh take you a year um and you just have to pay your monthly fee each each month in order to keep the evaluation active and going however you do have a daily loss limit on most of these on all of them you have a daily loss limit you also have trailing drawdowns on these so your daily loss limit is pretty self-explanatory if you hit if you lose 500 boom you're out of the combine your trailing drawdown is 1500 which which means just on this account we're using this account as an example 1500 if you get let you know if your account goes below in the negative 1 500 boom you lose your account and you have to reset it um there is a time limit i'm sorry there's a minimum time that you have to trade on most most of these and we can go over that in a little bit most of them are 15 days you've got a minimum of 15 days that you have to trade so you have to trade 15 days you can't do this all in one day make two thousand dollars a day and you get the account you've got to trade 15 days on most of them in order to get it lilu is the exception lilu is 10 days on lilu so you can keep that in mind some of these are one step and step for instance top step i know is two steps which means in the first step you've got to make a certain amount of money and then you essentially reset and you have to follow a new set of rules a little bit stricter rules for the second step and we can go over that too when we look at at top step lilu and one up trader are one step so that makes a little bit easier but that's deceiving because and then we can go over this in a little bit because your withdrawal when you actually get your funded account you've got to get a minimum account balance of depending on whatever your account size is in the account so for instance i know for the 50 000 account um your minimum account balance in order to make a withdrawal is 2 500 so i've got so whoever if you get the 50 000 account then you've got to make 2 500 as a funded trader so really it's a two-step process because you make your three thousand dollars um in the in the evaluation and then you've got to go in and make twenty five hundred dollars plus and another i believe five hundred or a thousand dollars in order to withdraw so twenty five hundred dollars but the minimum withdrawal is either five hundred or a thousand so really you're looking at three thousand or thirty five hundred you've gotta make before you can you can take out any money so that's you know it's really a two-step process but that's okay um they're all like that um so and a lot of these also most of these offer you traders get to keep the first seven to eight thousand dollars you get a hundred percent of that profit so if you make eight that well you make eight thousand dollars and you get to keep that eight thousand dollars a hundred percent after that um it's a between seventy percent to eighty percent profit uh that you get to keep so if you make ten thousand you get to keep seven to eight thousand dollars of that um which you can draw withdraw at any time some of them have different withdrawal stipulations like i believe lilu you can only do it like once a month like on the third thursday or something weird i can't remember but um you just want to read the fine print on some of these once you get funded to know what you're getting into these have often been compared to carnival games i've seen on the internet people can comparing these to carnival games you know they want to take your money they're very difficult to pass they only have i've looked on the internet for statistics what i found is their pass rate somewhere between like 87 to 92 percent i would say so lots of people fail them and if you do pass it the odds of you keeping your account are are slim so the rules are stacked against you so uh you know you want to keep that in mind and i'll go in some tips uh at the end that when you do get your account some tips to help you you know keep your account for the long term um so we'll just get right into it we'll jump into these i'm going to go from my least favorite to my favorite um and then you guys um and then we'll go over the tips on some things that i've learned i've i've done like i said i've been funded by i've been funded by these by two different companies five times three with one and two with the other one um and i i'm whole i've held on to my current funded account for for quite a while so um i've i definitely have some tips on passing these and keeping the account but let's go into my least favorite one of these it is earn to trade earn to trade is my least favorite of these four um the pros have earned a trade it's a one-step process but again you've got to get a minimum account balance before you can make withdrawal so really it's a two-step process their tax reporting is supposed to be more favorable towards traders it's like a 60 40 futures trader split um so uh you know if you're into taxes don't want to pay as much taxes you know you know versus capital gains tax and you can look into that they've also got a lot of free education material i did not do any of the free educational material i may have looked at it briefly but i kind of have a strategy or you know an idea of how i like to trade so it's not that i don't think it's valuable i can't comment on on how good it is a lot of it's i believe if i remember um very entry level so if you're brand new to futures trading it might be good to take a look at if you don't know anything about technical analysis or anything like that then yeah you might get something out of it but if if you've got a system that's working for you i would probably skip it so it doesn't kind of contaminate your thinking um so some things i did not like about earned a trade is um their scaling plan is live this this got me a couple times it was really frustrating so lots of these have scaling plans and what that means is that we can look over here if we sign up for their account let's say you go into a 50 000 they call this a progression ladder a lot of these are different they call a scaling plan a progression ladder it's all the same thing so let's say you sign up for a 50 dollar account down here and you're trading away and you are allowed to do two contracts if your profit is zero to fifteen hundred dollars if your account balance is twelve hundred dollars you can only trade two contracts now let's say you're trading and all of a sudden you're at seventeen hundred dollars now you're supposed to be able to trade four contracts so you're trading seventeen hundred dollars and you say okay great i'm gonna trade my um you know for four contracts well four contracts particularly on something like the nasdaq can really um you that you know 200 you know from seventeen hundred dollars down to fifteen hundred dollars is not a lot of money when you're trading the nasdaq particularly full contracts or many many contracts um so if your account if you have four contracts open and your account goes to 1499 boom you you lose your you lose the evaluation or on the on the spot and that is super frustrating because you've been you've been doing really well now you're you know able to size up and you size up and because you size up you automatically get knocked down and when you're talking about you know five hundred dollars here fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars which is supposed to be your window to trade four contracts that is not very much on the nasdaq that can be ten seconds gone so that's super frustrating and when i first did these um these evaluations i went with her into trade i liked it over top step for whatever reason i think primarily because it was only one step and that just sounded good to me and also the tax benefits but in retrospect this is really a really terrible rule that is going to kill nearly every trader that tries it and just looking at their website how they've got you know ninety dollars for an account shows shows me that they're really just in this for people to sign up for to their to their um challenge or gauntlet mini they call it and um and blow up their account um it's also that uh yeah they've got the most rules to break in my opinion um there's a lot of traps in here that are gonna get you the daily loss limit so even though you've got a drawdown your trailing drawdown which is the let's say let's just look at the fifty thousand dollar account your trailing drawdown is two thousand well in a day you're only allowed to lose eleven hundred dollars in one day and then you can't trade anymore well what it does if you if your account goes to one thousand one hundred and one dollars boom you've lost your account so you're not a lot you're not able to use the full drawdown in one day and more importantly if you go over this in a day um you lose you lose the account so that's um that that also got me uh which is really frustrating because you're trading away or you're trading really well and you know you just slip up on one of these errors and just not paying attention to something that's going on even though your account did not go below its auto liquidation threshold which you can find in rhythmic which is automatically calculated with your trailing drawdown so earn a trade for me is my least favorite one also when you get funded you're going to have to pay 105 dollars in data fees i believe that they make you pay that via credit card um when you before you can get funded so even if you get funded then all of a sudden you have to pay 105 bucks to get your data feed going so that's that's a little frustrating and then you maybe you know you lose the account within a couple weeks and you're at 105 and you gotta you know pay again to try to do the combine so earn to trade is not my favorite next up and this may be a little shocking is top step i did not like topstep topsup is a very reputable company and there's no doubt it's very popular a lot of people do it i i didn't particularly like it the pros to it is they've got a pretty good trading uh platform that you can use which is ts trader it's got volume profile and cumulative delta on it which i use um and it's the only free trading platform that i know that gives you volume profile and cumulative delta ninjatrader has it but you've got to buy the lifetime license for it and that's like 1200 or something to buy that so if you want to try to trade volume profile cumin of delta top step it's probably a good option for you um if you don't have that those two those two indicators on your current platform it's also the you know the most professional of the bunch they've got a lot of good reviews from traders it has a good reputation there's no doubt in my mind that if you made fifty thousand dollars in a day that they would definitely pay out so there's nothing to worry about with that you can do a 14-day trial on it so you can test out the the ts trader before you try you can also get 20 percent off on your trading combine your first trading combine so that lowers the price down a little bit their prices are a little bit higher than other people's other companies and they give you less position sizes i've found than other companies with tighter drawdowns so the rules are tighter with top step trader and it's just something to keep in mind when you do it they another pros i think that i like about them is that their scaling plan is adjusted at the end of the day so what i was talking about before with earned a trade how their scaling plan was live so if your account dropped below that balance threshold and you were too large of size on your position so if you're trading four contracts and it went below 1500 boom you lose your account this one is calculated at the end of the day so that's a little nicer it's not live it's going to be at the end of the day so if you're trading those four contracts at 1700 and you go down to thirteen hundred during the day you can still trade those four contracts and let's say you close the day at fourteen hundred um then the next day you would have to go back down to two contracts but you would not lose your account so that's a that that's something good uh if you do get funded they've got something they've got a pro account and a funded account um the pro account lets you earn um five thousand up to five thousand dollars without having to pay any data fees so it's kind of like you're still in a simulated environment um and that if once you make five thousand dollars they'll transfer that money over i believe into your funded live account and you can withdraw that money if you want you also i think get like eight thousand dollars the first eight thousand dollars is yours so it's a little bit nice you don't have to pay any data fees uh right off the bat when you start you know live trading so that's kind of nice it's it's not very pleasant to get you know a credit card or you know an invoice to have to pay 100 bucks for a data fee before you even have your account going um and then if you are in that pro account so let's say you pass the evaluation you go to the pro account and you and you break a rule you can just take one step back back to step two top step trader is a two-step process so you've got to do two steps with them let's see if i can find their two-step um they're two-step stuff here oh here it is right here right off the bat um they're two-step so they've got your step one basically you can trade full size you've got to make your um your profit target um within you've got a minimum five days so you've got to trade five days to make your profit target then you've got you basically start over and you've got to implement their scaling plan and you've got 10 days to hit your traffic profit target again so if you're doing the 50k account you've got five days you can trade full full contracts of five contracts you've got a minimum of five days you can you can do it for six months it could take you but you're paying 165 dollars a month each month but you've got to trade five days at minimum and then once you hit the 3000 on step one you've got to go to step two which then resets you to zero on your account and you've got to do it again and this time you've got to follow their scaling plan which uh let's see if i can where's their scaling plan out here follow the scaling it's all the bottoms they don't really want you to look at it because it's it is not a pleasant thing oh you have to watch a video well it's basically the same as earn to trade where you know you hit certain profit targets and then you can increase your size that you're allowed to trade so top step um top step is you know reputable some of the cons of it are smaller drawdowns the drawdowns on these things are a lot tighter the drawdown is how much money you're allowed to lose in the account before before you lose the account the drawdowns on this are are much tighter than the other ones there's less contracts available to you to trade in the accounts it is a two-step process like i explained the costs are higher but there are 20 discounts floating around 20 coupon codes floating all over the internet you just got to find one so that helps bring that price down you cannot trade news most of them you cannot trade news the only one that you can trade news on is lilu they let you trade the news 50 of your winning trades have to be held for 20 seconds or more is another con i don't like sometimes i'm in a trade for four to five seconds and that's just a scalping [Music] strategy and so i don't particularly like that they make you hold it for 20 seconds or more and then here's another one that a lot of people don't realize is that once you get funded with top step they're going to charge you 100 to 125 dollars a month depending on what platform and data provider you choose per exchange so if you're just trading the indices you're going to be paying like 105 125 like most of the other um companies charge you most of their firms charge you data fees but if you're trading all the permitted products you know if you're going to be trading um fx features and like crude and all that other stuff you're gonna be paying like 420 to 500 a month in data fees with top step if you want to trade everything that's that's available to offer everything that you would have normally traded during the combine now i don't know how many people actually do that because a lot of people just trade a few things they'll trade indices they might trade oil something maybe they trade gold futures i don't know i just trade basically nasdaq and the es but you know if you're one of those people that trade everything you know be prepared to pay up to 500 a month in data fees which can add up and you've you know got to pay that off the bat so that is top step top step again very reputable company but the rules are tighter they're more expensive it's just a harder one to pass and at the end of the day if you're just talking about making money off the market there are easier ones to pass with less rules more contract size and more drawdown and for it for traders my next one that we're going to look at my second to least favorite is lilu second second second to favorite sorry not second to least favorite my second favorite one here is lilu is pretty new i stumbled across lilu and it looked super gimmicky to me i was very skeptical of it but i passed two other combines no problem and i was funded unfortunately i lost both of those so but that's just the way it goes with these but i did i i thought that they were good they have the least amount of rules of anybody um you so i'll go through some of the pros i think of them one thing that's interesting about lilu is when you sign up you can sign up for multiple accounts which i think is kind of cool so a lot of the other ones you can only have one account but on lilu let's say you've got a 50 000 account with them currently and you're trading it and then you're like you know what i'm doing really well i want to get a 150 000 account well you can still trade your 50 000 plus have your your 150 000 combine that you could be trying to do at the same time so i think that's kind of cool and um at one time i believe i had gotten the 50 000 and then i went for the 250 000 and i actually i was waiting for my 50 000 to get set up and i entered into the 250 000 and i actually ended up getting the 250 000 just on a side note a lot of that is because there's like no pressure on me at all to get it i knew i already had the 50 000 and a lot of times when you have just no pressure you just trade so much more freely and i i just really crushed that thing so unfortunately i did lose a 250 000 account plus the 50 000 account at some point and i can't remember that was a while ago i don't remember exactly how that happened but they also this cool thing called the lilu express which i think is the first one i did i mean it's only 77 14 days 12 contracts you can trade up to and you like to try a minimum of 10 days this is interesting um because basically it's just two weeks you've got to trade every day for two weeks plus you might have a couple extra days there to trade um and so you can just trade really aggressively it's only 75 it's not a big deal at all you get data with that and you can just really really get after it um and and hit the market hard and i don't know it used to be that if you passed it you got a refund on your 77 it doesn't look like they have that anymore but um that was i mean if you're new to trading and um or you've got a strategy that really works you're not looking to be in these things this long term you don't want to be in it for months at a time you just really want to you know take some risk and try to get your account this one is a good one lilu also has a 250 000 account which a lot of them don't offer um so you know that's just another option for you if you're if you're in into that trying to you know really get a large account and they do have a one-step process they do not have the two-step but again you've got to have a minimum account balance to take a withdrawal so really it's kind of a two-step process even though you get funded and then you've got to make some more money some things i don't like about lulu their branding in their website is just kind of unprofessional to me these ranchers in montana i don't know i mean i'm sure it's fine and um uh you know i've never heard anything bad about about the company um but their youtube page is also really odd they've got some weird videos on there so it's just a little disconcerting to to look at that and and you know trust that the company is reputable but they are the other thing they don't have is they don't have like an account statistics page a lot of the other all of the other companies you'll have like a dashboard that you go into when you go into the dashboard it's going to tell you how much money you've made you know it's basically just give you statistics on the account and how you're doing in in the evaluation lilu doesn't have anything lilu is really bare bones um they don't have anything when you go into the dashboard um no nothing about your account anything like that now you can go into rhythmic so as i said before all of these use a rhythmic data connection and with that you get all you get rhythmic trader pro or r trader pro and in there they do have a performance report that you can look at so and just kind of another side note you know you you're using the rhythmic data but rhythmic data can be plugged into ninjatrader or whatever trading platform that you're using you can also trade directly from our trader pro although it's a very bare bones trading platform so they don't really have i mean you can use it and i've used it before but they don't have volume profile they don't have cumulative delta but you can you can definitely use it and um actually there's some videos on youtube that some people really like it so if you don't have trading platform you could you could check that out and see if see if that works for you after you do pass the evaluation they've got a weird system you you've got to choose an account that you want you've got to use an invest you've got to choose the investor or the accelerator account and uh if i could find what these are they're they're i don't know uh it's like the here the accelera i qualified what's next you so you get a performance account and you've got to do these weird steps also so you qualify and then you've got to like email them actually i don't think you have to email anymore um stop trading log in when i when i first did this and i passed i had to like email them the dates that i traded oh yeah here you have to type out your individual dates that you traded you basically got to send them the information so they can go in and check it everybody else is just automatic where they're you know you get an automatic email within like 24 hours saying congratulations you won or he won that's basically basically a game and they give you the next step so here you've got to contact them now i didn't have any any problems with this i did the steps um and i got funded no problems so this is just kind of a quirky thing that they do and i'm not sure now here's the difference between well you've got to choose what account you want once you get funded the accelerator um you know you begin with two contracts so basically oh sorry the other thing about nice about lilo is you trade full size right going in so you trade full size with lilu there's no scaling plan which i really like one up trader there's also no scaling plan you trade full size right when you go in so that is nice with the accelerator you begin with two contracts and then you do have to implement a scaling plan you can um this also has a much tighter drawdown um on this i think the drawdown is only like six or seven hundred dollars on the accelerator i mean it's not very much at all and if you're training someone like the nasdaq six or seven hundred dollars is not very much um so i don't know this lets me click in here and it tells me yeah your static max loss is 625 dollars um so is that on here yeah that's for i get yeah that's for everybody 625 dollars i mean that's not very much at all so most people what it seems like is they choose the investor now the investor is just as odd they have some quirky rules to it basically you've got to look at this gives you your max loss your trailing drawdown which is the same as the evaluation that you took um however you can't take withdrawals for like four months or something you your withdrawals are limited um here and i'm trying to look here your first oh yeah for the first four months you you're limited to your withdrawals like depending on whatever whatever um account size you have so let's say you've got the fifty thousand dollar account you're withdrawals you know you can only take up fifteen hundred dollars a month for the first four months now to me that's just like them waiting out waiting for you to bully your account um and you know in a way for them it's smart but for you it's it's not that great so they do have the least amount of rules it's the easiest one to pass and if you can hold the account for four months you know you could really take out a significant withdrawal but you know a lot of people probably can't hold these things for four months is what i think that they're hoping for so that's something to keep in mind there are data fees with with that with these guys um it's like 90 90 to 100 a month in data fees which you have to pay um up front before you get funded so that's one thing i do not um i don't like about it um so with this one you know it's the easiest one to pass least amount of rules cheapest one um highest amount of contracts most drawdown and you know about the same profit targets as the rest of them so this one has a lot of trader friendly rules but once you get funded it becomes a little a little dicey now my favorite one is one of trader one of trader is very similar to lilu not not a lot of rules going on with it it's a one-step evaluation um um the accounts um are similar in terms of like your profit targets your drawdowns um all that stuff um so basically the same rules top step is really the only one that has the hardest rules um an earn to trade has rules but they also has has hard rules but um and and they'll you know if you trigger one of those then you then you lose your account with one up trader though however like you have you have a daily loss limit if we just look at the fifty thousand dollar account is one thousand two hundred fifty i've actually traded in the evaluation i've gone down to like 1500 and it still lets me trade um if you do hit this you do not lose your account your account just gets locked for the day so what i think happens is is if i close out of that trade so if i'm at like 1500 negative 1500 and i close out of that trade i'm not able to get back in i'm not able to open up another trade for that day until the next day but i do not lose the account so what i've done is actually let those losers you know i you can hold on to it and you know if they reverse and come back your way then then you're you're good to go for the rest of the day um you can trade your max sizes in the evaluation so you can if you got the 50 000 you can trade all six contracts to begin with there's um there's once you get funded with one up there are no data fees this is a big one for me there's no data fees um so once you get funded you don't pay anything you just trade um and their withdrawal stuff is the same as everybody else there are withdrawal minimums for your account so i think it's like 2500 or something like that for like a 50 000 account um so uh but again that goes back to one step versus two-step and once you do get funded there is a scaling plan so you've got a scale i believe it starts with two contracts and it's just like the rest of them where it's two contracts and once you get to 1500 it's four contracts and then i believe two thousand six contracts and up to twenty five hundred so um or something like that i can't remember exactly but there is a scaling plan once you get funded but that's okay uh and the con of this one is you can't trade the news um so i mean that's i mean not great but you really probably shouldn't be trading news anyway although you can do like a slingsh slingshot strategies and stuff like that sometimes or like an nfp or um okay well i was funded i so i i currently have a one-up trader account that i've had for a while i've had two other ones with them and one i actually got closed out because i traded the news and then i i took too many contracts on a trade and they've got a two strike rule so even though i didn't lose any money i didn't i didn't hit my max draw down but i broke the news rule and taking too many contracts i lost the account so and i kind of wish i just would have you know there must be a way for them to not allow you to take too many contracts but um there isn't apparently so that was pretty frustrating you can just briefly look at some of the different contracts and the contracts the combines here on each one all very similar but again you know if you look at we can just use the 50 dollar one as an example um here it's a hundred and fifty hundred and sixty five dollars a month uh five contracts on on top step six contracts on one up the profit target's the same but the tr the the trailing drawdown 2000 um on top step 2500 so you get an extra 500 which doesn't sound like a lot but it's you know 20 percent so um 25 so that's you know a a good chunk that gives you more flexibility i mean those are all favorable rules for the trader um for uh these other guys down here let's see look at the 50. the 50 you get eight contracts on lilu same profit target same drawdown a little bit more money though than um then one up over here um it's about the same your daily lossless now let's see trailing draw down is 2 000 so yeah earned a trade and top stuff seem to be a little bit more similar in terms of rules drawdown and profit targets so you can go through and kind of pick out it seems like a lot of information now whichever evaluation that you choose is going to be the account that you get now i'll go into some a little more inside general stuff here about all all of these and also tell you which which one of these i think is the best what i can tell you is is that these numbers up here this 30 50 100 150 account size that's all bs that is that isn't true at all that's not going to be your account size what you've got to figure out is how much how much money would you have to put into an account in order to be able to trade let's say let's look over here on um one up in order to trade six contracts um and have a twenty five hundred dollar trailing drawdown i mean that's essentially what your your account sizes right so if you're trading let's say the es you've got um six contracts that's 500 margin with a with a broker right three thousand dollars plus twenty five hundred dollars which is going to be your drawdown this account is actually a five thousand five hundred dollar account right that's how much i would have to put into account in order to be able to trade like this five thousand five hundred dollars so the fifty thousand dollar account isn't isn't accurate those are just numbers up there to kind of lure you in and you've got to be able to look look past that and see what the actual count value size is and that goes the same with all of them and you can just do that calculation on you know any of them now the one thing i will say is that nasdaq margin right now is that a thousand dollars a contract on a mini intraday so really if you're trading the nasdaq you're getting larger you're getting a larger account size and if you're trading the es or whatever product that you're trading you have to ca you use the calculation for that intraday margin right so on the um if i was if i trade only nasdaq here and i'm getting six contracts at six thousand i have to do calculate this six thousand dollars plus uh twenty five hundred so it's an eighty five hundred dollar con uh um um account so eighty five hundred dollars compared to the fifty five hundred dollars for an es you know it's still you know ten thousand eighty eight thousand five hundred dollars is no small amount of money but you know it's not a fifty thousand dollar account it's not a hundred thousand dollar account so you know these things up here are just i don't know if they're marketing or sales pitch or or whatever but it's it's not accurate so here are my tips for how to pass one of these combines number one you want to pick the account size that's going to give you the most probability of passing it right a lot of people get sucked into these numbers up here at the top and they say okay oh i want 150 000 account because the biggest one i'm really going to go for it and i'm going to be able to crush the market once i get it but it's the hardest combine it's much harder than the other combines to pass you got to look at what the drawdown is compared to the profit target and the contracts that are there you're allowed to trade so i'm going to look at top step because this is the one that i recommended and i think that people should use so let's just look at this you got twenty five thousand fifty hundred hundred fifty thousand right if we look at the contract size in each one the contract size doubles on each one except when he gets 150 we don't double doesn't well it wouldn't anyway because the the um price doesn't suppose we go 25 to 50 that's two times 50 to 100 that's two times so the contracts go 3 to 6 to 12. so that's right this goes with this logic if you were to go up 50 000 which is um 50 right so this is 100 is 50 this should go up to 18 on this one this should be 18 contracts if it was going up in proportion to the account size this here these double so fifteen three thousand six thousand nine thousand i see how they did it here your profit target does go up fifty percent it goes up from six thousand to nine thousand so that is in proportion to the account side but your max contracts don't do that trailing draw down now when these your profit target doubles but look look what happens to the trailing drawdown it doesn't double this doesn't go to three thousand this doesn't go to six thousand because this should be three thousand this should be six thousand this should be twelve thousand on your on your um on your drawdown right well no not twelve thousand sorry that should be nine thousand and so um so when you're looking at these what you want to look at is which one is giving you the most trailing drawdown with the smallest profit target and the most amount of contracts available right for instance you know if you look at the 150 this is this is a really hard one to pass you've only got a five thousand dollar truck draw down but your profit target is more than a hundred percent of your trailing drawdown sorry it's not 100 it's it's a little bit less than 100 percent let's just say 80 percent of your trailing drawdown now here this is pretty close right you're looking for one that your trailing drawdown your profit target are closest together now of course the 25 000 one is you know the most in line or it's a 1500 and a 1500 but you only have three contracts and you have a 500 daily loss limit the 500 daily loss limit is really low but um so out of all these the 50 000 account one is your best deal it's the best ratio between the amount of contracts that you can get the profit target is low and your trailing drawdown is high so out of all of these this one is the best one and it gives you the best chance of passing the combine my other advice to anybody who's trying to do one of these is hit it hard go go after it the first five days i would not try to um uh you know say oh i'm going to keep this thing for months and eventually i'll get the account i mean you want to look at this as taking on some risk you know you pay 150 to do this you can usually find a coupon actually i think i'm going to put a coupon in the description down here where you get a 10 um discount on this so you would be paying 135 dollars to do this you want to try to do it in one you know in in the limited amount the minimum amount of time that is required of you to do this when you do the one if you decide to do the one up trader um you want to be able to calculate what your maximum amount uh that you can make a day and i believe you do the 50 000 you want to make about 800 a day and it should take you about four days you know four days to do this now once you get the account you're only going to be trading micros at that point they do have something on here that is um they call it let's see if i can find it one of the rules is called consistency the consensus consistency rule right so that's a trailing draw oh it took you the trailing drawdown page that's not what i wanted the consistency rule is that traders must have three trading days net profits total summed up to be equal 80 of the largest day's net profit so i've calculated this if you do the 50 000 um account size you make eight hundred dollars a day eight hundred eight hundred twenty dollars a day and that's gonna allow you to do the consistency consistency rule qual and then you'll get that and then you can just trade micros the rest of the the rest of the time so my advice to anybody would be hit this thing really hard um the first four days and try to get it and try and try to um you know reach your profit target now you have to trade 15 days as i mentioned before on the um one uptrader account so what you're gonna do is you'll probably be um three or four hundred dollars in profit and so what you you know three or four hundred dollars over the profit target so what you do is just going to trade micros and you just set up a an atm strategy a ninja trader or take profit stop loss where you would lose one or two ticks you enter and enter into a trade each day on the micros you make or lose 10 10 15 doesn't really matter and you just do that for you know uh 11 days or something or however long until you've fulfilled the 15 day requirement but you want to hit it hard the first first few days because if you if you lose the account you can always do a reset for a hundred dollars within that time frame now if you are past five days on the account and you lose the account you essentially don't want to do a reset you're essentially going to just want to sign up for a whole new month because your evaluation will have expired uh by the time that you need to sign up for another month if that makes any sense so you would trade for five days um let's say you trade for six days you lose the account and you say oh i'm going to get a reset well you wouldn't be able to finish the combine by the time the account renews for that month so you basically just want at that point cancel the account and re-sign up for the evaluation for another month um so my advice is to hit a heart you know that that 200 the one thing i will say about lilu is that they're they do have a consistency rule they say but it's not there's no real calculation behind it and so when i had this 250 000 account i just took a really nice trade and i made i believe i'm at fifteen thousand dollars of profit and i made like thirteen thousand fourteen thousand something like that on one trade and then i just made you know one or two thousand dollars trading normally over a few days and i got the account and they gave it to me even though you know clearly that was not being very consistent but you know they gave me the account anyway so my advice is hit it hard if you lose if you lose the account reset it and if you're going to reset reset it within the first few days so you don't have to pay another month for the evaluation and if you do lose it don't if you do lose it just make sure that you're not going to pay the reset fee plus you're going to have to pay the monthly fee you know the next week or something like that because there's not a lot of time left on it um so yeah that is some of my advice oh the other thing that i would say is that when you get you know this one up trader account you know you're not paying any data fees so you know you could trade you know you're trading without having to pay anything um you know maybe trade some micros on it for a while you know you it's your account you can trade anything you want to on it um so yeah that that for me is the best one uh this video is dragging on a little bit long if you have any questions or anything about this stuff um you know feel free to leave a comment i try to respond to all the comments my channel is super small so you know i try to respond to what everybody um leaves if you have any questions i'd be happy to to answer any of them or you can you know shoot me a message i'll definitely reply back sorry if i'm rambling a little bit here i do have some notes that i took that i was trying to kind of read off of and i hope i didn't i hope i made sense when i was doing this but please leave a comment if i can clarify anything really appreciate you guys watching um my i would definitely try to do one of these um it's way better to lose one of these accounts than to lose 10 grand of your own money that you that you put into account and uh and and you lost at trading so um it does suck when you you know you're let's say you're doing a 50 000 account and you're up 2 700 and then all of a sudden you um you don't want to take a loss so you hold on to a trade and also you've lost the account and that's a bad feeling because it's just you know time wasted not time wasted but time gone down the drain but you can always get back on get back on the horse and and try it again with one of these and then once you get the account you're able to trade a little bit more freely um because it's not you know your your own money that you pulled out of your bank account and some of that psychological pressure is off so anyways thanks a lot guys for watching sorry if this rambled on too long uh please like subscribe and try to do some more of these kind of insight videos um as long as well as doing my normal uh trading videos so i appreciate you watching i will be trading tomorrow um on monday and hopefully we get a good week okay thanks a lot

2021-06-23 01:18

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